Ingham County News $1.00
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••• —v^>'•^;^ie-•;^•>••ri:^.s;5^ . Tanto, tlie murderer of the family NOTHING OOINQ ON. Clothing.—L. C. Webb. Legal. at Delhi, wascaptured near the village kawirram Dry Fork Contributed t« m of OkemoB Monday evening, and Arkantaw Coontjr Vapor. NNUAL STATEMENT FOB THE YEAR ondlns December 31sl, A. 0.1888. of the would have been lynched only for the Rain. Acondition and aflalra ot tho Farmers'Mutual Biver rising. Fire Insurance Company, located at Mason, interference of tbeoffloera. 1-4 Off! 1-4 0ff!kp™ orEaniied under the laws of the State of Mich People are clearing up new ground, igan, and doing business In: the County of The chlldrens' concert, which was Ingham In said State. „ ., . Ihdefluately postponed in consequence kggs are scarce, but prospects are RICHARD J. BCLLKK, President. good. ORVit.t.K F. MtLi.ER, Secretary. CLUB ROOM, Jan. 28,1889. of the sickness of Mrs. Sturgi# daugh Postofflce Address of Secretary, Mason. Dan Boyd chopped off three of his TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR pi. Tber^ was a good attendance and ter, will be Riven at the M. E. church XEMBEr.8HIF8. ,ii V some new faces for this year. on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6. A toes with an axe day before yesterday. CASH SALE OF Number of members December 3lst, of prevtouH years 2,583 VOL. XXXI-NO. 6. • Secretary Ives absent. good program is expected, admission Uncle Billy Marsh has the thanks of Number of members added during MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7.1889. I Under the call "Market Reports," ten cents. The proceeds are to be the ye correspondent for a mess of squir^ the present year WHOLE NO. 1570. CLOTHING! I; there waBsomediscusHionof the report chlldrens'offering toward the new bell rels. Total '1,«01 I that wheat, porU am\ heel had dropped fund. Old Bob Malone is dead. Deduct number of meraliors with )Oommencing( drawn during the year, and policies Ingham County News $1.00. Furniture Exchanged for Lumber. Clothing. ateW««tMl(oDle. !; in price. Pork and beef said to be BiU Potts killed a wolf last Sunday. canceled by reason ol sale or other. Wm. Cole bos gone to New York on We desire to exchange furniture for Ball & Sherman will close out their Abe Firestone is a liar. •Wise 1,8»7 INGHAM Henry L. Smith, a well to do farmer • lower than for 13 years at this season a visit, till spring. Entered at the Poitofflce at Mason as Subucrlption rates to the 10,000 feet of black and white ash, Number of members now belonging SeetnO^Uui matter. heavy winter clothing regardless of who lived on the outskirts of the vil ; of the year. / The M. E. church Home Workers' Nat Peel and Joe Green had a fight to company COUNTY NEWS are as follows for the FOBD'S BAZAAB. FbBD>8 L.C.WEBB SllIIIlT,Mm8, 2.774 elm, maple and basswood lumber. coBt. Come at once and get their prices. lage of Holt, took bis own life by The falling off in price of pork ac and W. F. M. societies met at Hugh Wednesday. Nat is dead. PUBLISHKD ETEBY TBinUlDAT, BT BISKS. present: One dollar, if paid in ad STBOUD A CO. drowning himself last Saturday morn counted for on the ground that there Swartwout'sIastFrlday,notwlth8tand- Bob Parker was drunk Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Fuller left Mason last / — \" -And ending- CUTTHIER. Amount Of property at risk Decem vance. One dollar and fifty cents if ing. Mr. Smith had lived in the WHS an immense corn crop, which led ing the distance there was a good Miss Bettie Sawyer is the best look ber aist, of vrevlouH year 81,280,650 . Largest line of Valentines in the Saturday for London, Canada, where Amount ot risks added during pres. " not paid in advance. neighborhood, where be died, for a ; evel-ybody to feed all the hoRS possible, number present and had an enjoyable ing girl in the neighborhood. She has ent year S,«5,639 city at Kimmel's Book Store. « her husband is now in business. She promised to knit ye correspondent a SUM!, lECl 2i MASON.MICH. Oa* six moalhi, 7S CMttt <hr«» number of years and was generally " • while on the other hand. It was stated, time. _ Total (7,696,189 •Honthti 40 Milts—!• advsaa*. Free Dow, proprietor of the Huron will stop a few days at Jackson and pair of socks. muted known as one who had a genial dis • that the number of hogs packed to James A. Allen has bought Frank Deduct risks, canceled, withdrawn, House, Sand Beach, is a guest of Frank Detroit on her way there. We have just received a or terminated 3,232,578 ADVCRTISINO RATES. position; however since bis wife's Jan. Ist, 1SS9, was less by 690,000 than John Blue is dead. That book account that you owe me C. Sayers. full line of Genuine Whale Smith's Interest In the Okemos flour Our ftdvwtlsing rates made Icno wn at offlee.. A call for a meeting of the Ingham death, which occurred sometime in last year. Revival going on at Short's meeting Netnmount nowat risk by company g^.j63,8ll BtulnesB cards *f a line per year. and should have paid long ago. bone Corsets, the best in ing mills. lb Entire M Must Do. Bnslness locals flya oenta par Una each and Born—In Aurelius, Feb. 5th, to Mr. county branch of the Michigan club December, hla neighbors noticed that house. BESOUKCES, 1548tf C. G. HUNTINQTON. the market. Our new ' There having been no particular The Odd Fellows have rented Sher evary Insertion. and Mrs. Chester B. Leonard, a girl; appears in this issue of THE NEWS, Sandy .Scroggins fell in the creek Cash on hand $10S.9o Marriage, birth, and death notices ftee. be bad become moody and unhappy. 50c. Corset knocks question assigned for discussion at this man's hall, have bought their regalia Men's Warm Overcouts at $2.00 each. Obituary notices, resolutions of raspeet, Frosty mornings. weight, eight pounds. There is Important business to be at Monday and was drowned. AssessmentAsscssmen Us oolt pas' priot year yearr uncollectes uncold 2;J7.39 eardsott&anka.eto..flvecanteaUne. , It has been one of his customs for out all competitors. meeting, a general tali; was Indulged and other fixtures, moved in and held Colder nlghu. tended to, and every member should be News is scarce. Men's Heavy Woolen Suits $6, $7 & $ lected, (carried fnslde).. 23.10 The Guarantee Nursery Co., ot many years to be up early in the A full line of in on various questions of interest to their first session last Saturday even Sleigh bells Jinglins, present. Frolic at Jim Mayberry's Tuesday. Total available resources _J308.39 TAB NEWa JOB BOOM. Make the sights. Geneva, N. Y., is calling for men to morning and build the fires, but on Misses' Corsets, those jjresent. * ing. The new officers were enstalled : The republicans of the first ward of Saturday morning, when an employe Somebody shot Jim and hurt him Oonie and See. I,IAI1ILITI£S. Ii anpplled with the best maoblnery that work on salary, in another column of worth 50c. each for H. H. Herre. N. G.; N. S. Huff, V. G.; 'ALL RIGHT" Dance at Pine Lake Feb. 22. 68w4 On motion it was ordered that Col. mightily. For losses due and payable. ti 00 money can buy, fitted lor steam power, a large this paper. this city will meet In caucus at the came down stairs be noticed that the 34c. Extra bargains Shannon preparea bill embodying and John M. Bearse, sec'y.; Wm. Smith, Due or to become due for borrowed assortment of the latest styles of Type, Bor Circuit court has adjourned till Feb. council rooms next Tuesday evening fires had not been built, and when he in Ladies' and Men's treas., etc^ ^ Ned Doyle killed his uncle, Pete Bra- CLOTHIER. L. C. WSSBB. money ] -on nn Farmers, take your Lard, Butter, reducing to legal form the resolution zentine, day before yesterday. Nature and amount ot all other ' ' ders, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on 12. at eight o'clock to elect six delegates reached the barn no trace of Mr. Underwear and Hos claims, for orders drawn which are short notice, at low prices, and in the Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples, etc., to recently adopted liy the club in regard Nothing of interest is going on incur MASON,MICH. The Live Clothier of Mason. unpaid as part of Schedule B S05,S7 Cash paid for live poultry. C. A. Bennett. He always pays the to attend the county convention at the Smith was found, but when be went iery. A full line to (logs liilling aiid injuring sheep, OHIO FARMERS' INSURANCE COM to the tank to water the stock he found neighborhood BEST POSSIBLE MAKNEBI HUNT & TRIM. highest market price in cash. * court house, Friday, Feb. 15. PANY, LEROT, OHIO. Total liabilities S2,209.87 a till on motion it, WHS furtlier ordered JIASON MABKETS. an old coat in the tank and, as he at of Tin, Glass and Crock Sam Myers shot Jesse Jones Sunday. We do aa good work as can be obtained any Buy your Valentines at Kimmel's Angry subscriber (to editor): "I'm No. 475 proved to be the lucky num that tiiere be incliKled in the above bill E. A. IIi>ii|rli, Slute Xgent tor .Ulrblenn tempted to remove It, discovered that ery. Business must boom. The boys lynched Sam.