••• —v^>'•^;^ie-•;^•>••ri:^.s;5^

. Tanto, tlie murderer of the family NOTHING OOINQ ON. Clothing.—L. C. Webb. Legal. at Delhi, wascaptured near the village kawirram Dry Fork Contributed t« m of OkemoB Monday evening, and Arkantaw Coontjr Vapor. NNUAL STATEMENT FOB THE YEAR ondlns December 31sl, A. 0.1888. of the would have been lynched only for the Rain. Acondition and aflalra ot tho Farmers'Mutual Biver rising. Fire Insurance Company, located at Mason, interference of tbeoffloera. 1-4 Off! 1-4 0ff!kp™ orEaniied under the laws of the State of Mich­ People are clearing up new ground, igan, and doing business In: the County of The chlldrens' concert, which was Ingham In said State. „ ., . Ihdefluately postponed in consequence kggs are scarce, but prospects are RICHARD J. BCLLKK, President. good. ORVit.t.K F. MtLi.ER, Secretary. CLUB ROOM, Jan. 28,1889. of the sickness of Mrs. Sturgi# daugh­ Postofflce Address of Secretary, Mason. Dan Boyd chopped off three of his TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR pi. Tber^ was a good attendance and ter, will be Riven at the M. E. church XEMBEr.8HIF8. ,ii V some new faces for this year. on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6. A toes with an axe day before yesterday. CASH SALE OF Number of members December 3lst, of prevtouH years 2,583 VOL. XXXI-NO. 6. • Secretary Ives absent. good program is expected, admission Uncle Billy Marsh has the thanks of Number of members added during MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7.1889. I Under the call "Market Reports," ten cents. The proceeds are to be the ye correspondent for a mess of squir^ the present year WHOLE NO. 1570. CLOTHING! I; there waBsomediscusHionof the report chlldrens'offering toward the new bell rels. Total '1,«01 I that wheat, porU am\ heel had dropped fund. Old Bob Malone is dead. Deduct number of meraliors with­ )Oommencing( drawn during the year, and policies Ingham County News $1.00. Furniture Exchanged for Lumber. Clothing. ateW««tMl(oDle. !; in price. Pork and beef said to be BiU Potts killed a wolf last Sunday. canceled by reason ol sale or other. Wm. Cole bos gone to New York on We desire to exchange furniture for Ball & Sherman will close out their Abe Firestone is a liar. •Wise 1,8»7 INGHAM Henry L. Smith, a well to do farmer • lower than for 13 years at this season a visit, till spring. Entered at the Poitofflce at Mason as Subucrlption rates to the 10,000 feet of black and white ash, Number of members now belonging SeetnO^Uui matter. heavy winter clothing regardless of who lived on the outskirts of the vil­ ; of the year. / The M. E. church Home Workers' Nat Peel and Joe Green had a fight to company COUNTY NEWS are as follows for the FOBD'S BAZAAB. FbBD>8 L.C.WEBB SllIIIlT,Mm8, 2.774 elm, maple and basswood lumber. coBt. Come at once and get their prices. lage of Holt, took bis own life by The falling off in price of pork ac­ and W. F. M. societies met at Hugh Wednesday. Nat is dead. PUBLISHKD ETEBY TBinUlDAT, BT BISKS. present: One dollar, if paid in ad­ STBOUD A CO. drowning himself last Saturday morn­ counted for on the ground that there Swartwout'sIastFrlday,notwlth8tand- Bob Parker was drunk Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Fuller left Mason last / — \" -And ending- CUTTHIER. Amount Of property at risk Decem­ vance. One dollar and fifty cents if ing. Mr. Smith had lived in the WHS an immense corn crop, which led ing the distance there was a good Miss Bettie Sawyer is the best look­ ber aist, of vrevlouH year 81,280,650 . Largest line of Valentines in the Saturday for London, Canada, where Amount ot risks added during pres. " not paid in advance. neighborhood, where be died, for a ; evel-ybody to feed all the hoRS possible, number present and had an enjoyable ing girl in the neighborhood. She has ent year S,«5,639 city at Kimmel's Book Store. « her husband is now in business. She promised to knit ye correspondent a SUM!, lECl 2i MASON.MICH. Oa* yMr.tl.SOi six moalhi, 7S CMttt ii|rli, Slute Xgent tor .Ulrblenn tempted to remove It, discovered that ery. Business must boom. The boys lynched Sam. Carelnllr Corrected Vp to Tbnradajr Cash collected on as.sessnients levied where, and parties In need of commercial or Book Store. * mad all the way through, and I want ber, that drew the elegant new range a provision for making the dog tax and Iiidlnnn. during the year nney Job Printing of any description are it contained his dead body. We will soon show you Our neighborhood hasn't been so, Morolnir of Encb Week. 87,311.00 Mrs. Marcus Gregor is visiting her my paper stopped!" "Yes, sir; do you at Ball & Sherman's last Friday. fund a county, instead of ii township DEPARTifENT OFFICE JACKSOX, SUCH. ORAIK. Cash collected on assessments levied requested to call, examine styles, and obtain the finest Wall Paper quiet in six months. In prior years. 40.49 mother in Kalamazoo. want to pay what you owe?" "No, I This number was held by Mrs. Lon. The tank In which he was found fund. The Ohio Farmers' Insurance Com­ WHEAT, No. 1, White O 91 Cash from membershlpor policy fees 700.(0 prices before placing their orders, and Curtain De­ Tobe Spencer sot fire to old Biddle's Cash IncomeIrom all othersource.s, ain't mad enough for that."—N. Y. Palmer, who lives about three miles contained about three feet of water, On motion it was ordered timt Col. pany, of LeRoy, Ohio, was chartered WHEAT.No. 2, white @ 85 cash borrowed W» GCABAIITBB PBWTKOT SATISFAOTIOIf. Mrs. Vina Lou Mosher-Bement at partment in Cen­ bouse one night last week. Blddle shot 8,721.15 Sun. east of . It was the only number was tightly covered except a small Shannon be requested to prepare and by a special act of the legislature of WHEAT. Xo. 2, rod @ 88 Eden to-morrow evening. tral Mich. Come him. WHEAT, rejected » — @ SO Total cash Income. Sl»,863.30 she held, and it was the right one to hole over which was a lid, he had present to this club for discussion and Ohio, Feb. 8, 1848, and has transacted Add cash balance at close ot pieced' Largest line of Valentines in the J. M. Dresser lectured to a fair sized right in and get warm Tho boys expected a lively season CORN.ln the car, per bushel (new)_ @ 26 ing year _ Business Cards. hold. raised the lid, gotten into|the tank, a successful business for over forty 2.4S audience at the Presbyterian church make yourselves at inaction at its next uieeting, a bill to this winter. OATS, per bU8heI.....~ @ 25 city at Kimraei's Book Store. Catharine A. Alward died at the sat down, closed the lid, turned over years. It confined Its business for Total receipts and Income.... ATTOBirETS. lust Friday evening; his lecture was home with us, you are ; augend the existing statute of this Old Boylston is dead. CLOVER SEED, per bMBbel @J 75 .... 810,805.75 Mr. and Mrs. Will Searleof Petoskey residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary and buried himself in the water and Stiite on ballots and voting. many years to farm property within Bill Sevier got drunk Sunday and TIMOTHY SEED, per bu«hcl ©2 25 EXPENOI'TCSK.S. J. T. CAMPBELL. full of interest from beginning to end, always welcome. Losses aeluallii paid during the year * TTOBNEY AT LAW, CONVEYANCING are visiting friends in Mason. A. Irish, in Alaiedon township last was soon dead. On motion the club jidjourued for the state of Ohio, but within a few shot his cow. Mi8cirLi,A3n;ons. and the audience express themselves "•—Yours Bespeotfully,— SALT,Saginaw, per barrel @] OO (of which KO.OO occurred In prior A. and collections u specialty. Office over One suite of rooms to rent. Inquire Saturday afternoon about three o'clock. He wos passionately fond of his . one weeic. years has gradually extended its busi­ Every thing is quiet. years) »f!,88a.59 Uemocrat Office, Mason, Mich, as well pleased. BEANS,unpleked, per bushel ^100 Salaries and fees paid to olllcers and at Coe & Clark's grocery store. In the seventy-seventh year of her age. wife and four children, the youngest FORD&KIRBT. ness to a number of the western states, Oliver Smith is a liar. POTATOES, perbu»hel.._ & 30 directors (schedule A) - 390,55 BLKER 8. AVERY. MWIlf If. BBOWK. The republicans of the second ward Her funeral took place at the DuBois being four years old and the eldest Fees retained (orremltted toassured)' Capt. and Mrs. Lon. Cheney are SOUTH AUUKLIBS. where it is doing Dan Pelt is no more. A wild hog EGOS, fresh, per doren— @ 12 AVERY A BROWN, will meet at J. A. Barnes' office next nine. The Smith family was sur­ CONDESSED TIME FBOM MASON. by aRcnts or collectors, member­ TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT visiting this week in Hillsdale county. school house last Tuesday afternoon at StOHOj 'gvYzyg SiOHoa: A LARGE DWELI.IXO HOUSE KUSIN'ESS settled him. SOUTHWARD. LARD, per pound _ ® 8 ship fee 760.00 law. Office over Farmers'Bank, Mason. Tuesday evening at eight o'clock to two o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. B. rounded by all the comforts that mon­ Miss Clara SliuttiicU visited liersister BUTTER, per pound @ 16 Assesmicnla ehargeil cff aa uncollecla- A In many of the towns and cities. The , Protracted meeting will begin at fjcave Mason ~ 10:i'-l a. m. »:32 p. m. blc {carried inxide) Sn5.lll Immogene Swift left for St. Johns elect five delegates to attend the county Moody. ey and good taste could supply, and airs. George Welili last week. 11:20 •' 10:30 APPLES, dried, per potmrf..- :04 " 1:20 a. m. Total expecaes acliially paid durlag A TTORNEYS AND COtrNSELORS AT with friends. Friday, Feb. 15. one of them would commit so rash an at five cenu per loaf, six loaves for 25 cents. Mrs. Harvey Wilson attended the Arr. Kalamazoo PEACHES, dried, per poirad 10® l!f the year <17,lfl9.72 J\. law. Office over First National bank. grand masquerade ball, which is to five cash companies in Ohio, and the and he whipped Tad Bullock, Friday.. " Nlles 3:i7 " 3:03 " ONIONS, per bushel 50© 00 The prohibltlonsts of Vevay meet act as this. 1S70W2 ED. FJSAZBL, Proprietor. grange ineeting at North Lansing last '• Chicago U.-IO " 7:00 " Mason, Mich. Program for literary meeting at the take place at the opera house Friday Ohio Farmers' carries twenty millions He is popular with oup people, and AGRICUXTDRAL SALT, per t&n.... ®6 00 SCHEDULE A. in caucus at tlie clieese factroy at 1:30 For Sale Cheap. weelv Friday and Saturday. " Qrand Rnplds ;i:15 p. m. «:00 a. m. SAME OK OFOTCER OR DIRECTOR W library rooms next Monday evening: evening Feb 15. No pains will be The funeral services were held last of insurance more than all the otiier LAND PLASTER, per ton.. ..5 50®6 00 REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE One Lumber Wagon, one Cart, one Single will, we think, do a great work for the Leave Jackson 1:20 p. ni. •1:50 a. m. WaCOM PAID. .'MOUST. in Bayner block over City Bakery. next Saturday. Subject—The English Government. Monday at eleven o'clock. The Ladies' Aid .Society of JS'orth Arr. Ann Arbor 2:-13 " 8:08 •• I.1VK STOCK AND aTKATS. L spared to make this one of the choice Harness, one Cook Stove and other Bonse- twenty-four companies combined. Its church. " Ypsllantl ,3:00 " (i:21 " B. J. Bullen, aa member of e.t. com... S3L25 Socially considered Prof. R. H. Oulley Aurelius will give u ten cent tea at CATTLE, per 100 pounds _ „...2 [email protected] 00 K. H.Angell, 23.40 Last Tuesday morning was the cold­ parties of the season. Richmond's full Died From Hia Bnrna. hold Goods, at my resblenoe In the sonth- assets are now about Old Mrs. Rolston grabbed up some " Detroit — 4:10 " 7:30 " HOGS, per 100 pounds ©•! 00 Frank Hoes, " " •MM PHTBICIANS. Politically considered J, T. Campbell George Wilson's on Friday, Feb. 1st, " St. Thomas 11:05 " Vi:V\ p. m. est morning of the year, the mercury orchestra will furnish the music and westem part of the city. FIFTEEN HUNDRED THOUSAND hot water the other day and scalded' PORK, dressed, per 100 pounds @5 00 L..W. Baker, 29ioS Called to order promptly at 7:30 A very sad accident occured last Fri­ IWOwlp COLOWM. TSmnM. the proceeds to gci towards cushioning •' Bnttalo _. 4:3S a. ro. 2:40 " Ransom Everest, " " 2fli05 8. H. CULVER, M. D., dropped to 12° below zero. E.J. Reynolds of Grand Rapids will be Sim Bumpus. HAMS, per ?oand 8® 9 O.r. Miller, 3o;50 HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE day forenoon at the residence of J. W. DOLLARS. NORTHWARD. o'clock. in attendance with a full line of cos­ ' Caalk the church. Our neighborhood is threatened with CHICKENS, per pound, dressed! „ 8® 10 L. A. Parker, 3.20 P over L. C. Webb's Clothing Store. Mason, Jofan W ballon has rented an office McRobert, two and one-half miles Although it has done a continuous Leave Jackson 7:00 a. m. 4:.'iOp.m. A. K. Hearse, a.« tHrector, 8.70 Michigan. 133 " CHICKENS,.i3>er pound, alive _ @ « ,roha Hlinelberger," •MO iu the Sackrider block and Is prepared south west of this city. Little Ernie, business for over forty years, during 5:34 " T a. DODGE, M. 0., HOMEOPATHIST. County Teachers' Association will be Fi»r Snte. farm for the copilns .season. Mage Brown fell off his horse Satur­ Arr. Lansing - S:25 " TURKEYS, per pound,alive Q « J,J.Tuttle, 3.90 to attend lo legal business. Frank Freer offers his stock, farm­ whicli time there have been panios, Owosso r):2;J " 7:13 " DUCKS, per pound, alive. (ffl 11 K. D; Mllner, - 9.60 «J . Office in Darrow Block, np-stalrs. Res­ held In the city of Mason, Saturday, a seven year old son of Arthur Buchan­ A bouse, two lots and atae acres of gronnd Mrs Cora Elder vUited her parents, day and split his head open. He's Sa;;inawClty I0:.-.o •' 8:35 C. F..Pi>lrlck, Si80 idence ftrst floor east of Presbyterian church. ing implements and hay for sale at his coufiagrationsand hard times,tliere has •• Kay City 1:25 p. m. 9:30 " DUCKS, per pound, dressed @ 8 J.H. Shiifer, "• _ 5,3U Take your Farm Produce to C. A. Feb.16. The morn ing session opens at an, and a playmate had been excused within the city limits lot sst» cheap. This i^lv. and Mrs. Walter Strang, last week, dead. •• Mackinaw City 8:05 " G:30 a. m. BintMNO MATBBIAI.. D. L.Cady. •!i05 W. W. ROOT, IM. D., Bennett's warerooins, two blocks north residence two miles west and one-half from school at eleven o'clock and had property must bo sold.,.lBvilra at TUB KKWS i I .. I ...-f *~- never been ayearsince it w.is organized M. .1. Jollok, *90 11 A. M. Ail who are interested in Mike Brady has got a new suit of Lanslnff accom. soutli leaves Mason S;20 A. WATER LIME, per barrel »\ .'.0 T»HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE of Maple-st. He pays ciisti. mile south of the fairground on Wed­ stopped at Mr. McRobert's, where office. iststr in wliich its income did not exceed its G. W. Pholps, ll:2t» ir hours from one to two, and ttova six to school work are earnestly requested to ALAlEDOS AND VEVAY. clothes. M., north 9:52 P. X. Owosso iiccom. north CALCINED PSASTEB, per barrel...2 2S»2 50 N. V. Weinple, " _ 8.05 nesday at 10 o'clock A. M. Among they were butchering hogs. Ernie ran Booraa to KM*. expenditures. We believe no stronger leaves Mason 11:09 A. JI., south 5;.")n p. M. LIME, per barrel — © 80 G. F. Fnller, _ 5.a(> seven P. M. Dwain Porter of Adrian was tiie be present. John Fillpot killed Jock Walton day O. W. RUGGLES, R. L. Hewett, 5.0» other things which he advertises are ahead, jumped upon the platform and Furnished or unturBtohedL Inqmlre at tills George Sibley will work for Perry statement of a company's prosperity Gen'I Pass, and Ticket Agent, Chicago. PLASTERING HAIR, per bushel..... ® 35 A. B. CAIMPBELL, M. D.. guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hon. O. F, Barnes' bright two-year- office. ISMtf before yesterday. M. J..MURRAY, Ticket Agent, Mason. N. C. Branch. S.il> one yoke of oxen, 6 milch cows, 4 two- looked around to see his playmate fol­ Stevens tiic coming summer. and stability could be made than tliis. SHINGLES, per thou»iind„ 1 £0®100 W. J. Cnnklln, " 1.70' HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE J. Rayner, over la»t Sunday. IkeskStotajF. Sorry I have no news. If any thing LATH, per M lest „. -1 00®S 00 R. J. Bullen, as pres. and treasurer... over H. M. Williams' drug store. Mason. old son,Harrison, died suddenly at four year-old steers, 5 steer calves, one span low, and unconsciously walked across John Doyle of Breckenridge, Gra­ Under tlie management of E. A. O. F. Miaer, as secretary ai.oc P The examination of August Tanto o'clock last Monday after a three days Best teeth, IT-SOr filUnK, fioeup; extraettng. happens I will let you know.—Arkau- 50.00- A. LOCKE, M. D,. HOMEOPATHIST. of horses and a large lot of farming it, while looking the other way, and 2Se. Teeth extracted wlthooit ptkln by tb« use tiot county, is visiting here. Hough, of Jackson, a gentleman uni­ ORTGAGE SALU.-WUKliEAS, DEFAULT . Office over Huntington's Shoe Store. the murderer will be held at the court Illness with scarlet fever in a most saw Traveler. hurt bueii iniido in the payment of tftc Tol.ai: Schedule A D Implements. tell Into a large kettle of boiling water, of Nitrous Oxide GOBL A-P-VAITCSVBSII, Marshall Eowell of Iowa was recent­ versally respected wherever known, ni.)iii>M y Bi;curi;d l>y ti mortnge dated tho aOth day house next Saturday at ten o'clock malignant form. The best niedleul U47tf Darrosr block, Maaon, Midi. SCHEDULE B, The monthly statement of the coun­ he was removed at once but was ter­ ly called here by telegram on account the business of this company in Mich­ SLEEPING APPAREU of .Iiimiury. A. D., IStit, t.xucutcd by Georjri! 3. A. M. assistance wus called but notliing could erapo to Cnrtin Ccumiiii, which i-nid mortsase ITKM.S ot-- "ALL OTHEK KJO-ESSIM. AMOUKT.. Mason Business Directory. ty treasurer for Jan. 1889, shows that ribly burned as far up as his waist. The Beat TM of the severe illnessof bis mother. igan has become very large, the first was rocordua in the olllci! ol thi; retUtur of Olllce rcno - S50.00 Mr. iind Mrs. T. Densmore enter be done to relieve the little sufferer. Sensible SacKCiitlona for SaflTerers from deeds of the county ol MiKhnm, in liber 6li of O. F. Milier. making xssm't, belns MISCEUANEOVH. the amount paid out for the month His sufferings were intense for twelve the market aflbrdsner 50 centB DorrParkhurst of Aluiedon recently year's premiums amounting to Coldii and Klodred AUmentn. moit;;iii;ei'. on p;i!:e31'.', on the Sitli diiy of Jiin- the ten cents lor notlca, etc._ tained friends last Monday evening imry, .\. D., LS-fti. Aiiil. whercii!., the nmount 257.80' Special rates have been agreed upon WHS $33,195.90 which Includes the In­ hours, when death relieved him of the IStStf at mvm A TftiK's. sold to John Hollister of Brooklyn, a $79,204.54. A singular and striking anomaly in rosljiiro for 1S87 - 15.00- FARMERS' MUTUAL in bonur of Miss Leiiu Gates of Buy claimed to be dne o-.n haldiiior(j:ai;c at the date of ;t.500 blank policies 48.00- from ail points In the state to Detroit, debtedness of the county and exceeds pain. The funeral services took place Read Geo, P; Gliyno-'s" ad" In another col­ fine six-year-old liorae for §200. Mr. Hough also handles the com­ the habits of present-day jjeople, is the notice is the siitn of iiinety.ninu uiifl ,icven. postJiKO on change of policies.- 45.70 lE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- City. umn—"To the traveling pubUe." teen luindreths dollars (5!>ri.!7)* of tirincipal and bam county. Safest, cheapest, best. For for those who wish to attend the Re- that of any previous month by $5,355. last Sunday morning conducted by the great contrast in the amount and kind interest, and the fiirllier snm of ilfteen dollars Leslie Local, printing nntlces, etc 2.95 • informatior n write to O. F. Miller, secretary, Madam Rumoriiiforais us that Jess. pany's business in Indiana, and the .I.A.May, 24.90 Rev. L. DeLamarter. Ordera r«r Itook-BtMHac of clothing worn during the day and at fSlo) provided for in said mortjiMfje and by law as P. 1'. WliitMioie it Co., 18.«1» Mason. R. J. Bullen, President, Mason. The tickets are 15 cents for adults, 10 iJliblican State convention, and the 12. The amount paid out on miscel­ McKerrick has taken to liimself abetter growth of business in that state shows a rcasonalile attorney feo for tni; Joreclosuro of Taken at TBSICKWBOVFIOX. night, especially in winter. When tho suid niortiiU'. suit or iireceedini; havinj; Wllllamsloii F,nlerprlso. " 2.:!5. cents for school children and are good Michigan club banquet. Tickets will be laneous orders was $8,132.10, while half in the person o.f Miss Delia Bates. a marked increase from time to time. Kxpeiise In clmiiijliit; policies 573.00 The I.ncky Man. air is cold and tho weather inclement, Iieen nistiiutefl at luiw to ri-cover tlie debt now Bormweil jnoney and interest 7,86.5.08; JF.WEI.KR. for a trip to Egypt, Friday evening, at on sale Feb. 20, 21 and 22 good return for January, 1888, the amount on mis­ Chota* MaHe Syro|» The record of the Ohio Fanners' remainliiir secitred l)y siiid tiiortjr.ni^e. or any part isastf Died—At the home of G. A. Sayre it is tho general custom to wear gar­ there,)!', wliereby thif juiwor of ssli; contained In Coilcclion IVe, three per cunt. 2-J9.30- LIAS CULVER, dealer In watches, clocks, the M. E. church. ing on the 23d. The price will be one cellaneous orders was $4,773.27. The Jar of beans which the Library at Humr it Txix's. Maid tnoi-t;:a;:e lias hfcomi* opei-ative. Now, J e welry, silverware, etc. Repairing done, iu Alaiedon, .Tun. 24, Riley H. Every, Insurance Company has been wonder­ ments of extra thickness and warmth, Total SeheJule B...;.._ E fare for the round trip. Association put up about two months Fars* to Rent la Belkt. aged 25 years, 9 iiioiith.s and IS days. therefore, notice is h.rt?rel>y uiv.in, tliat l)y virtue Sfl.i;a.58. Prof. Harry Prince, a celebrated Mrs. E. J. Reynolds, costumer, will ful, it having done a large and success­ and to sit around roaring fires. But of the said power oi* sale. ai:il in pursuance of ago for the purpose of obtaining guesses Inqulreot H. R.lTorrls, Banetog, Midi. 67tf The funeral services were held at the tlio statute in sticll cawe m.-jde and provided, the StISCKI.LANKOUS aIrr.STIO^S. A. P. DRAKE, chiropodist is slopping at room flveut L. C. Webb has just sold to R. M. be at the Donnelly House after cue ful business and has become the most on going to bed. In ninety-nine cases Why Don't Horses sai. lEiBtf were interred in the DuBois cemetery. Live Longer? to. the highest bidder, at the front door of the ' 2. Wlmt Is the umonst iif nil the assess­ is anxious to receive putieiits. standard bred stallion colt, "Will line of costumes for the masquerade. for its popularity are: it Issues a jilain, warm living-rooms into chilly bed­ cotirt house in tlie Ci1v of Miison. in said county ments iiuidolni-in); the ymir? Ans. S7,643,(M. MARSHALL & CASTERLIN, evening and the beans were counted. TaKxekaase,. Quietly, sadly, we laid hl.m at rest, Horse Lives ... 25 years. of Ingham, on the S-tlii ilny »r April iit nnniber tliree (II) of 4. Does the Sonipiiny,.la maklni; an nssess- one thousand dollars cash. This colt get a ladies' costume ticket before they hay or wood,. 61tf BooKiis it ramvaoM- For he was an orphan for many a year; the class of risks it carries it cannot be sufficiently absurd, they proceed to di­ WliaL- " ... 300 " block niintbiT twenty ("JO) in \VaIdo*s addition to nient, pi-oviUe tbort-in »irany surplus fund caliingcards that is In Ingham county son was the only person who recorded the village of Willlainstun,Ingham county, Mich­ cost less than two hundred dollars to can gain admittance lo the hall. Tick­ But 1:1ml, gentle hand-s .'ioothed his last lonely injured by large and sweeping fires. vest themselves of their several warm Eagle " ... 100 igan. over the nctoal losses araruid-.' Yes. If .so,, UKNTIHT. can be found at THE NEWS office. this number as a guess, hence the « howmncli-; Ans Notriinlled. raise. It pays to raise the best. ets can be had ut E. Culver's or at the atZScents^ hour, It insures no business risks of any garments, to garb themselves in thin, Swan " ... 100 5. What proportion :*t' daniuce or actual Rev. Mr. Biockway preached at tlie slumber robe falls to him. The people isastf Hmr A Taw perhaps linen, night-garments, and to Dated Jan. 2'*th. A. 11.. 1S89. loss sustained on real piviporty does tbc Com­ Teeth Without Fiaiei. box office upon presentation of invita­ E're he bowed to the will of the Terror King's kind, avoiding all such risks for the Tortoise " . . . ICX) " CIIKTIS BEEIIAN. Mortftngec. pany pay'?. A-i^s. FulVl-nsnrfril value. M. E. churcli last Sunday morning, Tlie members of Frank Hicks Post were exceedingly liberal with their Hoaejr «• loan . ])0wer. consign their heated bodies to the cool­ AVKUY & BitowN, Attorneys for Mortgagee. 0. What proportion^ ol duinnjio or actual Thoy will not Drop tion. On real aetata at the ofltoeof J- 31. Dreaaer, purpose of giving its patrons'the very The man lives to be eighty. loss sustained on personal property docs the- or g.< Loots. the pastor being absent to attend the No. 78, G. A. R. of Dansville, and guesses and money. Two hundred ing influence of unsympathetic sheets. Lost Tuesday forenoon at teu o'clock at the Famera' bank. 9Stf BAJJSVILLE. best security. It will be of advantage Tlic poor horse for want of a blan­ Company pay'? Ans. Jull Insured value. Roots that have funeral of Mr. Buchanan's little boy. their wives will be entertained by guesses were received and twenty Conventionality has habituatod one lost their crowns Howard Seeley and George SIpley jMkaon BtttM BnttaTTlle to those desiring reliable, honest insur­ ket in the stable has to die at PISOS, CURE FOR Strile rif 3ficliiiimi, Cotml^i of Ing}tam—x.i. restored to their James H. Cbalker of Shiawassee Phil McKernau Post No. 53 at their dollars in cash were deposited in the •Bichard Hatvs of Benzie county is to tho custom; but a really serious con­ Richard J-. Bullen. President, and Orvllle Fi original size and were chopping on Mr. Seeley's place And'Seww pipe of allslaeeon band and for ance to call on an agent of this com­ beauty by the ln8e> county, a brother of W. S. Chalker of hall to-morrow (Friday) evening. An treasury for the same. The association •visiting his mother and brother at this templation of it can not fail to make twenty-five, and while he does live Piso'.s Cure for Con­ .Miller, Secretary of Kuld Company, do and' one-half mile north of Parker's Cor­ sale by M8Btf J. W. CHAW, Edea, Mich. pany, examine the policy and learn cuoli lor himsoir doih depo.se and say, that tton of Porcelain Vevay, paid him a visit last week. invitation is extended to all members intends to add about 100 new volumes place. the utter absurdity of the custom clear­ he cats twice as much as he should sumption is also tlie best they have rend the fiiregolnf; statement, and) Crowns. All the ners. They were cutting a tree down I*or Sat* £xek»swe> fully about the company before insur­ know the contents tUereof. and that they Latest Improve­ He will start soon for Portland, Oregon. of the G. A. R., W. R. C. and S. of V. to the public library at once. Jonathan Thomas, an old and re­ ly apparent. If thin night-garments to keep warm. Cough Medicine. have Kood reason to billeve, and do believer ments In Dentistry. and when it fell it jumped back and tmpiOTed FVarmsaad Ctty Prt^erty, ing his home. are worn and cold sheets preferred, it to be present and enjoy the festivities spected resident of this' townsliip, Buy one of the following ^ If yoa havo a Cough said stalemont lo be tjue. Wm. K. Hoffett, Spectators will be admitted to the struck Mr. Seeley, breaking his lower Subject of discourse at the Baptist iSOBtr MABSBAZ.!. A CaasEBun. The foliowi ug table shows the grow th stands to reason that tho warmth both RICHARD J.. XtrLI.EN. President. of the occasion. diedFrid.iy Jan. 2.3th. aged 84 years. Horse Blankets and save money. •withouti, disoaso of the OUVILLE F. MILLER, Secretary. Sazxtiat, gallery for 25 cents to witness the jaw on the right side and badly bruis- church next Sunday morning:—Third Xttvsery Stack aaa Varsa flar Bale. of the company for the past seventeen lack should be present in the atmos­ Lungs, 3 few doses are all Sworn to and subscribed before me. at 3,CauBea&. ^ - The funeral was held Sunday at the For sale by all dealers. you need. But if you ne­ Miison, In said Staterand County, this lOttti Grand Masquerade Bali at Rayner The committees appointed by the ipg his left arm. Dr. Root was sermon of the course on the book of Alt parties who eontensplate planUng or­ years: phere. To heat the body and to sud­ chards or omameslals wtU do well to see F. Keeves school house. glect this ea.sy means of day of Janaaty, A. D. 18S9. •TIIRST-CLASS TEETH W.OO. TEETH EX- Opera House Friday evening, Feb. 15, several Sunday schools of this city to called at once and made him as com­ James—"Rich men In the church." denly deprive it of its caloric, is con­ 5/A Five Mile. A. J, 11 ALL, Notary Public, J: tracted without pain with Vitalized Air L. Wesley, general agent fot Bronaon ftHop - Gross safety, she slight Cougli InKbam County, Mloii-. 1889. make the preliminary arrangements fortable as possible. His Injuries are Mrs. Jane Walker fell down the [SUR- GROSS Expen­ trary both to science and common Hu tin UUM of Wup Tlmadi. may become a. serious or Nitrous Oxide Gas. Teeth filled and clean­ Evening:—"Destroying the works of klna, BurserymeB. QencTa, N. Y., before pnr- ditures. ed at Dr. Gregg's. Residence west ot R. B., for entertaining the county .Sunday cellar stairs last Saturday and sustain­ I'Ltrs. INCOME. sense. Dwellers in foreign countries matter, and several bot­ ORTGAGE SALE.—OKFAULT HAVING Columblast., Mason. All work warranted. Following are the numbers drawing painful but not dangerous; he Is the devil." cbasing elsewhere, as they, make a specialty tles will be required. school convention will meet at the or ItusslaB budded stoek. Agentawanted.' I ed quite severe injuries. 1870 $449,423 $173,609 S87,83i) almost invariably sleep in flannel gai"- M been made in Ih-e conditions of a certain prizes at Ball & Sherman's: 475, 459, rapidly recovering. Yesterday forenoon at ten o'clock, 1S71 , S38,63« ' 291,711 201,151 103,435 5/A Boss Stable. mortparc bvurins data the eleventh day of Octo­ Presbyterian church immediately after ikko. have a tena ot 80 aeres of good lanA We have been informed that Mar­ 1872 ' 583,082 318,030 192.725 121,973 ments, and tho backwoodsman wraps ber. 18S7. executed by Charles W. Brown, and A. BARNES, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 119, 083, 4C9, 290, 730, 192, 555, 394, 461, Lust Sunday Messrs. A. O. DuBois, the youngest son of Geo. Douglass of whtoh I wtU aell at a bati'ln- - It Is nloely 035,721 243,051 218,109 122,728 Elllo .1. Dcowii, bls»:ife, to Emma O, Read' for , Insurance and Collectlnit Agent. Office the Sabbath school service. The super­ shall Hawcroft of Reno, Nevada, 1873 himself in a stout woolen blanket, and the sum- uf sixty d<»Jlars, and recorded la tho oveJ r Farmers' Bank, Mason, Mich. 474. Range drawn by T. E. Palmer, Eden attempted to load a revolver^ located la Oscoda county, Ave miles north- 1874 722,572 201,382 200,172 181,993 intendents of the several schools are Geo. A. Earle, C. W. Whitman and formerly of this place, has moved to 1875 800,406 304.085 291,949 210,270 defies the elements. They are sensi­ 5/A Electric. olllcc of Ike KcKlnte-.- ot Deeds for the Co'auty of ticket No. 475. when it was accidentally discharged^ cost of Tnstln and sine miles south of Cadll- 807,451 337,832 274,705 213,421 Insham. hi the State of MichlBun, in liber scy- ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL Es­ W. L. Clark with their better halves, Coru'nna, Mich. 1876 ble. The human frame should, un­ cnty-tw» of tnDoor Ueo. M Annual election of officers of Mason enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and the ball struck Herman Lyon In the ylenty of water stock, and framed house. 1878 858,057 254,008 270.784 200,102 Piso-B IMmody for Catarrh is the 1 enty, on which said- mortzogo there Is claimed to are fully represented. A son of Lute Hendricks of Nebras­ 870,512 208,750 314,377 'J9J,020 doubtedly, be clothed in woolen gar­ 5/A Extra Test. be due n^a unpaid at the date *»f thia notice LARK HOUSE, Wm, H. Clark, proprietor. Division No. 32, U. R. K. of P., will Mrs. Levi Swan at their pleasant right temple, penetrated the scalp and Terms ol sal* CMy. Inquire or address 1870 Best, Sisicst to Use, and Cheapest. sixly-seien dollars and fifty cents, aiiil-no pro- Best one dollar a day bouse in the city. ka is visiting friends in this township. 1S80 013,211) 235,805 332,981 280,031 ments, for wool is a bad conductor of Cc—!til3c Haw, Vtrj Btronj. C A lady friend of Mrs, Latimer, who country residence iu the township of followed the bone for about thre» 1881 1.000,888 322,325 309,972 288,110 cccuinR*ftit law or e<)ulty baviiiR been iiistituted occur at Castle Hall next Tuesday tSS»«13p P. L. Wxautr, Mason, Mleta. A donation for the benefit of Rev. 1,117.692 401,800 393,702 200,594 heat. Enveloped in flannel, the body 30 other styles to rccoTurany part Iheieor; Now, thosefore, by M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, was in her confidence, states that Irv­ inches. Dr. Root was called and 1482 1,187,236 423,800 404.173 330,582 virtue of the power of sale contained In said . mokes collections. At Farmers' Bank. evening. A full attendance of Sir Ingham. The ladles inspected the A ran tAmm of lUeknand. Ba«fc«a * B. G. Sutton will be held at the Union 18S3 maintains a normal temperature, which mortf^o^e and In pnisuanceof thu statute in snch J ing is not the son of the Latimers, but dressed the wound, which Is not 1881 1,220,812 4':8,572 410,038 380,833 At prlcci to suit oTcrybodr. Knights is desired. beauties of the hotise and bounties of C*.*a aiaaks - 1,202,170 437,110 440,801 4110,209 is of the greatest importance. Sold by driiKsists or sent by mall, case mode and provided, notice Is hereby given, ITY BAKERY.-FRESH BREAD, PIES a waif, taken from the Rhode Island Hotel on Thursday evening, Feb. 14. 1885 1,317,398 421,781 509.531 480,003 E. T, Hiueltlno, Wurren, Pa. that npon Niilurtlny, llio fhtrlinlli e gentlemen paid a dangerous. rorsaleat ^aKxwsOmoa. 1886 No sooner does tho temperature fall IMnreto next, at one o'clock In tite afternoon C The township of White Oak, as orphan asylum at the time of the death All are invited. at the front door of the Iiii;bam csnnty court­ visit to the stock in his large barns Tickets for the great banquet, F«U The increase during the past two than the action of tho various func­ EECH iS: SON, proprietors of tho Mason usual, is the first town to settle with Mrs. Harry Strong has gone to Ohio house tsBld cown-housc being the place where foundryandmachlneshops. Repairing. of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. after which they all sat down to a 22, at Detroit will only be sold t& years has been in about the same ratio tions becomes impaired; the nerves get tbc circuit conrt for said county :«ncia}in the B the county treasurer. E. 8. Osborne, Latimer. It has been kept a deep •on a %*islt. SCIENTIFICAMERICAN city ot Mason, I phall olfer lor sale at public table loaded with edibles of ail descrip­ members of the Michigan club and to and the Ohio Farmers' Insurance out of gear and the whole system suf­ vciiiluc the premises described In (aid inortsaRO, CBOIS 4 EARLE, DEALERS IN HEAVY town treasurer made the first settle­ secret, Irving himself being Ignorant Mrs. R. J. Doty was called to the fers disorganization. Who has not, at vl«: Tho Bonth five rods of lots seventeen and D .nd Shelf Hardware. Maple st„ Mason. tions which the hostess knew how to members of the branch clubs who are Company stands to-day without a sue ESTABLISHED 1845. elcbtcen in block thirty-flvc, sitmatc In tho cltv ment on Jan. 31 for the tax of 1888. of the fact. The same lady says that south part of the State 'to attend the some time, felt so cold that it was im­ Is tho oldest and most popular sclcntiflc nad prepare to tempt the appetites of their in good standing. The Ingham eounty cessful rival in the field It has chosen mochaniciU paper published and has the lameiit of Mason, the County of Ingham and State ot The republican electors of the town­ Irvlng's real father wosacriminal who funeral of her mother. possible to sleep? That is an example circulation of anir paper of its class In tho world. Mlchiaan. jr«w AdvertlaementaTblR Week. city cousins. branch of the Michigan club will hold and its name has become a synonym Fully lllustnitod. Best class of Wood KWITOT- Dated Jan nary 2d. 1889. ship of Vevay will meet in caucus at A. D. Beardsley and wife Sundayed of the influence exercised by the blood Probate Order—Instate Jonathan Thomas. spent most of his life in prison. Irv­ a meeting immediately after the eon- for honesty and pure, reliable protec­ the cheese factory Tuesday, Feb. 12, "Bigland little you" was the chosen Try one 86-oent OoiBTee. at Portage Lake. on the brain and nervous system. The EMMA O. REED, MorlgORCe^ Mrs. R. W. Allen ad.—Savage & Farnum. ing was sent to the orphan asylum venlion on Friday afternoon, Feb. 15. tion.—Jackson Citizen. LuciEN REED, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1889, at one o'clock P. M. to elect six when his real mother died. theme upon which R. A. Clark of W. G. Hawcroft and wife was visit­ question of warmth can not be over­ Kew Baalnesa I,oeaIa. Lansing addressed the literary society Be on hand aud see if your name is Try our 26-oent Tetf. rated. RCHITECTS & /^UASCBnY NOTICE.-STATE OP MlCttl- delegates to attend the county conven­ ing at Fentoa and Owosso last week. None genuine without this gan. Tho Circuit Court for the Couatjr of Bread-City Bakery. Mr, L. W. Mills is now in New of Eden, Friday evening last. While enrolled as a member. Try our 95-ot. Plug Tobaooo. What enhances the beauty of fine Edition of Soientiflo American. Incham. In chancery. tion. BY ORDER OF COM. Mrs. Jane Brown who lives at Geo. features more than a clear skin? Even But let no one run away with the A Valentines—J. C. KImmel, Jr. Trade Mark sewed inside, A (treat succPBS. Each Issue contains colored York city purchasing a new clean it is true that it Is the big "I's" that Tanto, the mnrder, is still sulky and Try our three oaaa of Oonx Hawcroft's, suffered a stroke of opo- plain features are made attractive by a idea that the more clothing, and tho lithographic plates of countrrnnd cltyrosiden.- Ella Ulcklc, Coropluinant,'! The republicans of White Oak meet (Copyrighted iSSS, by WM. Avncs & SONS.] cos or public buildlnKS. Numerous cnirraTinfts stock of dry goods for their new store have illuminated the pages of history, shows no signs of feeling sad over bis good complexion. To secure this, pur- thicker, piled on their beds, the better and full plans and spoolllcatlora for tho use ot John Ilicklo,i)cfenilnnt. > in caucus at the town ball Saturday, for SK> oenta. plexy one day last week. Fourth judicial circuit. In chancery. Snlf. XEWS NOTMS. in this city. The store will be In the and that have molded the thought terrible crime. He spends most of hla ifyyour blood with Ayer's Sarsaparllla. for their health. Nothing could he •BS Solid eold,Walch.' such us contomplato bull dinir. Prlco fl.bu a year, Constable Daniels arrested Frank Sold for •loS. unlll Uulr. •a cts. a copy. MUNN * CO., PUBUSDEUS. pending In tho circuit conit for tho County of and framed the action of their time, Ithasnoequal. PrlceSl. Six bottles, Bait *a w.IcK la IU world. Ingham—In chancci-y, at Mason, In •aid county, Don't Fall to Call it-!; ;;rd pJlar biock.The" fl«t Zr north Of time playing games. It would seem Try onr SS^sent Fine Out Walkeratid Mrs. Dwight Walker on a $5. Worth $5 a bottle. more absurd. One does not want P«f.ct U»k..p.r. W.r- maybe secur. on tho 19lh day of December, A. D. 1888. In pose of electing seven delegiktes to at­ tuud. Ilur; Solid UoU od by apply­ this cause 11 appearing that the dcfcnaant, John H. M. Williams' drug store, and will and dared and won glorious achieve' that the recent crimes would induce Tobacco. charge of adultry. They were taken weight, nor too great a heat A iUutltill(Cue.. Uolh ladle.' ing to Mu.v.N And pay that bill you owe me, for I tend the county convention at the court J.iid ceiiM' .ts... with work, & Co., who Hlcklo, Is not a resident of this State but resides be known as "the Mills Dry Goods Co." ments in all departments of life; yet| the legislature to enaot a law making to Mason. healthy temperature can be maintained and cue. of oqutl valuo. in Dolcware county In the state of Ohio; There­ must have it. C. G. HUNTINGTON. house Friday, Feb. 16. One Penan In luii lo- DATEMTS havo had OTor fore, on motion of John W.Whallon,solicitor for The company will he composed of L. the "little you's" have their ntohe to the penalty for murder, death either Onr 60^ent iCcnwdi Tea,;: by Wearing a flannel nifrbt-suit and ctUi/ can .ocnra ono fye., 40 years' experlonco and have made over the complainant, it Is ordered that the defendant toMtbcr wllh our larBB and yjl- 100,000 applications for American and ttiT- Neil Somervllle of the second ward W. Mills and son, Fred E. Mills, of fill and are equally useful In their by hanging or by electricity. If this GEEMOS. sleeping between blankets, which nabla lino of Houachold olKn patents. Send for Handbook, Corros. enter his appearance In said cause on or before Buy your Valentines at Kimmel's oaa*t bo beat. C9*I>6n't ' should be as regularly cleansed as felamplca. Thaae samplra, a. pondoncI o strictly conddontlal. four months from the date of this order, and that who had the misfortune some three Webbervllle, and H. H. Mills of To- sphere and generation. The address man Tanto was ooinpelled' to lose bis Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. •rail aa tho walcb. wo acnd within twenty days the complainant canso this Book Store. « forget it. Eev. A. H. Sturgls' Infant daughter those made of other materials. Let Free, "il »"•'J"" TRADE MARKS. order to bo published in the iNoinjl CoDNTY weeks ago to injure his leg while peka, Kansas. They propose to do a was evidently prepared with care and life at tha Mason <>ll, aa a penalty for lhaig In yoM hoia. far "Ail!;":" I'lL" "JJSS In case your mark Is not roKlstored lii tho Pat­ NE-WS, a newspaper printed, published and clr- Bev. and Mrs. Frank Q. Eilett of is recovering from her recent sickness, sufferers from ohronio colds try this ent onico, apply to MCNN Jt Co.. ond procure cnlatcd In said connty, eald publication to bo splitting wood, frona which he has large dry goods business in Mason; was delivered with almost fkultlen the crime he has committed, there which was expected would prove fatol ImiucdlHto protection. Send for Uondbook. coQilaaed once In each week for six weeks in Hastings are in Mason to attend the since been confined to the house, we their stock will be new and clean and oratory and gesture. A vote of thanks When Baby WM lick, we save her CaitorlA. regime, as well as those afllicted with C«)PYRI«5I1TS' for books, charts, maps, Bucccsslon. „ A. F. HOUSE, ^ wbiild be fbwer murders oommltted In funeral of Mrs. Ellett's grandmother. are glad to learn Is convalescing. spoke the appreciation of the audience^ AloDzo Proctor, an old resident of When the wat a ChUd, ibe cried for CMtorto, sluggish circulation and the accom­ etc, quickly procured. Address Circuit Court CommlMloncr, Ingham Co.,Mlch^ will be ready for sale about March first. Ingham oounty In the Aitura. Meridian, is very low or brlgbfs di­ panying annoyances of cold feet and' MUNN ifc CO.. Patent SolicUora. JOHN W. WitjiLXOir, ISOlwS When she became Hits, she dung to Cattorla, BlMnk Books of all Kinds UoUcUdt (QC Comp'^^iniinl, sease and bia death is hourly expected. ffbeaihabadChUdran, the care them CMtorlik. other sleep-disturbing afflictions. — Fnrnlsbed by THE NX VB OrriCB. atatxiiAL omcEt am nnoAowAr, N. T, Domoreat'a Monthly. .TBiPreiiaentbii'the Dlttult appolntad JACOB KsAPP.adttorof the Raadtng(Pa.) thia atteruuoii." The speaker was MO- him. Xhov reached tho spot la safety, got BUFFALO BURNING. GROWING INTERESTING. BISMARCK BACKS DOWN. Kenzio. MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE. 7aMe:.D; Abraham, of Virginia, to be Times, died on tho20tii, agad sevonty-una SE^h^ JnghHtn (founts |(IIUJ& bock to their oxvn line* agaia, MMlMved MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. OBEYED ORDERS. Oomptrbller of tbe Curroncy, vice Tron- years. He was tho oldest editor in Fonit- lA Great Fire Itoslnff In the Heart of the> Che aermans to Beem Active Uostilltles Ue BIodlBes Bis Orders to the UermsD " W ho cnres for Major Winthropl" «M toxvards tbe c-ist. AsNAiE—Was not In aossion on the ZOth. bolm, reiiipied.' sylvanla. ' in Samoa—Secretary uayara uflloiaily Consul at Samoa—Forelffners to Be Ex* tho gruiT reply. HonsE—Tho Committee on Pubhc Health Tlie New Turk I'olloe. by Cummmul i>t City—BiK Baslneu Block* Burniid—Two' a. A. MAY, Publuhar. Oh, the stem necessity of war I T» pro­ Iniipectitr Wlill.iuii; Shuot tu s-^li-. .V THRicB deaths from *inali-pox occurred JAMBS B. LAMDTIEIT, the colebratoi) por­ tMTg» Betels Hwept Awsjr—The Flames, Motllled — Martial Law In Apia —The empt from the Ezaotlan* of Mnrtlat I.aWt " I do. O, Piatt, is It not enough that -ha*- tect the city of Washington, all tho Ukt IN DEBT TO THE STATE. fax-ornbly reported a olll to amend the present OB the Slat uit at the Onondaga County trait and landscape painter, died suddenly 8ennte Agrees to the Samoan Appro­ and All Treaty Bights to be Preserved. ioR disgraced your mother and sister bjr law xvblch makes local health omcera -who . >lnb of Btrout-Cur Strikers KIrKil I.'p'iii sun RaKliiK. valley of the Shenandoah most be stripped Kauy Northern Coantloa Sul'l to fall to report contagious diseases liable to a —The Crowd nuturna the Hhot»—s«v«,il UASON. I poor-bouse near Syracuse. S. Y., and on a train In tho suburbs of Philadelphia priation. MASOV. i « MICHI6A1T, ]rour-lll-coDduct,yoa are drixren to come bore and laid desolate, houses and barns burned, Owe fourteen perions were down with tbe dis- on tho Slst ult. He was eighty-two years BDPPALO, N. Y., Fob. a—5 a. m.—Whnt WABBINOTON, Feb. 3.—Tho President Fri­ Ovitr SliSOO,000 in Taxes. tine. T.ie amendment adds Imprisonment In . I'ersuns Burt. Will probably prove to bo the worst fire AncKLAND, Fob. 1.—Advices from day transmitted to Congress a report from like a thief in tbe night to beg a few dollars crops and stores destroyed; tiU,as Sheridan case the llnu is not paid. Representative Con­ eaao. of ago, _ Samoa state that the German officials from mo; that you have gambled or drank himself said, " if a crow wants to flydow n Representativo Salisbury has hud made NEW YoKK, Feb. 1.—Tho most remarka­ that Buffalo has ever experienced, both in! Secretary Bayard on Samoan affairs. In­ A LOAD OF CLOVER. up by the Auditor-General a report, where­ nor gave notice ot a bill to regulate voting at TUB striking street-car employes of New have given notice that all vessels arriving closing tbe following documents. The first every cent you could call your own away, the valley he must carry his oxwi provisions all elections. Ills modeled after the Massa­ ble and striking feature of yosterda:y'3 dj- Epitome of the Week. Yorlc made uumoroua violent demonstra­ FOREIQN. extent and in flnancial loss, started this; by It appears that fifty-two of the north­ velopments in the street-cur troubles xvas morning at 8:45 o'cloek. It was there xvill bo searched for articles contra­ is a telegram from Vice-Consul Blaculock,. ' M load ot eloTer In the early dawn but you must add theft to your mad foUy?" with him." Harry Winthrop's heart ached chusetts election law. tions on tho 81st alt, but the companies l!r consequence of the election of Gen­ band of war., Tboy have suppressed the " You mean that cursed watch and chain?" ern coun-t.ios oxve the Stato upwards of the command of Inspector Williams to •uccoded in running a numbor of cars. eral Boulanger to tbe Chamber of Depu­ first discovered in tho flvo-story as follows: (Right -In tho center of tho town) I spied, as he saw tho ruin around bim. SENATE-Bills xvei-o Introduced on tho S8th to INTERESTING- NEWS' COMPILATION. Samoa Times, A passenger on tbe Brit­ Jtod straight I saw a sxraeping breadth ot lawn. " I do. It is no use for you to deny that $1,50.1,000 for taxes uncollected for 18S5 establish a uniform system of text-bookt; to his men: "Bhoot;to kill!" When tbe do. THE offlcors of the Connecticut Mutual ties tho French Ministry tendered U)eir building occupied by Root & Keat­ "AuCKi-AND, Fob. SI.—Gorman Consul de­ 8o,with Early at its heels, the Union army and previous years. This bad stato of af­ tails were being made for the day 1,0 ing, sole leather manufacturers, at ish steamer, Walnul, who visited Ma- clares Germany at war, with Samoa under- With fields on either sldo— you took it, for 1 satv you glide from the consolldato Oscoda and Au Sable In Iosco CONORES6IONAU Life Insurance Company stated at Hart­ resignations on the 2Sth, but Frosident xwindoxv the nlglit you robbed me. Yet, for fell back to Fisher's Hill, where Sheridan fairs is said to be due largely to defects in Couniy, giving them the name of Iosco, Sen­ said: "If the croxvd uses clubx you u.^.a Carnot declined to accept them. the corner of Wells and Carroll streets. taafa's camp, was placed under arrest marllol laxv." , -Great clover fields,shono t their fleecesbright , turned at bay. The village was io flames, ford on the 31st ult that tbe loss by tbe re­ but was subsequontly released in compli- SECnnTAllT BATAIID'S PnOTEST. your sister's sake, I have kept the crime a the laxv, which docs not give a sofUciently ator Leavitt offered a resolution tor elect­ your pistols. Have no nonsense al-out it. I j 1 Second SeMlon. cent defalcation of Joseph A. Moore, their AovtCEs of -tho 20th from Tonquln an­ From hei'o the flro swept north and north­ With misty bits ot splder-wob, dow-gemmod. and half tho time the men were fighting fire, secure title to lands sold for taxes. Many ing a President pro tern, on January 31, which want no play, no foolishness. If ucce.^sary AN amendmont to tbe Conbular and DIplo* east and west until the whole length of anco with a demand of tho British Consul. Then folloxvs the following parapbraso Slang hero and there' and daises, poising secret." so tbat tho position was untenable. They Indianapolis agent, would not exceed the nounce the death of tho Ring ot Annam. A proclamation has been issued placing Of telegraphic Instructions sent to Minister land oxvners neglect to pay their taxes, be­ xvas referred to tho Committee on Judic ary. use your pistols and use them xvoll. Shoot matlo Approprlatioa Mil Riving to. our Minii- amount first named—$500,000. EDWAKD STAxnopE, England's Minister Wells street was a mass of seething flames, light, " I tell you I'll get it back for you," was xx'ithdrexv to Woodstock, and there Sheri­ The bill incroasing the Governor's salary to ten abroad the title at "Ambassudor" instead the Apia polico force under German con­ Pendleton at Berlin on January 31: tho sulky response. ing axvare that tho value ot their land is to kill 1" Inspector Williams was asked TBE Arkansas Legislature on the Slst of War, m a speech in London on tho 29th near which the firemen could not get; into Snow-frlUo d and anpple-stemmod. dan, like a lion tracked to his lair, rushed not Bufllcient to warrant tax titlo men to 1^4,000 fa lod, but xvas a:tcrward reconsidered why he had given such strong orders to his «t "Envoy Extraordinary and Ministers' Flon- prophesied the spcody outbreak in Europe Exchange streot on the south and trol. Mataafa's followers number 0,000. " Mr. Bayard Instructs the Mmlster of th» " Tou must do more. Yon must tell me upon his foes. Witii a roar of rage the and referred. • • Ipotentiory" was adopted In tho Sonuto on the ult. passed a bill authorizing tho Governor The5' are strongly entrenched and other United States at Berlin to Inform the Gorman. -*he snn had clett In two the foggy lake invest voi-y heavily, and not. standing In men. He replied tbat he had been told thai to offer a reward of (5,000 for tho arrest of "tho fiercest and most horrible war ovef Seneca street on tbe northxvest at who lias possession of it. I am almost Union aimay dashed forward where the dread of loss by tho present laws. HotjSK—Bills wore Introduced to amend tho SOtb. Senator Sbdrman spofcd at length on Samoans aro rapidly joining them. Upon Government that advices trom Apia slate that Ot Rathored vapors, hurling thorn atiart, frenzied when I think of what may bo pos­ Marrlago License law; to Incorporate the city the strikers were to organize in gangs, and, tbe. Samoa dlfilculty, maintalainft tbat our and conviction of tho murderer or mur­ known." the extremity of WTolls street swept the Gorman Consul had declared Germany to b6 And xrlld-star rosos twinkled, halt awake, ranks were thickest, tho enemy resisting Mr. Salisbury has introduced a lengthy armed with clubs, would assault tho noxv the flames, and it is impossible to the arrival of the steamer Richmond she sible. I know the grudge you bore poor with the stubborn courage of men fighting of Cheboygan: to amend the act providing rights must bo atserted....In the House ape> derers of John is, Clayton at Flummer- A coMP.vxv with f.'iOO.OOO capital was at war with Maiaafa ond Samoa to bo under Fink as a soa-sboU's heart. bill in tho Legislature amending the bounty tor killing English sparroxvs; to provide men at over.v opportunity. tltion of thirteen thousand citizens of U.tali ville. formed on the 29th in Toronto, Can., to do tell hoxv far they will reach. Already was boarded and searched by tho Ger­ martial law. Mr. Bayard Informs MlnistorPen- Barclay; I hoard you threaten him that for the last spot of ground. 80 impetuous mans. And dappled coxrs, xrith peaceful, plaold eyes, night at Charlottesville. You shall not tax laxvs, more particularly xvith re­ against adulteration ot dairy products;T.!Baklng A number of cars were run on various ngninst the admission ot that Territory as •• a THE report of tho Commissioner of Pat­ volop the Labrador fisheries. some two dozen firms are burned out, as dleton that the German Minister at ibis capitaU was the charge of tbe Federal squadrons spect to the sale of lands delin­ an appropriation of 3',3-.',S03 tor the Agricultural lines early in the day without signs oC State was presented. Tho Sundry Civil Appro­ well OS two hotols, and tho great depot of BunLTS, Feb. 1.—It is not expected that under instructions from Prince Bismarck, had. Stood waiting, while the maid came tripping leave this place to-night until you have that they stopped not till, piercing thodense ents sent to Congress on tho Slst ult. Bv tho ice giving way on the 29th on German military operations in Samoa xvill doxvn, quent for taxes. His plan is to soil by; College: to relieve the lessee of buddings from trouble. Although running with tolerublo priation bill was passed. A bin to provide for showed that patents wore issued during Lake Rideau, near Sunbury, Ont., si.vteen the New York Central is Ihreatenod. The already acquainted this Government ot the> made 0 clean breast of every thing." mass of retreating columns, they reached foroclosuro in chancery, tho same as is' liability for paying rent otter tho destruction the better protection of the lur, seal and sal­ commence until sufllcient reinforcements declaration ot war by Germany iigalnstMataata. £llght-cyed and rosy, holding, tonlc-wIse, " And who's to hinder me?" regularity, they weie poorly patronized,, the year to tho number of 20,420, of which teamsters and their twenty horses wero fire is in tbe heart of the wholesale busi­ Hor checkered gingham gown. tho open ground beyond, and Early's host done in cases of mortgage, giving notice or Injury thereof by tho elements; to incor­ the majority of people preferring to xvallc mon fisheries ot AlasUu was reported. drowned. ness district of the city, and most of the are sent to tho islands. At present there nnd had accompanied tho notlllcatlon xvith the- There was then a sharp sculfle, and Harry was "sent xvhirling up the valley of the porate tho village of Shepherd, In Isabella THE Senate resumed eonsldoratlon ot the 1,5.10 wore to f.oi"oig;n Inventors. are at Bamo;i three Gorman xvar ships staioment that Germany xx-ould, of course, to tho oxvnor, and all owing ono year's re­ to their places of business. Tho State THE British ship Sir W^alter Raleigh, firms burned out did a largo xvholesale A slender footpath lost its way among dropped from the wiodow and flcxv to the Shenandoah." demption after tho date of the sale. Lands County; to gix'o married men the same rights Diplomatic and Consular Approprlatioa. bill TOE Nebraska Logislaturc on the Slst with an available landing force of 300 men. abide by the agreement xvith Amer­ A weedy labyrinth ot restful tint as married xvomen in respect to property ac­ arsenal and the armory of tho Second ult. voted to submit tho question of pro laden with wool from S,ydney, N. S. W., business. Tho loss xvill be millions. ica and England touching Samoa, and. spot, just in time to catch in Bds arms Mo- Ono piece of tbe enemy's artillery alone which aro bid in by the Stato and become- Battery Stato artillery were guarded on the EOth ult, the time being occupied in dis-, ...... v ,- - went aground on tho I'Oth ult near Bou­ The fire broke out in a six-story struc­ A "White Book" on tho Samoan question Ot plantain, cblclcxvcod, fennel, addor's-tongue. Kinzio's reeling form and see the figure of quired before mari-laee, viz.: To hold It in their xvill shortly be presented to tho Reichstag. preserve under all circumstances the rights ot And moneywort and mint. remained to rain death on tho x'ictors. Har­ its property, because of non-payment of oxvn right xvithout givinc the wire any chum by details of policemen, rumors having Islandscusflngth. Tlio amendmentc British s affecting theSamoan thblDitioe Staten .o r high license to tho people or logne, and five of the crew wore drowned. ture in tho heart of the city occupied by this Government established by treaty. But In. a man drop to the other side of the boarded ry Winthrop heard Sheridan's cry: "The taxes, shall no longer bo carried on tbe been circulated that the strikers would iNianrt. Tho nriti^i, extradition treaty was ' tha Stato. b.y Root & Keating, extensive dealers in The National Zeitung announces that a vioxv of tho advices trom Apia Mr. Bayard In­ fence. upon It; to increase the liquor taxes as follows: also con6idorcd....ln the House tho time was AT Olathe, Kan., Mrs. Lucy Ferguson, AiicnDUKE RunoLrn, tho heir apparent friondl.v suttloment xvith America may bo A homo-llko gardon stretched its crisp, green man who captures that shall have six tax rolls or bo liable for taxes. A grand Selling either malt or intoxicatinK liquors at attempt to seize tbe arms stored therein. passed in discussing; the Oklahoma bill. ' seventy-live years old, was on the Slst^ to the throne of Austria, died suddenly on leather. Boloro an alarm had been given structs Mr. Pendleton to say that this Gox-ern­ lines. "There-thank you—I amnot much hurt," months' leave and a year's pay!" and clearing up sale of all lands delinquent for retail, JtiOO; intoxicating 1 quors at wliolosiile, Late In the afternoon tho police dis> tho 30th ulL ot apoplexy at Mierling, near the fiames had secured a lasting hold e.^pected, based upon Prince Bismarck's mcnt assumed that tho German olhcials In. tho young man cried, while he clung to TnK House umeudments to the bill to in ult. couvieled of murdering her husband proposal for a joint discussion. Samoa vould bo Instructed carefully to retrain All drenched ond dripping with the dow ot rushed xvith his gallant troopers to the taxes ia tbe year ISSU and all previous SGOO: or xvboloside and retail, »1,030. The persad a mob at Tenth avenue, xvhich xvas crease the pensions of those who hove lost and the death sentence pronounced. A Baden, aged thirty-one years. ot the handsome building, tho flro morn; Harry so persistently that pursuit after the charge, sabering the heroic gunners as they years is ordered by the bill to be done brewers' tax la left at *0D; tax on distillers, engaged in blockading tbe Belt road. being fed by the inflammable ma­ SAN FitANcisco, Feb. 1. — The Samoa from Interference xvith American citizens -ani fugitive was impossible. " It was only ft £8)0; and no person paying a manufacturer's "both hands were concurred in on the .31st ult.motio n for a ncvir trial was overruled. She ADVICES received at Auckland, New Times, xvhich, according to an Auckland property there, hence no declaration of martini And floxrers were scattered through the sturdy stood to tho last at their post. next fall. The sale of such lands will bo Clubs wero used and several heads wero In the Senate. Aflcr the passnjo of a few pri Zealand, on ino 30th ult. from Samoa an- terial contained in tho building. Tho felloxv I knew in bettor days—he was un­ to the highest bidder, but no bid is to bo tax is liable for the xvholesale dealers' tax. is the mother ot six children. cablegram, has boon suppressed by tho laxv could extend German jurisdiction so as to. vinos Then all xvas quiet for a time, and Sheri­ Tho bill authorlzinK the formation of com­ cracked. vate bills consideration of the DIploniallc and TUB stables of the celebrated Mount r»ounced that the Germ.ins there had begun department was at xvork promptly, Include control of Americans In Samo;i. Such fortunate—wo had some words—and you dan, called by important affairs, went to received xx-hich is less than txventy-fivo A little later the strike assumed a most Consular Appropriation bill was resumed, the but the men labored at great disadvan­ Germans, xvas published at Apia by an ' Aad stalks of eorly com. see my sickness has not left me v»ry strong. panies to acquiie, hold and build uy.on real es­ l)cndini; question bein^ on the iimendmcnt re- Hope farm near North Attleboro, Mass., systematic warfare on tho native sympa­ English subjeot named Cusack, and its a pretension could not bo recognized or con­ Washington, leaving General Wright in per cent, of tho amount of the accumu­ tate xvas passed. A petition xvas received asking alarming aspect. Tbe polico charged tho were burned on the Slst ult, and twenty- thizers with Mataafiu It was aUo .said tage, oxving to the almost unbearable boat. ceded by this Gox-ernment." Xiiko sosie fair damo thoit dreaming sits and Fray come quietly back to tho house. I command. It was during his absence that lated taxes, interest and charges. crowd. The latter resisted. Tho officers, Icrrlng to Samoa, and the bill was Unslly Crowds packed tho streets in the neigh contents on tho recent happenings, nods. would not for a great deal disturb tho for bounty on xvolt sc-ilps, settinc forth the passed....In the House many petitions were live imported cattle were cremated. that all factions ot tho Bamoans, including j though apparently fair to all parties, On the same date Mr. Bayard wrote to. Early, xx-ho had been re-enforced, marched fact that the destruction of deer on the Upper remembering their orders, drexv their re­ tho followers of Tamasese, who had hither­ borhood, but were unable to got Count Arco-Valley informing him of Mr. So sxjayod tho stately doublo-hollyhocks; ladies in their slumber." TIio Governur'H Appol'itments. Peninsula was greater from xvolves than presented in r.-ivorot the Sunday rest bill. The TWENTV TiiousANn mechanics at Pitts­ near tho blazing structure owing to tho have roflectod rather disadvan- And vigorous boan-vlncs hung their rounded once more to the conflict. volvers and opened fire. The strikers were Oklahoma bill was further discussed. burgh, Fa., decided on the SlstulL to with­ to been favored by tho Germans, would tageously on the German opera­ Blaeklock's disp.atch, and also of the con­ pods Harry thought for a moment before he re­ W^intbrop and his men were on picket The Senate recently confirmed the fol- hunters. armed, and for a few seconds bulleta unite against tlio foreign foe. No par­ terriblo heat. One hook and ladder tents of tho above instructions to Ministef plied. He had not a sbadoxv of doubt but loxving appo.ntments made by Gox-eruor THE House aroondmcnts to the Senate bill draw from the Knights of Labor. company had boon at xvork for a lexv tions. This probably accounts for the Pendleton. Above tho four o'clocks. duty, and xvoro the first to realize this un­ SENATE—Bills wero introduced on the 2!)th to whistlefl thick and fast. One striker for the adinisslon of South Dakota as a State A FiitE on the Hist ult. in a tour-story ticulars had been received, but it w.ns bo-1 suppression of tho paper. In its account And tawny, spotted lIHes shot aloft that this young Piatt, who app-arontly xvas expected attitude of the enemy, xvhose ad­ Luce: provide vivas xvith property and maintenance was badly xvoundod and several others were non-concurred in in the Senate on th flat building in Now York City caused a licvod tho next mail would bring news of minutes pouring water in at the xvindows, CEUMAN Or.TlEhS MODIFIED. Beside tho beds of sago and caraway; tho ne'er-do-well son of his hostess, xvas lirldRO Commissioners at Bay City—Joseph from their husbands' estate xvhen neglectea or are thought to have been hit Half an but the stilling clouds of smoko which of the recent battle tho Times stated that vanced guard suddenly charged upon bim Turner. Chester L. Collins and John McEwan, 3st. A resolution wus adopted instructing the loss of ?200,000. serious conflict in tho island. the natives did not fire until the Germans Under Friday's date Count Arco-Valleyv Aud parsley grcxv among tho pansies soft) his friend's murderer, but he shrank from and put his men to fiight. And in the molee deserted; to provide for air-brakes on railroad hour later a mob of striking Broadway Committee on Foreign Mclatiuns to Iniiuire J. \V. GALE & Co., wholesale dr.v-goods emerged through tho xvinuow forced them andcr instructions from the Prince Chan­ In purple rlc'a array. implicating tho man, xvho was about to mar­ of Bay City; John Malch, E. J. Kelstor, ol trains; to provide for a superintendent of THE engine house and breaker of one of to retreat. By that time it xvas clear that bad fired a number of shots. this story was nearly coming to an end.as far West Bay City. men dumped a largo truck on the track on Into atTairs in the .Somoan islands, and to re­ tho Reading Company's largest coliorios merchants at Toronto, assigned on tlio Slst cellor, sent tho foUoxving note to Secre­ ry the ruilian's sister, in his conviction. So, as its hero was concerned, for Harry's horse pu'jlic printing. A rosolutloa asking Presi­ Seventh avenue. Officer Patrick Lynch port what measures wore necessary to protect the entire block xvas doomed, and tho A correspondent at Apia says that on *he vision flashedupo n mo ond was gone, acting on this impulse, be said, ae uacon- Trustees of tho Jliohlgan Asylum for the In­ dent-elect Harrison to appoint Stato Senator at Ashland, Pa., was burned on the :Ust ult., with ostimalcil liabilities of a quarter the night of December 17 a number of tary B.iyard: I turned and went my way xrlth loitering in its mad career leaped right into tbe race sane-Foster Pratt, Kalamazoo, and Erastuj was the only ono on duty there at tbe time. the Interests or American citizens therein. of a million dollars and small as.sots. grimy firemen turned their attention to oernedly as though receiving disreputable L. G. Palmer as United States District-Attor­ The nrilish extrulition treaty was rejected, ult, throwing live hundred employes out adjoininc property. sailors from the German man-of-xvar Olga "When the state of xvar was declared against feet- of a mill-dam with him, dislocating his W. Bates. ney for the Western district ot Michigan was He chased tbe mob through Forty-ninth Acljoupned to the ^Ith ....In lUe Iloii.se the con­ of work. ADVICES of the 31st ult. from Samoa Mataafa the eorhmander of tho German squad­ JL load ot clover In the early dawn •equaintances in gardens at midnight shoulder and half droxxming him. Even as Trustees Northern Michigan Asylum—Thom­ street to Eighth avenue, where he cnught- Tho entire city xvas illuminated by the xx-ent ashore and searched for Cusack, ron Issued a proclamation by xvhich foreigners, wero common occurrences: " Weil, let us unanimously passed. ference report on the bill to create the Depart­ TliE President transmitted to Congress wore that the Germans intended to search xvho escaped by taking refuge in tho Brit­ P::ssed up the city street. bis pursuers xx-cre on tho bank, he crept to as T. Bates, Traverse City; John Benjamin, HOUSE—The Committee on Jud e'ai-y re­ James Nesdale, a Broadway driver. Whllo ment or ARrlcullure was agreed to. The bill all vessels arriving there. They had sup­ gigantic blaze, and tho people poured into established In Samoa were subjected to- —llaUie WhUfify,Good Z7ou(-'£wp(Sf. go back to bed, my dear felloxv, and if I Grand Kiiplds. taking him to the Broadway stables tho on the 1st additional eorrespondeni;c re­ ish Consulate. martial laxv. International law xvould, to a the millsr's house, xvhere, luckily for him, a ported favorably on the bill to repeal the making Oklahoma a Territory was passed— lating to tho Samoan affair, which showed pressed a ucwspapor, imprisoned and sub­ the adjoining streets from all quarters. xx-ero ,vou, I wouldn't wander about by Northern x\-oman reigned as mistress. Trustee Michigan Institution for tho Educik Mortgase Tax law, and adx-orsely upon the bill crowd rushed' at the officer, knocking him yeas, 118: nays. Kli. At the evening session The Empire CofE,;eMills caught fire,and as The Pacific coast papers generally call certain extent, not prevent such a measure^ starlight till I xvas a little bit stronger." tlon of Deaf and Dumb—Edwin T. Carrington, that the German Government had ex­ sequently released an English tourist and upon Congress to take decisix-e action for but, as Prince Blsmarclc Is ot the opinion that, . "Quick!" she cried, "into this barrel prohlbltInK judges to practice law. Bills were down, and ono ot them made a twenty.hve private pension bills \v'erc passed. issued a proclamation placing the .\pia the txvo burn.ng buildings xvero directly But in his heart of hearts he sxvore that West Bay City. introduced to prohibit the sale of tobacco in vicious kick at the policeman's head, empted foreigners from the operations of the protection ot American commercial in­ our military authority has gone too far in this LOYAL AT LAST. with you!" and in a minute, as he lay martial law and ordered tho German Con. police force under Germ.m control. Ma- opposite tho Arlington and Broezel's Instance, the military commander has rccoix-ed. It should go hard xvith tho festive Mr. Piatt crouched there, she poured over his head Member Board State Fish Commisslon- any form to minors; to increase the tax upon but tbe latter dodged. Lynch fired hotels the guests in these bostelrios bo- terests in the South Pacific. It is pointed Hoyt Post, Detroit. tho gross earnings of express companies from DOMESTIC. sul to relinquish his command of tlic aU- taafa, the Samoan King, had six thousand out that though Samoa is unimportant in telegraphic orders to withdraw the part of his. if once he could get upon his track. the contents of a big bolster of hen's feath­ State House ot Correction and Board ot State his revolver in the air, bringing Officer Co>-TnACTon CLINK, OI the Keystone foUoxvers, nnd his army xvas said to bo took themselves to safer quarters. proclamation concerning foreigners. one to three, per cent.; providing for local Thompson, xvho raised him to his feet. The ministration of the islands. itself, a strong station at Pago Pago A Tale of Love and Adventure in ers. It xx-as not a very heroie attitude for a Prison. Upper Peninsula—JamesM. Wilkinson, option by counties, but optional with the Bridge Company, who built .tho bridge at constantly increasing. Jexvetfs nexv store and Sydney Holmes' "In negotiation xvith Mataafa, our Consul CHAPTER Xn. hero to be in, but it served Harry's purpose prisoner was again seized, and tho crowd ThE Board of Indian Commissioners in candy factory xvero next ignited, and xvould protect trade in tho xvhole South the Ziato Civil War. .Marquette: Ell B. Chamberlain, St. Ignaoe; Boards of Supervisors, xvho may call a special SpottsviUo, Ky., which fell recently, kill­ their annuul report oil the Int asked that AT Dublin on the 31st ult. John O'Con­ Pacific rog ion. at Samoa has asked that the adminis­ THE AMBUSCADE, as a place of concealment, and never a EJxvIn Z. PcrUlns, Cheyboygan. election upon petition ot not less than one- again rushed forward and both officers ing a number of worltmcn, was on the 29th nor and Thomas Condon, member.'; ot shortly after the barn caught fire. By that tration of the Islands of Samoa m ght bO' Our ancestors used to chucklo hugely Christmas passes to this day but that good tifth of the qualiilcd x-oters of the county. The fired revolvers in the air. A number ol Indicted for murder. tlie appropriation for educational work time the Broczol xvas a mass ot fiumes,al l SAN FiiAXcisco, Feb. 1—It is stated here leroporrally handed over to him,xvhich demand, among tho Indians be increased to $2,000,- Parliament for Tipporary, woi-c sontoneod that the Union iron xx-orks have receix-ed BT BERN^UU) BIGSBT. over the joke Mrs. mass perpetrated in her dame receives a substantial evidence of tbe A Wealthy WIdoxv Slurdered. bill to compel sleeping-car companies to re­ strikers drew revolvers. Bullets whistled JosErH BLACK, AmerJcan Consul at to imprisonment for four months for in­ the guests and employes having, hoxx-ever, not being in conformity to our prev ous prom­ famous "Book of Cookery," xx-hon she an­ Northern soldier's gratitude. The worst of Mrs. Mary H. Latimer, xvidoxv, aged frain from lowering tho upper berths unless past the officer's head. One of tho ahota 000 tor tho first year, .•?:1,003,000 for the escaped in safety. orders from Secretary Whitney to havo ises regarding Us neutrality aad Indoi-endeace,. AcmoR or "Ei.L,Es'a SECRET," "FALLBN Budn-Fcsth, was recalled on the 29th for second and $4,000,000 for the third year. citing tenants not to pay rent. AMONG THIEVES " "My LAHY FASTAS- nounced that you must catch your hare bo- the adventure xx'as that Harry lost his fa­ about sixty .years, xvas found the othoi they are to be occupied xvas defeated. struck tho prisoner in the knee. Tha writing a letter criticising the Austro- The (lames burst from tho front of Sib­ the nexv cruiser Charleston read.v for sea Mr. Ivnappo has been ordered by telegram to firing attracted a squad of police. The-/ TUB statement of tbe public debt issued llr.x'. FATHEK ConNVNXvas found doiid in within txventy days, if possible, no matter x\-ltUdraxv his demand." ITCAL," AND CinEB SlOIUES. fore j'ou proceed to cook him, aud Harry vorite charger, " Selim," xvhich—I had morning in her room in Jackson, dead in Tho Legislature on the SOth held a memorial Hungarian Government. his study on the 3l»t ult at Strathroy, ley & Holmwood's great confectionery found himself in much the same position as nearly said xvho—was as dear to him as a a pool of blood. Sho had been shot twice sorx-ice m honor ot the late Lieutenant-Gox-- swept the avenue and drove tho crowd be­ on the 1st showed tho total debt to-ho works on Seueca streot. what the e.Mtra cost may be. SENATOR FIIYE'S OPINION. AMMAJI ELLIS (colored) was banged on Ont., witli a gunshot xvound in his head i CopyrigU4d, by tht A. X. Kellogg Xtwi- tho worthy matron's readers. He must human friend. in tbe head. A cellar door was found ernor McDonald In Representative halL Ad­ fore them. The txvo officers were consider­ the 29th at Raleigh, N. C, for the murder $l,GS5,:!nS,0.'i9; cash in Treasury, $C4,fl»;,- A fexv minutes later tho loxx'or Uoor of llAYAUD TALKS. Senator Fi-ye s.aid Friday evening that dresses x\-ere made by Governor Luce. Chief- ably battered. Tho wounded man was 9i:i; debt loss cash in tlie Troasux-y, Sl,- and tho gun by his side. He had boon ill, the dcx-elopmonts m the Samoan matters. paper Company.'] lirst catch his hare. And tho hare in ques­ broken open, through which tho murderer of his father last September. and committed suicide. Sxvift it Slamback's stox-o store, three WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—Secretary Bayard tion proved to bo of such a shadoxx-y char­ Back to the command again and Cedar entered and left. Sho xvas alone in the Justice Sherwood, Speaker Diekemu and Sen­ sent to tho hospital. His wound is seri­ JosisFH A. MooiiE, of Indianapolis, Ind., 121,84."i,UT2. Decrease during Januiir.v. .*12,- doors abox'o Sibley's, burst into (lames said Thursday evening that he had re- ha\-o not, in his opinion, changed tbe Creek xvas reached. ators and Representatives. Joint resolutions 21G,2S.'i. Becreaso since June 31), ISSS, -i-i;!,- ADVICES of the 31st ult. from San Do­ CH.^PTER XI.—COSTlSTrEl>. acter, that after txvo days' hunting he was house, her son, a well-known druggist, be­ staling that in Lieutenant-Governor McDon­ ous. Another driver xvas also arrested in the ?500,C0O embezzler from the Connecti­ suddenly. eeix-ed a dispatch from Consul BlacUlock situation in any important' particular. compelled for tbe present to give up the Morning broke. A dense fog hung over the row. ~iS,CiS:!. mingo say that continuous r.-iins had en­ at Samoa confirming tho press dispatches Germany, ho said, may havo aban­ And Willie McKenzie came. Harry found the vallej-, so thick that you could scarce dis­ ing gone to Detroit on business. Bho xvas ald's death the State had susta;ned the loss of cut Mutual Life Insurance Company, tirely destroyed tho sugar crop of that Then tho entire loxx-or half of tho txvo iiim, as he had anticipated, a xx-hole-souled pursuit. prominent in society, her husband, befora an upright and incorruptible ofllcer and ex­ BROOKLTX, Feb. L—A serious encounter quietly left for partsunknown on tho 29th. THE Granitevillo (S. C.) Manufacturing blocks bounded by Wells, Exchange, that xvar had been declared against Ma- doned temporarily its rash methods^ cern objects a fexv yards distant, and countr.v. taafa and that martial laxv had been pro­ .young lolloxv, a little the xvorse for wear Of course he at onco left Mrs. Piatt's hi< death, being for years a successful tending to his family sympathy and condolence occurred Thursday morning -xvhen a car AT Mount Holly Springs, Pa., on the Company's warehouse, containing 2,.'i4i) Seneca and EUicott streets seemed but had not in tho least changed its. through tho sullen vail of mist Early's host xvere read by Iloijresontatlve Peeler and adopt­ bales of cotton, was burned on the 1st. Till-: residence of Colonel White, Secre­ claimed by the German Consul at Apia. purpose.- On the contrary it xvould go just then, but full of animal spirits and xvith house. He felt liko a discordant element poured like an avalanche on tho Union linos. merchant. Her son had been arrested, arrived at Fifth avenuo and Tenth street, '29th an incendiary fire destroyed Early's tary of the American Legation at London, doomed. Tho fire xvas utterly beyond frank, xvinning manners, which quickly in tbe home-circle, for it is not a very pleas­ charged xvith committing the crime. ed b.v a unanimous rising x-ote. where a barricade of trucks and building Eotel nnd several dwellings. Loss. $100,000; insurance, *90,000.' control of the department and tho tele­ He did not knoxv xvhethcr the state of straightforxvard to the completion of Hour after hour tbe battle raged, but the TriE coke xvorkcrs in tho Connolsville was entered liy burglars carl.\' on tho martial laxv referred to included all of that purpose unless some action xvas taken, iiroke doxvn the barriers of nexv acquaintr ant thing for a man to sit at tho same table Federal troops could not recuperate from SENATE-Bills xvere Introduced on tho Slst atone lay across the track and a mob of Lotjis A KKACKSTEDT, teller in the Mul- morning of the3lstult. and $315,000 worth graph xvires xvere giving them great an­ Samoa or only Apia. Reference xx-asmade anceship. As they sat smoking their cigars xvith ladies xvhoso son and brother he is de­ Health In MicUisan. to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquors 1,000 meu opposed the police. Tho mount­ lanphy Savings Banlc at St. Louis, was (PIL) region struclc on t!io 1st for an in­ noyance. by this Government to prevent it. The the shock of that first terrible charge, and In certain counties adopting prohibit on under of jewelry and other valuables wero car­ to the criticism of tho Department of Stato, Germans, said tho Senator, made up their -together on the stoop that evening, Win- termined to bring to the galloxvs. Reports to tho Stato Board of Health by ed police charged and dispersed the mob. on the 29th found to be short in his ac­ crease of wages, about eight tliousand While the blnzo xvas still burning fiorce- throp broached the subject xvhich bad such at last, xvith one hopeless effort for vic­ fifty-seven observers in difforenc parts a local option laxv two years ago; to surrender men being affected. ried ofT. and tho Secretary said: minds long ago to take possession of the But, though ho learned many particulars tory, broke in flight. certain hinds la the Upper Peninsula to tho The car made the trip, but was badly used counts to the extent of £7,500. KDITOII O'BuiEN xvas lodged in jail at iy the xviud, xvhich had previously been -a thrilling interest to him. Taking the concerning tho widoxv's son, xvho was de­ ot the State for tho week ended on January CoLOXEL W. L. TuENHOLM, Comptroller Six boys, ranging from ten to sixteen light, suddenly turned into a gale, and the •'I xvouUl like tho contlemen xx-ho have been Samoan islands, and they xvill not change But harljl Along the road from Win­ United Slates for the protection of home­ Clonincl, Ireland, on the 3]st ult. He re­ their policy in this respect as long as the links of the wiitcb-ohain he had found on clared by sex-eral who knexv him to be a no­ •20 indicated that tonsilitis, pneumonia, stead and pre-emption settlers; to amend the of the Curroncy, tendered his resignation yeai-s of age, broke through the Ice wliilo blaze in consequence became all the more eriticisint; ox-cry thing done by the State De- the spot of Barclay's murder from his pock- chester—fourteen, not txventy miles axx^ay, erysipelas, rheumatism and remittent fe­ WILL REMAIN IN THE SENATE. skating near Patcrson, N. J., on the 1st, fused to remove his clothes in order to d in parimeni to shoxv ono instance in xvhich 1 hax-o United States Government offers uo objec­ torious scoundrel, xvho had been drummed as tho histoi-y books say—came clattering actrelatix-o to garnishment of property; rel­ to tho President on the 29th to take effect the prison garb, and the xvarJera un­ uncontrollable. •et, he .abruptly banded them to the young out of tho regiment in xvhich he had on- ver increased, and intermittent fex-er, ative to embezzlement and removal ot prop­ at his pleasure. and three of tliem were drowned. broken the law or permitted it to bo v olaied. tion. Congress should instruct the the iron-shod hoofs of a horse, and gallant Senator Allison Almost Certain to De­ dressed him by force. His be.ard xvas The firemen are xvorking like heroes, I do not knoxv of such an instance. There has President to make a demand upon Ger­ nan xx-ith the pointed question: listed, and xx-as noxv supposed to hove typho-malarial fox'or and measles de­ erty; to cede certain land near Sault Ste. cline to En'tor the Cabinet. JonN M. CLATTOJT. late Republican can Tnn mail packet Boxvling Green, plying but are hampered by large crowds that Phil Sheridan rides at hoadloug speed to creased In area of prevalence. I)iphtheri£ .Marie to the United States for the purpose of bctwiicu Bowling Green and Evansville, shaven oft. been a great deal of misrepresentation and in many for a restoration of the status quo. "Havo you ever seen these before!" drifted utterly to tho bad, ho could glean no the rescue, xx-ith the cannonading of the bat­ WAsnisGTON, Feb. L—A prominent pub didato for Congress in the Second district THE Canadiau Parliament xx-,as opened are blockading tho streets and can not be time my countrymen xvdl see that tho State He xvas" astounded at the ghastly paleness tidings of his present whereabouts. No one was reported at txventy-fivo places, scar, bulldlnR a tort thorooB. Bills wero passed to of Arkansas, was assassinated at Plum- Ind., was burned on the 1st near Rock- kept back by tho police. That demand, ho said, -xx-ould undoubtedly tle ringing in his ears. He meets tho hur­ let fo\-er at forty-txvo, typhoid fovor at Incorporate tho village of 'Ashley, Grat.ot lie man, who is in a position to speak port, K.v. at Ottawa on the Slst ult. by Govtrnor- Dei;artment has done every thing that could bo be complied xvith. She can not afford to •of McKonzio's face. Ho literally tremWod had seen him. No one xvanted to see him. rying fugitives, and, waving his sxx-ord, County, and bond It for purposes ot protection. knowingly, said Thursday night: mervillo on tbe 2ilth. Mr. Clayton was con­ Gcneral Stanley. Shortly ttiv^t 4 o'clock Chief Fred done.'' he gazed xvith a black look at tho golden feo Harry xx'ont back to his regiment at txvelve, measles at eight and small-pox at testing a seat from the Second district in THE Reading Coal & Iron Company on Hornung had his hand nearly cut off at ignore it, for if the commercial inter­ cries: seven places. Adjourned to February li. " Senator Allison has ccmmuuicatcd to his tho Isl sliut down all but txvonty of its AcoM.MiTTEE appointed to inquire into The Secretary said that Senator Sher­ course betxvoen the txx-o countries should liuk-s. Harper's Ferry without bringing tho HOUSE—Bills xvere passed to Incorporate the near friends that he had xvrittcn to President­ tho Fifty-first Congress now held by C. R. the condition of the British nav.y reported the xvrist by a heavy sheet of j^lato glass. man's statement that no American had "WTiy do you ask?" he stammered. scoundrel to justice. "Back, men! Back! Turn with me and elect Harrison peremptordy declining the ap­ Breckinridge. fifty collieries. bo interrupted Germany would lose more you shall sleep in your oxvn camp to-night, I Smoked Out tlio Customers. vlUases ot Chelsea and Ashley. Bills xvero in­ on tho 31st ult that tho ship.«, xx-ith few At 4:10 the txx'o upper floors ot Jewott's been injured Carbon, Ind., was destroyed by lire on the exceptions, were unsuitable for modern could repay in 1,000 years. .continued, gi-avely, for a wild thought en­ gallant, dashing Phil was to load tho troops ly agreed to close at eight o'clock at nighl street-cars.and elevated railways In tho State; were murdered on the 29th at Birmingham, warefarc, and, indeed, xvhollj- deficient. wero burning fiercol.x-,an d as the cellar of been injured or any of their rights as de­ WTiata magic there is in his presence! to provide for a bounty on wolf scalps; to au­ curacy of this. It was very gonerallj 1st. PKOVISIO.VAI, UECOONITION OF MATAAFA. tered his brain that this young fellow, to victory. So under this renoxvTied Gen­ except Yalowsteln & Sons. Tho other Ala. TiiEiiE was a ronoxval of tho rioting and the building xvas filled xvith najihtha groat fined by laxv and treaty taken axvay. The though of course bo could not have himself Tho demoralized force halts, reforms, and, thorize the laying out of a Stato road In Bay believed here for the last ten days that ha GKEAT excitement prevailed at Lexing­ TnEixE were 332 business failures in tho -AUCKLAND, Nexv Zealand, Fob. 2,—Tho eral they turned their faces once more led by tbat splendid soldier, rushes on tbe night eight clerks of rival stores entered would accept, and It is known that he dis­ throxving of stones at Tipporary, Ireliind, apprehension xvas felt. Secrot.ary added: -perpetrated tbe foul deed, xx'as prix-y to its xvostward along the Shenandoah Valley. It Couniy; making an appropriation ot *]0ii,00fl ton, Va., on tho 29th over the discovery United States during tho seven days end­ The Arliugton Hotel, which backed *• Our policy has been fixed and steady In the latest advices from Samoa stato that the enemy, xvho aro plundering the camp, and ralowstein's place, each smoking a cbeaf for the maintenance ot a State Reform School; cussed ihe matter with close friends as being ed on the 1st, against 331 the previous on tlie 1st, and nine civilians and thirteen Germans express the;r xvillinguoss to rec­ .accomplishment. "Have you ever soon xvas hot xx-ork for tho cax-alry. Little Phil cigar. They began looking over goods, iottlcd In this way. Ho had freauently ex­ near there of an immense mountain of the I olicomen xvcro badly injured. tho Broczol House, was tlien gutted, direction of the preservation of American ".hose Unks before?" literally whirls them trom the scene; and appropriating $91,«r5 for the maintenance ol richest iron ore. seven d.ays. rlgUis. The Gorman Government has con­ ognize King Mataafa provided he xvill rule kept them xvell in adx-anco, exploiting and xx-hon night comes men aud horses, just puffing vigorously, and soon cleared tht the State Normal School; a joint resolution pressed, in a confidential manner, his desire to THEEE THOVSAXD seamen and firemen and tho flames xvere communicated ALL the street-car lines In New York THE Juulison Memorial Association of stantly given assurimeos that Germany xx-ould under German control. "I do not knoxv—that is—xvell, thoy are dcx-eloping tho enemy; but for a time not xx-orn out, fall asleep upon the battle-field. store of all lady customers. They at­ relative to ascertaining the cost ot mainten­ be in the Treasury Department to carry out wore on strike in Glasgoxv on the 1st, and to the xvholesale confectiouery store -very lilce those of a chain I lost some time closing xvith him—a delay xvhich caused ance ot tho county board ot supervisors sys- some views he had, especially as to Inducing were tied up by strikers on the 20th, and Lexington, Va., on the 1st ordered a bronze of Robinson it Dick, opposite Sib- not violate any American rights. Tho depart­ Tamasese's supporters were reduced to- [TO BE COSTIXUED.] tempted no violence, but simply smoked, EnKlandto agree to the remonellzailon of sll- attempts to run cars resulted in serioxis statxie of "Stonexvall" Jackson to cost onl.v ixvo steamers sailed, being manned ment can not slop the tlffhtlng in Samoa; xve SOO men. The British and American Consuls, ago." Grant some anxiety, for be came in person the people out. The clerks claimed they tom. Adjourned to February 1-J. by olllcial.s. •le.y & Holmxvood's, ana also to "You lost!" to see how matters stood, but xvas so satis­ x-cr. He also had a deslro to shoxv hia admin­ riots, in which many persons wore $,10,01)0. It will bo completed in three tho xvholesale grocery of C. P. can not prevent rival commercial companies declined to recognize the right of tho Ger­ xvould keep up this warfare. istrative ability. A ruEiGHT train was precipitated doxx-u "Well, not exactly lost—disposed of fied -xvith his Lieutenant's perfect prepara­ CURE FOR FAULT-FINDING. DROLL ""AND DRY. wounded. Several of the strikers were years. Churchill's Sons. The xvhole city fire de­ qunrroling and lightinfr. It Is not for us to try mans to establish martial laxx-. " The first of this xs-eek It was felt by his a m •'untain side on. the 1st near Calgar.v, and Klve every couinry a stable government." •would be a more accurate expression. How, tions, that be xx-ont back to his post at Tliree Times and Out. arrested. WHITE CAPS were on the 1st terrifying partment xvas at work, but oxving to tho IN THE UEICIISTAO. A Falling Which In Must Cases Is CauMjd PAST men, liko fast rivers, aro generally near friends that there was good- authority for A yti.-x named Lake was arrested at Bos­ tho residents of Norfolk, Va. N. W. T., and sex-en men xx-ero killed. It is understood that Consul-Gencral BEiti.iN, Fob. 2.—The Reichstag yoster- I am not at liberty to tell you." Petersburg. Four years ago a little negro boy, whil« saying that he would accept. But x\-lien he re­ blinding snoxv and xviud-storin xvhich was "You must." by Overwork. the slialloxvest. ton on tho 2yih, charged with arson. It WHAT would probably prove to be the raging their ollorts wero futile. Sexx-all xvill leave for Samoa at once. diiy discussed the naval estimates. In But one day the crisis came. They were playing on the track of the D. G. H. & M turned from IndianajjoUs his felloxv.Ro- LATEST NEWS. The Post prints tho foUoxving: " 'Must' is a littlo xvord with a big moan­ While pages hax'O been written in con­ MEN make their chief sacrifices to lox-e was said that he had been operating in worst fire that Buffalo, N. Y.. had ever ex­ At 4:10 the walls of Sibley & Holm- the course of the debate Herr Richter near the quaint old city of Winchester and demnation of the' fault-finder, too littlo ia railway in Detroit, fell under tho xvhoels publlcans . united lii begging him not many cities through the country. perienced, both in extent .and financial ".•\ pr.vato cablc^'ram received at W.-whlng- asked for the particulars relating to- ing. Major." struck the Confederate army at the ford of of an engine and had ono leg cut off. Hi. before they marry; women—poor creatures to leave the Senate and not to throw- A Fir.E in Buffalo, N. Y., on the 2d wood's store fell, and Glouber's hat fac­ ton last nisht announces that tho German genoraU.v said of tho causes that bring too —after. aside his chances for the Presidency Jon>- E. SuLLivAX, county clerk of loss, was raging at four o'clock on the bnrneJ over si.>: acres of ground covered tory caught fire, the Broczol House being Samoa. Admiral Heusner replied thatun- "Pshaxx', man!" Winthrop exclaimed, "I tho river. often into existence such an unpleasant and guardian sued tho company, obtaining a Marion County, Ind., the defendant in morning of the 2d. Many business blocks Gox-ernmcnt has ordered a militai-j- attache tll the arrival of reports from Samoa, am not putting these questions to gratify "Threes about, mcn,chargc !"cricd Colonel verdict of tS,O00i A nexv trial xvas ordered IF she xvho hesitates is lost the man xvbo in 189-2, Only two Republican Senators by business houses, causing a total loss of by this time gutted. named Lieutenant Eelcardsleln to report here thoroughly reprehensible fading. The stutters must have great dlfilculty m find­ have at any time advised him to accept. All ' the celebrated tally-sheet forgery cases, hiid been destroyed, txyo large hotels nearl.y $3,000,000. Many firemen xvcro xvhich xvero expected about tho middlo of -an idle curiosity. Tbe links of Ih-at chain Brexver, xvho commanded Harrv's regiment, fault-llnding xx'omau is an exceedingly disa­ by the Supremo Court which resulted In c Motlatt Bro.s.' establishment on Carroll at once to the German Minister. His business, you hold in your hand xvere dropped by the disagreement. The third was concluded ing himself. the others, especially Edmunds, Hoar, Sher­ assigned on the 29th with assets ot $100,- swept away, and the flames xvere still badly injured, and other persons had nar- street xvas also in flames. it Is announced. Is to Investigate and report to tho month, it xvould bo impossible to give and the gallant squadron dashed headlong greeable person, but she is olten less to be man, Wilson and all the stronger men pro- ' 000 and liabilities of $113,000. Included raging, witli a lierco wind blowing. the information desired. man xvho murdered Frank Barclay—" on the foe, driving them back to the very tho other morning, and the jury, after bo. "MA-M-VA," asked the httlo boy who was tested against It, and after his return labored roxv escapes. The hook and ladder truck No. 1 has the War Department every thing of Interest condemned than the persons around her ing out fourteen hours, returned a x-erdict therein was $20,000 of the county clerk's REIS'A VICTORIA, tho brood mare recently XVON'T ANNE.X THE ISLANDS. "Yes, yes, I Ijnoxv. My uncle WTOte me verge of the city. The inf.antry mot the xx-ho, she has learned from experience, xvill taken to the Episcopal church for tbe first with him constantly to Induce him to decline, THE steam tug Two Brothers exploded at been entirely consumed. concerning the American army and navy, for- of i8,7a0 damages. time, "what do they mean by cherubim and funds, and J21,500 borrowed from the sold at auction, bringing $7,31)0, tho high­ Pittsburgh, Pa., on tho 2d, killing txvo tlllcatlons, equipment, etc." Lo.«cDON, Feb. 2.—Tho Standard's dis­ all about the sad affair." Confederate cavalry, and their long line skirk every responsibility and duty to xvhich and he has decided to folloxv their advice, and At4:l2 Levi & Marcus'drug store xv.as "Then surely you xvill tell me into whoso terrapin 1" by to-doy's mall General Harrison will hux-o tha county treasurer. est price ever paid for a brood ni.are at men and xx-ounding several others. burning. The chief engineer being disa­ W'ASIIINGTO.V, Feb. 1.—A dispatch xx-as patch from Berlin says that Germany does- never wavered. But suddenly from behind they are not goaded. This goading grad­ bauds tho chain passed when it left your s loxv xvall uprose the enemy four deep, and Triple Murder Attomptod. STRANGE xvhat queer languages aro letter of positive dechDat:on and It is felt that Cixcix.VATi's newChamberof Commerce public auction, died near Xerro Haute, Bv an iiccidont on the SL Louis & San bled, the famous "Bob" Carlton, ox-chief, received at tlic Nax-y Department to-day not intend in tho least degree to annex ually becomes a habit, and tho innocent and the Senator can not again bo induced to xvax*or building was dedicated on the noth ult. Inri., on tho 1st. Samoa, but at the same time she is re- possession!" a literal sheet of flame flashed on the strug­ PTuilty too often suffer from tho effect of the The other night August Tonto wont tt spoken|in thiscountry. A Western paper In a Francisco railro.ad on the 2d near Spring­ took command. from. Captain Mullen, com.manaing tho tho cabin of Christian'Stochal, a Polander, in his resolution. with appropriate ceremonies. Mn. G. G. MANDT, editor of the Mount field, Mo., three men x\-oro instantly Tho burning district is located bctxveen Nipsic at Apia, Samoa, xvhich stated that solx'od that the American Government " I can not, M.ajor Winthrop. Please con- gling horsemen, xvho fell back as best thoy jaded temper of a nervous overxx-orked local item recently told of "a regular old cider that it is utterly aud absolutely im- could, only to give place to the solid masses living seven miles from Lansing, and shot razoopcr, who, having got a skate on, in- " It may now be accepted as u-uo that Iowa IK Alama County, Tenn., on the 30th ult. Horcb (Wis.) Sun. a Prohibition paper, killed and fix'o injured, four ot them Seneca and E.xchango streets, txx-o of the the German Gox'ernment, through its Con­ shall not do so. xx-omau. There are scolds xvho have no pos­ will have no member ot tho Cabinet. Mr.Clark- a crowd hor.sewhipped two Mormon elders was shot and mortall.v wounded in his sul there, had issued a proclamation do- of Federal infantry, xx-hieh moved steadily sible excuse for their poex-ishnoss, who Stochal, xvounding him in tho head. He Sulged in a glorious razzle-dazzle." fatally. leading business thoroughfiires on the East THE Or.KMAN PRESS. also shot a granddaughter thirteen years son has been knoxvn to hax-e been out ot tho named Miller and Winters. They were own Iioxiso on the 1st by an unknown mis- THE big malt-house attached to tho side of the citx-. Wells street, running during martial laxv in Samoa. BERLIN, Feb. 2.—Tbe North GermnR Ga­ on, driving all beforo them. But in the neither xx-ork xvith hand nor brain, and occu­ AcconoiNo to soma scientists, tho question for sex-eral weeks by his oxvn wish, and. then tarred and feathered and ordered to crcnnt, who made his escape. Tho first noxx-s of tho climax reached in zette (Prince BismarcK's organ) says that very flush of victory tho gallant Brexver, py their time chiefly in fretting, but these oil}, and Mrs. Stochal, both in tlie breast genuine man hved about three million .A.nheusor-Busch brexverj in St. Louis xvas bctxveen these txvo streets, is txx-o blocks Mrs. Stochal died in a fexv minutes. The his name has been the only ono from loxra leave tho country on pain of death. Till! Union Academy building at Johns­ burned on the 3d, causing a loss ol $iUU,- long, and is the center of the flro. East Samoa xvas convoyed to the Senators yes­ a declaration of xvar against Samoa, in an geucrous as bo xx-as brax-e, poured out his aro exceptions. Tho fault-finding xvoman years ago, and the present generation is really discussed besides Allison. Mr. Kusson OLivcn WENDELL HOLXES on the ."iOth town, N. Y., w.as ljurncd on tho 1st, caus­ terday, xvhilo engaged in discussion of tho international sense, is altogether improb­ life upon the battle-field. Harry stood by usually is a hard-working xvoman among girl xvas in a critical state, and Stochal composed of a lot of leavings and peeUngs bad oa ambition to bo Secretary ot State, and OUO. and xx'ost of this streot tho fire has already xx-ould recover. Tonto fled. His object ult. presented his vast medical library to ing a loss of S-I.I.IKIO. Cicorge Tlionipson, THE schooner C. R. Olix'er capsized in extended a full block either xva.v. This Samoan question, by the United Press. A able. Tho Gox-ernment has sent no .such his side xvhen the death-bloxv xx-as dealt him. drones, and naturally feels tho injustice ol not worthy of mention in a first reader. he so stated to members of the loxva delega­ the Boston Medical Library Association. chief ot the fire department, was instantly cable message from London receix-ed over instructions and as a matter of fact tlioro It happened thus; A man throxv up his arms her position. The persons xx-ho havo be­ was to steal some money Stochal had re­ tion, but as Mr. Blaine xvas txvo weeks ago Chesapeake bay on the 2d, and tho entire district is but a short distance southeast the United Press xvires xvas sent doxvn to ceix-ed for cattle. THE latest conundrum: WTiy is a xvidoxvor tendered and ten days ago accepted that posi­ jACon FALK, a wa.-ilthy farmer living killed, and Todily amitli was fatally huit croxv of five men were drowued. of the business center of tho city and ad­ is no opponent to declare xvar against, to surrender—an appeal that xvas never come accustomed to see her do the drudg­ like a baby 1 Because be cries for the first near Blultton. Ind., suicided on the HOth by the falling f.all3. Senator Cockrell, xvho xvas presid­ Germany not leaving recognized Mataafa. made in vain to Brexver—and, even as ho ery of the xvork are quite likely to murmur tion, there Is no chance for loxva la the Cab­ Tni: exchanges at txx-ent.y-six leading jacent to all the principal depots. ing. Ho called Senator Sherman to road A lllR Failure. 3ix months, begins to notice during the inet." ^ ult by shooting. For some time past lie IT was .announced on tho 1st that Mrs. Tho Germans, on a basis of solf-defense loxvered his sxx-ord, shot him through the if their ease is disturbed by the complaints jecond six months, nnd it is hard work for clearing-houses in the United States dur­ It is rumored that a servant girl In tho it, ;ind then Senator Gray. Senator Gr..y or reprisal, may have engaged in actual heart. It is said that the J. J. Burns Construe. had not lived happily with his wife, and Laxiequo, living near Father Point, Can., ing the xveolc ended on tho 2d aggregated Broezel House has boon burned to death. of an ox-er-x\'orked xvoman. Tho only rem­ tion Company of Battle Creek, xvhich him to got through tho second summer. SEVERELY 'HANDLED. she had applied for a divorce. took the message doxvn to Senator Rea­ xvarfaro, but the mox-ement has not in- edy for such cases as this is to divide xx-ork had fallen heir to *1,000,000 left by her .son $l,01iJ,(i50,3sO, against 51,019,032,247 Vlio pro- Some of the guests sought to aid her to gan, and it xx'as 011 the representations voix'ed the consequences of actual xvar. This gave tho command of the regiment made an assignment recentl.v, oxves about Si:xTKEN years after her burial tho Editor O'Urlen'a StruEiclo to Keep from ALLIE CiiownLL, n fourteen-year-old girl who recently died in Illinois, where ho vious xvcek. As compared xvitli the cor­ remox-e her things whoa she disapiieurod to Harr.v. so equally that there shall be no over-xvorked H,000,000, and that John Fitzgerald, presi. ;olHn of a AVinnipeg woman was opened contained in it that tho Texas Senator xvomen, and there xx-ill be no excuse WeerlnK the Prison Garb I,nav«» Him living in Bethloham township, Ind., con­ had been living under tho namo of responding xveck of ISSS tha iucreaso and has not since been soon. She ma.y xvithdrexv his amendment to the Samoan •When, some years ago, the Gorman In tho days that folloxvod thoy had many dent of tho Irish. American Land League, and the body found petrified. She had her In Such a Condition That tho Presouoo fessed on tho r.Olh ult. to the burning of Laviirk. Mr.s. Laucquo was tho only heir. amounted to r>.'.). hax-e become bewildered by the smolcc nnd officer Schmidt was shot by Carliss no­ a brush xvith Moseby's guerillas, xx-ho hox-- for scolding from this cause. Mothers aro is a creditor to tho extent of *4.50,000. Thd mouth open, hoxvever, >roing to show that clause in tho Consular and Diplomatic often at fault in assuming the entire bur­ of a frlost la Xeeded. several dwellings, claiming she was paid A YEAii ago at Lincoln, Nob., a colored THE defalcation of John E. Sullivan, so lost her life. Her name is Pollard. bill. If this had not been done the bill body dreamed of declaring xvar ngainsttho ered round them, ever ready to harrass them assignment, as alleged, xvas made after sho was game oven when it came to turn­ DtrnLis, Feb. L—William O'Brien was one hundred dollars for doing it. She was man named Warwick had a barber of th.at count.v cleric of Marion Counl.x-, Ind.. xras At this hour (5 a m.) the flames xx-ore would likely not hax'o been disposed of. friendly Gox-ernment of Spain, but our and impede their mox'oments. In fact, be­ den of the xvork xx-ithout alloxving their the compan.y had come into possession oi ing into stone. thought to bo insane. ships tried to capture the Carlist force as daughters to soil their fingers in drudgery, lodged in tbe Clonmel jail to undergo tho city arrested under tho Civil Rights Dili on tho 2d placed at $100,000. He had Hud spreading, Mu xvind being so hiiih as to AKOl'TEn in- THE SUNATK. tween Custer's brigade and these Virginian J2,:;30,000 m rallxvay bonas. Tirn other day at dinner papa was handed sentence of four months' imprisonment IT was reported on the SOth ult. that for refusing to shave him. Tho case was a reprisal. The affair in Samoa is anal­ forgetting that the command is gix'en to to Canada. baillo tho ellurts of tho firemen. WASHINGTON, Fob. 1.—Tho Senate yes­ ogous. The German forces, as a protective irregulars a bitter vendetta existed, xvhich 1 piece of pie xvhich had been accidentally imposed on bim at Carriok-on-Suir gold and silver had been found in paying appeale.l to tlie Supreme Court, wh^ch A it-iiLXVAY train frcm Brussels for X.a- entailed deeds of relentless cruelty on their children as xx-ell as to themselves: Short bnt Noxx-.iy Items. <]uantities in the northern part of Iowa terday .adopted xx'ithout dix-ision tho measure and b.v way of reprisal, xvithout "Whatsoever thy hand flndoth to do, do it Inverted on tho table. Mamma remarked: for offenses under the Crimes act. handed down a decision on the Isl in War- mur xvas tliroxvn from tho track while nui- THE TREATY DEFEATED. amendments to tho ConsulHr and Diplo­ axvaiting instructions, punished the Ma- either side that the pen of the historian Muskegon xvill annex L-.ikoside, with -'If papa eats that pie that way I'm afraid When ordered to remove his civilian' County, Wis. It was procured by surface xvick's favor. xvould fain pass by in silence. It xvas noth­ with all thy might," and that they are ning at a high rate ot spend near Uroeiion- matic Apuropriation bill reported by tho taafaitOB. Whether such has been the case shutting out from their children the very two thousand inhabitants. he xvill turn upside doxvn." Six-year-old clothing and don the prison garb Mr. dgging and was said to assay from f2.25 dael on the 2d, and fourteen persons xvore Over a Tivo-Tliirdi* 3|]i,| . Maine Senate on the 30th ult. voted to tor- master-General. John Wannmaker. of appointed British Minister to the United tho vote xvas taHoii only fifteen Senators They had retired early; but the night was Harry xx'as ordered to take his regiment that no mother elevates, but rather do- Tho Michigan Salt Association had a few propose on the way home from the drive,or a Slates. -/oted for the resolution to ratify and thir national mourning will bo three months. Samoa. Germany's propos.-ils for a soxtlcment ceivod Ho is naked with the exc'eptiou bid the sale of cigarettes to persons under Pennsylvania; Secretary of War, Russell VIENNA, Feb. 1.—It is ofileially decided •ultry, and Winthrop, xvho could not sleep, and capture it. Ho crossed tho fort and grades, her daughter by enforced indolence. days asol,ST9,000 barrels of salt on hand, iarroxx'-seated cutter to tho couple xvho IN Philadelphia on the 2d Otto Kayser ty-eii.'ht vcted aiirainit it. .-VU of tliu Ito. or the Olflleulty, now on their xvay to XVash- rode a mile along the ri\-er bank. Tho virtuous xvoman of Scripture seeketh of a shirt, as the wardens stripirod his • sixteen years of ago. and to provide a pen- A. Alger, of Michigan. :;Ul)lic;in .S'lKitois pro'iont x-nled in t.u' that the Archduke Charles Louis, brother Ington, xx-lll conx'lnco Americans ot Germany's had drawn a chair to the window of his and tho wholesale prico xvas only 57 cents aax'o been married six months, is bound to clothes oft him, and Mr. O'Brien refuses . Dltyfor a minor under sixteen who smokes JAMES H. BEnnY (Dom.) was ro-oleotcd shot and killed Anna Klaus, xvhom ho had room, which overlooked a small garden. Suddenly ho pressed forxvard to speak to xvool and flax and xvorketh xvillingly xx-ith per barrel. tail befi.'>ro tbe year is out. sought to ruia, cut his xxifc's throat, and net-alivu. of the Emperor, is the hoir apparent. endoax-or to deal justly xvith all duly estab­ to wear the prison garb. , " in a putlie place. United States Senator on tho 29th by tho lished Interests." Suddenly his attention xvas attracted to the the guide, xx'ho was riding beside the ad­ her hands. "She looketh xvell to the xvays Herman Besser was recently acquitted . JOHN QUILL and his son wore killed on then toolt his oxvn life. flgure ol a man crouching behind a row of of her household and eateth not the bread Arkansas Lcgislatura —There xvas once in Avkansaw, says Tcu Tlkousitnd Muelilncry-Cuiislriicfors to A PLEASURE TRIP. vance guard. As ho did so, tho man in Alpena of the murder of John Hunt. DARINQ"BURQLARY. the 3Uth ult. while driving across the Bos­ Mns. Ajty KIKBT POST, tho noted woman THE noxv district court-house of Scully- I'oriii ail Indepoiiiluiit ISofly. lilacs. There was a sharp, shrill whistle dropped from his horse and m.ade a suc­ of idleness." And the x-irtuous xvoman of Dr. Nathan C. Hall, notorious for bis villo County, Choctaw Nation, xx-ith all tho Tr.tveler, a country editor xvho ex- PiTTSiiUKGii.Pa., Feb 1.—The machiner.y- Tho Vandorbllt Family anil .-i 1*arty # twice repeated and ans-wered by some one Scripture tcacheih her daughters the same THE Semoan or Navigator's Islands The Ueildenoe of Colonel VThlto, Rocre^ ton & Maine railroad track at Ipswich, suffragist and abolitionist, died at her l-'rionils itoaily to Set .Sail for u Stsx-cu cessful dash into the wood, but not so trial for xvifo murder in Oakland County, Mass. Their home was also killed. home in Rochester, N. Y., on the 29th, tho county records, was dostro.vod by lire porioncecl much difficulty in mooting constructing Natiounl District Asfombl.y in tlie windoxv of tho room, whieh Harry quickly that ho could not recognize in the course.—X. X. Trihmie. lie in tho South Pacific Ocean, between tary of the Amerloan .Loirutlan at . on the 2d. It was supposed to be the xvork month's CrulNO in Forcitfu Waters. who afterxvarJs married Mrs. Murgit- don, Entered, and «3a,00a Worth :o( Cir.uxi.E3 M. BALCH and his wife, of Wal­ aged eighty-six years. She maintained an his bills—in paying tlicm, rather, for lOS, Knights of Labor, havo decided to knew was oceupied by ILieutenant McKcn- fleeing peasant tho figure of tho treacher­ troyd, tho xvoman in the case, in Wiscon­ latitude 13 dejj., SO min. S. and 14 doff., o< incendiaries. xvithdraxv from the Kniglits in a body and BALTIMORE, Md., Feb. 2.—William IC •ie. Presently the side door of the house Valuables Carried Oir. nut Springs. Tex., wore found dead in bod underground rallroud station in times of he met them on nearly every corner. Vanderbilt and party arrix-ed in this city ous Canadian, Alphonso Lecrolx. Instinct­ "To •wn.^T do you attribute the curative sin, xvhere she also died it xvas reported, on the 30th ult., having boon shot through slavery, and had as many as thirteen run­ AN entire family, consisting ot Mr. and form an Independent Order of Machinery- was opened, and he saw tbe young man go ively he halted his men to retire, but a under suspicious circumstances, died in SO min. S. and longitude 169 dog. W. LoNDOH, Feb. L—A • daring burglary Mrs. John Olson and throe children, xvero One xveok, in order to attend a press Constructors. They formerly numbered yesterday attosnoon at 3:80 o'clock over forward in tho direction of the lilac trees in properties of your springs?" asked a visitor and 173 deg. W. There are nine in­ was committed at tho rosidonco of Colonel the heart. It xvas thought that Balch away slaves in her collar at ono time, the Pennsylvania x-oad. Thoy xvent direct- wliole brigade of tho enemy xx-as pouring at a health resort. "Well," ansxvered tho an insane asylum in Chicago a fexv days killed his wife and then took his own life. A DispATcn of the SOth ult. from Wash­ drowned on tho 2d while attempting to convention, he did not get out an issue 20,00a At present thoy numbor 10,000. Tvboiio shadoxvs ho lost sight of him. For a doxvn the hillside to cut him off from tho ago. habited islands and four or five islets, White, secretary of the American Lega- . cross the Missouri river in a wagon fifteen Tho reason for leaving is that tho general to tho yacht Alva, xx-hich has Uoeu xvaiting proprietor, thoughtfully, "I guess the ad­ tlon, : Wednesday night Tho house, TtiE trouble at Kev/ Iberia, La., cul­ ington Htatos that loading Republicans, of his paper. When he returned he time ho heard nothing but tbe muttering ford. Tho bill for tho relief of Charles Peter, miles north of Bismarck, D. T. The ice officers of the Knights of Labor refused for them hero .since Weduosiay. The voices of two men speaking, but as their vertising I've done has had something to do the total area of the whole group being which is in Bamstade, near Ascot—-xvas minated on tbe SOth ult. in the lynching of after hearing from President-elect Harri. discox-cred that tho " suspended issue " Alva xvill sail this morning on a sevou Custer sa-w his dilemma and advanced to with it." son, the old colored man whose wife died Jim Rosemond, a negro, by a mob of un- son, had decided that an extra session ot was thin, owing to tho warm xveather. or neglected to change the charter in order conversation became more animated, tho 1,100 squtire miles, or about the size of the entered by thieves : somo tima: after-.. xvas, of the xvhole year, tho only issue that tho various branches of the machine- months' cruise. Sho will first go to Ber­ tho rescue. Just then a colored man in m 9 m leaving $20,000 xvhich would escheat to the midnight and robbed ot-]aw(ilr,y.and Jmown men. Governor NichoUs announced Congress could not bo avoided,. and that A FinE on tho 2d at Denver, Col., among -words were more distinct. Ho was. just on rogs and tatters ran to Harry and cried: State under tho law, has passed both State of Rhode Island, with apopulation business houses, caused a loss of over that had not run hiin in debt. This constructors could bo admitted. muda and the West Indies, and later to tho the point of closinif his -window, ,when tbe Plj^NTATiosa Of roses on a laige scale are other valuables to tho amount of t3S,000. bis intention to restore order at the point the date of assembling should not bo later Mediterranean. The party consists of Mr. " Dero's a ford up do riber, boss, not two to bo established in the Caucasian province houses and has been approved by the Gov­ estimated at 36,000. The islands are of tho bayonet if necessary. than April 1. $130,000. discovery opened his eyes to a nexv m m m .tnoQtion of his own aame attracted his at- All the jewels' vote in a oaoket belong* Death of n Votnran of 181S. and Mrs. William K Vanderbilt, their txvo miles awiiy. Clar to goodness, boss, it's of Kutais, with a view to introducing tbere ernor. mountainous, of volcanic origin, and ing to Mrs. Whlto. The -hnTylars seam t|0 THE lumber Arm of C. B. Burt & Ca. at CAPTAIN- JOTHAM BnAnucnT, a veteran THE United States Senate was not In idea. Ho saxv that the only xvay to •tention. true—I'ze no lyin'." session on tho 2d. In the House tho Naval FAHMIXGTON, Mo.. Fob. 1.—Captain Jo- sons nnd daughter, Mr. Oliver H. P. Rai­ the manufacture of attar of roses, for which James Mahler, Upper Peninsula, reports there are numerous extinct craters-^, have been Informed of this, . tor.:tho 'WllUamsport, P11.J faUad on tho aothult of tbe war of 1812, died on tho Slst ult. at make money on his paper was not to tham Bradbury, a veteran of 1S12, died ment, Winfiold Scott Hoyt nnd G. Re-i- , " I toll you Major Winthrop has his sus- " Forward! Trott" -was the command. Russia now has t« depend upon Bulgaria that a pack of wolves reoontly ran off his jnomont they soonted lu; tUey IctV (bt ;Ior«O0,O0a . • Faminstoo, Me., aged ninety-eight years. Appropriation bill was passed and tho pieioas already. Ho hinted as much to me Aad suroljr it was as the negro bad told several as high as 4,000 feeU Apia U Naturalization bill was discussed. print it Thursday, aged 93 years. mond, all of Noxv York. and Turkey. team and chased him up a troo. homo. Ii i It: Dry Goods.—Ball ft Shermsii. MISCELLANEOUS Dry Goods.—Reynolds Bros. LAMSIMO, MICH., Feb.'l, 1889. take up aa'appnplrlatlbn bill; In giv­ —A porker in Otoe County, K«* £D. NEWS IS It not true, that the ing way Mr. Shermah took oeoasion to; braika, emerged from an attack of Thnndafi Febmary 7. 1889. laws of tbe state of Michigan need to •ay .ttiat be would do so no more, and Blood Diaeaaea are ourad by cholera with its bristles, formerly tbatywhen bis bill next-came up be be revised in many respects in order to bHMsk, a very pronounced gray. the peraeverinff uae ot Ayer'a '1^ give to Its citizens proper encourage­ •bould Inslit upon its dispoaal. —A Grand Rapids, la., lad, wears '•ft-;: fiaraaparilla. ment to improve tbe country as well The Senate larift bill has been sent This medicine is an Alterative, and OR mi WEEK artificial limbs as a result of having as themselves? The road law is such, been frost-bitten during the ^reat to tbe House and referred to the Com- causes a radical change in the system. REMNANT SALE! mtttee on Ways and Means, and con­ The process, in some cases, may not bo that we can never enjoy good roads, blizzard. trary to general opinion a few days quite so rapid aa in others; but, with Free M to aol iroi all Faiteiger Tralii. unless they happen to be built where —Pneumonia causes tho death ot persistence, the result is certain. dame nature has deposited tbe gravel. ago, it now looks as if some legislation JH^flrst-class Biga at Reasonable over 8,700 people annually In New tlon of other bniliiMi, wUl be held M the De­ Bead these testimonials : — Tbe assesment of taxes is so utterly troit Blnk. Detroit, on ThnrMtajr. Feb. 31,1880, on this subject will begotten through " For two years T suffered from a se­ rates. AfirOood Titnotby Hay foi York City alone. March is the most inconsistent, that instead of holding fatal month, the avera«;e number of REYNOLDS BROTHERS', atUo'olock. at tbe present session. The democrats vere pain in my right siite, and bad Transient and Boarding Horses. In MoordMiee with • roMlatlon adopted mt of tbe Ways and Means Committee other troubles caused by a torpid liver Ball & Shermaxi's. out inducements to farmers to improve deaths in that month for the post ten Tirana Bepldi, Hay lo, UTS, evary eounty will and dyspepsia. After giving several In the old Worden Barn, opposite the their farms and residences, they are years being 410. be enUtled to oae delegata tot aaeh MM of the bave given their pledges publicly to medicines a fair trial without a euro, I began to tako Ayer's Sarsaparllla. I First National Bank. discouraged by being asked to pay an —AMichigan court'was lately called Thursday, Friday and Sat­ ! total vote oaat ibr Governor at the laat State report tbe bill to tbe House at tbe was greatly bsneSted by the first bottle, eleoUon(lTov.r 1888), and oneaddlUonal dele­ earliest time possible, and if the House and after taking five bottles I was com­ extra tax for every improvement that upon to decide whether a woman R08ER8 & FEReUSON. gate tor every ftaotlon amounting to 800, but agrees to tbe appointmentof congeries, pletely cured."--John AV. Benson, 70 tliey make. In some of the western seventy-four years old can drive a each oiganlceid eounty will be entitled to at Lawrence st, Lowell, Moss. horse thirty-two years old through urday of this week. as asked for by tbe Senate, some, sort One lot All Wool Flannels at/^ states many inducements are held out leaat one delegate! ' Z>ast May a large carbuncle broke out mud ten Inches deep faster than the of a compromise is expected to be on my arm. The usual remedies bad no Frazel & Densmore, to encourage people to make improve­ W. L. DOUGLAS Ciider a resolation of I8U, no delegate will effect and I was confined to my bed for four miles an hour permitted by law. be entitled to aaeat In the Convention who reached that will result in a large re­ One lot All Wool Hosiery atlvi ments, for instance. In one of the FOR eight weeks. A friend induced me to try -Dalian in- —A man was recently examined at Where You WiU Pind HS^SM $3 SHOE doei not reside In the county he propoaes to duction in the surplus revenues. Tbe Ayer's SarsopariUa. Less than three western states a man receives a deduc­ QRNTLKMEN. repieient. bottles healed the sore. In all my expe­ tion lu his tax for every acre of or­ Galveston for a license to practice law. tobacco tax is almost certain to be One lot All Wool Underwear at) 0 and a Great Variety of Dress Goods. In compUaaoe with a resolution adopted In rience with medicine, I never saw more charding and grove that he feels dis­ "In order to constitute a last will what Detroit, June 18, U80, the Secretary of eaeh greatly reduced, if not altogether abol­ K:gg?i5ft^#'iTO OH. posed to plant. A correspondent of is essential?" asked the lawyer who County Convention ii requetted to forward to ished. In fact this tobacco business is Wonderful Results. was questioning the applicant. "A Not Much of Anything but a Little 8i:iS rv^'RVi5f^5figi!&^^^^ One lot of Quilts at i^Fonltrj and Gaie U Tlielr Seasoo. the Western Rural, who lives at Mar­ SS.OO and K1.T5 BOYS' SCHi SHOES. the Secretary of the State Central Committee, at tbe bottom of the change of tactics Another marked effect of the tise ot this corpse and some property are all that All made lu Conicrcui, Button Ko. UBowland itieettDetrolt, by the earlleit medicine was the strengthening of my «) shall, Mich., says that bis assesment on the part of the democrats. A num­ sight."—Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly is necessary," was the reply. mall after the delegate* to the State Conven­ All Shawls at - was raised twelve hundred dollars be­ of Everything! L. DOUGLAS tion are chosen, a eertlfledllit ot luoh dele­ ber of members from the tobacco states Springs, Texas. fK A Qtr ^^^^ 'O' HIDES —There is a dog employed in tho cause he bad a good crop of wheat. A gates aa are entitled to a seat In the State Con- announced that if they could get relief " X had a dry scaly humor for years, WAOA AND FELTS. POWDER the postal service in the office at Allen- S3 SHOE and suffered terribly; and, as my broth­ CLOAKS AT - few years ago my neighbor painted Best ..niaterinl. . Best Style. Belt Flttlor. •ventlon from their respective oonntles. in no other way they proposed to Join er and sister were similarly afflicted, I town. The mall bags are laid on tho Absolutely Pure. If not soirilil l by vniir dealer, write Ingham county la entitled to SO delegates. tbe republicans and adopt the Senate presume the malady is hereditary. Last his old barns, as a result his assesment pavement and the dog sits on them till CALL EARLY AND SECURE THE BARGAINS. ^ L.^I>-OUGI..ls; BROCKTON. MASS. winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandlna, GEO. H. HOPKIKS, Chairman. bill in its entirety. Thiapowderncvcrvaries. Amarvel of pnrlty, was raised tbree hundred dollars. The the proper person takes them away. FOB MAKE BT H. C. THIIJCAX, Secretary. Fla.,) recommended me to take Ayer's M WMte Fisli and M strength and wholcsomeDcss. More economical Sarsaparllla, and continue it for a year. than tbe ordinary kinds, nnd cannot be sold In writer cleaned out a large swamp on No one else dares to touch tho bogs BROWN BROS., MASON. Detroit, Jan. 5,1889. Many conservative people here be­ For five months I took it daily, I have Competition with thc multitude of low test, short REYNOLDS BROS., -For Salt • weight, alnm or phosphate powders. Sold only his farm, the result was an addition of while in the dog's custody. lieve that Secretary Bayard's bunging not had a blemish upon my body for the At Slayton'B Old Stand. BEPCBIiIOAir CO. COHVEHTIOH. lasit three months.''—T. E. Wiley, 148 tnearu. ROYALUAKIMO POWDEBCO.,106 Wall- tbree hundred dollars to the assesment. —Preserved Gaige was the queer methods have put us in a condition Thursday and Friday. at.,NiwTork. . Chambers St., Ifew York City. Puritan name of one of John Mor- The republicans of Ingham connty, Mlchl< where war with Germany is not only Would it not be well to tax dogs, gan, win meet In convention at the court "Last fall and winter I was troubled Dr. BULL'S facilitates Teethina and risey's cronies who was buried in New IM Mlf Blale one of the possibilities of the near fu­ with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I HDV CVDIID'e^'estheIlowel8.At Sunday hunters and fishers, and dram house In the city of Mason on Friday, FebrU' ilid not notice it much at first, but it All I OinUralldrugRlsts.Prlce25ct3. shops and save money for honest men, York one day recently. "Lord Chester­ ary IS, 1889, at 11 o'clock A. x., for the purpose ture but Is probable. Evidence of gradually grew worse until it became B field" was his nickname. The hearse It Makes You Hungry by disposing of certain criminals by 1889. of electing delegates to the Republican State Bayard's wretched management in iiliuost unbearable. During the latter containing his mortal part, on its way to " I Have used Palne's Celeiy compoond and it p.irt of this time, disorders of the stom- capital punishment? Spring medicinemeonsmorenow-aKlaystlianlt Convention to be held In the city of Detroit, Samoa is before the foreign committees the cemetery, passed the very saloons baa tad a salutary ONLirONEBOLZiAR. February 21, 1889. Let every township and !K-h and liver increased my troubles. I did ten yean aga The wtnterot isss-so haslett of both Houses of Congress in the !> T.-in takin;; Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and, H. B. PARKER. in which he had dissipated a fortune •{ effect. Ittnvlgorat- the nerves m Jaggii out. The nerves must be ward be fully represented. Each Is entitled ed the system andl The leading Weekly Newspaper of tho country,, to delegates as follows: shape of ofilclal correspondence. So afun- faithfully continuing the use o( $300,000. BtKngtbened, the hlood punned, liver and and the only paper edited wllh reference to clr- t:i:s mcilicinc for some months, the pain Jnallce Conrla. feel ilice a new bowels regulated. Palne's Celery Compound— cnlallnR in every state and territory In tho TJntoni Alaiedon...... Wheatfleld urgent do tbe needs of our Govern­ •.'.isappe.ireil aud I was completely —A search was lately begun in the man. It improves The BLASE I« thc most popular Family Weekly, cured."—Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush, BEFORE JUSTICE RICE. Ifc* Bprino nuMelnt o/fiwlav—does oU this, with the lar;;citt lind widest circulation. It hai' Aurelius...... White Oak ment appear to Senator Sherman that Adriatic sea, near Trieste, for treasure the ajipetlte and as nottdng else coo. PnseTiUd bji Phyritiant, to-day over 150.000 snbscrlberi!, and may at any­ .'laverhill, Mass. James Brown was arraigned last time be fonnd in every nook and corner of thc- BunkerhiU.... 6 WllUamston»., be has offered an amendment to tbe which went down with the French cor­ facilitates diges­ RtamimtnM by DngjM, Sndor-d by UinMtri, 8 Lansing City— Tuesday, charged with drunkenness, tion." J.T.COI*- United States. At tbe low price of Delhi Diplomatic and Consular appropria­ QuaranUtd by tht tlanu/aeturtrt to Ingham. 8 Ist ward- Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and was sent to jail for 20 days. vette Danal in 1812. The treasure con­ ZJXB, Frlmua, &C. Onu Dniliir I'er Year tion bill appropriating $600,000 to be sisted of jewels and valuables destined Lanslnic... 6 2d ward,, FBEFARED BT Mike Edwards, John Hall, Wm. The BLADE gives more reading better depart­ 3d ward., spent by the President In looking for an exalted personage at Trieste. The Best ments and later news than any of ts compctltorij. Loroy 8 Dr. J. C. ^er & Co., Lowell, Mats. Kim Black and Charles Ellis, tramps, were Paine'8 It Is tho largest dollar paper published, and its- LosUe. H 4th ward. after American interests in Samoa. r.>"? $1; six boulca, t5. Worth ti % bottle. The vessel sank as the result of an ex­ departments BO carefully edited that it cannot . Locke. 7 Sthward. arraigned and the first two took teu plosion, and since, it seems, not a Celery Compound Spring Medicine. help but Interest each member of every family. Meridian... Bepresentative Burrows, of Mlcii- days each in jail, and the last two five In fact.the BLAi>E 9 flth ward vestige of the craft or its treasure has Is a unique tonic and appetizer. Pleatant to "In the spring ot ISSTI was all run down. I Onondaga 8 Mason Clty- igan, one of tbe most prominent can­ days each. tbe taste, quick in its action, and wltbout any Wby Women Get Nliort or Breath. Dill I 'C Cures Coughs, Colds, been found. Injurious effect, it giTes that rugged would get up in the morning with BO tired a Han 3iot nn Equul. Stockbrldge 7 1st ward 6 didates for Speaker of the next House, feeling, and was so weak that Icould hardly get Vevay, 2d ward In order to ascertain the Influence of QlJLiJL O Hoarseness, Asthma, Alviii Campbell, a juvenile ofifender —About ten years ago aa old gentle- which makes everything taste good. It cures around. IboughtabotUeof Pahie'scelerycom- A specimen copy will tell more than wc can: is very much in favor of holding an dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians pound, and before 1 had taken it a week 1 felt Bivein this advertisement. Wc therefore invito- J. T. CAMPBELL, Chairman. tight clothing upon the action of the Bronchitis, PHI IPIl Croup,Inci- from Wheatfleld, was arraigned, Jan. manof Cartorsvllle, Ga., bought aPost- prescnhe it ti.oo. Six for 18.00. Druggists. veiy much better. I can cheefully recommend BVEnYBODY to send their address on a postal carcVi extra session of Congress. He said In It don't pay to run after otl:cr 30, on complaint of Edgar Mann for office money order to make a payment it to all who need a buildUig upandstrengthen- for a specimen copy. ^"Send the addiesa ol:,' heart during exercise a dozen young ptent Con-lfUUun sumption, WELLS. IticniKcsoM £Co., fiurllngton, Vt. mg medicine." Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington. Vt. all your friends at the same time. a conversation: "I shall tell Gen. Har­ brands, for in tbc end wise house- assault and battery on the persons of due in another State. Thinking it was women consented this summer lo run and relieves Consump- C V D11D The Bfndo Sotvlns HacUlne rison that not to have an extra session — keepers settle down to tbe use tive Persons. 25 cents. Q I nUr Orpha Mann und Alonzo Opdyke. simply a receipt for the money, and aiEETUrO OF THE IHrGHAM COVHTT 540 yards in their loose gymnasium DIAMOND DYES ^^fSx^'MZV^eAlJCTATED FOOD^'S'lt^^&^ With thc BLADE one year only tlS.OO. This ma­ will be to gamble with fate and court " of SANTA CLAUS SOAP. His trial is set for Feb. 7, at nine that Postmaster Wikie would send on BBAirCH OF THB HICHIGAH CI.I;B. garments, and then to run tbe same ^ (HEV/ihlCf chine Is made in tho BLADE'S own factory, espe­ If your grocer hasn't Santa Claus t/(«af'a CUBEB cmRETTia far Ca.' the funds, he put the paper away and cially lor BLADE subscribers. Itls guaranteed as defeat." Mr. Burrows then proceeded SMOKE tar,". Price 70 Cts, At all OngglM, o'clock A. M. There will be a meeting of the Ingham distance with corsets on. The run­ considered the matter settled. Recent­ The Drnnimer Boy. good, as handsome, as light running, as dnrahlo in detail to name what he considered MADE ONLY BY Soap, he'll get it for you. BEFORE JUSTICE BARNES. Groceries.—Norrls & Child. and as valuable In every way as any $75.00 or county branch of the Michigan club at the ning time was two minutes and thirty ly the parties began to dun him for the MASON, Jan. 25,18S9. $100.00 sewing maclslne made. Send for circular. Court House in Mason, Feb. ISth, Immediately the reasons for the extra session. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO..Chicago, 111. Frank Scutt of Aurelius was ar­ seconds for each person at each trial, ADDITIONAL LOCAL. amount when he hunted up the money EDITOR OF INOHAM COUNTY NEWS. Conadeiitlal lo Aeents. after convention adjourns, to elect officers and April is the month Mr. Burrows favors raigned yesterday on complaint of lor the transaction of other business. We hope and iu order that there should be no order and took it to the office, when Dear Sir:—In your paper of Jan. For clubs we this year pay tho largest cash for the calling of the extrasesslon. MIS. B. F. Granger, of Jacltson, there may be a large attendance as matters of cardiac excitement or depression fol­ Wf^icl^ is ONLV for James E. Coy, charged with immoder­ Henry Miller explained the matter to 10,1889,1 noticed what D. B. Harring­ commission for new subscribers that we have who lius been visiting here, returns ever paid, or e.ver paid by any paper. Write na Importance will be presented to council upon. Representative Butterworth made a lowing the first test, the second trial In Ye Olden Times a 'Washboard was a family necessity. The Wonder kno^ra as ate driving on tbe streets of Mason him, and the order, given in 1878, was ton said about Robert H. Heudershot, for onr confidential terms to agents. It is easier H. E. BUMSEY, President. speech last week criticising some of borne to-day. to raise a club for the BLASE than for any other was made the following day. Before C/]e\Vi>2j and last Saturday evening. He pleaded duly forwarded. the drummer boy, who was so highly pabllcatlon, and an active worlccr can earn $2.00 J. A. MAY, Secretary. the methods resorted to by the Knights guilty to the offense and was fined C. 0. D. to $5.00 per day on the terms wo offer. Single beginning the running the average Young Lutimer of Jucl^son, had bis —The number of artificial teeth made honored in the North during and subscribers will remit one dollar for one year. of Labor in order to carry their points, heart impulse was 84 beats to the min­ Anti-Washboard examiuatioii last Tiuirsday, charged three dollars und costs of suit, amount­ Everybody invited to send for free specimen or THE republican club at Ann Arbor in America last year by three of the after the war. Mr. Harrington is terms to agents. .\ddresB, which, according to the politicians, ute; after running tlie above-named with murdering his niotiier. His case ing to $8.G5. university numbers 650. largest business houses engaged la the very mucli mistaken about the boy. —GROCERY- TIIE BLADE, among whom it created a genuine sen­ distance the heart impulse was 152 beats Hot For 5fT|oE3rCE and collection of crying needs of the time, particularly the actors. It is the introduction of manuscript memoirs reloting to J. P. Millet and and Prof. W. J. Cocker of Adrian Imposes.—From "The Physical De­ Insist on f|aV/ng the IlymencnI. Discussion, Supt. R. U. Qulley, Mason ways with their commands and ready 2:30—The Bible In the Public Schools, lawyers from the various States and a famous group of modern FRENCH PAINT. should be the nominees for regents of in Congress. velopment of Women," by Dis. D. A. (GENUINE wifli iHe red H BRITISHHORSES The marriage of our friend, Arthur Supt, D, Howell, Lansing for duty at all times and much more ERS will furnish the substance of acvcral arti­ SARGENT, in the February Scribner's. Territories to practice bef.re the MORRIS & CHILD. the university. Members of the Senate committee In tbe world. Bave Imported tbree times tin lag, made on]y ty, W. Jewett, to Miss Lulu E. Lyon took Discussion, Col, L. H. Ives, Mason highest judicial tribunal in the land. worthy of honors were never mention­ cles, • Uliistraled. tbe number o( arst.olaM priae wlBnlna on territories say that the Springer borses of any arm In the United States. snH place 1,'LSt evening at the residence of IlECESS. A lawyer to be eligible to admittance ed in tbe northern papers. He was Tho oriel end papers written lost year by THE White Caps begin to invade "Omnibus" bill, which recently pass­ taava oowoB band loractnal sale over 220 J. W. Chapin at Eden. The ceremony 3:10-Moslc. must be a member of the Supreme not liked and we were glad when we r Uobert Louis Stevenson, will bo roplacod by - PileHt PlIcMl UcMuK Piles. head or Marking System In Class Recitations, equally interesting contributions by different Michigan. Becently some of the ofli- ed the House, is so contrary in its SvMrTO«« — Moisture: Intense ItchinR and was performed by Rev. L. DeLamarter, Court of his own State or Territory heard he had left us. Just think of a cers of the city of Port Huron were slln;;lnf;; mostatnigbt; worwe hy scrutchinff. If Prof. G, C, Lawrence, Dansville famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will • terms and so loosely constructed, that allowed to cotitlnuu tumors form, which often Clydesdale, English Shire, 4> Miss Rie Rayner played the wed­ DlsuiLssloD, Cbos. Q. Jenkln.s, Mason and must be introduced by a member ol boy swimming a river, when the write the firsto f them for thc January number. threatened with a letter from them, bleed and ulcuratc.bccoming very sore. SWAYNE'S TRAVELING PUBLIC! ding march. A goodly number of SMO—A general discussion on Methods in tbe United Stated Supreme Court bar ground was frozen hard, with a drum If it were passed no territory could OiKTMBNT Stops thc Itchiiii; and bleeding, bsals Suffolk Punefii Clivaland Bay Mony valuable I,ITKRAKY ABTIGI.E.S and now three citizens of Tecumseh come in under it without further legis­ ulceration, and In most cases removes the tumors. friends gathered to witness tbe cere­ Lansuago Work, led by in good standing. As soon as the few above bis head and then leading a MOHUMEMTi will appear; a. paper on Walter Scott'a Methods And Haoknty Stallions. The mail route irom Dansville to ICaaon Miss Dotha H. Blake, BunkerhiU Center formal words of introduction are ut­ have been notified, that if they are not lation. The committee is now trying A t drueirlsts, or by mail, for SO cents. Dr. Swayne baving been dlscontloued, the subacribets mony, after wliich a bountiful repast regiment in a hot fight to the tap of of Work, Ulnstratcd from original MSS., a second Jt Son, Philadelphia. £.Yp.lS81 Prices moderate, terms eaar. Carre. Executive committee —C. E. Bird, J. S. tered by the sponsor the applicant is J more vigilant in hunting down and spondeneo solicited. Send loreatslogae No.« win hereatter run a vehicle over the road was provided. A large number of bis drum until it was blown to pieces "Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. Jamas T. Fields, to see if tbe bill can be patched so as dally (Sundaya and tbe 4th of July excepted) Huston, Viola Stone. directed to the clerk's desk, and there, and many other articles ccinally noteworthy. convicting murderers than they have to accomplish what it' was supposed to EiLERT's EXTRACT OF TAB & WILD for the conveyance of paaaengera, ezpreaa, beautiful and valuable presents attest by a shell. When a boy I used to and freight, at reaaonable ratea, leaving Daa*. R. H. GULLEY, President. in company with any others who may sirs, Allen's Golden Hair Wnith.— Illustrated. been of late, the white caps would in­ do. CHERRY is a safe, reliable and pleasant tbe very higb regard in which tbe read stories of battles, and supposed Saeret of Dfl«utT. for eomi)lexjoiu Slmmma Dtirn, for remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, viileatBo'olocIc A. M. and arrlvlDft at Mason OLIVE CALL, Secretary. have been introduced, he is sworn to developioff tht tuit. Biuma, for removiDcnuperQu. Articles on ABT BVDXECTS will boa Ibat- vade that territory. at or before 10 o'clock A. x., returning at snch bappy couple were held. Mr. Jewett musicians led tbe troops Into battle, 'oas hair. J. A. fiaHKluguo's Fodder, for tlte culu> Asthma, and all tliroat troubles ; will times each day as shall best promota th» Mnrriniro LlceiiHeH. observe tho rules and observances of })l«xion; price* 25 etntt * box; kaniiilo box f^ee. urc. Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence "It is sweet to live, but oh ! how bit­ relieve and benefltConsuniptioii, Try President's Proclamation. convenience of the public. is one of our most valuable aud prom­ No. Name and Residence. Age. the court and to maintain the Constitu­ but [ find that their place'was in the Bond for Uluitnled cireulan, FulUinecriluehair Caok, £. U. Blashficld, Austln.Dobson,and many .... IS Roodi. MBS. R. W. JT.I.KX, 17S WOODWAXC Avt^rr, WASUINtiTON LETTER. ter—to be troubled with a cough, day it and be convinced. Every bottle Manning, Gen. McClellaiii CEORCE P. CLYNN. ising youiiH; men, and Miss Lyon Is .nf George Jones, Leroy tion of tho United States, I he appli­ rear of their commands with a stretch­ DsnoiT. others. Illustrated. and night. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, .... 2U warranted; price .50c. and cne dollar SPECIAL. and many others. popular and favorably known iu this (.Piunia Einens, Leroy» cant is then conducted to the clerk's er to carry ofT tbe wounded, aud that FISHING ARTICLES describing sport In (From onr Regular Correspondent.) however, is a sure remedy. 25 cents. per bottle. Sold by ail druggists. .... 32 Whereas, From d.-iv to tiay No'w fha'cfore^ I do by vir­ city. Mr. J. has a home ready for nn/Wni. Malco, Stookbrldite .... 21 room, where he signs his name nnd ad­ instead of getting right In front.they ObtoIHFROYEDChestei thc best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, WASHINGTON, Jan. 28tb, 1880. "I cannot sing to-night. My throat Prepared by tiie Eminert Proprietary vast numbers are beinj; tue of thc knowledge poi* PISOS CURE FOR ^tNelli2^ I Jamecs BlaiD. Taylorr Collins, Onondag, Lyndoan „.,. U jWARRANTtD CHOLERA PROOF., Wirninjsh, Base, and Tarpon arc the NUbJocte Co., Chicago, 111. occupancy, to which the happy pair dress In a book kept for the purpose, were more apt to get as far to the rear ileXPRUS PREPAID. WINS UT Senator Allison, who has three times is sore," "Of course you havn't tried stricken down with the fell Bcsscd by mc, proclaim and (.Sarah Bowers, Onondaga 38 Pmiu iH U. •. a FoRtioii Couii- now arranged. The anthora are woll-known Salvation Oil?" "No." "Then get Plso'B Cure for Con- immediately went to begin housekeep­ and also pays the (10 fee, usually with as they could. sportsmen. Illustrated. refused the invitation of General Har­ disease Rheumatism, which recommend Hibbard*8 Rheu­ /Horace L. Behm, Onondaga 21 TRilt. 2 WIIOHKO 3S0B LBS it, and you'll sing like tbe birds." Roll of Ilitnor. seems to be greatly on the matic Syrup to be a remedy Bumption is also tbe best ing. Many good wisties follow them I Lottie May Harrington, Onondaga.. a crisp $10 bill. SiNO ro* DiioRiPTioH a pRict e> rison to enter the Cabinet as Secretary 18 runt rAMoui HOM. AUO POWU. ILLCSTBATEU ARTICLES of great The following pupils in District ^'^o. increase. of great merit, both for Rhea* Cough Medicine. from a host of friends. oo/ArthurW, Jewett, Mason Mr. Harrington bas not told all that L. B, 8ILVIR CO. OLIVILANO. O. variety, touching upon all manner of Bqbjects, of the Treasury, has now gone to In­ matism and all Blood Dfr- 10 Scarc^y a day passes that one or Pntoiits Orniited. five, Alaiedon, have not been absent And •w/wrca.sThe nation has If you havo a Cougb iLulu E. Lyon, Eden was said about this boy. I bave a travel, blogtanhy, description, etc., will appear,* dianapolis to finally settle the matter. within a short time been eascs, n,/Thomas Ward, nunkerhlll 2U more attorneys are not introduced to but not of the conventional commonplace sort. To citizens of Michigan during the during the month ending Jan. 31 : without disease of the Dend. 25 book, printed soon after tbe war, which The trip was very sudden and a great Henry Kcelor, Merlin Guile, called upon to mourn the And further^ Thatthismed- Lungs, a few doses are all ''H Ella Fuller, Berlin, Mich the Supreme Court Monday, however, Well Drilling Machinery Illustrated. past week, and reported for this paper sudden loss of many of our icine be adopted as a national Mrs. Harriet White Stanton died, Merit IVins. 2S says, "after his drum was shot to surprise to Mr. Allison's friends, and you need. But if you ne­ is the day generally selected. Monday Among tho most interesting in the list ol BCi- by C. A. Snow & Co., patent lawyers, Bennle May, Flora Jones, public men, such as 'Vice-Pres- remedy by all. glect this ea.sy means of at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. We desire to say to our citizens, that Is the day on which the court renders pieces he picked up a musket, captured SOLD ON TRIAL. was only taken because Gen, Harrison Lulu May, Maude Kennedy, safety, the slight Cough cntiflc papers for the year will bo a remarkable opposite U. S. PatentOfflce, Washing­ iilent Hendricks, 'Gen. John Signed by the President Bristol in this city, last Monday morn­ for years we have been selling Dr. its decisions. The installations take a rebel prisoner, a secesh flag, an old Ho OMh Paymant-et Mtttamant ot Any article by Prof. John Trowbridgo, upon tho most refused to accept tbe written declina­ Clara Olds, Battle Martin. A. Logan, Sec'y Daniel P. may become a serious ton, D. C.: matter, and several bot­ ing, at three o'clock. King's New Discovery for Consump­ place as soon as the last decision ia clock and several other articles, and klnd-nntU alter a recent devolopmcnt and nsea of PHOTOORA*. tions sent him by Mr. Allison, and be­ PBXMAKY. tion, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buck- PHT. Illustrated. L, A. Asplnwall, Three Rl vers, boney comb; INFLArvlftfiATGRY flHEUMATISIKI. tles will be required. Mrs. Stanton was born at Newark, read, and, as a rule, the last decision when he recrossed the river that Gen. cause he has fully made up his mind Charley Kecler, Lewis Palea, len's Arnica Salve aud Electric Bitters, SATISFACTORY TEST. H. H. Blades, Detroit, controlling electric Qertle Ratbbonc, Luther Swalne, RHEUMATIS My dau^jhter Maud hati inMammatory rheumatrsnf, New Jersey, Jan. 1, 1812. She was and have never bandied remedies that of the day is read by the Chief Justice, Burnside said to him in the presence A class nf articles which has proved of apeciAi- that be wants that gentleman to set motors; M. S. Codwell, Lansing, plow point; Herlimbs were bunly swollen. She was in terrible C ONSUM PTION Vaotalnary and Tool* intcrost will be continued by a group of papore.. Aaron Jones, Ethel Bceher, 1 was cut in the wrist by a broken bottle, from a^nny. She has been takinij: Rheumatic Synip anil married to Daniel H. Stanton in 1834 sell as well, or that have given such who waits until the other judges havo of the army 'keep on and you will the financial pace for his administra­ J. 3. Faulkner, Jackson, Hour bolt; F. 8. G. C. CORYELL, Teacher. •which I suflered extreme pain. I called a doclnr, usin;^ your Plasters, which has broken it up, TJie universal satisfaction. We do not hesi­ concluded. The Chief Justice then 6uarttBt$ed to mako Wellt npon EliECTRICITTln its most recent appli* Holt, Grand Rapids, dynamo electric machine Syrup corrected her inriijiestion, clwinticd the rheu* and in 1840 came to Michigan and in soon be where I am.' " I cut out the tion. Another reason given for tbe who pronounced it sciatic rheumatism. Mv rif^ht tate to guarantee them every time, and bows to the Attorney General, who in anymhtn, cations, by eminent anthoritles; a remarkable- regulator; H. H. Humphrey, Detroit, tufting •ide became paralyzed* V-^ and arm badly withcredt niaiic poison from her blood, and she is now able to 1841 settled in the township of Delhi. item about him and sent it to an old and at th* rate of 8 ft. to nmji w^« the position tendered him, Iowa would or curing Dyspepsia, Billiousness, entirely, and only use a cane, and for the past few their great popularity solely on their numbers, which include all the RAILWAY' Porter, Detroit, brush machine; R, A. Stone, days I often forget it and walk without any aid. To whom are still living and attended and the applicants rise and the intrt^ below is most of his letter iu reply. THE CHEAPEST.. have no representation in the Cabinet. Headache, Boils and all Fevers and Last winter and sprtnc I was a terrible sufferer C ATA R R H merits. H. Si. Williams, Druggist. 1 ARTICLES, as follows; Kalamazoo, cose for sulkies. Malarial Diseases. Price 50 cents and My that it has ^catly benefited me but poorly cx- from rhciimatism in mv left shoulder and arm, suf* ber funeral: Mrs.Geo. W. Bristol, Mrs. (Continued in our next) J. S. Glarkson, whom it Is said Mr. presaca my idea of your Rheumatic Svrup. ferinfj thc most cxcrucUtin^ pain. Two bottles of ductlon follows. A year's subscription (1889) and the aumbert one dollar per bottle. Sold by druKKlsts or sent by moll. W. J. Makley, Mrs. L. E. Olds, and Allison bos been desirous of having C. D. DKNIO, HJhbnrd's Rheumatic Svrup cured me. Icmwitli SOc. £. T. Hazeltlnc, Warren, Fa. A Safe Inrestment The Supreme Court Bible is a small, for 1888 58 Arnica Salre. Ayear'a sabscrlptlon (188II) and tho nnmhen in tbe Cabinet as Iowa's representa­ everyone. Winter food, largely con­ Jackson, Mich. with rheumatic difHculty. RLV. JAMRS BKHRY, Is one which is guaranteed to bring black velvet-covered octavo. It has DR. JAQUES'" GERMAN WORM Morley, Mich. sbip. Her husband died in 1862, since you satisfactory results, or in case of Tbe Best Salve In the world for Cuts, for 1888, bound In cloth...... „ tO 00 - tive, with several other prominent sisting of salt meat and animal fats, CAKES destroy worms and remove been used in the administration ot ft 0. DiNiOis n man well known in this com­ then she has lived a widow, for the failure a return of purchase price. On Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, 93.00 a year; 25 cents a numlier. Iowa republicans, is expected to meet causes tlie liver to become disordered them from the system. Safe, pleasant munity, and waft probably thc wor.-'it wreck physi­ No remedies kno\vn so highly endorsed by it* PATENTS. every oath since 1808. Every Chief Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and the blood Impure, hence the neces­ and effective. home people, in the treatment of Rhcnmatiso last ten years she has lived with her this sofe plan you can buy from our Mr. Allison at Indianapolis, and some cally of any man this country ever saw. He was and all Blood diseases. Our Medical I'ainphlct, Caveats, and Trade.Markt obtained, and all Pat­ advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. Justice and every Associate Justice of Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ sity ofa cleansing medicine. The best ptralyzed from rheumatic poiiion, and no one ever treatini; on Rheumatism and all Blood and f tnialt ent bualneea condnctcd forlto

f:i'<(;'iM SLANDERS ANSWERED. htnge; the Unoh-pta irottld be gone out bit "If tn tno otiango ot your bu>lneH''you cry "Bring ont your dead!" wasaiiswored AN EDITOR_WOUNDED. the chariot wheels, the " house of many have lack of means, oome home; you' are by the bringing out of the forms of the FREE TRADE ABANDONED. mauBlohs" would bo burglarised. Assault always ,welcomo homo," Ho told of his loved ones, ond thoy wero put twenty or Mr. Mandt, ,of th«~»iiount H»reh (Wis.) HARRISON'S INAUGURAL. THE TIDE_OF EVENTS. UeMulten'a .'Woven Wire Venolng, and battery, arson, libertinism and as­ oonversion to a dissolute' companion. The thirty In a cart and the wagons went on ••'Sun," VIred Vpnii in Mil Own Itiius* .Viie Hills mil itopudlated liy bemooratle Point* He Will Make iu HU Treatment -In this Issue is iiiHorted for the first time by a MlHorenut—A Furallol to tbe Had­ i j ileMutar* and Ituprosentutlvee. Au. tbo prisonert in Ponsacola (Flo.) joU' tho advertisement (,f the above named goods. sassination would reside in tho capital of disioluto oompanion said: "Well, if you to tho OBmoter,v; and those dead wore not of tho Southern Qaestlon. MAGEE'^ dock Caae. I Two significant inoidonts occurring wero act froo Uhristmat Evo. Woven wire fencing is rapidly becoming tbe the skien Angels of Ood would be in­ have become a Christian you Iwd bettor buried In graves, but In Kront trenches, General Harrison has completed most'popular fonoing. Owing to the fact RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA sulted on the Btroota. Heaven %vouldbe go over, and' talk to that dying in grout pits, in ono pit olovon hundred MADiaov, Wis,, Feb. 3.—G. G. Mnndt, in Congress during the past two weeks TUB numbor ot executions during tho post that part of his Inaugural address that that the McMulleu fencing has a twisted RranpreUoal RcIlKlon • Healthr, Bymniet- adoad.falluro if thoro were no great locb- girl. She Is dying, with quick consump­ and fourteen burials! Tbo carta would the young and fearless editor of,tbe Mount ehow not only the complete domorali- year in tbe United States was eighty-seven.' wire-rope selvugo, instead of a single wire \ip. If all people without; regard to their Horob Sun, was shot down In his own refers to the South. It ii not very Tim Dnited States Signal OlBce has had; Bolvngo, and that it ia mode of tho very host ,'rloa'r'tVnll-Jolnted^ Roseate, Bound- tion In that house," The now convert como up with their groat burden of twen­ ZBtlon of tho Democratic party and No other proprietary niadifllno has ; liiK Llfer^Iluw Donomlnatlonal Be* character when thoy leave this world go went there. All tho surroundings wore ty or thirt.y to tho mouth of tho pit, and doorway at midnight Thur.nday night by long, hut it is to tho point Tho un­ roporta. from olovon vessels which wore', steel wire, galvanized before weaving, it is an unknown assassin. The oircumstuiicos organization, but also tho weakness of ! considered by stock men, railroad men and tho ondorsement o( Physicians to tho fi fi '' IT;ia proposed in: JTov York to spend ileli Are MUrepreientbd. ,, ,;\ ,, right into glory, I wonder'If in the tomple dissolute. Ho told tho dying girl that tho front of tho cart was lifted and derlying theme of the whole matter saved by od in a hurricane off tho Bahamas.; samo extent. ' of the skies Charles Gulteau and Joha Jesus would save hor. "Oh," said sho, connected wilb tho blo(id,v dood are In the issue that, as embodied in the others to be tho best article of the kind no.w (103,000 ihev current y^ar in teaching tho dead shot Into the pit. All tho churches will bo tho necessity for a tree and fair THE skeleton of a mastodon has boon un­ ' on tho market. Read their adverlisoraont None is used in. Hospital priictlco Wilkes Booth occupy tho same pew 1 Your "that can't bo, that can't bo I AVliat makes In London wero open for prayer day and many ways similar to those under which President's, tree-trade message and the > German in the public Bohools.' "Blandqrs Against Rnllgton Ahsworod" ballot. The principle of control, by earthed In California. It Is thirty feet long iu this issue and send to thoni forcirculurs with so largo a poroentage of entis-' (Armed the subject of; tho recent eloqtiont common sense demands two destinies t you think so?" "I havo it hero lu a book in night and England was in groat anguish Rev. Mr. Haddock lost bis life at Sioux Mills bill, constituted the principal and has tusks, between sis and seven foet giving full information. They not only make And then as to tbo Presbyterian church City. Tho village of Mount Horob, whoro the majority, General Harrison says, Perfectly. factory results.. - .'..,'.;;.. lincoursoby Bov.' Dr. Talmage, Ho took my pocket," ho ropliod. ' Ho pulled out a At thot vory tlmo at a hotol, at a waysido part of tho Democratic platform in the In length. he best woven wire fencing in tho United ii ||:*s;i^''^::i;-; :-?SNiipttv:STX^ , to believing thero are infants in iterdltion; NewTostament. Sho said: "Sbowittr) me; inn near tho chief burial place, there was the tragedy took place, is twenty miloa Is the corner stone of our government­ States, but sell it at n lower price. No other remedy hais cured so jnaiiy; tor .bis text the tenth and eleventh .versos late campaign. Since election day tho AwusADvncouploof mountains, a pair ot have given a dinner recently at which ef tile |;Onth chapter of Kevolntioua; "And if you will bring ma a Presbyterian ot If lean he saved, show it to mo in that a group of hardened mon who snt day west of Madison, in Dane County, nnd has al system. The question of a free and gas wells, two kindsof apples and forty-four cases of ; ' ,,-'.• •.'•.',': about 500 inhabitants. There has been in­ J free-trade Democrats have been in­ Tnn man who lives In a corner house is ;| J^^V i", hoWitfui^ j^wiaro' j • served' t-to'ok tho littlo book out of tho angel's goodmorals and sound mind who will say book." Ho said: "I havo neglected this after day and night after night blasphem­ an eo,ual ballot, he declares. Is a domi­ babies havo been named "Ben Harrison." CONSUMPTION thot he believes there ever was a baby in book as you havo neglected it for many ing God nnd imitating tho griof-struck who tense excitement since tho shooting and sisting that "tariff reform," moaning dlscontoiitod w.th his lot after a heavy , whioti'costtSadozen. band and ate it up; nnd it was In my mouth nant ono, embracing all others be­ Mns, ANN DAVIS, who died In Philadelphia •now-storm. and other Pulmonary Diseases. meet aa honey; and as soon as I had tho lost worid-or ever-will bo 1 will make years, nnd I don't know whore to find went by totho burlnl place. Those mon sat should the guilty party be captured tuo n tariff for revenue only, or free trade, '"'CHAS.A.VOGELER CO. BAITO.- MD* him a deed to tho house I ilyo In, and ho villagers are in a mood to mote out sum­ cause It involves the question of a free a fow days ago, had tho distinction of dying tnton It my belly was bitter. And he said it, but I know it is sotnewhsro between tho there day after day and night after night, woidd be tbe Issue in 1890 and 1892— In tho bed in which President William No Tliiiu Should no I,OHt SCROFULA ;i| .PBOB^^^BpYt^o largest^ can take possession to.morrow. lids." Then ho began to turn over tho and thoy scoffed at moil, and they mary vongoonco. nnd fair tribunal to which every ques­ unto me: Thou miist prophesy again before that thoy would keep up the fight un­ Hoiiry Harrison expired. By those troubled with constipation in seek­ Diamond Vera-Cura is entirely eradicated from the' system •;'; iw^ijvid is'. Hambiirg.:. It Is, worked by nany peoples, and nations, and tongues, So the Episcopal church ia misrepre­ leaves, and, strange and beautiful to 8a,v, scoffed at women-, nnd thoy scoffed Editor Mandt hod boon at work very Into tion shall bo submitted for arbitration. ing relief from Uostotter's Btomucii Bitters. FOR DYSPEPSIA. •j'i: i.'i-i','; and he wos praporlng to retire wlion ho til thoy won on that lino. That this Is A Nnw YoKK girl accepted a German by its use. and Kings." The proacbor said: sented by tho ouomles of evangelism. his eye struck upon this passage: "Neither nt God, But after awhile one of them Ho warns tho people that this prin­ Tho disease Is easily rohovod iii its earlier AND Ar,L BTOKACH TROUBLES SUCH AS : ,i':'il:!'; ' fltoamiiaiici sufflcientl.y .poivorful to Thoy sny that church substitutes forms do 1 oondotnn theo; go and sin no more." was struck with the plague and In two hoard a rapping at tho front door. Blow­ not true—that the party as a whplo Baron's offer of marriage only on condition stage, and iis it is utterly subversive of the Indigoition, Baur-Stamso'i, Heartburn, ITauiea, Old- It is lis easy to take as MapleSyrup 01 Domitlan, the Roman Emporor, had in ciple of government by the majority that ho would sign a contract pormltting general heulth, postponement of the remedy dinitsi, OansUnatlon, Fullnou after' eating, Food Honey, and can be retained by the rapst ..'•'•-'-l.W take a; Ipcomotlvo fi-om the dock and and ceremonies for heart religion and it tshosnidi "It isn't possible that is there." weeks ail of tlie group wero down In the ing out the light, he opened tho frontdoor will abandon tho frco-trndo heresy, if itiainK in the Kouth nnd disagreeable teste after eat­ bis rdalma troublosomo evangelist who is alia matter of liturgy and genuflexion. nnd said: "Who is it?" Tho only has boon to a certain extent over­ hor to retain h'er own fortune. IB unwise. Tlie same holds good of delay in delicate stomachs without nausea. , . - ^iace^tupon a steamship. \ would keep preaching, and so ho exiled "Yes," be said, "that Is thero." He hold trench from the margin of which they it has not already done so, for a tlmo, oases of fever and ague, kidney complaints, ing, MervotunoH and Low-Biiirite, False again. All Gplscopnlmns -will toll it up boforo her dying eyes and she said; had uttered their ribaldry. My friends, a reply was the report of a pistol. turned, and that the industries of tho •A FiiKNCU bronze statueof Lincoln,weigh- At Dnimftnt» njiit Dealern oratitt tijimaUon rrcfintIF YOof U have a Cold, Cough, Bvon- bim to a barren island, as now tho Itus- Tho editor fell to the floor witli a at least, Is shown by tho Incidents re­ Ing 1,200 pounds, liafe been erected in front iiervousnosa, debility and rboumatisra, ail­ as rtH. (5 UttXfH fi.Wl) /7I sltmpn, 8aiimle Hent on rccvhit •SSI llnns exile convicts to Siberia, or as some­ you that tho forms ond creeds of their "Oh, yes, I SOO it tor niysoit; I ncoojit the greater plague Is abroad in the world. country have boon threatened because ments to which tho Bitters is particularly of.'-cmt Stump. • chltisi Dyspepsia, or, ft gonerally run- ; i'liE, lengtli of the' Mississippi river church are worse than nothing unless the promise: "Neither do I oondomn theo; go bulletin his breoat. His wife, who waa ferred to. of the Lincoln scbool-houso, Sun Francisco. times the English Qoverument used to send Millions have died of ft. Millions arc the laboring voto In a largo part of the adapted, THE CHARLES A. VOOEIER CO., Baltimore, Ud. do.wn system, you can repain health ha8-nitt;ay8 been placed at, 4,100 miles, heart go with them. and sin no more." In nfow hour-Uicr spirit smitten with It now. Plague of sin, plague in bed, arose nnd, rushing out, fell over It wns executed by the lato P. Mezzara, a I and strength quickly by the uso of • prisoners to Australia. The Island I spoak the body of her husband. Tho hcu50 is In tho Sonato tho other day there country is suppressed. native Califoriiian sculptor. ! but'olvil onBlneors familiar with tho pf Is now called Patraos, nnd is so barren So also tho Baptist ehurch has been mis sped uwa.v to the Lord that gave it and of sorrow, plague ot wretchedness, plague A MA?f may lose hia head and not nntica represented. The enemies of evangelism the now convert preached the funeral ser­ of woo. Ami consofiratoa women and situated In tho center of tho village, and wns an animated debate on tho motion, As to tho South directly, ho says Tnn negroes of Aloboma oro-Bnidtobo it. but If ho loaos his last nickel In front stream'siiy that it has shortened itself nnd unproductive that its inhabitants live of the last street-car nt night ho will soon Ma W. DUNHAM'S sny tho Baptist church believes tliat un­ mon. Tho man whoafow days before had men from oil Cbristendom are going out she soon gave tho alarm. The iiolghbora of Senator 'Vest to put bituminous that no ono wishes ill to that sootlon; omigraliiig in swarms from that State. Tho MAGEE'S over 400 miles,ln twenty yoaVa. ' by fishing. hurriedly gathered with lantern.^, and sot up a howl.—N, O. Picayune. OAKLAWN FARM. But one day tho evangelist of whom I less the man Is immersed ho will never been a blasphemer and a drunkard and a trying to stay tlio plague and alloviato the eoal, now dutiable at sovonty-flve that, on tho contrary. It Is the desire' Montgomery Advertiser says: "If tho pres­ get into Heaven, False agaia .'^ll tho hater of all that was good, ho pronchod anguish, and there Is a group ot mon In found Mandt lying on tho threshold of his cents a ton, on the troo list This was ent rato of emigration keeps uj) for a few ' -I "v ..-ri"'''' Ipeak, sitting at the mouth of a cavern on house, gasping for - breath and cov­ of every good citizen that her prosper­ . Dox'T Neglect n Coiigli, Tnlto some Halo's , Tnis Massachusetts Legislature has the hillside nnd porhaps half asleep under Baptists, close communion and open com tho sermon. That Is regeneration, that this country baao enough to sit and deride strictly in lino with the principles ot years longer tlioro will bo no more negroes Honey of Uorohouiid nnd Tar imUiiUcr. EMULSION voted $30,000 to defray tho exjionses of munlon, believe that if a man accept the Is regeneration. It there are any dry tho work. Thoy scoff nt tho Bible nnd ered with blood.' Dr. Evana, tho only ity shall not only be maintained, but to speak of iu Alabnma's fertile black belt." Pike's Toothuuhu Drops Cure iu one minute. FRENCH COACH H0R8ES« the drone of the sea, has a supernatural Lord Jesus Christ he will bo saved, husks of technicality In that where are physician in the village, was Bunimoned Ik tho Mills bill, and wns earnestly advo­ Ask yonrDrnBfrlstforlt, and lake only that labelled , that State in the centennial cdlobration dream, nnd boforo him pass as in pano­ the,y scoff at evangelism auil thoy scoff nt shall increase! "that the streams of TniatE h-ivo boon tliirty-t%vo counterfeits IMl'OKTKM. whether he be batitizod by ono drop of theyl AU made over again by tlie power Jesus Christ nnd thsy scoff at Qod. If nnd promptly cared for tho wounded cated by tho froe-trudo element I hor prosperity shall run full," as" the of Banlc of England notes in tlio last centu­ A coMi'osixo-nooM joke; Engaged In STOCK ON lUNDl 3. A. MAGEE & CO., Zjnwrcnco, Mass. of tiib Iniuiguration of President Wash- rama time and eternity. Among tho man, Ho found that tho ball had en­ m literary pursuits—following copy. •traiifju things that he saw was an angel water ou tho forohoad or bo plunged Into of tho grace of God. ihoso words shall roneU them, either in tho Senate. To vote tor re­ President-elect oneo e.xpressod it pub­ ry, but in almost every instance tho men 300 STAIaIIty. VrlccH ncaiionalilo, canvas and paper and built In sections' evangelist took the little book and ato it the Methodist church believes that a man ho arose for prayer, and as he wiis more ot London. Oh, lusloud of being scoffers tional Committoo, mado a strong pression of the colored Republican army, the man who averted a terrible mas­ Tcvma Eany. ]>on*t Buy wltliout inspect- can convert himself, and that conversion than six foothigh,whon hooroso tor prayer lotus be disciples! " Blessed,ia tho man suiiinioned from Malison arrived, au.l speech against Mr. 'Vest's motion, and ins Uila CIrcntcnt nnd Bfost HncccMHful for eonvbniont transportation, has boon up. Tbe nngcl told him beforehand that ntlero diagnosis gave slight hope of his voto at the South upon National ques­ sacre during tbo towu-and-gown riots of IF araioted with Sore Eyes use Dr. Isaac It would bo very sweot in the mouth, but In that cliurch Is a temporary emotion, no ono doubled that ho arose. That hour that walketh not in tho counsel of the un­ J it was defeated by a largo majority. 1854 by spiking the two cannon witli which llreiMlInf^ EHtn1>liHlimi*utof Aiuc^rlca. niado for the Hafv.ard South Amoriciin godly, nor standoth in the way of sinnora, recovery. tions. Tliompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.'25c Inlnndlnifportliaim, uddrfsn, fur2&0*ptBoeitalnKue, afterward ho wonld be troubled with in­ and that all a man has to do is to kneel ho became u Christian. Ho went out and Ton Domocratic Senators, IJalo, Brown, tho town crowd wore about to fire on old astronomical party. A galvanized iron down at tho altar and fool bad and then told tho sliip-ownors and tho ship com­ nor sittolh in tho seat of tho scornful." 8hortl,y after the attempted assas.-.lna­ M. w. mmm, WAVNE, ILLINOIS. digestion. True enough, the evangelist de­ Daniel, Faulkner, Gorman, Payne,- Ho findsespeoially deplorable the evi­ South Collegjjdlcd tho ether day at Now cupola surrounds this structure, vours the book and it bdcomos to him a the minister pats him on the back and manders what a great change had boon tion became known men In tho v.lla.go I dence thti* tho persistent suppression Haven, Conn. THE MARKETS. 8Eo>I°'< »o>tl'lilciil,-e»uV.«N,ir. n'^lioLTuVrJoiii:. ft EW* sweetness during tha mnsticatloh, but snjs; "It is all right," and that Is ail wrought in him, and scores and scores started in pursuit ot tho nsaa.iaiii. The Pugh, Turpio, Voorhecs and' 'Wilson, GOLD MEDAL, PAKI8,1878. Tho best Itulilior nOOTS unVr'silOKei :in ' thero is ot it. Falso again. Tho Methodist have been brought to God through his in­ APHASIC PATIENTS. night was dark, and otter adiligont sear, h of Maryltmd, voted ngainst putting ot tho votes ot the working-men in ono Vr.suvius hns lately been vory active. It Nuw YORK, Fob. "ME has been speculating." That Is afterward a physical bitterness. # hns been rapidly throwing up a newcono of LIVE STOCIC-Cattle 53 T,:> @ -I Lte''^r"v^;i;^"^Lr4^f?,Sb"e?i."^rrS church believes that the Holy Ghost alone strumentality. thoy returned without having gained a bituminous coal on tho froo list .and in section ot the couiitry has demoralized snoop BAKER'S tho o.xplanation ot a late broach of Who tho angel -was and whnt tho book Untortiinnto romonH Wlin Itnvn Lost tli<> sihglo clow. Siieriff Vernon, who arrived eruption about thirty to forty yards to the •1 SI) (({>" .I (15 can convert a heart, and In that cliurcli A little while after liis conversion ho favor ot protoction. Jt is true that on tho trust in tho sanctity ot tho ballot. Hok'S S 30 to 0 70 WALES Goodyear, trust,, by which $400,000 has boon was no ono can tell Tho commentators convo.rslon is an earthquake ot con\'IctIon i'owor iif Intolligfiiit .Spuiinh. with thoMndison physician, atonoewjiit Tho general boliot thtit corrupt and im­ southwest of the original one, and tho fis­ FLOUli-Good to Choice » (tC 5 00 and donothodocGlvodbybuylnBOthornibborawSh do not iigreo, and I shall take no was on ship off Capo Hattoras in a thiol: Aphnsic patients speak In spasmodic to work on tho coao, but gained no infor­ other propositions offered thoy voted sure across tho orator plane towards the Puients .• •1 ill) Hi 0 00 tlio word •• Goodyoiir" on tlicm, ns that namo In u«od swallowed up. The same o.xcuso is and a sunburst ot pardon. And as to mora and prolonged fog and they wore at thoir proper influences have come to havo a west^BouUiwcst is increasing in size aud is WHEAT—No, a Rod o;l 01 by otlior epniiimilos on Interior (toodn to catch tho responsibility of interpretation, but will "temporary emotion," I wish wo all had jerks, pronouncing only ono .syllable at a mation which would warrant tho ari^jit of the other wny, but tho tiiot remains Nn. -i Chicago © .. nrriintcil ahnoUttcly pure tn do tliat tho Wiilos Goodyear Shoo Co, hoa estate . given for nine-tenths of all tho financial toll you that It suggests to mo tho witi' end, know not what to do, the ship time, much aa tho .•-cliool-boy scans liis any one. great influence in dote rmining tho re­ richer in acid emanations. 1 10 iOU Cocofit rrom ivliich tlio CXCC&B of llshed by always maklnn good uonds. whIoU fitot more ot tho ••temporary emotion" which drifting about hither and tliillior and i that thoy considered themselves ab- CORN : •I'lLiVftol 1 •15 Oil tins been i-cmovc-d. UhaRiiiore irregularities that are roportod now. littlo book of creeds which suop. lasted Bisliop Janes and Matthew Simp­ liexameters. Others, again, succeed With Mr. Mondt has been publishing the sults even of Presidential elections, A M.VN, old, woazon-facod nnd shaking OATS-No. \i White ai;.i-:v 31?i than threo (wm the rtrciujih of ties take and chow up and find a very thoy lost their bearings; and tlie con­ Bolvod trom obligation to veto tho troc- KYE-Western ry. & Will the lesson never be heeded? ' son for a half century, keeping them on verted sea captain went to bis room and short sentences, but fail entirely on at­ Mount Horob Sun for about a year. i-"rotu tho tiUly-shcot forgeries and similar with paralysis, called at the Philadelphia 57 Cocoa nii.ved with Starch, Arrow­ luscious moraol to their witticism, but tempting longer ones. The most charao ti'ftde policy when tho interests of thoir mint one day recently and sold that bis PORK—Muss 12 ."-lO fl,13 00 • root or Siipnr, nnd Ja tlicrcfore fur firo for God until their holy oiilhuslasm asked God for tho salvation ot tiia ship, the outset ho lias made a bitter ainl iisr- crimes in many States outside ot tho LAUD-Stenni SO after awhile It is to them a grout distress. consumed thoir bodies. toriatic defect is where tho sufferer, on alstent fight against tho liquor olomcnt. own States wore attacked. name was A. Squires, and thot on Monday, CHl-IESE T 2r'/,r(s 7 more cconomicjil, costing less than PKOF. WAI,I>.STEIN, tho head of tha The nngol ot tho church hands out this and God roveiiled it to him vhiloliowas South, tho revolutionary proceedings ^VOOL—Douieslio uy, one ^pit a cvp. It Is dellcions, on his Icnees that ntn certain hour, only a being asked the name of an article. Is There ore two saloons in the viilau'i.', and June 11, lSo5, ho placed S2,201 in the care of noTiHshlii?, Btrcngpjcnlns, easily American Archoeological Institute of little book of evangelism nnd tho antag­ So ail tho evangelical denominations aro apeochleas; but a moment afterword, on tho formers about Mount Horcb hava The other, and more Important, in­ in other States whereby duly elected the United States Govornmont. Ho had a CHICAGO. m tllKCstctl, ftiu! ftdmirnlily ndnptcd onists of tho Christian ohuroli take It and misrepresentoi. And then tlioso enemies littlo way off tho fog would lift, and tlio cident occurred in tbo lloiiso, when ofllcors have boon prevented from ex­ I3EEVES—Shipping Steers.... 53 7., ® 4 75 for Invnllda 03 well as for iicraont Athens, has scored a notable discovery converted sea cajitain cainn out on tho name being inontlonfd, ho repeats It patronized them very freely. Ed­ time-worn receipt with him which seemed' oat It up, nnd it makes them smilo at first, of ovangolism go on and hold up tho groat with intelligence, showing thereby thot ho itor Mandt has advocated tho r.'gu- Mr. Cowlos, ot North Cttrolina, intro­ ercising tho functions for which the to establish his claim against the mint. Tcxttus . ., .... y .10 -fui 3 llnlionlth, \ In excavations on tho Acropolis in tho doctrines ot Christian cliurchoa as absurd, the dock and told how God hoard Cowa 1 25 rra ;i m but afterward it is to them a dire dyspop- botii knows tlio word and can pronounoo iating of these saloons, aud in maa,,- w.-y.j duced a bill to repeal tho internal rev­ people had chosen them, aro somo of , Tni.:AsmiEa HYATT, of the United States SlocUoi-s s -J.'. ® s 70 SoW by CIroceracvory wliora. lio. dry and Inoxplicablo tochniciilitios. his prayers. Ho said: "It is ull form of a beautifully preserved head of right, boys; very soon now tlio fog it, although immediately b.?foro he failed m.ido hiin.iolt obnoxious to the saloon j enue tax on tobacco, and moved its the evidences ot tha danger that Vrcasury in Washington, signed a check Feeders S 7.5 H 3 •10 "Thero Is your doctrino of tho Trinity," to do so. Thus, 0 convoTuatlon liko tho for |i-,S,OO0,0O0, payable to himself. This was , l.lu;chfr's Stock a 7-1 un 8 25 Iris belonging to tho frieze of tliu All intelligent people havo creeds—that they sa.y. "Aljsurd beyond nil bounds. will lift," mentioning tho hour. A man keepers. Several days ago ho rocoivoJ na InforlorCiiltlu W. BAKER &COi,DorcIiestGr, Mass. is, favorite theories which tlioy havo following ma.v be carried on with nn opha- anonymous letter abuaing lilni in scurriIou< reference to the Committoo on Appro­ throaton troo institutions through the to reimburse himself for money cxiiendod 1 2,1 © 37 5 PuvUienou, \yhich e.'cactly fits and coni- The Idea that thero is a God in throe per­ who stood thoro iaugliod aloud in derision priations. This bill, it iidopted, will failure ot general faith in the fairness noi:a—Live-Good to Cnoloo.. •1 rir> (it, 1).i5 adopted. Political creeds—that is, theories at the idea tliat God would answer pray­ aio patient. HoUling up a pen, the ques­ terms nnd threatening liim in case lic.-,!i-,uld in one mouth in tbe purchase of bonds, etc., SHEEP a X © .1 plotcs a portion of a slab at tho British sons. Impdssiblo. It it is ono God Ho tioner aaka: "What is this?" Tho oy«B oi wipe out over $30,000,000 of tho sur­ of tho ballot. which ho has theoretically paid from his own ISUTTER-Ci-eiimery LATEST STYLES about tar II, about finance, about civil can't be tliroo, and If there are throe they er, but at just tlie hour whoa God had continue to attack the liquor men. in M to Woven Wire Fenoing Museum. service, about Government, Social creeds tho patient show intellig-jnce, his lips his lost issue Mnndt ropliod to the plus revenues. This is just what the pocket. It is tho largest check issued. from Good to CliQlco Dairy 10 ra -IN— r. can't bo one." At tho same time all of us— assured tho captain tlio fog would lift Tho practice ot gerrymandering EGGS-Fi-osh 13'/5 iWire Rope Selvage —that is, theories about manners nnd tiioro came a Hash of lightning through niovo spasmodically, but the required word letter in tciirlcss toiioa and urg. d nil good Senate Tariff bill proposes, and sub- iho ofBco since ho has oceupied it. llllOOM CORN- 13 ® L'Art Do La Mode. I they with us—noknowiedgo trinities all will not como, "1^ it a sword';"' asks tho citizens to unito in suppress.ng tho i a- States in Congressional and Legisla­ Sulf-working C OULOICKII PLATES. • TlIE honltli of tho Emperor of Ger­ customs and good neighborhood. Esthotic- around us. Trinity in our own make-up— tho fog, and tho man who had joorod and Btantlally what was tlirov,'u out as a aii AtL Tint LATKST PAIIIB AND Mir nl creeds—that is, tlieorlos about tapos- qiiostionor. The patient makes o gnsturo loons and "clean out the stinlc-nolci tive tipportionraents for the purpose ot Tho Orlijtn of tlio Clieok ICower. Hni-1 3 to •tH TTORK rASItlOJft), many is causing deep anxiety in court body,uiind, sou!. Uody with wliich wo move, laughed was stunned and foil to the deck. bribe by tho Mills bill to sectiro votes Iiiicrinr S ffft 2!4 ra'"Order It of yourNowBHloiMr try, about brio-n-brae, about styles of or- Tho tog lifted. Yonder was Capo Hat- of Inipntionce and contempt, clearly im­ among us which foster sneaks, cowaid,* suppressing tho majority and giving A chain, stretched across tho Hold and POTATOF-S (bu.) I or or send UC cants for luteoti clfclos In Berlin. Tho ear trouble with mind with wliicli wo think, soul with plying that the suggestion is ridiculous­ for that measure from tho tobacco 2'.' ® 28 I numbor to _ . . nnniontallon. Roligiou.H oroods—that is, which wo lovo. Throe, yet one man. Trin terns light-houso. The ship was put on the and crini nals." He continued in tliia to the minority a power and inlluonco niichored, to operate the mechanism of a PORK-Mnas n 50 toll 70 W. J. Mnltfii:, PuMlibor, I wliicli lio siiIters Is tbouglit to bo simi­ theories about the Deity, about ly wide ot the niarlt "Is it n jiencili" vein and closed b.y saying Unit the threats States. But as jm independent meas­ corii-pluiitor as drawn along, is an idea LARB—Stoiim 0 M (& 7 02^4 „.-.,, II |.:^tt juii, HI., Kuw Vurli. • ity in tlio air-light, heat, moisture—yet right course aud sailed on to the harbor of asks tho questioner again. Tho pa­ in legislative bodies tb which it is not that was commonly Icnown as far back aa FLOUR-Sinlng Patents •10 lar in its cliiinvctor to tho disease whicli the soul, about tho groat future. ono atmosphere. Trinity in the court­ safetj'. of cowardly assassins wouUI not dolor him I ure tho whole free-trade element in ]3aUers' G 00 © l) rNAMil THIS rAPan anr; Uma 70U wtlU. Tho only being who has no creed tient sliil shakes his head, but bis from doing his duty. In this wo -k's issue entitled will also probably bo referred thirty-live years ago to those giving atten­ 3 75 la .1 00 killed his father. He has chosen as llm room-three judges ou tho bench—but one look implies that this guess Is niucli neorer . the Houso was opposed to it. Tho tion to planting tuuchinory. But tho exper­ Winter fi 0(1 (a !>-10 about any thing Is tho idiot.' This When in seaport tho Captain spends he waa to havo continued his crusndo to, although this part ot tho address iments made with it did not reach beyond GRAIN—Whuiit, No. -J 01! li te.xt for the sermon to bo prouchod bo- court. Trinitios all around about us in most of his lime In evangelical worlf. He tho truth liian tlio former ono. "Is it a ngainst tho 1 quor dealers, wiion a bul­ customary roforonco for such a bill Is Corn, No. i 115!.!.© 35 Ji seofling affninst creeds Is always a sign ot earthly government and in nature. Ot has not yet boon fully considorod. the simple rudimciita, aud without much 3iM Id •JU. foi'o him in honor ot his suceosaion, profound ignorance on tho part ot tho kneels down by ono who has boon helpless ponj" is then asked. "Yes—a pen," an­ let brought him down. to tho Committoo on AVays and Moans promise ot suecosstiil results, owing to tho Oats, No. i.' All sljosond'irtdth";, uu... .tyusor aonjers course nil tho illustrations aro ddl'ective, in tho bed tor many months, and tlio nox.i swers the patient readily nnd with evident Thoro will be other references to tho Rye, No.',' •17 to •18 lu this lliit! of goods. . „ "By llie grace ot God I am what I scoffer, for he has himself a hundred for tho reason that tho natural can not Thero is great excitement among tlio in- that framed tho JliUs bill and ot groat expense ot a chain suitable and other lliirliiv, snniplos OJ TIIK .M<.Mri.1.KV Fm:ifliriLP«lliWOVEN WIK. KInfonimtln B tree. ofTer an cosy Avny to make hundredu at ercods In regard to other things. In our day slio walks In tho streets, well. Ho relief. A niomoiit afterward th-s questioner South in the address in that part that aoeiningl.y inaurinoiintable difllculties. To LUMliEU- 30 to lv'«;Ui'''MurkcY'und OnUHo"^^^^ dollars betw-con now and July 1st, 1889, Wo p»7 aui." tuUy illustrato tlio spiritual. But suppose kueols beside one wlio lias long boon,de­ again holds up tlio same oU.oct and de­ hubitnnts of Mount Horob, and an lii-lig- which ^Ir. Mills is chairman. But the iuveutor ot tho Uaworth Choul{-Rower, Common Dressed Siding.... Kr.NiSlE TUIS l-APen oinrUmijouailU. time tho boVefs of ovangolistio churolios an ignorant man should comu up to a nation meeting waa held. It waa resolved deals with the tariff question, and 17'oj ©a-j 00 are under a fusilado of oarioaturo and mis- crepit, and ho resigns tbe crutches, Uo mands Its name; but tlio patient is dumt Jlr. Cowlos wanted his bill to however, ia duo the credit of combining tho Flooring Ri Ui) (II Si0 0 Klii'OiiT.s from Constantinople show chemist nnd say: "I deny whnt you sny kneels bo.side one who had not seen na at first. Ho has just proiiounued tha to hunt the criminal, or criminali, down bo passed and not vigoon-holcd, :thoy will, it is understood, ba of a nat- elements that constitute the complelod and Common IJourda 13 00 ©t.l OJ DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES. who ahull do tho best work for us; l$r55. Prepiirod oiil j- W. T. riTZnRUALD, AUeraiy at UK, ir»lilii(tra, U. G. , liovos that God is a savago sovereign and Uy 11 l*arrttu» Conjiirur. .;C'.UII,I.I^'™»'y'n»"- An, Sunfltiy ball games in that Stato, and body, mind nnd soul I am a free man. So.you gellam say. Wliat Is rogonorationl Why, I suppose it is my own fault." Slio wont ot America. When I opened It I found a Havo ,vou a son or daughter, sister or a 7*Son'd 4 cents for ciitaloKUo. St'JSlT.?v''£aYt;»o'.-tfo'^^ BOS, it is possible that tho two doctrines hero and there for employment nnd found pay the salaries duo his deputies. Uo Harrison and the Bourbons. ••oflico with the consolation that, the bi'flthor who has not yet tiikoii Koiup'sBiil- malting it iuouinbent on thotn to pre­ regeneration is reconstruction. Anybody Mexican dollar. This I handed to a gen- raised money in every conceiviiblo way, ;. F. CHILD ADJ, CHAIR CO., trsum nua rArat ,„„ um.,.u .riS. ' "• •f' go Slid by side, and Ihoro Is a common- can understand that. Have you not seen none, nnd in despornlion nnd domontiasho .futuro historian will bo bound to refer anni for llio Throat and Luiiirs, tho guaran­ serve Older, tho sarao as thoy do on tlonian on m.y right, who in turn thought and tho presumption is that lie carried a Already Irrcco-ictlable and uncon- teed remedy for tho euro ot Coughs, Colds, »S1 Wubanh Av., Chicago. SOLDIERS nllffot rnN.sioxs, If Kdlsnblod: nay, senso view of presenting It and thero Is n pooplewhoaro ail made over again by some ended hor life by suleide. Investigation of Russia, and, on opening his hand, found !to him as the first and tho last Domo- way that is repulsive. It you havo the wos made, and it was found that out ot her good round sum awny with him. His em- Bolablo l)omocri.t3 are beginning to Asthma, Croup and all Tliroat and .Lung I^XAMS Tu:a vivm •,07 tin. rou «nu. .iJ A. W. UtVullllUK J. SONS, I'Ineliin.lI, <).,* Wuhlntlou,ll.l'. other days of the weolt. wonderful Inlluonco! In other words, thoy a Hussian silver piece in place of tlie Mex­ bczzlonionts, aside from his Icgitimato cratio Prosidont elected during a pe­ Iroiililes! It so, why i when a sample boltlo Ely's Craam Balm Ur.^AMI Tins V\Vi«. mtj Um ;i.u «,lu, - two doctrines in a worldly direction why are just as different now from what thoy small moons slio had supported horfnther, find fault with imaginary mistakes, ican dollar. Tho juggler performod sever­ deuiB, now reach about ?4,"),000. riod of at least fifty years. — St. Louis ia j.'hully givdii to you by any druggist Ia an invaltiablo remedy for Price SO Ccnta, not In a roligious direction? If I choose used to be as possible. Tho old Constella­ elglity years of ago, and was piiyitig tho al other tricks during the voyago, but they conjured up by luallcious partisanship, nnd the largo size costs only uOo mid $1. YOUKfi MEM.^oloRrnphy horo nnd na Ex-JuDGE J. II. MCCAISTIIV had a to-morrow morning to walk Into the Mer­ way of hor bi other In Y'alo Colicgo iGlobe-Dcmocrat. I wunu mEII) will ho n yon to itnod positions. tion, man-of-war, lay down bore at tlie wore of a commonplace kind, ond in no SEVEN LIVES LOST. which they would be glad to soo com­ WILL CURE AddKuASKIllCAN SCHOOL ur tlTl.KUSArliy, II>Wsn, wu. novel oxpcrlenoo, tho other day. In a cantile Library to improve my mind or to Brooklyn navy-yard. Famine came to on his way to the ministry. It way comparoble to tho coin trick, which I i B6y"Of a delegation of twenty-two Tiru photographer is nbciiit tho onl.y man SICK HEADACHE, TORPID MTNAltB THIS fAPEtt uvtallmajoiimlM. go through the consorvatory of my friend was found that sho hod no blanket mitted by General Hurrison's Admin­ who is not afraid to tell a lady to shut her Shotlield, Ala., court He wonabronch- Ireland. Tlie old Constellation was liovo never soon rivaled,—San Frouclscc A Frel|;lit Train Prevliiltiitoil Down a •';Virglnia Kopiiblicans who called upon at Jamaica, who has fiowors from all fitted up, and though it had boon on the bod that winter, nnd she Examiner. Muuiitaln-SUlo with Turrllilu Itusiilts. istration, solely in order that thoir mouth nnd try to look pleasant. LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES. IIAMC Bon't-kcepiiig,Penmanolilp,Arltb. of-pi'omlso casQ for his client—a young lands growing under the arches ot carrying gunpowder and bullets it took had no firo on the very coldest diiy ot all jirophosies ot the evil resulting from General Harrison tho other day twon- CATARRH llWIliS nietlo. Shonlmiid.ute., thoroiiElily taughK C.M.OAUV, N. W, T., Feb. L—A freight Tlio "Motbur's FiltMid." byuiul:. Clrculura froo. IIUYAST'acoi.uaii, RalMe.a.(> . "'••V •,^ man—who was so overjoyed at his suc­ glass, and who lias an aquarium all bread to Ireland, You remember the en­ tho season. People found It out and there Armor In Aiioloiit Tliuns. train was descending the. steep grade the return of tho liopublican party to •ty-ono were vetoi^ans ot tho Contcdor- MALARIA, COSTIVENESS, Apply Bnlm into enoh nostril. cess Uiat ho implanted several kisses on asqulrm with trout and gold-fish, nnd thusiasm as the old Constellation went was a largo gathering nt tho funeral—tho ITntll tho sixteenth centur.v ormor dovob dite army. Thoy represent a class ol Not onl.v shortens labor and lossonR pain ELY niiOS., M Warren St„ N. Y EMPLflYMI^MT I'ltoriTAnLii, UASV. Addro'is tlraro aro trees bearing oranges and ba- which runs down from tho summit of tho power might como true. We confess but greail.v diiiiiinshos tho danger to lilo of his counsel's astonished cheek. A sis­ out of our harbor, and with what joy It largest ever nt any funeral at thiit place- oped In a logical way; its forms wore gov­ Hooky Mountains on tho west side into progressive citizens whoso withdrawal AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. wr.vAUi; Tina fAPtni „„j „ai.ru. nauas, if I want to go there I could. I am was greeted by tho famishing nation on and the vory people who hod scoffed came we are not anxious to havo President both mother and child if used a tew niontlis OAB PORiSff'M""'' ™'r Bo"l "'liy "smi'lo ter of tho successful defendant rushed erned by the iiocosaitles of war, ohongos Boaver when an nxle on the locomotive 'irom tlio Domocraoy loaves an enor- hotore confinement.'- Write to Tho Briid- free to go. ' If I want to go over to Hobo- tho other side the sea. That Is regenera­ and looked upon the pole faeo of the in It wore the roault of practical expe­ tender broke, causing the engine and nine- Harrison pay much attention to the llold Ueguhilor Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further Sold Ever^wliore* ^ U B D> ^ Km H" IU «> »"> KlioleiDlo and re A. N. K.—X 1SS6 tip and followed suit, as did an aunt ken and leap Into a furnace of an oil fac­ martyr and oil honor wos done hor; but It 'mous hole in tlio solid South.—Phila­ tion. A man loaded up with sin and death rience nnd actual experiment on tho bat­ toon cars to jump the trnelr, and preclpi- grumblings luid tinrcasoniiblo com­ parliuulars. .Sold by nil druggists. ?-coiit miinip. Vt'affOB an PerDaVi Pi'rmancntpoiiHIon. No wiiEsr wniTi?jo TO AIUVKKTISEIM I'I.ISAHII and several pretty . cousins. Tills was tory, it I want to jump from tho platform loaded up with Ilfo. Refitted. Your ob was too Into. Vicarious sacrillcol All tle-field—not decided upon In tho oflleo ol plaints of those discontents. We be­ delphia Press. lioHtkU ouHM-crml. "iicim-y mlvnnoca'for wnirci, ndvcrtlMini:. «ia, of tho Philadelphia express train. It I are thrilled with sucli Instances as that. tnting them down the side ot tho mount­ Pontonnial Manufacturine Co., Cincinnati. Ohio* atolo thiit yoii anv tlio Advertlienieiit tn tUs" too much .for tlio blushing legal gen­ sorvatlon has boon vpry small indeed If tho Minister ot Wor, ain. Tho engine and cars were badly lieve that whilo in ollico ho will serve I ,B!2f"If only tho Nation conserve its A SEvns-DOi.t.AH ovorcoat is a boap want to leap from tho Brooklyn Bridge, I you havo not soon changes in character as But ma.iy aro not moved by tho fiict that Warmer than tho ticket for a fui-trimmod tleman, and he boat a hasty, retreat, After tho sixteenth contur,y it became Binoshcd, Fireman C. Fiddler, Brokomon the whole people wisely and well. 'great and over-growing homo market may. But supiioso I should go to-morrow radical us that. Christ paid his poverty for our riches, his fontostio ond moaninglcss, a gala costume J, C. Pbclan and five Chinoinon wore in- one,—Merchant Traveler. amid rounds'of applause from tho spoo- and leap Into the furnace at Hoboken, who Bolf-abnegotloii for our onthronoment, and rather than n harness; the greatest cap- 'This ho may easily do without going iby protective tariff.-^, the wool-grower.-a would be to blame? That is all thoro Is A man came Into this church one night knelt on the sharp edges of humilintion stoutly klliod, Foil Coughs and throat troubles uso tatoi's. and ho was Intoxicatd, and at nn uttoranco tolns opposed its use, but the nobles clung out of his way in a vain and fruitless jnnd woolon manufncturors, Ihocotlon- '•Buotv.s-'n lliio.vciiiAi. TiiociiKs."—"Thov about sovereignty and free ngonc.v. God that we might climb over his lacerated to it 03 a mark of distinction. Tlireo Pursoiii Klllnd by the Cars. endeavor to agreeably disapjioint the 'growcrs nnd v.-cavors, the iron minors stop nil attack oC my nsthiiia cough very rules and reigns and Ho has eonaerva- of the pulpit he said, in a subdued tone: shoulder into peace and Heaven, BELt-EViLLE, 111., Feb. 2.—Throe persona After it was mode bullet-proof it bo. Domocratic party. Let him rather promptly."—C. l^nlcli, Ml God. He was in the and knowledge ot God 1 How unsearcha­ ready deformed by tho weight of tholi along tho car tups fell beneath tho train Wiiv don't you try Carter's, fjitllo Liver Suppose, now, a man had a charmed key liquor business. Ho resigned the business. ble is His wisdom, and His ways aro post armor. . nnd wns killod, bis body boing up an aceoiinl of his stewardship.— :tor.\',—Chiciigo Intor Ocean. I'ills';' Tlie.y iii-o ii iiosiiivo euro tor' sick IJJO. Spaiir,104,. Sweden and Norway Tlio next day he sent back tho samples finding out! Oh, tho height, the depth, In splto ot tho huge armors of Honr.'s ChiouRO Mall. • CSylt ia the Domocratic boodlers lioadiichi', and nil lliu ills produced by dis­ with which ho could open ull tlio jails, and horribly mnnglod. Ho was 80 years ordered liver, Onl.v one pill ii dose. • Hovonty-thfcc,: Turkey olghty-nlne, ho should open Raymond street jnil and that had just been sent him. Ue began to tho length, the brendtli, the Inflnlly, tho •VIIL, of Anthony of Burgundy, nnd ol old nnd hod a family in St, Louis. 'Dint olTcr the "blocks of live" tor sale yi i-'rv Sty!bill. ri.|-rrcl K I. 1* II n Tni>H nnil Tinned. Atcii'M' Denmark tv,'entv-ono,'the United States tho New York Tombs and nil tho prisons lovo that which ho hated. I baptized him by Immensity, the eternity of that lovo! Lot somo others, tho average size of tho At 10 o'clock Abaolom Badgloy, whllo IJS7"If tho Prosidont slinuld appoint •and tomiit Republican wor.kors to buy. anillioj-BTOsnniMK, nnTTO.NA.Nlit.ACK. Afks-on „ Immersion In tho baptistry under this plat­ our earnest prayers go out in behalf of oil modorn man is greater than that of tho viewing tho spot whoro Conductor King TiMR out of mind—.-i tol'gotton date.— aUly-two sorviooablo steam craft and on the conllnont, in three weeks what John Sherman, or Governor Foritkor, •Those tlii-lfty patriots ;,'row more nil- Burlington Free Prosa. ^Ibuiii ninil 10 lis, niul wii vl'i furnlHli yon ii IMII- O I kind of a country would this hot All the form. A large salary was offered him If those who scoff nt these doctrines ot grace. soldier of .the middle ages and the was killod, was struck by o loooraotlve and : » — iKolvo sailiiiR: vcssols.. The American inmates turuod out of those prisons and ho would return to his former business. When tho London plague WUB raging In Renaissance, If wo con judge from th^ fatally Injured. Uo dlod at noon. Badgloy or Charles Foster, or Bon-Uiitlerworth imerous.ovcry yoar, and, naturally, as (,'oi'(-,iiii iiiul croup Clin bo', cured by the nf HAMii Tai31'ArEatnintim«,TOig-x:.' '•>-«B">'". ongloinay viifflo itsjfoathors nttho lion, pnnitontlarlo.'), buppose all the reprobates, Ho deolined it Ho would rather suffer tbo year 1C05 there was a hotol armors preserved in the museums of En was S4 years old and alife-long resident of to a Cabinet position wo don't bcllovo (the s'.ipply incronscs the price lowor.a, ••ro.-u, l.lomcDopiii liic IJroiicbiii! Syriip, 2ri cts,, the bud spirits, tho outrageous splr- with Jesus Clirlst than bo prospered in tho near the' chief burial-place that cxolted gland and tho continent, whioh ore, with St. Clnlr County. About noon John Frol, the mass of Ohio Kopubiicitns would .until now plenty of Dornocrtttic votes ..Vak' lJruKgiRia,.or llulsov Bri's., Chicago, mmNE PREPARATiONS. tliohenrand the rest of the fcuroponn a blooksmlth, who had boon on a protraot- On i-cecliit ot postiiRo stamps WO WUI send free by Itt, should bo turned Into .tho Now world. Ho wrote homo a Icttor to his much comment. England was In fright few exceptions, Bmnll and narrow, os- protest. On the contrary, wo ano con- can bo bought in Indiana at tariff mull tho followlnn siiliindid artlelon: niDnngorle hut it is not prepared to sail Jwusalcm. Why, . tho next morning Christian moth M^. Tho Christian mother and boroavomont. The dood-oarts went poclally the log and thigh pieciMu—(Joldos ed spree, committed suicide by throwluc ^rni!>f servants moot in n fl'jitthon oomca Uiio Ilox nrPiiru V»«ullnu, • lOcentii. bljnsolf under tho WUQQIB of a train. ifient that thoy would bo thoroughly j*ang-ing from a bottle of whisky up to tho tug at each and evoi-,y,f(iui!ly skeleton.' awav on awar of conquoat or oven re- tiicgato.i of vourl wciiiid be found off wrote UaukcimRratuJaUntrh!If. snidt throuBh lUo slroots day aud nlsht, and the Days. Ono linx alVimclluu VoUl Vroam, IS cunu. Ltlialbn ^ratlflcch—Dayton (O.) Journal, u T.ve-dollar bill.T-Chicnco Tribunav' Til R boat known remedy for consumption' is No Vaseline Is Komiliio unless our liuniu Is on tliu label, O.xyKCuCure. WritoDi',Uuppurt,t)incinnaU. uiiKsnimounnTitANUf'ii Co., si stntu St., «ow \»fl« sm.

mm ( 11 I/AL. • .. are very Olothinsi—L. C. Webb. hi think higher lhah in Detrdtt.r AphorlsBW Af'tlKi Prino* of _r6wjf, I oin get tl>e time to write I. VraeUeal PhtloMphar*. - T>R0B|prB ORDBR.-STATE OF MIOHI- shall bepleased.to tdl the olub'aohfie* ; I don't knb«r ov. abetter kure for r nan, Uounty uf Ingbam, ss. At a neasloa Thursday, Febrnary 7» 1880. tl)iug of wbat'I saw on oiir trip from of the Probate Court for said county, bold at the here. IdonbtNeziieotto be home In •orrow than tew pity aumboddy else. Probate offlco. In the City of Maaon, on tbe flfth 14 Off! 14 Off! ^p™ day of Pebruary, In the year ono tbousand eight. time to attend the annual banquet, but Ignoranoe iz the wot nuss of preju* huBdredandelghlynlne. Present,q.A.Smite, should like very much to be present. dice. I Judge of ProbAe, In the matter of the estate of Jonathan Thomts.' I will try and write again from San AnUoipatioD iz oonatantly nibbling deceased. CLUB Roosr, Feb.,2,.i880. Francisco; iwhere we expect to stop oxpekted pleasure until it consumes it; TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR On reading and Allng the petition, duly varlfled, V iit Isa; oolji duy i wben: tbere is not a about two weeks.. Jiaa Bothe akool boy, who visits his of Ayers Thomas, Pfjjffng that a certain Instro- CASH SALE OF meiit now on die In tbls Oourl, purporting to ba V g^oid^ gathering at the club roomr at B«i]^Mt<|all^ baiket during the forenoon too often, the laat will and toatsmont of said deceased, majr lENOBRSON. ytbolioiir of (iiieni litis The flrist busl- has idlreddy diskounted hlz dinner. be admitted to probate, nnd the execuUon thereof VOL. XXXI.-NO. r. n aranted to said petlllouer or some other sttitabie MASON. MICH., THUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14.1889. 1; i' niiesS of the hour WuH inarket reports: I never knu a man troubled with AVBELID8. CInOTHING I Thereupon It li ordered that Tncadajr, WHOLE NO. 15TI. •' . w decline; dreeaed hogs melankoUy, who had plenty to dew. »b« SIh dajr of Mareh uest. at ten o oloek I5i and pork have (tilicti a iuuible.. The Marrled:—On the 30th of January, and did it* In tho forenoon, bo saslgncd for tho hearing of )Oommenoing(—— said potUlon, aud that the logatees and heirs at < Ingham County News $1.00. TANTO'S TRIAL. I rcaiise aealgned wa^^ of speou- at tlierestdenbeof Or. and Mrs. G. W. Good breeding, az i understand it, iz law of said decoaaod, and all other poraons Inter- Donation at tha Bnptlat Charek. Knat Be In Hetieol. eated In said estate, are required to appear at a Ford's Bazaar. ' -Vi:-!';.?. latbra to corner the market. Tlie relU Swartwout, their daughter, 1761110, was giving every man his due, without rob­ sesaton ol aald Court, then to bo holden,at tho Knterea at the PoHofflee at Maton aa Subscription rates to the INOHAM Last Saturday morning as early as A donation for the benefit of tbe Tbe Sebool Board, it appears, do Joined In marriage to Mr. Charles Ehos, bing yourself. Probate offlee In the City of Hason, and show Seeantlfelatt matter. Baptist church of Mason will be ability 'bf prospective niiarket reports COUNTY NEWS are as follows for the nine o'clock, people could be seen not wish to be responstbte for the ig­ Natur iz jist az honest oz a cow. cause. If rany" ther "e "be , why tbe prayer of tho ! as glentifd from the reiiorts of the de- in the presence of a few intimate petitione• r should not bo granted. And It la •POBI.UiaXD EVBBY TUDBSDAY, BX gradually going toward tbe court held in the church parlors on Wed­ norance of those who are growing up FOBD'S BAZAAB. Talk little, but listen out loud, yung >LL RIGHT" furthe- r .o n ered, that said .poUUone . r give notice present: One dollar, If paid in ad­ ;partmetit of agriculture and other friends and relatives. The ceremony —And ending— house, and before the hour set for the nesday evening, Feb. 20,1880. Every­ in our community; and liave, accord­ man, iz the way tew make the company CLOTHIER. to> thtbe legatees and persons IInteresten d in eald vance. One dollar and fifty cents If ' sources, was discuKsed at length. Fa^ was performed by the Bev. B. A. 7 catatoitato., oAhortheo pendency of said petition[ , and the body Is invited to come and partake of suspekt you—i mean suspekt you ov hearinoaring .thoroofthereof,, hycauatnby causing a copy of this„ orde ~ r examination had arrived, the court ingly, decided to enforce the compul­ >merB have been in the habit of con MoConnell. The happy. couple re­ to be published In the IMOIUiMaiuMX COOMTY NEWHKVB,B not paid in advance. room was filled with spectators eager a good supper and have a good time. sory education law, which requires ceived some beautiful token of the knowing a grate deal more than you mm, m t MASON.MICH a newspaper printed and elrculaUoB In said Oaa rnr, ILSO; six monlhs, 7S oaatoi (hraa Tiie following is the list of commit­ siderinK Reports of tills character as aktually do. county, throe succeailva weeks previous to said aioalhs, 40 oanta-ia advaaas. to catch a glimpse of the prisoner aud that every child between the ages of being shaded In favor of speculators. high esteem in which they are lield day at hearing, l\ true copy,) Wanted hear the evidence which might be pro­ tees: eight and fourteen yeara shall be re­ If yu should reduce the wants ov the Q. A. SMITH, Judge of Probate, ADVERTItlNO RATES. Tliis view, however. Is being greatly May much Joy and success attend them That book account that you owe me duced. At fifteen minutes to ten o'clock Reception committee — Rev. and Mra. quired to attend school at least four people ovNu York citty tew aktual Gxonai W. BnisToi., Probate Register, OturadTertisinK ratea made known at offlee. Moody, W. D. Longyear and wife, Bmmett modified and many farmers study reg­ through life. Baalnesa oarda y Tan­ months in the year, uniesaexcused by necossitys and plain comforts yu would h Entire Stoel lusl lo. URTaAGE SALE.-WUERBA8, DEFAULT Baiiaess locals ttve oeuU per line each and Bush and wife, 3. A. Barnes and wife, H, C. ularly and with profit, the published The interest in the meeting lu tiie hav tew dubble tho perlloe force tew haa boon made In the payment of tho «very inaertlon.. 1548tf C. G. HUNTINGTON. to, entered the court room. Coe and wife, A. I. Barber and wife, D. C reason of sickness or otbep inability to M Marriage, blrth,.and death notices free. I reports of the department of agrlcul Baptist church Is Increasing some have keep thorn from committing suicide. Men*8 Warm Overoouts at $2.00 each. money secured by a mortage dated tho 20th day Tho witnesses sworn were Christian Smith and wife, I. D. Everts and wife, Harry attend. There are quite a number iu Men's Fulled Mittens to of Jonnary. A. D., 1888, executed by Qoorge B. OMtnary notices, reaolutiona of reapeot, Call and wife, Frank Webb and wife, Miss ture. • professed faith in Chrlstas their Savior. People when they Und fault with Crapo to Curtis Reonian, which said mortgago earda of thanks, etc,, Ave centa a line. The spring poet will presently greet us; Stnchel, husband of tbe murdered wo­ tbe city of school age whohave no ex­ Men's Heavy Woolen Suite $6, $7 St $8. was recorded in tho olllcu ol tbe roglater of With rhymes obout buds oa they grow j Bullen, Miss Leora Drake, Mr. and Mrs. cents a pair. The resolution some time since laid thelrselfs are generally more anxloaa deeds of tho connty ol Inghsm, in liber 66 of man. Dr. J. F. Ohlingeruf Holt and Vaughn. cuse for non-attendance at sebooi and OKEMOS. THE NEWS JOB BOOM But at present the tangle-haired youth; Men's Wool Sox, three pair upon the table, bearing upon the purl tew be consoled than forglvenj and. mortgages, on page 518, on the 20lh day of Jan­ Is dealing with "beautiful snow." Deputy Sherlfi' J. W. Ferguson. Table committee—Mcsdames Young, Bobb,. who are simply squandering their therefore, when a man begins tew con­ Oome and ®ee. uary, A. D., 1886, And, whereas, tho amount b supplied with the best machinery tbat ty of the ballot, was taken up and The funeral of Alonzo Proctor took "ALL RIGHT" claimed to bo duo on aald mortgage at the date of There was no new evidence produced Oonroy, C. Shafer, Oepow,. Winans, Under- time and opportunities for- improve­ for 25 cents. fess hlz sins to me an soz, "thare ain't this notice la tho aum of nlnety-ntnc and seven- money can buy, fitted for steam power, a large hill, Mclntyre. after disoiission wus adopted. As to To-day Is St. Valentine's day. beyond what was found at the inquest, ment by louuglng idly about tbe place at his residence, Feb. 2d, attend no hopo for mo," i toll him he ought CLOTHIER. teen bundrotba dollars (909.17) of principal and Maortment of tbe latest styles of Type, Bor- Tea and Collee coihmlttee-Mesdames Cot­ Three bushels Choice Pota- \ L. C. WBSB. Interest, and the further sum of flfleen dollars except Tniito's confession to the depu­ streets. the necessi ties of tiie case there was ed by tlie Universnilst tuinister from tew know awl about It, and 1 guess he'a (815) provided fur in aald mortgage and by law as 4«Ni,«ta., enabling us to do Job Printing on Dance at Pine Lake Feb. 22. 0Sw4 ton, Bennett and Roife. toes delivered to any part a reaeonablo attornay foa for the lorecloaure or ty sberin, "that he Intended to shoot ljut one voice, but as to the methods Lansing. more than half right. MASON.MICH. The Live Clothier of Mason. short aoUee, at low prices, and in tbe Cash paid for live poultry. SolIcUing committee-Harvey Wilson and Constable Neeley has been.appointed there wus a wide range of views. said mortgage, and no ault or precoeding having 4 I Mr. and Mrs. Stachel but did not in­ wife. A, Cheney and wife, Chas. Shafer and of the city for $i,oo. N. \V. Harrington died Monday, What the world wants Is good exam­ been Instituted at law to recover tbe debt now POSSIBLE MANNER Truant Oflllcer for the city with in remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part BKST HUNT & TRIM. tend to shoot Minnie." Justice Ham­ wife, Harvey Whipple and wife, Mlssea Anna Coi. Siuinnoii oiitiined the main Feb, 4, and was buried the Otii. Fu ples, not so much advice; advice may UAN»VILIiE. thereof, whereby tho power of sale contained In Templar, Carrie Call, Maude Taylor, Clara atruetions to investigate and report These prices only tuxtil! i We do aa good work aa can be obtained any Don't fail to attend the county con­ mond before whom the exaininatloii feuturea of u bill prepared by himself, nernl private. be wrong, but examples prove them­ Michigan (Tentral said mortgage haa become operative. Now, Underhlll, Coral Potter, Lottie Every, Lois any cases of truancy or non-attendance the goods are sold; thoreforc, notice is horoby given, that by virtue wlMrei,andpartlealn need of commercial vention to-morrow. was held bound the prisoner over for at the i-equeiit of the club, to meet the Tlie craze bos not subsided yet, us selves. Mrs. Pulling, mother of George and of the aald power of sale, nnd In pursuance of nrnoy fob Printing of any description are Bennett, Minnie Stanton, Mr. and'Mrs. Abner' under the requirements of tAiis act and " Tha Maaara Fall* Route." Cook. exigences of the tase. The bill will to who shall read the "postal cards" Pride iz bogus. Adam at ono time John Pulling of WiiiteOak, died Sat­ tho statute In such caae made and provided, the n raqnented to call, examine styles, and obtain "On with tiie d;tnce" to-morrow eve­ trial at the March term of circuit to take such farther steps as may be b \ See OUT Bargains l» SOUTHWARD. said mortgago will bo forecloaod by a aalo of the Steamer committee—A. C. Wells, be placed in the hands of Hon. C. C. for the next four years. There are hod a right tow be proud, but ho lot sin urday, Feb. 2d, ut tlie residence of promises tburoln deacrlbod,at public auction, •V prieea before placing their orders. ning at the opera house. court. Martin Keller acted as inter­ necessary to secure its proper enforce­ a. in. u. m. p. m. p. ni. to tho highest bidder, at tho front duor of the General help committee — Messrs. Elmer 81 Underwear, / Q Pitcii and may liave some bearing four hopeful ones and quite confident beat him out ov his blrth-rlght. George Pulling, nged 81 years. The Mason .. 8:20 10:21 fi;50 g:.12 Tink Burch is expected in Mason preter during the taking of Stachel's ment. Nothing is more destructive to „ »:10 11:20 flilO court houBO in the City of Mosoii, In said county MTB aOABAWTBB PERFECT SATISrACTIOW, Hulse, D. Southwiok, Howard Wheeler, upon future legislation upon the ques­ As a ginral thing the man who mar­ funeral wus held Monday at the M. Jackson 10:,10 of Ingham, on tho altta day of April ne«l, testimony. Tanto's father was preseiit Ernest Every. the safety and welfare of a community of success. In order that none of p. m. at one o'clock in tho aftornnon of that day, next Saturday to buy horses. tion. The secretary lias abreviated ries a woman ov more upperorust than P. church in this village. Chicago...,... 6:40 a. in. at the examination. Tanto seemed to thau'ignorance; and itls believed tbat I CALL am 6ETrABK.ll them sliould be disappointed it is to 6:10 which said prcmlsoa aro doscrlbud in said roort; Business Cards. One suite of rooms to rent. Inquire himself, will find tho woman more anx- Detroit . 11:SU 7:011 gago as follows, to wit: Lot nnmbor throo (3) of be undisturbed by the crowd which the day's doings and sayings to give be hoped that all of the aspirants be J, R. McKiiight nnd wife returned 4:1U iu:i5 Block number twenty (20) In Waldo's addition to at Coe & Clark's grocery store. JoBllee RIce'M Court. the eiK>rts of the school authorities ^Yours Bespectfully,— ous tew preserve tho distance between p. m. p. m. gathered to see him and sat quietly by place to tile interesting letter from appointed, and each one have it one from their visit last week. St. Thomas 3:25 11:05 2:00 12:15 tho village of Wllllamstan,Ingham county,Mlch- ATTORNKYN.. Thomas Murray, Edward Jones and towards securing a more regular and them than tow bring him' up tew her ft. m. Iiigliam county can boast of only amusing himself with his hut while Hon. H. L. Henderson, published year, they might draw cuts to see who H. L. Strong was culled to Kent Niagara Falls,.. '"na'ted Jan.2Sth. A, D., 1889. J. T. CAMPBELL, John JoliiiBon, vagrantsi were ar­ general attendance will meet with FORD & KIRBY. grade or go down to his level. 7:2» 2:51 5;2.'i 4:12 two or three inches of snow yet. below. shall read first. county last week to attend the funeral CUilTlS IlEEMAN. Mortgagee. TTORNRY AT LAW, CONVEYANCING the examination proceeded. ranged on tbe 7tb and each accepted general approval. Titles are valuable; they make us ac­ NORTHWARD. AVBiiv & BnowN, Attorneys for Mortgagoe. ^ aud collections a specialty. Olllceovcr Don't forget Mason & Morgan on Several matters of interest will be of his brother wliodicd very suddenly a, m. a. m. lamooral OtHce, Mason, Mich. five days lu jail. quainted with monny persons who oth­ p. m. p. ni, Monday evening, 15, 23 and 3S cents. To KamblinK Bnya. Dnnsvllle O. 'A. B. Entertained. . £oasldered next Siitiirday. BUMKERHILL. of heart disease. Mnson »7:50 11:00 S:2D 0:52 ORTaAGB SALE.-DEFAULT HAVING On the 7th John Brown and Mlkn erwise would be lost among the rnb- Lansing lix'iS 11:.'!5 5:51 10:18 M been made In tho conditions of a certain KLUBK 8. AVEBY. KDWIN N. BBOWN Tiie school board has very wisely Last Friday evening Phil. McKer- FORD'S BAZAAR I Ii. H, IViss, Secretary. Theodore Hoffaian and wife were p. in. inortgajo bearing date the eleventh day of Octo­ AVERY & BROWN, Born—To Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mer­ Nugen, onthe 11th Charles Gibbins, blsh. . 9:32 ber. 1887, executed by Charlns W, -Brown and Several are on tiie sick list. ill Ciielseaover Sunday. Owosao 12:30 7:11 LunHl'K and TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT rill of the first ward, a son, last Satur­ decided that you must be in school. and on the l'2th John Murray, all vag­ nan' Post, assisted by the W. R. C. of Habits are like the wrinkles on a p.m. Acc'n, Gtllo J, lirown, hl• a wife, to ~ - - law. Oince over Farmers'Bank, Mason Willie Clark, >yho was severely in­ W. W. Heald and wife of Wllilains- Uiiy City , 1:25 OWOHHO 0:30 Iho aum of sixty dollaila, and"rccordedTEmma O, Reend thfoer A day. Constable Neeley has been appointed rants, were arraigned and sentenced to this city entertained the Dansville s>aHOj"^u?'v^^"Bta«(Dii A WESTEItN Lfi'lTElt. jured by climbing into a buggy, is man's brow; If yu will smootho out tho Acc'n. a, m. olllco «f the .leoglsler ol Doods for thc County of truant otficer and when you see him Post. I'he Sons of Veterans were in­ one It will smootho out the other. ton were In town over Sunday. Mackinaw 0:05 0:3(1 Ingham, In the State of HIchigan, In liber eey- /aKO, M. nCNTIKOTON. OEO, V, DAY, Don't fail to rend Tainiadge's sermon ten days tn Jail on default of paying a slowly recovering. onty-tw* of mortgnsca on page ono hundred sev­ HUNTINGTON A DAY, coming you will know his errand. vited to be present and in all not less For Bale or ExclmnKe. The following interesting letter is Peace Iz tho soft and holy shaddor The wife of William Pulling of „ ,. „ 0. W. IIUQGLES, enty, on which said mortgago thoro Is claimed to in last week's N^ws, it is one of his fine. Tiie second quarterly meeting of , Gen'I Pass, nnd Ticket Afiont, Chicago. .TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT We liope that the provision may be so than one hundred were banqueted at Ten acres of land, a brick house and good the first of u series expected from H that vittew casts. WliiteOak was buried here Sunday. ipald at tho date et thla notice law. oaice over First National bank, best. On Feb. 12 Andrew Lyon assaulted barn, located on South-st. In second ward In the M. E. church will be held at Dans­ M. J, .MORBAY,Ticket Agent, Mason. sixty-sovun dolfaraand ttfty conta, and no pre- a, Mich. eflTective, tiiat we will never see anoth the G. A. B. rooms; after the supper L. Henderson during his western tour It Iz a darned sight on/ior tew find The iiouse and contents of George ceud:ingB at law or equity having boon InsUtuted James Caramella at his confectionery this city, which will be sold cheap or exohang- ville, Feb, 0 and 10. There will not be to recover any part thereof; Now, thoroforo, by Beiding und Hull of Conn, are at er truant running wild about the streets wus served the Mason City Band kind­ Tliey are addressed to the Farmers six men who ken toll o.>ciiclly how a Fliieotit of White Oak was entirely £^ BKBD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE stand, he wus arrested and arraigned ed^ for a small farm. Inquire at Tn».»«we virluo of the power n( sale contained In said Becker's livery barii and wish to fill building up a reputation tliat will ly furnished a few selections of music, offlco. 'Club and are written In response to a preaching on tiiose dates at tills place. thing ought tow be did than tew find A Model Newspaper mortgago nnd In pilrananccof thostntulo In such lu Rayner block over City Bakery. eoiisuiiied by tire one night lust week. caae made and provided, notice la hereby given, out a car load of horses. and gave bail for appearance for trial City Unkery. The Felt lyceum decided that man one who will do it. that upon Nalnrrtny, the Iblrtlelli day of some day sooner or later make tho when short speeclies were given by .a'esoiution passed by the club. Insured in the Mutual. PHYMICIANS. to-morrow morn ing at 0 o'clock. win sell on and after Feb. 2d, 1880, Breadr was governed more by passion than by Marrying for monoy Is a moaner way Mnrtili iinxt, at ono o'clock in tbo afternoon Hon. Win. H. Race,, secretary of | community trouble and expense. prominent persons from eaeh order. OGDEN, UTAH, Jan. 27, 1889. W. H. Wells and wife were called at tbo front door ot the Ingbam countj court- Alvin Campbell, the juvenile offen­ at Ave cents per loaf, six loaves for Sfi^enls. principle, last night. This week W. tew git It than counterfeiting. THE NEW YORK hoHso (said coiirt-hoiiao being the place whore S. H. CULVER, M. 0., board of triide of Great Fails, Montana, The occasion was a pleasant one and '.L. H. IVES, Secretary, Mason. away Sunday to attend tlie funeral of Uie circuit court for aald county Is hcldl In tbe DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFPl der, hiul his trial aud was discharged l^Owi! ED. FnAKEi., Proprietor. E. Harkness und Louie Potter argue is in the city visiting old friends. Furnitnro Exchanged fur liiinibor. the time quickly passed away, when . Dedr Sir:—I uiii very glad to be re- Dispatch iz taking time bl tbe ears. Mrs. W.'s cousin, who was scalded to city of Maaon, I (hnll ofl'tr lor sale at public t. overL. C. Webb's Clothing Store, Mnsou on condition tliat he would pay costs Cnali 'membered by the Fanners' Club, so of that Grant was a better general than Hurry iz taking it in the end ov the vonduo tho iircraiaoa doncrlhod in said morlgago, Ulehlgaa. I334tf We desire to exchange furniture for the visitors departed for home leaving deutli near Mason. vi/.: Tho south tlvo rods of Iota aovonteen and Senator und Mrs. J. W. Giddings of whicii he did, they amounted to fifteen Paid for Live Poultry, tf HUNT A Unix. -course was very glad to get your letter Lee. tall. MAIL AND EXPRESS uigbtoon in block thirty-live, ailuuto In tho cltv B. DOOQE, M. D., HOMEOPATHIST. 10,000 feet of black and wliite ash, an urgent invitation for the Mason of tbe 21st toflio'. I UIII not certain Fred }J. Carpenter of the upper of Maaon, thc County of Ingham and State of . Offlco In Darrow Block, upstairs. Res Cndiilac visited Mrs. Giddings' brotiier. dollars and eighty-five cents. for Snie. Miss Httttie Swartwout lias returiieil Tho miser who heaps up gains tew Michigan. J(donee first iloor cant of Presbyterian church Representative C. C. Fitch, during tbe elm, maple nnd basswood lumber. people tO' return tbeliVislt at Dansville that I can find tiitu- to write so us to Peninsula, lornierly of this place, is Xhe Ailvocuto at tlifl Uoat lutoraats of tha Dated January 2(1.1880. A house, two Iota and nine acres of granud rgivo any adequate idea to the club of hohie from Mason where slie has been gloat over Iz like a hog In a pen, fatted Uoiuu—Tlio Knomy of tUo Saloon. past week. STROUD & Co. at an early date. within the city limits for salo chaap.. This tor a show. visiting Ills many friends here. EMMA U. REED, Mortgagee, W. Wi ROOT, M. D., Clothing. property mrist be sold. Inquire at THB: NEWS what I have seen so far. We are well learning tiie dressmaker's trade, Tlio ri'liinil or Aincrlcnii Labor. LuoiRS HXBD, Altnrnoy for Mortgagee. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE •and have enjoyed tlie trip, very It Iz a grate art tow know how tew Ilenieniber tiie donation for the beii- Tho Tuvorlto NowspaiHir ot Mi's. L. C. Webb returned lust eve­ Great tire scene lu the "Phcenlx" at 'rise Leeliire. offlee. Tlie lyceum at BunkerhiU Center P hours from one to two, and from six to Ball & Sherman will close out their iMstr irauch indeed. listen. ullt of Rev. B. G. Sutton Thursday i'ooplo of Rellnod Toates r^llANCEKY N0TICE.-8TATE OP MICllI- «eveu P. M. ning from a nine weeks visit with lier Rayner opera House next Monday lieavy winter clothing regardless of Rev. Geo. S. Hickey's lecture at the Baonis to Rent. decided last Saturday night timt more gan. Tho Circuit Court for tho County ol I undertook lo make a inenioran- This seems to bo about the way it Iz evening, Feb. Utii. Evorywtiori^ sister, Mrs. Dr. W. W. Canipbeii, ut evening. 15, 25 und 35 cents. M. E. church last Friday evening Furnished or unlurnlshed. Inqulroat this. knowledge Is derived from literature Ingham. In cbsncory. A. B. CAMPBELL, M. D.. coat. Come ut once and get their prices. offlee. •^lum on tbe cars us we came along of did: When wo were yung, we ran into The proceeds of tlie donation for the Ella llicklo, Uomplalnaiit,) LYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Kansas City. Mrs'. A. A. Howard wus called to proved tobe excellent; tbe views were IGMtr . wiiat we saw. Our first day out took than from oratory. The question, illfikultys, and when we git old wo fall Tho Now Voik MAIL AND EXPRESS, tho va. Y over H. M. Williams' drugstore, Moson. UentlBtry. iieiieflt of Rev. D. 11, Miller were favorite Atncrk-aii nowspnper of many i>ooplo - in u tnanner wliich coiniiianded close were all day Sunday going through SALT,Baglnaw,PBrborreI @l 00 restored to their upon tlic following sul)Ject "Expedi­ school house at Holt. President, Her­ of the very best advertisements I ever LINIMENT will relieve Sprains, State.) is tho onomr ot aoolotr, a trulttol Prom tho twoinh to the flitcenlh century, on tho senior partner, L. E. Rowley. attention from the large audience Xitekaon NIontB- Itraln "nie . Xfebraska. After breakfast Sunday BEAN8,unplcked, per bushel @1 00 original slr,e und tion to Hilton Head in '01 wllh Gen. J. A. May. bert McEwen; vice-president. Will had. When it rains I put out tho Bruises, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. sourco ot oarrnption In politics, tho ally of an­ beauty by the inser­ We have liad tho pleasure of Mr. whlcli completely filled the house. And sower pipe of all'slxos on band and for..-; we struck into the valley of the Re­ Sold by all druggists. POTATOES, per bushel a 30 tion of Porcelain From the tinoentli century to the present sale by UOStf J. W. (DHArm, Eden, Mlcb. Exner; secretary, Hattie Black. The 'clear' flag, nnd when It Is clear vloo archy, a school ot crime, and, with its avowed Sherman and Com. Dupont." Rowley's acquaintance for the past publican River and followed up that purpoao ot aookiog to corruptly control Eaas,fresh, per doien Crowns. All the time, Mrs, Clurcuco Hull. From Lansing she carried the minds little stream all day, there wus a little luestion discussed and exiiausted be­ versa. People passing along the street Latest Iiuprovc- twelve years and ktiow of his terse For Mnle «N> •aetaaiiKe. Advertised Letter List. olootlons and legislation. Is a nenoco to LARD, por pound. ments In Dentistry James E. Coy excliunged liis home J. C. Canon, J. H. Sayers J. A. May, of iter audience to Chicago, St. Paul, isnow on the ground and tho country fore tho lyceum last Tuesday night and noticing tho apparent mistake the public welfare and dosorros tho ooDdemno- BUTTER, per pound,, in llie Hrit ward yesterda.y for tiic and vigorous style; the Journal may MiuHeapolls from thence to Duluth, Improved Farms.and'Ctty Property. looked pretty dreary, at noon we come Into the store and tell me about MASON, Mich., Feb. i, 1889. APPLES, dried, per pound Wm. N. MulTctt, V. J. Teftt, E. C. Russell and Harper was: "Jieaolvcd, Timt circumstances tlon of all good men. property now occupied by S. H. Beech- lose an efficient worker in Mr. Stitt, the subject of Proctor Knott's famous ISOStf MlABSU'Al.t, A OASTBRLIM. stopped at Oxford for dinner and on it. That Is when my clerks get In Boling, Henry Howery, Minnie CHERRIES, dried, por pound Soatiat. Reed will represent the first ward at make thc man." Decided in favor of but under Mr. Rowley'a management Nuraery Hlooki nnd Farm for Sale. reaching the platform the first man their work, and there are few days Jones, Mrs, S. A. King, Thos. PEACHES, dried, per pound 10«9 er and owned i)y E. A. Barnes. Mr. the county convention to-morrow, speech, und on over the N. P. R. R., the negative. Referees, Mrs, M. E. McQee, Miss Matlio McCumber, Mr. J. Send for Sample Copy it will lose none of its popularity. All parties whoscontemplate planting or- . we met was Mr. Warner, an old Ma­ when they do not sell from one to flvo ONIONS, per bushel O IRST-CLASS TEETH 80.00. TEETH EX Coy will nut take possession till April and tlie following gentlemen will vividly describing the scenery along son boy, he seemed giiid to, see us and Park, Lewis Price and Mrs. Owen. Rolle, Mr. JullftA. Rolfo.C, J. They are aent free to all who applv. tracted without pain wllh Vitalized Air chards or ornattisatols will do well to seo F. more suits than they otherwise would. AGRICULTURAL SALT, per ton @6 0C F first. the route, und their entrance at the L. Wesley, generoL'Bgeat for Bronaon & Hop^., enquired all about the good people of The subject for next Tuesday evening Schomerhorn, John BVBSORIPTION BATES.—TrsBELT, per LAND PLASTER, per ton 6 6006 00 ror NitrousOxidu Gas. Teeth tilled and denn­ represent the second ward at the same Tlie Daily News Alniuiuic and Pot You know tho difficult thing Is to get Persons calling Jor the above letters, please ed at Dr. Gregg's. Residence west ol R, R. Golden Gate, also their visit to Los kins, nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y., before pur- . . Mason, he is the ticketagentnt Oxford is, "Jicsolved, That antlcipallon pro­ 7«ar, eLOOi six months, flO cents; threo MVS STOOK AND MEATS. Colombiilast.,Ma luHoni , All work warranted. The Hotel Donnelly is undergoing a gathering: L. Frank Clark, O. F. itical Register has just been received customers taslde the door. Why, I say advertlsea. A. W. MKHAN, P, M. Angelosaiid Fnssadema, the wonder­ chasing elsewhere, ns they make a specialty and has ciionie of the station, which months, 30 cents. DAILY, per year, acoo; CATTLE, per 100 pounds 2 50@a 00 general nysteni of kulsominlng and Miller, Clarence Hull, J. A. Barnes, by us. It is full to overflowing with of Russian budded stock. Agentawanted... I ' seems to be an important one, he is duces more pleasure than participa­ wouldn't glvo those flags for a half ful real estate transactions at the last eiz months, es.oot three montbs, eLBO; ono HOGS, per 100 pounds &i 00 A. BARNES, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. decorating by the noted Billy Shear, J. K. Elmer and E. S. Avery. all kinds of political information. also have a farm or 80 acres of good: land doing well. We arrived at Denver in tion." Leading disputants, afflrinative dozen 'barkers,' and they don't make Ecaenia, Ilchy, Ncniy, Mklii Tortnrea. FORK, dressed, per 100 pounds 6 26(95 50 , Insurance and Collecting Agent. Ollloe Tho slmpio application of "SWAYNB'H OINT­ month, so cents. J formerly of Wlllianiston, and CIms. named places, and home again tliroiigh which I win sell at a bargain. It Is nloely the evening, staid all night and next Mina Smith, negative Mamie Dillon. half tho noise. "—Philadelphia Newa. HAMS, per pound 8(9 0 over Farmers' Bank, Mason, Mich. Tiie national platforms for the cam­ MENT," wltliout any internal medicine, will euro VALUABLE FBBUIOUS atogtven to all Porter of this city both 11 rst-cluss dec­ Salt Lake City, attendance at ser­ located In Oscoda county, Ave mllea north­ morning at eight we took a sleeper on any cnso of Tetter, Halt Khoum, Ringworm, Pllou, BUbacrlbora and agonti. We want a eeod CHICKENS, per pound, dressed ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL ES- paign of "88", the result of the election The funeral services of Henry Smith Itch, Soros, PImploH, Kczomii, all Scaly, Itchy 0r«i 10 vice at the Mormon Tabernacle and east of TusUii and' aine miles south of Codll-. the D, & R. G. R. It. for Suit Lake agent in every town and village irhcro we CHICKENS, per pound, nllve M •tato Agent, JOHN DITMSBAOK, orators. in detail, a list of the officers of the lac, 3S acres Ininrared, good young orchard,;, City. They were Imvlng the smali were held last Monday at 11 A. M. Automatic Turnstiles, akin Eniptlonn, no matter how obatlnato or long her impression of "add door atiou" in Btiindlng. It is potent, olTocUvo, nnd costs but a have not one now at work. Bond (or our TURKEYS, per pound, ttlWe LARK HOUSE, Wm.H. Clark, proprietor. Arthur, the only sou of Charles national government, witli their salar­ plenty of water ft>r stock, and framed houien. pox at Denver so we did not stay to do In the German church at Union Cor­ The principle of the automatic boxes, trlllo. Exp,1581 special Circular to Agents and tea our DUCKS, per pound, alive Best one dollar a day bouse in tho city. Mormon homes. It also seemed to be C Bishop of the second ward, died last ies, a list of tho army olficersand their Terms ol sale-easy. Inquire or address . the town. At noon of Monday we had ners. The deceased committed suicide Which form such prominent objects at liberal offers. DUCKS, por pound, dressed her impression that about two months ISSOwlSp P. L. WESLEY, Maaon, Mlcb.;. arrived at Pueblo where we got dinner, UNCLE SA'M*'S CONDITION M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, Sunday niorning, the funeral services salaries—in fact it is a most useful book by drowning himself In the water our railway stations, has been applied POWDER will cure Distempers, BUILDINO MATKRIAl,. J. makoscolleotlons. At Farmers' Bank. wus the proper length for the honey­ here we turned westv/ard to cross the You Can Make Money WATER LIME, por barrel »i so were held at tlie M. E, cliurcli last and contains almost everything that A mil Lino uf Klekmond^ Baeikaa dk ' mountains. I should like to describe tank at the barn. Cause—supposed to doors and turnstiles. A coin of the Coughs, Colds, Fevers and most of the IT.Y BAKERY,-PRE,SH BREAD, PIES 'YOIT UON'T LET THE OnASS GROW PNC: moon. • Cu.'H Blank* diseases to which Horses, Cattie,Sheep, CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel,..! 2S®2 fib Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, con­ one wants to know. It can be had by the appearonce of the country from grief over the lute demise of Jijs be­ proper value must be dropped Into a b7 Boceptlng our Cash Oommiaaion offers or LIMB, per barrel ~ ® 80 € and cakes, Mason, Mich. TOOIl FEE'T, WALTEK," Foraaleat gTHaMawa Orricqi,. ; here to Salt Lake City, where we ar­ slot before the door can be opened, and Hogs and Poultry are subject. Sold working tor our valuable and popular premi­ ducted by Rev. L. DeLamarter. hla lovo was turned to hato, and that sending 25 cents to the Chicaga Dally rnrinont Attetillon. loved wlfe^ by alt druggists. PLASTERING HAIR, per bushelM... 9 85 EECH * SON, proprietors of tho Mason rived Tuesday at five o'clock p. M.,but thus the services of a money-taker are ums. Addreas tho MAIL AND SZFBGiiB, New SHINGLES, per thousand 1 20®! 00 foundry aud maohlneshops. Repairing, wuld bo avenged on her. I am positive] News. Before buying your fence material, oome m York City. B In the case of the people against and seo the Page Woven Wire Pence. Por I cannot do it, and what is more tliere Never promise more than can be dispensed with. Such doors are appli­ LATH,per M feel 1 00(95 00 alarmed for hor safety, and If I can oi^ is not a man or woman living who UBOIS & EARLE, DEALERS IN HEAVY Frank and Mary Walker, charged There well lie a Sunday school con­ sale by tr LASENRY A HiMfitiBEROKR. done. Laxador has been successfully cable to the entrances of exhibitions D and Shelf Hardware, Maple St., Mason. onmo across him I moan to stick to him can give to those who have never been run on this principle. For sale by all -GET YOUR- with adultery, tlie exainiiialion was vention at the Kobblns church, Aurel­ and places of amusement. Their Tho celebrated Mason <& Morgan H. A. M. over the mountains any adequate dis- druggists. Price only 25 cents. special use, however, is for lavatories BIUOITSNXISS, SICK BEADAOBB New Advertlaementa Thla Week. completed, nnd Frank .Walker was ius, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1889. Tbe Companions, yon are courteously requested: ci'iption. I can assure you that it did BEABTBtntN, UVEB INDIGESTION, Dramatic Combination have booked a Mothers will grow weary and sigh and the like. For such cases It Is nec­ We Hire Men held for trial, Mary Walker did not ap­ following program will be given: to be present at a special conolave of Ingham not look to me like a grazing country, SXSrBrStA. C0aiPI.AINT. JAintDICBi JOB PRxnarTiNG i J. W. Colo & Co.'s Locals, three nights' engagement here, at over the baby's troubles when Dr. pear aud her whereabouts were not MOHNINO 8K.SSI0N, 10:00 0'GI.OOK. Chapter, No. SI, R, A, M.,on Thursday even-, yet I saw some cattle trying to get essary to insure that the doors shall Olf SALARY ing. Fob. 11. By order of Bull's Baby Syrup would relieve the always be closed after a person haa WewflnBlncBB Locala, known. Rayner opera house. Their opening Bible rending and prayer-What relation TtT <^ 26-ceiit Oofliae^ O:; their food from among tbe rooas 10,000 child and thereby give the mother rest. -AT THE- And pay their travollnBoxponses (unless they J. C. CAKNON, H» P.. feet above tho level of the sea, and passed out through them, and that they prefer a oominlsslon). and give them employ­ piny will lie tliut justly praised and does temperance sustain to Uie Sunday T«Tcaohers-.County of Ingham, Thomas Barnes failed tn remove his school, by Ltuforil Marshall. A. B. ROBE, Secretary. ISOml Trf onr 25-cent Tea. was told that a large number of cattle can not be again opened except by the ment twelve months In the year. We now apeoial Conolave—R. A. M. celebrated American drama, "The Bnnavllle In on Thursday, March 7,1888, Our, ^50^jent-,.liMiMPoli^ii^i^i|^ cities, and will in thenear future be Mrs. Franstska Bmttb. ability roqiilrcd; you, reader, can da It ns well us vontlvo progroas la a method and And pay that bill you owe me, for I & Morgan company, which we have EVEMINO aXaStOH, 7.-''••• ferdot it. ^ - ^M$$M to write about it at this time, I am PILLS are a boon to auflFerers from (he doors dosing behind him. When UIVER PILL8I froo. Cut this out and return to us and wo will have crowded houses each evening. gramme nightly. Admlsslou, 15, 85 he emerges he opens the doors, and at iin Eden on Friday evening, Feb. 22, Address, Bev, B. A. McOonnell. AppUoatloni fbr First and Etaooad Grade BOinewbat surprised at tlie value of Hlok Headache, Sour Stomach/Torpid ^ nUtPABXD OVIsT BT The Ingham County "New.H." send you free, somothlni/of groat value and Im. Admission 15,85and 35 oeuts; reserved aud 35 cents. Reserved seats, on sale Ceruaoates will b» Ncelved at thla eaunlna^ )R«»Mtflilly,( liiip^l realestatein thlBValley, .farmiilying Liver and Indigestion. Sugar-coated, the same time the gates dose behind yon In bualnoS, lalt.are invited to.ntteiid. seats on sale at WUHams' drug stow, HARVEY WILSON, Prealdeni, pleasant to take and warranted to go FLEMING BROS., PItttburgh, Pa. J^Jl'„"'l)JJL^""K,»'""."""oy "Sht away DA WUUnma' drug store. Uon. iniwS JOHM a. HtHROM, ' between the two cities sell from ISO. to him. Thus. the ^entrance is always than anything else In tho world. Ornnd oudli F, N. QOHKEN, Secretary. }i2S0 per acre, and in Salt Lake busi- hrough by daylight; " barred.—-Boston Budget. ii«imnef Oonrawnm nnd* ia St. IMU.'V $1.00 a YEAB. free. Addrese Taos 4 Co., Augnsta, Malno.