
Philip Charles Enros

■ - i . ' ■ ^ ,

a Institute for the History and Philosophy

of Science and Technology

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the

University of Toronto

© Philip Charles Enros 1979

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. %







10:00 a.m., Friday, October 5, 1979

Room 111, 63 St. George Street



Committee in Charge:

Professor C.R. Morey, Chairman Professor E. Barbeau Professor M.-Crowe, External Appraiser Professor S. Eisen Professor'R.J. Helmstadter Professor T.H. Levere, /Supervisor Professor I. Winchester

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Abstract

The thesis is a study of the Analytical Society (1812-

1813) of Cambridge University. Its purpose i£ to present a

detailed history of the Society, of which little has

previously been known, in or/3er to obtain an insight into

the reasons for the transition in Cambridge mathematics in

the early nineteenth century. A large part of. the content^of

the thesis is based'on research-in extensive manuscript

sources, especially various and


Two chap'ters in the thesis are devoted to theNjjackground

to the Analytical Society. The curriculum of the University

of Cambridge and the prominent position of mathematics there

are examined. And the widespread lament about the decline of

the mathematical sciences in (1790-1815) is discussed

and shown to have two "Sonnected features: a debate over

analytical and synthetical mathematics, and a new view, for

England, about the relationship" of mathematics and society.

The ’lament along with, the Cambridge curriculum helped^o

provoke both the founding of the Analytical Society and the

later changes in Cambridge mathematics.

The Analytical Society is dealt with in a long chapter.

It was a short-lived association of a small but remarkable

group of students at Cambridge University. The Society was

a manifestation of a larger movement towards Continental

analytical methods in-British mathematics. The Analytical

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Society did not attempt to reform Cambridge mathematical

studies as is often assumed. However, the Society is -an

important illustration of the ways in which various features J s ~ \ of Continental mathematics were being imported into England.

>S\ Two other chapters are given over to an examination of

the influence (mostly indirect) of the Analytical Society.

It promoted and encouraged the mathematical work and vision

of some of its members, in particular, the mathematical

concerns -of Charles Babbage, John Herschel and Edward

BromheadJ f rom 1814 to 1822. Also, several of its former

members initiated an informal movement that led to a reform

of Cambridge mathematical studies (1813-1820s). This transition

to analytics took place through the structure of the studies

of Cambridge. Thus not only did some members, of the Analytical

Society do creative mathematics after the Society's

dissolution, but many former members were also involved in

changing Cambridge' mathematics. All of these activities

including the formation of the Analytical Society were

expressions of the members' image of mathematics. 55 The main theme of the thesis is the importance, for

understanding early'nineteenth-century Cambridge mathematics,

of an intellectual and social' framework which was composed

of three key elements: ideas concerning the nature of

mathematics (analytics versus ^synthetics) } ideas about the

purpose of a university (a liberal education), and a set of

expectations concerning mathematics and science best described

as professionalism. The thesis contends that the presence of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. this particular framework in/-early nineteenth-century England

explains the activities of the Analytical Society and the

revival of Cambridge mathematics. This thesis thus provides

a valuable insight- into the stste and nature of mathematics

at Cambridge in the early nineteenth century.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Biographical Sketch <•

Philip Charles Enros was born in Chicoutimi, Quebec,

August 30th 1950. He received primary and'secondary

education in Montreal. He gained a B.Sc. (summa cpm laude")

in mathematics from Loyola College, Montreal, in 19 71. From

that date he has been a graduate stpdent (M.A. 1973) in' .the

Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and

Tethnology, University of Toronto.

Mr. Enr|os^ s graduate studies have been supported by a ■'

Bell Canada Centennial Fellowship (1971-73), a Canada Council

Doctoral Fellowship (1973-76), and an Ontarid Graduate

Scholarship (1976-77). He was a Lecturer in-1977-78 in the

Department of History, University of New Brunswick., and in ... O 1978-79 in^the Institute for History and Philosophy.of Science

and Technology, University of Toronto. In 1978-7.9 he also

organized the production of a "Biobibliography of Ontario

Scientists, 1914-1939".

Mr. Enros is Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Society

for History and Philosophy of Mathematics, and a member of

the History of Science Society'and of the Canadian'Society

for History and Philosophy of Science. He has delivered a

number of papers^to various conferences: the latest was to

the third Workshop on the Social Histor-y of Mathematics,

Berlin, July 1979; he y £ s" also been invited to' speak to the

Davis Center Seminar on the History of the. professions,

Princeton University, in December.

Mr. Enros married Pragnya Thakkar- in 19 75. Their son)

Madhava, was born in 1976.*

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Courses.

M^jor Field: History of Mathematics .

s&x 1005 History of Mathematics (A-> K.O. May S&T 1011. History of Physical Science (B+) J. MacLachlan S&T 1021 Intellectual Context of 19c. Science (A-) ■ T.H. Levere S&T 20t>0x Philosophy and Science in the 17-18c. (A-) T. Goudge S&T 2192x Philosophy of Science (A) B.C. van Fraassen t-

First Minor: History of Technology

S&T 1013 History of Technology (A) B. Sinclair S&T 2013 History of Technology (A^) B. Sinclair \

Second Minor: . '

S&T 1012 History of Biological Science (A> M.P. Winsor

Specialist Examination's

History of England m the Early Nineteenth Century (R.J Helmstadter), Mathematics (K.O. May) . and Science (T.H. Levere) in the Early Nineteenth Century.

Comprehensive Examinations

History of the Physical Sciences (T.H. Levere), History of the Biological Sciences (M.P. Winsor), History of Technology (B-. Sinclair), Philosophy of Science (B.C.. van Fraassen). •'* ' ‘

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Publications

"Person Index for Delainbre's Rapport Hjstorigue of 1810", Historia Mathematics 3^ (1976) 321-324.|

Review of J. Delambre's Rapport Histonque, Historia Mathematica 3 (1976) 342-344. ! •••------; * ' i Review of J.M. Dubbey's The Mathematical Work of Charles Babbage, American Scientist 6^(S^ (1978) 639.

Review ofJJ.M. Dubbey's The Mathematical WorTc• of Charles- Babbage,' to appear in Historia Mathematica 19 79.

"Commentary" on R.A. Jarrell's paper "Courses in the History of .Canadian Science and Technology: Their Purpose and Content", to appear in the Proceedings of the Conference on the Study of the History of Canadian. Science and Technology, Kingston, 1978.

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Acknowledgements

Thi^_ thesis is the result of much -more than my efforts

alone. My thanks are due first and foremost to many of the

members - both staff and students - of the Institute for the

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the

University of Toronto in the pasl; eight years. They provided

a very stimulating environment whic.h greatly influenced the

development of my views and ideas. I am indebted to the late

Ken May, my supervisor for almost all the period of my

graduate studies, and to. Trevor Levere,'my present supervisor

and a special influence on me for years before. I am very

grateful to Charles Jones for his oareful'reading and helpful

criticism of the thesis.' I am also thankful for Ed Barbeau's

comments on this work, especially on the mathematical

sections. <. / " ,

Many individuals and institutions have been kind enough

to permit me ^o examine their collections; without their help

this thesis would not have been possible. I wish to thank

Mrs. Eileen Shorland and Sir Benjamin Denis

for permission to consillt various John Herschel and Edward

Bromhead manuscript collections. I 3m also thankful to the

staff of the libraries of the University of Toronto, the

National Maritime Museum, the Royal Society of , the

British Library, the libraries^f Trinity College and of

St. John's College, Cambridge, the Science Periodicals

Library of Cambridge, the Cambridge University Library,

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the Humanities Research Center of the University of Texas > / and the Museum of the History of Science at Oxford'. , . , ’

I have been very fortunate in having my studies

financially supported by Bell Canada, the Canada Council, and

the Ontario Graduate Fellowship Program. I am pleased to

acknowledge'the fine typing of'this thesis by Carol Lucier '

and Lynn Sobolov.

On the more spiritual side, I am very indebted to

Connie Gardner for being herself. And, finally, my struggle',

with this thesis was given a new. and very pleasant dimension

by my wife, Pragnya, and son, Madhava.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Contents


I. Introduction 1

II. Mathematics and'the Curriculum 'of the

University of Cambridge .in the Early

Nineteenth Century ■ 17

.. < III. The Decline of the Mathematical Sciences in

England and Their State at Cambridge

(1790-1815) 46

IV. The Analytical Society (1812-1813) 103

V. The Mathematical Concerns of Charles Babbage

and John Herschel (1814-1822) 167

VI. The Introduction of Analytics at Cambridge

University (1813-1820s) 213

VII. Conclusion 256 *

Bibliography 265.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. I.; ' introduction

The first decades of the nineteeth century witnessed

a great change in English mathematics. It was a period of

■revival, marked by an abandoning of the mathematics of

Newton for that of Leibniz and of the Qop'feLnent. "By 1830",

as Morris Kline has written, "the English were able to. join in

the work of. the Continentals."^ The

was ah 'important center of and force'behind this revival. '

The highlight of the changes in Cambridge mathematics has

generally been considers® to be the Analytical Society

(1812-1813). Indeed, historians of mathematics have

regarded the Society as both the herald and agent of

England’s rallying fronr its protracted slump in mathematics

during the eighteenth century.

The Analytical Society is usually mentioned in most

histories of mathematics, even though very little is 2 known about the group. There has also been very little

research done on the renewal of English mathematics in the

early nineteenth century. Much of what has-been written

has limited itself to evaluating the Society and the

renewal solely from the viewpoint'of the development of

mathematical knowledge. ' Thus accounts of these events have

centered on the switch from the Newtonian to the rival ; \

1. Kline (1972) 623.

2. See, for example, Ball (1889), Becher '(1971), Cajori (1919) , Dubbey (1978)’, Kline (1972) and Koppelman (1971/72). -

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Continental notation and methods'. Since the Analytical

Society espoused the latter,- it has been viewed by

historians as a successful and influential reformer of

English mathematics. This interpretation, however, appears

very tenuous due to both the lack of research on the Society

and its context, and tt» the insufficiencies, at least in

this case, of an explanation based solely on mathematical

knowledge. The tenuity of the usual view of the Analytical

Society is nicely illustrated by the opinion of Charles

Babbage, a major figure in the Society. He saw the

Analytical Society not as being a success but rather a


Such was the origin of the Analytical Society, which though it did not realise the splendid and perhaps visionary expectations of its youthful projectors has yet left some records which may redeem its existence from oblivion; and in the productions of its various members the future historian of the abstract sciences may perchance discern some gleams of genius which shall at least excuse if not justify its lofty pretensions? he may perhaps discover that there were other causes which prevented * its extension than any deficientcy in the perseverance, enthusiasm, or intellect of its promoters, and that had this monument of youthful ambition been constructed on a more congenial soil it might have contributed to the promotion of the mathematical sciences in a'/degree hot 'totally inadequate to the hopes of those who fotmed it.^- .

There would seem to be, therefore, some value for a

better understanding of early nineteenth -century Cambridge

1. Written by Babbage in 1817. Buxton ms.13, p.26.

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mathematics in an attentive reconsideration of the history

of the Analytical Society

The goal of this thesis is to examine in detail/-the

history of the Analytical Society in order to gain an

understanding of^tf£ie'NS|ociety, its concerns, activities and

influence. A consequent goal is to relate .the Society to'

the transition to Continental mathematics in order to

obtain an explanation for this transition, especially at

Cambridge University.. Thus the thesis aims to provide a

framework from which the events of the history of the

"^halytical Society may be explained_as well as tfce concerns

and activities of early nineteenth-century Cambridge • * mathematicians.

In attempting to answer the above questions much

research has been done with published primary material and

extensive manuscript sources. . A description of all of

these sources may be obtained from the footnotes and the

bibliography. Out of this wealth of material has emerged

a picture of early nineteenth-century Cambridge mathematics

which consists -of three main elements: ideas concerning

the nature of mathematics, ideas about the purpose of a

university, and a set of expectations concerning

mathematics and science which is best described as

professionalism. These three elements appear to have

been the prominent factors in the transition in England.

With these and with the very interesting patterns of

alignment of individuals of that period with respect to

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them, it is possible to.|construct an explanation of the

record of ''the Analytical Society ana of the revival of

English mathematics. •

The first key element was a debate on the relative-

' merits of analytic.-and synthetic mathematics. These two

styles of mathematics were sharply distinguished in the

early nineteenth century. The difference had its roots in

the Greek contrast between analysis and ^synthesis, based

on reverse methods of reasoning. .The distinction acquired

a new le^el^of meaning in the sixteenth century with the

emergence of the "analytic art", or algebra. It sought

to resolve mathematical problems by reducing them to

equations.'*' The analytic art was extended in the

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to encompass infinite

quantities and processes. Hence analysis came to designate

such areas of mathematics as algebra and differential

. In the second half of the eighteenth century

there was a movement, due especially to L. Euler and J.L.

Lagrange, to regard the characteristic of analytics as the

formal manipulation of equations, or expressions. . Lagrange,

for example, sought to base the differential calculus on

1. The study of relations between finite quantities by means of equations involved a new idea of number. On the broadening of the number, concept at this time see Charles V. Jones1' The' Concept' of Qg£ an a Number, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1978.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. the formal expansion of functions in power series. 1 in the

time period cohered in this thesis, then, analytics implied

an algebraic or formal, operational approach to the subject-

matter. . • ...

Synthetic mathematics^' on the other hand, was all that / - was not algebraic: • geometry, for example. With the

restrictions, of the second half of the eighteenth century,

synthetics; also came to include all that was non-strictly

analytic. Fluxions, for instance, were not properly

analytic because they involved the idea of motion which was

a non-algebraic concept and therefore, for many, not

analytic. The Analytical Society held firmly to this new

rigorous view of analytics. The mathematical work of its

members, therefore, may be seen as a continuation of a

formalistic tendency in parts of French mathematics,

extended to a study of the "language of symbols", or the

structure of abstract analysis.

Another important facet of the debate over analytics

and synthetics was a prevalent difference in emphasis as

to their respective values. Probably due to the successes

of the analytic art, analytics was highly regarded for its

power of discovery. It was the best example of the way in

__— ...... — ■ s 1. Kline (1972) 431-432. See also pages 100-101 of I. Grattan-Guinness "The emergence of -mathematical analysis and its foundational progress 1780-1880" pp.94-148 in his (ed.)' From the' Calculus to' Set Theory,' 1S30-1910 (1979). , ' i

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. which reasoning was to be used. In contrast, synthetic

mathematics, such as' geometry, was prized for the clarity

and rigor of its explanations. Many mathematicians had

misgivings about the vagueness and imprecision then /.

associated with analysis. Analytic ^and synthetic

ma'thematics were thus alternative modes of doing mathematics ; in\the early nineteenth century: one promoted discovery, X the' other rigor, each possessed a distinctive style and was

valued for very different reasons. The views on the nature

of mathematics held by the members of the Analytical Society

bring into sharp relief these various aspects of the early

nineteenth-century conception of analytics and synthetics.

And the whale debate became, prominent at that time in

England because there was a widespread lament about the

inferiority of English mathematics.

The'•second prominent element of the setting for the

Analytical Society was the idea of a higher education.

The accepted ideal of a university training in early

nineteenth —century England was that of a liberal education.

This meant the molding of the character of a young man

into that of a gentleman. Such an education stressed the

transmission of the culture of the nation, or of man, to

the individual. It opposed any narrow education, that is,

any education devoted solely to specialized training for

a later career. The university, then, was to embody the

ideal of a liberal education through being the guardian of'

accepted knowledge or culture and iy transmitting this knowledge

to the young men in its care. The task

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. of a university was not seen as directly including the

production of knowledge. The goal of a liberal education,

as the purpose of a university, changed very little, if

at all, in nineteenth-century England despite cries for \ ■ *- "useful" education. The content, however, did become more

comprehensive in that it included a wider range of subjects.

The ideal of a liberal education is important in

understanding the Analytical Society because it was composed

of Cambridge University undergraduates and recent graduates.

They were dissatisfied with the content and the system of t *

Cambridge studies - both of which were justified by the

ideal of a .liberal education. Such dismissal of "usefulness"

in education leads naturally to the third key factor in the

transition to Continental mathematics.

Professionalism is the third element in the framework

for considering early nineteenth-century Cambridge

mathematics. The Industrial Revolution has been regarded

as the emancipator of the. professional man."'' Although S little research has been done on the professionalization

of science in England, it is clear that professionalization

.took place there very slowly and reluctantly - the x hesitation being largely voiced as a belief in individualism.

Yet it is also the case that an increasing number of British

natural philosophers in the early nineteenth century w e r e .

1. Harold Perkin' The' Origins' of M o d e m English Society 1780-1880 (1969) 254. \

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. concerned with making science a profession.^"

The social element of professionalism acts as a

dynamical component in the framework established in this

thesis. The expectation that one could be a mathematician

or scientist, that mathematics and science should be a

9 '■ profession like other branches of knowledge or activity, "N seems to have acted as a motivation* for many individuals to

reform English mathematics in the early nineteenth century.

The element of professionalism is best understood when its

relation to the other two elements is kept in mind. A * liberal education was clearly a non-professional education,

because the training which a profession required was far

too specialized for the objectives of; a liberal education.

On the other hand mathematics, being a discipline concerned

with developing mathematics, was professional - the business

of mathematicians. Analytic mathematics, therefore, became t

firmly linked with professionalism in early nineteenth-

century British thought primarily because of the reputation

of analytics for discovery and hence advancing mathematics.

Synthetic mathematics, by contrast, became linked to a

liberal education. For a main goal of a liberal education

was the developing and strengthening of the reasoning

powers of the mind, and synthetics - especially geometry, ' ( 1, See, for example, J.B. Morrell’s articles "Individualism and the Structure of British Science in 1830"' Historical Studies' in the' Physical' Sciences' 3_ (1971) 183-204, and "London Institutions and Lyell’s Career: 1820-41" British Journal for the' History' of Science 9 (1976) 132-146.

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as Well as other non-analytic methods - had been

traditionally esteemed for just this value. Since analytics

was also contrasted with synthetics on this issue, and

since synthetics seemed eminently, suitable for the purposes

of a university, a further (.though indirect) connection was

established between analytics and professionalism. In an

educational institution such as Cambridge the commitment

to professionalism would have to be greater than that of

a liberal education if the transition to analytics was to

take place.

The three ^elements, analytics versus synthetics, a

liberal education, and professionalism, set the context

within which the events surrounding the Analytical Society

and the renewal of Cambridge mathematics are to be t understood. These events reveal a certain pattern of

alignment in the actors with respect to the three elements.

Most university reformers, if not all, were concerned with

making mathematics a profession, were promoters of

analytics, and did not reveal much enthusiasm for the

traditional ideal of a liberal education. Conservatives

were not interested in making mathematics a profession, if

not actually against such measures, -were supporters of

synthetics, and defended the ideal'of a liberal education

as the purpose of higher education. To the extent of the

generality of these patterns one could say that these three

elements determined the activities of the individuals

involved. It is within the framework established by these

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three elements that this thesis will seek to provide an

explanation not only of the Analytical Society but of the* ■

transition in Cambridge mathematics.

The Analytical Society was'the product of three J circumstances of early nmeteenth-century Cambridge. In

\jenferal, the situation at Cambridge, and the widespread

feeling of English mathematical inferiority combined with

new expectations of- students at Cambridge to produce the

Analytical Society and the Cambridge adoption of analytics.

The details of this process will be set forth in the

following chapters of the thesis.

Chapter IX reviews the situation at the University of

Cambridge in the early nineteenth century. It focuses on

the structure and content of Cambridge studies especially

with regards to the position of mathematics there. The

training available at Cambridge was distinctive for its >

emphasis on mathematics. Moreover, Cambridge, as an

institution, incorporated a number of incentives to pursue

mathematics at a rather advanced level. Chief among these

was the mode of acquiring honors through the Senate House

Examination which was almost completely mathematical in

content. Yet Cambridge was not thought of as a place for

training mathematicians: the ideal of a liberal education

was the underlying principle of a Cambridge education. *

This tension between the ideal of a liberal education and,

in practice, a specialized training in mathematics was

manifested in numerous complaints about Cambridge in the

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early nineteenth century. On the one hand many critics of f Cambridge called for a broadening of the content of studies'

to include subjects other than mathematics; for example,

more classics or the natural sciences. Many wished to

break the dominance of mathematics in the Senate House.

On the other hand, from a mathematical perspective, there

was room for complaint about the style or level of

mathematics being taught'since it was mainly synthetic

mathematics, as dictated by the tenets of a liberal

education. This was the position taken by the members of

the Analytical Society and by other reformers of Cambridge

mathematics. There was a situation at Cambridge where

mathematics was highly valued and fundamentally related' to

the character of its curriculum, and this situation was to

play an important role in the; reform.

The second important set of influences in the history

of the Analytical Society involved the outcry in the early

nineteenth century over the state of mathematics in England.

Chapter III examines this complaint which had two chief

characteristics: one an argument over the style of

mathematics, the other a resolution about the.1 relationship

of mathematics and society. These again relate to the

three fundamental factors outlined above.

The first feature of the lament was that many saw

the decline of the mathematical sciences in England to be

a result of the emphasis there on synthetic mathematics.

Reflecting developments in mathematics on the Continent,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ana particularly ifl France, numerous British mathematicians

pushed for the adoption of analytics in their own country

because of its ’ability to produce new mathematics. They

met with opposition from those who preferred synthetics

for a variety of reasons, such as an objection to / analytics as meaningless manipulations or adherence to the

Newtonian tradition in mathematics of fluxions and

synthetical methods. This opposition, howevfer, was largely

passive. It tended to fade into the background when

challenged by the efforts of supporters of analytics

^especially when .these efforts were concerted.

Cambridge had been the university of Newton and

mathematics was central in its curriculum, so it was seen

as the epitome of English mathematics. Its stress on

synthetics represented the state of mathematics in the

rest of the country. Some mathematicians at Cambridge,

Robert Woodhouse for example, attempted to introduce

analytics. Barriers to these efforts were created not

only by the state of Cambridge mathematics and the inertia

of many there, but also by the acceptance of a

liberal education and hence an apparent restriction to


The second characteristic of the outcry was the view

that a further cause of the decline was the lack of public

institutional encouragement for the mathematical sciences.

If mathematics was to prosper in England, supporters of

Continental mathematics argued, the government, the Royal

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Society and the universities had to promote mathematics -

by which they meant analytics. This aspect of the' lament

was probably prompted by the emergence in France at this

time of institutional or professional opportunities for

scientists. Thus professionalism and analytics were woven

together in still another relationship in the contentions

of the critics of the state of British mathematical science.

This association was maintained by many of those who first

introduced and adopted analytics in England. The University

of Cambridge, due to its stress on mathematics and its

institutional role, came under much criticism from these

persons not only for its teaching of synthetics: but also for

its system of studies. Thus the lament was both a

reflection of the changing circumstances of mathematics in

England as well as a tool in the efforts to transform that '

mathematics. i The two sets of circumstances described above provided

the setting for the early nineteenth-century change in -

Cambridge mathematics. Only individual actors were required to draw out the tendencies af the circumstances. This process occurred at Cambridge among the students,

many of whom brought into their university lives the

popular issues of the time. The best example of the

unfolding, by students With new expectations, of the

situation at Cambridge and of the cry about the inferiority

of English mathematics was the Analytical Society. Its

history is set forth in detail in chapter IV. The


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Analytical Society was a mathematical society: it existed “

to Its members were not satisfied with "

the study of synthetics at Cambridge, with the level of

the mathematics taught there, nor with the Cambridge system

associated with those studies. But contrary to the uaual

historical view, despite this dissatisfaction with Cambridge

the activities of the Society were focused on the production

of analytical mathematics and not on the reform of Cambridge.

The Analytical Society, as Babbage’s words quoted

above' indicate, did not prosper at Cambridge. • It suffered

from the system of Cambridge which, particularly

through the Senate House Examination, emphasized synthetic

mathematics and demanded for success much time and attention

S, to its study. The existence of the Society was also

jeopardized by the lack of careers in mathematics in England

which would have served as incentives to the Society's

members to work in mathematics after graduation. Yet even

with its difficulties and short existence, the Analytical

Society seems to have had an influencef t ' on its members which

became visible, after the Society's dissolution, in the

mathematics of some of its former members as well as in the

■ later efforts of some to reform Cambridge studies.

A few of the members of the Analytical Society

- continued their efforts in mathematics even after the

Society's dissolution. Chapter V looks at their work and

S? t.' • concerns in-mathematics. It outlines the role of some of

the elements of the framework., which this thesis establishes,

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in the members' production of new mathematics. A close

link exists between this mathematics and their ideas about

mathematics, or vision of analysis. The technical

mathematical work of such former members as Charles Babbage

John Herschel and shows that it was aimed

at revealing the foundations of pure analytiqs- in order to

advance the development of mathematics. This goal was

based on the belief that mathematics had grown to be as

powerful as it was because of analytics; a belief which J was becoming prominently embedded in the mathematical i

climate of England at that period. Thus it appears that /

their technical mathematics depended on and reinforced

their vision of analysis.

The_ vision itself was a reflection of some of their

other concerns, especially with professionalism. While

these former members were producing mathematics, they were

also attempting to make careers in.mathematics. Their lack

of success in this area served to confirm the idea that ^"\

mathematics had to be treated as a professic^i if it was to

prosper in England. Only in th^s way woul lysis, and

especially “pure .analysis, be assured of support. Their

work in pu ^ is and their vision of analysis were a

basic part of their attempts to make mathematics in England

a profession. Thus their mathematics was also an image of

the elements-of -the framework of early nineteenth-century

Cambridge mathematics.

Chapter VI reviews the introduction of analytics at \

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 16

Cambridge. The same elements which led to the formation of

the Analytical Society and were involved in its mathematics

were also active in the transition of Cambridge mathematics.

Sparked by former members of the Society, many younger

members of Cambridge reformed the mathematical studies there, C

These "reforms" were carried out through the structure of

the University, for example, through the textbooks and the

Senate House Examination . Analytics conforming to the

Analytical Society's vision of analysis was adopted. The

reformers also sought to infuse into the Cambridge studies

a. wider range of mathematical topics and a deeper study of

them - a very non-liberal direction in education.

The changes of the 1820s in the mathematical studies

at Cambridge met with much criticism. There were some who

objected to.the particular views of analytics advocated.

Others rejected analytics and stressed the value of

synthetics within a liberal education. And many also pointed

out that the link between analytics and professionalism

conflicted with the Object of a university. Thus both the

forces for and against the changes in Cambridge mathematics

reflect the basic factors we have identified. We hope that

the approach of this thesis through the social and

intellectual framework of analytics versus synthetics,

liberal education, and professionalism, will provide insight ■) into the nature of Cambridge mathematics in the early

nineteenth century.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. II. Mathematics and the Curriculum of the University

of Cambridge in the Early Nineteenth Century

. The University of Cambridge played an important role

in the history of mathematics in England. This fact was

due not simply to the many outstanding mathematicians

associated with the University - it was the University

of Newton - but also to the tradition of mathematical

study there. The aim of this chapter is to examine the V* system of Cambridge studies and the role of mathematics

in that system in the early nineteenth century, and

thereby to establish the Cambridge context of the

Analytical Society.

Cambridge, as an early nineteenth-century institution,

blended indwell with many other aspects of pre-industrial

— f ' England. It was also a university with many distinctive

characteristics, particularly in its system of studies.

A brief contrast with Oxford, the only other English

university before 1828, and with the Scottish-universities

is useful in appreciating these features.

Oxford, like Cambridge, had been in a depressed

state in the eighteenth century. It had begun to revive

its studies in 1800, when examinations for the :B.A., A B.C.L. and M.A. degrees were established. The subjects

for the B.A. were Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Moral

Philosophy and the elements of Mathematics and Physics.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 18

Candidates were to be examined orally in all or some of

these s u b j e c t s b u t the tests were always to include

classics.'*' An honours examination was also set up but

few persons attempted it. In 1807- separate Honours

Schools in Literis Humanioribus and in Mathematics and

Physics were founded with the former consisting of the

Greek and Latin languages, Rhetoric, Moral Philosophy !

> 2 s and Logic. As for the latter school, apparently there

were few persons at Oxford capable of acting as tutors

in these subjects at first Although by 1816 some students ^

had "acquired a profound knowledge of the higher geometry,

of the Principia of Sir Issac Newton, and of the four

branches of natural philosophy.11^ However, with this

separation, mathematics and physics were no longer

obligatory subjects; professional lectures in all the

sciences declined in numbers, and the classics and logic 4 gained a new monopoly on learning. In the 1820s it was


That the mathematical sciences are in the lowest' possible state in Oxford may Ije assumed as an indisputable fact. They had rather gone backwards than forwards for the last 20 years. 5

1. Clarke (1959) 98.

2. Ibid. 99.

3. Anon, "A Review of 'Wainewright's Literary and Scien- t tific Pursuits of Cambridge"’ British Review 1_ (1816) / 357-375. p.365. Incidentally, this is a lovely ex- *• pression of the ideal of a liberal education.

4. Ward (1965) 15-16. See also Powell (1832) 30-38.

5. Ward (1965) 57.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 19

The Scottish universities were very different from

their southern counterparts. They continued, in the very

early nineteenth century, to enjoy their eighteenth-

century reputation for medicine, philosophy and science.

In further contrast to the English universities, they were

cheaper to attend than Oxford or Cambridge, wer.e more

popularly based and offered mostly professional degrees

with the professors both lecturing and giving tutorial

instruction. And in the subjects of study,- philosophy

played a predominant role with "an unusually large amount

of attention" given '"to the first principles and metat

physical ground of the disciplines. But instruction in

the Scottish universities was of a low standard; because

of their broad base they tended in some measure to do 2 "the work of secondary schools." A Royal Commission on

Scottish universities was established in 1826, after much

debate on the decline of Scottish universities,: and

following their report the English example of a classical

basis for higher education increasingly replaced the older

Scottish tradition.

What distinguished a Cambridge Oniversity education

from that available at Oxford and at the Scottish

universities was its-emphasis on mathematical studies and

its examination system. The mathematical curriculum was

of a relatively high standard at least for honours,

1. Davie (1961) 13.

2. Saunders (1950) 358.

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while the Senate House Examination (later to evolve in

part into the Mathematical- Tripos) was a rigorous final

examination for the B.A. and was mostly mathematical in

content. These facets of the curriculum will now be re­

viewed in some detail.

A young man would enter one of the seventeen colleges

of Cambridge University in the early nineteenth century at

about the age of-eighteen. Generally he would be admitted t before the end of an Easter Term and, after residing the

greater part of each of the ten following terms and ful­

filling certain requirements, he would receive a bachelor

of arts degree. There were three terms in an academic

year, Michaelmas Term (October 10 to December 16), Lent

Term (January 13 to the Friday after Midlent Sunday) end

Easter Term (eleventh day after Easter to the Friday

after the first Tuesday in ’.July) . Except for regular

attendance at chapel and, perhaps, at college lectures,

the undergraduate could and did sp£nd most of his time

as he pleased. As the great majority of the under­

graduates did not study for honours and as the standard '

for a B.A. was quite low, many passed their time in

various idle pursuits. However, incentives such as

prizes, scholarships and fellowships also existed and

encouraged many to be "hard reading men".

One of many such persons was G.B. Airy, later

1. Wall (1798) 8, 37, 41, 61, 67, 82.

' •' I \

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Royal astronomer of England. He studied at Cambridge

from 1819 to 1823, graduating as , that

is, the first in the ranking of the hohours classes.

His daily routine began with chapel at 7 a.m., then

breakfast and attendance at college lectures from 9 to

11 a.m. After this he put his lecture notes in order,

wrote a piece of Latin prose and then usually read math­

ematics. At 2 p.m. he went for a four or five mile

coui^rj? walk or perhaps rowing;, returning to dine in

the college hall at 4 p.m. After dinner he lounged until

evening chapel at 5:30 p.m. and returning about 6 p.m.

had tea. He then read quietly, usually a classical sub­

ject, until 11 p.m., when he went to bed.1

The college lectures were given by the college tutors

and concentrated on mathematics and classics. The order

in which various topics were studied seems to have

varied from college to college but the subjects themselves

appear to have been the same in the colleges throughout 2 the early nineteenth century. As a specimen of these

1. Airy (1896) 26.

2. Compare such accounts as Airy (1896) , Schneider (1957), Wright (1827), Wainewright (1815) , Academicus, "A fetter on the 'Course of Studies at Cambridge and Senate-House Exam"1, Monthly Magazine 11 (1801) 115-118, 292-294. pp.115-116, and the ms. notebooks for 1809-10 of Thomas Pierce Williams of St. John'is College the University Library, Cambridge.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. lectures consider those given in Trinity College, the

largest of the colleges of Cambridge, for the period

1815 to 1818.1 A freshman entering Trinity in 1815

would have had in the Michaelmas Term a mathematics

lecture at 9 a.m. on Euclid followed at 10 a.m. by

an hour1s lecture on a Greek tragedy. In the second term

these subjects were replaced by the first part of

algebra, according to Wood's text, and the 21st Book of

Livy. In the final term of his first year the subjects

were plane trigonometry and the 8th Muse of Herodotus.

It should be mentioned that the lectures were not usually

formal but were conducted on the lines of the tutors

questioning the students on assigned readings. In the

first term of his second year the Junior Soph attended

a mathematics lecture on statics and dynamics and a

classics one on the 7th Book of Thucydides. The 2nd,

3rd and 4th parts of Wood's Algebra, spherical trig­

onometry and divinity in the form of St. Luke, Paley's

Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity and Locke's

On the Human Understanding took up the Lent Term, with

the final term devoted exclusively to mathematics: conic

sections, popular and plane astronomy and the first three

1. The following description of Trinity's lectures is taken from Wright (1827).

with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 23

sections of Newton's Principia.1 In this second year

each student also had to compose two declamations,

generally on some historical subject, and to defend them

against some opponent in'the chapel. As John Wright wrote n2 "It is usually considered a bore. The Senior Soph

would find no classics nor diivinity lectures to distract

him from mathematical studies in his third year. The first

term was spent on the remaining parts of Book I of the

Principia, the second term on fluxions, fluents and hydro­

statics, and the Easter Term on optics, physical astronomy

and "a general recapitulation of the studies of the whole

three years in the working of problems." Finally, in the

tenth term after commencing studies, there were no lectures i but rather frequent examinations on subjects previously

studied in order to prepare the student, now called a

questionist, for the Senate House Examination, which

usually began on the first Monday of the Lent Term.

To encourage study of the college lecture topics,

an annual examination was given by Trinity College for

the first and second years and extended to the third in

1818. However only a few colleges had any faf£5r"bf

examination for their students. Moreover the standard

of the lectures was 'low because they had to hJe within the

reach of all the students of each year. Stills, the

1. The term 1 popular1 seems to have denoted elementary principles and notions, and the use of various' astronomical instruments.

2. Wright (1827) 1 199. -

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 24

subjects of the lectures, if studied, must have been

sufficient to have enabled a student to obtain his degree

easily. To gain a degree in 1800, "two books of Euclid's

Geometry, Simple and Quadratic equations, and the early

parts of Paley's Moral Philosophy, were deemed amply suf­

ficient."''' The better students quickly out-stripped-, the

content of the college lectures through extra reading

guided by-private tutors in an effort to gain high honours

in the Senate House Examination. Indeed, Cambridge Univer­

sity's examination system, which was its pride and glory,

was very competitive. While a very little knowledge

might suffice for a degree, there was no maximum for one

who aspired to be placed high in the honours list.

Consider, for.instance, the extra mathematical

studies of John Wright who attended Trinity College from

1815 to 1819 and who, but for an accident, would have 2 been very high i n .the honours list. Wright came up to

Trinity with very little knowledge of mathematics, only

Ludlam's Elements and Walkinghame's Tutor's Assistant.

In the Easter Term he engaged a private tutor and towards

the end of his first yedr he began to read more widely

than ne^d4d for the college lectures. This he continued

rn his second year , consulting various mathematical texts,

buying. otha|fe..aTid-. practicing on as many problems as he could

~ ~ ' 4 1. Prymej_/(1870) 92. Throughout the nineteenth century there were to be many calls for broadening and raising the level of an ordinary degree.

2.. See Wright (1827).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 25


For Problems or Deductions my resources were the Diaries, Leybourne's Mathematical Repository, Dodson's Repository, and some others, and all the Examination Papers X could lay my hands on. With " J these last constantly on the table as a conductor, I traversed the_regions of knowledge, collecting at every step something useful, .and writing them I out, generally in better form I conceived, into ^ . a "College MS."1

During the long (summer) vacation of 1817 Wright prepared

in advance for the following term's lectures ±>y working

at Newton's Principia and at various texts on fluxions

and also read parts of French works on mechanics, by

Francoeur and Poisson, and even struggled with Monge's

Gdomgtrie Analytique, Lagrange's Mgcanique Analytique,

and Laplace's Traitg de Mgcanique Cdleste.

X soon found, however, that the three latter works were at that time much too abstruse ;for my comprehension. I proceeded, indeed, as far as page the seventh of the Mecanique Celeste with some difficulty, but there came to a dead stop, for want of a previous knowledge of the doctrine of Partial Differentials, which had not yet found its way into any work on the subject of Fluxions, in the English language.'. . ^

During the first term of his third year, Wright, finding

. himself so far ahead of the college lectures, began

skipping them quite often. By the end of the term he

had studied Book 2 and a "considerable part" of Book 3

of the Principia, had worked on fluxions and had pursued

such superior French works as would lead to "those (,ne

plus ultras of Mathematical Science; the Mecanique

'1. Ibid. 1 206-08.

2. Ibid. 2 2-3

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 26 •v Analytique, and Mecanique Celeste."''' For the remainder

of his studies at Cambridge, Wright worked mainly by

himself, studying primarily Newton, Lagrange and

Laplace and consulting many English and, especially,

French mathematical texts.

Thus, while college lectures provided enough

guidance for those who might want to gain honours, they

were not at all adequate for obtaining high honours.

For this, private tuition and study of .more advanced

mathematical topics were necessary. The Cambridge

system with its few requirements provided the time for

this study. Also noteworthy in Wright's example is the

fact that serious students of mathematics at Cambridge

were being attracted to the study of French mathematics

by the prestige of Lagrange and Laplace.

The University, compared to its colleges, actually

did very little teaching and the little it did had no

bearing on the B.A. degree. Its.influence lay in the

area of requirements for a degree, these being, before

the 1822 introduction of the elementary Previous Exam-

ination, primarily the Disputations and the Senate House'

Examination. An undergraduate might be called upon

anytime from the Lent Term of his third year to the end

of the following Michaelmas Term to take part in the

Disputations. These j^ere Latin between

1. Ibid. 2 24-25 “ ■ -

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 27

undergraduates of the same year, and their function, in

the early nineteenth century, was to establish a pre­

liminary classification of the undergraduates for the

Senate House Examination. Once called upon, the Respondent,

ag the student was denoted, had to submit three theses

to a Moderator, an official examiner. Usually the first

thesis was on Newton's Principia, the seaond on some

other mathematical or natural philosophical writer and the--

third on some point of moral philosophy: for example,

The ninth section of Newton's first book is true. The aberration of the fixed stars dis­ covered by Bradley is accounted for by him on just principles. A future '-state is not dis­ coverable by the light of nature.1

The theses were communicated to three other students,

the Opponents, chosen by the Moderator. A public Dis­

putation lasting about two hours was held three weeks

after the Respondent had been called by the Moderator.

The Opponents were supposed to bring arguments in the form

of syllogisms against each of the Respondent's theses.

During his act the Respondent would read a brief treatise

on one of his theses, usually on the third, following'>

which the first Opponent would offer five objections to

the Respondent's first thesis, three to his second and

one to his third. The Respondent and Opponent would

1. Academicus, "A Letter to.the Editor on the 'Course of Studies at Cambridge and Senate-House Exam'", Monthly Magazine 11 (1801) 115-118, 292-294. p.117. Charles Babbage kept his act (Disputation))in Feb-, ruary 1813 on the Second part of Wood's Algebra, the appendix-to Woodhouse's Trigonometry, and Dugald- Stewart on Dreams. Letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Feb.. 16 1813;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 28

discuss each argument until stopped by the Moderator.

Similarly the second Opponent would offer three, one and

"one arguments respectively, and the third Opponent one

argument against each thesis. It was the practice that

only the better students', as reported to the Moderators

by the College tutors, would serve as Respondents and

\first Opponents and probably only they appeared more

than two or three times in the Disputations.1

The Disputations, with the growth in importance of

the Senate House Examination, became increasingly subordi­

nate to it. In 1819 felt that the system

of Disputations did not, "at leas'd immediately, produce

any effect on a man's place in the tripos, and is there­

fore considerably less attended to than used to be the

case, and in most years is not very interesting after 2 the five or six best men...." By 1830 the Respondent

and Opponents began prearranging their arguments, and in

1839 the Disputations wereu discontinued.

The Senate House Examination was by far the most

important test in qualifying for a Bachelor of Arts

degree. Almost all the undergraduates eligible for a

B.A. had to pass this examination although, as seen above, a it was much more rigorous for those aspiring to high

honours. The examination appears to have evolved from

a pgrior (about 1725) statutory, examination.1 By the

. 1. Ibid. 117 and Schneider (1957) 30, 32.

2. Todhunter (187 6) 2 35.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. middle of the eighteenth century it had become a re­

quirement for nearly all undergraduates. For the remainder % ■ of that century and for the first half of the nineteenth

the examination was constantly being refined: its

duration increasing from 2 1/2 to 8 days, its mode of

examination becoming more and more written rather than

oral, its problem papers'' being extended to include *

students other than-just those of the h i g ^ honours classes,

and, finally, the range and difficulty of its mathematical

questions being greatly augmented.1 While these extensions

in the Senate House Examination had the overall effect

of raising the level of examining of the whole student body

to a new, more thorough plane, they also were to cause ,

concern about the Resulting curbing and diluting of 2 the examination of the better students.

An example of this test was the operation of the

Senate House Examination in 1819. The undergraduates

taking the examination had previously been arranged into

eight classes by the‘results of the Disputations and

it was according to this classification that they were,

tested in the Senate House. As was usual at that time,

there were six public examiners: the senior and junior

■moderators "of the present year, who. were nominated by the

Proctors, those of the previous year, and those of the

1. For the details of these changes see Ball (1889).

2. Great Britain (1852).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. • 30

year preceding the two last or else two examiners appointed

by the Senate. There does not appear to have been any

pattern in appointing the moderators/ except that they

had to be Masters of Arts and, at least in the early

nineteenth century, to have been placed very high in tile

honours lists of recent Senate House Examinations.^

The moderators were important university officials,

conducting the Disputations and the Senate House Exam-i

ination as well as setting the questions for the latter y

\ and arranging the final hounours list.

The k^iamjnati^n lasted at least six hours each day

for five day's£-'The first three days were employed entirely

by mathematics with the fourth spent on logic, moral

philosophy, the evidences of Christianity and such i/topics.

On the fifth day a re-classification of the undergraduates

appeared and the rest of the day was spent examining the

students, expecially those of tl^ higher classes, to

determine more finely their proper ordy c of merit. For

example, on the first day of the 1819 examination, the

first and second classes were given a problem paper by

the junior moderator, , from 8 to 9 a.m.

After a half-hour break they were given bookwork, that

is, problems or theorems read out of some text, until

11 a.mi by the senior moderator,; Richard Gwatkin. After

lunch (which many could not eat) they were given more

1. The Masters of Arts degree was not very rigorous in 'its requirements and was obtained three .jyears after ■ the B.A.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. >> 31 bookwork by Peacock from 1 to 3 p.m. After another

half-hour break they would probably have been available

to any examiner for oral examination until 5 p.m.

Then from 6 to 9 p.m. they took tea with Gwatkin in the

Combinatioh Room of St. John's College. Afterwards they

were given a problem paper to do until io p.m., when

the examination was finished for the day. While these

two classes were thus employed, the otfier six were also

busy at various times with written and oral work.^

After the examination all the students would be

listed according to their excellence into four classes

of descending order; the first three were the honours

classes and were called Wranglers, Senior Optimes and / Junior Optimes, respectively, while the last and largest

class was the poll men, or o_i uoXXo l , who took a B.A.

degree without honours. In 1819, of 179 men who obtained

a B.A., there were 19 Wranglers, 23 Senior Optimes and

17 Junior Optimes.

Soon after the Senate House Examination, the top

Wranglers, in another opportunity to show their skills,

would compete for the Smith's Prizes. This was an exam­

ination in higher mathematics with two prizes of twenty-

five pounds each and was conducted by the Lucasian Profes­

sor of Mathematics, the Lowndean Professor of Astronomy

1. Wright (18273) 2 62-93. v

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 32

and Geometry, and the Plumian Professor of Astronomy and

Experimental Philosophy. Usually the first and second

Wranglers were also the first and second Smith's Prize-

The Senate House Examination must have caused much

anxiety among the students by its form, duration and even

the was held in - in 1810 W.H. Maule had to

keep his ink bottle " in his bosom that he might

'notbe impeded in his writing" in the unheated Senate- House -

and ■ there are many accounts of the examination- having

severely affected a student's health.1 Much advice,

mostly hints on the subjects of the examination, must

also have circulated; some of it in a jesting vein:

I have a few words of advice for you respecting your conduct in the Senate house. - Keep all tight below, that nature get not the better of yo-u - Get drunk at both the Moderator's Rooms, but yet not so bad as to roll about or overstep the modesty of nature - When you get a problem you cannot do, grin in the examiner's face & tell him you know a trick worth 'two of that - For "my dear boy", this is a wicked world we ■ live in and we have always need to keep in mind Shakespeare's apothegem "Come what come may 2 Time & the ham goes through the blackest day

The examination could be very important for the A

future prospects of the abler students. A high rank

in the Senate House would probably lead to a valuable

College Fellowship - a share in the revenue of the

1. Leathley (1872) 131.

2. Letter from J. Herschel to-.'J. Whittaker, Jan.10 1814;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 33

College: '

They eat, and drink, and sleep, What then? They eat, and drink, and sleep again.1 / This was an important consideration in early nineteenth--

century England where there were few professional positions

for a Cambridge graduate except the traditional ones of law

and the church. A fellowship would make the graduate

financially independent and might lead to better positions

in the colleges or the University, to livings in the gift

of the colleges, or to high offices in the Church of

England. Many a Cambridge graduate owed his success to

his alma mater.

Mathematics was, as has been outlined above, firrtily

embedded Lin the structure of Cambridge studies. It also

had a dominant position' in that structure through its

place in the topics of the college lectures and especially

through the emphasis and influence of the 'Senate House

Examination. Mathematics,, therefore, was regarded as

an important instrument in the education of the young

men at Cambridge. But Cambridge, as noted at the

beginning of this chapter, was better fitted in the early

nineteenth century for pre-industrial times than for the

turbulence of the period. 'With the great forces for change

at that time, the meaning of mathematics in the Cambridge

system could not avoid being called into question because

1. Quoted in Gradus ad Cantabrigiam (1824) 48.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 34

of the prominence of mathematics there.

In the first decades of the nineteenth century the

University of Cambridge, like many other British institu­

tions, at that time, was confronted by a spirit of reform.

...just as the University in the eighteenth century reflected the dislike of that age to violent change, so in the nineteenth century it responded to the prevailing sentiment that institutions, however venerable, had duties to the present as well as obligations to the past.1

The previous century had in general been -a period of

decay for the University despite the fact that a number

of brilliant individuals were then associated with it.

Outdated statutes, the increasing expenses of education,

the neglect of teaching, a decline in the number of

students, and patronage-inspired politics had all helped ' i> 2 to contribute -tc( the stagnation of the University.

Many groups had a very low'opinion of a university

education. For example, Manchester manufacturers com­

plained of its expense, its encouragement to dissipation

and especially its leading to alienation from their own

norms.^ Attempts at reform in the 1770s had led no­

where, and the suppression of liberal sentiments in the

1790s, as a reaction to the events of the French Rev­

olution, did not aid in relieving Cambridge's debased

1. Winstanley (194 0) 157.

2. Roach (1959) 234-235. See also Winstanley (1922) and (1935) for evaluations of eighteenth-century Cambridge.

3. A. Thackray "Natural Knowledge in Cultural Context: The Manchester Model" American Historical Review 79 (1974) 672-709. p. 690. ~

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 35 I

reputation. Yet the numbers of students coming up to

Cambridge steadily increased in the late eighteenth

century and rose steeply after the period of the French

Wars. This increase in student numbers was to strain

the Cambridge system and thereby to put additional

pressure on the need for change there.

With the end of the Napoleonic Wars reform movements

at Cambridge became^vigorous. The goals of these move­

ments, not just at this period but for most of the nineteenth '

century, could be briefly characterized as the extension

of education in all of its facets. ~ Besides attacking the

exclusiveness of admissions to the University and %the many r rights, or privileges, of various groups, this extension

particularly involved the curriculum. Especially from

about 1815 there was substantial concern and activity

in reforming studies. Examinations for the degree of

Bachelor of Laws were instituted in 1816, and examinations

and a course^of lectures on the principles of medicine for

the degree of Bachelor of Medicine in 1819.^ At the same

time there were increasing demands that university professors

lecture on their subjects, a function which had long been


Most undergraduates at Cambridge enrolled for the

1. Winstanley (1940) 160, 167.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. V


Bachelor of Arts degree., And here, in particular, there

was much criticism of the course of studies and many

attempts to make it more comprehensive. Henry Brougham,

in 1825, complained of the inadequacy of the existing

university instruction:

The excellence of few individuals in each University, in classical and mathematical attainments, cannot be cited as any real exception to these remarks. The number of these proficients is extremely small, compared with that of the whole students; and there is really no medium between almost entire idleness, and such skill in making Greek and Latin verses as would astonish a first-rate German commentator, and such readiness in solving difficult problems as would surpass the belief — certainly far exceed the power of Sir , were he again to visit the banks of the Granta. But the true test of a good and efficient system of instruction, is, first of all, its teaching the whole body of those whom it embraces, and making each advance according to the measure of his faculties; and, next to that,its imparting knowledge which . may remain with the students in after life.

Attempts to change Cambridge studies, which were

dominated by mathematics, met with much resistance.

A syndicate was appointed in December 1818 to consider

whether, undergraduates should "be examined, previously

to their degrees, in theological and classical knowledge, 2 as well as in mathematics, metaphysics and ethics." Its

1. H. Brougham "Review of 'The Proposals for founding an University in London considered'" Edinburgh Review 42 (1825) 346-367. pp.351-352.

2. Winstanley (1940) 66.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 37 i j favourable report was lost in the Caput of the University.

And, when in March 1822 a scheme for a previous examination

(that is,-previous to the Senate House Examination which '

was the final, -and most important, test for ,the B.A.) was

finally approved, it merely included one of the Gospels

or Acts of the Apostles in Greek, Paley’s Evidences of

Christianity, and one each of a Greek and Latin classic.^

The content of this examination was made so elementary

as not to divert students too greatly from their math-

ematical studies. 2 /

Similar results befell efforts to broaden the scope

of the Senate House Examination. Christopher Wordsworth’s

plan to have all the bachelor of arts' students take an

examination in classics and theology after the Senate

House Examination was rejected by the Senate in May 1821.

This vote, as D.A. Winstanley has written, was in.part

due to the colleges’ wish to retain control over the

student's instruction, their inability to offer a wide

variety of subjects, and also to the tradition of mathematical

study.^ And, when a year later a classical honours

examination was approved-— the Classical Tripos of May

1822 - the examination was a voluntary one and could

1. Gunning (1828) 97-98.

2. --Winstanley (1940) 167.

3. Ibid. 67-68.

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only be taken by those who had already achieved honours,

through mathematics, in the Senate House Examination.

The reaction by members of the-University to these attempts

to extend the course of study was stated in a review of

the debate over Cambridge studies in 1822:

It has even been openly attempted to introduce classics into the senate-house!!! Visions of the ghost of Sexths Empiricus adversus Mathematicos, and the efforts of defensive wit, levelled at ther’imputed empiricism of the measure, have haunted and employed the light corps of the exclusive mathematicians;; while their weightier reasoners have brought all their, private artillery to .bear on the frivolity of the proposed reform, and on the danger of risking the . enjoyment of a posi£ive good for contingent advantages.

Throughout the firsi half of the nineteenth century

Cambridge reform movements were to meet with little

success. Owing to the powers and interests of the colleges

and the conservative views of many in the University,

few major changes of any sort actually occurred before

1850. In the system of studies, a separate non-honours

degree examination formally came into being only in

1858, although it may be regarded as having existed in 2 practice since 1828. Mathematics continued to enjoy

its privileged position in the intellectual life of

1. Anon "Review of 'Thoughts on the Present System of Academical Education in the University of Cambridge'" Monthly Review 97 (1822) 306-315. p.307.

2. Ball (1889) 212.

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the University especially in the acquiring of honours.

It was not until midncentury that the Classical Tripos

became independent of gaining mathematical honours and

that other modes of acquiring honours, such as the Natural

Sciences and Moral Sciences Triposes, were introduced.'1'

The Mathematical Tripos, as the Senate House Examination ' \ came to be called after the introduction of the Classical

Tripos, increased in the first half of the nineteenth

century in length, rigor, and in the scope of the topics 2 it covered. Despite a few minor reforms and ameliorations,

major change at Cambridge only came about with Parliament

appointing a Cambridge University Commission in 1850.

An important factor in the turmoil at Cambridge

was the activity and expectations of students. The

first third of the nineteenth century, at both Cambridge

and Oxford, was a period which witnessed the arrival,

of "the independent student and the notion of a separate 3 student estate." As a consequence of new social values,

according to Sheldon Rothblatt, students "were coming to 4 the universities in a questioning mood". Many developments

1. Ibid. 211-213.

2.- Ibid. 211-215.

3. Rothblatt (1974) 303. See also Rothblatt (1976).

4. Ibid. (1974) 300.

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at the University at that time confirm this new student


The Oxbridge clubs, the debating societies, the intellectual and sporting associations, the expeditions, the strenuous exercises, the magazine essays and poems, the animated social life and convivial ethic, all point in the same direction: toward a generation of young adults seeking distinctions, pursuing recognition, looking for' public reputations, and introducing into their university lives many of the social and intellectual ideas of their time, a time that was marked by disturbance on a national scale. 1

This movement was undoubtedly a cause of much of the

ferment at Cambridge.

Both the students', activities as well as the

attitude of the University authorities towards them are

well illustrated by two events, at early nineteenth-century

Cambridge. . In the first, the founding in 1811 of an

auxiliary branch of the British and Foreign Bible

Society, the initiative of the undergraduates was frowned

upon, especially by the heads of the colleges. Isaac

Milner, President of Queen's College and Lucasian Professor,

believed that

...if undergraduates were permitted to organize themselves for the purpose of diffusing a knowledge of the Bible, it would not be long before they .were banding together to spread subversive political ideas; and that therefore it was of the utmost importance to impress upon them that they had not come to the University to teach their . elders and betters.2

1. Ibid. 301.

2. Winstanley (1949) 21.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. This view of the discipline of /the students is also

visible in the 1817 suppression of the .Cambridge Union

Society, an undergraduate debating club, by the Vice-

Chancellor of the University, James /Wood. William / Whewell, President of the Union at that time, described v v, the event in a'letter to H.J. Rose the next day and gave

the following vivid account of his interview with Wood.

"We are told you have an objection to our debates - Want to know how "far it goes - literary subjects?" "No sir - they are against the statutes - all meetings at regular times for the purpose of debate are -.hum - haw - hum - irregular. - and you have only bhree years - you have other things to do. You take too much upon you - your knowledge, your reading, your minds are not proper for &c .." "I. am afraid we are not to be allowed,-to consider the -reasons - we must submit to the authority" A move at the word authority. "But the case must have been exaggerated - two or three-'hours a*. • week" "Sir I have had a letter from a person who j once belonged to the society and who says that his prospects have been ruined and that the , prospects of several of his friends have been ruined by the time and attention he has bestowed on the Society" "Very unfortunate - but it j.s impossible this can be common" "Sir it is 1 against the statutes - you must disperse"

The‘frustration of their expectations by the structure -

of Cambridge University was to cause much disenchantment .

among the students. Student discontent became significant

when some of the student's, .upon graduation, obtained

posts at Cambridge and attempted reforms. /______/ • 1. Letter from Whewell to H.J. Rose, Mar.25 1817; ■’ These two examples also involved other . considerations such as Milner's political position and the reaction to social unrest.

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The proper sphere of the undergraduate, from the

viewpoint of the University authorities, was study. And

‘not simply any study was expected, but only that of the

subjects taught, at Cambridge and especially those topics

which would be of use for gaining honours in the Senate

House. _ The emphasis on mathematics at Cambridge became

the fo'cus of much :student dissatisfaction. Many called

for a broadening of the course of studies to include

more non-mathematical topics, but with little success

as noted above. Some other students were unhappy with the

'•studies and the mathematics of Cambridge for other

reasons. They objected to the style of the mathematics

required at fcartfbridge. Charles Babbage, for instance,

"acquired -a distaste for the routine studies" of Cambridge .

after finding that' the tutors could not help him in hi

particular mathematical studies and that, m o r e o v e r

■ J • they tried to discourage him from these studies by saying

that they "would not be asked in the Senate House."’''

It was within this context that the Analytical Society

was formed at Cambridge with the goal of promoting

analytics, a style of mathematics different, from that

used for teaching and examining at Cambridge.

The extensive mathematical education which one

could receive at Cambridge was wasted from the point of

1. Babbage (1864) 27.

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•view of the advancement of the field, for very few

continued their mathematical’ studies after graduation. '

There was no incentive at Cambridge, beyond the Senate

House or personal interest, to pursue higher mathematics

or to teach it. And few, if any, occupations in England

in the early nineteenth century'required a training in

mathematics or for that matter, a Cambridge degree.

Furthermore the advancement of knowledge was not a

part of the- purpose of a university: it existed to educate

•gentlemen. This last position, the ideology of a liberal

education; was the framework within which the stress on

mathematics at Cambridge was given meaning.

The ideal of a Cambridge- training throughout the

early nineteenth century was that of the pervasive, though

amorphous, liberal education.'. It was best defined as

the education of a gentleman. This involved the

cultivation of all of the faculties- intellectual, moral

and social-of an individual for his own sake. The I - means and content of such an education could be and

were interpreted in many ways, but during the early

nineteenth century it generally meant a classical or

mathematical training and certainly a non-professional

one. At Cambridge, perhaps because of the great regard

for Newton, the emphasis was on mathematics as a training

for the reasoning powers of the mind. Further, in accord

1. For some studies of the meaning of a liberal education in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, see Rothblatt '(1976) and McPherson^ (1959).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. with the tenets of a liberal education, Cambridge educated

the student not simply through its curriculum but es-'

pecially by the environment it provided. Charles Babbage,

for 'instance, valued his stay at Cambridge because of

the availability of many books'and for "the still more

valuable opportunities it affords of acquiring friends."'"

Bather thiui the gaining of any expert knowledge, for a

. Cambridge education was not very rigorous, it was the

status of a Cambridge degree along with the gentlemanly

connections, or "friends", one could form there, that

undoubtedly helped in later life.

Aside from the University's social function, it

also had the potential'of playing an important intellec­

tual role through its curriculum. Mathematics had such

an overwhelming position within that curriculum that ifs

study often appeared to be incompatible with the principles

of a liberal education. Yet the emphasis on mathematics

at Cambridge was justified by its essential role in

training the jnind. Doubts,,-however, arose not on this

position but on whether there was too great a stress on

mathematics or whether just any type of mathematics

was useful in training the mind. The mathematics of the

Cambridge reformers was to incite criticism of*itself from ■

this latter standpoint. The mathematics of Cambridge before

the transition was allied to the ideal of a liberal education.

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Aug.10 1814;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Any change in the mathematics, therefore, would require the abandoning

of a liberal education or at least a modified understanding of it. Mathematics enjoyed a privileged position within

the structure of Cambridge studies. For this it came

under much criticism in the reform-minded ear ly., nineteenth

century. Of particular significance in this criticism

were the efforts of many students with new expectations.

Mathematics at Cambridge found'- its meaning in education,

in the ideal of a liberal education. The content of

Cambridge mathematics was typical of English mathematics

at that time, as will be seen in the next chapter. With

the widespread lament about the decline . of mathematical

scienge in England in the early nineteenth century much

criticism was directed at Cambridge because of its repute

for mathematics. The traditional and institutionalized

position of Cambridge mathematics as well as its links

with a liberal education made any curriculum reform

difficult. But this position also provided a means for •

change. All that was required was control .over the

teaching and examining posts. Yet some motivation was

also needed. In a university which prided itself on

being the University of Newton, criticism of English

mathematics, or, synonymously at that time, Newtonian

mathematics, would undoubtedly play a large part in any

motivation of this sort. It is this theme of contemporary

opinion of the state of mathematics in England and its

relation to Cambridge which will next be reviewed.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Ill. The Decline of the Mathematical Sciences in England

and Their State at Cambridge (1790-1815)

The situation at Cambridge was an important part of

the context from which the Analytical Society and the

transition in Cambridge mathematics emerged. The other

significant factor in this context was the widespread

lament about the'"decline of the mathematical sciences'

in England in *the early nineteenth century. Historians

of mathematics and, in particular,, of developments in

mathematics in England, have agreed in viewing eighteenth-

and early nineteenth-century British mathematics as in a

state of stagnation, if not decline.""

And, with equal unanimity, their explanation of this

situation has centered on the mathematical influence of

Isaac Newton. Consider, for example, Morris Kline's view:

England's poor performance in view of its"great activity in the.seventeenth century may be surprising, but" the explanation is readily found.. The English mathematicians had not only isolated themselves personally from the Continentals as a consequence of the controversy between Newton and Leibniz, but also suffered by following the geometrical methods of Newton. The English settled down to study Newton instead of nature. Even in their analytical work they used Newton's notation for fluxions and fluents and refused to read anything written in the notation of Leibniz.' Moreover,' at Oxford and-Cambridge, no Jew or Dissenter from the Church of England could even be a student. By 1815 mathematics in England was at its last gasp and astronomy nearly so.l

1. See, for example, Kline (1972), Boyer (1959), Ball (1889), Koppelman (1971/72),and Dubbey (1963), (1964), and (1978).

2. Kline (1972) 622. For the last sentence see Herschel (1857) 577.

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Most historians of mathematics have assigned the British

bias for the fluxional notation and for geometrical

methods a s .the cause of the mathematical slump in

England. However, this explanation is surely somewhat

confined for it fails, for exampfe,' to1 explain the lack

of mathematical investigation in Britain along geometrical lines or using fluxional notation.f Indeed, Kline's references, in the above quotation, to isolation and to

higher education confirm the view that any explanation

of the decline must focus on social and cultural factors o and not wholly on mathematical reasons. Whatever were

the causes of the decline, it is clear that fluxions

and geometrical methods were more symptoms than causes.

By the very late eighteenth century many persons in Britain

who were concerned with the .mathematical sciences began

looking to the Continent and especially to France for

advanced knowledge. It is these persons who lamented

the decline in England. And contemporary opinion usually

appealed to a much wider range of causes than historians

have since done.

Unfortunately, little research has been done on the

alleged slump in British mathematics, probably because it

is commonly held that nothing happened.^ This chapter

1. See, for example, Ball (1889) 98 where, speaking of the English mathematical school of the latter half of the eighteenth century, he says, "Its history, therefore leads nowhere, and hence it is not necessary to discuss it at any great length."

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will review the issue of a decline during the period

1790 to 1815 through an examination of the chief math^

ematical contributors of the period, their works, and their * views on the state of the mathematical sciences if? England.

An important source exists1 for securing these views.

The early nineteenth.century was, in the words of John

0. Hayden, "the heyday of periodical reviewing" in England.'*'

And it is these British reviews and magazines that have

provided the chief source in this chapter for contemporary 2 comment on the state of the mathematical sciences.

1. Hayden (1968) 1.

2. The following is a list of the periodicals I have examined and the years for which they were checked: Quarterly Review (1809-1832), Westminster Review (1824-1830), Critical Review (1802-1813), Edinburgh Review (1802-1830), Gentleman's Magazine (1800-1820),. Monthly Review (1790-1828), Athenaeum (1819-1833), British Critic (1793-1832), Universal Magazine (1799-1815), Scotts Magazine/Edinburgh Magazine (1809-1820), British Review (1811-1825), Anti-Jacobin' Review (1798-1821), Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1817-1820), Monthly Magazine (1796-1820), New Monthly Magazine (1814-1620) , European Magazine (1860-1820), London Magazine (1820-1829), Literary Panorama (1806- 1819), Eclectic Review (1805-1B31). Fortunately most of these reviews did not share in the Edinburgh Magazine's opinion: "We hold Mathematics'-to be a bore in political and literary reviews." Anon "Review of the Westminster Review No.7 July 1825" Edinburgh Magazine 96 (1826) 846.

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xxx.l The Decline of the Mathematical Sciences in England


Thomas Simpson, one of the very few illustrious English

mathematicians of the eighteenth century, noted, a few years

before his death in 1761, that foreign mathematicians were

pushing "their researches farther, in many particulars, than

Sir Isaac Newton and his Followers here, have done."1 He

claimed that this advance was due to this "diligent culti­

vation of the modern analysis". This claim came as a

result of his defence of his use of the analytic method.

Simpson was convinced that the analytic method was essential

to advanced mathematical investigation even though it might

lack, compared to geometry, in neatness and rigor. For

Simpson, and throughout the period from 1790 to 1815,

'analytic' indicated a use of analysis, and in a mathematical 2 context, a use of modern analysis. The term 'analysis! C' referred to the Greek concept of analysis, and thus was an

"art of reasoning" whereby one proceeded "from the thing

sought as taken for granted, through its consequences, to

something that is really granted or known; in which sense

it is the reverse of synthesis or composition, in which we

lay that down first which was the last step of the anaiy-

1. P.J. Wallis "Simpson, TJgpmas" Dictionary of Scientific Biography 12 (1975) 444.

2. Compare the entries for' these terms in the various editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1797, 1817), Ree's New Cyclopaedia (1820), 's A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (1795-17 96) and Peter Barlow's A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (1814).

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sis,...."1 Mathematical analysis was divided into ancient,

or geometrical, and modern. ^Geometrical analysis was

simply the use of analysis in geometry, whereas modern

analysis was an extension of the Greek concept and indicated 2 the method of solving problems by reducing them to equations.

As an example of the difference between . the analytic

and geometric approach to a problem consider the following

example taken from Daijiel Cresswell's An Elementary Treatise

on the Geometrical and Algebraical Investigation of Maxima

and Minima, being the substance of A Course of Lectures

Delivered Conformably to the Will of Lady Sadler (second

edition 1817, Cambridge). Early in the book Cresswell

gave a geometric proof of the theorem:

The greatest parallelogram which can be inscribed in a given triangle, so as to have the vertical angle of the triangle for one of its angles, is that which is formed by drawing two straight lines from the bisection of the base, each parallel to a side of the triangle.3

He proved this theorem in the following way. Let ABC be the

given.triangle. Bisect its base BC. From this point (K)

draw KL parallel to AC and KM. parallel to AB. Let D

be any other point in BC and DH and DE be drawn parallel to

AB and AC respectively. Then parallelogram AK is greater

1. Hutton (1796) 106.

2. J. Hintikka s U. Remes The Method of Analysis. Its Geometrical Origin and its General Significance. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 25 (1975) 106. F. Viete "Introduction to the AnalyticaT-Art” pp. 313-353 in Jacob Klein.1 s Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra (1968).

3. pp.17-18.

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Cresswell, by use of a previous result, then drew the

straight line FDG through D so that it was bisected at D.

The triangles BKL and KCM were equal, again by a previous

result. As-LK equals MC, and LK equals AM (Euclid, Book 1,

prop. 34), AM equals MC. And as the parallelogram AK

is double the triangle MKC (Euclid, Book 1, prop. 41), it

is equal to the sum of the triangles MKC, LBK; and is half

of the triangle ABC. Similarly the parallelogram AD is

half of the triangle AFG. By a previous theorem that

Cresswell had proved, the triangle ABC was greater than

AFG and therefore the parallelogram AK was greater than the

parallelogram AD.

Later in his book Cresswell approached the same

problem analytically, as an example of the algebraic method:

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 52

To find the greatest parallelogram which can be inscribed in a given triangle, .so as to have the vertical angle of the triangle for i>ne of its angles.b

He took AFG to be the given triangle. Then the parallelogram

AD inscribed in it, with the vertical angle A for one of

its angles, was required to be the maximum.



From Euclid (Book 6 , prop. 23) it was Jcnown that equiangular

parallelograms had to one another the same ratio as the

rectangles contained by the. sides about equal angles in

each. Thus the parallelogram AD would be greatest when

the rectangle EA x AH, or AE x ED, was greatest. Letting

AF be denoted by a, FG by b, GA by c, and FD by y, then-

(Euclid, Book 4, prop. 6)

FG : GA :: FD : DE

or b : c :: y : DE

Thus DE = ^ . y .

Similarly DH = || x DG = ^ ' (b-y)‘

So 5^" x 5 " ■i-s to be

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It will be greatest when y.(b-y) is, thus by the calculus

b. y ' - 2y.y'=o b y = 2

Therefore the end result of this analytical manipulation

is that D must bisect FG if the parallelogram AD is to

be the maximum in the triangle AFG.

Aside from the difference in the geometrical and

algebraical language in the above example, it is interesting

to note that Cresswell dealt with this problem, geometrically,

using only results from the first book of Euclid, thereby

stressing the simplicity of the geometrical approach.

On the other hand, the geometrical "theorem" was strictly

synthetic; one knew the result that needed proving. Whereas

the algebraic' "example" was analytic; one had to find the

greatest parallelogram. The result y = ^ was no proof

for Cresswell. To be a proof it would have to be shown

that this value of y rendered the parallelogram a maximum.

Hence this illustration from Cresswell shows up well both

the stylistic and pedagogic differences between analytics

and synthetics: the use of synthetics for' proof and

analytics for discovery',, the 'blind1 manipulation of

symbols in analytics and the step-by-step deductive

reasoning in synthetics, and the rigor of synthetics com­

pared to the unconvincing operations of analytics.

Modern analysis consisted of such branches of mathe­

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matics as algebra, infinite series and fluxions. It ■ ■ l brought with itself such new and Often' unacceptable

, topics as complex numbers. Opposed to it was not simply

synthesis ,\but rather methods based on synthetic geometry

after the Euclidean paradigm. .Probably due to its great

success in the seventeenth and, especially, eighteenth

centuries, the analyfcic^method acquired a mechanical,

yet somewhat mystical reverence for its power,.for through

it an order was prescribed, following which, the mind,

. independent of all else, could easily attain the unknown.

Charles Hutton's view of modern analysis in 17 96 provides

an example of this reverence.

The modern analysis is a general instrument by , which the finest inventions and the greatest improvements have been made, in mathematics and philosophy, for near two centuries past. It furnishes the most perfect examples of the Amanner in which the art of reasoning shouldnbe .employed; it gives to the mind a wonderful skill for discovering things unknown, by means of a , small number that are given; and by employing, short and easy symbols for expressing ideas, it presents to the understanding things which otherwise would seem to lie above its sphere. By this means geometrical demonstrations may be greatly abridged: a long train of arguments, in which the mind cannot, without the greatest effort of attention, discover the connection of ideas, is converted into visible symbols; and the various operations which they require, are simply effected by the combination of those %> symbols.- And, what is still more extraordinarye by this artifice, a great number of truths are often expressed in one line only: instead of which, by following the ordinary way of explanation and demonstration, the same truths would occupy whole pages or volumes. And thus, by the bare contemplation of one line of calculation, we may understand in a short time whole sciences, which

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otherwise could hardly be comprehended in several years.1

Despite a widespread respect for analysis among British

mathematicians, it was Continental mathematicians, and

in particular Euler and Lagrange, who developed analytical

methods and replaced geometric arguments with analytic 2 ones. Of particular importance was Lagrange's attempt

to base the calculus on algebra. Because of this, the

English fluxional calculus, which was formulated in

terms of motion, though a branch of analysis, came to

be regarded as non-analytical. And with the great

advances in mathematical science on the Continent-in

the late eighteenth century, non-analytic methods came

to be identified with 'firitish mathematical inferiority.

Thus analytics and synthetics were alternative

styles of mathematics in the early nineteenth century.

They were distinguished by differences in methods, rigor

add uses. In tertns of the content of the mathematics,

analytics implied a purely algebraic approach, as

illustrated in some of the works of Lagrange. The want

of British work in analytical mathematics was to be seen

by those who wished to revive British mathematics as a

cause for the decline of that✓ mathematics. \

1. Hutton (1796) 106.

2. Kline (1972)' 614.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Many of the early critics, during the period

1790-1815, of the state of British mathematics were

Scottish, Perhaps this was due to the tradition of

learning there and the ties between Scotland and the

Continent. John Robison (1739-1805)/professor of natural

philosophy at Edinburgh University, had deplored, in his

influential Encyclopaedia Britannica .(3rd ed. 1797)

article "Physics", the decline of the taste for math­

ematical sciences in Britain.^- He wrote that "there

has not appeared in Britain half a dozen, treatises worth

consulting for these last forty years*.,/ and was greatly

mortified that his countrymen had to look to foreign

'writers for developments in the Newtonian philosophy.

John Leslie (1766-1832), at about the same time as

Robison, also hoped to arouse his contemporaries by 2 remarking on the state of learning on the Continent.

His exhortations, in general, were allied with a certain

view of the nature of mathematics. Leslie, who had

studied under Robison, was named professor of mathematics

at Edinburgh in 1805. and its professor of natural philosophy

in 1819, succeeding John P l a y f h ^ in both positions.

Leslie's views have been regarded by Richard Olson as

1.. This passage also appeared in the fifth^edition of ~ the encyclopaedia (1817). I have not seen the fourth edition which was, however, mostly.a reprint of the third.

2. J. Leslie "Review of F. Callet's Tables Portatives de Logarithmes, &c." Monthly Review 21 (1796) 570-574. pp.570-571.

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as typical of the Scottish Common Sense interpretation

of the foundations of mathematics.1 This philosophy

had its greatest impact at the University of Edinburgh

and together with the mode of education there tended

to favour geometric over analytic methods, a tendency' 2 which continued until almost 1840. As Olson stated

Something much stronger than.a mere passive cultural inertia maintained geometry at the center of Scottish education after the useful­ ness of applied algebra .was recognized. -If we consider the Scots1 pedagogical emphasis on geometrical studies in conjunction with the dissatisfaction wi:th analysis which arose out of their epistemological considerations, it is hardly surprizing that geometry maintained its supreme position in Scottish mathematics well into the nineteenth century.3

Leslie did camend analysts far their skill, activity

and achievements,‘and even used modern analysis him­

self, yet had fundamental reservations about its uses,

or, more properly, its abuses. For analysts, he felt,

tended to be overly enthusiastic with their method to

the neglect of external observation and so to be prone

to loose and artificial reasoning and consequently to 4 error and defect. It is not surprising then that Leslie

1. Olson (1971) 38. See’also Olson (1975).

2. Olson (1975) 252.

3. Olson (1971) 44.

4. See, for example; Leslie':s reviews of "Laplace's 'On the Motions of Light &c.'" Edinburgh Review 15 (1810) 422-426, and "Delambre1s~De 1 *Arrthmetique des'Grecs" Edinburgh Review 18 (1811) 185-213.

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stressed geometry in education for its "tendency to

invigorate the whole of the intellectual powers, and to

lay a sure and solid foundation on which to erect future

superstructures".’'' Thus while Leslie might lament the

decline of British mathematics and view the neglect of

modern analysis as one of its elements, as may be seen

in his 1835 history of the mathematical and physical

sciences in the eighteenth century, he was not willing

to introduce analytic methods intp ordinary university

education nor to use them in his work without confining

hesitancy,' as illustrated by his rejection of negative 2 .and complex numbers. In his reaction to modern analysis,

or to put it another way, to the means, as many at that

time saw it, by which Continental mathematics had become

superior, Leslie's ambivalence may be regarded as a

good example of the difficulty which any reform of British

mathematics would face*

John Playfair (1748-1819), unlike Leslie, whole- 3 heartedly endorsed analytical mathematics. Playfair had

a long association with the University of•Edinburgh,

having been for a time a student there, then the professor

of mathematics from 1785 to 1805, and finally professor

of natural philosophy from 1805 until his death. He

1. Ibid. (Review of Delambre).

'2. Leslie (1842) 576-579. This is another edition of ’ his 1835 work.

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is perhaps best remembered today for his exposition

of James Hutton's ideas in the Illustrations of the

Huttonian Theory of the Earth (1802), or for his sub­

stitute wording for Euclid's parallel axiom. But in

his day he- was also known for his propagation of

continental mathematics. He'diffused analytics in

Britain through some of his university lectures, some

of his mathematical papers, and especially through his

numerous reviews in the newly-founded (1802) , whiggish,

aggressive and very popular Edinburgh Review.^

According to Playfair's viewsanalytical methods

and discovery of truth were closely allied. Algebra

was a language "invented expressly for the purpose of

assisting the mind in the management of thought: this

is its'primary destination; and the business'uf commun­

icating knowledge, which is principal with respect to

other languages, with respect to it, is secondary and 2 accidental." Playfair was very willing bo defend

analytic mathematics from geometers on the basis of its

1. For an acount of Playfair^feee J.B. Morrell "Professors Robison and Playfair, and the Theopholjia Gallica: Natural Philosophy, Religion and Politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815" Notes & Rec. Roy. Soc. London 26 (1971) 43-63.

2.-. J. Playfair "Review.of BuSe's 'Memoire sur les ' Quarititds Imaqinaires'" Edinburgh Review 12 (1808) 306-318. p.306.

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power of -discovery. •

Whatever has served for the discovery of truth, has a character too sacred to be rashly thrown aside, or to be sacrificed to the fastidious taste of those who make truth welcome only when it wears a particular dress, and appears arrayed in the costume o f ,antiquity.1

While synthesis might very well convey truth, he felt

it could not impart methods of investigating truth nor

develop the powers of invention. This was left to

analysis, and i'n all "the\most general and difficult

speculations of the pure_Jnathematics, and in all the

most important branches of the mixt, it is the latter

[algebraic analysis] only that can be employed to ad- 2 vantage." In contrast to Leslie, then, Playfair stressed

the importance of analytical mathematics in education,

for only through it could the mind be led to an understanding

of the methods of investigation. Too much emphasis on

synthesis - geometry - would restrain the natural ex­

pansion of the studentts mind and so lead to disgust

and to "the extinction of the ardour that might have

enabled him to attempt investigation himself, and to

acquire both the power and the taste of discovery." 3

1. Ibid. 317.

2. J. Playfair "Review of Bishop Horsley's edition of the Elements, &c." Edinburgh Review 4 (1804) 257-272. p.270.

3. J. Playfair Review of LaPlace's Traite de Michanique Celeste" Edinburqh Review 11 (1808) 249-284. pp.283-284. ■ „

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Playfair's great concern with research and analytic

mathematics could not fail to play an important role

in his comments on the decline of the mathematical

sciences. As early as about 1782 he;.reve'aled his views

on this subject in a letter concerning his meeting with

the Astronomer Royal, (1732-1811),

on a trip to London.

He is an excellent observer, and a good mathematician. He is much attached to the study of geometry, and I am not sure that he is very deeply versed in the late discoveries of the foreign algebraists. Indeed, this, seems to be somewhat the case with all the English mathematicians; they despise their brethren on the Continent, and think that everything in science must be. for ever confined to the country that produced Sir Isaac Newton. Dr. Maskelyne, however, is more than almost any of them superior to this prejudice.1

Some years later he expanded his ideas on the inferiority

of British mathematics. He saw that inferiority wit­

nessed by the fact that in the last half-century no

British author could be found among those who had con­

tributed to the great improvements in mathematics, which

he saw as being analytical trigonometry, the methods of

partial differences and of variations, and developments 2 in methods of integration. He acknowledged a widespread

diffusion of mathematical knowleftge in England yet

also pointed out the great neglect of its higher ^branches,

which could only be found in Continental writings.

1. J. Playfair The Works of John Playfair 1_ (1822) lxxviii.

2. See page 60, footnote 3, pp.250-252,- 279-284.

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... a man may be perfectly acquainted with every thing on mathematical learning that has been written in this country, and may yet find himself stopped at the very first page of the works of Euler or D'Alembert. He will be stopped, not from the difference of the fluxionary notation, (a difficulty easily overcome), nor from the obscurity of these authors, who are both very clear writers, especially the first of them, but from want of knowing the principles and the methods which they take for granted as known to every mathematical reader.1

The attachment to synthetical methods had often

been seen as the cause of this inferiority, and Playfair 2 himself had on occasion held such a view. But Playfair

now moved fron the form of the mathematics to its social

• , . underpinning. The true cause, he argued, lay in the state

of certain public institutions, namely, the English

universities and the.Royal Society. At Oxford all

mathematics, but the elements of geometry, were neglected.^

At Cambridge, although there whs a high level of mathematical

learning, the mode of acquiring it, which was synthetic,

led naturally in Playfair1 s'thought to' a loathing of

mathematics. And the complaint directed to the Royal.

Society was that it did not offer "sufficient encourage- 4 ment for mathematical learning." -This last point takes

on a deeper meaning when it is noted that in 1783-84

1. Ibid. 281

2. See, for example, page 60* footnote 2, p. 261

3. His comments on Oxford led Edward Copleston to make a number of replies, based on the nature of a liberal ed- .ucation, which in turn led to a counter-reply in the Edinburgh Review 16 (1810) 158-187.

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a large number of mathematicians, including Bishop

Horsley, Nevil Maskelyne, Charles Hutton, ,a

Baron Maseres and James Glenie, seceded from the Royal

Society, at that time under the presidency of Joseph

Banks:, charging that it neglected mathematics for the

natural sciences.1 A few years later-, in 1810, Playfair

elaborated on what he saw as "sufficient encouragement"

when he praised the Paris Royal Academy of Sciences for

its promotion of the mathematical sciences by "small

pensions and great honours, bestowed on a few men for

devoting themselves exclusively to works of invention 2 and discovery." He viewed the English inadequacy in

the mathematical sciences to be a result of: the English

public's self-defeating "mercantile prejudices" which

were always prepared to demand an immediate justification

for science in terms of use. Playfair, therefore, had

moved beyond viewing the stagnation of British mathematics

as simply due to an addiction to geometrical methods.

With his concern for the advancement of the field, he

saw a greater cause in the want of institutionalized

Seq C.R. Weld History of the Royal Society (1848) 261 and Taylor (1966) TS-T9T

m ] of the World as translated by John Pond" Edinburqh Review 15 (1810) 396-417. p.398. =------

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encouragement for' the advancement of the mathematical sciences!.1-

There were also other Scots writing for the Edinburgh

Review who shared Playfair's concern over the decline of the

mathematical sciences in England. Henry Brougham (1778-1868),

a close friend of Playfair and later a famous and

Whig politician, also had a high regard for analysis.1

Another instance was the editor of the review, Francis

Jeffrey (1773-1850). He saw the chief cause of the

* y "singular decay of mathematical science in England" as the

great progress of knowledge, which consequently did not

permit a man of "liberal,curiosity" to "go beyond the 2 first elements of mathematical learning." All of these

writers did much to publicize the opinion that British

mathematical science was backward. And there were other

^Scottish critics not connected with the University of

Edinburgh nor with the Edinburgh Review who deplored

the state of British mathematics. One example is that

^of the little-known mathematician William Spence (1777-

1815). In the preface to his An Essay on the Theory of the

various Orders of Logarithmic Transcendents; &c. (1809) ,

1. H. Brougham (probably) "Review of Wallace’s "A New Method of Expressing the Coefficients of the development of the Algebraic F o rmula'Edinburgh Review 1 (1803) 506-510.p. 510. In later life he co-autdjpred (with E.J. Routh) the Analytical V ie y / of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia (1855). :------—

-2. F. Jeffrey "Review pf D. Stewart's Philosophical Essays" Edinburgh Review 17 (1810) 167-211. pp.168-169.

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Spence criticized the British style of hindering mathematical

analysis with geometrical and mechanical applications.

He believed that students had to study general methods

and operations and' not be taught analysis by means of

its applications. On the Continent mathematical analysis

was studied as an independent subject; the result, he

felt, was the superiority of foreign mathematics.'*'

In Scotland, evidently, there was a widespread concern

among those interested in the mathematical sciences about

their relative stagnation. Statements about the decline

reveal the differences between analytics and synthetics,

as well as the relation of these differences to the

advancement of mathematics in England. However, the respon­

sibility for the backwardness of English mathematics was

not seen as simply a result of those differences. The

social underpinnings of mathematics were appealed to. In

.England, as will now be examined-,- there was a similar anxiety/

as in Scotland about the state of the mathematical

sciences. But, in contrast, there were many individuals

opposed to any change in the style of mathematics, or at

least with strong reservations about the nature of any


John Toplis (1774/75-1857) graduated from Cambridge

as eleventh wrangler in 1801. For much of the'period

1. Spence (1819) xiii-xiv.

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1790-1815 he was head master of the Nottingliailf'Free Grammar

School (1806-1819), and for much of his life he was rector

of South Walsham, Norfolk (1824-1857). On October 13,'

1804 he sent a letter to the Philosophical Magazine on the

decline of the mathematical sciences.1 He complained:

We seem, as a nation, for this hast half century, _ to be sunk into a great degree of supineness with respect to the sciences, regardless of our former fame. The generality of the papers in the Philosophical Transactions are no longer of that importance they were formerly. We have long ceased to study those sciences int/which we took the-lead and excelled, and are content to follow, at a very humble distance, the steps of the philosophers of the continent, in those which they have - in a manner discovered and made plain by their glorious exertions.2

Toplis wondered if the cause of this neglect was due to a

contentment with the glory gained in past achievements.

And he saw the reasons for this decline to be the lack

of patronage for science in England (as compared to the

Continent), the overemphasis on classics in education,

the current fashion of studying such less noble subjects

as natural history and chemistry to the neglect of the

mathematical sciences, and the obstinacy with which

English mathematicians clung to geometrical methods. In

support of the last reason, while he allowed that geometry

1. J. Toplis "On the Decline of Mathematical Studies, and the Sciences dependent upon them" Philosophical Magazine 20 (1805) 25-31.

2. Ibid. 26.

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was most proper for training the reasoning faculties,

he displayed his contempt for those who persisted in

using the geometrical method; for is confined in its application, feeble, tedious, and almost impracticable in its powers of discovery in natural philosophy. But what is called analysis possesses boundless and almost supernatural powers in its application to science; and the discoveries made by it in natural philosophy are of so surprising a nature, that to pretend to despise it, and obstinately to grovel amongst a few properties of surfaces and solid bodies, denotes a very narrow and prejudiced mind.-j

Ten years later Toplis was to publish his translation

of part of LaBlace's M^canique celeste still in the hope of

promoting his favourite science and the work of the

- 2 Continental analysts.

Few English mathematicians were as enthusiastic about

analysis or'about the Continental mode of analysis as

Toplis or many of the Scots were, 'william Wales (cl734-

1798), mathematical master of Christ's Hospital, was

convinced of the power of modern analytics but also of

1. Ibid. 28-29.'

2. J. Toplis A Treatise upon Analytical Mechanics,- Being the first Eook of the Mechanrque Celeste of P.S. Laplace (18141 Nottingham. More space m this booE was given to explanatory footnotes than to the'translation itself, indicating, as one reviewer noted (see page 76 , footnote 2) the backwardness of British mathematics.

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its "inelegance and obscurity". And he.did not believe

that algebra could replace geometry in synthetical processes

because of this obscurity and clumsiness.^ An even

stronger criticism' of analytics came from an anonymous

reviewer of Laplace m 1804. 2 He considered that the use

of pure analysis involved an exclusion of reality from the

consideration of reality. This absence would eventually

lead to paralogism and absurdity. snce he warned against

a fascination with Laplace's splendid example:

Let there be as little deviation as possible from the geometrical method: for, since motion includes the conception of lines with their various qualities of magnitudes and position, we thus keep the subject of discussion closely in view: or, to conclude in the words of a celebrated writer, - 'Let the accomplished mathematician push forward our knowledge by the employment of the symbolical analysis; but let him be followed as closely as possible by the geometer, that we may nob be robbed of ideas, and that the student may have light to direct his steps.'3 • The opinion that the reasoning faculties of the mind

were best enhanced by geometry and geometrical methods seems

to have been .widely held among English mathematicians

as was the view that'analytic methods were but affectation.

William Saint (fl.1811) , third mathematical '.assistant at

the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, wrote of the dis-

1. W. Wales "Review of J... Williamson1 s The ^Elements of Euclid vol. 2" Monthly Review. 3 (17901 253-258, ancT” " Reviewof T. Newton ‘ s A Short~Treatise on the Conic Sections" Monthly Review 16 (1795) 389-391.

2. Anon "Review of Laplace's A Treatise on Celestial Mechanics Vol. 3" Critical Review 1 T1804) 531-511.

3. Ibid. 540-541.

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satisfaction the mind received from the operations of

algebra.1 And a reviewer in the British Review noted. 2 the repulsive form and obscurity of analytics. Others

expressed their disaffection with Continental analytic

methods by supporting the Newtonian tradition of fluxions.

William Dickson (fl.1800) "decidedly" preferred the

fluxionary theory (based0 on the concept of motion) as well

as its notation.3 (died 1827), vicar of

Potterspury, also preferred "the Newtonian idea of the r generation of mathematical quantitites by motion, to

Leibnitz's conceit of an apposition of an infinite'sjumber 4 of infinitely small parts". And'Olinthus Gregory (1774-

1841), a prominent Dissenter, a founder of London University

and a teacher of mathematics at the Royal Military Academy,

Woolwich (1803-1838)-, continued to offer the calculus in .

its fluxional form in various editions of Hutton's Course

1. W. Saint "John Frensham" Gentleman's Magazine 81 (1811) 11-15- pp.13-14.

2. Anon "Review of Bridge's Six Lectures on the Elements of Plane Trigonometry" BritisE~Review 1 (T5lT) 105-112. pp. 106-108.

3. W. Dickson "A Translation o% Carnot's Reflections on ... Calculus" Philosophical Magazine 8 (1800} 222-240, 335-352, 9 (1801) 39-56. pp.222-223.

.4. J. Hellins "Review of Agnesi'^s Analytical Institutions (Colson's translation)" British Critic i 3 (1804) 143-156, 2£ (1804) 563-660, 25 (1804) lTT-147. p.654.

- ’ \

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of Mathematics despite attempts to replace it by the dif­

ferential calculus.^-

The period 1790-1815 witnessed the French Revolution

and the Napoleonic Wars, and so it is not surprising to ,

find strong emotions such as a dislike or fear of anything

French associated -with the defence of British mathematics.

Thus Dickson wrote of the partiality of French mathematicians '2 and of their neglect of British colleagues. Hellins 5

attacked "the arrogant claims to superiority in mathematics

and philosophy, lately made by the Infidels and Atheists

in this island, as well as on the continent".3 The 'Tory

Quarterly Review, set up as rival to the Whig Edinburgh

Review in 1809, criticized the French endeavotTr to rob

Newton of the honour of being the inventor of the fluxional

calculus, "a principle which they have uniformly pursued -" 4 with regard to English men of science." And, as one last

example of the distrust of anything French, the Eclectic

:------=-----1 ----- ■ ■' ' r~\ 1. [T.T. Wilkinson] "English Matheraatical^jiiterature" Westminster Review 55 (1851) 70-83. Py?8 . Gregory had also complained of the neglect or mathematics by English natural philosophers in his Treatise on Mechanics (1806)' v. _ ^ / 2. See page 69 , footnote 3. p.40. j

3. J. Hellins "Review of Horsley's Elemental Treatises" British Critic 21 (1803) 272-284. p.272.

4. G. D ’Oyly or J. Ireland "Review of Dealtry's Fluxions" Quarterly Review 5_ (1811) 340-352. pp.340-341.

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Review noted

r ' ... that the writings of some eminent French mathematicians abound in infidel principles. Our elder men of science, we hope, are for the most part of too sober a cast to be injured by these priniples; but we tremble for the fate of the young....1

As a final instance of the English preference for

geometrical methods despite an acknowledgement of the in­

feriority of British mathematics, consider the views of

the famous English natural philosopher, Thomas Young

(177^-1829). In the summer of 1798, while at Cambridge,

he had noted the inferiority of British mathematics.

In July he had written

I am ashamed to find how much the foreign math­ ematicians for these forty years have surpassed the English in the higher branches of the sciences. Euler, Bernouilli and d 1Alembert -have given solutions of problems which have scarcely occurred to us in this country.2-

Yet instead of embracing continental methods he endorsed

geometrical methods and attacked analytics.

... the moderns have Very frequently neglected the more essential, for frivolous and'superficial advantages. To say nothing of the needless incumbrances of new methods of variations, of combinatorial analyses, and of many other similar innovations, the strong inclination which has been shown, especially on the continent, to prefer the algebraical to the geometrical form of representation, is a sufficient proof, that instead of endeavouring to strengthen and enlighten the reasoning faculties, by accustoming them to such a

1. Anon "Review of cBonnycastle1 s Trigonometry" Eclectic Review £ (1808) 53-59. p.59

2. A . Wood Thomas Young , Natural Philosopher 1773-—1829 (1954) pp.65-66. See also G. Peacock Life of Thomas Young (1855) p.127.

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consecutive train of argument as can be fully con­ ceived by the mind, and represented with all its links by the recollection, they have only been desirous of sparing themselves as much as possible the pains of thought and labour, by a kind of mechanical abridgment, which at least'jonly serves the office of a book of tables in facilitating jcomputatians,. but which very often fails even of this end, and is, at tlje same time, the 1 most circuitous and the least intelligible.

And so, in common with other defenders of British

mathematics, he criticized the confusion, absurdities,

suspension of judgement and other defects which analytics

led to. Young did not stop with a criticism of modern

analysis though. In answer to Playfair's contention

that English public institutions were the cause of the

decline of British mathematics, he replied that the

principal object of the universities was not the advancement

of knowledge but its diffusion. Young neglected the issue

of governmental encouragement of science. However an idea

of his views on this issue is obtainable. For Young's" bio­

grapher, George Peacock., noted that some of Young's actions

were based on the principle that science should be independent-

. 3 of the patronage of the government. One might reasonably

enquire, that, what Young saw as the reason for the decline

1. - T. Young "An Essay on Cycloidal Curves &c." British Magazine 1_ (1800) . I have consulted the reprint in his Lectures on Natural Philosoohv 2 (1807). see p.555. — 1------— _

2. T. Young "Review of Mgmoires ... de la Societe d'Arcueil vols. 1 & 2" Quarterly Review 3 (HfloT 4?2-4Sl. '

3. See page 71, footnote 2, Peacock (1855) p.476.

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of the mathematical sciences. And the only answer

Young offered was that there are "occasional fluctuations

in the scientific pursuits" of the individuals-in Great


' Clearly there was a resistance among many English

mathematicians to analytic methods in spite of their

recognition of the inferiority of British mathematical

science. This resistance involved an attachment and

preference for synthetic mathematics with a feeling

that analytics were wanting in rigor. The other aspect

of the lament, the social, support of mathematics, was

largely ignored by the supporters of synthetics. But,

as in the case of Thomas Young, it appears that their

position would have been one of individualism, that is-

that matheipatics should remain independent of institutional

patronage. The resistance also undoubtedly reflected

a certain amount of pride in past and present achievements,

nationalism and opposition to change.

■In spite -of the resistance to analytics and to'a

new relationship between mathematics and society, by

about 1815 many British mathematicians were

1. T. Young "Review of Laplace's Theorie de 1'Action Capillaire" Quarterly Review I (1809! 107-ll2. p. 108.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 74 familiarizing themselves with the' Continental mathematics.

It appears that the great advances of.. the -Fr.ench mathe- » • >> maticians were beginning to outweigh any criticism of

analytics, especially for those concerned with'developing

mathematics. In a short time the analytical movement was

to gain much momentum even though the wish for public

encouragement' for mathematics was not then to be realized.

J^mes .Ivory (1765-1842) showed, in his nearly mathe­

matical work in the 1790s his understanding and adoption

of Continental mathematics.^- Another Scot, William

Wallace (1768-1843), had begun -to study French mathematics 2 about 1793. Both Wallace, in 1803, and Ivory, in 1804,

joined Thomas Leybourn (1770-1840) on 'the teaching staff

of the Royal Military'College, which at that time was at-

Great Marlow. Leybourn was editor of the very respectable

periodical The Mathematical Repository to which Wallace

and Ivory contributed. In the volume for 1809 (which

implies the matter is date 1806), Ivory.and Wallace both

used for the first time the Continental differential

notationj-instead of the British fluxional notation.

Ivory went on to be one of the foremost mathematicians

in England, specializing in the application of analysis

1. J. Ivory "A New Series for the Rectification of the Ellipsis, &c. read Nov. 7, 1796" Transactions. Royal Society of Edinburgh. £ (1798) 177-190.

2. Anon "Wm. Wallace" Monthly Notices. Royal Astronomical Society. £ (1845) 31-41. p.34. For some other Scots who were studying Continental mathematics at this time see Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh 7_ (1871-72) 544, 9 footnote. ’

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 75 to physical problems.

Wallace wrote the article ''Fluxions" for the fourth

edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1816) ,, It was

a vast improvement over the previously existing article.

In it he wrote:

We are sorry, however, to observe, that there is no work in the English language that exhibits a complete view of the theory of fluxions, with all the improvements that have been made upon it - to the present time. We cannot at present acquire any tolerable acquaintance with the subject, without consulting the writings of the foreign mathematicians.!

Wallace continued his diffusion of Continental mathematics.

by writing the article "Fluxions” (1815) for the Edinburgh

Encyclopedia. The article developed the-calculus along

Continental lines arid used the differential notation.

Wallace later succeeded John Leslie as professor of

mathematics at the University of Edinburgh (1819-1838).

William Spence, whose views on the study of mathematics

were mentioned above, also published work using Continental

methods before his early death in 1815. Thomas Knight

(fl.1809) was another who showed his mastery of foreign

mathematics. Bartholomew Lloyd (1772-1837) had in 1796

"meditated a revolution" in the mathematical courses of 2 Dublin University. After becoming professor of mathematics

there, he began to reform its mathematical studies by

1. W. Wallace "Fluxions" Ency. Brit. 8_ (1817) 697-778. p.700.

2. Anon "Bartholomew Lloyd" Gentleman's Magazine 9 (1796) 209.

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introducing Continental analytical methods. Another

Dublin University professor, John Brinkley (1763-1835),

the professor of astronomy, also "contributed materially

to the progress of the study of the Continental Mathematics

in the " at this time.'*' So there is no

doubt that by about 1815 Continental mathematics was being k increasingly adopted by British mathematicians.

Intriguingly the cries of decline of English mathe­

matics and mathematical science did not abate, although

they now no longer appealed to the neglect of analytics

as a cause. A Monthly reviewer of Toplis's translation. .

of Laplace "painfully" admitted the lack of improvement

in the mathematical sciences, in particular in their 2 analytical branches, in England.. But he chose to point

to the little encouragement that publications in higher

mathematics found in Britain rather than to any intrinsic

mathematical reason. And he called upon the numerous

associations for the encouragement of the arts and sciences

in London to promote.mathematics.

At the same time, October 1815, Thomas Thomson

(1773-1852) published in his journal Annals of Philosophy

1. Forbes (1852) 864, footnote. Brinkley first used the ' differential notation in an article'in the Transactions. Royal Irish Academy. 1_3 (1818) 53-61. Read April 1817.

2. Anon "Review of Tcplis's A Treatise &c." Monthly Review 78 (1815) 211-213.

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his own views on the causes of the.inferiority of British

mathematics.^ He too disregarded the issue of analytical

methods, and discounted Playfair's contention about the

mode of education at Cambridge. Rather, Thomson viewed

the exclusive confinement to classics in education and,

especially, the absence of government support for mathe­

maticians and for publishing mathematical works as the

chief causes.2

In extension of Thomson's remarks, a contributor

to the Annals wrote in February 1816 that after comparing

English and French mathematical publications he found


... impossible to deny that the mathematical sciences in France have been carried to an extent never before known, while in England they have remained in a state of almost total stagnation for nearly half a century.3

This writer also omitted any discussion of the type of

mathematics to be pursued. His "principal preventing^

causes to our progress in mathematics" - financial impos­

sibility of publishing higher mathematics treatises, the

lack of stimuli such as prizes and pensions, and the neglect '

of ±he mathematical sciences by the Royal Society - were

1. T. Thomson "Review of Wainewright's Literary and Scien­ tific Pursuits &c." Annals of Philosophy (1815) 294-304.

2. , Ibid. 299-300.

3. .'B.' (perhaps Peter Barlow) "Observations on the Pre­ sent State of the Mathematical Sciences in Great Britain" Annals of Philosophy 1_ (1816) 89— 98. p.93.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. manifestations of the want of protection and encouragement

in this area. This deficiency revealed itself, he felt,

in the few alumni of Cambridge who pursued mathematical

researches, although the real defect there lay in the

superficial learning.1 Even in 1809, an

anonymous critic, in the Eclectic Review, had accented

social causes and neglected mathematical ones, in declaring

the chief causes for British mathematical inferiority

as being an undervaluation in England of the profession

of mathematics and the superficial mode of learning

mathematics by cramming for examinations, as was the 2 practice in the principal English educational institutions.

Thus the complaints about the state of English mathematics

and mathematical science persisted, now maintained by

a complaint of the lack of public encouragement. This

lament was a reflection of the feeling that in order for

English mathematics to prosper it had to be treated as a

profession. And these cries and feelings were to grow

in the 1820s into a general feeling that English science

had declined, and to give rise to a view of the scientist

as a professional.

Hence, there was a very widespread recognition in

Britain in the early nineteenth century of the inferiority

of British mathematics to that of the Continent. However

1. Ibid. 96.

•2. Anon "Review of Spence's An Essay &c.“ Eclectic Review 5 (1809) 1091-1103. pp.1098-1100.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 79 , this sitijation may have originated, the outcry^-h the

period 1790 to 1815 seems to have evolved from an aware­

ness of the progress of Continental, and especially French,

mathematics. And so the revivers urged the adoption

of analytics. But the stress on analytics was but one

element of the revival scheme. They also criticized the

lack of public encouragement for research in the mathe­

matical sciences; in short, they wished mathematics to

be treated as a profession. Those who most decried

British inferiority were enthusiasts for analytics and

anxious for active mathematical research. Those

who defended geometrical methods were content to stress

the advantages of geometry in training the reasoning

powers of the mind and in ensuring that truth was attained

in a clear and rigorous manner. By about 1815 the analytical

movement appears to have gained the upper hand in the de­

bate over analytics, as is illustrated by'the replacement

of the Newtonian fluxional calculus with the Continental

differential calculus.- A revolution had occurred in British


III.2. The State of the Mathematical Sciences at Cambridge


% The last chapter examined the importance of mathematics

in the curriculum at the University, of Cambridge. Because

of its fame for mathematics, the University attracted

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 80 some criticism from those concerned with the state of

English'mathematics both for the type of mathematics

taught there and for the.way in which it was taught. This

section will consider1 the mathematics studied at Cambridge

and the attitudes there towards analytics. It is quite

clear that synthetics was tightly bound to the. ideal

of a liberal education. Synthetics allowed a justification

of the important role of mathematics at Cambridge; and a

gentleman's knowledge of mathematical science could be

attained through synthetics. In particular the work and

opinions of , one of the earliest and,

probably, most influential propagators of Continental

mathematics in Britain, will be reviewed:.inithis


Robert Woodhouse was born in Norwich on Aprilx28,

1773.^ He attended Caius College, Cambridge, graduating

as senior wrangler and first Smith's Prizeman in 1795.

He became a fellow of Caius in l'W8-'SJrd-r~until his

death on .December 23, 1827, occupied various, college

and university positions. Woodhouse became ax^ellow of

£he Royal Society in 1802. He was the only candidate

for the post of Lucasian Professor in 1820 - apparently

1. For biographical details consult “the articles on Woodhouse in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Dictionary of National Biography, Penny Cyclopaedia, Alumni CantaEriqiensis and JohnVenn1s Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College. Vol.2.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 81

no one else thought they had a chance against him - /but

held this chair only until 1822 when he succeeded Samuel

Vince as Plumian Professor. After 1824 the.Plumian

Professorship included superintending the new Cambridge

Observatory. He married, as so many>)other Cambridge

fellows did in their later life, in 1823 and had one

child, Robert.

As mentioned above, Woodhouse is important in this

study because of his promotion, through his books., of

Continental mathematics. Yet there is another important

way in which he diffused his ideas, which has been neglected

by historians. Between the years 1798 and 1812 Woodhouse

was th'e chief reviewer of mathematical works for the

popular Monthly Review.1 in this period he contributed

at least one review to each of the forty-three volumes

that appeared, for a total of 303 reviews or abstracts.

Not all of these reviews concerned the mathematical

sciences, but most did, and these provide an important

source for ascertaining his views on mathematics.

In a review of Samuel Vince's A Complete System of

Astronomy (1797) i Woodhouse bitterly portrayed the state

of British mathematics by pointing' outS that the name of

Newton " r \

.... is pronounced by us with a kind of rapturous enthusiasm; and in thinking of him we indulge the

1. Nangle (1955).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 82 feelings, and exultati.on of national pride; yet in France has been made the most just estimate of ~ 'his merit, and the noblest monument has been erected to his memory. The geometricians of the continent have done more to perpetuate his fame, than the pen of Pemberton, or the chissel of Roubilliac. - The rational and calm appreciation * of genius, by men of science, is of more weight than the high-sounding panegyric of those who know that much has been done, yet have no distinct notion of what hare been done.l

Woodhouse was concerned that this adherence to Newton had

resulted in a blind acceptande of^-the principles and

notation of the fluxional calculus. Woodhouse's

attention, as illustrated both'in his criticism of others'

work and in his own publications, was focused throughout

his life oh two points: a high regard for analytics

and a concern with the principles, or foundations, of a

subject. And it is these two points which are manifested

in his criticism and development of the calculus. His very

first review for the Monthly Bfrvjew in 17 98 attacked the

use of motion in the establishment of fluxions even thotigh

"it may appear a species of mathematical heresy, and a 2 want of proper zeal for the honour of our countrymen".

And Woodhouse called for a logical and rigorous explanation

of the principles of fluxions; a call which he himself

1. Woodhouse "Review of Vince's Astronomy vol. 1" Monthly Review 27 (1798)'121-131. p. 1257"

2. Woodhouse "Review of Hutton's Dictionary"'Monthly Review 25 (1798) 184-201, 364-383. p.194.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 83 would respond to in 1803. In many reviews before 1803,

though, he rejected basing fluxions on motion and even

objected to the fluxional notation.1 Here again he

felt exposed to the charge of "antipathy against' every

thing of English invention" yet he believed that

An English mathematician, if would judge im­ partially, must not suffer himself to be deluded , by the facility which habit has given hin^fcof ./ ' writing and understanding the fluxionary notation; he must divest himself of ,national prejudice; and he must not imagine that he basely resigns Newton's claim to the invention of fluxions, because he quits its notation' as incommodious.2'

If a concern over principles was Woodhouse's inspir­

ation for rejecting fluxions, it was through analytics

that he was to put the calculus on a firm foundation.

Woodhouse's work on the calculus will be discussed a

little further on, but first his views on the "analytic

art" will be examined. Woodhouse saw the merits of

analytics lying in its power for discovery, its.abridge­

ment of time and labour and in. its ability to‘express tf

general results.1 But he^also saw' its def^c^s^ and why

there was much dispute over analytics.

■■ ' . 1'. See, for example "Review of: Lacroix's Traitfe du Calcul Differential sfcf" oMonthly Review (1800731 493-505, 32 4 *5-49J ' ■ 2. Ibid. .32 ^3-4.9-S-: - is’ "' 3. Compare such ji{q®ks of .Wdodhouse' as "Review of Playfair's Geometry*!’ MgnOT$fy Reyiew 26 (1798) .154-165, "Review of Condll'lefc' s bflnquhtfe of Calculation" Monthly. Review 30 (1800) 506-51-2,% and "On- th^,Independence of the analyticalnirid geometrical-.Me-thods of Investigation &c'." Phil. Traris.692 (1802)" 85t-125.. « .. '

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 84 The operations of algebra are mechanical; various and intricate combinations of quantitites are produced; and many authors, not attentive to the circumstances under which they were.obtained, have given either obscure, imperfect, or perverse explanations of the principles and methods of algebra. Certain properties have been assigned to quantities as inherent and essential, which depend solely on an arbitrary notation. The plain and obvious meanings of certain formulas have been neglected, to seek for latent truths or fanciful analogies. Hence, in many treatises, the science is obscure, perplexed, and mysterious.1

’ Woodhouse felt that these defects and misuses of

analytics could be cleared away, and then the superiority

of the analytic method ovei-xthe geometric- would be clear,

especially in the realm of abstruse and intricate research.

Correspondingly, Woodhouse regarded the use of geometric

methods in research as .akin to amateurishness. For ex­

ample, in a review in 1801 he praised Vinceis -work on

physical astronomy because of the few English works on

the subject, yet pointed out the necessary tediousness

and intricacy in using’ the synthetic, or geometric, 2 method. And this criticism was made even more strongly

in reviews of Abraham Robertsofi and John Hellins.

. In.the construction of his articles, we imagine that Mr. Robertson wished to demonstrate every thing more Geometrico, since otherwise that which is diffused over five pages might have been comprised in two. We are not averse to the con­

1. Ibid. (Review of Condillac) 506.

2. Woodhouse "Review of Vince's Astronomy vol. 2" .Monthly Review 35 (1801) 72-8TI p.81.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. sumption of ink and paper, when perspicuity and distinctness are to be the result: but, as Mr. R. was evidently writing- to mathematicians of toler­ able growth and manhood, who must, for the compre­ hension of the latter part of his paper, be well acquainted with the ordinary fluxionary processes, to such undoubtedly he would have bejn more intell­ igible if he had been more succinct.

Finally, in spite of his support for analytics,

Woodhouse was anxious to avoid the extremes of those who

would rather ''operate" than .know, "who look more to the 2 truth of result than to justness of'inference''. Such

persons neglected evidence and rigour in demonstration.

This view probably led to his reputation at Cambridge as

one who disliked "ultra-analysts" .3 Nevertheless, Woodhouse'

was in all his works a zealous promoter of the analytic

method, and/ hence, of Continental mathematics.

In 1803, Woodhouse1s The Principles of Analytical

Calculation was published by the Cambridge University

Press. This work not only expressed in a single argument his various criticisns of the foundations of the calculus and his views of the calculus and his views of analytics, so often previously stated in the Monthly Review and in his papers in the Philosophical Transactions but was the first British work to introduce Continental approaches

1. Woodhouse "Review of Robertson's Equinoxes' Phil. Trans■ (1807) " "Mi______(1807) 6-16, p.12. See also his reviews of Hellins in the Monthly Review 40 (1803) 418-419 and 67 (1812) 259-261. .

2. Woodhouse "Review of LaCroix's Traite des Differences et des Series &c." Monthly Review 36 (1802") 4ab -tui. p.500.

3. Todhunter (1876) 2 29-30.

with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. to the calculus and to use the differential notation. The Principles was not so much a polemic as'

an appeal to the reader to accept Woodhouse1s foundation

on the basis of what he felt was-natural, commodious,

concise, perspicuous, and a natural and logical order of


In the Principles Woodhouse1s primary -concern was to

establish a rigorous, deductive foundation for the fluxional

or differential calculus.3- Woodhouse viewed past attempts to form a basis for analytical calculation"_5--T e ^ o u r modern calculus as ,not absolutely erroneous, but as en-

compassing methods which were neither natural nor commodious. 2 * Using Berkeley's argument of "shifting the hypothesis" and

his own views orr^the signification of algebraic expressions

. and on the meaning of the equality sign," = ", he rejected. 3

the theory of.limits, the fluxionai calculus and Lagrange's

basis for the calculus. He gave up the

because it was based on motion, a concept not accurately •

understood, and because the usual development of this^

form of the calculus was, he thought, revolting to common

sense.3 And Lagrange's basis was set aside because of its

"tedious and unnecessary prolixity" and because of various

1. For a discussion of certain mathematical aspects of this work, see’ Dubbey (1964);.

2. Woodhouse The Principles of Analytical Calculation (1803) xvii") 218.

3. Ibid. iii-iv, 211-212.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 87 objections, to the way in which Lagrange expanded certain

functions. ■*"

Woodhouse1s own foundation was developed along the

lines of Lagrange's but in a different and more rigorous


Instead of labouring to deduce from metaphysical principles, the properties of algebraic formulas, I think it more agreeable to the natural and logical order of ideas, to consider .the rules for multi­ plication, involution ^.evolution; the forms for \ (x+i)m , a x+i, 'l' lx+r), f(x+i), &c. as a series \*f regular deductions; and the steps by which we a9pend to expressions, more and more general, meisely as so many successive improvements in the! language of Analysis. Between the differential calculus and the rule for multiplication, the interval is not immense. It is that compendious * ^ method of addition, which is the low basis of the most towering speculations, the humble origin of the sublime Geometry.

On this basis Woodhouse developed his method of analytical

calculation by employing the analytical art, which he felt

was strict and certain when care was taken about the deri­

vation and manipulation of the ^algebraic quantities.3 •V c Woodhouse rejected geometrical methods since the connection

between algebraic expressions and geometry was merely V ' an accident' of history and was of no benefit to calculation.

Finally,- Woodhouse also replaced the fluxional with the

differential notation. He regarded notation as the

main advantage of the language of analysis, and in this

1. Ibid’, xviii-xxv.

2. Ibid■ xxv. See also p.212.

3. Ibid. 53.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 88 / context criticized the fluxional notation for its awkward-

ness and for not being easily capable, of extension. The

differential notation was more convenient, easily distinguished,

less ambiguous, useful as a symbol of operation, arid also

important for discovery:

.... but the notation formed by it, has other advantages besides that of conciseness: for, not only is the deductive process rendered more easy and precise by an ingenious system of signs, but even invention is thereby considerably assisted.1

Woodhouse's Principles must have been very influential

in introducing the language and methods of Continental

mathematics to those who were interested. Charles Babbage 2 learned from it the differential notation. Many articles

in Barlow's A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary

(1814) and in Rees' The New Cyclopaedia (1802-1820) cite

the Principles, especially for information on foreign

mathematics.^ But it also prompted^njany mathematicians

to defend the fluxional calculus. William Hales (1747-1831),

a former professor of.Trinity College, Dublin, responded

in hj_s Analysis Fluxionum (1800) bo Woodhouse's early

reviews in the Monthly Review by arguing for the method of

1. Ibid. 23.

2. Babbage (1864) 26. As a foundational work, it appears to have had a great influence on Augustus DeMorgan, ~ see Dubbey (1964) 80. I

3. See, for example, the article "Function" in Rees and in Barlow. )

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 89 fluxions; that is, the principle.of motion, geometrical

methods and fluxional notation. Similarly a reviewer

in the British Critic in 1804 thought that the Principles

did little to change his conviction of the "truth of the 'A 1 Even many years after-

wards, in 1811, a critic for the Eclectic Review supported-

the method of fluxions by refuting almost point "by point 2 Woodhohse's objections. There were also many who were

zealous to defend the fluxional notation. For example,

the Anti-Jacobiri Review commented:

... Mr. Woodhouse's quitting the fluxionary notation of Sir Isaac Newton for the differential onq of Leibnitz, who, though a man of eminent . and diversified talents, was certainly a plagiarist in,matters of science, strikes us as a ridiculpus piece of affectation. The two calculi differ only, in name and in notation, which in fluxions, i9 equal, at least in simplicity, to that of differentials, and unquestionably superior to it in point of conciseness. As this is the case, and as the Royal.Society of London took a great deal of pains to have Sir Isaac's claim to the invention investigated and established, we trust the- principle mathematicians in this island will never think of abandoning the notation of the’inventor for the other.3

The Principles of Analytical Calculation was not

Woodhouse' s’only effort at diffusing Continental mathe-

1. Anon "Review of Woodhouse's The Principles of Analytical Calculation'1 British Critic 23_ (1804) 74-81. The British Critic aimed at "upholding the tenets of- the Established Church and the Tory politics of the ruling governemnt". Among its contributors were many Oxford iyld Cambridge fellows, including Abraham Robertson and Samuel Vince. See Hayden (1968) 44-45.

2. Anon "Review of Dealtry's The Principles of Fluxions" Eclectic Review 1_ (1811) 390-400.

3. Anon "Review of Woodhouse'-s 'On the Integration &c. ' Phil.Trans.(1804)" Anti-Jacobin Review 23 (1806) 254-256. pT7561------

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 90 matics. In 1809 his A Treatise on Plane and Spherical

Trigonometry appeared. Woodhouse noted, in this work,

that trigonometry had progressed beyond merely dealing

with triangles, for in its analytical form it provided

many "convenient forms and modes of expression" for the

general language of analysis.1 And since these ex­

pressions', or formulae, were "not entirely without their

use, nor invented and shewn as mere specimens of analytical

dexterity", Woodhouse presented his Treatise in the Continental 2 analytical form. The.Treatise was the first attempt in

Britain to develop trigonometry analytically, and it met

with both praise and censure. A critic for the Edinburgh

Review, perhaps Playfair, in a very favourable review,

praised Woodhouse for hi's treatment of the subject and

for his present and past work in turning the-attention of

British mathematicians to the Continent.'1 Whereas the

Quarterly Review, though mildly favourable,, was "not much

in love with the language" which Woodhouse utilized, and

1. Woodhouse A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (3rd ed. 1819) irii, 41, 102.

2. Ibid. 116-117.

3. Playfair (?) "Review of Woodhouse's A Treatise &c." Edinburgh Review 17 (1810) 122-135.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 91 criticized various facets of the work, including that

Woodhouse, like many Continental mathematicians,

... aims rather to dazzle than to convince; that' he has struggled with intricacies, till he has lost all love for .simplicity, and in pursuit of novelty, sometimes wandered info obscurity.1

However, this work appears to have been even'much more

influential than the earlier Principles. In 1834,

George Peacock wrote that Woodhouse’s trigonometry

... more than any other work contributed to revolutionize the mathematical studies of this country. It was a work, independently of .its singularly opportune appearance, of great merit, and such as is not likely, not withstanding the crowd of similar publications in the present day, to be speedily superseded in the business of education. 2

A year after his trigonometry, Woodhouse\published

A Treatise on Isoperimetrical Problems and the Calculus of

Variations. Once again he aimed at introducing English

readers to an important branch of mathematics that! had been

developed on the Continent. And in this work he again

pointed to the•fruitfulness of the differential—notation

and to the importance of analytical methods.

There is cinother point towards which I am not unwilling to draw the attention of the reader; and that is, the method of demonstration by geometrical figures. -In the first solution . of Isoperimetrical’problems, the-Bernoullis use

1. Anon "Review of Woodhouse1s A Treatise &c." Quarterly Review 4 (1810) 392-402. p.395.

2. Peacock (1834) 295-296.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 92 diagrams_ and their properties. Euler, in his early essays, does the same; then, as he improves the calculus he gets rid of constructions. . . . "» A similar history will belong to every other method of calculation, that has been advanced to 'any degree of perfection.1

As with his other writings, this treatise was also

criticized for its promotion of foreign mathematics. The U Eclectic Review objected to the foreign notation not only

• because it used letters to denote both an operation.and a '

''Vj, quantity but also because its adoption would lead to an ^ 2 extinguishing of the memory of Newton. Similarly the '

British Critic saw the "deficiency" of British mathematics

simply as the result of a want of application on the part 1 of British mathematicians, and defended their methc^ds

' and notation. — "

Accustomed as we have been, to admire the clearness and satisfaction of geometrical precision, we confess, that./we have yet to learn ip what the superiority of the foreign analytical calculus above our own consists; still less can we comprehend why, having so long trodden the analytical paths of mathematical enquiries, which our forefathers so successfully traversed before'us, with mile-stones of good plain English A's and B's we are to go over the same ground again, attended with the more formidable apparatus, but not more goodly show of 9 ' s and <5 1 s for our c directors; and that too/,merely because the French mathematicians have adopted them; that we shall give up our Newtonian x ’s for the more confusing dx's of a Leibnitz. Not considering, perhaps, that while we adopt the

1. Woodhouse A Treatise on Isoperimetrical Problems &c. (1810) vi-viTT

2. Anon "Review of Woodhouse's Isoperimetrical Problems" Eclectic Review 1_ (1811) 584-595. p,592. 1

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. notation we tacitly allow the superiority of the mode, if not priority of claim to the analytical invention, by. giving up our fluxional theory, for the adoption of a foreign differential method.1

This reviewer was characterized by Thomas Wilson

Cfl.1811) as an "anonymous blockhead", .as one veiled in

obscurity spinning cobweb critiques on works far above 2 his comprehension. Wilson was alarmed at the great

decline of the mathematical sciences in Britain and saw

the main causes for this situation as a lack of interest

in these subjects' and, at the same time', a lack of encourage­

ment. So there were persons willing arid able to see merit

in Woodhouse's work. In 1832 John Herschel praised Woodhouse1s

efforts to diffuse higher mathematics'iri Britain and saw

the pre-eminent mdrit of the Isoperimetrical Problems as

"that of appearing just at the right moment, when the- want

of any work explanatory of.what'is merely technical in 3 that calculus was beicoming urgent.

Woodhouse continued his promotion of analytical

methods in his An Elementary Treatise on Physical Astronomy

(1818). In this work he once again argued for the superiority

of the analytic over geometric method, as illustrated by

its use in physical astronomy. i______( 1. Anon "Review of Woodhouse's A Treatise &c." British Critic 32 (1811) 344-346. pp.344-345. ' —

2. Thomas Wilson "Observations on Woodhouse1s Work &c." Monthly Magazine 32 (1811) 322-324.

3. Herschel (1832) 543.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. .Take the methods as we now find them, and the superiority of the Analytical above the, Geometrical method, for efficiency, or for the obtaining the results, is indisputable. One of the results not to be obtained by the. latter is the one just mentioned in the text, namely, the retardation of Saturn's mean motion:., a second is the progression of the Lunar apogee:' a third the acceleration of the Moon's mean motion: a fourth the invariability of the mean motions of the planets. If the Geometrical method had been adhered to, Newton's system would have ^ been deprived of more than half its supports.

It is difficult to judge the extent of the influence

of Woodhouse's works in promoting analytics in the United

Kingdom. Because they were elementary they probably

had their greatest impact among students, and, in particular,

at” the University of Cambridge. To his enemies, such as

Abraham Robertson (1751-1826), and to defenders of

geometrical methods, of Newton's fluxions, of British r ■mathematics in general, Woodlouse was a mere compiler,

from French works, an often obscure and confusing author

who displayed "such a partiality for foreigners, and so

much disrespect to the great inventor of Fluxions, as

could not be expected from an Englishman, and particularly

■■ 2 frcm any Member of the University of Cambridge."/ While^-

to a few colleagues, at least a few student^, and to

later British mathematicians, he was among the first to

1. Woodhouse An Elementary Treatise on Physical Astronomy (n.d.) footnote, pp.lix-lx.

2. [Abraham Robertson] "On the Rectification of the Hyper­ bola" Gentleman's Magazine 85 (1815) 18-22. p.18.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission 95

realize the inferiority of English mathematics and,

through his texts, to "propagate forward to other

jninds the rising impulse of his own".^

'v Few persons at the University of Cambridge appear

to have shared in Woodhouse1 s zeal for Continental

mathematics. While there are few contemporary comments

on the state of*the mathematical sciences thdre, there

are some later sources that speak of a lively opposition

to Woodhouse's work. For instance, George Peacock in

.1834 reported vigorous attacks on Woodhouse's trigonometry

when it was published. ,

It was opposed and stigmatized by many of the_ ..older members, as tending to produce a 'dangerous innovation in the existing course of academical studies, and to subvert the prevalent taste for the geometrical form of conducting investigations and of exhibiting results which had been adopted by Newton in the greatest of his works, and which it became us, therefore, from a regard to the national honour and our own, to maintain unaltered. It was contended, . also, that the primary object of academical \ education, namely the severe cultivation and '•discipline of the mind, was more effectually attained'' by geometrical than by analytical studies, in which the objects of our reasoning are less logical and complete.2

There appears to have been very little mathematical

research activity at Cambridge at this time. Indeed,

between 1800 and 1815, of the eighteen moderators of the

Senate House Examination only five ever published any

1. Herschel (1832) 543

2. Peacock (1834) 296.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 96

mathematical text, and one of these was Robert Woodhouse.

And among students, it seems that even senior wranglers

for most of our period went no further in their studies

than geometrical methods and the fluxional calculus.1

Another way of assessing the state of mathematics

at Cambridge is to examine the texts used by its students.

Throughout most of the period 1790 to 1815 the main text­

books used were a series by Samuel Vince and James Wood

that appeared between 1790 and 1799. The six books of

the series covered algebra, fluxions and the four mathe­

matical sciences of mechanics, hydrostatics, optics and

astronomy. The series appears to have been very-popular,

for each volume went through many editions, although

the content of each volume did not change significantly

at any time during the period 1790-1815.

James Wood (1760-1839) had graduated from St. John's

College in 1782 as senior wrangler and first Smith's

Prizeman, was a fellow of St. John'.s from 1782 to 1815,

a tutor there f r o m -1789 to 1814, and its Master from 1815

until his death. ^ J ie contributed to the series the volumes

on mechanics, optics and algebra. In both the raeahanics

and optics, principles were developed geometrically.

1. See an exchange of letters between Augustus DeMorgari and Sir Frederick Pollock in Ball (1889) 111-114.

with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 97

His algebra had only a very short section at the end on

the application of algebra to geometry which, according

to Carl Boyer, "presents the subject about as it was in

the days of L'Hospital.

Samuel Vince .(1749-1821) had also been senior wrangler

and first Smith's Prizeman in 1775, having been an under­

graduate at Caius College. He was Plumian Professor from

1796 to 1821, and also held a number of church livings ....

throughout- his life. His work was highly regarded by •'

his contemporaries for its content, but not for its 2 elegance. His astronomy consisted of elementary princi­

ples and contained no physical .astronomy. Similarly his

text on hydrostatics attempted, as far as possible,

to develop its principles without the use of fluxions.

If fluxions were needed for a concept, such as the motion

of bodies in resisting mediums, then the.reader was

referred to his A Treatise on Fluxions. This treatise,

as other contemporary English works, on fluxions, contained

more examples and applications than exposition of theory.

And in -this work was found the only trace'of his opinion

of Continental mathematics - besides the style of the

Carl Boyer History 'of Analytic Geometry (1956) 256.

See, for example, Wordsworth (1877) 77, Pryme (1870) 99 and Hilken (1967) 45.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 98

works themselves. Vince criticized the differential


Foreign mathematicians denote the fluxion of x by dx', which is liable to two objections: first, it is not so simple as x, and becomes s t i l l more com­ plex for the higher orders of fluxions; secondly, dx is a notation which also signifies the product of d multiplied by x. Every notation should . • have but one meaning.^

Besides these volumes for the series on the principles

of mathematics and natural philosophy,’Vince also wrote

A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, which

appeared in 1800. Unlike Woodhouse's later work,'it

was developed along geometrical lines, neglected

Continental work on the subject and continued the old

usage of the radius in its formulae.

That Vince's and Wood's books were used extensively

at Cambridge, or at least indicated the level to which

top students would aim, is confirmed not only by the Jo number of editions of their works but also by the . manuscript notebooks (1809-1810) of Thomas Pierce Williams,

who graduated as a wrangler in 1812 and was a fellow of 2 St. John'is from 1813 until 1816. His notes on algebra

correspond in subject matter to various parts of,Wood's

algebra. The notes on hydrostatics cover much the same

material as in Vince with a slightly different order and some \ -

1. S. Vince A Treatise on V.luxions (5th ed. 1818) 2, footnote. 3 2. These notebooks are preserved rn the University Library at Cambridge.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 99

different headings. Williams's notebooks on fluxions

follow Vince's text point by point and almost Word for

word, except - as is the case in all his notebooks -

that there are many examples in his notes not found in

Vince. The notes on astronomy contain only elementary

principles and nothing on physical astronomy. And his

notes on Nevrton'is Principia are entirely on Book One,

"On the Motion of Bodies in Unresisting Mediums".

A further indication of the general adherence

to geometrical methods at Cambridge is shown through

Daniel Cresswell's (1776-1844) An Elementary T r e a t i s e ..

on the Geometrical and Algebraical Investigation of

Maxima and Minima &c. (1812). Thi^-work, probably

written in response to Woodhouse's Treatise on Isoperimet-

rical Problems (1811)) compared the relative advantages .

of geometry and algebra. The first part of the book

presented and proved geometrically many theorems on maxima

a&d minima.. The second part briefly presented the theory

of as expounded by Lagrange and demonstrated

how maxima and minima were thus found! It then solved

a few of the theorems of the first part by this method.

Cresswell argued that while "algebra" might be more

advantageous in the investigation of mathematical truth,

yet as far as the discipline of the mind was concerned

it greatly lagged behind geometry. The chief difficulty

in "algebra"

... is seldom more than the mere translation of the conditions of" the question, into a language, the peculiarity of which is, that

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. \

100 it is so concise as to exhibit several propositions in a small compass". !£his having once been effected, and it is seldom an arduous task to perform, the attention is then withdrawn from the things signified, and confined to the signs: and from performing the mere operations of Algebra, it will scarcely be contended that any improvement of the reasoning faculties is to be derived.1

^ Whereas in geometry the "faculties of judging, recollecting ' 2 and inventing are continually exercised." The emphasis

on the advantages of geometrical methods in education

was a tenet held by many, whether trained or not at

Cambridge. Yet within an educational institution such

as^Cambridge, espousing the ideal of a liberal education, ** 'n it must have carried additional weight. Thus the scant

•f research in mathematics, the- adherence to synthetic

mathematics and the purpose of mathematics within a liberal

education all blended together harmoniously at the

University of Cambridge. Their concurrence provided

a great obstacle to attempts to update mathematics there.

The state of mathematics at Cambridge in the

period 1790 to 1815 was similar to its1 state in the rest

of the country. Cambridge and British mathematics had

not kept pace with Continental developments. The

equilibrium which existed between a liberal education

1. Cresswell An Elementary Treatise on the Geometrioal .<■ and Algebraical Investigation of Maxima and Minima &c. C2nd ed. 1817) 12.

• ,2. Ibid. 13.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 101

and the state of Cambridge mathematics was confror?

by a new factor, an outcry over the inferiority of

British mathematics. Many of these deploring the

■'’situation regarded Cambridge as-the center of British'

mathematics and saw in its mathematics the proof of

British stagnation.'*' And many within Cambridge were

also recognizing this. Robert Woodhouse is one example:

the following published request from a member of .Cambridge-;

(a student,it appears)

What elementary wo: ______^ ;ed by a person who wishes to become acquainted with • what is usually termed "the modern analysis"? That one who resides in a Mathematical University should put this question may appear strange; but it is well known by many, who, like myself, have devoted a considerable portion of time to the study of mathematics according to the system adopted in this university, — that so little attention is paid to the modern I language of science, that the most admired works'of the foreign- Mathematicians are a dead letter even to many of those, who are sufficiently familiar with the works of Newton and the ablest English philosophers.2

Woodhouse attempted to introduce Continental mathematics

into England through his texts. Any effort to (reform1

Cambridge mathematics, however, was hindered by a^

conservatism expressed through a criticism of analytics,

either as a mathematical instrument or from the viewpoint

of a liberal education, and perhaps more directly through

1. See, for example, Playfair or.Brougham. "Review of Dealtry's Fluxions" Edinburgh Review 27 (1816) 87-98.

2. A.H.Z. "Inquiry concerning the means of studying the Modern Analysis." Nicholson's Journal 32 (1812) 17-18.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. an adherence to the language and principles of Newton's

formulation of the calculus. Woodhouse's efforts, focused

on promoting analytic .-mathematics, did not overcome these

barriers. It would appear that only those who were

also concerned with the other aspect of the lament -

establishing a new relationship between mathematics and

society - as Woodhouse was not, would actually bring about

a change in Cambridge mathematics.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. IV. The Analytical Society (1812-1813)

• O r Robert Woodhouse was not the only person at Cambridge

in the early nineteenth century interested in promoting

analytics. Some students manifested, through the formation

of the Analytical Society, the confluence of the structure

of Cambridge studies, the position of mathematics there,

the lament over the state of English mathematics, and the

expectations of students at that time. This chapter will

present the history of the Society in some detail: the

motivations of its members, the goals of the Society and

its fortunes at Cambridge.

On a Thursday, the seventh of May 1812, seven students-

of the University of Cambridge and one recent graduate

gathered in the graduate's rooms in Caius College and

decided to form an association to be called the Analytical 1 . 0 Society. The following Monday, at its first meeting,

several other persons joined the Society, tjpl'es and

regulations were adopted, a president chosen, a room engaged

for the Society and arrangements made for the formation of

its library of works in the mathematical and physical 2 sciences. Of the eight founders of the Analytical Society,

three were students of Trinity College - Charles Babbage,

George Peacock and Michael Slegg. The remaining four

1. Buxton ms.13, pp.24-25.

2. Ibid. 25.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. students, Richard Gwatkin, John Herschel, John Whittaker

and Henry Wilkinson, were from the other (besides Trinity)

large college of Cambridge, St. John's. And their .host was

Edward Bromhead, at that time a scholar of Caius College.'*'

It is not known who were the several new members at the

first meeting, but they may have included William Mill,

Joseph Jordan, Edward Ryan and Thomas Robinson, all students

at Trinity College and all mentioned in various sources as 2 members of the Society. The immediate cause of the

founding of the Society was a conversation between Slegg

and Babbage earlier that May, in which Slegg had mentioned

the current controversy at Cambridge over whether the Bible

was to be distributed alone or with comments. The debate

had'become acute- then with the recent founding of the

Cambridge Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible

1. Ibid. 24-25. There are three main sources for the history of the Analytical Society: Babbage’s autobiography, Passages from The Life of a_ Philosopher (1864) , Buxton ms.-;13 The History of the Origin and Progress of the Calculus of Functions during the years 1809 1810 1817 (1817] written by Babbage, and correspondence between various members of the Society. X have relied primarily on the two latter sources in writing this chapter, using Babbage’s autobiography very warily as it contains many inaccuracies. For example, Alexander D'Arblay, reported as a founder in the autobiography, could not have been present at the formation meeting since he only arrived in England from France in August 1812.

2. Ryan and Robinson are mentioned in Babbage’s autobiography, Babbage (.1864) 29; for Jordan see a letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Mar. 20 1813, Br. ms.; and for Mill consult a letter from Babbage to Herschel, ca. Jan. 12 1814,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1 0 5 Society. 1 The * conversation inspired Babbage to suggest

instituting a society, like the Bible Society, for

distributing Silvestre Lacroix’s Traite' elamentaire de .

Calcul diffe"rentiel et de Calcul integral (1802) in order .

to help spread the "true faith" of analytics. And he drew 2 up a series of resolutions which such a society might adopt.

Slegg felt that the scheme was "too good to be lost" and'- ^

told his acquaintance, Bromhead, of it. Bromhead was so

enthusiastic about the scheme that "he invited those of his

acquaintance who were most attached to mathematical subjects

to meet at his r o o m s . T h u s did the Analytical Society

come into being.

There is a manuscript in the library of St. John's

College, Cambridge, entitled "Plan of a New Society." It

1. The Cambridge" Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society was established on December 12 1811. Its formation intensified the already existing debate on whether the Society (founded 1804) should publish the Bible without any commentary (as it did) or with • the prayer book (as the High Church group wished). Many pamphlets on the subject were written in 1812 by members of Cambridge University. See Ford K. Brown Fathers of the Victorians (1961)

2. Buxton ms.13, p.24. In his autobiography Babbage says he drew his inspiration from a poster and that his sketch of a society for distributing Lacroix's work proposed "...that we should have periodical^ meetings for the propagation of d ’s; and consigne^to perdition all who supported the heresy of dot«J^' I t maintained that the work of Lacroix was so perfect that any comment was unnecessary.” Babbag^ (1864) 28. As mentioned in footnote 1, p. 104,1 tend to. trust the account given in Buxton ms.13, although Babbage's witticism may have originated on this occasion.

3. Buxton ms.13, p.24.

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is bound into a book once belonging to Charles Babbage.

The "Plan" consists of five -resolutions relating to the

Analytical Society. This may be the document drawn up by

Babbage, mentioned previously, or it may be an early record

of the Analytical Society. In any case, as it agrees in

some of its resolutions with the early history of the

Society, it probably accurately reflects the Society’s goals.

According to the "Plan", the Analytical Society (as is also

indicated by its name) was principally interested in the

advancement of Analysis, for its members conceived "that

the Physical Sciences keep pace with the progress of ■

Analysis". And as "the extension of Analytical science

depends upon the increased comprehensiveness of its

^notation", the Society regarded "geometry, & geometrical

demonstration, as contrary to its ultimate objects" and

admitted no papers in which the fluxional notation was

employed. Clearly, then, the Analytical Society shared in

the views of those who were deploring the stagnation, or

decline, of the mathematical sciences in England.

In order to better promote its views, the "Plan” called

for the Society to rent a room to help increase

communication between its members, to start a library to

provide proper sources for study, and to subscribe to

Leyboum's Mathematical Repository and to Nicholson’s

Journal. The Society was also to "receive mathematical

1. Bound with the Memoirs of the Analytical Society (1813).

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manuscripts, & memoirs either containing original matter,

or putting any department of Analysis into a more

convenient form". Members of the Society were to assist

each other in their .'mathematical pursuits if requested.

And the Society was to meet the first Monday of each month

to hear memoirs of'a general mathematical" nature and to

transact its business. All these arrangements seem

suitable for a self-help society, which is” not surprising

given that the members of the Analytical Society were almost

all undergraduates. However, the resolutions of the Society

were not really appropriate simply to satisfy students’

requirements at the Cambridge of that time; they manifested

a much broader interest than university studies. The tone

of the Society was very strongly set towards research in


What-led .these students, most of whom were unacquainted

with one another, to form a society, especially a

mathematical society to promote analytics?1 Biographical

details of the dozen persons mentioned above show that all,

except Peacock, had been admitted to their colleges as

pensioners, the usual procedure for all but the poor, very

rich or aristocratic. The members, therefore, possessed a

1. Babbage wrote in 1817 that "...previous to our first meeting no two of the members (with the exception of M r Bromhead whose acquaintance were very numerous) were known to each other otherwise than by reputation ...." Buxton ms.13, pp.25-26

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1 0 8

certain degree of financial independence."'" Five persons

had attended schools such as Charterhouse, three had been '

privately tutored, and Bromhead had spent two years at

Glasgow University; there are no details for the pre-

Cambridge education of the remaining three students. More

interestingly*, all of the twelve, except Babbage and Ryan,

had obtained,scholarships, at their colleges, which was

usually the first step towards a fellowship. ''(They were

thus a group of very able and serious student^. Another

indication of their great ability is that seven of them

are to be found in the Dictionary o f "National Biography.

But all this information, while it may preclude certain

possible motivations, still does not identify the actual


Sheldon Rothblatt’s work on Oxbridge student sub­

cultures sheds some light on the context in which the

Analytical Society was founded. He argues that the late

Georgian period marked the emergence of the independent

student and the notion of a separate student estate, and 2 that a new kind of student society arose. These new

societies were more permanent and serious than earlier

ones, more closely identified with the university and

For these and other details consult Alumni Cantabriqiensis. Peacock had entered as a sizar, a category reserved for the poor and which entailed some menial duties and often a lower social status.

Rothblatt (1974) 303.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. colleges and their purposes, and were composed of

undergraduates from various colleges rather than fellows

of single colleges.'*' The Analytical Society clearly

shared in many of these characteristics. It seems that it

would have ^een very natural at that period for students

to organize a society such as the Analytical and to have it

reflect some of the concerns of the England,of their time.

But it is still appropriate to wonder why ttiey should have

formed a mathematical society. Fortunately, further

pertinent information is available/from three members of

the Society, two of whom - John Herschel and Charles

Babbage -.were the Society^s^ mainstays.

John Herschel (1792-1871) was the only child of the

astronomer . In his ninth year he was sent

to a private school run by a friend of his father's, Dr. 2 Gretton. The mainly classical education he acquired there .

was complemented by a tutor's instructions in the elements

of the natural sciences, m o d e m languages, literature and

music, and mathematics. The tutor was a Scottish

mathematician, Alexander Rogers, who seems to have kindled

in Herschel an interest in mathematics.*5 Roger’s letters

to Herschel of late 1808 and early 1809 show that Herschel was interested in Continental mathematics and had a copy

1. Ibid. 252-255.

2. Buttmann (19 70) 9.

3. Ibid. 9-10.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. of the Mecanigue Celeste and wished to obtain works by

Lacroix.1 In October of 1809 Herschel went to Cambridge

and matriculated at St, John’s College. Despite brilliant

success as ^an undergraduate in which he "gained all the

first prizes without exception" and which culminated in the

Senior Wranglership and the first Smith's Prize in January

1813, Herschel was not altogether happy with his studies at 2 Cambridge. At the root of his dissatisfaction lay the

Cambridge curriculum, as shown in a letter to his father

shortly before the Senate House Examination.

The impatience with which I look forward to the termination of this childish course of ' -■ study is inconcievable. I see lying in my rooms books which I long to read, and which I dare not open, without which I can advance no farther.3

Long before, in a letter of March 5 1810, Rogers had

cautioned Herschel, in a tone that.sounded of personal

.^experience, not to let his zeal for mathematics get the

better of him:

...and it is unquestionably laudable that you should cultivate such studies, both- as an inexhaustible fund of rational entertainment, and as the means of extending the boundaries of science. But to him, who, unwarranted Tby circumstances, has inconsiderately attached himself to such [------]; they only prove an ignis fatuus bewildering his steps in the

• 1. Letters dated Nov. 5 1808 and Jan. 2 1809; ■i® 2. For his successes see Herschel (1879) 120.

3. Letter dated Dec. 1 1812;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 111

beginning of life and diverting him from the beaten paths which would have been his securest guides; for when he endeavours to render his mathematical attainments the means of bettering^ his condition, he finds them exceedingly ill qualified for such a task.

Rogers had no need to worry, for Herschel managed both to

win all the honours of the University and to pursue his

mathematical studies. The nature of these studies, even

before the founding of the Analytical Society, was

analytical as is illustrated by two short papers he 2 anonymously published in Nicholson’s Journal. ■ The first

appeared in February 1812 and was signed, "A Lover of the

Modem Analysis”.^ The article developed formulae for

certain trigonometrical functions and -showed the values

of the two series

1 lil 1 , &c 1.i 2 -a ” 7 2 2 -a 3 7% -a 4 7 2-a

3 , 7______, 11 , &c 5 5 + 5 5 ' 2 2 (1 -a) (2 —a) (3 -a) (4 -a) (5 -a) (6 -a)

to be identical and to be represented by

■Ti______1 . . " ^ 2 fa X sin. ttja 2a

f~ The second paper, dated March 23, 1812, appeared in


2. Buttmann (1970) 13. See also Herschel’s (unpublished) "Spherical Trigonometry Analytically worked" of Dec. 25 1811;

3. Herschel "Analytical Formulae for the Tangent, .• Cotangent,' &c. In a letter from a Correspondent.’"', "Nicholson's Journal 31 (1812) 133-136.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 112 the May issue of the' Journal* and was signed "Analyticus".^

This paper developed from trigonometrical formulae

numerical expressions for it and for the square roots of

certain integers, and various expressions involving series

of trigonometrical functions. For example,

tt = 3 43 - ~ T ~

43 = 2 . 3 .3.9 .9 .I'S'.l'S .ilTSr.'&bT

cos .A-lcos .2A+lcosT3)C-lcos.4A+&c. , J 3 . 4 2.cos.A = e 2

The second paper also referred’to Woodhouse's Trigonometry,

probably indicating Herschel's source of inspiration. This

influence is'further suggested in that in^both papers

Herschel's initial trigonometric formulae, from which he

derives his results, are to be found in the appendix to 2 Woodhouse's work. So, John Herschel, before joining the

Analytical Society, was not only conversant with Continental

mathematics but also proficient in them and, probably in Vj part because of this ability,'was dissatisfied with the

studies at Cambridge.

’sl. [Herschel] "Trigonometrical Formulae for Sin,es and Cosines. In a Letter from a Correspondent." Nicholson's Journal 32 (1812) 13-16. Herschel does refer in this paper to the correspondence of some of his results to those of Euler'and of Wallis.

2. R. Woodhouse A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry T3rd ed., 1819] 250.

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Charles Babbage (1791-1871) was the son of Benjamin

Babbage, a partner in a very successful London banking

firm.1 He was educated at various schools and by private

tutors but appears to have been largely self-instructed in

mathematics. By the time he matriculated at Trinity College,

in October 1810, he had examined Ditton’s Fluxions (1706),

Agnesi's Analytical Institutiohs .(1801) , Woodhouse’s

Principles of Analytical Calculation (1803) , from which he

learned the notation of Leibnitz, Lagrange's Theorie des

Fonctions Analytiques (1797) and William Spence's An Essay

on the Various Orders of Logarithmic Transcendents (1809),

which had greatly.added to his mathematical knowledge, 2 especially in the idea and symbolism of -functions. So,

like John Herschel, Babbage was well acquainted with

Continental mathematics before entering Cambridge. And

also like Herschel, he had engaged in some original

research. For example, he had discovered "by a method

something like induction” the theorem

1. There is much confusion over certain of Babbage's dates - in particular (so far as I have noticed) his birth, death and marriage. I have tended to *follow Moseley (1964) who has, apparently, consulted family records. She gives Babbage's birth date as December 26, 1791 while most other sources give the same day in 1792. The latest research in the sources confirms the 1791 date; Dubbey (1978) 4-5. Babbage himself seems to have thought that he was b o m on December 26, 1792 (see Moseley (1964) 29, 267 and also Nov. 1859) which may explain the confusion in biographical sources.

2. Babbage (1864) 26, and Buxton ms.13, p.61.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 0 = ln - in 2n + m.m-1 3n - &c for positive inteqers 1 * 1.2

m and n with m greater than n, only to find it later in

Euler. "*■

Babbage's pre-Cambridge mathematical work is also

significant from the -point of view of his later work on the

calculus of functions. For towards the end of 1809, having

- been inspired by a proposition in Pappus, he drew a figure,

like the following, of a hyperbola with inscribed circles

between it and its assymptotes.

And he asked

What is the ratio of the area of the curve to the sum p f the areas of all the circles? and conversely if we suppose that area to be given or to follow any law: What will be the nature of the c u r v e ? 2 -

He was especially interested in the'converse question, but

was unable to solve it. However, Babbage believed in 1817

that he had previously "employed fx=y to denote the equation

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, pmk July 10 1812;. r .S. Herschel too had "discovered" this theorem towards the end of June 1812. Professor B^rbgau has pointed out to me that this theorem says A x = 0.

2. Buxton ms.13, p.5. Pappus' proposition was proposition 18 of Book 4 of his Mathematical Collection which has circles tangentially inscribed in a semicircle.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1 1 5

of the curve to be found", and although he was unsure

wtether he had "at that time used a symbol to denote operation.

or whether I conceived y to be a function of x it appears

that I attempted the solution of problems which depended on

very difficult functional equations."1

On his w a y to Cambridge in October 1810 Babbage had

bought Lacroix's''three volume' Traite du Calcul differentiel

et du Calcul integral (1797-1800) and began to study it at 2 Cambridge. Babbage, once again like Herschel, soon became

dissatisfied with Cambridge studies. For he had felt sure

that his difficulties in mathematics would be removed at

Cambridge. Instead he found that not only were his

lecturers ignorant in the subjects of his interest, but they ) also advised him to pay no attention to Jthose topics since

they would not be asked in the Senate House Examination.1

Unlike Herschel, however, Babbage reacted by ignoring as

\nuch as possible the college and university system of

studies and its rewards, and pursued his own interests, in

particular by studying the works of Continental 4 > mathematicians. George Pryme recalledcthe Babbage of

1. Buxton ms.. 13, p.6. Babbage must have mentioned his problem to others, for Herschel attempted its solution. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, "1812 or 1813”; " Babbage wrote this account of his early work in 1817.

2. Buxton ms.13, p.7.

3. ■ Babbage (1864) 26-27.

4. Ibid. 27.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 116 these years when he reminisced about the Trinity College

annual examination of (June?) 1811:

Among those whom I examined was Charles Babbage, who had the reputation, even in his first year, of being an excellent mathematician. On the occasion of his first examination in the-lecture- books he gave up a small roll of MS. as if in answer to my paper. I found it to contain some clear demonstrations and able remarks on a subject connected with one of my questions on the Binomial Theorem, but not properly an answer to it. I told him the next day that on this account I could not give any marks-'for it. He answered that he did not wish to be Classed, but only to show the examiners that he was not wanting in knowledge of the subject. From a similar fancy he would .not compete for Mathematical Honours on taking his degree, though X believe if he would have . done so he could easily have been Senior Wrangler.

Some information on his mathematical work while he

was at Cambridge and before the establishment of the

Analytical Society is found in his manuscript The History

of the Origin and Progress of the Calculus of Functions

during the years 1809 1810 ...... 1817 (1817).2 In this

account, which is of course selective in subject matter,

Babbage relates that about the period August and September

1811 his enquiries referred to "functional equations of

one variable and of higher orders than the first", and that

his "success seems to have been very limited".3 For

example, various problems on curves led him to attempt the

1. Pryme (187ffJ•91-92.

2. Buxton ms.13,-preserved in the History of Science Museum at Oxford.

3. Ibid. 13.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 117

solution of certain functional equations. One was the


APQ is a curve take any point P draw the ordinate PN, take the abscissa AM=PN draw the ordinate QM and take AS=QM draw RS and so on ad infinitum. Required the nature of the curve so that PN may have to RS a given ratio that is, that the alternate ordinates may be . in geometrical progression,. n m S Babbage reduced this problem to the functional equation

rf(x) = f[f{f(x)}] where r is the-given ratio, which he solved for r = 1 with the particular solution f(x) x_ 1-x

He also attempted to solve equations such as

f(x,y) = a n ^i f(x) X f2(x) = f3(x) ,3

However, by October of that year Babbage had mostly laid 4 aside this subject. On April 7, 1812, for some unknown

reason, he transferred to another college at Cambridge,

1. Ibid. 12-14.

2- Babbage had let -f(x) = x and from this found a = fl . a+x Nr He .noted in 1817 (Buxton ms.13) that he had only been able-to solve the problem for r = 1 and with the particular solution f(X) = -x . • 1_x 3. Ibid. 16—21.

4. Ibid. 22-23.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 118

Peterhouse.^ And the following month saw the formation of

the Analytical Society.

So Babbage, like Herschel, was familiar with and

competent in Continental mathematics and dissatisfied with

the studies at^Cambridge. Moreover, Babbage later felt

that the founding of the Analytical Society had contributed

more than anything else to the success of.his subsequent 2 enquiries. For he felt it had brought "together those who

were engag^d^ln similar pursuits” and had therefore acted

as a constant stimulus and aid in the enquiries of its


The final member of the Society for whom there is

some relevant information is Alexander D'Arblay (1794-1837).

mother was the famous English authoress Fanny Burney,

who had married Alexandre D ’Arblay, a refugee from the

Many secondary sources, including Moseley's otherwise excellent biography, believe Babbage to have migrated because of "his conviction that he would be beaten in the Tripos examination by his friends John Herschel and George Peacock, and preferred to be first at •Peterhouse rather than third at Trinity,". Moseley (1964) 45. There is much evidence to refute this view: Babbage does not appear to have known Herschel until the founding of the Analytical Society; Babbage did not appear at all pn the honours list of 1814, while there are two senior optimes and one junior optime from Peterhouse; and, most convincingly, Babbage matriculated at Cambridge a year later than both Herschel -hnd Peacock and consequently would have been (and was) examined in the Senate House a year later than they. This slander probably arose among his detractors later in his life, or after his death.

2. Buxton m s .'13, p.23.

3. Ibid. 26. /

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 119

French Revolution. Alexander had received his education

mainly in France and was to enter the Ecole Polytechnique

when his parents, fearful of the military conscription.

decided that he should be sent to England."*' He and his

mother arrived in England in August 1812 where he attended

for some time hi^^ousin's school at Greenwich. Through

family influence he was elected to a Tancred scholarship

and matriculated dt-Caius College in October 1813. If

Alexander became a member of the Analytical Society, as

Babbage relates in his autobiography, then he must have

done so at this time. He had not been at Cambridge for

long before he had gained a reputation for his "mathematical

talents and knowledge" and had become a friend of Robert 2 Woodhouse. However, Alexander, having been educated in

Continental mathematics, was disgusted with the style of

mathematics studied at Cambridge, and this distaste

threatened his chances for honours. Indeed his cousin

wished that Woodhouse would use his influence over

Alexander to persuade

...dear Alex to study in the Cambridge way, that is to say, to learn to solve his problems & to give their proofs by geometry instead of ,algebra or the analytical method, which is the French way & also the best; & Alex knows that.

1. Frances D'Arblay Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay (1778-1840) (1904-05) vol.6, pp.65-66.

2. Letter from Charlotte Barrett to Mme d'Arblay Jan. 1

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But unfortunately, when his examination comes next year, he will be expected to bring geometrical proofs instead of analytical, &, if he had not attended to them,’he may lose . the prize which he must else' infallibly obtain.

Despite his aversion, Alexander managed to graduate in

January 1818 as tenth wrangler, much to his own and h i s '

mother's relief and surprize, and*to be elected that same 2 year a fellow of Christ's College.

Not all members of the Society, however, were so well

acquainted with the higher branches, of mathematics or with

Continental mathematics as Herschel'; Babbage and D'Arblay.

When George Peacock had entered Trinity College in 1809,

"his mathematical reading had not extended much beyond • j the first year's subjects then studied at Cambridge",

which, as we have seen, was a very meagre amount.3 And

Richard Gwatkin was more than "a little alarmed" when asked

by the Dean of Hereford in 1814 to explain a difficulty in the 4 Memoirs of the Analytical Society. Yet the members of the

Society must have shared at least an interest and

enthusiasm in analytics, if not an ample knowledge of it.

1. Ibid. See also a letter from Mrs. Barrett to Mme d'Arblay 1815, in the British Library.

2. Hemlow (1958) 407.

3. Herschel (1859) 536.

4. A letter from Gwatkin to Whittaker, July 17 1814; See also a letter from William Whewell to. Herschel,. Nov. 1 1818, where he remarks that Gwatkin "has been reading a good deal of good mathematics"; Todhunter (1876) 2_ 31.

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Thus the founders and early members of the Analytical

Society were, it appears, mainly motivated to form such

a society because of a mutual interest in mathematics and

especially in analysis, which was probably reinforced by

the emphasis on mathematics at Cambridge, coupled with a

dissatisfaction' with the content and system of Cambridge

studies. Their particular interests in analytics may have

been induced by such factors as the many and great advances

made in mathematics and mathematical science by persons on

the Continent, the cries of British stagnation^ in

mathematical science, or even the emphasis on geometry at


Students at our universities, fettered by no prejudices, entangled by no habits, and excited by the ardour and emulation of youth, had heard of the existence of masses of knowledge, from which they were debarred by the mere accident of position. There required no more. The prestige which magnifies what is unknown, and the attraction inherent in what is forbidden, coincided in their impulse. The books were procured and read, and produced their natural effects.1

The Society apparently was not founded to change or reform

the mathematical studies at Cambridge, much less the style

of mathematics pursued in England, but rather to further ■


As noted above, the .Analytical Society first- met on

May 11, 1812. At this meetab John Herschel was elected

President, perhaps because o^nis^publications or V

1. Herschel (1832) 545.

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J| scholarly reputation.1 The Society continued to meet until

■early in June when, because of the summer vacation, most of 2 its members left Cambridge. Bromhead, who had also been

studying Continental mathematics before the formation of

the Society, read’to the Society its first memoir, on 3 notation. Herschel read two memoirs, one being on some 4 properties of the conic sections. The other was most

probably his "Remarks on the Theory■of Analytical

Dsvelopements " which examined some of the basic principles

of that theory.5 Babbage also presented two papers to

the Society. The first, "Solutions of Problems requiring

the application of Mixed Differences", like some of his

earlier mathematical enquiries, consisted of two problems

about curves which required the solution of functional

1. Buxton ms.13, p.25.

2. Ibid. 27, 34.

3. Bromhead shared Babbage's interest in functions and had been led through his study of Arbogast to the idea of second and higher orders of functions^’ Buxton ms. 13, pp.30-31.

4. Buxton ms.13, p.37. The memoir on the properties of the conic sections was later to be published, with some additions, as "On a remarkable Application of Cotes's Theorem" Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society. 103 (1813) 8-26. For comment on"this work see the following. The memoir is preserved in _ and is dated May 7, June 15 1812.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1 2 3 X equations. For example, the first problem: ?

Required the nature of a curve ApP such that taki-ftg any point P and drawing an ordinate PN and normal PG, if the triangle ^ PNG be placed in such a situation that NG may become an ordinate and NP coinciding with . the abscissa, the line PG coming into the situation pg may be perpendicular to the curve.

Babbage set PN = y , AN = x

pn = y ', An = x ’,

and so NG = y d^ = yp, which ="'y' by the problem's dx

conditions, and

ng = y'dy1 = y ’p', which = y . 3 x '

By subtracting the last equation from thp first he obtained

y'p' - yp = y - y* = -(y’ - y) , a yp = -ay,

a (yp + y) = 0 t \ Integration of- this -yielded

yp + y = a where a is a constant.

y d£ = a-y, dx .

dJ& = -dy + ady, a~y

1. These-papers are referred to in Buxton ms.13, pp.32-34. Both of Babbage's papers are to be found in an uncatalogued collection of Babbage's manuscripts (hereafter referred to as preserved in the Science Periodicals Library at -Cambridge. This collection includes a number of various solved mathematical problems which were probably presented by Babbage to the Society'by being left on a table, as the "Plan" indicates. The. solution of such "interesting" problems was probably a general activity of the Society.

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x = c - y - al.a-y, where c is a constant and 1. stands

for logarithm, and x+y-c _ , .-a 1 e — la-yj .

Babbage noted that this was only a particular solution. He

then derived an expression forthe general solution by

multiplying his original equations, yp =-y' and y'p' = y, 2 to obtain A (y p) = 0, which indicated -that A (yp+y) = 0 ^ * ... 2 was to "be integrated, on the hypothesis of y p being

constant hence yp + y = f(y 2 p) where f(y2 p) signifies any 2 function of y p." The other problem of this paper was

similar to this one.

His second paper was entitled "Memoir on the Summation

1.' Professor Barbeau has noted the mathematical difficulties in Babbage’s move from y ’p ’ - yp - (y’-y) to A yp= - A y and in "integrating" this last expression. Babbage offers no justification for these manipulations. Babbage’s solution does satisfy the problem's conditions. • For the problem reduces to showing that if f(u) = f(x)f‘(x) then f(x) = f(u)f’(u) where an=u and f is the function describing the curve. .Assuming ex+y c = (a-y) a we obtain x = -y+c-a In (a-y)'

dx = -1 + a _ y 3y (a-y) (a-y)

Thus f ’(x) = dy = a-y = a-f(x) . __ (1) d£ y ■ f(x)

Since f(u) = f(x) f ’(x)

f(u) = f(x) . a-f (xj = a - f(x) . "TTxT

So f (x) = a - f (u) = a - f(u) . f(u)

= f ’(u) f (u) . . .by (1) Craig Fraser of this Institute developed this proof.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 125 of certain Series of sines cosines See". This work was

__^developed along the same lines as Herschel'^ works in

Nicholson's 'Journal. So he manipulated certain trigonometric

formulae and, having derived a series from them 'by taking^ ;

logarithms and then derivatives, found very curious, results

by substitutions for some variables in the series. For \

example, taking the following sequence of trigonometric


cot.A cot. A =. sin..'(A - A^) sin.A sm.Aj

cot. A sin. fA^ - sin.A^ sin.A2

cot.A - cot.A'n+1 sm..(.An - An+j.) sin.A sin.A ~7 n n+1

and adding these equations, Babbage obtained . cot.A — cot.A , J = n+1

sin. (A - A.) sin. (A. - A_) sin. (A T A s m . A sm.A.1 + sin.A, r-i- s m-- . A1 _- + s c ------sin.A n sJ m . An+1 ,, 1 1 2 n n+1

Then by letting Ar = 2n z and noting that thus

• i. . i • / n . n+1. • . n . s m . (A - A .) = sin. (2 - 2 )z = -sin.2 z = -sin.A , n n+1 n

he found

1. This should be - (cot.A - cot.An+1) = etc. Babbage has omitted a sign in each of his identities. .

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COt.2n+"''2 - COt.Z = ]Ny +••••!•• + &C 1 sin.2z • sin.2 z sin.2n+1z

Babbage multiplied this equation by dz and integrated to


1 .Z.sin.2n+^z - Z.sin.z = 2n+l

1 Z .tan.z + 1_ Z.tan.2z + &c' ' 1' Z.tan.2nz 7 22 2n+1

or his equation (11)

1 11 -1 1 1 , In+T 2 7 2 ,7.2. ' J sin.2 z) = ^ tan.z ^ tan.2z ^ tan.2 z | ic | tan.2nzj . sin. z

Later in the same paper Babbage found

1. The notation of the right side of this equation signifies taking a term within braces to the- power of the product of all preceding powers', as indicated above each brace; so that in this case /■' ± 1 ^ . 1__ 2 2 ^ 2^ 2n+^ (tan.z) (tan.2z) (tan.22z) (tan.2n z)

Herschel soon noted that the constant of integration had not been correctly determined,■and by the end of June 1812 both .he and Babbage found that equation 11 was properly

1 1 1 1 2 2 .2 2 .. 2sin.2z______y= tan.2z ^ tan.22z ^ &c ^ tan.2n z | .

. _n+l . 2n (2s m .2 z)

Buxton ms.13, p.34;;; and a letter from Herschel to Babbage, pmk July 1 1812,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 12 7

1 'I 1 2" 7 , 2" . • f f ' f X-l (_ x+l { x2+l x4+l ■ 2n+l n+1 (x -1)

2n - for X -1 to qet ' J - T — ~ 2 ^ ~ x +1

1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 .7 7 \ V tail'. 0 ( tan.2 0 ( t‘an'.2 0 ( &c f tan.2 0(, J [~=r- i-rr— \ \-=r J =■ ■ ■ x-l- ' ■

_n+l 7n+l (x + l K

which, by comparisoifwi^h. equation 11 led to the result

Tn+T t .. , ( , 2 . , ( ,_4. , f r_ /- ..2 ( x^l_ ( X -l f x -l ( 5c f x -1 1 (sin.2 z) TT 1 x+l 1 k ^ l 1 ^ 1 { \ x2n+1 j ' 2n+l ( 4—1) sih.z

These examples from Babbage's mathematics illustrate

-some of the problems and methods he was working on. They

also show the very operational, manipulative,character of

his work. The work of other members of the Analytical

Society shared in being purely analytical, as will be seen

later in this chapter.

With the formation of the.Analytical Society Babbage

and Herschel had become acquainted and were soon having

"frequent conversations" about mathematical topics. These

discussions often advanced their researches. On one

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■ occasion, at that time, Babbage

..mentioned the various orders of functions of one variable from which we were led to consider those of more than one variable - Of these Mr Herschel remarked that there must exist a species of partial function; thus if there is a function of two variables the second function may be taken relative' either to the first variable o r .to the second, in a manner somewhat similar to a 'partial differentials, to -this 1 immediately replied that there would also exist two different species of second and higher functions which would thus arise, the second function might be taken first relative to one variable and then relative to the other; or the second function might be taken relative to both at once, which I named the second simultaneous function. This was the origin of partial and of simultaneous functions and it may be observed that it arose from that intercourse between those who were * engaged in the same pursuits, which was so much promoted by the establishment of the Analytical Society.1

Simultaneous functions later came to play an important

part in Babbage's work on the calculus of functions. 2

Similarly, at that same period, there was much concern

with notation. Herschel, for example, suggested the

notation f ^ for the inverse of the function f, and in

particular its use for the inverse trigonometric



1. Buxton ms.13, pp.27-28

2. See for example his "An Essay towards the calculus of functions. Part IX”. ' Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society. 106 (1816) 179-256.

3. Buxton ms.13, pp.2'8-29. Herschel's use of this notation was anticipated by Heinrich Burmann; see Florian Cajori's A History of Mathematical Notations vol.2 (1929) pp.176 ,270.

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Babbage and Herschel continued to discuss their work

throughout the summer of 1812 by^-letter. There are several

references in these letters to the annoying burden of

"Cambridge cram" and Herschel could be at times quite

bitter about Cambridge.1 Still Babbage and Herschel saw

analytics as a temptation (admittedly an attraction to the

"cause of reason and truth") from their university studies 2 and seem not to have considered changing those studies.

This correspondence is further evidence that despite much

dissatisfaction with the Cambridge system, the Analytical

Society's function was not to reform that system but to

1. Now my dearly beloved I have written myself sober, so let me give you 1 3/4 words of advice - Read.- Write. - Imprison yourself - Speak to no one - Cram. - Repeat Do all this and you will then be fitted for a fellow of a College. to spend .(or rather lose) an unhappy existence in solitary idleness -. To die forgotten and unlamented, to leave your fame to the keeping of your Bedmaker who may perhaps when drunk retail an anecdote of some trivial nature, of you, and to be succeeded by some one to whom you were in life an obstacle, in death are a cypher - These are thy trophies Cambridge. - Sweet, protecting Alma, whose nourishment is from the vitals of thy sons* --- *What do you say to the idea of Alma Mater A overlaying the minds of her children, (as an old sow, rendered careless by some excessive and beastly indulgence of ht»r gluttony, overlays her pigs, -) crushing every human, every liberal and social feeling. Letter from Herschel to John Whitaker, August 1812, pmk Sept. 10 1812;

2. The five letters of that summer are in Babbage's are dated, or postmarked, iJune 20, July 10 and "Dec.22 1812 ?" but undoubtedly dates 'from September 22 or October 22 1812; and Herschel's, Jtily 1 and August. f'

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help promote mathematics, and especially analytics. r* The mathematics in this correspondence is in the same

vein as much of their earlier work in that it deals with

•manipulating series and substitution to obtain certain

results. And there are indications in these letters of

concern about the validity of their operations. For

instance, Babbage, in his first letter, asked Herschel’s

opinion concerning the following operation. Given the

expression & + ^ + ^ 2 + &c + ^

let x <1 and n be infinite, and then integrate this

expression to get ^ + ^ 2 + ^ 3 + &c ^ ^

2 3

Babbage1s query was whether this result was "always and

necessarily the same" as if the finite expression was first

integrated and then n was made infinite and x less than one.

Herschel replied that he believed that the two integrated

expressions could not differ except in their constants of

integration, which he thought differed in many cases.^

This example shows- some of-the problems of rigor., even

f for supporters of analytics, associated with the state of

analysis in the early nineteenth century. These problems

made credible the views on analytics of those, who supported

synthetics. ■■ ■

Babbage was concerned with this question because of

1. July 1 1812;

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theorems he had obtained by a "method of expanding functions

in horizontal lines and summing the columns vertically",

which he later was to call EHSV. In this method Babbage

expanded the function

4> (x, xn ) = Ag + AjX + A 2x2 + &c Anxn

and then for x substituted x2 , x3 , xn . to obtain

(x2 , x2n) = A q + A^x2 + A 2x4 + &c Anx2n

(j, (x3 , x 3n) = A q + A^x3 + A 2x^ + &c Anx3n

d> (x11, xnn) = A + A.x11 + A,x2n + &c A xnn . Y 0 1 2 n

He then summed all the above expressions vertically: r (j> (X, X n ) ■•+ 4> (x2,*x2n) + &c + (xn , x1111) =

nA„ + xn+1-x A, + x2(n+1)-x2 A„ + &c + xntn+1) -xn A . Q — z — i— i *--- =5------2 n X~1 x2-l x - l

Making x' x —Aq ) + &cc = A^x + A 2x + AjX + &cc . ...(1) I=3F " 2" : 3 1-x 1-x

From this equation Babbage derived various "pretty theorems".

For instance, for A =1, A.=l, A = 1 , and so on, and 1 1.2

(1-x) i (ex-l) + (ex -1)+ sci = x • + 1 .x2 + 1 _ x3 +&c. L J 1.1 1.2 1+x 1.2.3 1+x+x2

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, July 10 1812;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. And the right side ultimately equals when x = 1

1 + 1' + 1 + See, ? : -1.22 1.2.32

which equals -1 + )exdx where, Babbage stated, after x

integrating, x = 1. Thus Babbage derived his theorem (7)

j exd x .= (1-x) | (eA-l)+(e^ -1)+ Sccc r when x = 1. ...(7)

But Babbage's concern with the validity of certain

operations really arose with his further manipulations of

his equation (1). Here he multiplied equation (1) by dx x

and integrated to get

j dx ( 4ix-A0) + j dx ( 4>x2-A0) + See =

f A 2 A 2 1 3 A 3 ‘i 1 C - log j (1-x) (l-xz) ^ T . (l-xJ) 3 . See j .

Once'again he derived theorems by ssubstitutlnn for the An and x. For instance, by letting A =0, A.=l, A,=l_ , A_=l , and so on, . I J 1.2 an!tx=xe , he obtained 1 1 1 jdxIdx e""'ex + j: txdx ex + Sc = C 1 --- , .ITT T 1-2.3 1—x* • 1-x . 1-x

2 3 Now the left side equals e_ + e + e + Sc, and for 1 ~ T ~ 3

x = 0, C is found to be 1 + 1 + 1 + sc. Therefore ■ 1 . T 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 -|ex-l + ex -1 + fex - 1 + SccJ = ^ 1-x ^ 1-x2 ^ 1-x3 ^ See ^

with x

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Babbage obtained

I x x2 V I'' I I i - 1 e -1 + e -1 + &c\ 1 2 3 4 1-e I 1 2 ' 1 ( f 2 f 1 (1-x) X e = ll |1+x i1+x+x | See j ,

wjaich when he let x "approach indefinitely near to unity", /

^ex-l + ex -1 + &cj

(1-x)? -1- X e

4i— m 3 J4 See. when x = 1 .

Babbage;s results inspired Herschel to derive others

by a similar process,'1' In particular, Herschel found

t~ n r 17273

(l + n(n-l) + ( n ( n - l ) (rf'-2) (n-3) + n (n-1) (n-2)'\+ Sc I e , 1 2 V 271 1.2.3 J J

n ex where the right side is d e when x = 0. He obtained dx

1+2+3 +4 +&c=2e for n = 2 and similar 1 1 172 1.2.3

results for other values of n.

In addition to his correspondence with Babbage and

his preparation for the approaching Senat^_HpUse

1. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Aug. 1812;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 134

Examination, Herschel prepared, in the summer of 1812, a t paper for the Philosophi'c'ar Transactions Of the Royal

Society. Entitled "On a remarkable Applicatipn of Cotes's-

Theorem", it appears to have been based on at least one of

the n^moirs he had read to the Analytical Society.3 -The

paper is dated "Slough, Oct.6 , 1812", the same day Herschel

left Slough for Cambridge, and was submitted to the Royal 2 Society through his father. In this work, by considering

conic sections Herschel derived various equations to which

he applied Cotes's theorem to obtain numerous theorems.3

For example, he derived the equation R2 _ a2 ^x—e2)

1-e . (cos. (j>) 2

where R is the distance between au point on the curve and

the center of'the conic section, a is the semi-transverse

axis, e the eccentricity and the angle contained by R

and a. In spite of the geometrical origin of his enquiries,

Herschel was concerned only with the equation itself and

not with whether it was true for all conic sections.

1. See footnote 4, p-122and a letter from Herschel to Babbage, pmk July 1, 1812; A very small fraction of the results in this paper appeared in 1814 under Herschel's name as "New Properties of the Conic Sections" in Leybourn's Mathematical Repository 3_: (1814) 58-59, although this last work was probably submitted previous to the Phil. Trans. paper.

2. Herschel (1879) 119. The paper was published in Phil. Trans. 103 (1813) 8-26.

3. For an exposition of Cotes's theorem see Barlow (1814) . . ;v

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He transformed the above equation into

R2 = a2 (1-e2 ) (T+12)2...... by letting £l-2i 1. COS . i n - 1 ^ ^-COS.(t- ) + lJ

apply Cotes"s theorem. By letting

0 = 4^, 4^+ 2_rr , , 4^ +' 2 (n-l) tr , denoting the n n

resulting values of R by R^, R2, ... , Rr , and applying

Cotes's theorem, Herschel derived

n R, ... R = an . (1+ X2)n (l-e2)? 2 n ------£l-2 Xn.cos.n 4^+ X2n^2 . jl-2 Xn.cos.n( ii+^) + X211

He then deduced several theorems from this expression by

taking particular values of ^ and n; for instance, when

a =0 and n is odd, R, ... R - a11. (1-X 2 )n \L I n ------»rr--- 1- x2n

Herschel’s paper was extremely analytical; he even

denoted it by the infinite series 4(1-1_+1-1_+ &c) . Indeed, 3 5 7

Herschel had quickly laid aside any reference to the conic

1. By a. direct application of Cotes.'s theorem, (1-2 X cos k + X2) (1-2 X cos ( if . 3-2 n ) + X2 ) . . . x n (1-2 xcos ( d^+2 (n-lk ) + X2) = (1-2 Xncosn 4^ + X2n)

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sections and was not interested in geometrically

'interpreting his theorems.

These theorems, however simple their algebraic expressions, it must immediately be seen, become for the most part complicated and unintelligible when geometrically enunciated. They are indeed - (if we may in any case be allowed to consider a curve as unidentified with its equation) properties rather of the equations of the conic sections, than of the curves themselves, - of a limited number of disjointed points determined according to a certain law, rather than a series of consecutive ones composing a line.-*-

Thus Hershel's work,,as that of Babbage quoted' above, was

very analytical in character. It consisted of formal

manipulations of equations with little concern for the

meaning of the individual- operations, but only with their

universality and .power. .

The Analytical Society resumed its meetings with the

return of its members to Cambridge in October, 1812.

Edward Bromhead had left Cambridge for London that summer

to study law at the Inner Temple. John Brass (B.A. 6th

wrangler, 1811):, after some inquiries, had decided not to

become a member, and Joseph Jordan had left the Society 2 by March 20, 1813. But two others had joined the Society:

Babbage1s pre-Cambridge friend John Higman, who soon became

its secretary, and Frederick Maule, whose elder brother

1. J. Herschel "On a remarkable ..." Phil. Trans.103 (1813) 8-26. p.26.

2. Concerning Brass see his letter to Herschel, Nov.2 1812; And a letter from Bromhead to Higman, Jan. 23 1813; And for Jordan see a letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Mar. 20 1813;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 137

William had been private tutor to Edward Ryan, and who was

to die the following year.'1' And Edward Bromhead’s brother, 2 Charles, may also have become a member. Besides D'Arblay,

no one else is known to have later joined the Analytical


Once again Babbage and Herschel dominated the

meetings. Herschel presented a paper on trigonometric

functions, "On trigonometrical functions of different

orders", which espoused the value of the functional

notation and applied these views to various trigonometrical 3 4 functions. Babbage gave four memoirs'. Three of them •

were prepared that summer and were quite lengthy.5 The'

first, "Memoir On the Properties of Certain Functions",

consisted of seven sections, although the last six were

1. .For evidence of membership for Higman see' a letter of his to Edward Bromhead,. Han. 17 1813; For some interesting biographical information on Higman see a draft of a letter from Babbage to Mrs. Dugald Stewart, April 1821; And for Maule see Babbage (1864) 29, Leathley (1872) 233-234 and a letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Mar. 20 1813;

2. There is no direct evidence for Charles Bromhead’s membership even, though there is evidence that he was friendly with Herschel, Peacock and other members. Some hint of hi's possible membership might be read into ' a letter from Whittaker to Herschel, Mar. 29(18131

3. Buxton ms.13, pp.38-39.

4.. Buxton ms. 13, pp.38-39.

5. All three memoirs still exist in

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but transformations and applications of equations derived

in the first section. Babbage began this section by noting


Of the various improvements in notation which have contributed to the advancement of Analysis, none seem to have been of such essential service as the happy idea of difining [sic ] the result of every operation-which can be performed on quantity, by the general name of function.1

And he continued to applaud the idea of a function and its

symbolization not simply for the generalization, simplicity,

and perspicuity which it brought to its subject, but

because^through these merits it amply illustrated the

advantages of analysis. Babbage took the functional

equation ip x.'$ x J= Xx and noted that its generality was not

diminished by substituting t>fx for Xx. Then he put for

x, fx, f2x, ... , fnx to get the n equations - . ‘ 7 tfx. fx = 4>f2x

W 2X. t ^X = >i>f3X


^fnx. t>fnx = fn+1x

and multiplied these together to get his equation (b):

^n+ljc = >ffx. W 2x. W 3x __ 'lJ f n x . ...(b) $fx

Next, he assumed

\ . '

1. Babbage seems ;to have obtained this (definition of a function from William Spence's' Ah Essay.. .of Logarithmic Transcendents. See footnote 2, p.113 and Spence (1819) 73. For the changing conception of a function at this time see Youschkevitch (1976) .

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f tec f tex [. te .1 *fx

' 1 ■ 1 ' 1 ■ n n n r ? n * 1 or y = 1 ofx f 6f x ( SC f or X f 1 / 1 (( \|ifx)n 1 )( i|jfn—1x)n 1 ( ^fnx)n J

This became, after multiplication of both sides by 1 n+1 . (, 0f , .n+l x) , n'

1 1 .1 11 , i _n+l n n , n n n n .. . y ( f x) = IJ[ ((ifxtf>fx 1f jf f x (sc f i|)fnx t .((if11 x |. { [( i|ifx)n [ |( ijjfn-1x)n [( i)ifnx)n

Babbage then transformed i|jx. ((sc = 4>fx by putting

( i|ix)n ^ for \(ix without, a? he put it, diminishing the

generality of the equation, and he obtained

<()X = <(>fx . <|lX ( i)ix)n 1_ n+1 By employing this equation, he showed y( :f1+'1'x)n

to be equal to ^ 1 I / I II I n n n n _ n n n f 4>fx f tec f <)>f x- f sc f tejc] =(= ( ijifx.y , and he [ [ ijjfx X " ~ | tfnx [

obtaine’d his equation (e)‘

1 _1_ I I Y n n % n-1 n n 7 n n y = (jlfx • ( frfx f r x ( sc ( ((if11 x ? . ... (e) [ i(ifx | i(if2x 1 ' 1 <|ifnx \ { 9fn+1x}nn

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ■ The remainder of section one gave four applications

of equation (b) for specific values of

and by equation (b)

2n+l 2n+2 2 > 4 4 8 2n 2n+^ 1+ x ■+ X Z = (l-x^+ X*) (1-X + X ) &c (1-x + X ) . (l+^CT T T + T - X ^------

^-The second section made similar substitutions in equation

(e). For example, with the same substitutions as above

and with n = 2 ,' Babbage derived

1 1 1 , o - T ,A 0 , ? Z 2 2 0n ,,n+l + 1 ? n ^ x4+.x2+ l X 4- X + 1 f &C fx^ 4- X 4- 1 1 T x4- x2+ 1 1 ” |x2n+1- x2^ 1 ) i x 2n+2+ x2n+\ j 2“

Section three transformed many of the applications of the

first section' into. expressions .... containing sines/ cosines

and tangents by letting.xt x = 2cos 8 ; as did section

four for the second section. And the remaining sections

converted the various finite products of the first four

sections into series by the familiar process of taking

logarithms and differentiating.

Babbage's second memoir had no title, but related to

his method of expanding horizontally and summing vertically,

and he noted, as he had in his letters to Herschel that

summer, concern over the validity of the order of certain

operations. The memoir reproduces many of the results in

that letter of July 10, 1812, and is very full of

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errors."^ The third memoir also had no title but is

concerned with the values of series of the form

A^(cosB )nx + Aj(cos20 )nx2 + &c.

.2 and especially . A^. .... x +. A.,...... x_ + &c

(sin 6 )n - (sin2 0 )n o Babbage started with the function

S (A^x1*) , substituted xv and xv-"*- for x, and added these two

equations to obtain 4 xv-1 = 2S jA^x'"' (cosi 6 )| ,

where v = cos 0 J-l sin0 .- By repeated substitutions of

xv and xv-^ and addition of the resulting equations, Babbage

derived his theorem (a): \

4>.(xvn)+ n (J>(xvn 2) + n.n-1 ij)(xvn 4)+ &c+ n <(>(xv n-2)+

> |a ^x ''' (cosi 6 ) S1 This he then.transformed into theorem (c)

x = +2n (-l)z £n (-l)~z i(v2z.,

where z— log x, 'he = S^B.x1! and B. = A. (cosiB )n . . 2 1 1 ) 1 1 log v

Similarly he obtained a theorem (d) by repeated

substitutions of xv and xv-2, and subtraction of the

resulting equations, and analogous theorems (e,f) for

't’x = S\A. 1|. By combining these equations and.

1. For an indication of the mathematical character of this * memoir see the previous discussion (pp.131-33) of the July 10th letter

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by successive integrations and by various other

transformations, Babbage derived a great number of results.

For instance, by an application of (c) and (e) he obtained

his equatioh (1)'

‘ (cos0)n (cos 23 )n (cos 39)1

(im.the process of which he took l-l+l-l &c = 1/2) . This

equation became, by successive integration, equation (3)

(1°? X) 2k + C2 (log x) 2k~2 + &c + C2k = -S xA+- x"1 (-1)1 , 1.2...2k 1.2...2k—2 i2k(cos i0)n

and equation (4)

(log x)2k+1 + c2 (log x)2k_1 + &c + °2k(log x) = 1.2...2k+l 1.2...2k-l 1

-S x 1 - x~x (-1)1 , i2k+1(cos'i0)n

the c's being constants of integration. Equations (3) and

(4) then had certain of their variables replaced by

particular values or were various ways to

dbtain numerous results. Such were

. , q.costi , ,Q.cos 2n - -„,cos 3h 1 = (cos0) x «(cos 20) x (cos 30) x &c,

and the values of the series

tan0 + tan 30 + tan ’5'0 + &c, pj+r 32k+i pm —

and of the product

sinn ' sin 2n . 2k+l _2k+l (cos 0) x (cos 20 )

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Babbage's final paper was titled "Remarks on Interpolations1

These works of Babbage show that some of the members of the

Analytical Society were producing mathematics. And his

works underline the analytical character ^)f that mathematics

which was strikingly different from other British


Perhaps encouraged by all these mathematical works and

certainly prompted by a wish to better promote themselves

and their views, the members of the Analytical Society

decided in November 1812 to publish a volume of their 2 memoirs. It was hoped that several members would

contribute papers1, but only Babbage, Herschel and probably 3 Maule offered to prepare an essay for the volume. Maule

soon became very sick'and died the following August, so

the volume was completely written by Babbage and Herschel, ( they being, in Herschel's words, "the ringleader^, if not

the only actors in this literary assault upon the peace 4 and quietness of the world." After some approaches to

London printers, it was decided to have the Cambridge

1. Buxton ms.13, facing p.39 and see also a letter from Babbage to Herschel marked "Dec. 22 1812?" but' which probably is Sept. 22 or Oct, 22 1812;

2. Buxton ms.13, p.39.

3. For Maule's proposal see a letter from Herschel to Babbage, Feb.8 1813; and a letter from Maule to Babbage, Jan.16 1813;

4. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Jan.12 1814;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 144 '

University Press print the work.1 Some of the difficulties

the university press had with the volume are interesting

in that they indicate how different the Society’s work was

from the usual Cambridge texts. For there were many

problems with the availability of type to print the

expressions used. Thus Babbage wrote to Herschel concerning

Herschel*s memoir

I think they have composed about 12 [pages] but can not print them for want of a particular kind of small numerals which are daily expected.2

Whittaker told Edward Bromhead

Awful Brackets for the' expressions requisite - Smith the university printer, had not any large enough, nor plenty - forced to send to town for more.3

■And again, a month later, Whittaker wrote

Smith the university printer has great difficulty in printing the stuff Babbage has written, he says he never put together such crabbed stuff in his life.4

Not everyone familiar with the Society, however,

thought that the Society had been wise in deciding to

publish its memoirs. William Henry Maule, elder brother

of Frederick, friend of many of the Society's members,

senior wrangler in 1810, and critic of the state of English

1. Letter from Maule to Babbage, Jan.6 1813;'

2. Letter of May 25 1813;

3. Letter of Feb.16 1813;

4. Letter of Mar.20 1813; - •

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mathematics, wrote in February 1813 to his former pupil

Edward Ryan

If I had been at Cambridge, I should have ventured to suggest to those members of the Analytical Society with whom I am acquainted that they should have sent their memoirs, or some of them, to ■ Leyboume, instead of publishing them independently. By that mode of publication they would have obtained a wider circulation for their discoveries than by that which they have adopted, at a much smaller, or rather at no expense;

This view was shared by Edward Bromhead, who thought that

the Society's memoirs should have been published in the

Society's name in the' Philosophical Transactions, following

the example of the Society for Promoting Animal Chemistry.

In spite of such feelings, the Analytical Society

perservered in its views and the' Memoirs of the Analytical

Society, for the year 1813 appeared in late November 1813,

a year after the decision to publish.3

1. Leathley (1872) 241. For Maule1s views on English mathematics see his favourable reviews of Woodhouse’s Trigonometry and Isoperimetrical Problems in the Monthly Review 65 (1811) 36-39 and 39-45. Maule felt that the chief two causes for the lack of British progress in mathematical science were the way in which mathematics was studied in the universities and the adherence to the fluxional notation.

2. Letter from Bromhead'to Babbage, [ca. late Nov., Dec. 1813]; On the Animal Chemistry group see N.Gt.Coley "The Animal Chemistry Club: Assistant Society to the Royal Society" Notes and Records. Royal Society. 22_ (1967) 173-185.

3. Letter from Herschel, Nov.19 1813, and a letter from Babbage, Nov.30 1813, to Edward Bromhead; Babbage, according to his autobiography, suggested that the most appropriate title for the Memoirs would be "The Principles of pure D-ism in opposition to the Dot-age of the.University". Babbage (1864) 29.

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There were three papers and a preface in the Memoirs

all published anonymously. Several members of the Society

* had felt, in early February 1813, that the authors’ names

should not be affixed to the memoirs, but their reasons

for this are unknown.^ In any case, Babbage and Herschel

agreed; Herschel thinking that anonymity would have.the

advantage of saving appearances in allowing each of them

"to give a greater number of Memoifs than we otherwise-


Babbage wrote the first memoir, "On Continued

Products", and had it ready for the press early in 1813.

His quickness is not so surprizing since this memoir was

mostly composed of parts of two papers he had delivered

to the Analytical Society in the fall of 1812: the first

four sections of "On the Properties of Certain Functions"

and parts (with errors corrected) of the untitled paper

relating to the method of expanding horizontally and

summing vertically. By February 16 Babbage was correcting

the press, but the printing went on very slowly, with his 3 memoir not being completely printed until May. The

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Feb.19 1813;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Mar.2 1813;

3. Letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Feb.16^813; Letters from Babbage to Herschel, Feb.19 and May 1 1813; Buxton ms.13, p.42. The manuscript of this memoir is preserved in.


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slowness of the printing allowed Herschel to incorporate

into his memoirs the results «of his. later research, which

led Babbage to write iiy-fche summer of 1813

I suspect from the slow progress of the printing that my paper will appear too elementary and simple when placed by the side of yours.1

The two remaining memoirs were written by Herschel.

He began his first memoir, "On Trigonometrical Series;

Particularly those whose Terms are multiplied by the'

Tangents, Co-tangents., Secants, Sc. of Quantities in

•Arithmetic Progression; together with some singular

Trains formations.", on February 7 1813 -at his home in Slough, 2 having left Cambridge in January after his graduation.

The printing of'this memoir was not completed until about


The Memoir was concerned, as was the third paper

Babbage read '’’to the Analytical Society in the fall of 1812,

with finding general methods of summing series whose terms

were divided by sines, cosines and other trigonometric

functions.- It may have been an extension of his own

earlier paper on trigonometric functions, for it shared

with that former paper a discussion of the notation of

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, June 30 [must be July 30] 1813;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Feb.8 1813;

3.' Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Aug.20 1813;

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functions.''' In any case, the Memoir derived various

trigonometrical expressions and results. For example ■A tan. (4i-3') tan. (2i 0 '-'it ) _ ^ = cos. i—1) -sin, e II^ 3 .i ) V '4' 1 ..if (4 9 el- tan.J— I (2i-l) 1 ' °6 -it |cos . (4i+l) e+sin. ej tan. (4i-l) 5 Vt 4T-1 e

Five notes, occupying a few pages more than the memoir

itself, followed. Most of them contained miscellaneous

results which Herschel undoubtedly felt were too good to

be lost; and as late as June 27 1813, he was adding new

results to the notes.3

Herschel’s attitude towards analytics, like

Woodhouse's and probably most early nineteenth-century

English analysts, was a very formal and manipulative one.

This is illustrated in Note III where in dealing with

fz (x) for z functional or imaginary, Herschel looked upon

the equation as the definition of the operation: ”... the

only meaning we can assign to fz (x) is, that it/is_ that

function of z and x which is here connected to it by the 4 sign of equality." However , Herschel was also concerned

1. Buxton ms.13, pp.38-39. See also a letter from Herschel to Babbage, Feb.8 1813;

2. P denotes the product

3. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, June 27 1813; Many of the results in this letter were put into Note v, whose first paxt' had been found the previous March. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Mar.2 1813; 2 — 4. Memoirs (1813) 52. f (x) denotes functional composition.

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with the legitimacy of his results, and this seems, for

him, to have depended on skill rather than regulation.

The operation by which these equations have been derived from (B) and (C), is of such a nature, as to leave the mind unsatisfied,'and hesitating as to its legitimacy. Such cases are of frequent occurrence in the theory of exponentials; and it must be confessed, that the management of them, so as to avoid drawing conclusions manifestly absurd, is among the most delicate and at the same time interesting points in the whole theory. We seem as it were treading on the very verge o f ' Analysis, on the line which determines truth from falsehood., and feel ourselves placed in the situation of .one who fears to pursue to the utmost, the deductions of his reason, through suspicion of . some latent error, or mistrust of his own powers.

Hence, once again, the reverence for analytics as an

almost ’unreasonable’ tool for discovering the unknown was

a part of Herschel’s view of analytics. The_individual

mathematician was swept along by its power.

Originally Babbage and Herschel had each planned to

contribute one paper to the' Memoirs ■ But when no other

members of the Society presented papers, Herschel decided

in May to write a second memoir, feeling that the Society 0 would "look rather foolish, without at least a third”.

And, in part prompted by his wish to have something besides

trigonometrical transformations in the volume and because

of his mathematical research since leaving Cambridge,

Herschel decided to write on equations of differences and

1. Tbid. 64.

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, May 4 1813;

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their use in solving functional equations.^

The third Memoir was entitled "On Equations of

Differences and their Application to the Determination of

Functions from Given Conditions”. It was the longest of the

memoirs, almost equalling the other two in length, and was

divided into three parts. While Herschel had previously

worked on finite differences, it was only about the end of

May or early in June 1813, after working on Laplace’s

Mdcanique Cdleste and being inspired by it, that he had

sufficient material on finite differences to begin another 2 memoir. He was to work on the memoir the rest of that

summer.• The first part gave a general theory of equations

of differences of the first degree in one variable. The

second integrated certain equations of differences. Both

these parts were completed before the third which dealt

with functional equations and their solution by means of

finite differences. Herschel appears to have begun the

researches which led to the last section sometime in July;

for on July 25 he wrote to Babbage

I hasten to communicate to you the results of some researches I have been making in the theory of determining functions from given conditions, in order to avail myself of your knowledge of the subject in pointing out how far my mode of proceeding exceeds in generality

1. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Feb.8 1813;

2. Letter from Hershel to Babbage, "Sept. 1813” [actually after May 25 or very early June 1813];

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what has hitherto been done, or whether it exceeds it at all.l

At that time Herschel was very excited about his general

method of solving functional equations of the first order

and any number of variables; a feeling which Babbage shared:

„ I have not for a long time received so much pleasure as idle perusal of your letter gave me. Your solution of the functional equation 1fF ^(x) + 3Ax2fF( 4>2x) + &c = 0 is a most beautiful specimen of Analysis. X once thought that by assuming m variables Laplace's solution might be extended but I never attempted it. You have succeeded admirably and it is I think now theoretically complete; but Alas! how practically impossible it, and will, I am afraid, ever remain. This however must not deter you from proceeding onwards. The Theory of Functions will X am confident at some future ' period meet with that attention which its difficulty and importance justly merit.2

Despite the initial successes, more was not forthcoming,

and soon afterwards both Babbage and Herschel felt that the

theory of functions was "unlikely to derive much farther

assistance from the method of differences".3 By August

20 Herschel was'almost finished the third part, with the

first two parts in the hands of the compositor. And by - 4 October 13 the "third Memoir was nearly completely pnntfed.

Herschel was so proud of tbememoir that he ordered fifty

1. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, July 25 1813;

2. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, "June 30 1813" [must be July 30] ;

3. Buxton ms.13, p.47. "

4. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.13 1813;

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0 extra copies of it for himself. This third memoir reveals

the increasing concern of Babbage and Herschel with

developing what was to be a new branch of mathematics, the

calculus of functions. .

The preface to the Memoirs appears to have been

Babbage’s idea, and he certainly did most of the work in

writing it.1 The preface was intended, in Babbage’s words, 2 as "a brief outline of the history of pure analysis.”

While it was mainly Babbage’s effort, many others read and

commented on it. William Maule, Ryan, Higman and Herschel

> all read it separately at various tlmes in 1813, and the

Analytical Society met on Wednesday, May 26 to read the

preface and may have gathered once again for this same 3 purpose just before the start of term in October 1813.

Babbage began work on the preface soon after he had

■m finished his memoir (about January 1813) and continued to

revise it until it was printed in late October and early

November 1813.4 It was the last part of the Memoirs to be

1. Letter from Herschel ’to Babbage, Mar.2 1813;

2. Buxton ms.13, p.40.

3. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, May 25 1813, and a letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.13 1813;

4. Letter from Whittaker

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The preface began, as Babbage had wished,

"metaphysically".^ It asserted that the role of mathematical

analysis was "to examine the varied relations of necessary •

truth, and to trace through its successive developements, 2 the simple principle t p its ultimate result”. The

advantage of analysis in dealing with long and intricate

trains of reason lay mainly in the accuracy, simplicity and

conciseness of its language, ail of which aided the mind,

and in the essence of analysis itself - the separation of 'v— ^ ' 3 the subject into its components;. These causes of the

superiority Of "Analytical Science" were well illustrated •

by its history, and most of the preface was devoted to a

history of "pure analytics". Such areas as the resolution

of equations, the differential calculus, differential

equations, the methods of finite differences and of

variations, functions, and number theory were outlined. A

very short account of the Analytical Society, at Herschel's 4 urging, was also included.

1. letter from Babbage to Herschel, "before May 1, 1813" [but is in response to Herschel's June 27 1813 > [fetter].; "

2. Memoirs (1813) i

3. Ibid. i-ii. This was much the same sentiment as expressed in Babbage’s 1812 paper "On the Properties of Certain Functions". See p. 137.

4. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, June 27 1813;

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... that it consists of a few individuals) perhaps too sanguine in their hopes of promoting ■their favourite science, and of adding at least some trifling aid to that spirit of enquiry, which seems lately to have awakened in the minds of our countrymen, and which will no longer suffer them to receive discoveries in science at second hand., or to be thrown behind in that career, whose first impulse they so eminently partook. The time perhaps is not far distant, when such an attempt will be regarded in an honourable light, whatever may be its success.1

The preface concluded by noting that while the "golden age

of mathematical literature” was undoubtedly past, there

was justification for high expectations for the future.

And it appealed for a digest which would reduce "into 2 reasonable compass the whole essential part of analysis”.

Thus the preface stressed the power of analytics. Its

chief concern was hot with applying analysis but with pure

analytics. To stress analytics was very different from the

usual British defence of synthetics'. To concentrate on pure

analytics was to make a virtue of what was usually accepted

as the flaws of analytics. Clearly the zealousness of

reformers was involved here.

Two hundred and fifty copies of the Memoirs were 3 printed. Of these, the Analytical Society had ordered

one hundred copies, with Herschel and Babbage responsible

1. Memoirs (1813) xxi.

2. Ibid. xxi-xxii.

3. See a copy of the printer’s bill bound in a copy of the Memoirs once belonging to Babbage;,

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for the remainder.'*' The total cost had come to ^132.9.0^

much more than the Society had expected. A subscription

from the membership had been voted .at the May 26th meeting,

the Society had given up its room due to the costs of

printing, and finally the Society's share of the cost had 2 been equally divided and paid for by its members.

Apparently the sales of the volume were very slow - not

until 1816 did Babbage first meet someone who had bought 3 the Memoirs - and no profit was made by the Society. •

Indeed, Herschel wrote many years later that

With respect to the proceeds, I am afraid it will be better not to stir the matter, and regard them, as £ 0:0:0 - lest if any Enquiries be made of the booksellers they should bring in a bill for commission & warehouse-room, a thing little to be desired

The reaction to the Memoirs at Cambridge seems to

1. Letter from Herschel'to Babbage, Jan.12 1814;

2. Whittaker says the subscription was £3, Babbage, who did not attend the meeting, says^ 5. Letter from Whittaker to Herschel, June 1813, and a letter from Babbage to Herschel, "after May 20 before July 5" [early June ]1813; Soon after, June 5, 100 letters of subscription were printed. Some of these are preserved in (Add.Ms. 37203 f.80) That 100 copies were printed suggests that the Society had high hopes for its future.

3. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Feb.16 1816;

4. "Letter from Herschel to Whittaker, Feb.23 1822; ■This letter indicates that ten members shared in the cost. These certainly included Babbage, Herschel, Whittaker, Peacock and Mill. There seems to have been only about ten persons in the Society by the end of 1813. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Nov.30 1813;

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have been one of general bewilderment. Babbage wrote

Of course much nonsense is talked about them here; but Ikhave not heard criticism yet venture beyond the "Second line of the first Memoir: of which men ask "is it to_ be found in Jemmy Wood" and if not they divide by x and are lost in the cloulds of -i|) 's which follow.1

However, some, at least, approved of the work. The Master

of Jesus College bought the work "because he was glad to . 2 see that kind of spirit among the young men." And Bland,

one of the moderators of 'the 1814 Senate House Examination,

who had privately tutored 'Herschel in mathematics for two

years, asked, ironically, during the Examination a few 3 questions taken from the' Memoirs. Outside of Cambridge,

the Memoirs appear to have attracted little notice. No

reviews of the work appeared in any of the periodicals, x 4 much to Babbage's anguish. Herschel had sent a copy of

1. Letter to Bromhead, Nov.30 1813;

2. Letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Jan.26 1814;

3. Ibid. A letter from Whittaker to Herschel; Jan.28 1814,, and a letter from Slegg to Babbage, Feb.4 1814; As only problem papers were printed before 1827, and all questions from books were proposed viva /voce, Bland’s questions from the Memoirs have not been recorded. There are some similarities between ■the Memoirs and the printed Cambridge problems for 1814. ( Bland's question 16 of the Tuesday Evening paper: to find the sum of tan'.A tan.2A +' tan.3A - &c,'which 1 1 3 appears in Note V, p.63 of the' Memoirs. Question 8 of the Monday Morning paper is the same as Babbage had solved in 1812; see p . 123. F°r Bland’s tuition see a letter from Herschel to Bland, Jan. 1831;

4. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Aug.l 1814;

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the' Memoirs to Playfair whose only response was that he

"had been highly gratified by the perusal of the several

Essays" and especially by Herschel’s.^ If the work was

noticed by others, the general response was undoubtedly the / common complaint against analytics, that it was meaningless

manipulation of symbols. As William Whewell wrote in the

British Critic many years afterwards

In this publication 1 Memoirs] , the extraordinary complexity and symmetry of the symbolical combinations sorely puzzled the yet undisciplined compositors of that day, and led unmathematical readers to the conviction that the wfjole was a wanton combination of signs', left to find a meaning for themselves, . ...2

While the Memoirs may be regarded as the zenith of

the Analytical Society’s activity, it was also, as Herschel 3 remarked, "an expiring effort". Although the Society had

faced opposition from without and some minor internal

dissentions since its founding, the chief cause of its

dissolution at the end of 1813 appears to have been that

it was a society composed-of students yet never really

1. Letter from James Grahame to Herschel, Feb.26 1814; X 2. [W. Whewell ] "Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Science of the English Universities” British Critic 9^ (4th series, 1831)- 71-90. p.85. Edward Bromhead felt that the Memoirs were "much more profound than I any way expected, they are too profound to do us any good, & not one mathematician in 10 can understand them." Letter to Babbage, tea. late Nov. or Dec. 1813 ];

3. Letter from Herschel to Bromhead, Nov.19 1813;


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related to student interests.^ Thus Bromhead wrote to

Babbage in December U813

If the Society fails, it will fail from having taken too imposing\an attitude. It ought to have been more [ common place], & more for the Capacity of Undergraduates. It was wrong to publish the Memoirs as was d

The Analytical Society had been founded nearly two

years before by a group of individuals sharing a common

interest, and-who soon became a close circle of friends.

Despite an active beginning extensive reputation

(it was rumoured among the English mathematical community

that Woodhouse was at the head of the Society) the Society

had failed to attract new members)^ The reasons for this

failure were undoubtedly the same as those responsible for

the inactivity of most of the Society's members: their

primary concern with the university examinations on which

the Society's pursuits had no bearing and their failure to

develop, or in many cases even maintain, their mathematical

interests after graduation.

Five members had graduated in January 1813, four of

1. For external opposition see Babbage (1864) 29, a letter from J. Grahame to Herschel, June 1812;„, and a letter from Herschel to Bromhead, Nov.19 1813; For internal dissention see, for example, a. letter from F. Maule to Babbage, Jan.16 1813;

2.- [Dec. 1813];

3. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Aug.20 1813; H.mslR.S.

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whom were wranglers. Herschel, who had graduated as senior

wrangler, left Cambridge in January but continued to do

research in mathematics. He became a fellow of St. John’s

in March, and an F.R.S. in May, spent the Fall at Cambridge

where with Babbage £.nd Ryan he became very interested in ,

chemistry, and then went to London in January 1814 in order

to study law.'O Peacock was second wrangler, contending

with Fearon Fallows for that position rather than with

/ Herschel, whose position was' secure. 2 Both he and Mill,

who was sixth wrangler that year, tutored privately after

their degrees and obtained the two vacant fellowships at

Trinity the following year. Peacock continued his interest

in mathematics but Mill went on to other interests:, as first

Principal of Bishop's College, Calcutta (1820-38), Regius

Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge (1848-53) and Canon of

Ely (1848-M).3 Thomas Robinson, 13th wrangler and second

classical medallist, also went on to a career in the

Church in India and at home, being chaplain to Bishop Heber,

.Archdeacon of Madras (1828-35) , Professor of Arabic at

1. Herschel (1879) 120, Buttmann (1970) 13, letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.13 1813; .And a letter from Herschel to Whittaker, Jan.10 1814;

2. Pryme (1870) 167; for an interesting anecdote see Winstanley (1940) 152,. and for an account of part of the Smith's Prize Examination (Herschel first prize, Peacock second) see Mary Milner Life Of Isaac Milner (1842) 524-525.

3. See the D.N.B_. article. He did maintain some mathematical interest as is shown by his translation of Bridge's Algebra into Arabic while in Calcutta; see Gentleman's Magazine (18541)-205.

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Cambridge (1837-54) and Master of the Temple (1845-69).^

He published many religious works, but nothing on mathematics.

The fifth member, Michael Slegg, did not appear on the honours c

list and went to London to study law, although there are

some indications that he also continued his study'of 2 mathematics. At the next graduation, January 1814, five

more members of the Society completed their degrees.

Gwatkin and Wilkinson were first and second wranglers

respectively. Both became fellows that year, Gwatkin

remained at Cambridge and gave private tuition, and

Wilkinson went to London to study law. Whittaker graduated

thirteenth wrangler, also became.a fellow that year and also

gave private tuitions, but then pursued interests m theology

and a career in the Church. The remaining two members,

Babbage and Ryan, did not appear on the honours list.3 They 4 became brothers-in-law that summer by marrying sisters.

1. See the ^-N.B. article.

2. For example see a' letter from Bromhead to Whittakeyr, Feh.ll 1814;

3. Babbage graduated as Captain of the Gulph, that is at the top of those candidates for honours who failed to make the honours list but were allowed a degree. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Jan.26 1814; Whittaker wrote that Babbage, who is in the gulph, but would without doubt have been plucked if he had not been classed, worked one of them [ a few questions were asked from the' Memoirs ], & report says it .was the only thing he did. Letter from Whittaker to Herschel, Jan.28 1814';

4. Moseley (1964) 52.

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Ryan then studied law, became Chief Justice of Bengal (1833),

Privy Councillor (1843-65), and first Commissioner of the

Civil Service.'*' Babbage continued his mathematical research

while beginning what turned out to be a life-long search

for a suitable position. Of the remaining members of the

Society, Edward Bromhead (B.A. 1812) had left Cambridge in -

the summer of 1812 to study law in London and from his

country seat continued for many years his interests in

mathematics. His brother Charles (B.A. 1816) became a

fellow of Trinity (1818) and also for a time studied

mathematics. Higman was third wrangler in 1816, took

private pupils and became a fellow of Trinity in 1818. His

only publication was A Syllabus Of the differential and

integral calculus (1826). And, finally, D'Arblay graduated

as tenth wrangler in 1818 and became a fellow of Christ's

College that same year. After pursuing his mathematical

and scientific interests for some years, he settled into a

career in the Church and followed theological interests.

To have obtained such high positions on the honours

lists, as most of the members of the Analytical Society did,

meant that considerable effort had been spent in preparing

for the examinations, an effort which decreased

participation in the Society. After graduation most

members left Cambridge to take up positions which had no

1. See the D.N.B., article.

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mathematical or scientific connection, and most of those

who remained shifted their interests. There were few

meetings of the Society in 1813, and there are no records

of any papers being read that year.1 With the graduation

of 1814, few members remained at Cambridge'and the

Analytical Society ceased to exist, even .in name.

The Analytical Society had not only served to

promote analytics but had inspired and encouraged the

strong analytical views of its members. While as an

organization it quickly faded away, its spirit, or rather

the broad influences active in the formation of the Society

as well as the motives of its members, flourished. Some

of its members maintained a close working association. One

of these was John Herschel who, as has been seen, was very

active in the Analytical Society from its start.

Even after leaving Cambridge in January 1813, Herschel

had continued to be anxious about the Society and wrote to Babbage

I trumpet its fame as much as I can, when X meet with any one who can at all enter into the subject. It is true, my opportunities are not very frequent, but what there are are precious. For heaven's sake keep up a solemn serious appearance about it at Cambridge, and be for some time very cautious whom you admit. We really now must begin to be somewhat m earnest, and avoid "everything common or unclean". What say you to determining an annual subscription, that each member may know what he has to pay. For instance three guineas (or more or less) per An:' or else a. donation ofjj jE 50 at first entrance in lieu- of it. - Do you

1. Except for a paper Herschel seems to have communicated to the Society very early in 1813. Memoirs (1813) 87,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. think one meeting in a term enough? I think no member should be elected without a written notice from himself that he wishes it, and a written certificate from' one' member that he is a fit person. Perhaps it would be as well (as soon as it can be done) to contrive to have another secretary resident in London, - at to transfer the "seat of empire" thither as soon as possible. For X repeat it again and again, we must not be a "Cambridge" Analytical Society.1

Besides his contributions to the Memoirs, he had prepared

a pKjpar to be read to the Analytical Society, - had

advert is eX^the Memoirs in various newspapers and journals,

had shown Babbage's memoir to Ivory, Wallace and Leybourn

whp^declared that they never saw its equal in typography",

a W had had fifty copies of his second memoir printed

h he intended to use "as may seem most conducive to the \ \ 2 good ofVthe Sdciety." When the Society did fail despite

all of his'vefforts, Herschel was very despondent. His

views on what was wrong with English mathematics echoed the

frequently expressed mournings of others:

While I admire that powerful enthusiasm which, from the midst of the dry details of law can

1. Feb.8 1813; Herschel may certainly serve as a model, although a somewhat anomalistic one, for Rothblatt's "independent student" of late Georgian Oxbridge. See p39 , footnote 3 .

2. Letters from Herschel to Babbage, Aug.20, Oct.13 1813; I have found only two advertisements, one appeared in Leybourn' s' Repository' 4 (1819) 39, the second was in' The' Times for Thursday, Sept.23 1813, p.2 and read: "In the press-and speedily will be published, the 1 vol. of The MEMOIRS of the ANALYTICAL SOCIETY for the year 1813"

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1 6 4

draw forth your ideas in such speculations as ' your letter exhibits, I confess I am by no means, so sanguine, although not less sincerely desirous of contributing to .the introduction of a better taste in analytics than at present prevails.. - The ill success of a first undertaking (the Anal. Soc.) although it-has not in the least damped my ardour in this respect, has yet a good deal sobered it. The fire,of enthusiasm spreads only where it meets with inflammable matter to receive & cherish it - and how few, how very few are those who are disposed to enter heart & soul into a task of such gigantic labour, and such diminutive reward. Of that' few again, how small a proportion have the time, or the peculiar turn of mind so necessary to realize their plans. It is in vain to dissemble There is little or no taste for these things afloat - The math ? are not here as on the continent considered as a branch of elegant literature. They lead to no public distinctions, and afford no prospect, of pecuniary reward The publication of a Math,, work, particularly if it goes one step beyond the comprehension of Elementary readers is a dead weight & a loss to its author. - 1 7

Nevertheless, Herschel did persevere both in his mathematical

research and also in attempts to promote analytics,. In

close touch with Babbage, he was to pursue his interests in

analytics for several years. And together with Peacock

and Babbage, Herschel was to extend his efforts in the

following few years to an active reform of Cambridge

mathematics, an endeavour of which the Analytical Society

seems never to have dreamed.

The Analytical Society was a result of the conjunction

of a number of circumstances of early nineteeth-century

England.- Its existence and activities revealed the

1. Letter from Herschel to Bromhead, Nov.19 1813;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. influences of Cambridge with its studies and of the

widespread belief in the inferiority of British mathematics.

The Analytical Society was a mathematical society. It

concentrated on studying and promoting research in analytics

and in this way participating in the revival of British

mathematics in the same fashion as Woodhouse, Ivory, Wallace,

and others were doing. The Society did not exist to reform

Cambridge studies, even though dissatisfaction with those

studies had been a factor in its formation. The mathematics

which some of its members produced reflected their emphasis

on pure analytics. This emphasis permitted the obvious

criticism and consequent neglect by others of the Society’s

mathematics as meaningless manipulations of symbols. The '

Analytical Society had little direct impact on British or

Cambridge mathematics. But its existence, although brief,

illustrated the working at Cambridge of certain influences

which were ultimately to lead to the reform of the

mathematical studies there. Some of the Society’s members

were to' spark the reform movement at Cambridge a few years

after the dissolution of the Society. The Analytical

Society, therefore, was the precursor of the Cambridge

mathematical revival. The existence of the Society also

served as an aid in the mathematical research of some of

its members and, must also have helped to reinforce their

strong views on analytics. A few of these persons were to

continue to do much original research in mathematics. The

work of two of them, which is the subject of the following

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chapter, also displayed the effects of those same forces

which had led to the formation of the Analytical Society.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. V. The Mathematical Concerns of Charles Babbage and

John Herschel 1814-1822

The Analytical Society is usually remembered -

incorrectly - for its reform of Cambridge mathematics.

Some of its former members were indeed key figures in the

reform. But a greater part of their efforts was directed

to research in mathematics rather than to reviving

Cambridge studies.1 The dissolution of the Analytical

Society at the end of 1813 had affected neither the

association \ior the ardor for mathematics of many of its

members. In particular, Charles Babbage and John Herschel

maintained a close friendship and a considerable exchange

of their mathematical investigations. This mathematics is.. ^

significant to the historian in its own right, for the

history of the development of mathematical knowledge. It

is also important because of its intimate relationship to

some of Babbage's and Herschel's other activities in the

period 1814—1822. Their mathematical work at that time

provides a deeper insight into their views on analytics, y

and in turn these views are connected with their efforts

to promote mathematics in England. The present chapter « will outline Babbage's and Herschel*s mathematical concerns

1. Their mathematics has been largely neglected by historians. For an exception see the book-length preliminary study of Babbage's mathematics, Dubbey (1978) .. .

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from 1814 to 1822 outside of the Cambridge revival *

movement in order to better understand their intentions,

to illustrate their views on analytics, and to show that

their primary concern in these efforts was to make

mathematics in England a profession.

While Babbage and Herschel spent most of the fall of

1813 at Cambridge performing chemical experiments, they

also continued to do some work in'mathematics. Late that

fall, H^schel made a breakthrough in functional equations N by giving a Solution of the second order functional 2 1 equation <(> x = x . He had been led to the solution by 2 Babbage's first paper for the Analytical Society in 1812.

In addition, at about the same time, Herschel also found 2 another solution of x = x and a method t o r obtaining

particular solutions of nx = fx . These results along

with work, on generating functions, logarithmic

transcendents and first degree differential equations

were published in the fall of 1814 as "Consideration of

various Points of Analysis^ Dated January 29, 1814,

the paper ’.presented various results in the areas named

above in the language of -the calculus of generating

1. Buxton ms.13, pp.63-68.

2. Babbage's paper was "Solutions requiring the application of Mixed Differences". Ibid. 64.

3. Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society. 1Q4 - (1814) 440-468. Read May 19."

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functions. Like Babbage in his enthusiasm for the

concept of a'function, Herschel stressed the potential of

the calculus of generating functions for the "speculative

philosopher" to view the arrangement of analysis as a

whole.1 He began by laying down a number of rules

governing his use of the functional notation and the

method- of separating, symbols of operation from those of

quantity. Then he derived a sequence of equations the

last of which was applied, using results from Spence's

Logarithmic Transcendents, to the summation of certain

classes of series. His results on functional equations

followed, as did a concise method for deriving known f '

theorems about differential equations of the first degreeSx

Herschel seems to have done little else in mathematics

during most of the remainder of 1814, except for eight

problems with solutions for Leybourn's Mathematical ^ 2 'Repository. In January he had gone to London against the

wishes of his parents to enter Lincoln's Inn to study law,

or, as Bromhead remarked, to "eat his Way to the Bar".3'

Apparently Herschel had no interest in entering the Church;

the profession of law was the least distasteful alternative.

Yet it was his interests in science and particularly in

1. Ibid. 440-441.

2. Questions 362-369 in the Mathematical Repository 4 (1819) 61-71.

3. Buttmann (1970) 15. And a letter from.Herschel to Babbage, Sept.21 1814;

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. chemistry that were strengthened during his stay in London,

especially by attendance at the meetings of the Royal

Society and by his acquaintance there with W.H. Wollaston

and J. South.1

Babbage, who had sat for the Senate House Examination

in January of 1814, remained at Cambridge until early \ y

June doing some chemistry and maintaining his interest in

functional equations but doing little research in this

area. However,•about mid-June, Babbage's enthusiasm was

re-awakened, probably by a second look at a letter of May 2 12 from W.H. Maule. In his letter Maule obtained the

first general solution of i|j n (y) = y which he gave as :

ip y = ‘ (j, ^ (-l)n ()> (y) ) .3 This result led Babbage to the

substitution -1f ty which he used to solve various 4 classes of functional equations. Babbage worked hard in

the following month on the subject of functional equations

and.-made a number of discoveries.3 These results, along

with others obtained in the fall of 1814 and very early » _

1. Buttmann (1970) 16-17.

2. Buxton ms.13, pp.76-77.

3. Ibid. 71-72. And the letter from Maule to Babbage, May 12 1814; | • 4. Buxton ms. 13, pp.93-|9 8.

5. He told Herschel about these discoveries in a long letter of Sept.22: letter from Babbage to Herschel "after Aug.3; after Aug.10";

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1815, were pu.t together about February, 1815, as "An,

essay towards the calculus of functions" and published

later that year.'1' Babbage's aim in the "essay" was to'

present an outline of his new calculus concerning the

determination of the form of an- unknown function from

given conditions. Thus he was led to solving various.

classes of functional equations. Babbage stated his

belief that "the solution'of functional equations must be%

sought by methods peculiarly their own". This was

undoubtedly due to his and Herschel’s continuing view of

the inadequacies of using finite differences to solve

functional equations, as well as to their belief in the

potential of the calculus of functions as a powerful 2 branch of analysis. Herschel felt that,Babbage's

discoveries were laying "the foundation of a calculus

totally new, and immensely powerful.3 Babbage used

various direct methods of solution and, above all,

symmetrical functions. Among other results Babbage

presented a method for solving any functional equation

of the first order, that is f £x , i|ix, i|iax, . . . i|n>x| where ~

1. Buxton ms. 13, pp. 109-110. The ."essay" appeared in the Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society. 105 (1815) 389-423. Read June 15 1815.

2. Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society.- 105 (1815) 389-423. p.395. As for the futility of employing finite differences refer to p. 151 above and to a letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.25 1814; and to Buxton ms.13, p.67.

3. Letter from Herschel to Babbage,' Oct-25 1814;

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ii, is the unknown function and a , ... ,v are known I

functions. He also gave various methods for .solving

functional equations of the second and higher orders.

Throughout the essay Babbage was very careful to

give many illustrations of his results, probably to

shield his work from the usual criticism of analytics as

being useless or imaginary refinement. Very few were as

enthusiastic as Herschel was about Babbage's mathematics.

That Babbage was not deceiving himself in his apprehension

is clearly shown in a review of the ''essay". The reviewer

cautioned Babbage not to be led into "some attempt

calculated to produce that kind of artificial and unmeaning

solution" which "although it might enable the operator to

exhibit a solution to the eye" would not allow any one to

"form any mental conception, or submit to any known mode

of computation'.1.'1'

The author of this review was probably Peter Barlow

(1776 - 1862), a teacher of mathematics at the Royal 2 Military Academy at Woolwich. It is of interest to note

Barlow's vision of mathematics because of its contrast to

that of Babbage and of Herschel. 'Like most persons in

Great Britain interested in the mathematical sciences, he ) 1. Anon "A Review of Babbagd.’s ’An essay &c.’ Phil. Trans. ■ (1815) " Monthly Review 80 (1816) 81-13715.82.

2. Barlow had started writing for the Monthly Review in April 1814; Nangle (1955) 6. See also a letter from Babbage to Herschel, June 9 1816;


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acknowledged their stagnation there. And like those who

were f&s^ncerned about the situation he saw the English

neglect of analytics as well as the absence of Englishmen

working in the mathematical sciences as the chief causes

of the decline.^ In the same way, he stressed the

importance of m o d e m analysis for discSv^ry_w]aile also 2 accepting the claims of geometry in training the mind. /"N

Yet Barlow did not share in Babbage's and Herschel's

enthusiasm for what he regarded -as the "utmost limits” of

analysis. )

That analysis possesses iiBnense advantages in a great variety of intricate problems, it is impossible to deny: but. that it has been pushed far beyond its natural limits is also not less certain. The French character, whether in politics or science, seems /calculated to carry every thing to excess; and]it is thus that analysis has been applied by them to a variety of problems which might have been much better resolved b y other means .3

This sentiment was in accord with those expressed by many

defenders of British mathematics,’ as was his sympathy for

1. See,' for example, h'is article "Increments, Methods of" in his A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (1814); or hii "Review of J.R. Delarstre's Encyclop^dle de 1 'Ingdnieur" Monthly Review 75 (1814) 488-491. p .489; or his "Mechanics" Encyclopaedia Metropolitana 3^ (1848) 1-160. p.5.

2. See his "Analysis" A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (1814) , and hii "A review of Cresswell 's An Elementary Treatise ... Maxima and Minima" Monthly Review 75 (1814) 202-206. \ • 3. P. Barlow "Review of Delambre's Astronomie" Monthly Review 76 (1815) 519-531. p.522.

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the fluxional calculus.3- Of primary■importance to Barlow 2 were the "useful branches of mathematics". Barlow's

position may thus be seen as midway between'zealous

preservers o'f synthetic methods and of the fluxional

calculus and equally fervent promoters of Continental

mathematics. And, as a consequence, Babbage's and

Herschel's attitude toward mathematics, as well as that

of the early Cambridge revival movement (as will be seen

in the following chapter), may be justly appreciated in

the British context for its radicalism.

Meanwhile, Babbage had married Georgiana Whitmore

apparently in late July 1814 after an engagement of two

years.3 He now lightly viewed his mathematical research

as philanthropy which he could no longer afford; it was

time to take a serious look at his prospects. Babbage

does not seem to have considered the law, and dismissed

the Church for he saw little opportunity for his own

advancement. He thought of obtaining some "situation

connected with the mines" where he could use his knowledge

of chemistry, or of employment with the Nautical

1. See his review of Cresswell mentioned on p.173, footnote 2.

2. Anon (probably Barlow)' "Review of J. Adams' The Elements of the Ellipse" Monthly Review 90 (1819) 98-100. p.99.

3. Moseley gives June as the month Babbage married (Moseley (1964) 52), but it appears from letters to Herschel of August 1 and 10 that he married in late July;

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Almanac.'1' But neither of these ideas were realized and

Babbage continued his work on functions , moving to London 2 in November. There, early in 1815, he was lecturing on-

astronomy to audiences of the Royal Institution.^ His

correspondence for the remainder of 1815 is silent on the

topic of an occu m, but there is little doubt that

Babbage must have been attentive to potential positions.

By the time Babbage's first paper for the

Philosophical Transactions was before the Royal Society

in the Spring' of 1815, he had already made much progress

in his continuing work in the calculus of functions.

... I have bestowed some attention on functional equations involving two or more variables, and I have met with considerable success: I am in possession of methods which give the general solution of equations of all orders, and even of those which contain symmetrical functions. I have also discovered a new and direct method of treating functional equations of the first order, and of any number of variables , and this new method I have applied to t h e solution of differential

Indeed, so rapid were his advances in the calculus of

functions in 1815 that he exclaimed to Bromhead in

August that his first essay contained scarcely a fifth of

jl. Letters from Babbage to Herschel, Aug.l, 10, Sept.22 1814;

2. Letters from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.25, Nov.;

3. Lett'er from Herschel to pabbage, Feb.16 1815; H.mSvR.S. Letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, May 25- 1815;

4. C. Babbage "An essay &c." Phil. Trans. 105 (1815) 389-423. p.423.

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his writings."'' In the same letter he outlined his work,

most of which was published the following year in the

Philosophical Transactions .as "An essay towards the 2 calculus of functions. Part II". Although this paper

only appeared in November of 1816 it was basically

completed by the previous November and subpiitted to the

Royal Society through N.H. Nollaston veryearly in 1816 3 (probably January). y "Part II" extended the methods of his former paper

to solving functional equations of any order with more

than one variable and presented new methods (by

elimination) for solving first order functional equations

and also methods for solving differential functional

equations. Many of these results may be found in his

correspondence with Herschel and Bromhead in 1815.

Babbage1s work profitied greatly from discussions with

Herschel, Bromhead and Maule. For example, Bromhead was

the first to state that an inverse function admits of

many values, which result was independently derived by 4 Herschel and hinted at by both Babbage and Maule.

1. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Aug.6 1815;

2. Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society. 106 (1816) 179-256“ Read March 14 1816.

3. Letters from Herschel to BaSbage, Nov.6 1815 ,■ (pmk.) Feb.7 1816;

4. Buxton ms.13, pp.119-121. The inverse of a function f was denoted by f ^ so that if x=fy then f ^"x = y.

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Again, the notation used was really the product of

discussions between Herschel, Babbage and Bromhead. As

Babbage later wrote.

In the numerous conversations which occured it ■ is almost impossible to apportion the precise share which is due to each for any suggested improvement, the same idea must frequently occur to different minds placed in nearly similar situations: thus it happens with respect to the notation of functions of more than one variable | and of higherborders than the first i t .is the joint work of Herschel and Mr Bromhead and myself. -1-

Still, the mai^i lines of development, although benefiting

from the contributions of others, were apparently due

to Babbage. -. ■ '

Among the many results in the very long "Part II"

Babbage considered his results on recurring functions, his

use of the method of elimination - "a new and beautiful \

branch", his proof of the impossibility of 2 1 12 i p ' (x,y) = ij, ' (x,y) , and his use of the substitution

- 1 • 2 <(> f (4> x, y) , as among the most important. It is also

interesting to note the continuing role of differential

equations in. guiding his efforts* Just as in his first

essay, where Babbage had regarded the origin of the

"determination of functions" as being in attempts to ft solve differential equations and had relied on this theory

Ibid. 110.

Ibid. 105-202. Babbage developed a new system of notation to express relations between functions of two or more variables. Thus, in this system, 2 1 12 i|i ' (x,y) = iji ' (x,y) meant ( i|> (x,y) ,y) = (x ,<(j (x,y)) ,

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Bo regulate his work (see, for example p.408 of the

"essay"), so also in "Part II" Babbage looked to the

analogy with differential equations for .aid. For instance. 2 1 12 Babbage concluded that tjj ' (x,y) = i|j ' (x,y) was

impossible in the same way "as some differential equations

of three variables are known to be".^

Finally of interest in this paper are Babbage's

continuing attempts to justify his work. The reader is

reminded at the Beginning and at the end of "Part II” of

the importance of this calculus not simply for "the

recesses of this abstract science" but for "every branch

of natural philosophy, where the object is to discover by

calculation from the refeults of experiment, the laws which

regulate the action of the ultimate particles of bodies".

This will be accomplished if only "the labours of future

enquirers give to it that perfection, which other methods 2 of investigation have attained". T£pse remarks must

indicate, once again, Babbage's unease with the typical

sort of reception which his work was receiving: emphasis

on its .inutility, its little prospect of being brought to

perfection, and its needless abstraction.^ Correspondingly,

1. Ibid. 138.

2. "An essay on the calculus of functions. Part II" .Phil. Trans. 106 (1816) 179-256. pp.179-180. For an account of the modem status of functional equations and their applications, see Acze

3. Anon (probably Barlow) "Review _ s 'An essay ... Part II' Phil. Trans. (1816)" Monthly Review 83 (1817) 54-57. p.55.

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his remarks underline the incompatibility of his work with

, what was usually accepted in England as creditable

mathematics. For, while Babbage undoubtedly believed in

the importance of mathematics for science, his real

interest was not iJith applications nor with mixed

mathematics but with pure mathematics, ^id with.

the structure of analysis.

... the doctrine of functions is of so general a nature, that it is applicable to every part of mathematical enquiry, and seems'eminently . qualified to reduce into one regular and uniform system the diversified methods and scattered artifices of the modem analysis;’ from, its comprehensive nature, it is fitted for the systematic arrangement of the science, and ■ from the new and singular relations which it expresses, it is admirably adapted for farther improvements and discoveries.1

Babbage was, as he remarked on so many occasions,

"function mad". He saw his new calculus as "applied to

everything to which the differential one is applicable

it is infinitely more powerful and has besides other 2 treasures peculiarly its own". This concern developed at

this time (very early 1816) into a plan to explain "the 3 whole system on the principle of identity". As he

stated his vision a few years later,

In divesting Analysis of all relation to number we [Babbage and Bromhead] both agree and probably

1. "An essay on-the calculus of functions. Part II" Phil. Trans. 106 (1816) 179-256. p.256.

2. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Aug.6 1815;

3. Buxton ms.13, p.202.

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our definitions would be nearly the same. I should consider every equation as an abridged representation of operations which if actually performed at length would cause all the terms mutually to destroy each other - In this view all series considered as infinite must be rejected from pure analysis, and the theorem of Taylor as well as all other modes of expansion would be treated of as consisting of a certain number of terms together with a remainder; this would preserve the principle of identity and ^ although in some cases -it might be tedious it would exclude a frequent cause of error in the application of Analysis to number.1 r Clearly Babbage was concerned with purifying analysis,

with founding it not on number but on various principles.

His public attempts at justification reveal his awareness

of just, how different his views were from the prevalent

mathematical ideology in England.

Herschel, remarking in August 1814 on Babbage’s

efforts to find a position, showed his own uneasiness with

his attempts to study law.

I am happy to see however that you seriously . intend to act about being useful in this world. To one who like ourselves has existed more in theory than in practise - who has' made the beautiful & the abstract his cynosurje in mockery of base utility the resolution mbst ever be difficult to form, & more so to follow, i can only wish you may have energy & determination enough to go through with it. For my drfSh part I feel that I never shall.2 _ - '■

In the fall of 1814 he returned to St. John'*'.^ College^

Cambridge, in order to concentrate on ■hi3pstudi/i'6,'of law,

- . . wv 1. Ibid. 217. + 1 '^ --- ** 2. Letter from Herschel to Ba&ba^*, Au?f.*? -1§14;

^ • '6. "• " . \ ’r ■•‘v - V

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but his preoccupation' with science continued, especially

in chemistry and mineralogy.'*' In March of 1815, he even

applied, without success, for the chair of chemistry at 2 Canbridge . Herschel was offered the office of assistant

tutor at St. John's in May but declined it at this time

because-of his determination to continue in law.3 But an

illness that summer led him in the fall to abandon his A * "professional studies", apparently for health reasons, -4 and to go to Cambridge to take private pupils. His

presence at Cambridge was to lead, as will be seen in the

next chapter, to his involvement in attempts to reform

■ Cambridge studies.

Although Herschel had done little in mathematics in

1814 and in most of 1815, his period of recuperation at

Brighton in September and October of 1815 led him to

resume this interest. The result was a paper for the

Royal Society, dated November 17 1815, entitled "On the

develcpenent of exponential functions; together with {

1. Letter from Herschel to BaJjbage, Mar.23 1815; Herschel was attending the mineralogical lectures of E.D. Clarke.

2. Ibid. The chair was made vacant by S. Tennant’s death early in 1815.

3. Letter from Herschel to William Herschel, n.d.Jc. May 1815] ;

4. Letters from Herschel to Babbage, Sept.24, Nov.6 1815; Buttmann ((1970) 17-18) states that Herschel took up the post at St. John’s but I have seen no evidence confirming this.

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several new theorems relating to finite differences” .^

This paper, using the method of separating the symbols

of operation from those of quantity, gave various

general formulae for expanding (developing) very general

exponential functions giving, at the same time, ways of

calculating the actual coefficients. The paper also

illustrates by its banishment of the ideas of infinite r and finite from analysis the coincidence of Herschel's 2 view of analytics with Babbage's, as described above.

The reaction of the Monthly Review to Herschel's

paper was consistent with its earlier criticism: it

pointed out the needless complexity and the uselessness

of much of French mathematics and warned English

mathematicians, and in particular Herschel, against

emulating this aspect of French work.

... it will be o f .the highest importance to embrace only such subjects as will admit of useful application; and to bear in mind that it is not the intricacy of formulae, but the simplicity of them, which constitutes the beauty -of analysis. - Mr. Herschel has in two or three instances \ manifested considerable analytical talents, which we should be very loth to undervalue: but we fear that he is too fond of that sort of parade to which we have alluded, and which we ,

1. Phil. Trans. Royal Society. 106 (1816) 25-45. Read Dec.14 1815. Parts'of this paper are to be found in the manuscript "Miscellaneous researches" in Of special interest is the section "The Developement of.certain functions of frequent occurce in the theory of finite differences /

2. Phil. Trans■ Royal Society. 106 (1816) 25-45 pp?i5-26.

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should be glad to see him correct.'*'

The Philosophical’Transactions for 1816 also included,

besides the papers by'Herschel and Babbage, one by

Edward Bromhead. Although Bromhead had ceased to be active

in the Analytical Society with his move to London in the

summer of 1812 in order to study law, he had kept in close

touch with both^Babbage and Herschel and with certain

friends and (his brother Charles at Cambridge. Due to poor

health he w js to spend most of his time“arouncKh^s home ~ s in Thurlby (near Lincoln). Yet he continued his interest

and studies in mathematics, as may be seen from some of

the remarks made on Babbagd’s mathematics above and from 2 Bromhead's manuscript "On the Indices of Functions".

About' May of 1815 Btomhead planned a book on the method

of fluents, of which he seems have finished three of { ■ 3 '• the nine chapters. Although the book was never published.

undoubtedly gets a glimpse of his ideas in his paper

for the Royal Society which he prepared about January

1816. In *0n the fluents of irrational functions"

Bromhead "attempted to generalize and systematize our

1. Anon (probably Barlow) "Review of Herschel's 'On the DevelopeiiEnt &c. ' Phil. Trans. (1816)" Monthly Review 81 (1816) 393-395. p.393.

2. This manuscript is quoted in Buxton ms.13, pp.115-119.

3. Letter from Whittaker to Bromhead, Nov.22 1815; Letter from Bromhead to Babbage, pmk. Nov.24 1815;

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knowledge on this subject" by showing how certain

generalized forms of fluents could be rationalized.^ — \ / Once again, the separation between this type of

;s\^matheinatics - the mathematics of Babbage, Herschel, and

the Analytical Society - and the prevalent English view -

is shown by the response to his work. "Herschel was

highly pleased with it.' Ivory has also sent him a

complimentary Note . . . ." and Peacock wrote of it as

"a very original and ingenious paper”.2 But the Monthly

Review)commented "... with all the advantages derived

from Mrl Bromhead’s notes and his numerous examples, we

are still doubtful whether we exactly understand what it •* 3 is that he intends to perform; ...." The reviewer,

looking back over the mathematics papers in the

Philosophical Transactions for that year (1816), could

only regret the direction which these papers were taking.4

Bromhead remarked

Have you seen the Review of our Papers in the \ Monthly Review. The ignorant scoundrel mangles ybu; in a manner, which shews he never read a

1.' Phil. Trans■ Royal Society. 106. (1816) 335-354. p.335. ' ^

2. Letter from C.F. Bromhead to Whittaker, Feb.4 1817; S. F. Lacroix An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus (trans. T5F16) pp.670-'STi: '

3. Anon (probably Barlow) "Review of Bromhead1s ’On the' Fluents &c.’ Phil. Trans. (1816)" Monthly Review 83 (1817) 58.- ^

.4. Ibid.

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tenth part of your Memoir & did not understand, at least ^in Spirit, any of it...... The wretch further objects to any improvement in Notation, . which shewing his total ignorance, I was most . happy to fipd him dismiss my Memoir in five lines r- _ as wholly incomprehensible. Can this be Barlow?-*-

Babbage had had difficulties in getting his "Part II"

published in the Philosophical' Transactions. He responded^

if . by censuring the Royal Society as "a damned ignorant set

in everything which relates to mathematics" and was very

upset by the attempts to "excuse this - ignorance by the

cant about the object of their institution being the 2 promotion of natural knowledge". *— However he still became

'a Fellow of the Royal Society that year (1816). An

invitation from W.T. Brande about January of 1816 for f

assistance in the mathematical part of the journal of the V Royal Institution led Babbage to dnntribute a paper on

Stewart's theorems for the first volume and three other

short papers pubflnshed in 1817.^ Characteristically, he

approached1 Stewart's geometrical propositions using the

principles of analysis,

... thus endeavouring to prove that analysis is equally adapted for the demonstration of propositions which may be"known, and for the discovery of those which are unknown, even in a 'of inquiry which has hitherto been treated

1. Letter from Bromhead to Babbage, Nov.26 1817;

2. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Feb.21 1816; See also a letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Feb.16 1816;

3. Letters from Babbage to Herschel, Feb.21, July 20 1816;

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by methods purely geometrical.'*'

The other papers were two short works on the calculus of \ ' 2 functions and one related to a chess move. About March

of 1816 Babbage once again tried to find a suitable J \ position by applying for the professorship of mathematics at the' East India College in Haileybury but was

unsuccessful, he felt, because of his lack of "interest"

(patronage)As Babbage wrote to Herschel,

Happiness may I am convinced be obtained by an Analyst/but how he is to obtain that sine qua non of /i^ii's _world .(money to wit) I have not yet discovered. 4 "v

Despite these disappointments Babbage continued his

work in mathematics, particularly in the calculus of

functions.'; In October of 1815^he~had been planning a

third part (to his "An essay trwards the calculus of

functions" which would have included the maxima and minima

of functions and the application of the method of

1. C. Babbage "Demonstration of some of Dr. Matthew Stewart1s General Theorems; &c." Journal of Science and the Arts. _1 (1816) 6-24. p.7.

2. "Solution of Some Problems by means of the Calculus of Functions” The Journal of Science and the Arts 2 (1817) 371-379. "Note Respecting Elimination11 lbi3- _3 (1817) 355-357. "An Account of Euler's Method of Solving a Problem relating to the_Knight's Move at Chess" Ibid. (I have not seen this last paper).

3. Copy of letter to East India Company, Mar.11 1816; and Babbage (1864) 473. Oi^ Babbage's disappointment see his pbem "Sir Alphabet Function" partially quoted in Moseley (1964) 60-61.

.Letter from Babbage to Herschel, July 20 1816;

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variations.3- Babbage felt that the three parts would

provide an outline of- a calculus which at some future

period would rival the integral calculus.' Accordingly,

while he continued his. work in 1816 - 1817 on certain

aspects of this calculus - such as extending his method

of elimination to obtain general solutions, or solving

functional equations containing definite integrals - he

began to think of publishing all of his writings in book 2 form together with a history of the field. Apparently

Babbage only prepared a sketch of his "great work on

functions".3 But he did write the history, during 1817

from about February to September, which still exists as'

The History of the Origin and Progress of the Calculus of

Functions during the years 1809 1810 ...... 1817.^

This trejiti^Se is a very valuable source for understanding

the w_p±k o f •' Babbage and his friends.3* ( ■ Some of the directions which Babbage’s'work was

taking in late 1816 and very early 1817 in the calculus

of functions, as well as his continuing reliance on the

methods of several branches of analysis (_§..g* the integral

1. Letter from Babbage tovHefschel, Oct. 28 I8I 5;

2. Letter from Babbage to Hetschel, July 20 1816;

3. Letter from Babbage to Br d, Nov.11 1816;

4. Buxton ms.13 in the ’Histo Science Museum, Oxford.

5. X have made much use of it in this thesis.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. calculus) for guidance in the "cultivation and improvement"

of. that calculus, are shown in his "Observations on the

Analogy which subsists between the Calculus of Functions

and other branches Qf Analysis", dated March 5 1817."*"

Suffering at this time from "a new fi\: of the mania

• Analytica", Babbage illustrated the uses of analogy for

discovery by examples from his work on the calculus of

functions: for example, his extension of the method of

elimination to obtain general solutions, and his metho

for making a functional equation, especially of the fi

order, symmetrical in order to obtain a general solution.

Herschel, who had been at Cambridge since October w

of 1815, found that he was not happy with "cramming

pupils, which is a bore & does one no credit but very

2 . ! much the contrary’!. He had done little m mathematics'

while ^t Cambridge except for the translation of part of

Lacroix's Traite elementaire. Yet he had sketched out "a

complete course of the essential part of the pure

analytics" and was at work -by the end of 1816 on a book

on algebra "upon a very different plan from any algebra

' 3 that has -yet appeared". Some hint of Herschel's views

1. Phil. Trans. Royal/Society. 107 (1817) 197-216. Read ' April 17

2. Letter fjj0)(fHerschel to Babbage, July 14 1816;

3. And a letter from Herschel to. Babbage, Dec.24 1819; What may be some fragments of this booljs are to be found among some uncatalogued matHematical manuscripts in (W0245).

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on algebra is gained from his comment at the end of

Spence's "Outlines of a Theory of Algebraical Equations

&c. ".

... [ the- general object of this 'paper ] will be accomplished should it be thought to offer a satisfactory link of connexion between the ordinary algebra and the profounder theories of the differential calculus, - subjects which are too commonly, at least in this country, regarded as essentially disjoined, and dependent on different principles.!

For some reason, perhaps connected with his own

anxiety about a career, Herschel reluctantly decided in

October to leave Cambridge to take up his father’s 2 astronomical observations. At his family's home in 7 Slough Herschel worked on astronomy and on chemistry and

mathematics. Although he had never been quite so keen

about abstract mathematics as Babbage, he too became

"analysis mad" in early 1817. The immediate cause seems

to have been his obtaining in December 1816 some of

William Spence’s mathematical manuscripts for evaluation

for possible publication.

I want to see you [Babbage] particularly just now for I have at all my analytical mania returned glowing hot from its perihelion. Spence’s papers have set me mad...... I the day before'Yesterday struck upon an unfinished Essay full of the most beautiful / properties of strange transcendents of the form v Spence (1819) ^ 9 5 \

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.10 1816;

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analogous to the • c ts general; properties of log— transcend— . I devoured the Essay with avidity - the field it opens is immense. - I mean to recommend its publication and everything else on the same subject I can find in the strongest terms.1

Herschel was very busy with mathematics in 1817. He

continued work on, his algebra, on finite differences, on

exponential functions, on editing Spence's manuscripts,

and in June/ following a request from David Brewster, on 2 two articles for the Edinburgh Encyclopedia. A result

of all of this mathematical activity was a paper in

November 1817 for the Royal Society, "On Circulating

functions, and bn the integration of a class of equations

of finite differences into which they enter as

coefficients".3 As in his earlier papers, Herschel dealt

with his 'topic - "series in which the same relation

between a certain number of successive terms recurs

periodically" - in a very generalized way. Indeed, \ analysis meant a general view and uniform treatment of the

1. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Jan.30 1817;

■2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Apr.3 1817; Letter from Herschel to Whittaker, June 13 1817; St. t John's College Library. The two articles were "Isoperimetrical Problems" Edin. Encv. 12 (1830) 320-328 (sent to Brewster Aug.8 1817) and-"Mathematics" Edin. Ency. 13 (1830) 359-383. (sent to Brewster about July 1818).

3. Phil. Trans. Royal Society. 108 (1818) 144-168. Read Feb.19 1818.

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subject-matter.'1' Thus he devised the "analytical artifice"

of circulating functions^ to include these series in an

equation of finite differences which he showed how to

integrate, producing the general terms of the series.-

While Herschel felt his theory was "exquisitely pretty"

and affording a "remarkable simplicity" and "great

neatness" in its application, the Monthly Review only


... we believe it to be impossible within any moderate limits to render his processes • intelligible to our readers. We have some doubt, indeed, whether the memoir itself would be sufficient for this purpose.2

Herschel, like Babbage, identified modern mathematics

with algebraic methods and shared in his view of the

importance of developing and purifying analysis. In his

.article "Mathematics^ for the Edinburgh Encyclopedia,

which he submitted about July of 1818, Herschel

distinguished three great periods in the history of

mathematics. The first period was that of the almost

exclusive use of geometrical methods. The second was a

period of transition which saw the risd of algebra,

.although "symbolic analysis" had not "yet attained

sufficient maturity to take the whole burden of

1. Ibid. •144, 146, 147.

.2. Ibid. 166. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Nov.24 • TSTT; Anon (probably Barlow) "Review of Herschel's 'On Circulating &c.' Phil. Trans. (1818) " Monthly Review 87 (1818) 63.

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investigation on itself." Gradually analysis revealed its

power and elegance until in the recent third period it had

become the basis of, mathematics.

’ The last and greatest revolution of mathematical '■'science was rapidly approaching, when symbolic language, found adequate to every purpose, became the universal medium of mathematical inquiry, and when those extraneous notions which, during the foregoing period, had insinuated themselves into its principles/ were purged away.-*-

The task of developing analysis was a difficult one

for exactly the-same reasons that made analysis valuable:

its abstractness and its generality. And hence the

reliance by Babbage, Herschel and Bromhead on analogy with

"^ther, better developed, branches of analysis. As Babbage

wrote in November 1815,

In truth this Calculus [of functions] in some respects resembles metaphysics it is infinitely general obscure abstract and absurd - 'I' 2x is like Moses which led the children of Israel into the Wilderness, Ah Herschel why did we follow the too tender too seducing .? 2

And again, two years la.^er, in September 1817 " ^

I have formerly had occasion to remark the very delicate mature of the reasoning which has been employed on this subject [calculus of functions] and the communications of Mr Bromhead prove that his enquiries have been equally obstructed by the doubt and hesitation which accompanies it: this though) undoubtedly it- in part arises from the novelty of the subject must chiefly be asCjribe'd to its great generality; quantity and

1. J. lHerschel "Mathematics" Editu^Ency. JL3- (1830) 3^9-383. pp.360-361. f - ' y . j 2. Letter from Babbage to/Herschel/ Nov.13 1815;


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its relations as to magnitude being almost entirely discarded-we go in quest of abstract form, nor is it surprizing that we should miss our way amongst the laxity and latitude of conditions which bind together innumerable species.1

Babbage and Herschel's heightened zeal for analysis

in 1817 led to renewed proposals for reviving the

Analytical Society or for establishing a "Royal Mathematical

Institute", for having it centered in London, and for 2 issuing a second volume of the' Memoirs. But nothing was

realized of these schemes to professionalize. Babbage, 9 for example, felt that another volume of the Memoirs 3 would be too expensive.

Bromhead too had been "a little touched" at this

time. He had a reputation as a skillful analyst, as

attested by Whewell,

By the bye - we had Bromhead here a little while back who was as usual absolutely overflowing with theories - more particularly mathematical - The rapidity & extent of his generalizations is absolutely overpowering - .... 4

Like Herschel, Bromhead admired Babbage's calculus as "the

1. Buxton ms.13,p.249.

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Jan.30 1817; Letters from Babbage to Bromhead, Mar.14, Dec.15 1817;' Letter from Bromhead to Babbage, Dec.20 1817; B . ms .A. L. A ffl ^ 3. LettJBr from Babbage to Bromhead, Dec.15 1817;

4. Letter from Whewell to Herschel, Mar.6 1817;

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1 most dangerous & Protean thing I ever met with'!. Perhjaps ✓ inspired by Babbage's calculus of functions, he had

prepared a paper on a new calculus analogous to the.

differential which he called a calculus of factors and

factorials. 2 But it never appeared in the Philosophical

Transactions as intended probably because of Hers'chel' s


Your paper has confirmed me in the idea I entertained some years ago, when I broke off a . train of/ investigation "on the Calculus of Products"' (bearing the same -analogy to differences that the factorial does,to the differential Calculus) from a conviction that no results differentfrom those of the latter calculi could be derived from it. In fact the expression "analogous to" should throughout your paper be replaced by "identical with"3

Bromhead continued to work in mathematics in the

next few years: on notation, on the solution of an

algebraic equation of n dimsneiotisCCaid on the idea

suggested in the Memoirs of the Analytical Society of a

.digest of analytic formulae to which Babbage, Herschel,

Whewell, Peacock and Whittaker were to ^mtribute. The .

only mathematical item which he published was the article

1. Letter from Bromhead to Babbage, Nov.21 1816;

2. Letters from Bromhead to Babbage, Nov.21 1816, Mar.20 1817-;

3. Letter from Herschel to Bromhead, Apr.4 1817;

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"Differential Calculi^" for the Supplement of the fifth

edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.^ Written in the

year following May 1818 it sought to present "a systematic

view of the calculus in its latest form", that i s , founded

on a "pure analytical basis” with "some farther

modification of the principles, and some generalization of

the formulae.”2 Bromhead, in true analytical fashion| saw

Newton's limiting^ratios as a practical rule for finding

differentials, and fluxions as a beautiful illustration

of differentials by comparing (them to velocities.

Bromhead1s analytical theory depended on Taylor's formula 3 and the work of Arbogast, Lagrange and Woodhouse. After

1819 Bromhead appears to- have ^aone very little work in

mathematics. He was ill and found that the countryside

led to stupor. He became very locaY affairs,

especially in various Lincoln institutions.^ There, some

years later, he'was to come into contact with two of the

most remarkable British mathematicians of the nineteenth

■1. "Differential Calculus" Encyclopaedia Britannica (5th ed., 1817), Supplement (1816-18247- 3 pp.568-572.

2. Ibid. p.568. ' .

3. Ibid. p.572.^ ^ ■\ 4. Francis Hill/Georgia Lincoln (1966)' p.277.

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century, George Green and .'1' He died, as

second baronet, on March 14 1855.

After much activity in mathematics in 1817, Herschel

did considerably less mathematics afterwards. Perhaps

this was due in part to his feeling that very few persons / 2 cared—about abstract mathematics. About June 1818 he was

performing experiments on polarization and his chief

interests now became light and chemistry.^ Following a

request from Brewster for paper! for his new journal,

the' Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, Herschel completed

an old work of his and submitted it in January 1819.

This paper, "On the Application of a new mode of Analysis

to the Theory and summation of certain extensive classes

~ , ' " c of Series", presented a new proof of the fundamental __-

theorem of his 1816 paper for the Royal Society, and 4 used it to find the sums of certain classes of series.

1. Bromhead was a subscriber to Green's Essay (1828) A. which he introduced to Whewell. Todhunter (1876) 3. David Phillips "George Green: His Academic Career” pp.63-89 in George Green Miller Snienton (Nottingham Castle, 19767"! Bromhead was president of the Lincoln Mechanics Institute (founded 1833) with George Boole teaching there and his father, John Boole, honorary curator. Francis Hill Victorian Lincoln (1974) pp.147-148.

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Mar.10 l^lf^^.ms.R.S.

3. Todhunter 2_ (1876) 24. Letter from Herschel to Whewell, Aug.19 1818; j

4. Edin. Phil. J. 2 (1820) 23-33. I

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/ In that same year, 1819, four problems with solutions by

him appeared in Leybourn 'sC^lathematical Repository. ^

His last paper in .pure mathematics was for the newly

founded Cambridge Philosophical Society and was dated 2 February 5 .1820. In it he resumed his former attempts j to resolve functional equations by reducing them to

) finite differences. In this case, the functional

equations were of the first order and more than one

variable where the later variables depended on the first.

The functional equations were reduced to equations of *

£ni1finite differences by the use of an. interpolation

theorem of Lagrange.

Sometime in 1820 or 1821 Herschel's "views of life" 3 changed. . Even though he nwas awarded the Royal Society's

Copley Medal for his mathematical papers in the

Philosophical Transactions, he no longer had "the keen

relish for abstract mathematical studies", preferring the 4 physical to the mathematical sciences. Whereas he had

Questions 406-409, Mathematical Repository 4 (1819) 232-159. \ ^ 2. "Ontthe Reduction of certain Classes of Functional Equations to Equations of Finite Differences” Transactions. Camb. Phil. Soc. 1_ (1822) 77-87.

3. Letter from Herpchel to Babbage, Dec.2 1821;

4. Ibid. See also a letter from Herschel to Whewell, Aug. 17 1826; Humphry Davy, in presenting the medal in 1821, censured "vague metaphysical abstractions" in mathematics and, ironically, praised Herschel for not following that path and, instead, applying his "formulae'"-. H. Davy The Collected Works of Sir Humphry, --DavyDavy 7_ (1840) 18-19.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. previously been interested in obtaining ^professorship

at Cambridge, he now had no wish to either reside

regularly at Cambridge or to lecture.'*'

A larger world and a more varied scene are necessary for my happiness, and as far as mere science is concerned, X had rather pass my days among those who are advancing eagerly and.irapidly S , and running a race with ardour, than in goading / up the, hill the sluggish paces of any established ( institution under the Sun. V Herschel was entering a larger world. In Januaty^ of-

1820 he, with Babbage, helped to found the Astronomical V 3 Society in London. And about December of 1821 he

became a member of the Council of the Royal Society.

These early successes were to be followed by a long and

illustrious career in English science, ending only with \ his death on May 11 1871.

After much work in mathematics in 1817, -Babbage,

like Herschel, began 1818 at a rather low ebb. Deeply

concerned with obtaining a position, and very ambitious,

Babbage renounced mathematics.

Mathematics is unprofitable and moreover is not thought anything of - the fame of an English mathematician is not worth much - farewell therefore to x's and y ’s.- j \ I 1. Letter from Herschel to Whewell, Aug.17 1826; And letters from Herschel to Babbage, Mar.10 1818, Apr. 4 1820;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Dec.2 1821;

3. G.J. Whitrow "Some prominent personalities and events in the early history of the Royal Astronomical Society" Q-O^-R. Astronomical Soc- 11 (1970) 89-104 .

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I now devote much time to Chemistry and mineralogy and other reputed'usefull things and have re-established my laboratory and set up a cabinet.^

However Babbage could not for long remain separated from

mathematics, and by April of 1818 was very busily

investigating and discovering porisms by means of fmictions.

These researches were published five years later as "On

the Application of Analysis to the Discovery of Local . 2 Theorems and Porisms". In presenting the various theorems

and porisms Babbage stressed the power of the calculus

| of functions. For analysis, "the language of symbols",

| should not be neglected, he felt, even if it seemed i | abstruse or isolated, because of "the latent affinity i | between departments of mathematics, usually regarded as • 3 the most opposite."

Other papers by Babbage in the late 1810s included a

very short "Demonstration of a Theorem relating to Prime

Numbers", which was submitted to Brewster by Herschel in 4 January 1819, following Brewster's request for papers.

s ^ It was followed that year by Babbage's major paper "On / • some new Methods of investigating the Sums of several

1. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Feb.27 1818;

2. Transactions. Roy. Soc. Edinburqh. 9.(1823) 337-352.- Read May 1 1820.

3. Ibid. 337-338.

4. Edinburqh Philosophical Journal 1^ (1819) 46-49.

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Classes of infinite Series".'*' The basic methods of this

work go back at least to the period of the Analytical 2 Society. Babbage had resumed his interest in summing

infinite series in 1817, especially in conjunction with

similar work by Herschel.^ But it was a year later, about

November of 1818, that Babbage resolved the difficulties

surrounding his method of EHSV. It is these processes,

with some use of functional equations, and with the usual \ formalistic approach to infinite series, which are

presented in "On some new Methods &c.”.| Another paper

was "An Examination of some Questions t/onnected with

Games of Chance".^ As usual. Babbage-examined these

questions as an "application of some very abstract,

propositions of analysis to a subject of constant;

occurrence".’’ Basically his results wer^an extension <3 of Herschel1 s notion of circulating functions. His final

paper of this time was "Observations on the Notation

employed in the Calculus of Functions".® The work

1. Phil. Trans. Royal Society. 109 (1819) 249-282. Dated March 25 1819. Read April 1 1819.

2. See pp.131-33, 147-49above.

3. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Aug.24 1817;

4. Transactions ■ Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. 9_ (1823) 153-177. Read Mar.21 1820.

5. Ibid. 177.’

6. Transactions. Camb. Phil. Soc. 1 (1822) 63-76. Dated Feb.26 1820. Read May 1 1820.

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stressed the important influence of notation in

mathematical reasoning with examples from the calculus of


Meanwhile Babbage continued to seek .a position

connected with mathematics. In late 1818 he attempted but

did not get a seat on the Board of Longitude.^ Still, he

hoped, as he put it, "for a share of the loaves and

2 - fishes". And, besides, if useful things could not support

their disciples then, he felt, "each hungry analyst”

could be allowed to do whatever he liked.^ About August

of 1819 Babbage applied for the Professorship of

Mathematics at Edinburgh but did not succeed because, as 4 he complained, he was not Scottish. In January 1820 he

helped to establish the Astronomical Society in London.5

This resulted in his losing Sir Joseph Banks1 patronage

for 'a seat on the Board of Longitude that same year.5

An/d, the following year, he' found he had no chance for

/the Lucasiak Professorship at Cambridge.7

Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Dec.l 1818;


Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Feb.19 1819;

Babbage (1864) 474.

A.S. "Obituary. C. Babbage" Monthly Notices. Roy. Astron. Soc. 32_ (1872) 101-109. p.101.

Babbage (1864) 474.

Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Dec.2 1821;

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Despite these disappointments Babbage continued his

work in mathematics. His final mathematical effort in the

period 1814 - 1822 was towards his Essays o n .the Philosophy

of Analysis. Only two of the essays were published, the

rest exist at varied levels of development in manuscript

form in the British library.'1' Babbage had been collecting ' x 2 I materials for these essays since 1816. The essays \

represent the best enunciation of Babbage’s views on

analytics as well as the best indication of the importance^

of the philosophy of discovery in Babbage's thought. For ^

Babbage felt that

... the highest object a reasonable being could pursue was to endeavour ‘to discover those laws of mind by which man's intellect passes from theknown to the discovery of the unknown.

This'^quest undoubtedly was a major part of Babbage's

■motivation in pursuing analytics which was seen by many

as the most perfect example of reasoning from the 4 known to the unknown. In particular, three of the ,

essays - Induction, Generalization and Analogy - along

1. B.msiB.L. ms.37202.j See Dubbey's discussion of this work"" (Dubbey (1978) ^93-130) a good deal of which, however, I find fault with.

2. Draft of a letter from Babbage to Brewster, June 20 1821; Note that this important letter has been incorrectly filed among Babbage’s other letters as June 20 1824.

3. Babbage (1864) 486. And again* on pp.428-429.

4. See pp. 54-55 of this dissertation.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 203

with notes at the end-of the manuscript illustrate his

views oiiNT.nvention and indicate some of his mathematical

and philosophical sources for these views.'*' Besides

these three essays, the Philosophy' Of Analysis in

finished form would have included eight others: On I Notation, On the Influence of Signs in Analytical

Reasoning, General Notions respecting Analysis, Of

Artifices, Of Problems requiring new methods containing

many inquiries of interest respecting games, Of the Law

of Continuity, Des Rapprochements, and Of the value of a 2 hint book. The latter three seem never to have been

written although materials for them were collected.3 The .

fourth and fifth essays are sketchy and not of particular

interest here. The first two essays were the ones


Babbage had been asked by Brewster in November 1818,

. to contribute the articles "Notation" and "Porism" to the

1. Of particular influence on Babbage was the work of Dugald Stewart. Draft of a letter from Babbage to Stewart, Aug. c.25 1819; See also various references at the end of the Essays and p. , footnote , of this dissertation. One of Babbage's sons, born in 1819, was christened Edward (after Bromhead) Stewart (after D. Stewart). Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Jan.29 1820;

2. Draft of a letter from Babbage to Brewster, June 20 1821; (see footnote 1 p. 27) And see the Essays themselves. N

3.. Ibid.


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Edinburgh Encyclopedia.1 The article "Notation” is

basically the same as "On Notation". 2 It sets down

certain general maxims for notation and illustrates these

points. The other published essay, "On the Influence of

Signs in Mathematical Reasoning", together with "General

Notions respecting Analysis" offer a clear survey of

Babbacp's view of analytics..^ Echoing the sentiment of

the "Preface" of the Memoirs of the Analytical Sociel^,.,^,

Babbage felt that analysis at that time consisted of a \

confused and intricate collection of notations, methods, \

unfinished theories, particular contrivances and partial

views — "a mass of materials of a very heterogeneous 4 nature". Analysis, the language of signs, had to be put

in order. This task was complicated by the great

generality of the language of signs which meant that the

language could only be approached through its applications,

such as geometry- or' arithmetic or the differential

1. Letter from Brewster to Babbage, Nov.22 1818; The articles were submitted by Babbage by 1822, letter from Brewster to Babbage, Feb.25 1822;

2. Draft of a letter from Babbage to Brewster, June 20 1821; And compare the manuscript of "On Notation" in to the article. "On Notation" is not included among the' Essays in

3.. "On the Influence &c." appeared in Transactions. Camb. Phil. Soc. 2_ (1827) 325-377. Read Dec.16 1821.

4. Ibid. 326.

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calculus. By extending the methods and definitions of

these applications, or branches, the principles on which

analysis rested could be obtained. 2

For Babbage the basis of pure analysis,was the

principle of identity, that is that each stage of the

reasoning was reducible to a pure identity (at least when

the operations on each side of the equation were'carried

out) . For example, infinite series were excluded from

pure analysis because they were not analytical expressions 4 for they could not be rendered identical. However

infinite series were not banished from mathematics. They

were a part of the application of analysis to number.6 ,

In this way Babbage dought a firm and accurate foundation

for analysis which would meet such objections as

Berkeley’s.6 Analysis, purified and standardized, could

then be applied with complete confidence - any difficulties

arising due only to the subject-matter to which it was

applied. The three stages of application were:

translating the question into the. language of analysis,

1. "General Notions respecting Analysis", pp.41-42.

2. Ibid. 43.

3. Ibid.

4 . Ibid. 47.

5. Ibid. -47-50.

6. Ibid. 43-52.

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carrying out the necessary operations on the analytical

expression, and translating the results-of the analytical

process into ordinary language.'*' The success of

mathematical reasoning, its certainty, arose from the

sub ject-ms(tter (whose foundations rested on definition)

and the mode in which trains of thought were handled - 2 analysis being particularly powerful in this last regard.

Babbage's work in the calculus of functions was therefore

both an attempt to develop a new and powerful branch of

analysis and at the same time a means of comprehending the

principles of pure analysis and, ultimately, of better

understanding the mind’s inventive faculty.

In 1821 Babbage inquired about having the Essays

published in Brewster's journal only to be turned down f

a variety of reasons: therefwas a great backlog of papers,

Babbage's propose^ essays c o u M only be published by the

journal over a five year period which was (too long, and

especially because the subscribers to the journal were

general readers who could not be expected to follow 3 Babbage’s work. However Brewster did suggest that the

Essays be published as parts of the Supplement of the

1. "On the Influence &c." Transactions. Camb. Phil. Soc. 2_ (1827) 325-377. p.346.

2 . Ibid. See the whole paper and the summary on p.377.

3. Letter from Brewster to Babbage, July 3 1821;

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Edinburgh' Encyclopedia. ^ But Babbage seems to have

looked elsewhere for publication. Peacock was very

anxious to obtain them for the' Transactions of the^

Cambridge Philosophical Society, so Babbage^ent the Essays 2 to him. "On the Influence of Signq^-STc." was' read before

the Society and published in its-^Trahsactions. None of the

other essays appeared in the' Transactions, mainly owing, it

seems, to Babbage's desijl^pthat they be published together

or as a continued series; a wish which, Peacock felt, the 3 Council of the Society could not grant.

Significantly, while returning the Essays to Babbage,

Peacock noted the great interest in Babbage’s Difference


... all the' world is talking of it as the wonder . of the day, when tables are calculated, equations solved & theorems invented by steam-4

The Essays basically mark the end of "Babbage1s efforts in

maCHeifiatlcs. ' Increasingly his attention was diverted from V * his firstj love, mathematics,- to a preoccupation with his

calculating engines. Although he'^S^s eventually to obtain

the Ludasian Professorship at Cambridge (182 8-1839), he was

1. Ibid.

2. Letters from Peacock to Babbaqp, July 15, Nov.7 1821; B.msB.'L.

3. Letter from Peacock to Babbage,. May 7 1822;

4. Ibid. ,.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. never to return to anything like the level of his <

mathematical activity that marked the period 1814 - 1822. 1 • % As Whewell noted in 1829, Babbage’s "anxiety about the

success and fame of his machine is quite • devouring and 2 unhappy." After a career which contraste,d very sharply

with that of his good friend John Herschel, and which can

only be described as tragic, Charles Babbage died on.

October 18 1871.

By 1822, then, neither Babbage nor Herschel was

continuing his mathematical work. .What had happened to

eliminate their early enthusiasm for mathematics? To a

certain extent changing interests were' a factor, but the

main causes were undoubtedly their inability to find

positions which could have 'Sostered their mathematical

interests and the hostile reception their mathematics was

given. That there were but very few career opportunities

in mathematics in England - and those usually not available

on mathematical merit alone - is not surprizing.-for that

time and was due to a variety of circumstances. Also, the

general distaste for their mathematics was quite naturally

expressed as a preference for synthetics or for useful ......

1. Babbage was proposed (unknown to himself) for the chair by his friends arid won with 8 votes over W. Maddy (2 votes) and J. Hind (1 vote). See "Lucasian Professorship. - Voting Sheets. Mar;6 1828" in Cambridge University Archives. • ’

2. Letter from Whewell to Jones, Feb.4 1829; Todhunter (1876)' 2_ p.97.

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mathematics. What is noteworthy is that Babbage and

Herschel could see themselves^ap^mathematicians; that is,

that their ’useless’ mathema/tics was mathematics worthy of

a mathematician and that fojj/ms of public support for such

a discipline should exist. | These 'expectations thus X reflected what were seen by many as the causes of the

decline of the mathematical sciences in England: synthetic

mathematics, the lack of govermnenbiland public support,

the large costs of publication, and they apathy of

Royal Society. In short, their expectations disclosed

their wish to have mathematics treated as other professions

were. \ Professionalism has been-jLdeiftified by six features: • J a commitment to a calling, a formalized organization, the'

existence of full-time occupationsy-a system of educatio:

a service orientation, and autonomy.1 The first tw<

features are clearly displayed in the history of the

Analytical Society and in the activities of some of its

former members as detailed in this chapter. And there was

at least a desire for full-time occupations. The fourth

feature partially existed in practice at Cambridge and was

to be the object of much effort by the reformers, as will

be examined in the next chapter. Service orientation

existed in the sense of production of mathematics for

1. ■* Wilbert E. Moore ' The Professions: Roles and Rules (1970) .

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mathematicians or other groups. This feature was not

prominent in the professionalization of mathematics, or

of science, on account of the subject-matter. Finally,

autonomy was expressed through the stress on pure analytics

and the attempt to separate it from other mathematics.

Mathematics was riot a .profession (in the modern sense) in

early nineteenth-century England and did not at th'at time

become so.'*' But it is significant that some persons, in

particular reformers such as Babbage and Herschel, expected

it to be a profession. This self-awareness or desire to

professionalize appears to have been an important and

common motivating element in .the background of the

activities of the Analytical Society and of the reformers

of Cambridge mathematics.

’Babbage's and Herschel's mathematics reflected their

concern with professionalism. The role of professionalism

in their choice of supporting analytical mathematics is

quite clear. Analytics was professional mathematics and

synthetics was amateurish precisely because analytics was

believed to be the path to discovery, the way of research,

in mathematics. This, of course, was the business of a

ematician. Their selection of technical'mathematical

problems to solve, the ways in which they were solved, as

1. For one historian of science’s view on the senses of professionalism in the early nineteenth century see Cannon (1978) chapter 5, especially p.150.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. well as their efforts to develop certain branches of

mathematics - the calculus of functions for example -

depended on and also served to reinforce their vision of

pure analytics, as this chapter has illustrated. And the

stress on pure analytics was a further refining of the

link between analytics and professionalism. For besides

the value of analytics for doing research, the emphasis

by Babbage and Herschel on purifying analytics and

standardizing that knowledge was an attempt to separate

their knowledge-.-from that of other practitioners and users

of mathematics. It was an attempt to define what was

really mathematics, an important aspect of

professionalization. Thus the mathematical concerns of

Babbage and of Herschel during 1814 - 1822 should be

judged in the light of their intent to make mathematics a

profession. rWithin this view their efforts to organize

to find positions, their criticisms and their critics, as

well as their enthusiasm for analytics and the work they

did in mathematics may all be seen as related aspects of

this intention.

The Analytical Society had arisen from circumstances

in which professionalism was a significant aspect. Some

former members of the Society continued their research in

mathematics after the Society's failure and also attempted

to pursue careers in mathematics. Their inability to find

such careers must have confirmed their view that if

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mathematics - that is analytical mathematics - was to

prosper in England it would have to be treated as a

profession. Their mathematics was distinctive and also

manifested the influence of their concern with

professionalism. Babbage’s and Herschel's mathematics was

later to exercise some influence on British mathematics •

but it did not have much immediate impact.^ Due to the

neglect and criticism of'their work and their lack of

success in finding positions connected with mathematics,

they were to abandon the subject by about 1822, However,

at the same time that Babbage and Herschel were producing

their mathematics and searching for positions, they were

also endeavouring to reform the Cambridge mathematical

studies. It was within this effort, as the next chapter

will examine, that they introduced their vision of

analytics. And once again the element of professionalism

appears to have been a key motivating factor.

/* \ -- \\ i

: ' ' / 1. For its influence see Koppelman (1971/72) and Dubbey (1977).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VI. The Introduction of Analytics at Cambridge

University (1813-1820s)

Historians of mathematics have been content in their

writings about the renewal of Cambridge mathematics in

the early nineteenth century to describe it as the

t . displacement of the Newtonian tradition by the Continental. i While not incorrect, it is not a full description of

the renewal; neither is it sufficient for an explanation

of the change in Cambridge mathematics. The adoption of

analytics at Cambridge involved much more than simply .a ■6 switch in traditions. Once again, the social and intellec­

tual context of the switch' p r o v i d e s insight into what

produced that change. The chief elements of this context

I were professionalism, liberal education and the debate i • X over analytics and synthetics - the same characteristics

important for understanding the Analytical Society or the

i mathematics which the Society's members produced. . This

chapter will examine the introduction of analytics at

Cambridge within the framework of the elements just men­

tioned. In particular, the structure and ideology of

Cambridge University were important factors in determining

the mode and rate of the adoption, as well as the style

and content of Cambridge mathematics.

As noted in chapter II, the University of Cambridge

r f I ! ' - . " i

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 214

was the object of much agitation for reform in the early

nineteenth century. In particular, many were dissatisfied

with the system of Cambridge studies. There is no doubt

that a mood of imperfection or, as Herschel wrote, "a

sense of our deficiencies" prevailed at Cambridge, especially

among the ycruth.''' Reflecting this general mood at Cambridge

there were many besides the members of the Analytical

Society who, like Richard Whitcombe, were unhappy with

the system of studies, or, like John Ashbrid^e, were J 2 motivated to study Continental mathematics. Yet i/'t was

from among former members of the Analytical Society that

the stimulus for a Cambridge mathematical revival emerged.

The Analytical Society had been a product of a number

of the elements which defined the state of early nineteenth-

century Cambridge mathematics. The individual members of.

the Society had acted within this framework. Though it

had had but a very short existence, the Society did survive

long enough to establish friendships built on common

concerns, to promote analytics, and to foster the develop­

ment of a distinctive view of analytics - as shown in the

1. Herschel (1832) 542. 2 2. For Ashbridge see Gentleman1s Magazine (1820 ) 635. On Whitcombe see a letter from him to Whewell, June 3 [1817] ,-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. previous chapter by the mathematical concerns of Charles

Babbage and John Herschel. In the light of their pro- j

fessional attitude towards mathematics, it was hardly j i surprizing that those members of the Analytical Society I

who maintained a connection with Cambridge, along with

others of similar persuasion, would.become involved in

attempts at reform and would especially seek to promote

their view of mathematics. Indeed, the element of profes­

sionalism, as reflected in (the presence of non-mathematical

causes in the lament over the— state of English mathematics,

appears to have been a factor dommon to all of the reformers

at Cambridge. It was, therefore, 'probably the main cause

of the reformers' activities.^For not all of those who

promoted analytics were reformers: Robert Woodhouse is

an example. Through his. writings he argued for and helped

to diffuse analytics, yet he was not actively involved

in the reform of Cambridge studies. The absence of

this aspect in Woodhouse is also manifested in his state­

ments about the inferiority of English mathematics: these

never went beyond individual efforts or the differences

between analytics and synthetics. Thus, prompted by their

belief that if mathematics was to prosper in England it

had to be treated as a profession, former members of the

Analytical Society attempted^tOy^eform the system of

Cambridge mathematics. They were to do this through the

structure of Cambridge studies.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The first way in which the mathematical concerns of

the Analytical Society were diffused at Cambridge was through

the usual wranglers' practice of private tuition, made pos­

sible by the meagre college teaching. George Peacock, for in­

stance, had a number of pupils in 1813 who were taught the

calculus "in a manner purely analytical" and mechanics, not

on Wood's system but on "a system of his own".'*' Peacock

continued to promote his views when appointed assistant

tutor and college lecturer at Trinity in 1815. This was

a second way in which the reformers utilized the structure

of Cambridge studies. John Herschel, who had already

acted as an examiner at St. John's in December of 1813

and of 1814, went up to Cambridge in the fall of 1815 with

the intention of taking private pupils, determined to instill

into them "the principles of the true functional faith and

practice." This design had '"the full and enthusiastic

support of Babbage.

What a glorious opportunity you have of spreading the true faith young converts are the only ones to hope from. I consider JFWH as the Apostle of Analysis as a missionary to untutored savages who have never heard of the Glorious truth that _ dxdy d^z I!! I hope you will purge away the diagrams dydx which like cobwebs have obstructed their progress in the paths of truth - 3

1. Letter from C. Bromhead to E. Bromhead, Nov. 12 1813;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Sept. 24 1815; On Herschel's difficult paper at St. John's in 1813 ("Nobody could do anything.") see a letter from C. Bromhead to E. Bromhead, Dec. 29 1813;

3. Letter from Babbage-to Herschel; [Nov:l3] 1815;'’

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 217

Similarly, some few years later, Gwatkin and Whittaker

were cramming their pupils with "d's".^ The study of

French mathematics was becoming quite extensive at- Cambridge,

and this stirred the British Review to comment in May 1816


... we have of late seen, or fancied we have seen, in some individuals who are actively engaged in promoting the mathematical sciences in that cele­ brated University, a strange and unnatural desire to make every thing that is Newtonian give place to any thing that is foreign.^

The increasing popularity at Cambridge of French

mathematics, and especially of Lacroix's works, probably

helped to suggest to Babbage, Herschel and Peacock-in j December of 1815 that they could further promote Continental

mathematics by translating Lacroix's Traitd gldmentaire de

Calcul diffdrentiel et de Calcul integral.3 The need for

and use of mathematics textbooks at Cambridge was a third

avenue for the introduction of analytics to Cambridge

students by reformers. By January 6 1816 it was decided

that the first third of the Traitd (Differential Calculus)

would be translated by Babbage, witdi Peacock and Herschel

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, May 17 1817;

2. Anon "Review of Dealtry's Fluxions and 'Fluxions' Edin. Ency." British Review 7 (1816) 421-437. p.435.

3. On the popularity of Lacroix see a letter from C. Bromhead to E. Bromhead, Nov.12 1813; See a letter from Babbage to Herschel, Dec.28 1815; And Babbage (1864) 39.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 218

dividing the remainder (Integral Calculus).1 Soon after­

wards arrangements were made with J. Deighton and Sons of 2 Cambridge to publish 1000 copies of the translation.

Printing began in February, but was delayed as Babbage

did not complete his part until June.1 The translation

was printed by around September, _Herschel's appendix 4 by about October and the notes by early December. Al­

though the work had originally been iiitfended to appear in

time for the beginning of term in October, it only appeared 5 ’I " in December, probably on the 13th. ■ It was an immediate

success, two hundred copies being sold at Cambridge within

a month.®

About July of 1814 Herschel had begun work on the

"Appendix" of the translation.7 As many important subjects

I 1. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Jan.6 1816;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Feb.7 1816;

3. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, [Feb.26 1816]; - And a letter from Babbage to Herschel, [pre-July 10] 1816; ;

4. Letter from Herschel to Whittaker, Sept.2 1816; Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.10 1816; Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Dec. 3 1816;

5. Letter from,Peacock to Herschel, Dec.3 1816;

6 .xvLetpen_.ff6ml^Afeock, to Babbage, Jan.^t'Sf^, 3?] 1817;

7. Letter from H^^Rfie'l to Babbage, July 14 1816; \

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. I I 219 ! I ! * w e r e f e l t to be either missing or imperfectly dealt''With

in Lacroix's "Appendix", Herschel decided to prepare a ! ! j new ode. The 115 page work dealt with the calculus of

! differences, a topic in which.he had been very interested.

| Herschel's plan was to have it supplant the old standard I i work, William Emerson's The Method of Increments (1763),

; particularly among Cambridge students. Through the ..mew

[ work he hoped that they would get "a tinge of the true i ' ’ I faith" and together with other English readers "be let

j into.a few secrets which have hitherto been contraband in

j this country" , such as the calculus of generating functions.,

i the method of separating symbols of operation from those of

j quantity, equations of differences and of mixed differences,

j and functional equations reducible to equations of finite ' 2 differences. Herschel was "very well satisfied" with the

"Appendix" and it appears to have become in the following 3 : years a standard English work on finite differences.

Besides.the "Appendix", the translation of Lacroix

also contained a 131 page section of sixteen "Notes";

the first twelve were written by Peacock and the remaining

: four by Herschel. Peacock's notes were "principally

designed to enable the Student to make use of the principle

1. Ibid. See also Lacroix (1816) iii.

2. Ibid.

3. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Oct.10 1816;'.R.S. See D. Lardner An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus (1825) vii-viii, and T.G. Hall "Calculus of Finite Differences" Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (1830) 2 227-304. p.304.

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of Lagrange."''' For Lacroix, had used the method of limits

to establish the principles .of the calculus inste&d of

Lagrange's method .(of developing functions in series) which

the translators felt was the^ijiore correct and natural ~

method".2 In "Note (B) " ^Peacodjkr' showed , how the differential

calculus was established by Lagpange' s method. And he < / contrasted this method with the unsatisfactory ones of

limits and of infinitesimals While both of the latter

methods had some advantages these were outweighed by

numerous objections. The chief of these, "that wh-ich we

consider as . insuperable", was tfre, tendency of these methods

"to separate the -principles andvdepartments of the 4 Differential Calcul’usv£rom those of common Algebra."

rrliis^tjas a reflection of the attitude, as seen in the last

chapter, of many of the members of the Analytical- Society'

towards Analysis. Peacock then went on to compare the

Fluxional Calculus with the Differential.^ He rejected

the former calculus as inferior.

1. Lacroix (1816) iv.

2. Ibid. iii. Lacroix, in his larger treatise on the . calculus, Traite du Calcul diffferentiel et du Calcul integral 3 v.ols. (1797-1800), had used Lagrange's approach to the calculus.

3. Lacroix (1816) 611-614.

4. Ibid. 612.

5. Ibid. 614-620. /

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The consideration of motion, which is essential to the method of fluxions, is foreign to the spirit o^ pure Analysis; and the analogy by which the name >hnd properties of a fluxion are transferred to a modification of the difference of a function, is strained and unnatural-. The different orders *. of fluxions also are involved in considerable ob­ scurity, and we are utterly unable to comprehend^ the connection' which they respectively bear to tKeir primitive function. In the brevity of^its demonstrations, and in " the facility of its applications, it is unquestionably inferior to all the other methods; and the mixture of mechanical.and geometrical considerations upon which it is founded, are little calculated to assist us in investigating the properties of func­ tions which are always algebraical in their form, and generally in their nature also.

Clearly Peacock was promoting the same vision of analytics ■ ^ as Babbage and Herschel held. Peacock also criticized

i the fluxional notation as very often complicated, unsym-

metrical, awkward and often incapable of representing various theorems _ 2 %

JChe success of the translation of Lacroix led Peacock

to proclaim, that "the fluxionists are now nearly talked

down" and that "in a very few years, the dottites will be

driven from the field entirely."3' However, the victory

. of their-* viewpoint was not quite so complete as Peacock i _ ,, .i imagined. On the one hand there were those who, while V willing to adopt the differential calculus in preference

to fluxions, were not convinced that the proper foundation

1. Ibid. 618.

2. Ibid. 618-620.

3. Letters from Peacock, to Babbage, Dec.10 1816, Jan. [2?,3?] 1817;^ r (.

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for the calculus was Lagrange's. William-Wallace, for

example, in his articles "Function" and especially

"Fluxions", for the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, felt that

Lagrange had "underrated the value of the theory^of~ limits".

Wallace based his exposition of the calculus on ^that

theory. This view was not compatible with that jheld by

the former members of the Analytical Society, fierschel,

for instance, in thanking Wallace for^a^popy of "Fluxions",

praised the -"elegant manner in which the doctrine of limits

is laid down" in it but could not accept limits as a

proper foundation for the calculus.1

And, on the other hand, the flux'ionists were hardly

"talked down". The British Review was very willing to

criticize the differential calculus and to reject the

differential notation while supporting Newton as the 2 ; real and sole inventor of the calculus. The Monthly

Review did not share in the"~t^nslators1 "devotedness

for French mathematical^ and especially in their "tendency

to undervalue the Fluxional Analysis".3 And a former

senior wrangler and fellow of Trinity, Daniel Mitford

Peacock (1767/68-1840), wrote a long pamphlet, A Comparative

c. 1. Letter from Herschel to Wallace, Sept.23 1815; Herschel made reference to the difficulties it involved in a discussion of imaginary functions.

2. Anon "Review of Dealtry's Fluxions and 'Fluxions' Edin. Ency-" British Review 1_ (1816) 421-437.

3. Anon (probably P. Barlow). "Review of Lacroix's An Elementary Treatise &c." Monthly Review 87 (1818) 179-185. pp.180-183.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. View of The Principles o^ t h e Fluxional and Differential.

Calculus (1819, 86pp.), in defence of fluxions. He

attempted to refute George Peacock's objections to fluxions

by showing the necessity of the concept of motion for the

differential calculus and by finding fault with the ex- ' \

position of fluxions in "Note (B)". D.M. Peacock regarded B

the inclination to see the calculus as "merely a branch

of pure Algebra" as leaving the calculus ope^ to insur­

mountable objections, particularly when trying to relate

the calculus to its various applications.'*' He criticized

Lagran^e^s method as merely an assumption and favoured 2 the fluxional notation. Finally, while D.M. Peacock

felt that the fluxional calculus deserved the "countenance

and support” of the University solely on account of its

superior fundamental principles, he could not end his

^pamphlet without adding a few remarks o n ■"what is really

useful, and what is not" in academical education. And so

he contrasted the available treatises on fluxions with the

Lacroix. They were preferable for they directed "the

attention to things themselves rather than to mere algebraic

functions" and so illustrated "the usj and application of

the calculus" more than Lacroix. They also were

1. Peacock (1819) 41-60.

2. Ibid. 54-56, 61-69.

3. Ibid. 85.

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... more in the habit of deriving the solution of particular problems immediately from first principles, and so leading the student by easy and progressive steps to proceed for himself in all similar cases, instead of giving general theorems in the first instance, a method which may suit the experienced analyst, but is ill- adapted to the raw student.

D.M. Peacock, like many others'at Cambridge, had no concern

with pure mathematics or with its advance. This subject

did not befit academical education which was to be "Strictly 2 confined to subjects of real utility." His closing

remarks, therefore, revealed an essential aspect of the'

conflict ov-^ :s at Cambridge; one which involved

questions hbo.ut-~th£~4?urpose of a.iUniversity.

Babbage, Herschel and Peacock had little but scorn

for D.M. Peacock's pamphlet. They seem to have decided

that there would be no point in answering it. As Babbage

wroteto Bromhead

Have you heard of the last dying struggle of the old school the advocates of dotage Peacock ... has written a pamphlet against Lacroix-and his translators containing sundry incidental knocks at Euler D'Alembert and Lagrange -hoping to ex­ plode the new system and eject it from the lec­ tures, this is too tough .a job for his powers ‘ . and he will only break his teeth ig the attempt - The book is its own antidote ...

s Yet, while the pamphlet did not appear to have much

1. Ibid. 69-70.

2. Ibid. 85.

3. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Dec.l 1819; See also a letter from Herschel to Whewell, Dec.l 1E19; And a letter from Peacock to Babbage, Nov.23 1819;

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influence, Babbage, Herschel and Peacock seem not to have

realized the grea

The translation of Lacroix's Traite elfementaire was

but one response by Herschel, Babbage and Peacock to

Cambridge mathematics. Unlike D.M. Peacock„ they were

concerned with pure mathematics, with its progress, and

with "professional" mathematics being studied at Cambridge.

Herschel, for instance, like William Spence, saw the

cause of the backwardness of English mathematics as

reflected in the "style and character" of English elementary

treatises,. especially in those on fluxions.1. Aside from

neglecting the achievements: of Continental mathematics,

these treatises did not develop any abstract theory or

focus on the analytical methods themselves' but instead

concentrated on all sortp of useless particular applications 2 without any uniformity of method or pervading principle.

Herschel had hoped that

i ... a state of science was at length arrived when this cloud of consecrated puerilities might be dispersed, and that the attention of the elementary reader, no longer distracted by an impertinent detail of^trivial applications might be allowed to concentrate itself upon the real

1. J. Herschelr. "Review of Dealtry's The Principles of Fluxions" (1816, 19pp.) Unpublished; p.2. On Spence see chapter III, of my dissertation, pp. 64-65.

2. Ibid. 4-6, 9.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. difficulties and essential principles of a vast and complicated system.1

The effect of these treatises on students, wrote Herschel,

was to squander away the force and vigor of their minds,

to quash their spirit of inquiry >and to destroy their 2 relish for mathematical speculation.- And so the usual

treatises served to "obstruct and choke instead of ren­

dering accessible, the approaches to mathematical knowledge".^

Thus one aspect of any mathematical revival in England would

have to be, in the reformers': view, a revision of the usual

course of study with a concentration on pure mathematics

and with an eye on keeping pace with the general advance­

ment of thq field. The purpose of Cambridge mathematical

studies, for the reformers, was therefore quite different

from that held by supporters of a liberal education.

The reformers :wished to make students well-versed in

modern mathematics, the others wished to educate a

gentleman. In this spirit, Herschel and Peacock, especial-

ly , felt that a replacement for the whole elementary

course at Cambridge was "essential to a system of radical 4 A reform". Herschel's planned. "Algebra" was to be part of

1. Ibid. 1.

2. Ibid. 13.

3. Ibid. 18.

4. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, July 14 1816; Letters from Peacock to Herschel, [Nov.14 1816], Mar.17 1817;

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this mathematical reform as was-a work which Peacock was } 1 to write on the application of algebra to geometry.

But the only work which they were to produce within this

aim, besides the translation of the Lacroix, was A

Collection of Examples (1820).

Suggested by Babbage at the beginning of December

1816 and fervently approved of by Peacock' - he announced

it as "ready for publication in the course of a few

months" in the "Advertisement" to the Lacroix - the 2 Examples was planned as a sequel to the Lacroxx. It

was to contain additional problems and examples to

various parts of the Lacroix in the hope of attracting the

Cambridge student. And so it would promote both the 3 translation and, of course. Continental mathematics.

However, Babbage was not very enthusiastic about actually 4 composing the work. He had had doubts about the value

of Herschel's and Peacock's attempts to reform Cambridge


The laudable designs and exertions which you communicate gave me much pleasure I have no doubt of the ultimate success of the true faith

1. Ibid. And a letter from Herschel 'to Babbage, Dec. 24 1816;

2. Lacroix (1816) iv. Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Dec. 3 1816; See also Babbage (1864) 39-40 and ' . Peacock (1820) 1 iii.

3. Ibid.

4. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, Jan.30 1817; *»

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but I have many as to the question whether its propagation will derive any profit from its establishment.1

And now, in early 1817, he felt that the Examples was a

nuisance "when one has some half dozen original papers 2 dying to be written". With Herschel's encouragement

Babbage did collect some examples on differential equations

in 1817.5 But Peacock later felt that this was^done

rather slovenly and needed much rearrangement and alteration. , 4 Peacock fi/nally did most of this work over completely.

In the end Babbage contributed the collection of integrals

to volume one and the 42 page ;Examples of the Solutions of

Functional Equations of volume two.5 Herschel had

almost finished his part of the Examples by October of

1817. . Yet due to the delays caused by the printer and by

Peacock's ill health, other engagements and indolence,

Herschel was to add "pretty things" to his part .in the

following three years. It appeared as A Collection of

Examples of the Applications of the Calculus of Finite

Differences in volume two and was 17 6 pages long.

1. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, July 20 1816;

2. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Feb.27 1817;

3. Letter from Babbage to Herschel, Nov.11 1817;

4. Letters from Peacock to Herschel, Apr.l 1818, Aug.8, Dec.5 1819;

^5. Letter from Peacock to Babbage, Nov.7 1820;


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Peacock did not begin work on his part until about r June of 1817. Printing began that December and went on l very slowly for the next two years when/Peacock's part on / the differential and integral n-almilng (Jvol.l, 514pp.)' 1 C J was finished. It then took another year until the two-

volume A collection of Examples of the Applications of the

Differential and Integral Calculus, of the Calculus of

Finite Differences and of Functions was published on 2 October 26 1820. One thousand copies were printed and

the work sold for an expensive 30 .shillings.3 The total

cost of publication came to about ^400 and while Peacock

hoped the sale would bring in j£l000, and the work was

selling well, it appears that the authors did not make 4 much money on it. It must have been a popular work

at Cambridge because many years later (in 1840), D.F^_

Gregory sought to bring out a second edition, but he was

unable to and published instead his own collection of examples.5

1. Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Dec.5 1819;'

2 . Letter from Peacock to Babbage, Nov.7 1820;

3. Ibid.

4. Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Nov.16 18201820 4 Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Feb.18 1822;l And a letter from Peacock to Babbage, Apr.l 3;827; '

5. Letters from D.F. Gregory to Babbage, June 6 , 16 18,40; Gregory's work was Examples of the processes of the Differential and Integral CaTculus (1841). See pp.iii-iv.

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Babbage, as noted above (p.227 ), was not very interest­

ed in participating in attempts to reform Cambridge studies.

Herschel was concerned; he even wished that there would

exist some incentive for the graduate to continue his

studies in mathematics. / v ' 0 that men in the''~2 or 3 years after their Bachelor's degree had some inducement to read upon a broad and manly plan in the Mathematical way as they have in the Classical & Theological departments - we should soon see a change for the better in the state of Cambridge Mathematics.

But Herschel disliked "cramming pupils, which is a bore 2 & does one no credit but very much the contrary."

After leaving Cambridge in October 1816 he was hardly

involved in the Cambridge scene, though he did maintain

his hope that the University would be active in advancing 3 science. In the following years both Babbage and

Herschel were to transfer their reform-mindedness from

Cambridge and mathematics to England and science.

It was the zealous and indefatigable Peacock who was

to push reform,at Cambridge.

Peacock was in the midst of many projects of reform

in late 1816. He was behind the proposal to appoint

a syndicate to erect an Observatory, which was eventually

built in 1822-1823. He was involved in schemes to change

the second year examinations at Trinity and to -replace

1. Letter from Herschel to Whittaker, Jan.25 1817;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, July 14 1816;

3. Letter from Herschel to Brewster, Dec.17 1819; See also a letter from Herschel to Buckland, Aug.16 1832;

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astronomy there with the calculus and the theory of .. t equations. And through his teaching post^a-t Trinity

he was propagating "the true faith effectually".3

But most important of all was his appointmen\ as a

moderator of the' 1817 Senate House Examination. He

planned a number of reforms both in the way in which the

examination was conducted and in its. content. The control

of the very important Senate House Examination was the

fourth feature of the structure of Cambridge studies

which was used by the reformers to introduce analytics.

Peacock’s objections to the system of examination

were based on his view that the Senate^House sacrificed

an understanding and knowledge of mathematics to cramming.3

So he found fault with the system of marking and particularly 4 with the viva voce examination.- His views on the content

of the examination stressed "good" mathematics, especially

the differential calculus. Peacock, for a time, managed

to get the other moderator, John White, to agree to many

of his ideas for reform. Of the two Examiners, Miles

1. Letter from Peacock to Babbage, Dec.10 1816;

2. Ibid.

3. Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Mar.4 1817;

4. Ibid. And a letter from Peacock to Herschel, i)ec.3 1816r

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Bland opposed Peacock's views from the start, which

Peacock had expected. Peacock asked Herschel to write

to the other Examiner, Fearon Fallows, to "recommend

reform & to urge him to accede to it".1 Herschel wrote

to Fallows concerning ,

... the lamentable defects which have too long been suffered to exist in many parts of our system of Mathematical study, and which can only be rectified by a strong bias in the course of examinations, in the opposite direction - there is in fact no other means by which the studies of men can be directed but by modelling their examinations accordingly, for they always have and ever will continue to read with direct reference to that ultimate object 2

He continued by stating the same objections as Peacock

had, and ended by hoping that these blemishes would be

removed or at least lessened. - .

Peacock's efforts at reform in early 1817, however,

failed. Due to the influence of the "older members" of \ the University,.White and Fallows, who had at first been

favourable to Peacock's schemes, ended up opposing them.

All that Peacock could do was confined to his own papers ,

where he used the differential calculus.3 And even this

change caused quite a stir. Whittaker wrote to Bromhead

that Peacock had "made himself very unpopular, by his

1. Ibid.

2. Letter from Herschel to Fallows, Dec.8 1816;

3. Cambridge Problems (1836) 338-358.

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quixotism & want of discretion". Whewell, in his

account for Herschel of Peacock's' papers, said

He has stripped his analysis of its applications & turned it naked among them - Of course all the prudery of the university is up and shocked at the indecency of the spectacle - The- cry is "not enough philosophy". 2

And Peacock himself, disappointed, described the reaction

to his endeavour:

The examination was much as usual White & Fallows are entirely of the old school & the influence of their examination was so great as completely to overpower my examination: the introduction of d's into the papers excited much remark: Wood, Vince, Lax & Milner were very angry & threatened to protest against analytic s, French mathematics S. I believe that I may consider myself as entirely to the success of the Johnians in the examination for my escape from some public proceeding against me. 3 r Despite this setback Peacock was determined bo continue

his attempts at reform. A few months after the Senate

House Examination Peacock went out of his way, on the

occasion of D'Arblay's disputation, to display French

mathematics. D'Arblay wrote to his mother

...Peacock who to my great surprize officiated for that day & that day' only, tho' the week belonged to Mtf White (no doubt that he went to M£ White & told him that he wished to have my day) made me several questions calculated to bring into play all my french mathematics - LaGranqe, - & LaCroix ^

1. Feb.3 1817;

2. Letter from Whewell to Herschel, Mar.6 1817; Quoted in Todhunter’ (1876) 2 16.

3. Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Mar.4 1817;

4. Letter from D'Arblay to Mme. D'Arblay, Mar.7 1817; British Library.

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Peacock, wishing, that Herschel could be at Cambridge

to help silence his opponents, pledged his resoluteness

to reform.

I assure you, my dear Herschel, that I shall never cease to exert myself to the utmost in the course of reform & that I shall never decline any office which may increase my power to effect it: .... I shall pursue a course even more decided than hitherto, .-. .. X have considerable influence as a lecturer & will not neglect it .... I have no [doubt] respecting the ultimate success of these plans, but the period in which they may be effected, may be abridged most materially by our personal exertions.... 1

In the following years Peacock gained a reputation

at Cambridge as a liberal reformer. He continued to

spread the spirit of analysis at Trinity and at the

1819 Senate House Examination where he once again was 2 moderator. ■ This time he had the cooperation of the

other moderator, Richard Gwatkin (a former member of

the ^Anj&ytical Society).., and of Fallows. Peacock "had

as much analytics in his paper as ever but he took upon

. himself to be scandalized (not without reason) at the

ignorance and superficial knowledge of applications of

mathematics which he found ....”3 Peacock planned

1. Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Mar.17_1817;

2. Letters from Peacock to Herschel, Mar.7 1818, Jan.13 1819;

3. Letter from Whewell to Rose, Mar.17 1819;

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various textbooks in mathematics, such as a mechanics,

an analytical and physical optics, and a differential

and integral calculus, but none of these ever appeared.

J Besides the Cambridge Observatory he played a prominent

role in the establishing of the Cambridge Philosophical 2 ^ Society m 1819. In the following years Peacocks,continued

to do some work in mathematics; he is always remembered

for his pioneering Algebra (1830). He was deeply involved

in teaching and in various Cambridge schemes of reform.

Peacock also extended his activity to English science,

and to the Church' of England after becoming Dean of Ely

in 1839. He died on November 8 .1858.

The mathematical, work, the accent on analytic^’and

the efforts towards reform of Babbage, Herschel and

Peacock acted as a catalyst on the early nineteenth-

century Cambridge scene. Their work and their views

attracted others at Cambridge, who collectively formed

a loose, Cambridge mathematical revival movement. It

was ''this movement which carried on in the spirit of

1. Letters from Peacock to Herschel, Mar.17 1817, Aug^8 1819, May 14 1821;

2. Herschel's draft of an obituary of Peacock for the Royal , ^Society (Herschel (1859)); National Maritime Museum, Herschel Archive. Many people felt that the Analytical Society had inspired the Cambridge Philosophical Society. See, for example, Bromhead1s opinion in his letter to Babbage, Mar.7 1821; Or C. Lyell's view in his "Scientific Institutions [a review of the transactions of various societies]" Quarterly Review 34 (1826) 153-179. p.169. '

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Babbage, Herschel and Peacock. Working"through the

structure of Cambridge, the movement resulted in the

adoption of analytics at Cambridge University in the •


Perhaps, the best representative of this movement

was William Whewell. Although Whewell came up to

Cambridge in the fall of 1812, he does not appear to have

ubeen a member of the Analytical Society. The first

reference to him by any member of the Analytical Society

dates from July of 1814.''' It seems that it was only after

his graduation in January 1816 as second wrangler and

second Smith's prizeman that Whewell resolved to study 2 Continental mathematics. He was very interested in

Babbage's work on the calculus of functions; indeed,

Babbage was driven into a new "fit of the mania Analytica"

from talking with Whewell and Peacock in January 1817.'"

Whewell .was; apparently working on integrals at about 4 this time. And he was filled with zeal for the mathematics

of Herschel, Babbage and Bromhead, thinking that in England

at that time

1. Letter from Gwatkin to Whittaker, July 17 1814;

2. Letter from Herschel to Babbage, pmk.Feb.7 1816;

3. Letter from

^ 4. Letter from Bromhead to Whittaker, Feb.20 1817; ^

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' ...there are■the materials for a new era of English mathematics perhaps of mathematics tljemselves - I hope to see all science reduced Tinder the dominion of mathematics and all mathematics resolved into the eternal relation ^ . of symbols that is the inflexible laws :of thought - ...

Whewell also had a low opinion of Cambridge mathematics. .1. • In a sketch of a proposed Cambridge.mathematical periodical, .

he saw it as made up of two parts: the first, full of

Cambridge cram;

The second must be everything that will be useless •*£0 a Cambridge man - i.e. good Mathematics - Generalizations - Extensions of Processes - Illustrations of the principles and spirit of methods - Analyses of the metaphysical principles of mathematics pure & mixed - Analogies illustrated - Extracts from good books little known - account of foreign & new mathematical books - in short any thing worth reading -

In March 1817 Whewell, in apparent agreement with

Peacock's view of the necessity of such a work, began

to translate^Lacroix’s work on the application of algebra

to geometry.3 This task had been proposed by his friend 4 H.J. Rose. Despite Whewell's completion of most of

his partoof the translation, the work was never published,

probably because Rose did not finish his share.^

1. Letter from Bromhead, May 4 1817;

2. Entry for June.3 1817 in Whewell’s diary (R.18.93);

3. This was part of S.F. Lacroix's Traite elementaire de trigonometrie rectiligne et spherique et d 'application de 1' algebre a la qeometrie. (1798)..

4. Letter from Whewell to Herschel, Mar.6 1817; Quoted in Todhunter (1876) 2 16.

5. Letters from Whewell to Rose, Apr.11, 15, May 21, June 26, -Aug.30 1817; and a letter from Herschel to Whewell, June 18 1817;

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Since his graduation Whewell had been working as a

private tutor in Cambridge, a task which he did not

enjoy. This burden was somewhat lifted when he became

a fellow of Trinity College—in October 1817. A year

later he became assistant/ tutor arffl mathematical lecturer;

at Trinity.'*' Whewell saw this post as an'opportunity

to reform the mathematics of the University.

I have it now in my power to further this laudable object by the situation I have taken of assistant Tutor (i.e. Mathematical Lecturer) here. Whatever may be the disadvantages of the office this is one 'of its advantages. I shall have a permanent and official interest in getting the men forwards - I shall have an opportunity of directing their reading - and I shall write books (good ones of course) and be able to put them in circulation - By using such powers wisely but discreetly much may be done.2

With the additional time which his fellowship

afforded, Whewell had begun "dabbling in some of the

creeks of the ocean of analysis" and in particular began

a-"good book" on mechanics to replace Wood's.3 His

An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics.appeared in the fall •J of 1819, although it was basically finished by November.. 4 of 1818. Whewell had'two objects in mind while

1. Todhunter (1876) 1 11, 2 27-28.

2. Letter from Whewell to Herschel, Nov. 1 1818; Quoted in Todhunter (1876) 2 30.

3. Letter from Whewell to Bromhead, Oct. 9 1817; Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Apr. 1 1818;

4. Letter from Whewell to Herschel, Nov. 1 1818; H .ms . R. S

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preparing this book. The first was to firmly establish

and to logically arrange the principles of the subject, a

task neglected, he felt, by both French and English

authors.'*' The other aim was that it would serve as a

lecture book for second year students. Thus it was mostly

a classification of problems with some general;principles.

It was to be "readable without a very perfect or extensive

knowledge of pure mathematics" and was to illustrate the

application of the differential calculus to the subject.

In short, it was to be a book which would enable those

who wished, to proceed' ■ to 'the higher branches of mechanics. 2

Babbage, Herschel and Peacock all thought that the work

would benefit Cambridge.^ With the same goals Whewell

published four years later a work intended as a second

volume of his mechanics, his Treatise on Dynamics (1823).

There were, of course, many others who were part of

the mathematical revival movement. As Whewell noted in

1831, < ... there has been at Cambridge a succession of mathematical students, who have rejoiced ;to dis­ port themselves in'the wild and wondrous region of analytical generalities and symbolical involutions, sometimes to the perplexity and dismay of an older race of reasoners, accustomed to more palpable

1. Ibid. Letter from Whewell to Bromhead, Apr.13 1819; And his An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics (1819) iii-vi. .

2. Letter from Whewell to Herschel, Nov.l 1818; Letter from Whewell to Bromhead, Apr.13 1819;

3. Letter from Babbage to Bromhead, Dec.l 1819; Letter from Herschel to Whewell, Dec.l 1819; Letter from Peacock to Herschel, Aug.8 1819;,

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objects of thought and narrower rules of combination.'*'

The 1820s saw the old standard textbooks entirely supplanted

by new analytical ones or by translations of French texts.

Among these were Robert Woodhouse1s Treatise on Astronomy

(.1821-1823) ; Henry Coddington's An Elementary Treatise on

Optics (1823) based in part on Whewell's lectures and

intended to be "suited to the present'state of Mathematical 2 knowledge"; George Biddell Airy's Mathematical Tracts on

Physical Astronomy (1826) to meet the "entire neglect of

the analytical mode of treating Physical Astronomy ...

in our Mathematical System";^ Henry Parr Hamilton's The

Principles of Analytical Geometry (1826) designed to

illustrate "the importance.of Analytical Geometry, as a 4 Method of Investigation"; Ralph Blakelock's translations

of J.L. Boucharlat's to Elementary Treatise on the dif­

ferential and integral calculus (1828) and of L.B.

Francoeur's A Complete Course of Pure Mathematics (1829-

1830); Henry Moseley's Treatise on Hydrostatics and

Hydrodynamics (1830); and a large number of short and

1. IW. WhewellJ "Science in Enqlish Universities" British Critic 9 (1831) 71-90. p.85.

2. to Elementary Treatise on Optics (1823) iii.

3. Mathematical Tracts on Physical Astronomy (1826) iii-iv.

4. The Principles of Analytical Geometry (1826) iii.

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long treatises on the differential and integral calculus

which mostly were based, following the views of Herschel,

Babbage and Peacock, on Lagrange's method.'1' And numerous

works were a-lso published by persons outside of Cambridge.

For instance, Dionysius Lardner,. a graduate in 1817 of

Trinity College, Dublin, published a great number of

analytical t: in the mathematical sciences. A devotee

of analytics r wrote such treatises as A System of

Algebraic Geometry (1823), An Elementary Treatise on the

Differential and Integral Calculus (1825), and An Analytic

Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry - dedicated

to Babbage - (2nd ed., 1828) in order to contribute "to

the great work of improvement" in progress at the University 2 of Cambridge.

Of equal importance, if not greater, for the adoption

of analytics at Cambridge was the influence of the Moderators

on the Senate House Examination. Peacock, aware of the

significance of the examination in the Cambridge system

of honours, had used his position as moderator in 1817

and again in 1819 to alter the content of the examination

in accordance with his views. His aim was to influence

the course of study of the undergraduates.; The emphasis on

1. See, for example, Arthur Browne's A Short View of the First Principles of the Differential Calculus (1824), Thomas Jephson's The Fluxional Calculus (1826-1830) , and Charles Myers' An Elementary Treatise on -the Differential Calculus (1827).

2. An Elementary Treatise on the Differential &c. (1825) v-vi.

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analytics was continued by Whewell and by Henry Wilkinson,

a former member of the Analytical Society, when they were

moderators in 1820. And this stress was maintained by the

moderators throughout the 1820s, most of whom were also

tutors in their colleges and, many, authors of such

treatises as those mentioned above.''' he contents of all

of these analytical treatises quickly found their way into \ the Senate House. 2 . \

The reform of the Senate House'wks not limited, as

shown by Peacock's original aims, to/simply the style of

mathematics. Aside from changes in /the mode of examination,

with analytics came a much wider range and deeper study

of mathematical subjects than before 18^JK'^__By''l832

Herschel could happily report on the role of the moderators

in the revival of Cambridge mathematics:

They were carried away with the stream, in short, or replaced by successors full of their newly- acquired powers. The modern analysis was adopted in its largest extent, and at'this moment we be­ lieve that there exists not throughout Europe a centre from which a richer and purer light of mathematical instruction emanates through a com-^ munity, than one, at least, of our universities.

The 1820s was a period of transition in Cambridge

mathematics. Augustus DeMorgan, enrolled at Trinity .from

1. For lists of the moderators see Historical Register (1917).

2. "Report of the Board of Mathematical Studies, 1849" Great Britain (1852) 452-456. p.454.

3. "Answers from William Hopkins" Great Britain (1852) 461-471. p.463. See also p.113.

4. Herschel (1832) 545. [

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1823 to 1827, .felt that he had been a student "at Cambridge

in the interval between two systems", the geometrical and

the analytical.'*' And many others at the time, even out­

side of Cambridge, were aware of the great changes occurr­

ing there. Both Charles Lyell and Baden Powell, for

instance, noted with satisfaction the introduction of 2 analytics and the progress of Cambridge studies.

A different evaluation, however, was given to the

changes in mathematics in the 1820s by those attached

to the Newtonian methods or otherwise opposed-to analytics.

Samuel Butler, head-master of Shrewsbury, deplored in

1822 the fact that Cambridge had "deserted the track of 3 geometry, and forsaken the path our mighty master trod."

And J.H. Monk, tutor at Trinity and Regius .Professor of

Greek, while disagreeing with Butler's view that the labors

of Newton were neglected at Cambridge, conceded that

"within the last six or seven years, too much stress has 4 been sometimes laid upon the French analytics". The

exchange between Butler and Monk, however, had not arisen

because of opinions about the type of mathematics studied

1. DeMorgan (1882) 306. v

2. C. Lyell "State of the Universities - a review of five works on education" Quarterly Review 36 (1827) 216-^68. B. Powell "Progress 85f Mathematics - a review of eleven mathematics texts" The London Review 1 (1829) 467-4^6. See also Powell (1834) 367-368.

3. Eubulus [S. Butler] Thoughts on the Present System of Academic Education in the University of Cambridge (1822) .

4. Philograntus [J.H. Monk] A Letter to the Right Reverend John, Lord Bishop of Bristol, &c. (1822).

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at Cambridge but rather on account of the growing dis­

content in and out of Cambridge with the course of

studies there. In particular, there was a great deal of

agitation for a more comprehensive course of studies; one

which would be less exclusively concentrated on mathematics.

One result of this criticism was the approval of the Classical

Tripos in 1822. Another was a more rigorous justification

of the role^csf mathematics in University education. Here,

the ideology of Cambridge - a liberal education - was to

gain renewed prominence, and be used in restricting the

extent of the analytical reforms and in defining the type

of mathematics to be taught at Cambridge.

Mathematics had been valued at Cambridge, within

the ideal of a liberal education, for its training of the

reasoning powers of the mind, an important aspect of the

purpose of intellectual education in the University. As

seen in chapter three, geometric methods were generally

acknowledged as superior to analytics in strengthening

the reasoning faculty. Not everyone agreed, especially

those promoting analytics. John Brinkley, for instance,

felt that analysis had been so improved that it could be

used with "unerring certainty" to deduce conclusions.'*'

However; along with the increasing adoption of analytics

at Cambridge in the 1820s and with the criticism of the

1. J. Brinkley "Review of R. Woodhouse's An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy (1818)" Quarterly Review 22 (1819) 129-149. pp.132-133.

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curriculum came a renewed emphasis on the value of geometric

methods in education.' A graduate of Cambridge wrote in

1825 for the London Magazine:

But I must inform your common readers, that- geometry is not the fashion, at present, in mathematics; ...... our college pursuits, or the mathematics on which we pride our­ selves, are not founded in geometry but on alge­ bra: .... The whole is a system of conjuration, if I may use such a word for want of a better. Not only is there no one step that can be called reasoning, but the man who works this engine, does not even know, from one minute bo another, what he is doing; nor does he see one inch beyond the unmeaning symbol which he substitutes or trans­ poses, multiplies or divides, squares or cubes.

Likewise for Arthur Browne, fellow of St. John's, it was

geometry that made the study of mathematics so valuahle

for mental discipline and hence an important part of 2 the Cambridge studies. Geometry, he felt, accustomed

the mind to reason.and to think, to arrange, combine and

clearly express ideas, and to form comprehensive views

Browne feared that

... unless some effectual barrier be raised against the introduction of French mathematics, our University, which has long been, and still continues to be, the seat of sound learning and religious education, will, in time, become a mere school ^ of useless subtleties, and Analytical refinements.

1. Cantabrigiensis "The Regrets of a Cantab" London Magazine 3. (1825) 437-456. pp.455-456.

2. A. Browne "Preface" A Short View of the First Principles of the Differential Calculus (1824) i-xxii.

3. Ibid. vii-xiv.

4. Ibid. xvi-xvii.

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Connected with the stress on geometry in education

was a view of the purpose of a university which rejected _

its role as a discoverer of knowledge. Thus the London

Magazine saw the triumph of analytics over geometry as "one

more proof how strongly the tide of opinion at Cambridge

sets in towards the belief, that men are congregated

in those Boeotian flats for the promotion of science,

.rather than of education.And Browne felt that any

superiority which analytics had over geometry was valuable

only to those who made mathematics or science a profession.

But the object of the University, he thought, was not to

expand science but to diffuse religious knowledge and

to supply men qualified for offices in the Church and in 2 the State.

There were some in England.who, like the members of

the Analytical Society and the mathematical revival

movement, felt that professional mathematics were a part

of university studies and that research was part of the

university's purpose. Baden Powell, for instance, saw

the valuing of the mathematical sciences " solely as

instruments of education" as one of the causes of their 3 decline in England. And he felt that the progress of' . 4 knowledge was. an important part of the university system.

1. Anon "The Cambridge University" London Magazine 4 (18261 289-314. p.303. ------2. See page 245, footnote 2, pp.xiv-xv, xviii-xx. 3. B. Powell "Progress of Mathematics - a review of eleven mathematics texts" The London Review 1 (1829) 467-486. pp. 479-481. 4." Powell (1832) 44-45.

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This notion of advanced studies as part of the business

of a university does not seem to have prospered very

well at Cambridge. It was the ideal of a liberal education

which flourished there. The ideal was even found among

former members of the.revival movement. Many of those who

had belonged to the "true faith" became revisionists,

that is, they altered their ideas - and especially those

concerning analytics - to fit the circumstances at Cambridge.

For example, G.B. Airy later called for a move away from

/'pure mathematics and felt that geometrical methods and

elementary studies were best for Cambridge^education.1

And H.P. Hamilton in-.the fourth edition (1838) of his An

Analytical System of Conic Sections stated that

... experience has since taught him, [H.P.H.] that this method [as in the previous editions] of treating Conic Sections, although sanctioned -by the practice of distinguished Continental Writers, is too scientific, if he may be allowed the expression, for 'elementary instruction.2

But it is William Whewell, once again, who serves as the

best example of a revisionist.

As seen earlier in this chapter, Whewell had been

dedicated to reform and to the "true faith" of analytics.

However,, even at this period he had shown some indications

of dissent and conservatism. He had disagreed with Peacock's

stress on pure analysis Lin the Senate House Examination

1. Airy (1896) 274-280.

2.. An Analytical System of Conic Sections (4th ed. 1838) iii.

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^ of 1817, thinking that analysis should have been intro- <

1 duced through its applications, a form suited to the taste

of the University.'*' And although Whewell was very interested

in analysis, he seems never to have come close to any of 2 _ the field's frontiers. Whewell's deviation is clearly

shown first in his texts, An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics

(.1819) and the Treatise on Dynamics (1823) . As previously

■ discussed, Whewell's object in the Mechanics was to pre­

pare an elementary treatise which would establish the

topic's principles and include many problems. Now, while

Herschel thought that this work was superior to anything

else at Cambridge and so had to do much good, he of?ly \ regarded it as a temporary "stepping stone to some more

finished & systematic.elementary work ... in the transition

state of Cambridge reading".3 His reservation was that it

made too great a concession to the cramming system of

Cambridge. It would have been much better, he-said, if

it had "conformed a little more to the taste of the age 4 & a little less to that of the University."

Similarly Whewell's Dynamics, while written in the

language of. analysis, was a very elementary work, full of


1. Letter from.Whewell to Herschel, Mar.6 1817; ^ Quoted in Todhunter (1876) 2 16.

2. See, for example, a letter from Whewell to Rose, Apr.15? 1817; And letters'to Bromhead, Oct.9 1817, Apr. 13 1819; -- 1

3. Letter from Herschel to Whewell, Dec.l 1819; See also Herschel (1832) 545-546.

4.. Ibid.

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problejns to show the application of the general formulae.

Published just.after the establishment of the Classical

Tripos, Whewell acknowledged in this work the need to r

'give a knowledge of the branches of mathematical science \ to "a greater number of persons than we can expect to form

into profound analysts."1 This need required a series

of introductory treatises like his own which combined

the advantages of analysis and of geometry. 2 It is interest­

ing to note the reaction of the Westminster Review,1 because

like Herschel it too was interested in the advancement > y of knowledge. Apologizing for complaining of the style

of the book at a time "when we are so lamentably back­

ward in the staple of abstract and applied mathematics",

the reviewer felt compelled to note the deficiencies of 3 WhewellVs books as works of science. They were inadequate

“• . as "a compact and'luminous development of the theories of

Mechanics". And while they were valuable as collections

of problems, the reviewer thought that the texts suffered

from being intended for the peculiarities of the .Cambridge

system rather'than as a "scientific deduction" of the . “ 4 general principles of mechanics. Whewell's response to

1. Treatise on'Dynamics (1823) vi.

2. Ibid. ^

3. Anon "Review of Whewell's Treatise on Dynamics" West­ minster Review 2_ (1824) 311-324. p.311.

4. Ibid. 323.



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. ■ 250

this' charge would probably have been the same as that of

the Brutish Critic.^ The Critic acknowledged the inferior­

ity of the old English school but at the same time felt

that the modern English student had imbibed too much of 2 1 the spirit and taste of the Continent. French analjjtics

had a number of advantages but also many flaws, especially

for the learner. So the Critic was glad to see works

such as Whewell1s which kept away from extremes of

analytics and diffuseness of style and yet did both

"embrace the modern improvements of the French school,

and retain the solid qualifications of an English character.^

Whewell's enthusiasm for analytics deteriorated as cj his views on the purpose of a university became clearer.

•In a defence of English Universities in 1831 against an

accusation that they neglected, "modern knowledge and

improvements", Whewell argued that the function of a 4 university was to educate, not to discover. Undoubtedly

1. Anon "Review of Bland's Hydrostatics and Whewell's Mechanics and Dynamics" British Critic 23 (1825) 163-174. t 2. Ibid. 166 1

3. Ibid. -

4. [W. Whewell] "Science in English Universities" British Critic 9 (1831) 71-90. " ^ -- v. t .. >


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. this view along with changes in the Senate House Examination,

which was increasingly adapting its first few days to a

more elementary level for the lower classes, led Whewell

to renounce even the limited form of the "true faith"

of combining analytics and geometry. The fourth edition

of his Mechanics in 1833 omitted the general analytical

processes of the previous editions. He did this because

of the Cambridge system, but also justified it in terms

of his developing theory of knowledge with its views on

the role of mathematics in training the reason.^ The

evolving relation among these factors may be seen in 2 Whewell's various works on education and philosophy.

Suffice it to note here that Whewell went from revisionism

to renouncement to denouncement. For in his last

mathematical book. The Doctrine of Limits . (1838), Whewell

attacked what had been practically the central tenet of

the "true faith" of the Analytical Society and of the

Cambridge.revival movement: he criticized the acceptance

of Lagrange's attempt to base the calculus on algebra.

The temporary favour which the project found in the eyes of some mathematicians, arose, as I conceive, from the. persuasion that mathematical

1. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics (4th ed.1833) viii-ix.

2. Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as part of a Liberal Education (1835)., "Remarks on Mathematical Reasoning and on the Logic of Induction" The Mechanical Euclid (1837) 143-182, On'.the Principles of English University Educ­ ation (1837), The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences (1840), and Of a Liberal Education in General (1845).

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truths are exhibited in their most genuine shape when they are made to depend upon definitions alone; an opinion of which I hope I have made the falsity apparent.1

Despite the opinions of such eminent persons as

Whewell, jthe tendency at Cambridge in the first half of

the nineteenth century was for the course of studies to

become more and^more symbolic and analytical. However,

it appears/that general opinion^ on mathematical studies was

slowly aligning itself along the pattern .of Whewell's

thoughts. By 1850, in Whewell's view, the "mischievous

tendency" of analytics had been successfully checked.3

This break, or reversal, had occurred in two ways. First,

geometry and elementary mathematics were stressed for

their men-talr^training and the mathematical sciences

were made subservient to'the goals of intellectual dis­

cipline, for which it was required that

... all unnecessary exuberance of an analytical calculation be repressed, and that among methods of connecting assumed principles with their remote consequences the more lucid should be preferred to the more powerful, and the subject matter pressed on the attention, and not suffered to become overlaid and lost in symbolic detail.^

1. The Doctrine of Limits (1838) xii. See his criticism of Dugald Stewart's (and Babbage's) views of. definition in mathematics in his "Remarks &c." in the Mechanical Euclid, cited in footnote 128.

2. Great Britain (1852) 451.

3. Ibid. 500.

4. Ibid. 120

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 253 * And secondly, in agreement with Whewell1s view that

only certain "permanent studies" were educationally

valuable, many subjects of study were either limited or

completely excluded. So those mathematical sciences

without clear fundamental concepts, or involving "questions

about which Mathematicians are not sufficiently agreed”,

or leading to long analytical processes, were rejected.'*'

Thus Cambridge studies were officially committed to a

disavowal of professionalism and its attendant advancement

of knowledge; that is, it was committed to an affirmation

of a liberal education. Such was the situation at Cambridge,

that this philosophy of a liberal education became so very

pervasive that even those who attempted to defend

analytics did so only within the framework of its competence

for training the student's mind - without, apparently, any

■ consideration for the promotion of mathematics or the 2 training of mathematicians. Hence, the ideology of

Cambridge had been used to determine both the style and

the content of Cambridge mathematics.

Thus it was that only part of the predisposition of

the Analytical Society anc^ of the mathematical revival

movement was to be realized at Cambridge. The mood of

1. Ibid. 115.

■2. See, for example, R.L. Ellis in Great Britain (1852) 444-448.

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these groups had been formed in a context in which the

decline of the mathematical sciences was prominent. The

result was a reform group which stressed the necessity of

students learning current, advanced mathematics - analytics.

Through private tuition, college lectures, textbooks and

the Senate House Examination - in short, through the

structure of Cambridge studies - the reformers were

quickly successful in promoting the study of analytics.

While analytics, as mathematical knowledge, could be

swiftly introduced, it was much more difficult to effect

changes which would alter the traditional view of the

University, especially in a period where there was much

conservatism at Cambridge. The element of professionalism

which was implicitly attached to analytics and which had

been an important motivating factor among the reformers,

did not take root at Cambridge. It quickly died out,

rejected by the circumstances of Cambridge, frustrated

by the ideal of a liberal education. Indeed such were

those circumstances that there was a reaction at Cambridge

which was to limit analytics and to reaffirm the importance

of synthetics within the framework of the ideology of

Cambridge. While the analytical movement could not

fulfill itself at Cambridge, it was at least able to

modify some of its circumstances. The movement's legacy

was a revived course of mathematical studies at Cambridge

which, if it did not instruct most of its students in

advanced mathematics or mathematical science, it at

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least gave a very good preparation to those so inplined.



Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VII. ' Conclusion

This thesis was an attempt to obtain insight into the

nature of Cambridge mathematics in the early nineteenth

century by focusing on the Analytical Society. In

particular, it was. concerned with identifying those factors

which gave rise to the Society and to -the reform of

Cambridge mathematics. There were three main elements in

understanding these events: arguments favoring and

opposing analytics and synthetics, the ideal of a liberal

education, and professionalism. These three elements and

their interrelations were manifested in the early

nineteenth century in two significant sets of circumstances.

The first was the structure of Cambridge studies and the

position of mathematics there. The second was a widespread

lament about the inferiority of British mathematics and

mathematical science. Both reformers and conservatives

acted within the framework^established by these elements

and circumstances. Indeed, two opposing positions arose:

the liberal position emphasized analytics, professionalism

and the study of research mathematics; the conservative one

stressed synthetics, amateurism,»and a liberal education as

the purpose of a University. These positions, along with

the three elements, were used in the thesis to construct an

explanation of 'the Analytical Society and of the movement

to introduce Continental mathematics to Cambridge in the

early nineteenth century.

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The Analytical Society (1812— 1813) was a short-lived

association of a small but remarkable group of students

at Cambridge University. In many ways it was typical, of a

new breed of Oxbridge student societies in the early

nineteenth -century. But the Society was distinct from other

groups in its aim, which was a reflection, of concerns about

the inferiority of British mathematics. Prompted by a

familiarity or a proficiency or simply an enthusiasm for

Continental mathematics, as well as by a widespread

lament about the decline of English mathematical science

and by a dissatisfaction with the system and content of

Cambridge studies, the members of the Analytical Society

resolved to contribute to the revival of English mathematical

science by studying and advancing analytics. They pursued

this goal through such usual features of a society as

meetings, where papers were read,^md by a publication, the

Memoirs of the Analytical SocietyV for the year 1813. The

Memoirs was a collection of papers in advanced mathematics

and not a translation:or popularization of any Continental

work. This underlines the point that the Analytical Society

saw itself as a mathematical society participating in the

revival of English mathematics by attempting to produce

analytical --mathematics.

The concerns of the Analytical Society with the state

of British mathematics were characteristic of those of

many British mathematicians in the early nineteenth century.

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At that time there was a .widespread recognition of the

stagnation of British, mathematics when compared to that of

the Continent. This recognition involved both differences

in the styles of British and Continental mathematics as well

as differences in the relationship of mathematics to aspects

of British and French society. The result was .an attempt

on the part of several individuals, especially those

concerned with research, to revive British mathematics by

introducing French analytical mathematics. The main

obstacles to the diffusion of Continental mathematics were

that few persons were interested in advanced mathematics

and that among those who did care there was much criticism

of analytics especially focusing on its flaws as a tool of

reason. Many mathematicians, and particularly those in

teaching positions, favoured the use of geometrical methods.

Despite the opposition it seems that the accomplishments of

French mathematical science were too great a counterbalance.

By about 1815 analytical mathematics seems to have

dominated the work of English practicing mathematicians, as

is best illustrated by the replacement of the fluxional

calculus by the differential. The Analytical Society then

was but one manifestation of a larger movement in British

mathematics. It is an important illustration of a way in

which Continental analytical mathematics was being imported

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and diffused in England at that time.1

The Analytical Society’s efforts had little direct

impact. The Society barely survived two years. It failed

because its views did not harmonize with the content of

Cambridge studies which dominated through the influence of

the important Senate House Examination. Upon graduation

many of its members left Cambridge to pursue careers. Most

of them soon devoted themselves to interests other than

mathematics. For while mathematics was an interesting and

perhaps even important pursuit, it was not a career in

early nineteenth-century England. Despite the Society’s

failure, it was indirectly influential in two respects.

It acted as a catalyst for the mathematical work of a

number of its members. And, secondly, several of its

members were, a few years after the withering of the

Analytical Society, to initiate a mathematical revival

movement at Cambridge.

The tendencies of the mathematics of the Analytical

Society were much more radical, when compared to the

general conception of mathematics in Britain, than those

of many other revivers. For even such a zealous promoter

of Continental mathematics as Robert Woodhouse, the work

1. This thesis has concentrated on the influence of the feelings about the state of British mathematics on the formation and activities of the Analytical' Society. Much more research remains to be done on the mathematical currents on the Continent, the meaning of analytics, and on comparing the ways in which British mathematicians were adopting certain of these currents.

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of the Analytical Society members entered too much into

the spirit (which Woodhause disliked) of the "ultra-analysts".

This inclination in the work of its members was best shown

in the series of mathematical papers by Charles Babbage,

John Herschel and Edward Bromhead, particularly in the ten-

year period following the dissolution of the ^Society. Their

mathematics was very analytical and hence very abstract and

general. This character made it open to the usual attacks

on analytics. Peter Barlow, a reviver of British mathematics,

found their emphasis to be too extreme and called for

meaningful, useful mathematics.

While much of their mathematics could be criticized for

its often seeming to be meaningless manipulations, this

appearance was an expression of their particular concerns in

mathematics. Abstractness and generality were precisely

why Babbage, Herschel and Bromhead valued analytics. Their

work had developed within a vision of mathematics which

embraced pure mathematics. It sought new and more powerful

branches of analysis and at the same time was an effort to

comprehend the general structure of pure analysis.

This vision of pure analytics was an image of their

desire to see mathematics in England professionalized. The

associating of mathematics with its public support had been

characteristic of the lament about the state of British y—

mathematics, again probably because of . the example of thJ)

French. Analytics,.almost by definition, was professional

If analytics*was to prosper in England then

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mathematics would have to be treated as a profession there.

The experiences of Babbage and.of Herschel after graduation

in searching for a career only served to accentuate the

connection between their analytidal mathematics and the need

for professionalization. Furthermore, their particular

vision of mathematics, as expressed in their efforts to

purify and standardize analysis, was a reflection • of their

expectations that mathematics could be a profession in

England. Thus at least the shape of their^athematics was

influenced by the same framework as had given rise to the

Analytical Society. Mathematics, however, did not become

a profession in early nineteenth-century England. Babbage,

Herschel and Bromhead soon abandoned mathematics for other,

more promising interests. Yet the mathematics that they

created app'ears to have been very influential, both in its

approach and in its techniques, for various later

developments in English mathematics such as Boole's logic

and Peacock's algebra.'1'

Circumstances at Cambridge had in part prompted and

1. The influence of Babbage and Herschel's mathematics and of their professional attitude still remains to be explored. The themes of support for science and of the decline of English science of the late 1820s surrounding efforts to reform the Royal Society (in which Babbage and Herschel were greatly involved) seem to have evolved - from and still reflected earlier precursors concerning mathematical science. And much more study remains to be done of the mathematical techniques of Babbage and of Herschel and to the nature of their interactions with later British mathematics. For examples of this see Koppelman (1971/72) and Dubbey (1977).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. had also permitted the appearance of the Analytical Society.

It was truly a "Cambridge" Analytical .Society. The

University was renowned in early nineteenth-century Britain

for its emphasis on mathematics. This fame attracted the

criticism of many revivers: Cambridge mathematics, which

was synthetical, was proof of British stagnation, for how

many mathematicians had Cambridge produced? Yet the

Analytical Society was not occupied with reforming Cambridge

mathematics. Soon after its expiration, however, several

of.its members including Babbage, Herschel and especially

George Peacock attempted to reform Cambridge mathematical

studies and to mold them to their view of analytics. That

they attempted such a task, whereas other revivers such as

Robert Woodhouse did not, suggests that they were aroused

into promoting their views in the Cambridge system of

studies by their strong association of analytics and

professionalism. Through the structure of Cambridge

studies, that is, through private tuition, college lectures,

textbooks such as the translation of Lacroix's Traitd

^lementaire (1816) and the compilation of A Collection of

Examples (1820), and especially by Peacock's efforts to

1 change the mathematics in the Senate House Examination

(1817, 1819), they were able to initiate a movement to

change Cambridge mathematics from a geometrical to an-

analytical style.

Many other recent graduates were stimulated to form

a loose, mathematical, revival movement at Cambridge. Much

with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 263 ,■

of the mathematical emphasis of this movement paralleled

the stress on analytics of the Analytical Society as may be

seen in the choice of foundations in various calculus

texts. The movement managed in a short time in the 1820s

to make Cambridge mathematics analytical. This transition ,

occurred mainly by the writing of various mathematical

textbooks and through the influence of the Moderators on

the Senate House Examination: in short, by using the

Cambridge system of studies to change the content of

those studies. '

While'analytical mathematics was fairly easily adopted

at Cambridge - opposition to the change -did not prove to

be very effective•- its implications of professionalism

faltered. With the increasing amount of criticism of the

Cambridge curriculum in the first half of the nineteenth

century, the ideal of a liberal education as the purpose

of Cambridge was reaffirmed. Not only was non-professional

education stressed, but analytics at Cambridge was limited % and there was a renewed emphasis on an alternative style

of mathematics, synthetics, as can be seen in the works

of William Whewell. In spite of this apparent step

backwards, the analytical movement had succeeded in

introducing at Cambridge -a wider\range and a deeper study

of mathematical topics. It h^d brought about a modernization , p ' of the mathematical curriculum which appears to have laid

the basis for the vigorous school of British mathematical


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The Analytical Society Was a significant episode in

the history of early nineteenth-century English mathematics

.because it transcended the circumstances in which it found

itself by its analytical mathematics and by its role in

reviving the state of Cambridge mathematics. This thesis

has presented an account of those events. But the history r of the Society is also significant to the historian of >•

mathemat/ics because it reveals the intellectual and social

framework which produced the Analytical Society. This

framework, as the thesis has illustrated, is useful not

only for understanding the Society and its activities, but

also for providing an explanation of the state and nature

of mathematics in early nineteenth-century Cambridge. The

reform movement with its goal of the study of advanced, .pure

mathematics had been tempered by the purpose of a t / ' university. Mathematics was important at Can±rridge,..but '•

its role there reflected the relationship of mathematics to

English society at that time: mathematics was used', to

educate gentlemen, not to tram mathematicians.^ - . w ‘pc

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Listed below are those sources which were most directly

relevant to my dissertation. More specific sources may be

found' in the footnotes. An important example of the latter,

which should be pointed out here, are the book reviews to be

found in the large periodical literature (see chapter III,

page 48/ footnote 2).

Manuscript Sources

Abbreviation Description Collection of Sir John F,w. Herschel

manuscripts, mostly correspondence, irT~^h^

library of the Royal Society, London. Collection of Sir John F.W. Herschel

manuscripts in the Humanities Research

Center, University of Texas, Austin. Collection of Charles Babbage manuscripts,

mostly correspondence,x£ri the British

Library, London^/

" ColJ^ction of Charles Babbage manuscripts

in the Science Periodicals Library, Cambridge

University, Cambridge-^

Buxton ms. Collection of Charles Babbage manuscripts

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. and an unpublished' biography of him by

Harry Wilmot Buxton in the Museum of the

History of Science, University of Oxford,

Oxford. Private collection of Sir Edward Ffrench

Bromhead correspondence in the possession

' of his descendent Sir Benjamin Denis Gonville

Bromhead, Thurlby Hall, Thurlby, Lincolnshire. Collection of William Whewell manuscripts in

the library of Trinity College, Cambridge

University, Cambridge. Collection of' Sir John F.W. Herschel, Sir" r Edward F.. Bromhead, John Whittaker, and

Charles Babbage manuscripts in the library

of St. John's College, Cambridge University, v Cambridge.

Printed Sources

Aczel, J. Lectures on Functional Equations and Their Applications (1966).

Airy, Wilfrid (ed.) Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy (1896).

Alumni Cantabriqiensis (1922).

Analytical Society Memoirs of the Analytical Society, for the year 1813.

Archibald, R.C. "Notes on Some Minor English Mathematical Serials" Mathematical Gazette 14 (1929) 379-400.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 267

Babbage, Charles Passages from the Life of a Philosopher (1864).

Ball, W.W.R. The Origin and History of the Mathematical Tripos j(1880) .

A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge (1889).

Barlow, P. . A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (1814).

Becher, H. William Whewell and Cambridge Mathematics Ph.D. dissertation. University of Missouri, Columbia (1971).

Boyer, C.B. • The History of the Calculus and its Conceptual Development (1959).

Buttmann, G. The Shadow of the Telescope:. A Biography of John Herschel (1970).

Cajori, F. A History of the Conceptions of Limits and Fluxions in Great Britain from Newton to Woodhouse (1919).

Cambridge Problems: being a collection of the printed questions proposed to the candidates for the degree of bachelor of arts, at the General Examinations, from the year 1801 to the year 1820 inclusively (1836).

Cannon, W.F. "History in Depth: The Early Victorian Period" Hispory of Science 3_ (1964) 20-38.

"The, Role of the Cambridge Movement in early* nineteenth-century science" Proc. Xth Irit. Congr. Hist. Sci. 1962 1 317-320.

(S.F.) Science in Culture. The Early Victorian Period (1978).

Clarke, M.L. Classical Education in Britain 1500-1900 (1959).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Clock, D.A. ' A New British Concept of Algebra: 1825-1850 Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1964. '

Crosland, M. ; Smith, C. "The Transmission of physics'- from France to Britain: 1800-1840" Historical Studies iq the Physical Sciences 9_ (1978) .i-61.

Davie, G.E. /*fhe~^Democratic Intellect. Scotland and Her Universities in the Nineteenth Century (1961).

De Morgan, ! .E. 'Memoir of Augustus De Morgan with Selections from his letters (1882) .

Dorn, H . I .■ ^ The Art of Building and the Science of Mechanics: A Study of the Union of Theory and Practice in the Early History of Structural Analysis in England .Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 1970.

Douglas, J.I I. The Life and Selections from the Correspondence of William Whewell (1882). ■

Dubbey, J.M "The Introduction of the Differential Notation to Great Britain" Annals of Science '19_ (1963) 37-48. .

Robert Woodhouse and the Establishment of a Mathematical Basis for the Calculus ^SJjsSc. dissertation, London University, 1964.

The Mathematical Work of Charles Babbage Ph.D. dissertation, London University, 1968.

"Babbage, Peacock and Modern Algebra” Historia Mathematica 4_ (1977) 295-302. .

The Mathematical Work of Charles Babbage (1978). This book is almost exactly

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 269

a word-for-word publication of his Ph.D. thesis with chapter 3 being taken from a chapter in his M.Sc. thesis. Dubbey1s 1977 article is simply taken from chapter 5.-

Foote, G.A. "The Place of Science in the British Reform Movement 1830-1850" Isis 42 (1951) 192-208.

Forbes, J.D. "Dissertation Sixth: Exhibiting a " general view of the progress of mathematical and physical science principally from 1775 to 1850" Encyclopaedia Britannica 8th ed. 1 (1852) 795-996.

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_____ The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (1972).

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4- •

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Herschel, J.F.W. "Memoir of Sir Francis Baily, Esq." Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, with Addresses and other Pieces (1857) 552-620.

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