Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIOXS. 227 AEEANGEMENT FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. PREPARED FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BY THEODORE GILL, M. D., Ph.D. WASHINGTON: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, FEBRUARY, 1871. ^^1 I ADVERTISEMENT. The following list has been prepared by Dr. Theodore Gill, at the request of the Smithsonian Institution, for the purpose of facilitating the arrangement and classification of the Mollusks and Shells of the National Museum ; and as frequent applica- tions for such a list have been received by the Institution, it has been thought advisable to publish it for more extended use. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, January, 1871 ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, FEBRUARY 28, 1870. (iii ) CONTENTS. VI PAGE Order 17. Monomyaria . 21 " 18. Rudista , 22 Sub-Branch Molluscoidea . 23 Class Tunicata , 23 Order 19. Saccobranchia . 23 " 20. Dactjlobranchia , 24 " 21. Taeniobranchia , 24 " 22. Larvalia , 24 Class Braehiopoda . 25 Order 23. Arthropomata , 25 " . 24. Lyopomata , 26 Class Polyzoa .... 27 Order 25. Phylactolsemata . 27 " 26. Gymnolseraata . 27 " 27. Rhabdopleurse 30 III. List op Authors referred to 31 IV. Index 45 OTRODUCTIO^. OBJECTS. The want of a complete and consistent list of the principal subdivisions of the mollusks having been experienced for some time, and such a list being at length imperatively needed for the arrangement of the collections of the Smithsonian Institution, the present arrangement has been compiled for that purpose. It must be considered simply as a provisional list, embracing the results of the most recent and approved researches into the systematic relations and anatomy of those animals, but from which innova- tions and peculiar views, affecting materially the classification, have been excluded.
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