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ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 The Baylor Lariat Friday, September 5, 2008 Jigsaw, ceramic City of art on display at Waco Martin Museum ‘digs’ Allen said she can appreciate Courtney Webb the work put into Souza pieces. Reporter She could better relate to fossils his pieces because she and her Baylor University’s Martin daughter put together a jigsaw Museum of Art is bringing stu- pictoral, she said. “It has been dents the vibrant works of art- sitting on our coffe table for 15 By Jade Ortego ists Al Souza, Blair Meerfeld and to 20 years.” Staff Writer John Tilton. Another kind of Souza’s The first gallery displayed Al work displayed at the museum Mayor Virginia DuPuy spoke Souza’s “simply stacked, two- is about the Book of Job. There Thursday to a group of one hun- dimensional jigsaw puzzles,” are different verses of the Bible dred donors and members of the said Elnora Allen, a museum portrayed in elaborately cut-out National Park Service who gath- attendant. “I go before work to sketches. He took words from ered to celebrate the ground- see the fascinating and colorful the verses and chiseled shapes breaking of the Waco Mam- pieces on display.” to illustrate the stories in layers moth Site. Congressman Chet Souza is a Houston artist. staked upon each other. Edwards, who has raised money His pieces “(enlighten) view- The two other artists dis- for the preservation of the site, ers with transformations of played in the gallery are John was also present. ordinary material into extraor- Tilton and Blair Meerfeld. They “I asked everybody to dinary visual exhibits,” accord- both design and create ceram- imagine what it was like ing to the museum’s artist biog- ics. 68 thousand years ago, the raphy on Souza. Meerfeld has an exhibit with sights, sounds, smells and Souza trained as a civil engi- multiple pieces made out of salt- humidity … and to fast forward neer and then transferred to glazed stoneware. to 30 years ago when two men New York to study fine arts for “The glazes are extraordi- discovered the bones and could four years. nary,” said Nacogdoches junior have easily walked away from His work has been show- Hunter Chambers. ”Anyone it. But they didn’t … Oh, the cased in The Whitney Museum who comes to see these intri- remarkable things that have fol- of American Art, as well as in cate pieces should not just look, lowed!” museums overseas. but ask more about how they The site is home to the remains “His piece called ‘Mixed Nuts’ were made, because machines of at least 25 Colombian mam- reminds me of grocery store are touching very little of these moths killed by a mudslide, and shelves with tea and strawber- ... they are almost completely the largest known concentra- ries, when all it really is, is dif- hand-made.” tion of mammoth deaths from ferent puzzles stacked together Meerfeld is from Colorado the same event. The bones were with glue,” Allen said. and holds a bachelor’s degree discovered by Paul Barron and Souza has four jigsaw pieces in art education from Adams Eddie Bufkin in 1978. and over 10 smaller pieces along State College in Almosa, Colo. “Right now the groundbreak- the wall. He owns Meerfeld Salt Glazed ing is for the advancement of the Martin Museum attendant Stoneware, a studio and gallery, sight’s protective structure. Our Jack Cobb said Souza’s work which he opened in 1988. He main goal is the preservation of inspires him. has also worked as a ceramic Christina Kruse/Lariat staff the sight,” said Dr. Ellie Caston, “Souza’s work is just great,” engineer for 10 years. Austin senior Lexi Musta and Nacogdoches junior Hunter Chambers look at Blair Meerfeld’s artwork, Thursday. The executive director of the May- Cobb said. “It’s so bright and it artwork of John Tilton and Al Souza will also be on display in the Martin Museum of Art until Oct. 11. just grabs my attention.” Please see ART, page 6 Please see FOSSILS, page 6 Baylor loses Curves research program, relocates to A&M By Ashley Corinne Killough ation in the School of Education, oping top-level programs and accomplishments, and we were wanted for him to stay here.” The funding provided for a Staff Writer where he led the Baylor Exercise didn’t think Baylor was going to able to get a lot of funding. We Engelhardt said that from his number of health studies, includ- and Sport Nutrition Laboratory. get there with that leadership,” did everything we were asked to understanding, Kreider left on ing tests on the impact of high- Curves, Inc. terminated fund- He announced late last spring Kreider said in a phone inter- do and are proud of that.” good terms with the adminis- protein and high-carbohydrate ing for its high-profile research that he had accepted the posi- view. Dr. Jon Engelhardt, dean of tration. diets, calcium supplementation program at Baylor on Sept. 1, tion as the chair of the depart- Kreider said he was also the School of Education, said “We were not happy to see in post-menopausal women and while transitioning to Texas ment of health and kinesiol- attracted to the opportunities he understood that Kreider’s it end, but we understood that the effects of crash dieting on A&M University in August ogy at Texas A&M University , that Texas A&M University disagreement was within the it was his choice to leave,” metabolism for women. under the leadership of Dr. where he would be continuing offered. HHPR department and not with Engelhardt said. Curves also worked with the Richard Kreider, the program’s research funded by Curves. “There’s more resources, the school’s administration. In 2004, Curves awarded engineering and computer sci- principle investigator. Kreider cited administrative potential and better collabora- “There’s a lot of side issues, Kreider and his staff in the ence departments on the design Kreider served two consecu- changes within the School of tion here at A&M,” Kreider said. but the bottom line is that Dr. ESNL a $6 million grant to con- and mechanics of its hydraulic tive three-year terms as chair Education as one of his reasons “I came to Baylor to help develop Kreider decided to leave Baylor duct diet and exercise research fitness machines. of the department of health, for moving. a world-class research program, and went to another university,” related to Curves fitness pro- human performance and recre- “I wanted to continue devel- which we did. We made many Engelhardt said. “We certainly grams. Please see CURVES page 6 Student recounts ‘Change is coming’ Iraq tour of duty vows Sen. McCain By Jillian Henderson are broken down,” Kerr said. Reporter “You’re told to speak a different By DAVID ESPO and ROBERT McCain’s speech was the way and act a different way.” FURLOW highlight of the final night of Army Strong: a slogan that Leah Jackson, associate dean Associated Press the party convention, but before can be seen on TV, in buildings for the Baylor law school, was he took the podium, delegates on campus and on the backs excited to have Kerr speak about ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - John unanimously awarded the vice of countless vehicles driving his deployment in Iraq. McCain, a POW turned politi- presidential nomination to around Waco. For one Baylor “I wanted everyone to hear cal rebel, vowed Thursday Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. She law student, this slogan has an and share in his experiences,” night to vanquish the “constant is the first female ticketmate in entirely different meaning. Jackson said. partisan rancor” plaguing the Republican history. Army reservist and Frisco Kerr explained the heat he nation as he launched his fall McCain, 72 and campaign- law student Sgt. Pete Kerr spoke felt in Iraq. campaign for the White House. ing to become the oldest first- to students and faculty yester- “When I stepped off the “Change is coming” to Wash- term president in history, faced day at the Sheila and Walter plane it felt like a blow dryer hit- ington, he promised the Repub- a delicate assignment as he Umphrey Law Center about his ting you in the face,” Kerr said. Christina Kruse/Lariat staff lican National Convention. formally accepted his party’s experiences in Iraq. “The second day in Iraq, it was Law student Pete Kerr talks about his experience in the Middle East as a “I will reach out my hand presidential nomination: pre- In July, shortly after Kerr 130 degrees with dust storms all reservist on Thursday. to anyone to help me get this senting his credentials as a began law school in spring 2007, over the place.” country moving again,” McCain reformer willing to take on his Kerr was called to begin a tour The soldiers at the Spiker “Being in the military and his presentation to fight back said in a prime-time address. “I own party and stressing his of duty in Iraq. Army base in Iraq were very being so close to someone for tears. have that record and the scars independence from an unpopu- He had decided to join the close and shared a strong broth- so long, the only thing you can “The cost of war is definitely to prove it. Senator Obama does lar President Bush ‚ all without reserves because he loves the erhood, Kerr said. do is be close to those soldiers real and it effects so many peo- not,” he said of his rival for breaking faith with his Repub- United States and he loves the Coalinga, Calif., junior and around you,” Newell said. “You ple,” Kerr said. the White House, Sen. Barack lican base. core meaning behind the flag Army Sgt. Glen Newell was consider them your family.” Even after leaving Iraq, there Obama. Other Republicans were and everything it stands for, deployed to Iraq in March 2004, After Kerr showed a picture “USA, USA, USA,” chanted Kerr said. and also was close to his fellow of one of his friends, who was the crowd in the hall. “Once you’re in the army you soldiers. killed in Iraq, Kerr had to pause Please see IRAQ, page 6 Please see SPEECH, page 6

VOL. 108 No.4 2 The Baylor Lariat Opinion Friday, September 5, 2008 Election drama starting to look like reality TV Forget “Grey’s Anatomy.” him as someone ancient enough ren. can be entertaining, but the news ples: balance, fairness and accu- Might as well trash “Law & to star in a “Golden Girls” And did anyone happen to media shouldn’t forget their racy. Order.” “Lost” — who needs it? reunion movie. catch the latest veep version of number one purpose: to tell the With the line growing thin Not when the election is provid- Obama is framed by the Right point “The Bachelor: Maverick Style?” truth. between blog reporting and tra- ing its own primetime drama. as living it up Hannah Montana- With only one rose left and This weekend, with the per- ditional reporting, perhaps the After Obama’s convention style, enjoying a double life as of view a small pool of politicians to petuation of a nasty rumor domi- news industry should re-evaluate speech received higher ratings both politician and pop star. Or choose from, it was the most dra- nating news coverage, we saw an some of its standards, defining than this year’s season finale of if you favor MSNBC, you might b y a s h l e y k i l l o u g h matic rose ceremony yet! ugly scar on the face of journal- what is reliable when it comes “American Idol,” the big net- view him not only qualified for “My friends,” McCain said, as ism. There’s no doubt you’re to citizen journalism. Perhaps it works might want to showcase the next president but the next being involved in a shady hous- the music intensified. “It was a aware by now of the Palin cover- should focus on real news, rather more political theatre than pre- character on “Heroes,” as well. ing deal with Tony Resco, Hillary tough one. But Gov. Sarah Palin up lie started by liberal bloggers than inappropriately subjecting a dictable programs this fall. The But instead of rapid cellular lying about undergoing Bosnian — yes, you, the one hiding over (which I won’t repeat here). family to the obnoxious deprav- two candidates have already regeneration or mental manipu- sniper fire — all leading up to a there behind the stuffed moose Sadly, after the McCain camp ity of tabloidism. been typecast by the news media, lation, Obama’s superpowers will surprise ending with the pick of head on the wall — will you accept factually dismissed the gossip, And speaking of petty spins, ready to appear in a number of include shooting rays of hope Gov. Sarah Palin as McCain’s vice this sign with our names on it?” the 24-hour news networks still perhaps the Fourth Estate should America’s favorite TV shows. from his eyeballs and savings president. The rejected contestants were fixated on the rumor, trying to start criticizing itself rather than McCain’s camp promotes lives with his rapturous rhetoric. The reality TV buffs can get outraged! dig up evidence. Barack Obama the number of estates owned by him as a greyer, less rugged Jack Not only do we have charac- their fix from the pundit shows. “What? I didn’t know there even barked at the press for John McCain. Bauer of “24,” putting his “coun- ter development for this must- Sometimes the tension between was another Conservative out intervening in the Palin family’s Ashley Killough is a senior try first” and chasing Osama Bin see season, but the dramatic Fox’s Hannity and Colmes is there better looking than me!” personal business. international studies and journal- Laden to the “gates of Hell.” On plot is there, too: John Edwards about as thick as the animosity Romney declared. We’re a country that prides ism major from Plano and a staff the other hand, the Left paints cheating on his wife, Obama between MTV’s Heidi and Lau- All joking aside, the election itself in our journalism princi- writer for The Baylor Lariat.

Editorial Opinion policy The Baylor Lariat welcomes reader viewpoints through let- ters to the editor and guest col- umns. Texas teachers Opinions expressed in the Lariat are not necessarily those of the Baylor administration, the pack heat Baylor Board of Regents or the Student Publications Board. Letters to the editor should It’s the policy heard ‘round organization fighting to prevent include the writer’s name, major, the world. gun violence, cites Texas Penal graduation year, phone number Last year, a school district Code 46.03 and Texas Educa- and student identification num- in Harrold, a small, rural town tion Code 37.081 in making ber. Non-student writers should about 150 miles north of Fort the argument against Harrold’s include their address. Letters Worth, approved a policy policy, stating that it may not that focus on an issue affecting change that would allow teach- comply with Texas law. School students or faculty may be con- ers to carry concealed firearms employees who are authorized sidered for a guest column at the into the classroom. The policy, to carry guns must be peace editor’s discretion. the first of its kind in America, officers who have received All submissions become the took effect last month with the written authorization from the property of The Baylor Lariat. start of the new school year. institution. The law did not The Lariat reserves the right to The news stemming from intend for teachers or faculty to edit letters for grammar, length, this tiny town, with a 110-stu- carry the same responsibility of libel and style. dent district, has caused a protecting students, according Letters should be e-mailed nationwide and international to the Brady Center Web site. to [email protected] or stir. Media outlets from Italy to Baylor’s policy on concealed mailed to The Baylor Lariat, One Saudi Arabia have covered this weapons does not mirror Har- Bear Place #97330, Waco, TX story. rold ISD. 76798-7330. The district’s superinten- “Weapons are explicitly dent, David Thweatt, said the prohibited,” Baylor police chief purpose of this policy is to Jim Doak said. “We think the increase security in the school downside is greater than the handguns,” according to the What are the criteria that arming teachers may still be Corrections policy district. Harrold’s proximity to upside.” Facebook Baylor chapter group a situation must meet before too great. U.S. 287 could make it vulnera- Baylor police train for cri- Web site. teachers are able to use their Maybe before initiating ble, Thweatt said. The highway sis situations by doing special By allowing employees to weapons? Is it the visibility of this policy, Harrold, a school The Baylor Lariat is commit- is located less than 1,000 feet drills on different campus carry concealed weapons, the another weapon, a verbal threat district without a security ted to ensuring fair and accu- from the school, and the sher- buildings at various times each Harrold school district is try- or a flinch, that gives teachers guard, should have considered rate reporting and will correct iff’s office is 18 miles away. year, he said. ing to protect students dur- permission to use their guns? employing a school resource errors of substance on Page 2. Schools have been gun-free While Baylor’s policy bans ing school shootings, but the The line has to be drawn some- officer. Surely an SRO would Corrections can be submitted to since Congress passed the Gun- weapons, there are students policy itself is insufficient and where. have more experience and the editor by sending an e-mail Free School Zone Act of 1990, who are in support of legalizing flawed in more ways than one. Consider what would hap- training than teachers to man- to [email protected] or which prohibited the posses- concealed weapons on cam- The policy requires employ- pen if teachers misplace or age school emergencies. by calling 254-710-4099. sion of firearms in a school pus. Students for Concealed ees to go through training in have their weapons stolen. Harrold’s policy seems to zone. According to Texas Carry on Campus — Baylor crisis management, in addition What happens if a student is act only as a small bandage Law, firearms are outlawed at Chapter is a Facebook group to having a concealed weapon able to wrestle a gun out of an on a large, gushing wound. A subscription to the Lariat schools unless specific institu- with 33 members. The nation- license, before being approved employee’s possession? What There’s a bigger problem here costs $45 for two semesters. tions allow them. al Facebook group has 32,864 to carry a loaded pistol. But happens if the gun discharges that should be addressed at Send check or money order to Governor Rick Perry said he members. that’s not enough. in the midst of a teacher break- large. Find out why students One Bear Place #97330, Waco, supports the policy. “There’s “After such tragedies as Col- A school board does not ing up a fight? are motivated to shoot up TX, 76798-7330 or e-mail a lot of incidents where that umbine and Virginia Tech, it is have the experience and pro- Any school district that even schools, and tackle the issue at [email protected]. Visa, would have saved a number of abundantly clear that the only fessional skill to handle the considers the same policy as its core. It may not be a quick Discover and MasterCard pay- lives,” he told the Associated way to stop mass murderers is responsibility that comes with Harrold’s needs to be able to fix, and yes, it may take some ments may be phoned to 254- Press. to have responsible citizens in arming school employees. This answer these questions to the time. But isn’t it worth it? 710-2662. Postmaster: Please The Brady Center, the the classroom and on campus- policy has liability written all utmost satisfaction. And even Cure the problem. Don’t send address changes to above nation’s largest, non-partisan es able to carry their licensed over it. then, the risk involved with simply treat its side effects. address. Improvements to NFC East division worth watching With four receptions for 82 for both the defense and special The Cowboys will have their in a passing attack that will put year removed from winning the yards and a touchdown former teams, have brought credibility hands full with new head coach NFL defenses on their heels. A Super Bowl. Even though inju- University of Oklahoma wide- to the NFC East defenses. Jim Zorn’s squad in Washington, new coach, a more mature quar- ries such as Osi Umenyiora reciever Malcolm Kelly torched With the Cowboys weak sec- D.C. terback, and a stingy defense will take away some talent from the the Baylor Bears defense last year ondary being filled by Jones, sports A year removed from an give the Redskins a head start in Giants’ most dangerous weapon, and looks to do the same this calling the Cowboys the most emotional, inspirational playoff the rebuilding stage and a poten- the defensive line, their depth year against NFC East defenses talented team in football is not take appearance, the Redskins have tial breakout year. looks to jump back and prove as a Washington Redskin. Tal- only appropriate, it’s flat-out skipped the rebuilding stage by The New York Giants are the once again why they are the best. ent such as Kelly’s has made the intelligent. b y g a r r e t t t u r n e r drafting well and being an actual defending Super Bowl cham- This squad might be the one left NFC East division the best in the A team that had a Pro Bowl- ous running back in the game in player in the free agency mar- pions. An “unstoppable” Eli out of the playoffs this year but National Football League. erfor each position in football, Brian Westbrook on their offen- ket. Manning, according to Citizen who can argue against a team An influx of talent has rushed except defensive line, is poised sive side. A draft that consisted of play- Eco Drive’s watch commercial, that won the Super Bowl? into the NFC East division. AFC to earn their first playoff win in With a plethora of talent on ers like Michigan State wide- comes back from a Superbowl The power resides in the NFC Pro Bowlers Asante Samuel, 12 years. All talk is on the Cow- the defensive side, mixed with receiver Devin Thomas, Univer- MVP award that has his confi- East, the best division in the ranked among the top corner- boys for the 2009 season, but the ingenious, blitz-happy mind sity of Southern California tight dence soaring. National Football League. backs in the NFL in intercep- the talent creeping up on them of Defensive Coordinator Jim end Fred Davis and University Getting rid of distractions Garrett Turner is a senior busi- tions with 6; Jason Taylor, who is undeniable. Johnson, the Eagles will state of Oklahoma wide-receiver Mal- such as Jeremy Shockey and ness journalism major from Osceo- led the NFL with 11 sacks; and The Eagles have a healthy their case this year as being one colm Kelly, the Redskins look to Michael Strahan, the Giants can la, Mo. and a sports writer for The Adam Jones, a proven play maker McNabb and the most danger- of the NFC elite. use these NFL ready wide-outs focus on improving a squad one Baylor Lariat.

The Baylor Lariat THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams Editor in chief Anita Pere* City editor Bethany Poller* ACROSS 51 Fastener with wings 25 Water jug Opinion editor Lynn Ngo* News editor Charly Edsitty* 1 Tel __-Jaffa 56 Env. contents 26 Father’s boy Entertainment editor Kelli Boesel 5 Malodorous 57 “Eclogues” shepherdess 27 Holliday partner Web Editor Stephen Jablonski 10 End-of-week cry 58 Invitation replies 28 Fight memento Asst. city editor Liz Foreman Editorial cartoonist Claire Taylor 14 Actress Sofer 62 Et __ (and others) 29 “I Want You to Want Me” band Sports editor Brian Bateman* 15 Lickety-split 64 Large gun barrage 33 Help-page acronym Sports writers Joe Holloway 16 Fly by oneself 66 Religious faction 34 Fort Worth sch. Garrett Turner Staff writers Sommer Ingram 17 Cow or chicken 67 Arduous journeys 35 Jamaican music Ashley Killough 19 __ go bragh! 68 Declare frankly 37 Footnote word Jade Ortego 20 Got some shuteye 69 Rugrat 38 Holding areas Copy editors Jessica Belmares Kate Thomas 21 Sealy rival 70 Meaning 40 Made do Photo editor Sarah Morris 23 Gallivant 71 Highland caps 41 “Magnet and Steel” singer Photographers Christina Kruse 24 Float DOWN Walter Alex Song Shanna Taylor 27 Money set aside 1 Pound sounds 44 Morse symbol Advertising sales Shamara Sneed 30 Any day now 2 Osso buco meat 46 Puts on pounds Chad Shanks 31 Tylenol target 3 Memo starter 48 Puts up Kate Williams Delivery Sean Donnelly 32 Young newts 4 Bloodsucking evil spirit 50 Zig or zag James O’Brien 36 Disunite a fly? 5 Air blower 51 Terrific time 39 Actress Charlotte 6 Prot. denom. 52 Phillies all-star 2nd-base- * denotes member of editorial board Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 40 17A, 24A, 51A and 64A 7 Less wild man Chase 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. follower 8 Words of concern 53 Blaze of light 42 Poetic form 9 River ends 54 Flax thread Newsroom: 710-1711 43 Madrid museum 10 Half a fly 55 Jerks sharply The Baylor Lariat is owned by Baylor University and over- Advertising: 710-3407 45 Bog 11 Italian cheese 59 Bounty competition seen by the Student Publications Board. Sports: 710-6357 46 Highland valley 12 Trojan War tale 60 Senior soiree The entire content of The Baylor Lariat is protected under Entertainment: 710-7228 13 Jane of “Klute” 61 Uses a Singer the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any 47 Poet Alexander Editor: 710-4099 18 Label for Sonny & Cher 63 Resident’s suffix For today’s crossword and sudoku answers, issue by any means, mechanical or otherwise, is not permitted [email protected] 49 Starting lineups without the expressed written consent of Baylor University. 22 Love in Lyon 65 Sugary suffix visit Friday, September 5, 2008 NEWS The Baylor Lariat 3 Crime Stoppers in Waco lead nation Ashley Erikson could happen to you next time.” Reporter Students often call or visit the police department to talk about In response to an anti-snitch- a situation, Doak said. ing DVD and T-shirt campaign “We are available around the launched in Baltimore, Waco clock and if a person is the vic- Crime Stoppers will lead Crime tim of a crime or sees something Stoppers programs across the suspicious, they can come talk nation in their development to us,” Doak said. of the “Tippin’ Ain’t Snitchin” campaign. Officer Steven Dieterich, “If your grandmother c o o r d i n a t o r o f Wa c o C r i m e S t o p - pers, said the idea came to him was mugged, wouldn’t when he witnessed a 4-year-old you want someone to run by him with a T-shirt with report the mugger?” the logo ‘Stop Snitching.’ The campaign started in April. Steve Dieterich “It’s criminals who are ask- Waco Crime Stoppers ing the public to stop snitching,” Dietrich said. “If your grand- mother was mugged, wouldn’t you want someone to report the The Baylor Police Depart- Christina Kruse/Lariat staff mugger?” ment and Waco Crime Stop- The crime rate at Baylor is pers ensure confidentiality in Art imitates life significantly lower than any- keeping tipsters’ information where else in McLennan Coun- anonymous so people will not Students study the human form during their afternoon class held in the Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center Thursday. ty, Baylor Police Chief Jim Doak feel intimidated when reporting said. a crime. Last year at Baylor, the most In addition to anonym- common violations involved ity, those who give Waco Crime alcohol, drugs and theft, with Stoppers a tip will be compen- assault and vandalism not far sated. FLDS children allowed to live with parents behind, Doak said. Waco Crime Stoppers is cur- “I was driving down Speight rently looking for songs, student “They went through this ordeal, Barbara Walther ordered them child abuse, a misdemeanor. last year and parked my truck artwork and videos to launch By Michelle Roberts and in the end, CPS found they returned to their parents in Jeffs, convicted as an accomplice in front of a friend’s house,” the marketing campaign. The Associated Press were a good parent.” June, she also ordered them to to rape in Utah, remains jailed Granbury junior Josh Aten said. The top entries will be used The children of the Fun- stay in Texas, take parenting in Arizona where he awaits trial “When I came back outside, I for promotional purposes such SAN ANGELO, Texas (AP) — damentalist Church of Jesus classes, allow psychological on charges stemming from the noticed that someone had bro- as TV public service announce- Child by child, Texas authorities Christ of Latter Day Saints were assessments and be available alleged underage marriage of ken the windows.” ments. are acknowledging that many of the subject of one of the largest to investigators from 8 a.m. to 8 sect girls. Nothing was taken from “To me, a snitch is a guy the children seized during a raid custody cases in U.S. history, p.m. every day. Crimmins said the agency Aten’s truck, but he wished who’s ready to turn in anyone, on a polygamist sect’s ranch can taken into state custody from never intended to take the FLDS someone had given the police a including his mom, just to take safely live with their parents or their ranch in a tiny west Texas children from their parents per- tip, Aten said. a month off his sentence,” Diet- guardians. town because child welfare manently. “I think if anyone sees a crime, erich said. “But a tipster is some- Since the April 3 raid on authorities said girls were being “We never brought the kids it’s their obligation to report it, one who’s trying to keep the the Yearning for Zion Ranch in forced into underage marriages into care to keep them in care. regardless of the seriousness,” community safe.” Eldorado, 235 children’s cus- and boys were being raised to be We brought them into care to do Houston senior Zoe Martinez For more information about tody cases have been dropped, perpetrators. an efficient and effective investi- said. “Whether it’s a break-in, Waco Crime Stoppers, contact meaning fewer than half of the Authorities went to the ranch gation,” he said. harassment or the destruction Officer Steven Dieterich at 750- 440 children seized remain after several calls to a domes- Jessica Dixon, a law professor of property, it’s important. It 1761. bound by a court order to stay in tic abuse hotline, in which the who oversees the child advoca- Texas, attend parenting classes caller claimed to be an underage cy clinic at Southern Methodist or be available for unannounced wife and mother who was being University in Dallas, said CPS visits by Child Protective Ser- beaten and raped by her much- cases do sometimes result in BEAR BRIEFS vices. older husband. children quickly being dropped CPS spokesman Patrick Texas state police are now from court supervision, even Circle K International will hold Kappa Kappa Gamma will be Crimmins said more cases are investigating whether the calls after initial foster placement. an information meeting and ice holding Couture for a Cause from likely to be dropped but he was were a hoax. But it doesn’t happen often. cream social at 8:30 p.m. Mon- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today in the KKG unsure how many. Once authorities had the To remove a child, “legally, day on the third floor of the Bill Chapter Room. They will be sell- They’re being dropped “as children at a San Angelo shel- Daniel Student Center. For more ing last season and overstock you’ve got to be able to show information, visit designer purses, wallets, jewelry, fast as we can because it’s a bur- ter, they said the sect members risk,” she said. AP Photo circlekint. and sunglasses with a percent- den on everyone,” he said. refused to cooperate with the CPS now usually looks for a age of the sales going to philan- He said the dismissals do not investigation, refusing to give In this May 19 file photo, members of way children can remain with the FLDS follow a group of attorneys Bruce Berg, professor of violin thropic cause. mean that abuse never occurred, last names or identify parents their parents safely, Dixon said, will present the Solo Sonatas of only that many of the children or siblings. into the Tom Green County Court- though she noted that cases of house, in San Angelo. Johann Sebastian Bach at 3 p.m. Baylor Riding Association will can safely live with a parent CPS officials said they had no alleged sexual abuse will usu- Sunday in Roxy Grove Hall. For hold a recruitment event called or other relative, something choice but to treat all the chil- ally trigger swifter action. more information, visit www.bay- Horses on Campus until 4 p.m. that sect members and lawyers dren as potentially members of Only one child ‚ a girl alleg- “In most child welfare courts, today on Fountain Mall. argued early on in the chaotic the same family. edly married to jailed sect lead- they’re going to be safe rather custody case. They were scattered to foster er Warren Jeffs when she was than sorry, and in some cases, Student Activities will be holding “It most certainly goes back care facilities across the state 12‚ has been returned to foster that will result in removals that Rock The Vote Monday through CONTACT US to the idea that the proper way in April and remained there care. shouldn’t have happened,” she Friday in the Bill Daniel Student Center. Students can register to have conducted this process for about two months until the Five sect members, includ- said. Editor 710-4099 was to get evidence as to what Texas Supreme Court ruled that ing Jeffs, have been indicted in Since the April raid and ran- to vote or learn more about the importance of voting. Visit www. Newsroom 710-1712 children, if any, were at risk,” authorities were wrong to take Schleicher County for sexual corous custody case, the FLDS, Sports 710-6357 said Cy nthia Martinez, a spokes- all the children. Half the chil- assault of a child; several have which believe polygamy brings campus_programs for more infor- Entertainment 710-7228 woman for Texas RioGrande dren sent to foster care were also been charged with biga- glorification in heaven, has said mation. Advertising 710-3407 Legal Aid, which represented younger than 6. my. A sixth FLDS member is it will not sanction marriages of dozens of mothers in the case. When state District Judge charged with failing to report underage girls.


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Tutor for math wanted. up an application today! First Baptist Preschool 754-4834. to class, clean, well-kept. Please call 254-753-5355. Studying for armed servic- 5201 Bosque Blvd (by Substitute teachers need- Rent starting at $330. Call es entrance examination. Target). (254)399-6622 ed. Morning and after- For rent: Two bedroom 754-4834. FOR SALE: Vacant lots Math or education major, noon positions available. duplex, single or double, around Baylor. Days: 254- upperclassmen preferred. Teachers also needed for See the benefits of for mature girls, Chris- 4br - Beautiful Houses on 315-3827, evenings 254- 722-5623 after school care from 3 placing your classified tian standards; quiet area. S. 3A For Lease (2800 & 799-8480. - 5:30 p.m. Apply in per- ad in the Lariat. $590 - single, $690 - dou- 2802 S. 3A) Big 5 and 4 Part-Time Leasing Agent son. 500 Webster Ave. ble, incl. utilities. 254- bedroom houses with 3 House for Rent! 2 Bed- Needed for new student Call us today! 756-6933 757-2823 and 4 bathrooms for lease! rooms, 1 Bath, Fence, Ref, housing community locat- 254-710-3407 4 The Baylor Lariat ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, September 5, 2008 UPCOMING EVENTS Post-game food, Waco Co-Op Order of Events Waco Co-Op begins at 11 a.m. at music downtown Common Grounds, 1123 S. 8th St. No cover charge. By Christina Kruse music. Lariat Staff “We combine the draws that 11 a.m. Sarah Rodgers other places have,” said Jonathan For those looking for a place Garza, heritage events planner. 11:25 Jillian to go after the Bears play against Frisco junior Brady Johnson, Edwards Northwestern Saturday, look no the lead singer of the Kappa Sig further than downtown Waco. Smoker Band, said they play ’90s 11:50 Pants on Fire Football fans can attend the rock and Texas country. Gridiron Grill, a weekly football They will cover bands like 12:15 Tintin watch party held in downtown Third Eye Blind, Eagle Eye Cher- Waco in Heritage Square on 4th ry and Pat Green. 12:40 Yay for Squares Street and Austin Ave. “Its cool to play for something “The Gridiron Grill is basically for Baylor,” Johnson said. 1:10 American the official post-game destination The Kappa Sig Smoker Band Sasquatch after the Bears play,” said Dean has also played during the Late Riley, the chief marketing officer Night at the SLC and it annually 2:05 Goodfellow of Innovation. “and official watch plays at the fraternity’s smoker party location for Bear fans.” event, the band’s namesake. 2:45 American AP Photo Dream Dropouts The Olive Branch will be cater- Next week, the KOT band will Peanuts animator Bill Melendez, seen here in his Sherman Oaks studio in Los Angeles, died Tuesday in Santa Monica, ing the event, this Saturday. play at the event, and on Sept. 19, 3:25 Johnny’s Body Calif. Melendez was the animator who gave life to the “Peanuts” characters in scores of TV specials and movies, includ- The Kappa Sig Smoker Band Piano Man will provide the musi- ing holiday classics such as “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” will provide live music from cal talent. 4:05 Waco Youth 10:30 p.m. to midnight. The Piano Man normally plays Revival There is a $5 cover charge, and at Treffs Bar and Grill. VIP passes are also available for This time, however, students 4:45 American ‘Peanuts’ animator dies at 91 $20, and VIPs can attend every don’t have to be 21 or older to History Project event for the single charge. hear him play. The Associated Press Hermosillo in the Mexican state of “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” You must be 18 years old or Garza said he hopes to see 5:25 Judas Feet Sonora. He moved with his family It lacked a laugh track, used real older to attend the watch party. more bands out of Austin play SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) — to Arizona in 1928 and then to Los children as voice actors, had a Every watch party will start for the watch party. 6:30 James Callihan Bill Melendez, the animator who Angeles in the 1930s, attending the jazz score and included a scene in after the third quarter is over. The Gridiron Grill was cre- gave life to Snoopy, Charlie Brown Chouinard Art Institute. which Linus recited lines from the Also, there will also be a big- ated in order to shift the negative 7:15 Adeline and other “Peanuts” characters in Melendez moved from Disney New Testament. screen television for the game if it perception of downtown Waco, scores of movies and TV specials, to Warner Bros. in 1941, where he The show was a ratings suc- is broadcasted live. Riley said. 8 Tastydactyls has died. He was 91. worked on Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig cess and has gone on to become a During away games, other Big “Downtown is a great place to 8:45 Reeve Hunter Melendez died of natural causes and Daffy Duck shorts. Christmastime perennial. 12 games will show on the big be,” he said. Tuesday at St. John’s Health Center, Melendez met “Peanuts” creator Melendez created Emmy-win- screen, such a Texas A&M Uni- Garza, a recent Baylor gradu- 9:30 Tambersauro according to publicist Amy Gold- Charles M. Schulz in 1959 while ning specials based on the cartoon versity or the University of Texas ate, said students often think that smith. creating Ford Motor Co. TV com- characters Cathy and Garfield, and games. there is nothing to do in Waco. 10 Ethan Durelle Melendez’s nearly seven mercials featuring Peanuts charac- was involved in animated versions “I’m not saying that you have Students, however, may visit decades as a professional anima- ters. of t he Baba r t he eleph a nt book s a nd to root for them,” Riley said. to see tor began in 1938 when he was The two became friends and the C.S. Lewis book, “The Lion, the The outdoor watch party also what is happening every week- Waco Events hired by Walt Disney Studios and Melendez became the only person Witch and the Wardrobe.” provides a different atmosphere end at Heritage Square. worked on Mickey Mouse cartoons Schulz authorized to animate his He also was co-nominee for an for those looking to go some- There is also a Facebook * Children of Eden opens and classic animated features such characters. Academy Award in 1971 for the where after the game. group, Heritage Square Events, at the Waco Civic Theater as “Pinocchio” and “Fantasia.” Melendez founded his own music for “A Boy Named Charlie It is a smokeless environ- that students can join to see tonight at 7:30. The theater is He went on to animate TV production company in 1964 and Brown.” ment and freshman can attend, what’s happening dowtown. located at 1517 Lake Air Drive. specials such as “A Charlie Brown with his partner Lee Mendelson In all, his productions earned an atmosphere most bars do not The first watch party took Tickets are $12 for adults and Christmas” and was the voice of went on to produce, direct or ani- some 19 Emmy nominations, provide, Riley said. place last week, and the turnout $10 for students and seniors. Snoopy, who never spoke intelli- mate some 70 “Peanuts” TV spe- including six awards. The Gridiron Grill brings was relatively small. gible words but issued expressive cials, four movies and hundreds of Melendez is sur v ived by his wife together several elements that “We are hoping people will * Fall Kick-Off Party fea- howls, sighs and sobs. commercials. Helen, two sons, six grandchildren are present on a weekend night talk to their friends,” through turing DJ Shay Scantron, play- Melendez was born in 1916 in The first special was 1965’s and 11 great-grandchildren. in Waco, such as food or live word of mouth, Riley said. ing electro-dance and indie- tronic music Friday at 9:30 p.m. at Common Grounds located on 1123 S. 8th street. British star, Brand, to host MTV’s Video Music Awards Sunday

* Gridiron Grill football anxious, although I’ve clinically edy that inspired MTV to tap the after-party featuring the Kappa By Sandy Cohen been declared insane on sev- relative unknown as host of its Sig Smoker Band in Heritage The Associated Press eral occasions. Perhaps my slight banner awards show, said MTV Square. $5 cover charge. Event apprehension is a mark of my Networks Music Group President begins 10:30 p.m. Saturday. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ameri- return to sanity,” he said. Van Toffler. ca, meet Russell Brand. Brand might not be exaggerat- “He is both cerebral and In his native England, he’s a ing about his diagnosis. At home straight-ahead lowbrow in the Dallas Events comedy giant — instantly identifi- he’s known for his hedonistic same sense, and he’s really got a able by his Einstein-like tousle of tendencies and drug-addled past, * Counting Crows w/ great take on American culture,” black hair and formfitting, chest- and he sought treatment for drug Toffler said. “For us it’s similar to Maroon 5 playing at the baring, glam-rock clothes — a tele- addiction and sex addiction. the first year we had Chris Rock Center, Sat- vision host and standup comic He detailed his storied history and Arsenio Hall. They were kind urday at 7 p.m. Tickets range with his own radio show and in “My Booky Wook,” a memoir of about to bust wide open. (They) from $22-$106. weekly column in The Guardian. that was a best-seller in Britain weren’t huge household names, In the U.S., he’s that British guy and is due to be published in the but they definitely brought the * Beach Boys playing at who was in the movie “Forgetting U.S. in February. edge and the unpredictability.” Morton Meyerson Symphony Sarah Marshall.” A movie version of his story has , the Jonas Broth- Center, Saturday at 8 p.m. Tick- ets are $91. But that all could change Sun- already been greenlit, but the film ers, T.I. and Pink are among the day, when Brand hosts the MTV has been put on hold while Brand AP Photo performers set to appear on the Video Music Awards — the TV juggles other projects, including live show, which begins at 9 p.m. institution that lured millions of shaping his American image. Britney Spears does a promo with Russell Brand for the Video Music Awards. EDT. viewers with Britney Spears’ fum- “I was just advised that this is Russell Brand plays host to the show,, which airs Sunday on MuchMusic. Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, bled comeback last year and her not the right time to do that due Scarlett Johansson and Michael fabled kiss with before to the content,” he said. “Also, Phelps are set to present awards. that. because really I’m getting a lot of year, Brand said. He’s reprising his ill. Spears will make an appear- Brand said he has no inten- offers to play a lot of other people “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” role This week, though, his focus is ance, and other surprises are tions to hijack the awards for his and I play myself” in the movie. in “Get Him to the ,Greek,” a film on the MTV Video Music Awards, planned, though Brand won’t offer own promotional purposes, but “Maybe that isn’t the best way for based on his rock-star character, where he hopes to create a “celebra- any hints. he knows the show will serve as the people in America to get to Aldous Snow. He’s got another tory” vibe that keeps the spotlight “I’m hoping that spontaneity his introduction to a broad Ameri- know me because that book is book in the works, and he’s keep- on the performers and winners. will play a part,” he said. “When can audience. kind of candid in some places.” ing up with his weekly newspaper “The focus will only come on you hear some of the performanc- “It’s amazing, because obvious- Besides, Brand’s schedule is column, radio show and standup to me if spontaneity ensues,” he es that they’ve got planned, there’s ly I’m not known in this country, packed. gigs back home. said. “It would be shortsighted so much technical precision so it’s a really unusual situation to He’ll appear with Adam San- “My entire life is utterly defined and narcissistic for me to make required. How on Earth are they be in,” said the 33-year-old, noting dler and Keri Russell in the Christ- by work and activity,” he said. it about me, although inevitably I going to do that? Surely some- that past hosts have been “really, mas family film “Bedtime Stories.” “Luckily I work with really tal- will a bit.” thing is going to catch fire.” really famous.” He’s also co-writing and starring ented and well-organized people, It’s Brand’s undeniable charm It might just be Brand’s Ameri- “I think I’d be insane if I wasn’t in a film Sandler will produce next otherwise I think I would become and knack for spontaneous com- can image. Courtesy of Lionsgate Films “Bangkok Dangerous,” starring Nicolas Cage, opens today in Waco theaters. The story fol- lows Joe, a hitman hired to pull off several jobs in Bangkok. Look for the review in Tuesday’s Lariat.

BOTTLE SHOCK (PG-13) DISASTER MOVIE 12:35 2:55 5:15 7:45 (PG-13) 12:40 3:05 5:20 10:05 7:35 9:40 BANGKOK DANGEROUS THE MUMMY: TOMB OF (R) 12:45 3:10 5:30 7:50 THE DRAGON EMPEROR 10:00 (PG-13)1:05 7:10 MIRRORS (R)12:50 3:35 THE STEP BROTHERS (R) 7:30 10:10 4:10 9:35 DEATH RACE (R) THE HOUSE BUNNY 12:15 2:35 5:05 7:25 9:45 (PG-13) 12:20 2:30 5:00 PINEAPPLE EXPRESS 7:20 10:05 (R) 4:15 9:30 TRAITOR (PG-13) HAMLET 2 (R) 1:10 4:20 7:15 9:50 12:55 7:00 (R) THE DARK KNIGHT 12:25 2:50 5:15 7:40 10:10 (PG-13) 1:00 4:00 7:00 JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF 10:05 THE EARTH 3D ($2 surcharge) THE LONGSHOTS (PG) (PG) 12:30 2:40 4:50 7:15 10:00 12:20 2:55 5:10 7:35 9:55 FLY ME TO THE MOON COLLEGE (R) ($2 surcharge) (G) 12:15 2:25 1:20 3:30 5:40 7:50 10:10 4:35 7:20 9:15 BABYLON A.D. (PG-13) 12:25 2:45 5:00 7:05 9:20

X-FILES (PG-13) 12:35 2:55 KUNG FU PANDA (PG) 5:15 7:30 9:55 12:40 2:45 5:05 7:25 9:40 SPACE CHIMPS (G) IRON MAN (PG-13) 12:55 12:30 5:10 7:20 7:05 WANTED (R) 2:40 9:35 HELLBOY 2: GOLDEN ARMY HANCOCK (PG-13) 12:45 2:50 7:15 9:30 (PG-13) 4:00 10:00 YOU DON’T MESS WITH INDIANA JONES (PG-13) THE ZOHAN (PG-13) 4:50 12:50 4:05 7:00 9:50 Friday, September 5, 2008 Sports The Baylor Lariat 5 Lady Bears face Prairie View A&M

By Joe Holloway Johnson. the outburst of goals against “You have to rely on the things Sports Writer “It kind of happened really Presbyterian will translate to you do right and that’s your quick,” Johnson said. “It came to more scoring against Prairie mentality,” she said. “There’s The Baylor soccer team takes me and I just hit it in the net.” View. plenty of times as a player that the field against Prairie View At 5-foot-11-inches, the mid- “I think it opens the flood- I didn’t feel confident but I was A&M University at 1 p.m. Sun- fielder has a definite advantage gates, “ Fagan said. “I think determined and I always tell the day at the Betty Lou Mays Soc- when the ball is in the air. it will start us up and get us girls ‘you don’t always have to cer Complex. “We’ve been working on her going.” be confident but you better be The Lady Bears enter the air game and trying to get her Johnson agreed, saying determined.’” match 1-2 on the season. Fresh to be more dominant in the air,” that the goals would open the “If you’re determined, you from their first win of the sea- Jobson said. “She’s been doing offense for much more scoring. can do anything.” son and the first win of new really great with that so I was She also said she hopes a win The team also hopes to bring head coach Marci Jobson’s happy to see her get a goal. She’s over Prairie View will strength- in more fans. Baylor’s home- Baylor career over Presbyterian just a great, solid player for us en the team before facing the opener only brought in 205 College. and very young.” trecherous Big 12 opponents. spectators. Compared with the “I was happy to get that win,” The other two goals came “I think our team has been season opener at the University the Southern Methodist Univer- courtesy of senior midfielder making progress every week,” of Texas at El Paso, which boast- sity alumna and former U.S. and forward Andi Fagan, the Johnson said. “I think we need ed a crowd of 1,289 people, and National Team player said. “It’s first and second of her colle- to use this game to just go in the second game of the season just great to get that monkey off giate career. and play really hard, keep our at the University of New Mexi- your back.” “I was really excited cause I’d momentum going, and get co that reeled in 904, the Lady But the first win wasn’t the never felt that feeling before,” another win so we can build Bears arent getting the crowds only monkey the Lady Bears got Fagan said. “This was awesome off that getting closer to confer- expected at a division I school. off their backs. Baylor’s three because it’s during the fall and ence.” “I would really like for the goals were also the first three we just really needed goals.” But Jobson says that her team crowds to get a lot bigger,” scores of the season. Jobson said that she was will prepare for Prairie View just Fagan said. “I think for the girls to get unaware that those were the like any other team. But no matter the size of some goals was really nice,” Job- first goals of Fagan’s career. “I don’t care if it’s Texas or the crowd Sunday, the home son said. “I feel great for her and I Prairie View, I have to get my field will give the Lady Bears an After dropping consecutive think it gives her some confi- team ready to play as I can,” she edge. losses to the University of Texas dence,” she said. said. “When we go out against “It’s always better to play in at El Paso and the University of After getting shut out in the Prairie View we’re going out to front of a home crowd,” Johnson New Mexico, the first goal of the first two games of the season, win the game.” said. “Hopefully as the season game and the season came from the Lady Bears could use some For Jobson, that means more progresses we’ll have more fans Alex Song/Lariat Staff sophomore midfielder Lindsey confidence and are hoping that than just playing confidently. show up.” Quarterback Robert Griffin prepares to take a snap during Baylor’s 41-13 loss to Wake Forest University Aug. 28. Griffin will get his first start Saturday against Northwestern State University. Bears looking to Weekly NCAA picks Week 2 exorcise Demons Picks the next game we play,” Lamb By Garrett Turner said. “It doesn’t matter who it’s Every week, the sports desk, Game Bateman Turner Holloway Song Sports writer against or what the conditions along with photographer Alex are because that’s the only Georgia Tech @ 28-17 BC 24-21 GT 24-14 BC 28-24 GT The Baylor Bears battle the game you’re guaranteed. So we Song, will select six important Northwestern State University put all our focus and work into games and predict the outcomes. Boston College Demons at 6 p.m Saturday, at that one game.” Follow all season as all four vie Floyd Casey Stadium. Coming The defensive side for the for bragging rights, and see how MIami (Fl.) @ No. 5 55-17 42-20 41-7 24-17 off a loss to Wake Forest Uni- Northwestern State Demons you fare against the Baylor Lariat Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida versity, head coach Art Briles consists of a talented and deep online at doesn’t care how the team wins, linebacker corps that will look No. 15 BYU @ 56-19 BYU 38-17 28-3 BYU 38-31 as long as it happens. to challenge freshmen quarter- “If we can win by scoring back Robert Griffin. This week Washington BYU Wash. defensive touchdowns or with the Demon defense looks to great special teams play, that is use the same defensive momen- Ole Miss @ No. 20 27-10 Wake 35-10 WF 31-10 WF 41-19 WF what we will do,” Briles said. “If tum that pressured Texas A&M Wake Forest we can win by rushing the foot- Commerce’s quarterback seven Don’t forget to visit the Baylor Lariat’s ball, that is what we will do.” times. sports ‘blog, “Covering the Spread” TAMU @ U of N.M. 37-17 TAMU 28-14 14-13 35-10 Facing a much-improved “They are known as being for in-game updates during the Baylor- Northwestern State opponent, very aggressive defensively,” Northwestern State game at: TAMU TAMU TAMU the Bears’ defense will focus Briles said. “We certainly don’t on stopping the strong skilled feel like we are in any condi- Last week’s record 4-2 4-2 5-1 2-4 positions of Northwestern tion from a mental standpoint State’s offense. The Louisiana to not give a maximum effort Overall record 4-2 4-2 5-1 2-4 school’s signal-caller, John when we step on the practice Hundley, is a dual-threat for the field. Right now, this is the only Demons. In the squad’s opener game that matters to us.” Saturday against Texas A&M Even though it’s difficult University at Commerce, he to get the sour taste from the Soccer siblings bring talents to BU had 14 carries for 84 yards and Bears season opener out of was 9-of-17 for 83 yards and a senior offensive tackle Jason By Brian Bateman With All-Big 12 goalkeeper said. “We know we can put her “It’s nice to be able to go home touchdown in a 30-14 victory. Smith’s mouth, he is ready to Sports Editor Ashley Noah still on the roster, in there and she’ll be aggres- and then ask her, ‘Hey, Lucy, how The Demons have a rushing focus on this week’s game. Gianna didn’t receive much play- sive and she’s going to do great did I play?’ and then she just attack that doesn’t solely rely at “We’re very hungry, even For most siblings, high school ing time during her freshman things on defense. I remember in straight tells me,” Gianna said. the quarterback, but the run- hungrier now,” Smith said. graduation represents more year. the spring just thinking, ‘We can ning back as well. “That’s just how our program than a new chapter in life. Like find a use for this kid.’ She’s got Byron Lawrence, the nation’s is, we’re a hungry football team a flashing neon sign, it signals some things she needs to work No. 4 leading rusher by average and we want a win.” the end of a tenuous, exhausting on, but I knew that we could find in 2008, is back for his senior On Aug. 29, Briles named relationship. a use for that type of work rate, year. Lawrence will look to Griffin the starter. He will look But not for Baylor soccer’s because that’s the thing I’m try- redeem himself from a disap- to bounce back from his first Quintana sisters. ing to build this program on.” pointing game last Saturday start ­­­­­­— and loss. For Briles, this “They’re inseparable — I don’t But one advantage for the where he had just 14 carries for week has been about making think they could go to the bath- women is having an instant con- 49 yards. A proven, productive Griffin comfortable so he may room without each other,” head nection on the squad. back, Lawrence averaged 125.2 have success at the quarterback soccer coach Marci Jobson said, “I think sometimes people yards per game last year. position. jokingly. Gianna Quintana wonder if it’s a good decision Lucy Quintana Some statistics that may “What we have to do is give Both Gianna, a junior goal- for sisters to play together, you discourage the Bears after a dis- him situations where he feels keeper, and Lucy, a sophomore “Gianna gets the job done at know, follow in each others foot- “It’s hard to find people to tell appointing loss, but according comfortable and can have suc- midfielder, began their soccer goalie,” Jobson said. “I think she steps. Coming into college, you’re you straight up.” to junior defensive end Jason cess,” Briles said. “What we’re careers in Albuquerque, N.M., came in this preseason and was already struggling with being Anyone with a sibling will Lamb, a loss that has long been working through at this time is playing for St. Pius X high school. a little nervous, then one day she a freshmen and going through know that to be true. forgotten. getting our schemes to match Outside of school, Gianna played just decided that she was going the transitions. And then espe- As teammates, sisters, class- “Our coaches always say his ability. Robert is ahead club soccer for Rio Vista, while to be more authoritative.” cially with soccer, you know you mates and even roommates, the the most important game is of the game from that stand- Lucy played for Albuquerque Her sister didn’t receive much don’t always get playing time and duo will eventually have to split. United. Both were interested time on the field either, as the sis- you’re in a new group of people “I think it’s important that we in health studies and chose the ters combined for just five game that have already been together each have our own goals,” Lucy Lady Bears soccer team based on appearances in their freshman for several years,” Gianna said. said. “We are together a lot, but that decision. years. However, in 2008, both Without that familiarity, a we each have our own goals.” “I think the scholarship sisters have competed in every player might not get necessary The Quintana sisters will take helped a little bit,” Lucy said. game this season. feedback on techniques, skills or the field again at 1 p.m. Sunday, “But everything just seemed to “Lucy’s kind of a tough and pep-talks. The sisters don’t have against Prairie View A&M Uni- come together at the right time.” rumble type of player,” Jobson that issue. versity. 6 The Baylor Lariat News Friday, September 5, 2008

SPEECH from page 1 become his trademark. unmarried daughter who is He was accompanied by his pregnant. wife, Cindy, as well as two close For the most part, McCain’s far more pointed in criticizing allies, Republican Sen. Lind- aides have kept Palin out of Obama from the convention sey Graham of South Carolina public sight while vociferously podium. and Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a defending her readiness to McCain invoked the five Connecticut Democrat-turned- become president. She emerged years he spent in a North Viet- independent. Wednesday night during prime namese prison. “I fell in love Ridge’s turn at the podium time to deliver a smiling, sar- with my country when I was came after he had been men- castic attack on Obama that a prisoner in someone else’s,” tioned prominently in specula- generated roars of approval and he said. “I was never the same tion about a running mate. acceptance‚ from the delegates. again. I wasn’t my own man That was an honor that went McCain won the presidential anymore. I was my country’s.” unexpectedly to Palin, the first nomination late Wednesday The last night of the McCain- female vice presidential candi- night in an anticlimactic vote Palin convention also marked date in party history, a 44-year- that followed a campaign last- the end of an intensive stretch old Alaska governor virtually ing most of a decade. of politics with the potential to unknown nationally a week In one of the most remark- reshape the race. ago. able comebacks in recent times, The Arizona senator paid a In the days since, she has he recovered to win the New brief visit to the Xcel center at faced a storm of scrutiny, some Hampshire primary in early mid-afternoon to check out a of it relating to her tenure January, then wrapped up the speaking podium remade over- as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, nomination on Feb. 5 with big- night to capture the intimacy and her time as governor, but state pr imar y victor ies on Super City of of a town-hall meeting that has most involving her 17-year-old Tuesday.

Parks and Recreation. Members of the community FOSSILS from page 1 Waco The $3.4 million project predict renewed local interest was funded through donations and economic growth to come born Museum Complex. and fundraising efforts. Fur- from the development. The bones were in danger of ther plans for the site, possibly “I think it’s a great thing for ‘digs’ water damage, so the first struc- including future excavation Baylor and Waco to continue to ture to be built is a metal cover research, will come with more strengthen their relationship. to protect them from rain. funding, according to the Web Opening up something like this Shanna Taylor/Lariat staff The new protection is part of site. would be great for our economy fossils the first phase of development, “Three and a half million and our community,” said Allan which also includes walkways dollars is remarkable. There are Marshall, director of communi- Caution: Slippery when wet for access, restrooms, drainage many more opportunities ahead ty development for the Greater Allen, Tex. junior Lance Case hits the slip n’ slide at the Engineering and Computer Science Department’s improvements, parking areas, an of us due to the contributions Waco Chamber of Commerce. ‘Beach Bash’ Thursday evening. entry road and utility improve- that have been made,” DuPuy Mayor DuPuy predicted simi- ments, according to wacomam- said. lar development in Waco from The National Park Ser v ice has the site’s progress. A visitor’s center, a catwalk published a study with the intent “I told them that I can’t imag- with an unobstructed view of the of getting the site designated as a ine 68 thousand years ahead IRAQ from page 1 home from Iraq, it was “a sour- “I just want people to know bones, “interpretive plaza” and national park. It is under public but I can imagine 68 years. This sweet feeling,” Kerr said. that there is a real cost to what an outdoor area for children, are review to determine what desig- will have such a major impact “I was excited to go home we’re doing in Iraq on our side also being built. Construction nation to give the site. The study on Waco. It will bring entrepre- are still a few things Kerr miss- and see my family, but I was and on the other side,” Kerr will be complete in about a year, will be sent to Congress by the neurs to the area. We have a lot es. sad because of what I was hav- said. “I think that all of us said Jonathan Cook, marketing end of the year for approval, more envisioning and a lot more “The weirdest thing I miss is ing to leave behind,” Kerr said. can learn from their sacrifices coordinator of the City of Waco Cook said. work to do,” she said. the sound of helicopters arriv- Kerr encourages any help to make our world a little bit ing and taking off from base,” that can be given to the sol- better through community ser- Kerr said. diers who are affected by the vice, donations or whatever it December, after ongoing clini- grant by General Mills to test When it was time to return Iraq war. may be.” CURVES from page 1 cal trials at Baylor’s ESNL are the impact of Curves brand completed. cereals on weight loss. While Baylor will maintain “We’re still finishing up a Dr. Rafer Lutz , assistant pro- candle design.” Allen said. um’s artist description. the ESNL, the Curves research little bit of Curves research at fessor of health, human perfor- ART from page 1 Tilton received his doctor- “Tilton’s work is seamless,” and funding will follow Kreider Baylor,” Kreider said. “But we’ve mance and recreation, will fill ate in mathematics at the Uni- Chambers said. “It fascinates to Texas A&M University, where done studies before that have Kreider’s position as interim The final exhibit in the versity of Florida. me to think I am going to be he will recreate his own lab. multi-sites, and we’ll keep in chair of the department. gallery is John Tilton’s ceram- He was first aquainted with learning how to do art like it The first phase of the move touch with personnel through “Dr. Kreider is a very prolific ics. clay as an artistic medium 40 this semester.” was completed in August when videoconferencing.” researcher,” Lutz said. “We will “I like his the best because years ago. He earned a master’s The Martin Museum of Art Kreider and his team restarted Kreider said the remaining miss him and his research very of the different techniques he degree in fine arts from the is located in Hooper Schaefer some of the clinical trials. The research at Baylor also includes much. He was a strong advocate uses for the globe, round, ball University of South Florida in Fine Arts Center. Admission to second phase will finish in the completion of a $420,000 for his department.” resemblance, along with the 1972, according to the muse- the exhibit is free.

Baylor loses Curves research program, relocates to A&M

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