
Broadsheet The Fete is Coming - get involved

May 2015 No 419

Page 1 Gladys & Gareth Jacques In the afternoon of Easter Sunday, 5th April 2015, a small gathering of family and friends of the Jacques and members of the Biddestone and Branch of the Royal British Legion met in Biddestone Cemetery to share in a short commemorative service led by Alison Flint. We gathered around the flow- ing cherry tree planted there by the RBL in 2013 to mark Gladys' 90th birth- day and it was the perfect spot to inter their ashes there together. A plaque was placed at the foot of the tree, dedicated to the memory of Gladys and Gareth and to honour their long years of service to this village and the RBL. Long may they rest in peace.

D-Day Lunch The Committee of the Royal British Legion Biddestone and Slaughterford Branch are pleased to an- nounce that we will again be holding our Annual Dinner to mark the anniversary of D-Day at The White Horse, Biddestone on Friday 5th June 2015 at 7.30 pm. Members, families and friends are very welcome to join us to enjoy good food, fellowship and more! A full menu and prices will be available nearer the time for you to select the courses of your choice. Details will be circulated to members as soon as possible. If you are interested please give me a ring or email me: Jill Baylis, Branch Treasurer and Secretary 01249 715391 or [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you on 5th June.

Page 2 May 2015

LENT LUNCH Thank you to all who came to the Lent Lunch in St Nicholas on 4th March and for your generous do- nations to Shelter Box. A total of £100 was raised and sent to the charity.

FOUND Some money was found (Sunday 26 Apr) on Green Lane between sports field and football training pitch Phone


The Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council are looking for a person who would be willing to give a small amount of time to co-ordinate the Biddestone Village website. This would entail keeping the information up to date (such as upcoming village activities, announcements, Parish Council Minutes and other information for the community). This website is a very useful vehicle for circu- lating news and information and needs someone to ‘keep it alive’. If you feel you would like to take this small task on, we would be very grateful. Please call Gill Stafford on 713103 . Thank you.The Parish Council


Yatton Keynell’s famous Wrong Way Round bike ride is back for 2015, and the citizens of extend a warm invitation to the citizens of Biddestone to come and take part. There's a choice of long and short distances, with options for keen cyclists and total beginners - and everyone in between. At the village hall there will be a bar, some stalls and activities for the kids. Spectators and non-riders are welcome to come and enjoy the festival atmosphere. All profits to local communi- ty groups. All the details available here: www.yattonkeynell.com/wrong-way-round

Biddestone Village Hall & Recreation Trust

Available now Allotments

One Half size plot with chicken wire fences

For further details contact David on: 01249 701311 or 07885 556559

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There is still time to join the Grand Biddestone Garden Opening for a charity of your choice. This is not a competition and all gardens – big or small – are invited to open their gates!

This will take place on the weekend of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July.

Would you be able to open your unique garden for the benefit of others? Would you be willing to help in other ways?

Any enquiries please contact Di Webb on 715963.

P.S. Di wonders where her wooden daisies have gone from last time. She would love a bunch to appear outside her house!

Thank you.


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Record of Biddestone & Hartham W.I. Meeting held on 15th April 2015

Valerie Ringham chaired the meeting in the absence of President, Jo Hancock, who had her family over from New Zealand. Apologies received from Georgina Alston, Jo Hancock and Pat Humphreys. The Record of the previous meeting was read and approved. Matters arising For the Plant and Cake Stall to be held on the Green on the 25th May, Valerie Ringham has designed attractive posters which have been put up around the village. Members were asked to put their names on the rota list, and also give details of cakes they will provide. Plants and cakes to be labelled and priced. There will be a few craft items as well. Correspondence A large amount of mail had been received, much of it concerned with the AGM in June and the Resolution to be debated in May. The Agenda for the AGM had been received. The Resolution needs to be read and understood before the May meeting and the result of the voting must be sent to the Link Delegate from Hardenhuish WI. It has been arranged for the WI Adviser to be present, but written confirmation is still awaited. There is to be a WI Centenary Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on 2nd June, but owing to a letter not having been received from WI House, and subsequent confusion it was too late to ballot members for a place. There will be two Membership Open Days at the London HQ on 25th and 26th November, morning and afternoon sessions. The cost is £5 and a booking form had been received. There was information on the WI Climate Change Campaign with a DVD. An order form for the WI Guide had been received and it was decided to apply for a copy at a cost of £5. There will be two visits to Westbury Dairies on 22nd and 29th September. Cost £5. Finance The balance stands at £976.01.

Tea was then served and the second part of the afternoon was devoted to "Food and Fiction". There was a great variety of food to taste and then followed a very interesting time listening to readings ranging from Priestley to Shakespeare, John Betjeman to Longfellow. An interesting article was read about a project where three primary schools were encouraged to write a book together, under supervision, and its subse- quent publication, and a poem written by a WI member in 1971 to celebrate this Institute's Golden Jubilee. It was a spontaneous selection by members and the diversity proved very enjoyable. There were also three drawings of fruit in response to this month's 'challenge'. Valerie thanked everyone for their contributions, and the meeting closed at 4.20pm



Clerk Mrs Mary Norton 155 Queens Crescent Wilts Tel. 01249 650979 Fax. 01249 650979 Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7th April 2015, at Biddestone Village Hall, at 7.00pm Apologies Cllr J Scott (WC) Present All Cllrs were present Declaration of Interest None Minutes The minutes of the meeting on 3rd March were signed after a minor spelling amendment Public Question Time No members of the public were present Matters Arising The dog waste bin requested for Slaughterford is now in place, but has not been emptied. Some general waste has also been deposited in the bin. The ‘Duck signs have not yet been erected Traffic Calming: Mr Hamilton-Baillie is at present on sick leave, probably until May, resulting in the date for his visit not yet having been arranged. Cllr Draper will liaise on this matter, it is hoped that a date in late summer will be possible (CD) Chairman’s Announcements The defibrillator is now in place, and the Chairman is undertaking the twice weekly checks. These are reported to S W Ambulances. In the Chairman’s absence the checks will be dealt with either by Cllrs Smith, Juniper or Madley.

Cuttle Lane: Plans have been received and the Parish Council has been asked for comments before the commence- ment of the work, expected in late summer. Cllrs agreed that the plans appeared to be workable, and the Chairman will email Martin Rose with the Council’s comments. SLCC: The Clerk confirmed that her mem- bership application had been submitted and that she was awaiting a reply. Honeycombe Notes: A volunteer to forward these is needed for April and Cllr Smith agreed to undertake this. They are needed by the 18th of the month at the latest. PC Cluster meeting: Cllr Williams will attend the meeting on15th April. Open Spaces Survey: Cllr Smith will report on this (TS) Older People’s Housing Survey: The Chairman will reply to WC (GS) Planning Elliott’s Barn: The letter from WC has been circulated, after some discussion in which the need for an independent view, conservation area and ANOB were mentioned, it was agreed that the Chairman would circulate views to be forwarded to WC, for Cllrs comments (GS) Bay Tree Cottage: Cllr Juniper attended the recent meeting and said that the previous support by the Parish Council had been withdrawn because planning officers did not listen to the Parish Council’s opinions. Cllr Sturgis for WC said that it was likely that any appeal against the decision not to allow would be likely to be allowed. The Chairman will write to Cllr Scott saying the Parish Council is not happy with the process of this matter (GS) No. 3, Slaughterford Road: retrospective conservatory replacement, after some discussion the decision was ‘no comment’ Mountjoy Farm: proposal to close existing access and open new access. The Chairman will send details of the re- quired response to the Clerk (GS) Garden Cottage, The Butts: Removal of an ornamental willow tree- no objections Reports Chippenham Area Board; In 2014 WC signed up to Local Government Association’s local climate Initiative to re- duce fuel poverty, lower the carbon footprint, promote sustainable transport and support people and places to deal with the consequences of climate impacts. To date 1400 homes have been insulated. Approximately 600 planning applications for renewable technologies have been approved. The Council has attracted£1.4 million external funding for carbon reduction projects. WC has invested £4.1 million in 112 projects to save energy, with a carbon saving, and fuel reduction costs of £730,000 in annual energy costs. Chippenham Core Strategy was adopted in January and the six weeks challenge period ended on 3rd March. A total of 2600 homes are needed in Chippenham within twelve years, with 26.5 hectares of employment land. The consul- tation ends on 8th April. There are no plans for development to the west of A350

The closing date for CAB Community awards is 25th May, nomination for the recognition of hard working individu- als, groups or organisations are sought. The Salisbury Parade celebrating the Magna Carta on 15th June will end with a nod to the White Horses of . The Chippenham Campus feasibility study has been financed and commenced. The Area Board meeting on 27th April will focus on youth with an update of the benefits of grants for music, arts etc. (Cllr de Fossard) Corsham Area Board: The Dementia Centre is to be in Salisbury Child sexual exploitation- awareness training is available

Page 8 Chippenham Planning - 1000 houses to be built in the Lacock/Corsham area The N E relief road consultation ends on 7th April The Range - an historic site has been discovered, there is some confusion on the status of the A350 westward as a boundary line P S Ben Higgins is now in charge of Calne and Corsham police There is a Magna Carta procession in Salisbury on 15th June, local celebrations are encouraged. Roads/Transport/Greens: The timetable board is now in place but the information is not correct and it is hoped that the revised details will soon be available. The Clerk will write to Mike Chrystal to thank him for repairing the timeta- ble board so quickly. (MN) Faresaver has cancelled the 13.20 pm bus from Chippenham as from 30th March. The 11.20 from Chippenham is now at 11.25. The no. 35 service to will go via Biddestone if asked, on its 12.10 route from Chippen- ham. Parish Steward: Richard Dobson has confirmed that Weavern Lane will be closed on June 9th (to be confirmred) for re-surfacing. Users of the lane have been informed. It is assumed that this will take a few days. Cllrs Smith, Madley and Short will review the situation regarding the wild orchids. (Cllrs TS, CM & AS) Slaughterford: At the community day on 12th March, two hours of the Parish Stewards time was allocated to Slaughterford. Mud was cleared from around drains and one grip was deepened. Water is still collecting at the bottom of Thickwood Road , but field run-off is the likely cause. Drains at the bottom of the village were cleared early in the month, but will need constant maintenance. Drains in Germains Lane have not yet been cleared, rails on fences to river and High Bank still need to be replaced, and undermining of part of the footpath on Highbank still needs to be addressed. The Parish Steward has also reported a potential sinkhole. The Council has also installed a dog waste bin, and have been seen emptying it. Police/Speedwatch: There is no police report, however the speedwatch started last week

Village Hall: Cllr Juniper reported that at the last committee meeting there was nothing that affected the Par- ish Council Bybrook School: The school had its SIAMS, Church equivalent of Ofsted, inspection two weeks ago. The school again received a glowing report and was awarded ‘Outstanding’ There is a special meeting to be held on 14 April

Toilets: The building and electrical work has been completed, the facilities have been cleaned but there are still issues which require a plumber, and new toilet roll holders. In addition there is no cleaner. An advertisement has been put in the Broadsheet and on Facebook; however a contractor is required not an employee. Opening times need to be agreed CATG: There has been a lot of work outside of the Parish Council meetings and the Chairman thanked all those involved. Cllrs Juniper, de Fossard and Williams met Martin Rose on 18th March to discuss and agree changes to the signage in an around Slaughterford. The following suggestions were made:

1 ‘Unsuitable for HGVs’ signs to be installed on the verge to the right of the entry to Challows lane in Bid- destone and ‘Single track road No passing places for miles’ on the outskirts of the village 2 ‘No Through Road’ sign at the entry to Weavern Lane at the junction of Dukes Hill, Germains Lane. 3 Euridge crossroads on Thickwood Road, to left of road entry- combined HGV and single track road sign 600mm x 1550mm blue and white. 4 Ford, to left of entry to Common Hill - combined sign 600mm 150 blue and white 5 At Giddea Hall, on verge to right just after the ‘T’ junction - unsuitable for HGVs’ sign as in 1 on the same posts as the Slaughterford direction sign. 5a On Slaughterford Road, past the junction with Toplands Farm Road, restore or replace the single track road sign. 6 Two Slaughterford signs to be replaced, with new signs incorporating advice to drive carefully through the village. Martin Rose has estimated a maximum cost of £2200, of which the Parish Council would be expected to contribute 25% - i.e. £550.00 (agreed by Council). Subject to Parish Council approval, draft proposals are to be submitted to the CATG meeting on 7th April, and it is hoped that the signs will be installed in June. Weight limit signs in Biddestone were also discussed. The broken sign on the A4520 and some of the existing signs are to be replaced. The Clerk will email Vicky Welsh to confirm this and send copies to Cllrs Stafford and Williams (MN) Biddestone & Slaughterford into the Future a)Risk Assessment: The proposed document circulated by the Chairman was approved, Cllr Madley will update the website (CM) b)Biddestone & Slaughterford Standing Orders The document circulated by the Chairman was approved c)Biddestone & Slaughterford Financial Regulations These were approved d) Beetley Code of Conduct A similar ‘code’ to be named ‘Biddestone and Slaughterford Code of Conduct’ was approved subject to correcting (MN).

Page 9 Councillor Roles These were agreed as: Planning: Cllr Juniper with input as required from Cllr Williams Village Hall oversight: Cllr Stafford Chippenham Area Board: Cllr de Fossard Corsham Area Board Cllr Smith Parish Steward: Cllr Madley Bybrook School Governor: Cllr Draper Police and Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Short (who will speak to Di Webb regarding Neighbourhood Watch) Toilets: Cllr Stafford Financial Oversight: Cllr Mullens CATG & Roads: Cllr Williams Other Items; Responsibility for these will be determined as and when they arise.

Correspondence: The Chairman has circulated details of an appeal to save the ‘RUH Hopper’ bus, it is for individuals to decide if they wish to support this Accounts and General finance: As Mrs Margaret Beswick is no longer able to be the internal auditor Cllr Draper will approach another person. Accounts must be submitted by 8th June. The toilet account bank statement as at 31 March 2015 is still awaited. The Clerk will chase this.. Cheques for authorisation were: J Press £1499 for work on the toilets Waycott £456 “ “ “ “ “ Ballinger £3319.30 for work on the toilets Mrs G Stafford £39.75 reimbursement for supplies for the toilets Clerk - salary £626.70 and expenses £67.01 (3 months to 31/3/15 Next meeting: The AGM on Tuesday 5th May, at 7.00 pm, in the Village Hall


Thank you to Mel for her hospitality in April. Nothing like discussing a book in good company while looking out on a beautiful garden!

On May 18th the meeting will be at 7.15p.m. at Angela’s house in Slaughterford to discuss The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. We shall be reading a classic in June: Silas Marner by George Eliot. If you have any questions please phone Diane on 712105.

THE SWALLOWS Tableau at Twilight All day - when early morning shone With every dewdrop its own dawn And when cockchafers were abroad I sit in the dusk. I am all alone. Hurtling like missiles that had lost their road - Enter a child and an ice-cream cone. The swallows twisting here and there Round unseen corners of the air A parent is easily beguiled Upstream and down so quickly passed By sight of this coniferous child. I wondered that their shadows flew as fast. The steeplechased over the bridge The friendly embers warmer gleam, And dropped down to a drowning midge The cone begins to drip ice cream. Sharing the river with the fish, Although the air itself was their chief dish. Cones are composed of many a vitamin. Blue-winged snowballs! until they turned My lap is not the place to bitamin. And then with ruddy breasts they burned; All in one instant everywhere, Although my raiment is not chinchilla, Jugglers with their own bodies in the air. I flinch to see it become vanilla. Cockchafer=large brown beetle Coniferous child, when vanilla melts Andrew Young I’d rather it melted somewhere else.

Exit child with remains of cone. I sit in the dusk. I am all alone, Thanks to Hilary Noyes for the poem selection. Muttering spells like an angry Druid, Alone, in the dusk, with the cleaning fluid

Ogden Nash

Page 11 Dates for your Diary

9 May Haydn The Creation, Malmesbury Abbey Tickets available from Ronnie Robinson 19.30 10 May Biddestone Manor NGS Open Gardens 14.00 18 May Biddestone Book Club 19.15 25 May WI Plant & Cake Sale on the Green 11.00 - 14.00 5 Jun RBL D-Day Dinner — White Horse 12/14 Jun Corsham Walking Festival 14 Jun Wrong Way Round Bike Ride Yatton Keynell 27 Jun Biddestone Fete - Wiltshire’s best! 11 Jul Biddstock Festival Sports Ground 18/19 Jul Biddestone Open Gardens

Church Services for May

ST. NICHOLAS, BIDDESTONE 3 Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. 10 Worship for Everyone Together 09.30 a.m. 17 Morning Praise 9.30 a.m. Evensong 6.00 p.m. 31 Cluster Holy Communion at Kington St Michael 9.30 a.m. 7 Jun Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.

Every Wednesday morning there is a service at 9.15 a.m. This is either Holy Communion or Morning Prayer and includes prayers for the suffering.

ST. NICHOLAS, SLAUGHTERFORD 10 BCP Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. 31 Cluster Rogation Service 11.00 a.m. 14 Jun BCP Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.


Copy date 2nd Sun in month delivered to any committee member or by email to [email protected]

Editorial Committee [email protected] Stewart Entwistle (Editor) Challows House 715887 Mary Mullens (Treasurer) Parker Farm Bungalow 714399

Carolyn Madley Stonehaven The Gren 712831 Judy Priest 2 Little Challows 713469

Di Webb Owl Cottage 715963

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