Western Washington University Western CEDAR The Planet Western Student Publications Spring 1991 The Planet, 1991, Volume 20, Issue 03 Michael J. Lehnert Western Washington University Associated Students Environmental Center, Western Washington University Follow this and additional works at: https://cedar.wwu.edu/planet Part of the Environmental Sciences Commons, Higher Education Commons, and the Journalism Studies Commons Recommended Citation Lehnert, Michael J. and Associated Students Environmental Center, Western Washington University, "The Planet, 1991, Volume 20, Issue 03" (1991). The Planet. 5. https://cedar.wwu.edu/planet/5 This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Student Publications at Western CEDAR. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Planet by an authorized administrator of Western CEDAR. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. liilllMMK ^iRCMrvEs: Bagels and juice By Sara Olason I’m sure Bill Lane has tasted fancier fare. Spread on the table before him was a student-style lunch of apple Juice, bagels, cookies and smoked tofu. As former U.S. Ambassador to Aus tralia and recently retired pub lisher of Sunset magazine. Bill had us aspiring young journalists somewhat awestruck -- especially when he displayed the palm-sized telephone he kept tucked in a breast pocket for calls around the globe. But that simple lunch we shared with Bill in March was a bonus, giving a dozen students a chance to learn from his experi ence in publishing, public service and conservation. L. W. “Bill” Lane Jr. has been a door-to-door Sunset salesman, mountain guide and packer, naval L to R., Gary Gray, LW.