EDITOR’S NOTE growNORTHWEST Time to grow, and happy holidays! "Kind words can be short and easy life, while supporting those in the December 2019 to speak, but their echoes are truly community and doing more for Volume 10, Number 8 endless." –Mother Teresa yourself. It was important to focus on the local goodness we have here P.O. Box 414 e launched Grow North- in our northwest corner, share Everson, WA 98247 the many stories and information phone: (360) 398-1155 west from our kitchen email:
[email protected] table in early 2010, around us, and how to be sup- online: www.grownorthwest.com Wmy baby daughter in my lap and portive, involved, and inspired if my toddler son running around. I so called to. A lot has happened Grow Northwest is locally owned laugh when looking back on this since that first issue (quick note: and operated by Becca Schwarz Cole because logically it wouldn't seem I'm still often working from our and Brent Cole. The magazine is pub- like the best time to start a new kitchen table, and we grew to have lished 11 times a year. No content can three children running around, be reproduced without the expressed business – the exhaustion, other written consent of the publishers. Copy- work and family responsibilities, the oldest of which is now 13 years right ©2010-2019. the risks, and no financial backing. old and 4 inches taller than me, Subscriptions are available by Then I laugh some more because and growing taller every day) but mail for $36 per year (11 issues).