THE PACIFIC the: PAoinc (Commercial SUbcrtiscr (Lflinnurdal gbbcriiscr 13 PUBLISHED BY rCULlfliEI AT Uonolalu, THE C. Hawaiian Iluiit P. ADVERTISER CO. yVclxrortlMliic. Kvory Saturday Morninir. rtntoa of 1 1 m. m S m. J a. 1J m. Tow- - "" Kub.i-rtpil.n- .. paid when ti I II 111 II . ' ). . 1 11 1 1 3 U e 10 " tos-Ai- (' 0 f 10 4 $ 00 04 tJ.ju 1 ' 'oe,.i.iio,, 1 j,.r 2 K ii. . 'f ti i li . M .t tu 4 ! a o 10 ia 00 h. 1 ,lao ;,r. 2 c.i 4 o n iu T (.'. 10 (Ml. 00 !! S n I ri I. Ml 1 tt r. . 3 i"( i 16 ',r, W?lnlM. I.(HI la rar. d.t 6 to I Hi Id 00 34 00 Liti Ifi'ur !o ). 4 t0 It IU lil 04) 16 00, Ji) OO 16 Uumit tilumn.... A CO 10 0t 14 00 18 04) M W 40 00 (Hi W) 1 e TVril unio 12 00 Ti OOj S6 00 60 00 !ir'"' prt.-- apera i r'P"n f..r t forwarded to any part C lumn U til .0 00 24 00 0 00 46 00 16 00 V 14 4 I Il:f l!UU u P annum, tr M MO voids taclivlca poata. rio is Dt5cr, ho t'tuain IS 00 10 46 00 76 OO.IuO 00 160 M I r A.lTer:i r. re.i.lmc in the Fastern Coiled Ftatea, caa Daily Pacific f ty I' r ilinr t y niriciu lirrenbac.s nr I'nitad cUaut) Commercial Atyertiser. u.-- rtife ftanif. f' r aruounl as their wish to pay and Uilr n can'.s will t intercept as table, for Ult tiros paid Pr annn-- 13 Go rr atKre lot fli month. 1 T".."'!'."."'.'.Z'." 5 00 IT Ru. res. Card., when rsirsip roa a Tim, art frr month.. i Wl a'lowe.l a discount frvm ttir.e rat i, which arc tor Iraaaleat adtenisenu tits wt.en puid or charged quarterly. Dally ana 0 25 vstrkly toother to on subucriber. per 20, capita f the AurskTissa. Ten Cents wbea charrsa 12 oo VOL. XXVI-N- O. 17. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, .MAY ISS2. WHOLE NO. 13o5. Fifteen Cents; by the d.i en. One Dollar. VtTcrfmital. Cimmnnlctlon frotu all parts of the Pacific will iinrss Caris. Rlffbanical. ictfl.s' ami rashravnat.:;. always txi Tery acceptable. IV Perr,n residing a ny pt Cjf the Tbitfrl ritataa can lb amonnt r,f sub. liptioo due for these JOHN RUSSELL, THE CITY OF LONDON papers la American stamp.. DOCTOR KRAFT. J. D. LANE'S ASTOR HOUSE T" Corr.mnnleatlona.honM h kMrnxil. an.I a FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. (14, to r H. HAYiiLLDF-N-. Manager for tbe ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. BUILDER, PAC1FIFU! PHYSICIAN & SURGEON COMMERCIAL. AOVKBTI.3ER COMPANY. No. 3 MEKWixr sniEEr. cjitvf.u or F sr Steam Boilers, Capital. $5,000,000. r2o ly rim j I FROM Furnaces, LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. RIOHABDF." Kristiania University, Norway, AXD MOKiStON," ,b!i-.),.-- Having e- -t an Agency here, th ur leraifned U rn-- The Sad Fate f Lltateaaot De and kl Met So. I KcLoi opposite the Ljrfam. Ranges Set, & PA11LDRS authored l. ip' n.k. scu..t Fire, en BalMlaaa, La? Attorney and Counselor at Law. trfit. mmiE MGH Mrri liniiili.e, I ' r t , rr . rtc , on th n.rt broratila Washington, May 5. Secretary BRICK STONE WORK temis. Lo.-.i- . piompt ly a ljuied and pjlile Lere. Chandler TIO.YEY on and My C. FRF.r. lo-nig- m te Lt:D MOKrUIGKS or HOLDS. JS : O. IIKRUKR, received trie following telegram O FFI C K HOUR Dne on rcavnab'e term. Ncs. "G anu 7S Hotel Slreits. apl ly dmyl Afrnt, Hawaiian Wlaoda. XT OFilCK, NO. 41 MERCHANT 8THEKT. iroru engineer .Melville, iateI Irkutsk jtn Z A OfEre. MayJith: my ii 8o KUO.M 9 TO .4. M.. M FROM 0 TO Address i Emma Square, or through the Pout 81 dlr Jinl HART OROTHER Lena Delta, March 24, 1882. FouuI De S I. M.. EXCEPT SCX U A VS. .Proprietors. G ElTA?rTxOYD deaij. CECIL BROWN, - Iong and party, FoQnd all papers IT G- "X" --CI XI Ti. ! MARINE. INSURANCE aim uookj. in continue Hearcn for Uhipp A TTOK NKt' M)l()L'.SKI,OR AT L. 4 W N I 2! 3m BSIj Board by the Day, Week or Transient CO., OF BERLIN. 31ELVILLE. iX. NOTAKV PCBLIC an-- 1 g-- nl t;r Caking Ackanirlcdz N. F. BURGESS D'tu of loatrnmenta fur the liUu l of Oaba. lYIARBrjE: New York, May 5. Cable specials to No. S Kabamaua Iftrert, II'oolaia, II. I. 80 C. WORKS. the hi AFONG, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, BETilKI. STREET, NEAR KING. I'Oin'UNA jierfiui irom irKuiK, Jlay 4, nays . that the MPOKTElt.WHOIiES.lliE AND KETaiI. KOE-S- Fire-pro- SHOP, NO. 84. KING STREET. OPPOSITE M.J. omcera ami crew or me iot icoiigers were WILLIAM 0. SMITH, I Dealer ia 0-ti- M?rchan!ie of Store. Naua BILLIARDS, GENERAL INSURANCE CO., OF BERLIN. camped a ja3 HI dinyl GIVEN" N LI. short distance from St. Lawrence e KIXOSOE Cisrars. Ciernrnttos Tnliorr.rt i ESTIMATES reqaired; Offices and St"re3 fil.e l up EV.AEM U mid liay. There no dauger of the crew starv 1-nw- M. ROBISttOS. FACTURE ' '1'HK slKIVi: INM KANfK 8. c. AI.LCS. r. RS lii-.i...- 9 in the latest Eastern Styles. i . a a .COMI'IMEI ing. JSttOfiiay sit OF il.,..,..l a.L j & OUCia VVULUI C I li'ieu, ui'iiero ak'I'Is, are uiutrised to last The Rvuzcrs. XO. 38 I K KC I! A XT STREET. ALLEN ROBINSON, IIKPAIRIXG OF K KKY DF.Sf KIPTI0X JIOXniEiTS. ULllUr ICeUXl lUKS. Mks a?alnt (he I.iii?er of the .Seas at the nest Washington, May 4. Secretary Chan-dl- er ROBINSON'S WHARF". DEALERS IN Djne in the best poille manner, an! at reasonable r;iej. HONOLULU. AT LLMBr.ll an.I all kinds of BCILbl.NO MATERIALS UARDEN OK.NA.VfcNTS of all kiikls rua ie toorder. Saws HEADSTOXES, TOJIBS, Keasunable Uatrs, aud on the Moil has received the following dispatch from Oil9, Nads, &c. died and set. MEALS SERVED IN FIRST CLASS warn tr Pair.ts, &e., TABLETS, MARBLE MAXTELS, STYLE I'aiorable Term. Lieutenant Berry, commander of the United acssM roa SCHOONERS N. IJ. Persona attention will be given to the moving of a' experience in the Lantern apl ly V. A. dCII AKFr R Co .nenrral AfeoU. Kfl.AM.4XU, kinds of buil.:iii29 ' Hvintc had WASHSTAXD AT A I.I. Mates search steamer Kougers: States. I feel confident I can give satisfaction to the most fas TOPS, and Hill Its. - J. M. DAVIDSON, KKKAULUOHI Irkutsk, May 4. 1SS2- tidious. rg-JJroi- uou MARY KI.LKN, XT Orders left at my shop or residence will receive prompt Tiling in White & Black nENRY J. HART, (jal 81) Kl. LIS A. 11 AR 1. XZnuilou Hon. . Hunt, icrttary ofthe JVary, ikttoruoy .t Xjfiw, PAUAIII. attienton. Best of references civen. Marble. po2S Honolulu. axfitnaton: I he Jtodgers was de ljrr dmyl 24 Mrrrhnnl Strrrf. FAIRY QCEKN, Ile.ideDce, 21S Fort Street, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY MARBLE WORK OF EVERY stroyed by fire, originating in the fore hold, CI LAM A Orders from the other islands eolicited. DESCRIPTION M. & ap 16, 6in rg'UK (Mii:usi(;m:d BKKV on November IJOth. The efforts to save the PHILLIPS Co., LKAUI MADE TO ORDKR AT TIIK M Appoiuied Aentaol the above uavin;Company, ars ureDarad to r .4 NO V IIOL.KM t f.E OK I.- - ! J:i9J Honolulu, Havalian Islands. dmyl in.are sks scHiin.1 tire, on Mont and lirirk liisllsl were unavailing. people a ' no. I on sh'p The landed IMPORTERS Short. Mf-n'- r.d Lowest iMrirliiimli.r stored t in r. In. on Ilia moat !lai, Possible Rates l.i. or apply with difficulty through young ice, and are Vaoey Qooda. (j d181) So. 11 Kaahumana St.. Ilocolulii ; TEL ftvortl'le leims. t p.rlieiilar. at the olllce of F. A. SIIAEFEK & CO., ITEB1TID h "1 )' F. A. cCll AKkKH CO. now quartered at natives' houses. A little dmyl CHR. GERTZ, Jlonnnients and Headstones Cleaned and Beset. m k SO FORT STREET. -- clothing and one month's provisions were JOHN W. KALUA, Importers! Commission Merchants 47 Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 4 jan 1 81 NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE saved. Native food is abundant, and there TTORXEV A X l COL'.VSEMiOR AT Importer and Dealer in is no dancer of starving:. The bearer of the m. LAW. HONOLULU, H. I. BOYS' INSURANCE CO.. Aftnl lo take arknowMginents of iastrumenta for the CENTS' CONCHEE & ACHAT. PROPRIETORS, dispatch is en route. R. N. Berrt. IslaoJ of Maui. Also Agent to tke acknowledgments fjr E. D. THOMAS. or LONDON AM) i:i)INIUIU(3II. Labor Contracts for the District of Wailuku. jixal 81 LADIES', MISSES - Sredni Kolymsk. Siberia, March, 6. 1SS2. if NO. 84, HOTEL STRELT, HONOLULU. C. C. COLEMAN, and CHILDREN'S ESTABLISHED, lb 01 May 6. Dublin, Lord Frederick Caven S. 1 JOHN McGREW, M. D., AND MACHINIST. 1 ; CA VIVA I. 12.000.000 dish, the new Chief secretary for Ireland, BLACKSMITH BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS 7it 3 TJ. Irruiiiululril niU Inirslrd Fsittd, l,09T,S4 and Thomas Henry Jiurke, Under Secre LATK SUUO A10l A LSO v Horse Shoeing, r tary, were stabbed to death in l'hmix Park, Can be conal:e.l at hi Resilience on Hotel street. r?: rf CooIc.ta rilllE I NT) 10 It S I ( X E l HAVE UK EN A P i:' JB POINTED AOENTtMor Sandwich Dublin, early last evening. There is no clue dmyl) between Alakea and Fort streets. jani si j the Islands. and an cj5Li'r,uiro V ficiitV Hoots & SIioc authorised to Insure airaiiist Fire upon favorable terms. to the who are reported to be four ' orJi, acc tlcst Kept jo 1 hop on King street, next to Castle & Cooke. 81 nisiis taken in any part or the Islands on Btohi am Woo a. in number. Both men were dead when E. H. THACHER. MADE TO ORDER. em lluililuiKs.and Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses found, and the spot where they were slain - jan 1 81 1 and Furniture, l imber. Coals, Hliii.s in harbor with or wllboul was soaked blood. JS a x- s o o a. ID PHOTOGRAPHS ! carcoes or under repair. with their 1 1 l- IV jxn Kl). II CO, The steamer Meath had arrived in Port- DENTAL OFFICE. IO outlet.-i E.rt Street, 'RMIE I'.VDERSIGNEI) is xow PRE. I TIII CITY. JFFbCIILAEOKB abore Dickson's I'Qutograi h Oallery. Jalbi M pared L,. C0.9 land Oregon. She will call at San Francisco - W. IIOPP probably touch here en route to Hong-Kon- g To go to any part of the Groap, and make First- Meals RftTVPrl ar TTnnra n n and M. X'o. 1(15 No. 7 8 King St. all... aavu.u on1 nu j.x;n.UI113 I , UNIONrg. next month. S. CARTER, (la'S Piiutn?rii!is to Order, Fort St. nnl iu n A nor Expense Spared to Keep the Table ana UO.. (rent to titko Either Views vr Portrait. Prices reaonaule anJ good work "3 marine insurance Boston. May 5. It is announced that pre to Coot i f.r l.alMr.ArkiiorIetlKmrnttiljice, P. M. S. Tele- - & 1. arli l.k. only will he done. Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers BRICKLAYER BUILDER. Supplied with the Best the Market OF NEW ZEALAND. vious to proving Longfellow's will the heirs phooe, No. 4 . dmyl ap!5 If dmyl II L. CHASE. AND ATTEXTIOX PAID TO Affords. CAPITAL, I ileged themives to carry out its piain iAKTICn,AK Furnaces. Baker's Ovens and O.OOO.OOO. intent, regardless of any legal formalities. H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, Uanges, and all kinds of Heating Apparatus. Also, Variegated A A WM. JOHNSON, Concrete eMdewalks. All Work to me will be execu- Tablr Board $4 to $5 per VINO EST III.ISII EO AX AGENCV The poet's brother Samuel will, therefore, entrusted Week. at Honolulu, lor the Hawaiian Islands, the undersla-na- V AXO FEED STORE. Mrrrhnnl Tailor. ted promptly, and on reasonable terms. mayl2 81 are legacy of SoOOO, and each of his GROCER Corner of King Fort Mreets, French Polishers. prepared to accept riKks SRninst fire in dwellings, store, receive a and Fort Street. Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands, Addressthrough the I'ost Office jan 1 81 warehouses and on janl 81 dtnj? li inoluln. II. I. 81 mereliandise. favorable terms. Mario risks children $lv). 1 jtnl dmy nn caripj, treichts, bottomry, profits and Iiii'irituiro of" till Ivinds; commissions. 1 London, May Ilanlau won the race with (-- HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., CONSTANTLY ON HAND COSMOPOLITAN BESTAURANT, prompilv iiclju.lrd and knyi bit) to-d- ay greatost ED. 81 Triekett by fonr lencth with the yttrdnniral. CREAM CAJDIES. jtul dmyl J. B. WAI.KKR. ead. ilAnlau bail the MuMIesfrX biJe. The AN" l t'OMSSION MER-- C one. Hanl&n had slightly IMPORTERS II AX To, Window Cornices and Curtains ISTo. '' a gool the tart vat Corner of Fori and Merchant Streets. janl 81 1 j dmyl 02, Hotel Street. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, best of Triekett, an.I led immediate ly afterward. LOUIS ADLER, FURNISHED TO ORDKR. r. McINERNY, Stamen followed, laden with eopIe, and the aoer c. M. COOKS & E?" BEST OF TOOD, OF LIVERpOOL' I uriK Importer Home Manufacturer of Caiiilies THE V;. bank.4 of the rirer were crowdel. many adieu ! BOOT SHOE STORE Houses Entirely Furnished CAPITAL . l O.OOO.OOO- - amongst spectators. Hanlan was row- LEWERS k COOKE, k OF ALL being the Satisfactory Manner, DESCRIPTIONS, IM.1MI1I D I.IAIU1.1TY ing easily at the Hainoieramith Bridge. There (Successors to Lawaait Dicasox) 13 Nuuiiiiu Strrrl, ML In a Complete and Xo. 112 Fort IXSI K of all dccrlntinns will ba a-- t 1,1' Street, Just Ibove Hotel St., - FIRE IM'E wa never any doubt to the realt. Hanlan KALERS IS M B ER AMI HLILOINO Next door to the llotioiulu Kestaurant. fe!8 ly l- iflecled ut Mnlerntu ltt"s of 1'rvmiuin, by the unilerslsnrd. Col-eg- e. au7 Fort 81 COMPETENT COOKS, romptly rowed Triekett d4wn at Craven D Materiala. Street. At Moderate Rates. Has just made larire additions to his establishment, and is J. H. WALK Kit, E Six furlongs from the Htarting point u:w prepared to lurnisn to tne trade, tsie Honolulu pub- !'- - 81 dmyl Ar,ent for the Hawaiian Islands. wm. A. lic, and residents on the other Islands, the VERY Hanlan wan a qaarter of a length clear of CLACa sraacasLS n ikwis. TIIOS. 15. WV I.IvIIi, GrIV"K US CALL. M or HOUR-HAD- Il l MIlt'KG-- Trirkett, and at the cree't. abont two miles and G. & and Bailder, XT Orders from the other Il inds for Furniture, IteddinR FINEST of E 4l 1 51 POUTED C.WDIES, .- iGDKIiiritU WM. IRWIN Co., Contractor Matting attended to with promptness. no27 'SO ly I- ATTENTIVE WAITERS. a half farther up took the Australian' water. AIIKNTIOX P.4IO Of all Descriptions, AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. FIRE Factors and Commission Agents, PARTIll'L4Rkinds of Steam Huilers, Furnaces, INSURANCE COMPANY, OflfUiirne Terrace, hut a ahort dit.anee from Saar to the sitinz of all II KU. fi or Chimneys, any Receives Fresh Candies by every . Of t.MIU creek, he wa-- trailing Trifkett by fifteen janl St HONOLULU, II. I. Ovens and litotes, brick Stone arrival. He Guarantees the the J heiyhi; Couipmiion Monuments and Head stones, purity of his (roods. TIIK CREAM CAN OIKS , Uanlan'a time w:is 27 minutes and 33 e. Satisf iclory References given when G. MICAS, are a specialty with him. and made by FIRST-CLAS- S Il'll-IIXGS- MERCHANDISE, aecoods. ruurb'e or grani XJ" are the best manu BOARD. lure aud Machinery lURNN tuinnte and 33 JNO. A. required. Address P O." Jan 1 81 facturers in CaliTornia, and received fresh by every steamer. insured acainst Kiro on th. moat aeconds. an.I Triekett' HASSINGER, and J3nildei" AT favorable terms. played with Triekett as with Contractor r, aeconl.s. Hanlan AGENT TO TAKE A I K N O W L E UC Soda "Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. A. ,J,Vi :W j ;i t Ae, nt r the Hawaiian Islands. hLt former contestant. t saenta to Cootracts lor Laoor. THOMAS TANNATT, Jan 1 61 eve- Interior Office. Honolulu. janl 81 No. S3 Fort St., opposite E. O. Hall ft Son. Honolulu. REASONABLE RATES. London 3Iay 2. Mr. Gladstone this Honolulu THE EEST ICECREAM IN THE CITY- - uunounce I resignation of W. K. op WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY ning the V-V- re- - GREAT Fonder, Chief Secretary for IrelanI, and the S. CLEGHORN Co.. and KINK MA CHIN Kill carefully The BEST BRANDS of ''HOIOE CIOARS always ou hand. VESTERN A. k or29- - intention of the Government to release l PORTERS AM) WHOLESALE (Ml IJ-- rdrs Irom the Other Islands promptly at three of the imprisoned members of Parlia- KET AIL DEALERS IN tended to. jal 81 PETER COSTA, INSURANCE COMPANY. ment. He explaineI that Karl Cowper had PROPRIETOR. resigned Lord-Lientenanc- y on ac- General Merchandise, XI 33V.X not the Queen 81 C. 0. BERGER, OPPIOH, count of any ditTereiice with the Govern- Corner and Kaahouiacu ianl "Big Collar " Harness Shop 0 WALL NKW YORK. regard to policy. He confirmed No. hA.4lll.MlM ST.. - HONOLCLl. sLatc Chief Slcwsirtl i ment in IMIE ABOVE COMmT.NV HAVING ES-- BROWN I A the reiort that Lord Carlingfor4l would k 0., ni:i: ruoor. iiuk ad uiuuliu proof tahdshed nn irenry at Honolulu, for Ilia Hawaiian I.L. temporarily take the Presidency of the M PORTERS AXO DEALERS IX ALES l:l2(.!.llt PROiJF SAFES. id C . Stcanier IJkclikc. atiiN, In-- uuil' riL"i d is authorized to accent and writ. Spenger'a absence WIN Kd AN D SPIRITS, AT WHOLESALE. Honolulu, H. I. HAMMER, jul 23. '81,1 r Council4 during Earl in I ali li iuj;l,t S !d and Exchanged. ESPLANADE, SO KING STREET .V I 1Z 9 Merchant Street, SI) Honolulu, H. of Mzes. 31 Ireland. He stated that the consideration Unl I. Af.E.N I' for the celebrated McNea e dc Urban Safes, and all kinds ol It It IKKH of the Government would be given to Manufactures PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER ! t. FAIKlttXK'S SCALES. Doors Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Com case ( Michael Davitt, and said that Mayl-t- Moulding, Craekets, Window Frames, Saslies, the G. W. MACFARLANE k Co., f Single & Double Buggy Harness missions, ana a large number of other suspects would be fiuish. Fine F. II. OEIIXS, nuns. kinds of Woodwork At Government, instead of re- A X O COMMISSION M EK-- C Blinds and all current R.itcs. released ad the IMPORTERS II A NTS. Burner", Concord and Mule Harness BEGS TO INTIMATE TO newing the Coercion Act, will introduce a Robinson's Fire-pro- Building, Queen St.. lion lulu. II. I william TUJiXIXO AND SCROLL SAWING. J. S. WALKER, Plantation Harness of all sorts, ly tliii 1 DiPaaure remedying the administration of iDiits roa All kinds of HIS CUSTOMERS, AND n' j Ajrcul for the Hawaiian Islands. Justice in Ireland. He said that instruc- The Paoloa sheep Ranch Companv, practical watchmaker, Riding Eridles, Saddles & Whips sent to Ireland for The Spencer Plantation. Ililo, LATE OP SAX FRANCISCO, Planing and Sawing, THE tions had already been The Wsikapu Plantation, T O imprisoned mem- M Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle Cloths, ll the release of three of the Iluelo Suirar Mill. Has established himself at 8 8 KING ST.. opposite Morticing and Tenoning. bers of Parliament, and that the lists of suspe- Mirrles. Tail ic Watson's Sugar Machinery. Rose's Carriage Factory. And every necessary for stable use at PUBLIC GENERALLY, SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS. CO., I A Co's Liverpool and London Packets, cts-were being carefully considered, with John lay Specification.. Dunile.l Drnwin;'. OF Wl N I Kil l III R. except jal'Sldmyl The Ulasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. FINK WATCH WORK I'luna. BEDROCK: PRICES CASH THAT HIS a view to the release of all, those rurainhed upon A pplionlioii. for I XDERSIGNFO IS A SPECI A LTV, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ap. 2, '81 ly and rslimatrs of every 'BOIE AUTHORIZED . who were arrested on suspicion of having XT Repairing description done in the best possible 1 TO 1 NSC UK 4 outrages. WONG LEONG k CO. of nil Kind.., rillirr its' Mimiier, with the best materials, at lowest workmen's rates. been personally concerned in Planlaliau Work EXPRESS OFFICE ON CARGO would he on Goveru-ment'sso- le mf aaaau and Murine Street.. 15 AT FREIGHT and TREASURE These releases the IsrarrHonolulu. II. I. Dealer in Dry tioods. Clothing. Hoot CEO. S. HARRIS, lirick, ', Iron or Stone Con.lriictisn All Work or had re- Guaranteed Exchanged From responsibility. Forster and hoea, ilats and Caps, Fancy Goods, etc. Have also & BLACKSMITH door in worhiueiiliUe luniitirr. noil nl 84 KING STREET, Honolulu. signed because he was not willing to share constantly on hand, Hawaiian Rice in quantities to suit. Also SHIP GENERAL 62T Look for the "Big Collar" A a Silk pricoj. Next to Mr. Burgess's Carpenter Shop, TO LL PAJiT.S OF THE WOULD this responsibility, and that Forster would China Choice Te, China Seine Twine, Chit. Handker. WORK. II R I DC E. HOUSE. AXD jal SI t personal explanation on Thursday. chiefs and Sashes, etc. SHIP Wagon Work, Moulding Bitts, Planing Knives, orders may be left at any AM) I'I'ON make a ' Anchors and Anvils repaired. Goosenecks, Crank Axles where time Oicners of Muanni Swjnr I'lnntnA'ion. Molukni for on reasonable terms. ORDERS PROMPTLY. ATTENDED, COASTERS, BV Alexandria, May 5. Another insurrection and Wagon Axles mule th. trade of the Day or Night. SPECIAL PERMISSION in Soudan. The false prophet A Kailua Rice Plantation, Kaopa Rice Plantation. Wagons Traction Engines, and NVork l.unranteed. On the muni Favorable Terms. has broken out and gralvPalarna Rice Plantation. j.'tlO 81 for Orders from the other Islands solicited.. jal"81 ly dlmy HAVE RECEIVED AM) NOW OFFER has defeated the imperial troops, cap- I f ,r sxle. bundles HOOP IRON of the following sites: 2xJ, TELKPIIOXi: MJIEER, S J. 8. WAI.KKR, Madhi TOOLS 2x1-1- lixl-18- . Also, on hand and f r sale, anl'Sl dinyl Ag tit for the Hawaiian Islands. of Sennaar, and taken Mudir ARTESIAN WELL uug27,lyr tured the city M. McINERNY, With all thiir Fitting", a speciality. T. B. MURRAY, Eastern Shooks, Molasses Barrels, all sizes; prisoner. A iTomjrtly Attended to Src M PORTER NO DEALER IX CLOTHI- All Orders and Sugar Kegs, Made to Order. .Domestic pro&un. San Francisco, May 2 The last statement of NG, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Jewelry. Perfumery, Work Guaranteed. & Wagon Builder, II. BR UN'S, shows that the Chinese Pocket Cutlery, and every description of Gent's Superior Carriage J. STEEL RAILS the Treasury Department g ja2S3m. Esplanade. FOR ending March Furnishing Goods. IT Benkert's Fine Calf Dress Boots, XT Shop on the KipUiMd-Planin- in the rear of Mr. Geo. I.ucs N'o. 50 King Street, opposite Station House. immigration for the nine months always on hand. Mill. ialSla was 3.729. also shows that the B. or md 81 HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY!. 31, 1881, but It N. Coassa FoaT Mkkchakt strkkts. janl ilARRIAGE RKPAIRI XG done at SHORT PORTABLE OR PERMANENT immigration for the nine months ending March Bed Kock Prices for CASH. XT Give R. LOVE & BROTHER, Propriety . 31, 1S2. 19,278 ! F4W the last three W. HARRISON, me a Call. laul 81 THE menths, is. for March. Feb- S. ROTH, NL'UANL" fcTRF.kT. ' of 'the nine that A NT M ASOXS AN - RAILArAYS. . BREAD, 1SS2, monthly ERCII4NT TAILOR. 38 FORT ST. HICK STOXR OCON- HARNESS SHOP I ruary, and January. the Honolulu, H. I. 81 TRACTOKS AND BUILDERS, Ff. LENGTHS, t II... PER YARD. AXD April M jant For sale lo arrive per Duke ol Aberc Jrn from MEDIUM average was over 3.1XJ0. The arrivals for dmyl Kin? Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Qibbs, A. B. ROWE, !II,OT, on Land and made to f yacJ-er-t 3 Liverpool.J Apply to "J,,. ( May. Jane, and July they KING STREET. , exceeded 3,000 ; for AUK I'RKPARKD General Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, v. 1.. iiiti-:K.- or Also, 'fl('CAKEg 1 12.(XA or a monthly G. W. M AC I ARL4NK & Co. kCi are estimated at about A. W. BUSH, HORSE PREMISES, ROiE LAKE, Hr. To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Work. BAY no25 tf Agents for J'.l.n V ix'.-- r k Co. J II A K F.I) on tbe shortest v average of 4.00. Adding the probable arrivals ! EWE nolle to Rungcs, & AM) PROVISION I) K A LKR. attention eiveu Bakers Ovens (Rear of HoughUiling's Saloon.) To Planters, Expressmen Oilers IIRF-.'- . ale of the Rent Flour, for April, May, and June, say ll.OO), to the ROl'KRFamily Grocery and all kinds of Cooking apparatus. Chiinnies, Fnund.ittous SHIP baked daily and Ji and Feed Store. HORSE NG for the preceding nine months 19,278 Order to me trom the other will oe and Cisterns tiuilt, etc., etc. ATTENTION" TO SHOE. FAMILV.U arrivals entrusted iUni. I my5elf and liavii,g low I IF a for twelve months of promptlyrr attended to. Fort Honolulu. 81 I'lanlalion Ovrners and Superintendects would do well to IS and do all work rental. COAL, COAL, slwa.vr HHOH'fl HHh'.AlJOh' THE H tjUJLITT we total First-Clas- COAL! EST shall have ,2 tret. s s. 3m entrust us it! i'Uiness in our line. We wish the public to guarantee Work at low prio mai25 jan 1 hi 30,268 F. Chronicle. nni!er-t,n- w 1 GOOD S. that all rk done by us is guarantee to gire YOU WANT A ARTICLE THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING HIES AI'POINTED satisfaction. 1 81 San Francisco, May 4 The city authorities WILLIAM AULD, CALL a bombshell into the ranks of the " have thrown EXT TO TAKE (ChM)W I.KPi; IK I ? HavVI?1' fortune-teller- s, Sole Agents for the SOAP WORKS, astrologers, spirit mediums, ef A to Contracts for Labor in the District of Kona. Island of CONCHEE & AHUNG, xEW PAIXT SHOP WHERE YOU WILL GET IT, 80N0LOIU the of the ll molu.u Water Works. f.xt ol OPPOSITE OF THE p hot genus omn in the shape of a demand for a Oaha. at O.tce XO. 128. FORT STREET. CLLEnKATEIrtT . j-- I jal 61 ly dmyl I.flfO, I OllOlllllI. license of $o0 quarterly in . Nuuano Street. IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS THE ENTERPRISE Ml 1. 1.. JPSrr?? Death of F.afrsoa. SADDLERY WELLINGTON ' liiiainm. of ihe uliove AND ''he8 ronrern hsiylnc THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, rMHE L'NOERSIGNEO BEGS TO INFORM - hecn trHimlerred to April 27. Ralph Waldo Emerson the pub. 10 that he has DEI A lKln to Puit Pur- Boston, China Goods and Merchandise .nnler,ite ra'en. f or l"ln- - in Concord, Mass.. at 9 o'clock ICTMINKEH, K.hnlii. Ilfatsrnli. Snlr. Offer this CoaMT rL AV 1ST died at his home I of Keal Kl:e. and Pr. p riy of erery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ,hiJ r,ia, u b. (Ii.r (n R VW 1 S . t;d HARNESS -r L did 1 Himself a Paint chasers (f) hjs ij p- more thi evening. During the forenoon Emerson attended to. Uominisious mlerate. ru) I ly di Opened for Shop All Kinds on Hand and Made to tj cei.t. He her l.y gives not'ee that the manuftcture of Of Order, - n, hv jrtul suffer greatly and was apparently the alwve address, where he wili always he f'.unJ rit.. .inn ,r not appear to Always on Hand fc For Sale, at anyothee Al.LKN .t U lllINrOX. resting eaay. About noon the patient exhibits! Oras Cloths. ("Lines- - Crepes. Silk Handkerchiefs, and prepared to di work in his line at reasonable i AT THE ! JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, j SOLD LOWEST PRICE of restlessness and began to suffer severe lrr t ks in Great Variety. Lacjured Ware rates. All Kinds of Soaps signs Fancy W ork and Olove ! ! Will he continu d l.y him. S ) FT E0AP always on hand. i Soon thereafter he became delirious, and El I. ESTATE ItKOKKH. ANI KM. House Painting, Will l)iiy luef, ar;i soap 'i 'r pain. V .M K N I" It E A I ioNt'LL Ll .H I Ivoryi Torfnise. Shell and handle Wik1 Fans, NEW OIEXIXG iiiufi.n Rrense, and solicits I L(l HI coiisirnuetits ol the smne from r. Emerstin iiumeiliately administered ether, RentsIt Rooms. Coltc"s. and ell and l.:ie Real Tiger Claw Jeelry Set in liold. T7 Vt is; I the other ampbor W.kxI Teas, Paperhanging. Varnishing, Loolv Til JL3IlSlVIitK?K I "lands. 81 nnihr the influence of whi h he was kept nutil jit.te in all parts ol tbe Kintdom. IMKI.OIMIM l.iund t Trunks. Fine Ch na Puubit: Plough !larnt'33. qq m es Ch tirs. China Ma'ting, ,....Fr' .q At about 8.4 this evening Dr. Emerson for those seeking work all the various of buinrsi. hnttitn ATTENDED TO AT SHORT XOTICK. lo CarriHte Express Harness qq death. Connected with these I.l.n.N. 35 ! from the sick room to the apartment - Work done by Ihe Day or by the Job. iingle Carrmsn Harness 32 50 FASHION STABLES came down gr- LEtJAl. IVuoirits drawn. Hills Cillected. H.Kik. XO. I ! XT Itrealc Harries WAILUIttJ P0I FACTORY, e HAWAIIAN 12 nnrubcr of the friends of Lis father were Account, kept and IJeneral !hi-- work transacted. IICK marll 6m XAOXE 00 where a and XT STORKS at No. ()9 and No. 8 8 Fort J. Iry lUrne . .11'.'. 18 00 F,ST OF M Em- Kdi, i Modrrate. ap9 SI ly. ilmj 1 - Xo. 3 Union Si., next No. 2 Engine Q1MMTV PAI Al ANCFACTCEID stated that danng the afternoon PatPnag el. .t uairaiiowo. Str--e- t. lo aitting. snd nol9 ly , , . r ...... 10 kfj S Cotistauily. All or.lers filied with dipatrh. erson's pulse had been reduced froin loO t4 120, Co.. mid No. !)3 Hoi. I Si. E. II. I1.4II.KV, and that the crisis in the disease was reachetl and F. T. LENEHAN & CO., WARRANTED Jin 1 91 Wailuka Maul. would be passed favorably. The d.x tor went up ENGINE COMPANY No. 2, l?"'Ml3S Express Nos. 7, 9, 32, 34, 53. 91, 193, Importers and General Commission ALXrC A3 REPRESENTED AXD stairs and returned alruest immediately with the MEMBERS ARK IIEREHV IX- - METROPOLITAN MARKET, was not caus- Merchants. lormea mat at ine last Meetinc or the announcement of hisileath, which vyT tteKuir 1 First Class Horses and Carriages . -.. -- ... tl. WALLER. by exhaustion, by acute pneumonia, the IN" r.--- t n ... .oaranteea For Six Months ed but WHOLESALE DEALERS - vj' members (puru.nt to ine supply JUST To Rent at any Hour cf the Day or Night. Pure Bred Aylesbury Ducms. Home Ted Turkeys. tube's snddenty filling op and choking him. His tbeuiMrives Com-- KV receivedK I I . with the RECOtiMZED UNIFORM of the j ...MIRTHS P.llFT , TTT 1 . 1 ALES AND pany 3 AA STREET. HONOLULU. janl 81 wife. Dr. EmerMun and his unmarried daughter WINES, SPIRITS, within months fr ni the date hereof. Members not to- - j csuperinxena au worn mat All Orders Promptly Attended were at his bedside when he died. dsyl HONOLt'LL". H. I. j91 ly furui.hinz themselves will be liable to suspension or expulsion i Ellen I Hats and Belts are now to be bad Company's Rooms AT - ; My peddle Cane, X'o- - STJ1AM Tirkfj aae Egjpt. "U?T PHICE. leaves Shop. I don't Telephone- IIS. Terms Ren.onn ble. CANDY j - - of Ma- CEAS. T. GULICK, J. V. HOLT, Ja ., Secretary. ablb- Particular atter.ion pail to Boarding Horses by the Day MANUFACTORY BAKERY, Constantinople, May 1. The Minister Honolu'.u, March 2.1, FEETCEDflp- Hogs. Hen Fruit or Cold Water, and ria has rejectetl General Berdan's torpedoes. ISSi. marll 3m 7 ali particulars. Waek or Month. cc'Jtf -- Harness and sell them. Ees- - Five ironclads have Wen kept in readiness for TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO Far Superior toV I Make besit Percale shirts, extra and iionisr, NOTICE. y The cuffs Trattiral Conit'ttioner,f. Tastry Cook and the past month to put to sea at a moment's no- ACEVT CONTRACTS and TjIT !B"Y" TIT CI Baker, tice for the purpose of conveying troops to Egypt, VEITIIER THE CAPTAIN" XOR OWX- - two collaes, for only 1 50, at Chas. FlbHELS No. 75 Hotel street, between Nuttanu and Fort, Ceneral Business Agent. 1 ERS of the British ship 'Fiona" will be responsible FOT1T agree JXiJijJUVt Oil fe4 6m POPCLAB ST0BS. . 1 81 should the Powers as to Turkish OSes) In Makee'i Block, corner Queen and Kaahumano for any debts contracted by tbe crew wh;le in this Port. JXVDXVtOUVi, V. FENNEL, Ta Strseta, Booolala. jan ly p29 Udw. G. W. MACFARLANE CO., AgeaU. d31 A V i PACIFIC C O M M M E R C I A L ADVERTISER, MAY 20, 1882.

S- P. K. S. - Cos Time Table for 1S82. i:xrnK r. Itabli-.liineu- t for eight years, an! mu- REPORT OF THE COMMEMORATIVE 2s. 0J. The other Admiralty taar reUtin to 3..',TT :: . . v- - " Mty 15 st-o- l ti. ! subseiueitly for a sliort HONUIiENT COMMITTEE. u.e. s .owiti acparate tdilli!) Tom F uichco. j ii;jr. I'M ni,. . .us;:. ieriril naa.i ldi. 0, s IT cK-r- TRY 09 ji .n a ii' , Hi-- ot Haualei IT. W.. PALftli REBUS ob tv r A lu-y- 1 liar. M.itin:. GO'S tmcr I'r in: i. r itr of l ar Cor.,1 of the Interior IK'j:irt uieiit. ln.d... i,. an.l :i.--l - vjI, lauea. Ke.ilnkeuku nnd II il.i e;ile 4 Near 5 11 l' ;l" for the 'o.v. Godfrey Rhodks, locbc. Cltf of Yirk..Jtin Australia Juiif Sin ... (i if ay 17 b varieI traininj; uilinirahly liis hv; -- I'r c:. pr Iraiu. 10.7: price 1. 6d and No. 137S. II Zmlaadia Jnly 3 City of Nrw Y..rk . ..J nly (1 1 fr: r-.-- .. ahowin. mululu . ,a, I Prriiifl' n( Legislative Assembly: : Ctty 3 r, u.:ir rri i;i tu:n:n". (.rrvfi. position he is now callol upon to occupy. of the on ... of Sydney July ue I :. aal. "j . tiT. harbor the .r$e cnle of 10 inches, price. Is. ' Australia ' City if Sv.luty .1 is Mon- 4a4 Sr.t - .. 1 His Excellency, Proton, an Sin: The Special Commemorative I'.r 1i:';'it:r- ;,rr IT Ci'i pktf i City of Near York 2.': Australia I ki'.ikt'u. Mir PARAGRAPHS. ' - Sjt .O.t ' lb-- ... o. t .:, i'lty t,t York t 'ir 1 i. J ). vl. Euslirthmaii hv birth, anJ came here in ument Committee appointed by the ?t';'A Zalalia Ski '. i J i lra Colonel C H. 11 11 v City of Syjjsy... J.. Nor .!'' Assembly of lV7s, and by the Judi. M. Crurubcrbm, Hi Md 1V70 JJriti.--h of New Zea Vmc r a ii i -- .. -f A" from the colony accompanied by Aaatrali... ll i.'itj of jUy...... I-- i'r til t'- Assembly of lsv. to procure the design and Mr. JudJ, arrived here on the nil I'viu val, 15 T. land, where he had acquired a reputation execution of a monument, as commemora- 21it ult. from Now York, and re stopping at Queen discovery CTaridge'a Hotel. U.e day - 1 and acute in his jrofesion. tive of the of the of On same Sir Ueury H i I Ifva O O YI IVI S as learned centennial fi- BIlCI AL. this Archipelago by Cook, beg to report as Parke. Prime Minister of New Suih Wulc, nr-ri- ed Kroui U l I .ikt-iik- . 17 S He wa admitted to the Hawaiian liar in i;,,;ar May Hon O : WillT. H tJ J an 1 J H Atb-rton.- J B follows bere from America. He will remain in 1 K'ijiii.a:i wif. I ofhVial position here was FRIDAY, MAT iii.-.- n. ; Ml- N" til. His first appro- J Ourni.aii. t. . - Af .IH", J KauLali. The Assembly of 1S7S voted an England about 3 months ana give his attention baa been booming In c,ttimeri-ia- l Mi-- 4 raauj ii. lir in, V. ,c. Coti I ii-- . W J tkiLt. that of Deputy to Attorney-Gener- al Stanley priation of SlO.uOO for a centennial monu- to a M I; i .. I . of the New South Wales daring the week pan, lb at from tl.rnniC'-a- Kni. a.ti. lrtl. la. Alrt. AkiU. agreed inwU bad Mr-- i -- - i;i-.- lS7o. of rentleiiidii a bronze Emigration II M Aii ' ii ,. of TolLa. Tallin, in After the death that ment. The Committee that Office at this place. Sir Jahn Pope giving abtppcr a mu.h drtrrl t ) tj it t"t:.,a. I. t. .M. V V V I'ogue, - statue of Kamdiameha the Founder of the Ir - liri.vfiiitjer, on of the Attoiney- HennesT, Governor of Hongkong, left u. ii. he carried the work that colony OU staple proJ'l. t to tt In tbr I.te of II Tii.t-- lr. r It. Kingdom, was the appropriate monument, on the Ct.y - 7th ult. for home on a leave of ab- Ux-iJrl- trl-k- r office appointment of year's boalaaaa. trade baa Uo . tt itflui of !. :..- . ;ty ,f Sydney. Mt l.V ol. Geueral's until the to commemorate the most important in the . I - : : .. ;! y' sence. Mr. Hugh Romilly, Deputy CotnaiifMon-e- r paaaeogara, pr mail City A S1i.-t- acl J wife Mr. W. Ii. Castle in February, IS76. In rtiat I i nr. iiiSTimy straiur. .. S rtardtatle. history of tha islands event. The Committee in the Western Pacific. ill establish his v v. '. . i.r head r t- 'it.,. town of many tLe lia:;il - I..-- f. 1 y la Ir a oturr ;: a l - l:.-- K . li.-.r- a.'id wif- -. Mr. was returned as a mem- an in Is. 9 with an tnjn '.t' month Preston entered into airreemeut on on ot on i rb lr- - i quarter!' the fiuill the ' keape wholesale anJ retail In is (an Ht Ida Mott Thomas R. Gould, residing at eoat . r dlrr ifl., ! f WS artist !.!. l.!r.i . ber of the Legislature for Iahaina. In ot New Britain, Tilt asA , i ' Ll:ou-anr- ult;i. i.ll it. i auil-- ii arid wif. A wheie a house is now bein 1 1 Ca Jl rf reouarkably busy aa.l w:ta prospect of a K"1 I !!-- . t Italy, to design and execute the ai. Mi J Adai-i- ro Morrav.lrM L Mr. Preston became Attorney-Genera- l, hav Florence, built fur hitn. This residence he will occur y when ae ordere fmra the plaiitati.iti au uw If I. V !- - Mi- - K Klrlr-bT- . $10,000. all. itr. J Mvtrd O tatue for the sum appropriated, t - !. A A . not enijaed in making tours of inspection among filled fruna tba rtsc tru(.t ty tu- Hit. k lv Vi irvi-- O I Kblra. Mi Maria Papa. ing Hons. S. K. Kaai, J. M. Kapena and The statue of Kamehameha was duly exe-- 1 front Coast. . ev r K wit ;. I '.n.rht-- r j, On Young the groups in the Western Pacific In the Weet the U M M Samuel G. Wilder as his colleagues. Mr. according to contract, and was Miu.'. .i.. ' in M ( lifnij.r, r .wert' euted Indies the weather tor irctt-fla- rt writing 7 ,v. Its b. .u an t M i 1 ! B H of Bremen, in continues favorable the lul tit. J..,i, Kdar Tlxitnaa. StoitU. Prestou is known as our leading criminal ' shipped from the Port ii-t- ai'. . -- t I i.I-.r- i,. . sugar ; reeeteedi and 3.ZM.139 Iba ahipptl. TL aiu-mii- t hij.p.-l .ii .t;:.- ul l! Lhiu-- Kor tbe Colonlea : on board the barque G. F. Haendel. This crops Demerara exported 27.000 hhds up .'1 at. i. I tnt- - eii- - "jg fr-- in. 'i i:t (through the many useful baa all been forwarded the :.! i l lawyer, and when near the Falkland Islands, to March 3d, againut 15,000 came time last year. 1243 I r !u aibarl-n- . 1 . i O w i n.-- 1 ! Mil ar.t ti vel. Berlin "been from tbaara ar a'aurr'l itl'tII .il w !o 'niri'V. i.r originating with him which are to on soundings off papers state that Ure orders have i tire, I'DEATH i'r- WM..r, li), ii Uarley. I. Nelur. A took and sank when and al good pricra. I.. Unu. .nl.J be found among our Session Laws. Port Stanley. The committee had etlected received their for ladies' dresses and cloaks irom aUCK LipLu of llol.olulu. Tbara baa bu an lo. m tbr nt trail i yr Hayward, May la M an insurance on the statue, and recovered tllC 'r !u $l-2,no- who will send the CORRECT ANSWER to , (.'ba 5o-,o- one Ibla a total amonnt f zv;jt Iba Lbt:u4 u I.ari .tm. the sum of marks, or about 'AVAL NfcWS. To any forward .U F'.r !..ii an I Hawaii. I.:krltke. Mar Knud. In ids report to the Legislature, written of the . i.r was deposited, on behalf M.S. was Devon-por- l Wif. 1 . .,i..-u- VV l'V If which II. Swil'tsure commissioned at t mm 1 J J T O Neil. Mm Attorney-Genera- l, mer-- Harawltb 31 Iii,,...ii M- his capacity as Mr. j C. will prut r. U'ilhiu. M Air i and. r. Itr I. K tlrrkrr, Htr Wra B in committee, with Gustave .Ueicnrs, i last week, as the new flagship for the Pa- above Rebus to the Office of the P. Advertiser, we : -- I . money Clear Ur !. nif.-- hi.-- l ti i. i.t,a.. l Jxtirr. I rlale, Armstrong takes a decidedly gloomy view of Bremen. This insurance cific to relieve 8 May II l; II K. kiu;.L.-- . II K . M 1 station the Triumph. She will m Kaixr .(i, .tb. VWbb. .t. l.. - k Tarter as a reali- M- r - Kki. Kingdom.- in- was demanded by Minister m'A from England in a Dvar Sir; Our lat advlra dal-- l I nn n . in. iittrntt. oj i, !. i(m- H Tiirl'm m l urn, U b of the condition of the The But about fortnight under give TWO DOZEN of our M 1 dt-c- Hawaiian Government. Itear-Admir- y of the L T " zation al WbK'b lima, with favorable Iml.k a t.T-tt- ' ii:iy H llilmra an about crease in the foreign population has been command of Captain Aitchison. aaa wtbrr. t -- committee determined to fulfil the duty rnlad la niuat Lrani ba ff trad. t Kaliu; .1. ( r II. u. May K I H I'billoa. the Lyons, die Commander-in-chie- f, urrived with his - i Kiltft. - evi Legislative throughout tba rtato ara ttrml, y.t tiu.i- u -- r. it il ri ft t .u .: b. w:f. nil I. Mr Mrka. V accompanied by nn increase of crime imposed upon them by the k squadron of seven vessels at on foraaaaa acctilvnt. antteipatn a full jll I. Ml It I li.iMrii lucba'd Mr Suarratt. Ml Assembly retained the insurance fund, and Vuliaraiso the DELICIOUS SODA WATER, it tinier I. '. dence is gradually accumulating that there Hl'diK --Tba day tflrrour Iaal . In ul.r ar..!f. '.;ai-- r I.i n.d-- r. and a. .S deck. n 23d instant. II. M S Comus, 14 guns. Captain waa advaiM.-- .- lud. ' entered into a vitiation with the artist, raflaad er lt.. ! M htu-r- b .r t of K'Uil. Mik". ilit 1' Wo is a considerable class of dangerous men ; Eist, hitherto on the China titation has been or- au Ilawaiiau grurrry ra 1 i" V. .tJhi. Gould, to :i .epiea of the lost statue baa . cbta. arr wubout unth. :l Kditli I'urvi. Mr Talor. Jaa funih ban-a- among 15,001 who have come dered to join the Pacific squadron, and Kaubaii'. .Mi- l 1 :t. oiub. Mint Hattle Tit. o'iub aud the Chinese and an atrreeni.nt was drawn up by J. W. the GINGER ALE OR CIDER Naw York a a I . 14 HuKara la dull, at a d'rttur of l a tit d. i k. 1872 prosecutions for the illicit Esq., of Boston (formerly of Hono- Champion. guns. Captain Hope, will proceed 4 ro- - here since Austin, lb il aiil la uarkrt la lowrr. with t of a fur. r --.. iu Fran. -- r M" 1 Irwin. May K J M Willla. al who has kindly assisted the commit- from the Pacific station to take her place in the tbar dai lina. VV l:u-al- sale of linuor usually break down, lulu, year. t'Ti. l. Mr M..r rell and 1 rblldren. J Ietuonla squadron. The German gunboat Each Week for one This offer to hold good for 1 whole transaction. The China Moewe BICI All In tba hand t uur r. b' I at au I wife. Ci C tee throughout the luiurt. . Jiid' linu and wife. Mra McUratb. though it is notorious that the trade is aaaa. JobtMtra borrow au"tb-r- hat.-r- r. b-- agreement appendix) were was nt Apia, Samoa, in February last. F. B. insr frout oat Mati.r..:i. : Kk-- J . r. lr Wixbl and wife. 3 terms of the (see daioaail bcavy and lacrraaing. 1'" Mlbt Mr K.Nv and wife. T Tirvn, J Maaon. carried on in all directions opium is that a repica should be executed for $7,00 ; THIRTY DAYS from date. MOLAS.HF.rf aruall j lautity of ry rhi'lce w Mil. I Ji.e ! d i.:. M It tr M Ie J Mix-bar- extensively brought into the Kingdom in ami furthermore that four bronze tablets, Sa-- New Correspondence. comma na wiizsti c. Ki.r i I ran yt Kalakani. May 17 Mlna E Per. square, representing England abulia Mr rarnr.b. II an I .Mnw of a prohibitory law and of more than not less than inches FLOUR: Ooldeo Uata Kilra fauiily .r. !. wile. T Ki.bu. tiundrraon. spite to piaceu m OATi -- fead ara wortU 3 IlAUI.KY: . Mr farttr and '. bine. offi- Hawaiian historic incident, ie April 25, 1882. l cant. d . ordinary vigilance on the part of the Krrii-i.-..- M-- vr. of statue now la worta Jl.To. K..rSjn i.r W II Mav I J Deery. J the niches of the uedestal the GREETING. IPiLIjrIESK. . ItaVtt.. F.nik I de I'aniSa. wife an I cers of the Police and Customs department Hale, were to be d CO., MAS:-- too dltver.-d- HAY: 1V lii.t. rblld. set up in front of Aliiolani U ar Ii; : . A K After being without a sight of a Honolulu in nv r. r J II Salft. S4,-V0- . f Jenkin. in present of for The subjects of the s TAIXOW Wa Crod, t'.ii.vT'iC; UHurd. e. v m cba Ca'b. A W l'elrcr. AU Hung. the police force is, the state executed paper for sjtuj months the arrival of a complete myl3'82 Jh'ttiti-if- Girbonated AU ivtt as follows : Manufacturers of Beverages of Kinds. r.XCUASOl London. i day alK'bt. J'k.. Nrw York Fr .ni Maui A Hawaii, per Fwalanl, May 1 V T the law, the subject of divided authority tablets tile from January 1 does one's eyes good, and for prt-tulur- lu-ir'i- . . a young tight. r K!ink'-r- MrJ Ktuhun- - and ! children. A 1. The visit of Kamehameha, time is to be feared M which tends to make it inefficient the prin Dis- - ; a it business and friends Pbojcctci IrraBrvar Am tktuf, KM a. Am tktu-- J On h..n;. J K''au. J TO'Xell, J V McKenzie. chief, to Captain Cook, on board the M. y. W II M. must take a back seat while we renew our i At alkJnburif, Kama H Tboiupab Kabulrii via Vi. a II r. .dwell, wife and rblld. aud tot cipal object of the unpaid police officers of i THOMAS S0RENS0N, .l. i k. iv coverv. .. iUntaxlo, for kabolui. 2. fending on acquaintance, broken ofl' by no fault of either In. in M.uti ai.d Mi.lokal, May A the country districts is to speculate in crime The warrior Kamehameha ll I'nua time- - party. Ship Carpenter, Spar Miker, and Caulker, 15 and wife, Mr M. ttandlexa. Mr numerous spears hurled at him atone j Yisims' lr lluttoli aud now in . jr.nw, the turbulent elements, existing goes - PORT OP ZZOUOlaUIaU. ii. 1. :f .i.-- k. 3. The review of the l'eieieu neet oi war , It without raying that the Adrrrtiser has No- 9 Queen below Honolulu the Kingdom demand the addition of a canoes, by the conqueror, Kamehameha. its full share of the commercial prosperity with Iron Works. a A l .s, . it. . AKRIV.ILS I'Olt r OK K kllt'L.l'1. M il l. hundred men to the iolice force ri rearms 4. The era of peace, oiougni auuui oy me which the Islands are being favored under the EXPERIENCE coABiwiar. A ii it iv. .. Mav 'J: Am J I SjireckelH, 15 Kinerdoni. when old people i reciprocity, und in this no one rejoices more than btue daya are being extensively bought by Chinamen boon derofthe EV I S A May 13 Strar Irorn "an r ram i -- t o. peace high- - j who remembers first Spura, Oak riauk of all Ship Korea, Oakum, Frit, IIILKS TO PKODIICE Kilanra lion, tvrara. from Kabnlol. Mani. injustice is and children renosed in on the the writer, its issue, and has uti, 1J SJcbr Kulamano. Kaanoul. f roui Ookala. Hawaii. DiUKtru, a May I J: Brig Hazard for San Franuiac much done throughout the ! been a tolerably regular reader ever Copper Holts, and Sheathing Metal 'Jdi . wavs. since. with pka tuKtr Ksr-iBK-K- Kran-4-- per l.'a.ard. May 12 66UI Kingdom from the want of proper investi ccd.-- i .ntly on ham!. II Stmx C 11 JJiahop, lrry. from Kauai, with Su The whole work of rerica and tablets to J THE TREAT V. .Vj.1 l.a'. aiig x).lll lb). 1mii val. i.i,il pkga aiiKar. and L4 addy gation of criminal charg. s such is the re Ucost !fll,50t, or the whole amount of insur I 14 Scar I' I nun San Kram lwo, per J D Surerkela. Kemembering the long struggle, that resulted FOR llalrakala. Crane, from Hawaii. V. aoour, ooo, WHICH. ITS .May a and Mi I. Metker aud Miu Annie a few ance on original statue, less much-neede- with 140lpkKa augar lir child. view of our social condition, which j laet securing d -' Tappeiiiiorih. Min J I'uiumiUM. to c ver insurance on the new at in the Kecipro- 14 Stmr Llkcllke, King, from Maui and Hawaii. incumbency of office of Attor- or sufficient FLAG POLKS iM.-.- mouths' the - city Treaty, and the gicat depression in witb JUU pkg aogar F'or San rani per Ha.ard. May 11 Mr C Plagge, statue and tablets, and the freight to Mono- Piquancy, It tfcbr Manookawai. Makaaba. from Uouoiua, Ha- Mr and Mra A i.u.,1. Mr aud Mra K L 51cLeuu ney-General hs instigated Mr. Arm- lulu of sn me. oustness among an classes nt the islands just Made to order, and placed in position. waii, with 7 M pkga tuxar. m pro preceding its consum million, it is no wonder m)20 tf 14 Scbr L llama.. Karual. from Uuuoipu, Hawaii. strong to write. Meanwhile, whilst the repica is a Unit you view with s me concern the savnge at- wltlt 1.2i)0 pkga angar. The remedies he suggests are in many gress, or probably executed in Europe, Delicacy of Flavor, 14 Scbr Caterina. Kanalao. fn.ra Haualei. Kauai. THE PACIFIC vessel, named the Earl Dalhonsie. arrived tacks ol some interested parties upon what is mi with 3--' rka auK'ar aud 4iO ikg fatldy. cases very pertinent, anu unuoiiuieiiiy on uoaru me closely connected with the vital ol na- .ANU.. 14 Scbr JCalana. Kaankai, from Maliko. Maui, witb in the port of Honolulu, having interests BBITISnBE.ttMEmonElTII.UL l,:i7J pkga aagar. many of them will have to be adopted.. original statue went down with the tives and foreigners alike. The enclosed of JUbertiscTa that. - . T . 1 1 . r Commercial .. 14 Wailela. ribaaai. from Jlaliko, witb 1.3) They are chiefly measures which have beeiV burning ship on the raiKianuIll lsiauus. latest dates ot N. Y. dailies will inform you pkga aagar. or went on more fully of what telegraphic Refreshing Qualities, 14 Scbr Uenaral biegfl. Mowona. witb U.VJ advocated from to time in the editorial The chairman the committee the reports Irive pk.t time vessel immediately on her given you some idea Concerning augar. . hoard the the do ngs of the 18S-2- journal. The registration 14 Wcbr Marion. Kalua. froin Kukulbatrle. Hawaii. SAii;mAY. MAY 20, columns of this arrival to see the statue, and learn the views ' Sujar Ring " ol New York in this matter. This pkg Stands Unrivalled. witb mi auar of Chinese, after the manner adopted in the of Captain Jervis, commander ot the vessel, nice crowd, from whose tongues, cor- It Scbr Prince, t wia. fm Nawiliwili. Kauai, with if they are l Jix) pkga anear British settlement of Singapore, is recom- who had bought the statue irom a wrecKer, rectly reported, falsehoods and misrepresentations The Ministerial Crisis. 11 1? Scbr Jenny Walker. Kapolena.from Hapua. Haw. pos at Port Stanley, and brought to uns roll like peas down a shovel,'' cousins, .;JaaJSSWrf TItVITAI) 10U WILLUSE () OTHER with I'Jt'At pkga augar aud l1'-- bbla uiolaxmx mended a9 a precaution against their de aretiist country on speculation. The captain or nearer relations, ol the parties who were over- IT Scbr Malolo, Oooduian. from iiakalaa. Hawaii. It has been known for some daya that sible turbulence. Mr. Armstrong truly manded $1,500 for his venture. The statue witb VII J pkga angar Excellency V. L says: of Singapore nana, ana hauled by Shermiin and 'the N. Y. WEDNESDAY, May 24, 1882. la Bcbr Kekaaloobi. Malaibi, from Haualei. witb the resignations of His "If the authorities was damaeed bv the loss of one Collector ot Customs some years since for color- 75 cts. a Dozen. 513 pkga augar and his colleagues had been tended deemed advisable to adopt such a regula a break in the feather cloak ; but otherwise EMBKRS tRK II KUEBV INFORMED (in Kona Gkkkn it ing Demurara sugar in to nt V I Is Scbr Jenny, Eeanapuai, aud Kan. Haw in .i state of nreserv&tion. notwith older enter it the f hit TICKETS can una? Ie procured Irom any ol the 1 Htmr Lebna. Lorzeuaen. from Maul and Uawuil. to His Majesty, but that His Majesty had tion it certainly is of more importance to lowest possible rate of duty. When detected in cera and Committee. (din)'19 w 20 it) CKR ORDKR. oy witb 7tO pkga angar. standing its extraordinary experience, and We INVITE inspec- lr-4)- as to receive means of controlling a that they appear to have gone into the business lor Iwalanl. fcatea. from Maul aud Hawaii. expressed himself unwilling adopt it here, where it had been fished up from the deptns J that ' witb Ifln-- pkga augar. them unless foine adverse vote of the turbulent force are much less effective." of the sea. The chairman conferred with of adulteration of cane sugar on a gigantic scale TO THE tion our 2t Stmr Mokolil. M'tirrgor. from Koolau. May '. and with the with ' glucose," aud to such an extent is this of Prciuiftc. j witb ad) Lga augar. 5") bbla molae!. ' Assembly idioiild demonstrate thatMjnisters In the matter of the Police Force, he recom- members of the committee, ' bga rice, 13 bga awect putatora. of ; he was authorised carried on now that grocers, who have any con- We liil iwif iHis-ieH- s the eontidence of th ma mends the repeal of Sectipn 1, of Chapter Minister the Interior will cheerfully show roati. to make the best terms he could with the science at all, hesitate when asked squarely MUSICAL PUBLIC 14 jority of that body, lhat they haveiow 53, of the Peiia Code. This gives unpaid for $S75. whether they have on hand, or can get in May 15 Asa bk C'aibarieo, Hubbard. dara from Sau captain, and purchased the statue the OK and explain the procc one-ha- lf a of Franclwo " resigned without any such adverse vote is constables of the fines collected in The damaged statue has been placed under market, pound pure unadultered sugar, or a iiosoi.ri.t'. 13 P M Ma City of Hydcey. Hrabnry. tlaya from of the gallon of Sao Franclaco no doubt owiuir t the fact of their own suits where they have made the arrests. cover in a small house built by order genuine molasses. AVIXO RECENTLY AHItlVED FKOM SAX of uiamiiacturc of our 17 Am bk California. Howard, . daya from Nrw-caatl- e, . I" ...... ii.! tr committee, and placed, by permission of WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT i.i Ilium , a y of the law IT? Francisco with the intention of establishing SSW waul oi agreement uiou mtmon In repealing this vicious section on the Govern- the Minister of the Interior, N. Y. Aerated Water. therefore the late Ministry has fallen on Mr. Armstrong 'would recommend the ment lot of Aliiolanihale for inspection and At present the daily papers appear to be myself here permanently, I take much pleasure in one side, Ih-ci- account of its own want of cohesion. An Legislature to exempt the opium and repairs, and to await the final disposition all on and decidly opposed to Hawaiian announcing that I have i engaged hy some of UKPIRU'KM. sugar duty free under the treaty, and for what OilITW feeling was undoubtedly manifested smugirliug cases only. these cases of the Assembly. the most prominent musical institutions and lead lac adverse In en- reason, except to help the N. Y. sugar ' no HO 1:1 Among the vicissitudes attending the ring, ing of U LISA IK RETAIL May 'br Settle Merrill for Lahalna. Maui. towards Ministry in the House, but it is sound policy in giving a bonus find artists that City in AI DBIGCISTS, 13 acbr Waloll. Elni. for Keokta. Haw the there deavor to procure the memorial statue of fellow can out." The only way to correct this T0B1CC0.MSTS, A!D MAMTACTrE-KR- S 15 Stiur Lebna. Horgenaen. for Maui had taken no definite shne. and nothing to those who are smart enough to de Kamehameha, we must mention that the vast amount of and neutralize TUNING & REGULATING PIANOFORTES 15 Sen Maaaokawai. Makaaha. fr llaiiainiul i, had occurred t show how many members tect crime. In all others the tendency of artist, Thos. R. Gould, who designed the its effect, is to get just the exact truth of the OF A KB. ATE!) WATERS, Kauai was engaged In in its m concise form before I am also prepared to adjust all defects, in the 15 B. h Kaala. Abnlbala, for Waiauae shared in it, or whether the feeling itself is so manifestly bad that it is sur original statue, and who the matter ist every S 13 Mani the law in the most artistic and satisfactory MVVASV STREET. HONOLULU, II. 'bV allele. Plhanu. for Maliko. execution of the replica, suddenly died on United States senator, aud, as far us possible, instrument ap28 ttduiyl I. 1 Strur Llkellke. King, for Mani and llawail would go beyond a desire to criticise and prising that it was ever permitted to dis 1SS1. However, his before the people litrg.-- . manner. 14 Kllaoea Hon, Seant. for Kabului. Mani the 27th November, at On hand, so i- - 1 Htior Jamea Makea.McUonald.for rlrruilof Kauai demand explanations. the other figure our statute book, and still more son, Marshal Gould, also a skilled artist, It is folly lor you to sit m and (ret over the 1 Blmr Mokoltl. 3IcOregor. for Kidaa Ministers had not shown their hands, that experience has not, long ago, driy has finished the work of his father, and we matter, or, on the contrary. !o say it will all ISIDOR ROSENCRANTZ. lit eWbr Baaikeaoall.Ham. for ilonokaa. Hawaii tablets (Formerly lo charge of the Pianos at the 1'naabiwa. for Krawarli. Hawaii o He red any statement of policy, or been request hear from him that the replica and come out right." This ia a matter that wants J. M. Oat, Jr., Co. Id Hrhr Loka. en the authorities to its repeal. This shipped to Hono- n College of Noire Dime.) 16 hr tilarna. karuai. for Walnlba. Kauai regard would be all finished and the best ability the Hawaiian Government can H.-b-r put on their defence in to is that result of as depicted by Mr. Arm if prob- 1 Caterina. Kabalan. for Hanalel. Kual it lulu early in this mouth; so that is command, and " eternal vigilance " will be the tk-b- r M allele, fur Maliko. Maul past de- Among the many Testimonials received, I beg to lit balannul. their administration in the or strong : able that at this time the works of art only way to bring things out right. In view Xttx bt Oeo'l Slegel. 5I.inna. for Watalna monument to submit the following : lg r Mil Morria. Sroith. M d.,kal their project for the future. It cannot 'Thfse unpaid official are under no discipline signed as a commemorative oi the dangers that threaten the treaty the r San 21st, H.-b- Hoy. Townaend. frfor Molokal are not of are now on way to the Fbikcihco, Jan. 182. Rob be anything or control. They subject to the orders adorn this city their planters may well What -- ti.ill do he M.-- therefore, said that in the at ask. xo to 17 kaluna. Kalnbikal. f "r Maliko. Maul anjKTior officers. They discharge police duty if Port of Honolulu. The uudersitfmvl, founder and Director of the Italian STATIONERS 17 Kcbr Haleaaala. Crane, for l'ejerkro. Hawaii titudeof the Assembly towards Ministers tlicv oIiooh. Their principal object in serving is been placed at the disposal saved." hose no time in anttcriii; the ques Musical Institute of this city, do hereby take pleasure in Marton. Kalua. for Kukuibaele. Hawaii There have Hosen-rrant- z kHM. br i to in crime. They iimko arrests, jciicr- ; tion. aud then do jt. certifying to the ability and skill of Mr. Iaidor 1H- -S. br Kalaaaann. knawml. for ookala. Hawaii was a sutlicieiit re ison for their esiguation of the Committee the following sums in tuuiui; and regulating pianos. I furthermore Waimalo. Kllia. for Ke-ke- Hawaii altv. in tliose cases onlv where their share of the Original appropriation of 1S7S for nionu-- . CHEAP POSTAGE. certify that he has had the exclusive tuning of tbepianoa lHrbr They have fallen by their own hand. Ixn-ide- l'8chr Jenny. Keanapnnl. for oiowalu. Maui tines are considerable. Hut. s this, it hu ment. $10,000 Among nil under my control iu and out of this Institute and ever Ye-tcrd.- the Congress finds l-- Jenny Walker, kapolena. for llapuu. Haw iV before any nutters tint morning business lonx evident to this department that i!icm of for pedestal, etc 2.000 has given the most perfect satisfaction. Malolo. Uoudman. for llakaiau. liattail cases, Appropriation 180 tiino to talk about, none so nearly concerns very 1HI.MKMCO 8PERAXZA. had been taken up in the Assembly, His Ex unpaid ofliccrs ' work up or instigate par oi uy NEWS DEALERS. ia I'laced at the disposal committee body us the prospect ol a reduction of the rate on ISSTITl'TK SEAL, j Conductor. (Jckf:n ties to make prosecutions. This especially so in Minister of Interior for purchase of Caaaia Hayward. f r aii cellency Mr. briefly announced to the adultery cases, HtisUauds bring charges against single letters to two cents. Would take thi method ol iubrmlnK he May 15 An aebr r.vltttr damaged statue. 1.500 San FiiAsrtsoo, February 20, 1K82. Inhabltanta of Honolulu l Franrlaco House that they had resigneJ, and sug- wives, and wives brin lika charges against hit The reform in the postal service of this aod tba other . la lilaodt, that tbrjr have opened 14 p M S City of ydney. reabary. for nek ud bv of men. 1 iicsc men It Rives lne much pleasure to state that Mr. IsiJor Ros. a Sydney gested an adjournment to Monday next, or bauds the influence these $13,500 country, inaugurated hy ex P. M. General James, anil . also take advantage of quarrels to instigate those encrantz has tuned aud regulated my piano with great sat T Turner, for fan Francla.-- y IMSlIVnSEMENTS OF THE COMMITTEE. have resulted in bringing up to a sel My Haw bk Kalakana. until a new Mini-tr- should be appointed. engaged in them to commence prosecutions against it isfactiou. doubts as to bis ability were entirely bg W t Irwin. tig. for an Franciaco Paid T. It. Gould for orignal statue of ing basis, and there seems to he but one dispelled when, after a most critical examination, I found Stationery & News r Depot Taa f.-- of opinion jj Aa bMtna W II Meyer. Howe, !an rranciaco This announcement was accompanied by each other, in order to obtain the reward the $10,000 00 the touch aud tone much superior to what it bad previ fine." Kamehameha nbout the proposed reduction. Mr. Whitney's ously UIANC1II. New no explanation f the motives which had half Purchase of original statue damaged 875 00 been. tl OEMO la the Hawaiian Oaxetta Block, No. 35, Merchant Street well-know- reminiscences of the Hawaiian Post Office re Operatic A rtiat. where ibejr VE-ViK- n are prepared to furnish L Uufortunately, is only too 800 00 FOR tlG V IX TOUT. resignation; nor, when chal- it Paid K. Lishman for pedestal mind us of the time when every man induced the Insurance, freight, etc., on original who "crossed Mllo.iary br Morning SUr. Kray lenged reasons for that these statements, strong as they are, do the mountains " was a mail if there had ISIDOR SOSENCEANTS. BLANK BOOKS, Br ah Fiona. Khoriea to state their resigning. statue, paid F. A. Schaefcr and Co. . 445 90 carrier but represent plain and patent fact. 187 been a late arrival from 'Frisco, and every Care A bk Enaarald. Lord did he or either of his colleagues rexiil to House for cover of damaged statue 50 man Hawaiian Hotel, MEMORANDUM HOOKS. Knrneaa Abbay. Onrtt was hutl-pint- Ana bk In tecommenuing an increase ot one Paid for 100 photos, of statue in clav who declined tne service reviled in no mea DmaylTtf or l'aliuer'a Irug Store. INKS, quirta, pints, a aod cottea, Abb bk F.nreka. panballow the invitation. After a brief discussion the from Italy 8(1 (M) sured terms by his neighbors. Ana bark Calbartaa. Hubbard Hou.-M-- 1') hundred men in the Police Force of the MUCILAGE, quirts, pinta. half-pint- a adjourned till o'clock on Monday Hassinger' bill, drafting pedestal 20 00 inter-islan- ami eoura. An bk California, Howard Kingdom. Mr. Armstrong advocates At that time d postage was not morning. their C. E. Williams' frame for photo, of thought ol. and when it was established it found LETTER AND NOTE I'AI'KR, being ''thoroughly drilled in the use of the statue in bronze 5 00 DRUGS & MEDICINES FOOLSCAP, Vr frataia Kareiaaj f'wtt. ' During the forenoon His Majesty sent Cartage and sundry expenses H 00 many bitter opponents. The perfection to which LEGAL CAP, It Eiarclt4 club and the musket," divided into small branch of the postal service, called Bk r.dwar.1 May. Liverpool, due, O W JIacfarlaue A Co for Hon. Walter M. Gibson, and placed in that the THE ENVELOPE.. PAPATKHIE. H B M 8 Triumph. Chile, dbtfl companies under the command of "very $12, 537 49 'Letter Carrier, or Free Delivery " system in ETC.. ETC., A his liantls tiie charge oi tne iormaiion ot a ETC., ETC!., ETC. Bk Stella. New York, overdue, t'aetle Cooke of cash in charge of committee, all cities of 20,000 population or more, can be LARGEST STOCK H Hackfeld A Co Mini-tr- v. competent officers," from time to time llamv k Adolpb, Bremen. June. new The following gentlemen 1.0G2 51 brought is shown in fact in the adver- a n n Bk Para. to. Bremen. June. II Hackfeld A Co to service in different parts deposited in llishop and Co.'s Bank. the that Orders taken for any S S W. Hay. W Hder A Co accepted ortfo!ios new Cabinet: detailed tised the city of New Haven, Con- Periodical or News- Br bk Prtacllla, Nwcaatle. . have inthe letter list of Man Fram-Wo- due general Bktaa J A i alkiaberg. Excellency Y. M. Gib-on- , of the Kingdom on duty, and 13,500 00 necticut (population 70,000), the word none '' Most Corrtplete Kale, at remen. July. H Hackfeld A o His Minister of Assortm'nt paper Bk half-doze- that may lie . brought periods to seen, n Desired. Slaar Monar.-h- Llverjd. via Aior . June Foreign Affairs, Premier; His Excellency at stated back The Committee submit, with deference is frequently while a advertised IN Tin: br Jnlia. South ea. May I V A V Cooke for general to the views of the Assembly, they be letters in a week is a large list. But then, the A Honolulu drill and discipline that Prompt attention will be to Card;ff. Joly. Uackfeld Co S. K. Kaai, Minister of the Interior; His 4 Kleo the MaJInc at Bk Joaepba. permitted to continue the work of the Mon- leading politician ot New England,'' who is ! Subscribers yn any of Bk Obaroo. Liverpool. Abguat. T II Havlea E. Hush, His other recommendations are that the other lalanda. Alan,tsr fltnir Suws. 2aa Franelaco. May Excellency J. Minister of Finance; ument till completion. also P. M. in New Haven, is unquestionably a Hawaiian Islands Francix-c- . Chinese interpreters, not of Chinese As the Kre.Ucr p itiuu of our Ptock Stair Ixvonehire Caatle. from San Jnne His Excellency Ed. Preston, Attorney- - Wai.tek M. Gibson, Chairman, model postmaster. The Quaker who urged the BED Gemral. nationality, be secured: that the laws of A.S. Ci.Koir.ORX, church people to purchase a good machine if Is Obtained from First Hands, the Kingdom be translated into the Chinese JXO. M. K APEX A, they must worship by machinery, would doubt- ai.U.C TIIK IVIlalcVKS. WK ABC ENABLED TO RUBBER la al Ihe Likrltke wharf dia harpiug her The New Cabinet. and Portuguese languages, and that the S. K. Kaai, less have said let us have good machines if we STAMP Tba California I a-- Kmerald and Caibartru at the Joseph Nawahi. have machine in office. is coal cargo, d tba ney-Gener- al must politicians It Sell at Very Low diacbarglng. Attoi have authority conferred Figures alao The Premier His Excellency, Walter M Report adopted by the Assembly, and said that Connecticut can furnish other machinery WK Mail wharf and leaven thi upon him to appoint District Crown At Orderi for Red RubberAGENCY.8tttp.rsoeire, Tba Fiona la at tba aftr. American, formerly a by first-rat- e when is .ud Iraa,pll for Coaat. 1 bia takea the car.. Cibsoii, is an citizen theCommittee authorised the Assembly of quality it wanted. Whether ,ulr4 Boon the veel lar.t - torneys for the islands of Hawaii, Maui, of enear. J103 tona and the highest cargo in lonn i.ti.- the of South Carolina, ami is now to continue in charge of the work till com- the present era o! high prices will tax their in- KLEP ONLY THEBEST QUALITY ! 1 of State likely to ayair.. bass-woo- vaJ nation that baa ever left thia and Kauai. The latter of these recom- pletion. genuity in machinery for making d 20 feet 3 water. A go. l ."s year of age. He arrived in this King' " aaj.iKl 7 drawa only luchtaof he places great stress upon, am; hams and wooden nutmegs " remains to be seen. . ' doni in the year WJ1. He sat in the Legis mendations - Abbey la at Nunanu rtreet wharf. lin-c- u Kavaaina. rbarged aea there can be little doubt that the idea will European Correspondence. K ,lt TUG tba d etain Oueat xiecta to tail for llong Kong lative Assembly of l7Sand in that of 1SS0 ., receive wide support from the public. Tba Eureka !.-- as Representative for Lahaiua ; and now FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT. complete loading toJta Esplanade, and will probably J The Loss of the Doura. J; C. AY8:2S . for the oBJtt about the holds a seat as Representative of the city of C'OIPAil'Y, Xitl. "liing People Say About l.dWKLI-- . M .NS K ORNAMENTAL & STUCCO Honolulu. Mr. Gibson has been chosen What the the Prohibi No. si. Loxdox, April. 5, 1SS2. Ml Til tion' of Alcoholic Liquors. Letter A lady well kuSwn iu Honolulu and related to M A K I K during the three Srssionsas Chairman of the The British S. S. Monarch, 2306 tons and 280 some of our prominent citizens, not unknown Crown Perfumery Co., PLASTERERS. T C M nrrmT aaile 1 from San Tlia i He has especially M horse power sailed from Liverpool on the ult. LONDON. port on tb Mar. Capt Jenka ia in roniiuaM. for ti.i Finance Committee. iden CO MCNK'ATED. 21i also to the world of literature, Mrs. J. A. Owen, Irtlficlal Stoic Sidewalks for Honolulu. After touching at Cardiff to take one of by ill-fut- Laid, bark Feiria S Thorapeon arrived at an t titled hi name in this country with mea In canvassing a part of for was the passengers the steam- The f VicT-- the city signa in a supply for long April Jtat. IS daya from Kaimlul. she goea on to sures tor sanitary welfare of the people full of coals the voyage ship Iouro and has contributed to the columus Parke, Davis 6c Co., Cementing all Its Brantf,, Britiab Colombia. the tures to the petition for Prohibition the fol round Cape lljrn, this vessel proceeded direct to of the Loudon Daily JVtwt a thrilling account of OKTROIT, , - . Balled from 8 Francisco May repopulatioii of the Kingdom by l. . .. A .1... .1 1 .v . . Whltfalajr, CalBomiataj. Tba ateamar Ceylon in the lowing were fount! to be the views expressed St. Michaels, Azores Islands, to embark a full iier cstape uum me iiumiei snip. rromI' nil a l aad Jo.k.p aoa ana bat cruise. . .t Prompt! to "vtion. list of Portuguese emigrants. Mr. Hoffoung. we take the following tracts, feeling that j ttaudiK) . at San Fran on 2n 1 - . on the subject. Almost the entire native pop- the ei the iVifinUiaCtUnnC U3H113 tSi Tba a:boonr Roaario arrived ilia Commissioner of for the storv will have a wide interest hete. May. 17 days from Kabului. Simon Kaloa Kaai, Min- - ulation were in favor of it. They said Emigration Hawaiian J AKfcfsfos Slr.m - .hency- . - that the was my suys Ple ,od Tba bktna W. H. Dlmond sailed from San Francisco on utorof . Kingdom at tl is place, has himself taken passage "I in bunk," Mrs. Owen, "on c0er t0frB,r I lTT pure driukingof intoxicating beverages (waionai Doe in the beat manuer. 2nd May. for Kabalul. 1.4)4 II I. ton- - , iiawanauoi on the Monarch as far as St. Michaels, in order the uiyht of the disaster, earlier than usual, and and by exprl.n(.d workL p ' - ; I Tba Pacific Mail Strain-hi- Company new vtrauier "f ' elo- was bad and the Government ought to to superintend the sending off of this pioneer feeling ill had completely undressed myself, i ' ' on morn ouent of our i.atixVe - flan Joaa was ancceasfully launched at the - which I never remember loiu,- at sea C.Cl tWiZ1 be,,. stt.-- r possess- suppress it. Five sixths of them would sign emigrant steamship for1" Honolulu. before. HOmOBDatlllC Mfinininft - 4ng of tba jytb April, at Cheater. Pa. Her ships, in l m.irkod .leirreeS,,s " launched Juue 1st au I i,r ouaaeuiv neara a crasn, wmcn From mv room the San Juan and (id Bias, will be eleine'.onfideIleo of tor Prohibition. The Chinese said they di HAWAIIAN MAP. i NEW VOKK. Jaly 1st reapectlvely. The dluienstona of these tean;er the more conservative sounded only like a slight smash of glass and - leave Order, at Luc an' ara- - Lcugtb SJ feet; beam. 31; depth. SI; and -- tons represented South Konli'3 owu not understand it. Few of them woult The new Admiralty map of the Sandwich Is- scantling. This was at 10. VI. I should scarce- or Box 327, Pcsjt Office. 'ning Mm, Fori-atr- et , capabla of making thirteen kuots. iiThe sari race. He each and w . i ii t.',Tr.the sign Other foreigners were lands (No. 1510) is published at the Hydro-graphi- c ly have aroused myself had I not nest myll If Joaa and Saa Juan will rnn San Francisco and i.. oi..f i iiii--.....i vrii.t win! it. divided on heard the X. Y. ij'i aturi' t..i. Office, under the superintendence running of many feet. I looked out, Honolulu, commencing about July. theJ4le uJf-'t- . Pom that there should of Then came UOODBIRI, X.J. a He was thus present at Oueeust'-wn- . May 1 says: Tin-- that of 17. F. Evans, K.N., and engraved by Ed- back, put on a cloak, and getting to the companion-la- A tele gram dated. prohibition or entire : Captain J. teams hip Alaska maile the run front ew York t. t!n elections of King Lunadlo and King Kala- thV'ire license that ward Weller. is completed chiefly from dder, met some men ruimiug to their cab- ttic fa.t.-- t trfj. c,ass ,aw It the jurt 1B days. 11 boura and lu.uutts l!S7S, sill?"1 l,ot to ue a regarding progress ins. I it an explosion or what?' I asked. WOOD. by aeveral hours ot any yet iua.iv. kana. He was created a Noble in and this trignometrical survey in by the Hawaii WOOD. WOOD. 8iiiJ t,,at t police reg-- m and nlso ' Collision,' was the hasty reply. I ran back, Tba Upreckela Bros new veesel the Luiuia Claudius made a member of His Majesty's Privy illations wfcme an Government to 1879. cm tains the Frauct-o- . seized another cloak, a skirt in which I remem- FIRST left HiU. Monday 15tb. for San with a full iking any mbbad that there was no use ocean soundings, taken by the United States QUALITY FIRE WOOD augar alakea and ui planta- Council in the same year. In that year bered was my purse, small bag, CELLULOID TRUSSES ! cargo of from tbaw they would be bros on the subject that steamship Tuscarora in 1874. and by II. M.S. and then hurri- tion also, office as Minister of Finance. Oth-tio- ed on deok, where I managed to get on my he ers again said that theiJh impunity. n Challenger in 1875. The newlhghthouse on skirt. A SI'EfllLTV. tk ly came To He was born in the year 1"0, and is conse-fiuent- in the State of Maincut at prohibi-an- d Point, Molokai, is already marked Then the captain past me. the boats,' FOR SALE he women in Mr. Ather-l- y, CHEAP, OU.A cried; and the first.' ! MEM MM. now forty-si- x years of age. that any eflbrt of that kina a failure, down. Three marginal plans show : (1) Hono- Warranted uotio b Rust ! Or Wear urn ! Captain heabnry. th fourth officer, a fine young fellow, with EITHER I Tlewort of a. 8. City of Syrney. onlv make matters worse. Othenre would and the Pearl Lochs, on the scale CORD 1T00U OR AXD 1 3lay Mb. arid lulu natural of CIT SPLIT San Franel o May Left Sau Frauciai'O His Excellency John E. Bush, Minister Vat-- a whom I had chatted the day before, my first day . k ika nilof at JIpm. : arrived at Honolulu prohibitory laws in the United States 1:73,000, from vari ius surveys between J840 and j u t Kingdom. ; on board, gave orders in a lim clear voice far at 3 tap- - -- on tue un. ' of Finance, is also a native of the grand success and the result of them f. and taking in the whole of south-ea- st Physicians' Prescriptions TO Also. I T t.;us of cargo for tbis the lowering of the first boat, and pulled me on ORDER. vnsaenrfera for Howoluln. In ls7t; Mr. Uu-d- i was appointed Governor many country places was the reign of peace tlfev,r''ln peak to Honolulu, and ALL WOOD port. May 11. at a.w.,poke bark Jnglewnod. for .u rvn'"'uanui to a chest or something alongside. ' Sit down, CAREFl'LLY PREVARED DELIVERED and order; in cities the struggle has rum Diamond . Head, to a point TO I'raaclaco. of the Tsland of Kauai, which office he held been hard, but the cause of about 4 J?sf woman,' he cried, as I tried to jump into the ANY PART OF Ca.barian. Capt Hubbard Sailed Temperance toY) Wt'-i- f ,,f Huuloa. By an ! THE of Am bark ls-- Honolulu wo-mi-?u CITY Report . called by His Maje-t- y in to the harbor, on (2; boat before she was level and steady. More Experienced Pharmacist from Sin Francis,-.- April a? ; bad Imht westerly winds until was gradually gaining the victory. They ; Is t.. survey by N'av- -0' 1:20,580, chiefly from a and two boys and some men got iu, Me AT for ave daya. then two days' iim lofbt trade win. -t of Mini-te- r of the Interior. He Mas said total prohibition in these Islands with and WITHOUT EXTRA - H-- : tra-i- e winds to port ; arrived R. 34- . W. thence liKbt i a 1880, with 0Vhtion!"trnt Jackson. N., in were ordered to sit down as low as possible. The 1 a lvsd. He forty years heterogeneous population In a low state (Mok-yjo- ANY HOUR of DAY ea 15th Instant daya" passage created Noble in Nihoa or L5ir2sl"d us surveys. (3) most awful moment was when the boat was drop- the or NIGHT! CHARGE. ex- of morality was the only safety ; and with- AT- - of age. In early manhood he travelled out it we would go from bad to worse. The scribed as 880 high, in nGn. which is de-3- 1 ped into the surging deep, a heavy swell on. SEND ORDERS - 3 TO IMPORTS. tensively in EurojH.. After hi return he majority of foreigners were in favor of the 15- and west long.. 101 45.iude 23 3 We thought it was onr last. We reached the Sc Front Newcastle. N M W, per allforjia. May IT sheet has a size of 25x38 'inches, and is hole surface safely, but the ropes held us. ' A knife, HOLLISTEK Co's. Co took charge of the Government printing netiticn. D. WHOLESALE Si It ETA I L Enterprise Job coal. W U Irwin k Continued in Supplement.) DRUGGISTS. Planing Mill. I mra'aHym! 69 NU'CANU STREET. idmjy M8 N0. ,8I FORT STREET. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MAY 20, 1882. 3

W Mr. Lemon a follows : From southerly corner thereof Neu? Aih?eTti5ements. Sealed Tenders THE PACIFIC hex landinR At Hilo, on the lib instant. E fully sent to prominent citizens in oil the boundary ran. II E. ISO links along Will be rec.lvcl st the Interior Office uiitil Tuesday. Preston suffered an awkward and very hoiking packaires, Mr. Hasinjrr. though li had Kaohulenui lot and Government 'aiil. H 57'3. May St. 132. at 12 o'clock noon, for an additional build-i- n Accident. As he wa stepping from the nhalcboat reached the dignity ef a Deputy M in inter, wished to 33-3- 57-3- in which passencers were from the Like a full-blow- W 140 links S. W. 10 link.-- S. E. 110 12xl.V) feet, to be erected at the Immigration Station QiflmmtrcialSlbbcrtiscr. bronchi make Minister' his drpnty in lha along !l,o like, on to a carjro lyinp: at the wharf, the matter of osi)i)g the package. He 13Y IE. 1J. .DYZSIS. link Government land anl Kaohuletiui at K.ksmk . loat lats fubmilted it lot to tke start. r.g meludoig an area of may and Mr. I'reston was thrown into t!i to the Minister of Finance, who did not feel that It ji:t. l'lans and Specifications be seen at the Interior ls-at- . Hi-l- mslLLiKELIKE ear-T- I 1 1 f and bad his riiibt lcir bruised came within he j ef hi I 2Vloo of an acre. Apst.a Kuieaua - ere duties t undertake ! 5 and Patent 211;. to Kapihmanu. Wlhl, LEiVB HER Oili-e- SATUKDAY .MAY '20, IS'2. tiit ' mi bt'inir also abraded. The effect if the t.irk. ll is Kct lleiicy t he M initer of the Interior Cash. MKKLIKK recelve-- of djes nut biuJ bisuself t Mr. Regular , show omv, Preston was to, 'IIKWHAISr 4 v. m. nr.d FrMutt will b Tbe Minister Interior these hurts did not at and next applied would have nothing to Sale No. 12 ONE LOT the road had- kt No but do sitna'e mar atter :i e. u. lue notice is civeu of tbis ri:le. and it will accept tie lowest, or any bid. attended the Court, acting as counsel for the Crown with the siipiciciu4 I.M kin thins:. At this junc- ing Teh-grap- h Station, Apana 2 of Jtoyal csTn-- .l CO. to ling be .ut. ("'Vll WlLDUt i W. X. ARMSTRONG. Minister of Int. rior. NEWS OF THE WEEK. in prosecutions, on the tirst and second davs ture f affairs the gallant Mall Colonel Boyd cam 2fi-'l.i- . de..cnl-- as follows: Apana 2. 1 Patent and May 17. UijiO-l- t tertu, wa oblijjed to l.i up to the tl-- At 10 A.M. at Salesroom. Waikiki-- na. Iutcrit r Office, lssi but afterwrd until recue. calmed ppreh'iiioiis of the lot Auauka Aina Papu. ma ai " w as-l-b- - See What the People Say for a correction the Tuesday follow in?, hen he managed to conduct Deputy Minister of .Valine, un.l him to ZD- ke-- K EK POsTfcRJ. E hoomaka ana i ko ana i Kill .in. makai ma at-.- FOR SAX FRANCISCO. IX. prosecution one cas, the difcn--i- ojvii n i.f thci-- e geritlo-t- n ka Mik. o kc o Ka'.iu pili ana me ke about Mr. W. Castle. the iu thel. rmtunatilv ither nj20 K. P. liiii kahawai Sale of Lease of Government Land. another, bv le:inir to in a chair. n had, at the time, heard of the AIM3, Auclirr. kilii Ak. o Nuii.iikai.i Kmhi", ma ka THE AI BRKE.NTIXE carri fourt little rnii.ivr " then have progressed favorably. recently p.i'te.l in Nc York t vi Messrs. pohakn X a Hema .3-- Hik. 177 punka ma Thk lit. llev. I'.isliop of Olba br the Since matters Vatiderbilt holo el- Lx-- n - 21. at front eutram e and Vi'. Field. - they might Naikahi o KauLao. Ak 'i- Hik. 121 patiKU ma ko On WEDNESDAY. June liii, the Likelike. on Sundav, from a lengthy pastoral tour. Crus uol have 12 noon will be ld at I'ublie The failure of the prosecution against Al.una f..i so the Imik had yet I nn unopened, and this Mele Nahaknelua a l.iki i k.- - kahanai o Kaha of Aliiolaal Hale, at o'clock tld. - .' selling liquor without license illustrate the difti story had not yet "been ready for the telllns;. a. 'Xi- - :io- 121 Auction, tbe of that tract or parcel of Goven.mejt Mb. M. L. Hallenlieck addressed a large audience alalia fliin Kom. pauuu ma ka cultv of dealing with this class of cases. It is iinfti The little package did explode when - hoo-ruaka- ia d i"' Lke o kc- Kalia a hiki i kc kilii i P1.NU ALLOW, Master. Land chiefly eomjx-t.-- of Hawaiian the Kawai- - douhie-liarrcllc- luna kahaai native at notorious among people who live at the other etui opened. It oontanud a d well ; malaila 2:3-l- K ka. ahao on a long wa a ZSstafe Quick Dispatch for Above KNOWN AS KEPUHI, Church Wednedav. ef this island that this man hs, for time it not into nor even a pistol, but ? the spy-g!a- s Real pi--t- Will have a The above km m!3 at auction by C. S. been engaged in the liquor tratlic, yet the police simple of un pretentions' appearance, containing 11? acres. p. OS TOE on ICth lay May 1 ":!, to the late Ap- aitaated in Palolo ValleT, Oahu, Me. Mark Wikss of the Reliance Lumber Co., have hitherto been unable to secure the evidence but of exquisite orkinart-lii- Attention now Bartow the it Port. For Freight or PAssage, per annnm i J. S. Lemon, on behalf f William Williamson, TERMS Lease 10 year, npet price f tseaumont, lexa, has kiniily forwarded us copies necessarr to convict him in a Court of law. If the dirccttd once more to the a ldres upon the box. semi-annuall- was -e deceased. ply to payable In advance. .f the Texas Sifting papers. law obliged everv storekeeper to account for the There nothing to eiftcr a hint why our Kulaokahua Plains, Honolulu. ARMSTRONG, Minister '.t humorom and other purchases the same Deputy of No. 13 l!A LANCE OF LEASE of a Lot in l'u ITtl U HtCKi KLU A C.. agenu. W. N. Interior IiochI sift- - liquor he imports or in strict Minitcr Marine should receive a ground Irom the quantv of the " bitio.-ul.t- r May. 1MJ. ruy.HJ-- ot miian? way New Zealand.-ever- man who deals in valuable England. Kapiolani I'.iTk, 131, 27 ar- - front th- - l"tth Interior Department. Ilouolalil. 20th that, in from The address ins." has to account for ennpowder, some check on lo n plainly ftitnigli at first. July, 1i7h, rt-n- t up in full ; partly fenced : it written Th liquor-sellin- g Ix-in- g - t might be Deputy Ministe r of Marine, nt t a:it-.l- Jaiiie S. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Mb. OEi'HiiF. Bwser. liest known here by his illicit arrived at. etc.. Ottaw a. Canada." am Instructed asifixrni in SALE OF LEASE OF GOVERNMENT And the corner tlie I Lemon. THE FIRST CLAitt CLIPPER SHIP Iiioctory of the Kingdom, has projected another in words. "Matine Department a The Tourists gave their third iorfrniancv W for of the Board of Trade." But soino one (asa or -- LAND No. 11 LOT Ulapalakua. Maui. s-- To OfTer at Public Auction ONE ituate at Wednesday, June 14th. lyrj, at the the front en exearMon to thee Islands, to arrive here bv the the Honolulu public on Thursday evening and scamp i things turn out he is certainly one or inif 41 acre, and the stme conveyed to Os June steamer. He is to exonr-- trance of Aliiolanl lisle, at 2 o'clock, noon, will be sold aeeouipanv the to a large and appreciative audience. Tl the other) hud drawn his through "" James S. L4 inon by the late II. Hi.Mein and if, jNT itaiists as t;nide, philosopher, and friend." programme presented another entire change and 'and t'anad.t." and sntmtitiiteil "Ohaiwa. Sand- a-- f tbe of all that tract of Govern by deed dated Hth Auu-t- . Ii77 and d ei ilo d O at Public Auction, leae wich a w un- KIIUbKS.I Master, gave the performers an opportunity to display tin ir Ilaii.U." And this wis why lit oflioe, : Land situate in the District of wa. Island of to-da- y, t- followtt Quick Port, merit The Tourists play twice giving a Matinee versatility in fun. X.llv and frwcolity. i lie opening known the Constitution had b be created ' Will have Dispatch for above Oahu, , 1 . Saturday, VIay 27, Situate at I'alauea. Inland of Maui, and desrribed and performance specially selected for ladies and chil farce "The Old Folk s lsit introduced all the in this K : n ; and this the reason why this : a large orlion of her Cargo already engaged. troupe A Melange" bv handsome glass lay Im fore gaco At 12 u'clurk dcoo, at Stkwowa. a follou i'.uniiiii due woutli aloii? the road in dren this afteniiHtii. and also presenting a full bill in the characters. "Musical the admiring of l.-d-. Ft.r or apply to AS WAIMANU llas-ing- er Wailukti frin a white rx k n the dry river Freiirht Pa'tage, KNOWN for this evening. A lienetit for Messrs. Mi h Jen Ilarrv Mehdcn, received the usual applause, and Messrs. sn.l Boyd, and ef others who, hence to the Kula road. crois-- s the river d and tnyl tf 0. W. MACFARLAXE A Co., Agents. TERMS Lease 10 years. Upset price, $100 per aumim and Sarony is announced for Monday evening. the sweet singing by Mane lturton received an now that the siispieion of lUliauiite had died away, That Desirable Piece of Land join the Aupuni road to a lava ridife tif ro k payable quarterly in advance. encore. The two eccentrics, Saronv and trlover, in gathered rmui I the :uf from a far country. Then nearly in line with the ledge of ro k- - rnnning into W. N. ARMSTRONG, Minister ot Interior, in me reierence to uson on skin diseases in their "funnicalitios" were mirth provoking, and came to the mind of His Excellency of the" Interior May, 1SS2. were recalled to ret tea t their nonsensicalities. The an obliging promise made to him by 1I.R.1I. tlie Ot the keUeVahia Plain, the ea, thence due f.rty chains to a lava stone TIME TABLE Dept of Interior, Honolulu, 11th myl3 5t. Fitohe's letter to Dr. Emerson, page SSS, has marked H, and thence following the windings of lr. burlesque of Pin-a-- 4 w as cast to the strength of the Prince of Wah s. lhal he would present him with beeu ti the bed to the place of l eontaiitin irinted in error for page 323. The mistake troupe, and the singing, puns, jokes, etc., rece ived Id glass, an exemplar of the finest British makt. rirer iunin; i day been received at tUis De area forty- - ii;ht acres, or 1 Ofkk-- I. notice has this occurs in the line twenty-tift- h from the bottom of eleserved applause. The Tourists propose to give He f It sure tlie glass w as intended for hill). But at of mmm - ! 11 11 temporary absence of Mr. Lot . & XK . H partment, during the the portion f the published the Deputy Known as Title Do ds "at ex nsf of pnrclia-er- Maps and j U Lii i Hill tS. aaswAjsuMinn that letter in vexterdav'a a matinee on Saturday afternoon lor ladies and Minister of Marine dissipated this little s WaLKKB. (si ting) British Vice Consul. Mr. issue. by a ii,veri.aenl urtr)r Map.situatsrd oo feasecola street, plians can U wm at Sal'-- Koo:u ft E. P. Adams, j IVX Thomas Uais children, and as everything thev present is tj a dream rife re nee to. hard facts. The address was eootaio-Dear- ly SIX INTO. SOU de-iie- - w a (rtn'.aae Ml arid dej,tb of fret d U- applica- UEoKiit Luce will discharge the duties of British pleasing character and m good taste the opportu quite ch ar and he. Me . llassiuger as undoubtedly kiu if ktl. and anv information cati had on I ntor. Hesht Que k Wokk. The put 540 tons of sugar 1) Acres, Vice-Conu- persous are requested to tjive full faith "liys" offeree! m a well tilled house. the first and only Deputy of tion to. II. l:. MACFAliLANE. Steamer Likelike will Kave Hoiioluhi each Tuesday at l. All nity should result Minister the Marine te aboard the Fiona yesterday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the Sandwich Islands. .Meanwhile Adniiriistrat..r .1. S. Ieinon. 4 P. x., touching at I.aliaina, Maalaea 1'sy. Makeua, s. and credit to all his official acts in that capacity. Colonel Buildings Im- CT7" Terms at Sale. Kawaihse. I.aupmlmt hoe and liilo. W. L. GREX. The Fiona is expected to go away from here on Maiav, the woman who bit off the ear of Jim Ah Boyd sought reward for his prowess in assisting to With All the and . com- Honolulu, May '.. lis-j- my 1 2 d.Vw tf Ilettirniui; will touch at all the above port, arriving at Minister of foreign Affairs. aturaay. and win take the largest cargo of sugar Chea, the eoek of the schooner Kaukiouli, was open the box, in the tirst trial of the quality of the Honolulu each Sunday a. it. 2,0(Ml mit ted for on Monday. This is the story as glass, w hich he 1k nn-r- Dept. of Foreign AUairs, May 1st, ls32. uiyG 3t (over tons) that ever left this port or is trial found to than excellent. provements Thereon, likely to again for a long while to come. told by one of the witnesses : " I was alxmrd the Having got a line focus for inspecting the fort on No Credit for Passage Money. schooner on the 5th instant. I am mate of the Punchbowl, he handed the glass to the Deimtr V" has pleased His Majesty the King to appoint Paul lx the made ground the feot of Alakea vessel. I saw the trouble between Jim Ah t'hee Minister, w hen lo ! thcdi.iuing tif ceoaistiof of Otie Il.--e. 1 3 PUirtr. entirely Dew, with 6 Household Furniture. We positively refuse to open accounts for Passages, and Ir at street out the slides R'Miina. rll Soiahni and all malted; a Carriage Iluase, we particularly call the attention of the traveling public ' Pchiula Kanoa. Jrsivs Kaah and Herman A. Widemaxx the Government have acquired a valuable piece of and the defendant. We were playing a game. hail revealed an inscription. Thus it reads : Pre Chicken A good Ibe whole Lot. of Nobles. had a deformed hand (lima by Majesty s A. lloase. etc. fence around t i.tne necessity of having Bsae aud Freight PLAINLY to be member of the House property at a very small cost besides covering up Jim said the defendant sented Her Goxcrnmcnt to Mr. II. The from Ibis Lot U chinniDf, the neighborhood U eery MAKKKD; the Steamer will not be responsible for any April 29th, 1832. my 6 Ut and sh struck him. and they struck 'each Parker, mate of the barque Melbourne, of tr pur- Iolaui Palace, naii-uu- e wincii was one Yar desirable, sad Ibe wb4e Lot offer aa opportunity liiimnrkeil KsRaaRe, or for Freight or Parcels, unlet nat of the worst nuisances other back and forth ; then she took Jim by the mouth, N. s., in acknowledgement of his gallantry chasing a bMnrMeail. wbicb cannot often be obtained. On WEDNESDAY, May 24th, 1882 KIXEIP1ED KuK. in the town. An ortVr of S25.000 has leen made for In- hair, anel put his head on the ilaor. and Jim tore in rescuing the shipwrecked crew of the bareine TIHH-One-- hail une-ba- Two Years, with pursuant to an Act of the Cath; la Notice is hereby given that this piece of land the cost of reclaiming which has We went Silistlia, 2(Uli terest 10 per cent , arcarcd by (e. yvt 10 1882, her clothes. to separate thein. and did of Newcastle, on the OctohtT. 1881." at Btorff Freight Money Due on Demand. Legislative Assembly approved May 2nd, there will according to Capt. Brown s estimate, barely been 4 m,yx tt. P. A PA MS, Aaetiooeer. so, and Jim said by and bye you will see in two lank disapiMiiiituu'Ut of His Ex.tllency the ca.en Freight responsible or K n Representative from the District of a tenth jmrt of that sum. A I tke Kraldeare mf MKS CAVi.Nilill, Iu all of for parties not l.. ti,m for or three I will cut your head. He then fetched a Interior ns to the interesting present from H.R.H uiikuown, the freight Money will be required in advance. Maui, ou DAY f No. S Emma Square, on account of departure, will Kahakuloa and Kaauapali, the 2Tih of large shovel, and strnck the mast with it m ar Vlls'i-- Edward ditto of Deputy Minister of - Thk attendance at the Loan Exhibition on Mon be sold at fublc A tctioo, the Kiiiie Packages of Liquors and Wines Must Be M ay lH- The Inspectors of Election will receive the where defendant was standing. She ran away, Marine hs to the one sole iMTouisite of oftlew that VALUABLE votes of all those entitled to vote at the School House in day anel Tuesday was very meagre and the receipts and he hit again anel struck the rope. (Two or loomed beforo his eyes. Nothing left now but to 1. 1 Plainly Marked the said District. were not such as to repay the trouble and expense three witnesses say he certainly struck at the find A. II. Parker as promptly as mssihlo, anil to ii o u s i: ii o For the party whom they are for, or plainly stated in the The following named persons are hereby appointed of keeping the place open. The electing of the re- woman.) We went and toek the shovel away, and put some one in the way of placing a blister on that i Iteceipt to whom they are consigned. Inspectors for Election: freshment department aud the withdrawal of theise they ran at one another again. I heard the China youthful (surely he is youthful) memlier of the REAL ESTATE u x u All demands for damage or loss must be made within man call out, and saw his ear was bit off. They boasted Civil Service of who ells-- n i it i: one D.KAMAIOPILI. interesting exhibits who used t nit about there Great Britain f month. had no eloubt much to elo hatl hold of each others heads, and their heads laved his geographical learning and general l'rDitinr io part as follows,triz: In no way liable for loss or accident to Live Stock. S. E.KAIVE. with this. .ON". saw IIT Hack Drivers, Boys aud such like, will not be al- were close together. When they parted I the liocy by changing the address of (he box to BLACK LEATHER SOFA. Round Tables, Mir- lowed on board the steamer on arrival, until after the B. NEWTON. Captain Tubneb of the Win, G. Irwin, keeps up ear was gone. The next morning defendant pro- Olniiwa " (was it an attempt at Owhyhee,), passengers have been landed. duced the ear, and said, ' Here is the Chinaman's Sandwich rors, Pictures, Lump. Marble-To- p Ash AB.MSTKONO, of Iuterior. the "Full anel Fast " reputation of the line. He Islands." IMuuanu Avenue. Centre W. N. Minister ear.' She threw the ear into the sea." By order of DH. HUTCHINSON. Bed-roo- m Set, complete; Mosiuito Nets. Wlldor c2 Co. Interior Othee. May 3rd. 182. arrived here on 11th with a full cargo, both below myt-- 0 d&w and eleck, and sailed on Wednesdav Kohala Items. ASH MARBLE-TO- P SIDEBOARD, Rocking Chairs alxve for San At the meeting of the British Benevolent So i A. FEANK COOKE, Francisco with tiiKI tons of sugar and twenty-fou- r ciety held Monday evening, the following gentlemen Bureaus, Crib, Child's Carriage, Clock, fix ; fFItOM nr HI'KflAI. COIIKESPOHPICNI. I passengers having discharged and taken the loeik OFFICE, o" -- 2 in were appointeel a Committee to after the ar lllg relay, May 27 Cottage Bedsteads and Mattresses and Pillows. 5 5 5 i above large amount of freight in live working days. Several Hilo people came up on the raiirosd last 0n&-- Ik given on May S5 rangements for the ball to iu ted: v t - Week. say Licking-Glasse- s. & QUEEN : Tney they wish Mr. Wilder would fctVO PATENT COMODE, Meat Safe, CORNER NTJUANU STREETS. ;' celebration of Que-e- Victoria's birthday, viz The Vice-Preside- them same over wav. It o'i'otk M., It Sales Keea, Stands, Washstands, Kerosene Lamps. HONOLULU, II. I.. Prof. Zamloch, (" the Austrian Magiciau,") Treasurer, and Se'cretarv, and their it z: wife per of A in employ of R. a lot? o - s and arrive! City Sydney, and left ou Messrs. Bickerton, Swanzv, Purvis, H. Macfarlano, Chinaman the II. It. had I will offer at Public Anclioo, (unless previously dia posed BLACK WALNUT BEDSTEAD, Spring Mattresses, G- - B. Thomas, Kennedy. broken on Thursday, Dr. Thompson was Private ale). A E M T O n. Tuesday for windward ports per Likelike. Frof. T. It. Walker, E. Freetli, called, at PiHowa, Etc., iu good order. O . repu as a is Scrimgeour, Lucas, Webb, Hohlsworth and J. II. and thinks all will go well with him. VERY DESIR1BLE x 3 S 2 Si J Zamloch's tation wizard well established, Til IT ERS and BASINS, New Bath Tub, cost $23.00 The Following Packets Z anel his sojourn here seime two years ago, is not Boyd. This Committee met at the British Club yes- We improvements in pre tty place 2 01 notice tho little - ! KITCHEN CROCKERY. Stove and General Cook- UAILKI.K, WAIOhl, " l yet forgotten by the eemmunitv. Our folks to terday afternoon at 4 p.m., and arranged the different at Kaiopihi, owned by Mr. Akina. mid are told that Residence and Pronert;- J ii " committees to look after details. As the time for WA1KIIU, V AIM ALU, 2 a m windward have a treat in store on his appearance Mr. Sisson of Hilo, is to occupy it. - ing Utensils Garden Hose, Etc., Ktc. M w ....- I A K A LU N A , amongst them. is short, the committee ill bo obliged I.OI.O fc M I ss H . Weather hot and dry with no rains on tho leiwer AVENUE, c Also, a Lot of MASONS' TOOLS, Centres I 2 O ? by applications for tickets. The following Dr. Hatcbinaon. aitaated at iCCA?!C Grotto MA XA, JULIA, m ' early lands though the higher tines get an occasional aa area of oce acre with he Buildings and improve. Aud Plans. t i Mb. Er.i Johnson, lectured again at Fort Street are the Floor (red rosette's) , H. ! K A MO I, I. EX. Cane is looking well and growing Beota thereoo, including ail eooveaiit" SIKGKL. t'bnrch last evening to a full house. The lecture Macfarlaue, F. M. Swanzy, E. W. Purvis, E. W. shower. well. E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. a by tho of Kapukini. g was " Holdsworth; Refreshments (blue rosettes), E. B. native natne at Hotiolpn, Stable, each , mv20td ! UH entitled Midnight Scenes by Gaslight in Eu- f Ueif :- -Red, J3 Thomas, G. D. Freith, It. S. Scnmgonr, J. A. vfus so badly hurt by the explosion if giant powder FLAG with White Ball ro and America The Curse and Cure." This tliat Dr. Thompson was obliged to amputate Servants , Etc. gentleman proceeds by the on Kennedy, F. M. Swanzv; Music and Printing, the marll ly Likelike Thursday 11. light hand. The Dr. thinks he will also Jose, one desirable next to Hilo, and is expecteel E. W. Holdsworth, Thomas Walker, John S. Thl pro pari y b Incited io the centre of the moat Lease of tlie it that he will deliver Reception (white rosettes), R. F. Bick co at least, and both. ports of the city, where the value of property is rapidly en- - S 2S another address in Honolulu after his return be- Smithies; hancing. The lot itself wita Its Royal Palms, Flowers and PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY M 8 I a leaving erton, J. II. Boyd, Revel. A. Macintosh, T. R. Our attention has been culled to a fine new car- of Iflokiiuiiicume w Li wi j x fore for Australia. tthade Tree Is r gMl leearded as one of the most pleasant Island a is " a Walker: Finance, Geo. Lucas, R. S. Scrmigeonr, riage made at the shops of Mr. Chiules Hopkins. residences in Honolulu. It is offered for sale only on account 3 W. Kennedy, 8. Webb; Special Invitations, of ; ! ; - J. J. Honolulu cannot boast better work and if par-cha- 9 2- a Ir was stated at the Y. M. C. A. monthly meet of proposed departure of the owner. A portion of the AT AUCTION Pi-ancisc- o. s s s Committee is to a wo i w 2 2 S -- Major Wodehouse. The General everyone gets carriage, shall have to do the asoney interest at tea per cent , secured & half-pa- st can renaiu at Poi San s c2 w u ? ing that the I'roinbition liill had been drafted meet again on Monday evening at seven same. . by mortgage. On SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1882, o i 2 Uart-wel- K. P. ADAMd. Aoct'r. THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP "2 5 by Mr. for the Planters Labor and Sup- in the room of Mechanic Engino Co. No. 2. We learn that Dr. Kimball, of one of the Eastern 1 will cflVr at Auction, ,""2 c ply Company, afltl that the arrival of Mr. Bice was is cv.M-cte- i:i w - s 2' gone States, the June steamer, to locate awaited, he having promised to introduce it in the Everything appears to have well with the for a while in Kohala. From wjiut we ouu learu of of Mokuumeume cj 3 2 S Assembly. The petitions on the subject which scheme for raising money for the Honolulu Library The Lease of the Island i g g have the Doctor, he is a man of ex'leusivo ex erienoc; m h s m sis be to- by means of a Loan Exhibition. The idea was re OF : O W U U recently been signed are to presented all both iu America nnd Eurojsi, and having accumu- ESTATE LEMON. ; or Ulx Ford's Island, H "S S gether, along with those from other islands, when ceived with favor as soon as jftootcd, and a most a sufficiency of goods, ? S o o o of lated this world's now seeks Ml Io tbe Pearl River Lagoon, for FOt' It V K.l RS. aa o. the Bill is about to be introduced. energetic and indefatigable coajfeiittee ladies and CITY NEW YOKK, J H a a climate that will ensure him good health. We OF " ef- DECEASED. is over 300 Acres in extent, is fertile and is a gentlenen took it up with 'enthusiasm, iiieir hope he may llnd it here. This Iilaid (H7 - r - by public, lurrcundm bt deep water and flthrrirs. CO 11 S JX- . 3- x Ahvna, who was some little time ago charged forts were liberally seconded tho all It. Cotuuiit mler. who were appealed to, lending ungrudginly tlioso The mosl important event of the week has been iaj20 E V. avam, Auctioneer. 55 g 95 I 2 E 5 with selling liquor without a license at his Portland, Oregon, DESIRAELE INVESTMENT. w w things whose beauty or rarity or peculiarity were the departure for of our highly Will LEAVL HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO A w S store at Waialua, and esteemed tow Mr. E. R. Uin u, who gs- - to 3 2y "3 3 acquitted, appeared before likely to render them attractive exhibits. When iisinan OR 5 -- Judge Bickerton on Saturday on a similar charge. opened the Exhibition immediately seized on the enter into business with his brother at that place. GN ABOUT JUNE II.. 8 2 lie- - Kcal Estate 2 . - After hearing the story given by one witness popular favor, and the receipts which reached the Mr. Riven will leng remembered here as a man Valuable al n, . Deputy-Marsh- Sale m n proso-cutio- having mid Administrator's Gaoils lor Shiptuent per Steiimer oh uwv ; j Dayton, who conducted the sum of (in round numbers $2,C0O) considerably ex- the kindest of hearts, ever thinking be Slwreil, r ree said that he should tender no further - more of the comfort ami pleasure of others than of OF of Chnre. the Fireproof ceeded the most sanguine expectations of the pro- W r re bouse irnr the Sieit mer V hit rf. mar 4 evielence as he was satisfied he should not secure a motors. Finally all the exhibits have been safely himself. He is a talented Je) former on the piano, HONOLULU. conviction. The licensed was therefore discharged. returned to their owners, nothing has been dam and contributed a Targe share to t ho enjoyment of IN ' zl the people here. A complimentary dance was giv- : il gills' : : nothing lost notwithstanding the fact S aged, and FOR SYDNEY .VIA AUCKLAND ! b " & An express elriver had a narrow escape from a en him at the Dramatic Hull, at which was seen all i ' : "s the rooms m which the inhibition was held 5 3 " : that the liest iicoplo of the place, and it was a feeling g - : t : : bael accident yesterday morning in Merchant street. were nightly crowded beyond their fair holding ca Til K Sl LtNDID STKAMlllir - 5 . 5 akin to that which one fed iu parting 2 : S : & : was elriving pacity. The Committee of the inhibition are to with Bj Vlrtie f a Or.rr ( Sale S 1 2 The horse he became fractious, reared the Is'st loved ones that camti over us all at the BOOTH, Deceased. ' : : be congratulated on sucn a complete success, in Estate of : e-- J. 2 H 3 " - anel kicked, and nearly bucked himself out of the of last hand shake with out; we so highly esteemed. May, by the Hon. i this connection omission ought not to bo made Granted on the 8th day of --s 2 : : : s s harness. To avoiel a runaway the his of tbo Supreme ' i driver run the fact that it was not only to those who " but " L. McCnlly, 1st .boiKUle Justice : e 13 g chicle into the peist in front of Messrs. W. nnder-iifnts- d. J. Exhibition was indebted for its pe Court Sittinjr Jude in I'mlte The a O . : t oa Robinson and Co.'s store. The idea proved suc that the Loan What tho People Sdy. Administrator tf the Estate of the late cuniary excess. The girts oi .Messrs. nan Jtros,, VIRTL'K OF AX ORDIR OfSILK cessful, but involved the smashing of both shafts. de- Wo invite expressions of opinion from the public upon JAM. LEMON. bv UcCully. Associate II. J. Nolte and F. Horn to the refreshment 8. Issued Hon. Lawrence irst i The elriver was thrown out, and somewhat badly general ' COM.M N DKR, partment represent a very considerable sum. Mr. all subjects of Interest for Insertion under this Justice of Kupreuie Court, I am instructed to offer at AUG ILL, lawa 1 hu'-- t' 2ile'''o.:KS'2r bruised, but fortunately sustained no serious in was for $150, and as to the sup- head of the AnvF.HTisKtt. communications should Auction, ny Salesroom, ou Horn's cake rafiled I gus-raut- Will Soli at Public Public Auctiou. at WILL LKAVi: FOR COI.OXIES jury. be authenticated by lie nsuin of the writer aa a Till'. plies from the Astor House and the Beaver Saloon; of good faith, but necessarily publica- AT SALES LOOM OF E. P. ADAMS ut for i JrsT as the steamer Iwalani was leaving Maalaea the ladies may ue saiei to nave naei everyiuing mey tion. OX ON OR ABOUT JUNE 15th. 5 11 I ! J ? wanted for the refreshment department without Our object is to offer the fullest opportunity fur a variety SATURDAY, 17, 1882. II f bay on her return trip a woman jumped overboard, were of popular discussion and inquiry. June i : pay. Things ordered with - a S .. 5 . stint and without To we shall to 1832, tux Fr.ig'it ai.d i'ssvige, apply to I ! J.. 3 "3 s apparently with the intention of swimming ashore. no all inquirers endeavor furnish Informs. Saturday, 27th day Hay, the idea that they were to paid tor out these lib must complete t any II. HACKFKLD k Co. Agents. A boat was lowered and she was got on board again. no pay tion of tlie hsracter on subject In A I 12 O'eleck Neea. eral souled caterers would take from these which they may be interested. J AT U O'CLOCK XOOX. , ' 0 t i; - She was newly married and went to Maui last week charming customers. an on a wedding trip with her husband. There she I S rt Mb. KniTor. : I note in your paper of yester- All tke 1'elUwii DeerU4 Premise! That Valuable Piece or Panel of and. situated ou the -3- -a z v z saw some one whom she liked better. Hence the corner f Nuuanu aud Hotel streets, and known as via New York. f " day, that the Hon. Mr. Nuwulii says in Lis ro- AND PI1EMISES, aitaated i For Europe eni: a Z the attempted swim. She had alreailv caused a goed No. 1 HOUSE. LOT. ll i. ks that Mr. (;istl when Attorney-Genera- l, occupied by James H. S - eleal trouble while on shore anel had to be locked received by the mail from 'if oo Nooano Avenue, formerly ON OR jink 51b. 2 - tf From a private letter, not carry out the instruction of "the above the"Lixhl House." the aaid aboit i up for her conduct at least it is so reported. This Oamesf W. Austin, Esq., we are permitted to take did House Lemon. Inst I C inspectors; of Ejection - pot in liral-rat- e order Lb sounds like a happy leginning ef married life. the following extract : " I was recently at Wash to preisecute certain for premise- havinif Just bci Hotel l'robitlily gen- and the House raised. The International " ington where I found Judge Allen doing all that " alleged fraud." the Honorable of Licenses Expiring May, 1882. The buildings which formed the Hotel Sta can be done for the treaty. I do not le- - tleman did not know that the re ason why ho did No 2 EIOHT LOTH on Beretaui Street List possibly disapjx-are- d ; . give me nonce re not, .was because Mr. Castle went out of office tmniediaUlv the late residence of On ha. bles have all the last of them was con- lieve tho U. uovemnieni win itate Ulalani." nd descnUd Relti on Tueselay quired for the abrogation of the Treaty.' sot in after the Legislature adjourned, otherwise Jas. S. Lemon, railed " PROPERTY, W'o Co Nuuanu Street Honolulu verted into old lumber afternoon. Mr. Lnt-- s So. 2 W. 239, 240, 2 Yee. commenced work well he would have eibeycd its instructions. Will io Government Snrvey a4 3 A Jaeger.iKaahumanu Street Fessler at the Artesian about We are indebted to His Excellency, the Minister Nd. 2.JO. 2:13. nd 234. an area A Hotel Street M. on Tuesday and was down about 83 feet last the following information you please make this in your editorial 211. ill. "d With all tbe Buildings and Improvements thercupou-Th- e UST.l HLIslI I840. 6 C'onchee Achat. P. of the Interior, for just ! these Lots arehik'h and dry nd Market ot Mr. Hoffnung date, London, both in the KugliKh and Hawaiian in justice to eash of Lot will, by order of C'jurt. be first 9 Ah Kat. Fish evening. Alter the usual layer black sand ana received from under lt of weeds, and n gnlch : are fenced whole the 17 A. Hopper. Esplanade underlying coral the of the 1 1th of gentlemen. nearlv clear offered at upset price of Kurty Thousand Dollars J. Co., cor King and Maunaa ?a Sts character stuff sunk April 27th: "Steamship Monarch sailed inst. both these Jchtice. . water mnninj? tbe 9fi Nam. Chonit k was easily pierced HI 11. ,.:! ami rear, and Government IW.Ouo). Sailings Week Pickering, cor King and rort bts . through clay but standing well from the Azores with 203 men, H8 women and I beg to say that Mr. V. '. has no knowl- Two Every ( 21 Jos. F. " pipe, very desirable a t a of same color as side slopes of One two Rteamer.-wi- ll fr..nt Should there be no purchaser at this npst l price, ins 24 Yee On. Mauuakea St and about the the minors, all contracted. or edge of the corre ction untile above, but I thought Lots, a running in front aulHUvlde.1 & Kaahu - wh..le or fn sinvcte street Ixt will tbea be and sold in FOR LIVERPOOL: 24 A. S. Cleghorn Co.. cor Queen aud Punchbowl Hill. Hard rock was reached on Thurs- follow soon. Send further orders promptly, avail- it only just to lmth gentlemen nml tho members l-- yal Patent. manu Streets afternoon. rear title lav ing present favorable disposition. Htate-ine- ut and IttOM MAY 10KK EVERY TE.ESDAY, Tong & Co.. Mauuakea street who heard, nml the readers who read tho 3 THE HOUSE. LOT. AXD PREMISES. 25 I'au Sing. Ntf 20 J. It . Lynch, King Street Band will play this afternoon at Emma news about Ireland is of more than usual in- that it hhould be coi rected. , J, as Ulnlani." the late homestead of James THREE PORTIONS, 1K(I BOSTON EYEKY SATIRUAY. King Street The The known " It. M. 26 Chu Sam. commencing 4.30 p.m., following is the terest; to say nothing of the shocking murder e.f Lemon, and formerly occupied by II. 26 Ahuna, Waialua Square, at : S newly-appoint- ed Chief Secretary, Lord Freder- Mb. Epitoii The article in your issue ,ot H. nd adjoin- Waialua : the Commissioner Jtnies WtIehone. Io accordauee with the Report and Surveyor Curtis J. 26 Ahuna, programme of which some account is given in Saturday present a very reasonable, Hon. H. A. Wi.kman. The seen RATES OF PASSACE: 27 Ho, Tin. Chong. cor Merchant and Aalkea Sts " ' and Constanze" .....Meyerbeer ick Cavendish, inquiry with ing the premise of Lyons, now ou file Id the Couit, which can be tipou Overture i'iouiilde 1 2 Liliba 8t " " of our Kan Francisco correspondent. The reference to a tuiiiii through the head of Kalilii i.remises) are in tine order. an.l very desirable as a ppllretluD. C.Alil.N SO find AlOO GOLD Israel Fisher. Waltz " Gilifed Youth Waldtenfel the letter having lately Ntn pnt in 2d Hang Lum, Tong. Hotel St Selection " Nonrja" Bellini Government has released Parnell and two other Valley ns a means of transit from Honolulu to residence, H. Wilkinson. Fort St Meadow-Brook- " familr According to Accommodation. 30 Mrs. W. SongWithoutWord.r--'-B- y the new.. Lange Land-league- rs and is about to try a policy of con- The consist of Main " Koolau. tborn'nh order. premie - Cornet l'olka " Uelln'n new Faust of We give in another Oat-baiMin- e. House. E. P. ADAMS, Rrlitil Hawaii- ciliation insteael coercion. Allow to say ina( U Itaildinir. tMUr. Cok KI.TtBV THktnSOV I IYOUACI.E TERMS. I'olonaise " Cotu tball ". new Gungl of tne that the r'lias been very and fine BuihlinR 2 U. B. Csrr. I'unshoa, Hilo column, Gladstone's explanation the situation. me Cos-'- h Stables. Coltatfe. thoroughly discussed by th whoBoduty it has House. give an extra Concert on Queen For-t- er fine Well of Water, m com STKe ll AGF. 38 Cl'KRKNCV 4 Kh Teng. Honokaa, Hatuakua The Band will Lord Frederick Cavendish who succeeded following with Windmill and tlCTIONKKR. 7 Sung, l'aukaa, Hilo Eve, Tuesday, May 23rd, at the West Rid- been, and with the res ilts: o. OihkI arcuiumoditions aleavi be secured on application Tuck Victoria's Birthday as Chief Secretary, was memticr for the plete order. Title Grant &u. HbUulula. May 3. lssi. iiiyfi Ot cn 11 I- - Wins. Makapala. North Kohala "(North Division.) Forster, in ex- First. The emerging point on the Koolau aide to Kohala Hawaiian Hotel. ing of Yorkshire immetliately adjoininjf the I 12 i'ahaua, Makapala. North bo hh high up as 'v0 XE LOT. WILLIAM. DIMOND k CO., plaining his retirement, said he could not agree to would nearly the spring on the IWetania-stre- et 15 C. H. Wetiuore. Hilo A. HorsTeiN, a recent graduate of the same, with a frontage on JA A I.I' X N DKR, San Francisco, Rev S. the suspects unless he got from them a pnl-li- c present I'ali Road so high, nt any rato, that ei 18 San, Sam Kee. Hamakua release n.mao-sirr- feet. IM Street B.Vrn. feet, and running State 111 Laupahoehoe, Hilo Chicai o Theological Seminary, and now under to cease oppe.sing the execution very little would he gained. Icli f BUOWN A CO.. Ton Man, understanding ..,.,i-- t. t . and in fine order. Part of VtilNON II. 25 K. Mills, Knkuihaele, Hamakua he be' i Kill CALIFORNIA 4 1 .wlion Green, New York. J. commission as missionary to Micronesia, will of the law. As he could not obtain that, could Second. It would not fair to the Kuilua and Graut No. XX). Retail Mail preach at Fort Street Church, Sunday morning. In not remain iu office. He would have released the Waii.ianalo people to compel thein to nuch a No. 5 OSE LOT Joining the above, toward Notice to Hnc-- i lrm Australia. New Zealand and Ilono the evening there will le a Union Gospel Sarvice. .suspects if Ireland had been quiet or if the Govern- roundabout way of reaching Honolulu. run- more facilities to 6 Chas 8ylva, Wailuku Honolulu, with a frontage of feet, and lulu Hie Cunanl Line fTril thin usual V. Lahaina, Mr. Cruzan will preach a brief sermon, and Mr. ment had had full peiwers, but he could not agree A to - s Tr.ins-I'acifl- 7 Ktrkwood. Third. road Nuuanu Pali is alrea- No. Soil. Ihrooeh pe-i:er- from c Ports, the frequency of J. feet. Also part of Grant Company. 9 C. H- - Dickey, Haiku in- surrender. ning back Furniture all p sihi'.ity of delay in New York. Hallenbeck will conduct all the other services, to an unconditional and ought to be kept up any ( pickets. its sa:lng prrclulmg 10 Wong Leong, Kalnalu, Molokai in Finely fenced with' XJT Arconimiila i'in aleav reserved. cluding an after meeting in the Vestry. Owing to wejuld of ir Uul 10 Kalepa. Makaena. Keahae, Koolau "been In a letter to the "Glasgow Herald," correcting be the expense "l'VVL lepuir above, toward VtllNO.N BROWN A CO.. Mr. Hallenlie.:k'tf need of rest it has deemed r No. 6 ONE LOT Joining the II. 12 Taiu You. Makawao which had appeared in that pajs-- in the wet portions of both " et Borne atatemenfr A frontage on Ueretania-stre- mir4 4 Howling Green, New York. advisable to hold only this one Gospel Service next Honolulu. Laving 14 Alania. Waihee statistic.1; of Hawaiian trade, our Consul and keeping the Nuuanw'for common carri-besid- es. Makiki-stree- t. and A-- Wailuku week. "Gospel Hymns" will be used Sunday as to the and feet on V WHIG V l . G . IKVI VK IIAVK 2ti A. Enos Co.. Port, Mr, JauK's Dunn, remarks as follews : .rtblc. Kinan-stree- t, and fully shown on received a Lare Invoice of 28 Kung Leong, Wailuku night. The series of Gospel meetings will at that w( on Boys' nil wool suits Irom $4 up, at Chs. am glad to be able t; state that, in supplying TuuiWii n k may be inuJe, in Government map. being also part of the Land KaHai. liegin one week from Sunday. "I Fourth. that FlSUEKs' POI'L'LAIt STORK. Retail the Hawaiians with some ot their more important age trafiiu nrrMaiioa Valley pre sents even bet- - Grant No. 5oo and Koval Patent. Fenced and J. inachinery, industrial as will e seen, has a 9 Geo Irvin, Kekaha. Lihne Mb. John Carteb passed through on the last requirements, such as sugaT The p,'n;'itie.s for tnniiellinj; than Ki liht. clear of weeds. This Lot. 13 Choug Tai, Waimea Glasgow largely contributed ; atreets. and adjoins parade NEW FURNITURE ! way implements, Ac, has matt" C. J. L. frontage on three BY AUTHORITY. 18 Achong, Waimea steamer on his home, having with him a fine but, at the same time, she has alser borne her part Ground. V IctualiiiK. lot of young American trotting stock. He started iu the responsibility of propagating a liVtnic In ioit Liquor Opium. L(JT. immediately in the rear of I'rehilill of sail v.. :i)T. 2 Yee. Wo k Co., Nuuanu St. Honolulu with two stallions aud six mares from Kentucky, toxicating drinks, lor whicn tne natives, iih UrnLani." with Stone Wall and Picket Fence, 3 Apo. Ilaiuakuspoko. Maui but had the misfortune to lose one of the best of a more advanced civilization, have acqnfng Bv a Lapv Com i:ibi toh. 4- - along Seal's Land; St. ca King ennuiuif N. E. 1j feet BED-ROO- M 5 Couchee Achat, Hotel Honlnlu mares on the steamer, the second day out from San taste. do not hesitate to say what I - ; SETS New 5 A I committed tho nnpardon-- V thence S. 4S- E. 110 feet along J.S. Lemon's Land Conchee Achat. International, Honolulu Francisco. Her place was taken by Lady. Dudley, countenance this part eif our trade; interests Caucasians having Lahaina, Maui s S. 35" W. 126 feet along J. S. Lemon's ' 7 P. I'unnhu. a Kentucky mare, purchased from the stables of H. reflecting the wisi-r- are rapidly able fault to introduce into the baudwicu thence - 12 Lam Toi. Maunakea St.. Honolulu so I know I am ; W. 53- W feet along Mauka side Styles and unusually cheap. a And kindred evils. of tnil thence ll'J :( Ho, Tin Cheok. cor Merchant and Alakea Sts. J. Agnew of this city. Lady Dudley is handsome o,l rir.vnr.iment and writing lands vices death, must teguid it their duty of Kinan-stree- t. Title B. P. 603o. 14 Nee Lee. Beretsnia St bay. 13'4 hands high, of fine appearance. Was of an interesting people whiihler drinks such as to induce the Legislature to root out these evils to lie No 8 ONE LOT, immediately above the above Patent Rockers, 23 Win. Coffin. Kilsues, Kauai sired by Erie ; dam, Sue Dudley, 5 Messenger diminishing by reasuevciopwig i sen. it is by force of law. No liquor, no opium more in 313a. E. 24 Louis Kaltofen. Kekaha. Kauai crosses." Mr. Carter was well pleased influences e.f whisky and gin Lots. bein No. 2 in l.yal Patent From ! to find that As, however, the, our midst! No intoxicating drinks in this garden 0 31 Cing Cheok, Nuuanu tt. X. 31-3- W. get so fine an animal on anle of old Stone Cattle Pen runs Book Shelves, By Authority. he conld the islands and beer and ligh.' . of Eden ! alni;snle Roval Patent No. C3()5. Seal Wbolesulr. more surprised when he was shown six more in the the tin ! hoped An individual under the influence of theme rft along the same Book-case- s, as fine. A Tale of a Box. thence N. 57') E. 142 feet Dwarf 1 E. I. Adsms. Queen St same stables just wUI " above named poisons is able to commit the H. it- - W. ISO feet along B. P. 153 to Iuitial It lias plea-soi- l His Majesty the King to 24 A. S cleghorn A Co.. cor Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. Kr.c S.1I for is on S. 32 W. t0 feet along R 28 J. I. Dowsett, Queen St. The monthly meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held Tl.o th brought a letter to the Government most atrocious crimes, his brain set Point: thence airain Wardrobes, appoint the following gentlemen to be Minister of Keep the favorite beverage out of reach ! 153: thence N. W. true 16 feel along Walnut on Thursday, at the Lyceum, the President Buildings addressed to "the Deputy fire. : Pork alulcher. Some one-wh- well No Kinan-stre- et ; N. 41" E. 85 feel along Stone members of his Cabinet Me Ohaiwa, Hawaiian Islands." and all will be in future. htiuiulants are thence Marble-To- p 1:1 . Marine. K. 6;io5 area 8340 Tables, Tenlong Aina. Libue. Kauai Pratt in the chair. The attendance was possess that title ventured to os n in a climate, fruits, grains, vego Wall i.f I. to Initial Point, Hon. Walter Murray Gibson, Premier 28 Awana, Makawao, Maul ito given did not needed hot feet. larger than usual. A rccomiii('ii(J',e!je Colpor-- the document, and found enclosed a Bill of Lading tables, beeves hufliee for health. sonare and MinUfer of Foreign Relations, vice New York from Eng- B. 313'J, Secretaries, Bunl. managing Committee that the passed with the for a case which had come via. Onr brave Missionaries who have taken here No. 9 LOT No. 1. include.1 in P. and AV. The case had liecu : Kxeelleney L. Green resigned. - bearing the above address. if same, as follow His 12 J W. Keeaotnakaui. Hilo, Hawaii towards paying the salary only, the subject land - tofore such excellent care the natives' educa- described in and decriled A- of R In- Oahu Is' conite-r-. an encemr-provis- o forwarded by Messrs. Bellingall Miller San S. angle of B. P. 5oO, and W. angle of Office Desks and Hon. Simon K Kaai, Minister of the A teur for Reports ef in Kchetols mid churches, should drop a lit From Firr rtua. wa - Waneiaeo the writers of the letter, as mere is no tion rnu N. 21. 12" E.. true ; 3im) feet along R V. that it made bv the several Commit- tle while the higher branches and Kpeak publicly P. li:l - terior, vice His Kxeelleney N. Arm- Bertcluianu, Kona, Oahu. of Marine here, and therefore no Deputy ZM. thence B. 6- F... trne : 4H feet along 23 H. to le reconsider ef the evening was spent in the Minister Hygiene in named places. A pure P. Office Tables, strong with the Minister no one w as entitled to pass the entry for rui both Kinif-stre- et : thence S. 32) W.. true; 306 feet reignel. lii I litre's aging cha.Vvarious matters connected mind and a pure healthy benly are the tees, movement, in the ceiurse of the case. To get over that difficulty Mr. J. A. healthy along R. P. to Initial Point. Hon. J. K. Hush, Minister of Finance, 1 Bros., Hotel St. Honolulu jemperance l- I Hart urgeel on the absence of Hassinger was duly eomruissioneel by His Exce essence of life, make mother earth a paradise 2 J. S. Lemon (Commercial) Honolulu d'eh it was memlers that "of No. 10 ONE LOT ON WAIKIKI ROAD. Just Walnut and Koa ChefFoniers, vice His Kxeelleney J. S. Walker resigned. . i i : . . t T.,.i.: - lency the Minister the Interior as Deputy Minis- Our Government should establish kitchens, Baths, oppeisitlOll at...... tlie meetings on uic auujcei ui a iuiii- lievond the Ing Branch and descriled in Attorney-Genera- l, Bnlrber. more was of Marine for these Islands. The exact char- whe re experienced hands teach hygienic cooking, rn.m K&hnika and Akahi to the late Jas. S Edward Preston, Esq., bition ought not to be taken for than it ter Bed Awana. Makawao. Maui worth, as a strong exposition was being fostered acter of the authority for the appointment has not baking, brewing to the mothers and daughters Leuun as follows : What Nots, Lounges, vice His; Excellency u . JN. Armstrong re- Aloi, North Kohala. Hawaii Mr. Hassinger has analyzed among the natives. It apjx-are- that Mr. P. C. yet been analyzed. of the isles; and skilful physicians Khould be Apsna 2. Boval Patent 2)S. Award and signed. Wm Goodness. Makawao. Maui in- emoluments of the new office and finds them lid, Etc.. Etc John Cox, Waialua. Oahu Jones, the Treasurer of the Committee at whose the employed to elirect the dirt (not to give drags) of boandeil thus "From the B. corner the boundary and Mr. Hallenbeck are not adequate to defray his express-far- e to the Cus- -. - Iolani Palace, Honolulu. myiO 4t. vitation Mr. Eli Johnson the people, that they may strive again and re 11 4- W. 74 links along the sand road. If 43- K Cake Ped- - some $350 of tom House, which he consequently magnanimously 40- - here, had already paid out in exess gain the vigor by civilization. 1:13 chains ah.nir the Kuihewa house lot. 8. E will- defrayed himself out of the spare tickets at the lot - - CIic.ip. Ah On. Honolulu. Oal receipts. The Chief Justice urged that those 74 links, ami S. 41- E. chains along the Kono- or J I'XF. 11th. the Commemoration Day of Kamehameha office. entry passed ; the box The loose flowing garments, bo graceful and Ill Asee, Waianae, Osiii' ing to contribute should not oblige the Treasurer Interior The ex- - Liki land to the AreA 0.W3 acre TELTiTHONE No. 14). I. falling on Sunday. Monday Jnne 12th, will be observed 16 ; a question began to present comfortable should not be discarded by the atartinz rxint. Ahina, Lihue. 5alrner & Co.'s Ginger Ale will to im around seekinsr them but should call on him delivered serious iinitat-pla- y- granted to Kaiahopnwale. as a Public Holiday, and all Government Offices through- so This box came fjom a land in which ample of Parisian demi-mond- e, but rather a tw weeks vacation, with subscriptions promptly; he would do itself. I ou day. rrgood than their occasionally ed by all who inhalo the balmy air of Hawaii. No. 11 ONE LOT OX WAIKIKI ROAD, Just out tbe Kingdom will be closed that himself next day. dynamite cartridges are beyond the Lonk' Branch Bath, and described in E. Pi ADAMS, W. N. ARMSTRONG, Minister of Interior. do yon aDT' ed from Kahuika and Akahi to the late J. S mjlS Is AG EXT. Interior Office, May 19. 18"2. tny20-4- t PACIFIC COMMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MAY 20. 1882. iManaaaaaM Icrtiga atotrtistnints. BROGLIE, SPEAR & CO., sleeps!" H. W. SEVERANCE, "the CO NIT L AM) COM M rnmjm ivsion nAWilltV 314 t..(i.rtii direct, ?sn Irinntro, and ! ! California. XT m Ne . 0i , Manufacturing Importing Jewelers D. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 1' . a WILLIAMS, LIKOND & CO., 75 FORT STREET, HONOLULU. W. CLARK, o -r- exDCCT ESTAQLISHED 1874. Shipping A. ( oniraiion Merchant, JF.G LKlVKTO INFORM THE PUBLIC CKNKKALI.V THAT IHElKMOC k OK PUBLIC IN THE II.O Til AT CalUcrala tS-ooci- s EOS TO INFOHM HIS PATRONS ASH THE HVA X.ilt lrrn. - v ! ! a tan ne venirra ii umimivi, sp29 l St.N itAf:i.- -' MoZisIay to pscc l.Bint mr.. .t , in hl Buiineaa Jar. is Complete KP o -"j CONSISTING IX PAKTgOF to go Eatt toaTsii hiamlf of the ASl i.urnw r..uii - io. r. corns. Htmtrr.'Uia. COLD AND SILVER SETTS. ing the last 8 er. lUviig done so. be ha jas returned with GEORGE c CO., giHiaDTffiiisnE F. COFFIN PINS, RINCS. EAR RINGS, Invention a SHIPPING Xl CUMMIiMO JUL!!iT:. VEST CHAINS. NECKLACES, SCARF PINS, Every Known Improvement and 1 u So. P. str-e- t, 5. to iiilbi-i- notwithstanding tlieii SCARF RINCS. SLEEVE BUTTONS Ii frjo h' k. the Public, that For the Repairing aJ Refitting of eerj kinJ of . a X RHM Ii iminonse AUuTIOX TRADE SALE, their RTICri.l K ATTKNTI" UIVK.N 1 o il PA Hawaiian ! lllUnf ordr. ar.d tn,rt, n ASSQRTiVIEKT G;QQBS x American, English and Swiss Watch 7V1lXzidcl specialty. reqmrea oo tn por. I Silver Filagree Jewelry, U w Vjepuml to inrke portion of a Wtcb ihi uij be Ibm pr?eot JOHN HARVEY & CO . unnecessary deUy cf wung to the Coast. Is as Complete as ever, having received large shipments Ex Tasmanian Shell Necklaces in all shades of Color, ing the expense idJ COMMISSION M KKC If MS Mnrf WOOL " " Silver Plated Ware. American Clocks. CK.MV 14, 16, and 1M LIDIFS. IlMmillan. Caamrfn. ATALANTAr D. C. MURRAYT SIZF..S1F.Mr KI.1 WATCHES o fcaferaoce Base .f M jotn-al-. A WK WutLU 4IJ0 STATE THAT W K MAM'FACTl'KG ALL KINDSiOK o Lad Kyim i ANJER HE Dr also to arrive, INDKUS. AND I ipanaion Balaner, H ! 73 Jewel Ladies' tUe. Klulcui, O ' Z, Gold. Shell and other Jewelry Amrrican H'atch Co. CLOCKS C9 j W. H. CROSSMAN EEC, EX J D F LA MPSON" Nickel, Adjust?.!. l"at-n- l Gait Bordrn i A'uteli!-- i Repaired ly (Competent Workmen. Rfgulator In Gold or Silver Casi. Expansion Bataacw, II Hhipplllic mid CoiiiiiiImnIoii " Jeweis .Stem or Key and ZEALANDIAr DIAMONDS SET IN THE LATEST STYLES. Hinder. M K II O II A N T Apfilrton, Tracy tr i'u A Gill Adjulr.l. l'lr.l II Ckaaijbrn iilreei. NKW VOUK. Speciality .Hade in Engrv i" of all kind.. KrfTUlktt.r Dtrltr Slrtrt rfer'nr Castle CooVe W and J T. INCLi niNU OF Eipauioo Balance, pie si ! P. A". Bartlttt Jewels. EXTRA LAEGE INVOICES &c. Oilc. i pair Jetl- - in OKATEFrir-COlIFolITI- N;. MONOORAAIS, MEDxLS, LOCICITS, o r OTI1KR IM..INUS RF.CKIVK OI R PROMPT fiteru'rfe OKDKiiS FROM THK H'm. Ellrry Adjusted, ATtrI KM Gilt, j Hn. Gill. 2 pairs Jtatls tn as represented, or Money Refunded -- AIMD Every Article Guaranteed 2 Royal-C- m, EPPS'SG0S0A. AMERICAN ENGLISH PRINTS! Sterling ii-"AND 7 Jewelf, E ! i 75 FORT STKJKET, Gilt, 7 Jewel. Fip&nsion o 3" slon Balance. BREAKFAST. no'26 lyr Opposite Dilliughatu Jk. Cat. lalnnre. E NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS ! O tVimwiih tsowMn .4 the nat ir.l U- - wh.-- , jt BROWN and WHITE COTTONS, c "If n ara i.f l I 1 B 'm. Elltry the operation an r tat rit ar.,i a H'. Raymond Elgin REPAIRED. artful application .f line - -a - CLEWED and T li pr'p- r it-- DENIMS, SHEETINGS, and a 15 Jewels, Paient Kfgu-laln- r. Gill, Jewels, Fapaa- - r. r. pi aa prnviul ur taM.- Adjusted. sioo Balance. w.dellratty-fl.vr- t wh rt nt ijr t - a m n h avy 1 lMfr doctor' bill. I; by the o- - .f urh t " ti.a art.r He Clock of every Style tat eonjt.tu'ioo Jl ARRIVAL OF ANJER HEAD." imports direct from the Beet Factoriea Walcbet and and Pattern, front Ibc inat a snar i aridity t.nit up at.til FULL LINE OF GEfiTLEMENS END BOYS CLOTHING! by 1 SetTieeible Clock at 50 to Elegant Time Pieoe at S25.00; and BTYIYC strMia anooxlt la reit vry teiten-- . ! liur..irl SI. tbe SEI.I.IXG FOR f subtle anala.Il'' are fj..ali J a ( attar 1 4SU, he is enable.l to otler to the I'ublio THE LATEST NOVELTIES AT XO PER fEST. under tht usual wawrrrar wesa point, m IV A - Puitf;). inert it r mtnya T A.' UAL co 7, aar taar aaw- waw p Honolulu He has likewise brought ri I sw fatal ehaA tv aeepinf ourselves wMl f riirt- -t win io-'H-- sei- and poperly nourished rVe an el- - trj Iti fj FIXE WOOL, UXIOXtb COTTOX .SI:Ts, IrfTut Gaitttt. BV TDK AKKIVAltOFTHK AbOVE STEAM KR. I II AVE KKCKIVEI) An Elegant of a Mad simply wttta bailing w.ivr or nils. AIMD Stock Jewelry. Comprising Bold A LADIES CHILDRENS Ladies' Fine ti .M Srrk Ch Lid.ei' Fine G ld Sets In Cameo, Turqaois, Ametheit, Coral. Pearl, in only la packet, UVIlrl : FIWE LINE OF 3NrEJ"Wr dn. c, the newest and X3NTVOIOJaEI3 LadU-s- ' Fine GoM Shawl, CulT Pins, Ladies, Fine Gold Kar and Finger .J-AIJ- GOOD' Ribbon and Rinfs, locket. Charon, ViektsUan' SS OF & SAN FRANCISCO. gles, Thimblrs. 4C, TSlXaS CO., IT FROM NEW VOKK. - Gents' Fine Gold Links, , -, Chsins, Seal, Rings, Pins, Studs, Sleeve ate CHKMI.-T- VI JCt Ear-King- iOMEOPATIIU; STRAW, and PANAMA, AND FROM LONDON PANAMA Children's Fine Gold s, r inger Kings, Neck Chains, Ac. LONDON'. LX k- COMPRIS1SG PART: lie guarantees a aieedv and safe delivery of everr Watch left with him for Henilrs. ami warrai.i.- n..t .n u'-.- -i - HITS: I 7... : . .... "- . WOOL and CASS1MERE! w uui in rirBi'Vis. nuninnjc uruer. " Alf CHOCOLATE ESSENCE. Jur Aflrrnonn He is the KOI.E AGENT Show Cases, so well kniwo Cfi rs - fr those Klegaut as l)ICKVll A: II E R N'ST El S M ""XT I. use. ( 3- V A and m a I AL AND LN I'T Sll O W CASES. 8unple Ultistraii of ihe v.rinua rliyles, tofether with . I1 rk-- I,' O Lists, lie drn-xii- t O S can seen at the Store. Every Casi delivered in perfect order. Firty per rent at time of nr.inrin NUiMEROUS MENTION D W. he 1,001 AHTICLES TOO TO DRESS CLAKK will i leased to exhibit his new and costly Machinery and .toek lo ll co nrn arhih. ik.w ... k...r. FIME or otherwise. PIX'SlIF.s. MI,KS. VELVETS. TRIMMINGS. maris U L. P. FISHER, BCCiL.ES. BEAD TRI VlMIXGS. i nllcalara. m A.T. 1 1 A it very much to their I.A 1-- , ICS. 4 OVERTIMING G EXT. 21 MERCHANTS IX THE TRADE xclllfind ORN A.MKNTS. CORIS. FUIVU ' California, I'UU'IASEIS - lICHl.XllI, tea rranrwco. is authorize! fc- TheaboTe LIST OF GOODS CAME WITH and WEKK SELKCTkD BV Mi.t SACHS. Siatrr ol M ra. A. M Re-openi- ng! Susinfss 3Mi .A . . tw facet advertisements lor Ibe columnaol this p(-r- . alvct)ittge by examining our stock. 'i M ELLIS, who purchaned them especially Grand TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE AT, a I-IYM-JNT MEET THE H. G. CRABBE, BROS. LADIES OF THESE ISLANDS! No. 103 Fort Streets Tmw A. 1ST . P. IIONOLULU. ALSO, FROM THE -JD R Y M FISHER'S OFFigfterTtwmwfaaji -,- Ladies Attention Solicited ST t HoXOLULi; NEWSPAPER Celelin.tecl International Glotliingr Company, I another full Line f ADVERTISING AGENCY, IBMD)S.9 HAVE RECEIVED PER AN.JERIIKAD," AIHS. V. II. WILKINSON begs learela J. H. HARiJ, Manager. I'M state to her numerous friends and patrons, both In Ho HflYlAM , .. ' waswawaswaw Roont 20 and 21. Mrrrhar.u' EschanKe, GEXTS, YOUTHS, BOYS' CJIOTIITIVO! nolulu snd on the various Islands, that she has just returned , A.I from California, where time haa been spent in aelecting one Cslilornia San Fmix-L-co- hr iiret. These Goods ara FIRST CLASS, AT BOTTOM PRICES, and have been aelected of the most complete and choicest slocks of Prompt and careful attention given to t B. for OF THESE ISLANDS! Cy.l. Hfertlsiaz Solifitrd all &d St., TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PEOPLE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S of Merchandise and - ftptn Piblbhrd n the Tctitlr S ndwirh S16 S18 California I Vvs lil&udi, Palyaesla, 3Xicaa Port, Putntu.i. Val t- - 11. i:nRRiiinVKn ALSO TAKES PLEASURE AWOtXCIXG io Ihe Pl'BLIC Parcels lo all parts of the city. .v Dt-rA- io nis aireauy iuii siorc, Japan, sa imuielseo?, al I that he has HAS ADUEU Anoi .i. MILLINERY GOODS I rats, Chlaa, lew ZealanJ. the XT Teleplioiio Number IOCS, xa ICalonies, the Eatera State and Korope. Files of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, Ankle-tie- s, Etc., Etc., That have ever been exhibited in Honolulu. This Ele- mas2i tfdmyl Have the LAR EST and BEST A S0RTMENT of gant Varied Stock embraces r early every lewspaper Pblllifd on the Patlfie For Ladies. Gentlemen, Girls, Youths & Children. J Caast are k'Pt CaPstaatlj en Hand, and all advrr- - All the Latest Styles of SPRING HATS ! MAX ECKART, 5"axicy -- - MAXI'F1CTIEI.(J Witn are al!afd Free arrr to them ilorin? BnU Biaple and Groceries 1ST 33 A. Xa JS Including the Imperial Trimming and Ornaments in JEWKLEft and WITtHJIAEER, - & ' great variety. f lessDoars. The P1CI1IC COJIUKKf I IL AIIJI- and REQUIREMENTS A NU COM PORTA BLE IMPORTER OP l)IM(IM). their knowledge of ISLAND TRADE n XEWBRAXU VERV NICE - GOLD AMI And from THESE FiXESlXDALS are Plated Jewelry and Precious b tones. TISEK U kept an file at the i(Tire or L. P. I ISIILU. any House XT LDIKS SHOULD TRV THEM "3 A Line of Elegant FRENCH FLOWERS d6 tr are better PREPARED to fill orders than other Of niojt exquisite beauty. Fine Watch in their Line. Orders from all the Islands will be Repairing a Specialty. All the above NEW GOODS are now open for inspection, and attentive Clerks will have A Beautiful Assortment of DRESS SILKS, NO. O KAAIIUMANU STREET. JOHN FOWLER & CO. promptly, carefully and faithfully ap22 ly much pleasure in showing Goods. Ribbons, Fans, Ruchings, Laces, Lisle Tnread Hose and Ietia. iun j la ncl, FILLED and FORWARDED. Gloves, Lace Mitts, fancy and plain; Delta. Ac. RE PREP t RKI TO FCRMSII I'l.AXS In add tion to the above I invite my friend a to call and see ESTaHLlSHED 1850, " "- - 4 an! Estmaiea for Steel FortaMe Tramway. iih nr A. tVK tVlELLIS, my fashionable Dolmans. L isters and Ready Made Bulls, Al w u boat cars or lornmotire. preij ailap-.n- l for i'uxtr an, tne J. W, E0BERTS0N k CO., Permaneot Railway, Willi U r. him. tire and r. rj. Clotliingr Emporium, Plaatation. Honolulu (Successors to M. Traction Knelnes anil RoaJ Uicmoie. Sif iro IMoogliit'T myll ly IO FORT STREET. BREWER'S FLOCK. Children's Department for CLOTHING II. Whitney.) od Cultivalior Mar binary. i'nrtall iliaru Engine" fur all Which aelection is unique and stylish. A most supe M I N'G A IocIum-j- . PORT AND M N U KACTL'RI N O ..r pnrpoara. Wlnln(f Engloes (r rior line of imported Stationers, News Dealers. Publishers. 1 ' l'" MoJeta and r.f I anA fenli m"-- Catalofura, wiih lllotra:iona. rhtirr:ihs Niis. 19 and SI i ,.m b- - Merchant Street. " . .. . th above Plant and Uacninery may aern ai ihe otficra f LOOK AT TH Kamehameha Day. " -- ss. i . -- Hats and Bonnets, Morning Shawls, Veils, (tubu i.u, the BodersigDd. JaU ., P W. L. t. KEF.N an I PHIL. SSIBI, u jmmings, Feaih-r- s, ' W. HACFAKI.ANE AS. H. WILSON HAVING PROCURED of Parasols, Dress Shields. ' O. to Pt.. rfUl now prepared to do ' some rirt-Cl- a Ilore tilers, is mm Handkeyciiii-ffa- j s53it;S M. 0(20 If Ajenis f'.r John Fowler K Co. , Silk and M0NSARRAT. M - VA Buttons, all if,!! 4m TT FIRST-CLAS- . - iuii supply. t iw11!.! ANI? COUNSELLOR VC CO. if S HORSESHOEING YOU i a. 0,Lf?!d to the "eKotiatlnJ AND DON'T FOHGET Ls. r..B "l'" matiera apperUininr to KATKS. . 8 I S Katate. He. AT KtAfOSBLK li ! DON'T DELAY YOUR VISIT NOTARV PL'ULIC Mail UT OF EXTIl All my prices are reasonable and carefully SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I'aLITV considered r 9t Deed, for Ihe State, of w Vark ' to suit the times. and OK aw California. ,3 on OPFICK 27, Merchant s i KAPIOLMM PARK My frieods the various Islands will trust their Order to ,Nr. St. ! my care, all of which will be attended to carefully and onut.Pt.o. a. i. jai ASKED MEW ZEALAND promptly. tl NO PAY OATS MRS. A l.S JUNE 10th and 12th, 1882. W. H. WILKINSON, HOLLISTER & COi, mar26 tf 103 Fort Street, Honolulu. M1E FULLOWIMi CFXTLEMKX CO.M-- Jl OxO DRUGGISTS & TOBACCONISTS ! BLAGKSMITHIMG FRISK IN f the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL o : 69 Its-- ji3i-i.iic1i- I Committee of Arrangements And sggjffg Nnuana Street, Honolulu. lrnra'sj ly Vll wm. o. nnvix, What you want CORNKK Or' Artesian Well Work, E. S. CUNHA, and Carriage Work. CECIL imowx, IRST PRIZE MEDALS ! ! Wagon H. H. MACFAI2LAXE, RETAIL. WINE Beale and Howard Streets, Work. CARRIAGE FROM THE DEALER. House A. X. MAKEM UNION . CAPT. TRPP, SALOON, SAN FRANCIdCU, CALIFORNIA Bridge Work, etc. etc-- I.f THE REAR JAMES I) ODD. JJF.SPECTFLLLY THAT Exquisite, OF HAWAIIAN GAZETTE BUILU UNION FEED CO. WO, NO. 23 W. O. TAILOR, -- -- rreldent, Experienced Workmen I hZCBl ap29tf MERCHANT STREET Done by Harmless, Jan 1 81 " Opened a -- AT RATErt THAT WILL Shop'on street, JOS MOORE, -- Sapfrlntendenl, Fort ! Above Hotel (in the rjj flenilDeDt Buildinjs), whero A FINE DISPLAY Dainty, ! Leahi Cnp. $40- - c is prepareu n...iAoun Mrs. TJiomaw -- IJtcU, OF Competition MULE RACE Mile Dh Free t all Catch weights. a. LYNCH. Bssiand Sbsrinnber. King BUILDERS Defy Entrance, i. in' JII. street, has just received a Refreshing, ALL I K I A TRI L OBOF.R. n.I oneJo-- Eapiolani Plate. $100. JE5 , t, 1 th- - opposite Hoper' r HOU."K-M- o i Sewing MACHINERY, IT Ii.m.'i f..reei FOR HAWAIIAN I'.KKn ile dash Catch Buggies and n fn i n e Delicious, Machines & Genuine Parts STEAM al-.- Luc.n' ri.ijin- -' Mills. weights. Fntrance. $10 OF AtUchroenta, Oil and Acceeeorlea. IS ALL ITS BKANCIIES. B. WILSON. King's Plate, $125. S Spring Wagons Captivating, CHAS. Til K KK YEAK t)l.l u t' all Best 2 in---' foR " POIt THK carry 100 fs. I.N THE Gentlemen's and Youths' White, New Home, Davit, Crown Stc.iiiibont, Howe and Florence Machine,, & CO., Park Cup, $75. ! Unequalled TAI Three-quarte- r a Fre- .11 TWO A.. . DESIGNS Howard Machine . W0 of nule f red I-ni- WING LATEST and BEST BOOTS AM) SHOES, Needle,, . kind. , ica StcmiiIiip. ii. the Kiuudm-Ca- :!. weights. oXnce,il0. CorticalH Silk, in ml color. , IImvc Constantly on Hand ivv- - ST Which have been carefully selected from the Clark's Mitt End Reciprocity riate. 33XJT Eaatern Markets. Machine Cotton Jt BOILERS, NI TKOTriNO RACE Mile tieuts. . E A.eni for Madame ENGINES AND et 3 in 5 to burnt-.- Os VANITY FAI Detnore.f. Reliable Cut Paner XjT Now to rree io an "orara u..r record 2.40 First-Clas- s is tl.e time select from a Fine Assortment of Pai... r rmpoBDl. .u ..... ttler than Mechanics Employad Boots and Shoes. PRICE3 A !LE. mar25 3m Illzh Presare V? O I I S A I . in any puouc r. ";onl. Kniranre. 15. REA3tX all, hu.It c.o.iU-t- e with j Queen Emma Plate. Hqq. VESSKIJ f .pp-it-e . .uaano sirevi. eiovet in all STEANl 41 Mobsman N NINQ jSTothing But ! sites. Holts of Wr.od, Zroo or Cowiwn. j th'ir s.ot. Rl R9.?LThree quarter of mile Free And STRAWBERRY" Cigarettes a d!i PLANTS AND e., wll A LL LINE OF to all carry lOJ, c, w h- - n bl- -. FI Enlr.c. ,,0. Materials Used p22 ly ORPI.NART EN'GINK .!.. Carefully Selected (TT The services of a orl Expressup, $75. - ! all job. entrusted to m. --V.T ,.","',n,c ?"K beon secured. K-- Straw- I.A Itarrs and JAPAN ami CHINA TKAS. 1'eE TO ALL HOUSES that hare heen driven in a pub 5000 Choice San Jose Attended lo. i,ronptiy And satlslactorilj I'Nfll lmTc.i! ar- - 'TKI With to th Trade tn w h ihy lo L-.- Priced, acconling to Qaaliiy. Tobaccos atraetcil rvfcrrtvre B..iii Hi and Tic hark, month previous to this 11th Jane. En be employed rpevl. tonnare and draft of water a.irr.- - .it 3T Particular and Prompt Attention berry Plants Sapplies. all trance. $10 INn-r- all a.t. af Platitatioa kind., Kamehameha Plate, $200- - given to All K'u.d of Repairing. fSALE HOLUSTEB a G0M AM) MAKING AU.j.onb.nJ a I.IKUE STOCK OF Rr'K, TROTTI.NO RACE Mils heats, heat 3 in 6 to FOR " MfiAlt linum THE BEAVR ... "M.S after .f'r 'Sl rlar.. y i.i- - -r ihne plantations s r res to all. N ntrance M. ORDERS FROM THE OTHER ISLANDS SALOOfJ. .VfsVU in. tfin Several Favorite now Heady PARI-OKRKEa- Varieties -- T A SILK S WILL BE FAITIIFCLLV NO. anat few of Iffl Lunamakaainana Plate. $100 Trans-Planting- -. AGrJilISrT'S FORT STREET. RoUrd. ruwened. " f SOLE lr.n. of at.y .xs, thr ON K AN U A HALF MILK D ASH Free to all, tn carry 6m for THE weted ea the rroond. ?li-.-i- . i ATTEXDED TO. marl8 Olt Opposite or jal S1 ly wlSS t TAI CO 100 lbs. Entrance, $15. Wilder Jk Co's.J r- PRICE, 13 CENTS DOZEN. . -t ly lo ! PER HTDRll'lJC RIVF.TIXfi.V v $100- - Apply at tbe Hawaiian Hotel, to - ter Pi pa asada by - "Jt Regent's Plate. HAWAIIAN Irl. this tstablubmi- HORSES bred in the Kingdom BS,flS. J. irsan Kivstinc that atu.' t V. - FREE K ALL first 2 in apl 2m . IIFRBERT. ap29 dmyltf NOLTE, lropr., numntri. T 3 Catch weights. Entrance. $10. ora uon 3 a. m. . Jmr snrjeriov to hand work. V ENTERPRISE till 10 r. si. - Pony Race Cup. $50- FIKST-tLlS- S WORK. hip sod ."iram (.nian. U LIXCIIKS, TE1, SHIP firm ONE MILE lASH Open to m'.l Ponies hre I in the Klnc-do- JAS. G. HAYSELDEN, COrFEE, s. Air and Circalatinc I'amps. aftr the cv l a. - : TO ETC. proToi plans. and! not over 13J hands high Catch weights. En- J1EI1HI1TS,JL1.TS, SODA Vfiioalcd trance, $i. PLANING MILL ! ! W1TEK, CIXGER ALE, .e. PUMPS. Direct Actio Parop. t,r IrriKSlion or City W... r..r Cup. $75- - ARCHITECT S BUILDER, H -- lac porposes, th- - l .v al.- - Oalvanized, Kaiulani Cierttr-- aer Works' built with Celebrated RACE One Mile dash, 4 hurdles Free to all JAMES IHNN. MERCfla.NT. GLASGOW, Motion, superior to any other pump dT'-- l ti HUDDLE 127 FORT ST.. HONOLULU. and Tobaccos Catch weights Entrance, $10. (HAWAIIAN CONSUL) iiocixjiu, ii. i. OF BKST BRANDS. WorthingtoB Steam Pump. G. W. MAf FARLANK CO. A CENTS lor Da.Icx - Plain and Fancy Personally f,,',.. ; Donkey Race Cup. $25- Undertakes the purchase and shipment of all kinds of Brit- PIPES eeleeted a. man Plaaioz, Shaping, Tarnlnr, f.c,urers. and a Large V.rirty 1 FREE FOR AI.I Each to ride his neigh lor's Don ish snd Continental Grods, and will g VbEM QC AUtV en. key. The last one under tbe wire wins. be al to receivo Orders, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS Band and Stroll Sawing, at rates either Iree on board at shipping port in Karnpe, or THE FRENCH A LSO. A AND a ts Ce? Sasb, Blinds, delivered ex ship (but with duty for buyer's account) at SMOKERSRTICLKS. Portland Dors, s, Lover, Honolulu. Such Order may be accompanied by remitunc-- of BILLIARD- - will v. u. T i ,n Ef,nt Door and Window Fram$, in ; ! ai TRADE L EAIO : Bicycle. Tricycle payable London or Sao Fraocic. or he will draw at 60 Detail Drawings street JOllU.ll HI days sight against confirmed credits BRUNSWICK & The Best English Cement Bracket. Ballntrrs, Stairs Mr., frm lloiioium Bankers Made on application and at short no: ice. CO, BILLIARD TABLE and Foot Race. or otherwise, to suit the convenience of buyers. MKD AM) A p Made to Order On x rr ah h.akis. HS ILS f I RErCBKNCCS : the Premises. n ODTJOE control of the 'ira - WM. Estimates Given on all ME??RS. G. IRWIN it CO., Honolulu Work in the Market. TT All Running tuccd for these Races wiil & General ! be under the Martets Renew Prices Cnrrcnt horse Association excfvfceir decision WILL BK FINAL. UON.J.S. H AI KKR, Honolulu. Connected with tbe in Qai;t:ti-- s to by Crr-- ' & I F"r Sa'e suit T R'der. vnoder the Rules of the Blood- - MOULDINGS FINIS THE AtlRA BANK. (Limited). I.ndon. 30D. AIITrottinjt Races will be PuMUhrJ and in Ft'j'i.h In.l unmelghls. All Horses t ALWAYS ON HAND. junl8,lyr Trotting . tit Furrbarra ' I O nlirriHl l; g h O. W. M AC FAR LANK & C Association. li-..r- Building aale Prices, an-- all t iET No Pool Selling on the Park Gr units, of the Trade. wel. ' Nation Whether it be in . are sold in Pools will be ruled out. Wine. Frsndies, lre-ere.- l Jrovi.i.-n.- rarcy Jt XT All order filled on suort notic and Jobb'.np promptly Mi.uiu-ry- . "!., Io or ler to secure or maintain order, no one wiirsses Dres Materials. tU.. on Ihe nrithoot that attended to. PA LACK IRON, STONE, BRICK, CONCRETE, At W track the Association Badge, which carJfc, Plated are. atrhes. Cuirk. Re..l x Imit .Cl.ui Jrwc!ry tainrd on the -- to any without extra charge for B- - Ground. v Mouldings made p.ittein P, os aitd tuies. Perfumery. To. '!tjrapl:.. ZZT Ferrous BRIDGE OR WOOD Pboto-rpti- e i to Hordes on Ihe Park Truck can be ob. ftives. WORK. and Print irir M" tamed from Mr. II. K ll nope MaOFaRLANE. JOCKEV COLORO SHOE BLACK fcientiftc and Ma.ical I'ta. i ri..c.i'.. must accompany Entrance STAND, Will visit any part of the other Islands to K&TIMATE UT Phartrtacenfieal ire Fes. WORK, $1.00 TO Preparation. A MACHINE and DRAW 3& Mni.cry. LI. SIZES. 0F PLANS for proposed Si'ks. Varnish rs. Faints. I'ip-- r rtr , Etc. Hotel street, next Door to Palace Ice Cream Saloon, lUnii, r r TtTTI TVrtWT opposite the Astor House, A. IN8EL, - . AUi Prtcea Corrnt ff Pnlgr-- , Mrk- t K.p..-ts- X .licr. k XT Orders I71V.OU XLUUA, Ir.t.l.iip-rire- , 1 I Mill Works, Indastrwl Notrelitics. rmle "e 'JKHUJI ALL ENTRIES and specincations fu Bridges or Residences GUNS, inducements To ( LOSE riIslands promptly filled. Plans AMMUNITION, ?LrBst:Ripri...-- f.r v -- I '.I. .T..1 (! B ansual 4 til -- SHOE LACKING, Old Uyr oc Countries. - MADE - Modification! of Building a Speciality. Sewlna-- hr SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1882. C'r. IN THK Kachlnes. Mocey payable lo W iThKK on .r Ijw- - -- ordr liKlRiK Pris r m , - nol2 ly Class d a. or tbe equivalent io any curr-- n y or 1 C 1 M X 1 ? First Work Guaranteed lal I 1 It is also planned to N ! PIACTIJAL lUeSWZlT, stamps have an M A N. Latest San Francisco Style AND I JCT UNPAIH LETTERS Sitlet'J JjS TLirty-tw- o pieces all wool The undersigned begi to inf..rm the public that he inienU KKFCSED.M .r ! dress gos msa Vincr hiisnnpain the arwiVr ltn anrl rinrw h I Exhibition of Stock rwrminfnt CHARGES Adtimsr Th FRtNCH TRADE JOURNAL A RErOHTr R, II. A. AVI OEM A XX, Chains an. Only 25 CHS. and work to merit a liberal support from a gener- - MODERATJ O A cents per yard, at J. FisHELS POPfrood steady A c9 1 Is. Roe de Cbabrol, Pari, France. a.jl W, MACFAKLANK CO. 22tfJaylj E. ADDRKS3: JAS. G. HAiSELDEX, very large assortment A. FIERCE. BacretarT. Ida 8TOBK puniic - of fine whit Bla. riotvv n v sj s . Car of Archireat k Builder. at figures never 9- - Q Wilder 4f IV, Honolulu, H. wa'i4 lw offered before 'at v Beit kaown as " Rocky VouDtolo Jobof." CB9. J. FlSHlta' FoprtAM art,. V

'anumws b--ji w rcgutmr xcaliaru. of I ki -- 1 - .t L'nt4niljr in rock la l v.J t a :..!- - rie. J. WILLIAMS & CO,, 102 Fort st, CHAPTER IV. OLR MANAGER VIMTN S.t REGtMBLV FOR THE I'tBHOSfi OF The Education of the Wild Man in the Palace of rKXnCO we in Qun:itia4 any other tins Sapidin by tie-- ' Princes Umla. t.jii a rur tay... aoi buy LtrT tta



THE PACIFIC most serious of thee was tliut the Chinese cum--foun- His Excellency the Minister of the Interior in He tLoug'at the work done by the Committee re- to the houses wLtli tin parents Were away answer to a resolution introduced on Saturday, flected credit on them. Motion carried. and tempted, and too often dt hauched the asking for certain information, regarding the Hon. Mr. Kalua from the Special Committee iLommcrciaQtibcrlisfr. childrt !i. amounts appropriated toward the building of the to whcni was referred the Dill relating to the Hon. Mr. II.iupu opposed the Rill and would Kalihi and Nuuatiu Pali roads, stated he could j sale of leases of Government land by the Minis-- t regret the loss of revenue if it should be cairn 1. not furnish the information desired regarding ter of the Interior, asked for further time, which Hon. Mr. Kantian did not regard the revenue' the Kalihi road and extension of Queen street. j ren u est the Assembly granted, . . A1 URDAY .MAY:!'), j Iiv. question as L.tvino any weight in ci.niK-tliii- u The matters connected with the Kalihi road had The Hon. Member from Koolaupoko gave no-- j with this matter. Ho was astonished that mem- been entirely iu the hands of his predecessor. tice ef intention to introduce a joint resolution ber, should wei.di it against the public welfare and he had been unable to obtain any satisfac- f requesting the-- Minister of the Interior to pro-- i w mrmian legislature; which was so deeply involved. The coimiiv wits tory information regarding it. . With regal d to ceed immediately ith the work on the Nuuann , j r ti tl ri n j heavy losses through allow ing ibis sys-- the Pali road he would state that he had had a j Pull Road. On motion the Rules wore suspended-- t III of I ! II 1 1) lT I ' V" the Chinese. He corroborate. I survey made by a competent engineer. The and the resolution was read for the first time. THIRTEKNTH DAY. ! what Hon. Mr. Ka!ua hal said to tl le in- - draft of a road of very easy grade, one on which (The resolution provides that the sum of ??10,UX jurious iritrnsioii of these men into native houses large wagons could easily come up, was now iu be appropriated for expenses connected with Satcedat, May 13, 1.V.J. and deplored it as all evil. With hilil it out- his possession, aud the estimated cost of this propose-- immediate work eu the Pali Road.; weighed forty-fiv- e Hon. Mr. Aholo moved Dill limine ruet st 10 a.m. Prayer, anil re nlm,,' i every other consideralion. Nuuanii Pali road would be forty to that the take its niinuiew previous meetings. Hon. Mr. Knulukou would wish to modify the thousand dollars. Received the survey reports regular course. ri - i'h'i-lies- e moved re- - Following (" fitions were presented: Uill. He was li"t itcpari d to charge about the middle of the last March, but as the Hon. Mr. Nawahi that th Dill be Ix il.t law says 31st of March HO monies jectcd. He thought that the passage of the Dill Hon. Mr. Kamakele, 4l petition with the only people who Minified that after the Iy that the lie would be establishing a had precedent. Honor- - t il on dog be. abolished. Referred to Commit- opium and earned 011 illicit tntllic in it. He could paid out on improvements of thai kind, tee u Finance. hinted at foreigners occupying an eiuinent posi- he did not allow work to be comiiieiiced. If able 'Members would probably have a number of tion in s v aiono law had permitted would have had men lit Work Dills of like nature if this one passed. I5y Hon. Mr. Palohau. front residents of the the community ' with on road now. H n. Mr. Gibson agreed with the Hou. Mem- district of Haiiaiei. that the nnrniM-- of ui.iil far-rie- r the "hii!ce for the "plum truflic. the 11 n. Mr. N Mr. he ber Hilo. Heard one of the Ministers the Ikj increased, mil that the same le sin-pile- iahi spoke iu favor of the Ioli. Hon. Pahia said that understood the lnm Sp-akii.- t th l:jischl' f caused hv amount appropriated for Pali road had been other flay, say, that it was bad policy to com-- with horses.. to Committee on li.ternal j "' W.iluterilr' the i ("hiliese x reft-rrc- i ejr.-a- t to meiice works when sufficient amounts to carry Improvement, i ddiers he to one transferred the Palace uecoutit. were re- -i lj Hon. Mr. K.mwil.i. a petition from eiiconr:i fiieiit of th ii tr.itlic. the at love of Hon. member from Kooluupoko, also desired thm through not appropriated. With d- - the Hau their cakes and pastry, alnl to Know if the real reason for the delay iu the gard to this special work, if :0.i0; was too rits of the district of Puna, that the salaries of j aiial.s '"r I - ' asked, '"why own learn to make of the Pali road, was not on ac- small an amount to commence work on, he did t a' hers in district ( "orum n S h'xiiw ;- increast d don't olir uiils construction cakes?"" H- to articl. . which have ap-- p count of the money being spent on the Palace : not suppose for a moment that work would be t per day. Referred to Committee on Ldll- - j rcrrd Citton. ar 1 iu the K't'e i oAo.'a on this siibj. :. and, if the money had been so spent, he commenced ou as small a sum as lt),0C0, aud llotior.-il.i- . , - Attorney-Oelielii- !, I J Mend moved pVevioll.-- an opinion from His Exccilei:- . as without anv assurance that more money would Py Hon, Mr. Nakali lot. praying that tie- - sum The er the gai-din.- thcomiug. cousid-- j 1 question. l:i !loii to Iy r the legality of act of be The Hon. gentleman of ?'.','lH. l.e I i i 1 1 The postpone the fu ni r'pria.rd toward a ered would be better to wait until bridge over th- - treaiu at Halawa. Refeired to was hnt and the motion to ic.'. r to Committee on transfer. it the matter ('onini I'tee on I'liinie Itiitls. Judiciary uai carried Hon. Mr. Armstrong in answer stated that he came up with the Appropriation Dill, At 1 o'c'lex k on niotioi, of Hun. Ka- - were fully d i The Hon. member for Ivauioopeiko was rather Ity Hon. Mr. Kanwila, that Crown Lauds 1 Xdlilr considered the Ministers authoiit-- p to make the although surprised at the opposition displayed by the le is. d to II i'A iiiaiis ontv. Laid on tahle untik in he Hnise adjolir:i'i. transfers, not altogether y.-- t members from Honolulu and Hilo, as he had ruemher htins in a loll. just, the action was legal, and was not an F.KN'I H of j always been willing to assist them in obtaining Thf following r ;rts of Sr.niilm "oiiiin:tl s roi'in DAY. error the Ministry, but the result of bad law. em- j desired in ere M..XDAV, M ty l'j, . Law very loose and places the Ministers in improvements their districts. presented: iss Hon. Noble Wnleniaiin was in favor of r roiii the Judiciary f'ounulttee on the House 1) pursuant appointment barrassing positions at all times. If there was the tltloti rnetat a.m. to Ul : passage of ; thought of one Kahuluri.i of of fro;i) ;tl no law to allow transfers, the proper course won the resolution the projected l'una. praying the l inst., and after prayer and the be plain to stop work. improvements much needed, ami work should that the mini ut .'1.31. paid hy him for survey-- j rea-li- 01 th- - pna ed l with luinuten. the Hon. Kaai thought be commenced at once. He thought the argu-- 1 hu-.uies- Noble it useless for the rertain lands af terwards sold liy the overn-- ( lar - Assembly against Dill were good, but hardly toother parties, returned; the Commit- - Only one to make laws if the Monsters continue incuts the not nient xtitiu was presented. :md that ly to do just as they please. He desired tu know got ul enough to prevent the passage, tee recommended the 'r.lltlli of the JTay r of he II ll. Mr. Katuakele from the residents of j petition! r. wherein the law was loose. Hon. Mr. Kauhaue also spoke in favor of the the district ot Makawao. piav in that the void Hon. Mr. Armstrong said, in the authority ' Dill. On motion of H ti. Mr. Mahoe, the lepo-- t " I ickeli of lal or wa7' rvant stl out contr.u ts. giv.-- to thought i The motion of Hon. Mr. Nawahi to reject, bcin Accepted. Ueferri-- to transfer Appropriations, ho it .Jin'.iciary omuiit!e. gave power to defeat of placed before, the House, was cariied, 1! to Hi. From M f the Ministers the wishes the Committee on Enrollment. Hon. H'Ui ml er f o;o Kooialiooko, Chairman the legislature. I and the Dili defeated. M. Doininis, tnan, His Muj III 1 h.i rep,iteil that the Judiciary Col.ilultit e, r ported oil the to Hon. Noble Kaai laws trans- Hon. Mr. N:duuu gave notice of intention to J 1',-m.- tint the regarding esfy the Kin'. Lad sin.-.- the liiil aineudm, amend Section 3. hapt. r XXII of the l fers were perfectly plain, they allowed that ap- introduce a Dili to amend Sectieui 1)15 of the Article .V of the Coli-tit- c tiou and relating to the , Co.!e. to ar.-on- , unit rccomuu tided its propriations of the same nature only, be trans- Civil Code relating to the jurisdiction of Distiic-- t pay of K. presentatives. , p IwSae to AppioVcd ai:il Uillr-dcre- d N-i- ferred, one to the oilier, viz., roads to roads, Courts. ! Vid 1 Coiii:n.:tei ; i u- -t . lion. in mi, t' for third reading on the 17lh 'bridges to bridges, etc. He believed that The Postmaster General gave lattice ef inten- on l'uli!ie Lands. rep..rt. favorably on p Hon. Mr. fr 111 d titi..i:f Pilipo, the Select Committee Ministers had gone beyond their powers in tion t introduce a Dill to create au Act extend from rldel.ts of liana. M.iUi, that a ri urt-hoo- -1 to whom was referred n resolution ca!!iii' for the ' taking the Pad Appropriation and sferring ing postal facilities. ainl j ill l hiiiit at th t place, and iuinended . 4.1 Minist' r of tin- - re:- - trai rxs the Interior for it to the Palat e. He thought that the Assembly ! or the Order of the Day the Dill te anient.' a inserted in the Appropriation Uil! j t.t: 11 III with leasine; (he Hawaii thai sui'i If acts coiiik ctioii "had been insulted by the little notice taken of Section 3 Chapter XXII of "the Penal Code, re- lor purpose. Approved. ; an Hotel, I u lh- - r ; that tioired time and the request the laws made relating to the transit r of Appro- lating to arson, cume up for third reading, ami Also Coll. ! tiom same Illlttee, oil petition, that was ranted, priations. ou motion of Hon. Mr. Haupu, it passed the niuii i he furnished to carry mails fi 111 Hon. p iinii ri Mr. Malioe. riiiission. read for the Hon. Noble Rishop, rose to .a point of order House. Volcano, ' t 1 1 t Ihi to )n;i, and Kail and return, they first tiine a Hill ui.n d S.ction the 1 lS'lr-relatin- , and saitl he thought I lie discussion now being in- A Dill to nmend Section of the Laws of recommended that the portion relating Dlaa Sc-ii- u Laws of IMj-i- relatinvt to the tav ot dulged in was contrary to the Rules. to the compensation of Representatives Im- - J pass d. lo port of Committee approved. llej'resentatives. motion I'.iil was - tu th read President Rhodes ruled tin- discussion tutt of or- was read for the third time and passed. Makawao .s Una petltiou iro.u the of j,,r the colid lime. Passed to iijroiineiit and of Foreign The Do! to amend Section ISO of a- - der, but the Minister Affairs desiring the Civil Code a of res of be made by ; that KTalil to land the ordered for third reading on the Joih instant, to speak on the subject obtain d the permission relating to the reduction e.f the Poll Tax to 7? tioverntiiefit to tMor Hawaiian who have Hon. Mr. Kauai uave notice of intention to lare of the House to do so. cents was read fer the second time : nd on mo- f s; "iv-iii- o amilii the Committee reported adversely, a to tile collection of - intuslue loil facilitate Hon. Mr. Oreen stated that lit- was sorry that tion of Hon. Mr. Aholo was laid on tl.. table, tc as a reason the ioverni.ieii t not t that did aes. Mr. Carter was not pr sent to explain for him- be considered with the Tax Dill. n.cessary if liecom-Uielid- ed by havo the amount laud. Hon. Mi. Kaunamano. pciimssion read for self why the Pali Road had not been The Dill to amend Sectiou I, XC o! p. he laid on I!. II built, but Chapter that the tit loll the table. the first time a to amend Section 1. Chapter he was. assured it was with no to IVnal Celtic, relating to leg d of C-si- that intention the 'language Approved. XC of Pelial t lali-ellai.- e the relntmn the lejjal disregard the wishes of the Assembly. He was the Statutes was read for the second time On the loll relating to the niemlim; of Sec- of the Statutes. ant aware of'tln; fact that Mr. Carter had made in- -' provoked considerable discussion. I, Chapter VII. Session Laws of relat- - Postinaster- - bv i.-ii- tion lsT. Th leneral, permission a quiry regarding the cost of building road Hoi:. Noble Kaai thought 'the subject ii. la-- ' estaba-h-borer- s; the that to the rantllio of holidays to t Hill for the first time relating to the 1 inn fontnu over the Pali, ami that he had found the.Vppro-priatio- n the Di was som thing like Ranqiio's ghost, it (he whom ed Special Committee to it wasjmciit of a l'ostal Money Order System. toe small to carry the work through, if would not "down," out maelu its appearance re for consideration rejsirted it back with deretl to be printed and to second reading in reju-ccrtai- n commenced. He gnlariy id every session of mid - appealed to the House if it the Assembly, lie iimeudmetits and chau;e, rccim- iar unlcr. would not have been injudicious to have com- moved that the Dill be indefinitely postponed. mended ii to take its regular cou i s-- Approved. Hon. Mr. Kamakele, for first read the time a menced the work with too small an Appropria- Hon. Mr. Pilipo moved that the Dill be en- Kapetta, PoAtiiiaster-tioicral- , to nnjeiid Section of Code, re- - Hon. Noble the 4i0 the Civil sniiill-po- x grossed. He i tion. The epidemic on the com- said there, were m my reasons f Kingdom v;aVe l'oll-ta- x. the notice of a Hill rel itiiio to j.tiiiL; to Ordered to second reading. munity at the time ami and it was useies to think why the Hawaiian should be the leuai language of Money Sys- - !; .'.Ir. the establishment a l'ostal Order Hon. Pilijio introduced a resolution that of carrying out this proposed improvt of the a Hawaiian King, a Hawaiian Ml - nient. Statutes; sum of .". be sink- - trin. . I the 0 appropriat'd towards (Hon. Mr. Kanlr.kou interrupted by telling Hon. Kingdom, and th- greater portion of the peon'e His Ex. the Minister ot Finance, ile.sircil p- - r-- j nig Artesian wells in the District of North Komi. Mr. (Ireen: that even during the mall-p- o. pe- speaking the Hawaiian language. Hill lief.-iie- mission to read for tiit time a relating to Hawaii. to Committee on Public riod was a gang working Hon. Mr. spoke a; Dili of Hon. K ' there of Chinamen on Kauhaue ains! the n. Taxation, and on motion Noble ipeii.i, Lauds. that road and if they could work, others could, also Hon. Noble Wideinaim. the rules were suspended and Dill read bv title Hon. Mr. Li ikalatii. notice t;:ie if intention lit; thought, that no excuse.! Hou. Noble Kaai moved the previous questioi-ani- l be Dill (iovi i and ordered to printed to introduce a authorizing the nuii tit Hon. Mr. Green closed by saying that Mr. the motion to indefinitely postpone beini; Hon. Frank Drown introduced a resolution to obtain a loan of lO.OJO.tMK). Also a Ddi to Armstrong, tht; ml on was lost by close 20 19, tX) Minister of the Interior lifted a vote, to and that the sum of if inserted in the Appro- regulate the importation and sab of opium. had obtained the only good sirvey of the the motion to engross carried. Dill ordered to priation Dill fr.r the purpose of building a bridge Hon. Noble Kapeiia niovid the Order of the Pali road ever made, and if the members desired be teatl the third time I - over he Waiawa Diver at Ew a, Oahu. lit ter- Day. and the Dill relating to the abolishing i it would be produced for their inspection. He The second r inling of the Dili to amend Sectioi n j A.-- - red to Committee Internal Improvements. tlie Passport system was liroilgh.t before the was entirely willing to share any blame which 1(17 I'! of the Civil ("oil.- - relating to the practice H"ll. Noble Kuihelalii. i resolution that tll- - j might be attached to Mr. Carter in the matter. of law in the Police CJnits, was proceeded with ifJlMMM) i sum of If placed on list of impropriations On iilotion of Hon. Noble Smith, the Dill was Hon. Mr. Aboio agreed and on motion of I Ion. Noble j with the President Dishop referred to for establishing a railroad at Wuiiiiku. Mam. referred to a Special Committee composed of that the discussion was tint of order and thought Judiciary Committee. Deferred to Committee on Public Lands. ; Honurables Smith. Wilder. Aiwohi Ahoh and it proper to place a motion before the. Assembly. At 12 o'clock, the House, on motion of Hon. Hon. Mr. Mahoe gave notice of intention to Phia. ' The Hon. member then moved to adjourn. Mr. Kauiiamano, adjourned. introduce a Dill to aim lid Secti.m 1. Chapter The bill to amend Section "2, Chapttt X of the Carried. XXIV of the Session Litis of IsnS. relation to Sessimi Lawsot lSO, by mselling the uiii'iU the pay of Kcpresciitatives. "ha. d labor," was read lor the tlold time and SIXTEENTH DAY. Hon Mr. Kamakele gave notice of intention to on of lb'ii. Mr. Mahoe the Dill passed I IITELNTH DAY. Wepnkspay, May 17, 1S"2. 'iv-- il introduce a Dill to amend St clion 4S' of the the House. j Tuesday. My 1(J. House met at 10 ii.m. Prayer and reading a' CoJt .relating to SchM'I Tax. The Dill to amend Section I. Chapter LIII ol j minutes of previous meeting. 1 : House met at It) Prayer, of Ib'i. Mr. Aiwchi, a resolution that th sum the Penal Code relating to rewards was rea lor a.m. and reading The following petitions were presented : of SJ.tM) be appropriated for the purp ;e 1 the second time and on III 'tloll of Hon. Noble the minutes of previous meeting. Minutes were Hon Mr. Gibson presented a petition from bunding a Com t house at Koh.:l.i. Hawaii i: Illshop was referred to tie- - Judiciary Committee, approved as lead. residents of Pama, praying that the sum of (. The following petition was : ferred to ommittef on l'ubiic Lands. llii. to aim nd ti hi 1, Chapter XX of the presented $;.(M0 be appropriated toward bui'diug aud im- Hon. Mr. Palohau. a res. Ration that the Min- Session Laws of l7l. rei.-itin- to the practice of Dy the Hon. Mr. Kamakele, from the residents proving roads in Pauoa. Laid on table to be ister of the Interior be instructed to onlcr the medicine by Hawaiian, was read the second of Makawao, praying that the Reciprocity Treufy considered with Appropriation Dill. w ed . pulicatioll in the lit papa rs, of all Dills up-prov- tiine and on motion of Hon Mr. (iibsou, referred in existence bet wi en this Kingdom and the United Hon. Mr. Kainakd--- a petition from residents by th'; House. I his resolution Oil Itcillg to Sanitary Committee. States of America be continued. 15') signatures. of the district of Makawao. Maui, praying that put to V .te was n proved. A D. II to repeal S. ction 1, chapter XXXIX Referred to Committee on Foreign Relations. small pieces and pare Is of lands belonging to Hon. Mr. Pahia. a n solution the er Session Laws of 170, relating to tin: tax on an- - No other petitions coming forward, reports the Government and adjoining the lands ot be of the Interior requested to answt r o imals was read fr the time, and on mo from Standing ami Select Committees were re-c- yi private parties, that the same be sold to the iintstioiis legurdirg aruonnts appropri itetl tion was laid on table, to be considered with the ved. parties owning the private lauds. Referred to on Kalihi r for improvement the Pali. nud olio second reading of the Tax Dill. Hon. Noble AVidemann. from the Committee the Committee on l'ubiic Lands. roads, ainl which amounts had ii--- t 1s t ii list .i Hon. Mr. Kalua - d that a resolution had No reports from cither Standing or Special objects. i mi Public Lauds and Internal Improvements, for those been introduced by him about a week previously reported on several petition referred to them Committees. Hi Kcellciicy stated in answer that he would j requesting the Minister of the Intei i.r to present Hon. Mr. Gibson rose ami said that, as there Monday relating to the appropriation of certain sums reply on the loth a retrt relating to the Post Oflice Department towu'd the building of a road over the Nun. um seemed to be considerable backwardness in the Hon. Mr. Palohau. that the sum of So.l'OO for bt iween April IsSd and JuIylNM. busintss of the Assembly of the Pa , and recommended that the amount prayed and the presentation toward the ert etion of a bridge over j !. ites anterior to H. ,n. Noble K ipena's appoint-- j of matters for the consideration of the House, . fo'r te inserted in the Appropriation Dili. Ap- the Waialua river. Kauai. Referred to Commit- luelit as Postmaster-Gel- i ral : as the request proved. and wiiih might possibly arise from lack o! tee on Public Lands. had liot V t been complied with the speakt r de-- I lime for the various corjttees to complete - Hon. Mr Gibson from the Special Commemo- Hon. Mr. Kaill.i moved the Order of the Day siretl the Pn sitb nt to ask the Minister i f the In- their work, he thought it ""would facilitate the and the Dili relating to the ulstlishing ef terior for the e nise of the delay. rative Coinmittte and on limn devolved the du- transaction of business if the House, on ted with obtaining a ef His risim? license Was taken Up. i The rules w re thcll suspended to allow His ties connei statue ad journed to 10 o'clock of the i!4th instant. th- - Majesty Kaint hameha I. and the first on ordcr-t- d After the reading of tLe lull. Hon. Noble j Excellency to impart information. Hon. Noble Kapi mi agreed with the Honorable having Ih lost at st a. the obtaining t f a Smith movetl that it pass to engrossment, j and he in answer stated that the resolution in member from Honolulu that there was a dulness Hon. Mr. NakaU ka spoke in of the ex- - question had not been presented to him. replica, rt portt d the work done by the Commit- visible in the business of House, tee. the but, it wan isting law and urged that the change would in- -' On motion of llu. Mr. Aholo. Secrt tarv not the fault of the members, but of the Min T.iltt: los- - of revenue He moved the indefinite Pierce was instructed furnish tht Minister Hon. Noble Smith moved tkat the report of istry who had not vet brought forth any Gov- - potolieliieiit the IJlll. with a ropy of the resolution, and further tiui" the Committee bt? accepted and the same getit'e-m-t eminent measures. Hon. Mr. Kalua spoke forcibly on the evils WaS allowed His Lxceilt ncy to present the de-sire- d n be retained on the Committee to can v out The motion to adjourn till date mentioned whit h originated io the peddling system, the report. the unfinished business connected with the same. was lost.

riv.o.ut'll.X b.vtlnf.u. rsroendt , Monice, Silk, Fancy ob- WATF.U CLOSETS, M ASH C0HLS, Ktf., MfToMti m"Lw. Tbe learne-- i Guru, who to. II je. Handkerchief. Shawls, BATHS, S. F. HlWOUll' Tlt.USFEIi , served the Princess seemed to be annoyed to k tpoo! Coit.-n- Towels, Blanket j ALWAYS ON HAND. that only o.-eo- was a Kubu fit Atl-nti- that her wild hero i.rril'l--' T lilt. WIUIIT'S St'OKK. Sr..r;i eiven to the fUtine UP of the SPRING JJF.G UK1VKTO IM-OR- THE PUBLIC CKXKKAL..V THAT T..K.K STCK OK 68 FORT STREET

5XS A is neo J5T IM to, be hi III)

Rf pairii ngli try portion ot DVBETISSR StTPPLESlEHT. In necessary e:


was made for purpose of giving Hon. Mr. Nik'okx present-.- ! a resolution IIi.s Excellency the Minister of the Interior, Hon. Mr. Nawahi mived the reconsideration tion the the Hen. Wai-blU- oi. Mou-- and an oport to pay a visit to that a certain roa 1 leading from WaiLee to presented the report of the ister-f-l's of the resolution to adjourn 'till iy, which, Noble others unity lstui mov-a- u Maui, having been olo-e- l by K. S. Bailey Department for the between April 1, 1S , being carried, he moved the indefinite post- their homes and doubted its propriety. He or others, the Minister of the Interior be ordered ami July 'J ). 1.1. as called for by the Assembly, ponement of the resolution. Carried. adjournment to Monday as suggested by . Dili of Motion by the Hou-- - to order th removal of the and on inoiivii the report was ordered to be The relating to the amending Section Hou Mr. Grecu. put and carried and t the aliened rilit of way. printed. 1, Chapter XC. of the P. ual Code relating to amidst a little excitement the House adjourned le-a- l 1 ister--( teu-ra- l r-- a 1 the of the st;ttutes was read for ; to Monday the 22d inst II H. Member from Kooiatlp.iko doubted the By permission, the I'ostm nyii ae I iuc-rcist- autiiority of the Home to ord.-- r the Minister of :.r tiie first tifut a Bill retatuiv to the the third time, and referrt d to Judiciary Com He law postal facilities of the Kingdom with foreign mil tee. the Interior in the. matter. thought the L.- - B5 d 1 The ot the 1 - Orle-;- i Hon. Noble K.ipena m ved adjournment till .1 remedy. Th- intention of the reso- countries. t s u ri.i li'14 in proper ptovid . Continued Page 2 ) lution was, no doubt, very eood. anil possibly order. 1U a.m. next day. C.nrud. Jrom d cry. Not one of the (dosing of the road eail-ie- but, Hon. Nobie Sin. lii on suspension of the rules a knife, was the the men nan 'omnii-iiioiu-r- C one AH the s had ordered it opened, presented a report ficui the Special irt:nittee. one. At last a boy passenger produced from thev had the ri 'lit to punish whoever closed jt. to whom was referred the Bill relating to the SEVENTEENTH DAY. his pocket, and the ropes were severed ; a wave for contempt, or prosecute th p irty for a abolishing of Passports. Tht Committee pr.- -s Thursday, May IS. washed us from the snip, and confused voice nuisance. cute 1 a uw Uil to amend C'iiapt-- r III of the Ses- House met at ll) a.m. Prayer and reading of cried for the rowlocks. They were all tied to- Mr. Ktiu.i mov? I as an amendment that sion Laws of 1377. Report received and referred gether, and it took some time to disentangle Ii'n. minutes of previous meeting. small MJTH Attoniey-tJeiier- ul of Kingdom instruct to Committee on Printing, and to second reading them and to cut the cords with the kuiie. the the : the Sheriff of Maui t prosecute K. S. Hail, y, or in proper order. Following petitions were presented Then the oars were got from under us with ditfi-cult- y. resi- We we not a otbvrs who had mad- - tiie obstructions. Tiiouht Th- - Older ot Day brought up for second Hon. Mr. Kamakele, a petition from the found next that had single the t'ouiniissionrr? had no more to do with the reading th-- : Dill to .uneud Section of the Civ- dents of the district of Makawao, praying that seaman with us, only six or seven stokers aud t 1 !: i appoiutm-n- ot PuIicj Not one knew how to ttn oar ma'tr, they ha 1 done tii ir :it y l l opening the il Cod ri i.iti the s iddlemakers and shoemakers be eouipelled to firemen. handle . Faotoi . Com- roa 1 which after beiiiej so for so:ne time was Jilstu-eM- It ferivil to Ju liciaty Committee. take out licenses. Deferred to Judiciary properly. No one was able to take command. nt Ti clos d bv Bailey. Se-oii- reading if Hid to um id Section ."SJ mittee. One niau suggested that we should put back to blio TI His Excellency the Minister o;' r'oreiejn of the Civil re'i.itnur to tne i iblish:ncnt Hon. Mr. l'alo.iau. a petition from the resi- the ship for some one who could do this. An- ight s. itl-- ot Hon. - a colored man. said " go baciv. j Relation, desired to si ak for his colleague, the of a Iditionat voting pi.-c- Ou in dents of tho distiic- of H. iMoluin. praying that other, loo, Let's ! i-- Atiorn.-y-fieliera- l not sink yet. I've got all my property on Minister oi the Interior tf im and Mr. tJ.iiv.a. the Did wa r furred to the Sjjecia! Dr. Fitch be appointed Government physician She'll all--a- we facto, that site - th - a:t ntion or the t'ouimittee of nine, established. and at a hi eunial sa!ar ol S10,"l'0. Deferred board." The sea was so heavy could not set ids . folH).-OiKltj- b- one- e G l.l Government was callj 1 to the matter anything The Hill authorizing National L an of to Sanitary Committee. the other boats. Then they pulled, some tov.-nmii-- I liiitui'.-atio- purposes was a way, soma another. When I told one man he ? that it was the l'ity of the t i ilo. use. for Hon. Nooie Bishop, a petition from number Pins, I won!I ! done. The iuestiou seenied to be one reail tor the second time. of property holders n: ihe district of Honolulu, was rowing the wrong way, he cursed me and tm.r i.i.nlic :iti!e t th.- - law courts to settle th in II. in. in-m- from Koolaupoko, m a jocular praying that the erection of woo.leu buildings told me to ho.d my tongue. Tue Consul , Stadi ,ed j from to he. ting, N. for the Hou. . Tho i;ht it would b difficult for manner r m irked that the as for was be prohibited wilhm certain d siguated limits, Peruambuco tried maintain order, but 1 gave the llo:ne to s.iy eXi'dly what should be done, hardiV eiiouh. tboU'htthit S .0 )),'1Ji or $0 f This petition was. not favorably received bt the' too was told to 'shut up,' and he up speak of ever; Im- - IU ing rowed, 1 believe. At until the Attorney-- O' n ral ha I looked into the OdO.OOO would i;)ui' lhing )ie like the u.ttive members. Deferred to Commit Ice on in despair, but last b.i laid ail were pulliug, at auy rate, in the same direc- t Show tuatler and acnta.ned whether he bad any right amount needed. He iiioved that the Bill Public Lands and Internal Improvements. SKi. to interfere primarily. He hoped th- - Hon. on the table and taken up iu the consideration Mr. Piiipo. from the Sanitary Committee tion. "Where are we going?" shouted another col- llivereil with cried nev member f.oui Lah .111.1 .vould withdraw his of the Appropriation Dili. reported on a number of petitious lei rred to ored man. "1 see a ship lights," I his 1 some could motion un 1 h-- - pro nise to it the covTii.ii-n- t Hon. Mr. Nawahi. the member to their consideration: sitting high ou oars or boards, I see would Uok inti the nutter. think seriously over th-- i matter before them and 1 From the district of H.ina, praying a her 'and she has a light at her masthead.' A . d Immigia-t- n man again bade me hold my tongue. We made Hon. member fro 11 Koolaupoko was oppos d express.-- surprise that a Dill desiring resid nt physician bo appointed. - ights, however, till some man said, t th- - mo i in its original form, but thought should be avivanced by the Minister of J From tn district of Puna, praying that lor these 1 fr)!!! They're Uisiress signals she is sinking too." that it shu'ii.i p.isH as amende '. He thought it sp ci illy as it wou'd Pe jndg physiciaus be appointed in all districts. nir for-i;- : a second vessel, but she's all dark,' one strvy lra!ii - that the law offi.-e- u Mini had hat appea'.s in il p ipers writC;'il by him 3 From tue district of Him, praying that There's not dono their duty for the law min plain that thii country was not a very d-- sir in'.e one to either Dr. Siaiigcnwald or Dr. Fitch be appoint- said next. Presently we saw rockets go up from d with Then there was an explo- mm 'h in 1 t!i. Hon. in-iu'- refei-rt- to sul- - com- - to. Noticing the abseuce of Mr. Armstrong ed Government physician; the ship lights. pec we uud shrieks, vve saw divir-- : ..i ." Section . chapter XXIII the the Houoiahle Mninber said it looked as if ,the and recommended that the petitions be laid on sion, heard cries aud her l'elial Code. He withdrew his motion to inde- Mi.iisU-- r did not have stiflieieut inti-res- t in the the table and he considered iu connection with sink. finitely Hill to listen to the debate on it. Hon. Mr. Na- the Appropriation Dill. "A little later we fiw the Douro go down ilici J:.llJUf. stem foremost. Still we had some distance to Hon Noble Widetuanu was somewhat perscm-!l- r wahi judged that the object of the Dill was. mil On motion ol Hon. Mr. Kaiinauotno. the 1 row, but sure the third vessel would pick u iiO r..t.-.- l matter, road or so much to eneour.itre iinini 'ral ion, as obtain report was adopted. lelt in the as the 'i ' 1 t ! 1 up. Are your father and mother here In n 'ht of wv iii (iiieslion was reached from land m re laborers. lie Mi u.s:. is did not stop to No reports from Special Committees. nt, boll on 11 : itit-iiti- as&ed boys. 'Ah! thank God.' 1 1 outusl by hi'ii, yet he doubted that the House had think tnat the more ton igu people cam- - here the Hon. Mr. Auoio, o. to the two 'Yes.' just wouM p. A woman's hand grasped mine. ' Have you any. n selec ativ authority 111 the matter. There was some aiore tiie Havv.tii iu people be crowded. introduce a Dili creating a ru;:im:iii .settlement j .'. one on board's" 'No, thank God.' W'heb thing contain-- d ill the resolution which be did He had o cu t ld rep ale. y that it was not good ou Hon. H. Kuihelani. leit fi.,t elearlv b rstaud. but which was undoubl- - to i.avc vich a large uiliii 01 males com- - to Hon. Noble D.suop, gave notic-- of intention we-- got near enough the men shouted for a line tio t be us. 'Go unu to pick up 3E! lit whould , the country. Thought it So'ld.UOO was spent on to introduce a Dill relating to ereetiou of wooden to thrown out to try d'v all ritr'nt. He thou the resolution men, cried I "ref..rTel committee, and a bnuifiu more men t:if.ii would le a very ser buildings within certain limits. some of those drowning the captain to .iwciid in i.lf wo- of allaiis lit Pi a snort lime. Hun. Mr. K uin.i.iia.i 1, read o permission, from the third steamer's deck. "We've got friotiou to that tfect. j ious state rt 00 - - . men aboard,' shouted the men T : con- r. uud children T ic:ilii wax in f ivor of the resoltl- - He wa.s much afraid 01 tin- vii effects from for the first time, a B.u ..i to providiug . .: bade us come on, and This - -; . u:a.-s- y i:ige;ll-i!- Kiugdoui, back. Then the captain tion as iin-- i tided, authorizing th- Attornev-tien- tin. P. i importations ot and especial. belter arr tiie s "Sit I Su-.te- o: a iine was Hung out and grasped. still,' the eral to t iki a. ti .11 in the matter, hut he con- - t Cii.uese. The United see the evil and iooAiug to tiie crc.iiio.t .10 iu e s co .id men to us, 'not one ot you move.' Wheu, sidered it was a useless ,,iea-.ur- to take, us the j Chinese i.nmigralion, aild have p.iss,:d laws to Iteailll lu.eail. vJdefed to reading. cried ' we difficulty chose alongside, 2 IL Attoruev-tjeiieia- U. That large couuf.y prohibits, this small 11 n. .Mr. II tupu, gave u tico of intention to however, got with l was not noted for activity in slop 1 J eucou.-ages- . to be close to me. prosecutions. Ho did not know whether the country T:i- - 1 ports ali show that introduce a Dili providing tor a permanent set- a rope ladder happened uiment er i for pur-p-ak- Al low 01 Hon. S. Kipi. could not resist climbing it, and dropped the Attorney-Gener- al was capable ir not. hut the the immigration to this cnntiy is labor tlement lor the the iaie 11 iutro-iluee- 1 some valuables, ir. could not call to mind a tdngle instance poses not tor population. If planters waul u. .tii'. I'ilipo, moved in 1. tue Dili d little bag in which hud few I be r .pur.-- by II n. order to do so more thinly. I did not see it wherein the Attorney-Gener- a! had irsonally labor t!ie G iv. rum 'ut should not t lue inember .roin Him ikua m-- t. I the time was too valuable to fulfilled his office as r.ubiic prosecutor. Thought; supply tne.n. The planters have and sub- - to Printing Committee. Carrievl and Dill again, but felt bis trouble about anything but lile, and had 1 held 3S S if th House ordered th Altorilev -- General to scnU d large amounts i n tue pur)ose ot iring ordered to printed belore next reaJiug. . on to it I might have lest my hold. Ntar the: i.rosecot- - th case he would do as he had done ing laboiers, probaoly Chines-- wit inn ten Hon. Mr. liicn.irdsou, read lor the first time, d Hoi I 11 men pulled me on hoard, strong arms at last fcc. liefore. get sotlielxidy else to do it for him, anil years the Chinese will outnumber the Hawaii. ins a Dill to auieui Section 1, Chapter XVI of the top Daws o. 1S71, to having Maui placed nie gently ou deck, and they bade me go !! pay for the services rendered ont of the 10 to 1, and then who will lie elected represcir Session e8ui of of the people Cuinese. Chinese. term o: circuit courts held iu Wailuku instead down into the cabin, so I was the first to react appropriated to incidentals, and not oat his tativis Hidalgo. salary. One of the Houorable members grum- Ministers, Chinese nobles, Chinese representa- oi L.imua. Ordered to second reading m projier safelv the law tives ; what is to pr-v-n- t such being the ease oritei". DTI bled at the waut of attention shown by the I made one was first ; are iu a gt eat majority. The II ui. Hon. M:. Lilikalaui, n ad for the first time a "The party of which the fist su officers 011 Maui to this ease the Kpe:iker when they re- r D to leave Corunna. consisted of six, uud we thought the grumbling should be at the A'toriiey-Gener- al mera'o-- thought further immigration ot large It to ati!uori.u the importation, mauulacture, It t seven which ' 'I as he seemed to be the one who was numbers of males woul.l not increase or popu- and saie of opium 111 lloiunuiu. The Dill present three of the boats ds, iwaiiau race. Moved the ind finite provides mat the rigut 10 ileal iu opium may be Douro. We have compared notes, and they rv slack. If any Government prosecutions are late the II to j by purcnase of a license, the upset have given me their uccoiints. The second FII carried on, the Attorney-Gener- al sits quietly postponement. obtained the y ltela-t- hi was a small one, badly damagtd as to her down and details another man to do the work;! His Exlleu-- tiu of Foreign price of which is established at $3d,(H)0 for the arrive frchi( be bows, but containing about twenty-fiv- e people. Iiupp ( all intention on the part of the two years and said lease to sold at auction. II m. me'uber stated h did not approve o! tions denied ; th-.- . 1 loan of - 10 a The p ug was out, aud could not be found oue figure heads, he thought it right aud proper j Government to expend auy of propose Ihe purchaser tiu- rigut is nie SA uirjn-formau- ce was useless, and the other scarcel who draw salaries for the per- - j on the import ;! ion of males, or 011 any bo ud ot 5jld,(h)0 tuai opium will not be Bold by baling bucket j I SI that those bt-tte- Here again no knife or hatchet was at. of ceitiiu work, should do the work grit ion from China. The intention was to pay him to others than Chinese. asMer s u-- n . . hand till a passenger found one. Then all, He had little faith iu the present Attorney- - lor the pass ig.-- 05 women can ouij Hon. Mr. Mau inove'd a suspension of the ago He agreed with th m nbdr from Hi! that rules that Did bt iva 1 a second time, by title. women, as well as men, had to bale lor their General doing anything. Several sessions hoots aud shoes. They saw office mid ill-- ! olanters should supply tht irowu labor. The iloii. Noble Bishop amended by moving that lives, using hats, irOr on Hon. our boat, an cried tor help, but we were 111 loo .retail j 01 laoor ana immigraiio,, wne in - Bill be first sent to Committee Printing. though he had done his own work, he did not do ij.lesuoim great disorder and difficulty to get to them. j Urcen s od iurtner Air. Mahoe theu withdrew his motion, aud the everything that he was told to do; and ihe speaker what inseparable, lion air. was a lifeboat, JNS0N House Mr. Castle, a that the steamer Monarch had sailed ou the loin motion of the H m. Noble, was put aud carried The third of the boats and it b:,nce.l k:i ordor of the to at Hidalgo. In t reel, Ilono hi of April, from the Azores, with men. L and Hill ordered to be printed and to second was the last oi all to arrive the former Attorney General, instructing in to were two seamen and the doctor. Whilst for alleged j women, and 40.) minors and children. Port reading 111 proper order. ' this prosecute certain elect.on inspectors trying to take iu more a heavy swell separated which order was never complied with, i guese immigrants. For fin passages of the As lue Ordor oi tue Day, the second reading hut , Douro, so waited till she j ai l bj nbiK-.- .! !.. 01 iiie Dnl, inuodu'jcd by the Posiuiaster- - the ai fr nu the they He thought the preseut incumbent so slack in man the Government ici They - i 01 sauk in hopes of picking up stragglers. . . ,,f ,w- r.ffi.-- - ther.- repiiriUL; the men's services. iieneiai, to exinud lue postal laciuues tne , V ,iti.uw. . ' v " tht would be little those . w At this ot the discus-oo- th II "Use took Kingdom, was proceeded with. Alter the read- rescued five passengers who had jumped into to nope troiu n:ni. staft sea, or had bdeii washed off a few minutes Mr. Aholo was in Tavor of the motion to j a recess until 1.U0 p.m. ing being conciifded, a somewhat extended but the Hon. to objects before (he Douro foundered. Two of our party refer to a Select Committee. As regarded the! AFTEKNOON. cioudy ibsoussion ensued relating tue IL! Dili, finally by the were am mgst these, and they were the last Attorney-Geacr- U, House to - lutcuded iu the ended lion. if the desired order re-as- s ; of til- H ' dis- On the u'lli.i n.- th Noble Bush moving to reter to a special eoinmit-U-- e. saved from the steamer ; having been fighting b:m to perform duties couuect-- d with his office, 1.1 cussion ol the proposed L tor Immigration Motion carried, and Hons. Kapena, Buau, with the waves about halt an hour. Don uu l he d'ul not compl it was a very easy matter c011f.Miu.1d. purposes was .Vrmstroug, W ld.-maa- aud Kauai Were appointed to introduce a vote of want of confidence in the f Hon. Noble Hisll ip was in avor o. toe Loan to serve. " The captain of the Hidalgo w.iited about tib Minister. especially as the object intend--brin- I Aran to d.ivhreak. bul nothing was visible o rmless being called, and At 11:15 on motion of Hon. Noble Bishop, the b.i... On the fpiesiton the motiou to fam. lies to this Kingdom. H' lid not two sunken steamers save a lew planks' to Select was carried, and House adjourned. the refer a thiuk that more .han one half of th amount I We were about thirty miies from Corunna. Aholo, Kau-luko- u Ilonorables Nakookoo. Wi.lcniann. asked for would be used during the iil-x-i two which port we reached soon alter ten o'clock. and Kalua apjiouited to serve. years. in- - iui was lor a specino ouject, me ac- EIGHTEENTH DAY. hin Hon. Mr. Kalua introduced a resolution that complishment 01 which would be a great benefit Friday, May 18th, 1SS2. aloe I rising, till Monday I Iii 1 1. the House, on adjourn next. to the Kingdom; he would vot- - for the Hill. assembled at usual hour and In support of his res dutiou the Hon. member The House the 13. Merch nt steamers, J" lion. Mr. Kauai thought that tiie- Hill wis a prayer and ol tile minutes 01 Hongkong April came V the Assembly to work, and alter the reading said he wolf pi sheep's clothing, nobody suspects the the meeting, l'lesideiit Uhodes called laden with Chinese coritin p to leive Hong- thought committees did not have the neces- ; previous the wolf until the sheep are killed the same with ol petitions. kong for American ports on the Pacific. itin sary time afforded them to complete inalters iu wrong lor tin presentation the Bi I. no one sees the wrong until the bksignation ministky. Kumors of impeding trouble between their hands so as to enable them to report hack is commuted. H- - did not place much faith in of the j Loo to the House. The House has been in the habit the statement that this large amount of m ney Delore any petitition was preseuted Ills Jbx Chm;i and Japm on account of the Il.n of meeting daily, and after transacting a little celieucy the Munster ot Foreign Delations rose ; m100 h ve been revived but, .if intended to pay the expeuses of bringing Is'imus. . j wis .i...... jv.i.;.....'Oi;..u,...i business has adjourned at noon to meet next women and children into the Kingdom, and that and inlormed the House usual, traceable to no sulticient authority. morning. I nought it hetter to have all th t).o t, hint, is would nav the expenses of tiie m n: had tendered their resignations to his Majesty j - j Japan. adjourning at once, and then go to work He . i- 1 . j .v ho in the Dill. Thoil 'ht monev aud they had been accepted. He considered it was a 01 several ami Knew , e House to adjourn to Monday, j Yokohama. April 22. Ifagaki Ta suke. At thrir commiiiees. 8iIOti i,e .x,,,.i,ded to perpetuate the II iwaiian advisab lor the they all had plenty of business to attend to. ; r u.e int,tert)i 0f hnuging iu strangers. He qnes- - or uutil a new Ministry was appointed, as the old t formerly and for many years a member of amnoruy, out-- Hon. Mr. Kauai was opposed to the resoln tioue I as to wh woul.l want to 111 irry a women Cabinet were no longer in merely Imperial Co.mcil, nd now the office until their successors were ap- the highest tion ; thought it a lazy man's excuse. If the re- with a large number of children and who came retained influential leader of the advanced liberal .IAI solution p issisl. judged that fh members would here as an ini:nigraut. Th Government brings pointed. Hon. Mr. Paloh iti (rather emphatically) ob- parly, was attacked and severely, but not go off home and ut appear ag tin for business these immigrants at great expense; when the assassin, Nfl until next Monday. If the resolution required immigrants desire to leave the country what is jected to the adjournment and desired the Minis- fatally wounded, by a sing'e while 4l"e ter to inform the House a to the reasons for the of AUay the various committees to assemble daily to th to prevent; then the Government, is out of on.a lecturing tour in the Province Owari. tfipre Moved resignation of the Cabinet. as- r-- business before them would be both money ami people. the previous is unexplained. The itirjr It coinple" Hon. Mr. Aholo was iu favor of adjournment The motive yet som- - -- 'sdom 111 it. He thought the committees question. 4 declares he had no accomplices, and A ik-e:- i. by Minister, for the Cabinet sailant lw gv t into had habits, and did not show the After two unsatisfactory votes hid been t as suggested the had re .resented the Government and, as j he alone was inspired to remove one whom "SI, disposition to work ; moved the indefinite post- on motiou, the ayes and nays were ca led and Ministers jl tuey were no longer in authority, Ahere was no-- I the public peace. ponement, and. to shut off debate, also moved resulted in 21 ayes to 19 noes. The previous ne considers a disturber of s question. question was therefore carried. body to represent His Majesty. Xhe popular excitement over this event the previous Noble Iseuberg moved adjournment nntil On beiug put to the vote the motiou to indefi- The ayes and nays were then called on the mo- Hon. proves the remarkable growin of liberal was lost. I'J to 15, and the tion to lay on table and the motion carried ; 23 the lstof June nitely postpone - politics. acceptance carried. 17 to 15. ayes to 17 nays. Hen. Noble Kaj era red that ihe nu-

Donkey Race Cup. $25 (HAWAIIAN CONSUL; HONOLULU, TI. I. FRKK FOR A 1.1 kch man lo ride his neighbor's Don PUnln?, Shaping, Tomln;r, Undertakes the purchsss and shipment of all kinds or Brit- key. The Use oo under the oire wins. ish and Cooiinenul Goods, and will be g to Bund al receiTo Order, PLANS, A L.SO. A and Stroll Sawing, at rates eiiher free on board ai shippim; port in Europe, or SPECIFICATI01 Portland Gen. Doors, Sash, Blinds, detirered ex ship (but with duly f,.r haver's account)' at AND Ti Honolulu Such Onler i r PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MAY 20, 1882. 5 31 A N A If to bcrtistnunts. tx aavmijsr stents. LAKSA ; The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest Fur- THE GREAT HERO of the MALAYS. THE DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. ill K FIRM )K J. .M. UWI.OS & CO.. niture Store in the Kingdom. A ROMANCE. rfiiMittiiijt of J. M. Uwlur an.l Ailaa Hr$Hrt. is this dv tUsK.lftl bv xr.utnat cimseiit. C O A" 2s . 33TTSI-I-, J. M. I.AWI oi; TZJR I G W. Manager. ALLAN HEiiUKKT. Zj ZZVuZKY GI2C0IT. H n..lula. May :. 1 iiiy U ; VrK JIST RKCK1VEI) AX IX- - VOICEllVKof the CeiebratvJ Originally pubUthnl in the Hawaiian VV language, ami written epccially for the Hay, GRAIN AND MIXED FE D, ANTE D Reed's Steam Pipe Covering! instruction and entertainment of Ha- IT TO UK KXOW.V THAT ff the f illowirg s:i.s s pt I - waiian. (fall Vi .! Constantly iu stuck an oU ti il.a.l- w regular rate. i inch. 1 ivch. 3 inch. i inch. CHAPTER IV. J. WILLIAMS & CO., 102 Fort St., 1 inch. 3 inch. inch, 6 inch. OCR MANAGER VIMTSSAN FRANCISCO KCGCLARLV FOR THE I'tRPOSK OF H inch. ij inch. 4 inch. The Ednratiou of tLe WiM Mn in the Palace of (Succvjsor to M. Iicksoo.) Any other will be ordered, if desired; also, King Sapidin br the Priucta. Umba. bayi'-.- iii our tuppUr. an 1 we btijr In Lsxger Quantitioi than an other dealer. site WAREaOOIlS, Oo the morrw, at the hoar of the moroioz T acriSce to King came hotographers, O tbe god. Sapdin to the FIRST-CLAS- OVER IAG PREPARKD T IX) S chamber ol tbe Priocesa, and tbu vpoke to her : , ARE WORK OF ALL FOR Mj daughter. 1 must bare jour terrible wild JP A. C A B C. E. WILLIAMS, - - - Proprietor Y Special Attention given to Children ! frieod removed to a lace ol securitj, where he AND AT T1IK SAME TIME SKtTBE STEAM BOILERS, ii WE ARE PREPARED TO DO maw be taught ime rules of order It lite, and hate aome knowledge givsn to him ; I fear ! Drums, Vacuum Pans, HAVE JUST RECEIVED that ALL KINDS OF LARGE WORK ft rv?1 t! he maj at anj time disturb the order of our at Mates, FROM Triple Effect, &c, &c ,FROM. i- - Freights BOTTOM Palace, and offend tbe goda. lie nut a Malay man who knows any rules of life ; but a mere Wear- - fp. l to Supply our Friends ami Patr-.- at trices Itiat will MINIATURE TO LIFE SIZE ! beaat, wb lie at jour chamber door like a dog." Kither ia Crayon, W aier Color. Ir.ii IuW or Oil. 13 O IE 1 San Francisco and the East, The Princes replied pleadingly, saving : O, I'ir'tos Colored, tic. E AL, FIRsr-CLAS- We ill for this Valaahle FeM which baa kind and graciuw father ! 1 know that you only Weemulov S ARTISTE, r. rk m jil ta nveie orJcr iliier, 1'. r lm Routine 1'I.LA an.l l.nU 1. C. MURRAY, j atifac!ory t ia the District. E&KFIT CJDR&PSaTITIOKT. that of the Ualleri-- s of san r ranci'O an.i"at less cot. Sireu reu iiilo L A AMOTION to hi already advise me on all as well as on thin . annthcr matters subject. A great btrar:etv of lUrd Viets. criositn-a- Shel: an.l j o ur inj gd. uut dir papa, the VK HAVE .NOW ON HAND THE l.ARQfcfT STOCK Of Coral from all parts cf the Paelfle. Iiaanan ea Moscs anJ character of this wil l 'creature. lie has not Ferns, Latest Myles of Framtrs, I'aiserwouls amt Mat con- e r w o n s and nric? d Stock stantly on hand. ii t ii acted either at a ravage or a beast. He acta ,virv XT Charges reasonable and lifHCtnr garant'fl. CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES OF .vrvi . hay', I'ropriei-irn- nobly, and furbearinly in many cases even like ok fell ly J. WILLIAMS vt CO., AUE PB1 The Attention Planters is called to Superior Ma a chief of rank. He does not wish to hurt any-oo- e, I'UK ILL OF STOCK, 1 II AT BK 101.M) .IMiTllEUK IX THE (ITV. AMI cf this klDS tt chine, and Circulars containing particulars will be forwarded SGi?gr , unle he is attacked ; and then he only puts PARED TO HUXISH 01 U FRU'.XDS OX HIT. OTHER ISLANDS WITH on application. Furniture, Uphols forth hi great strength to remove his apj'ia W. G. IRWIN Jt Co , Agents ou of the way. And no chief ot the Court of J. EOS Saossma could be more careful and considerate CAEGO LOTS if Required. IMusical Insirumcnts, with me man forest ; K0LE--0TJXLL- than this untaught of the EW iG THITII! & Page, therefore I pray yu, most gracious father, and WE AND RETAIL West King, that tins poor wild follower, who has saved SELL WHOLESALE Sowing XSachizicSu Having bad over 21 I mj life, may be allowed yet awhile to remain in an.l respectfully a'..cit oid-r- s from ti.e SM A 1,1. F. It DEA I.KRS U whom we are prepared 1IINV Y EARS AGO, W1IEX I WAS A.N Manufacturing Carriage years experience in the Furniture Unities In H.uio!u!u, am ptrparej to mewl your Palace, and let me provide some means for t'i make special rate tor any parkins of oyer 1 M spprentice in '7 and we shop boys used to (to Co"n the wants of all, as Ibivetti. I. x'vft S:..:k, the Luc t S yK- anJ S1XL AT LOWKST TRICES. Call hunting down on the South Brunch', of the Karitan River, near ece cur hi training and instruction in the ways of life, Cull's Mill, New Jersey So one night we trncked an old and suited to the Court of Sansauia." Coon to a Ijrfre Sycamore or Uuttonwo 1 tree, we found where the old Coon went in. The hole was ftt'outone hun- Shops on Queen ! And, after some discuieion between lather and FIVE TOMS OF HAY OR GRAIN. dred and seventy fret from the eround. " Mold on Rns?, can- Street, adjoining New Koa Chamber Sets, trimmed with Kou daughter, King Supidin agreed to bis dear not you take oil' a tew inches ot that." Xo, 1 don't think I to liberolly bestowed can unleas Carriage .Maker that established a Carriage H. Hackfeld & Co.. daughter's wish to leave the wild man in her By prom pi attention lo the wa tit of our r.umerous customers e hope for a continuance, of the patromge that Manufarturel expressly fir m in Si:i Kr.m i. r.i, uti l.r the mi of Mil. C. E. WILLIAMS, Shop in Eighteen flumlrtd and Sixty-fiv- e in Honolulu, if p'r.mtl in pan, it will be our endeavor to keep on hand at all time chargo ; but he accompanied this permission with upon us the and he comes down four or five years, I then wiil drop four MANUFACTURE KINDS Black Walnut BiK)k Cases and Warilr .lns. tr mnnd with Ron; Ula k Walnut b.ireau. ChltT mlrrs.t ALL -', W strong assurance that if her yrotigi should com- to five feet. At any rate the ho'e was so tilth that none of as French Dressing dis. ahhsLimN. hntiiti, H ack Writing; I'tsks, Kxteminn Uuiing Tables, or boys could pet to it. We called oi the owner of the tree and Library and Parlor Tahlra, Ilouipivl hm!h, Muaic l Book rii.ui ls, c. mit any act of savage impropriety, violence, OF THE BEST Q,UALiITY. he would not allow the tree to be cut. We heard the story, be wouid be immediately removed, or perhaps FEED and onr blood was stined. So we muMTed a party cf about slain. fifteen of the best of L'S boys and went for the old Coon. We Carriage, Buggies, A Fall Line of Walnut Painted, Stained A Varnished Careful Attention Given to the Shipping of Orders to other Islands. were hound to have him anyhow. None of us boys could The ohjVci of this diticupsion had been seated climb up to the hole, so we were puzzled what to do, finally we Express Wagons, near by during the conversation ; and although gaxed out the hole where the old Coon was. so high up in the CHAMBER SETS, be eeemed AND PROMPT DEALING GUARANTEED. great tree, and we not having the grinning capacity of the re- be did not understand its purport, yet to nowned David Crockett or the musical powers to charm, ire Cane and Dump Carts Painted and Stained SideboarJs. IledsleaJs, Ituiesus, k , Iiti inc. Kitchen, Stiloon and riile Tables, comprehend that be was concerned in the matter. supplies our al.eUy extensive stock resorted to strategy. Yes, as Arteinus Ward would say. Chairs and Rockers of every (. Inu.i Oiaiis 111..I Maiiini;. Also. OL'K Ma.NAUr.h will u.l San Francic. by th next steamer to purchase fresh fir ALSO. ATTEND TO 1 strategy my boys. Three boys were dispvehed tor a lare The occasional kindly look of interest of his and will b- - happy to execute any orders f..r goods that may be required by our patron assurance. bottle of petroleum oil. ' Hold on Lokt, we had no elroleum noble mistress gave him this And them days.1' I mean they went for a large bott!e of Turpen A Complete of CHEAP FIXUNITUUD, when King Sapidin Itad retired, the wild man tine, and five boys went for the largest poles to attach togrthet Repairing, Assortment CHARGE. to reach the hole. The bottle of turpentine was hung to the , down, OF Children's Chairs, Cribs. Cradles ami llevk. Wad Prark'-ts- Chromes. approached the Princess, and, stooping end of the pole, and then raised up lo the hole, and thrust Blacksmithing Gem and Jewel FoldinR Carriage ami llocking t'liair. Carpet Chairr, Feather Iiuaters, Vc. A Large Assortment of took hold of one of her feet, and removing the All Orders to be sent to partly into it, we thtn took a shot gun and shot the bottle to and cbarpoo, or slipfier, kissed the foot many times, pieces, the contents ran down into the tree, hut no Coon ap- peared, we then attached a lighted torch and raided it to the Horse-stLoei- ns Lounges, fc and attempted to place it on his neck. But the hole. Parlor Sets, Pat. Bed Lounges Sofa Beds, young lady and making Then came a bust of thundering sound. tlcs-ns- ; royal withdrew her loot, CO. with Easy Chairs, Patent Spring Kocker. Utost tut- inarm, foot Ketli, Pimjo tStMlr, A c, She apl J--tf MAXAQER OF UNIOX FEED That Coon, Oh, where was he I All Order Filled Promptness and Dispatch. signs to the wild man, bade him stand up. leaped called for or steward, of Ask of the dimes that a'ound WEST AND PAGE then a jururuma, tbe That hole, in the old Bjttnntvood ire . A royal household. When he appeared in the He came tearl.ig out with a boo'id. Full Assortment of UPHOLSTERING MATERIALS to At one awful leap, he reached the ground. presence of the Princes, she gave him order And fojnd himself in UuSh'o SHOT, where Comprising S'lk Cuteline, Silk I'linhes. Raw, Casliiiieri fciea, Tiamaiks, ti in sll colors did Hair Cloth. procure clothing befitting a chief in which to ESTABLISHED 1865. array the wild man, and she made signs to ber VWg A NEW" LOT OF CRETONNES, savage Iriend to follow tbe jururuma, and to be May o and Sec Gideon West, SOME OF Silk Cord Tasels and Gimps. Gold and Silver Picture Wire, llc:uiv Nails, Cornice Hoi.ka. A c , clothed. Straw, ExcelMior. Mosn, I'n!u. H.-i- an'l Feather Maltre.sis ami Pillows on hunl and made to order, . Tbe wild man readily obeyed. He first was Importer CHAMPION SI'ltIM; ltKOS! The best in ; will In- -I a life 1 in.-- Al.o. Dealer K M i;U.-- WOVEN AT H. placed in a bath ; and his grand, ed PINAFORE and STAR M'RINU and Will TUI'.'Sl a.M.ited sitJi Those iice (larriiises IN ALL KINDS OF Spring Mattresses maJe to nnler. Win low sijuJei, Plain and I 'h t 11 1 spring Itoll. rs. body, when thoroughly cleansed and per- fumed, after the manner of the Mtlays, shone THAT I still have with me M R. W l It A W Kit IT '., ihe ran Francisco t'pholsterer nd Draper, bl CASBtAGE MATERIALS ! has been with me for the past six months, ami has niv.-- etiure iUf o lion, I.hvIi r had litres experience In Ilia finest kind of resplendently. A skilled panehukur, or barber, Upholstery. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in the Ik-k- unit lut. t . so rose: il trimmed bis wild, shaggy mane of hair, that is Iron, be appeared with a fine 11 wing brd, and with Bar of all sizes, well-adjust- LAMBREQUINS. a crowning iuum of ed curly hair. It We Are Turning Out All Kinds of CURTAINS, DRAPERIES and was difficult to find clothing to suit his athletic Cumberland Coal. Also, Loo-- e Covers cut an.l iinido in the l atest S;yle. proportions, but after a while he was fitted with SOLE AGENT FOR THE a. fine white linen tunic that covered his broad FAMILY CARRIAGES A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MIRRORS, . and brawny shoulders. Over thi was placed a GE3AS. FISHELS POPULAR STORE TOP PHEATONS, BUGGIES, Mirror Plates and Picture Gins'; alm, a great Variety of Fancy Picture Frtines, card, cabinet an I larger aise th Very e Y n '1:1 crimson silken kabaya, or wide-aleev- ed coat ; J. Cortland IfiTagon Go, Latest Style of Picture and Cornice Muu drus. I'i. tin rames Window Cornices In ado to order. A larg variety of IN FACT , beneath were Sowing trousers of silk, in green OF NEW YORK. apl tf BABY CAURI AGES and RUUEs, C'hiMiea'a Kxpie.-- j a , I1.1H liml H heelharrows, Base Ball Hats. and white stripe. The two garments were bound Everything that Runs on Wheels & to bis waist by a golden girdle made of many ALL KINDS Or The Latest Best The Williams' Sewing Machines. links, wrought in filigree ; and to this girdle was ! Sold only by C. K. V illiams, I'll I C K i Hao, Machine Ne.dlesarvl Oil. attached a kretf, or crooked dirk, with a diamo- ENLARGING MY PLACE OF BUSINESS nd-studded Lilt of the most famous Malay Carriage IVZaierials tzxzv& well-shape- t manufacture. The strong, yet d feet, ON HAND AND FOR S.tLK. MACHEALE von ob of and Hotel Streets. Violins.Concertinns. Guitars, Banjos. Tainhntii inc, and all khvla i.f Mus'cal Innlrnuicnts nlarsvs 0:1 hand ami For Hals Cheaper Kort miros 1 were bound with sanial thong of tinted and Corner Spokes, Ilubi, Felloes and Bent Kims. thjn elsewhere. Violin, Uuitar and Bai jo Mtiu:s of llie t Make, ".'1 Cents Pit het or 1 i Cents Each. jewelled I -- ather ; and a feather-wove- n of AXD helmet, surmounted with long curving plumes 7-- a CASKS OF GOODS 0, THE WIT A ST W .1 VI Vi Hw A ftTtflVCt I l,v.-- I.AUUIR PTOrK THAN all Ihe other Fnrnliura lll.n of IROjST 111 1 the birds paradise, completed the costume of and. COAL ' J Jt; JtZa 1 M. Honolulu combine.!. have the lle.t Mattress Maker and I ha only First-Cla- ss I'pholsterer in the Kingdom. Our are the L') W and wot k gnarant this grand impressive man. M Having a large Lot of Coal on h ind. I am h un I to get .J I'ricet r.T all id. Order fruia Ilia olbsr Isl When bis dressing was complete, be hastened rid of, at the LOWEST SPOT PRICES. Also, ands promptly attended to. URBAN JJ. J iioouium, if. 1.. to present Li instil before bis noble mistress. And From London, New York Philadelphia, Office and Warorcouis 111 Fort Street.W1ITelephone,lnmr,No. 7t. Work SIlop (IU Hotel Blreet, be and her lady attendants were profoundly im- ALL, KINDS OF IROIV pressed with the changed looks and altered bear- ! Having a Large Lot on the way. ing of the wild man dressed. OJT llis attitude was now more erect, and Ids step WANT ROOM Stock and All Kinds of BLACKSMITHING seemed measured with more dignity, llis lace Ml Fait Assorted of FAXCY STAl'LE DUY 5 bad received a new expression of respectful man- CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, 11 ATS DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. liness. His large. clysjr eyes spirklcd with a aOOJJS, fascinating splendour. All his features were and ( APS, rdl if and J US Tbe sold HEGAHD-LES- S jS K those of a lutnd.fiie man, and one having blood OF COST. Artesian Well Work UNDER T born to comm iitd. And the wild savage of the PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Undertaking in all its Branches forest disappeared beneath the costume of a your In fact, everything that is made of Iron, Wood Work, Paint- ICT CiU Knrly and Secure Bargains. ing, Trimming, Plating. Uso, Jtff Prince. Thoroughly and siitlnf.u-iorll- attended to. felt a new of respect Tbe Princes sensation T-- ! and admiration when this striking, chief-lik- e ALL KINDS OF HARNESS Fisliel,rt Clias. 1-o- came be "ore ; she would allow Bazar, corner and Streets. Saddles, Bridles. Collars, llames. figure her and not dycnl California One Price llnttl biut. as he wished to do, to stoop down and kiss i have a choice of ber foot ; but she held forth her d.tinty little lot Of all iKju'rijilinn h Lfesl Sfyr ff TrlinruliiKi, Lluluft hand for the salute ol his lips. COLONIAL SADDLES Ladies and courtit--r stood in wondering admi- BURGLAR PROOF ! English anil Americin Saddles. Curry Combs, Whips, ration of this reiuarktbte being. And as they THE ROYAL ST. JOHN in fact, one th'us:in 1 Articles worth mentioning. Hca?e and Carriages lor uncrv4t commented upon his fine appearance, and the I II iVK KiR SALE LOTS OP AT REASOXAULK KATES. accounts giren of bis great strength, there was a i sudden exclamation by many of tbe words laksa-mah- a, Elu: Rock Cat tier Pigeons. Office. No. Fort Street. Telephone and Night Alarm No. 76. Ill mar 20 Van or laksa-man- a signifying tbe might or i Nice Berkshire Pigs, power of ten thousand; or, in other words, that BURGLAR PROOF Pekin Ducks, -- thi was the to be styled the great ten tho- A FKV CHOICE !: ri;jv lH. IIKOIlllS FIIKN'C'II RK- - A usanda great dewi-;i- xl of India. And the Brown and White Leghorn Ejgs, Three GEORGE W. LINCOLN, I Ml'ilt IIVF; I'll.LV A lie for nhausled Prince L'mha trpeating tbe woras, exclaimed : Dollars for 13 good, healthy Fowls, vitalily, impotence, physical debility, wasle l lorces.etc. This shall be his name ! This ia tbe chief I also have on bind a large lot of m by the Arul. my of Medicine of Paris and by ths BOtdl-r- a! Lktiuana ! " And all the courtiers fried out : rec of Above m m I'll the a tl,(. 1 Lak-aioa- na c le'oivi' of worl I. A((er.i for California and 1 1 .a 1 to ! " And they all bowed before him. ! Wati-s- At C( Imported by me at great exense from the Delaware Hiver, Contractor & Builder Par .lie J. U. h'TKI.Li; CM Market Untt, But Laksaiuna gave little heed to the obei- which I keep to GIVK. AWAV. Parties having Large Pond FIRE PROOF SAFES sances of courtiers. His attention was fixed on who wish to stock them with fish. They wiil do well in 8G KINO ST., HONOLULU, (I'.ilace lloiei) Francisco, Citl. Punt by Dial! or express bracish or fre.h water. Anyone wishing these fish will beautiful Princess ; and he came near to ber, TO INFORM MIS H1H.MIS sealed from observation. Box ul fifty, $1 &0 ot 100, the please send direct to me, and they will be supplied. DKSIRKS i f J Tl before, and down her !S;i public generally, that he is now i to as be had done crouched at ve within the last accept Contracts for j feet. She motioned to him to take a scat in a Shops on Kins street, Xo. ". 7, ?, SI and s:l i.f 'J'0,f.V, .f 400, $H. SKNI FUR CIRCULAR. ! Buildings. Cottages. manner like other courtiers present, upon a .5 months .successfully 'fciap'JJif ordered to j leather mat near by her. Then she B.-- All of NETS constant- Stores or Dvellings, her or teacher, N. Kinds FISH appear before a learned Guru, withstood the After AMERICAN. FRENCH, ITALI AN, SWI-- S or (J HU- who, when be appeared in the royal presence, nv ly on hand and For Sale Cheap. MAN 8TVLE3. and from NEW LK Ul N S, w hi h combine WO & polished bamboo, apl5 tf all tbe necessary requisites for health and comfort, in a warm CHONC CO., held in bis band some pieces of climate. upon which were inscribed sharply angular cha- I. THK letters of the language of the Malays Attempts of Burglars Orders Respectfully Solicited for racters the .11 of Menangkabau the most renowned people in Only II ac nine a tic iiiiiiiiimi; ! Designs, Flans and Specifications, all the great Malay Archipelago. inn TO THE PUBLIC For Dwellings. Stores, Boot & Shoe Manufactue , Princess commanded that the Guru should which The Vet to absolute No. 41 Nuuai.u Hotel instruction every day to Lakaamana ; and TK HAVE RECENTLY OPENED THE have Public Buildings, Halls, Hotels, street, between amUting sis., give RONS EITHER FORWARD or BACKWARD, T premises at No. 1 S Nuuauu street, intending t carry commenced tbe first to him in the ac- on business as Mills Works of Every Description, IKMIlKSTO CALL TIIK ATTENTION she leon FOR SALE REASONABLY security parties and m9 .f t he espceially and the public generally, that quisition of her language. She pointed to a mat, AnJ continues to ear in the nor J.rel n. alvisc IN tin r are now ii,..k re fr. tn the very finest and best of French Laksa-man- either "Kid I .1 and spoke its name distinctly, which a PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS Wood, and ii. rr. fine I.m.iI,. r ol all descriptions, -- NY to purchase Brick, Iron or Stone Constructions. And, by and by, he . repeated after her. AND BUTTOli BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS ! impatiently pointed to the Princess ; S A L li I pledge ACCURACY aid CO.MI'LKTENK.-- .i in ill somewhat For I. (.!: . iiil and tbildren. A perfect fit (uaratl-tee- d FOR AT j and will visit any of the IsUn 1 in perison she understood his wish, and repeated tiexunine and warranted to three (lines aa and when SITES, LOCATION'S, etc , upon payment ol travelin g ex- iat ; Ooppersmitlis.Our lone experience as MECH ANICS us in say- - long as imported shoe wear. cried warrants Also, own name, be out enthusiastically -- CO. penses. ber W. MACFAHLAlfl & j ing that our new venture wiil meet a want long f"lt in this ! LTmba ! L'mba ! and would repeat no 353 Xj 2S 6. and My arrangements enable me to supply c nipeient men to BOYS' Umba 7V ' Community. FIRE, MEN'S and SII0E3 and OAITEES some time, but only continue to j superintend the ol liuild iws aed W ok :i any word for I. -s ISi-- ' other i of the Islands. Having formed a connection with Made to order from Ihe name of bis beluved mistress. All Orders we may be Favored With, Material.. r. cry out the STORE WILL be PHOOF one of the Tbe Guru, or teacher, who was learned in tbe NEW filUSlG BUHGLAU ! Coast, O-i- the great Malay Archipelago, now tf AMERICAN DRY GOODS Attended to under our own Personal Principal Mills on the pi ices are Low Ml than are being paid for Inferior laoguage of marll i:r . 107 FORT STREKTi I AM PREPARKD TO I iin ort.-- and Mi . explained to tbe Princes that he recognized in r'rrr ofUulr.) Supervision. ! the few imperfect utterances of the wild man the iuiisrlrd And executed in a thorough, c .nipelent and workmanlike First-Clas- s I "''';'" wo u co. manner, on the most approved Sanitary Principles. j Work t'iiou mon.iylUbic language of the Orangkubus a I O I K !ex. s. city of New York, I AT BRAT It liKS. strange, wild, hairy race of men of Central Notice to Travellers a.. s BY STRICT APPLICATION to BUSINESS the MafUys of the Empireof Sumatra. He said that ' WE TKLSr TC MEK1T A Satisfaction Guaranteed. ItfQTICE regarded Orang Kubus almost and Am Bk. " D. C. Murray." OLD SAFES TAKEN IN Menangkabau the for reto S.iB'j hu ' SHARE OF PUBLIC PATRONAGE ! XT One of the Latest Inveniions iihin? the same a the Orang Oulaigs that inhabited the H- - WOOD been brouizht by me from the Coast, ar.d oi l Cuat niera and P, 1 island, Malays MR. And we shall nt all times endeavor to give our new are invited to cad on me wiih their e! and worn-e- ut 0 SUGAfiPLANTERS. dense jungles of tbe great and the HAS HEKN AProINTf.D Ar.fcNT AT i'a'ruu EXCHANGE. ones, Tai Orang." the refuse, or the urniot satisfaction, txth iu verteciion d SiWi and I will make thein as good as new, and at moleraie called the Kuus Work and Modrrat" Chais;4. rates. j ; Sl GOODS ordure of men ; jet they were human, and not MAHUKONA and KOHALA PRINTS DRESS Having' tho Efficiency -- tested bad a rude language. However, they IZoiisomiiSliip olz cr A. of beasts, and TOR TIIF. rriii:-- I'iqjrs, Lawn. I'cpl J Worlt Cuts, Etc., GIVE lMB wild beasts, ni, PROMPTLY EXFCCTF.D. For lriccs5 oci8 lj Malajs like r, captured bj the rro-.iil- Mon-rea- , were Silk, Fancy j learned Guru, who ob- as slaves. The Il-- i and osed S. F. TIMSFEIi 10. f, HnJkerf hiefj, Shawls, B1TIIS, WATF.U CLOSKTS. WASH BOULS, Ktr., apply to the Princess seemed to be annoyed to L IIO.IJlllt served that Ppwl Cotton, Towel?, RUcket j ALWAYS OX HANI). IYTQTICI2 ! discover that her wild bero was a Kubu fit only SPECIAL IMTEM II'IIIC ItOPEWAl' ! IT WIGHT'S SIOItK. up We made a slave, went on to explain that omCK lU. Special Attention eiven to the fitting of the SPRING to FIKLD UAs MACHINE. LI. PERSONS WHO WISH TO I'I'll- - FOR Lakaaiuana bore no icsemblance whatever in bis Baggage landed from the Steamer ch-is- to the wretched Kubus : and BROWN Si PHILLIPS. features aod stature and Delivered as per Address: Plumbers. Gas Fitters and Coppersmiths. C:airyiii not that this strange, remarkable White anJ Brurn Cottont, llOnolvilix, i? Suai Cane, he doubted Opposite F. T, Leneban & Co.. No. 13 Nunar.u St. marl orn had been discovered in a wild, exposed F. & HONOLULU TRANSFER CO. Caiton rliiineM, Cittonadi, I fro,n Mr. A. 8. Hallldi man. who S. GENERAL AGENT, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. sfleiio mm one of many instances in Malay - AI.S state, was another 1 2 tf mm The Exclusive Right of said Patent history of ahluction by the wild creatures ol the Will do well to call on the forest, of a Malay child which tl.ev bad reared as Real Kstatc For Sale. FOR IHE ooe of their own. Then the Guru said that there V V, ! G O TMIHG, 75, 77, 79. 81 and 83 Km IZ ! wide-sprea- S vr si i i d in Meoangkabau of a a n tradition o L '. FOR SALE CHEAP wa4 a n Sl'CI! AS Islands F And hereby give notice am that I prepared a lost baby prince, stolen frjm his nurse about THAT THREE SECOND-HAN- D Where they will be shown T II R E E PAIRS OF js Fe!lo-,v- e by the men-monke- of the BEAUTIES presented to him by oar m uch e.l'mel To twenty-fiv- years ago Ccats and of Cassimere, A Very Pleasant and Roomy Cottage Furnish. Material or Contract to erect forest. & Pants j Citizen J. T., Esq., in ti.ken cf his appreciation of Fine Dwelling House Lot, ' good Lines of any desired Length or Now, the Princese Umba felt reassured, and Snlo work and honest dealing. ! Por Milliard would fain beheTe that tbe lost baby prince, BF.I.ONdlNO TO THE Diagonal, Cottonade, Duck, with Yard. Garden and Outhouses in a desirable location and More of the same and a lao of a dilTirent pattern m ly f till be Capacity. a short walkine distance from the post office. It contains a wen on stood before ber. obtained at his Known establishment Km; street. in -r- of Sugar Can grown up io manhood, probably j Large Parlor, Dininp Koont, 3 or A lledrooms, 2 Pantries, ,Vrti,., iritr,.,ted the ansnorlatlon my e'peclally over broken aod did-- " She already, in ber heart, looked upon her wild Estate of the late JOHN FRASER, &c &c. &c, &c. K ilehen with Brick Chimney and h.ts Verandahs at the front Mr Waterhouse will pleise accept warmest thank for puzar. Fuel or Merchandise, ' ' ground, are Invited t ns-- l Ihe line working upon and hack. Also Servants' House, Math House. Carriage Shed, hi. generou. Boift can mf from storm and wreck as a prince in HUr.kft I.iced Sails, OF ; of same on View saviour tbe 9lTCATKD OX THE i Wood phed. etc. LOW AND ,,),,,,, Bt Kealia. or the profile the at the as an in- Stables f ir two Horses. PRICE dm) 56t (Jo . Ilnnolula. d sgaie. She no longer regarded him Shirts, while, faocj, scarlet, etc., ! TERMS EASY. A large portion of the purchase money may yi. J. ROSE. cUl.:e of Messrs. W. i. Irwin . will be by the Boderslrneil domestic Vruier Shirts, Drawer?, mortgage on the premises. Title and war-- nv information rheerlullv eiven teresting savage to be tamed for some Sjcks, etc remain on perfect I Firt-clas- s by M. THOMPSON, care Messrs. Irwin Co., who West Side of Punchbowl Street, Construction c or Mil. J. man of training for great ranted. Also fj The only place toluiy Ge.vts ogoD will viiit localities vibere lines uiuy be desired, and cnak prs-- use, but as a susceptible For Pale Low Rates by a Smaller Cottajre, adj lining the reserved, Beretaoia. and nearly oppol:r the XT at XT FOR SALE XT Kcinire at the OiHce of proflies and estimates for the same. purposes ; and the Princess became jet Aff iifro' j above, suitable for a Small Family, and still under lease. at the very lowest eates at Chas. J. liiwpiial premises. I i kindly and courteous in her manner towards apply at th Office of T. R. & Enquire of XT For fur.her particalr. H. HACKFELD CO. mar . HCG'? STANGENJWALDyM. D. mj6 tr Fishls' popular stobk. uritf Z. S. SPALDINC. Laksamana. FOSTER at CO., oo the aP29 U apl U I8tf atw Hotel. i Hawaiian f

.n gs7C'. .i. saaisat JiXt ssassMstsswisisi .IfelMlfrsassaasaaasBtsas I PACIFIC COMMA! E R CIAL ADVERTISER. MAY 20. 1882.

Onr San Francisco Correspondence. TUX DEATH Or DE LONG. wa encountered two d.-ty-s afterward by Cap'"' ot Cloverdale, and a -- The game and-see- k, Tapper, forty miles south A. ray 8, 1&S2. Arctic of hide which has hostile .San Francisco, cost so many lives and second fight to k place, in which forty OF so much money, is over decisive engage- liews of assassination of Lord were slaughtered. These two FULL high!-importa- LINE The the with ia America for the present. That nt Frederick Cavendish autl under Seeretaiy prubiem as ment cff..ctuaily terminate the war, since they, to to whether the Notth Pole left no more 17IUSS & LIQUORS Uurke monopolizes attention almost the is made of Oregon pine or Central American together with the skirmishers, have more pen-er- al period of exclusion of other matters. The ; vitally-absorbin- g Indians to fight Daring the brief y, mahogany and other rn and reasonable explanation of the trag-i- ques- 141 whites, ar.d V .1 tion ns to whether there is a' continuous ho!e hostility the Indian have killed corains, as it does, on the heels of the j Mexicans in ali. Their destruction of property through the ice on the ragged edge of the North ' release of the Irish leaders and the pacifica- injury done f--1 American Coast will remain unanswered for a is estimated at $75.tMtU, while the tory of removing Forster, is that it i of -- incalculable. It nieaure long time to come for verily a great sorrow, hv the Rusiieiuiion fin ii ess is is the work, not of the Iand League, but of resulted one good, The military the Fenians. Burke was particularly hos- generously tempered with disgust, is upon us. has in however. The news came force has been increased, and the sentimental tile to and hated by that organization, acd yesterday that the dead bodies of disappeared. it is held that the attack was aimed at him Captain De Long, of the Jeannette, and ten of idea in Indian fighting has about Lord h'.a men, had been found. The Tungus, The outbreaks, hereafter, will be tnuct more in- especially, and that the murder of a tribe will be throttled Cavendish was merelj to destroy an eye- of natives rang-n- about the mouth of the Lena, frequent and. when they appear, made with a vigor that never has been characteristic s. witness. The only circumstance at present the discvjvery, and it spread rapidly among known to militate against this theory is them until it reached Jackson..tbe Herald cor- of rreceding Administrations. that while l ord Cavendish's carriage was respondent, who is travelling North, and Mel- BLOWING tF MILLIONAIRES. waiting at the entrance to the castle shortly ville, who is still at Irkutsk, and who sent the Messrs. Field. ,t the repre- before the tragedy, an unknown man cam new. finnl as to Cap- Taoderbilt, two of Te certainty the brave been up inquiring for "his lordship. On the lat- tain s death causes prof.'und sorrow. Despite sentative millionaires of America, have the I valentines ter showing himself the stranger took a the faint opes tliat were entertained, many recipients lately of some Nihilistic long and critical survey of his person then As the mail-pouc- in charge of the regular mes- JUST HEClilVED that he would pull through somehow and BY It ft without a word.. The tragedy has cast the death story caused a senger, was proceeding to Station F. in New a shock all over the Union. thundering damper over the hopes of the Irish leaders The news is ot the m st meaner character as York on the aitertiooii of the 'J'Jih, a O'Kelly, Big-ga- r, yet. which and Tamell, Dillon. Davitt, only tl e fn.Ct ..f his death being known. the. expliieioit shook the elevated raifroitd car ARRIVALS while exploring the All ar.d the Sexton and others, book- - aud papers of the Expedition have been Carried it, the pouch was blown open, FKOW event, express fears that it will result be fire. their f und with the bodies, and full information con- letteis louud to The bag was tenderly in delaying reforms and strengthening the ed cerning the deplorable and pitiful struggle for c.iriied to Station F. where an investigation hands of their opponents. The Land League life that a pasteboaid-boX- , uddressed to Wil- United has issued a manifesto calling upon all the will shortly be at hand. Along witfi this Europe and States. discovery, preceding by only a few days, comes liam 11. Vanderluit, had blown up. A precisely members of the to unite in giving similar package as found bag, ad- the strongest possible expression to their the news that tbe R.slgers (the relief vessel sent intact in the sentiments of horror and detestation of the to rescue De Long) was burned in St. Lawrence dressed to Cyrus W. Field. It was a box seven crime. In the United States, meetings of Bay, the captain and crew taking to the ice, over inches, long, five wide, and two deep, so made a which they wandered until they found a native to draw out of a pasteboard covering. On the leagues have been held and resolutions outside which cabled denouncing In settlement, where they are at present. No fears depended a piece of blue ribbon, OF the assassination. would be of New York a reporter tried to interview are entertained of any loss of life ; but the U. S. naturally taken hold to draw out O'Donovan Kossa on the subject, but he de- S. Massachusetts has been dispatched to rescue the bos. Inside there was found a glass tube, t r"- - ' & clined to make any statement whatever. them. Which particular steamer will be sent to shaped like the letter M, terminating in a thin ALES & SPIRITS. Patrick Crowe o"f Peoria, some time ago rescue the Massachusetts' crew after the vessel glass bulb about an inch in diameter, and so fixed WHS, made famous as the manufacturer of in- has been crushed or burned, or sunk, or eaten by that pulling the ribbon would shatter the bulb. A case containing half-a-pou- AS FOLLOWS ) ' fernal machines intended for the blowing polar bears, has not been determined upon ; but of ordinary gun- - up of English vessels endorses the opinion the probability is, that the Navy Department powder was connected by a fuse with the bulb, that Burke was the especial object of Ue will drop the Arctic exploration business hence which Contained fulminate of mercury, whose Hennessy Brandy, all Qualities assassins that Fenianism prompted the act, forth Press and - explosion by the ribbon would set fire to the pubii all over the Union are alHaallllea, was killed as a loud-voice- powder. The t BOCTGIXKAU BRANDT, and that Cavendish matter d in denunciation o' the motivts that xplosion designed lo shatter the of safety. De Vanderhiltian anatomy was prematurely caused MARTEI.L BRANDT, all qaalltlrai We prompted the Long expedition, and the are awaiting with anxiety the action fashion in which lives have been ventured and by the jolting of the train. Had the packages ROtTF.K, OOl'LET fc, CO. BRANDT, a of President Arthuron theamended Chinese lost, without any adequate object. reached their destination it is scarcely likely ihal quaiititat Bill with the almost positive assurance either gentleman would have been injured, as Jk CO. BRA --M) V. " flualltwa that he will sign it. Meantime the Chinese A QUEER DIET OF CRIMES. neither is in the habit of opening suspicious lOROVIL.LIC are making hay while the sun shines, and AV CO. BRA NOV. HaUtl) It has been remarked by those lamiliar with packages of that kind. The attempt ia believed JCL.ES ROBIN every few days regular or extra steamers R. fc BRANDT, U e;ialitlea the criminal annals ol the city thar capital crimes to be that oi some German socialist, as one pack-'TKD t CO. or sailing vessels arrive dumping Coolies in age was in a of JL CO. BRANDT. U qualltleai San Francisco in hundreds and thousands appear to come in epidemics ih it weie. Among wrapped piece the socialist news- MARMIKSSE The same thing on a somewhat smaller the newspajicr fraternity the cold blooded traffic" paper the Xolks Zeitung, and the addresses were JCL.E1 I.KFRANC CO. BRANDT, all is occurring at Portland and ers in human frailties two consecutive murders in the same German hand, Vanderbilt'a name qualities; scale Victoria, mis-spelle- " and it is now reported that not less than invariably produce wagers that the morrow will being Wanderbilt. The detec- Me- eighty thousand are awaiting shipment bring a third ; and the morrow, it may be re- tives are working mi oiue laint clues. And various other kinds of from Hongkong to the PacWc coast. The marked, ''sually fulfils thai obliging" uffiee. Notes. dium and Common Brands. held con- Lately, there has been quite a run Trades Assembly recently a State sanguinary No new action by crimes, the most ot which com- Congress in the Reciprocity. Cutter & Co. Whiskies, ali Brands; vention in this city. Politicians were rank among the weil-ktiow- James F. Bowman, a n strictly barred out, and the resolutions, monplace, and are devoid of marked interest. journalist of this Coast, died on the 29th ultimo. He was KENTUCKY FaVORITK WIIISKT. while not altogether explicit, poiuted Two ol them rise above this level, however, and O. P. C. SOI R. 31 ASH. plainly to an to resort to force, enough in both of buried with much honor by the Bohemian Club, intention singularly them the women of which he was i: WIIIShEV, 4k' not only to prevent the arrival of additional of course there were women escape with their the founder The President has Itl Chinese, but to drive away those now here. pardoned Fitz-Joh- n Porter, and removed his dis- CABINET WIIISKT. lives, though badly wounded. The first was the (bant The recent outbreak of the Apaches in attempted murder by Dr. E. N. Woodward ability, lobUed it through. M'Leau, (a would-b- e well-know- Queen Victoria's Hssassiu, has been Arizona resulted within a few days in the n dentist ol litis of city) his mistress. decreed a maniac, &OXj1? butchery of nearly one hundred whites of His vktuu was Mis. Mamie Wood and awaits Her Majesty's dis- agents ward there FOR THK CFLF.RRATKD all ages and sexes, and great destruction of being no blood relation posal in an asylum. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Creditors. between them, though philosopher and Notice to property. The trouble is now considered the names were identical. She is a young woman poet, died on April 28th. TIMT OX about over, as the American troops over- Charles B. Darwin, England's greatest scientist, flMIIS IS TO CIVB MlTlfKJoy. or llnnuapo ol 23, both facially beautiful and anatomically GYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I the 10th day of April. 182. Mirhael took and whipped the hostiles, and drove died on ti e 20th. He was interred with full I of Hawaii. Made and Fxecuted a Peed of shapely. She has been living with Woodward of erery them across line, where they honors io AWES. the undrrs fned. " id all his property, the Mexican for some months past, and was recently installed Westminster Abbey. Blaine has been ALL QUALITIF.8 AND benefit of hi. peraoa were met by the Mexican troops, and almost before the ex- PIANOS lor the Mission-stree- Shepherd Committee, and clearly lo the by him in handsome rooms at No. 1037', t. MAI .SndlTine in their possession any vro,rty belong annihilated. plained his position. He cleaned his skirts, but Mj, Joy, are requeued to deliver op the the reciprocity matters have not Ou Thursday luwrniug, the 27th of April, without delay. And .11 Creditor. baring clanne aRatnM Hawaiian lost his temper, and sat on " Congressman A.lso, Sole Agents i n or he walked into his room and asked her it she the .ld Katate are notified thai they must be presented been very prominent lately in Congress, Belmont, the Legislative fledgling from New FOR authenticated, other-wis- e would marry him She repeated a made before the first day of June next, duly but the opponents of the treaty are working refusal York, who was they will not be allowed. several times Woodward impertinent. J. F. Burton, of M.Joy. actively to compass their ends, and the before. being insanely been B. F. BOLLFS, Aainee.f attached to her. He immediately pulled a Oakland, has in convention, and declared THE ONLY 0 PIANO Honolulu, April 29, 1882 ap29t general impression is that they will carry pistol war against debris. Reuben Earley's Whisky their point. from his pocket ami fired three shots at her, one The suit is still pending, with the advantage on the agricultural side. well-kno- Definite news has at last been received ol which entered below her left eye. She slnieked From Lou aville, Keniurky. Both Bramla lieln( which The Sunday-la- w NOTICE. De Long com- for lroin her and fell Courts are clogged with cases, for Ihers uosurpaased esreilenca concerning Lieut. and his help, sprang bed, on the is an.l flavor. ill-fat- ed ar.d the law becoming a dead letter. TJie MEETING OF THE panions of the Jeannette. Mel- floor. A lourth shot immediately echoed, and ANM'AI' be.-id- Russian detectives discover a mine and ATTHK In the Honokaa Sugar Company held ville's search party found them near the Woodward fell e her with a bullet through Nihilist ! elected officers for the en. two plots per diem. Late arrests number five GIIVTI Will Eomain Permanently in Tune this day. the following were Lena, all dead. No details have yet been his brain. He was taken to the Morgue, and she KBIT BRABID :- hundred in one batch, a nest having been dis--' President received, but previous knowledge of the to the Hospital, where, an examination showed la Saull Dot I lea. Stone Jujs and Squares, F. A. Bchaefer, covered by Ignatiefl. De Lesseps his lrfe Heinrich Renjes. Secretary condition of the party renders it evident that the ball had ranged downward, and was pos- celebrated Gallon Iacka(eai Hoting. Treasurer 77th birthday on April 20th. He said the Julius that death resulted from starvation. sibly not fatal. Since then she ban improved A ilX.Xa xtIio con- M. Mclnerny, Auditor. Panama ('anal would be done in 1888, and be UoMlmaai 4k CO. PRIZE M ED I. GIN, Terr This will interest IIEINKICH KEX'JES, Secretary steadily, and will recover. Woodward was one smooth and finej Kill-It- would live to see it. The Jewish in d - ol and persecutions AV. fii XVI 13 Honolulu. May 10. 18x2. the quietest most gentlemanly of men, and Bssr4 crlesrlrU OLD lO.M GIN. Purchasing O of FP.OM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT. man in world to Russia have caused the burning of entire villages, template the last the whom the authorship Wallrr's SCIIIED M mm NCII N A I PS, Copartnership Notice. ol such a tragedy would have been attributed. and 27,000 people have been made homeless. Sugar Planting They are coming to this country in multitudes. Daniel Vl-a- er t Smm rrlrkralrat V Household Treasures, UL, May 7, 1882. He made every preparation for his act, however, "GUI these fiHIS IS TO I.XPOKM PERSONS Dr. Lamson, tho poisoner, was hanged in London STALLION" brnaal GIN I that we. J. K. Ilanuna, V. Kawaiku. P. KfcUim.kao'e The Irish crisis is tbe topic. including the making of his will, and the compo- rf O. Kapeli-U- . H, J. N.pualil and W. K. Kat.ele. on the 28th. The P. M. S. S. Salvador is ashore D. 1H82, resolved Lung bloody sition of an appropriate farewell note. He was a El h.Te. on thi. 1st Jav of April. A. ourteivea and bitter, and irregulurlj as tle at Punta Arenas, Central America, with little Q-EISTTS E PSANOS ! purpose of I'lantinK Cane at Han. bachelor, aged 35. Mrs. Woodward's family is a T BflATHUSHEK into acopartner.hip forth limitation Iihm been, it has suddenly grown bitterer off. 1 guifar HUmting Compan hope ol getting The captain of the Glaniis SOLE Maui, under the firm name el he and bloodier. Two high officials of England most respectable one. The theory of the crime is, Twenty-Ar- e have Castle World-Renowne- d WHICH IIAVK of MokaeDUi." lor the period of Year.. that she insisted, being otdy his mistress, doing an says there are 80,000 Chinese at Hong- For the Celebra'ed and myo3t Til K SUGAR PLANTING CO. of JIOKAENtl been stabbed to death in open day, and the situa- kong she pleased and dissipating naughtily. He could awaiting transportation to this Coast. tion is more than startling. On the 2nd instant, thirty-thre- e not stand this, and. failing to induce her to give There are speckled beau tins in the BY F. WELLS Sandwich Islands restate Stamps Gladstone came before the English Parliament Satall-po- x I JUST BEEN IMPORTED GEO. him a legal title to contest her actions, concluded Hospital. CniCOT. 33gcx 4T G CENTS HER. DOZ.. OR with a most radical change of policy. The mea- Salvator AND BOUGHT stamps given in ExchanKe 5 unused sure which he presented, ana which was im with the clear and convincing logic of lovers to CABK8 OF 8 AMK IN PINTS AND QUARTS, foreign 25 Servian atarnps 10 cents. 100 v.risties rare mediately embraced help matters by slaving her and himself. rents, 500 aaaorted stamps SO rents. Send at once to adopted, three important Box 560. Sydney, : ol " The other crime comes from ban Jose, and is LIST OF LETTERS. I-Im- id D A.VINDON. rltamp Importer. 1. O. points The release all " suspects not CoiiHtantly on - yl3 oue of most horrible K'. t."W., lm charged with actual crime ; the Ittpaing of the the that that manufactory of RKMAIXINC; IX T1IK GENEIIAL 'TO hric-a-br- ac ha- - i MAY 15m. 188. AND Coercion Act into September ; and the faking of criminality u produced. If the A 'J' INFORMATION WANTED the Irish members into consultation over the garden city does not piide upon the par- A a Xeery, John ticularly startling sins wl.ii ii it every now and Andrews. S Hancock. Clias Nelson, Andrew TO THE W IIKREI BOUTS OPJIJ L.I VS government of Ireland, including a proposed im- Armstrong, ( 2 Haselhofer, Jos Noble, J F a BOXTTUHEKof Neuhff in supposed to have oii-i- m to AS frusi. een-atio- n then develops, it ami admit at once the AKong, Annie 2 Hall. Mr Nelson, ! HawaiUn Inland from the IJnitei abiut provement of the Land Act. The it John Reeeived by arery vessel from the Atlas tie Forte. arrived at the truth of the popular theory I hat His Majesty Akontr Holland, (i B Notiey, Chan 18T IMPERIAL CJKR.M N CON5C1.ATK. created may be imagined. The wildest excite- Aana, Huttie Hiirtriti. STORE Honolulu, May 1. 1882. my8 2t Par-ncl- l, John Satau rents a suite ot npar.inents by the 2 UFl o MUSIC prevailed in Dublin over the release Anderson, I' Hare, H C HIS ai:i: ment of Ed Olsen. Dillon, and O'Kelly from Kilmainhaio gnol. the year at the Auzerain Ibnirc. Hiriing details Anderson. Julie Hoover. J A Ourotix. Lor. is ALK s, II ENGLISH & AGENCY which are a trifle unpleasan. nu-- l immorally Andrew Jan Harrison, T AND HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT The ordtr releasing them was sent at 8 o'clock, Adderly. K (J Ilatlicld, H Plate, MP COMPANY. but they did not leave till 11 that night, and spicy, the facts ue those ; fj. N. Geinghry, a Aying.-Jnli- a Hatfield, Capt Preston, T C (Limited.) they went quickly to their homes, avoiding all iniddierRged widower, lived in a small house in Ashley, J Hardy, Chas Phelps, Dennis As all will declare who have h:ul the pleasure of hearing them. San Jose with his daughter Mary, who bears the Armitn;;e, Henry Halton, Wm 1'inder, Mis 8 GERMAN BEER miOMOr I.OANEI N FIUST-C-I.AK- S publicity. The Land League was jubilant every- B Preacott, Wm U ALWAYS ON H A N t. eh-r- is iXM tecoilties. fur long or t Apply to where here as well as in Great Britain. It was best of reputations in the neighborhood, and as Otto Innscio, Jose d' Peterson. N M L. URKKN, Mnig-r- . pra lent. much esteemed as her father is disliked. On the Itrown, J A velar Perry. Mr Jos them silrcsuly been SoIl, and lie & CO. a palpable victory ; and it was expected that a Brown. .1 S Phillips, Thos 2 Several of Office: Quiwn Street, over G. W. MACFARLNE of the to use own he I:naeio. Francis' VIU KItAIYI a u20,! f better Rnd brighter day was breaking for the morning 28th, her words, lleekford, Siamm'l CO Patton. Frank lMItTi:it came into her room early in the morning, and L Isaac. W H Pickering fe Co IN PINTri AND QUARTS. points Trials pritle to Uis Customer wlio Iisive Irish cause. Forster, Secretary for Ireland, re- Hunker, I.uka 'i Puard, C said some things which made her very angry. He K ! signed in palpable chagrin over the change of Brown, Sarah Joliver, Pease, E M. MD st made more jubi- approached her, when she sprang up and struck Bighy. W Jones, J P Perry. Narclsso :l GUINNESS' DUBLIN STOUT ! the Good .Tiiclniciit to purelisiwc FIXE Pg JUST RECEIVED f policy, and this the feeling still Bittnor. H Jose, Mnnui'I Perry, Miss F is ; God him With everything she toil Id lay her hands on. (FKK LADY I.AJIPWM," lant the cry being ' forster gone save i Hoy In, .V A Jones. J H Peddlar, Mr IN PINTS AND QUARTS. j She beat him away twice, ho v It ivell either Ireland ! " Then Lord Frederick Cavepdish whs when went into the Brown, i Jahusen, A & H Pio IiSTKlLHi:T. appointed in Fo rater's place, and yesterday other room, and, suspecting chut ho had gone for Blanchurd, M F it Johnson Minot Perry, Chas E AT NO. 114 FORT STREET. Near HOTEL. a revolver, she ran into the kitchen. He followed Henj'imin. Isaacs K Punch. K I or the responsibilities of the office. He Burgess Jt Hay-ha- ll, Johnson. Mrs A F Perk, J tor tlieir 7iicluieiit and fired at her, the first shot missing. She ran Pond, Mr A larg assortment nf wa at Dublin Castle all day yesterday with Earl K PORT,SHERRY toward the door, when he pi ced the pistol to her Bailey.. C A 2 Kimball, ti (' Pedro. Mra pgl Tsisle. Spencer, and left there at 6 o'clock. After dinner Bennett. I M Kessier, ("has, 2 Q & breast and fired, I V , linic:il GET' S, LADIES', MISSES' CHILDR E'S he joined Thomas Henry Burke, Under-Secretar- y, the ball entering her wrist, her Baldwin, C Kitilsen. A tneea, U 3 hands being raised lor protection. The next Berryinnn. Mr Kelley, Miks Flora j. and the two went for a walk in Phoenix Park. Baker, Jno ir King, lioo A BURGUNDY. three cartridges refused to explode, but the sixth 1. T Ho. IROEI FRAME, BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. A they were strolling along one of the avenues niirjji n . r Kelly. Jan .1 lioss, Manuel K THE off, Mis;i(tourh.-KuliIatim- . ANGELICA is entirely uew ami nuvel, most Mihstautial in its construction, with three a car rattled up behind them. There were four went the pistol being held so close to her Berry, Mrs A Hoode. A T 2 night-dre- ss at the time that it set it on fire. Tho er Kraft. E M V 4 Roderick, Lui P WHITE WINE, cross I jars oinlcrini? it also a flnt? felectiou of men in it ; and, as it came near the two officers, Bailey, Oerrit V Kennedy, Mrs . Rosa, Mm A M two men armed with knives jumped dawn and ball entered her back aud came out at the chest. Brigj;, Mra Jane Knacke, Mrs L Hobinson, ieo H0CKIIEIMER, attacked them. In a lew moments both lxy She fell on her knees, and he fired one more shot Blunchard. M Kelsey. E II Rhodes. W Impreqnablelo Any Pressure Ever Brought to Bear Upon It. vfbjch her in Boyle, W P Korl, Marv Hosemau, Mrs dying, slabbed through the throat and chest also struck the back. She staggered Brans, II Kelly, C C Ring, Ja R JOHANNISBERGER, ts,r-,-, " to the bed, where she was found by a Mrs. Blatfhford, It Reed. R L II "r many times. The bloody work was thoroughly CLARET hf-cai- ks J I.ov. U, hs M Renz. F WINE, in casks and ; Under-Secretar- Thompson, who gave the alarm, and the brute c ir U H I H r done, and the Secretary and y ol Chim in . F 2 Lyons, putt Rodiirreea, y THE II lilli, was locked up. San Jose revelled in horrible CLARET WINE, in boxes, 1 dozen each ; PIlt3, Codlin. Byron Ireland were dead before left the leander Rohin.on, Juo their asaseins ('Mrter. Mrs A E mm iPi'rus spot, the car driving rapidly away. When dis- sensationalism for days, and sull enjoys the I.oubiis, Tho Ruynolds, Mr from S3.50 to $25 00 per doien. morsel, though Geinghry has not yet been tried. Conrad. W l.oan. Mi An- Robert, T K (J5MSI F IKOX !; P.IUI4SLIPPEBS. covered shortly afterwards by two gentlemen who Carr, Hiram nie ilea, J M UTERII'I'Y ISS:i.I None of the young lady's wounds were fatal, and 2 Leciinte. Molls Greor-g-- o ! were riding bycicles through the Park, the two s chance tor the action of the to lengthen or o i n,. late-- t sr n.h i.dofthe finks t she is expected to recover. She says her Canning. M V Lopez. A (swift, Arthur Goulet's and there is now no rh j .1. bodies were twenty feet apart, tbe ground show- that Coney, Mary I.omcy, 2 ! Ann Geo Swain. Hiram contract the strin"-- , (as is tlie-cas- e when the ins are inserted in the wood quality ever imported iuio this Kingdom. ing evidences or a hard struggle. Blood was father has frequently made incestuous projosi-tion- s l.opt-- Onmiiii'o Smith. Jas P before, wp.nt Coles, Eliza I.iiiioii, !I O ! i .1 ana m i.h , In addition to the dreadful wounds, and did riot her to marry a Smith, CH and all tin? snlvantagf w.ioti ine everywhere. Mr AMP frame), yet they have young gentlemuq to, whom she was engaged, and Clausen. It Lubery. Sherman, Jno .old. is of 0t MINr t! e right aim of Lord Cavendish was broken, Cogshail. P 3 Lane, Oeo H Spnnldinp, J K DUC de M0NTEBELL0 firmly held to the verv oint at which the rintr takes This one PLtAbL LALL LAAlillllL V CHAMPAGNE, 'there is no clue to the assassins Tlie lateness who was on hiu way from the East to marry her. Cartwrlght. Iifo Limbarth. R Stowe. Pianos require liit one-fomt- h of the tuning necasary Geinghry is not in the crazy. He Croweil.J W land berg. A Stevens. C the reasons why our rV i;ooJ before purchasing eltcwhere. Perf(;l of the hour prevents further details as yet. but leat attempts Calvert, A D Lee, Peter pints and quarts ; to excuse his aot by defaming hin daughter a Silver, Manuel E for others. at Prices which l'ery Compeiition the c fleet produced upon the Irish partisans every- Charle. Win I.oii7u. Peter Sbaland. Cbn FITtf lit" ItKUKD futile task, us her reputation is unimpeachable. Christian-en- , II l.awler, Frank Spader. P SPARKLING MOSlLLE- - where has been simple consternation. Looked at Mrs Lyons, A 01- - hull, while examining the Scale Scott. Mrs KN'T A II K OF OI.K 111" 'bniii rut rti'. FRANK UKKIZ. hor- He gives every evidence of being a brute of Clark, Mrs Lilia Lew is, .Ims C 5c PEHTM REM wvssw- uti.-- r het-- politically, the assaesination is a ghastly and Smith, W BURKE t trutf-.full- reuitrk-.-- i Hi'- of uli Piar c. had (lowering his hand at KINNAH AN S at tbe M t'rillUEki PI nwi ti.t hi'ifr apU 4t purest rrty serene. I'mik. John S.rhonian. V piece of as harmful to cause as it . M rible folly, the Can.-irn- T 'f Morris, Ji.o 4 Sandeman, A C XJ.uo.V was uncalled for. It was the work of individual THE SANGCIVARY APACHE. Tl Mnir, J B iiicjair, Jessie 2 " DdWX, 1 M IT I i .1 . 1 ri .r, it i I n .1 Hrev, i s MrCollnirh H ! fanatics, and is a heartily denounced by the On, Dntiiml rirliun is t.V v.r . , n . Sehriever, IRISH GONK. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP nu, line ' ' l! ouc WHISKY XT THE t'ii".'. iiiumn aim Dawson, surah 2 Maoe social ( I'lbi'sptneer. T I I - v i E 11 I ? i i . . , : . . . P 1 1 u;- - ;i lb.- Pi one of the mot rrpra-st- Land Leaguers as by The con- nnna ha v huui... v. r r.r a.Lik, mi. n n.a ei. m -. i i .1 i II .1 rntil the foverrtko of oor Equal xn( ?c le. it h an i lot Uii inj. IS their opponents. ...ih,,&ini. i. .11,0,iia uiuv cuu.- l'OirO, .! 11 I.lif. HIT. i COU, .Mr snoMCsl lastrsmenu. wa the ff all t (.iii. ciliatory policy of Gladstone bad produced a ces- is to me a Me.;-e- Cnot Slater. Mr SCOTCH WHISKY ! :c-- . .1 ci .t .pprr. iu a few year, that tnary fashion that pleasant read about. M other maker, by any - h.veil e .U, to Piano tt.i n o ite it. Diittou, Jo MrCortnaeh. Mr- - Psherman. Mm sl- .wi,d. rn.Jr-rii.- in'olerable to aoy rs int sation of hostilities and a quieter feeling. It wss The trouhle began about April 20th, when the fcrmer loved and irup.rtng tor. swdo.lly give rip'.areio.ihn. iry thr almost o w o it: Hefri. s. H Miici:;jiie, W Sylvester & Co Wm. Rankin & Son'a .osteal ear. 03 Tnt MAKAIf believed that it would ultimately, considering Warm Spring Indians, wearying of living off the Davis, a Milton. J II smith. Ed T M - proposed measures, go far to soothe the bloody Government, and hungry for their national p;st- - lini!-i- l. TMi- Morten, ; Hans Silva. A liesehriider, J McKav. A x T Cor. King and Nuuanu Streets, agitation which is daily costing lives. But there tune of white sculps, suddenly donned Win C Morgan. T snatching Hivis. Hnhe ' T tittle. D W KILMARNOCK WHISKY! P lOV Fort Street. OPPOSITE MOBSMAN'S, AND is a woeful bitterness in England to-da- y, Rnd the their war-pai- nt and left the San Carlos N. M. E Melland, F W TinelJ, Wm K GEO. WELLS, IIo. Ellis, Frank Morrili, M T - week to come will be salient in his- Reservation, or Towlc, J F 2 CIIERRT CORDIAL.. Sole Agent for many of the Leading Pianos and Organs of the World- events of the killing a teamster two by way of Enos, Jno :l McLean, J Tenimatn, Mrs d Lord Cavendish was a son ol the Duke of merry prelude to get hands The Enos. Manuel Mc Lean, U A R H ISioely rirtc-- Up! tory. just their in. -- Towler. CIIKKKT A BRANDT. - Har-tingto- n. Electro Plater & Morgan. Tnlly cy- - j Devonshire, and brother to the Marquis of Warm Spring Indians, who inaugurated the P2 B ATA VI A A loi- List, THREE Barber Mctinather Temitz, 2 RR AC. Send Catalogue and Price He was, prior to his late appointment. break, were immediately joined by their allies, Ettclt. Mrs Kva Mavtr. H Trask, Albert ESS. PEPPICK.MIN T, First-CIa- ss Billard Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Burke held the Chiricahua Apaches, and their united, forces Kldert. Capt J E McDonald. A 2 Tyson, Mr Tables sufficed 2 Mavnew. Thos 1 nomas. Jan II JAMAICA UINQER. the same position under Forster. to surprise a small mining scttlt nient and Muddy. W M '1 Have been put into tho LARGK and AIRY ROOM F raversaro (Hoy BITTERN massacre every roan in it ome seventy-fiv- e in Feany. W R Mead. Henrv OP ALL. KIND. C( " TJ Germania. KTarliei, KIM & TUE CHINESE TREATT. all A reign or terror immediately began all D Minlcr. W I'roiihart. Wm 2 -- ...... A. 1 1 . I Frank. J W Moore. R 2 BENEDICTINE. a I Choice Assortment ' V CI1 A BTa .irrrll. A Since the veto oi the Chinese Bill, Senator through Arizona and New Mexico. Mining was Freeman. II Manser, Puut Vikoli RTHKl'SE, Ci . a n?n .... . M i.'ii" ai i?rrii8?s.'i I ...f and his colleagues in Congress have been suspended in the outlying district, teaming Frank-- Samuel nek Tom Valpoon. Chas "'i Are Constantly Receiving New Additions ililler wisher. .ino Mitt nor. TXT IDIUCAO, 2, I Miss Liz niiH i Tobaccos Cigars, laboring a some dozen or so of teamsters being t5 their and industriously on new measure. The stopped, Fountain, M r Martin. Michael 1; Whit ford. Capt J NOVKAU, bill, which is identical with the other in the waylaid and murdered, and the usual scenes eon-seque- Aii u Morris, ( apt A 2 Weibke. Mim A ! Pipes and Holders, etc. new BLOOD PUDDIMG unn UJPI I QTflPK Cigar Fufon. S Miller, Henry Wallace, Mrs. MARASCHINO. inRTFrP j makes a ten years limit instead of upon an outbreak of the wayward chil- ric CL.BtoslTiKsrKOM AtL PJRTS world main points, Forest, Thos 2 Mnfl'at. Albert ,l,lf LIVER PUDDIfJG ofthe as before, and adopt the minor sugges-mad- e dren of the Government enacted. President Fowler. R lit . Mareeliins W ABSINTIIK. ar twenty, Anion right. J r ijjw.i j.i i v n o a c M i was passed acted promptly. All the available mili- Farish. II .violation. Demo Unlets. Tho W3 UD FsU.MI, SF.HL13IIHK I.IE1 by the President id his veto. Jt Ar'hur S VKKMOUTU. - force immediately Ford, Mrs P Mtralf. Frank Walker. J V KIRKCI1 X- Zcod All 1l1uc1i ihronph the House hv a handsome majority the tary was mobilized and sent to Maria. Joe 2 H VAiER. iZ CL 9 j apa If Sriuls.8 of II KT BROS. a Wood. P Gr anti-Chines- ! ! O O S e - j. under General Forsyth com Thos W B 2 "V . KM. voie verging somewhat on enthu- the front lliree Jcorsreon. Morris. Winn. Jas II A N'ISETTK, GOOli Ml. SATINS. r. I L " ... 1 .. tiay. Mrs' Mary EMacfarlane, Jas A PORK SAUSAGES a.nen it reacnea1.1me oenjie, nowcver, panies weie ordered from here, and additional Winard. T Customers are informed we KS. siasm. tirav. Kulu 2 Meek. J Whitman fc Co. R LIME Our I.KKs.nd KM It KOI DERI contest arose. An endeavor was made to remove troof, from all available points. In pursuing (.an'dall. S n MeThotnas. Jus Wright. Thos JLICK, are enabled : j of the House which included the hostiles several brushes took place, and some ''au'lail Eliza MeCabe. Ja William. J Following are a fe w of the Leadine Lines an amendment bet Si Meek. H twenty odd were laid low, while a por- Richard Weylc. Jas And lOO Other ! hkI:I ol Am.r-- filks in all Color. Switches, Curls, Seams. Coquets, Waves. Chinese skilled laborers in the prescribed class of warriors (ilOSsOIl. II Madeira. John Weed. A S Tilings r'.rrh. Tho-t.ibb- s. TO PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION 'ik pnriKoe five hundred head of Oandall, Mrs TOO NUMEROUS TO hin in all C'llor.. Sili. , immigrants The contest was vigorous on both tion of the stock that the Mitdark. Wall, H MENTION. ALL OF WniCII I Mik line S'lk I'nuVr hitl, Wigs, etc etc im- J W 2 Mills. J R WUIe, H IS .r,t" m.t" fh:rt. sides, and it was expected at one time that the Indians had stolen was recaptured. The Mr- - TO Til - n I ancv MuUli. dg:njr. Ma. BWRUtSS kps on haud for Sale, a very (Fleet Stock tioodarre. Geo Milhu, S t.ri.I nl-r"- r. portant engagement, however, and tlie one which Ooodale, W W Miles, C B I i lr" r in- - ol loviaible and other Ilair I'ina, Ioviaible Hair Neta. amendment would be stricken out, the result of Xavier Crtmpirg Pin I'iorhing La war 1882, Gorjjens, Johann Mr Lane, John WILL BJS Irons, Fine effectually terminated the of took SOLID BUSINESS, Ft LI. t.vOHTMKNT Of Coronet. J such action being to virtually nullify the intent P S Earnest BRANCH ofOUR lilack Comlia. and Fine Comba, Child-reo'- a tireenawalt. Young. AT THE Ireinf nf hill. Finallv. however, the bill was passed place on the L"Jth ultimo, just over the Mexican Oavaua, Tonialis, VXD Youths' Clothinr, Hats and Caps. Celluloid and Rubber Round Cumba, the Jas Young, Thoma Men's and I F M C Hair Bruahei, liair Oila. Qualities of in its original form, and is now in the hands of border. Forsyth was hotly pursuing the band, tiuither. J XeiHon, M I S AT I' fiat Zamloch, Anton Our Gsals i l I.I, l MV in !:. Cotnfrwa, Bay Katn and Florida President, has given the assurance that j which was quite as hotly getting out Of the way ! WOGinratee to Please wife Water. Fine Face Powdrrs and the lie Lowest Market Rates fc,L,n ! when they ran into a body ol Mexican troops, enquiring Letters JUST RECEIVED per DISCOVERY L'ammelline.'etc , ete Alao La vnli th hill, and there is no doubt that Parties for in the above List are IF T1IF.Y THK CELF.BKATED signature has been also in search of them. 1'lie engagement was particularly requested to f"riii- - l 1 f laoionz- -. he will do so. thouuh his kl- -. and CW Auk i - ! Ij, le-- Fani-- n all color, delaved a day longer than promised. It will sharp and bloody, resulted in the complete fur Advertised Letter. 1 - ai-l-l r.,r rmn anti-Chine- seventy-eigh- t US MM- L'- I'.U t m.--i Mimif- - rv loj SHAMPOO MIXTURE! se dispersion ol Loco's band, of whom JXO. M. O; GIVE VV I . Warraoted to cleaoe the Scalp and Ilair from all probably be given The M.KAPEA.P. I- I- O l..lir-- &, irrm I impurities. were killed. The fact that no Indians were ....-linrl- .t . feeling is less than before, BROWN fit SCHRAEDEil, S it tut t.'irtCt.fh consequently bitter CO., 4 RAUPP It I the of con- H ." ii'Vt lbritma Jml. WIVES. CUQI'ETS aid OTHER VT0KK ! though injury already done to Republican merely wounded indicates temper the 14 wlT If . II mlrl .(rrl. HIIR the the I continue to sell cetons at 2a cents per MERCHANT STREET. r?;il-Lr.lin- Piped flict, and the style in which the work was carried C and to Order, and at Short NoUre. party on this Coast will probably be unfortu- I'm , , Kdrel yard, A very small OHM Ollirl Hnnember th. address. SIS Fort ntreet, nearly oppotite on. All of the remaining stock that the Indians asso.rin.eiit left at Chs. P. S. itL.-u- t tim-- .V nately manifest to that party in the coming State Orders from the family should U I' r !! it.- - ar- - IV d t the r LOWF.aJ MAR i the Fort SJtrfrt lc,Vol TIKPHON F. N UMBKK I . FrsHSLs' poptn.48 other Islands CST No .Mv, ui 58 election this had w&s recaptured. Tbe remaaDt of tbe Indians aTonx. KT R ATI .. 1T1 JO Kill t CO 92ajy3Mf M Rj. Bl' RU KSS rail. 8 Cq.'m Gingr Ale. adv. 7 Promptly attended to. V I.