THE PACIFIC the: PAoinc (Commercial SUbcrtiscr (Lflinnurdal gbbcriiscr 13 PUBLISHED BY rCULlfliEI AT Uonolalu, THE C. Hawaiian Iluiit P. ADVERTISER CO. yVclxrortlMliic. Kvory Saturday Morninir. rtntoa of 1 1 m. m S m. J a. 1J m. Tow- - "" Kub.i-rtpil.n- .. paid when ti I II 111 II . ' ). 1 11 1 1 3 U e 10 " tos-Ai- (' 0 f 10 4 $ 00 04 tJ.ju 1 ' 'oe,.i.iio,, 1 j,.r 2 K ii. 'f ti i li . M .t tu 4 ! a o 10 ia 00 h. 1 ,lao ;,r. 2 c.i 4 o n iu T (.'. 10 (Ml. 00 !! S n I ri I. Ml 1 tt r. 3 i"( i 16 ',r, W?lnlM. I.(HI la rar. d.t 6 to I Hi Id 00 34 00 Liti Ifi'ur !o ). 4 t0 It IU lil 04) 16 00, Ji) OO 16 Uumit tilumn.... A CO 10 0t 14 00 18 04) M W 40 00 (Hi W) 1 e TVril unio 12 00 Ti OOj S6 00 60 00 !ir'"' prt.-- apera i r'P"n f..r t forwarded to any part C lumn U til .0 00 24 00 0 00 46 00 16 00 V 14 4 I Il:f l!UU u P annum, tr M MO voids taclivlca poata. rio is Dt5cr, ho t'tuain IS 00 10 46 00 76 OO.IuO 00 160 M I r A.lTer:i r. re.i.lmc in the Fastern Coiled Ftatea, caa Daily Pacific f ty I' r ilinr oi.li t y niriciu lirrenbac.s nr I'nitad cUaut) Commercial Atyertiser. u.-- rtife ftanif. f' r aruounl as their wish to pay and Uilr n can'.s will t intercept as table, for Ult tiros paid Pr annn-- 13 Go rr atKre lot fli month. 1 T".."'!'."."'.'.Z'." 5 00 IT Ru. res. Card., when rsirsip roa a Tim, art frr month.. i Wl a'lowe.l a discount frvm ttir.e rat i, which arc tor Iraaaleat adtenisenu tits wt.en puid or charged quarterly. Dally ana 0 25 vstrkly toother to on subucriber. per 20, capita f the AurskTissa. Ten Cents wbea charrsa 12 oo VOL. XXVI-N- O. 17. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, .MAY ISS2. WHOLE NO. 13o5. Fifteen Cents; by the d.i en. One Dollar. VtTcrfmital. Cimmnnlctlon frotu all parts of the Pacific will iinrss Caris. Rlffbanical. ictfl.s' ami rashravnat.:;. always txi Tery acceptable. IV Perr,n residing a ny pt Cjf the Tbitfrl ritataa can r.mit lb amonnt r,f sub. liptioo due for these JOHN RUSSELL, THE CITY OF LONDON papers la American stamp.. DOCTOR KRAFT. J. D. LANE'S ASTOR HOUSE T" Corr.mnnleatlona.honM h kMrnxil. an.I a FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. (14, to r H. HAYiiLLDF-N-. Manager for tbe ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. BUILDER, PAC1FIFU! PHYSICIAN & SURGEON COMMERCIAL. AOVKBTI.3ER COMPANY. No. 3 MEKWixr sniEEr. cjitvf.u or F j.tr sr Steam Boilers, Capital. $5,000,000. r2o ly rim j I FROM Furnaces, LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. RIOHABDF." Kristiania University, Norway, AXD MOKiStON," ,b!i-.),.-- Having e- -t an Agency here, th ur leraifned U rn-- The Sad Fate f Lltateaaot De and kl Met So. I KcLoi opposite the Ljrfam. Ranges Set, & PA11LDRS authored l. ip' n.k. scu..t Fire, en BalMlaaa, La? Attorney and Counselor at Law. trfit. mmiE MGH Mrri liniiili.e, I ' r t , rr . rtc , on th n.rt broratila Washington, May 5. Secretary BRICK STONE WORK temis. Lo.-.i- . piompt ly a ljuied and pjlile Lere. Chandler TIO.YEY on and My C. FRF.r. lo-nig- m te Lt:D MOKrUIGKS or HOLDS. JS : O. IIKRUKR, received trie following telegram O FFI C K HOUR Dne on rcavnab'e term. Ncs. "G anu 7S Hotel Slreits. apl ly dmyl Afrnt, Hawaiian Wlaoda. XT OFilCK, NO. 41 MERCHANT 8THEKT. iroru engineer .Melville, iateI Irkutsk jtn Z A OfEre. MayJith: my ii 8o KUO.M 9 TO .4. M.. M FROM 0 TO Address i Emma Square, or through the Pout 81 dlr Jinl HART OROTHER Lena Delta, March 24, 1882. FouuI De S I. M.. EXCEPT SCX U A VS. .Proprietors. G ElTA?rTxOYD deaij. CECIL BROWN, - Iong and party, FoQnd all papers IT G- "X" --CI XI Ti. ! MARINE. INSURANCE aim uookj. in continue Hearcn for Uhipp A TTOK NKt' M)l()L'.SKI,OR AT L. 4 W N I 2! 3m BSIj Board by the Day, Week or Transient CO., OF BERLIN. 31ELVILLE. iX. NOTAKV PCBLIC an-- 1 g-- nl t;r Caking Ackanirlcdz N. F. BURGESS D'tu of loatrnmenta fur the liUu l of Oaba. lYIARBrjE: New York, May 5. Cable specials to No. S Kabamaua Iftrert, II'oolaia, II. I. 80 C. WORKS. the hi AFONG, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, BETilKI. STREET, NEAR KING. I'Oin'UNA jierfiui irom irKuiK, Jlay 4, nays . that the MPOKTElt.WHOIiES.lliE AND KETaiI. KOE-S- Fire-pro- SHOP, NO. 84. KING STREET. OPPOSITE M.J. omcera ami crew or me iot icoiigers were WILLIAM 0. SMITH, I Dealer ia 0-ti- M?rchan!ie of Store. Naua BILLIARDS, GENERAL INSURANCE CO., OF BERLIN. camped a ja3 HI dinyl GIVEN" N LI. short distance from St. Lawrence e KIXOSOE Cisrars. Ciernrnttos Tnliorr.rt i ESTIMATES reqaired; Offices and St"re3 fil.e l up EV.AEM U mid liay. There no dauger of the crew starv 1-nw- M. ROBISttOS. FACTURE ' '1'HK slKIVi: INM KANfK 8. c. AI.LCS. r. RS lii-.i...- 9 in the latest Eastern Styles. i . a a .COMI'IMEI ing. JSttOfiiay sit OF il.,..,..l a.L j & OUCia VVULUI C I li'ieu, ui'iiero ak'I'Is, are uiutrised to last The Rvuzcrs. XO. 38 I K KC I! A XT STREET. ALLEN ROBINSON, IIKPAIRIXG OF K KKY DF.Sf KIPTI0X JIOXniEiTS. ULllUr ICeUXl lUKS. Mks a?alnt (he I.iii?er of the .Seas at the nest Washington, May 4. Secretary Chan-dl- er ROBINSON'S WHARF". DEALERS IN Djne in the best poille manner, an! at reasonable r;iej. HONOLULU. AT LLMBr.ll an.I all kinds of BCILbl.NO MATERIALS UARDEN OK.NA.VfcNTS of all kiikls rua ie toorder. Saws HEADSTOXES, TOJIBS, Keasunable Uatrs, aud on the Moil has received the following dispatch from Oil9, Nads, &c. died and set. MEALS SERVED IN FIRST CLASS warn tr Pair.ts, &e., TABLETS, MARBLE MAXTELS, STYLE I'aiorable Term. Lieutenant Berry, commander of the United acssM roa SCHOONERS N. IJ. Persona attention will be given to the moving of a' experience in the Lantern apl ly V. A. dCII AKFr R Co .nenrral AfeoU. Kfl.AM.4XU, kinds of buil.:iii29 ' Hvintc had WASHSTAXD AT A I.I. Mates search steamer Kougers: States. I feel confident I can give satisfaction to the most fas TOPS, and Hill Its. - J. M. DAVIDSON, KKKAULUOHI Irkutsk, May 4. 1SS2- tidious. rg-JJroi- uou MARY KI.LKN, XT Orders left at my shop or residence will receive prompt Tiling in White & Black nENRY J. HART, (jal 81) Kl. LIS A. 11 AR 1. XZnuilou Hon. Hunt, icrttary ofthe JVary, ikttoruoy .t Xjfiw, PAUAIII. attienton. Best of references civen. Marble. po2S Honolulu. axfitnaton: I he Jtodgers was de ljrr dmyl 24 Mrrrhnnl Strrrf. FAIRY QCEKN, Ile.ideDce, 21S Fort Street, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY MARBLE WORK OF EVERY stroyed by fire, originating in the fore hold, CI LAM A Orders from the other islands eolicited. DESCRIPTION M. & ap 16, 6in rg'UK (Mii:usi(;m:d BKKV on November IJOth. The efforts to save the PHILLIPS Co., LKAUI MADE TO ORDKR AT TIIK M Appoiuied Aentaol the above uavin;Company, ars ureDarad to r .4 NO V IIOL.KM t f.E OK I.- - ! J:i9J Honolulu, Havalian Islands. dmyl in.are sks scHiin.1 tire, on Mont and lirirk liisllsl were unavailing. people a ' no. I on sh'p The landed IMPORTERS Short. Mf-n'- Krnishlt.ir r.d Lowest iMrirliiimli.r stored t in r. In. on Ilia moat !lai, Possible Rates l.i. or apply with difficulty through young ice, and are Vaoey Qooda. (j d181) So. 11 Kaahumana St.. Ilocolulii ; TEL ftvortl'le leims. t p.rlieiilar. at the olllce of F. A. SIIAEFEK & CO., ITEB1TID h "1 )' F. A. cCll AKkKH CO. now quartered at natives' houses. A little dmyl CHR. GERTZ, Jlonnnients and Headstones Cleaned and Beset. m k SO FORT STREET. -- clothing and one month's provisions were JOHN W. KALUA, Importers! Commission Merchants 47 Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 4 jan 1 81 NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE saved. Native food is abundant, and there TTORXEV A X l COL'.VSEMiOR AT Importer and Dealer in is no dancer of starving:. The bearer of the m. LAW. HONOLULU, H. I. BOYS' INSURANCE CO.. Aftnl lo take arknowMginents of iastrumenta for the CENTS' CONCHEE & ACHAT. PROPRIETORS, dispatch is en route. R. N. Berrt. IslaoJ of Maui. Also Agent to tke acknowledgments fjr E. D. THOMAS. or LONDON AM) i:i)INIUIU(3II. Labor Contracts for the District of Wailuku. jixal 81 LADIES', MISSES - Sredni Kolymsk. Siberia, March, 6. 1SS2. if NO. 84, HOTEL STRELT, HONOLULU. C. C. COLEMAN, and CHILDREN'S ESTABLISHED, lb 01 May 6. Dublin, Lord Frederick Caven S. 1 JOHN McGREW, M. D., AND MACHINIST. 1 ; CA VIVA I. 12.000.000 dish, the new Chief secretary for Ireland, BLACKSMITH BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS 7it 3 TJ. Irruiiiululril niU Inirslrd Fsittd, l,09T,S4 and Thomas Henry Jiurke, Under Secre LATK SUUO A10l A LSO v Horse Shoeing, r tary, were stabbed to death in l'hmix Park, Can be conal:e.l at hi Resilience on Hotel street.
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