TODAY'S LIGHTING-UP TIME Sunrise: 7.04 a.m.—Sunset: 6.03 p.m. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Lighting-uptime: 6.33p.m. Rule of Road: KEEP XJSFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT Mainly Fine



NEW BELGIAN MONARCH MAY IN THE HOUSE THEY SAY BUSINESS MEN VOTE FOR That the shipping conferences have INFLUENCE POWERS been most successfully conduct­ SUNDAY TRADING No Ads. in Railway ed. * * * That this will always happen when AN EIGHT-DAY AUSTRIAN TRUCE Cars Allowed both parties consider both sides Favour Shops Opening Four Hours of an argument. 0 0 0 for Sales to All-Comers Another Bomb in Havana—U. S. Planes Sold to Customs Tariff Act That it was Earl Grey who said he always believed in compromise— The considerable change in op­ Bermuda was primarily interested when it was in his favour. inion which has followed the de­ Soviet—Canadian Flag Resolution Buried— 0 0 0 in the tourist business and had Amended cline of business in Bermuda was lost and was losing a considerable Admiral Keyes Wins in Portsmouth— That fortunately, tn this case, the reflected yesterday morning at a amount of income. It wa? up to eompromise is said to favour both two-hour meeting called by the them to see that every possible Anthony Eden in Berlin—Australian Advertisements in railway cars j sides. must continue to be conspicuous j Chamber of Commerce to consider step was taken to increase the * * * the question of Sunday trading. business. Conversion Loan—Winter Comes by their absence. Such was tbe j That meetings are the order of the House of Assembly's ruling on The meeting was open to all busi­ MOTION MOVED •Say just now. ness men, whether members of the to New York—Italian Train consideration of the Railway Com­ * a* * Chamber or not. Mr. Spurling moved the follow­ pany's petition in the House yester­ That the lawyers are having a fine Accident—Pacific Fleet in day afternoon. By 65 votes to 31 the meeting ing motion: "Moved that it is re­ time on knotty points of law. recorded its approval of an solved that this meeting of bus­ The question was raised by Mr. * at * Battle Play—Count Ito Toddings as to whether the ad­ amendment of the Summary iness men and those indirectly in­ That "Common Law" is to a lawyer Offences Act so that articles may terested in the general business Dead—Five Hunger vertisements at present placed in what "Mesopotamia" was to the the cars, bearing the name of the be purchased by anyone (not of the Colony . . approve of the devout old lady. tourists only) on Sundays and bill now before the Legislature Strikers in Cork Jail Company manager and advertis­ at * * any other public holiday between amending The Summary Offences ing the Government Aquarium, That the horse-lovers are rejoicing -Noted Editor Pas­ the Caves etc, were legal. If so the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Act, 1926, as follows: '1. Sub­ over Front Street. In point of attendance the meet­ section (9) of Section 6 is hereby there was no reason why anyone at at at ses—Canada Ready should not advertise provided the ing was probably the largest the amended by inserting the follow­ That if the new surface doesn't Chamber of Commerce has held ing sub-section as sub-section (C): Railway Company manager's name suit, the only thing remaining for Reciprocity appeared on the advertisements, in the last several years. Mr. S. P. the sale or purchase of any goods Mr. Toddings urged. is to do without horses. Eve, president of the Chamber, to tourists arriving in the Colony 0 0 0 presided. Mr. Tucker's principal objection on any Sunday, Christmas Day, merge, Edouard Herriot and Andre That it is curious that no horse- ROYAL DEATH AFFECTS to the proposed railway couch ad­ CHANGED CONDITIONS Good Friday or other day declared Tardieu, who took train shortly lover seems to remember the vertisements was that they would At a meeting of the Council of by the Governor-in-Council to be a EUROPE after the Chamber of Deputies sus­ frightf al state of the old roads. be subject to bawdy disfiguration the Chamber last Friday, he re­ public holiday for the purposes of pended its session yesterday for and that tenders waiting on steam­ * * * capitulated, the question of Sunday this Act, and departing therefrom fifteen minutes as a sign of mourn­ France in Quandary-Belgian An­ ships would ask, and rightly so, That the Tennis Tournament looks trading was raised and it was the same day. Provided that such ing. like being the best ever held. sale or purchase shall be made only tagonism—Nazi Ultimatum for the same privilege of being deemed desirable to call a meeting FRENCH NERVOUS allowed to have advertisements * * * not only of the members of the between the hours of 1 p.m. and to Dollfuss in their saloons. That the entry of so many high Chamber but of the business com­ 4 p.m. ' " The French are wondering if ranking players is most gratify* munity as a whole. "Last year Mr. Spurling added that he was Prince Leopold as King Leopold the LEGAL POSITIONS ihg. this matter was taken up and dis­ not in favour of the indiscriminate PARIS, Feb. 20 (CP).—The death Third will fight with his illustrious 0 0 0 of the Belgian King is already hav- cussed at a general meeting. Yoa opening of businesses, which, he father's firmness against "the Nazi Col. Dill quoted the Advertise­ That public support should be all know what the results were," thought, should be allowed to open a political effect on Europe, and intrigues" in Belgium. Many of ment Act of 1911, which stipulates liberal. even in Paris concern was mani­ Mr. Eve stated. "In view of changed only under permits issued for that these political are encouraged by certain exemptions for Government * * * fested in official quarters yester­ conditions it has been considered purpose. Flemish extremists. Departments, and gave it as his That the Manchesters have a fine day regarding the possible effects desirable to take the matter up Mr. A. Mercer moved an amend­ Continued on page 12 soccer team. on France's line-up of the smaller again." ment to this motion which had the BELGIAN STRIKE MANIFESTO 0 0 0 effect of deleting tha words "to nations against Hitler's rearma­ AUSTRIAN CaASUALTIES That they will doubtless improve Stating that the question was one ment demands. Belgium occupies which had received very careful tourists arriving in the Colony." BRUSSELS^ Feb. 20 (OP)—A com­ the game in Bermuda. a vital position in this line-up, for consideration by--the more serio_s- .He. stated that confusion might bs munist declaration calling on work­ Arguments Over Victims of J 0 0 0 the French are strengthening their minded people in the community, caused, as store clerks could not ers to iefuse to recognise the future That the ruggerites are looking fortifications in the Rhineland Mr. W. E. Spurling added that be expected to distinguish between King Leopold the Third, and invit­ Shell Fire forward to the visit of the U. S. region for fear that the Belgian ordinarily he was opposed to Sun­ Bermudians and bona fide tourists ing them to rise against the Gov­ team. military defences are too weak. At day trading. "But I feel that with hetior one day. ernment, left other political fac­ VIENNA, Feb. 20 (CP)—The * » * home some French statesmen had the present business situation in A gloomy picture of the harm tions, even the opposition groups, shelling of workers' apartment even proposed to extend the steel That some fast work will be seen. Bermuda what it is," he added, being done to Bermuda by the pre­ cold yesterday. Leaders of the vari­ houses in Vienna in the recent civil 0 0 0 chain and concrete along the Bel­ "special consideration should be sent "blue laws" was painted by ous political groups considered that warfare found an aftermath yester­ That the Sunday Trading and Un­ gian border. given to this matter." Continued on Page ? this manifesto was a little ill-timed day in a Europe-wide conflict over employment are curious in jux­ With these matters uppermost and an improper move, coming as it the casualty figures. Officially ( taposition. in the minds of French officials did when all factions were united Chancellor Dollfuss declared on 0 0 0 BERMUDA AS GARDENERS' NEW MOVIES OF BERMUDA three of the highest ranking mem­ in common sympathy. Especially Sunday that the deaths totalled That forbidding the first goes some bers of the French Cabinet went as political observers pointed out, 241, and a Government commun­ way to maintaining the second. PARADISE Five new movie reels of Bermuda to Brussels yesterday to pay tribute that Emile Vandervelde, head of ique can add, without argument, * * * that are to be shown throughout at King Albert's bier as envoys of the Second Internationale, had five socialists who were killed by That one wonders how the Govern­ Woman Garden Artist Lectures the world are the result of the recent sympathy to France's closest Ally. publicly acclaimed King Albert as Home Guard bayonets on Sunday, Visit of the Fox Movietoi es group The members were Premier Dou- ment is justified in opening the a personal friend. In the mean­ and seven socialists hanged thus Aquarium on Sunday and shot­ to Big Gathering brought here by the Bermuda time loyalists are incensed by the far for insurrectionary activities. ting up certain other places. News Bureau early this month. communist proclamation. Counting those, the official toll 0 0 0 In the course of her lantern lec­ The Bureau has received a dispatch ANOTHER CUBAN BOMB may be set at 253, but the real argu­ That perhaps the explanation is ture in the Mechanics Hall yester­ from the Fox Movietonews an­ ITALY ACCUSES GERMANY ment begins here. that the government tries to day morning, Mrs. Helen Ship- nouncing that all the movies made HAVANA, Feb. 20 (CP)—A woman According to hundreds of fugi­ please the invited guest. man , the noted American landscape here will be used, and the com­ was seriously injured on Sunday ROME, Feb. 20 (CP)—The possi­ tives who have taken refuge in 00 gardner, said of Bermuda that bination of which, when released, night when a bomb exploded shat­ bility of a break over Austria be­ Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, at I. 0. D. E. "God had never been so good will cover the entire world. tering show windows in a consider­ tween Fascist Italy and Nazi Ger­ least 2,500 persons were killed dur­ in any other spot." She was speak­ The first of the quintet, a bathing able area of the midtown shopping many is foreseen by many obser­ ing the strife. Newspapers in the ing of the first garden which she picture made at Coral Beach, is district. The police estimated the vers, and it is further emphasised latter country have hit upon about Date ol Annual Meeting showed to the big gathering which now being shown in moving pic­ damage done at $10,000. The by an editorial attack on Berlin by the same estimate. Even Chan­ Changed had come to hear her taik on the ture theatres throughout the street was strewn with pieces of the newspaper "Giornale D'ltalia." cellor Hitler has stated that the evolution of a garden, and said United States. Copies of this reel broken chinaware, shoes and other This article states "There is now dead would reach 1,600. Associated that if what she was going to show have been sent to France, Germany articles. The Annual Meeting of the them what could be achieved on the no longer any doubt that the na­ Press estimates on February 15, I.O.D.E. will be held at the Trinity Italy. England, several British at * # rocky hills of Connecticut, they tional socialist movement which after conversations with govern­ School Room at 8p.m. on Tuesday, Possessions and South America, exploded in Austria in such violent ment officials and army officers, could imagine what could be where they will be shown shortly. U. S. PLANES SOLD TO SOVIET February 27, instead of on Monday, achieved in Bermuda. form is inspired by Germanic ele- were placed at between 1,000 and Feb. 26, as previously announced. The number of the United States 1,500. Today after consultations Another point raised by Mrs. reel is volume seven, Number WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 (CP)— Continued OB Page 2 At this meeting officers will be' Guy A. Vaughan made public with men in close touch with the elected for the forthcoming year Shipman in passing was that sbe Forty-three, Fox Movietone News. yesterday that the Wright Aero­ situation there appeared to be no and reports from the Chapters wiU thought they would be doing good The name Bermuda appears in nautical Corporation, of which he BERMUDA HISTORICAL reason to doubt the lower official be read. Mrs. Stuart Spurling of to both the birds and the flowers of all the titles of this reel, which is is president, was negotiating with estimate. St. George's, will also read a paper the island if they were to provide called "Bathing Beauties Bask in Russia for the sale of $8,500,000 SOCIETY 00 on the founding of the Order. in each parish at least one place Bermuda." Following is part of worth of aeroplane engines. THE LEOPOLD SUCCESSION oo where the birds could obtain water. the descriptive talk of this reel: Testifying before a committee The Committee of the above The suggestion was loudly applaud­ "Bermuda—land of the lily and of the House of Representatives, Society Charity Costume Ball to be THE LATE KING .ALBERT ed. the onion, is an ideal winter bath­ which is now carrying on an inves­ held March 15th will appreciate Splendid Family Record—Prince AVOID FREAK LINES ing beauty paradise—This year's tigation of profits on navy aero­ early replies to the invitations sent of Wales to Attend Funeral Mrs. Shipman warned her hearers crop is alluring, don't you think?— plane contracts, Vaughan said that out to members' families and Memorial Service at Prospect that it was no use trying to make a "Out on Coral Beach—It seems a most of the company's business in friends as there is a waiting list Tomorrow—Pope's Message A short Memorial Service for the garden original by Using unusual likely spot—On Closer observation recent years had been with Russia. and the Town Hall will accommo­ late Field Marshal) His Majesty lines in the design. It was what was we'll say yes indeed—positively! In the last five years tbe Amtorg date only a limited number of When Leopold the Third ascends Albert I, King of the Belgians, K.G., in the garden that mattered and "The sirens of the Rhine had Trading Corporation Of New York, guests. the throne of Belgium he will be­ G.C.B., Colonel-in-aahief, 5th In- not the shape of the skeleton. nothing on these fair Loreleis— the official Soviet organisation in oo come the fourth king of this little niskilling Dragoon Guards, will be None of us would wish to have Dangerous rocks, but who wouldn't America, had placed orders WORKMAN STEALS HOTEL independent country. His great- held in the Garrison Church, Pro­ unusal skeletons, the speaker point­ beach his boat at such a prospect— amounting to $5,000,000. grand-uncle, Leopold the First, spect, at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, ed out, but we all did want to de­ All of which may explain the heavy MASTER KEYS was the first ruler of the country 22nd February, 1934. velop a personality on that skeleton. traffic to the motorless isle.'' • • f which was formed as a result of His ExceUency the Governor and One of the great essentials of de­ "Engli.-h Sport Clothes in Ber­ s the revolt of the Belgians against General Officer Commanding-in- sign is simplicity according to Mrs. muda" is the title of the reel CANADIAN FLAG DOUBTFUL Accused of Breaking and the King of the Netherlands in Chlef, has signified his intention Shipman, and one of the main made of typical Bermuda fashions. , Feb. 20 (CP)—A 1830. Leopold the Second succeed­ of being present, and space will be features of construction should be This has been scored with music national flag fr Canada has ap­ Entering Rooms ed his father, Leopold the First; available for any persons outside the use of native materials as far and an English woman's voice. parently died a parliamentary death he was the uncle of King Albert the garrison, who wish to attend. as possible.In that respect Bermuda It will be shown throughout the Donald Stevenson, otherwise so far as this session is concerned. and great-uncle of Leopold the -00- is blessed with a wonderful supply British Empire including Canada, The House of Commons last night known in Bermuda boxing circles Third. of native stone for garden use. Australia, India, South Africa and oarried a motion to adjourn the as George Duncan, was brought Belgium was a part of France in FINE MUSICAL RECITAL AT When it can e to tte flora employed Great Britain. Following is part debate by a vote of 64 to 49. The before the Worshipful A. O. Smith the latter part of the Eighteenth WESLEY CHURCH in the planting cf the gardens, the of the descriptive talk that accom­ proposal for a flag was made by at Hamilton Police Oourt yester­ Century, but the great powers were speaker said that they were free panies this: Charles D i c k i e, Conservative day morning on a charge of break­ determined not to leave France in The third musical-recital of the to go far and near for their mater­ "Checks to the fore this season, member of Nanaimo, who In­ ing and entering Rooms 448-450 possession of the territory and series was given last Monday even­ ial since tbe existence was not a for resort wear. A ohecked Monro troduced a resolution for a flag. in the Bermudiana Hotel on Feb­ forced the establishment of a new ing in Wesley Church before a natural one in any case. Tweed suit with hand-knitted He said that other parts of the ruary 13th. He was convicted on kingdom formed _y Belgium and most appreciative audience. The Other useful pointers were given angora sweater, and hat and scarf - Empire had flags of their own. The Saturday of stealing two master- Holland. The kingdom was con­ programme was splendidly arranged during the course of the lecture. of pure Indian cashmere. At the resolution now goes to the bottom keys and one emergency master firmed by treaty at Vienna in June, and interest was maintained They included a reminder of tbe right, a trim suit of Welsh cheviot of the order paper,.and it is doubt­ key from the hotel, and the hear­ 1815. The Belgians revolted with throughout the recital. value of shade in a garden. Mrs. that boasts six pockets. ful if it is reached again during the ing of the breaking and entering a general war in prospect, if France Shipman said that in her experience "Bermuda sponsors this balmac- case was to determine whether he Miss Mary Turner, L.R.A.M. is present session. again stepped in. The powers at a a sincere artist and her piano in America she had found that some can coat and skirt to match, as Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 2 Continued on Pag* 2 Continued on Page 12 Ctatinucd on Page II Continued on Page 18 ZINNIA, MARIGOLD, COSMOS -WADSWS Page 2 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AM &bl6mST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1934

SUNDAY TRADING BUSINESS MEN VOTE FOR when a purely local celebration Correspondence took place on a Sunday. "I do At the meeting held under the SUNDAY TRADING not wish to see the old atmosphere auspices of the Chamber of Com­ THE PEACEFUL LIFE of Bermuda changed, but by God! merce, by a large majority a vote Continued from Page 1 you are changing it under present conditions," Mr. Spurling assert­ was carried in favour of removing Paget, Mr. A. B. Smith, head of Messrs. ed. BO the present restrictions on Sunday Feb. 17, 1934. H. A. and E. Smith. Although at Trading to the extent of permitting Mr: Spurling admitted, in ans­ The Editor, one time an opponent of. Sunday, wer to Mr.-J. D. B. Talbot, that the stores to open fox four hours. Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily. trading, Mr. Smith stated that last That this recommendation goes Board of Trade had carried out the Sir, summer when on holiday he made House of Assembly's wishes. "But further than was anticipated, even it his business to enquire of ship­ Once again we read notices of a that does not alter my conviction by the most ardent supporters of ping men what the position was. that the House is wrong," he con­ Sunday Trading, is probably due meeting to which all the members He found that it was absolutely of the Chamber of Commerce and tinued. to the reaction against the argu­ impossible for ships to arrive here OPPOSITION ments of opponents, who suggested anyone in business are invited to on any day but Sunday. Bermuda that the morals of the community attend to discuss the question of was the only place within strikiitg The opposition to Sunday trad­ would be ruined by showing con­ Sunday Trading. distance of New York for foreign ing was initiated by Mr. Erskine sideration to our visitors to the At the same time we read in ships, which were unable to clear Campbell, who asked the meeting _C» <*•*»<» extent of permitting them to buy editorials and advertisements of from an American port to an Amer­ to have regard for the moral effect a post-card as well as a bottle of the •'restful charm of Bermuda and ican port as American ships might on the future generation. Mr. whiskey. The almost absurd the* unique and age-old customs" do. Campbell did not think the* in- suggestion that shipping companies which help to give Bermuda its "QUEEN CHRISTINA" CRUISES HERE TO STAY bility of tourists to purchase goods would, on proper representation, atmosphere, which strikes us as not on Sunday had anything to do with The Reid Hall Premiere audience on Friday evening at refrain from landing passengers only paradoxical, but impertinent, "I think that probably this Sun­ the cancellation of cruises. The in Bermuda on Sunday, also played since we believe that the "quaint day cruising business is here to 8.30 p.m. will be the first in ike world to enjoy this super fact of the present agitation, he no small part in bringing about a customs and the peaceful life" are stay," Mr. Smith said. "I thought averred, was that several people in production at regular prices. change of feeling on the subject, valued by the majority of Bermu­ it was a flash in the pan and that Bermuda wished to sell goods to for no person with the slightest dians not only for themselves, but it would die a natural death." He tourists on Sunday. knowledge of the shipping trade and as one of the essentials which has was inclined to agree with Mr. A statement by Mr. Campbell the cruise situation could ever induced so many people to spend Mercer's motion as a reasonable We Urge You to Book Seats E&tVf that the passengers aboard the have conceived such an idea. their holidays here and from whom one. "We must take care of these "Georgic" and "Berengaria" on the However, the purpose of this we obtain a living, by providing people if they are coming to Berr recent Lincoln's Birthday cruises to Avoid Disappointment article is to range ourselves on the them with hotels, merchandise, muda," Mr. Smith added. "W6 expressed no dissatisfaction was, side of those who would, as far as is etc. must show them some attention however, greeted with loud laught­ Box Office Open Daily humanly possible, retain the peace­ Movements such as Sunday Trad­ or else have the business stopped, er. ful character of our island not only ing are instigated by a minority of because it is really doing us a great 12 to 2 3 to 6 During show hours The Rev. Clayton Munro, in an on Sunday but on every other day. Bermudians and others, mercenary deal of harm as things are now." impassioned speech, backed up We have expressed our opinion individuals whose one object in The point of view of tho Mr. Campbell's opposition. He that unless reasonable facilities life is the acquiring of wealth and steamship companies was put be­ prefaced his speech with -a spirited BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE were given visitors arriving on who would sacrifice anything for it. fore the meeting by Mr. E. P. T. defence of the position he and his Sunday, the cruise trade would The above mentioned mercenaries Tucker, who said that in 1931 '^SS^SM^f^ fellow clergymen had taken up. BANISHED COLD, BACK suffer, and we have also stated our are very welcome to sacrifice leisure there were 41 cruises to Bermuda, His opposition to Sunday trading belief that such facilities could be and all the good things of life, but in 1932 there were 67, and in 1933 AT WORK NEXT DAY was based upon an economic and provided without wrecking the unfortunately their greed affects the number declined to 42, if the No wonder Mrs. socialogical training and upon morals of the community or des­ the whole community, to whom Furness Bermuda Line triangular Withershaw, Port events in past history, he indicated. troying the character of Sunday. the financial returns, which are trips were included. In 1934, up Arthur, Ont. says Why should Bermuda do what Should the recommendation of supposed to result, are nothing till April, only 20 cruises were BUCKLEY'S Canada and the United States did GET the meeting be put into effect when compared to the pleasure of a scheduled. MIXTURE is the not do? he asked. "It is no secret with untoward results, we will be day's holiday. In a lengthy review of the posi­ best cough medi­ that the moral conditions in Ber­ among the first to call for its Who are responsible for this tion Mr. Tucker outlined two pri­ cine she ever A Trial Bottle muda over the past 20 years have recision for, notwithstanding the movement we ask and we have mary causes for the decline in used. She writes:- been slacking," he said. "I am charges of opponents, we believe come to the conclusion that the Bermuda cruise s—heavy port "Just this week perfectly satisfied in my own mind TODAY that among the chief assets of people in whom we had confidence charges and disappointment caused my husband that if this measure is passed ac­ the Colony will be found the and whose opinion we value are not to tourists arriving here on Sun­ caught a very cording to the resolution, and at the character of our people and the responsible, so we make our own days. With regard to the former severe cold. I Sunday is open on the basis that the charm of our island. deductions and go home on Satur­ point, Mr. Tucker mentioned that gave him two doses of Buckley's resolution proposes, in the next and in the morning he was so -oo- day night and thank the gods that an eight-hour stay of the "Mau­ in these hectic days that the plea- retania" cost her operators £458. ten years you will have a situation greatly improved that he was up PHOENIX ROYAL DEATH AFFECTS ure of a late sleep on Sunday in Bermuda that you cannot and about his work as usual." morning and "a busy day around T.D.B. ATTITUDE grapple with," Mr. Munro prophes­ It is this quick, sure relief that EUROPE the house" are still preserved for us. ied. Dollars were not to be com­ makes BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE The Trade Development Board, pared with manhood, he said, the largest selling cough and cold Mr. Tucker went on, agreed to for­ Continued from page 1 Yours very truly, and if the motion were carried remedy hi Canada, If you have a ments. Their headquarters are ward a minute to the Governor re­ and put into effect it would de­ cough, cold, 'flu or bronchitis, take ?lig^_^5AT_JY at in fact in Berlin and Munich. Their commending that a message be grade Bermuda. Buckley's. A YOUNGSTER. forwarded to the Legislature urg­ ___fSfe^aX«t DRUG STORE chief organisers are among the at * * Mr. F. C. Misick and Mr. T. H.H. It acts like s, flash—A single sis highest personalities in German ing the amendment of The Sum­ Outerbridge spoke in favour of some proves it. political life. Explosives and arms SUNDAY TRADING mary Offences Act. This was done middle course, a middle course which have made victims in Aus­ before Christmas, bearing in mind dictated by the changed conditions tria have come in part from Ger­ the cruises of the Furness Bermuda now facing Bermuda. They ex­ To the Editor, Line ships to Bermuda at that pressed their opposition to wide many." Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily. 0 0 0 time. Unfortunately that minute open Sunday trading. "Jewel of the East" did not go forward for some reason. |Mr. Vallis opposed the motion The Italian authorities have ord­ Sir., jfj - "I know most definitely of one and amendment. A sharp exchange Walker Arcade, Reid Street ered the dissolution of the Trieste Will you kindly find space in steamship company that is about between him and Mr. Si S. Tod­ Xationale, a socialist organisa­ your widely read paper for the fol­ announces to try a similar experiment of dings Jr. followed. Mr. Toddings tion composed mostly of Austrian lowing letter:.- triangular trips between New stated that only a week or two Nazis. The order was issued fol­ To my mind there can be no The Arrival of New Shipment of York, Bermuda and Nassau," Mr. ago one of the largest cruise oper­ lowing the discovery of a hundred justification for Sunday Trading. Tucker remarked'. "That will ators in New York informed him pistols, tear-gas bombs, as well as I think if it were looked into we take place, as far as I know, in the that if tourists could obtain small printed propaganda directed against should find it is not the Bermuda CREPE EMBD. PANTIES near future. If these vessels ar­ articles in Bermuda on Sundays the Austrian Government. One Tradesman—some of whom I be­ rive on Sundays, what is going to he would guarantee to put a cruise extra fine quality at 4/- German and two Austrians were lieve sell souvenirs—but the for­ happen? You will find that Ber­ boat in here every Sunday. arrested in connection with the eigners, who are not even of our muda will quickly be eliminated Others to speak in opposition Children's and Ladies* Pig Skin Bags discovery. religion; and who are themselves * 0 0 from the itinerary." were Mr. H. J. B. Dunkley and the far more disappointed at not be­ The Hon. S. S. Spurling elaborat­ Hon. H. D. Butterqfield, the latter from 5/- HABICHT SAYS f THINK IT ing able to exchange their wares, ed an argument advanced by Mr. arguing that Sunday trading OVER" for the visitor's dollars, than th® Shop early to obtain desired sizes Tucker: that hotel bars were al­ would have the effect of keeping visitor who finds he cannot buy MUNICH, Feb. 20 (CP)-The lowed to open whilst shops were away the best class of trade, upon &338tw. a souvenir, which are mostly art­ Austrian Nazis through their not. The impression was being which Bermuda really depended. exiled leader Theodore Habicht icles made in the United States, created, he said, that Bermuda Europe, India or China, imported Mr. Peniston, of Peniston and have issued an ultimatum to was a "booze joint." Mr. Spurling Brown, expanded on Mr. Toddings' Chancellor Dollfuss giving him from these countries and the words did not favour the amendment The Life Plant is blooming, Trala-Trala "Souvenir of Bermuda" printed on suggestion that tourists arriving eight days to "think it over," and of The Summary Offences Act so on Sunday could be given landing And "The Hoppers" are at their best! the choice between taking Nazis them. much as he- favoured the Board of cards entitling them to make A leaf on the wall, will grow for all into the Government or facing As far as relieving employment Trade's exercising the power it purchases in the stores, which another fight. This notice was it surely is a farce. If the unem­ already had to grant licences for should open under licence from Who visit these Isles of Best. served yesterday. ployed are waiting for help from the Sunday trading. This remark was the Board of Trade. Employees COME TO Habicht announced an eight- benefit to come from Sunday greeted with considerable applause. could be protected by a law stip­ day truce during which his follow­ Trading, I am afraid theirs is a sad "Bermuda is not a booze point but ulating that they should have at "IHE AMERICAN HOUSE" ers are forbidden to attack the state. all we offer them is an opportunity least one day off a week. to see "The Hoppers," and have a meal and don't forget Do the Sunday Traders intend to Austrian Government in word or to fill up with liquor inside and to Mrs. H. St. George Butterfield, give even ten per cent of their TO VISIT in writing, cr other means, on take bottles of liquor outside," the 'only woman to speak at the profits to a relief fund? or do they penalty of expulsion from the Mr. Spurling added. meeting, was concerned to know U "»•> anticipate such a rush at their IHE QUARRY party. Mr. Spurling mentioned that whether certain fixed hours would stores that they will need to em­ The Nazi leader reproached Doll­ considerable hardship also ensued be laid down for Sunday trading, ploy a goodly number of the un- fuss for breaking off negotiations so that church-going was not in­ employetff with the Nazis several months ago. terfered with. He said "If an understanding had Victor became Leopold the Second, celestial comfort forYour Majesty's" was anything wrong with the lock A little discussion took place as also noted for his ability, sagacity been reached between Dollfuss and Thanking you Mr. Editor, Royal Family and the entire na­ as it had opened all right with her to who should be entitled to vote and kindness. The most notable tion which Is so grieviously tried." myself thiB terrible sacrifice would lam, master key, and asked the accused at the meeting, but finally the event of his rule was i;h'e foundation not have occurred." President Paul Von Hindenburg to wait until she saw if it worked. chairman ruled that everyone pre­ of the Congo Free State. of Germany telegraphed "I am oo AN OBSERVER OF THE SABBATH. The door would not unlock, but sent, employees and employers, Leopold the Second died at Lae- EDEN IN BERLIN oo shocked at the news of the sudden after the man had unlocked the might vote: Mr. Mercer's amend­ ken on December 17, 1909, after a death of His Majesty the King of BERLIN, Feb. 20 (CP)—Anthony WORKMAN STEALS HOTEL door her pass key would lock and ment was put in the form of a reign of forty-three years. As he the Belgians. I beg you to accept Eden. Lord Privy Seal and a spec­ unlock 'it. Later in the day she complete motion, merely omitting had no son the rule passed to his my most profound sympathy." ialist on disarmament, arrived last MASTER KEYS found the same result with a key from Mr. Spurling's motion the nephew Albert, the latter taking President Roosevelt of the night for a series of conferences shown her by Inspector Pantry. words "to tourists arriving in the the oath of allegiance on December United States said he was "shocked with German statesmen. The key produced in court was one 23,1909. Continued from Page 1 Colony." The voting was 63 to 31 beyond expression to learn of the 0 0 0 used by The Inspector. in favour of this motion. 0 0 0 untimely death of His Majesty." SPANISH TRAIN ACCIDENT should be sent for trial in the Su­ POSITIVE OF IDENTITY 00 LONDON, Feb. 20 (CP)—The oo CORDOBA, Spain, Feb. 20 (CP) preme Court. Prince of Wales will represent the Nine persons were reported killed The most important witness for Questioned about an identifi­ THE LEOPOLD SUCCESSION King at the funeral of the late BERMUDA S.P.C.A. HOLDS and twenty-two injured seriously, the prosecution, which was con­ cation parade, witness stated that King Albert at Brussels tomorrow, ANNUAL MEETING and at least a score with minor ducted by Sub Inspector Pantry she had picked out one of seven Continued from Page 1 according to an official announce­ hurts, by a railway accident near who investigated the case, was Miss men as being the one she thought ment yesterday. The annual meting of the Villa Neuva de la Reina on Sunday. Betty Ross, a chambermaid em­ was the man she had seen at the conference in London on January The House of Commons resumed B.S.P.C.A. was h*ldi in Trinity A special train from Madrid collid­ ployed in the hotel. door. She was not positive that 20, 1831, provided that Belgium its session yesterday afternoon with Hall yesterday afternoon. Tha re­ ed with an express from Seville. She stated that on the 13th the the acused was the man she had should be perpetually a neutral marks of mourning for King Albert, tiring president, Mr. E. A. McCal­ More than nine hundred residents guests occupying the rooms in picked out at the parade and the state. the Sergeant-at-Arms and the lan, reviewed the work which has of Seville were returning from question had not come out when man she had spoken to in the hotel. The Belgians sought a new king, Speaker's Train Bearer wearing been done during the eight years Madrid where they had witnessed a she went for her lunch at about She had seen the accused painting and found him in Leopold the black gloves instead of the usual for which he has held office, and football game on Sunday. 11.30 a.m. She sent upstairs "to the in the hotel at the beginning of the First, then the German Prince of white. a full report of the proceedings wUl * * * fourth floor again at about five season. Saxe-Coburg and one time officer * * * appear in tomorrow's paper. PROMINENT MONTREAL BUSI­ minutes to twelve and listened at Miss Ross stated that when she in the Prussian army, and who had, ANTIGUA, Feb. 20 (OP)—The oc NESS MAN DIES the door for a moment. As she found that the lock would not open a year before, refused an offer to Legislative Council met yesterday did not hear any movement in­ to her key when it had been locked become king of Greece. Leopold the and passed a vote of condolence on FOREIGN BONDS MONTREAL, Feb. 20 (CP)—Sir side she went to a closet to take out by the key used by the accused, the First assumed tbe throne on July the death of King Albert of Bel­ Hormisdag LaPorte. aged 84, pre­ some towels. The following quotations wer accused said that he would go for 21, 1831, after taking the oath of gium. furnished by the Canadian Press sident of the Banque Provinciale While she was there she had the a screwdriver and fix it. He did allegiance to the country's new * * * under date of February 19: du Canada, died [early yesterday. door of the room in view. The constitution. not return and she made a report LONDON, Feb. 20 (CP)—The Bonds:—Canadian . % Loan, 1953- He was the founder and lifelong door was opened cautiously and a to the housekeeper. It was not believed possible that text of the telegram from Pope president of the wholesale grocery man's head peeped out. She the new kingdom would last, but 58, £106.; British 2i% Consols £?ei' A number of other witnesses were Pius to Queen Elizabeth on the British 3|% War _*>_-, $io__ . firm of LaPorte, Martin and Com- spoke to the man,land he came out called and were closely cross- by the wise and benevolent admin- death of King Albert read as follows: 1/8 pi ny, and jormer mayor of Mont- and locked the door v ith a key. istrati n of Leopold the First the British Funding 4's, 1980-90, £112*' questioned by Mr. A. R. Vaucrosson We present you our most heartfelt Argentine Recission 4's fJ5; Aus- re al. He w£ s war time chairman of She then asked what h was doing who defended. people of the little country were condolences and implore from the t e Canadi£ n War Purchasing Com- there and he replied t lat he was wel'lo.' sVUdly together. Leopold train 6's £l04f; Brazil Funding 5's The prosecuticn was closed and very good G_d the peace of the just A»14 £9ll; Chinese 4i , 189 ' i.. ission and was granted a .night fixing the lock. Witness remarked ;he case will be resumed on Fri­ died on December 10, 1865, and his for the soul of so loved and worthy ? 3 8 hood in 1918. that she did not know that there son Leopold Louis Philippic Marie £02*; French War 5's £2.;f; Ger­ day morning. a sovereign, and ask grace for the man 7*s, 1924, £91f;SeineTa, IW7


inJGrand Hotel,' in which we never met. I was the cynical doctor, you remember. "And now in 'Queen Christina,* I believe I have the strongest and finest role of all the pictures In MECHANICS HALL THEATRE which we have worked together."

"SEARCIT FOR BEAUTY" Three Hit Productions as a Triple Feature REID HALL screen are alike in the possession of beauty, they are radically different Spectacular Parade Of Girls And Programme Tonight is 100% Show Value and individual in their methods of Humor Fifty Leading Ladies Started In Improving on nature and retaining At 7 p.m. At 8.30 p.m. At 10 p.m. Westerns their scintillating charm. Comedy, action, beauty and Clara Bow believes that wrinkles, brawn are offered in delightful One of the greatest training resulting from tired overworked manner, with a novel treatment STUART ERWIN schools in the world for aspiring muscles, are woman's most deadly of the racket theme, in Paramount's young actresses is the western enemy and can best be guarded "Search for Beauty" which opened picture, according to Dorothy Dix, against by complete relaxation. yesterday at the Mechanics' Hall MALEwEMAEE! who is rapidly forging ahead in When Miss Bow feels herself grow­ Theatre. motion picture ranks. ing tired, she stands with feet In addition to an excellent cast, Once ... Miss Dix, appearing opposite Ken apart, hands on hips, and allows the picture features the thirty Ladies and Maynard in his Universal western the shoulders and head to drop and finalists in Paramount's world­ Gentlemen! epic, "Wheels of Destiny," now at .the waist to bend. She closes her wide quest for beauty and talent, • . .They the Beid Hall Theatre, has conduct­ eyes and holds that position, easily in which 176,000 contestants in discarded ed a personal investigation which for three minutes. every English speaking country civilization with their has shown that more than 50 lead­ During the year and a half that of the world participated. ing actresses have been successful The lion's share of comedy hon­ STUART ERW / COMBINING BUSINESS tattered Miss Bow has been off the screen, fti Qaramamt

S_g_g>9S_££'S__e3R. • •yyMb&&^W&5$^ Page 4 THE ROYAL GAZETTE #ND CQLONHK ©SH3Y,* WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1934


Equipment fer a spacious new CANADA—BERMUDA—WEST INDIES SERVICE iFiumi¥i_ s _§ hotel, together with certain railway material probably accounted to Specially Built and Equipped for Tropical Travel a large extent for the phenomenal BERMUDA—EASTERN GROUP—DEMERARA (Via BOSTON, MASS.) rise in the value of Great Britain's LeaJs the Way exports to Bermuda from £371,954 Fortnightly freight, passenger and mail service between Halifax, N.S., Saint John, N.B., and J in the first nine months of 1932, Demerara, calling each way at Boston, Bermuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, to as much as £1,522,392 in the St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidal corresponding period of last year. At the same time, however, there Arr. and Leave with the is no doubt that general importers Leave Leave Arrive Leave Bermuda for in this island market in the Western Steamer Halifax Boston Bermuda Bermuda St. John, N.B. Atlantic have been operating more N.S. Mass. for W.I. via Boston freely, and that business men in MONARCH Hamilton and other* centres-believe Lady Nelson Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 24 that the tourist season which has Lady Hawkins Feb. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Mar. 3 just opened will prove one of the Lady Drake Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Mar. 17 of BERMUDA most successful of recent years. Lady Nelson Mar. 4 Mar. 6 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 31 and the As is well known, catering for tourists is Bermuda's chief industry Steamer* sail from Halifax and arrive at Saint John, N.B. and the stores in the Colony stock WESTERN GROUP SERVICE the highest class goods for sale QUEEN to visitors in search of sunshine, Fortnightly freight, passenger and mall service between Montreal (in summer), Halifax, N.S. healthjand recreation. vii Fostondn winter), caUlng at Hamilton, Bermuda; Nassau, Bahamas; Kingston, Jamaica) making O.N.S. connection at Jamaica for Belize, Britist Honduras. »/ BERMUDA LONDON AND PARIS STANDARDS Leave Leave Representatives of many of the Leave Leave Arrive B'da for Arrive B'da for WO of the outstanding vessels of the chief merchant houses, which Steamer Halifax Boston Bermuda Nassau Bermuda Halifax T world—each over 22,400 tons—the include such firms as Messrs. only liners afloat that provide a private Trimingham Bros., Lockward and Lady Somers Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Co., H. A. and E. Smith, Ltd., Lady Rodney Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 bath with every room. Pleasure-planned and T. J. Pearman and Sons, Lady Somers Mar. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 26 Mar. 37 especially for Bermuda service with mag- all of whom specialise in men's Lady Rodney Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Apr. 9 Apr. 10 nlficent lounges, smart night club cafes, and women's wearing apparel ;250,0QO dance deck, complete stage with and allies lines, visit Europe every VAGABOND CRUISES 'talkie" equipment and ship-to-ahore year to buy goods of the Bond Passenger and Cargo Service, Bermuda— Eastern Service—Demerara Street and Rue de la Paix stan­ Leave Arrive and Leave Bermuda phone. Sailings twice weekly between dard, and it is safe to say that Steamer Halifax Bermuda [and New York. there is a far larger range of St. Georges, only for West Indies quality wares stocked in Bermuda Ohomedy Feb. 24 Feb. 28 than in any other market in the Chomedy. Mar. 31 Apl. 4 world of similar size and equal For Reservations, apply Oolborne.. Apl. 21 Apl. 25 population. Principally between the end of WATUNGTON & CONYERS December, 1932, and the month of for Reservations, Passenger and Freight Rate., eppiy to— General Agents April, 1933, 44,000 tourists landed in the Colony, this number being JOHN S. DAKRKLL 6 CO., Agents. HAMILTON BERMUDA exclusive of 29,000 visitors arriving 8ub'eet nge without notic Hamilton, Bermuda. ( in cruising vessels making only a short call. What the present season will yield remains to be seen, but it is possible that a total of 48,000 genuine tourists will be reached. Shoulder Drapes MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE Incidentally, the Trade- Develop­ FURNESS BERMUDA LIME ment Board which manages the (UiaW Caaatnct with 1—••aU Canmat) NE^YORK-BERMUDA-SOUTH AMERICA SERVICE tourists trade is reputed to spend on advertising annually approximately Royal and United States Mail Steamers (Royal and United States Mail Steamers) £8,000 in the U.S.A., £2,500 in Canada and £1,500 in Great Britain. T.E.V. "QUEEN OF BERMUDA" Minimum $50.00 Round Trip With prosperity increasing in the latter country it would seem that T.E.V. "MONARCH OF BERMUDA" (Lowest Rates offered between New York and Bermuda) a greater outlay is called for in this Min. $60 and up. direction.—"The British Export Steamers sail Pier 64 N.R.—Arrive at Pier 55 Brooklyn Gazette," Feb. 2nd. PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS (Foot Montague Street) Leave Arrive Leave Arrive 00 Steamer New York Bermuda Bermuda New York Leave Arrive and Sail Arrive Steamer New York Bermuda New York WILL THEY COME BACK? Monarch of Bda. Sat. Feb. 17 Mon. Feb. 19 Wed. Feb. 21 Fri. Feb. 23 Queen of Bda.... Wed. Feb. 21 Fri. Feb. 23 Sat. Feb. 24 Mon. Feb. 26 Western World.... (from S. Amer) Tue. Feb. .13 Thur. Feb. 15 Monarch of Bda. Sat. Feb. 24 Mon. Feb. 26 Tue. Feb. 27 Thu. Mar. 1 Wili_the Empire Players come to Western World Sat. Feb. 17 Mon. Feb. 19 (for S. Amer) Queen of Bda.... Wed. Feb. 28 Fri. Mar. 2 Sat. Mar. 3 Mon. Mar. 5 Bermuda again? " ? y jp «&£|%- Southern Cross.... (fromS. Amer) Tue. Feb. 27 Thur. Mar. 1 Monarch of Bda. Sat. Mar. 3 Mon. Mar. 5 Tue. Mar. 6 Thu. Mar. 8 Those Of us who love the theatre Southern Cross.... Sat. Mar. 3 Mon. Mar. 5 (for S. Amer) Queen of Bda.... Wed. Mar. 7 Fri. Mar. 9 Sat. Mar. 10 Mon. Mar. 12 and an its works, whether they be American Legion.. (from S. Amer) Tne. Mar. 13 Thur. Mar. IS Monarch of Bda. Sat. Mar. 10 Mon. Mar. 12 Tue. Mar. 13 Thu. Mar. 15 dramatic or purely entertaining, American Legion.. Sat. Mar. 17 Mon. Mar. 19 (for S. Amer) Queen of Bda.... Wed. Mar. 14 Fri. Mar. 16 Sat. Mar. 17 Mon. Mar. 19 are feverently of the hope that the Pan American Fri. Mar. 23 Sun. Mar. 25 Tue. Mar. 27 Monarch of Bda. Sat. Mar. 17 Men. Mar. 19 Tue. Mar. 20 Thu. Mar. 22 Empire Players will be able to see Western World.... (from S. Amer) Tue. Mar. 27 Thur. Mar. 29 Queen _f Bda.... Wed. Mar. 21 Fri. Mar. 23 Sat. Mar. 24 Mon. Mar. 26 their way to give Bermuda another Pan American Wed. Apl. 4 Fri. Apl. 6 Sun. Apl. 8 Monarch of Bda. Sat. Mar. 24 Mon. Mar. 26 Tue. Mar. 27 Thu. Mar. 29 chance of redeeming itself in their Queen of Bda Tue. Mar. 27Thu . Mar. 29Thu . Mar. 29 Sat. Mar. 31 eyes. Unless they have the most Fortnightly service thereafter. Monarch of Bda. Fri. Mar. 30 Sun. Apr. 1 Sun. Apr. 1 Tue. Apr. 3 I generous of minds they must be Queen of Bda... . Sat. Mar. 31>Mon. Apr. 2 Mon. Apr. 2 Wed. Apr. 4 Northbound Steamers call at Trinidad. thinking unpleasant things of our Monarch of Bda. Tue. Apr. 3JThu. Apr. 5 Fri. Apr. 6 Sun. Apr. 8 Subject to change without notice if circumstances require. appreciation of the theatre ,*| for although the Colonial Opera House For reservations apply: JOHN S. DARRELL & COMPANY, Agents. is but a small place it would have WATLINGTON St CONYERS, Agents held the audience at any of%the shows put on had it been half_the size. THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Why that should be so it is hard to understand. The selection of The largest and most luxurious steamers operating between plays offered "has been excellent, England and Bermuda for Bermuda audiences have not Copyright, 1934, by Fair child. The upper sketch illustrates From England SPUAFTS been asked on trust. They have To England how an interesting shoulder "Orbita" 15th Mar. been c'""^- old favourites and new "Orbita".... 21st Feb. drape may be effected with pel- "Reina del Paciflco".... 12th Apr. "Orduna" plays which have scored sensational vet or satin ribbon in contrast 4th Apr. meat Jib line on a frock. It is looped under the "Orduna". 10th May "Orbita" 16th May successes elsewhere, and yet the "Reina del Paciflco" 21st June attendances have been pitiable. It arms in loose sling style end is "Reina del Paciflco" 31st May tucked on the top of the shoulder. "Orbita" 19th July "Orduna" llth July will be still more pitiable if this The second sketch illustrates a DOG FOODS "Reina del Paciflco" 30th Aug. "Reina del Paciflco" 9th Aug laxness means that we shall not model which has little bows of "Orduna" 27th Sept. striped narrow ribbon are posed "Orbita" 19th Sent have tn opportunity of seeing these "Reina del Paciflco" 8th Nov. The only English Dog fine artists on their next tour, at abek of a frock which is prac- 'Reina del Paciflco' 18th Oct. for they have more than upheld the Calling at Nassau and Havana on Outward and Homeward Voyages Foods sold in Ber­ traditions of the Florence Glossop- Subject to change without notice. Harris Company which they suc­ Comfort and Beauty Special rates for children proceeding to and from school. muda. ceed. For fares and further information apply to: Service HARNETT fi RICHARDSON, Agents Apart from any other considera­ Feb. 7.21 Mar. 7.21. tion a visit by a company so well- For the Feet groomed in all their parts must be of inestimable value to local PODIATRY BUTTERFIELD & CO. amateurs in showing them the great The scientific strapping of Agents advantages of adequate rehearsal, aching ankles — arches — in­ and stage management, for several it- ^iWti 8118..w. to28.2.34 of the fast moving and hilarious steps — etc. comedies which were staged would CHIROPODY The new Parker Vacuum Filler Pen? have fallen completely flat if every player had not been on his or her PEDICURE toes for each cue. Qualified Expert in Attendance Holds 102% One cannot expect that amateurs Again on Sale should be able to acquire the ease STANLEY'S BEAUTY SBOP of the professional, but the example Bermudiana Building, more ink set them should show clearly how """""^ Utterly new in sfyle as well as principle ** Telephone 1403 it is possible to sink off-stage It's positively revolutionary—a mar­ personality into the part portrayed. velous new pen—the Parker Vacuum 8198tm.toS.3-34 tiller. No ink sac, no piston, no valves— There was a wide diversity in the holds 102% more ink without increase LIQUEUR CHOCOLATES types played by the various players, •n size. yet in every part they were natural. Come and see this new beauty—styled The Finest Obtainable POSTAGE STAMPS with a barrel of striped laminations as shimmering as velvet—yet non-breakable. And in addition to the benefit Reversible point of platinum and cold in boxes of 1 lb, % lb, and % lb their visit confers on amatuers For Collections writes two ways—extra fineon upper side, line, medium or broad on under side. uC who may seek to emulate their telyfeUnctivein style—Jet and Silver An Acceptable Qift good example, it provides what BERMUDA ?-""ir-"6* *"? Burgundy Pearl, and deeo appears to be a small minority Jet, Not meed higher than any other and pen, as you d expect, but less than many— with keen pleasure. Perhaps if the company is so kind as to give BRITISH WEST INDIAN GOSLING BROTHERS LTD. us another chance we may redeem Sole Agents ourselves by a more liberal and ERNEST J. BELL appreciative support. The Bermuda Press Ltd* 739iq.w.f.m.U. C/o The Bermuda Press Reid Street

______PBjfTPP~~«~~—= ^^S^_Sc__&_ir___S___3S_2

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THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAJIT, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1934 Page 5 Y FORJ5ALE YOUR GOOD HEALTH VALUABLE REAL ESTATE doming Out For Air Is Most Important to Human v Health tW^SP^ # - --'' ' li i in St. George's Parish Let s play tennis" By CLAUD NORTH CHRISMAN, M.D. CIENTISTS are telling us that MONG the very early experi­ By Public Auction S the reason we must make A ments seeking the character such effort to find the proper of oxygen, it was referred to as But are you prepared for this invita­ on the premises at 3 p.m. food to produce the kind of "empyreal air" which signified bodies we want Is because Nature Its fiery or combustive qualities. tion — this is one sport where it is meant us to It has very marked properties necessary to have appropriate togs: On Wednesdays the 28th be outdoor Car fusing or reducing various animals. We substances in their chemical ele­ day of February, 1934 have defeat­ ments. Pure air will maintain ed her pur­ its normal content of oxygen re­ Tennis Dresses—designed to pose by ham­ gardless of location or elevation. Under the power of sale contained pering our­ When we talk of impure or foul give comfort and the greatest amount in a mortgage selves witb air we are considering tack of much cloth­ ventilation or enclosed spaces of freedom for this active game. Pique ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel of ing and fur­ where other hurtful gases have ther deprived found entrance. tub silk, seersucker, linen and broad­ land situate and being in the Parish ourselves o f cloth. of St. George in the Islands of Ber­ life giving • • • muda bounded NORTHERLY by elements by PECULIAR modification ot From 20/- the Main Road leading from the living within A the oxygen constituent of walls and the air is called ozone and is Causeway to the Town of St. George submitting to recognized as particularly stimu­ and measuring along the said road smoke and lating to the mucous membranes. Tennis ShortS—in many ma­ one hundred and forty-one feet DR. CHRISMAN soot and Indeed it has half as much again or thereabouts commencing from other sunlight restricting ele­ of strength and density as ordi­ terials and styles. ments. This original plan of nary oxygen arid is proportion­ the Eastern boundary line of land Nature is supposed to explain ately more effective in oxidation. of John Henry Thomas Jackson the lack of certain vitamins in No one knows much about what deceased EASTERLY by land form­ many common food products be­ From 6\6 cause we were expected to ab­ or where or why ozone is but it erly of Sarah Catherine Simmons is nice to talk about when we sorb these same properties get out in the open and fill our deceased and now of her heirs o through the exposure of our lungs with an extra volume of devisees or their assigns and there bodies to light and air. pure air. measuring one hundred and eight 0*0 • • • feet and two inches or thereabout? ELL, this column isnt advo­ OTHING can quite take the SOUTHERLY by a road commonly W cating the nudist colonies, N piace of periodic exposure of British Sports Department called the Slip Road and there but certain it is, that we recog­ OUT bodies, our clothing, our H.A. & E. SMITH, Ltd. measuring fifty-two feet or there­ nize the curative and cleansing furniture to genuine baths of abouts and WESTERLY by land powers of normal, unpolluted outdoor air. Growing children Queen Street fresh air. The visitors to the especially need a health room formerly ot the said John Henry baby wards in any hospital are where exercise, play, and rest Thomas Jackson and now or lately sure to comment upon the way may be enjoyed with a minimum of Augustus Paschal and there the little creatures wriggle out of clothing. Some day we shall measuring one hundred and ninety- of their coverings and lie ex­ learn not to waste our housetop posed to the air from open win­ space where, in comfort and one feet or thereabouts OR HOW­ dows without taking cold The privacy, we might take our air EVER OTHERWISE the said lot or very essence of air is oxygen, to baths. The "rumpus rooms'* will 3 MONTHS ON BISCUITS parcel of land may be bounded myy whose powerful influence many move from the basement to the measure or ought to be described elements are susceptible. We de­ roof where a running track, AND MILK pend upon oxygen for oxidation handball courts, table tennis, A f)ro-p%-£ac-tic TOGETHER WITH the cottage and combustion of other ele­ and many other sports may be thereon erected and all appurten­ ments. healthily developed. Woman's Digestive Troubles ances thereunto belonging. TOOTH BRUSH Everyone who is subject to any Registered Mail and Parcel Post CONYERS, "DILL and PEARMAN, STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS form of indigestion should know of will outlast 3 Attorney for the .Vendor. at 4 p.m. this woman's experiences. Advice Auctioneers. Mails per S.s. Ooronado forTurks from one who has had such sever© Islands, and Jamaica, will close ordinary brushes. T.e.v. Monarch of Bermuda (Fur­ attacks Is advice worth having. She 8221twU.w21.w21. at the General Post Office on Fri­ writes:— ness-Bermuda Line) is due to sail day the 23rd:— on return trip to New York at 3 p.m. "I suffered from indigestion, Ordinary Mail at 4.30 p.m. gastritis and constipation, and was today. Agents, Watlington & Registered Mail and Parcel Post Oonyers. so very ill. I had (on medical ad­ SAVE at 4 p.m. vice) to live on soda biscuits and * * * milk for three months. Well, a MONEY Mails per S.s. Lady Nelson for friend advised me to take Krus­ S.S. Orbita (P.S.N.C.) is due to the Maritime Provinces, and New­ chen, and now I am pleased to say BRITISH CAMADIU) arrive from Nassau today, sailing foundland, will close at the General my troubles aro ended. I can eat a f)ro-pft^-Ccie4ic CHOICE QUALITY the same day for Liverpool via Post Office on Saturday the 24th :— and enjoy a good meal without any Spanish and French Forts. Agents, Ordinary Mail at 11.30 a.m. painful after-effects, my skin is Harnett & Richardson. Registered Mail at 11 a.m. dearer—in fact, quite olear—and Parcel Post for the Dominion of there is no sign of constipation. I LOOK WHA f I'VE COT l With every tube of Listerine S.s. Lady Drake (C.N.S.) is due Canada at 11 a.m. would aavise anyone suffering the Tooth Paste or with each Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brush MOWPEAC0, to arrive from Halifax via Boston • • * same to take Kruschen."—(Mrs.) you buy, your dealer will give yen free while they last, tomorrow, sailing the following Mails per Q.t.e.v. Queen of Ber­ M. R. L. acoloured Mickey Mouse or Minm Mouse Party Mask. day for the West Indies. Agents, muda for Great Britain, the Do­ The immediate effect of the six Get one f >r the kiddies today. Fun for adults, too! Quality Unexcelled - J. S. Darrell & Co. minion of Canada, and the United salts in Kruschen is to promote a • • * States of America, will close at natural flow of the digestive and the General Post Office on Satur­ other vital juices of the body. Soon Delicious Flavour T.e.v. Queen of Bermuda (Fur­ day the 24th:— after you start on Krujchen you wiU ness-Bermuda Line) is due to ar­ Ordinary Mail at 12 noon. And that you are able to enjoy We are now selling rive from New York on Friday, sail­ Supplementary Mail: (Double your food without any distressing J. T*,_B|t ing the following day on returntrip Postage) from 12 noon to 1 p.m. after-effects. And as you persevere «ELF-OIU/_St^s MYERS FAMOUS at 3 p.m. Registered Mail at 11.30 a.m. with the "little daily dose," you "-RESIDENCE/^ S.s. Duchess of Bedford (Canadian Parcel Post for Great Britain, and will see that the relief which Krus­ j__TlER SYSTEM; Pacific) is due to arrive from New the United States at 11.30 a.m. chen brings is lasting relief. swap WATEg LtNE WATER SYSTEMS York on Friday, sailing the follow­ ing day for San Juan, Porto Rico. at a price lower than Agents, Harnett & Richardson. Malls Despatched ever before * * * THE EMPIRE PLAYERS S.s. Author (Harrison's Line) Mails leaving Bermuda tomor­ Complete outfit with row should connect with S.s. The Errpire Players will conclude is due to arrive from Liverpool with 4 gallon tank cargo on Friday, sailing same day "Majestic" sailing from New York their visit to Bermuda today with for Nassau. Agents, Harnet. & for Southampton on the 23rd. two performances. In the after­ Noit; only Be sure you specify Richardson. noon they.will repeat "While Pa­ BRITISH-CANADIAN * * • rents Sleep" which met with such £19. 19. © S.s. Lady Nelson (C.N.S.) is due success on its first showing. To meet the wishes of many patrons BRAND to arrive from the West Indies DEPaARTMENT OF n Saturday, Feb. 24th, sailing it is as well to note that this Ma­ FRITHS HARDWARE he same day for Halifax viaBoston. AGRICULTURE tinee will commence at 3.30 p.m. Agents, J-S. Darrell & Oo. For their final play The Empire JACK ARNOLD S.s. Lady F.odney .N.S.)(C isdue SAINT JOHNS MARKET Players have selected "On the STORE to arrive fiom Halifax via Boston Spot" by Edgar Wallace. It is uni­ is the Agent on Sunday, Feb. 25th, sai ing the The Department has betn in­ versally known that Edgar Wallace 833 lCCy*. following day for Nassau. 1 Agents formed by cable that the following died penniless-—but he has left a J. S. Darrell & Oo. quantities of vegetables are wanted large legacy of thrilling detective • * • in Saint Johns, N.B., by O.N.S. tales which millions of people will S.s. Lochkatrine (R.M.L.Ltd.) is Lady Nelson which leaves Bermuda continue to read and enjoy. "On due to arrive from London, with on 24th inst.: the Spot" is a hundred per cent cargo,on Sunday, Feb. 25th, sailing Crates thriller and deal3 with the love the following day for Jamaica. Beets 20 story of a Chicago gangster. It is HAVING TROUBLE WITH understood that Wallace had Al Agents, Harnett & Richardson. Cabbage 70 MILK? READ THIS! • * • Carrots 200 Capone as his copy, when he wrote "On the Spot." S.s. Lady Somers (O.N.S.) is Sponach 50 due to arrive from Nassau on Mon­ No parsley should be shipped by 00—— RY Klim Powdered Whole Milk day Feb. 26th, sailing the following this boat, but by C.N.S. Lady Som­ —pure, fresh milk with the day for Halifax via Boston. ers, which leaves at daybreak on PRINCESS HOTEL SUNDAY Twater removed. Klim keeps— * » • Tuesday, 27th inst. without refrigeration~-in S.s. Monarch of Bermuda (Fur­ Surplus vegetables which were EVENING CONCERT any climate. ness-Bermuda Line) is due to ar­ shipped to Saint John by Lady Add water to Klim to get rive from New York on Monday Drake (10th February) were for­ All available space was occupied delicious, fully nourishing liquid Feb. 26th, sailing the following warded to Montreal. at the Princess Hotel on Sunday for all uses. Excellent, doctors for infant feeding. If your grocer Their Magic Sound day at 3 p.m. for New York. Agents, 00 evening to accomodate the many Watlington & Oonyers. guests and Bermudians who came not carry Klim, send us his nam< makes kiddies address. (Name and address of Be • * * to enjoy a particularly brilliant Sales Agency.) S.s. Ooronado (Elders & Fyffes THE REGIMENTaAL BAND concert offered by the Ben. Cutler HUNGRY Line) is due to arrive on Saturday, CONCERT Orchestra. The programme was Do you like to see children eat? Feb. 24th, from England, sailing well balanced, and Mr. Cutler in Then give them a bowl of the same day fro Jamaica. Agents, Par-Ia-V.Hel0tol2 beautiful voice. His numbers were HAND-ARNOLD, LTD. Agents Kellogg's Rice Krispies with Watlington & Conyers. so roundly applauded that he gave 00— three encores. Mr. Jules Brand, cold milk of cream. Watch the By the kind permission of Lieut- the First violin played a brilliant little spoons get busy when MAIL NOTICES OolonelB. G. Atkin, D.S.O., O.B.E.. Spanish Solo with all the colour and PAPER NAPKINS these crisp bubbles of rice begin M. O., and Officers, of the Regiment, abandon of that music. His tone to snap, crackle and pop! Mails per Q.t.e.v. Monarch of the band of the 1st Bn. The Man­ is rich and true. He, too, was Bermuda for Great Britain, the chester Regiment will give the fol­ compelled to respond with an Kellogg's Rice Krispies are lowing programme in Par-la-Ville w- GREEN and YELLOW •>•? one of the best cereals for chil­ Dominion of Canada, and the encore. Mr. Hayes Hamilton showed United States of America, will Gardens from 10 to 12 p.m. today. some splendid movies on Bermuda, dren. Nourishing rice. Easy to 80 in package close at the General Post Office Marching Medley, Songs of Wales and also a reel of pictures taken digest. Good for any meal. • a today. Somers in Morocco, by Mrs. Bradley Bryan, especially for the kiddies' sup­ Ordinary Mail at 12 noon. Selected numbers from that were enjoyed by many of the WHITE per. No cooking needed. All Supplementary Mail: (DoubJLe "The Geisha" Jones guests who have journeyed through grocers sell Rice Krispies. Postage) from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Valsette, "Shy Glances" Godin the Near East. 100 in package Registered Mail at 11.30 a.m. Petit Suite de Concert oo Parcel Post for Great Britain, Coleridge Taylor Rope and the United States at 11.30 a.m Tubular Bell Solo, Selected "Hope," remarked the speaker, * * • (Soloist: Bandsman L. Kemp) "is a truly wonderful thing." *L_- - ill Miiils'per S.s. Lady Drake for the The Wedding of the Rose....Jessel! "That'sso," remarked his friend. RICE West Indies, and British Guiana, Tunes from the play "X*~e known one little nibble to THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. will close at the. General Post Office "Words and Music" Noel Coward keep a man fishing for a whole . Reid Street --.,. • KRISPIES Grand Overture, 1812 •I tomorrow,. {•*• day." JESSE atmrir-—ressa __± Ordinary Mail st 4.30 p.m. Tsckaikowsky Page 6 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1934


BY JOSEPHINE NEWTON 0 tat, ay Unit™ Feature syMlnte, Tae Betty, at a college house party,. He started to speak, and she meets Steve, an attractive young tightened her hold on his arm. professor, who is very attentive "I was upset just now. I—I to her. When she hears that he didn't know what I was saying. is engaged to Alice, a sophisti­ And—and—" Somehow it was cated girl who has snubbed very difficult to lie. 'with mm Betty, she is dismayed,' realiz­ looking at her so intently. She ing that she has fallen in love could feel his eyes upon. ner. with him. That evening, at a though she couldn't read their dance, her friend Eleanor tells expression in the darkness. "And her that Alice has been spread- on the dance floor—well, Jack GAME AND SET.... ins tales round the campus to was there. And he had given me the effect that Betty has been a terrible scolding about falling in chasing after Steve. She con­ love with a member of the fac­ cludes that Steve has been gos­ ulty .. ." Selected Gut.. responsive rubber .. a well siping about her to Alice and is "Palling In love with . . ." deeply hurt. Later in the even­ timed drive..the all important point is won! ing, Steve tries to help her out "Yes,** she continued hastily. when her escort, Jack, gets "Jack's very jealous. And—and. drunk bat she sends him away, he didn't wanf^me to dance with We refer to our new line of tennis gear.. telling him bitterly that she you." hates him. "He thought . . .?" said Steve gear that will make tennis less expensive .. incredulously. "Yes.** CHPTER XXXI "But vou're in love with Jack, PRACTICE RACQUETS 25/- DETTY watched Steve walk aren't you, Betty?" *^ away, {saw him leave the "No; Tm not in love with him." MATCH RACQUETS 45/- She spok in a low voice and conservatory. And her heart dropped ber head. JUNIOR RACQUETS 18/6 ached. She wanted to call "Betty!" Then, after a moment him back, to explain to him, of silence. "But you told me you to beg him to forgive her. were, Betty." And the new ball, made in strict accordance "Why!" She looked up in as­ She hadn't meant what she tonishment. "Why, I never said with E. L. T. A. requirements ... said. She didn't hate him. that!" She couldn't hate him, much "In the car, coming home from as she wanted to. the Sweetheart Inn last night. M. C. C. BALLS .... In airtight tins .. Don't you remember? I asked He had stood there looking down you. And you said yes." 6/' for four balls .. * at ber, without a word. He had "Oh, no! You must have mis­ come to help her, and she had understood me. I'm not in love sent him away. She had hurt with him at all." him. Oh, why did things always work out so terribly wrong! HAT was the truth, anyway Then she heard footsteps. He T She certainly didn't love Jack THE HOME STORE was coming back! She knew it Steve was the only person Reid Street was he, though she could see only But she must not weaken. She a dim figure approaching in the must pull herself together. She For new value in Sports gear.... darkness. He was coming back to was there to make him suffer— her! to hurt him, hurt his pride as he had hurt hers. The fact that she BREATHLESS second, and he loved him should make her all the A was there again, looking more vindictive. At least, tbat was down at ber. She sat very still. what she had always read in She didn't know what to say. books. And yet, it was terribly "Betty, why are you so angry hard. . . . \ at me? What have I done?" V "Why . . .** She faltered. "Why, "You dont love him." Steve'3 I'm not angry. I—I didn't mean voice lingered over the words as if what I said . . ." he found them hard to believe. "You meant it when you said it, "But that is why I came to find Betty." His voice Was-very gentle. you," he continued eagerly. "I "Tell me why." thought that you were very much She in love with him, and that you "Oh, please don't ask me. I .-V5-- .yi 'i«iALSt. would be worried about him. I can't tell you." Now that he was i there beside her again, all her didn't want you to think that he from a Lady S^ii^-^4_____^^^^_^_s^i»_^ suspicion seemed suddenly ridicu­ would be expelled." lous. She couldn't face him with "He won't be expelled?" smoker of •Etujltaij Sparta Blpp it. "No. A man has to have three He sat down beside her, his arm warnings befors he can be ex­ CRAVEN W on the back of the little wrought- pelled for drinking. But you don't features iron bench. iove bim . . ." (The original Inter can be verified.) "It isn't cricket not to tell, "No." '. . . for the last twelve years Betty." he said. Then, as she still He was silent. Betty drew a I have smoked nothing hut kept silent, "You snubbed me on deep breath. Now was the time. TENNIS SOCKS the dance floor, too—remember?" She leaned slowly nearer and CRAVEN "A" Cigarettes and Yes, she remembsred. And re­ nearer to him. have never suffered from the membered, too, why she had Then she kissed him—full on slightest throat affection of any snubbed him. Remembered what the lips. sort. 1 smoke an average of For Women Eleanor had told her in the dress­ "Betty!" ing room. Could it be . . .? She And before she could move fifteen cigarettes a day." caught her breath as a thought away, he had swept her into his struck Could it be that he arms, fiercely. He had kissed ner 4/- had come to her just to acquire again and again—on ber lips, ber CRAVEN "PLAJN1 more material for Alice to gossip eyes, ber forehead. She steeled about? More juicy details for her herself. Now she had him where Craven Plain Cigarettes arc to broadcast over the campus? she wanted him. He .had done for smokers who want Craven Made of a strong but sturdy For a moment she was aghast. just what she had expected him •*A" value and character, but Well, if that was what he wanted, to. It was easy enough to get a who prefer a "plain" cigarette fingering yarn as only the Scotch she'd give him some more mate­ man to kiss you, she had learned. to a cork-tipped one. can knit, and to our special order— rial. But not the kind he expect­ Now was the time for her to get ed. Eleanor had said that if she her revenge. He thought she was White and sweater matching kept watch sbe would find some madly in love witb bim. This was 1 way to get even with him. ?ate the moment for her to humiliate colours— had thrown he chance into her him as he had humiliated ber— lap. And she was going to take it. to laugh at him, mock him, burt €SA¥£N A daihj for him. Here was her chance for QKE leaned toward him, and put triumph. And yet it was bitter— tlit last l_t ije * •J her hand on his arm. She so bitter. could feel it grow tense under her She started to speak, but before touch, and knew that she had she could, he had kissed ber the slightest t t imtation chosen the right way. again, then whispered into ber CRAVEN "A" are theprideof theW orld's most Hygienic Manufactory "•Steve!" she whispered appeal- ear, "I love you, Betty!" of Cigarettes where leaf selection, c feunsing, blending, manufacturing inaly, "I'm not angry with you. and conditioning are scientifically co-ordinated. CRAVEN "A" are n:aUy. I'm not." (To be continued) Sealed Fresh and Sold Fresh, / \ Antarctic Visitors in New York

Its "CELtOFHANE" Wrapped lO's Packets| SO's Flat Tins; Also in she ?ateat THU-VAC Tins o! 5© THE TUDOR Mad: m Lonitm, England by Carreras L:d. 145 years' reputation for Quality. HAIRDRESSERS OF DISTINCTION made specially to prevent sore throats



LIGHT WEIGHT GARDEN WHEEL BARRON With removable sides The Best Barrow for Garden Work ade without

MASTERS HARDWARE CO. i[; ln Vome • __a_ 45^? y Phifer, explorer and wild-animal trainer, boiling water! Phone 1192 for good garden tools at fair prices Ef __Eikiapd Moe, his two pet penguins from the Antarctica at the hotel where they stopped on a visit to New York. Thfl 8328«Hw.citp. penguins travel everywhere with their master, Uvlni te bath* tubs* I

Reductions in the following Lines Enable you to purchase for the comfort of your children



MRS. ROOSEVELT STARTS NEW 8.15—BUly Batchelor—sketch SERIES 0F FOLK MUSIC 8.3C—Molle Show— Shirley Howard and the Three Jesters Mrs. Franklyn D. Roosevelt has 8.45—The Goldbergs—sketch accepted an invitation to appear on 9.0C —Jack Pearl, the Baron Mun­ the inaugural programme oi a new chausen; Van Steeden's Or­ musical series directed by John chestra Powell, noted Virginia composer 9.3C -Wayne King's Orch. ^MjzMm and pianist, to be broadcast this 10.00- -Troubadours Orch.; Donald evening, from 5.45 to 6.15, Bermuda Novis, tenor Time., over an NBO-WEAF network 10.30- Fred Allen's Revue; Grofe rn from New York and Washington. Oroh. The President's wife will speak 11.00—Corn Cob Pipe Olub direct from the White House at 11.30—Peace-Time Spices—sketch LUNCHEON TEA the beginning of the half-hour sym­ 12.00—To be announced 18 holes 620 yards phonic programme of art music C^ r>A •_- ° Dinner Dancing in Grill based on the folk tunes of the WLW, Cincinnati 700 kc. South. Powell will explain the pur­ 6.00—Ooncert Favourites \^ J^ J j L W minutes from Hamilton Washington Birthday Party Thursday Night pose of the recitals to be heard in 6.30-7.00—Same as WJZ by Ferry subsequent works over National 7.00—Jack Armstrong—sketch Broadcasting Company networks. 7-15—Joe Emerson—songs FULLY EQUIPPED GOLF SHOP Qala Night Friday In tbe opening broadcast from 7.30—-Bob Newhall—sports talk and New York, Powell will discuss 7.45-8.15— Same as WJZ CLUB HOUSE Special Symphony Concerts Sunday briefly how he plans to bring "old 8.15—Detectives Black and Blue- timers" from the country districts sketch GOLF — TRAP SHOOTING — SWIMMING POOL to NBC microphones. The pro­ 8.30 —Rhapsody—concert orch. GOLFER'S GRILL grammes wul come from Rich­ 8.45--Red Davis—sketch *-**fy%z. Nicol Thompson &. Harold Wells DEEP SEA FISHING mond, Nashville and other South­ 9.00--9.45— Same as WJZ ern centres where America's folk 9.45- —Trial by Jury -i|- Professionals music has remained practically 10.00--11.30—Same as WEAF unchanged since its importation 11.30 —Zero Hour—orch. and vocal THEODORE TLTZE '• llll --a—1U from England, generations ago. 12.00-—Noble Sissle Dance Orch. ______*•» 1 Managing Director In the first broadcast, from the NBO studios in Radio City, a large WJZ, New York 760 kc. concert orchestra will play selec­ ^-a»«,p___s^ 5.00-—Betty and Bob—sketch ^^^^^T^^^_^^P tions from the works of modern '5.15-—Alice Joy, songs ssf<_^ American composers to illustrate 5.30 —The Critic and the Play­ .< their use of the ancient folk songs wright as thematic material. 5.45--Gallichio Orch- PRINCESS HOTEL | * * * 6.00-—Morin Sisters, songs "PAGLIAOCI" PROLOGUE TO BE 6.15--Jackie Heller, songs - - A Design for Qood Living - * M SUNG BY THIBAULT 6.30--The Singing Lady Cardiff Point Bath Club and Princess Pool *j§!i 6.45- —Little Orphan Annie Conrad Thibault, young Ameri­ 7.00--Westminster Choir —a convenient and healthful morning ^ can baritone, will feature an opera­ 7.30--Irene Beasley, songs objective. . || tic aria for the first time on his 7.45- -News—Lowell Thomas Silver Qrill current series of broadcasts as as­ 8.00—-Amo s 'n' Andy Lunch—a delightful yet inexpensive BUFFET || sisting artist to Albert Spalding, 8.15——Joh n Herrick, songs LUNCH is served every day in the harbour jv| tonight from 9.30 to 10.00, over an 8.30—-T o be announced of the WABO-Oolumbia network. He will view enclosure of the Princess GrilL »||; 8.45—-Hollywood—Iren e Rich sing the stirring Prologue to Leon­ 9.00—-Lad y with Coffin—sketch HOTEL BERMUDIANA Bridge Tea—a suggestion to the discriminating ^ cavallo's "Pagliacci," masterpiece 9.30—-Dangerou s Paradise—sketch of lyric baritone selections in which 9.45—-Re d Davis—sketch Hostess—Acquaint yourself with the helpful ffe the clown Tonio appears before the 10.00—-Warde n Lewis E. Lawes— The Centre of Night Life in Bermuda curtain to introduce the opera. facilities of the Princess and insure the success if sketch Spalding will play two move­ 10.30— John McCormack, tenor; Presenting AL DONAHUE or your next party. gS ments from Mozart's Violin Con­ Daly Orch. certo in D. the melodious Andante [(§)* Marine Grill with Ben Cutler and his ffl 11.00— Lopez Orch.; Jesters Trio; Cantabile and the sparkling Rondo. and his Orchestra Adele Starr, songs; Tony £«9 Orchestra—a charming invitation—"We are y5 His other offering will be Kreisler's Cabooch, comedian H dancing tonight in the Princess Grill—Come (^ arrangement of the difficult Beeth­ No Cover Charge Tourist Adventures oven "Rondino." The orchestral 11.30 3> join us!" CI Pickens Sisters, songs feature by Don Voorhees will be 12.00 Special Dinner is served in the Grill the tuneful "Spanish Serenade" of WABC, New York 860 kc. Victor Herbert, one of a suite of from 7 to 830 5.00—Concert Orch. serenades written by the gifted Dinner $2.00 per person composer in typical national styles. 5.30—How We Remember—Dr. S. A concert melody to be sung by W. Fernberger Thibault will be Rodney's "Clang 5.45—Marrymakers Orch. 8184rm.eitp IMPERIAL HOTEL 6.00—Skippy—sketch of the Forge." 6.15—Jack Brooks, songs * * * Corner Burnaby and Church Sts., Hamilton 6.30—Jack Armstrong—sketch DONALD NOVIS IPANA GUEST 6.45—Tito Guizar, songs EXCLUSIVE but not EXPENSIVE TONIGHT 7.00—Buck Rogers—sketch 7.15—Bobby Benson—sketch RATES:—America* Plan $5.00, or £1.0.0. per day F-flsh from motion picture tri­ 7.30—Music Box European Plan $2.50 or 10/- per day. umphs, Donald Novis, popular 7.45—Ye Happy Minstrel and Tiny The New Tropical Grill young tenor, will come to the Breakfast Lunch Dinner microphone as the guest of the Band and 25c, 50C, 75C $1.00 $1.25 Ipana Troubadours at their broad­ 8.00—Myrt and Marge—sketch cast over an NBC-WEAF network 8.15—Just Plain Bill—sketch CLARENCE H. MASTERS, Manager. Palm Gardens ton.ght at 10.00, Bermuda Time. 8.30—Armbruster Orch.; Jimmy Novis, who has just completed Kempers, songs of the two pictures for Mack Sennett, 8.45—Boake Carter—news entitled "The Singing Plumber" 9.00—Happy Wonder Bakers and "The Singing Boxer," will have 9.15—Edwin C. Hill, news New Windsor Hotel several solos for the radio audience, 9.30—Albert Spalding, violinist; retains the reputation of being the most popular and will be assisted by the Trou­ Conrad Thibault, baritone; badours orchestra, vnder the direc­ Voorhees Orch. meeting place for Cocktails, Luncheons and Dinners tion of Lennie Haytcn. 10.00—Philadelphia Orch. WOMEN'S K * * * 10.15—Alexander Woollcott—The SPECIAL DINNER DANCES TONIGHT'S PROGRAMME- . Town Crier 10.38—Lombardo Orch.; Burns and 6.30 to 8.30 each evening Price $1.50 per person Allen, comedians Bermuda Time> : DOESKIN GLOVES 11.00—Fiorito Oreh.; Dick Powell, 8300 m.ei. no31.7.34 GSB, 31.5 m.; GSA, 49.6 m. songs Daventiy* England 11.30—Columbia News Service 5.0C- Time Signal from Green­ 11.45—Kostelanetz Orch.; Evelyn White hand-stitched Black wich. A String Orchestral McGregor, contralto; Evan Concert: The Strings of the Evans, baritone; mixed I Western Studio Orchestra chorus (augmented); Eda Kersey (violin), relayed from the KDKA, Pittsburgh 980 kc. National Museum of Wales 6.00—Babe Ruth's Boys Club Smartly Correct 12/6 6.15—News Bulletin 6.15™ KDKA Kiddies Club 6.30-6.45—Dance m j.sie by Roy 6.30-7.00—Same as WJZ Fox and his Baud, relayed ?.e:-Pat Haley from the Bat-Oat B,9Sta_t- 7.15—Sports Sports Clothes British skins, swagger gauntlet cuff, ant, London 7.3C - Salon Orchestra for Gentlemen french finished, hand - stitched with 7.45-11.00—Same as WJZ GSC, 31.3 m.; GSA, 49.6 m. ll.CO-Plough's Musical Cruiser a gather at the wrist. Of course 7.00-Time Signal from Big Ben. 11.30—Honey Boy and Sassafras they wash perfecdy. An organ recital by Maurice 11.45— Around the Cracker Barrell Our sportswear and accessories Tjjnden; Irene Holt (soprano) 12.00—Sports are characterized by their in­ from the Concert Hall( Broadcasting House, Lon­ WTIC, Hartford 1060 kc. dividuality, their quality of ma­ don. 5.45—Same as WEAF terials and their fine workman­ 7.45— Whither Britain, a. talk. 6.15—Studio Programme 8.15—Troise and his Mandoliers; 6.30-7.00—Same as WEAF ship. TRIMINGHAM BROTHERS Phyllis Evans (soprano) 7.00—Wrightville Clarion Of particular interest for 8.45-9.00—New Bulletin 7.30—The Modernaires trio 7.45 -Your Folks and Mine Tennis Week are: WEAF, New York 660 kc. 8.00 - Merry Madcaps Harris Tweed Sport Jackets 5.00—Pop Concert 8.30—Same as WEAF English Doeskin Trousers 5.30—Jack and Loretta Clemens, 8.45—News and Views—Mrs. Lewis songs Rose Indian Cashmere Pullovers and 5.45—Folk Music" of the South, 9.00-10.30—Same as WEAF Cardigans. John Powell, director*, Sym­ 10.30—The Travellers Hour phony Orch.; Mrs". $• t>- 11.00-12.00—Same as WEAF WRITING PAPER Roosevelt, speaker —oa-— 6.15—Zollo Orch. 6.30—Adventures of Tom Mix— Coppers 24 sheets Paper and Envelopes sketch Having need of some small change H. A. & E. SMITH, LTD 6.45—Wizard of 02 the mistress of the house stepped to 1/6 box 7.00—Programme summary the top of the back stairs, "Bessie," The Queen Street Store 7.03—Xavier OUgat's Orch. she called to the maid below, "have you any coppers down there?" ( 7.30—News from Washington— Geo. R. Holmes Yes'm—two," faltered Bessie, The Bermuda Press, Ltd 7.45—Henry Burbig, comedian; "but they're both my cousins, .th. Rhythm Boys, songs please, m'm."—Nantucket In­ Reid Street $.00—Martha Hears, songs quirer and Minor. Page 8 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 193?

PRINCESS HOTEL NOTES Bridgewater, Mass. make a charm­ ing ^foursome. Mr. H. V. Farns- INVERURIE HOTEL NOTES worth, with Miss Jean Farnsworth, Mr. and. Mrs. Frederick R. Dray­ and Miss M. Elizabeth Neiley, come Mr. W. S. Halliwell, President of NEW RECORDS ton, of Willa Nove, Penna., and Mr. from Winchester, Mass., and the the Colonial Travel Service Inc., and Mrs. N. Chace Tatnall, of latter from Bronxville, N.Y. Still of Boston, Mass., again brought Whitemarsh, Penna., arrived on another family party is made up of, down a delightful group of people Just in Monday, to join their friends Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lindsay, to make holiday at Inverurie. In and Mrs. John Stewart, of Radnor, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, and Burell Lind­ the party are, Miss Helen V. Crowley Penna., who are occupying one of say, the former from Bronxville, Miss Elizabeth A. Donahue, both the Princess cottages. the latter from Chicago, HI. Still .of Boston, Miss Lucille Ambler, of One Morning in May Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Arthur K. another party is, Mrs. Raymond Natick, Mass., Miss Jeanette Look, Evans, of Toronto, ; and O. Fuller, Lane and Norman Fuller, and Miss Mildred Frank, of Hope- Annie Doesn't Live Here Mr. O. P. Whitehead, of Havana, Mrs. David S. Fitz and the Misses dale, Mass., Mrs. M. S. Cosgrove, Anymore Cuba, are paying the Princess an Virginia Fitz and Eleanor Fitz. Miss M. Cosgrove, and Miss M. indefinite visit. oo Casey, all of Boston. Carioca Mrs. A. O. Kent, and Miss Mar­ Mr. T. Stevens, of New York Oity, garet Kent, of Exeter, New Hamp­ BELMONT MANOR NOTES and an old friend of Inverurie, is Puddin' Head Jones shire will be at the Princess for down on his seasonal "Bermuda the next month or longer. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Donaldson, of holiday. Without That Certain Mr. Robert E. Martie, of Yonkers, Westmount, Quebec, are on holiday Mr. and Mrs. W. Schaefer, of Thing N.Y., is paying his annual visit to at Belmont Manor. Mr. Donald- Utica, New York, arrived Monday this hotel. sonis General Manager of the to spend a few days at Inverurie. The Buggy Song Mr. and Mrs. William McLean, Montreal Trust Company of that Mr. Schaefer Is Editor of the Jr., of Philadelphia, Penna., who city, and belongs to the St. James, Cornell University paper. Nagasaki arrived on Monday have taken an Montreal Engineers, Mt. Bruno Arrivals on Monday from New apartment in one of the Princess Golf Islesmere and Rosemere Glubs. England centers included? Dr. and Home on the Range cottages for the next ten days. The Mrs. W. Harold Mara-, with her Mrs. A. H. Smith, of New Haven, Alice in Wonderland McLeans are friends of Mr. and Mrs. two charming daughters, the Conn., Miss Alice M. Lynch and John Stewart, of Radnor, and their Misses Madeline and Lorn a Mara, Miss Mary O. McCloskey, of Fall Star Dust—By Wane King arrival augments the Pennslyyan- with Misses Frances Logan, and River, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. J. F. vian party at the Princess. Dorothy MacNamara, all of Toron­ McGrath, of Brookline, Mass., Mr. Silencio—B? Xavier Cggat Mr. F. J. Pelren, of Concord, to,' joined the Belmont and Can­ Andrew Smith, and Mr. Matthrw —- adian Colony on Monday for a Ber­ N.H. who spends part of each season Smith, also come from Brookline. eueev MOTHER SHOWS KNOW J On a Steamer (Zbming muda holiday. Mr. Mara recently Doctors Advise This Natural at this hotel, is again here. With Mr. Frederick L. Mahoney, comes > ABOUT CASTORIAIA ! THE WAfV n* Z Over him is, Mr. E. L. Carter, of Spring­ returned after a visit to Belmont from Boston, the Messrs Frank B. Way to Make Child Hungry BENEFITS CHILDREtmN IS A MIBAO&O field, Mass. Manor. Mr. Mara is senior member and John A. Hubbard, are from . ..Restore Buoyant Health I SEE HOW HEALTHY AND STUR0V Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Phillips, of of the firm of Mara and McCarthy, Newbury, Mass. Other arrivals by Stamford, Oonn., old friends of Stock Brokers in Toronto. He is a last steamer were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Almost all child ailments that cause this house for many seasons, are member of the Toronto Stock Hoerr and Mr. Charles J. Fue, of mothers so much worry are due to ASTWOOD'S again enjoying Princess hospitality. Exchange, and was its President Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. just one thing—authorities call it the in 1930. He also has Membership Thomas S. Loughlin, of West intestinal absorption of poisons. This 8303


dRONCHO BILL i__r*^H_i?AA^lTILE RjpsvTC-R- UP >N -me OF ITS BOS© BETOfte. ,kLTER\N<_ Sg_ffi Bermuda / OFTWOto, ft CQ^aT H^HAl THATf K«_'U. VIBMBB **N_. ua Ot* HERS S. P. C. A. Getting Warm HtNRr COOLIDGE ADAMS



Crossword Puzzle NEW STOCKS PATTERNS By LARS MORRIS, ACROSS YESTERDAY'S 2—Parent ANSWER 3—Organ of vision 1—Agreeable (poetic) 4—Blanket slipper 6—Journal 6—Saxon king In Dinnerware Just Arrived 11—Whipped 6—Carrying rifle tilted 12—Prayer to tea 14—Chinese mile • ^—Metric measure 15—Enthusiastic 8—Prevent from movlni if I I 17—Musical sign 9—Greek fable writer 18—Slender flsh 10—Plebeian condition 20—Divisions 11—Navy Ugly dog 13—Abyssinian ruler Pleasure - - - rHeroine ia "Idyls ol IS—Periods of time the King" It—Deceitful ones 25—Precipitations 21—Move stealthily 27—Ruthenium 24—Members of famous 28—Russian emperors theatrical family 30—Makes explosive 28—Leaf calyx sound 29—Drips through slowll 32—Famous Speaker ol 31—Ciphers Words cannot adequately describe the Rouse 33—Setter 34—Look on foolishly 35—Representative 35—Responds 36—Characteristics the pleasure of cooking with an Elee- 38— Unit of gem weight 37—Earth 41—Southern state lab.i 39—Scents 42—Bobbin 55—Theatrical company 40—Slightly warm trie Stove. Real cooking is a creative 44—information 57—Arabian Nights 43—Of smallest amiunt 46—Greek letter sailor 46—Microscopic portion 47—Secret agents 59—Glowing coal 48—Agitation art, and in the opinion of most of 49—Soak up 60—Large plants 51—Prefix: under 50—Madmen ICOI.I 53—Indefinite pronoun 52—Oreek philosopher DOWN 66—Hebrew letter us, a very important one. 54—Note or scale 1—Foreigners 58—Exist

1 2. 3 N 4 8 _> -LO 5 L In the past the practice of cooking 11 _. 1=5 has been laborious and grimy, now aw 15 a_>1 17 Beautiful Dinnerware, Tea Services and Odd % % your servant, Electricity, has banished Pieces in 18 19 20 91 252 % % all this from the kitchen. You may 23 •2H //A 95 96 9"7 WOOD & SONS Attractive and famous designs. 77, have flowers and delicate curtains, The right kind of China for a cottage or rented 526 29 _JO S@lI white ceilings and comfort, health house. % S2 *>3 5M and a cleanliness that is easy to maintain in the most important If you are contemplating renewing your China, pay _e so 31P. oQ rss> MO us a visit and let us show you our varied stocks. % part of your home. HI M<2 MS MM % ^ Prices Lower Than Before M5 n 5"7 58 ELECTRIC COOKING 52>

ARANGES n j WADAY By JACQUELINE HUNT surance against offending others. f* ETTING a job is only the first Nothing is more unpleasant to *^S step toward your success or look at than dresses stained or failure in the business world. faded by perspiration. Use an You must have a certain amount antiperspirant carefully accord­ of ability in the line of work in ing to directions and if your skin which you shows any irritation be extra are engaged, careful in treating it. As an but what is added precaution against offen­ more import- sive odors, be sure to air your ant — you clothes thoroughly at night and must possess rose fresh undies every day. an agreeable And to be on the safe side al­ p e r s onality ways use an antiseptic mouth­ that makes wash. Unpleasant breath may be you get along caused by nervousness, by in­ well with the digestion or teeth that need at­ rest of the tention, so be careful about office for c e. offending others. You must Now, having taken all these also be able precautions to insure your dain­ to subordin­ tiness, let's see about your looks. MISS HUNT ate your own Hair is important. Fortunately personal these days the efficient secretary problems and wishes where busi­ needn't plaster her hair down in Jimmie Jingle Says: ness is concerned. an unbecoming but "business You must stay smart and like** coiffure. Hair isn't worth Each day of every blessed week pleasing in appearance without its care if it can't make your having to adjust your costume, face younger and softer and The best of food you ought to seek. retouch your make-up or fuss more interesting. But you should witti your hair in the presence choose a coiffure that doesn't BUTTER CRUST BREAD of others. And you must be extra need resetting at a hairdressers Ask Your Grocer careful about other little details every few days. that make yon a charming and Just now the hair is going up­ BERMUDA BAKERY, Limited delightful person to work with. ward, high on the head, with This last bit of -dvice is just as soft little curls to fill out the V pertinent to ai woman whose profile or soft waves to tone work takes her among others. down a masculine one. But watch It shouldn't be necessary to out for frayed, whispy locks that mention the daily bath but it is will not stay in place during the so essential, and even if you day. Nightly care will sometimes think you don't need it in the help you. Brush your hair thor­ winter, you should use a deodor­ oughly and then spray a little ant regularly. For some a dust­ wave lotion on the top. Be care­ ing of powder with deodorant ful to get a light lotion that qualities after the bath is suffi­ adds oil to your hair rather cient, but for others a liquid or than takes it away. Then set a cream type of deodorant is your waves and hold them In best. If you perspire but little place with tiny ©bobby - pins" use a preparation that simply and put a li;»ht sil;: net or cne GOSLING BROTHERS, Agents neutralizes body odors. of the adorable little rilk night­ Thase who perspire excessively caps over them. Morning will should ine an antipsrspirant. It find you with ve—.- little arrang­ Is an economy as well as an in­ ing to be done. DUNLOP New Girdles include advanced 23 F. 4.21 4.22 6.54 6.11 ideas of new two-way-stretch elastic TIDE TABLE FOR FEBRUARY, 24 Sa. 5.21 5.44 6.53 6.12 For Slight and Medium Figures TENNIS BALLS 25 Su. 6.11 6.33 6.52 6.13 1934 26 M. 6.55 7.10 6.61 6.13 // Made for Faster Tennis 27 Tu. 7.30 7.44 P.50 6.14 THE WARNERETTE 8.04 8.18 6.49 6.15 High Water Sun­ Sun­ 28 W. Selected for Davis Cup Matches A.M P.M. rise set Mean High Water Spring Tides— Priced at 10/6 for the past SIX years. 13 Tu. 7.59 8.19 7.04 6.02 t. 8ins. 14 W. 8.45 9.06 7.04 6.03 Mean High Water Neap Tides— 15 [Th. 9.30 9.52 7.03 6.04 3 ft. Made by Dunlop from Core to Cover 16 F. 10.12 10.37 7.02 6.05 17 Sa. 10.55 11.24 7.01 6.08 Mean Tide Level^-lft. 11 ins. LOCKWARD & CO. 18 Su. 11.38 7.00 6.07 sN.B— All heights are given above . Reid Street 19 M. 0.15 12.25 6.59 6.08 HAND, ARNOLD, LTD. oundings on charts. 10 Tu. 1.08 1.19 6.58 6.09 8253.«Ifl6.w21.m26.f2.*7- Agents 21 W. 2.06 2.19 6.56 6.10 H.W.F. & C. 7 hours, 59 minutes 22 Th. 3.14 3.30 6.55 6.10 Age of Tide assumed to be 1 fiay.



George McManus 0 1934, King fMIUKf 5yndicue, Inc., Gieu Britain (ighu rewind nam i it in naaiii ~V WS&iW Page 10 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1934


THEBOOKSTORE Renowned Novel Achieves Lustre _§ On Sllverscreen g One^of the most famous novels : : FIFTY-FOUR CON­ aboutf youth and Hollywood— CEITS by Martin Arm­ Harry Leon Wilson'sTstory of the strong, 6/6. A collection of country lad who crashed the studio Ufa ami tm cm. epigrams and epitaphs seri­ gates and made good—will be seen ous and comic. Wood en­ as a talkie, "Make Me a Star," at gravings by Eric Ravilious. the_Mechanlcs* Hall Theatre today : : :>: GALLANT GENTLE­ with Joan Biondell, j Stuart MEN by E. Keble Chatter­ Erwin, ZaSu_Pitts and Ben Turpin ' FROM ANOTHER ton, 5/-. Here we have heading the cast. _. _§ it; |f| h accurate history, based for Helen Jerome Eddy, his plain, the most part on original unbeautiful girl friend, joins him documents and first-hand to*. in his rabid idolatry of BuckjBenson information; throughout the famous movie cowboy hero, there is one long thrill, one and urges him to go to Hollywood to perpetual suspense of noble emulate the exploits of the revered daring. The background Buck. At least Erwin saves enough is of the sea and ships, money to go to Hollywood. In the with hairbreadth escapes film capital he tramps from studio and valiant deeds. to studio, never finding the Elysium : : : CHSLUURY ABBEY he had always believed was there. by Denis Mackail, 7/6. At last, through the kindness of There is no more charming Joan Biondell, a hard-boiled "dou- writer alive than Mr. Denis blfora famous star, Erwin gets MackaU, and in this his his first job before a camera. latest book all that charm He is virtually kicked into fame— is in full evidence. for the performance he gives as : : THS PURPLE BALL serious drama is so terrible that the by Frank Packard, 7/6. directors see its great value as A new mystery story in hilarious comedy. . . and so he which the author . leads succeeds, a serio-comic,who doesn't us hy some of the most know why he had made good. exciting paths through His* struggle, his dashed hopes, which he has ever taken us his burning ambition to make a to the very last chapter success of himself are all shared by where the dastardly villian' the audiences that will see "Make is brought to book. Me a Star." : THE SEA RAIDERS oo by E. Keble Chatterton, 5'-, A Thrilling and drama­ EAST END NEWS tic story of the German raiding by surface ships. PERSONAL The author has had the rare privilege of the Ad­ Passengers for England on the miralty's permission to ex­ S.s. "Orbita" who have been stay­ amine the requisite docu­ ing at the East End during the past ments in the Admiralty few weeks are Mr. and Mrs. F. archives. He has also ob­ Woodall and son. They are jour­ tained information in cer­ neying to West Hartlepool England, tain cases from those- who where they intend residing. Dur­ took part. The result is ing their stay they have been the ;hat these chapters are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Coad strictly and accurately true at Wellesley Lodge. do WE tc the last word. Another St. Georgian who is also Always firm and fully packed departing on the S.s. "Orbita" is Mr. Howe, who until a few weeks ago was on the signal staff at Fort —always mild and smooth t THEBOOKSTORE George. Mr. Howe has made One thing you can always many friends during the period I be sure of—the Lucky Strike fj?5|>_x>o<>cxx: he has been in St. George's, and •ooooooxoooo^xB leaves behind his daughter Mrs. you buy today is identically Jenkins. the same in quality, in mild­ * * * ness, as the Lucky Strike SHIPPING you buy at any future time, anywhere. The reason is BE £££'S The S.s. "Colbome" whioh has been at the local docks, having her —every step in the making TO THE GOOD! propeller repaired, left St. George's Harbour on Monday last for the ALWAYS ihe finest tobaccos . Earn Extra Money South. It will be remembered The Ideal Way that the "Oolborne" after leaving ALWAYS the finest workmanship Get John Noble's stupend­ Halifax, lost a blade off her pro­ ous new Catalogue, just peller and damaged another, in published! Truth in Ad­ the storm, and arrived two days AjLWJJCKluch/ej/f/ease/ « vertising backed by Hon­ overdue at Bermuda. Owing to esty in Service. Organisers the freight being used as ballast, wanted for the Ideal Club. it was only unloaded on Monday itis toasted** Big commission little morning. trouble, no expense. Super * • * FOR THROAT FROTECTION-FOR BETTER TASTE Bargains in Fashions, Foot­ HOTEL NEWS wear, Outfitting, House­ hold Goods, etc. Over 60 Many rumours have been current should get married, he would be during the past few weeks, that the several foreign languages so it will iears' reputation for value happy for eight days should kill be understood in these cities. and service. Send P.C. Now St. George Hotel would be closed his pig and eat it, but he who for an indefinite period. We are The Fifth reel of the two fashion for catalogue and particu­ be happy for ever should build a shows held here is being shown lars, Never has so convinc­ happy to learn on the best author­ garden. After Extensive Alterations ity that this is quite unfounded, this week throughout the United ing a catalogue been avail­ A very large audience thoroughly States. The Bermuda News Bureau able to club organisers . . . and that the hotel will positively appreciated Mrs. Shipman's refer­ remain open, which is good news takes this opportunity to thank never has one offered grand ences to what could be done with the many organizations and per­ er bargains to clab mem­ for St. George's and district. small gardens rather than on large THE LINEN SHOP 00 sons, who so kindly assisted in bers! Post Today. estates of which there are so few in making these moving pictures BERMUDA AS GARDENERS' Bermuda. possible, and, in particular, rhe Queen Street JOHN NOBLE, Ltd. management and staffs of the PARADISE —;—oo Princess and Bermudiana Hotels, (Dept, X. Y.) the management of Coral Beach Manchester, England NEW MOVIES OF BERMUDA and Trimingham Brothers and Re-opens Today Continued from Page 1 H. A. & E. Smith. Ltd. flowers were improved by being in Continued from Page 1 oo—— The First Floor: the shade for a third Of the day, well as this ultra-smart Inverness GLENCOE NOTES some thrived with shade for half cape. Featuring extensive lines of Real Hand Embroidered Liners the day, while others were all the "Shetland homespun fashions Arriving en the "Monarch" on including Banquet Sets, Lunch and Tea Sets, Scarves, Runners, better for being in the shade for the long coat and skirt at the Monday were Mr. Walter Bucking­ Doileys, Towels. Handkerchiefs, etc. two thirds of the day. She said left, as well as the matching hat ham of Guelph, Ontario. Mr. that .very few people realised the and bag. The black and white English Knitting Wools by Patons and Baldwins, including Buckingham is a K.C. and one of advantages of shade, for apart from Scotch plaid skirt is striking when White Heather Fingering, Andalusian, Kingfisher, etc. the most prominent of Ontario's anything else when the flowers were worn with a black cashmere sweater Children's Wool Sweaters and Suits, French Hand Embroidered in shade they seemed to give the attornies. and black felt hat. Dresses, Rompers, Sun Suits, Bonnets, Pillow Cases, Bibs, etc. garden an entirely different col­ i*The golfer wears a gazelle jacket Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Farnworth our scheme so that the place had with a suede finish, with her check­ and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Caffln of English Leather Purses, Leather Jewel Cases, Leather Tie and A proud boast! leally two colour schemes instead ed homespun skirt and hat, while Chestnut Hill, Mass. Mr. Caffin Handkerchief Cases. of one. the star tennis player chooses is an architect and Mr. Farns- High quality and moder» garbardine shorts, man-tailored in worth is President of The Old French Evening Bags, Silk Scarves, Cashmere Scarves, etc., etc. POSITION COUNTS MOST London, with a polo shirt of super­ Colony Gas Co., Braintree, Mass. ate price is die combina­ —oo « THE SECOND FLOOR has now been decorated and we offer our fine wool." Oustomers and Friends the privilege of using this room for Rest­ Mrs. Shipman said that it is not The fashion show filmed aboard tion we claim for so much the beauty of the flower the "Queen of Bermuda" following HAMILTON POLICE COURT ing, Writing or while awaiting their friends. Have them meet itself'which counts or the position the broadcast by President Roose­ you at it occupies and the background velt's Mother, January 30th. In (Before the Wor. A. c. Smith) "NATURE'S afforded it. She illustrated this New York Harbour, has already point in one of the slides where a appeared in the Canadian Metro- HEALTH PROSECUTION THE LINEN SHOP solitary arum lily, gleaming against tone Newsreel, Volume Five, BEST" a mass of foliage produced a more Number Two hundred and Forty- Matthew de Silva was summoned 8329T-. vivid effect than a row of such two. This reel is called "New by the Health Department for fail­ Canned Fruit blooms could have created without Styles Shown on Board Liner, ing to provide a soak pit for the re­ and Vegetables a backing. In the same connection Queen of Bremuda, is Setting for fuse from a kitchen sink, and also the speaker said that the leaves Alluring Display ot Finery. *' with failing to fit a proper door on a of a plant were worth study when "Gombey Dancers Have Cere­ water tank. He was given one week Yottr grocer will confirm a garden was being planned, be­ monial Dances in Bermuda" is the in which to provide the door, and a cause the bloom was present for title of another reel, and which month in which to supply the pit. the truth of statement. but a short while, whereas the will be shown in the English, * * ai leaf, especially in Bermuda, was Australian, Canadian and South At the same session of the court W. S. PURVIS & CO. there almost the whole year round. American Movietone News. Laurie Mullens was fined 5/- on a MORRIS A. GIBBONS Distributors She compared the bloom of a plant The Fourth reel made in Ber­ charge of being drunk and Incapable to the charm a person might pos­ muda called "Hal Raynor In­ in Reid Street on February lTti-, sess, but tie leaf to their character. augurates 'Watoh your Stomach He admitted the offence. MEN'S CARDIGAN COATS There Is perhaps no better way to Week' in Bermuda." This reel ——oo sum up the trend of Mrs., Ship- has been shipped to London for sh-h! All Sizes man's lecture than to repeat the distribution throughout England A man went into a printer's and only 6/6 each French saying which she herself and the Continent via the English asked, "How do your envelopes run quoted. It was to the effect that ho Movietone News, which will be now?" who would be happy for an hour shown in London, Paris, Rome, St. George's Store 8332.W. The salesman replied: "Sorry, should got intoxicated, he who A ould Madrid and Berlin. The dialogue sir; our envelopes do not run; they 8151..f- would be happy for three days of this reel fcas been translated into . „•'" aS 'r«_, are stationery,"


SPORTING GOSSIP CANADA READY FOR Work Interfered RECIPROCITY The son of a proprietor of a whole­ Individually Styled A serious illness is likely to pat sale drapery establishment entered I 1 OTTAWA, Feb. 20 (CP)—Canada the business, and, as he took a vio­ ani end to the football career of stands ready to negotiate a reci­ Arthur H. Jones the Cardiff R.F.C. lent dislike to the duties of the PERMANENT WAVES jj Local and Foreign Sporting News § procity treaty with the United counting-house, his father decided and Welsh international three- States along lines that will be fair to give him a trial "on the road." quarters. BY *___JLtS" to both countries, according to an On returning from his first trip, by * * * announcement by Premier R. B. his father asked him now he liked Jones was "capped" against Eng­ Bennett in the House of Commons it. ANTHONY land and Scotland last season. last night. For the past nine He played for Bridgend before "Oh," replied the young man, months informal negotiations have "it's quite a jolly life; you meet INTERNATIONAL RIVALRY loining Cardiff, and he had also been carried on in Washington, and DRAW FOR SIXTH ROUND been a member of the London some decent fellows at the hotels, COMBO RINGLETTE IN PRO. TENNIS when President Roosevelt is clothed and have plenty of fun in the even­ ENGLISH CUP Welsh team. by Congress with tariff bargaining ings; but what I don't like about * * * power they will continue in a more it is calling on those drapers."— or BONAT Tilden and Vines Win Singles Both Oxford and Cambridge have concrete form, said the Premier. Toronto Globe. The Arsenal Will Meet Aston and Doubles from France ordered new boats for the race on Villa at Highbury March 17. £2.10, 0 * * * NEW YORK, Feb. 19. (CP)— The Cambridge boat will be POSTAGE STAMPS LONDON, Feb. 19. (CP—)The Back from an exhibition tour identical in build with the one in The draw for the quarter-finals of the carrying them from coast to coast which they beat Oxford in the last and back again, bringing them in ,„SECRET Bettys Beauty Salon English Soccer Cup to be played ten years. ofC00D.C0O1.IN0 For Collections on March 3rd. was made today and something over $100,000 in gate * * * Opposite Bermiidiana Hotel resulted as follows:— receipts, Tilden and Vines begin The new craft will be 62ft 6in BERMUDA Arsenal vs. Aston Villa, at High their new campaign tonight by long with a beam of 2ft. The and Dial 1128 opposing the French stars Henri weight will be about 210 lb. bury. 8f>59tth eitp Preston North End vs. Leicester Cochet and Martin Plaa in the * * * BRITISH WEST INDIAN City, at Preston. j first indoor International Profess­ March 17 will be a big day in the ional series on record. Bolton Wanders vs. Portsmouth world of sport. The "card" in­ far Frying, Shortening ERNEST J. BELL The tour begins at Madison and Baking. After using at Bolton. cludes the two semi-finals of the REXO you wil" ne/er go Sheffield Wednesday or Man­ Square Garden and promises to F. A". Cup, the England v. Scot­ back to butte, or lard C/o The Bermuda Press set Professional Tennis on an for cooking Lurposcs. chester City vs. Stoke Oity. land match at Twickenham, the REXO SUPER SHORT. The Bermuda Fire and Marine even firmer footing, making the ENING—the best fn tha The above draw produced what University Boat Race, and San- world —assures success promises to be a classic, the Arsenal, wallets of the four contestants down Park steeplechases. The with cakes and pastry and Insurance Company, Ltd. bulge a little more! is without equal for fry. 6 6 6 English League champions, being following Monday fiat-racing opens bag. Hygienically packed in I lb. tina. Luquid Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops There is every bit of colour and at Lincoln. pitted against the famous Aston Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first Villa Cup team. Sheffield Wednes­ skill a tennis fan could ask to see 1-90% Pure Fal on one court in Tilden, also Cochet * * * day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 NOTICE day and Manchester City have to Lord Derby will lay the founda­ 5bfe Agents for Bermuda : who helped to dethrone the lean N icholl 4V Ashton, minutes decide their 2-2 tie of Saturday P.O. Box SO, Hamilton American from the amateur tion-stone of the new Wembley FINE LAXATIVE AKB TONIC The last before either team proceeds to sports arena next Thursday. HE BEST YOU yCAN BO Most Speedy Remedies Known meet Stoke City. Two other ranks. Vines, the victor over Cochet in the memorable Forest * * * ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING matches reveal clashes between •- Australi aappears to have another First and Second Division teams, Hills match in 1932 and conqueror of Tilden by eleven matches to Bradman in the making in the of tbe Shareholders of Tbe Ber­ both the Second Division elevens 19-year-old James Badcock, known muda Fire and Marine Insurance being at home, Preston North End nine in the recent professional series; and the tireless Martin as "Tasmania's Bradman." Company. Limited, will be held at to Leicester City and Bolton Wan­ Recently he scored a double cen­ the Office of the Company in Ber­ derers to Portsmouth. Plaa, a great base-line player. RADIO SERVICE Lata":—-Franco-American rivalry tury for Tasmania, against the muda Fire and Marine Insurance Everton, the Cup holders, were was revived here last night as Victoria second eleven, and the Building, West Front Street, on eliminated from the 1934 Competit­ Tilden, inaugurating a series of other day he hit up a brilliant 104 ion by Tottenham Hotspurs, and Professional team matches, de­ in the return match. Thursday, 22nd February, the 'Spurs themselves were dismiss­ RADIO REP/iIRS R.4DI0S TESTED feated Martin Plaa of France, 6-4, * * * 1934 ed by Aston Villa last Saturday. 6-3,11-9. Ellsworth Vines defeated The latter team in turn has knock­ The ten-day tour in the United Our up-to-date SERVICE DEPARTMENT Henri Cochet of France 6-4, 4-6, 6-3, States of the full Cambridge fifteen at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon ed out Chesterfield (after a tie), 6-3. will repair your RADIO for a very moderate Sunderalnd (7-2) and Tottenham may pave the way for annual in­ The American team of Tilden and ternational matches between the charge. j BUSINESS:—Report of the Auditor (1-0). to gain the assignment with Vines then combined to defeat for 1933, Statement of Income and the Arsenal. countries played for some Rugby their French rivals, Henri Cochet "Ashes." Expenditure for 1933, Election of Of the nine Clubs still left in the and Martin Plaa, 6-1,1-6,12-10,6-0. If you are not getting good reception have I Directors and Appointment of hunt for the F. A. Cup, only Leices­ * * * 00 The Light Blues will meet Yale, our expert RADIO SERVICEMAN test your Auditor for ensuing year. ter City, Portsmouth and Stoke By Order of the Directors, City have yet to win the coveted ROCHDALE-BaARNSLEY FIX­ Harvard, Princeton, and the East­ set for you. It costs very little. ern all-star team, six matches trophy, although it is forty-five SYDNEY P. EVE, TURE POSTPONED in all being played. years since Preston beat Wolver­ Just telephone 1154 or 1164 and a service­ Secretary. hampton Wanders in the final. * * * N.B.:—The attention of the Manchester City were beaten In our list of English Cup and Rugby is growing rapidly in pop­ man will call immediately. shareholders is called to the fact by Everton in the final at Wembly League matches published in these ularity in the United States. that under Clause No. 16, of the by three clear goals. columns on Monday, no result * * * Act of 1903, they may vote by proxy 00—— was recorded between Rochdale Keeness is such that the New through any shareholder, proper and Barnsley in the Third Division, York Club, with 80 members, prac­ form for which may be obtained on IRISH SOCCER LEAGUE Northern Section. Numerous tise tackling, scrumming, and pas­ BERMUDA TRADING COMPANY application to the Secretary. sing on the wooden floor of an in­ enquiries have reached this office 8232twl4.tl7.w21. BELFAST, Feb. 19. (OP)—Belated­ regarding this result but the fact door armoury. ly winding up the Irish Soccer was that the match was not played * * * League's schedule, Bangor defeated at all, presumably on account of The daily diet of the rival 'Var­ Celtic 1-0 this afternoon. impossible weather conditions. sity Boat Race crews is practically oo oo identical. * * at THIRD DIVISION FOOTBALL They rise at 7.30 a.m. with a run GRAND NATIONAL AND THE before breakfast, and go to bed LONDON, Feb. 19. (CP)—Barnsley LINCOLNSHIRE not later than 10.30 generally earlier. Three Day I defeated Halifax 1-0 in a Third a> * a) Division northern section English LONDON, Feb. 19 (CP)—J. B. They eat ordinary, plain, well- Soccer League match this afternoon Snow's nine-year-old "Delaneige" cooked food, and drink half a pint oo was made a fairly warm favourite of beer for lunch, one pint of beer for tbe Grand National Steeple­ for dinner, and also an occasional NEW YORK GIANTS MANA­ chase in the first call-over of bet­ glass of port. BARGAIN SALE GER SERIOUSLY ILL ting odds today. They placed "De­ * * * laneige" fourth a year ago at According to an agency report 100 to 8. The horse will carry 160 Jack Petersen will meet Len Har­ NEW YORK, Feb. 19. (CP)—John lbs., well below the top weight in Joseph McGraw. one of the most vey again at the White City on Friday Saturday Monday ___B tbe renewal on March 32rd. June 4. The heavyweight title will dynamic figures in the history of I F. Ambrose Clark's highly re­ Baseball and for thirty years the be at stake. garded "Sorley Boy," making his Following this bout, Peters an is fiery manager of the famous New first start in the Grand National, is 23rd 24th 26th Hi York Giants, is seriously ill here in to be matched with Larry Gains bracketed with another entry from in July—also in the open air—in hospital, suffering from uremia or the United States, J. H.Whitney's kidney poisoning. McGraw is a contest which will be for the "Thomond the Second," at 100 to Empire title. High Grade Merchandise Considerably Reduced. given an even chance of recovery. 6. Miss Dorothy Paget's "Golden oo Petersen is to meet Ben Foord, Miller," Mrs. B. D. David's "Pel- the South African, at the Albert g BOYS' SUITS from 10/- MEN'S SHIRTS 4/- lorous Jack" and Mrs. D. A. Gem- flail next month. JAPAN'S DAVIS CUP TEAM mell's veteran "Gregalach" who BOYS' PANTS " 4/- MEN'S CAPS 3/- won the Grand National to 1929, TOKYO, Feb. 19. (CP)—Japan were grouped at 20 to 1. MEN'S FELT HATS " 4/- LUMBER JACKETS 6/- today named their five competitors Captain Cartwright's "Ready to represent them in- the Davis Cash" is grouped with G. P. Shak- MEN'S SUITS 70/- I Cup play in the summer. Three I erley's "Society" at 25 to 1. (Many considerably less) of them are newcomers to Inter­ There are forty-six other eligibles national Tennis. Jiroh and Ryo- for the Grand National. • • • • suke Nunoi are the veteran sta - dard bearers who head the list, THE LINCOLNSHIRE MEN'S SPORT COATS CAMEL COATS ..BLAZERS but with them are named Hideo Nishimura and Jiro Yamagishi The callover for the Lincolnshire, 25-To OFF and Jiro Fnjikura, University the first great handicap of the flat 6tudentsi racing season to be run over a mile • • • • Nishimura is the new titleholder course at Lincoln on March 21, MEN'S SHOES 15/- and 20/- of Japan, defeating Fujfkura in made "Generous Gift" a lukewarm tbe finals lastNovember in a tourna­ favourite at 10 to 1. "Ole King WOMEN'S SHOES 10/-, K/-, 18/- ment which saw Satoh eliminated Sole" was 13 to 1, "Crumpets" in the quarter-finals and Nunoi in 100 to 6, '' Versicle' * and'' Ginoplay'' CHILDREN'S SHOES 6/- the semi-finals. and "Totaig" 18 to 1, "Quartz" oo and "St. Oswald" 20 to 1, and "Shove Halfpenny" and "Creme 3 here is no satisfactory sub­ c Caramel" 25 to 1. stitute for this famous British LADIES' DRESSEb SPORT COATS _.__.SKIRTS CANADIAN AMATEUR GOLF ——00 preparation. Arranged in one group CHAMPIONSHIP CHOCOLATE FAILS TO SIGN Get a bottle to-day. 18/- MONTREAL, Feb. 19. (CP)—The FOR DEFENCE OF TITLE Sole Distributors: decision to sweep aside the Medal NICHOLL & ASHTON Play in the qualifying round for NEW YORK, Feb. 2a (OP)—The EVENING DRESSES La4DLES' CAMEL COATS POLO COATS the Canadian Amateur Golf New York State Athletic Commiss­ PP. Box 529 Hamilton Championship, thus bringing the ion today withdrew the recognition RAIN COATS cenditions of play in line with of Kid Chocolate as featherweight Britain and the United States, was champion of the world. This 25-To OFF reached at the annual meeting of action was taken because Chocolate the Canadian Golf Association. failed to sign for the defence of Hitherto the qualifying rounds the title within thirty days. Choco­ Many other items from Regular Stock of High Grade Merchandise have cut tbe field to 32 players who late recently announced from immediately proceeded into match Havana that he could no longer THREE DAYS ONLY play. This year the field Will; _» make the featherweight limit of directly into match play when the 126 lbs. and thafhe would campaign event opens on Monday, August 11 in the future among the light- at Lavsl-Sttr-Xe-Lac Gdtf cltib hear welgl ts: YOUNG BROTHERS Montreal. ___;* Freddie Miller of Cincinnati is Mr. George Forster, of Montreal, now recognized as the world's QUEEN STREET was eletJtt!/d PiiSident of the Can­ featherweight champion by the adian Golf Association. National Boxing Association. POLISHED CHROMIUM FLASHLIGHT BRACKETS —4/—ASTWOOD'S ^tge 12 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1934

IN THE HOUSE KIDNEYS MUST CLEAN OUT LOST Continued from Page 1 ACIDS On Feb. 15, between Camden Corn Hill, Somerset, and Boaz Island, opinion that if the Aquarium notic­ The only way your body can clean SILVER WRIST WATCH. Finder es were issued under the authority out Acids and Poisonous wastes please return to Somerset Police of the Board of Trade they were from your blood is through the Station. Reward given. Melon legal. The other advertisements function of millions of tiny Kidney 8334*w.f. implied some connection between tubes or niters, but be careful, the Railway Company and the don't use drastic, irritating drugs. various places of attraction adver­ If Kidney and Bladder trouble WANTED Squash tised and therefore the Railway make you suffer from Getfling Up Company under the provisions of Nights, Leg Pains, Nervousness, ! Second-hand UPRIGHT PIANO, the Act, could advertise their Stiffness, Dizziness, Burning, good condition. Must state price. etc own business on their own premises. Smarting, Acidity, Lumbago, or Box 8339 Bermuda Press. Cucumber, Other advertisements would Loss of Energy, don't waste a 8339*w. come under the scope of the Act minute. Try the Doctor's prescrip­ and be illegal, as railway coaches tion called Cystex (pronounced FOR SALE would come within the definition Siss-tax). Formula in every pack­ WADSON'S of a "a structure on land." The business including STOCK and age. Starts work in 15 minutes. FITTINGS of Thistlecroft Sports­ SG43Sj«jH*-.ei'tp. A motion offered by Mr. Tucker, Soothes and tones raw, irritated that the committee rise, was car­ tissues. It is helping millions and wear at New Windsor Hotel. Dial ried after further debate by 21 is guaranteed to fix you up or 1134. 8267tf. ei to th22. the Ito Cabinet as Minister of Ag­ votes to 6. The matter therefore money back on return of empty CABLE NEWS By Tender, "DUNDONALD riculture and Commerce. The same cannot be raised again this session. package. Cystexis only 3/9for smal TODAY HOUSE," corner Victoria and year he was named a Privy Council­ package, 7/6 for large at druggists Court Streets. It may be seen by Continued from Page 7 lor. TRUST OOMPANY Phoenix Drug Store Hamilton Moving Pictures: * • * interviewing T. M. Doe, Reid Reid Hall Theatre: Mat. "Call ADMIRAL WINS IN PORTS­ The House granted the prayer of \ St. Sealed Tenders received to Her Savage," "Wheels of Des­ MOUTH FIVE HUNGER STRIKES IN March 5th, 1934. HISTORIC JAIL the petiton jpresented on behalf tiny." Eve: "Morning Glory," Bank of N. T. Butterfield and Son, 8280fs. ei to s24. "Call Her Savage" and "Wheels PORTSMOUTH, Feb. 20 (CP- and a bill will now be introduced HEALTH FOOD CORK, Feb. 20 (CP)—Thomas j ANTIQUE SOFA, good condition of Destiny." Reuters)—The Admiral of the Fleet, for incorporating the banks as a Barry, Republican leader, and four * price £16. Apply Mrs. Arthur * * * Sir Roger Keyes, the Conservative trust company. of his followers have gone on a Gosling, Knollwoods, Paget East. Mechanics' Eall Theatre:"Search standard bearer, yesterday won in Several members voiced a warn­ HELPS RESTORE hunger strike in the jail in this 83lltm. eitp. For Beauty," "Make Me A the North Portsmouth bye-election ing that the powers given under city, which through many experi­ CANADIAN HARD LOG FIRE- Star," and "Four Frightened necessitated by the elevation to the bill would be extremely ex­ ences knows much about such tac­ WOOD by the load. 18 inch logs. People." the peerage of Sir Bertham Falle, tensive and place a great deal of tics. It was here that Terence LOST VITALITY J. Critchley, Phones 1058 and 2206 * * * the former Conservative member. power in the hands of a few men. McSwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork, 8200*m.tu.w. Far-ia-Ville: The polling reduced the Conserva­ They indicated that they would died following a long hunger strike Doctors recommend a new health FIREWOOD, Cedar, Fiddlewood; Band Concert, 10 to 12 noon. tive majority by almost 9,000 votes. require the bill to receive consider­ food to relieve common constipa­ during the days of the Sinn Fein also Canadian Birch and Maple. * * * The completed returns gave Sir ation at the hands of a select com­ tion—so often the cause of failing trouble with Great Britain in 1920. Fireplace length. Telephone 2090 Celestial Opera House: Roger 17,582, and his Labour op­ mittee when it was introduced. vitality. It is safer than laxative Barry, Michael and Cornelius Crow­ drugs ... is not habit-forming or Motyer Construction Co. Empire Players, Mat: "While ponent, E. T. Humby, 11,904, leav­ In order to make room for books ley, Peter Karney and Stephen irritating. Fleischmann's Yeast 8293*m. ei to s24. Parents Sleep," Eve. "On the ing Sir Roger a majority of 5,678, aids digestion and promotes nor­ O'Neill refuse to eat because the of the law library, the House agreed Spot." compared with a majority of 14,149 that Mr. Speaker might give direc­ mal, healthy elimination of poisons MAHOGANY CHAIRS, Stamp Col­ jailers will not treat them as polit­ from the body. oo—— for Sir Bertham in the last general tions for the disposal of the bound lection, Encyclopaedia Britan- election when he also faced a ical prisoners which would give Fight constipation this safe way. them a few more liberties. The five copies of debates now stored in nica llth Edition, 29 volumes. Labour rival. Remove the cause of frequent head­ men were jailed after participating Ool. Dill's robing room, with the aches and tired feeling. Fleisch­ P.O. Box 30, St. George's. * * * in a firing squad which fired a exception of three copies of each mann's Yeast helps keep the body 8340fw. FOREIGN EXCHANGE AUSTRALIAN CONVERSION year. fit and regular. Complexions be­ REAL ESTATE in St. George's, LOAN salute over a brother Rept bl can's come clearer and brighter as a grave. A sharp division of opinion was result. Energy and vitality return. HOUSE and LOT known as soon evidenced on debate of a Local Rates * # * Try eating three cakes of Fleisch­ "Stockdale." Also large Ware­ SYDNEY, Feb. 20 (CP-Reuters)— biU amending last year's Customs NOTED EDITOR PASSES mann's Yeast every day for several house and water front property The Commonwealth will float a Tariff Act. weeks. Buy it from your grocer. on Davenports Wharf. Full par­ T! e following is a copy of new conversion loan of more than The contentious part of the bill The taste of yeast is not unpleas­ LONDON, Feb. 20 (CP-Reutersi— ticulars, apply H. G. Roberts. the B*. Hewn displayed on £20,000,000 on the London market occurs in the second clause, which ant. Eat it plain, or dissolved in a Charles Diamond, • editor of the 8341 tw. Tuesday at the local banks: for the various Australian States, amends the Customs Tariff Act quarter-glass of water. Catholic Herald, a native cf Ire­ The makers of Fleischmann's 1 Pair CRUTCHES in good condi­ thus completing the huge conver­ so that no surtax is charged on O. S. DOLLARS land, died yesterday at the age of Yeast have printed an interesting tion. Apply Miss A. Robinson, sion operation totalling £100,000,000. flour from foreign sources. The 75. He was the founder of a num­ booklet. It soeaks ; iainly about lost Cox's Hill. I-- : ing at 1% dis $5.1613 The new conversion will sell at 97 duty is 2J per cent in the case of vitality and how to regain it. Write ber of weekly newspapers in London 8326*w. bearing interest of 3|% and re­ foreign imports, whilst _British the address below for a free copy. Selling at 4% dis 55.00 placing the issue bearing 5J%. and elsewhere in England. flour comes in free. t&c*. ^fcv. CANADIAN BOUVAES Mr. Spurling took exception to FOR RENT WINTER COMSS TO NEW YORK this amendment, which he regard­ Buying at 1\% dis $5.1891 Large attractive BED-SITTING Ui S. ARMY BEGINS MAIL ed as the breaking of an agreement SeDinf: at 5% dis $5.0526 NEW YORK, Feb. 20 (CP)—Win­ SERVICE ROOM with fire place. Also entered into with Canada to im­ Single Bedroom, housekeeping QUOTATIONS ter gripped the northeastern sea­ pose a ten per cent surtax on foreign privileges. Apply Ernest Motyer. board of the United States today, WAHINGTON, Feb. 20 (OP)— V • Yorlc Closed S'5.1325 flour coming into Bermuda. I r_a_*J_: 8291*m. el to S24. paralysing transportation and en­ Army fliers took over the United Other members argued that Canada J> onlreal Closed $5.16 Furnished six-room COTTAGE, dangering shipping. A north­ States airmail service on Sunday was getting a decided preference, THE GOODY SHOPPE, Reid Street, Hamilton en, 11.30 a.m... $5.11125 modern conveniences, near Ham­ west gale reaching a velocity of 45 under dangerous weather condi­ was deoided in a division that for­ Key No. 103G—1 atest „.JJ5.I_S0 ilton. Phone 1128. miles per hour in New York lashed tions which caused the cancel­ eign flour should oome in without $5.0650 8308*m. el to s24. or_ Latest. the coast south to Philadelphia. lation of sole schedules and made the impostion of a surtax. The storm was accompanied by a the completion of others im­ Insecticides must be imported IS EPILEPSY Unfurnished INWOOD CABIN, Fa- sharp drop in the temperature. possible. Officially the army for agricultural purposes and not get East. Apply Campbell, Gos­ i On the Massachusetts coast a INHERITED? did not begin the task thrust upon for domestic uses in future if they ling & Oo. | small steamer, unidentified by tbe New York, N.Y. A booklet en­ 8312tm. eitp. it until midnight, bat the pilots are to be exempt from duty. This i coast guardsmen, sent up signals titled "Can Epilepsy Be Cured?" went aloft on all journeys due to will make it clear that "Flit" and To rent on long lease with option of i of distress which were received by issued recently, contains the opin­ end after midnight. such like preparations must pay purchase, unfurnished HOUSE \JW. j the Cutty-hunk Life Station. An ions of doctors from Europe, Asia CUSl S HOUSE * •. a) the normal duty. with at least eight bedrooms, ! SOS was also flashed from the and America on this interesting preferably in Paget, Riddell's Bay ] "Northern Sword" bound from TRAGIC FIRE AT INSTITUTION subject. Rates of Exchange SALT BEEF DUTY or Somerset; must be near sea. I Norfolk to Boston. This vessel Because of the world-wide inter­ Reply Box 8230 Bermuda Press. BROOKVILLE, Pa., Feb. 20 (OP) ' signalled that she was drifting a- est created by this pamphlet, a 8230twl4,w21.w28.w7. T he follow ng rates of ex- I shore on Winthrop Head. Ooast- —Ten women, widows and daugh­ Mr. Dunkley moved a further limited number will be distributed clause to the bill so that salt beef Furnished Housekeeping APART- eh a lipe w ere in force at the I guards rushed to the rescue. ters of Civil War veterans, were free. Write for this free interesting is not subject to the specific duty ^MENT and ROOMS, harbour Customs House on Tuesday, The heaviest fall of snow reported burned to death in a fire that de­ booklet to the Educational Division, stroyed the infirmary of the Penns­ of }d. a lb. The duty on beef was 545 Fifth Avenue, New York, New gfcView, restful environment, mod­ Feb . 20;h •— j was in Connecticut where a 28-inch ylvania Memorial Home today. altered in last year's Customs York, Dept. B.6. erate rental. Mrs. Dallas, Chan­ U.S j b.ll i fall turned workers back to their There were fifteen women in the Tariff Act from a specific one of cery Hall. CjPl 5.14 homes after a vain struggle for a 4/- per carcase to fd. a lb., and Mr. 8343*W. Bel 22 , few blocks towards their places of one-storey frame building, one of Dunkley claimed that it was never nee.... 78 business. Automobile and street­ a group at the institution, when Fra intended that salt beef, which is Get many 13 car traffic were put out of commis- the blaze started. Five of them largely used by poorer people, REAL ESTATE Hoi land... 7.68 | sion. were rescued by firemen who bat­ tled with the flames in a bitter should be charged such a duty. Hong Ko] "[a 1/7 In New York City a force of 34,- cold day, the thermometer being He moved an amendment that Ii a] 59 ' 500 labourers with 940 snowplows HOUSES 1/2 at eighteen degrees below zero. British salt beef pay only 10 per Give Baby | and more then 500 loading trucks Nine of the bodies have been recov­ cent ad valorem, whilst the usual • tried vainly to kesp the streets clear. FOR RENT OR SALE ered from the burning embers. surtax of 25 per cent is imposed on i Forty motor brooms moved cease- The cause of the fire has not been foreign salt beef. J lessly o\er the city's bridges. Ele- discovered. Other membeis agreed with Mr. the Best Properties for Sale J vated trains were an hour late, Dunkely that the intention of the I three trains being held for at least —oo METEOROLOGICAL MOTES an hour on account of frozen House was that the |d. duty should MRS. ROBINSON switches. apply only to fresh beef, and the FINE MUSICAL RECITAL AT amendment was carried in a divis­ February 20th. a> a) a) Bab. «•* VV CAMPBELL, GOSLING & CO. ion. ITALIAN TRAIN ACCIDENT food which do sell Phone 2066 Cablet "Carbrook" Barometer- WESLEY CHURCH Mr. Vesey explained that the new _e.en.bU. the natural 8.00 a.m. 1012.5 millibars duty of }d. a lb. on fresh beef has Bank of Bermuda Building 29.90 inches PIOMBINO, Italy, Feb. 20 (CP)— Continue- from Page 1 hot resulted in any increase in ^ It must contain 8.00 p.m 1013.1 millibars A special train loaded with sight­ price, and that there was no reason rtl0 29.92 inches seers while returning from a fiesta playing of two solos and of the why it should do so. a„ aruple prop° ° here ran into another train on Grieg Concerto was highly com­ COTTAGES Winu— Appropriations which passed the ofVitamuiDt-^ Sunday and killed sixteen people, mendable; she combines facility 8.00 a.m., S 26 mi. per hr. House included £60 for rural post Rent and Sale injuring eleven. Belated dispatches and brilliance with precision and oerfect Unesond teeth. Noon. S.S.W 27 mi. per hr. office telephones and £250 for an were only received yesterday telling rhythm. 8 p.m. N.W 20 mi. per hr. export to inspect the Watlington GERALD GRAY of the accident. Grve 'AllenWys. » Max. Temp, for 24 hrs 68° Mr. Geo. H. Wingate contributed Waterworks syst9m. A resolve a> -m. * Fire and Marine Building r Min. Temp, for 24 hrs 57° some violin selections by Handel, carrying these amounts passed j, perfect in every Corelli and Squire with his ac­ tainfali for 24 hrs ".-... 20 PACIFIC FLEET IN BATTLE PLAY three readings. 1 -will front Street (West) Phone 1169 customed splendid fluencey and vnU Sunshine for 24 hrs 3 hr. 0 min. Two petitions were presented vay and y°" intonation. His playing was much * * * SAN PEDRO, Feb. 20 (CP)— yesterday from the Bermuda soon notke Uttle: W- fURN<5HED-AND'UNr-URN'5HED admired. 27,000 men went to sea yesterday Citizens' Association, one in oppos­ Two vocal solos were sung by FOREIGN REPORTS for a three-days' navy manoeuvres ition to Sunday trading and the aboard ships of the United States Mrs. T. D. Jones, "Lord on Thy '"' •' ' "~~— other dealing with the Liquor .j -** U aud flaUT Cottages o a navy. Dawn brought the signal tender love relying" (Hiller) and o "^ OQ License Act as it applies to hotel FOR RENT OR SALE —* • GO f of the movement of ninety fighting "The FcM** (Squire). Her voice is fl a and club bars selling liquor on Baby sleeps better. A LAND FOR SAtdE w H •2 o ships and approximately 300 war delightful and one wishes that •*_ fi Sundays. ESTABLISHED 191* planes from San Pedro and San more could be heard of her, as she sound foundation o. Date _ ** A debate on the date of adjourn­ Feb. 20th. ,§ — 01 Diego. From these naval bases possesses pure quality of tone J\4n4.. Gro4J*&*u»r g ° —1 4_t beakh and a kaPPj P* «; o the ships will sail for a secret ren­ ment resulted in the House adjourn­ flM oo a on particularly in the lower register. _ CD 03 ing until Tuesday next, although *H •—1 dezvous at sea. These solos were beautifully render­ cbidbood are ensured. ^•> \M Mr. Gilbert, who failed to see why c~* # * * ed. jZTueker golf parties should prevent the NEW WEST-WAY « CANADA: COUNT ITO DEADJj Organ solos and the orchestrating House from meeting en Thursdays, 4 S .32 RICHMOND ROAD Montreal of the Grieg Concerto were con­ offered a motion that the House PHONE II08 CABLE TEuCS.0 Ottawa -10 be .08 TOKYO, Feb. 20 (CP)—Count tributed by Mr. Norman Parker | Kiyout Ito, aged 77, an influential adjourn to Thursday. This was Toronto -10 b .04 in his usual expierenced manner. defeated in a division. and veteran member of the Privy The "Chorale and Fugue" by U.S.A.: Council, died yesterday. He had 'When Your Daughter Boston 32 rf .64 Guilmant, whioh opened the -——00—- been suffering from ulcers of the recital was a clever pieoe of work Comes to Womanhood 10 f .66 stotnareh. 16 0 .80 and two dainty items "Chanson" Philadelphia.. Count Ito played an Important ROSEACRE Give Her Lydia E. Pinkham's Atlantic Oity 14 1.06 (Frinal) and "Gavotte" (Wesley) Write for a free copy of "Infant Feeding c part in drafting the Japanese con­ were examples of the delicate side Vegetable Compound Washington.. — —- — by Ave 'Aitoihwryj' Food*" Most girls in their tsens need a stitution in the years 1884 to 1890. of this large organ, On Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. BERMUDA: tonic and * Give your He was one of the party with During the evening it was an­ Howard Adams, of Fall River, Mass­ St. George's .. 63 be Prince Ito on the latter' tours achusetts, entertained friends at Allen & HanburysLt_., London daughter Lydia E. Pinkham's nounced that at the next recital in Vegetable Compound for the next through Europe in 1882 when a "Roseacre" with a cocktail party. NOTE: b—blue sky, be partly March, the solo pianist will be Miss Special Represafcative for B. W. I. few months. Teach her how to sioudy, o—cloudy, o—overcast, thorough study was made of the M&deiine Tucker, and it is hoped The guests Were Mr. Edward H.&HA_S-\LL, guard her health at this critical v—rain, p—passing showers, s— constitutional systems used there. that all music lovers will take full Quirk. Mr. James Higginbottam, He was nominated for the House of P.O. Box 57, Bridgetown, BARBADOS time. When she is a happy, healthy mow, f- -fog, t—trace, bf—blue advantage of this series of excellent Mr. Edward Ring, and Miss Eileen Pee A in 1830. in 1809 he entered wife and mother the wUl thank iky and fog, rs—sleet, z--ha?y. recitals before the season ends. Sullivan, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker. • ^WWlfclw^fS