Agenda Item 5
Agenda Item 5 PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE 10 DECEMBER 2015 Item No: UPRN APPLICATION NO. DATE VALID 14/P4361 28/11/2014 Address/Site Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane, Tooting, SW17 0BL (Ward) Wimbledon Park Proposal Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 20,000 seat football stadium (initially 11,000 seat) with hospitality, crèche, café, and coach parking, pedestrian street, 1,273m2 retail unit, 1,730m2 squash and fitness club, 602 residential units with basement parking, refuse storage, 200 car parking spaces, 992 cycle parking spaces, and associated landscaping/open space and servicing. Drawing Nos: 4740-00-001, 4740-00-002, 4740-00-408, 4740-00-409 -, 4740- 00-410, 4740-00-411, 4740-00-412, 4740-00-413, 4740-00-414, 4740-00-415, 4740-00-416, 4740-00-417, 4740-00-418, 4740- 00-419, 4740-00-420, 4740-00-425, 4740-00-430, 4740-00-431, 4740-00-432, 4740-00-433, 4740-00-434, 4740-00-435, 4740- 00-436, 4740-00-437, 4740-00-438, 4740-00-439, 4740-00-440, 4740-00-441, 4740-00-442, 4740-00-443, 4740-00-444, 740-00- 445, 4740-00-446, 4740-00-500, 4740-00-501, 4740-00-502, 4740-00-503, 4740-00-504, 4740-00-505, 4740-00-506, 4740- 00-700, 4740-00-701, 010 H, 011 F, 012 C, 013 C, 051 B, 052 B, 053 B, 054 B, 055 B, 056 B, 110 D, 111 E, 151 C, 152 C, 153 C, 154 C, 155 C, Design and Access Statement, Design and Access Statement Addendum Update (dated 06.15), Design and Access Statement Revision A (dated 08.15), Applicant Design Response to GLA (dated 06.15), Applicant Design Response to LBM (dated 08.06.15 and 04.09.15) Environmental
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