Special Edition of the Student Historiography Journal Crises and Development

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Special Edition of the Student Historiography Journal Crises and Development KLIO Special Edition of the Student Historiography Journal Crises and Development Selected papers from the International Students of History Association (ISHA) Summer Seminar 14. - 20. July 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia KLIO Student Historiography Journal of Društvo študentov zgodovine – ISHA Ljubljana PUBLISHER Društvo študentov zgodovine – ISHA Ljubljana University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of History Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana ishaljubljana.weebly.com EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maja Lukanc ASSOCIATE EDITOR Saša Zvonar REVIEW BOARD asst. Kornelija Ajlec, PhD asst. prof. Bojan Balkovec, PhD full prof. Rajko Bratož, PhD asst. prof. Alenka Cedilnik, PhD Jernej Kosi, PhD asst. prof. Dušan Mlacović, PhD asst. prof. Janez Mlinar, PhD full prof. Božo Repe, PhD full prof. Marta Verginella, PhD LANGUAGE EDITING AND CORRECTIONS Urška Honzak, Društveno stičišče – STIKS COVER DESIGN Katarina Kocbek COVER PHOTOGRAPH Tadej Mulej PRINT Biografika Bori d.o.o. Printed in Slovenia ISSN 1408-9661 Volume 14, Number 1 Fact and opinions published in the papers express solely the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily present the opinions of the editorship or the publisher. KLIO Crises and Development Selected papers from the International Students of History Association Summer Seminar 14. - 20. July 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia Društvo študentov zgodovine – ISHA Ljubljana Ljubljana, December 2014 Contents 8 Editorial VICTORIA BUCK 10 Russia 1905-1917: The constitutional experiment TAMÁS BEZSENYI 19 “I have to be smarter than these bastards”: Police reflections on organized crime from 1980’s until the regime change HAN XU 32 Dependency and Development: Partitioned Poland in the Late 19th Century ANAMARIJA BAŠIĆ 42 The big earthquake in Dubrovnik and its consequences for the town and influence on literature in 17th century MAX BOGUSLAW 53 Equilibrio Italiano and lega generale: The System of the Italian States 1454-1494 TEODOR BORISOV 67 Sport in the Byzantine Empire and the Nika riots HELENA MARKOVIĆ 73 Ecology crisis in Ancient Greece: The influence of olive production on the disappearance of Greek landscape ANNA VRTÁLKOVÁ 78 The Dispute between Andreas, the Bishop of Prague, and King Ottokar I of Bohemia as the Crisis of Church and State EMESE GYIMESI 86 Hungarian female writers after the Revolution and War of Independence of 1848–1849 LISBETH MATZER 97 The Fundamental Crisis of War as Motor for Developments in Political Peacekeeping. A Case Study on the Kellogg-Briand Pact to Outlaw War AARON PFAFF 110 The madness of the stock market – Comparing economic crises Editorial The special edition of the student historiography journal Klio has come to life as a consequence of the International Summer Seminar organized by ISHA Ljubljana in July 2014. More than 50 participants from 19 sections and 14 countries had an opportunity to enjoy a week of fruitful historical debate and tempting sights of Ljubljana in summer and to learn about the history and culture of Slovenia. The main purpose of the seminar was to offer the participants a space for constructive cross-cultural discussion and exchange of opinions and experiences. Taking into consideration the current socio-political circumstances, we chose the topic Crises and development. We tried to search for parallels between the past periods of depression and the present critical momentum. Crises have always been decisive moments in history, moments of condensed action. Therefore, we thought it would be interesting to explore whether there were any periods that were not considered critical by the contemporary reports. The participants were divided into six workshops and were encouraged to present their original papers and discuss various aspects of the main topic. The first workshop Crises and Politics (moderated by Neja Blaj Hribar and Aljoša Vuksanović) examined to what extent the political system can be held (co)responsible for crises, if any form of crisis necessarily leads to a political crisis and elicits a political change, and at last, the role of radical political movements in crises. The second workshop Crisis and Material Determinism (moderated by Dragan Nikčević) reopened the question of material determinism – to what extent are crises a direct result of material preconditions; and to what extent is development a direct result of the ability to overcome the aforementioned preconditions. The third workshop Crisis and the Pre- Modern Era (moderated by Izidor Janžeković and Mitja Rous) approached the problem of crises in the Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era. It took a closer look at how the contemporaries searched for the causes of crises and their solutions, considering various economic, environmental, ideological, and cultural aspects. The fourth workshop Culture in Crisis (moderated by Irina Lešnik and Jernej Kotar) explored the question whether culture has to end in a crisis in order to successfully develop further and reviewed the relationship between economy and culture – does the economic prosperity provide greater 8 resources for art or does it gradually intervene with cultural freedom? The fifth workshop Woman and Crisis (moderated by Martin Nedoh and Saša Zvonar) focused on the moments of transition that represent availed or missed opportunities in the emancipation of the other sex. Every time of crisis represented a certain change in the status of women, which was not always negative. As a consequence, an approach appeared that sees crisis as a product of a man’s world and therefore calls for more women getting involved in the decision-making process. The sixth workshop Development and Crisis between Modernity and History (moderated by Miha Šoba and Boris Cesar) dealt with the relationship between crisis and development in different historic situations, asked if someone’s crisis can be someone else’s progress and discussed which elements allow us to compare crises and what methods we use for comparison. The common theme of all workshops was the question of the role of historians in the time of crisis – are we simply objective reporters providing the society with historical data or should we use our knowledge and experience to actively influence current events? At the end of the seminar, we did not want all the meaningful words and original ideas expressed by the participants to fade away. This is why we decided to publish selected papers in a special edition of our publication. During the editing process we tried to keep our interventions within the texts as small as possible, so that the historical interpretation of the chosen topics would solely be left to their authors. However, we tried to make all the titles, subtitles, footnotes and bibliographies follow the same pattern in all published papers. We apologize in advance for any mistakes or omissions you might find while reading the publication. Every great story must come to an end. In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to some very important people. A special thanks goes to two incredible persons who put the most effort and energy into making the summer seminar an unforgettable experience. The first is Maja Lukanc, the seminar coordinator, head organizer and motivator. The second person who deserves a special mention is Patricija Kunštek, the long-time president of ISHA Ljubljana. During her presidency and under her supervision, ISHA Ljubljana developed even further; its members organized various extracurricular activities for the students of our department and set up the groundwork for our most important challenge thus far: the 2014 Summer Seminar. We would also like to thank the organizing team – each of you contributed an important piece to the incredible puzzle we created together. Thank you, Neja Blaj Hribar, Martin Nedoh, Lara Kren, Miha Šoba, Saša Zvonar, Irina Lešnik, Dragan Nikčević, Aljoša Vuksanović, Izidor Janžeković, Mitja Rous, Jernej Kotar, Boris Cesar, Maja Piuzi, Nejc Kunštek, Jože Glavič, Grega Mejak, Ivan Žgavec. Another group of people we would like to extend our thanks to are the reviewers, who took the time to comment on the papers and improved their quality even further. Without our sponsors we could not publish this publication; thank you. The last, but not the least important contributor to our work is the Department of History, which has offered us both financial and moral support throughout our journey. We would like to extend a special thanks to the current Head of the Department asst. prof. Danijela Trškan, PhD, for her unwavering support. Editors 9 Russia 1905-1917: The constitutional experiment Victoria Buck, University of Kent ISHA Kent, [email protected] According to recent and traditional historiography, there was widespread agreement that the Russian autocracy was unworkable in a society that was rapidly modernising. In 1905, Tsar Nicholas II had the choice to create a constitutional monarchy, and give the Russian people real representation, or he could let the revolution continue its course and endanger his position as Tsar. For Nicholas, there was only one solution: to create a constitutional monarchy. There was very little agreement among the prominent intellectuals of the time about how to achieve this. The necessity and possibility of creating a constitutional monarchy which had seemed palpable in 1905 became impossible by 1917. INTRODUCTION This article will focus on the reasons why it was so difficult to establish an effective constitutional monarchy in Russia under Nicholas II and the successive Provisional Government. I will do this firstly
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