EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-1067-1, 2019 EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 c Author(s) 2019. CC Attribution 4.0 license. Impact melt flows on the Moon: observations and models Natalia Artemieva (1,2), Veronica Bray (3) (1) Planetary Science Institute, Arizona, USA, (2) Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres (
[email protected]) , (3) Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, USA Abstract topography. Our numerical modeling explores this supposition. We compare modeling results with observed melt flows in the extended ejecta blanket of the Pierazzo crater on the Moon. Surface flow dynamics of ballistically deposited melts depends on its viscosity, deposition velocity (i.e., distance from the parent crater), local topography, and the amount of entrained cold materials. 1. Introduction This work concentrates on the analysis of Pierazzo crater (9.2 km in diameter) located on the far side of the Moon (259.7E, 3.25N) [1]. This crater has extensive LRO Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) coverage and a visible ray system extending beyond 450 km from the crater rim - suggesting a relatively young age. We analyse and model melt flows within the discontinuous ejecta at distances 11-40 km from the crater rim. 1.1 Mapping LROC images extending ~ 40km from the Pierazzo crater rim were mosaicked and melt flows and ponds mapped (Fig 1A). The largest flows show clear melt- like morphology: cooling cracks, channelling, lobate toe and pooling in low topography (Fig 1B/C). Fig. 1: A) Simplified mapping of [1] to show only the Fractal dimensions of several flows were recorded (D lobate flows present around Pierazzo crater (black).