Wdr Biblio--175-212
Bibliographical Note his report has drawn on a wide range of Bahl, J. Michael Bamberger, Suman World Bank documents and on numer- Bery, Sofia Bettencourt, Amar Bhatta- ous outside sources. World Bank sources charya, Richard Bird, Ilona Blue, Clem- include ongoing research as well as ens Boonekamp, François Bourguignon, country economic, sector, and project Nicolette L. Bowyer, John Briscoe, Lynn work. These and other sources are listed R. Brown, Robin Burgess, Shahid Javed T alphabetically by author and organiza- Burki, William Byrd, Jerry Caprio, Rich- tion in two groups: background papers ard Carey, Gonzalo Castro, Herman Ce- and references. The background papers sar, Ajay Chhibber, Kenneth Chomitz, were commissioned for this report and Paul Collier, Maureen Cropper, Angus are available on the World Development Deaton, Julia Devlin, Samir El Daher, Report 1999/2000 World Wide Web A. Charlotte de Fontaubert, Dipak Das- page (http://www.worldbank. org/wdr/). gupta, Alan Deardorff, Shantayanan In addition, some background papers Devarajan, Hinh Truong Dinh, Simeon will be made available through the Pol- Djankov, Gunnar Eskeland, François icy Research Working Paper series or as Falloux, Caroline Farah, Charles Fein- other World Bank publications, and the stein, J. Michael Finger, Louis Forget, rest will be available through the World Per Fredriksson, David Freestone, Lev Development Report office. The views Freinkman, Caroline Freund, Christo- they express are not necessarily those of pher Gibbs, Marcelo Giugale, Steve Gor- the World Bank or of this report. man, Vincent Gouarne, Elisea G. Gozun, In addition to the principal sources Emma Grant, Angela Griffin, Jeffrey listed, many persons, both inside and Gutman, Kirk Hamilton, Sonia Ham- outside the World Bank, provided advice mam, Trudy Harpham, Nigel Harris, and guidance.
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