Guía Académica
GUÍA ACADÉMICA 1 Security Council 3 ÍNDICE 1. Presentation letters. 2. About the committee. 3. About the Agenda. 3.1. Topic A. 3.2. Topic B. 4. Glossary. 5. Refferences 4 WELCOMING LETTER SECRETARY-GENERAL AND UNDER SECRETARY-GENERAL OF MONUA 2020 Delegates, From the Office of the Secretary-General, it is with great plea- sure that we welcome you to the ninth version of the Modelo de Naciones Unidas de la Universidad de los Andes. My name is Jordi Enrique Buitrago Soetendal. I am a fourth- year Law student with a minor in International Studies at the Universidad de los Andes. For MONUA 2020, I have the honour of accomplishing the biggest dream of my MUN career: serv- ing as Secretary-General of MONUA. I have been participating in MUN conferences for the last eight years, and MONUA 2020 is with no doubt the most complex and exciting challenge I have faced during all these years. Besides MUN, I am passion- ate about my career, particularly for Criminal Law, as well as football and literature. On my behalf, I am Santiago Paz Ramos, a fourth-year Eco- nomics major with minors in International Relations and Law. In this edition, I have the huge honor to continue building dreams by your side, by serving as Undersecretary-General for MONUA 2020. I have been participating in these conferences for the past 7 years now, and each day I learn something new, meet one-of-a-kind people, and surpass the barriers of what I think I am capable of. Personally, aside from being deeply passionate about these conferences, I am profoundly inter- ested in Political Economy, Macroeconometrics and music.
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