Conceptual Study of a Fast Landing Craft Unit Part 1 - Design KTH Centre for Naval Architecture MIKAEL RAZOLA
[email protected] 070-7104074 TORVALD HVISTENDAHL
[email protected] 070-4856392 Master Thesis KTH Centre for Naval Architecture Stockholm, Sweden, February 2010 2 ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to develop an initial design of a new Landing Craft Unit (LCU). A LCU is a specialized craft that is used to transport heavy vehicles such as battle tanks from a capital platform at sea to the shore. The capital platforms, within NATO called Landing Platform Docks (LPD), embark and disembark the LCUs over a well deck at the stern. A majority of the LCUs in use today have insufficient performance, which highly limits the tactics of an amphibious operation. This study presents the initial design of a completely new Fast Landing Craft Utility (FLCU). The craft is a catamaran with two lightweight demihulls connected by a transversally and vertically movable cross structure carrying a cargo platform. The movable cross structure makes it possible for the craft to reduce its draught and adjust its beam. These are two key advantages since the craft can disembark in shallow water and fit into a variety LPDs. The FLCU measures 20 m over all and is designed to carry one battle tank with a weight of 62 tonnes. Fully loaded, the craft can maintain 20 knots in sea state 3 and in unloaded condition up to 30 knots. It is designed for autonomous control. One of the key aims of this thesis is to provide a material that shows the feasibility of the proposed craft.