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•.vy rae,5 n•ti• ::n wr :r~ Jri ,Kr f };~1 ~~ :a '4'r:EE,Ri '~Iiiii 'i: ++ppyy'' ,,yy °rx .• .5.. ..k f. ". .f.~,rCFF,'~ti:'~`a~ .K}R•'•'J" . .a ~ i:;ti:v ii~i ~n ;.~p^•~~~5~p~ . .k . r. \ 4A:~,i/..•x ..,~~x. .n .. .'~.xrSdr:.rrr ~ ~.~ ..nGr:?h41ia~W3'Q+.~S.u~+k , :vx r@Ls. ntU3' ~43vx. .~ ALUMNI LOYALTY ROSTE R The names listed below are those of alumni who have either renewed their subscriptions and membershi p or have taken out new subscriptions since June 30th this year . Graduates of last June are not included . Of course there are those alumni who were subscribers previous to June 30th and those who hold life member - ships who belong on this list . Their names will appear as they re-subscribe or on the life membership lis t to be published at a later date. (See Note below * ) Irwin S . Adam s Mary Catherine Due r Dr . Norris It . Jones Frank E . Powel l Clyde It . Aitchison F . Ray Dunn Getlow Kalberg Lela McPherson Ramse y Dr . Otis F . Aki n Charles W. Evans Harold Kelley Robert T . Ranki n Peter G . Aks e Mr . and Mrs . Russell D . Evan s Mr . and Mrs . R . N . Kellogg W . Elwood Rea d VeIna J . Alexander Rovena Eyre H . J . Kester Mrs . Mabel Lane Reaga n Mary Allen Jacob Feldman Fred E, Kiddie Eva Rice Arnold Anderson Phoebe Finley Faith J . Kimball Emma Hamlin Richards Gustav Anderso n Raeman T . Fleming Dr . A. Terrence King William J. Richmon d Mr. and Mrs . Olen Arnsp ger Feed Fletcher Wily W . Knighten Dr . and Mrs . Chas . G. Robertson Dr . Carl G . Ashle y Mrs . Alice Adams Fole y Mrs . Adele Pickel Kramer Mr . and Mrs . C . W . Robison Alwina Bac h Embert A. Fossu m Mr. and Mrs . Herman J . Kramer Dr . Peter N . Roo t Latinos Bair d Seneca Fouts L . "Mally" Kurtz Mrs . K . A . Ross Thomas L . Baird Dr. and Mrs. Frank E . Fowler Mrs . Mary Hislop Kyle Elda Irene Russell Lowell M . Baker, Dr. E. D . Furrer Lionel Kenneth Lan e L . L. Rynearso n Dr . John R . Barber Carl D . Gabrielso n Erie Lee Laughli n Arthur C . Schaefe r Dr . and Mrs . E. H . Barendrick Jane D . Gavin Katherine Laughrige Mrs. A . J. Schleuriing Edgar R . Barnes Mrs . Agnes M . Geary Edward C . Leu m Alfred H . Schmidt Dr . Charles E . Bates Myron W . Getchel l Doris H . Lieuallen Cecil L . Schreyer Jack R . H . Bauer Lydia Ann Gibb s Harold G . Lockerbi e Mrs . Alice Morrow Scot t Ronald H . Beatti e Dr. W. W. Gilber t Ben Lombar d Stephen S. Sela k Eloise B . Beaumon t Mark M . Gil l Mrs . Jennie S. Lucke y Myron E . Shanno n Mr. and Mrs . George A. Bellon i Walter B . Gleason Dr. Kenneth C . Lum Mrs . Florence Jagger Sha w Dr . Archie E . Bird Mr. and Mrs . Luke L. Goodrich Mrs . AfTie Reagan McCaule y William $. Shenker Dr . John D . Blair Beulah L . Gore Frank H . McClung Miriam Rae Shepard Mrs. Jennie Blodgett Edna M . Gould Mrs . Erma Clifford McCulloc h Dr . Robert H. Shinmi Mrs. Harry L . Boardman Dr. E . E . Gray Helen E . McCormick Inez H . Simon s Bertha O . Bodine Walter H . Greb e Burns McGowa n Kelsey Sloco m Georgie E . Boydstun Mrs . Rosa Griesinger Joseph R. McCready Hollis S . I. Smith Dr . and Mrs . Ernest L. Boyle s Mrs . Beryl Harrah Grille y Walter T . McGuir k Marjorie Speed Tom Boylen, Jr . Mrs . Ruth Gustafson Glen S . Macy Bernice Spence r Frederick O . Bradshaw Mrs . Vera Webber Hager Creston It . Maddock Christian A . Spreen Maryellyn Bradfor d William Haggerty Leo J . Malarkey Raymond :, E . Statzer Mr . and Mrs. Walter Brento n Howard Halbert Mr, and Mrs. Francis E . Marsh Mrs. Anna R . Stephenso n Edward N . Brow n Marjorie Halderman Mary Louise Martin Jack H . Stipe Milton G. Brow n Robert T . Hal l Mr . and Mrs . Donald James Martin Jesse Led Stoval l Thelma Mary Brown Dorothy L . Hallin David G . Maso n Edward Pale Stubbs Mr . and Mrs . C. B. Buchanan, Jr . Margaret Hammerbache r Chester C . Medle r Charles E. Taf t James M . Burgess ' Robert S . Hard y Mr . and Mrs. Gerald J . Meind l Garner IS . Talboy Mr . and Mrs . Rodolph W . Cabell Ray E . Harlan Phyllis Meise l Dr . B . 11I . Tanaka Mrs . Roberta Caldwell George Harris Ruth M . Mellinger Dr . W. R . Taylo r Dr . J. E. Campbell Mrs . Blanche Booth Hathaway Evangeline Miller Mr . and IMrs . Roy K. Terr y Sylvan Camp f Mr. and Mrs . Fred Hanger John N. Mohr Dr . Fred%' H . Thompson Dr . C . M . Canning Eric V . Hauser, Jr. J. S . Moore Mrs. Lucile Abrams Thurber Arthur M . Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Webb W . Haye s Samuel A . Mushen, Jr. Harry M. Tonko n Dr . H . Jackson Capel] Zilda Haye s Clara A . Nelso n Mr . and .Mrs . Lamar Tooz e Joseph K. Carson, Jr . Janice M . Hedges Thelma Nelso n Stewart Tuft Mary-Lee Carter Dr. and Mrs . H . M . Hendershott It . P . Newlan d Mr . and Mrs . Warren J . Ulrich Mary and Elizabeth Chance Eugene J. Hendr y Kenneth Olds Clara W : Waffl e Helen Chaney Mrs . Barbara Barker Herman Vesta R . Olso n Mr . and Mrs . Carl C . Webb Norwood R . Charma n Mr . and Mrs . Walter S . Hodge Harriett Edna Osborn Archie Weinstei n Francis J . Coldren Hilma Honkane n Helen Osburn Winifred E. Weter Thomas B . Collins Lela C . Horto n Mrs. Luceil Morrow Osvold Mildred F . Whitcom b Harold Conle y Marguerite R . Hoskin Dr . Earl M . Pallet t Jean Whitne y Harmon F . Crite s Louese S . Howard Ellis R . Parker Lisa Wilcox Ralph It . Cronis e Ronald M . Hubb s Verlin E . Parker Mr . and Mrs . Basil Williams Mr . and Mrs . Cloyd O . Dawson Mr. and Mrs . Harold G. Hughe s Mr . and Mrs. P . L. Patterso n Robert W . Wilso n Virgil G . DeLap Dr . Norman E. Irvin e Dr. Alfred B . Peacock Clinton D . Wood A . G . DeMerritt Reed A . Jagger Dr . Wilfred L. Pemberton Thella Eileen Wood A . L. Denney' Harper Jamison Dwight L. Phipp s Florence L . Woughte r Gertrude E . Deutsch Arthur Johnson Esther M . Pike Andrew D . Young Frank Carlton Dillard J. Wilson Johnsto n Dr. A . O . Pitma n Mr, and Mrs . F . Harold Young Vala Alois Dotso n J . Earl Jone s Mr . and Mrs. Glenn W. Pott s Judge Howard K . Zimmerma n Mary E. DuBois Jack Edward Jones Ann E . Powell * Subscribers, Note : OLD OREGON YOU may be of great service t o University of Orego n your Alumni Association by Eugene, Orego n clipping the accompanying coupo n Gentlemen : and handing it to some alumnus o r Please enter my subscription to OLD OREGON (which include s alumna who is not now a sub - membership in the Alumni Association) . I want to participate in the scriber, inviting that person to joi n program of the Association and be granted the privileges of active mem - bership. with us in reading OLD OREGO N Enclosed is my check q -OR-Bill me later IL and participating: in the program One year $2. q Three years $5. of the Association . If every sub - Life $25. scriber would answer this request , it would result immediately in a Name larger and better OLD OREGON , Street and a program of even greate r City State benefit to the University than a t present. Will you help ? q $1 added to above rates for my wife (or husband) , who is also an Oregon alum . -ALUMNI S gCRBTAR Y Published monthly except July and August by the Alunmi Association of the University of Oregon, and entered as second .class matter at the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 . Treat under Form 3578-1 . Return postage guaranteed . Published by the University of Orego n Alumni Association Vol. XVI August-September, 1934 No. 3 NEWS AND COMMEN T By the Editor Chancellor Hunt do if Dr. Kerr should place an imme- statement of assurance that the boar d diate resignation in its lap . is doing all within its power and re - We find our sympathies divided i n And so the hoard is faced agai n sources to obtain a successor to D r this matter of obtaining a new chan- (and we repeat, we are sympatheti c Kerr should be made in order to dispe l cellor for Oregon's system of highe r with it and its many problems) with suspicions of stalling, a prerequisit e education. First of all our sympathies a situation where it must act quickly vital to cooperative effort. We are are with those alumni and friends and and surely if it is to maintain a posi- confident that it will act so as to pro- faculty members who have borne un- tion of trust and respect . To turn tect educational harmony as well as der the present situation for the pas t a more or less questionable "peace" its own prestige . several months with self-imposed si- into a real and lasting co-operativ e lence and constantly thwarted hope . system of higher education, with au- Complications It has become a situation that border s thorities trusted and authority well de - on indignity. fined, alumni should he reassured b y There is the possibility, however , The whole state knows how so the action at the next meeting of the that those who anxiously await the many thousands feel about things as board, October 22 .