The Montana Kaimin, November 5, 1937

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The Montana Kaimin, November 5, 1937 University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 11-5-1937 The onM tana Kaimin, November 5, 1937 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, November 5, 1937" (1937). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 1601. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, MISSOULA, MONTANA Z400 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1937. VOLUME XXXVII. No. 13 Grizzlies Bid for National Fame Tomorrow Wheeler Tells Candidates Who Will Enter Competition at Managers Club Ball Strong Bulldog Team Inside Story On Judiciary Threatens Montana’s Opponent of Court Reform Long Victory String Is Alpha Tau Omega Guest Speaker Szakash, Lazetich, Dolan Rally from Injuries Received In Bobcat Game; Regular Silvertip Backfield Senator Burton K. Wheeler last Will Be Intact at Opening Whistle ni6ht told the inside story of his -------------- ;------ stand on the Supreme Court re­ Montana’s reputation in the national football stadium will organization issue, gave facts be­ I be at stake tomorrow when Gonzaga Bulldogs invade Dom- hind Farley’s “It’s in the bag” statement, and said he believed I blaser field for a game that will make or break a badly crip- Roosevelt was misinformed by I pled Grizzly eleven. The main attraction on Montana’s annual Cohen and Corcoran on the court ' ®Open House program will be the question. Vandal, Grizzly ?uel ^ *1° “77’f ^ ap- Speaking before university offi­ 'tain Mad Milt Popovich, Mon­ cials, alumni and members of Crpss - Country tana’s bid for All-America, and Alpha Tau Omega social fraternity George (Automatic) Karamatic, at their chapter house, Wheeler Men Will Meet! Gonzaga’s highly touted ball car- condemned F a rle y ’s “pressure” methods and expressed belief that ---------------- The Grizzly starting backfield Hugo Black’s appointment to the |Grueling Race to Be Feature!W>R he intact tomorrow when the court was handed senate leaders Of Half-Time Period first whistle blows at 2:15 o’clock. while the president was angry at At Gonzaga Game Willy Lazetich, injured in the Bob- a disobedient senate and a reac­ __________ cat game, will be in his usual spot I ... , .. ,.. _ at right halt Paul Szakash, also tionary south. Added attraction of the Gonzaga ____, ■ ,, , _ , „ ... f injured in the State game, has re- / Senator Wheeler, opposition game tomorrow afternoon will be covered sufficiently to play in his leader in the president’s court re­ | the cross-country race between ftfllback and signal-calling post organization fight and one of the Grizzly and Idaho university mara­ Milt Popovich will have his post nation’s most colorful figures, de­ thon runners. The race will com­ at left half. nounced the methods of Tammany, mence during the second quarter Dolan at End described John J. Lewis as a “very of the game and will finish at half­ forceful character” and expressed time. Johnny Dolan, midget end, is conviction that the United States | Each team will be limited to coming along and will be at right will remain neutral in the Far seven runners. The first five men end. Chuck Williams w ill be at left East. on each side to finish will score end, which he played regularly be­ Guests were President George points. fore injuries put him on the re­ Finlay Simmons, Dr. G. D. Shal- Men who comprise* the Grizzly serve roster. Frank Smith, fast lenberger, Professor E. A. Atkin­ team are Jack Rose, number one wingman, and Jack Hoon, speedy pass snatcher, w ill get the first call son, Professor Michael Mansfield, ♦ Pictured above are the co-eds who will go to the post tomorrow i runner and last year's track co­ for end replacements. Emil Tab- Russell Smith, Tom m y Higgins, Campus Aid Is Requested night in the big race for the title of “ Grizzly Queen.” Contestants are: who completes his track aracci, Ed Bofto and Pat Connolly Sherman Wertz and Dean R. C. 1. Winnie Bridges, Great Falls. Z. Louise Selkirk, Fishtail. 3. Angela career this quarter;. Wayne Git- TO ’41 are also ready for duty. Line who, with toastmaster Mickey McCormlck, Missoula. 4. Marion Nankervis, Butte. 5. Theola Miull, junior, number two runner; F o r backfield replacements, Walsh, was responsible for Wheel­ To Reconstruct Rally Pyre! Kela. 6. Dorothy Jane Cooney, Great Falls. 7. Anne Harnish, Sidney, Payne, junior; Ted Garling- Freshman derision of the Coach Fessenden has the elusive er’s appearance on the campus. 8. L ederc Page, Butte. 9. Peggy Carrigan, Butte. 10. Jane Klopfer, *on» PacBico; Elbert Barnwell bonfire-building tradition was Fred Jenkins. Jenkins can be used After speaking at the special unofficially yet adequately de­ Billings. 11. Virginia Flanagan, Great Falls. j Among Idaho’s probable entries to replace Popovich or may be convocation this morning, Senator Fessy Will Lead Pajama-Clad Students from Depot; creed when during the night will be Slade, number one runner; paired with the Grizzly ace. Last Wheeler left for Darby and will Plans for Parade Still in Effect “The Proctors of the Faith" Cunningham, number two, and year against Idaho, Doug used the return to the capital next week. posted “Plague Warnings” on Bing !oresees Union Office Fluharty, Probst, Sathen and Mil- slippery pair to the bewilderment the campus. Student luminaries today expressed disgust for the person lette. of the Idaho defense. Wednesday when four fresh­ Grizzly Defeat Bobby Beal, ball carrier or or persons responsible for the premature firing of ASMSU’s Last year Idaho won. New Art Exhibit men appeared to build the bon­ To Distribute blocking back, is ready along with rally pyre at 12:20 o’clock this morning and stated that campus I fire for tonight's rally, South By Alma Mater Jack Emigh, Joe Mariana, Frank Opens in Gallery AT CENTRAL BOARD aid will be necessary for reconstruction before tonight’s huge hall proctors, upperclass men, Play Tickets Nugent, Tommy Rolston and Clyde were forced to do the majority Brown. Doc Brower is slated to (parade. “ Tw o years ago the same®-------------------------------------------------------- Crooner Writes Letter to Murphy; Tuesday, November 2—Spe­ thing happened. This 'morning’s! Starting at the N. P. depot at of the work. take over the post o f blocking back, An exhibition of architectural Expresses Regret Montana cial committee appointed to episode may just as well be thrown 7:30 o’clock, Grizzly rooters will Yesterday freshmen were changing to end on the defense designs for small museums opened Will Lose Game Seats for “ Royal Family” work with Silent Sentinel and oft the books and plans made to Pa™de up Higgins led by Fessy, ample to complete construction when Hoon is at end. yesterday in the auditorium-gal­ May Be Secured Mortar board to recommend a protect the campus against re- the cub bear mascot. From Uni- o f the pyre, but today’s warn­ Lundberg Out lery of the art building. Bing Crosby’s personal regret song or group of songs from currence. I personally request stu- versity avenue, the paraders will ings indicate campus feeling Next Week Roily Lundberg, blocking back Designs may be viewed from 1 that Gonzaga must unseat our which the university's official dents this afternoon to help in re- turn left down Maurice avenue to was prodded by an offense and general utility man, is out for to 5 o’clock daily except Sundays high-riding Grizzlies tomorrow song may be chosen. Reports and during meetings in the aud­ building the bonfire,” stated Peter the lot back of the Union building which can be rectified by the Zag game with a severe char- was expressed over Bing's signa­ Students may start exchanging next meeting. Murphy, ASMSU president, late for the pep rally. underclass aid in reconstruction ley-horse. itorium. ture in a letter to ASMSU Presi­ ASMSU cards for reserved seats CB underwrites band depart­ The Department of Architecture, this morning. Mike Pecarovich, Bulldog coach, today. Recovering from an injury re­ dent Peter Murphy yesterday. to “The Royal Family" Monday at ment $495 for purchase of 55 Yale, through courtesy of Dean E. A t 12:20 o’clock this morning, and Doug Fessenden, Grizzly men­ ceived in the Don game, Bill Mat- The informal letter from the the Student Union office, accord­ band uniforms on understand­ V. Meeks, loaned the eleven arch­ ten minutes after freshman guards tor, will be featured speakers at asovic, varsity center, is definitely screen’s No. 1 crooner also ex­ ing to Donal Harrington, dramatics ing that amount be paid by itectural designs to Montana State Dale Olson, Jack Resnahan and the rally. One of the blanket win­ out of the game due to an auto­ Montana Back pressed his sorrow that a picture director. Although the play will' government next spring. university. Stanley Johnson went off duty, ners and a member of Downtown mobile accident yesterday morn­ will make impossible his attend­ run Thursday and Friday nights Committee appointed at Drawings, showing both eleva- Harold Trana, university night- Coaches w ill also talk. ing. The huge center received ance at the game.
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    itOCUITT RESUME 2-45t 95 . - ,RC 010 425 .. UTROR' Niatuw, Duane; Rickman, Uncle TITLE The. History and Culture of the'Indiand of Wilahington State ---A curriculua'GuiAer..Revised 1975. ,INmpUTION Washington Office of the State Superintendent of .' Public Instruction, Olympia.; Washington Univ., v .1 . 'Seattle. Coll. of Edication. , ;pm AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, p. C. r 08-,DATE . 75' Lima -------,_ 248p.: - BOBS PRICE HF-$0443-7801.414.71 Plus POstage. " -DESCRIPTORS Activities; fAmericarLindians; Audioviival lids; *Bibliographies; Cat:mad-inn-Concept Formation; Conflict; *Cultural Awareness; CuTttialBackground. Cultural Differences; *CurriCulumOuideal-iducat4onal Objectives; *Elementary 'Secondary- Education;. Enrichment; Futures (of Society) * 'History; Instructional Materials: InterdiLiplOau Approach:. / Organizations (Groups); Problems; *Reionice ., Haterfals; Social Change; Students; Teachers IDENTIF*S' *Washington -,,,. 'AB4T4CT - 0 social. Designed to be utilized as a supplementtar,,, studies crr culum (any level) .in-the public schodlgirofAiasking,ton thiscurricula*,- guide on: the histOry 4AWc4tt#4 of . ..- 4t4te. ... NAshington's American Indians includes; ailindez; a 0.14-00-;#04ia . , guide;-a guide to teaching materialetsauath0-2, .., resource ._..., -_,,,......- -, ,study,itself. The content of the course of St04200#441'6 ;:thee .: 11#10 4;eisearlii life of the Indians ofilvall#00,01*4,the::,. NMshington Indians! encounter with non 4andiane;,04-0400,0 ,,, .InAians of Washington. The subject patter iso.0#4110kiii*OePt P ' A4'n'Of'Socialissuesand is developedbysielliWWCO:i01041. '. ,,,f ,4ener4imationS, and values derived from all at 00,:4140(science dirge 04Ines;specific objectives and actAvitieg:4Sik 4414- c -60d. e:)14.1liggraphy/resources section inclu400: 40040, l is: ,; mt. ipii; gases: newspapers and journ4s1 twOotdM, MOta 'Wit organizations and institutions; U.S.
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