War Department Military Intelligence
MHI :opy 3 WAR DEPARTMENT BASIC FIELD MANUAL MILITARY INTELLIGENCE IDENTIFICATION OF FOREIGN ARMORED VEHICLES GERMAN, JAPANESE, RUSSIAN ITALIAN, AND FRENCH June 20, 1941 REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED BY DOD DIR. 5200.1 R BY Reference 30-42 BASIC FIELD MANUAL MILITARY INTELLIGENCE IDENTIFICATION OF FOREIGN ARMORED VEHICLES GERMAN, JAPANESE, RUSSIAN ITALIAN, AND FRENCH Prepared under direction of the Chief of Staff REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED BY AUTHQRHY/JF QQD DIR. 5200.1R UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1941 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, June 20, 1941. FM 30-42, Military Intelligence, Identification of Foreign Armored Vehicles, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian, and French, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (4-2-41).] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OP WAR I G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL : E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. Distribution: D (3); B (5); R 1, 3, 4,10 (5), 2, 5, 6, 7,17 (10); Bn 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 (10), 17 (15); C 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 (5), 17 (15); IBn7 (15); I C 2, 7 (15). (For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6.) n TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1. General. Paragraph Page Purpose._---—-----_-_—__— 1 1 Scope ____ __ ___________ 2 1 Method of identification and clas sification of armored vehicles.—_ 3 1 II. Armored vehicles of the German Army_— 3 III. Armored vehicles of the Japanese Army_—- 55 IV. Armored vehicles of the Russian Army___._ 87 V. Armored vehicles of the Italian Army____ 109 VI. Armored vehicles of the French Army_..._ 135 FM 30-42 BASIC FIELD MANUAL MILITARY INTELLIGENCE IDENTIFICATION OF FOREIGN ARMORED VEHICLES GERMAN, JAPANESE, RUSSIAN, ITALIAN, AND FRENCH SECTION I GENERAL • 1.
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