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PROFESSIONAL COMPUTING Deskpac - MAESTRO Super Executive V 32 MODEM PROFESSIONAL COMPUTING No.76 THE MAGAZINE OF THE AUSTRALIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY MAY 1992 workstations to SE/ty - A Brighter Future for DeskPAC Australian Computing GRAPHICS COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAESTRO Super Executive V 32 MODEM 'Ifyou are still using a2400 BPS modem - You could be barking up the wrong tree. Perhaps its time you moved into the fast lane with thenewbfaestro S600 BPS modem . AUSTEL PERMIT NO:A91/37D/0413 INCREDIBLE VALUE INC TAX 1200 SOME PEOPLE SELL 2400 BPS MODEMS FOR THIS PRICE 2400 ’’CRAZY” 4800 UHI I WONDER WHAT THE 9600 SPEED LIMIT IS AROUND HERE? 19200* 38400** 14 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MNP5 Depending on file * V42bis Depending on file IF YOU FIND A MODEM THAT PERFORMS BETTER, THEN YOU MAY RETURN YOUR SUPER EXECUTIVE WITHIN 14 DAYS FOR A REFUND. (14 DAYS FROM DATE OF PURCHASE) V.32 - 9600 BPS FULL DUPLEX ASYNQSYNC ERROR CORRECTION / DATA COMPRESSION V.32 - 4800 BPS FULL DUPLEX ASYNQSYNC V.42bis - ERROR CORRECTION AND COMPRESSION TO 38400 BPS ** V.22bis - 2400 BPS FULL DUPLEX ASYNQSYNC V.42 - ERROR CORRECTION AND COMPRESSION V.22 - 1200 BPS FULL DUPLEX ASYNQSYNC MNP 5 - ERROR CORRECTION AND COMPRESSION TO 19200 BPS* V.21 - 300 BPS FULL DUPLEX ASYNC MNP 24 - ERROR CORRECTION NEW 9642XR DATA / FAX 1 MODEL WITH V.42his &A£NP2 - 5 AUSTEL PERMIT C88/37A/145 FANTASTIC VALUE AT ONLY $449 SEND AND RECEIVE FAX MODEM AUSTEL PERMIT C88/37A/145 9600XR DATA / FAX MODEM ONLY $399 INC D nnnmnnr SEND AND RECEIVE FAX MODEM WITHOUT DATA COMPRESSION OR CORRECTION 'mmamm, 'AUSTRALIA GITAL COMMUNICATIONS A.C.N. OOO 928 405 PHONE (06) 239 2369, FAX (06) 239 2370 UNIT 2 13-15 TOWNSVILLE ST, FYSHWICK, ACT 2609 PROFESSIONAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Moving towards COMPUTING standards CONTENTS: MAY 1992 THE IT industry is moving, albeit slowly, towards the adoption of standards for hardware, for software and CLIENT/SERVER PROCESSING — THE PRACTICAL for communications. Yet we know that the most rele­ APPLICATION: The term "Client/Server” is used to cover a vant variable in IT work is people. whole range of computing scenarios. In this article we take a Paul Sayers from Mazda told a recent ACS Victori­ look at the practical application of client/server technology, an Conference that, when it comes to productivity utilising DOS based PCs with Windows, (the clients), to add tools and techniques, the winner will always be “smart processing power and user features to commercial systems with people.” Many studies have shown that smart people large databases on mini/mainframe computers, (the servers). 2 can make poor systems work — for smart systems you probably need even smarter people! So, will we have standards for communications, for IT ISSUES OF THE 1990s: Over the next few years studying hardware and for software — but not for people? Or is the computer industry will be akin to staring down a turning it time that we took a serious look at some “people kaleidoscope. The single most important differentiator in the standards?” If we had them, how would they be set? 90s is quality. 5 How would they be monitored and how would they be enhanced to keep up with our dynamic profession? At the National ACS Council meeting, we set up a OSI APPLICATION ESSENTIALS: A further extract from task force to investigate such matters. 'The essential OSI’ produced by the consortium of Standards Australia, OSIcom, the Australian MAP/TOP Interest Group Thinking about “People Standards” and NSW Tafe Commission’s Open College Network. 7 The Task Force will be looking at how other profes­ sions in Australia and overseas are addressing the “people standards” issue as well as at how other coun­ ACS in View 11 tries are addressing the “IT people standards” issue. We hope to be able to use the knowledge of some of THE CONVERGENCE OF MANUFACTURERS those attending the International Conference on Soft­ PRODUCTS?: The next 18 months in computing will be one of ware Engineering in Melbourne in May, especially the most interesting that we have witnessed for decades. those who have been involved in addressing these issues in their own countries. Traditional centralised systems will be replaced by distributed One body that has a long history in applying stan­ systems, new companies will dominate the transnational IT dards to IT people is the Institute for the Certification world, while better informed and articulate users will dictate the of Computer Professionals (ICCP) in the US. Found­ evolution of the industry. 16 ed in 1973, ICCP offers certification in four profes­ sional designations. You may have seen the initials THE TENTH AUSTRALIAN COMPUTING IN CCP CDP CSP ACP alongside author’s names in EDUCATION CONFERENCE: A good program takes books and magazines. These stand for Certified Com­ 19 puter Programmer, Certified Data Processor, Certified shape. Systems Professional and Associate Computer Profes­ sional. ICCP has 11 constituent bodies and five affili­ THE FUTURE OF COMMERCIAL COMPUTING: Growing ated societies. They include ACM, ASM, DPMA, demands for more powerful applications challenge PC DAMA, as well as COMMON, an IBM User Group, performance. 20 and FNUG, the Federation of NCR User Groups. (Is it time to ban acronyms?) Let me quote from an ICCP publication: OPENING MOVES: A Brisbane Branch Conference paper “If you are trying to distinguish yourself in the deals with the realities of Open OLTP. 23 crowded information processing technology field, cer­ tification puts you above the rest... whether you are sending out resumes, bidding for tenders or looking PROFESSIONAL COVER: This issue’s cover depicts for a promotion, certification provides proof of your the SPARC-based product family of professional experience and expertise. Certification is Australian systems integrator, the confidence-building proof that you have met spe­ COMPUTING Graphics Computer Systems. The cific requirements and possess that high level of H,t*STATIO.*S TO , SPARC marketplace is currently in a knowledge and skill. In tough economic times, certifi­ state of flux, as a wide range of third cation adds to your professional credibility and gives party manufacturers are introducing you an advantage in the competitive job market.” their CPU and peripheral support The ICCP Executive is made up of industry people products. Australian-owned and and the American Council on Education has recom­ Melbourne-based Graphics Comput­ mended the awarding of college credits to those who er Systems are part of this process, pass ICCP exams. ICCP certification is not about manufacturing both chassis and recognising entry level professionals — it is aimed at A Brighter future for ooard level products for the domes­ senior level personnel. A candidate must have at least Australian Computing ■ tic and export markets, with existing 60 months of full-time direct experience in IT. Those GRAPHICS sales to New Zealand, Singapore, the holding post-secondary and tertiary qualifications may » COMPUTER US and Canada. fj SYSTEMS substitute their qualifications for up to 24 months of GCS is contactable by telephone experience. on 03 888 8522 and by fax on 03 808 9151. Continued page 2k PROFESSIONAL COMPUTING, MAY 1992 1 VICTORIAN BRANCH 1992 CONFERENCE PAPER commercial arena. Many dangers were ex­ pounded as reasons why a mini-computer was Client/Server processing: inappropriate for commercial use. These included security, data integrity and data back-up disciplines. With PCs and work­ the practical application stations now offering an even lower level of distributed processing, there are still a few THE term "Client/Server” By Peter Hill and Brad Allen people in the industry who have trouble ac­ cepting the place of the PC in a commercial is used to cover a whole IFFERENT people have different transaction processing environment, prefer­ range of computing views or perceptions about what client/ ring to view them only as useful tools for server computing is. The US Business spread sheet and word processing. scenarios. In this article DResearch Group questioned Fortune 1000 inFortunately­ these people are in the minority, we take a look at the formation systems and end-user executives but those who have at least accepted the con­ cept of using PCs in a client/server role are practical application of who were implementing client/server systems and found that their definitions fell roughly still faced with the same problems that face client/server technology, into four categories: any decentralisation or distribution of pro­ utilising DOS based PCs ■ Applications offering file or peripheral shar­ cessing power. ing or remote computer access. But before we tackle some of the problems, with Windows (the clients) ■ Applications that disseminate a database let’s look at the benefits of including PCs in a to add processing power among more than one computer on a net­ commercial application. No matter how clever and efficient your and user features to work. ■ Messaging applications, such as electronic programming is, or how big your processor is, commercial systems with mail. if you have a central system with many termi­ large databases on ■ Process intensive applications that distrib­ nals attached, which is expected to perform ute different computing tasks amongst con­ multiple processing requirements simulta­ mini/mainframe nected computers. neously, then response times will vary. The computers (the servers). Some choose to use the term “Cooperative relocation of CPU intensive forms handling procedures on to the PC results in a significant We will provide some Processing” to describe the interaction be­ tween PCs or Workstations and mainframes. reduction in the demand on mainframe CPU examples of systems of Rather than argue the merits of the various resources and reduces the traffic on I/O and this kind that Megatec definitions, we need to provide you with our communication links. definition so that you can put the content of has developed and While the savings vary from one project to this discussion into context.
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