Contact details: NAME ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ADDRESS BG Valentina TODOROVA Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria
[email protected] GE RO Valeria ABAZA National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] RO Adrian FILIMON National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] RO Camelia DUMITRACHE National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] RO Tatiana BEGUN NIRD GeoEcoMar, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] RO Adrian TEACA NIRD GeoEcoMar, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] RU TR Murat SEZGIN Sinop University Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey
[email protected] TR Melek ERSOY KARACUHA Sinop University Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey TR Mehmet ÇULHA Katip Celebi University Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey TR Güley Kurt SAHIN Sinop University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dept. of Biology, Sinop, Turkey
[email protected] TR Derya ÜRKMEZ Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey
[email protected] TR Bülent TOPALOĞLU Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey TR İbrahim ÖKSÜZ Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey Abbreviations used: Black Sea countries Origin of exotic species Establishment success BG BULGARIA NA North America C casual GE GEORGIA BS Black Sea E established RO ROMANIA MS Mediterranean Sea Q questionable RU RUSSIAN FEDERATION NE North Europe TR TURKEY AO Atlantic Ocean Each species description includes the following information: UA UKRAINE MS Mediterranean Sea o Year of the first occurrence in national waters; PO Pacific Ocean o Place of the first occurrence in national waters; IO Indian Ocean EW European water bodies Co Cosmopolitan SE South-Eastern Asia Au Australia Af African water bodies CS Caspian Sea 1 Aknowledgements The authors of this document acknowledge the financial support provided by European Commission – DG Environment though the project MISIS (Grant Agreement No.