Index of Groups and Organizations
Index of Groups and Organizations 45 Grave 465 Astrum Argentinum. See Argenteum Astrum 666 Satanic Reality 534 Atheist Club 56 atwa (Air, Trees, Water, and Animals) 342 Aborym 499 Abruptum 508 Bahá’í Faith 518 Acid King [Heavy Metal band] 446 Bambini di Satana Luciferiani (B.S.L., Lucife- Acrassicauda 476, 567 rian Children of Satan) ix, 2, 10, 533–537, Action Française 87 548, 572, 620 Action Socialiste [Masonic lodge] 211 Baptists 353, 399, 440, 528, 547, 552, 556 Agapé Lodge 287–289, 291, 292 Bathory [Black Metal band] 471, 472 Akercocke 469 Bauhaus [Gothic band] 464 Allee Shadow Tradition 318 Bavarian Illuminati 323, 571, 585, Al-Namrood 477 591, 605 Amaka Hahina 491 Beatles (The) 342, 439, 440, 463 American Bar Association 406, 407 Behemoth [Extreme Metal band] 496, 497, American Nazi Party 370 570, 572 American Philosophical Association Beherit [Black Metal band] 479, 480 452n272, 595 Believe the Children 406–408, 562 American Psychiatric Association Belkètre 489 379, 560 Benedictines 52, 106 American Society of Clinical Hypnosis 383, Best Friends 335, 336 393 Bestie di Satana (Beasts of Satan) 17, 469, Amesoeurs 500 545–550, 556, 594, 599 Anabaptists 160, 191 Bethlehem [Heavy Metal band] 501 Angels of Sodom 460 Black Circle 482, 485, 494, 508 Anglican Church (Church of England) 54– Black Funeral 499, 506 57, 199, 538n109, 566 Black Glyph Society 359 Anglican Satanic Church 356 Black Lodge, The [Italian Satanist Anglo-Saxonic Church 356 organization] 534 Antaeus [Black Metal band] 492 Blacklodge [French Black Metal band] 499, Anthroposophical Society 7, 8, 542, 572 500 Anubi [Folk Metal band] 498 Black Luciferian Flame, The 492 Applied Potential Institute 443 Black Oak Arkansas 440 Arallu 475 Black Order [German nazi Argenteum Astrum 239 organization] 351 Arktion Federation 364 Black Order [federation of Satanist Aryan Brotherhood 343 groups] 369 Ásatrú 366n207, 484, 498, 587 Black Order of Lucifer.
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