Toward Social Material Flow Analysis: On the Usefulness of Boundary Objects in Urban Mining Research Björn Wallsten Linköping University Post Print N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original article. Original Publication: Björn Wallsten, Toward Social Material Flow Analysis: On the Usefulness of Boundary Objects in Urban Mining Research, 2015, Journal of Industrial Ecology, (19), 5, 742-752. Copyright: Wiley: No OnlineOpen Postprint available at: Linköping University Electronic Press Toward Social Material Flow Analysis – On the Usefulness of Boundary Objects in Urban Mining Research Author: Björn Wallsten* Published in Journal of Industrial Ecology 19(5) 742–752. * Corresponding author. Department of Management and Engineering, Environmental Technology and Management, Linköping University, SE- 581 83 Linköping, Sweden. Tel: +4613285625 Email:
[email protected] Summary Material flow analysis (MFA) has been an effective tool to identify the scale of physical activity, the allocation of materials across economic sectors for different purposes and to identify inefficiencies in production systems or in urban contexts. However, MFA relies on the invisibilization of the social drivers of those flows to be able to perform its calculations. In many cases therefor, it remains detached from the for example urban processes that underpin them. This becomes a problem when the purpose of research is to design detailed recycling schemes or the like, for which micro-level practice knowledge on how material flows are mediated by human agency is needed.