Silent Road in the Light of Experience
Silent Road: In the light of personal experience by Wellesley Tudor Pole London: Neville Spearman Ltd, 1960 [DUST JACKET ITEM THAT CAME WITH "THE SILENT ROAD"] ‘Some of your experiences are almost unbelievable . A most interesting book that will do an enormous amount of good.’ Dr. Raynor Johnson In this unusual thought-provoking and, at times, controversial book the author tells the reader in his foreword that it ‘should be read with a mind free from preconceived ideas or set opinions’. The author’s personal experiences, described in these pages are varied, illuminating and always intriguing. You will read about: . The doctor who left his body in Britain while he visited Major Tudor Pole lying ill in a houseboat on the Nile. through the gift of ‘prevision’ the author was able to change a certain verdict of ‘guilty’ to one of ‘not guilty’ in a manslaughter case. There is so much of absorbing interest. Each chapter is a little gem in itself—a separate entity, dealing with some aspect of the mind, be it clairvoyance, precognition, dreams, memory or imagination. Nevertheless, all are connected for they are different facets of the whole. About the Author: Wellesley Tudor Pole, O.B.E., soldier, traveller, industrialist. Student of archaeology in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey and the Sahara. Founder of the Big Ben Silent Minute Observance. Chairman: The Chalice Well Trust, Glastonbury and Governor of the Glaston Tor School for Boys. In the opinion of many, the insights revealed by Wellesley Tudor Pole in his previous books, The Silent Road and A Man Seen Afar established him as a seer possessing capacities of an order altogether different from what is ordinarily understood by clairvoyance.
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