Case- 27. 47. Asy 62-264.772-24Attorneys UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE
No. 686,993. Patented Nov. 19, 190t. H. H. SHUMWAY. WOWEN BUCKRAM FABRC. (Application filed Aug. 23, 1901.) (to Model.) A z z VVitnesses. /4 // Inventor. 27-ber-7 // 5uerrieval/ Case- 27. 47. asy 62-264.772-24Attorneys UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HERBERT H. SHUMWAY, OF TAUNTON, MASSACHUSETTS, WOVE N BUCKRAM FABRIC. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 686,993, dated November 19, 1901. Application filed August 23, 190l., Serial No. 72,986, (No specimens.) To all, whom it may concert: is an edge view, of the woven fabric before Beit known that I, HERBERTH. SHUMWAY, finishing. In both figures, bb indicate the 45 a resident of the city of Taunton, in the county two webs, and a. a. are the narrow stripes of Bristol and State of Massachusetts, have where the two webs b b are united together invented certain new and useful Improve in the process of weaving. In making the ments in Woven Buckram Fabrics; and I do two thicknesses of cloth required for buckram hereby declare that the following is a full, in this manner they are united together in clear, and exact description thereof, refer the same uniform manner throughout, there ence being had to the accompanying drawings, by showing the light construction on both O and to the letters of reference marked there sides and also making sure that each thread on, which form a part of this specification. of the upper web lies directly over a thread This invention consists of a new article of of the lower web, for the two threads of the buckram cloth constructed in an entirely new two warps run through between the same 55 way, having for its object to avoid the diffi dents in the reed, and the upper and lower (5 culties of the old construction and to produce filling or weft threads are beaten up simul a better article at a less cost.
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