the '4**-^

{*•* • >. •• '••V'--.; ->.,.-

' K: 4-H canoe safety Visitors flock to Ovid centennial Accidents kill one, injure eight ' 'li .See page 18A .See pages 16-17A .See page 5A

MacLaren answers charges r..-...wA Health unit head explains

demand/department duties Acting Director H. Lawrence Clinton counties. The term'good wi*1 .j provide sure relief from MacLaren this week took issue sanitarian' was used in one arti­ unsanitary conditions which with charges directed against cle, I strongly feel there are presently exist in the area. the Mid- Health De­ none better than Robert Barnes. partment by Bath Supervisor- "With the help of Art Kelly we IN ADDITION TO THESE com­ 114th Year, No. 8 ST. JOHNS, MICH.- Wednesday, June 25, 1969 2 SECTIONS — 30 PAGES 15 cents- Assessor Duane Smith and the have struggled through to the ments, MacLaren went on to r?c threat by the board of super­ present time. With our increased explain that sanitation is not the visors to quit the three-county staff we heop to give prompt only program being pursued by health unit. and complete coverage of all the Mid-Michigan District Health Final stages for weed control ordinance In commenting on recent ac­ problems." Department. Some of the other tions involving his unit, Mac­ activities which involve the de­ Laren emphasized that the Mid- MacLAREN'S REFERENCE partment include food service Michigan Health Department has to increased staff involves the inspections, water well inspec­ been in existence for only slightly recent appointment of a sani­ tions, inspection of all non­ over three years and that this tarian and an assistant to the public water and sewer plans time does not provide for the health unit. Darwin Root has and trailer park insections. creation of a completely received appointment as sani­ Numerous other activities Firemen offer money to seasoned operation. tarian with the assistant's posi­ were also part of MacLaren's tion going to Arnold Mlnarik, comments including septic tank HE POINTED OUT the im­ In other comments MacLaren cleaner and vehicle inspections, possibility of one sanitarian readily agreed that many sewage school system food services, handling the workload imposed violations are in existence in water supplies, sewage and safe­ by the size of Clinton County the Bath area but he pointed out ty inspections and at least two and explained developments of that much of Bath Township was dozen other areas' which demand personnel changes within his de­ developed- many years ago when attention from Mid-Michigan buy new equipment partment. "Last September," the people were not so conscious Health Department personnel. MacLaren stated, "Mid-Michi­ of pollution. He pointed out, too, gan District Health Department Representing members of the The offer followed a request mated cost of the combined pur­ ward the purchase of the desired that building sites in the area AS AN EXAMPLE OF AN ac­ St. Johns Fire Department, Ray THE SECOND ACCEPTANCE was told to fire the sanitarian tivity not normally associated by Kentfield that commissioners chase was $6,000. equipment in the amount of $2,- of bid for a new police car was are so small they will not ade­ Kentfield Monday night informed seriously consider the purchase we had at that time. I asked and quately support a sewage system with the unit, MacLaren cited Kentfield explained that the 500 if the commission were to made during the commission received his resignation. Being the city commission the group of a three-quarter ton pickup firemen had agreed that pro­ approve the difference. and well with proper isolation. the monthly immunization would contribute $2,500 toward meeting and the nod was given unable to find a replacement I clinics. He pointed out that at truck for use in fighting grass ceeds from their fund raising Cowan Mercury, Inc. The second It. is, MacLaren's strong be­ the purchase of new equipment. fires and a drop-in unit. Esti­ activities would be directed to- was forced touseRobert Barnes, lief and recommendation that least one-thousand persons re­ AT THE SUGGESTION of Com­ bid was required and accepted R.S. to cover both Gratiot and only a system of sanitary sewers ceived approximately 1,500 im­ missioner Charles Coletta the because of inability of EganFord munizations during the June clin­ commission took the request to deliver an auto as outlined ic providing protection against under advisement until contact in the bid because of factory diptheria, pertussus, whooping with township officials could be production cutoff dates. Cowan's Angell, Thelen seek cough, tetanus, measles, polio, made. It was Coletta's opinion bid was $2,913,89. The original small pox and tuberculosis. that since the greater percent­ bid was $2,621,69, "I hope this gives the public ages of grass fires occur out­ In other action the commission some idea of the scope of our side the city limits perhaps town­ heard Hannah tell of heavy truck endeavors," MacLaren stated. ships might be inclined to share traffic along Sturgis Street from DeWitt supervisor seat "The department should not be in the costs of additional fire US-27 to Lansing St. and acted condemned on one portion of fighting equipment. on his recommendation that The Republican and Demo­ in the DeWitt area. He is at The question of week control cratic parties of DeWitt have their total load. Sometimes the something be done to combat the present the DeWitt township problems seem almost insur­ and storm sewer installation increasing usage. City Attorney named their candidates for the clerk and operates the 51 acre again came before the commis­ supervisors^ position which was mountable, but we keep on striv­ Paul Maples and City Manager farm onwhichhelives.Heserved ing. With the support of the public sion and the group moved for­ Harvey Weatherwax were di­ vacated when voters recalled as secretary of th Gunnison- ward on the first while tabling Reginald Nelson. and the cooperation of other rected to compile information, ville School Board from 1942 county departments we can, and the latter. regarding traffic weight controls Oliver S. Angell, the Re­ to 1954 at which time he became will, promote a better program for commission consideration at publican candidate, will be op­ a DeWitt township trustee. He for all of our citizens." A SECOND READING of the the next meeting. posed by Edmund J. Thelen, the also served-on the DeWitt and weed control ordinance, pre­ Some concern was registered Democratic c a n d i d a t e, in the Clinton Library boards. sented initially at the June 9, special election scheduled for by commissioners before ac-r In 1965 he became the super­ 1969 meeting, was completed. cepting a bid to purchase a city • the DeWitt residents on July 16, The statute, a legal notice of 1969. visor of DeWitt, therefore, serv­ In testimony owned bulldozer. The concern, which appears elsewhere in this voiced in both light and heavy, Angell, 60 was born and raised ing on the County Board of Super­ visors. At the end of that term issue, is designed to define ob­ veins, centered on the fact that, in 1967 he was appointed to the Roy FrechenofKinleyRoad, noxious growths, to outline their of two bids submitted only one * clerk's position he now holds rural Fowler put the following removal and to provide penal­ dollar established the margin.'. and was elected to continue that ad in the Clinton County News ties for failure to conform, Finally after a few minutes of* office in November of 1968. classified ad section a couple The tabled sewer request was discussion the sale of the dozer • of weeks back and reported that of Willard Searles who had was granted to Traver's Auto* Angell is a graduate of Lan­ quick success on the sale. desired installation of storm Parts for $1,011. Greenbush-] sing Central High and completed PUREBRED, SPOTTED- sewer along a number of res­ Supervisor Derrill Shinabery, a higher accounting course at Poland China stock hog, idential lots along Scott Road. was a dollar shy of buying a what was then Ferris Institute. about 350 lbs., $65; Ray NEED A-POSITIVE AND O-NEGATIVE BLOOD The action came at the recom­ lame dozer from the city of He was then employed with a Frechen 2 north and 2 3/4 mendation of Commissioner furniture manufacturing com­ west of Fowler, phone John Hannah on the strength of (Story continued on Page 2-A) pany in Jackson as a cost ac­ 582-3031. 49-lp The summer visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile is taking place today insufficient funds and the dangers countant. Clinton County News clas­ of establishing a precedent which in St. Johns and volunteers have issued an urgent call for donors with could not be uniformly followed. He and his wife, Mildred, live sifieds work that way. one Arson pair ; on for size. Phone 224-2361. A-positive or O-negative blood. Mrs John Paradise, Mrs Edward Idz- Along with the tabling a tone at 14183 Wood Road. of general agreement among the Thelen, 46, and his wife are Somebody may be looking for kowski and Mrs Leonard Puetz, volunteers for the bloodmobile, are shown- just what you want to sell. commissioners hinted that referred to parents of five girls and two boys preparing publicity materials for the visit. Volunteers explained that the policies regarding such Instal­ and reside at 3260 West State Bloodmobile will be at St. Joseph School from noon until 6 p.m. lations for assessment will be Road. established. Circuit Court \ He has been a salesman for the Rosevale Packing Company Two Fowler men, charged with - and later with the Feet Company. Name Huard chairman arson, have been referred to] OLIVER S, ANGELL He was promoted from salesman Circuit Court after apre-exami-I to route supervisor and event­ nation held In District Court On; ually was named branch manager June 20. J of the Lansing division. He held The men, Dale E. Feldpausch,; the managerposltionforl3years Chamber plans development group 22, of West Townsend Road andj prior to his retirement in March Lesley Kohagen, 17, of Hlnman* of 1967. Presently he is a real Road, R-2, Fowler, were ar­ estate salesman for Triple A Tentative plans for the forma-' City, Iowa and was also a board dent and vice president, develop­ In announcing the formation rested and held in the Clinton' Realty in the Lansing area. tlon of a greater St. Johns area member of the North Iowa Area ment group committee chairman of the corporation, White com­ County Jail charged with setting! Elected constable six years development corporation were Development committee. The mented: "St. Johns area Is in a two fires north of Fowler, May; and six stockholders in the cor­ 21. ; ago, Thelen has served on the laid before the Chamber of Com­ latter was an economic develop­ poration. White emphasized that highly desirable location for al­ police board and fire board. He merce board of directors last ment group designed to further most immediate growth and They are charged with setting; was a member of the board of week by President Brandon growth in nine counties of north- the six need not be chamber economic development. It is only fire to an unoccupied house on* review this year. White. The non-profit group pro­ central Iowa. members to be named to the to our advantage that we be pre­ French Road owned by Martha Thelen has lived in the DeWitt posed by White received full board, but must be stockholders pared to accept these changes. Hale of Alma, and a barn owned area for the past 19 years and support from other members of According to White's proposal, of record In the corporation. If this group functions properly, by Glen Summerfelt on Stone the board and a schedule of the group will tentatively be many difficulties related to a Road. Both fires occurred May has been attending board meet­ White's proposal calls for the ings regularly for the past ten procedures for official forma­ called "The Greater St. Johns fast growth pattern can be eli­ 21, with the house being savedby years. tion has been implemented. Area Development Corporation" issuance of a yet undetermined minated or diminished greatly, Fowler firemen but the barn and purpose of existence will be amount of stock at a value of one He graduated from Holy paving the way for smooth and burned to the ground. to further specific industrial and dollar per share. Monies re­ 8 Trinity High School in Fowler Named by White to head up orderly development. Damage to the house was general economic growth of the ceived will be earmarked for limited to walls in several rooms. and attended two years of night the group was Rollin (Ron) St. Johns area. school in Lansing where he was Huard, publisher of Clinton specific uses such as options for Official committee appoint­ The barn lost included 2,000 trained in bookkeeping and ac­ County News. Huard served on The corporation "will be di­ desirable development land and ments will be announced upon bushels of corn and some machi­ counting as well as public speak­ the board of directors of a local rected by a nine member board actual purchase or lease agree­ completion of papers of incor­ nery owned by Art and Gayla EDMUND J. THELEN ing, i development group in Charles consisting of the chamber presi­ ments. poration. Fitzpatrick. St. Johns Furniture Co. 118 N. Clinton, St. Johns Phone 224-2063 Page 2 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969 bushes, flowers or other ornamental charges remains unpaid for GO days statutory liens. Such foreclosure shall Coletta, Rand, Hannah, Wood, * LEGAL NOTICE plants to grow to a height exceeding after It has been rendered, the Clerk be in the name of the City. NAYS: Commissioners None. twelve Inches anywhere In the City; may file with the Register of Deeds The City Attorney Is hereby author­ I hereby certify that the above Or­ Fowler well any such plants, weeds or grasses for Clinton County a statement of lien ized and directed to Institute such pro­ dinance was published In the Clinton Ordinance No. 225 exceeding such height are hereby de­ claim. This statement shall contain a ceedings, In the name of the City, in County News on the 25th day of June, clared to be a nuisance, legal description of the premises, the any Court having Jurisdiction of such A J)., 1960. , No. 3, back to | GI seeks wallet left | An Ordinance to abolish Ordinance SECTION 3. Removal-Notice. It expenses and costs incurred and the matter, against any property for which THOMAS L. HUNDLEY, No. 75, and to provide for the cutting shall be the duty of the Chief of date the weeds were cut, and a notice such bill has remained unpaid sixty City Clerk and control of weeds and grass. Police to serve or cause to be served that the City claims a Hen for this days after It has been rendered, normal a notice upon the owner or occupant amount. SECTION 7. Effective Date. This CLINTON in phone booth | THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS ORDAINSj of the premises on which weeds, plants, Notice of such lien claimed shall Ordinance shall become effective 20 or grass are permitted to grow In be mailed to the owner of the premises days after its passage. COUNTY NEWS FOWLER—Council men ap­ SECTION 1. Weeds-Declared a Nui­ violation of the provisions of this If his address Is known. Provided, PASSED, ORDAINED ANDOHDERED pointed John Klein to preside :•:• A serviceman needs your help. :•;: sance. Any weeds such as jimson, Ordinance and to demand the abatement however, that failure of the Clerk to PUBLISHED THIS 23rd DAY OF JUNE, Rollln A. Huard Publisher over their meeting June 23, in :•:; Like Little Bo Peep, he has lost something — but •:•: burdock, ragweed, thistle, cocklebur, of the nuisance within ten days. record such lien, or to mall such no­ A.D., 1D69, BY THE CITY COMMISSION Lowell G. Rlnker Editor Wayne G. Gossett .... Adv. Mgr. the absence of Mayor John Spicer, :•:• unfortunately, it is something a little more important •:•: or other weeds of tall grasses of a SECTION 4. Abatement. If the person tice, shall not affect the right to fore- OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS, AT A John W. Hannah .. Printing Supt. like kind, found growing on any lot ex­ so served does not abate the nuisance | close the lien for such charges as REGULAR MEETING ONSAIDDATE. Members were relieved to ;£ than some sheep, it's his billfold. jij: tract of land In the City of St. Johns, within ten days, the City may proceed provided In the following section. Second class postage paid at St. learn that well No. 3 which has •!;• Last Wednesday afternoonaboutl:30,MlkeHawley •:•: are hereby declared to be a nuisance, to abate such nuisance, keeping an SECTION 6. Foreclosure of Lien. ROBERT H.WOOD Johns, Mich, only been operating at one-third :•:• made a phone call from the booth on State Street. He •:•: and it shall be unlawful to permit such account of the expense of the abate­ Property subject to a lien for unpaid Mayor Published Wednesdays at 120 E. Walk* ;•:• needed a phone number on a card in his wallet. In his :j£ weeds to grow or remain In any such er Street, St. Johns, by Clinton County its normal capacity is again back ment, and such expense shall be charged weed cutting charges shall be sold for Attest: News, Inc. to normal without expensive re­ :j:i haste, he left the wallet on the shelf In the booth. $: place. and paid by such owner or occupant. nonpayment of the same and the pro­ THOMAS L. HUNDLEY, Subscription price by mail: In Michi­ •$ As soon as he discovered he had forgotten to re- *:•: SECTION 2. Height. It shall be un­ SECTION 5. Lien. Charges for such ceeds of such sale shall be applied City Clerk gan, $5 for one year, *?9 for two pairs. Engineers solved the prob­ to pay the charges after deducting costs, years, $3.75 for six months. $2 for •:•: turn the billfold to his pocket, some 15 or 20 minutes :j:j lawful for anyone $o permit any weeds, weed removal shall be a lien upon the three months; outslde-Micblgan, ?S lem by adjusting an impeller and grass, or plants, other than trees, premises. Whenever a bill for such as Is the case in the foreclosure of YEAS: Commissioners Grost, for one year. the well now pumps a normal •:|: later, he returned to the phone booth, but it was not £:• ' 72 gallons per minute. •j:) where he left it. ;:•: •:•: Hawley who is a 3rd class petty officer with the :•:• Councilmen also decided that •:•: U.S. Navy is spending a 15 day leave at his home at :•:• North Drive will be hard sur­ •i-: 223 N. Main Street, Ovid.Hewillreportback to duty at :•:• faced only to Elm Street in this •:•: Pensacola, Fla.,ion July 3. :;•; year's paving program. This will •:•: The billfold contains valuable personal identifica- j$ give property owners along the :|:: tion. A reward Is offered for the return of the wallet j§ remainder of North Drive a j|5 and those papers. :•:; chance to offer their opinions :j£ . Contact Hawley at his home or call 834-5601. j-j: on whether they want to give ( the village easements so the street can be widened. At present the street is 16 feet wide and council members feel it should Commission requested to be increased to a more desirable width of 20 feet. FULL WARRANTY The council would also like qct on abandoned autos I As we prepare to move to our new to arrange a meeting with the (Continued from page 1) ON ALL Clinton County Road Commission action toward removal of a pair as soon as possible to discuss St. Johns for land operations in of abandoned cars near his home location at 217 N. Clinton Ave., You can APPLIANCES SOLD widening of Wright Road for half his township. on south Cass St, This request a mile inside the village. This tied In with a proposal already help us reduce our inventories while you DURING SALE! would coincide with the present IN OTHER ACTION the com­ being prepared by Maples and plan the county has for widening mission heard correspondence being recommended by him'to be the road south of the village. read commending them for the included in the zoning ordinance The cost and amount of work free camper sewage disposal currently undergoing a general involved are some of the ques­ facilities at the disposal plant. revamping. ' Save $ $ $ at Greatly Reduced Prices!! tions councilmen feel should1 be A letter from the library board A letter from Fraser Mac­ discussed. which resulted in Hannah being Kinnon requesting water-sewage 1 ONLY 1 ONLY 1 ONLY 2 ONLY 2 ONLY 1 ONLY appointed as liaison between that TOP OF LINE BUILT-IN G.E. adjustment was read but no action 5000 B.T.U. DOUBLE OVEN 30" SELF CLEAN Kroup and the commission and a 12 CU. FT. UPRIGHT DELUXE The safest investment in time can be extended under current and money is an education. request by Rodney Devereaux for ordinance. AIR GAS RANGE FREEZER OVENS (Both Ovens Self-Clean) RANGE CONDITIONER DRYER NOW ONLY Dark Copper Avocado-Model J K 29 AVOCADO Reg. $ Reg. $ Reg. $ Reg. $ Reg. $ $129 97 $249 188 I $519 392 188 $149 97 $349 239 General Electric General Electric AUTOMATIC WASHER 18.1 cu. ft. COLOR TV SIDE by SIDE • Rectangular ULTRA- Model M267DWD COLOR Picture Tube ... 18 inch Diagonal SAVE Picture Size SIMPLIFIED COLOR TUNING Refrigerator "METER GUIDE" Tuning ' BEAUTIFUL "COLOR-MINDER" CONTEMPORARY STYLING Reference Controls OVER Automatic Fine Tuning & Freezer 1 BUILT-IN BONUS FEATURE! This set is equipped with "INSTA-VIEW"— Picture and $30 a coaxial antenna terminal sound are almost immediate General Electric and transformer. 18.1 cu. ft. ILLUMINATED No Frost Refrigerator. 'ROLL-AROUND STAND i CHANNEL WINDOW! ON THIS Optional at Extra Cost MODEL SAVE A presidential entourage ot top manage­ OVER CLINTON ment personnel from visited the St. Johns Federal Mogul plant last week and vis­ $80 THEATER itors were conducted on tours of the local in­ Downtown St. Johns stallation. In addition, a noon luncheon was FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Now held at the Clinton County Country Club in JUNE 27, 28, 29 grrnnmc Only honor of the visit by President S.E. MacArthur. . Model TFF-18DE In photo above, St. Johns Plant Manager E. A. LOOK OVER our Limited Quantity Idzkowski, far right, goes over production sta­ tistics with, from left, Gerald Dietrich, pur­ : Limited Colors chasing manager for St. Johns; M.W. Muzzy, with trade $430 RED TAGGED vice president and group manager of Engine AVAILABLE WITH ICE Parts Group; R.C. Carson, corporation director SPECIALS MAKER $468 with trade of purchases; B. R. Williams, sales manager, •WHITE *DARK COPPER William Bellumoid Division; W.C. Mahoney, •HARVEST TONE vice president and group manager, Anti-Fric­ COLOR TV- tion and Bearings Group; A. R. Grix, general SAVE counsel and secretary. OVER amencana $100 range Smartly Styled 30" Range WED. thru TUES. NOW With New Black Glass Door JUNE 25 thru JULY 1 ONLY In Upper Oven Two Convenience Outlets An epic drama Both Ovens Floodlighted $ Automatic Oven Timer, Clock and Minute Timer of adventure —Times Both Ovens Removable Storage Drawer and exploration 388 Porcelain Enamel Broiler Pan and Chrome Rectangular ULTRA- Plated Rack that takes you SIMPLIFIED COLOR COLOR Picture Tube to the Moon TUNING ... 226 sq. in. picture "METER GUIDE" Tuning BEAUTIFUL the planets- "Actually, is there any word at all about the road?" "COLOR-MINDER" CONTEMPORARY Reg. $ Reference Controls STYLING • $379 and beyond! Automatic Fine Tuning BUILT-IN BONUS 287 "INSTA-VIEW"-Picture FEATURE1 MODEL J782E and Sound are almost This set is equipped with immediate a coaxial antenna terminal ILLLUMINATED and transformer. TV-STEREO SPECIALS CHANNEL WINDOW. Remote Control COLOR TABLE MODELS LOW-BOY COLOR CONSOLE (2 only) Model M265 Model M 290-226 Sq. In. Picture LIQUID 1 Only-6 Speaker BUY NOW... Reg. Italian Provincial Reg. *• '$399 $299 $499 $388 FERTILIZER MGMf..u.n»STAHLEV KUBRICK PRODUCTION LIMITED 1 Only Big Screen 03H31S eg. $299 $228 1 Only-6 Speaker 25<-40< PER GAL. COLOR I AM-FM Stereo 2001 CONSOLE I (Scratch on top) CONSOLE a space odyssey French Provincial Mediterranean Style 9 SMITH BROS. TIME ONLY! 429 SUPER PANAVISIOH - METR0C0LOR •™MPMMJUM| g& * I »» $2$255 8 ALSO ELEVATORS LAKE ODESSA KURT'S APPLIANCE CENTER WALT DISNEYS 616-374-8871 frfJUf TcchniooloK 220 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS PHONE 224-3895 Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 3/^

Wacousta Mrs Edward Kraft—627-2039 SAVE! IT'S ST. JOHNS FURNITURE'S BRIDAL SHOWER Dolly Beason was honored Wednesday evening June 18, at' H0MEMAKING MONTH OF the Kraft home with a bridal shower. Nineteen neighbors gathered and enjoyed the evening of visiting stunts and refresh­ iV, ments. The affair was hosted by Mrs Jay Fuday, Mrs Fred Black ->•:> and Mrs Ed Kraft. Dolly will be­ come the bride of David Cham- berlin, June 28.

Mr and Mrs Clarence Wendel of Oak View, Calif., Mr and Mrs Archie Wendel of Englewood, Fla., and Mr and Mrs Clarence Kingsley of Maurice were Sun­ day visitors and dinner guests at the Ed Kraft's. Mr and Mrs Fred Black and family and Mr and Mrs Earl Beagle and son spent the week­ end at Horseshoe Lake. Mr and Mrs Glen Trommater were honored by their children June 22 at a 25th wedding anni­ versary open house,' at their home. The WCTU will hold their annual "Flower Mission Day* Thursday, June 26, at Looking1 The Silver Echoes, a junior drum and bugle corps from Munising, will be appearing in St. Johns Glass Vallev Park starting at on.Friday night. The corps is appearing at the state VFW convention on Saturday in Lansing and will 12:30 with a picnic. The officers and Mrs Lewis Babbitt and Mrs be staying In St. Johns at Smith Hall Friday and Saturday nights. According to Bruce Lanterman, the Harold Hastings are in charge group will give an exhibition march downtown St. Johns late Friday evening. x of dainties. Mrs Lee Bissell will give devotions. Mr and Mrs Edwin Chaffee Several people of the com­ Lester Garlock and Otto Dick­ 20. Mrs Parks and Kristal ac­ are the proud parents of a daugh­ munity attended the Wakley - inson spent June 21, at an all Kincnid District companied them to Lansing to ter, Michelle Marie, born June Dague Wedding Friday evening day Lake outing sponsored by visit Mrs E.L. Hope and Mrs 16, in a Lansing Hospital. She in Grand Ledge. The reception Motor Wheel. Mrs Porter C. Parks Anita Pharis. They were supper weighed 6. 1/2 pounds. was held at St. Therese Hall in Mrs Jesse Parks of Wacousta guests of Mr and Mrs Clyde Dan Plunket accompanied his Lansing. Mr and Mrs Sam Shriver and Jenks and son. The Parks family family have moved to Hastings. visited Mr and Mrs Eldoris Hahn uncle Robert Stenzel and family on June 14. Mr and Mrs Clare then spent the weekend with Mr of Lansing to Fort Devens, Mass. Mr and Mrs Coleman Evans and Mrs Joseph Berger of Mus­ of Memphis, Tenn. visited a few Cleve and family visited them on to bring* home Dan Stenzel who The Adult Fellowship Class of .June 15. kegon, and Sally spent the week­ is with the Green Berets. days, last week with Mrs Ivora the Wacousta United Methodist end with Mr and Mrs David Dush, Mr and Mrs Royal Riker Dell Schmidt man and sons Mr and Mrs Don Morrow and Church will hold a 1 p.m. picnic spent June 15 with Mr and Mrs Parks. Mr and Mrs Roger Waldo at­ of Grand Rapids wei'e also June 4, at Mr and Mrs Robert callers. Kenneth Schmidtman of Bath. Darlene Sullivan and Roy tended a square dance meet at Rowland's cottage at Crystal George Sargent and son Dick Lake. Sherman of Grand Ledge accom­ Traverse City over last week­ Mrs Carl Miller, Mrs Jay visited Mr and Mrs Howard Sar­ panied Mr and Mrs Russ Sullivan end. The grandchildren visited Fuday, Mrs Ed Kraft, Mrs Les­ gent June 15. Sympathy is extended to the to"Saddlebag Lake for an outing the grandparents, the O p e n- ter Garlock and Mr and Mrs Sp/4 Charles Fisher is now and barbecue June 20. Don Sul­ family of Mrs Ethel Heath who landers and Wrights. Lewis Babbitt attended the De- t home on leave from service duty. livan and Danny spent from Wed­ ' passed away Friday morning, Jim Brown returned home this Witt O.E.S. No 30 past matron Mr and Mrs Gayle Morgan of nesday through Saturday with his June 20, in her sleep. Mrs Ken past week after his hospital stay, and patron, night, Friday, June Ludington visited Mr and Mrs mother, Mrs A. W. Bracket of Mattson is a daughter. With a back injury. 20. Porter Parks and girls on June Traverse City.

HERE'S THE PLACE! Open An Easy Payment Account

So many styles, colors and fabrics, you'll firid^, fys;t the^chqirs, you .want to enhance •living 'ro'orri Beauty ana provide comfortable c'jhl i' D seatingt Uoung&chairsj host chairs, accent chairs, swivel rockers and recliner chairs. All luxury styles in exquisite coverings.


4 *Y .-I. I " Our new car outdoor showroom located on Townsend Road, just off US-27, will open for OPENING business Thursday, June 2G. Come-on out to our Grand Opening Celebration for the best used car buys In St. Johns. of our new out-door showroom Combined Sell-A-Bration Twelfth 125 STYLES OF ELEGANT SOFAS TO SUIT EVERY TASTE, EVERY BUDGET In conjunction with the opening of uur new

car lot we are having our 12th Anniversary Sale. Nuw's the best tlfne to trade for a new 179 - or used car at Cowan's . . . our prices " ' $499 are rock bottom and we're-giving high'trade- Sofa-Beds Also Included '.-r-^**^?^?? in allowances during this -combined event. sofa style we display is carefully We will still bo serving you from uur present location which we have occupied these past 12 years. for its excellence of design, the I3e sure to come visit Us during our Anniversary Sell-A-Bration for special savings on new and of construction and fine covering used cars. es it an outstanding value. You'll y American, Contemporary, ffrench, Spanish and Traditional styles in iss variety of decorator coverings. Sell-A-Bration Starts Thursday, June 26 polyurethane foam, 100% latex foam stcr wrapped cushions for downy- fort. Come in, see, compare,, save!

Our new lof will be filled with value Ms^\ EE INTERIOR DECORATING ADVICE packed new and used cars. ST. JOHNS FURNITURE CO. STAN COWAN MERCURY, Inc. Refreshments will be served US*27 & Townsend Rd. & 506 N. Clinton Phone 224-2334 or 224-7657 118 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2063 i Page 4 A CLINTON COUNTY 'NEWS, St/ Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969 35 Name Gosset Man key e Cowan Chamber assignments passed out by Brandon While

The St. Johns Chamber of presided over the meeting ager of Clinton County News. Stan to submit a monthly report to Commerce board of directors which saw the naming of three Cowan • of Cowan Mercury, Inc. the board of directors as to slapped stamps of approval oh persons to head up committees received^ the nod to head up the the activities in their respective three major committee chairman' for membership and special tourism committee and Ed Man- areas. appointments last week during events, tourism and retail activi­ key owner-manager of Gamble's ties. Each chairman has been In­ a regular board meeting held in Store was elected for the" retail structed to select members for the meeting room of Clinton Named to direct membership committee chairman. their committee and to proceed National Bank. and special events activities was According to White the com­ with a program or plan for the President Brandon White Wayne Gossett, advertising man­ mittee chairman will be asked year.

Chamber plans general Kntntf ybuA Potnidl Traverse City Playhouse membership dinner announces summer schedule

The Cherry County Playhouse way comedy, Cactus Flower, NEW HOBBY SHOP OPENS IN ST. JOHNS for Monday, June 30 in Traverse City announces its comes to Traverse City for a fifteenth anniversary season. weeks run. Starring Peter Mar­ Over 250 members and non- will be given at the dinner.. it.;"". The season opens July 1 with shall, host of the popular tele­ Mr and Mrs Terry Reynolds of R-l, St. Johns opened their new hobby members of the St. Johns Cham­ Another important area of in­ shop June 19 on W. Walker Street, (formerly Joyce's Beauty Shop), Judd Eileen Fulton, Lisa of As the vision panel show, The Hollywood ber of Commerce last week re­ terest is the retail group and the World Turns, In the comedy, Squares. ceived invitiations to a general chamber's participation inretali ^3£& Morriss, Rich Foster, Craig Cole and Steve Jacobus found the model cars, The Star" Spangled Girl, the week Tom Kennedy, host of the pop­ dinner Monday June 23 at Daley's activities will continue to be a of July 8-13 Is Cherry Festival ships and airplanes of interest. The shop also carries chemistry sets, mi­ Fine Foods. basic consideration. ular panel show You Don't Say, Week In the Grand Traverse will bring There's a Girl in My croscopes, stock cars and racing sets. They have a limited supply of coins According to Brandon White, The 1969 budget will also be Area, This week ishighlightedby Soup to the playhouse. This com­ president, of the chamber, pur­ presented for discussion and and art supplies at present and will be expanding these areas in the near BEBA Bill says: Joe Flynn, Captain Binghamton of edy, fun for the whole family, pose of the gathering is to out­ suggestions or ideas from those McHales Navy, who will he star­ runs August 5-10. future. line to members and interested Obey traffic lights at all in attendance will be solicited. ring in that riotous Robert Ander­ During the week of August 12, businessmen the chamber's 1969 White stated that anyone, times. Failure to stop for a son Broadway comedy, You Know, program of events and goals. red traffic signal wherever the Cherry County Playhouse Is On-the-job injuries expensive member or non-member, may I Can't Hear You When the' proud to premier a pre-Broad- One of the activities drawing placed will mean 3 points on attend the general meeting. Tick-, your driving record if you Water's Running. way play, Butterflies are Free, j.; ;On-the- job injuries are expen­ loss, a restaurant would have to sell 8,000 pairs of children's much attention from the chamber ets are available in advance at are convicted of this violation. On July 15, one of the finest starring KeirDulleaandMaureen sive, warns the Michigan Bureau serve 1,563 two-dollar meals; a socks. board of directors is area de­ the Chamber office in the Credit actresses of stage, screen, radio O'Sullivan. We are sure that *d£'Safety and Regulation. To off- supermarket must ring up 357 velopment (see story on page Bureau or by contacting Brandon Bring'emback AL|VEl and television comes to Traverse theatre goers will be interested Vset with profits a $100 accident twenty-dollar sales; a store must Shop In Clinton County. 1A) and plans for this activity White. City, as Agnes Mooreheadbringk in seeing this new play before it her one-woman show The Fabu­ moves to Broadway. lous Redhead to the Cherry Imogene Coca and her husband County Playhouse. Miss Moore- King Donovan come to Traverse head, who is known toTVviewers City August 19 through 24 In the through her hit TV series, Be­ family comedy Never Too Late. witched, stars in this production The Cherry County Playhouse which was staged for her by the closes its 15th season the week of . beautiful brides deserve beautiful late, Charles Laughton. The Fab­ August 26th when Morey Amster­ ulous Redhead runs through July dam will return to Traverse City 20. in An Evening of Comedy; fea­ On July 22, Ann Jefferys comes tured on this same program is the to Traverse City to star in An­ famous one act comedy by Peter niversary Waltz, Miss Jefferys, Shaffer, The Public Eye. star of TV Topper series, will Playing week remains the same Wedding bring her real son, Feff Sterling for the entire season: Tues.-Fri. with her to play her make be­ at 8:30 p.m., Sat. 6 and 9:30 p.m., lieve son in this family comedy.- Sun. 7:30 p.m., Matinees Thurs. Miss Jefferys is Mrs Robert .2 p.m. An exception to thlssche- Sterling in private life. Anniver- dule Is the week of July 8th when, sary Waltz continues through the performances Tues.-Fri, will 27th of July. start at 9 p.m., and with, a Wed. Invitations On July 29, the famous Broad- matinee at 2:30 p.m.. T,. 4-H Club Choose from a wide selection of quality lines *f* >,* Chatter

with the perfect atmosphere for every wedding By JOHH AYLSWORTH Extension 4-H Youth Agent

Congratulations go to eight Wood of DeWitt and John Dun­ Clinton county 4-H members as ham of Elsie via a chartered INVITATIONS they have been selected as Dis­ bus to the camp in the U.P. trict 4-H award winner^ for 1969. * * They are: Dana Sue Hazle, all All 4-H members in Clinton from $10.50 achievement, girls; Sue Sibley, and surrounding counties are home economics, consumer ed­ invited to attend and participate ucation; Kathy Nichols, health; in the Clinton county-4-H horse, Randy Davis, rabbits; Kam show on Sunday, June 29, start­ Washburn, grain marketing; Teri ing at 12:30 p.m. at the fair­ McQueen, entomology; Kathy grounds in St. Johns. There are Hazle, horticulture; and Lois 17 different classes with 6 place Miller, dairy foods. These 4-H rosettes given in each class. members will now complete Trophies wiU be given in 3 cham­ additional forms and will be in­ pionship classes. Entry fee for terviewed at the awards banquet each class is $1 and all entries during State Show in August at are due by the end of the 3rd MSU where one state winner will . class. The 4-H leaders will have be selected in each project area. a lunch stand on the grounds. All Region 5 is composed of Clinton proceeds will go toward the 4-H and 17 other counties in South horse barn fund. Eastern Michigan. There are * * five regions in the state with - Results of the' 4rH Softball two members selected in each league Friday evening are as region so the members listed follows: In the Green League, above are one of the top ten Olive 4-H Projects won over in the State in their respective Fowler Busy Boys and Charlies project area. Gang over Prairie. In the white * *. league, Jolly Green Giants won Mrs Ray Peck, Organizational' over Prairie; Charlies Gang oyer and Conservation leader for the Olive 4-H Girls and OilVe 4-H Four Corners 4-H Club near Boys over Green Clover Com­ Elsie has been selected to attend munity Club and Bengal over Vic­ the 33rd Annual State 4-H Con­ tor Girls. servation Camp at'Camp Shaw, July 14-19 In the Upper Pen- The housewife who wants to ninsula. Mrs Peck is quite inter­ help her family keep its collec­ ested in conservation and has led tive hearts healthy should serve, 4-H conservation projects for more fish, chicken, veal and nearly 20 years. Our congratu­ turkey, and less of beef, lamb, lations to Mrs Peck on this State pork and ham, which contain Honor. Mrs Peck will journey more solid fat, says the Michigan with Clinton County 4-H Camp Heart Assn., a Michigan United Delegates, Dan HavUand,Lenore Fund agency. ,

Clinton County Mews q Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan Page 5 £

at Timber Shoree. £ Mrs Vaughan Montgomery en­ Weekend accidents claim southwdtertown tertained 18 ladles at a jj&t By Mrs Bruce Hodges acquainted coffee Wednesday »«T——^——• • • ••• m SQUARE DANCE CLUB'NEWS morning, June 18, honoring Mrs John Fox who has recently moved one, injure eight others Mr and Mrs John Buckmaster to the Plunkett Farm on Stoll entertained the membership Road. 7«# dance for the - Whirl- A- Way,» One Clinton County youth was The Durbin truck and a car St. Johns and Nancy Thurston, Don Borton is attending SUTS- square dance club with a pot- .mer school at MSU. *£j killed and eight more people driven by Mrs Dorothy Henning, 14, R-2, St. Johns. luck supper and steak roast Sat­ were injured in two accidents 46 of 1497 N. Airport Road, St. Young Durbin was pronounced Mr and Mrs David Hodges urday evening, June 21. entertained at an open hou£e on area roads this weekend. Johns collided at DeWitt and dead at the scene of the accident Dancing under the stars was Dead is Lawrence Durbin, 14 Walker Roads Sunday about 12:35 and all of the others were taken Sunday, June 22, honoring their enjoyed by 52 members with daughter Diana Lynn on her grad­ of 3650 N. DeWitt Road, St. p.m. to Clinton Memorial Hospital in Bruce Sharp as caller. Johns. He was a passenger in a Passengers in the Henning car St. Johns. The three passengers uation from Waverly Hteb. Miss Bunnie Andrus who at­ Guests were present from Eajojn pickup truck driven by his father, were Dawn Boak, 2 and Doug of the Henning car were released tends Mounds Midway School of Duane Durbin, 35. Boak, 4, of 305 S. Prospect, after examination. Rapids, Grand Ledge, Nashvllfl?, Nursing at St. Paul, Minn., is Lansing and Ola Corners. „T Monday morning , hospital spending the summer with her authorities cited both Mrs Hen­ parents Mr and Mrs Arlee An­ Mr and Mrs Earl Stoll, Mr Set trial in death ning and Durbin to be in fair drus. and Mrs Bruce Hodges and Mrs condition. Emma Stoll were June 20 supper Mr and Mrs Sid Harbourne guests of James Stoll in East Police have not been able to and Mrs Grove Keith of Lansing Lansing. An evening of travel of Lansing youth talk to either driver, so the case were June 22 dinner guests of through Spain, FranceandAfrJLea is still under investigation. Miss Helen Lowell. Funeral services were held County Jail until his pre - ex­ by pictures was shown by ffip Saturday about 9 p.m. a car Mr and Mps Don Cobb attended host who recently toured these Saturday morning in Lansing for amination of June 20. A plea of the weekend square dance party Randy R. Hoke, 16, of 718 May- not guilty was entered at his driven by Russell Granger, 25, countries. *j3j of 4827 Skyline Drive. Perrinton field Drive, Lansing, who was arraignment on June 19. W.tM.'.MAlAl.M.l.M.WJ.i.;ij.f.:.*.ff?CT struck and killed last Wednesday and a car driven by Euclid Ma­ Roland Duguay, district judge, geau, 67, W. Colony Road, Fow­ night as he walked along State has set trail date for June 27 Road near Wood Street in De- ler, collided at Wright and Kin- at 1:30 p.m. Bond was posted ley Roads. Witt Township. for Hoke at $1,000. According to police, Hoke was ' Both drivers and a passenger killed about 8:45 June 18 when Survivors include parents of of Mageau's car, Estella Ma­ hit by a car driven by Harry the youth, Mr and Mrs Ernest geau, 73, were taken to Carson Hilborn, 57, of 2586 E. State Hoke Jr.; two sisters, Terl and City, Monday, hospital authori­ Darla, and a brother, Gary; his Clinton County Deputy Sheriff Richard May examines one of the autos Road, Lansing. Bruce Angell H, ties reported that Granger is in chief of the DeWitt Township grandparents, Mrs Ernest Hoke fair condition and both occupants involved in an accident Saturday night at 9 p.m. Cars driven by Russell Police said Hoke was struck Sr., and Mr and Mrs Ormand of the othercarweretransferred Granger of Perrinton and Euclid Mageau of Fowler collided at Wright and from the rear as he pushed Beets, all of Lansing, and great- to Lansing General Hospital. a minibike along the right side grandparents, Stanley Bishop and Kinley roads. of the road and was killed in­ Mrs Frances Wood, both of Lan­ Granger reported that he stantly. sing. slowed for the jog in the road Hoke was walking with a com­ Arrangements were made and was on his own side of the panion, Leo Dziuban, 15, of 860 through Gorsline-Runciman Fu­ road when he collided with the E. State Road, who was un­ neral Home and contributions oncoming Mageau vehicle. At harmed. may be made to the Bethlehem press time, police were unable Hilborn was charged with man­ Lutheran Church Memorial to talk with the Mageaus about slaughter and held at the Clinton Fund. the accident. THETIME Has COME TOR And the best way to save these moments is on a KODAK SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMERA Try the new The New KODAK M22 KODAK M24 Camera Outfit Camera Outfit with Electric Eye This accident_claimed the life of Lawrence Durbin when the pickup truckfdriven by hfs-*Fqfh*er, Duane/'-arid'ah/quto dHven by Mrs Dorothy CAMERA, FILM,' Camera, Film & Batteries Henning collided shortly after noon Sunday at the intersection of Walker BATTERIES and DeWitt Roads. The truck bed was slammed against the tree from the force of the impact and the rest of the truck came to rest atop Durbin, 50 pinning him beneath the wreckage. ONLY 53 Conference reunion to be CLINTON COUNTY held at Riley Luthern Church 1 traffic deaths A Conference Reunion and Re- of St Peter congregation an op­ dedication Service will be held portunity to rededicate their lives Since Jan. 1, 1969 at St. Peter Lutheran Church in to Christ and to meet in Christian Riley, Sunday, June 29, at 3 p.m. fellowship with friends from near as part of the congregation's and far. 8 Centennial observance. Weather Guests are expected from Ari­ permitting the service will be zona, Florida, and Missouri. THIS TIME LAST held outdoors on the church lawn. The ladies of the church will Rev Herman Heinecke of serve an evening meal to all YEAR: 17 Rogers City who was raised in who attend the servicei the parsonage while his father was pastor at Riley will be the guest speaker. Former pastors will return to Clinton County News read the roll of the classes con-* firmed during their ministry at the church. The service is Classified Ads Get Best Results ! other models planned to give all confirm'ands to M6950 ARE YOU PLANNING ON A NEW HOME THIS YEAR? SUPER 8 MOVIE PROJECTOR Kodak M50 $£.0562 0 BELL & HOWELL $ Film Sound Eight 169"

$ 95 $ 95 If you're thinking about building a new home this year contact Willard Searles. New homes Other projectors 89 t0 189 are now under construction in Searles Subdivision or we will build a home onsyour lot Using our floor plans or yours1. Before you buy or build, see Searles for your housing needs. Financing available. r For All Your Camera Needs Shop at New 65'x28' Home Started in Searles Subdivision-Family Room-3-Bedroom-Fireplace Contact Williard Searles at: PARRS Rexall DRUGS SEARLES EXCAVATING Pharmacist on Duty at All Times-Not Just Part Time ff 212 Scott Road Ph. 224-3297 or 224-7011 201 N. Clinton1 SERVING ST, JOHNS OVER 50 YEARS Phone 224-2837 «- Page £ ^ CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday/June 25) 1969

leo Fedewa weds Alberta > ' H u \\3 Thei~ s in Westphalia

V*Rev Sylvester Fedewa andRev the son of Mrs Elizabeth Fedewa was bridesmaid. They wore -uMatthew Fedewa, brothers of of Westphalia and the late Joseph identical gowns, with the ':* Births j ;.,the groom, with Rev Aloysuls Fedewa. matron's in blue and the brides­ Clinton's Citizens of -i| / * £MMHler of Westphalia, united In The wedding mass was cele­ maid In pink. They were designed « .marriage Miss Alberta Cath­ brated In St. Mary's Catholic with empire waists and A-llne Tomorrow <*> erine Theis of R-2, Fowler and Church at Westphalia on Satur­ skirts, A lace trimmed panel' Leo M. Fedewa ofR-4,St.Johns, day, June 21, at 1 p.m. The flowed down the back. Their The bride is the daughter of bride was given in marriage by headpieces were fashioned with McCRUMB — A boy, Troy ;;Frank and Mary Elisabeth Theis, her brother, Frederick. The daisies and pearls matching the Jeffery, was born to Mr and Mrs " IJoth deceased, and the groom is double ring service was per­ fabric of their gowns. They each George McCrumb of Francis formed before an altar adorned carried a. colonial floral ar­ Road, DeWitt on June 21, at with bouquets of white gladiolus, rangement of white andpink car­ a Lansing Hospital. He weighed Foryourcar blue corn flower s and pink nations with pink roses, 7 pounds, 8 ounces. The baby peonies. The St. Mary's Choir Frederick Theis, brother of the has two sisters. Grandparents your home accompanied by organist, Joseph bride, served as best man and are Mr and Mrs Fred Arbor and your life Martin, provided the music. James Fedewa, brother of the Mr and Mrs Lawtence McCrumb and your health The bride walked to the altar groom, was groomsman. Ray­ of R-l, Eagle. The mother is In a gown fashioned of organza mond Fink, a cousing of the the former Sandy Arbor. with an A-line skirt. Chantilly bride from Marne, Mich., and State Farm is all lace Inserts accented with Joseph Fedewa, a brother of SWEET—A boy, Donald Allen, sequins highlighted the neckline the groom, from Westphalia was born to Mr and Mrs Richard you need to know and long sleeves which ended in ushered the guests. Sweet of 802 N. Clinton Avenue about insurance. wide cuffsfastenedwithsixmini­ on June 11 at Clinton Memorail ature buttons, A daisy headpiece A dinner reception for 700 Hospital., He weighed 6 pounds, set with seed pearls and sequins guests was held at St. Mary's 1 ounce. The baby has one brother See me. held her three tiered illusion veil Hall beginning at 5 p.m. and was and one sister. Grandparents are that fell to the waistline. Her only followed with an evening of danc­ MRS LEO FEDEWA Mr and Mrs John Parks and the RON HENNING jewelry was a single strand of ing. Those serving at the bride's great-grandparents -are Mr and MRS DENNIS BECKER New Office 224-2289 pearls, a gift of the groom. She - table Included Mrs Frederick For travelthenewMrsFedewa residing temporarily at R-2, Mrs Earl Parks. The mother Is Home Ph. 224-7881 carried a white orchid arranged Theis, Mrs Joseph Smith, Mrs changed to a blue dress with Fowler, the former Barbara Parks. 100 S. Lansing St., St. Johns with pink sweetheart roses and John Van Acker and Mrs Robert white accessories. The couple The bride Is employed In the white carnation on a prayer book will honeymoon in northern office at Clinton Memorfal Hos­ Dennis Becker STATE TARM Bengal. Mrs Miles Schoals, Mrs ROBINSON - A boy, Michael that belonged to her mother. A James Willette, Mrs Robert Michigan and Wisconsin and re­ pital and the groom is an ex­ turn on June 28. They will be Dale, was born to Mr and Mrs blue rosary was entwined through Vltek and Mrs Darrell Buck cavating contractor. Dale Robinson of 407 E, Park on the bouquet. served the bride's cake. June 9 at Clinton Memorial Hos­ takes bride June 20 INSURANCI Special guests included Sister pital. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 Mrs Clare Thelen, sister of M. Joslta of Guelph, Ontario, ounces. The baby has two sisters. Now honeymooning in northern E. Emmons. They were married STATTFARM the groom, served as matron of, Canada, the groom's sister, and Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Michigan are Dennis Becker and Friday evening, June 20, in a Insurance Companies honor and Mrs Ben Wieber, a Mrs Robert Leyrer, aunt of the Roy Bailey and Mr and Mrs his bride, the former, Carole double ring ceremony at Saint Home Offices: Bloomlngton, Illinois friend of the bride, from St. Johns bride, from Lansing. Floyd Robinson. The mother is John's Parish, in East Lansing. the former Barbara Bailey. Mr and Mrs Robert Emmons of 2117 Rossiter Place, Lansing, MOGG—A girl, Angela, was are the bride's parents, and the born to Mr and Mrs Carl Mogg bridegroom is the son of Mr be surprised of R-2, Ovid on June 14 at and Mrs A.B. Becker of 206 Clinton Memorial Hospital. She S. Morton Street, St, Johns. weighed 6 pounds, 13 3/4 ounces. Mrs Lawrence Rogna of Lan­ The baby has three brothers and sing served as matron of honor one sister. Grandparents are and bridesmaids were Miss how your Mr and Mrs Leo McBeavy and Tamee Wilson of Lansing and Mr and Mrs Dale Mogg. The Miss Mary Ann Becker sister mother is the former Beatrice of the groom. Halladay. Terry Cornwell of East Lan­ SAVINGS sing was best man and grooms­ men were Duane Becker, the groom's brother, and Robert Announcements! Emmons, brother of the bride. Brian Haas, James Mumby and GROW! Jack Slra seated the guests. The 34th Antes reunion was Following the ceremony a re­ held June 15 at the city park. MR AND MRS DONALD WITT ception was held In the Regi­ There were 49 present from mental Room of the Capitol Park various parts of Michigan. The Motor Hotel. TERRI MtlLLIKEN Celebrate anniversary officers for the coming year will The bride graduated from Lan­ be, Bruce Irish, Gladys Irish, sing Community College and and Fern Halner. The afternoon Michigan State University. The rV "Mr and Mrs Donald Witt will couple's daughter and son-ln- was enjoyed playing baseball and Engaged celebrate their 25th wedding an­ Iaw, Mr and Mrs Mark Feld- groom graduated from MSU and several visited Mrs F. Hainer Mr and Mrs Charles Mulllken Is a member of the honorary niversary Sunday, June 29, with pausch and their son, Douglas in Clinton Memorial Hospital. an open house at the home of Witt. of Woodland wish to announce the Omicron Delta Epsilon. their daughter at 6907 South * * engagement of his daughter, The couple will make their Mr and Mrs H. Wayne George Terrl Irene, to David Wayne Francis Roaa from 1 to 4 p.m. All friends and relatives are home in Flint, where they have and from 7 to 11 p.m. •wish to announce the marriage of Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs Don accepted teaching positions. cordially invited, but the couple their daughter, Cheryl Elayne, to Allen, Jr. of Bath. Hosting the affair will be the request that there be no gifts. Roy Davis Syrjamaki of Ne- Terri attended Lakewood High gaunee. The couple were married School and Western Michigan Friday evening, June 13. University, and' is presently * * working for the Secretary of The bi-annual election of the State in Lansing. The Green Tee club attended Clinton County Pomona Grange David, a graduate of Bath Higtfi a field day at Ithaca on June 18 officers will be held at the Olive School, is enrolled at Chicago and on June 11, there were 33 Grange Hall on Tuesday, July 8. Technical College, andis working members who enjoyed golf on the There will be a potluck supper in Bath. local course. Honors went to the at 7 p.m. and the meeting will A September 20th wedding is team of McKay, Humphrey and begin at 8 p.m. being planned. Sorrell. Economy KORELL. • run MUCH • irtorinr MIWM Shoe Your Savings Earn 4%% Store At Capitol Savings & Loan The big difference In savings Institutions is the dividends paid. Money Announces saved at Capitol earns a giant 4 3/4 % compounded quarterly. It's no wonder your savings grow so fast. In fact you'll be pleasantly sur­ prised at how quickly it adds up. Open your account today, 1/3 OFF OUR ENTIRE v Here's The STOCK OF: Average Return On '1,000 Invested At 4%%

AVE. RETURNS ACCUMULATED ON $1,000,00 EARNINGS lyr.. ..4.84% lyr... .'.48.34 KORELL PLUS-SIZES

2 yrs. ..4.95% 2 yrs.. ..98.99 y FIT YOU PERFECTLY 3 yrs. ..5.07% 3 yrs.. .152.13 . . . with no alterations 4 yrs. .5.195% 4 yrs.. .207.83 if you're 5'5" or under! 5 yrs. .5.324% 5 yrs.. .266.18 BOTANY, ANYONE? A study in leaves and flow­ 6 yrs. ..5.46% 6 yrs.. .327.35' ers ... charmingly strewn 7 yrs. .5.592% 7 yrs.. .392.45 on Ihia" eosy-into step in 8 yrs, .5.734%' 8 yrs.. .458.74 dress. Trim collar, tic sash. 100% Arnel Triacetate jer­ 9 yrs. .5.880% 9, yrs.. .529.26 sey looks fresh from AM Men's 10 yrs .6.032% 10 yrs.. .'603.18 toPM. Sandals COLORS: - 1/3 off Blue, Red HALF SIZES CAPITOL SAVINGS ECONOMY SHOE STORE FIRST IN FOOT FASHIONS WITH FAMOUS BRAND NAMES & LOAN ASSOCIATION ,121 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS. - Ph. 224-2213 LANSING OKEMOS ST JOHNS • GRAND I FDOF. SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT. St. Johns Stores also in Owosso and Durand Chamber of Commerce Member Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page J-A

Ovid—Elsie graduates Melcher-Contreras 'Announcements

Clinton County Pomona Grange exchange vows June 13 Clinton County News vows at Benton Harbor will hold their annual picnic at Miss Maria Contreras, daugh­ now employed as a secretary the Palmer farm with Goldieano* ELSIE-After a wedding trip to Slagh, who accompanied soloist Miss Linda SueSturgis of Elsie ter of Mrs Cruz Contreras of at the Whirlpool Administration Maralyse Brooks on Sunday, Jane Cedar Point, Sandusky, , the Harry Price. was maid of honor and brides­ R-l, Box 840, StevensvUle, and Center. The groom is a gradu­ 29. Hot coffee and ice cream4fall new Mr and Mrs Roger L. Wyrick The bride walked to the altar on maids were Kris Wyrick of St. Robert D. Melcher of 2557 Glen- ate of Lakeshore High School be furnished but it is requeued will spend a week here before Sgt. the arm of her father in a Vic­ Johns and Francie Marton of lord Road, StevensvUle, were and Michigan state University that members bring their Jiwn Wyrick leaves for Viet Nam. torian shirtdress, with mock Elsie, sisters of the bridal married Saturday evening, June and is now a partner in the card tables and chairs if pos­ turtle neck and Gibson girl couple, Kathy Lepczyk of Flush­ Sa The couple were united in mar­ 1 14, in the Benton Harbor First Melcher Die Sinking Company. sleeves. It was accented by ing and Terrie Stelter of Lan­ sible.. riage at St. Cyril's Catholic Congregational Church. schiffli embroidery and tiny blue sing, cousins of the bride and Church in Bannister, Friday, bows at the neck and waistline Gwen Baker of Elsie. The Rev Robert H. Jacobson, June 13 at 5 p.m. The Rev Ed­ pastor of the church, and Dr and around the bottom of the bell They were Identically at­ ward Konieczka—performed the Clyde Wilcox of Marshall of­ shaped skirt. It was fashioned of tired in floor length pale blue double ring service before an ficiated. silk organza and detachable at the Empire styled chiffon gowns with altar decorated with an arrange­ Given in marriage by her waist. The full chapel length veil mock turtle neck and short puff ment of white gladiolus, car­ brother, Filiberto Contreras, the of imported silk illusion was sleeves. They carried Colonial nations and pale blue mums. bride wore a silk organza and edged in Schiffli embroidery with bouquets of pale blue sweet­ Alencon lace, trimmedwithpearl tiny blue bows attached to small heart roses, white miniature car­ Mary Elizabeth is the daughter beads, and featured a watteau ring with side bows of matching nations and baby's breath tied in of Mr and Mrs Lucas Marton, 130 train. North Ovid Street, Elsie, and embroidery. pale blue ribbon. A Spanish combheadpieceheld Roger is the son of Mr and Mrs The mother of the bride wore She carried a cloud bouquet of her mantilla of Alencon lace Madison Wyrick of R-5, St. Clair a yellow empire crepe dress with pale blue miniature carnations and she carried a cascade of Road, St. Johns. a matching lace coat. Hef cor­ with white sweetheart roses and white* roses. Music for the service was baby's breath tied with white sage was yellow roses and gold Miss Lee Contreras of Ste­ played by organist Mrs Earl crown wedding ribbon and lace.' pon poms. The groom's mother chose an aqua two piece silk vensvUle, sister of the bride, dress and her corsage consisted wore a floor length limette green of white roses and white pom gown. A lime green rosette with pons. veiling was her headpiece and she carried a cascade of coral car­ Robert McKinney of , nations. Ohio, served as best man and Dressed like the maid of honor groomsmen were Paul Marton of were the bridesmaids, Miss Elsie, brother of the bride, Don Diana Conteras of Chicago, Placer of Lansing and Richard Miss Ellen Contreras of Benton Cornwell of St. Johns, both Harbor and Mrs Michael F. cousins of the groom, Mark O'­ Melcher of StevensvUle. Donnell of Elsie and Lynn Baese of Ovid, John Kirby and Richard Michael F. Melcher, the V*- ?***!$ Cornwell served as ushers. groom's brother, was best man. MRS RICHARD BAUER Ushers were Tom Novak of Mus­ A reception was held at The kegon, Jerry Ackerman of Pines Restaurant in Owosso at Charles and Hazel Berkhousen of S. Swegles u Bridgeman, Charles Zlgler of 7 p.m. for 300 guests. Street, celebrated their 60th wedding anniver- ^ Niles and Rick Contreras, of Mr and Mrs Andy Minarik Richard Bauer weds Benton Harbor. sary on June 24. The couple were married in q served as host and hostess while A reception was held at the Mrs Betty Kirby attended the 1909, at the Methodist Church Parsonage in \ Downtowner in Benton Harbor. guest book. Mrs Leslie Sturgis Maple Rapids. They have four sons, Romame ( After a wedding trip to Mexico, cut and served the cake. Mrs Julianne Schmitt and Charles Jr., of St. Johns, Willis of Maple jj Betty Gruesbeck and Georgia the newlyweds will make their Goscinski assisted with the open­ Miss Julianne Schmitt, daugh­ bearer. Ushers were Claude home in the Surf side apartments. Rapids and Elliot of Atlanta, Ga. A son Glen \ ing and registering of gifts. ter of Mr and Mrs Julius Schmitt, brother of the bride, The bride is a graduate of passed away two years ago. They have been \ Schmitt of Kent Street, Fowler, from Holt and Ron Bryant, of Benton Harbor High School and is Special guests were Mr and blessed with 15 grandchildren and nine great jj Mrs Ward Wyrick of Ovid, grand­ and Richard T. Bauer, son of Lansing, a friend of the groom. parents of the groom and Mrs Mr and Mrs Vernon L. Bauer, A reception Was held for 350 grandchildren. Mr Berkhousen, now 81 years * of 811 Clayton Street, Lansing, Mary Marton, grandmother of the guests at Most Holy Trinity old is a retired "jack of all trades" he has been J bride. exchanged wedding vows at Most School Hall following the cere­ For travel the bride changed to Holy Trinity Catholic Church in mony. Special guests were Mrs a farmer, milk carrier, and worked at the ceme­ MRS ROGER L. WYRICK a pale blue empire crepe dress Fowler on June 21 at 10:30 a.m. Elizabeth Fox and Mr and Mrs tery. Mrs Berkhousen, 79, is a member of the Rev Albert J. Schmitt, an uncle From June 17 to 19, six girls with white lace around the neck­ Leo J. Bauer, grandparents of the WCTU and they are both members of the Church line and sleeves and matching of the bride, celebrated the groom. The couple honeymooned from Pewamo-Westphalia High accessories. nuptial mass. through the New England States, School attended the state wide of God. Football, basketball and baseball are Nine earn FSC degrees The couple are both graduates The bride was given in mar-, The bride Is a graduate of FHA workshop at Michigan State some of the sports they still enjoy watching. ^ of Ovid-Elsie High School, class rlage by her father before an Fowler High School with the class University. Nine county youths were pre­ Their sons hosted a family reception for their par-j The graduates included stu­ of 1967. The bride attended Fer­ altar beautified with fresh yellow of 1962 and the groom graduated The purpose of the workshop sented with degrees and certif­ dents who had completed their ris State College and, is now em­ mum plants. from St. Mary's High School in was to train leaders for FHA and ents on June 24. | icates of achievement from Fer­ programs of study in the sum­ ployed in the Civil Service De- For the double ring service the Lansing with the class of 1960, school activity ideas. The six ris State College at commence­ mer, fall, and winter terms, as girls who attended were Chris t partment at Lansing. TJie gr.oom bride selected an A- line ment exercises held June 15. well as in the spring quarter. fashioned gown of nylon over Casari, ConnleliT^eisGRoseanne : 5 i&BA secejjtly stattpned^ Cjimp Mary Masarik Tops I PERSONALIZED ITEMS FOR YOU!!! Ray G. Pierce of DeWftt 're­ Givlnr'fale>&o m^ince nie'nt ad­ Polk with the US Army but will Taffeta with fnlaysVf lace on'tfie Stump, Janet WonrfejN^aiid Mary ceived an A.A.S. in environmental dress was Dr William Haber, leave for Viet Nam nextweekand 'bodice"*and train.' Her fingertip .Club queen of monthu Lou Keilen. These- girls pre­ special advisor to the executive sented a skit at the workshop. sanitation. From Elsie, grad­ his bride will reside at her home veil was secured to a headpiece We have a complete selection of personalized items, I officers of the University of uates and their respective de­ in Elsie. fashioned in the shape of a rose St, Johns' Tops Club met June' Miss Casari is state FHA vice- including return address labels, pencils, kitchen labels, jj Michigan. president and participated on grees were: Mark A. O'Donnell, and set with sequins and seed 20 at 7:30 p.m. Eleven members recipe cards, personal record labels, book labels, sta- I stage for four of the sessions. A.A.D. In general education; pearls. She carried a white were present with six tops, two tionery, dog and pet identification tags. We also have p Miss Theis Is chairman and Miss James E. Webster, A.A.S. in orchid with a crystal rosary, turtles, and two gainers.Flor­ metal lifetime social security cards, and zip code direc- t Stump is treasurer of the local environmental sanitation; and Mrs Gerald Wieber, sister of ence Lohrer was queen of the tories. We have many items too numerous to list. Write, \ chapter. Jack L. Wicke, certificate in ar­ the bride, served as matron of week and Mary Masarik was for free catalog to B & G Sales, P.O. Box 129, DeWitt, a The Pewamo-Westphalia chap­ chitectural drafting. honor, and Mrs Arlene Myers and queen of the month. Florence Michigan 48820. There is no obligation of course. 5 Mrs Ellen Fitzpatrick, both of Lohrer received a prize for ter won a blue ribbon Red Rose St. Johns residents were David Lansing, served as bridesmaids. losing over seven pounds in a Honor certificate, which is in­ A. Dunkel and Paul J. Henney, Mary Ann Bauer, sister of the month. dicative of one of the seven best A.A.D. in general education; groom, was flowerglrl for the chapters of the state. Jeanine K. Wieber and Rhonda Dorothy Wagar's name was wedding. drawn for the door prize and The girls were accompanied It Pays to Shop at Wilson, A.A.S. in cosmotology; by their advisor, Mrs Audrey and John R. Hospodar, A.A.S. in Bethel Schultz won the mystery f The attendants all wore package. Casari, who presented a lesson technical illustration. identical gowns of floor length on FHA to the other 60 home- Degrees and certificates were chartreuse lace over white linen, Mr and Mrs Clare Kirby re­ making teachers present. Mrs granted to 1,658 students. with chartreuse matching bows cently attended graduation exer­ Lillian McKinney, advisor of the £z/l/[aaD\Lnnon i for headpieces. They carried cises for their son, Roger, at Fulton High School chapter, was Dr and Mrs Bross hand corsages of yellow and white Cornell University in Ithaca, also in attendance and was in FOR'BETTER VALUES J carnations and mums. The flow­ N.Y. Roger received a doctor of charge of a special part of the host DAR dinner erglrl was identically dressed philosophy degree. program. except the color was white and MIX OR MATCH I Dr and Mrs Manning Bross she carried a basket arrange­ were hosts to members and ment of yellow and white car­ guests of the River Wabwaysin nations and mums. Chapter of the DAR when they MR AND MRS ROLLIE MUNGER The bride's mother chose a SEPARATES | entertained for dinner on June 17. pale green dress with green and The meeting was conducted by white accessories for her daugh­ the Regent, Mrs Harold Mlllman, Celebrate anniversary ter's wedding and the groom's BLOUSES and she was given a note of thanks mother wore a mint green A- for her four years as Regent. Mr and Mrs RollieMungerwill ployed at the F..C. Mason Com­ line dress with white acces­ and Miss Maralyse Brooks had be honored at an open house pany for 40 years before his sories. They each wore a white just returned from the state June 29 from 2 'til 6 p.m. at retirement. The couple have been orchid corsage. board meeting and discussed 106 N. Ottawa Street. Hosting the members of the United Methodist Lawrence Bauer, the groom's SHELLS some of the new rulings of the affair will be their sons and Church for 50 years. All friends brother, served as best man and by Ship'n Shore society. daughters, Mr and Mrs Kelth^ and relatives of the couple are groomsmen were Dennis Hill of Mrs Clyde Wilcox, an associ­ Munger, Mr and Mrs Kenneth" invited to attend. Lansing, and Phil Schmitt of $050 $£98 ate member, discussed the work Moore, Mrs Lyonal Fitzner and It is requested that there be Fowler. David Wieber, a nephew being done in Duluth, Minn. Mr and Mrs Reed Munger. no gifts. of the b r i d e,' served as ring Dr Wilcox was the guest speaker of the evening and spoke Mr and Mrs Munger were mar­ on "Research in Genealogy" ried on July 12,1919, in Vernon, SHORTS p and his experiences in Vermont but have lived all their married and Greenville, Mich.# where he lives in St. Johns. Mr Munger Is $400 to SCOOJ discovered the early history of a charter member of the Amer­ his ancestors. ican Legion Post and was em­ S/fffi Beauty Siilon: SLACKS I « Phone 224-6161 10% OFF $400 ° $io°f Summer Flattery on all Baldwin Italian Provincial Appointment not always Furniture that's Fun! LADIES' I 1'lattcringly fcm.ilc, summer necessary SWIM SUITS fcthiom calls for hairstyling jtf^dsC^v. The Baldwin Orga-sonic 58R Baldwin's sophisticated is the furniture that sounds Italian Provincial styling SWIM SUITS! that is beguiling!)' girlish. SIZES THRU 46 as good as it looks. It sounds and beautiful Walnut finish. $ 98 $ 9 so good because Baldwin's This classic style provides a Shampoo and Style limitless tonal resources and timeless and versatile design 6 ° 12 We specialize in that's at home in any home. comprehensive features com­ GIRLS' $3.00 larger sizes. Also bine in this home organ to Gome in soon to see our new good selection of make playing easier and furniture; we'll show you SWIM SUITS more fun than ever before. It how much fun you can have 1/2 size dresses. with it. looks so good because of $049 fo$A9i Budget Perm .95 DO STOP IN SOON. Baldwin Organs..*We Sell Fun!

CATHY REDMAN , JO PEN IX BEACHTOWELS: ANN TZeWeniiUtf NEL TORPEY - • PASEKA SADIE WIGGINS FKE DePeal Music Center $098 $09811 LINDA PEWOSKI 121 W. Main St. DeWITT Ph. 669-3470 120 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-3134 2 Page 8 A CLINTQN COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969 fouplaiH- Oldsters gather in Wacousta for annual yester-years jbarty

geckeAtet Cchnif About 100 oldsters gathered panied by his'singing; Rev at the Wacousta Methodist Everett Love, former Wacousta By MES. JAMESjBURNHAM, CorrespondenU-Phone 2244045 Church for the 14th annual yes­ pastor, offered piano renditions ter-years party hosted^ by Mrs of favorite hymns. Group sing­ this year were Mrs Sydney Acre, Veda Forward. ing' was also Included in the WSCS of the Duplain Methodist afternoon entertainment. Church met June 18 with Mrs Mrs Justin Shepard and Mrs William Holley at her home on Duane Bunce.Miss ConiBurnham Highlighting the program .Prizes were given to outstand­ East Colony Road. Mrs Florence served as pianist. planned for the afternoon was ing members of the group. Iva Ewer presented the lesson for the Mrs Dale Levey- is in Owosso Detective Irvin Ruby of the Lan­ Greenfield was recognized for evening after which refreshments sing City Police Force. He pre­ being the oldest woman present Memorial Hospital andcardswill and the mother of the most chil­ were served. reach ,her if sent directly to the sented a demonstration of magic CHURCH OF CHRIST NEWS tricks themed on "safety first." dren. Mrs Greenfield, who is 88, hospital. has eight children and men­ "Message to Fathers" was the Lawrence Harvey of Shep- Orel Boughton performed a few selections on his banjo accom- tioned that she has been a great- sermon topic Sunday morning hardsville is a patient atLansing grandmother 24 times. June 15 at the Church of Christ. General Hospital at this writing. _Speclal numbers in song were Mrs William Holley andMrs J. Mr and Mrs Lyndon Taylor presented for the Bible School D. Washburn attended the wed­ were distinguised as the couple hour by the "Acre, cousins" and ding June 21 of MissKarenOlson who travelled the farthest to at­ the young gospel quartet com­ and William Clffin at the First tend the party. They make their Louise Anderson, posed of Troy Bancroft, Glen and United Methodist Church in Mid­ daughter of Mr and Mrs Warren home in Phoenix, Ariz. David Baese and Jeff Burnham. land. Miss Olson is the daughter Other prizes were given to Anderson of 609 W. Higham Sunday evening the group saw a of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Olson. Street, graduated summa cum Mrs Merle Avery, Otto Dick­ Mrs Veda Forward (standing left) hostess of the yester-years party is shown with film on Vacation BlbleSchool. Mr and Mrs William Holley of inson, Myrtle Kebler, Ernst her oldest guests, (from left) Henry Hepfer, 90, (and seated) Mrs Bertha Hepfer/ laude from Michigan State Uni­ Colony Road hosted an open house versity, June 8. Miss Anderson "Where Do You Fit In" was the Craun, Rev Love, and Carl Mil­ sermon topic June 22. Special June 22 in honor of their son ler for such things as having the 86, (Mr and Mrs Hepfer have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary), Car­ received a BA degree in chem­ Mark's first birthday. istry and was a member of the number in song was presented by biggest laugh, the smallest pen rie Newman, 85, Iva Greenfield, 88, Essie Mable Allen, 87, and (standing) Honors College, Miss Coni Burnham who sang «l Mr and, Mrs James Burnham knife, or a real bone hair pin. Ernest Craun, 86. At the gathering, eight were over the age of 85. Not shown Asked The Lord",, accompanied and family spent June 17 in Fresh carnations were presented (Lorraine is presently working are Laura Cameron and Sadie Doty, both 86. foE the entomology department by Mrs NidaDunhamatthe organ. Detroit to see Susanne London to all those, in attendance who Students attending DVBS at the leave for Hamburg, West 'Ger­ were of the age 85 or more. aatSMSt SJJ U in pesticide research. Tljis fall she will teach science church this past week presented many. Susanne has spent the last Mrs Forward noted that there After the program, light re­ another. St. Johns, Arizona, Lyons, T&. their closing program June 22. ten months with the Burnham was one man present at the gath­ freshments were served by close The party, which was more - anjli math at Carter Junior High Greenville, Williamston, Flor­ School in Warren. Theme for VBS this year was family as an exchange studentfor ering who was 90 years old and friends and neighbors of Mrs than three months in preparation, the Youth For Understanding pro­ Miss Anderson was salutato- Jesus Leads Me and classes were eight people attended who are Forward-and the guests were en­ hailed attendants from Lansing, ida, Battle Creek, Illinois, Grand held nightly for all ages. Attend­ gram. Mrs Burnham, John, Coni over 85. All totalled more than couraged to stay and chat with one DeWitt, Eagle, Haslett, Saginaw, Ledge, and Concord. ri^n of her class at Rodney B. and Susanne spent June 13 in Wilson High School in 1965. ance averaged 130 and the offer­ Included m the after­ one-third of the group was over ing of over $100 will be sent to northern Michigan.. They also 75 years old. noon entertainment was talking on his hands for 10 the Children's Home at Kalkaska. called on the Jeane Burnhams. In closing remarks, Mrs For­ hoilrs at a stretch for 55 days in Following the program, parents Mrs Burnham and Jeff spentFri- Orel Boughton, 85, who ward called attention to the fact Gunnisonville a row, in 1900, Johann Husllnger and students visited the class­ day morning with her mother, sang and played folk that donations were made by local managed to go from- Vienna to rooms where the workbooks and Mrs Mary Petro, in St. Louis at merchants in the way of refresh­ By Mrs Loui E. Fritz Paris, a distance of 891 miles. crafts were on display. Directors the,Theron Jessup home. songs on his banjo. ments and prizes. A 'Farewell* potluck dinner was held at the Gunnisonville United Methodist Church June 17 at 6 p.m. for Rev and Mrs Marcel B. Elliott. Eighty mem­ bers and their families were present. Following the dinner, group singing and a short program was conducted. Rev Elliott was presented a pen and pencil set from the Sunday school and a "John Wes­ 5 BIG DAYS ley" ministerial robe from the church. Mrs Elliott received a TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY centerpiece of yellow roses. ST. JOHNS Sunday June 22 was his last service at the Gunnisonville If you like fun, excitement, thrills and Church. meeting friendly people who enjoy life, Rev Elliott is now housing you'll find it at the 4th of July Cele­ director for the city of Lansing, bration, .at. thejj CityvEarfciiln St-; Jbhns.,t but1^ill.Jbep.reaching[at;ya.r;iousi LARGEST Bring your family and friends ...... other churches as a substitute there's something to please everyone. for regular pastors. , MR AND MRS FRANCIS PLATTE Mr and Mrs George F. Foster Celebrate anniversary of Clark Road recently returned FIREWORKS •••*• from a visit with their son Larry On Sunday, June 8, Mr andMrs Alphonse Platte of Lansing; and A, Stid and his family of Fair- Francis Platte of R-l, Pewamo Frederick Schmitz of Pewamo. post, N.Y. were honored on their 25th wed­ Following the dinner a" mock Mr and Mrs Arthur Sack of RIDES FOR ding anniversary. A special mass wedding and group singing was Lansing were June 22 visitors, DISPLAY was offered at St. Mary's Church enjoyed by the friends and rela­ of Mr and Mrs Ernie Fritz and at 10 a.m. where Mr .Platte and the tives of the couple. Mr and Mrs John J. Babula and former" Marjory Schmitz were Kathy of Grand Rapids and Rev married on June 27, 1944. Arthur E. Fritz of Mt Pleasant KIDS Special guests were their chil­ Daughters attend were June 21 visitors. They also Friday, July 4th dren: Monica of Anchorage, visited their sister, Mrs Flor­ Alaska; Sister Marybeth SCC of Golden Rule meet ence Hartman, in Lansing Gen­ St. L o u i s, Mo; Mr and Mrs eral Hospital. OF ALL AGES Michael Platte of Fowler; Lenora DeWITT—Four girls from De- Mrs Oliver Angell recently 10:00 p.m. \ and Karen of Lansing; and Gary, Witt Bethel No. 4C, International returned to her home from Ing­ Linda and David. Mrs Regina, Order of Job's Daughters,at­ ham Medical Hospital where she TUES., WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. Schmitz also attended the cele­ tended the 1969 Golden Rule ses­ undery/ent major surgery. bration. sion of theGrandBethelofMlchi- The wedding attendants were gan held in Grand Rapids June Mr and Mrs Ronald D. Park­ present for the occasion and In­ 19-21. They were Sue Sibley, inson and family are new resi­ ••••• - cluded Mrs James Thelenof Ovid; Honored Queen; Debbie Locher, dents on Boichot Road. They 4 ** Mrs Fred Bombric of Lansing, Senior Princess; Pat Sees, Mar­ recently bought the late Al Bob- Mrs Alvin Thelen of Westphalia; shall; and Linda White, Third rofsky house and moved in on Messenger and Past Honored June 18. 1 BOY'S Queen. Sponsored by 1 GIRL'S Announcements Sue and Debbie took part In the Honored Queens and Princesses' Garland News formations at the formal opening By Mrs Archie Moore ST. JOHNS *to ~k ~k ^ TAr^nfcnfc"A">fc' The Brown Bee's Study Club session Thursday evening in the Phone 834-2383 met with Mrs Albert Mack on Civic Auditorium. June 17, for a 6 p.m. Bohemian •> TRY YOUR supper and white elephant sale. Linda was-installed as aGrand Mr and,Mrs Floyd Lindauer * FIRE DEPARTMENT . The mystery prize was won by Bethel Choir Member in a cere­ held openhouse for their daughter: SKILL AT THE DUNKING BOOTH Mrs Arnold Blizzard. The mem­ mony Saturday afternoon. She was Carolyn June 15 in honor of her bers will "eat out" for their July also a recipient- of the Coy Honor graduation from Ovid-Elsie meeting. Award ribbon awarded at the High School, Carolyn has sum­ * ROTARY CLUB •••••••••• honors and awards banquet Fri­ mer employment at the Mem­ day evening in recognition of her orial Hospital in Owosso. outstanding service to her Bethel. Mrs Clyde Gilbert has returned * JAYCEES FAMILY STATE FARM The girls were accompanied by home from Memorial Hospital IT'S FUNI Sue/s mother, Mrs Rus'sell Sib­ on June 14 after having surgery.' FUN GAME ley. Mr and Mrs Charles Snyder at-, tended the open house in Lansing for their grandson, Bruce Snyder. AMERICAN He is the son of Mr and Mrs INSURANCE Robert Snyder who formerly CANCER lived near Carlandi ® Mrs Almeda Tabor is con­ } FOOD STAND f SOCIETY fined to Memorial Hospital in i KIDS DAY FOR INSURANCE CALL Owosso. i J POPCORN, POP, H0TD0« * J REDUCED PRICES ON RIDES \i GIGANTIC * TUESDAY JULY 1st '} MIDWAY 12 Noon to 6 p.m. J DICK. HAROLD This message sponsored by the Following Financial Institutions HAWKS GREEN

200 W."State St. St. Johns, / Capitol Savings & Phone 224-716,0 Loan Association ITATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY H«m Offices; Bloomlniton, litlnoU mr» Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 9 A'

Turn Loose With Tuna Mousse When The Weather Waxes Hot Discount

ta^tiiaiii -I n)ip This column of questions and answers on federal tax matters Is provided by the local office of the U.S. Internal Revenue Ser­ Health and vice and is published as a public , service to taxpayer* The column 'W« Reaerve The Right To Limit' answers, quest ions most fre­ Quantities Copyright Tho quently asked by taxpayers. Kroger Co. 1969 Q - My income is up and I think I will have to increase Prices And Coupons Good my estimated tax payments. Do Thru Sat., Juno 28, 1969 I have to file another declaration? in St. Johns Beauty Aids A - No, when you make your next Installment payment of es­ Save on these money saving specials and these many Discount Priced Health timated tax adjust it to take care and Beauty Aid Items at Kroger. Kroger helps you cut your cost of living and of the -increase. "With your payment enclose the get Top Value Stamps too! appropriate pre-addressed Voucher sent you as part of your estimated tax package last Feb­ 79c VALUE ruary. The filled-out voucher for each installment identifies your FREE! SCHICK payment and makes sure it is properly credited to your ac­ count. COLGATE Q - I filed my return showing Tuna Mousse is terrific when it's torrid outside. It makes a re­ INJECTOR RAZOR a. refund back in April. When freshing main dish that is easy to prepare. Light as Tuna Mousse looks and tastes, it is high in nutrition because canned tuna in WITH THE PURCHASE OF A can I except my check? vegetable oil is comparable in complete protein to lean meat. A - Your refund should arrive Have you gotten on to tuna's money-saving ways in your meals? PK6 OF 4 in Mid-June. Some returns filed Canned tuna costs so little, it is one of the very best bargains in SHAVE CREAM at the deadline may not be proc­ protein foods today. Many families are serving tuna twice a KRONA-CHROME BLADES essed completely until the first week to keep up nutrition and flavor in their meals at modest cost. week of June. Tuna Mousse 1 Incomplete returns and those 1 envelope unflavored gelatine /A cup diced celery with errors take longer to proc­ V/2 cups cold chicken broth, < * Vi cup diced green pepper divided 1 cup heavy cream, ^whipped ess. Taxpayers are notified of 1 tablespoon lemon juice the reason for delay in these 2 cans (6l/£ or 7 ounces each) cases. tuna in vegetable oil Q - I just took a second job. Sprinkle gelatine on y% cup of the chicken broth in saucepan Does Social Security tax have to to soften. Place over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatine be taken out of my pay on both is dissolved. Remove from heat_; stir in remaining 1 cup broth jobs? and lemon juice. Chill until mixture is the consistency of un­ beaten egg white. Mix in tuna, and celery and green pepper. A - Yes, the law requires each Fold in whipped cream. Turn into a 4-cup mold; chill until firm. employer to withhold Social Se­ Unmold to serve. curity tax on the first $7,800 of Yield: 6 servings. an employee's wages. If more than the maximum of $374.40 is withheld for Social Security tax $1.05 VALUE FAMILY PRIDE $1.39 VALUE in 1969, you should claim a credit for the excess on your 6'/4-OZ BTL $107 income tax return next year. Head Start program enrolls 219 Toothpaste WT TUBE 39$ Anacin Tablets OF 100 1 Q - I'm thinking of buying for Head Start children are es­ some U.S. Savings Bonds and While hundreds of school chil­ children work as volunteers in the $1.50 VALUE-V0 5 FAMILY PRIDE putting them in my son's name. dren began their eagerly awaited tablished in Clinton County. The classroom with the teacher and If I do that, will I have to pay summer vacations, 219 bright- centers and their teachers are: the aide. The mothers are sched­ Bath, two rooms, Miss Dorine 10-OZ tax on the interest? eyed and excited youngsters uled and serve as helpers dur­ WT CAN Gamble and Mrs Darwin Clise; Hair Spray 99C Vitamins W/lron ^79C A - If the bonds are issued started their six weeks pre- ing the hours that the children at­ 0 DeWitt, one room, Mrs Maxine solely in the child's name, or kindergarten session. These tend. In the past programs this Mosher; Fowler, one room, Mrs $1.49 VALUE DEODORANT-SPECIAL LABEL FAMILY PRIDE in his name with you listed as youngsters are the Head Start help has proved very valuable as Marcella E dinger; Elsie, two beneficiary, then he will be liable children who will get agoodfeel- they become a member of the rooms, Miss Patricia Rivest^and £at(tUx on'the interest they earn. ling about school, about teachers, team in helping, the! tihiltf to3haf&3 7-OZ J Mrs Jeanne Wilkinsj Ovid, two Q ^ Can a farmer deduct the and the community. They will his Fexperiences and ideas through Calm Spray WT CAN 97$ Mouthwash 3 $1 rooms, Miss Joane Ford and Miss cost of a telephone he needs to find out that learning can be fun, communication. ' Barbara Flore; Pewamo, one sell his produce? and that learning in school can Thirteen mothers work 'each 434 VALUE TOOTHPASTE-SPECIAL LABEL CAPRI make them stronger, wiser, hap­ room, Mrs Marie Blauwiekel; A - A business deduction may day in the classrooms in the pier, and braver than they were and St. Johns, four rooms, with be taken for that portion of the seven centers of the county. 32-FL before. They will learn success. Miss Evelyn Putnam, Mrs Retha telephone costs related to farm The Head Start program con­ Bath Oil OZ BTL 49C The teachers and aides have Cook, Mrs Vera Bryant, and Mrs tinues from June 23 through Ultrabrite business. For instance, if the Joanne Seavey. phone is used for farm business planned the classrooms so that August. 8, the children will have many new 79c VALUE half the time then half of the cost The children will be in school experiences, such as talking, may be deducted. from 9 to 12:30 p.m. each day and REGULAR OR HARD TO HOLD singing, dramatizing, painting, PCA LOANSl a balanced noon meal will be Q - I'm being called in for an taking field trips, and improv­ served at 11:30. The cooks for REDUCE examination of my return. Is ing their health habits. They will the Head Start program are: Mrs INTEREST there any booklet that would help be providing experiences and Josephine Miller at Bath; Mrs me get ready for it? teaching through which the child COSTS HALO Fern Wellington of DeWitt; Mrs A - Yes, send a post card to learns how to learn and through Ask about PCA's Helen Fox of Fowler; Mrs Irene unique money-saving your district director and ask which he gains the foundations Mead at Elsie; Mrs Alice Miller inlcrcst formula . . . and one- him for a copy of IRS Publica­ necessary for future learning. application loan plan . . , Good tion 556> "Appeal Rights and in Ovid; Mrs Eileen Trierweiler reasons why PCA is FIRST IN Claims for Refund." of Pewamo; and Mrs Betty Hicks FARM CREDIT. HAIR SPRAY SEVEN DIFFERENT centers In St. Johns. Q - I no longer have a maid Teachers and cooks are helped PRODUCTION CREDIT 12-OZ WT CAN help me with my housework now by a qualified person known as an ASSOCIATION that my children are all away aide and the Head Start program m at school. What should I do with employes 22. the quarterly report on house­ 108 Brush St., St. Johns Phone 224-3R62 hold help I've been getting? MOTHER OF THE Head Start A - If you do not expect to be paying any taxable wages to household help in the future, write "final return" on the bottom, of the Form 942 received in the Make Sure mail and send it back. Your name will then be removed from the mailing list. You $1.49 VALUE SPRAY SET $1.09 VALUE BRECK Your 6-OZ 7-FL Lektro Set WT CAN 99* Baby Shampoo OZ BTL 69* $1.25 VALUE HAIR SET GEL $1.19 VALUE HAIR GROOM 7-FL Dippity-Do JAR 99( Vitalis OZ BTL 79* $1 VALUE VO 5 58$ VALUE-SPECIAL LABEL 10.8-FL 3-FL Creme Rinse OZ BTL 79* Halo Shampoo OZ BTL 39* SUNBURN RELIEF 894 VALUE MOSQUITO SPRAYS S-FL 2~OZ FERTILIZERS Boctine OZ $1.47 Fasteeth WT 69* NERVOUS TENSION HEADACHE RELIEF ' 394 VALUE JOHNSON & JOHNSON PKG Baled Cope Tablets OF 36 69* Cotton Swabs OF 54 29* u 89i VALUE 594 VALUE NEVf BTL PKG Peat Moss Digel Tablets OF 30 77* Feenamints Mints OF 20 47* VALUABLE COUPONS VALUABLE COUPONS I 50 Top, Value 150 Top Value I 50 Top Value ! 50 Top Value [ 50 Top Value ', ^Evenings J Stamps J Stamps \ Stamps [ Stamps [ Stamps Q HE • W/7H THE PURCHASE UlWITHTHE PURCHASE 9WITH THE'PURCHASE IWITH THE PURCHASE I WITH THE PURCHASE ' LET OUR EXPERTS DO THAT FOR YOU • OF A PKC OF 7 OR..IJ tOF ANY 1 CONTAINER I OF ONE PKG • OF ONE 3 FL 02 CAN 1 OF ANY 1 BTL Open 9 to 5 Mon. thru Sat. i •Schick Injector! Protein 29 "EUROPEAN NATURAL J Medi-Quick • We Offer the Finest In • Pepfo Bismol CLOSED SUNDAYS •Raior Blades I Hair Groom • Hair Color • Spray Professional Dry Cleaning Redeem at Kroger • Redeem at Kroger _ • RedeeKedeom at Krog«Kroger i•,, j J Redeem b01t Krogoiwogor |- Redeenoooonmi amt Krogenrugnr Thru Sal., June 28 PVTf Thru 5at., June 28 [*&• Garden Center FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY IThru Sat., June 28 iJM=J Thru 5ot., June 28 KTtjf Thrb Sal,, June 28IJJJ an of the PINE GREEK NURSERY ANTES CLEANERS S. US-27 Near Srurgis Sf. Phone 224-2693 Member National Institute of Cleaners and Dyers *i Sr. Johns 108 W. Walker ST. JOHNS Phone 224-45Z& WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? Wednesday, June 25, 1969 Wednesday, June 25, 1969 Page 10 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan Page \\A ily held an open house in his versary on Sunday afternoon, and daughter Patty and grand­ until Sunday at Otsego. Mr Miner's parents, tion of officers resulted with all Monday, June 18, at Ann Arbor in* Portland and their mother, Mrs June 22 -with Mr and Mrs Louis spending a week with her grand­ honor at their home. Approxi­ June 22, at their home. Their daughter, SherrieLynnwith their Mr and Mrs Claude UnderhUl The VlotorClvloClubwiHmeet officers being re-elected and it St Joseph Mercy Hospital where^ Louis Egan of Ionia. They at­ Thelen. ma Fox. mately 60 relatives and friends anniversary date is June 24. mother, Mrs Velma Gillespie, North Victor spent the weekend In the north. with Mrs Oscar Kiel at Round was voted to purchase a new flag. , Bridgeville he went for a check-up. tended the wedding of Mr and Miss Aureila Cook left June attended. Eight seminarians Relatives, friends, and neighbors spent several months in La Dr and Mrs E. O. Schreider By Mrs Elzle Exelby . Mr and Mrs Dale Wood of Lake on June IB. This will be a The Victor Missionary Society Mrs Michael Edward at Boulder, 16 for Grand Rapids, and con­ By Mrs Thelma Woodbury Mr and Mrs David Van Horn Petoaw from Grand Rapids were also called at their home. Marada, Calif., with Mr and Mrs and family of Flint spent the Missouri spent several days last picnic dinner at noon. met at the home of James Huyck Colo., and while there they were tinued her trip June 18 on a three and daughters of Alma and Mr present and games and cards Mr and Mrs Jack Davarn, Winkle. They arrived here June weekend with their mother, Mrs week with their parents, Mr and A severe electrical storm hit on June 12. Election of officers By MRS. IRENE FOX, Correspondent-Phone 824-2021 visitors of Mr and Mrs Homer weeks tour of Europe covering By LUCILLE SPENCER, Correspondent Mrs George Bunce is very ill and Mrs Douglas Hulbert and were played for entertainment. Tom and Mary Rose left June 21 and Michael Lawens accom­ Charles Cook. Mrs Louis Jorae and other rel­ here on June 12 with wind, rain resulted as follows: Mrs Vida The members of the Salem Edward and Mr and Mrs Larry six countries, •u* at the U of M hospital in Ann family were dinner guests of Mr Mrs Klein served refreshments. 23 for a week's stay at Washing­ panied them here for his vaca­ Mrs Alfred Cook came home atives. A family dinner with 18 and hail. Many trees were blown Exelby, president; Mrs Loraine United Methodist Church will 53rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Egan. Following their stay they Mrs Ethel Gee accompanied Arbor, and Mrs John Woodbury June 15. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ton, D.C. tion. June 21 from St. Lawrence Hos­ present was held on Sunday at the down, electricity and telephones Huyck, secretary and treasurer; greatly miss Rev Conine and his Mr and Mrs William P. Smith left on a sight seeing tour through Mr andMrsMarkWieberofFow- Mr and Mrs Bruce Hulbert and William P. Smith. Leo Cook is home after several _Mrs Bertha Doane is still a pital In Lansing where she was avan when it stopped on June 20. A ham supper is being planned Jorae home In their honor. put out of order and in some and Mrs Ruth Grossman, floral family. His last service was con­ celebrated their 53rd wedding Mrs Nellie Fox entertained the Dakotas and several other ler to a 5 p.m. dinner given by ' Mrs Bowles wins ducted in the church on Sunday, sons were evening callers. Sister Hildegard will be spend­ months at the Manor in Ionia. her Pedro Club June 24. patient at Carson City Hospital. admitted on June 6. She is im­ Barry Miller left June 20 for by the Reed Cemetery Associ­ Mr and Mrs Barry Darling and places about two inches of rain treasurer. The next meeting will anniversary when their children states. Mr and Mrs Chuck Hyer at June 15. The parish members ing most of the week visiting Sunday guests on June 15 of Monsignor Henige, Catherine Mrs Ford Burns of Carson proving as of June 23. six weeks ROTC training. ation to be held at the -Victor children of Lansing spent June 14 fell. be held July 3 at the Bauerle The earlier the better is the took them to Daley's for an Charlotte on June 22. cash in tournament extend to the family best wishes relatives and will leave June 36. Mr and Mrs Myron Schaferwere Ederrer and Mr and Mrs Arnold City and daughter Kathy of Lan­ June 23 Harold Cook left for Mrs Eva Pearce from the town hall on June 25. Serving with their grandparents Mr and Mr and Mrs Erwin McMaster home. rule for beginning a low calorie, evening dinner Saturday, June 21. Mrs Joseph J. Fox returned for the future. They will now be HARRY KLEIN GRADUATES Mr and Mrs Matt Spitzley, and Schafer attended the openhouse sing were present at thewedding his annual vacation by plane to Mathew Cook, 19 months old (,,. Mrs Carl Bowlesrecentlypar- Durand Nursing Home spent aday will begin at 5:30 p.m. and con­ Mrs Elzie Exelby. and boys spent from Saturday low cholesterol diet that can help Following the dinner the eve­ son of Mr and Mrs Howard Cook home June 14 from St. Lawrence In 1827 Army officers were serving in Owosso. Mr and Mrs Joseph Klein and Mr and Mrs Roy Simon both of celebration of Mr and Mrs Arnold anniversary celebration of Mr London, England. From there rt .tlcipated in the WIBC Champion recently with her daughter, Mrs tinue until'all are served. Mr and Mrs Louis Jorae at­ until Thursday at Gatlinburg, all the hearts in the family. The ning was spent at the home of was taken to Carson City Hos­ Hospital at Lansing where she lent to the founders of the Balti­ family attended the graduation Lansing and Mr and Mrs Donald Thelen. The Thelens celebrated and Mrs Carl Geller on Sunday, he will go to S. Africa where ",' Tournament held at San Diego, Max Miller. tended the funeral of their cousin, Tenn. artery blockages that cause heart Mr and Mrs Francis Motz where pital June 17 when he became had eye surgery. more and Ohio Railroad to initi­ Douglas Hulbertreturnedhome of their son Henry from St. Schmltz of Westphalia and their their 50th wedding anniversary. June 22. The affair was held at he will spend 22 days. Calif. There were 18,962 women Mrs Roger Smith has returned Karen and Keith Stuntz of Free- Mrs Hugo Brendahl at Perry on Saturday, June 7, after spending attack and stroke begins with a cards were in play. Mr and Mrs seriously ill with pneumonia. He The following spent the week­ land spent several days last week Horton Grange met at the Vic­ ate its construction. This was Joseph Seminary in Grand Rapids families. Miss Eva Jean was Mrs Joan Daniels of Lansing the home of the Burns family. Mr and Mrs Jim Daly and competing in this event. Her home from Sparrow Hospital. Her June 14. the week in Canada with Fred, bad childhood diet, declares the Richard Craft of New Haven, is slowly improving. end camping at Crystal Lake: with Mr and Mrs Thayne Miner. tor church on June 13 with a good to become the first link in the on June 6. He is a former grad­ also home for the day. was home over the weekend visit­ A ten day trip was enjoyed by children, Mr and Mrs Gene vi4scores were §55 Team- 513 condition is somewhat improved. Jim, Robert and Henry Miles. Mr Michigan Heart Assn., aMichigan Ind, were present also Sister Mr and Mrs Henry J. Schafer; Mr and Mrs William Staples Mrs Thayne Miner and baby attendance, A potluck supper was Nation's great rail communica­ uate of Fewamo grade school. Mr and Mrs Carl Geller ob­ ing her mother Mrs Vera Cook. the following, Mr and Mrs Ste- Wright and children and Rev . ^Doubles-543 Singles. For herA n aunt from St Johns is staying and Mrs Douglas Hulbert spent Hlldegard of Chicago. Amy Fox, daughter of Mr and Mr and Mrs Carl Walter; and and family spent from Friday spent June 17 in Midland with served before the meeting.Elec- tions chain. United Fund agency. On Sunday June 15th the fam­ served their 25th wedding anni­ Mr and Mrs Joseph Winkle phenKlein, Mr and Mrs Dick Egan James Thelen of Muskegon spent , t, 'efforts she won $20.25. with her. Mrs Norbert Fox of Lansing is Mr and Mrs Gerald Simon, On the way home she visited A daughter born to Mr and L , a number of interesting places. Mrs Ambrose Fox at St, Law­ _, Among them Knott's Berry Farm, rence Hospital, June 19 weighed „_, Movieland's Wax Museum, Bev- 8 pounds, 7 ounces. Mrs Fox ,,,/., erly Hills, Fisherman's Wharf, is the former Kathy Smith. The 1(fj Chinatown, People'sPark, (which new arrival will answer to Julia lir,,was all fenced off with barbed Kay, She has two sisters, Sherri L ri wire and guarded by the National and Ami. Guard because of the recent Mr and Mrs Norman Lay of 11 "Hippies" march), Folsom Dam, Portland spent Thursday evening t ,t Sutter's Gold Site, San Gabriel with Mr and Mrs Robert Spitzley. _'7 j Mission, Santa AnitaRace Track, Lawrence Schafer attended the 'r,Li Tiajuana, Mex. and saw the Queen Bingo Even horseman's picnic in Grand l,L't] Mary docked at Long Beach for Rapids June 14. refurbishing for its new use. She Mrs Irene Fedewa accom­ .if, also said that this great ship was Bet 1825 Extra Top Value Stamps With The Coupon Strip In This Ad. panied Mrs Cecil Smith and chil­ -lh Wite a sight to behold. dren of St. Johns for a few days ^.^ She also stopped to visit her stay at Houghton Lake during the brothers in Sacramento and San Enough To Fill One Top Value Saver Book. past week. fcM Gabriel. Why Settle For less? Mr and Mrs John Spencer took North Bengal a trip to Long Lake near Har­ By Mrs Wm. Ernst rison to call on Mrs Joe Foltz, Sr., and Mr and Mrs Joe Foltz, Hurry Still Time To Play Bingo Odd-Bingo Even ™ Jr. JENNY JEFFERSGRADUATES An open house honoring Jenny % There are dishes at the Game Ends Saturday June 28, 1969. Jeffers was given by her parents • ^ Shepardsville Church that belong Winning cards must £e redeemed before July 5th or Prize is forfeited. Mr and Mrs Clark Jeffers and CJ' to people who do not attend church r Play "Bingo Odd Bingo Even" and you may win $l,000-$10Q-$25-$10-SS-$l or 50 Top Value family on June 15. Jennyrecently *"** regularly. If you are a pie graduated from high school. "*tr dish, a salad plate, a casserole Stamps. Game cards and Game tickets available on request at end of checkout lane or at store ( office...Limit one per adult customer per store visit. Or mail request to P.O. Box 69-GR Birmingham, Those attending from this area • • or anything else you are asked Michigan 48010. No Purchase Necessary! included: Mrs Edna Watamaker, * * to pick them up within the next Mr and Mrs J, D, Bancroft and ''' 10 days or the dishes will be Mrs Fred Pasch. -"» sold. The celebration was held in Michael Flegle of Elgin, 111. her parents' home inMilford. "* spent a few days recently with HEREAREJUSTAREWOF KROGERS his parents, Mr and Mrs Wayne Mr and Mrs Louis Moritz and Flegle. family visited their son and "***• The new minister for the Price 6000 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES daughter-in-law and family Mr ^"<* and Shepardsville Churches is and Mrs Clare Moritz of rural "**' Rev Karl Ziegler, a student at r Grand Ledge on June 17. On -*MSU. Hl-C PIONEER June 13 they visited Mr and Mrs ft** There were quite a few people ? Edwin Mohnke of Bengal, Mr and "**at the Shepardsville Church Yard Mrs William Ernst and Maxine '••"^to welcome the„ Centennial Car- Orange Drink i 29^ leet Sugar 5^55^ accompanied them. JfV __ Mrs Rose Dennemy of Fowler DEL MONTE r VETS was a June 17 visitor of Mrs Eureka V Edna Watamaker, and on June 17 J6-OZ ot Mrs Watamaker spent the evening Mrs Gordon Waggoner Fruit Cocktail X-M 25 Dog Food WTCAN n with Mr and Mrs Clare Swanson .*i --—---—"-——-————---^—- and family., ^ ' * t. nc< HONOR GRADUATES WHOLE KERNEL ivrpAw", t * -, wtroa Mr and Mrs J, D. Bancroft, The Eureka Congregational 4« Mr and Mrs Marvin Evitts/Paul ,^t Christian .Church' honored Its Del Monte> CorF 2/4T^ Miracle Whip s& 49* Graff Sr., Mrs Edna Watamaker, if/i, graduates during the services with th* aurctata el Mr and Mrs Fred Tiedt, Mrs Oda » Sunday June 8. Each was given a a 3-lb Of Idig.i Aim f Cut Chuck Raul or Tledt and Mr and Mrs William ^nCSlft from the church. Those hon- ENGLISH ROAST PETER'S REGULAR OR GARLIC , TENDER SLICED POINT CUT CORNED CONDENSED FRANCO AMERICAN BANQUET wllh th. pwchat* ef Ernst were visitors during the r ored were seniors allofSt. Johns a 3-111 er larger lP t Bend." Perk Rail WITH 49-OZ SVi-OZ 2 $ 00 week of Mr and Mrs FredPasch. - 4 High, Bill Blank, Carol Bishop, or 3-lb or man plcg LB69*J LO59( COUPON WT PKG WTPKG jit PORK STEAK Roosted Sausage u75t Ring Bologna Beef Liver Beef Brisket All Detergent Chicken Baronet 59* with th. puichsi* at 58* Spaghetti ^ W Pot Pies v 6/ l Mr and Mrs J, D. Bancroft £l<> Shirley Pettigrew and Marlene a « Kieaar V/T PKG 65* 71-OZ Sft-OZ SANDWICH •» Party AssortmentK99t Semi-BonelessHamSo89<: Leg 0 Pork Roast L,89( Honey Loaf returning from service in the .0l Kathy Eastment, Donald Jacobs, 50 WT PKG ? WIENER BUNS Coffee Creamer WT JAR 49* Beef Stroganoff 59* Army about a year ago the Ban­ ^ Linda Waggoner and Debbie wllh ih. pvrlhat* el 1-akgRayal Viking ECKRICH PETER'S REGULAR OR MILD PRIDE 0 MICHIGAN WHOLE OR QUARTER Baby Food ^si 10 Crest #&.S3* crofts have resided with her r^WIckwire, ofEastEssexElemen- 50 DANISH PASTRY CONVENIENT AND DELICIOUS NINE LIVES CHICKEN & LIVER with lh. puichal* o( parents Mr and Mrs FredPasch. *•*, tary was Evelyn Bishop. a 34-ei wt can EVAPORATED COLGATE KROGER BEEF STEW Smokees Jr^ 89* Boiled Ham wr-^c69( Herrud Franks L 79( Boneless Ham Roast 99( U-QZ Mr and Mrs Clarence Damon of „~ This alsobeingChildren'sDay, 25 with th. Burchai. el e/i-oz - several children were promoted any 0 pVgt Regular Pream WT JAR 59* Cat Food WT CAN St. Johns and their daughter Mrs (1 10* ar Initant KROGER PUDDINGS Fred Witt of Tucson, Ariz., were Jjt. into the next Sunday School Carnation Milk s 16* Toothpaste •#& 77* with th* pufchai. al 9-DELICIOUS FLAVORS-KROGER NINE LIVES ,j\ classes. a 11-Ilai btl June 10 visitors at the home of KROGER LIQUID Every package of Kroner's fruits and their daughter and sister Mrs 0 SWEETENER vegetables must he Sunrise—Fresh when 8-FL 72-02 KRAFT MACARONI AQUA NET with rh« Burchai. el RED RIPE SOUTHERN GROWN SWEET N' JUICY $ OPEN HOUSES . you buy It. If you are not completely GOLDEN RIPE OZ CTN Louis Moritz and family. any KANDU IHSTAHT Yogurt 19* Tuna Cat Food WTCAN 23* -' FOR GRADUATES SPRAY {satisfied, Kroger will replace your Item *•. L 7J4-OZ Mr and Mrs William Ernst and Mr and Mrs Maurice Blank wllh th* puichai. ef or refund your money. BOnOnOS 2 " 33( Watermelon .^ 65t Peaches 4 - $1 WTPKG' an* I akgi Plain « sunrise Dinners 2/39* Hair Spray ^69* Maxine spent June 15 with Mr 1 ALL FLAVORS KROGER MY-T-FINE LEMON v' held an open house for their son, 50 Peanut M a. M CANDY FRESH COACHELLA VALLEY and Mrs Herman Noller of rural r with th. purchaie D( CALIF. VALENCIA IB SIZE KROGER LO CAL 4-OZ '< Bill, on Sunday, June 1, at their alS-lbbaoTRIX C„t#« DA*M FRESH MICHIGAN HALF Hubbardston. Weekend guests of *' home on. Welling Road. Mr and DOC FOOD GAL WT PKGS GOLD MEDAL FAMOUS with tha autchaia el Q^r 59$ Oranges 18 ">« 99£ Orange Drink AL59<: Ice Cream 69* Pie Filling 3 29* the Nollers were their son and * Mrs Gene Pettigrew hosted an a 32-01 wt jar banta Kosa ^ Strawberries G 25 KROGER PICKLES KROGER ORANGE MIST, LEMON CUSTARD OR REG. daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs f>1' open house for their daughter, with lh* port Son el WASHINGTON STATE o3l-ei wr|gt J1F Plums And Nectarines COACHELLA VALLEY CALIF. LONG WHITE Flour 5ai 55* Bayer Aspirin ^77* Henry Noller and son Homer. tT Shirley, on Sunday, June 15, at 25 PEANUT BUTTER J/^^^i 40 SIZE RED OR WHITE wllh th* aufchaia el FOR LB their home on US-27. Mrs. 3 13S 2-pl, ih..t 79$ Potatoes 10 B" 99* Bing Cherries ralli BOUNTY Angel Food Cake 39* "" Marritta Larson honored her son 50 TOWELS 3Q Grapefruit Krepps District Jack with an open house on June 9 with th* purthoi. et Iwe 3 (ell akgi By Mrs Lucille Heibeck in Eureka. AURORA BATHROOM 25 TISSUE On June 8, Mr and Mrs Ray wilh lh. eutchiri* af Mrs Robert Paksi and Kendra Ks 3 pig. DANISH GO- SALAD SIZE -Middle ton of Danville, Ky., at- 50 ROUNDS 27 SIZE JUMBO of St. Johns called on Mr and wllh lh. purchai* ef '"* tended services at the Eureka at-« wl [gr CHASE Mrs Kenneth Heibeck Sr on June r & SANBORN INSTANT * ; Congregational Christian Church, 25 COFFEE 15. In the afternoon, Mr and Mrs wilh Ih* purchei* el HOT HOUSE r~2«=; where he formerly served as a ID-at wtjei CHASE Kenneth Heibeck Jr. and family & SANBORN INSTANT CALIFORNIA pastor. of Airport Road called on the 50 COFFEE '**] Those attending the Clark wllh th* pure on el Heibecks. an, 2 ion D R«ul«J TOMATOES ^ family reunion at Houghton Lake 50 FLAVOSt HCUTS NUTS CANTALOUPE Mrs Ed Pant of rural Ionia wllh • • jk, thai* al spent June 20, with her parents, Sunday, June 8, were Mrs Sellna 7$ a 38-11 et bllCRISCO th Bailey, Mr and Mrs Bing Bailey OIL Mr and Mrs Kenneth Heibeck Sr. with th. purchei. el ** and Kiffiny, Mr and Mrs John e pbg.IHAHDI WIPES Mr and Mrs Ronald Cuthbert with lh. puichei* el *** Schmidt, Alan and Bill, and Mr e 20-DI wl |er and family attended the Faivor SMUCKERS ICE / and Mrs Gary Snyder all of Maple 25 CREAM TOPPING Miller family reunion at the home 1 wllh Ihe pure hoi. el (' Rapids; Mr and Mrs Mllford a 3S-ei -I pkg of Mr and Mrs Charles Faivor *' Clark, Mr and Mrs Ivan Clark, 25 SHOWY BLEACH FOR and family June 15. Mr and Mrs 1 with lh* purtheie el and Mr and Mrs Donald Clark, e pkge(4B LIPTOH John Faivor and sons Paul, Bill 25 TEA BAGS ,'* Teresa, Kim, Bonnie and Lisa wllh lh. eurchet. el and Mike of Fort Stockton, Texas J-at wlierNESTEA LB ** * all of Elsie; Mr and Mrs Gordon IHSTAHT TEA joined the family. It was the first 1 25 with lh* purchei* al *" Waggoner, Gloria and Linda of any pbg Regular et time in four years that ail the Cecenul Chip family had been together. ' ' Eureka; Mr and Mrs BoydEldred 25 FIDDLE FADDLE '' of Alma; Mrs Gale Wood, Sherry, wllh lb* purchei* «l a pkg el ISO HOME Crystal, Lance and Kinber of PRIDE PAPER PLATES Mr and Mrs Peter J. Stock- 25 wllh th* purchaie ef - Mlddleton; Mr and Mrs L.' D. glO-lb bag GREAT START BUILDING YOUR BEAUTIFUL COuaah'Gh »'f C[ 'I*' "I •' '"l enauer of Houghton Lake Heights LAKES CHARCOAL DAIRY FOODS! BAKED FOOD! FROZEN FOODS! HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS! VALUABLE COUPON "* Prebble, Mickey, Kelly, Dana, 25 wilh lha eutchaie at SEA FOODS! OLVHPIA THERM-O-WARE SET NOW lOATf | IHXOUOH nuitl spent the weekend with Mr and e pkg al 300 PERT MEL O SOFT 20-OZ WT SAPA LEE RASPBERRY. *' Colleen and Sandy Davis all of HAPK1NS KROGER BUTTERMILK, SKIM, VAC PAC Mrs Richard Stockenauer and 25 family. On June 14, all attended *' rural Mason; Mr and Mrs Carl wllh lha purthei* el HOMOGENIZED OR BUTTERMILK OR 24-OZ WT MAFLE OR BLUEBE»'°V 4 QT.1CE BUCKET '' Kibble and Guy of Montrose; a pkg el H.a.y Out* Kroger Coffee 8-0z. Tumbler the Weber-Stockenauer wedding 50 REYNOLDS WRAP QUART • wilh th* aurehate .1 32-OZ $4.99 ""« at Lansing. Mr and Mrs Earle Behner of a1-lbpkgMIj-OZ June 13. l Trial! •< C pek af 7-t-B BOTH Lux Liquid All Detergent ' Elsie were Father's Day dinner 50 Bak, Ruth Sune'ee Kroger Donuts 3 " $1 Cheese Pizza WT 49* Razor Free ONLY Mr and Mrs Edwin Heibeck Ben, Cherry Spill Fish-N-Chips PKG 59* Colby Cheese LB 83* 67* 32-FL mg*t spent June 15 with Mrs Emll guests of Mr and Mrs Gordon ef FuJgi C(*n>* KROGER CHEF'S J 1.05 VALUE FAMILY PRIDE OZ STL 4™ WT PKG 58^ ^ Waggoner and daughters. On June with th. pur.haie •( SEA PAK COD OR KROGER SHREDDED Muehlenbeck of Saginaw. any I pkgl JUBILEE R«d*«m Af Kroflar • •4 £ RadMffl Al Ktog.r ••4 fl #42 O 50 NYLONS a. PANTY rs*s PKG Mr and Mrs Edwin Heibeck '- 15 their luncheon guests were Mr HOSE 73-OZ 6%-OZ ThiuSot., Jun. 2B, IH" Eg • Thtu Sot.. Jun* 28, 1969 PRJ and Mrs Roger Shutes, Scott and w|lh a S3 er r>.r* m-LB Shortcake Shells OF 6 29* YtT PKG 59* Toothpaste WT TUBE attended the Theis-Fedewa wed­ HfALTH PKG Pizza Cheese ^29* Sausage Pizza M pel #43 • a. BEAUTY AIDS Perch, Steaks 89* 39* ding at St. Mary's Church, In " Tracy of St Johns. 100 KROGER FAMILY PRIDE • 'M j Ccupon strip good thru Sot., iurm 28, 1969. MINUTE MAID LIMEADE, REG. OR PINK Westphalia June 21, and the din­ Mr and Mrs David Middleton SEA PAK KROGER 1 of Ohio spent Father's Day week- 70-OZ 6-FL ^1 Why Settle For Less? ner and reception at St. Mary's WT PKGS " end as the guests of Mr and Mrs T-LB Sour Cream or Dips 4 ;$1 Donut Crullers 3 Lemonade 8 OZ CANS «P I soHol hill - J. O. Gower. Perch Fillet PKG 69* Vitamins W/lron 79*

\ •*.

Page 12 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan \ Wednesday, June 25, 196°' > i SKft A few 'basics' for cleaning Obituaries Deadlines By LORRAINE SPRAGUE sweepers, floor scrubbers and/ Extension Home Economist or polishers with special L Because we haven't heard of a newspaper that sud- •:•: cleaners, waxers and polishers grandparents, Mrs Mable Durbin Open windows and doors add to convenience, but are not George denly materializes with all news, advertising copy and •:•: require some extra1 work and and Mr and Mrs Hubert Fogle- pictures in place and in A-l condition, it becomes neces - :•:* absolutely necessary for every­ son, all of St. Johns. care to rid the home of summer one. F inane es, and personal sary for the Clinton County News to Impose deadlines :•:• dust. Though year-round clean­ VanDouser to insure a smooth flow of copy so that as much material :•:• health and energy are governing ing has replaced "Fall" and factors for the number of George L. VanDouser, 78, died Infant Spitzley as possible may be printed in proper form. Toward this |; "Spring" Housecleaning, a few end, these deadlines are now in effect: - :•:• "extras" a homemaker will June 17 at Clinton Memorial Hos­ basics still remain important. have. pital. He was a resident of 709 Colleen Marie Spitzley Infant ft* Cleaning tools and supplies E. Walker Street, St. Johns. daughter of Mr and Mrs Marvin Display advertising. Monday noon. |j Dust from celling and walls Spitzley passed away June 14. Classified advertising Monday noon. :•:* is easily brushed down if you Funeral services were held at are the same, wrap a broom with a soft cloth Hoag Funeral Home on Friday. Funeral services were held at Letters to the editor Thursday, 5 p.m. :•:*. no matter the St. Mary's Church In Westphalia News for farm pages Thursday noon. :•:• and tie it securely. Take care Burial was in MU Rest Ceme­ season. not to streak the walls. Light tery. LaVern Bretz officiated. at 10 a.m. on June 10 with burial Wedding stories, pictures Thursday noon. ::j- B rooms, In the church cemetery. The Gel - Other contributed pictures Monday noon. :£ strokes and changing the cloth Mr. VanDouser was born in brushes, clean often will remove cobwebs and Shepardsville on Jan. 22, 1891, ler Funeral Home was in charge Church and fine arts Items Thursday, 5 p.m. , g scrub cloths : surface dust that accumulates so son of Dwight and Nellie Berry. of the arrangemens. Regular columns F riday, 9 a.m. :|: of sponges, Colleen is survived by herpar- Sports page items Monday, 5p.m. g: quickly. Do the ceiling first, then Prices Effective through Saturday, June 28th He spent most of his life in buckets of the walls. Clinton County. He was married "ents; two brothers, David and Teen activities page items Thursday, 5p.m. g water, some to Barbara Smith in Ontario, Bruce; her grandparents Mr and Other contributed items Monday, 5 p.m. &;1 detergent, and Washable walls can take on a Canada on August 25, 1909. Mrs RaymondHuhnofR-1,Lyons fresh look with a light wash with Earlier submission of news items is greatly ap- £:• a soapy cloth and a clear water J He was affiliated with the Bap­ and Mr and Mrs Leon Spitzley cleanser will do a good job. Cut from A Pork Loins of R-2, Portland; and her great­ predated, with the result that more attention can be given !:•; Vacuum sweepers, carpet rinse. tist Church and had worked for to them. Items will be accepted after the deadline, but •:•: the City of St. Johns for 33 grandfather, Joseph Spitzley of t Westphalia. will be used ONLY if time and space are available. •:;: years. Requests for pictures to be taken by the County News g: He Is survived by his widow, staff should be made as soon as possible and never •:•: Barbara; a son, William Lloyd less than 24. hours before the picture time. •:•: of St. Johns; two daughters, Mrs Helen Moulder PORK Charles Hear of Lansing and Helen L, Moulder , 56, died Mrs Alvin Schultz of DeWitt; at Lansing General Hospital Fri­ three sisters, Mrs Roscoe Paul of day, June 20. Mishawaka, Ind,, Mrs. George Funeral services were held Smith and Mrs David Helms both at the Lee R. Rummell Funeral NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING of St Johns, and seven grand­ Home in DeWitt on June 23 CHOPS children. and burial wasintheReedCeme- City of St. Johns tery in Victor Township. Rev ENDS AND CENTERS MIXED Lawrence Durbin Willard Farrier of the South BOB SIRRINE Riley Bible Church officiated. ' 9 TO II CHOPS IN PKG. As result of a two-car ac­ Mrs Moulder was born in De- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS YOU CHOOSE THE PRICE cident, Lawrence C. Durbin, 14, Witt, on April 22, daughter of died on June 22. He was a res­ Herman and Lena Trautwein ident of R-3, 3650 N. DeWitt TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 Loroff. 1 Road, DeWitt, Lawrence was She resided at 13651 ^Main We offer services in a comprehen- buried on June 25 at Mt. Rest Street, Bath, prior to her delth sive range of prices.. . from which Cemetery. and had resided in that area for 1:30 p.m. Funeral services were held the past 22 years. Most of her families are free to choose accord­ at the Hoag Funeral Home with life was spent in Clinton Coun­ ing to their individual requirements. Harold Homer officiating. ty. In 1937, she became the bride MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM He was born in Lansing on of Ellis Moulder in Bath. During KNEIP'S CORNED BEEBEEF . paA March 28, 1955 to Duaine and her life she was a member of Sandra Fogleson Durbin. Prior to the Bath Fireman's Auxiliary. _ PURPOSE: his death he had completed the Survivors include her husband, Appeal on the 7oning Administra­ Rounds..... >b79 eighth grade at Central school. Ellis; two daughters, Joyce and And had been affiliated with the Evelyn; two sons, Richard and tor's Interpretation to deny a Building Permit Methodist Church. Michael, all of Bath, and fiye OSGOOD to Mr Merlyn Rahl. Survivors include his parents, grandchildren. She also leaves Fryer Legs or Mr and Mrs Duaine Durbin; three three sisters, Mrs Geneva FUNERAL HOMES sisters, Linda, Tracy and Patsy; Frank, Mrs Minnie Dahlgren, DESCRIPTION: both of Lansing, and Mrs Doro­ ST. JOHNS FOWLER Fryer Hreasts thy Nichols of DeWitt. Roll No. 1358-00, 702 N. State. MAPLE RAPIDS- OVID Opm£gtte>tl Announcements Backs and THOMAS L. HUNDLEY YOUR Ribs from VAN W. HOAG J CHOICE St. Mary's annual parish picnic City Clerk Attached will be held in Westphalia on July 4th. The festivities will get under .,Dear friends, Sway at noon and the Children's (Parade will be Jield at 1:30 p.m. 1 SLICEll^R HALVJS—YELLOW JJLING \ * It is natural {-that simple faith, in time of bereave­ -There whfbe games, prizes, and' ment, be reinforced by re­ refreshments available with fun ligious ceremony, and also for all ages. A band concert will 110MA PEACHES by social ceremony. Phy­ get under way at 7 p.m. and sical aspects, such as cas­ dancing will be held from 9 'til ket and vaults, provided 12:30 with music by the Merrie 1-LB. they are prudently selected Motor Company. ' 13-OZ. 00 by the bereaved and are * * CANS honest expressions of senti­ On Thursday, June 26, the Ovid ment, are helpful symbols Centennial will have a plowing {%\-.\\\*i\t\\\V\\\\\\\V\%\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\%\VV%VV\\V\*t£ to carry the bereaved family contest at 9 a.m. for two classes: through the trying days of four bottom and above; and below grief. four bottom. The contest will be BARRETT HALVES held one mile south of Ovid. A Respectfully, lawn traction pulling contest will i be held at 11 a.m. on S. Main Street. Anyone in the area is invited to participate, and there will be a trophy awards and a full day of fun including a parade and horse show in the afternoon. * * The 45th Harlow Family re- union will be held on Sunday, Hoag Funeral Home Juiy 27th, at Lake Odessa with _ Mr and Mrs Merton Garlock the ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN J hosts> r 10'Off-Jane Parker CHIPS BASEMENTS MB BOX POURED WALLS OR BLOCK yfA

JANE PARKEK, Thin Sliced PEOPLE PROTECTORS Bread ^wivls yy

Did you ever think of ads as guardians of your individuality? WASHINGTON, SWEET BUILDING YOUR OWN HOME? They are, you know. in a time When the edges are being eaten off our personalities - 'r Let us put in your basement! and we're all being reduced to card-index numbers, we need to hang on to some things. herries We will build a firm foundation Like our freedom of choice. And that choice is yours only so long as competition and free enterprise and advertising are of blocks or poured working for you. Guard them. For they stand between you and a dull and standdrdized life. LBS. FOR concrete walls! Clinton County News r JUST CALL: Shop A&P...the NEWSPAPERS...THE INDEPENDENT MEDIUM store thai cares Searles Excavating ... about you! 212 Scott Rd., St. Johns Ph. 224-3297 or 224-7011 Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 13Aq Your 1969 Guide to Privately Operated Michigan Campgrounds >3

75. Rothbury. Rothbury. $1.50. 27a. 115. House of David. Benton Harbor. 135. Long Lake. Alpena. $2.25. 10s. 159. Baxter's. Oltlsville. $2. 100s. PH>. PH. 894-5543 (A,B,D,E(K) $2.50. 160i. PHi 927-3302 (A,B, PHt 595-6058 (A,B,D,E) (3131-793-4987 (A,B,D,H(J,K) 3 76. White River. Montague. $2.50. 136. Sroulenburg. Mio. $2.25. 30s. 160. Potter Lako. Davison. $1.75. 20n 150s. PH: 894-4708 (A.B.D.E.F, 116. Weko Beach. Bridgman. $2.120s. PHi 826-3788 (A,B,D,F) PHt (313)-653-5541 (A,C,F,H) } H,I,J,K| PHi 465-2402 (A.B.D.H.UI 137. River Park. Grayling. $2. 50s. 161. Moon Lake. Lansing. $2. 30s, PHt 77. Fremont. Fremont. $2. 75s. PHi 117. Bear Cave. Buchanan. $2. 100s. PHt 348-9092 (A,B,C,D,E,F1I,K) 625-3185 (A,B,D,E,F,H(J(K1 $ 924-3353 (A.B.D.F.HXJ.K) PHt 695-3050 (A(B,C(D(F,G,I(J,K) 138. Great Circle, Houghton Lake. $3. 162. Fitchburg. Stockbrldge. $3.50j 78. Shaw Park.Newaygo.$l.50.14s. 118. Spauldlng. Niles. $2.25. 30s. PHi 35s. NO PH. (A,B,D,E,F) 160s. PHt,565-3095 (A(B(D(E.F;i NO PH. |A,B,E,F) 684-1393 (A,B,C,F| 139. Rose City. Rose City. $2. 28s. G.I.K) f 79. Thunderhawk. Howard City, $3. 119. Shady Shores. Dowaglac. $3. 18s. PHt 685-2434 |A,B,D,E,F,H 163. Gateway. Hillsdale. $2.50. 50sA 40s. PH. 931-4907- (A.B.D.E.F.H, PH: 424-5251 (A,F,H,J,K) 140. Oscoda. Oscoda. $2.50. 20s. PHt PHt 437-2460 (AtB,D,F,H,J,K} / UK) 120. Lake Shavehead. Union. $2.200s. 739-8651 (A,B(E,F,I,K| SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN j, 80. Pleasure Point, Edmore. $2.50, PHi 476-2429. (A.BAE.F.H.U.K) 141. Whitney. Tawas City, $2, 90s. (To phone: Use area code 313

June Brides are watching for furniture bargains . . . WHERE'S YOUR AD?

CALL 224-2361 or Enterprise 8201 We are now accepting ads until 5 p.m. Mondays!!

^U lie HELP WAITED * WANTED it- FOR SALE MISC. ic FOR SALE • LIVESTOCK * LIVESTOCK EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFIED AD PAGES MISC. FARM FOR SALE: Several outstanding TWO NURSES' Aides wanted, also • • LOS.E, W.EIGHT safely, with Dex- CASH RATE: 5c per word. Minimum, $1.00 per in­ FOR SALE - 15 bred sows. sertion. YOUR AD RUNS 3 WEEKS FOR THE PRICE FOR SALE—13-1/2 acres stand­ registered Holstein bulls housekeeper. Fringe benefits; and service-, A-Diet Tablets. Only 98? at Gayle Fitzpatrlck, 4 1/2 mi,N WELL DRILLING •OF 2. Second week will be refunded when your item ing alfalfa and June hay. Mel- ready for service. Green Meadow lfi pleasant surroundings. Apply , and sufiflies. Parr Drug. 4-5p of Fowler, 1 1/4 W. on Stone p sells the first week. vin Weber, 224-3852. 6-3p Rd. ' 8-lp Farms, Elsie, Michigan 48831. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Phone pree estimates> Carl s# 0ber- 1-tf SAVE a 25c service fee by paying for your charged' 1Itner| 4664 N State Rd Mm FOE SALE: 2 grade horses- v !_ — --" • e 463 4364' '» ** ad within 10 days of insertion. pSnDN"Sector cTerk'typist f^ " - ** PAINT Ford Tractors Mare and Gelding; ALSO some SEVENS Burke Skylark son, Dam with ability to work efficiently, „,"""" " ~ """ ' BOX NUMBERS in care of this office add $1.00 and Implements registered quarter horse colts, with several 20,000 lb. rec­ l\ to 7 shift. This will require WANTED-employment for sum- STRIPPING Charles Johnson, 7milesNofSt. ords. Large enough for cows. mer H $500. Also, Holstein bull old alternating weekends.Writeref- , * "^V.** £j-a ? New and Used Machinery Johns, 1st place W on Hyde Rd, •DOORS ALL CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED enough for heifers. Leon Miller, fences and experience c/o Box ^rm experience. 582-3902.6-3P Parts and Accessories Phone 224-4595, 8-3p 260, St. Johns. 7-3 ™—™ — — •CABINETS UNTIL 5 P.M, MONDAYS 224-2126. 7-3p 3L1 RELIABLE 15 - year - old CARLAND SALES FOR SALE-Bred heifers, 14 to •ANTIQUES choose from. L. D. Sturgis, WANTED—someone to assist in girl would like live-in baby- RATES are based strictly on Classified Style. and SERVICE Shop in Clinton County. ftiyardwork orlawnwork. Phone sitting job. Phone 224-7787. 8-3p i Phone 582-3746. 6-3p> #24-7323. 8-3p •ALL TYPES OF Phone Owosso, SA 3-3227 FOR FAST RESULTS— PHONE 224-2361 FOR SALE: Ponies, guaranteed Carland, Michigan FURNITURE ' gentle for children. Some reg­ 'Symbol of WANTED-WOMEN to demon­ |» • or ENTERPRISE 8201 24-tf istered Welsh, all 'ages, sizes, strate Playhouse Toys, August * BUSINESS prices. Also Registered Welsh Service' through December. No collecting UPTON'S CENTURY >-—•-- " OPPORTUNITY or POA stud service, $25, Phone or, delivering. Call Jeanne, 224- PAINT STRIPPING CO. NORWOOD hay savers aridsflage • bunks, all steel welded with 669-9776, DeWitt. ;. 8-lp 3439. 8-6p 8-1 1 WOULD YOU be willing to invest roiled edges to last' a lifetime". See at our yard, 51/4 miles South FOR SALE-10 Holstein heifers, $20 and 3 hours a day of your GOING UP NORTH? Leave your * FOR SALE MISC. • FOR SALE COOK -WANTED, short hours. bf/FbwJer. Phone" 587-38"p2 start freshening July. One time, if we can show you how dog or cat at BARKER'S Pet- WILL TRAIN. Phone 224-9946 !« Fedewa Builder^ Inc. .__22-i£ Holstein bull, 9 months. Ray or. apply in person at Hi-Way you can have a part time busi­ O-Tel. Pick them up coming MISC. FARM \1964 10x55 MARLETTE Mobile Moore, 3623 W. Chadwick, De- Qafe, N. US-27, St. Johns. 7-2 ness of your own with no limit home, even late at night. Clean to what you can earn? ? Only ' Home. Also, one "Rona's FOR SALE—4-row International FOR SALE: 14-acres of clover Witt. 669-9061. 6-3p temperature-controlled kennel. and alfalfa hay-mixed; also 10 * Person to Person information 1 mi. north of North Star, Just Original" Wig. Phone 224-7788 corn and bean cultivator, 5- ijpYS WANTED to help put up acres alfalfa. Jack Waldron, 582- HOLSTEIN BULL for sale. Bull Dial 224-2301 given out. For appointmentwrite 1 mi. east of US-27. Expert anytime after 6 p.m. 7-3p ton flat rack wagon, 13-ft. truck "hay. Phone 224-7925. 7-3p 3266. 8-3p is from a plus proven sire. Ray Hine, 1012 Church, St. Johns, Poodle and Schnauzer clipping rack. Joe Fitzpatrick,R-l, Fow­ "OVER A QUARTER Dam has averaged 23,750pounde or phone 224-7573. 7-3p available. BOARDING IS OUR CUSTOM RUG weaving. Bring ler, 981-2349. 6-3p CENTURY OF SERVICE" GIRL OR WOMAN to assist in FOR SALE: Farmall BN tractor of milk for four lactations'}'Ken BUSINESS. Phone Ithaca, 875- your cut rags. Ready made staking care of 3 children ages with cultivator. 3 mL S, 1/2 A. Thelen, phone 582-3748.7-3p OUTSTANDING new 3 - bed­ SPARE TIME IMCOME-Refill- 4455. 4-6p rugs for sale. Mrs JohnSchafer, HAY—June clover. 14 acres to 6«9, 6 days perweekin the after­ E of St. Johns. Phone 224-2739. room ranch, 600 Lambert Dr., ing and collecting money from —-_—__—«____„„__„_,._« N. Main St., Fowler, 582-5662. sell or share. V.J. Hengesbach, noon. 2-4 hours per day. Phone 8-3p 1 1/2 baths. Comb. Kitchen- 2p4-4562 before 6 p.m. or 224- NEW TYPE high-quality coin- FOR SALE—Sterling piano and 7-3p R-2, Portland. 8-lp operated dispensers in your family room w/Ben Franklin i 4565 after 6. 7-tf bench, good condition. Phone USED MACHINERY stove. Many unusual features. area. No selling. To qualify you 587-3138. Charles Fedewa, 1 FOR SALE: 90 yards of all wopl SIX ACRES of hay for sale, 7 I960 GMC Tilt Cab Diesel MANY POSSIBILITIES older must have car, references, $600 mile north, 1 mile west of Wilton carpeting in very good mi south of Fowler, and 1/4 FOR SALE T§VO NEEDED: Experienced New to $2,900 cahs. Seven to twelve condition. Burgundy. Phone 224- ml east. Sylvester Hengesbach. In-line 6* engine $4500 3-bedroom home, 1 1/2 baths, sand Used Car salesmen for Westphalia. 6-3p hours weekly can net excellent 7051. 8-lp 8-lp Good Used Gehl Massey-Ferguson 1130 wide- lots of storage. Full basement. new lot in Clinton County area. monthly income.More full time. front, 18x4 reartires. $6200 Gas heat. Experienced only need apply, FOR' SALE—Three-piece bam­ Forage Harvester For personal interview, write FOR SALE—Moline tractor with 2 J.D. 4010 diesels ea . $3750 WESTPHALIA: 3 - bedroom N& drifters or drinkers. Write boo sectional, zip-on covers, FOR SALE: 1966 12x60 Marlette UNITED DISTRIBUTING CO., 6 Mobile Home, Deluxe model, 4-row cultivator. Phone 587- • Allis Chalmers D-19, gas ranch built in '68. Family room Box A, c/o Clinton CountyNews, $65; one white coffee table and wide front $2850 w/flreplace. Very nice kitchen. N. Balph Ave., DEPT. A, Pitts- matching step-end table, $20. priced low for quick sale. Phone 6621. 8-3p CASE Forage Harvester St* Johns, Michigan 48879. $2850 NEED SPACE? See this 4-bed- ».burgh, Pa. 15202. Please include Please call 224-7412 after 5:30 224-7580. 8-lp J.D. 3010 Gas ; 6-3 room w/den home. Fireplace, phone number. 8-lp p.m. ," 6-dhtf FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers hay • Case 310 loader & GARAGE SALE: Sat. June 27, conditioner, very good shape. CASE 200 Baler back hoe $2200 hardwood floors. 3-car garage, WANTED — woman to cook 3 close in, ' FOR RENT—Sinclair service FOR SALE—Pony, 5 year old 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; household Marvin Miller, phone 582-5251. Case crawler $2200 meals a day for diabetic,_ live station in St. Johns, available goods, clothes and miscellaneous 73p GEHL'Wagons NICE 3-bedroom ranch. Car­ imor out. Phone,22^r.2889r- 7-3p mare. Gentle with children, j J.D-720 diesel, Wide front $2150 peted' LR. Built-in range and , July 1. Good location with ex­ broke., to ride or drive, with->2 items. Held at corner of Hyde CARBbiiVfor* complete'*farm oven. Well landscaped lot, \ cellent^ potential. Small invest­ week • old Palomino 'Colti 587- Rdrf-and Maple St. in Maple '' JD"720 Gas' $1950 WANTED — 3 part time wait­ ment "required. For information buildings sanitation, kills flies bUVETHay fcVusher NEAR ST. JOHNS, 3-bedroom 3147. 6-3p Rapids. 8-lp • J.D. 720 diesel resses, 18 or over, 11 a.m. call Dale Robinson, 224-3784. and whitens. William Pickett, $1900 ranch, 2 baths. Carpeted din­ to 2 p.m. daily and weekend, 6-3p FL"OWE"R FRESH cleaning 'for1' write or call Stockbrldge, Mich. • ing room. Rec. room. 8 x 10 evenings. Roadhouse Bar, phone ANTIQUE grandfather clock and 49285. 2-eow-8p Used CASE 600 Combine Ford 600 with loader $1450 sun room. 3-car garage. spinning wheel. Phone 723- , your carpeting, rugs and up-, 224-9982. 7-tf WANTED TO BUY-Late model holstery by the exclusive Dura-' - International 450 diesel, NEW LISTING: Exceptionally 2849, Owosso, 8-3p cow - barn stanchions and clean absorption p r o c e s s, no, FOR SALE—12 acres standing • wide front $1250 nice 3-bedroom ranch. Separate 9r ' ' -. drinking cupii. 10837 Kimball soaking or harsh scrubbing. Call hay. N. DeWItt Rd. Pavils J.D. 60 . $ 950 dining room. Spacious kitchen WJANTED: Community news cor­ RIDING lawn mowers—Gambles FORD 2000 Tractor Road, Pewamc. 7-3p us for a FREE'estimate. DURA- Dakers, phone 224-3585. 6-3p w/dishwasher, built- in range, d-respondents for Ovid, Maple , In Fowler. Will trade mowers. Farmall M $ 650 CLEAN SERVICE by Keith Nice lot. First time offered.. Rapids, Fowler, Westphalia. Re­ 8-1 PHILLIPS TIMBER WANTED: Logs and Rosekrans, phone 224-2786. 8--1 Ford 8N , $ 600 REAL BARGAIN in a delight­ port social and club events. Con- *J.D. A $ 450 standing timber. Logs deA FOR SALE—Spinet piano. IMPLEMENT CO. fully remodeled older home. t&t Editor, Clinton County News, TIP-TOP Newly carpeted LR and DR, 3 S% Johns. 44-tfdh livered to our yard, DEVER- Wanted, responsible party to 313 N. Lansing, St. Johns Gleaner A-2 1965 model EAUX SAWMILL, INC., 2872 N. take over low monthly payments Phone 224-2777 i with variable speed carpeted bedrooms. Fireplace. Hubbardston, Road, Pewamo, • FOR SALE SALER TWINE $3950 Priced right. MAJOR OIL Company has an' on a spinet piano* Can be seen cylinder Michigan. Phone 824-3101. 40tf locally. Write Credit Manager, APPLIANCES FOR SALE: Potato seed, "B" DESIRABLE 3-bedroom older *bpenlng for a driver sales­ size Sebago, 1 yr from cer­ J.D. 45 Hi-lo edible home, 1 1/2 baths, lots of stor­ man. Applicant must be. mar­ P.O. Box 276, Shelbyville, tification. Frank Sipkovsky, bean equipment $3500 age. Comb, dining-family room, ried and between 25 and 40 Indiana. 6-4p Garlock Equipment REFRIGERATOR and stove for Colony Rd., 224-4254. 5-tf huge covered patio. Many extras. ( years and able to furnish or Gleaner A combine with cab sale. Phone 224-7233. 7-3p CHARMING, 3-bedroom finance own truck chassis. Group * PETS Sales and chopper $3400 THE BIG JUNE MEN'S SUIT ranch, 40x12 rec. room. Car­ hospitalization andllfe insurance Gleaner A combine $2800 sellout sale is now on at Dick Grand Ledge peted LR, built-in oven and stove, available. Write to Box B, c/o IRISH SETTER - Labrador Re­ 30" KENMORE electric stove, Butler's. Tremendous selection. 4 - burner, large oven, $45. * LIVESTOCK J.D. 45 Hi-lo Rasp Bar $2650 laundry room, work shop. Large C|inton County News, St. Johns, triever pups, f have only 4 Our Genuine Gold Bond $75 suits Phone 627-5858 Phone 224-2598. 7-3p J.D. 40 Combine self- lot! Michigan^ 49-tf left, 2 red, 2 black. Parents are are now 2 suits for $76. All 8-5 propelled $1650 BRICK, 3-bedroom ranch, 1 excellent hunters. $10. Phone sizes up to 46 In regulars, longs 'FEEDER CALVES too high? Let FOR SALE: 36"Natural or Bottle FpR SALE — Cultivators. John 1/2 baths. Rec, room. 2 fire­ Elsie, 862-4878. 7-dhtf and shorts. If you don't need me board your beef cow herd— HELP WANTED TO bale hay. gas 'stove, $15; ALSO 4 oil • Deere 4 - row rear' mounted Allis Chalmers '100 Self- places. Central air conditioning. 2 suits, bring a friend, divide 30$ per day per head (plus some Phone 582-3748. 7-3p space heaters, some with fans. cultivator; Massey - Harris 4- propelled combine $ 850 Large lot, beautifully land­ FREE-3 kittens to give away the cost and share the savings. charge for creep feeding calves). Idlewild Court, 224-7740. 8-3p row front - mounted cultivator Martin bean header for 303 scaped. to good homesjphone 224-7925. Men's $29 sport coats now $15. Your good beef-type calves could TWO.EXPERIENCED mechanics with lift shaft; Several Jotin International combine $800 SOUTH SIDE, 3 - bedroom 7-3p Men's pants 2 for the price of 1. cost $110 per head (plus creep and one experienced bump and SEE THE beautiful frost-free Deere 10, 11 and 12-ft. field Martin bean header for 95 Men's dress and sport shirts feed). Your cows would be de­ ranch. Comb, kitchen - dining paint man needed. Good work­ refrigerators at Gambles in cultivators. Bertram Implement J.D. combine $650 now 2 for $5. Dick Butler O.P.S. preciable and their sale taxable area, 1 - car attached garage. ing conditions. No Saturday work. Fowler. 8-1 Sales, Fowler. Phone 582-2025. Massey Ferguson 88 plow, opposite police station in Grand as long-term gain. See O. M. Vestibule and guest closet. Full Apply Fred Huyge, Service man­ "" 8-2 * FOR SALE MISC. Ledge. Open Friday nights til Easltck, 7814 Welter R., R-2, 7-16. $1400 basement, ager, Portland Motor Sales, Olds Ovid. Ph. 834-5413. 6-3 Also, good supply of used tractor NEWLY LISTED, 3 - bedroom arid Chevrolet, 425 E. Grand 9. All other nights til 6. Closed Sunday. Your Michigan Bankard' 20 ACRES OF HAY for *sale or parts. ranch. Cement patio. Well land- ^ River Ave., Portland. 8-lp * FOR SALE shares, also 2 fresh heifers, FOR SALE-Holstein buU. Ken Several wheel disc, plows, culti- scaped. Plastered garage. FOR SALE-New Moon, Detroit- is always welcome at the 2 for 1 store. 5-4 MISC. FARM some to freshen. Charles Brein- A. Thelen. Phone 582-3748. , vators, and etc. NEW 907 N. Oakland, 3 - H^LP WANTED: Nurses' Aides, er, Schult & Hallmark. All ing, 582-2775. ' 6-3p 6-3p Financing Available bedroom ranch, 1 1/2 baths. experience preferred. $1.55^ sizes, prices and floor plans. Cement drive, nice lot. We take trade-ins. Financing 3-PT., • 2 BARREL, boom-type luj, to start. AvonNursingHome.* ON THE FARM-TIRE SERVICE:1 FOR SALE - 6 White Cross NEW in Prince Estates, 3- available. Low down payments. sprayer, $85; Case grain and $IMPLIFY $HOPPINGand$aving Phone Collect St. Johns 224- boars, service age for sale. AL GALLOWAY USED bedroom ranch, 1 1/2 baths. Phjbne 489-1701. 3-tf Low monthly payments. We de­ hay elevator, $150; 4-row Allis With Classified Ads. Phone 7900; FARMERS PETROLEUM. Phone 224-7233. 7-3p Fireplace in family room. 2- liver and set up our mobile Chalmers front-mount cultiva­ TRACTOR PARTS 224-2361. 39-tf car attached garage. G.E. range homes. BLAIR TRAILER SALES, tor^ $125; Ford 214 trip-bottom, First Farm North of and oven, G. E. dishwasher. INC, 2081 E. Michigan Ave., $135; Phone 224-2818. 6-3p PAINT for every need—Gambles "JOHN"DE ERE "5 "- ""combine, St, Johns on US-27 Power humidifier. Full base­ Aim,a', Michigan. Phone 463- In Fowler. 8-1 good condition, 1 ml S., 2 1/2 EQUIPMENT Phone 517-224-4713 ment. 1587. 6-3 FOR SALE—2 front mounted A- mi W. of Fowler. Phone 582~ H 149 ACRE farm SE of St. Johns, Manure, Feed Handling 4-i C cultivators, 2-row and 4- 2014. 8-3p 1 mile. 5 - bedroom modern row. Mrs Ray Kimball, 1 mile Equipment and Silos. . country home. Vote For north of DeWItt, phone 669-2065. GLEANER A-H combine, 12-ft. FLOOR BRICK SCHOOL and 1 acre. _ 6-3p ' header, with wide row corn Septic tank and well. Can be head, very good condition. Wil­ Lorry's BOB SIMS PAINT „_— ———J— -t remodeled into home. liam Cox, R-l, St. Johns, Mich­ SAMPLES For FOR SALE-1962 Ford truck,' LAKE VICTORIA high and 'dry farm pick up with bulk milk igan 48879. Banner Road, Phone Badger Sales MUST GO"! lot. .Terms or trade, 224-2153. , 8-lp BUSINESS AGENT tank. Phone Grand Ledge, 627- Prices reduced NEW LISTING, 100 acres. CLOSE-OUT 5343 or 627-2992. 6-3p and Service53U Very nice home in Bengal Town- / i on yard ship, 1 mile north off M-21. Help get our man R-5 ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-3648 Discontinued lines and colors FARM TOOLS for sale: M.F, 180 WINDOW GLASS and' Contract terms. diesel-matic tractor $4200; M. garden tractors HAROLD MINGUS F. 300 combine with grain and We have all sizes and any ACMEY ROOFING inside bean headers; 2-row corn header shape. We install glass. The to the DISTRICT for M.F, 300 combine (32-38 in. ' Company, Corunna PHILLIPS COUNCIL row); 14-ft M.F. rotary hoej li­ Phone 224-3337 We do all roofing. Free In­ Briggs Co. ft. M.F. chisel plow (field culti­ spection. Specializing In hot IMPLEMENT CO. vator); 4-row Sines bean wind- , DEATHMAN'S roofing. No job too bie or too 313 N. Lansing QUARTS- 48* small. Phone 743-3000, 52-tt REALTORS We Need Every rower, 8-ft, tandem disc. Lo­ Paint Service Center Ph. 224-2777 8_j Phone 224-2301 well Cook, 2-1/2 miles N., 1- Downtown St. Johns Eligible Voter at 00 1/2 west of Mlddleton on Hayes "Across from the Courthouse" Rd., 236-7716. 6-3p 31-tt *• INVENTORY SALE!! * the Polls!! GALIONS-M VERNAL ALFALFA-SAVE $2.50 per bu. Gerald Pope, 224-7476 SARANAC ALFALFA-SAVE $2.50 per bu. Derrill Snlnabery, 224-3881 ROTARY WATER WELL DRILLING Mrs Winnie GUI, 224-2511 N JUNE 26, 1969 Dean's V & S Hardware ^ ALL WORK GUARANTEED . 10% OFF on Woven Wire and Steel Posts.—20% OFF on all bolts Boy F. Briggs,/224-2260 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS SOLD & REPAIRED. Archie Moore, 669-6645 I WILL APPRECIATE 2-4D Electric Fencer $23.00 -^ 15% OFF on all hand tools 300 N. Clinton GILBERT & INGALLS, Inc. «-» Bruce tantetman, 224-4746 Y YOUR VOTE ST. JOHNS CO-OPERATIVE Dwane Wirick, 224-4863 e ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-4877 'DeWrtt-669-9636 or Dimondale -646-2871 8-1 Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan P^e 15 A -¥-*• • LOST AND FOUND • FOR SALE * FOR SALE * AUTOMOTIVE • AUTOMOTIVE • FOR RENT • CARDS OF • LEGAL NOTICES SPORTS EQUIPMENT REAL ESTATE THANKS s SIZABLE REWARD offered for FOR RENT or hire—5 yard dump WE GET tires factory direct to WANTED TO RENT: 3 or 4- s brown wallet lost between FOR SALE-Girls' 26 bicycle truck. Idlewlld Court, 224- save you money—We install— bedroom home in city of St, I wish to thank Dr Henthorn Heirs Smith—July 23 STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate Walker and Higham on Spring, in very good condition. Has 7740. 8-3p' Gambles In Fowler. 8-1 Johns, Phone 224-3581. 8-dhtf and nurses at the St. Johns hos­ two months ago. Return to Clinton basket and carrier, 3 blocks S. DEAN'S pital for their care while I was Court for the County of Ingham. County News. g-lp 1966 CHARGER FOR sale. May a patient there; also to my rel­ Estate of J of light in Fowler. Call 582-3332, 1958 CHEVROLET Bel-Air to be ETHYL C, SMITH, Deceased ' Norman Goerge. 6-3p MICHIGAN FARM be seen at 408 E. Steel, St, sold at public auction at Reed's atives and friends for their calls, It is Ordered that on Wednesday, $10 REWARD offered for return Johns, or phone 224-4802. 7-3p Service Station, N. US-27. July • NOTICES cards, flowers and other gifts. July 23, 1969, at 10:00 a.m. in the of wallet, lost on State St., I appreciated them all very much. Real Estate Headquarters 29, 1969, 9 a.m. Sheriff, P.J. Probate Courtroom, Courthouse, sf. June 18th. Phone 834-5601, Ovid. Patterson. 8-1 —Roy Hyke. 8-lp Johns, Michigan, a hearing be held 8-lp • FOR. SALE OUTSTANDING FOWLER Catholic OrderofFor- upon the Petition of Gorsllne Runcl- USED TRUCK I wish to thank relatives, man Co., a creditor, praying for the REAL ESTATE Ford esters are sponsoring a BOB appointment of an administrator and dance on June 28 from 9 to 1 neighbors and friends for their FARMS CLEARANCE SALE!! FARM and INDUSTRIAL determinations of heirs In this estate. at the Fowler Conservation Park. interest and concern during my Publication and service shall bl • FOR SALE No. 602-F 220 acres in Ingham TRACTORS and Music by Mellowstones. 8-lp recent illness at St. Lawrence made as provided by statute and Court 3-BEDROOM ranch home to be EQUIPMENT. m SPORTS EQUIPMENT started soon on lot 3 of Schnei­ Co. Grade A Dairy New 32 PRICES CUT Hospital. Special thanks to the Rule. New and Used TIMOTHY M. GREEN, der Subdivision, Westphalia, See stanchion - bulk milk dairy WANT to get away for a few doctors, nurses' aides- and M barn—over 150 acres tillable priests for their physical and Judge of Probate FOR SALE-Lyman 17 b'oatwith us on plans and prices. Fedewa $100 hours, a weekend—a week? ? Dated: June lBth, 1969. —then good pastureland with Simplicity 1Brt top and side curtains. Real Builders, Inc., phone 587-3811, Leave your kids with me. Angle spiritual ministry. —Mrs Louis Thomas C. Walsh good condition. Phone 626-6387. 6218 Wright Rod. 52-tf year-around water and over LAWN and GARDEN Huntley, phone 224-4135. 7-3p J, Martin, Fowler, Mich. 8-lp Attorney ,'T 50% could be plowed, plus 40 UNTIL JUNE 30 6-3p EQUIPMENT 357 Holllster Building, acres of timber—mostly hard 1962 FORD 1/2 ton p/u-6 eyl. NOTICE—Persons observer! I wish to thank my relatives Lansing, Michigan 6-3, 4-BEDROOM home with 2 7/10 y maple. On blacktop and very HENGES&ACH FORD stealing the coin boxes or and friends, organizations and acres with out buildings, newly 1962 CHEVY 1/2 ton p/u-6 Sale Pong-July, tfP neat, clean, modern 3-bed­ otherwise damaging newsstands clubs for the gifts, cards, flow­ remodeled, new furnace, in­ cyl. TRACTOR SALES ' STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate^ : WE INVITE : room home. We can finance belonging to the Clinton County ers, letters and calls I received sulated, carpeted ceramic bath. Court for the County of Clinton. -'• with 25% down and personal 1963 DODGE 1/2 ton p/u-6 Phone 647-6356 News will be prosecuted to the while I was in Owosso Memorial : COMPARISON! : Call 224-6029 for appointment. Estate of M property might be included, cyl. PORTLAND*, MICH. ' 51-tt full extent of the law. 34-tf Hospital. Thanks to Dr Phillips LEWIS J. PUNG, Deceased • North Wind Truck Campers,? 8-lp 40-cow dairy herd, plus full It la Ordered that on the sixteenth. and nursing staff.—Mrs George 1 • Alpine Tent Campers, Pick-* line machinery and crops. 1963 FORD 1/2 ton p/u-6 cyl. day of July, 1949, at 11:00 a.m. In thp FOR SALE: BY owner, 3-bed- Olson. 8-lp • up Tops • Call BOB ZEEB, 517-641- 1963 RAMBLER Classic, 6-cyl. Probate Courtroom In the City of' room home in St. Johns. 1 1964 CHEVY 1/2 ton p/u-6 St. Johns, Michigan a hearing be held? 6419 for your showing todayll 4-door with white exterior. * CARPS OF • RON'S TRAVELAND * 1/2 car-garage, partial base­ cyl. We wish to thank Drs Stoller on the petition of Lawrence F, PungV* {3 mi. W. of Alma on Lincoln I Phone 224-4870. 8-lp THANKS and Russell, all the nurses in Admlnlstrator of said Estate, for .a. ment. Extra - nice neighborhood 1964 FORD 1/2 ton p/u-6 cyl. *> Rd. to Rich Rd. 1/4 Mile • DALE A. DEAN Memorial Hospital for the won­ license to sell real estate of salf) and neighbors. Close to two deceased. Persons Interested in said 0 South. (Superior St. changes • schools. Phone 224-4372 after 1965 DODGE 1/2 ton p/u-6 derful care of our son and grand­ Broker and Auctioneer I would like to express my estate are directed to appear at said • to Lincoln at City Limits) • 3:30. 4-dhtf cyl. son. We also appreciate the kind­ bearing to show causewnysuchltcense' • OPEN DAILY * 220 N. Michigan Ave., Cold- sincere thanks to Drs Steiger- nesses shown from the many should not be granted. • EVENINGS -Mon, Wed, Sat FOR SALE-100 acre farm. Al­ water, MI 49036, Phone 517- 1966 CHEVY 1/2 ton p/u-8 wald and Olson and nurses and friends, neighbors and relatives Publication and service shall be* J . ,Open Sunday Afternoons ton Sloat estate. E, Ktnley 279-9748. BOB ZEEB, cyl.-auto. aides at the Carson City Hos­ for the cards and gifts. —John made as provided by Statute and Court SALESMAN, phone 517-641- pital, also to my family, rel­ Jakus and Mr and Mrs Tony Rule. nt • 'Phone 463-5521 Alma. Rd., 1/2 mile W. of HolHster 1966 FORD 1/2 ton p/u-6 cyl. DAY, WEEK, MONTH or Rd. Cayle Sloat, Ph. 862-4601. 6419. atives, neighbors and friends for Jakus. 8-lp TIMOTHY M. GREEN,, 1967 CHEVY 3/4 ton p/u-6 LONG TERM LEASE their visits and gifts, cards, Judge of Probate, 6-3 Dated: June, 18th, 1989. CAMPERS, PICKUPS COVERS, cyl.-4-speed. letters and prayers at the time I would like to thank Drs Stol­ Demlng and Smith TRAVEL TRAILERS AND and following my surgery. It was NOTICE: St. Johns Realty-Now 1965 FORD Econo Van-6 cyl. CAINS, Inc. ler, Bennett, nurses and nurses' By Hudson E. Demlng , •» EQUIPMENT - Custom built, all so 'very much appreciated. aides for the wonderful care dur­ Attorney for Fiduciary , taking listings for home and -auto. BUICK—PONTIAC Fleetwing, Tour - A - Home, farms. For Information phone —Nina Woodbury. 8-lp ing my stay at Clinton Memorial 214 South Bridge Street Woodlake, Little Champ and COUNTRY ,1966 DODGE Sport Bus-6-cyl. RAMBLER—OPEL—GMC Grand Ledge, Michigan 8-3* 224-2479. 15-tf Hospital, Rev Harrison for his I, ' i Krown Kamper. RENTALS, 210 W. Higham St. Johns I wish to thank Frs Schmitt, calls and prayers, also relatives SALES & SERVICE. Wing Mfg. LIVING Hankerd and Lablak for their Claims Andrews-Sept. 17* ALL CASH~For contracts. We EGAN Phone 224-3231 and friends for the cards, flow­ & Sales, 5349 Wisner Rd., 1/2 will buy your land contract for visits, Drs Russell and Grost, ers, plants and food. — Helen STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate; Court for the County of Clinton. ml west and 1 3/4 mile north cash or1 take it in trade on other Ford Sales, Inc. 2-tf the staff of the Clinton Memorial Dunkel. 8-lp of Ashley, phone 847-2318. 3-tf $150 Hospital for the wonderful care, Estate of property. For a fast transaction, 200 W. Higham, St. Johns HAROLD J. ANDREWS, Deceased ; » call the "House of Action" Fur- down payment buys a my family, relatives, neighbors It Is Ordered that on Wednesday, 8-1 and friends for visits, cards, man-Day Realty, 393-2400.51-tf new 3-bedroom September 17th, 1969, at 9:30 a.nur plants and food received while at * LEGAL NOTICES ln the Probate Courtroom In theCourt-" * FOR RENT r ST. JOHNS EPBCOPAL Church home on a FOR SALE-1963 Oldsmobile 88/ the hospital and at home. —Mrs house In St. Johns, Michigan a h*ar-' 400 E. Walker wants to sell Julius J. (Rosa) Thelen. 8-1 lng be held at which all credltora of" Houghten large country lot. radio, power steering, power Sale June-July 16 said deceased are required to proved for removal, 4-bedroom, 2-story brakes. Good condition. Call 224- COTTAGE on Paradise Lake, 5 STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate their claims and heirs will be deter-. • Court for the County of Clinton. frame house, 2 bath facilities, As low as 3394 after 5 p.m. 6-3p miles south of Mackinaw City. I greatly appreciated the many mined. Creditors must file sworn from present location at 404 E. cards, letters and gifts I received Estate ot claims with the Court and serve a* Modern, can sleep 6. Safe, sandy MARY A. JUNE, a Minor Real Estate Walker,' St. Johns. Sealed bids $15,650 1969 OLDSMOBILE 98 Holiday, from friends, relatives and the copy on Pearl Bailey, Executrix, 306 beach, good fishing. Make reser­ It is Ordered that on Wednesday, E. Walker, St. Johns, Michigan priori to be opened at 8 p.m. July 7, 4 - dr. hardtop, full power, vations now. John W. Hannah, employees at Clinton National July 16, 1969, at 10:30 a.m. in the NEW LISTING - 3-bedroom Lower price on your lot. to said hearing. 1969 at the above address. 8-2p factory air-conditioner, 6-way phone*224-4671. 5tf-dh Bank. Also Drs Smookler, Probate Courtroom, for St. Johns, ranch built in 1964. Attached ga­ Michigan, a hearing be held on the Publication and service shall be* rage, basement. Well landscaped power seats, power windows, Turner and Jones and St. Law­ made as provided by Statute and Court; GO NORTH ! ! New cottage rence Hospital employees for Petition for License to Sell Real lot. Like-new throughout. Car­ OVID SERVICE vinyl top. Low mileage. Price r"OR RENT — Air hammer for Estate. Persons Interested in said Rule. "*•' and large wooded lot, full price 1 peting. Modern kitchen with din­ reduced to sell. Phone 224-3264; breaking up cement, etc. We their fine care during my illness. estate are directed to appear at said TIMOTHY M. GREEN, - $2,495, with only $249 down. AGENCY Judge of Probate ing area. Priced to sell. or after 6, 224-7760. 7-3p have two available. Randolph's Thank you all so much. —Gwen hearing to show cause why such license Close to twenty lakes. Near thou- should not be granted. Dated: June 18,1969. Now Under Construction-Cape Ovid Phone 834-2288 Ready-Mix Plant, North US-27, Papclak. 8-lp "sands of acres of State land for Robert H. Wood Cod. 2-bedrooms down and pos­ phone 224-3766. 18-tf Publication and service shall be hunting. Low pollen count cli­ Attorney for Estate // sible 2 up. Attached garage, full 24-tf Rent a New We would like to express our made as provided by Statute and Court 115 E. Walker, mate. Trailer sites available. Rule. basement. Birch kitchen with thanks to the many relatives, St. Johns, Michigan. 8-3U Come to our office across from TIMOTHY M. GREEN, > buHt-ins. Financing available. B _ COMET or MERCURY , T\\fO BEDROOM cabin atHough- friends and neighbors, who helped Wilson State Park on Bus. ton Lake. Phone Larry Kuhns, * ' Judge of Probate £ 3 - BEDROOM RANCH —"New us celebrate our golden wedding US-27 (1-75). Open 7 days a 224-4896. 6-3p Dated: June 23rd., I960 Claims Smith, Sept. 17 aluminum siding, utilities on CONCRETE Low Rates anniversary, and for the gifts James T. Kallman week. Northern Development Co. STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate first floor. Kitchen with built- Daily, Weekly, Monthly and cards we received. Also we Attorney for Carl S. Curtis, Guardian u Harrison. (Member Chamber of WANTED TO RENT Court for the County of Clinton. ' ins. Nice landscaped lot, attached would like to thank our children 4003 Marland Drive Estate of V3 Commerce.) 8-3p Lansing, Michigan g-3 garage, $17,300. Low down, with WALLS Stan Cowan Mercury 3-BEDROOM home in St. Johns. and granchlldren for all the work FRANKLIN W. SMITH, Deceased Zt Please call 224-2394, ext. 37, they did to make it a wonder­ a Is Ordered that on Wednesday,.. terms. Claims Chadwell-Sept.17 OWNER TRANSFERRED - EXCELLENT 3-bedroom home, A new home is a lifetime' 506 N. Clinton St. Johns evenings 743-4077. 8-3p ful day. —Arnold and Irmina Sept. 17, 1989, at 10:00 a.m.. In tbe 6 mi N, 4-acre lot with live STATE OF aOCHJOAN-The ProUtt Probate Courtroom for St. Johns/-' MUST SELL, Low down and take investment. Let us help you Phone 224-2334 Thelen. 8-lp Court for the County of Clinton. stream. Beautiful yard, garage', Michigan a hearing be held at which over existing 6 1/2% mortgage. secure this investment with 24-tf MODERN 3-bedroom home in Estate of alt creditors of said deceased amtf 4-bedroom home at 40o E. Cass den, rec. room, many extra the best basement wall country, 2-car garage, nice I wish to tiiank Dr Justin ERNEST L. CHADWELL, Deceased required to prove their claims^ St. Large kitchen, LR, dining features. Priced under $20,000. possible—a poured concrete location on black top. $110 per Sleight and staff of Sparrow It is Ordered that on Wednesday, creditors must file sworn claims wltlL FOR SALE: '55 Chevy with 57- Sept. 17tb, 1989, at HUSO a,m., In the room. Bedroom down with 1/2 Possible terms. Phone Bill wall. We are equipped to do month. Call 224-2029. 8-lp Hospital for the good care and the court and serve a copy on Louise Holley, 224-7580; Elsie Real 283 Bored to 301. Mallory Probate Courtroom, City of St. Johns, D. Smith, 205 W. State Street, »Jd bath. Full basement, 2 - car the complete job or any part kindness I received while in the Michigan a bearing be held In which Estate, 862-5051. 8-lp Ignition, solid lifters', pressure hospital for eye surgery; also Johns, Michigan, prior to said heart­ garage. Screened patio. of it. Bring your prints over TWO BEDROOM apartment for all creditors of said Deceased are ing. .nC NEW 3-bedroom ranch. 2-car or call for an appointment tested Headers, 7 in. slicks. rent-first floor. Partly fur­ Rev and Mrs Gerald Churchill, required to prove their claims. FOR SALE; 3 - bedroom ranch Publication and service shall be garage, dining area. 1 1/2 baths. 587-3811. /Ready to race. Call 587-4161. nished. Phone 582-3161. 8-lp Rev Harold Homer for the cards, Creditors moat file sworn claims with made as provided by Statute and Court home, gas furnace, carpeting, A Utilities first floor. Full base­ 8-lp visits, gifts and flowers I re­ the Court and serve a copy thereof Rule. " attached carport with heated READY-MIX CONCRETE on Donna M. Chadwell, 7113 East ment, g.ts heat. Kitchen with FOR RENT in St. Johns:2-bed- ceived during my illness. Very TIMOTHY M. GREENf' storage. Priced for quick sale. For AH Your Weeds Saginaw Road, East Lansing, Mich­ , built-ins, carpeted living room, room, 2nd floor apartment. special thanks to Mr and Mrs Judge of Probate/ Located at 253 Victor St. Fow­ igan 41*13, prior to aald Hearing. Dated: June 18th, 1969. ,ii'l "r dining and hall. Trade con­ QUALITY - SERVICE Stove and refrigerator furnished. Jack Cornell, Chris and Sandy Publication and service shall be ler. "Phone 582-5551. 1-tf John Brattln ,pfj sidered. All utilities paid, except tele­ for all their kindness and loving made as provided by Statute and Court Attorney for executrix * PRINCE EST ATES-Lincoln- Real phone. Adults only, reference care during the three weeks I Rule. 215 S. Washington Avenue ^ shi i-e Dr. Two custom built FEDEWA and deposit. Phone 582-2240, stayed with them after leaving TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Lansing, Michigan 8->3"' Fowler. 8-lp the hospital. —Jennie Bandt. 8-lp ' Judge of Probate - 4M ranch homes. Deluxe kitchens. Dated: June lath, IMS. Family rooms with fireplace. 2 Schram and Behan BUILDERS/Inc. Estate We wish to express our sincere , 1/2 baths. Lots of extras, in­ 3-ROOM furnished apartment, Attorney for the Estate Bannister •IH cluding built-ins and 2-car ga­ Real 6218 Wright Road, 53-tf Dial 224-3987 also furnished bachelor apart­ appreciation and thanks to our 702 American Bank and Trust Co. Bldt> Mrs Robert Valentine rage. Financing available. 5 1/4 Miles South of Fowler. ment. Available July 1. Close in. friends and neighbors for your Lansing, Michigan 41813 8-3 Phone 8624342 NEW LISTING—8 room, 4- thoughtful expressions of sym­ MEADOWVIEW DR. — 3 - NEW 2-BEDROOM ranch, 907 Call 224-4465. 8-tf bedroom ranch, l,C82.sq,ft. car­ bedroom near downtown and pathy during our recent bereave­ Claims Fox—Sept. 10 Lincolnshire Dr., large living- STATE OF MICHIGAN-r-The Probate peted 13'x20' livingroom, dining} Estate schools. 1-car garage, flowers ment. These kindnesses shall be Grade winners room, dlningroom. Large kitchen and shrubs. Court for the County of Clinton. TV room. Deluxe kitchen with NEW LISTING-N. Oakland, 3- remembered and cherished. We with garbage disposal, utility on NEW LISTING - 7 - room, Estate of built - Ins. Large well - land­ bedroom ranch, FHA approved, P-X STORE wisti to thank the Rev Homer for EDWARD J. FOX, Deceased announced for VBS main floor, 1-1/2 baths, car­ 2-bedroom family room. 2-car your comforting words, and the scaped lot. 24'x22* garage. full basement, gas heat, low down peted. Large finished basement. It is Ordered that on Wednesday, garage, double corner lot. First Methodist Church for the Sept. 10, 1369, at 8:30 a.m., In the 2 - bedroom ranch. Modern payment. Call for appointment. Phone 224-G133. „ 6-3p A week of Bible school wa£,£ kitchen and bath. Carpeting, ANOTHER 2 - BEDROOM- Matched Luggage lovely dinner served, Dr Stoller Probate Coutroom for St. Johns, completed June 20 with a pro-j'^ S. RAKER- 3 BR and bath, carport. Large lot In Fowler. Michigan a hearing be held at which (i Basement with Rec. room, WEDDING INVITATIONS and 3-pc. sets and nurses at Clinton Memorial gram at the -Bannister United__ ranch, full basement. New In'66. 3 NEW HOMEStochoosefrom. all creditors of said deceased are garage. Pried to sell. Announcements. A complete Hospital. Also Osgood Funeral Methodist Church. The weeks^ Gas heat, attached garage, nicely One all done but the yard and required to prove their claims. S. CLINTON -- Close to 'ine—printing, raised printing or $17.95 to $29.95 Home for the many details so Creditors must fUe sworn claims with enrollment was an average 6? decorated, carpeting and oak driveway. One other nearly com­ schools, 4 or 7, bedroom home engraving. Dozens to choose FOOTLOCKERS graciously cared for. May God the Court and serve a copy on Lenore 90. Mrs John Sclilarf and Mrs- floors. Priced to sell. plete. Other one all roughed In in t;oud condition. I4'xl0' living from.—The Clinton County News, Bless each of your. —The Wal­ M. Jones, 208 S. Lansing Street, St. Ray Peck were co-directors of-^ and being readied for plaster. Johns, Michigan, prior to satd hearing. 5 room, dining room. Front porch, N. OTTAWA, 2-bedroom, large phone 224-2361, St. Johns. $11.95 ter Willis family. 8-lp the school. The Bible drill gran'd Call to see. Financing can be Publication and service shall be 'doM'd In luck porch, divided living room, buth, gas heat, large TRUNKS made as provided by Statute and Court winners were Timm Glowiie^" base m pnt, parage1, $l."i,;j00. lot, full basement, reasonably arranged. and Sandra Sclilarf for the songrf VERY NEAT - 3 - bedroom Rule. Terms. priced with terms. $14.95 to $24.95 LET US dig your new liase- TIMOTHY M. GREEN, drill. ' H ranch. Fully finished to panelled COUNTRY LIVING-40 acres E. HIGHAM: 5 - bedrnnm ment, trenches or drain fields Judge of Probate Prizes were given to Kiirep basement. Well landscaped large Dated; June 18,1989. only 2 1/2 mi Injm city. Modern Priced to sell, appointment, MOTORCYCLE with our BACK HOE. Or FILL Poruhsky, Anna Jo .Goldman am J lot. YOUR DRIVE or barnyard Walker 4 Moore, By: Kathy and Bruce Hofferbert fo ranch home \itth 13'x23 living Jack Walker room. Dining room. Custom IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a HELMETS with our GRAVEL. bringing the most people to tlfs S. Wight Street: 3-bedroom 2-bedroom home under $9,000, Attorney for Administratrix W.W.A. birch kitchen, g.ii'a.>e. 1 1/2 PHONE 224-3518 for infor­ Clinton National Bank Bldg. program. Jim Valentine am ranch, full basement with rec. ST.JOHNS call us today. acres fruit trees, small barn. HULTY $11.95 mation. 8-1 St. Johns, Michigan 8-3 Timm Glowney tied for flri Income on land pays taxes and room, nicely decorated, large NEW LISTING-195 acre farm. place for earning Hie most in^ heat bills. Financing available, lot. Make offer. • RESIDENTIAL- FARMS Modern 10 room home. This has Claims - Hull-Sept, 17 dividual points. Each class coii*3 / S. Oakland Street: 3-bedroom • COMMERCIAL - RESORTS a good beef set-up. A full set SLEEPING BAGS Merion Blue Grass STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate tributed to the program. WAREHOUSE - 2,000 st|, ft. Court for the County of Clinton. Dlspltiv room, office, gas heat. Brick with extra lots; new roof, of out buildings. Fall posses­ Prizes by grades went to prel 212 W. CLINTON sion. Also terms. Sod Estate of Good condition} Priced to sell. gas furnace, reasonably priced $8.95 to $29.95 • RAYMOND P. HULL. Deceased schooler, Scott Miller, kinder^ properties with with terms. PHONE: 224-24-79 FOR OTHER FARM and prop­ -DUTCH WALTZ" It Is Ordered that on Wednesday, garten—Sundy Sichlurf, firs3*| <* railroad siding. erties, call us' today I Boy Scouring Equipment HERB OSiiORN Sept. nth, 1969, at 9:30 a.m„ In grade Kalliy Hofferbert, ^s6cot^ INCOME PROPERTIES - ex­ NICE SELECTION OF LOTS NEW LISTING-lake front lot Pickup and Delivery G0l2 S. the Probate Courtroom for St, Johns, grade— K us sell Sclilarf, thlrft§ on Rainbow Lake. All cleaned BACK PACKS Krepps Road, 1 mi. S. of Price Michigan a hearing be held at which f cellent location. A '.;ood invest­ Older home near down­ all creditors of said deceased are re­ grade—Carrie Miller, ourlB| ment. One 3—milt, one ."-unit for building. Terms. $0,500. Rd, 2 1/2 mi E. of US-27, grade-Cathy Sclilarf, fifth gradg town St. John*;. 9 rooms, $2.98 to $3.98 St. Johns 224-3430-224-2922 quired to prove their claims. Creditors priced at #4,100 a unit, •1 bedrooms, remodeled 1 LOT on Rainbow Lake — must file sworn claims with the Court Brenda Miller, sixth grade-Del^ Conley $2,500. 8-1 BUILDING LOTS- 1 acre lots kitchen.- Carpeting Includ­ CANTEENS and serve a copy on Edward L Hull hie OborlUner, seventh grade^tE of' 1322 West Grand River, East Lan­ Jim Valentine and eighth gratfi^j In country priced at SI,."00. City ed. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO Real Estate $1.69 to $3.98 sing* Michigan or Raymond M; Hull, Pat Terrell. S lot« with all city improvements. SPECIAL of 1018 Huntington Road, East Lan­ Phone: Need Listings sing, Michigan, co-executors prior to Teachers for the School \v< PISTOL BELTS STEEL ROOFING said hearing. pre-schoolers—Jane and En Jessie M. Conley 224-2465 Winchell Herb 2 1/2" corrugated, Publication and service shall be Santrucck, Patricia Dunay at^ Have Qualified made as provided by Statute and Court 2 oz. zinc coating IMune P6rubsky. Kindergar.tet£j| Edgar Conley 224-7090 Brown Rule. teachers were Debbie. Hinklefe Houghten Buyers. PAINT Regular Sale TIMOTHY M. OBEEM, and Lori Miller. Mrs RuymorSjhj Ralph Green 224-7047 Judge of Probate REALTOR Stewart and Mrs Wayne WaUaijti) REALTOR TOM WHITE $2.10 $1,8:1 per sheet Dated: June IB, 1989 Cecil Smith 669-9125 DeWltt $2.70 $2.36 per sheet Kemper ft Wells taught the first and se,con^ Brush St. St. Johrts 224-2948 107 Brush St. St. Johns $1.98 to $5.95 $3.30 $2.00 per sheet By: William C. Kemper graders. Third and fourtjvj 224-7570—Evenings 224-3934 Phone 224-3987 Attorney for Estate graders were Mrs Mildred Brao^B William Bellant 224-7581 HERB ESTES Inside 100 N, Clinton Avenue ley and Mrs King Terrell. Mr« 224-2112 ART LaBAR Jtistln Marzke, 224-3318 $3:29 to $6.95 Si, Johns, Michigan a-3 Robert Valentine and Vlcki Valfe Ruth J. Nostrant 224-3614 ST. JOHNS CO-OP Reuben EIrschele, 224-4680 St. Johns 224-4845 8-1 entlne taught tho upper graders^ ^Page 16A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969

-"i Announcements )

Coronation Ball huge success The John Neller family re­ union met for a potlMck. dinner >DV at the home of Mr and Mrs Bernard Neller June 22 with 80 members present. -> ^J Those present were from at Ovid area centennial Bellaire, Hastings, Dlmondale, ,'\>pellghted and surprised," their toes and they all worked Lansing, Ionia, Owosso, Lalngs- _Ayere the words usedbyMrsDean hard selling tickets." burg, Ovid and St. Johns. ^an) Austin to describe her feel­ "The Coronation Ball was very Special guests were Mrs Leo ings when she was named queen beautiful and I'll always remem­ Neller from San Diego, Calif, ,pf ,ttie Ovid Area Centennial. She ber it. Everyone on the commit­ and her son LaVern Neller and ** pepelved the coveted crown at a tee did a great job," his family, wife and four chil­ * Coronation Ball, Saturday eve­ Mrs Austin will be crowned dren, from Huntsville, Ala. ning, June 21 inJhe Ovid Junior nightly during the pageant, and „ High School. will ride on the "Queens Float" '.'/"I really thought the runner-up during- the grand finale parade t 'would be the queen. The tickets this Saturday. West Elsie * I turned in for points during the Mr and Mrs Austin have two By Mrs Wayne Mead first week of the contest gave me children, Brian 4, and Scott 5. Phone 862-5447 f* my biggest advantage." These Mr Austin is a well known barber \% tickets were worth a 25 per-cent in Ovid. They are both 4-H horse QUEEN JAN *i' bonus on points. club leaders and they attend the AMELIA TEJKL ... getting Ahe word Mr and Mrs Ernest Tweedle Grove Bible Church. . .. runnerup and children of Island Road £ "I entered the contest because hosted a 35th wedding anniver­ % I wanted to win the trip to Ber- Mrs Austin posed with the testants won various prizes and walls. Rag time music provided grace of a true queen several Other wlnnprs were: Amelia sary dinner party in Flint June t; muda, but I wound up having alot Tejkl, first runner-up; Ethel a beautiful trophy. lively entertainment and resi­ minutes for dozens of photo­ dents enjoyed the expert banjo 22 for her parents Mr and Mrs t^pfJEun and meeting an awful lot of Shinabery, second; Pat Wilson, Charles Johnson of Revere, graphers, but had forgotten her The Coronation Ball setting plucking of their favorite toe- gvye^'y nice people." own camera. If anyone gets some third; Linda Lou Behrens, fourth; Mass. They dined at Walli's CW^With the committee issuing Diane Seelhoff, fifth; and Laura was set with a mid-summer night tapping tunes from the past and good pictures she would appreci­ present. Supper Club, and Mrs Esther W;wGfekly standings I knew where I Main, sixth. theme. A dropped ceiling effect Tweedle was also a guest. ate having one. was created with pastel crepe Iced punch and cookies were 2-ityas, but I never knew how far John Pereira has been spend­ ij.'ajiead I was in points, and I always She received a (four day-three paper streamers and an old served for refreshments. The James Briggs and George fashioned wishing well centered committee is to be congratulated ing the past two weeks in WU- iJ%Tt that the other contestants night) trip for two to Bermuda, liamsport, Pa., with friends. |{ were just a little behind me. This luggage, a cosmetic kit, and the Craig were in charge of the the gym floor. Large ilower for the well planned highlights of presentations. Each of the con- daisies and scenery accented the the Coronation Ball. * Mr and Mrs Keith Turner * feeling kept all the contestants on queen's trophy. and son of Ridge Road attended the wedding June 21 of Miss Lynn Green and Richard Vin­ cent at the Central United Meth­ odist Church in Pontiac. Vincent CUhic is a brother of Mrs Turner and By MRS. NEVA KEYS, Correspondent Mr Turner was a member of the LAST WEEK wedding party. Mr and Mrs Floyd Betzer re­ turned home June 21 after spend­ ing a week in upper Michigan OF SALE fishing. Eight students Jeff Clark, son of Mr and Mrs Earl Clark of Upton Road is in STORE CLOSES JUNE 30 Sparrow Hospital at Lansingfol- lowing orthopedic surgery on his foot. He has two pins in his attend camp foot and (his foot and leg) will be In a cast for six weeks. GOING Later he will return to the hos­ QUEEN JAN AUSTIN pital to have the pins removed. at NMU Jeff is expected home the first MEN'S of the week. OUT OF BUSINESS Chuck Miller, Bill Foran, Tim program that emphasized condi­ 65 high school boys from Michi­ PIANO RECITAL HELD Bouck and Jack Keys of Elsie, tioning, fundamentals and team gan, Indiana, Illinois and Wis­ AFTER SHAVE John Glowney of Bannister and play. consin who attended. The boys Mrs Lois Williams presented LOOKING 10 Randy Byrnes, Rick Hood and Other recreation such as were separated in five groups her piano students in a recital J3UY.SELL & COLOGNES SALE GOING ON! Ron Mead of Ovid, all students swimming and sight-seeing of 12 boys with five different June 25 at the Junior High School RENT, HIRE, of Ovid-Elsie High School have rounded out the program. A steak coaches. In Elsie. ALL BRANDS returned from a week's basket­ cook-out was planned at the beau­ The following pupils are taking WORK? EVERYTHING GOES! ball camp at Northern Michigan tiful Presque Isle Point on Lake The local boys reported a part: Darlene and Bobby Hard- University, In Marquette. Superior but due to inclement very pleasant week in spite of aker, Donna and Debbie Hinkley, „ 1/2 OFF They resided at Payne Hall on weather It was held in Wildcat the rigid schedule of calisthenics Jay and Wendy Stouffer, Cindy We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Den of the Student Center on the and work-outs three times a many coustomers and friends for patronage through the campus and were supervised Hehrer, Elaine Bloomer, David and instructed by counsellors final night of the camp. day. They had basketball movies Dunham, Kathy Smith and Stacy the years. It has been our privilege to serve you to in the evening and they also the best of our ability during our business years. and staff members of the univer­ Glenn Brown, NMU basketball Schoendorf. sity. The main objective was to coach was camp director' while made many new friends.^The make the boys better basketball Bob Ortegel, assistant basket­ excellent food prepared by Nor­ players through an intensified ball coach was in charge of the thern's skilled staff was highly EYE praised by all of the group. AFTER JULY 1st The boys will all receive cer­ COSMETICS Bikes Make the GROWING Great tificates of merit for their par­ MAYBELL1NE AND OUR PRESCRIPTION ticipation in the summer pro­ gram. MAX FACTOR For two days previous to reg­ FILE WILL BE AT istration at the university, the boys were guests of Mr and OFF Mrs Al Miller at their school PARR'S PHARMACY house-cabin north of Manistique, and completely enjoyed every minute of the time. -, Mrs Miller's brother and sis­ ter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Clark Bashore of Gulliver brought over two gallons of smelt ready for frying and the food consumed LIPSTICK by the boys amazed Mrs Miller, who is employed in the hot lunch Revlon, Clairol, program at Ovid-Elsie. They also played soccer-baseball and Max Factor, Cory other games. As an added treat, they went to Kitch-i-tl-ki-pl (The big OFF spring) near Indian Lake and ENTIRE STOCK rode the raft out to view the deep water. Others, who assisted in trans­ Women's Colognes porting the boys besides the Millers were Coach Oberlin, the SAFE BIKE SAFE RIDER... American Bike Month, Byrnes, the Tom Boucks and the ALL a time when thousands of schools, PTA's, police, civic, Russell Boucks. & Perfumes service and fraternal organizations arc sponsoring com­ The boys returned home last munity-wide bicycle inspection progrnms to make sure HAIR COLORS that both bikes and riders urc safe for the peak summer Sunday with the exception of Bill Foran and Charles Miller who Arpege, My Sin, Elan,, MAX FACTOR riding months ahead. Most bicycle retailers will be offer­ ing free safety educution materials throughout Bike Month, sent on to Ontonagon to spend CLAIROL, ETC. and many of them will also offer free safety inspections. a week with Bill's relatives. For good fun and good health, bikes make the GROWING Emeraude, L'aimant! great! OFF 1/2 OFF R. E. BENSON Plumbing & Heating 106 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS VETERINARY SUPPLIES .»1/2 OFF Phone 224-7033 3 MASTER RUBBER Big Saving on PLUMBERS BABY PANTS What's Your Thing? iVitamins & Drugs American - Standard and BABY GIFTS (NON PRESCRIPTION ITEMS) Plumbing, Hot Waet r Heating Make It 1/2OFFJ BUY & SAVE! Lennox Warm Air FORD Heating and Air Conditioning Magazines, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tabacco & Rlm'nor incl At

CUSTOM SHEET EGAN HUNT'S DRUGS METAL SHOP Ford Sales St. Johns 110 N. Clinton „ 47 Years same address" ST. JOHNS t \

Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 17^

United Methodist Church. Tho Bannister Ashley United Methodist mem­ By Mrs. Robert Valentine bers Joined Bannister In a union Phone 862-4342 service. Twelve students "con­ ducted the informal and inter­ WSCS MEETS esting service which involved the entire congregation. The Bannister WSCS held their Vicki Valentine and Elizabeth regular meeting this past week. and Cathy Ensign left June '22 Mrs Gertrude Hofferbert ex­ to spend a week at the United plained the worship setting and Methodist Camp at Lake Louise. read the scripture. June 22 guests of Mr and Mrs Mrs Kenneth Swanson gave the Walter Miller were Mr and lArs lesson on "WhatisaMissionary? Robert Homer and son of 'Lan­ Who is a Missionary?'* She used sing. '-'- many items to illustrate her Mrs Giles Coon is a patient discussion from India. at Owosso Memorial Hospital Plans were discussed con­ at this writing. ''-' cerning the installation of sinks Mrs William Mitchell under­ and disposal. went surgery recently and plans Hostesses for the evening were to return to her home this week. Bethel Kelsy, Mrs Reuben Pon- Mrs MarySaylor entered Alma nspecfing the entries at the Ovid Flower tlous and Mrs Harold Albaugh. Hospital June 21. Show are fudges (left) Jennifer pummings, Students from the Wesley Foundation of Michigan State (center) Mrs Connie Parmenter, and (fore­ University were worship leaders D ground) Mrs Virginia Chamberlain. Sunday morning at the Bannister MS Craig and Ballenger MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS

Send gift to MS c/o Postmaster( give thrilling speeches NORTH Sm/ii The Ovid Centennial program the lack of involvement of today's The reunion picnics, (held BUS SCHEDULE "v3? on Monday evening opened with citizens in society. He empha­ mainly indoors) gave vent to good TO LANSING the singing of patriotic songs and sized that the Individual should conversation, good will, and a LEAVE ST. JOHNS awards were presented at 7:30 improve his citizenship, and show feeling of gaiety. 9:45 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00p.m. CORONATION BALL GALA AFFAIR AT OVID p.m. The pre-pageant festivities more patriotism to his country. Some of the churches held old ARRIVE LANSING \ . were held at the Ovid Junior He further stated that these are time Sunday School Classes 10:25 a.m. 4:00p.m. 0:30p.tnt' Owen Curtis, Neal and Naomi Rautaner, Bonita Hallead and Roger Matthies were among the High School field. vital ingredients to the survival where the "older folk" rendered RETURNING \ \ Robert Craig, a 1969 graduate of our free government, and the songs they had learned as chil­ LEAVE LANSING u ' guests at the Ovid Area Centennial Coronation Ball Saturday night. Old-time dress, music, and of Ovid-Elsie High School, was people must care about others dren, and dropped pennies in the 9:00 a.m. 1:50p.m. 9:30p.m/ beautiful decorations added a carefree note to the celebration. The Junior High School gym was the winner of the oratorical con­ and practice the "Golden Rule*. collection. ARRIVE ST. JOHNS \ \ filled to capacity, and other activities will continue through Saturday. The residents of Ovid ex­ test and delivered a thought pro­ William Ballenger, State Rep­ It was reliably reported that 9:35 a.m, 2:20p.m. 10:00p,m, Y voking speech to the audience. resentative from the 87th dis­ tend an invitation to all to visit their centennial. "Daniel Boone" visited the Cath­ He discussed public apathy and trict, gave the closing address olic service, dressed in a long REST ROOM! for "Governor and Pioneer Day*. fur vest, coon skin cap and sport­ EQUIPPED < He spoke forcefully on what the AIR : I I ing a live raccoon that kept biting CONDITIO MEQ citizen of today should be doing his ear. Flower show to improve his country. The speech was sprinkled with timely quotes from Kennedy, Eisen­ hower, and others. He encouraged highlights the audience to actively parti­ MARTIN cipate and become better citizens Monday in Ovid was Govern­ At the picnic, an opening ad­ by giving more time and effort ment Day. Highlight of the day was dress was givenby Bill Ballenger toward more responsible govern­ READY MIX CONCRETE a flower show at the Con­ and later pioneer awards were ment. He too suggested people gregational Church. given to members of the com­ become politically active, and Judges for the event were Mrs munity. intellectually informed on cur­ Virginia Chamberlain, Jennifer During the day, an authentic rent events. Cummings and Mrs Connie Par- looking covered wagon toured the The audience was given the menter. Three grand prizes were streets of the city< and at the rare opportunity of hearing given and the winners received picnic in the evening, desserts speeches by a 1969 high school commemorative plaques. Four and beverages were sold from it. graduate and a present day gov­ blue ribbons were awarded to Committee of the day members ernment official. After listening outstanding entries and a special were Mr and Mrs Bill Ballenger, to both, one felt a distinct closing merit award was given. Mr and Mrs Cy Tremblay, Mr of the generation gap with real­ Grand winners were Nellie and Mrs BillServiss,Mr and Mrs istic ideas for national improve­ Miller for an artificial arrange­ Bernard Wieber and Mr and Mrs ment being given on both sides. ment, Mrs John Oven Sr., re­ Francis Johnson. t Cool weather and intermittent ceived a plaque for her arrange­ sprinkles may have dampened the ment of Queen Elizabeth roses picnic spirit in Ovid last Sunday and the third grand prize went to The first steamship made but the spiritual spirit was as Mrs Pearl Hasklns for her ex­ its trial run in Lyons, warm and friendly in 1969 as it ceptional single rose. France. This city became the world's silk capital after was a hundred years ago. Blue ribbon winners were Mrs the mulberry tree was in­ Nine churches participated in Virginia Woodardfor an arrange- troduced; Jacquard invented the Religious Heritage Day with Now serving your concrete i\ *ment of dried flowers, Mrs John his loom here; Ampere old fashioned clothes and fancy worked on the laws of elec­ sunbonnets the dress of the day. Flower show winners at left are Mr and Mrs Ralph Baker (their prize Oven Sr., for an arrangement needs from our St. Johns Plant:- called "The Light of 1869M, Mr trodynamics that led to mod­ Each of the churches held reg­ winning peonies are on the table) Mrs Max A. Miller seated holding her' ern great hydrolectric ular services and invited back all and Mrs Ralph Baker for a col­ works; and the brothers lection of peonies, and Mrs Max former members and pastors, for teapot arrangement and Mrs John Owen Sr., (right) holding the "Light Lumiere experimented with a day of prayer and good fellow­ We use: * :*: Miller for a teapot arrangement the movie camera. of 1869" and her grand prize arrangement of Queen Elizabeth roses is on of roses. ship. the mantle in the background. On the table Is the grand prize single rose The special merit award went HEAVY MEDIA SEPARATION ' HM$ and the artificial arrangement grand prize winner. to Nellie Miller for an arrange­ * ment and display entitled "Apollo KUBICA PLUMBING 11". • HMS stone assures you of quality concrete for*;; ounces. They were dinner guests Northeast Eagle en Mr and Mrs Andrew Kemp on Along with the flower show was and HEATING your patio, floors, walks and drives. HMS £-,* of Mr and Mrs Hazen Crandall June 19. Airs Andrew Kempf on June ,22. a display of antique furniture LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER reduces popping to little or nothing. Try :•;! Mr and Mrs Robert Stafford collected and displayed by the Phone G27-6710 Mildred Barnes and Beatrice of Grand Rapids were June 19 JERRY KUBICA OWNER & OPERATOR the very best .... TRY $ [ Slebert were June 22, dinner seventh and eighth grades of the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ovid Junior High. If you are planning a new heating system ^ guests of Evah Leavitt of Fred Biergans. The Willing Workers Circle Lansing. Other activities ofGovernment this summer, contact Jerry Kubica to have MARTIN READY MIX CONCRETE will meet with Mrs Clara Hast­ Mr and Mrs R.V. Henretty Day included a picnic in the late the system engineered, designed and laid ings on July 3. Devotions and Mrs Alta Kebler attended the afternoon to honor the city Phone 224-2621 or Lansing Collect 489-7551 program will be presented by went canoeing with the Twi- out properly FREE ESTIMATES wedding reception of her grand­ llghters of Grand Ledge on June fathers. A band concert was also Florence Jastram. The dessert daughter, the former Sharon held in the afternoon. 716 S. Lansing ST. JOHNS Phone 224-4465 South Gilson Rd. [ust North at Colony Rd. course will be served at 1 p.m. 21. They travelled along the Kruger, and her husband last Pine River. Mr and Mrs David Rood of Saturday afternoon and evening Saranac are the parents of a at the home of Mr and Mrs baby son, born June 17. They Kenneth Kruger in Oneida town­ People whofollow the primrose have named him Johnny William ship. path never have to worry about a and he weighed six pounds seven Mr and Mrs Paul Buck called return trip ticket.

B.F. Goodrich \ f • • ••••• • ^••••-••••'-•-•-•••--^^lM*^^^,^*^!!irMM7iir"--**r^rTr^^i' SILVERTOWN 660 ORive IN DRIVE OUT UKETH{S LIKE THIS Let us restore your car to like-new shine and sparkle! THE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT TIRE Dents smoothed out, roofs refurbished, touch-ups or complete FOR 1969 CARS...MEETS RIGID PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS repaint and repolish jobs. Give your car that showroom glow. • "Easy Steer" shoulder... easy turning, handling... allows positive contiol • Super-Syn Rubber Compound ... Improved tread wear... better mileage • A terrific bargain on the popular tiro that's Expert Collision Work is our Specialty already economically prlcedl PRICED AS LOW AS

Buy Now Oh Easy Budget Tertns Bee's Body Shop REGoodrich HUB TIRE CENTER 2137 S. US-27 Ph. 224-7649 h 1411 N. US-27 ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-3218 .;A- Page 18 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 196? News of area servicemen

Airman Apprentice TERRY F. quarters with the 32nd Signal Sergeant LARRY B.STEVENS, —\ MANIEZ, USN, sonofMmndMrs Battalion. son of Mr and Mrs Bruce H. J--.' Fernand Maniez pf R-l,St. Johns Kendall ieceived his basic Stevens of 375 W.PleasantStreet, was graduated from the Aviation training at Fort Knox, Ky., and Hubbardston, received the Army Mechanical Fundamentals School will serve as prefei red load list Commendation Medal on May 1G, at the Naval Air Technical Train­ parts clerk, while serving with the 4th In­ i ••- ing Center in Memphis, Tenn. He graduated from Fulton High fantry Division near Pleiku, Viet The four week course included School, Middleton, in 19G5. Nam. hasic mathematics, common air­ * ¥ Sgt, Stevens earned the awaid craft hardware, mechanical and Army Specialist Four DANIEL for meritorious service as a electrical physics, aeionautical J. FOLLCTT, of R-2, Ashley, re­ rifleman in Company C, 2nd Bat­ publications, and the use and ap­ ceived the Bronze Star Medal talion of the divisions 8th In­ plication of hand -tools. during lucent ceremonies in Viet fantry. * *• Nam. * * Spec; 4 GLEN W. KENDALL, 1 Spec, -1 Folic tt was pri-sented U.S. Army, Vietnam (AHTNC) son of Dr andMrs Donald A. Ken­ the award for meritorious ser­ dall ol 119 Maple Stieet, Maple —Army Private First Class vice in gi ound operations against ARNOLD C. THORNTON, 20, Rapids has ai lived in Germany hostile foices in Viot Nam. and has been assigned to Head- whose mother, Mrs Julia Thorn­ At the time of the presenta­ ton, lives at 305 S. Mead, St. tion he was a fire team leader in Johns, Mich., was assigned May Company A, 1st Battalion, 327th 23 to the 9th Infantry Division ERNST Infantry, 1st Brigade of the 101st in Vietnam", as an Indirect fire Airboin Divbon. ci ewman, The 20 jear old soldier entered * * the Arm\ in November, 19G7, DENNIS HALSTED completed basic ti .lining at Fort Quality Guaranteed Knox, K>., and was stationed at Dennis L. Halsted, son of Mr Fort Denning, Ga., before ar­ and Mrs Virgil L. Halsted, , Ph. 224-7041 riving in Viet Nam In June 19C8. entered the service on Jan. 9, and received his basic training ST. JOHNS He also holds the Air Medal. Spec.-1 roUutt graduated ftom at Fort Knox, Ky. After his Ashlej High School In 19CC. graduation on March 14, he was stationed at Fort Sill, Okla., The Arinj's General educa­ where he graduated from ad­ Commercial tional Development pi ogi am pro­ vanced infant i y training inheavj vides academic ami vocational artillery in May. ndustrial couises from elementary tin ough He is now spending a three college level for peisonnel who week furlough witli his family Residential uisii to continue theii education befoie leaving foi Fort Lewis, while on active iluh. > Wash, on June 2G. CANOE SAFETY LESSONS GIVEN 4-H MEMBERS •<,_ Roswell Leatheiman (4-H leader) and Haze! McFarren give valuable safety inshuctions fot canoeing INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED! to 4-H club members. Camoe trips can be taken on the Stoney Creek fiom Wiighr Road bildge south of Fowler to M-21 west of Pewamo. Or from the Maple River noith of St. Johns on US-27 (when the *Free Estimates AUTO — HOME water is high) to west of Pewamo on M-21. Hard surfaced roads are available all the way for diop-off S. L; BAUR *24 hour Emergency FARM — BUSINESS and pick-up of canoes. Life preservers should be part of the equipment for eveiy member liding in the Service L/Cpl. S. L. Baur is now solv­ canoe. Picture by Lloyd Campbell. ing in Vietnam and is presently * Design & Layout LIFE — BONDS stationed on the USS . of Lighting Systems His complete address is L/Cpl. Clinton 4-H chatter m S. L. Baur 2377354 H and S Co. *1 yr. Guarantee LANTERMAN INSURANCE M. T. Section 1st Bn. 26th Ma­ One hundred ten Clinton Coun­ bers observed *a fish shocking on Workmanship :<+ 115 E. Walker, St. Johns, Phone 224-7614 BRUCE LANTERMAN rines,,FPO San Francisco, Calif. ty 4-H members and leaders demonstration by Bruce Volmar, •rZ* 9G602. had J. lot of fun fishing canoe­ fish biologist, stationed at the S3 ing, trap shooting, etc. while Rose Lake Wildlife Research iK learning about conservation Center. The youth and adults projects at the ."ith Annual 4-H were able to see what fish were >z> Conservation Fun Day held in the stieam and saw a lam­ Wednesday at the Fowler Con­ prey which is uncommon for this fiHstom servation Park. area. The highlight of the da> was * * the canoe safety activity where The State 4-H Trail Ride will the members learned about canoe 4 safety and participated in a three be held on July 18 -20 near y. mile canoe race. Members who Traverse City. The cost is $7 had never canoed before were" per person and entries are due able to practice on the Stoney by July 7. Clinton county may ; tsD*I . Creek under the direction of send Tour persons of which one Mr and Mrs Roswel Leatherman must be an adult, but no more and Hazle McFarren, 4-H than two < adults.*'Anyone inter­ TO* SAVINGS UP TO "58 leaders fiom Muskegon. ested may get moie details from the Extension Office. Throughout the dav. the mem­ Tir^tonc DELUXE CHAMPION (tf WHITE STRIPE TIRES 2 FREE b*-®" Original Equipment on many of America's finest new '69 cars

MANY CHEVY M's, ' MANY BARRACUDAS, ^ MANY CAMAROS, CORVA1RS, DARTS, CLASSICS, COMETS, F-85's, CHEVY ll's, CHEVELLES, OFFERS! FALCONS, VALIANTS" FALCONS, MUSTANGS, COUGARS, FAIR LANES, Size 6.50-13 JAVELINS* 7.00-13 REBELS* Size 6.95-14 GET A FREE MOWER WITH Size 7.35-14 9 4 for 4 for 4 for A NEW INTERNATIONAL BRUCE VOLMAR STUDIES LAMPREY CUB CADET TRACTOR Biuce Volmai, fish biologist fiom the De- pat tment of natuial tesouices at the Roselake Plus 51.56 to *90 *90 V* $1.86 per tire Plus $1.83 per Plus $1.87 per Research Center was demonstaiting "fish Fed. excise tax, tire Fed. excise tire Fed. excise shocking " piocedures to a gioup of 4-H mem­ sales tax and tax, sales tax and tax, sales tax and 4 trade-in ttres 4 trade-in tires 4 trade-in tires bers when he came up with this lampiey off your car. ____ _ off your car, off your car. 1 Reg. exchange price per tire *29.00 * Reg, exchange price per tire *30,75 / Reg, exchange price per tire *32.00 / in the Stoney Cieek (neat Wjighr Road budge) In Fowlei. Conseivationists aie becoming con­ % SOME TEMPESTS, MANY AMBASSADORS, SOME CORVETTES, cerned ovet the piesence of the lampiey in FORDS, STUDEBAKERS, PLYMOUTHS, FORDS, FORDS, DODGES, in-land wateis. The lampiey attaches itself RAMBLERS* CHEVROLETS, F-85's, ' PLYMOUTHS* to the side of a fish and can eventually kill DODGES* g Size 7.35-15 Size 7.75-I5 it. At matuiity they ascend stiearns to bleed £ Size 7.75-14 then die. It has also been a sei ious desttuc- 4 for 4 for 4 for tive pest of native fish fauna in the Gieat $ There are 5 models in the Cub Cadet line. Choose Lakes. *90 *95 the one you want (7,10 or 12-horsepower, 3-speed 95 or hydrostatic transmission) and get a perfor­ [Plus 51 91 per Plus $1.95 per Plus $1.99 per g tire Fed. excise tire Fed. excise tire Fed. excise mance matched 3-biade rotary mower'free, You lax, sales tax and tax, sales tax and tax, sates tax and can't beat this deal. Come in today 4 trade-in tires 4 trade-in tires 4 trade in tires off your car. off your car. off your car. J Reg. exchange price per tire *32.00 / Reg. exchange price per tire *33.75 / Reg, exchange price per tire 33.75/ GET A FREE CART WITH §' MANY CHEVROLETS, SOME, FORDS, MANY BUICKS, A NEW INTERNATIONAL DODGES, TEMPESTS, MERCURYS, PLYMOUTHS" CHRYSLERS, MERCURYS, CADET 60 RIDING MOWER PONTIACS, OLDSMOBILES" T-BIRDS, OLDSMOBILES* for ALL ^^HBRh^C^^. Size 8.15-15 Size 8.55-I4; Size 8.25-I4 \ 8.45-15:8,55-15 Building Needs § 4 for \\ 4 for lis *%> All-steel, It hauls clip­ FREE DELIVERY ?; pings, dirt, gra*vel( what- *I00 *I05 have-you. Get a free cart Including the St. Johns Area Plus $2.18 per Plus $2.41 to when you purchase the 11Sll*ioo $2 46 per tire . tire Fed excise new 6-horsepower Cadet tax, sales tax and ' Plus $2.20 per Fed. excise tax, 60 riding mower—the tire Fed, excise 4 trade-in tires sales tax and best available anywhere. Everything for the home V* off youf car, tax, sales tax and 4 trade-in tires 4 trade-in tires off your car* 32-inch wide cut, V/i to off your car. 4 inches high adjustable Reg. exchange price per tire *37.00 Regt exchange price per tire *40.75 WATCH FOR the OPENING Reg. exchange price per tire *37.00 on-the-go. -* LET US HELP YOU PICK THE SIZE FOR YOUR MAKE AMD MODEL CAR! of our new Kitchen and Limited offer/ See them today/ Carpeting Dept. COMING SOON! Bee's Chevrolet & Oldsmobile, Inc. DeWitt Lumber Co. ACT) Firestone Tires )$m GOWER'S DoWitt Ph- 6*9-2765 EUREKA Phon* 224-2953 Open Monday thru Friday 7:30-5:30 f1 *%&> 110 W. Higham ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2345 W^ Satin d.iy, 7:30-Noon ) Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 19 A r Past student receives Area bowlers share in top batting honor ELSIE (c) — Former Ovid- at Harrison High School. Catcher Elsie student, Max Saxton, for the Harrison Hornets, Max's Clinton County News copped his high school's top batting average of 358 bested $ baseball batting honors. that of all other team members. Max, 15, is now a freshman The young rookie gave credit 922.07 prize money to the expert guidance of Ovid- Elsie Coach Richard Johnson for his developing prowess in both catching and batting. A total of 46 St. Johns area John Kurncz 6.00 Murgittroyd sparks Pony Other winners were: Max, who will be a sophomore bowlers share in prize money Paul Heller-Clare Floate 11.00 George Smith i0 0o at Harrison, will serve as vice- distributed as part of winnings Dick Urban-Rollin Dunkel 16.00 Cecil Smith i6.00 president of his class. in the 66th annual Michigan State Carroll Tyler - Robert William Burnham 10.72 League with no hit game Bowling—Association tournament Kamp 27.00 H.O. Tatroe 11.00 recently concluded at Westgate Harold Pease-Joe Trafil 25.00 Paul Bishop 6.00 Bowl in Grand Raoids. LeRoy Lance - Richard Jon Tatroe 19.88 Randy Murgittroyd was the out two hits per game. JULY 16-WEDNESDAY An amount of $922.07 was Lance 25.00 Ed Martis 5.00 star of the North Star entry in Jim Lewis did the trick for Wayne Dush-Leon Lewis 8.00 the Gratiot-Clinton Pony League Eureka which downed Ashley 7-3 Ashley at North Star divided among the local winners Dennis Rademacher 5.00 Middleton at Eureka Jack Eaton-Ed Martts 20.58 last week as he led his team­ to creep above the .500 mark with the high amount of $75.25 Richard Snyder 12.26 Perrinton at Pompeii Melvin Sehlke - Jerry mates to a 3-1 no-hit victory with a 2-1 season record. being awarded Linden Lade, Larry Kuhns 12.26 Bannister—Bye Other amounts in excess of thirty Herblet 9.00 Frank Beddinger 13.00 over Eureka. Barry Coele and Lee Walker Linden Lade-Keith Penix 9.00 The victory marked the first paced Middleton in their losing dollars were paid to the Reh- Keith Shafiey 13,00 JULY 21- MONDAY Dale Martens-Tom White 13.00 for this squad in this season's effort against Bannister by clob­ mann's Clothes team, Larry Max Shinabery 9.10 North Star at Bannister Clark Shinaberger-Martin competition and North Star now bering two safe hits each. Ban­ Grennell; captain $38.75; Hub Linden Lade 75.25 Pompeii at Ashley Tire Center, Charles Weber, Richards 10.36 LeRoy Lance 7.00 stands with a victory, one tie and nister's 5-2 victory came on a bye. the strength of twelve hits with Perrinton at Middleton captain, $44j Bob Schmidt and Clare Floate 10.00 Clare Floate 25.00 Eureka—Bye Pete Warren, $37.31; JonTatroe Larry Kuhns 15.00 Dale Hardman 13.42 In other action a rash of double Frank Dudash, Tom Pumford, and H. O. Tatroe, $60; Larry Richard Lance 8.00 Charles Weber 14.00 hits marked the league's action Russell Saxton and Steve Slga- JULY 23-WEDNESDAY Juhns and Dick Fero, $37.31; Richard Bensinger 6.16 as no less than seven players in foose each collecting two apiece. $922.07 Bannister at Eureka Jim Helms, $72; Raymond Rich­ LeRoy Lance 6.00 the four game schedule rapped In other action last week Per- Winners may collect their Pompeii at North Star ards, $32.06 and Pete Warren, Clark Shinaberger 15.74 rinton presented Ashley their prize money by contacting Mike Middleton at Ashley $61.46. Max Slagel 14.45 Hatta, 500 Baker St., St. Johns. second loss in as many games by Lansing

servation Scrap Book and Flower i }^,M^>-^r**k* ir*V#i-'* THIS GIVES UP TO 50% LONGER TIRE LIFE Arranging Workshop at their last ffffpnitrmv-ri"" UNDER NORMAL DRIVING CONDITIONS, ALL meeting. Club dues were set at Our new car outdoor showroom located on Townsend Road, just off US-27, will open for OPENING OXIDATION INTERNALLY IS COMPLETELY STOPPED) 35 cents. The club will hold a business Thursday, June 26. Come on out to our Grand Opening Celebration for the best used THE TIRE WILL RUN COOLER, WITH MUCH LESS weiner roast on July 9 with a car buys in St. Johns. of our new out-door showroom swimming and bowling party DETERIORATION AND NO HEAT BUILT UP. scheduled for July and August. The members will paint two NOTICE litter barrels for thelitter barrel Combined Sell-A-Bration contest. Dennis Spitzley will be PROVIDE LONGER LIFE ON YOUR PRESENT in charge of one barrel and TIRES, LET US FILL THEM WITH NITROGEN Marilyn Weber in charge of the AT ONLY $1.00 PER TIRE. other one. Vacations taken on borrowed Twelfth money is a poor way to relax. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Anniversary vssisssss Any U.S, CROCODILE In conjunction with the opening of our new CAM &P.0W TO A LENGTH OF 15 FEET. IN THE U5 car lot we are having our 12th Anniversary IT IS Set Caster Set Toe ' Sale. Now's the best time to trade for a new Adjust Wheel Bearings or used car at Cowan's . . . our prices c are rock bottom and we're giving high trade- 99 Extra for Air Conditioning 99c Extra for Power Steering FOUND in allowances during this combined event. ONLY IN .=i ,ii." -J ii_... UL. lf.L-i.i_.! .'.Lieu i ••-'«» ' ''i led these past 12 years. THE FLORIDA SWAMPS'. YY c w i" o vi** All medication in the home Be sure to come visit us during our Anniversary Sell-A-Bration for special savings on new and A C Spark Plugs should be found only in a used cars. chest which is completely out of reach of children .... Brand New 59c eac|| Every Container Should Be Labeled .... Sell-A-Bration Starts Thursday, June 26 All medication unused for 3 months or more should be c carefully discarded. Have you checked your me­ 99 Wheel Balancing dications for safety7 ... If Our new lot will be filled.with value IlhfrvS not, DO SO NOW1 You can depend upon GLAS- PLUS WEIGHTS *. PIE DRUG, The Prescription packed new and used cars. Store Interested in Your Good Health! f YOUR HESCftlPTIQN STONE St. Johns Automotive GLASPIE DRUG Refreshments 224-3154 free Delivery STAN COWAN MERCURY, Inc. & Tire Discount will be served 221 N. CLINTON ST. JOHNS i US-27 & Townsend Rd. & 506 N. Clinton Phone 224-2334 or 224-7657 Page 20 A CLINTON COUNTY' NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969

OFICEN DOUBLE SfNGREEN STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY \M STAMPS , BROTHERS WIN More Winners!!! Roberta LeBaron St. Johns Nancy Rudy Sr. Johns Wayne O. Williams St. Johns Mrs Wilbur Brandt St. Jphns 1075 E. MAIN ST. Terry Glenn St. Johns OWOSSO, MICH. Karherine Walasek St. Johns and Fred Lewis St. Johns 911 E. STATE ST., Davis Hyler St. Johns ST. JOHNS, MICH. Nancy Ann Worrall St. Johns STORE HOURS: Piay Royal Flush Anna Smith St. Johns .9 to 9 DAILY CLOSED SUNDAYS GLENDALE FRANKS 2 lb. Pkg. CENTER CUT, SWIFT'S PRO TEN CHUCK STEAKS lb.

Falarski Ring Bologna lb. 49* Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon lb. 89« Swift's Premium Canned Ham 3 lb. Can $259 Herrud Smoky-Links lOoz. Pkg. 65* Farmer Peet's Braunschweiger lb. 49? Tender Rib Steaks lb. 99* Meaty Short Ribs lb. 49< Farmer Peet's SLICED BACON 2 lb Pkg. $139

Farmer Peet's FRANKS lb. 89* WESTERN STYLE Rose Canadian Bacon 12 oz. Pkg. J9$ CANTALOUPE /$10C 10 z Smuckers' Jellies -° - Spartan Solid APPLE, GRAPE, & BLACKBERRY 3/89* Country Fresh Cottage Cheese li°r 39^ MARGARINE lb. Pkg Polly Anna WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 4 £. M POLLY ANNA COOKIES »•»-"«. 49 c Facial Tissue WHITE or ASSORTED





TJUA Wuh ~FiMh£*™ SERVER CAP. 4 w HT umta. 1



NABISCO-14 0Z.WT.PKG. FRENCH'S e 24 OZ. PECAN SHORTBREAD V89 MUSTARD WTJAR • DUTCH TREAT PKG- / I Jet-flight to Rome Local students leave for Europe Excitement grew to a fervent ing and weekends are filled with and Mrs Jim Nuser of 902 E. Joe Goresch, of Muskegon will pitch as local students and their planned excursions, field trips State Street; Penny Foiand, also travel with the group. chaperone neared flight time and tours. daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald today, June 25, bound for an ex­ Mrs Beatrice Barnum, a There is also free time for Bast of N. Lowe Foad; Colleen citing six week study-tour of teacher of the St. Johns Public shopping and sight seeing. The Robinson, daughter of Mr and Europe with the Foreign Study Mrs Dale Robinson of 407 E. Schools, will be the students' Intensive course amounts to about chaperone. This will be the third League. Park; Rosemary Foerch, daugh­ 100 actual classroom hours plus summer that Mrs Barnum has In New York City, they will 50 field trip hours. For this the ter of Mr and Mrs Berl Foerch join 170 other youths and chap- acted in this capacity with the League grants one-half a Car­ of 141 High Street, Ovid; Jim Foreign Study League. erones from other parts of the negie unit toward graduation. Kridner, son of Mr and Mrs United States for their charter- Many local schools accept this Robert Kridner of 7850 Chandler Penny Foiand and Patty Nuser jet flight directly to Rome. Foreign Study League credltwlth Road. Elsie: Scott Bennett, son will present a model Mustang The group will study and tour some schools giving a whole of Fred A. Bennett of 210 W. as a token gift from Michigan together throughout the six week credit. Cass Street; and Jim Parr, son at a mayor's reception sometime period, spending about eightdays of Mr and Mrs Raymond Parr during the trip. The Mustang was each in Rome, the Bavarian Alps, Local students participating of 207 W. Cass Street. Jim given to the group by Bruce Paris, Amsterdam andLondon. are: Patty Nuser, daughter of Mr Goresch, son of Mr and Mrs Fowler, local Ford dealer. The Foreign Study League is the oldest and largest non-profit International high school in the world. As part of its continuing program, the league charters jets, leases dorms and school Leaving today by jet for Rome, Italy and a six week tour of Europe are buildings and schedules trips and Clinton County News front row; Patty Nuser, Scott Bennett and Penny Foiand. Back row, Mrs tours. The students spend three Beatrice Barnum, Collene Robinson, Jim Parr arid Ken Kridner. Not pres­ to four hours a day In the class­ room learning about the area. 5ECTION B Wednesday, June 25, 1969 ent for the picture were Rosemary Foerch and Jim Goresch who will also The remainder of the day, even­ be part of the group.

Re assignments released Fr. Labiak among priests in diocese given new orders

The Rev Joseph W. Labiak, ASSOCIATE PASTORS associate pastor of St. Joseph REASSIGNED TO NEW Church in St. Johns, is among PARISHES: priests in the Diocese of Lan­ Rev Neil Cornelli, (former sing who have received reassign­ Religious Order priest, new in ment orders from The Most Rev diocese) to Church of the Res­ Alexander Zaleski, bishop of the urrection, Lansing; Rev Joseph diocese. A. Droste, from St. Casimir, Father Labiak will be re­ Lansing, to St. Therese, Lan­ placed by the Rev Michael J. sing; Rev John P. Fogllo, from Haas, a Kalamazoo native re­ St. John Student Parish, East ceiving his first assignment Lansing, to St. John, Fenton; since ordination earlier this Rev Richard J. Groshek, from month. The changes are effect­ St. Mary, Flint, to St, John, ive July 1. Benton Harbor for summer only, *" Father Labiak's new duties then to post graduate studies; will be with a newly formed Rev Donald E. Henkes (new In pastoral team of priests in Flint diocese) from Immaculate Con­ with residence at St. Luke's ception, Iron Mountain, Mich., Church. He has been at St, Joseph to St. Mary, Flint; Rev Leo J. _ since the summer of 1967 and Kalinowski, from St. John, Fen-„ "prior to that served as associate ton, to St, John, Jackson; Rev pastor atSt.JohninJacksonfrom FR JOSEPH LABIAK Michael P. Matarazzo, from St, the time of his ordination in June Augustine, Kalamazoo, to new of 1963. Fenton; Rev Adolph A. Oser, pastoral team of priests, Flint, Among other transfers in the from St. John, Jackson, to ad­ with residence at Sacred Heart, diocese was the appointment of ministrator, St. Francis, Otis­ Flint; Rev Michael D. Murphy, Msgr Walter E. Mehm, vicar ville; Rev Eugene A. Sears, from from Holy Redeemer, Flint, to St. general of the diocese, as pastor administrator, Cristo Rey, Lan­ Charles, Coldwater; Rev James of St. John Vianney Parish, Flint, sing, to St. Bernard, Benton S. O'Leary, from St. Paul, succeeding Msgr Henry M. Harbor. Owosso, to St. Augustine, Kala­ Mayotte who is retiring. Msgr mazoo; Rev Duaine H. Pamment, Mehm, as vicar general, is the ASSOCIATE PASTORS from St. Casimir, Lansing, to second-ranking Catholic clergy­ ASSIGNED TO FIRST post graduate studies; Rev Law­ man in the diocese. He has been PASTORATES rence M. Parkhurst, from St. pastor of Immaculate Heart of Rev William J. Fitzgerald, Charles, Coldwater, to St. Mary, Mary parish, Lansing, for the from director, Diocesan Depart­ Mt. Morris; Rev Gerald J. last eight years. He also was ment of Religious Education, Schneider, from St. Mary, Mt. chancellor of the diocese for Lansing, to St. Joseph, Kalama­ Morris, to Patrick, Brighton; 13 years, 1955-68. zoo; Rev Thomas D. McDevitt, Rev Edwin F. Schoettle, from St. Michael, Flint, to St. Joseph, Msgr Mehm will be succeeded Holv Rosary, Flint, to St. Anthony, Hillsdale; Rev Robert St. Joseph; Rev James R.Sedlck, at Immaculate Heart Parish by from Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Rev Paul J. Cummings, cur­ F. McKeon, from St. John, Fen­ ton, to St. Isidore, Laingsburg; Lansing, to Holy Redeemer, rently pastor of St. Isidore Flint; Rev Raffo Y. Shorez,from Parish, Laingsburg. Rev William J. McKeon, from St. Mary Cathedral, Lansing, to ad­ Sacred Heart, Flint, to St. John In the lobby of our Main Office Other pastor-changes are: the ministrator; Cristo Rey, Lan­ Student Parish, East Lansing; Rev David A. Bell, from St. sing; Rev Stanley E. Sulka, from Rev Lawrence R. Spitzley, from Bernard, Benton Harbor, to St. Resurrection, Lansing, to St. St. Luke, Flint, to St. Casimir, in St. Johns Mary, Mt. Morrisj the Rev Don­ Edward, Mendon; Lansing; Rev Allen J. Theis, ald L. Eder, from St. Anthony, from St. John, Jackson, to Holy Hillsdale, to St. Luke, Flint; the Rosary, Flint; Rev Thomas W. Rev John M. Fackler, from St. Thompson, Sacred Heart, Flint, John, Fenton, to St. John, Jack­ to new pastoral team of priests, Tonight, June 25—7 to 9 p.m. son; the Rev John O.Hayes, from Flint. St. Joseph, Kalamazoo, to St. John, Fenton; the Rev Adolph A. You are cordially invited to attend our annual flower show tonight beginning Oser, from St. John, Jackson, NEWLY ORDAINED PRIESTS to administrator, St. Francis, FIRST ASSIGNMENTS: at 7 p.m. Mrs William Ullenbruch, National Graduate Judge, will be on Otisville; and the Rev Eugene Rev John L. Clark, to new hand to discuss the merits of the" many local entries. No admission charge. A. Sears, from administrator, pastoral team of priests, Flint, Refreshments will be served. Cristo Rey, Lansing, to St. Ber­ with residence at St. Luke, Flint; nard, Beaton Harbor. Rev Michael J. Howell, to St. Bishop Zaleski also confirmed Makranyi, to St. Joseph, Owosso; that two priests have requested Rev Thomas B. McCloskey, to to be relieved of the active St. Michael, Flint; Rev Robert priestly ministry and are without R. Thomas, to St. Casimir, Lan­ assignment. They are the Rev sing; Rev George X. Wesolek, Norman J. Zerfas, pastor of St. to St. John Vianney, Flint. Edward Parish, Mendon, and the Rev David L, Boggs, associate Clin fan flatimal SPECIAL: pastor, St. Joseph Parish, St. GERALD CHURCHILL Rev Joseph P. Angellnl, from Joseph, Mich. associate pastor, St. John PASTORS RETIRING: Rev Churchill Vianney, to Archdiocese of BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Msgr Henry M. Mayotte, Miami, Florida; Rev Norman A. pastor, St. John Vianney, Flint; DuKette, pastor, Christ the King, Rev Justin A. Beauvals, pastor, to conduct Flint, additional assignment to St. Mary, Morris; Rev Edward new pastoral team of priests, 11 offices serving the Clinton Area G. Donahoe, pastor, St. Luke, final service Flint; Rev Donald L. Eder, { Flint. pastor, St. Luke, Flint, additional The Rev G erald Churchill, assignment to new-pastoral team ' PASTORS ASSIGNED TO NEW minister of the First Congrega­ of priests, Flint; RevGeorge B. PASTORATES tional Church for the past five Zabelka, pastor, Sacred Heart, Msgr Walter E. Mehm, from years, will conduct his farewell Flint, additional assignment to Immaculate Heart of Mary, Lan­ services In the church on June new pastoral team of priests, sing, to St. John Vianney, Flint; 29 at 10 a.m. Flint; Rev William J. Rade- Rev David A. Bell, from St. Ber­ Rev Churchill will leave Sun­ macher, director, Diocesan Of­ nard, Benton Harbor, to St. Mary, day afternoon to return to the fice of Renewal Through Vatican Mt. Morris; Rev Paul J. Cum- Church of The Northern Light n, to St. John University, Col- njlngs, from St. Isidore, Laings­ In Anchorage, Alaska, The trip legeville, Minn, for post gradu­ CLINTOMg burg, to Immaculate Heart of will take them to Colorado, Cali­ ate studies; Rev David L. Boggs, NATIONAL^ Mary, Lansing; Rev Donald L. fornia and Washington before associate pastor, St. Joseph, St. Eder, from St. Anthony, Hills­ they reach the Alaskan Highway. Joseph, requested to be relieved dale, to St. Luke, Flint; Rev Dr Clyde Wilcox, minister of of active priestly ministry; Rev John M. Fackler, from St. John, the St. Johns church for 14 Norman J. Zerfas, pastor, St. % Fenton, to St. John, Jackson; 1950 19 Edward Mendon, requested to be years ,( " 63) will conduct •A Rev John O. Hayes, from St. the Family Worship Service on relieved of active priestly Joseph, Kalamazoo, toSt. John, July 6, 20, and 27th. at 10 a.m. ministry. Page 2 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969 YOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON Food standards are EXTENSION REPORT DEALER Who's somewhat like recipe Nitrogen risks By HELEN B. MEACH Supporting Saltier & Son, Inc Extension Home Economist By GEORGE McQUEEN Phone 236^-7280 Middlcton How many boxes or cans of want the top grade although most food do you open in your kitchenl shoppers think that Grade A Is Whom ? each week7 The count mlghtsur- Just fine. Meat buyers know Farmers should not risk ap­ too, to control weeds. But foliar TRACTORS they're getting the bestwhenthey plying nitrogen to the foliage of applications of herbicides In AlHs-ChaJmers C tractor with cultivator. prise you. You might also be surprised to choose Prime Beef; but again, their young corn crop, warns a combination with nitrogen on corn DMA REPORT FOR MAY 1969 Farmall A, new paint with buzz saw. IIS Choice is more widely avail­ Michigan State University soil plants could be a big mistake, know that government standards No. Lbs. Lbs, John Deere G narrow front. for safety and quality play a able and is of very satisfactory scientist. warns Vitosh. % Cows John Deere 420 utility w/3 point hitch. Name Cows Milk B'Fat In Test part In more and more of the quality. "Applications of less than 10 The most commonly used Oliver super 88 dlesel wide front. herbicides, atrazine and 2,4-D, food you buy for your family. lbs. of urea spray per acre 1213 60 91 Oliver 550 are most commonly recom­ Ed Delamater 33 When choosing ready-made A look at the annual crop cal­ in 50 gallons of water have been 1656 58 98 John Deere 4010 dlesel 15.5x38 tires. mended for spraying before the Harry Sanborn 28 rather than do-it-yourself, the ender published by the Giant known to cause scorching and 1701 56 93 MF 65 diesel-matic with 13.6 x 38 tires. plant comes out of the ground. Robert Nurenberg 36 homemaker can be sure that Benton Harbor FruitMarketpro- chlorosis of corn two to three 1554 56 102 MF 65 diesel-matic with 14.9 x 28 tires. They can be risky because of Frank Prochazka 23 these food standards protect her. mises plenty of good eating in feet tall,* reports Dr Maurice 1407 56 105 MM G6 Diesel with 18.4 tires. the chance of injury to the plant, Wyrick Brothers 31 A food standard Is somewhat L. Vitosh. "Although we have no 1428 55 102 MISC. IMPLEMENTS the weeks ahead. This calendar is says Vitosh. Francis Motz 31 like a recipe. Standards of iden­ is an expert guess as to when new data available on small corn Robert Wilcox 27 1577 54 92 Case 4 row rear cultivator. tity have been established for Michigan's farms and gardens plants, we suspect that even, Laweda Farms 56 1564 54 87 Gehl Chopper with corn and hay head. many of our staple foods and have smaller amounts of nitrogen Don Witt & Son 34 1467 53 86 MF No. 141 four row front cultivator. been called the nation's mostim- will begin to yield their crops. spray would cause severe burn­ 1548 52 92 Sweet and sour James George 33 John Deere 45 sp. with grain and bean equipment. portant cookbook. They define the carries, rasp- ing of the leaves. William Mayers 32 1361 52 95 John Deere 45 sp. with cab, power steering, corn and normal composition of the food, berries and blackberries are due Fred Mayers 20 1400 51 90 bean equipment. the required kinds and amounts 51 76 this week. Harvest always starts "The amount that can be Rostan Mehney & Son 25 1307 IH No. 76 with bean equipment and spring; 2 cylinder. 50 95 of ingredients, and the per­ slowly, of course, and picks up sprayed on corn plants is very Ed Grams & Sons 132 1479 IH No. 64 with bean equipment and spring; 2 cylinder. 49 100 missible ingredients that may be volume about 10 days into the small and has no beneficial ef­ Ron Spltzley 67 ,1379 IH 16 ft. wheel drag. 49 89 added at the option of the manu­ season. We don't have the sharp fect, provided there Is adequate Kenneth Thelen 38 1340 3 Ford 2 row cultivators. facturer. It is the optional in­ Marvin Simon 1285 49 80 IH 4 row front cultivator. seasonal breaks we used to see nitrogen in the soil" 34 gredients, that make the dif- in fresh fruits and vegetables. Dale Anderson 45 953 49 91 John Deere 4 row front cultivator. 48 92 ference in flavor among various Neighbo/lng states to ^ south Vitosh says many farmers Ernest Jackson 51 1426 48 Dodge truck with rack and hoist. S & H Farms 48 91 brands. beat our harvest ,dates by a week missed their chance to put on Clinton County 73 1387 IH 449 4 row planter. . A. W. Cobb & Son 48 91 Standards set a minimum (or or two thus overlapping our nitrogen before planting because 37 1333 IH no 46 baler. Warren Swanson 48 84 floor) figure for the major in­ homegrown supplies—a good of the wet spring. And some News 26 1264 George Smith 48 89 gredients and may set a maximum thing, we'd all agree. would like to put on a herbicide, 29 1039 (or ceiling) on such "filler" in­ George Jorae 27 1301 47 86 gredients as water. A manufac­ Jerome Spitzley 35 1223 47 83 turer may add more of a major Zeebs Dairy Farm 101 1305 46 93 ingredient—more beef in the beef William Knight 36 1223 46 97 45 86 We Now Have stew, for example—but he can Don Swagart 30 1323 45 96 never go below the standard. Mervin Chamberlain 27 1208 45 94 Federal standards have been Lynn Flckies 25 911 44 104 established for about 200 food Joseph Wing 36 1126 43 91 Available products. . .no easy task. Food Woodard Dunkel 1229 26 43 94 and Drug Inspectors visit fac­ Darwin Smith & Sons 1156 40 43 93 tories, question homemakers and Al Vltek & Sons 1131 39 42 96 study cookbooks in determining Ervin Marten 1072 39 42 87 what the standards shall be. They Frank Rivest 1053 Baler Twine E. A. Livingston 94 42 88 want the food products the home- 37 804 maker buys in the store to meet Darrell Martin 41 88 Russell Ormsby 30 1261 41 85 her expectations. Because the 29 1221 noodles a homemaker would make George Hazle 41 100 Robert Borton & Sons 10 1209 41 91 and in her kitchen contain eggs, she 1159 Dennis Thelen 53 41 87 may be sure that the product 66 1104 labeled "noodles" and available Leon Miller 40 78 D. & V. Green 35 1112 297 81 in the store will also contain egg 1280 1009 yolk or whole eggs. , Raymond Mayers 36 94 Alfalfa Weevil Carl Burk 91 995 36 78 Federal grades for foods are Paul Nobis 31 928 35 83 another means of protecting the Peter Kurncz 67 1013 33 95 consumer in the market place. 112 924 WAYNE These grades. . . sometimes FEEDS Spray letter grades, sometimes number grades, and sometimes words... HIGH 305 DAY LACTATION RECORDS assist the food shopper in making quality identifications. It must EMPLOYEES RECEIVE SERVICE AWARDS OWNER BREED MILK B'FAT have been an advertising man who determined the word grades. Marvin Simon Holstein 20965 797 FARMERS CO-OP Top grade for honey, for ex­ Fred Bamett, field man for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conser­ Robert Nurenberg Holstein 19928 762 J. Spltzley•* ample, is.US Fancy,,and the sec­ vation Service presented service awards to two employees of the office on Holstein 20360 "752. ELEVATOR mq- ond grade is US choice. When jMagyin Simon *. Holstein 20925 726 June. 17. Mrs Hazel Ballentine (center) received a 30 year pin and certif­ D. & V. Green- FOWLER' - PHOI^E 582-2661 eggs are on your list, you'll Holstein 17843 724 select Fresh Fancy or AA if you icate. The ASCS office is located at 100 S. Ottawa Street. D. & V. Green Holstein 20567 717 Marvin Simon Holstein 18653 701 Dennis Thelen Holstein 17105 692 Marvin Simon Holstein 17690 688 Herb .Thelen Holstein 15983 685 Private It's summer-buckle Laweda Farms Holstein 20000 674 Marvin Simon Holstein 18699 673 Beautiful Frank Prochazka Holstein 19968 664 D. & V. Green Holstein .14902 661 Leo Kowatch Holstein 17890 660 up driving habits D. & V. Green Holstein 16892 660 D. & V. Green Holstein 17921 By LORRAINE SPRAGUE age, needs to be alert while at D. & V. Green 656 RAINBOW LAKE Holstein 17845 Extension Home Economist the wheel. Feeling either,sleepy Dale Anderson 655 Holstein 12108 or somewhat ill is a sure invita­ Zeebs Dairy Farm 653 Holstein 20185 652 Summer weather means lots tion for trouble. No one should Leo Kowatch 17705 of automobiles on the road. Va­ drive after taking medication. Holstein 651 THINK!!! cationers, whether driving close Elderly persons or persons who to home, or far away help in­ have recently had serious ill­ crease highway traffic. Of course nesses should have the frank to date on traffic laws and rules fasten the seat belt every time Why Not Live Where You business driving remains an im­ opinion of their doctor regarding of safe driving. Before driving in he slips in behind the steering V*r portant part of traffic the year the advisability of their driving. unfamiliar areas or states, check wheel. A wise passenger will be round. Keep your mind on your for any specific laws of which a sure the seat belt is secure for With all things taken into con­ driving. Conversation is fine, but driver should be aware. even the shortest drive. PLAY and PLAY Where sideration — warm weather, driving comes first. Children Unreasonably slow driving can longer daylight hours to encour­ riding in an automobile should be be as dangerous as too fast age longer driving hours, care­ taught to wear seatbelts and be driving. Modern highways, with free spirits and down a long list moderately quiet so as to cause heavy traffic, require all drivers Hubbtardston You Live? — it pays to take extra precau­ no distraction to the driver. An to keep pace. A busy highway is Mrs Mamie O'Connell tions for safe driving. Here are a automobile is not an active game no place for a leisurely Sunday Phone 981-2374 Rainbow Lake Offers Large Spacious Sites few reminders. center. afternoon of sightseeing. For Permanent Homes. No Double Taxes Every driver, regardless of ALL DRIVERS should keep up Whenever possible, planning To Pay. No Long Drives up North. The either short or long trips to avoid HUBBARDSTON "rush* hours is wise. MAMIE O'CONNELL, Whole Family Can Enjoy Year Around Re­ Cars need to be kept in good Mr and Mrs Roy Sanborn and laxation & Fun. AUCTION SALE condition. Windshields and head­ Mr and Mrs Henry Tabor at­ Having decided to quit farming I will sell at public auction lights must be clean. Regular tended the centennial banquet of God Supplied the Beauty on the premises located 6 miles south of Ovid on Meridian check-ups on brakes, lights, the Scottish Rite of the Masonic Road or 2 miles north of Laingsburg tires, turn signals and other Lodge of Western Michigan in MtDDLETON mechanical parts are important. Grand Rapids, June 21. MS? We only made the lake SATURDAY, JUNE 28 Safety belts should be used at Francis S chafer of Lansing STARTING AT 10:30 a.m. all times by all occupants. An spent June 19 with his parents John Deere A tractor, hydraulic unfastened seat belt is absolutely Mr and Mrs JosephSchafer. Private RAINBOW LAKE INT 2 14-in. plows no protection. Many accidents Winifred Cunningham returned Dearborn 13 hoe grain drill occur on short trips —sometimes home June 19 after spending 500 acres Oliver 13 hoe grain drill on steel trips of only a few blocks — so several days in Carson City Hos­ Oliver 77 tractor a wise driver will adjust and pital. M-Moline RTU tractor (needs repair) Central Michigan's Most John Deere 16A flail chopper Ford 7 ft, mounted mower Desirable Location. 3 ton farm wagon with steel grain box ? ARE YOU A GRASS CUTTER ? , John Deere chopper with corn head t , John Deere manure spreader We still have a few real good Boating, Skiing, Swimming, Scuba Diving, Hydraulic cylinder—Cement mixer— bargains in YARDMAN riding lawn Excellent Fishing, Sunbathing or just plain 8 hole hog feeder mowers—also walk behind. Co~me Leisure Living 2 16-ft. wood farm gates Forney 180 amp arc welder with battery charger take a look. Jewelry wagon LIVESTOCK ? SIMPLICITY ? ' Office HrS. Dai'V 10:00 A.M. til Dark 3 Holstein cows with calves by side 2 Jersey cows 1 White face heifer SURE! We can give you any size 2 Holstein yearling steers 2 bulls, Guernsey and Holstein 4 Holstein yearling feeder heifers 8 bred hog gilts—2 barrows to do your job the Easy Way. AUTOMOTIVE H. Hugh Adams 1966 Mustang 3 speed Convertible, WHY NOT STOP IN ....OR - 1964 Plymouth Fury convertible 3 speed, good condition CALL FOR AN EVENING APPOINTMENT? MGR. 1956 Ford F-250 3/4 ton pickup Sale starts with household goods, Refreshments available EASLICK PROPERTIES, Inc. vSwIvKvSKWMKf TERMS: Cash. Anyone desiring credit see your bank GU SALES before sale. Not responsible for accidents. U9-27 at DILL ROAD — DEWTTT P.O. Box 116 JOHN CARROLL, SR., Prop. " WHERE SERVICE IS A HABIT • PHONE 669-1107 MAPLE RAPIDS, MICH, Ph. 517*682-40*1 - JIMSYKORA, Auctioneer* clare,386>-2252 Central National Bank, OviH Branch, Clerk CLIFF LOBSCH, OWNER

J. Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 3 |j

News About Clinton County E A ^ * ,969 „ t*^.^,-* W >}•<& MSU professor given PerMnnel national recognition Tex,, before arriving overseas in July 1968. Howard F. McColly,professor organization "dedicated to the in­ His wife, Lillian, lives at 1110 cultural Engineers for "ex­ of agricultural engineering at spiration of youth" — annually ceptional and meritorious en? MIddlebelt Road, Ovid. Michigan State University, was honors extraordinary leaders In gineering achievement In agri­ * * presented with the Golden Plate the sciences, professions, in­ culture." The award is generally U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt FOS­ Award last night by the American dustry, arts andservlcetofellow regarded as being the most; TER E. CAMERON,sonofMrand Academy of Achievement, man. Past honorees include Gen­ prestigious award which can be Mrs Bruce A. Cameron of McColly, who was citedforhis eral Douglas Mac Arthur, Dr bestowed upon an agricultural Eureka, has been named Out­ contributions to the field of agri­ Michael E. DeBakey, Bob Hope, engineer by his colleagues. standing Maintenance Man of the cultural engineering, was one of Louis Nizer, Dr Joyce Brothers Professor McColly joined the Month in the 379th Airborne Mis­ 50 recipients. Other honorees In­ and Allen Drury. sile Maintenance Squadron at Michigan State agricultural en­ cluded astronauts William For Professor McColly, the Wurtsmlth AFB, Mich. gineering staff in 1949. He has Anders and Frank Borman, base­ award marked the second time in Sergeant Cameron, a missile coauthored two books, con­ ball immortal Mickey Mantle, a year that he had received guidance and control technician, tributed to several others and entertainer Polly Bergen and national recognition for his work. was selected for his leadership prepared more than 30 smaller Deputy Secretary of Defense In June 1968, he was awarded and performance. He is a member publications. He and his wife, David Packard, the Cyrus Hall McCormick Medal of the Strategic Air Command. Esther, have three daughters The Academy — a non - profit by the American Society of Agri- The sergeant is a graduate of and 10 granchildren. Atlanta (Mich.) High School and attended Alpena (Mich.) Com­ munity College. His wife, Suzanne, is the daugh­ EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES AT EUREKA Brown submits legislation * DANIEL KETCHUM ter of the Rev and Mrs Oliver Weber of Lewlston. Pfc. Daniel H. Ketchum who Eureka eighth graders who will move into [unior high in St, Johns next was injured in an automobile * * accident a few weeks ago will (10CM016401) June 10-USS year are: front row, John Seyrek, Vicki Mullen, Connie Murray, Linda for lumber price stability be confined to the hospital for YORKTOWN (FHTNC)-Fireman Waggoner, Debbie Wickwire and Bruce Cameron; second row, Steve Flegel, eight months to one year. He DAVID L. LEONARD, USN, son of Karen Snyder, Ruth Oakley, Karen Worden, Don Jacobs and Randy Boss; U.S. Representative Garry entitled the National Forest Tim­ ment methods to vast areas of has had a change of address and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leonard of Brown (R-Mlch) announced today ber Supply Act of 1969, sets up Federal commercial forest lands mail will now reach him at: Grange Road, Eagle, Mich., and third row, David Harger, Kathy Eastment, Jill Bunce, Cindy Lewis, John that he has joined many of his a high timber yield fund as a which are now neglected or are Pfc. Daniel H. Ketchum RA husband of the former Miss Janet Makara, Bruce Randolph and Jim Webere colleagues In both houses of the repository for 65 percent of the reserved from harvest because! 68078252 Ward 2A. Bed 23, Ir­ Y. Dubois of Route 1, Tupper Congress in sponsoring legisla­ timber sale receipts from Fed­ there has previously been no win Army Hospital, Fort Riley, Lake Road, Grand Ledge, Mich., tion designed to promote long- eral commercial forest lands, Ka., 66442. is serving aboard the aircraft range lumber supply and price long range assurance that funds (By existing law, 25% of Federal would be available for sustained * * carrier USS York town. stability. timber sale receipts revert to Army Pvt CLARKF.DURFEE, The Yorktown Is part of a "The continuing 'National the county supplying the timber, commercial timber operations. 19, son of Mr and Mrs Neal W. North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ Housing Goals' hearings of my and 10% go to the State of origin). Funds deposited but unappropri­ Durfee of 613 Birchwood Drive, tion (NATO) exercise in the Subcommittee on Housing have The Federal timber management ated within two years revert to DeWitt, was assigned May 6 to the Caribbean. The mission dubbed emphasized the immediate and agencies will be able to draw the Treasury, Included among 52nd Artillery Group in Viet "Exercise Sparkplug" is com­ long range need for a massive upon thatfund(estimatedat$200- the provisions of Brown's bill Nam as a cannoneer. prised of joint naval forces from effort to product more lumber $300 million annually) through are safeguards for conservation * * the US, Canada, Portugal, Great if our nation's housing needs the regular appropriations prof­ and recreation, as Chief Cliff Britain, GermanyandtheNether- are to be met," Brown noted. ess to obtain the dollars neces­ emphasized that "efforts to in­ Army S/4 STUART A. Mc- lands. The Michigan lawmaker's bill, sary to apply modern manage­ crease timber yield on the DIASMID, 22, son of Mr andMrs "Sparkplug" is designed to seek Robert McDiarmid of 1044Belton out and destroy enemy sub­ Street, Ovid, received the Air marines In a mock war by using Medal near Pleiku, Viet Nam, destroyer aircraft carrier strike May 15. power. The success of the oper­ Downing family receives Spec. 4 McDiarmid earned the ation depends on the cooperation award for meritorious service between the combined naval while participating in aerial flight forces. posthumous awards in support of ground operations Prior to this operation the in Viet Nam. Norfolk based carrier visited Mr and Mrs Ross Downing lems inherent in combat envi­ military service and reflect great St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. A machine gunner in Troop D, were presented posthumously the ronment greatly enhanced an credit upon himself and the US Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart allied effectiveness against a de­ 2nd Battalion of the 4th Infantry Wherever American soldiers Army." Division's 1st Cavalry, the and Good Conduct Medal awarded termined and aggressive enemy. serve overseas, they give our to their son, Duane, who was specialist entered the 'Army in free world allies concrete "Dssplte many adversities, her -Duane entered the service on' September 1967 and completed killed in Viet Nam on Feb. invariable performed his duties Jan. 23, 1968 and went to Viet evidence of our determination to 23,1969. basic training at Ft. Knox, Ky. stand with them against the com­ in a resolute and efficient man­ Nam on June 23, 1969. He passed, He was stationed at Ft. Hood, ner. Energetically applying his away in a field hospital, Feb, 23, mon dangers of aggression. Prior to his death Duane had sound judgment and extensive after being hit by mortar frag­ received the National Defense knowledge, he has contributed ments during a Viet Cong attack 8TH GRADE GRADUATION HELD AT EAST ESSEX Service Medal, Viet Nam Ser­ materially to the successful ac­ on a base camp landing zone near. vice Modal, Viet Nam Campaign complishment of the United States Da Nang. Duane was a graduate-1 Ribbon, Combat Infantry Badge, From the 'A dinner-dance was held June 6 from'6:30 ro 11 p.m. for the graduation mission in the Republic' of Viet of Rodney B. Wilson High School? Expert Badge, with machine guh class at East Essex School. Rev William Tate of the United Methodist Church •Nam. - i ty with the class of 19S7. ; and rifle bars, and the Marksman "His loyalty, diligence and de­ was the guest speaker and gave the invocation and benediction. Pictured a- Badge with automatic rifle bar. Mr and Mrs Ross Downing* state house votion to duty were in keeping reside at 610 Baldwin Street, bove in the back row are; John Arehart, teacher, with Roy Harlow, Beverly Major Borden and Warrant Of­ with the highest traditions of the ficer Langford presented the St. Johns. By DICK ALLEN Wing, Sherry Bellinger, Wendy Smith, Jeffrey Plowman, and teacher Lannie 88th District Representative awards to his parents on June 10. Fisher. Center row, Gary Bast, Jeffrey Shaw, Stephen Mitchell, Betty Shin- The citation read: abery, Steve Delay, Mark Kingsbury and Mark Young. Front row, Jeff Eld- wSp/4 Do.vningwas awarded the The School Aid Bill finally Ashley, $22.00 per student in­ ridge, Evelyn Bishop, Carol Hunter, Kathy Wakefield, Kim MacLuckie and Bronze Star Medal for outstand­ made its complete tortuous trip crease. ' John Gillespie. Mrs.Dale Plowman served as general chairman and was as­ ing meritorious service in con­ through the legislature. Fulton, $14.00 per student in­ nection with military operations The total increase over last crease, * sisted by the eighth grade parents. The PTA furnished the corsages, and Mrs year is 89 million dollars or against a hostile force in the Rep­ Districts having suffered large Mary Welton was dining room hostess. Mrs Beverly Baker presented the di­ ublic of Viet Nam during the about 12 per cent. Special edu­ increases in valuation receive the cation received the largest single plomas and Mrs Stuart Smith and Mrs Dale Mitchell were in charge of the period June 1968 to February smallest gains but, of course, 1969. increase, about 37 per cent. they receive increasedlocal rev­ orchestra and decorations. Special education is the only enue from the higher valuation. school program about which I Most schools in our area have "He consistently manifested have had letters of praise from been operating on tight budgets Bingham Grange exemplary professionalism and parents and other non-educators. and certainly need any increase . (VIEWS, WANf ADS - initiative in attaining outstanding Transportation, a large ex­ they get. If your school in one elects officers results. His rapid assessment pense in our area, was increased that apparently will receive a Bingham Grange met Saturday and solution of numerous prob­ from 22 to 26 million. Inter­ little more than was predicted evening, June 14, for their an­ mediate school districts were in­ earlier, I believe itis the public's nual election of officers. Results creased 27 per cent. responsibility to make certain it were: Loyd Atkinson, president; is spent in the best possible Clarence Hill, overseer; Bessie A large amount of controversy manner. Perhaps recently cut­ Hill, lecturer; Ben Gillison, ste­ and misunderstanding has cen­ back programs should be re- ward; Russell Morrison, assis­ tered on the basic aid formula instituted or teachers should be tant steward; Ina Morrison, lady WE'VE MOVED! which was increased by 10 per better paid. assistant steward; Mildred At­ •HARDWARE cent. Basic aid is distributed If a thorough study proves kinson, chaplain; Marian Hill, *PAINT by a formula which gives less to money is still inadequate, local secretary; Don Devereaux, trea­ wealthy districts, more topooref millage' should be passed. Our surer; Eugene Lamb, gate "PANELING ones. Consequently, as the prop­ public schools are one of the keeper; Hazel Halsey, Pomona; erty value per student Increases, last bulwarks of local govern­ Maralyse Brooks, Ceres; and •GLASS basic aid decreases. Some school ment and local control. Only Helen Baumgartner, Flora. districts in our area have had strong cooperation and complete A light lunch was served after UIGHT large recent increases in valua­ candor between local taxpayers, the Father's Day program. The tion due to State Tax Commis­ school officials and state of­ next meeting will be held on FIXTURES sion Studies. This had lead to ficials will preserve them. Saturday evening, July 12, predictions by some that state aid per student would drop. After an earlier newspaper article es­ timating losses of 40, 25 and 10 dollars per student for area FLIES schools, I made a public offer to WE REPAIR SCREENS & WINDOWS buy dinner for the superintendent and school board of any school hatch and die with in the district which received less than the current state aid We Are Now Stocking per student. I felt they were Purina CHECK-FLY seriously overestimating valua­ tion or underestimating the CATTLE BLOCKS Pre-finished school aid formula and that this' could confuse the public. Let heifers and dry cows eat PICTURE Even with the basic aid formula Cattle Blocks with the built- Federal Land Bank Association and set it is necessary to use es­ in maggot killer. Fewer mag­ timates of valuation per student, gots mean fewer face and but the following figures should horn flies. Provide needed FRAMES be close to final for these area minerals and salt, aid in con­ Production Credit Association have schools. trolling worms, too. Many sizes Grand Ledge, $20.00 per stu­ dent increase. Control flies the easy way. moved to 1104 South US-27. (Just & colors to Alma, $32.00 per student In­ See us soon for Purina Check- choose from crease, Fly Cattle Blocks. Breckenridge, $15.00 per stu­ ar dent increase. north of Capri Motel). Business as Usual! St. Louis, $14.00 per student Increase. Fowler, $35,00 per studentin- Mathews Elevator crease. Phone 582-2551 Coleman, $40.00 per student FOWLER increase. L7YNDBATMK Ovid- Else, $33.00 per student Increase. Ithaca, no increase, no loss. :•:•:•:•:•«*:•>:•:• Page 4B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, .St, Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969 Elsie Area ELSIE M15THODIST CHURCH Rev Gordon Showers, Minister '\ J 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. \ Next Sunday In Merle Baese,

DUPLAIN METHODIST CHURCH Rev Gordon Showers, Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. Ken-, OTR^TW and Clinton County Churches neth Kiger 11 a.m.—Worship service All Churches in Clinton County are invited to send FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH their weekly announcements to The Clinton County Rev Lome Thompson, Pastor . 10:00 a.m.—Worship service News. They must reach us by 10 a.m. Monday to insure 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School, Paul Brown, Supt. publication in the current week's issue. 6 p.m.—Junior and Senior BYF 7 p.m.—Everting Service 3:30 p.m., Wednesday—Junior and St. Johns Area SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 7;uQ p.m.—Evangelistic Service Senior Choir practice. .680 North Lansing Street 0:00 p.m.—Morning Choir practices 7 p.m., Wednesday — Prayer and Elder, E. F. HerzeJ, Pastor Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. — Mid-week Bible Study. Services held on Saturday Prayer Service; 8:00 p,m,—Morning FinST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 9:15 a-m.-—Church Service Choir practice , Saint Johns, Michigan 10:30 a.m.—Sabbath School Service Saturday 10:00 a.m.—Jr. Choir prac­ ELSIE BD3LE BAPTIST CHURCH „ Gerald ChurchilJ. Minister tice 115 E. Main St. wcd„ June 25 — 6:45. Boy Scout 1st Thursday 7:30 p.rru—Woman's Roy F. LaDuke, Pastor Troop No. 81; 0:00, Senior Choir re* SHEPARDSVILLE UNITED Mission Society 10 a.m.—Sunday School nearsal. METHODIST CHURCH 2nd Saturday 2:00 p.m.—Ann Judson. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Sat., June 2&-12:30, Junior Choir Rev Leroy Howe Guild for Jr. Hi. girls 7 p.m.—Evening Service rehearsal; 1:00, Children's Choir re­ 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m.—Men's Fel­ 7 p.m.—Wednesday Bible Study hearsal. 11 a.m.—Church School lowship S > 1 tn ^ - J "* 2ft-9:30; Pastoral Board; DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST 10:00, Summer Communion and re­ CHURCH OF GOD Fowler Area 3 miles west Ovid-Elsie High School ception of new members. Sermon; Rev Dean Stork, Pastor MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 5565 E, Colony Road "lo Be Continued." Whlttemore and Railroad on US-27 Justin Shepard, Minister Wed.. July Z—7:30, Board of Trus­ 10:00 a.m.—Church School Rev Fr Albert J. Schmltt, Pastor tees. Sunday Masses—6:30, 8:30 and 10:30 Jack Schwark, S.S. Supt. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship a.m. 10 a.m.—Bible School ' 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship 11 a.m.—Worship Hour 7:00 p.m.—Adult Prayer group Weekdays—During school year, 1 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service a.m. and 8:15 a.m. 7 p.m.—Junior and Youth Fellow- Rev. Harold E. Homer, Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer meet­ Holy Days—5:30, 7:30 a.m, and 8 •ship 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev ing; choir practice, 7 p.m. p.m. 7:45 p.m.—Evening Service Homer will be at Conference — a Sorrowful Mother Novena—Friday, 7 p.m., Wednesday—Prayer Meet­ representative of Gideons Interna­ 7:30 p.m. ing tional will be guest speaker. PILGRIM UNITED Saturdays—7:30 a.m. Wed., June IB—9 to 11:30 a.m., Va­ METHODIST CHURCH ST. CYRIL CATHOLIC CHURCH cation Church School. (Formerly EUB Church) ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Fr E. J. Konieczka, Pastor - West Michigan Annual Conference Eugene W. Friesen, Minister Fowler, Michigan Rectory: Bannister, Phone 862-5270 at Albion June 18 through the 22nd. Brian K. Sheen, Assistant Minister H. E. Rossow, Pastor Sunday Masses—8:30 and 10:30 a.m. W. Pilgrim (formerly Bengal EUB) 9 a.m.—Worship Daily MasS—7:30 a.m.; First Fri­ Corner of Parks and Grove Roads 10 a.m.—Sunday School , day, 8 p.m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH E. Pilgrim (formerly Bingham EUB) Holy Days—Masses 7 a.m. ana 8 US-27 at Sturgls Corner of Taft and County Farm Rds. P.m. Rev Robert D. Koeppen, Pastor Combined worship services for the Riley Township Confessions—4 to 5 and 7:30 to 9 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible summer will be held at East Pilgrim 8:30 p.m. every Saturday and before Classes Church through July 13. West Pilgrim Mass on Sundays, Holy Days and ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH First Fridays. 10:15 a.m.—Divine Worship Church July 20 through August 31. MISSOURI SYNOD Holy Communion, 1st Sunday each 9:30 a.m.—Worship Service V/z miles west of St. Johns on M-21 month. 10:30 a.m.—Church School 5'A miles south oh Francis road Church Nursery during services. Combined Junior MYF will be held 2 miles west on Church road Eagle Area 6 and 7:30 p.m.—Instruction Clas­ at the parsonage (located at Parks ' Marvin L. Barz, Pastor, ses, Mondays. and DeWitt Roads) at 6:30 p.m. Com­ 8 a.m.—Worship Service EAGLE METHODIST CHURCH 6:30 p.m.—Junior Choir, Wednesday bined Senior MYF will be held at the 9:15 a.m.—Sunday School Rev Alfred Tripp, Pastor night. parsonage at 7:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 14246 Michigan Avenue 7:30 p.m.—Senior Choir, Wednesday Holy Communion first Sunday ear-, Telephone 627-6533 night. ly service, third Sunday late service. 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 0:30.11:30 a.m.—Confirmation In­ CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 11:10 a.m.—Church School struction. Saturdays. 515 North Lansing Street 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service First Tuesday each month. Ladles' Rev Wesley Manker SOUTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH 7:30 p.m.—Senior MYF Sunday Guild, 8 Phone 224-7050 Willard Farrier, Pastor 7:00 p.m.—Junior MYF Wednesday Second Tuesday each month, Men's 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Located Va mile east of Francis Club, 8 p.m. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Road on Chadwick Road EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH Third Tuesday each month, Lu­ 6:15 p.m.—Young People's Service 10 a.m.—Sunday School Rev. and Mrs Royal Burnett, Pastor theran Women's Missionary League, 7"0) p.m.—Evening Worship 11 a.m.—Worship Service 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. — Caravan. 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Adult information classes held at 7:45 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer hour. 7:30 p.m. — Wednesday Prayer the convenience of the interested meeting parties. Phone 224-7400 (parsonage) Gunnisonville Area or 224-3544 (office) for specific in­ FREE METHODIST CHURCH formation. 305 Church Street GUNNISONVILLE Ovid Area Church office hours: Monday, Wed­ E. E. Courser, Minister UNITED METHODIST CHURCH nesday. Thursday, Friday—9 to 12 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Clark and Wooa Roaas OVDD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH a.m. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship - Rev Marcel B. Elliott, Pastor Highways, ^superhighways, turnpikes, freeways, expressways—they crisscross 7:45 p.m.—Evening Worship 9 a.m.—Sunday School Main at Oak Street Thursday, 7:45 p.m.—Prayer service 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev Earl C. Copelln, Pastor America, leading in every imaginable direction. And, they get you there so fast, you ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 8:00 p.m.(2nd and 4th Thursdays) A friendly church where all are Myron Woodruff, Church School Supt. Rev William G. Hankerd, Pastor Free Methodist Youth meeting welcome Mrs Ida Beardslee, Organist are past the right exit before you know it. We live in such a speed-oriented world Rev Joseph-Labiak 9:45 a.m.—Church School Associate Pastor 11 a.m.—Morning Worship that, when we are not •working, we feel we must "hurry up and relax." At times we Rectory—109 Linden St.—Ph. 224-3313 ASSEMBLY OF GOD Wednesday, 7 p.m., Senior Choir even feel guilty when we are not busy about something. Convent—110 S. Oakland—Ph. 224-3789 S. US-27 &-E, Baldwin Maple Rapids Area Wednesday, 8 p.m., Prayer School—201 E. Cass—Ph. 224-2421 Joseph F. Egeri Jr.', Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School GREENBUSH METHODIST CHURCH Psalms Mass Schedule 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH We don't really like our foolish pace. We speak longingly of peace of mind and Sundays—Winter (September-June) 6:30 p.m.—Youth Service Rev William Tate Ovid, Michigan quietude, and we take tranquilizers by the ton. We search frantically ... on vaca­ 42 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 noon and 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m.—Sunday Evening 10:30 a.m.—Church School Robert B. Hayton, Pastor Summer (June-September) 6, 8, 10, 11:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School tions, on "lost weekends," on "fun activities" , . . but tranquility is hard to find. 12 noon and 7 p.m. 7 p.m.—Wednesday, second and Psalms fourth, WMC 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Holy Days—See bulletin. 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday evening MAPLE RAPIDS 6 p.m.—Sunday evening singing for 51 Weekdays—Monday, Friday and METHODIST CHURCH boys and girls. Perhaps we are seeking too hard. Perhaps tranquility is not to be sought. Rather, Saturday—7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Tues­ service . Rev William Tate, Pastor 7 p.m.—Sunday evening services. day, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 . Sunday Wednesday evening prayer meeting isn't it What happens when you are at peace with yourself, no matter the circum­ Psalms a.m. and 7:15 p.m. DeWitt Area 9 a.m.—Morning Worship at 7 p.m. stances? 68 Sacrament of Penance—Saturdays, 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 3:30 to 5 p.m.; 7:30 to 9 p.m. Week­ . DeWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH Monday CHURCH OF GOD day evenings—a few minutes before (Inter-denominational) 7 p.m.—Webelos You can be at peace with yourself only when you are at peace with God, He is Psalms evening Mass. . _ Ovid, Michigan Rev Sidney J. Rowland, Pastor Tuesday Rev. L. Sanders, Pastor the very center of your being, and His peace is freely given when you accept it. 73 First Fridays—Sacrament of Pen­ Marjorle Rowland, Supt. -1:30 p.m.—WSCS, first Tuesday of 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School ance, Thursday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Amy Mulford, Co-Supt. month. 11: CO a.m.—Morning Worship Psalms and after the evening Mass until all 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school for all 7 p.m.—Chapel Choir rehearsal 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship are heard. Mass and Prayers of ages Accept this great gift of God in the very best place of all—His Church. Adoration at 7:15 p.m. Holy Com­ 8 p.m.—Official Board meets on 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service 78:1-16 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Nursery second Tuesday of month. 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, Bible Study; munion on Friday ^t 6 and 7:15 a.m. provided during morning worship. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Wednesday 8:45 p.m.—Choir practice Psalms 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship 3:30 p.m.;- Chancel Choir rehearsal 8-30 p.m. on Thursday through 7 p.m. r 1 on First Friday. "' 7:30 p.m.—Boy Scouts THE UNITED CHURCH ' :*W,s>; 78:17-31 Devotions—Our Mother of Perpet­ HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Thursday Ovid, Michigan ual Help Novena —after 7:15 p.m. David B. Franzmeler, Pastor 8 p.m.—Bible Study- Services at the Front St. Church Psalms Mass each Tuesday. Parsonage: 330 Winding Brook Road Friday Gordon E, Spalenka, Minister 78:32-55 Religious Instruction Classes—Adult DeWitt, Michigan 48820 3:30 p.m.—Junior MYF Mrs C. E. Tremblay, Church Copyright 1069 Kciiler Advettiting Service, Inc., Sirnjburp, Vn. Scrijilurej selected by the American Bible Society Inquiry Class, Monday at 8 p.m. High Phone 669-0608 School Superintendent School CCD, Wednesday at 8 p.m. 0 a.m.—-Sunday morning service at LOWE METHODIST CHURCH 9:30 a.m.—Church School Classes Public Grade School CCD, Tuesdays DeWitt High School. Rev William Tate • 10 a.m.—Adult Class from 4 until 5 p.m. 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday evening serv­ 9:00 a.m.—Church School 11 a.m.—Morning Worship ice at the parsonage, 330 Winding 10:15 a.m.—Morning Worship 5 p.m.—Youth Fellowships Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by Brook Road, Walnut Estates Subdi­ Each Wednesday after school, Jun­ appointment. Other arrangements by ior and Children's Choir rehearsals. appointment. vision. CONGREGATIONAL Vacation Bible School June 16-27. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Each Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Chan­ Monday through Friday 9-11:45 a.m. Maple Rapids, Michigan cel Choir rehearsal. . Future church site on Herbison road Rev Robert E. Myers, Pastor Second Tuesday each month. Offici­ JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES just west of Highway US-27. Dedica­ 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service al Board. Kingdom Hall tion of new church In spring of 1970. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School Second Wednesday, Women's Fel­ THESE CLINTON COUNTY FIRMS MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE 1903 N. Lansing St. 7:00 p.m.—U.C.Y.M. meets on al- lowship. Thurs., 7:30 p.m.—Theocratic Mln- ternate Sundays istry School. Written review. Review DeWITT METHODIST CHURCH Third Monday, United Men's Club. information found In "Babylon." Book North Bridge Street 6:45 p.m.—Thursday, Cherub and pages 364 to 453. 8:30 p.m., Prepared Bertram W. Vermeulen, Pastor junior choir. OVID PRFE METHODIST CHURCH Phillips Implement Federal-Mogul DeWitt Lumber 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 8 p.m.—Thursday, Chapel choir. V. William St. talks and demonstrations dealing with COMPANY CORPORATION Phone 669-2765 the ministry built around theme — 11 a.m.—Morning Service. Nursery 1:30 p.m.—Third Friday, Women's Rev, Kuhjrd Gleason, Pastor available for all pre-school children Fellowship, church basement. "Showing Diligence in All That We Telephone 834-2473 313 S Lanslnii St. Ph. 224-2177 St. Johns Plant Do." during the worship service. 8:3J p.m.—Service meeting Sunday School—10:00 a.m. f 6:3D p.m.—Methodist Youth Fel­ Church services—11:00 a.m. Sun., 9:00 a.m Public Lecture. lowship (all sections). « Given by qualified representative of ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL Evening services—7:30 p.m. the Watchtower Bible and Tract So­ MISSION — CHURCHMOBILE Prayer meeting—Wed. at 7:30 p.m. EMMANUEL METHODIST CHURCH 122 S. Maple ciety, 10 a.m., Watchtower Study. Corner Clark and Schavey Roads Federal Land Bank June 15th Issue. "Joyful Endurer or Rev Richard Anderson of St. John's HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH Central Natl Bank Dick's Clark Super 100 American Bank Bertram W. Vermeulen, Pastor Alma, In Charge Unhappy Dropout—Which?" 9:30 a.m.—Worship ' orvice Ovid, Michigan OF ST. JOHNS Tues., 7:30 p.m. — Congregation 11 a.m.—Sunday Suiool, adults and Services every Sunday at 9 a.m. Rev Fr Cummings, Pastor Association 910 US-27 St. Johns Book study held locally at the Jack children. 10:30 a.m.—Sunday Mass St. Johns—Ovid—Pewamo and Trust Company Schroeder residence In Ovid. Text 7 p.m.—Evening Mass on Thursday. P.O. Box 228 Ph. 224-7127 studied: "Babylon the Great has Fall- ' Newcomers and old friends are al­ Matherton Area Confessions following evening Mass. Member FDIC en. God's Kingdom Rules". ways welcome Jim McKenzie Agency Woodruff Office DeWitt Public invited—free—no collection ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH taken. Corner US-27 and Webb Road Matherton Michigan Pewamo Area Member F.D.I.c. Ph. 669-2983 Rev Hugh E. Bannlnga, Vicar Rev Jessie Powell, Pastor 212 N. Clinton, St. Johns Rectory 224-2000 Office 224-2883 9!45 a.m.—Worship Service ' ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Egan Ford Sales, Inc. 314 W. Washington, Ionia PRICE UNITED METHODIST 2nd and 4th Sundays—9 a.m., Holy 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Pewamo, Michigan 20D W. Hicham Phone 224-2285 CHURCH Communion and sermon. 8:00 p.m. — Wednesday, Midweek Rt Hev Msgr Thomas J. Bolger, M.A., Capitol Savings prayer meeting Dr Leroy T. Howe, Minister Other Sundays — 9 a.m., morning • Pastor AND LOAN ASSN. 9:45 a.m.—Church School prayer and sermon. We welcome you to the fellowship Sunday Masses—6 a.m., 8 a.m, and 11 a.m.—Morning Worship of our services. Our desire is.that you i0 a.m. 222 N. Clinton Phone 224-2304 Myrl Pierce Church school every Sunday, 9:30 may find the warmth of .welcome and Men's Club to meet 3rd Thursday a.m. Daily Mass—7:30 a.m. 0( the month at 7:30 p.m. the assistance in your worship of Holy Baptism—Sunday, 1 p.m. Walling Gravel Co. Mnsarik's Shell Dlstr. of Sunoco Products Women's Society meets the fourth Christ. Sacred Confession — Saturday, 3:30 SERVICE Wednesday of each month. Dinner at EAST DeWITT BIBLE CHURCH First,and third Sundays Matherton (Non Denominational) and 7:30 p.m. Ph. 224-4084 N. Scott Rd. Phone 669-7362 12:30. Meeting at 1:30. Church, second and fourth at Fenwick Family Holy Hour for Peace—Satur­ 107 E. State Ph. 224-9952 Youth Fellowship meets the first Round Lake Road 'A mile Church day, 7:15 p.m. and third Sunday of each month at East of US-27 11420 N. DeWitt Rd. C p.m. Glen J. Farnham, Pastor MATHERTON COMMUNITY Harris Oil Education Commission to meet the Sunday— CHURCH Victor Township 4th Monday night of each month at 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Classes for 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School COMPANY S & H Farm Sales 7 p.m. all ages, 3:00 p.m.—Worship service 11 a.m.—Morning Worship GROVE BIBLE CHURCH Roger Moore &. Lloyd Harris Official Board meets the first Sun­ 5:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. Senior, Rev. Robert Prange, Pastor day of each month following a pot- Price and Shepardsville roads & Service luck dinner at noon. 14 and up; Jet Cadets, 10-13. Fulton Area flf. 7 p.m.—Evening Servii •" 10:00 a.m.—Sunday, school. Classes New Holland Machinery^ Youth Choir and Craft Club meets for all ages on Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Wednesday— T' LTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study nd 'er, J mile east of Perrinton on M-57, 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Our Specialty Senior Choir meets each Wednes­ Supervised nursery for 6:30 p.m.—Young People day at 7 p.m. nd •A mile south D a B Party Shoppe small children in all sen Rev. Fred Wing, Pastor 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service • 4 Mi. N. on US-27 to French Rd. "An open door to an 10k" 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, prayer meet­ Open Monday thru Saturday Phone 224-4661 Mathews Elevator ... A Bible preaching ch. # ith a 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship ing Complete Party Supplies message for you . , . 7:00 p.m.—Youth Service Ladies Missionary circle meets 4th Grain—Feed—Beans ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thursday 224 N. Clinton Phone 224-3535 7:45 p.m.—Evening Service Phone 582-2551 Ovid Conv. Manor Corner of East Walker and Mead Sts. ST. THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:45 p.m.—Thursday, • Prayer and Couples Club meets 4th Saturday In Rev Hugh E, Bannlnga, Pastor praise service month Hazel Dietz, LPN Adm. Rectory 224-2600 Office 224-S835 Fr Robert T. Palmer, Pastor Clinton National Fr Eugene Sears and Fr James 5480 W. M-21 Phone 517-834-2281 1st Sunday of Month—8 a.m. Holy Murray, Assistant Pastors SALEM UNITED METHODIST BANK & TRUST COMPANY Communion; 10:30 a.m. Holy Com­ CHURCH Wacousta Area munion and Sermon Rectory: 102 W. Randolph, Lansing Phone 487-3749 Rev Ralph Conine Glnspie Drug Store 200 N. Clinton Ph. 224-2351 Formers Co-op Other Sundays—8 a.m. Holy Com­ Mass Schedule—Sundays: 6, 7:30, 9, 10 a.m.—Sunday School WACOUSTA COMMUNITY ELEVATOR munion; 10:30 a.m. Morning Prayer METHODIST CHURCH 221 N. Clinton Phone 234-3154 and Sermon 10:30 and 12 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Wayne Feeds and Grain Weekdays—6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (8 7:30 p.m.—Midweek Services Rev Dale Spoor, Pastor Fall Schedule Phone 627-2510 . Phone 582-2661 10:30 a.m.—Nursery School a.m. non-school days). Confessions—Saturdays: 3:30 to 5, ST. MARTIN DePORRE MISSION 10 a.m.—Morning Worship 11 a.m.—Church School, kindergarten Middleton, Mich. ' 11 a.m.—Sunday School to 6th grade 7:30 to 9 p.m. Antes Cleaners Wes'Gulf Service Eves of Holy Days and First Fri- Father Charles L. Ganley, Pastor 6:30 p.m.—Senior and Junior Youth WE GIVE S&H STAMPS day—1 lo 5, 8 to 9. Sunday Mass—9:15 a.m. Fellowship Pickup and Delivery No Weekday mass Thursday, 3 p.m.—Children's Choir Perpetual Help Devotions, Satur­ 108 W. Walker Ph. 211-4529 Free Pick-up & Delivery ST. JOHNS BAPTIST TEMPLE day, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Senior Adult 400 E. State Street Holy Day Masses—7, 8, 10 a.m.; Choir S.-US-27 Ph. 224-2212 Rev Jerry Thomas, Pastor 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Eureka Area Official Board meeting at 8 p.m. on. Sunday School at 10 a.m., with First Friday Masses—6:30, 8:30 and 4th Monday of each month. classes for all ages. Teaching from 7:30 p.m. (8 a.m, non-school days). CONGREGATION^ Methodist Men's Club Meetings — the Book of Revelation. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Potluck at church at 6:30 p.m. on Maynard-AUen Morning worship at 11 a.m. Eureka, Michigan 1st Wednesdays of Sept., Dec, Feb. Rademacher STATE BANK Sunday, 6 p.m., study hour, with Valley Farms Area Rev William D. Moore and April. Sunday morning breakfast CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SHINGLE SHACK adult group, young people's group 10 a.m.—Sunday School on 1st Sunday morning of Oct., Nov., Parr's Bexall Store Portland—Sunfleld—Westphalia Jan., March and May at 8 a.m, The Corner DniR Store and Jet Cadets group. VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH 11 a.m.—Morning Worship General Building Contractors Member F.D.I.C. Ph. 587-4431 Sunday, 7 p.m., evangelistic mes­ 241 E\ State Road 110 N. Klbbec Phone 224-7118 Phone 224-2837 RESTAURANT sage, Rev. LaVern Bretz, Paslor Wednesday at 7, prayer meeting .0:45-10:45 a.m.—Church School. Bath Area Westphalia Area and study hour. There is a class for everyone from the youngest to the oldest. The Bible BATH UNITED METHODIST ST. MARY'S CHURCH is our textbook CHURCH Rev Fr Aloyslus H. Miller, Pastor 11 a.m.-12 Noon—Morning Worship, Rev Alma Glotfelty Rev Walter L. Spillane Vouchers * Statements FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Junior Church for children through 6th Telephone 641-6687 Assistant Pastor South US-27 grade 10 a.m.—Worship Sunday Masses—6, 8 and 10 a.m. Rev Roger Harrison, Pastor 5!30 p.m.—BYF for both Juniors and 11 a.m.—Church School Weekdays—During school year 7:00. Letterheads • Envelopes 10 a.m. —Sunday School, Wlllard Seniors 7:45 and 11:15 a.m, Goldman. Supt. BATH BAPTIST CHURCH Saturdays—6:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. 11 a.m.—Worship Service on WRBJ, Rev. James L, BurJclgh, Pastor Holy Days—5:30, 7:30, 9 a.m.-and 1580 kc. GIFT 101UO a.m.—Sunday School 8 p.m. , Business Cards • Menus 11:30 a.m.—Children's Churches 0:30 p.m,—Youth Fellowship Evening Mass—Friday, 8J0O p.m. G p.m.—Omega Club for Teens 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Accounting Forms Programs • Brochures 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Midweek service on Wednesday 7:30 Whatever your printing needs, we serve Each Wed., 7 p.m.—Family Night P.m. Lansing Service—Hour of power* Whirlyblrd them right! Latest modern offset and i and Junior Youth meetings. Choirs— . ROSE LAKE CHURCH KIMBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST Tickets Booklets • ' Whirlybird, Youth, Miss - Teen En­ Reorganized L.D.S, 1007 Klmberly Drive semble. - Elder Jack Hodgef Pastor Lansing, Michigan letterpress equipment to assure you of First Sunday—Communion Service. MS Corner of Upton and Stoll Roads John Halls First Monday—Deacons meeting. "uniPLE SCLEROSIS 10!00 a.m.—Church School 11 a.m.—Morning Worship the best results in every way. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS First Tuesday—Ladies' Missionary 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 10 a.m.—Bible Study N Circle. , poSTMASTERt 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship 6 p.m.—Evening Worship "The Singing Church with the 7:30 p.m.-*Wednesasy, evening serv* Midweek service 7:30 p.m. Wednes­ 120 E. Walker St. ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2361 Salvation Message" ice day night. Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 5 3

1 - Auxiliary has new officers The One Bouquet . . .

The June meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary No. 153, was held June 17, atthehall with a potluck supper served at 6:30 p.m. Mrs Nelda McWilliam acted as installation chairman and the fol­ lowing officers were installed: Mrs Keith Mishler, president; Mrs John Caudy, first vicapresi- dent; Mrs Bert Hiller, second vice-president; Mrs Jack Walker, secretary; Mrs H, V. Beaufore, treasurer; Mrs William Karber, historian; Mrs Dolena McKinnon, chaplain; and Mrs Margaret Cro- well, sergeant at arms. Follow­ ing the installation a song was sung by Etta Smith. During the business meeting it was reported the Poppy Drive was very successful. The Auxili­ ary also wishes to thank the public for their help in the maga­ zine drive. As a resulttheywere able to order two pair of crutches, two walkers, and two .1 bed side tables. Equipment such as beds, walkers, wheel chairs, and etc. HUNT'S DRUG STORE may be used by anyone free of charge by calling the Van Hoag Funeral Home. If you do not receive your Opened in 1857, Hunt's magazine please contact Thelma Beaufore, community service chairman. This was the final meeting for Drug will close June 30 the summer and the Auxiliary will hold their next meeting in September. John Martin, president of the came a partner with his father and DeWitt worked in the store, Carrier-Stephens Company Lan­ Victor E. Stephens, who was also learned the business, and in 1890 The first recorded attempt sing has announced Hunt's Drug an owner in the Carrier-Stephens passed his state pharmacy exam­ to invent a typewriter was Store, a subsidiary of the com­ Company in Lansing. Victor be­ ination. He spent his entire life made in England in 1714, pany, will be closing its doors came more actively involved in in the business and becamo a when Queen Anne granted a June 30. the company after serving as a well-known and respected busi­ patent to Henry Mill for his The building is In the process medic in World War I. nessman in Clinton County. "artificial machine." of being leased, and all present employees will be reemployed in the company's main office at Lan­ sing. Hunt's Drug was established in 1857 and has been in continuous operation for the past 112 years, at 110 N. Clinton Avenue. DeWitt Hunt, a son of Alonzo, later entered the business and be- The business was founded by Alonzo O. Hunt, and his uncle, George Hunt, when theyheardthe railroad was coming through St. Johns-

. . . That's Fresh EACH Day!

No stale, wilted news in the CLINTON COUNTY NEWS! Pick of the crop, local and national fresh, vital news that keeps your mind Alan Harris (center).receives his first-place award in the Lansing Area Industrial Executives Club's industrial arts project contest from Kenneth Moore alive, lends more color to conversation, makes you interesting! DONALD CHAPMAN of the F.C. Mason Co. At the left is James Dickman, who won second place. Looking on is John Theuerkauf, shop instructor at St. Johns High. Former St. Johns resident, © mcmlxix 4P Donald Chapman, is presently employed by the United States 8-foot silver Mylar spheres and Department of Commerce. housed 61 representative manu­ Among various assignments, facturers and distributors of air Chapman was recently director frames, engines and component of the U.S. Pavilion at the 28th parts. It also includes an 82-foot NEW HOME International Aviation and Space model of the Apollo spacecraft Exposition at LeBourget Airport, and the actual Apollo 8 command Clip out order blank along ddshed line and Paris, France. module. FOR SALE fold. Tape or staple together and mail to According to Foreign Service The exhibit was opened May 29 Clinton County News.' No postage needed, press releases, the U.S. Space by Sargent Shriver, Ambassador Exhibit was the center of at­ and astronauts,"" D a y i d Scott, traction of the exposition. The James McDivitt, Russell SUBSCRIPTION RATES exhibit was more than 18 months Schweikart and their wives. in preparation. Chapman conducted the opening Inside Michigan Outside Michigan ' The exhibit is decorated with activities. Two Years .. $9. OoO Two Years $11.00 • One Year 5.00 • One Year 6.00 Q Six Months 3.75 I I Six Months 4.50 • Three Months 2.00 | | Three Months 3.00 I I TIME WAS. I have checked thB appropriate box for the subscription I wish you to enter in the name listed below. when herbs NAME were used to Deluxe Liberty Home ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP, cure illness *Three bedrooms *1 1/2 Bath *Full basement with storm cellar *Completely decorated OVER 100 " * Fully carpeted LIBERTY ^Landscaped & H0M Sodded lawn TO BUSINESS REPLY MAIL We've come a long way *FHA 30-yr. loan approved FR0MI First Class Permit No. 6 St, Johns, Mich. from the home remedies folks used in olden days. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS Today new drug discoveries "If you want Quality, j are constantly being made. Box 10 FINKBEINER'S PHARMACY see a Liberty Home" YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH CENTER St. Johns, Michigan 48879 Fowler Ph. 582-3121

4 OUR RED, WHITE & BLUE DARLINGS, Inc .j-t. ..u.i—-i—i-iiii-.ciip along iihe —-i*^-*^-_-.—^————— 200 S. MAIN ST. OVID SALE STARTS JULY 3rd 834-2252 Page $B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969 Business and Professional Announcements, Legal News

having been named In said will, and for igan, a hearing be held on the petition Life With The Rimples By Les Carroll determination of heirs. of Clinton National Bank & TrustCom- WAIT, DEAR, VIE. -JUST RE*D Publication and service shall be pany, Administrator, for allowance of TKW WJrrHORlTJES FROVM r made as provided by Statute and Court its final account. THWSiO' Rule. Publication and service shall be made VMttT LI­ TIMOTHY M. GREEN, as provided by Statute and Court Rule. VE TXJ 7 Judge of Probate, TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Dated: June 11, 1969 Judge of Probate. Russel A. Lawler Dated: June 6,13G9 Stanley A. Schneider, filial ac­ Attorney for Estate Walker & Moore New Suits Started count. 200 Hollister Bldg. By: James A. Moore ERNEST E. CARTER Joseph Spillman, M.L,license Lansing, Michigan 48933. 7-3 Attorney for Administrator CHntpn National Bank Bldg. County Clerk to sell real estate. Will Olson-July 16 St. Johns, Michigan. 6-3 Cora Box, final account. Harold Dalley, administrator STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate estate of Lovtna L. Hopkins vs Court for the County of Clinton. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1969 Will Martin-July 17 Kenneth Speerbrecker and Doro­ Estate of STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate ^ thy M. Speerbrecker, automobile LAURENCE J. OLSON, Deceased. Court for the County of Clinton. negligence. Joseph G. Toth, appointment It is ordered that on Wednesday, Estate of of administrator. July 16, 1969, at 9:30 a.m., In the AMBROSE F. MARTIN, Deceased Hazen Crandall and Burtriece Probate Courtroom, St. Johns, Mich­ Crandall vs William M. Biergans igan, a hearing be held on the petition It is ordered that on Thursday, July sell at public auction the lands there­ First Codicil of the deceased, for 17, 1969, at 11:00 a.m., in the Probate and Doris Biergans civil. Driving Licenses in described, or so much as shall be granting of administration to the execu­ of Elizabeth Stange Olson for probate of a purported Will, for granting of Courtroom, St, Johns, Michigan shear­ In the matter of Ronald L. News About Clinton County necessary to satisfy the amounts due tor named, or some other suitable per­ ing be held on the petition of Helen A. Sullivan, civil. thereon at the time of sale, together son, and for a determination ofheirs. administration to the executor named, Action in County or some other suitable person, and for Martin for probate of a purported will, Clara Koeppen vs Donald with all legal costs, interest at seven Publication and service shall be and for the granting of administration per, cent per annum from date hereof, a determination of heirs. Koeppen and Joyce Koeppen et (As reported by made as provided by Statute and Court to the executor named, or some other and an attorney fee as provided, a Rule. Publication and service shall be al, civil. Secretary of State) - Sertice Peteemel suitable person, and for a determina­ parcel described as: TIMOTHY M. GREEN, made as provided by Statute and Court tion of heirs. Eugene Shanfelt of R-l, 12655 Lot 31 of the Plat of Idyl-Crest Judge of Probate. Rule. Publication and service shall be Sgt GARY L. TREMBLAY, son ing Center in Memphis, Tenn. Estates No. 1, a Subdivision of a TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Now Business Firms Grand River Highway, Eagle, for Dated: June 9, 1969 made as provided by Statute and Court of Mr and Mrs C. E. Tremblay The 160-hour course included part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section Walker & Moore Judge of Probate, Rule. driving under the influence of of 314 W. Clinton Street, Ovid, basic mathematics, common air­ 19, Town 5 North, Range 2 West, Attorney for Petitioner Dated: June 12, 1969 Blalsdell Body Shop, 15891 N. liquor financial responsibility in TIMOTHY M. GREEN, is on duty at Takhll Royal Thai craft hardware, mechanical and DeWitt Township, Clinton County, Clinton National Bank Bldg. Walker & Moore Judge of Probate. East Street, DeWitt by Raymond Michigan. By: James A. Moore effect; Gerald D. Smith, R-2, AFB, Thailand. electrical physics, aeronautical St. Johns, Michigan. 7-3 Dated: June 6,1969 and Judy Benda of 4270 E. Delhi, Cupp Road, Elsie, for unsatis­ The length of the period of redemp­ Attorney for Petitioner Wilfred A. Dupuls Holt. Sergeant Tremblay, an admin­ publications, and the use and tion on foreclosure of the within mort­ Clinton National Bank Bldg, factory driving record and istrative specialist, is assigned application of hand tools. Final Account Waltz—July 16 Attorney for Estate ' gage shall be six (6) months from the St. Johns, Michigan. 7-3 Portland, Michigan. 6-3 Marriage Licenses failure to Answer complaint, li­ to a unit of the Pacific Air time of such sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate cense revoked; Earl Dennis Court for the County of Clinton. Forces. The sergeant is a grad­ Sale Fink-July 16 Earl R. Anderson, 28, of 109 Sperow, 9970 Elm Road, Ovid, uate of Ovid High School, His UNION SAVINGS AND Estate of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE AMY WALTZ, Deceased STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate S. Mead Street and Marlene L. for driving while license re­ wife, Anette, is the daughter of LOAN ASSOCIATION, Default having been made in the con­ It is ordered that on Wednesday, July Court for the County of Clinton, ditions of a certain Mortgage made by Ott, 24, of 200 W. State Street. voked, license revoked. a Michigan Corpora­ Estate of Mr and Mrs Karl Zenla of R-3, tion, Mortgagee. 16, 1969, at 10:30 a.m., In the Probate Ronald L. Barnes and Faith Ann Barnes, CATHERINE FINK a/k/a Richard H. Flanner, 23, of Wilkinson Road, Owosso. Dated at Lansing, Michigan, Courtroom, St. Johns, Michigan, a husband and wife to Michigan National 304 E. State Street and Donna City Building Permits * * hearing be held on the Final Account. KATHERINE FINK(N.M.I.), Bank, a National Banking Association, May 22, 1969 Deceased. M. Smith, 22, of R-6, St. Johns. Publication and service shall be dated October 25, 1961,andrecordedin Searles Construction, 1008 E. JOSEPH J.SPOUSTA,USN,son made as provided by Statute and Court It Is ordered that on Wednesday, Harry A. Mcintosh, 19, of SCHRAM & BEHAN the office of the Register of Deeds for Cass Street, single family re­ of Mr and Mrs Joseph Spousta Rule. July 16, 1969, at 9:30 a.m., In the the County of Clinton and State of 404 W. State Street and Linda Attorneys for Mortgagee sidence, of 408 E. Steel Street, is serving TIMOTHY M, GREEN, Probate Courtroom, St. Johns, Mich­ Michigan, on October 27,1961, lnLiber L, Keener, 17, of R-5, St. Johns. Searles Construction, 1006 E. Judge of Probate, igan, a hearing be held on the petition 232 of Mortgages, onpage 921, on which aboard the USS Little Rock with Business Address: of Alfred E, Fink, Administrator, for Leo M. Fedewa, 44, of R-4, Cass Street, single family re­ the US Sixth Fleet in the Mediter­ 702 American Bank and Trust Bldg. Dated: June 9, 1969 Mortgage there Is claimed to be due at Norman J. White license to sell real estate of said de­ the date of this notice, for principal and St. Johns and Alberta C. Theis, sidence. ranean. While stationed aboard Lansing, Michigan 48933 7-13 ceased. Persons Interested in said es­ 46, of R-2, Fowler. Attorney for said estate Interest, the sum of TenThousandFlve Darrell Jones, 505 E. Mc- the guided missle light cruiser he Post Office Box 386 tate are directed to appear at said Hundred Eighteen and 67/100 David L. Gutshall, 19, of R-2, Connell, singlefamily residence. will take part in numerous fleet Final Account Herrod—July 9 Ludington, Michigan. 7-3 hearing to show cause why such license ($10,518.67) Dollars, and no proceed­ Ovid and Connie A. Van Etten, Kurt's Appliance Center, Clin­ exercises. He will also visit STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate should not be granted. ings having been Instituted to recover Court for the County of Clinton. 16, of 908 N. Oakland street. ton Avenue, commercial build­ nearly every major seaport in the Publication and service shall be the debt now remaining secured by said Estate of made as provided by Statute and Court James David Gavemda, 19, of ing. Mortgage Sage-July 16 Mortgage, or any part thereof, whereby Mediterranean. GLADYS HERROD, Trust Rule. the power of sale contained In said Maple Rapids and Victoria Rae STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate Orvis Holm, 705 S. Kibbee, He is homeported in Gaeta, It Is Ordered that on Wednesday, Court for the County of Clinton. TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Mortgage has become operative; Hogle, 17, of R-l, Perrinton. garage. Italy; about 70 miles south of July 9, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., In the Estate of Judge ofProbate. Now therefore, Notice is Hereby David W. Chamberlin, 25, of Rome. The Little Rock is the Probate Courtroom In the City of St. RALPH V. SAGE, Deceased Dated: June 12, 1969 Given that by virtue of the power of sale R-3, Grand Ledge and Dolly M. Johns, Michigan a hearing be held on It is ordered that on July 16,1969, at Walker & Moore County Building flagship for the commander of contained In said Mortgage and In pur- N Beeson, 22, ofR-3,GrandLedEe. the petition of Alba F. Wert, Trustee, 9:30 a.m., in the Probate Courtroom, By: James A. Moore suance of Uie statute in such case made the sixth fleet. for allowance of his Final account. 1 Attorney for Administrator Kenneth Kurncz, 18, of R-6, Permits St. Johns, Michigan, a hearing be held and provided, the said Mortgage will be * * Publication and service shall be on the petition of Leon X. C. Ludwlg as Clinton National Bank Bldg, St. Johns and Carla Ernst, 18, WAYNE GEORGE foreclosed by a sale of the premises L. Z. Knooce, 1310 Bluegrass Airman Apprentice HAROLD J„ made as provided by statute and Court attorney for Howard E. Streeter and St. Johns, Michigan, 7-3 therein described or so much thereof as of 301 S. Church Street, Road, utility building. CASE, USN, son of Mr and Mrs Rule. Florence M. Streeter, petitioning the Sp/4 Wayne A. George has just may be necessary, at public auction, to Daniel T. Hill, 21, of 702 Ernest Hoke Jr. 718 Mayfield Harold R. Case of Hubbardston, TIMOTHY M. GREEN, court for a successor administration Final Account Bucklin—October 1 the highest bidder, at the North front completed a 34 day furlough. He 1 Judge of Probate Birchwood, DeWitt and Sandra Drive, Lansing, addition. was graduated from the Aviation in order to legally discharge mortgage STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate door of the Court House in the City K. Frayre, 21, of 4896 W. Mount was formerly stationed in Ger­ Dated: June 13, 1969. recorded as discharged in Liber 177, Court for the County of Clinton. of St. Johns, and County of Clinton, Joseph M. Madar, R-4, St. Mechanical Fundamentals School Alba F. Wert Hope, Grand Ledge. many and left June 9 for Fort page 266 by Bertha A, Sage, as a Estate of Michigan, that beingtheplaceofholdlng Johns, unattached garage. at the Naval Air Technical Train- Lewis, Wash. He will be assigned Attorney Pennsylvania executrix and notarized the Circuit Court In and for said County, William M. Thull, 18, of Fort WILLIAM F. BUCKLIN, Deceased Sie Meadows, 2814 Hollister, duty in Vietnam. George entered 115 E. Walker by George R. Hunter who wasformerly It Is ordered that on the 1st day of on August 12, 1969, at 10:00 local time- Carson, Colo., and Kathleen G. Ovid, dwelling and garage. the Army July 12, 1967, and is the St. Johns, Michigan 7-3 Michigan administrator of said estate. October, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., In the in the forenoon of said day, and said ba Rowe, 18, of 620 Boichot Robert F. Gilpin, 14540Wa- ment of the State of Michigan son of Mr and Mrs Wayne George. Publication and service shall be Probate Courtroom In St. Johns,Mich­ premises will be sold to pay the amount Claims Back—Sept. 10. so as aforesaid then due on said Mort­ Road, Lansing. cousta Road, Grand Ledge, ad­ to Norman J. and Georgia Sav­ * * made as provided by Statute and Court igan, a hearing be held on the petition Herbert Pohl, 49, of R-l, Eagle age, property in Lookout Acres Rule. of Hudson E. Demlng, Administrator, gage together with legal costs, Attor­ dition to dwelling. STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate neys' fees and also any taxes and In­ and Mary Damon, 48, of 5227 W. Subdivision. ANSBACH, GERMANY (AHT- 1 TIMOTHY M. GREEN, d/b/n of said estate for the allowance Clause} sunder hill, R-2, Court for the County of Clinton. ' of his final account and assignment of surance that said Mortgage doespayon \ Willow Street,'Lansing. June 12: Harold S. and Ida NC)—Army Private First Class " ' '"' Judge'of'Probate. Laingsburg, attached garage. „ Estate of Dated: June 9, 1969 residue. or prior to the date of said sale; which ' James C. Cribbs, 23, of Beardslee to Harold D. and RICHARD E. PRICE, son of Mr. said premises are described in said . FlositzMind Rockwood, Lans­ and Mrs. Dean J. Price, 505 S. Leon X. C. Ludwlg Publication and service shall be Laingsburg and Janet Lorraine ing, dwelling and garage. Orpha Reed, property inFaxon's SARAH E. BUCK, Deceased Attorney for Howard E. Streeter made as provided by Statute and Court Mortgage as-follows, to-wit: Property Hawk, 20, of 9714 Chandler, addition. Clinton, St. Johns, Mich., re- It Is Ordered that on September 10, and Florence M. Streeter Rule. situated in the Township of DeWitt, 3-M National Advertizing 1969, at 9:30 a.m., In the Probate Laingsburg. June 12: Gerald P. and Bea­ enlisted in the Regular Army 100 North Clinton Avenue TIMOTHY M. GREEN, County of Clinton andState of Michigan, Company, sign on Buggs prop­ Courtroom in St. Johns, Michigan a described as: Lot No, 200 Clinton Stuart W. Hebner, 23, of 2619 trice Jorae to Oliver A. and June 3 for four years in Ger­ St. Johns, Michigan. 7-3 Judge of Probate. erty, US-27, south of Taft Road, many, where he is serving with hearing be held at which all creditors Dated: June 9, 1969 Village No. 2, a subdivision of part of Pleasant Grove Road, Lansing Carol Ann Jorae, property in of said deceased are required to prove tha Northeast 1/4 of Section 27, Town sign. the 28th Artillery. Hudson E. Demlng, and Elnora E. DuMond, 22, of 3-M National Advertizing Greenbush twp. their claims. Creditors must file sworn Will Schafer-July 17 Attorney at Law 5 North, Range 2 West. A cannoneer in Battery C, 2nd claims with the Court and serve a copy R-2, DeWitt. Company, on John Fedewa prop­ June 12: Loyal and Florence STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate Box 87 Battalion of the 28th Artillery on Harold S, Beardslee, Administrator, The redemption period as determined Allen R. Sibley, 18, of 1240 erty in Fowler, sign. Hinkley to Donald L. and Nancy Court for the County of Clinton. Grand Ledge, Michigan. 6-3 under Section 27A, 3240 of Michigan near Ansbach, Pfc. Price entered W.W.A., of 104 N. Main Street, Ovid, W. Cutler Road, DeWitt and Gay Walter Steenbock, 9328 Oak- Hinkley, property in Elsie. Michigan. Estate of , Statutes Annotated is twelve months the Army in September 1968, E. Geller, 17, of 605 W. Park dale, Laingsburg, storage build­ June 13: Lake Victoria Land HALLIE AMELIAW1LTONSCHAFER, Final Account Bowman—July 30 from the time of such sale. completed basic training at Ft. Publication and service shall be Deceased STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate Avenue, St. Johns. ing. Company to Victor R. and Mary made as provided by Statute and Court Knox, Ky., and was stationed at It is ordered that on Thursday, July Court for the County of Clinton. MICHIGAN NATIONALBANK Egres, property in Royal Shores. Rule. Mortgagee Ft. Sill, Okla., before arriving 17, 1969, at 10:30 a.m., In the Probate Estate of Probate Court June 13: Lake Victoria Land TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Courtroom at St. Johns, Michigan, a Dated: May 15, 1969 in Germany last April. EARL CLARK BOWMAN, HON. TIMOTHY M. GREEN Real Estate Transfers Company to Le Roy and Ruth Judge of Probate hearing be held on the petition of Murel Deceased Fraser, Trebllcock, Davis & Foster Judge of Probate {From records in office of Brower, property in Royal Dated: June 16, 1969. M, Havens for probate of a purported It Is ordered that on Wednesday, Attorneys for Mortgagee Kemper & WeUs Law Office Michigan National Tower HELENA M. BURK Register of Deeds) Shores. Marine Lance Cpl LARRY G. 'Will, and for granting of administra­ July 30, 1969, at 9:30 a.m., In the By: Leon X. C. Ludwlg tion to Russel A. Lawler, no executor Probate Courtroom, St, Johns, Mich­ Lansing, Michigan 48933 3-13 Register of Probate June 11: Richard w. and Betty June 13: Lake Victoria Land BOWLING, son of Mr and Mrs Attorney for Estate • WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1969 Lee Brown to Frank N. and Company to Raymond W. and Gran L. Bowling of R-l, De- 100 N. Clinton Avenue St. Johns, Michigan 7-3 Mary Deak, property In Rose Virginia Moore, property in Witt, is serving with the 11th Ernest F.Kruger, appointment Subdivision No. 2. Royal Shores. Engineer Battalion, Third Marine of administrator. June 11: Patrick Merton to June l3:LaVerne E. and Division in Viet Nam. Claims Chapln-September 10 George D. Tanous, final ac­ Harold and Alice Sullivan, prop­ Valerie Tuder to James and The battalion has been oper­ STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate Court for the County of Clinton. Business Directory count. Sharon Villarreal, property in ating in support of Division units erty in Eagle twp. Estate of Claude W. Holcomb, probate of June H: Conservation Depart- Assessors Plat of DeWitt. just south of the Demilitarized June 13: Ford Jr. and Augusta GRACE B. CHAPIN, Deceased will. Zone (DMZ). It Is ordered that on September 10, Mc Krill to Lawrence J. and * * 1969, at 10:30 a.m., In the Probate Irene Frechen, property in De- Marine Lance Cpl PIETER Courtroom, St. Johns, Michigan, a Witt twp. VERDONK, son of Mr and Mrs hearing be held at which all creditors of AUTOMOTIVE DRUGGISTS FUEL OIL-GAS June 16: Lillian Rose to Wil­ Remmelt Verdonk of 305 Oak said deceased are required to prove liam C. and A'rline West, prop­ Street, St. Johns, is serving at the their claims. Creditors mustfilesworn Professional Directory claims with the Court and serve a copy For the BEST BUY in ST. JOHNS OIL CO. erty in North Rosewood Acres. Marine Corps Supply Activity, on Charles Fowler, Administrator of New & Used Chevrolets June 16: William C. and Ar- Philadelphia, Pa. The activity is said estate, athlsaddress,2477Yankee WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS line West to Peter and Arlene the Inventory control point of the Street, Nlles, Michigan. See He's a 710 N. Mead Gagne, property in North Rose­ world-wide Marine Corps supply Publication and service shall be EDINGER & WEBER ATTORNEYS DENTISTS wood Acres. system. made as provided by Statute and Court friend Phone 324-4879 St. Johns ' FOWLER Phone 582-2401 JACK WALKER Dr. H. A. Burkhardt, D.D.S. June 16: Willard and Lillian Rule. TIMOTHY M. GREEN, JAMES A. MOORE General - Dentistry Searles to Luther V. Jr. and of the 201 Brush St. Phone 224-1559 Judge of Probate. Attorneys-aMaw Isabelle Cleland, property in St. * LEGAL NOTICES Dated: June 9, 1969 HARDWARE Nafl. Banh Bldg. Phone 224-J241 ARMSTRONG & DR. R. WOHLERS, Dentist Johns. Demlng and Smith family HAROLD B. REED 107 Spring St. Phone Zi&tflt June 16: Lake Geneva Land By: Terry J. Smith Office Hours hy Appointment MORTGAGE SALE GOODYEAR TIRES GOWER'S HARDWARE PATRICK B. KELLY Company to David L. and Gail Attorney for Fiduciary Attorneys-at-Law Closed Saturdays Default having been made in the 214 South Bridge Street Your Pharmacists fills all Offices at Tanous, property in Geneva terms anti conditions of a certain real Grand Ledge, Michigan. 7-3 Harris Oil Co. Prescriptions with the ut­ and 305 E. State, St. Johns—Ph. 224-7484 OPTOMETRISTS Shores. estate mortgage, whereby the power most accuracy. 4U Wilson St., DeWitt—Ph. 669-3400 June 16: American Central of sale therein contained became oper­ 909 E. State Phone 224-4726 GRAIN ELEVATOR DR. ALBERT H. NELSON ative, made by John T. Davis and KEMPER & WELLS Corporation to Arthur J. Fag- Will Smith-July 17 Optometrist Amylou Davis, husband and wife, of Glaspie Drug Store BOTTLED GAS William C. Kemper, Richard D. Wells gion, property in Highland Hills. STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate Leon X. C. Ludwlg 110 Spring St. Phone 224-48M Lansing, Michigan, mortgagor, to the Court for the County of Clinton. 221 N. Clinton Attorneys and Counsel >rs Cylinders or Bulk DR. H. D. SHANE, Optm. June 16: American Central Union Savings and Loan Association, Estate of BOOKKEEPING Phone 224-3154 St. Johns 100 N. Clinton, St. Johns P. 224-3228 a Michigan corporation of Lansing, Eureka 104 N. Main, Ovid PI.. ,134-2288 105 S. Ottawa Phone 224-4643 Corporation , to Arthur J. and ELEONORA SMITH A/K/A Antoinette Faggion; property in Ingham County, Michigan, mortgagee, NORA SMITH, Deceased. SERVICE Phone 224-2695 dated January 11, 1966 and recorded ROBERT WOOD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Westchester Heights. it Is ordeied that on Thursday, July Phone 224-2953 Attomcy-at-Law in the Office of the Register of Deeds 17, 19C9, at 10:00 a.m., in the Probate FARM SERVICES 115 E. Walker St. HARRY J. DeVORE, D.O. June 16: Ralph E. and Lucile for the County of Clinton and State R.E.S. Phone 224-4604 Courtioom In the Courthouse in St. LARRY W. BADER, D.O. Shumaker to Benjamin E. and of Michigan on the 12th day of Jan­ Johns. Michigan, a hearing be held on Bookkeeping & Accounting: uary, 1966, in Liber 245 of Record Purina Feeds TIMOTHY M. GREEN Hours by Appointment Ethelyn R. Walker, property in the petition of Ambrose G. Smith for Service INSURANCE PAUL A. MAPLES St. Johns, Mich. Phone 224-2368 Victor twp. on page 444, upon which mortgage piobate of a purported Will, for grant­ Means S $ $ in Your Pocket there Is now claimed to be due and Attorneys and Counselors June 16: Benjamin E. and ing tof .idministration to the Executor Richard E. Stoddard 210 N. Clinton Phone 224-2454 William M. Steigerwald, D.O. payable for principal and interest the Mathews Elevator Co. Complete Insurance Service -$ Ethelyn Walker to Midwest Re­ luined, oi some other suitable person, Phone 669-3285 1 Physlcan and Surgeon sum of Eighteen Thousand SlxHundred ind for a rtelei mlnatlon of heirs.' Grain—Feeds—Seeds Since 1933 Maple Rapids sidential Builders, property in Eleven and 54/100 ($18,611.54) Dol­ 3694 Round Lake Rd., DeWitt CHIROPRACTORS Resident Phone 682*4435 Pulilic.ition and seivlce shall be FOWLER AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE Office Phone 682-4311 Victor twp, lars; and no suit or proceeding at law having been Instituted to recover said m.uli* lis pioUded bj Statute and Couit FIRE INSURANCE A. N. SAUDERS June 17: Elmer J. and Eleanor Rule, Chiropractic Physician PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Hardenburg to Consumers Power debt, or any part thereof, said mort­ GENERAL CASUALITY 204 N. Oakland St. Phone 224-2157 gagee, by resolution duly adopted by TIMOTHY M. GREEN, CREDIT BUREAU FARM S. R. RUSSELL, M.D., P.A.C.S. Company, property in Eagle twp. Its Board of Directors having declared Judge of Piobate. DENTISTS D.itiHl: Juno 11, 1969 DRAINAGE A. T. ALLABY— Ins. J. M. GROST, M.D. June 17: Ciaudine Jackson and its election, pursuant to the terms of CLINTON COUNTY Coralene Bloss to James E. and said mortgage, to consider the whole Uolwit H. Wood Over Gamble Store DR. C. W. LUMBERT, D.D.S. Office Hours 2:00 to 5S00 p.m. Utoiik'i furvKslak1 Dally except Thursdays and Sundays Dorothy Smith, property in De- sum unpaid on said mortgage debt CREDIT BUREAU JAMES BURNHAM 1U5 S. Ottawa Phone 224-4787 210 E. Walker Phone 224-2338 to be now due and payable by I eason lir. I. Walker St. Johns . Phone 224-3258 Witt twp. St. John;}, Michigan* , 3ll Phone St. Johns 224-4045 of the nonpayment of certain install­ Phone 224-2391 R-3, St. Johns DR. H. L. OATLEY ~W. F. STEPHENSON, M.D. June 17": Thomas L. and Patsy ments of principal and Interest as Dentist Credit Reports Collections 106 Maple Ave. Phone 224-7012, 510 E, Walker St, John) Bailey to Dale F. and Betty provided for by said mortgage, notice Win Anderson-July 17 PLUMBING Phone 224-2752 Farhat, property in Northdale Is hereby given that on Friday, Sep­ .STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Probate ELECTRICAL"" DR. D. R. WHITE, D.D.S. PAUL F. STOLLER, M.D. Farms. tember 19, 1969, at ten o'clock In Court for the County of Clinton. General Dentistry June 17: Willard and Lillian the forenoon of said day, at the North Estate of ERNST ELECTRIC Phone 224-2968 Office Hours by Appointment Only entrance to the Court House Building Be a Partner DUNKEL 106 Brush St. St. Johns 308 N. Mead Phone 224-21'iQ Searles to Norman E, Sr. and i DORR M. ANDERSON, Deceased in the City of St, Johns, Clinton It is ordered that on Thursday, July NOT'JUST A CUSTOMER Barbara Moinet, property in St. Commercial-Industrial VETERINARIAN County, Michigan, (that being theplace 17, 19G9, at BS30 a.m., In the Probate Buy the Co-op Way Plumbing, Heating DR. BRUCE GRDJICH Johns. where the Clinton County Circuit Court Courtroom, St. Johns, Michigan, a Residential and Air Conditioning 1 D n June 18:'Fred W. Jr. and Carol is held) said mortgagee will, by virtue hearing be held on the petition of FARMERS' CO-OP By AppotaSHSr ° "fit 669-3220 DR. NELSON S. HOWE, JR. of the power of sale in said mort­ Ph. 224-7041 < Phone 224-3372 ^) ,,J? asJ- 'JfH1 MedI«I.D«to| Bide. . . , . Weekdays Sober to Raymond G. and Dorothy Clinton National BankiTrustCompany FOWLER Phone 582-2661 n otticb IIours w 7 8 p m gage and In pursuance of the statute, for probate of a purported Will and St. Johns * 807 E. State St. -^- St. Johns , 13020 S. US-27 East DeWitt 003 N< Clinton Ave. Phone 224-2308 Seeley, property in Bath twp. Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,'-St. Johns, Michigan Page 7B

East Victor By .Mrs Ray Ketchum

Mr and Mrs Herbert Bishop and Miss Georgette Monroe of News notes from the Round Lake spent the Weekend of June 14 at Trout Lake near' Clinton County business world Harrison. Mr and Mrs Orval White at­ tended open house June 15 in Lansing for their grandson, Gary F-M buys controlling Dunckel, son of Mr and Mrs Virgil Dunckel who graduated from Everett High School. Mr and Mrs Nelson Ketchum interest in English and sons of Wacousta spent Father's Day with their parents, Mr and Mrs Ray Ketchum. manfacturing firm Mr and Mrs Jesse Perkins entertained their children, Federal - Mogul Corporation tools, Westwind will be placed grand children and great-grand­ has purchased controlling inter­ within the General Products AW, COME ON, NOW I children June 15 afternoon. Mr est in Westwind Turbines, Ltd., Group, of which Walter T* Camp Ir's getting to be a habit. Maple Rapids Cecil Angles of Owosso was also located in the city of Poole, a caller, Dorset County, England, a small is vice-oresident and group man­ has done it again. This.time it's a portable specialized, manufacturer of high ager. Richard G. Willing, for­ television^ set and chances are getting better BROTHERS WIN HIGH POINT precision air bearing spindles merly research manager of the . all the time that the staff at Kurt's Appliance TROPHIES used in close-tolerance machin­ BCA Ball Bearing Division, has might revamp their rules to omit letting res­ Bruce and Randy Strouse each ing and grinding operations, been appointed manager of sales won high point trophies June 15 particularly for the electronics idents of Maple Rapids in on future contests. and engineering for Westwind at the Gorman Farm Horse Show circuit board industry. Mrs. Joan August, right, is shown with a near DeWitt. Federal - Mogul's subsidiary, in the United States. Metal Removal Company, has portable G.E. television she won in Kurt's "Production of the air bearing Mrs MildredSenwickofClimax been handling domestic distri­ Appliance Center "Dear OP Dad" registra­ is spending some time with her spindles will continue to be bution of Westwind spindles for tion, contest. Shown with Mrs. August is brother, Mr and Mrs Ray Scott. the past several years and will handled at the British facility," Their children and grandchildren continue to market spindles for Camp said, "and with the ex­ Mary Boettger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, were also June 15 evening guests. select applications. pansion of U.S. markets, it is Robert Boettger of St. Johns. Mrs, August Mrs Myrtle Gallop of William- S. E. MacArthur, president .expected that operations and em­ joins the ranks of other winners of gifts from ston and lady friend of Lansing of Federal - Mogul, said that ployment overseas may be in­ spent last June 13 with Mr and because of the relationship to the creased in the future. However, Kurt's who reside in Maple Rapids. Earlier Mrs Gerald Barrett. corporation's existing lines of he added, "complete inventory this spring Mrs. June Winsor was presented Mrs Orval White and her sis­ UNUSUAL BUSINESS OPENS IN ST. JOHNS grinding wheels and carbide and service centers currently a General Electric dishwasher from a local ter, Mr and Mrs Earl Dunckel are being set up in the United drawing at Kurt's and later, at the state of rural Owosso attended the Gary Durow and Robert Rice, both of Lansing, have opened a new Rowley School reunion at Wil- . States to assist with all domestic level drawing in the same "Good Ol' Mom" business at the corner of US-27 and M-21 (next to the service station). customer requirements." liamston June 13. contest, a second Maple Rapids lady, Mrs. They buy and sell the unusual and specialize in decorating items, furni­ Air bearing spindles are used Muriel Abshagen, was a winner. \ Don't turn over a new leaf un­ ture, glassware, picture frames, antiques, collectors items, and also re- in the electronics industry for less you put a weight on it. finish furniture. Durow was a teacher in the woodshop department at the drilling holes in printed circuit are applied to many scientific high school this past year and is pictured with a few of the items for sale. boards, and in the industrial and test devices where their They are open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from noon until late at night. manufacturing industry for high precision running and low torque precision grinding and boring. In characteristics are far superior They would like to invite residents to come in browse around the store. addition, air bearing spindles to the conventional bearings. Annual Fine St. Johns student County Line News Welcome Wagon Arts Festival attending MSU By Mrs Doris Fisher engineering event MILTON BERLE June 15 at Salem United Meth­ Tickets are now on sale at BEGINNING M0N. JUNE 23 opens June 13 Keith M. Thelen, R-2, South odist Church was the closing Lowell and other cities through­ to sponsor club The 10th annual Summer Fine Wacousta, St. Johns, is among service for Rev Conine as pastor out, western Michiganfor the 37th NO SPREADER CHARGE Arts Festival highlights the July 132 outstanding high school of the church. Parmer Phillips Annual Lowell Showboat sched­ New arrivals to St. Johns of the club (in another com­ activities on the Michigan State sophomores and juniors from of the Pastor parish committee, uled for nightly presentations at should find "getting acquainted" munity) is eligible to join or if ON 1 TON OR MORE OF FERTILIZER FOR 8:30 July 21-26.Highlightingthis University campus. Michigan and four other states Joe Purves as church member a little easier from now on. they are a new resident, (since HAY & PASTURE FIELDS. (Through July 31) Scheduled for Sunday July 13, who are taking part In Michigan and Mrs Doris Fisher paid trib­ year's attratction will be Milton Mrs Pauline Powers, Welcome March 1). through Friday July 18, the State University's seventh an­ ute to Rev Conine and family for Berle and Clinton County res­ Wagon Hostess, will sponsor a The next meeting will be held ..festival will include films,, a,rt nual High School Engineering the seven years they have served idents can secure tickets through new organization called " The July 9 and there will be instal­ 0-26-26; 0-18-36; 0-14-42 exhibits, theatre productionsand* -Institute June;.i.5-28,. • .•-.:* the,., church. The combined Adult Arbaugh's department store,in Newcomers Club." lation of officers. concerts for people of all ages. and Youth Choir sang the prayer Lansing. . •. Their purpose will be to help TRUCK SPREADING RATE Programs by guest speakers and The Institute, designed to give hymn "In the Hour of Trial". acquaint new residents to •'n.i artists will include an Afro- youth a better overview of the "Blest Be the Tie" was sung by Shiawassee Free facilities offered in the area Price District Vi PRICE-S10.00 MINIMUM Haitian dance production, piano Importance of engineering in to­ congregation. Greeters were Mr and to take an active interest in By Mrs Harold Crowley. recital, a guitar and folk song day's world, provides formal and Mrs Maynard Beck. Mrs Fair Aug. 11-16 the civic, social, and spiritual concert and talks on landscape, courses of study, lectures and Harriet Schmid was organist. welfare of the community. ZEEB FERTILIZERS individual consultation in the Altar flowers were presented Mr and Mrs William Ashley photography and art criticism. The thirty-first annual Shia­ The club will promote and en­ fields of bio engineering, chem­ to Rev and Mrs Conine and fam­ wassee County Free Fair will hosted an open house at their ST. JOHNS-ASHLEY ical engineering, civil engineer­ ily. courage good citizenship as well home June 15 for their daughter, All festival productions and open Aug. 11 and run through as good government. musical programs are open to ing, computer programming, Visitors June 15 at the home Aug. 16 according to Elmo White, Mary, who graduated on June 9 Also Available at the public and admission is electrical engineering, en­ of Mrs Frances Patterson were secretary manager of the event. The club will meet officially from Rodney B. Wilson High charged only for the International gineering scie nces, mathe­ Mr and Mrs Leo Kroll of Ban­ The fair will be staged at Mc- once a month on Wednesday eve­ School. Twenty-five relatives and FOWLER CO-OP-FoWler Fiim Series and the Summer matics, mechanical engineering, nister, Mr and Mrs Gordon Pat­ Curdy Park in Corunna. nings at 7:30 p.m. at the Central friends attended. Mary plans to Theatre Festival. metallurgy and physics. terson of Ashley and Mr and Through the years the Shia­ National Bank, community room. attend Central Michigan Univer­ H0FFERBERT OLIVER SALES-Bannister Mrs Dorrence Patterson of St, wassee County Free Fair has Anyone who has been a member sity in Mt. Pleasant this fall. Johns. grown to become one of the late Mr and Mrs James Fisher and summer attractions in central Area youth at Boys State family attended a Father's Day Michigan andlast year over $10,- cookout June 15 at the home of 000 in premiums were awarded. Several area youths are in­ campus, he served as campaign Mr and Mrs Gerald Brown in Officials expect an increase of Saginaw. Others attending were attendance this year over the WE HAVE A BIG SELECTION volved in activities of the Ameri­ manager for the elected governor can Legion Wolverine Boys State Lennon. Mr and Mrs Clarence Meyer of 126,500 persons who filed held at MichiganStateUniversity Douglas NIckelson served in Essexville, Mr and Mrs William through the gates during 1968. Perkins and family, Mr and Mrs last week. the capacity of Luce County WATERTOWN Roger Davis, son of Mr and Chairman, Roosevelt City Super­ Richard Federspiel and family of Mrs Don Davis of R-4, held the visor and Luce County Super­ Saginaw, Mrs Richard Vincent OF LIVING ROOM SUITES & CHARTER position of Fillmore City Health visor, Doug is the son of Her­ of Owosso. Officer, Roger was sponsored by bert D. Estes and he was spon­ TOWNSHIP the St. Johns Lion's Club. sored by the American Legion. Michigan has more fresh water Mr and Mrs William Barber's The Fowler representative,. than any other state. Enough MINUTES son, Mark, was sent to Boy's Dennis J, Simon was named Road fresh water for every manufactur­ JUNE 9, 1969 State by sponsorship of this city's Commissioner. He is the son of ing plant in America flows by Meeting was called to order Rotary Club. While at the MSU Roman Simon. Detroit each afternoon. on the above date with all board members present. Also present, Commissioner Montgomery. HOOT HON . . . YOU'RE DOLLARS AHEAD TO Minutes of the May meeting" were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was read and placed on file. Bills were read and orders drawn for the same. Commissioner M o n tg omery made a report that further study was being made by the DPW department on the sanitary land­ fill problems within the county, and said that there had been some discussion relative to the road situation also. H* did mention that the County Board is still interested In the airport situ­ ation. MANY STYLES & Correspondence was read and placed on file. COLORS TO CHOOSE Three members of the Looking Glass Valley Park Board were FROM present to discuss plans relative to additional snace for baseball diamonds, and that they will in­ vestigate thoroughly all such pos­ sibilities within the township and report back at the next board We Have Such Brand Names As meeting. The* supervisor was authorized to check into repairing the eave troughing at the township office. KROEHLER, NORWALK, BERNE, SEEMAY, SCHNYDER The board voted to register their concern over the location and route ofI-69 corridor through our township. Letters were sent & many others at SMITH- to the State Highway Department and the Clinton County Road Com­ DOUGiJISS Clinton Crop Service mission. 't'm.mXiW There being no further busi­ W. M-21 and Forrest Hill Rd. ness, meeting adjourned. BECKER'S FURNITURE MILDRED MCDONOUGH 123 Main St. Ph. 582-2161 Phone 224-4071 Clerk Page 8 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 196?

-}•• Clinton County News Back Thlil "Looks Like Another Rough Season! 'IF IT FITZ Editorial Page the Years Interesting- Items Have another drink from the Files of the Wednesday, June 25, 1969 Clinton' County News By JIMFIT7GERALD 10 YEARS AGO New facilities to manufacture I Just got a dirty letter from -were with someone else. As a Abdou's store across the street. metal powder, will be Installed in Bill Rlcketts. He said o.ur high result, my shadow didn't grad­ Her grandson Joe was a class­ the Federal Mogul plant In St. school class graduated 25 years uate until 1946. mate, the toughest kid in the A senseless pursuit Johns this year, Kermlt Hart, ago this month and we should I remember lots of things room. The last time I saw him plant manager announced today. have a party. What a clown. about those skinny days .... he owned a bar and raced horses Construction of a 50 by 100 foot The first thing I did was sub­ There was the day Fred Ceg- and was still single. It pays to be Civic forces are gathering momentum addition to the southwest corner tract 1944 from 1969. Then I latfek pushed me through a school tough. Just ask us sissies. with impact directed toward Tuesday July of the plant will be started soon proved my answer by-adding it window. We were brought before I remember the place to meet to house the new operation. 15. That is the day when St. Johns residents to 1944. Then, for the first time, Father McCormick where, under your girlfriend after school was St Johns summer tax bills are I looked at the numbers on my pain of mortal sin, we promised in the last pew of St. Stephen have an opportunity to indicate their de­ being mailed to owners of real Playboy calendar to make sure to make restitution. I'll bet that Church. The girl I met for years sires as to the action city commissioners and personal property In the city it was 1969. I then phoned my bum Fred hasn't paid his half finally wised up and married a this week. mother to make sure it had been yet. Which mades 2 of us. golf pro. They also tore down should take on the Question of a city income The summer rate is 10 1/2 1944. I remember handsome Bobby the church and any day now the' tax. mills on the city's state equalized But no matter what I did, It Patterson who wowed the girls Pope may announce that St. valuation about$1.62 per thousand kept coming up 25. Ricketts is and drove a new Buick in the 8th Stephen was a phony, While the question itself, along with the higher than last year on assessed right. It would have been nice if grade (I may have written that I remember how World War n vote, is of great importance, there is an valuation. he'd kept his mouth shut, but In the wrong order). He defected changed the curriculum. A nun No mother could have been he is right. to military school for a couple who used to teach literature was element of the issue which should, and does, prouder than Mrs Thelma Baese It was just the other evening of years but returned in time to suddenly teaching aeronautics. hold even greater significance. That ele­ as she pinned the "wings" on her that my sweet 13 daughter said get me In lots of trouble. Bob She didn't know an airplane from son Richard, Wednesday, June 10 I wouldn't look so fat if I didn't later taught at St. Stephen wich a scooter but this was war. ment is personal attitudes. Let's not allow at Greenfield Air Force Base, have so many chins. was similar to making Al Capone I remember a classmate ourselves to cast shadows of hostility or In Mississippi, where he received "I guess I eat too much/ I warden of Alcatraz. named Tommy Knapp who didn't his commission as a in the resentment over the issue, the result of the admitted. The graduating class president graduate. He dropped out early Air Force. "Don't you swallow it?" she was Bill Hubbell. He was going to join the army and, by com­ vote or those with whom we might dis­ Richard is the last one of asked. to be a priest until he met a girl mencement day, he was dead in nine sons of Mrs Baese to have named Peaches, of all things. He Europe. ' agree. There is much value in wholesome seen service in some branch of I AM NOT too keen on driving married her. And, the way things dissent or disagreement, but the merits the military service. The boys to Port Huron to parade my are going these days, he may A war waited for most of the are lost under the labors of a grudge. have served continuously since chins before St. Stephen Class still become a priest. "Here boys then. Now, 25 years later, World War n and have traveled of '44. No one will recognize me. comes Father Hubbell and another war waits for our sons. St. Johns as a city is in the unenviable all over the world and every When I was a high schooler, I Peaches." I like the sound of that. This is progress? continent except South America was so skinny my shadow was I remember buying clgarets position of being short of finances and, and Antarctica. Eleven members All hail the class of '44. And embarrassed and kept falling for a penny each at Grandma do have another drink. as in the case of individual families, such of Dick's family were present. behind me, trying to act as if it a situation tends to increase heat and lower 25 YEARS AGO boiling points. It is a time when proposals The Republican National Con­ are many, solutions are elusive and the vention in Chicago named Thomas TAKING FIVE Broken rules E. Dewey, former Owosso boy, effectiveness of any decision cannot truly and now governor of New York We killed so many men todayl be evaluated. Proponents of various rec­ state to head the ticket. Please do not ask me why, ommendations must, indeed, support their Mrs Nelson H. Palmer, 86,one Chance threw them all together, of Clinton County's most widely Hot dogs to cats And decreed that many die. beliefs, but only time itself will ever^rove known and respectedwomen.dled the collective merits of the final action. on Friday morning, June 23, at By RON HUARD We killed so many men todayl ' the home of her daughter, Mrs Maimed and battered countless more, We have indicated a preference and while George Brooks, at 205 S Mead Not defending our chosen land, Street, St. Johns. But on some far away shorel we feel it to be not merely expedient, but A young friend of mine from numbersl) and used their ac­ And so it Is, Effective Monday, July 10,cell­ complishments to point out how fair and effective, we are not oblivious to ing prices will become effective out Iowa way by the name of While there are some causes We killed so many men todayl the inherent dangers of losing perspective on 23 makes of automobiles, In­ Mike Means is fairly repre­ difficult it is to be absolute for doubt over the direction of Men who were not born to kill, sentative of the all-American in any procedure. our world, there is one thing of the final goal; that being a sound com­ cluding 6,000 models manufac­ Who marched to battle once again tured In the years 1937 to 1942. boy. Like most other boys his that has been proven time and On some Hamburger Hilll munity with firm finances and friendly age Mike has an appetite for again and that is that accept­ Mr and Mrs Don Britten enter­ hot dogs, but unlike his con­ ance of change or recognition tained at a family dinner Sunday We killed so many men today! people. temporaries, he has a unique of different methods has Who keeps the bloody score? in honor of his brother, Jack method of disposing of them. brought about advances which There is no room, regardless of the Britten, S2-c who was home on Like pawns upon the chess-board, leave. From observations It ap­ have been beneficial to man for Each new move cries for more! depth of the difficulty, for resentment. pears to be commonplace that 50 YEARS AGO the most part. Rigid thinking, That, too, can be proven ^s^eshseless by a hot dog be eaten from one and lack of objective consider­ We killed so many mertltoday! the passage of time and can leave wounds No it wasn't a fire, nor a end to the other and this Mike ations generally create only r. Ever finding newiways to betray runaway nor anything like that, does but in a way all his own. deeper ruts, be the pursuit of The God whom we would worship, far deeper than those which may be caused but when a big truck loaded with He begins nibbling the weiner a personal, community or When love has found the way. by financial difficulties. ice appeared in the eastern part and with, each successive bite world-wide nature. of the city last Friday morning proceeds further into the sand­ We killed so many men today! there surely was some com­ wich allowing the respective As they say; there's more And boast of our prowess as good! motion. The good news spread parts of the hot dog bun to than one way to skin a cat and While a world still plunged in darkness, like wild fire and with a hurried slide along his cheeks without once he's skinned who's to know Seeks Human Brotherhood! wipe of their noses on their re­ ever being touched. how it was accomplished. Role of advertising spective aprons, and without The end result is an empty In the case of Mike Means, W. E. Dobson waiting to adjust a hair pin, the hot dog bun and a mustard he leaves a bit of a hint. RAH housewives started >ln pursuit. speckled lad with a wide grin irmst^f'S^^si One of our most distinguished and despite the unusual pro­ SHIAWASSEE CO.Htw Utkn, O An official of the National, Newspaper male citizens was in the bunch cedure everyone concerned , HtV HAXSLTO*. and in stentorian tones ordered seems to be satisfied with the H«VIH Assn. remarked, "Advertising with a capital LI- his ice box filled to the limit. results. DOHI* View from ( oiuC C.l.i A' , has taken an unmerciful beating at the But the women wouldn't stand I once had a geometry teach­ 0" OVIO D for that and said he must take a hands of consumerists in recent years.'! er who worked diligently teach­ • »!*• 0 his turn, which he meekly did. 1 1 TON ing us the generally accepted d " 'T' The consumerists, he points out, say ad­ The public benefactor to break ways of reaching solutions to the 87th a J the ice famine In St. Johns was mathematical problems yet — * o •* TV© vertising provides the consumer with no Earl Payne, who has arranged By WILLIAM S. BALLENGER there were more than a few State Representative useful information. to secure ice from Ovid dealers, occasions when the correct an­ They fly The truth is that advertising contains a and will supply customers so far swer would be arrived at by a as he is able. number of students using pro­ our flag , This week I'd like to report said they did not feel the Leg­ 27.5% had No Opinion. As a staggering amount of useful product in­ Drownings are frightfully com­ cedures other than what the Patrick Goff, ^re­ the final tabulation of responses islature should take such action, matter of fact, ADC was the formation, beginning with such elemental mon £ince the resort season instructor had suggested. quested that his parents, to my legislative questionnaire and 19.6% had no opinion. only category out of the six I opened and warm weather came. They were never discouraged Mr and Mrs Thomas Goff, on the subjects of welfare, Lastly, when asked whether listed in the questionnaire In facts as where an item is for sale, during About two weeks ago there were by this concerned teacher. In place a flag pole in their throwaway bottles, and driver they felt the Legislature should which more respondents felt what hours and at what price. Newspaper nine in the state over the weekend fact, she praised them for their front yard at 1101 S. Oak­ licensing. avoid becoming involved in the support should be decreased advertisements are usually filled with de­ and nearly every day takes one ingenuity (I never happened to land Street. The family now When asked If the state should throwaway bottle-and-can con­ than increased. or more toll. be among the ingenious flies the flag regularly. establish the minimum age to troversy, only 8.7% said they The other four categories— - tailed information that enables purchaser obtain a driver's license at age felt the Legislature should keep Nursing "Home Care, Hospital and seller to come to a meeting of minds, 17 instead of 16 (subject to ex­ out of it. 53.9% said they felt Care, Aid to the Disabled, and isting exceptions), the approxi­ the • Legislature should take Physicians' Services—all re­ and thus keep our entire free market mately 1765 respondents an­ action, and37.4%hadnoopinion. ceived support somewhere in economic system rolling along in high gear. swered: 50.3%, Yesj 34.7%/No; The responses to the queries between Old Age Assistance, and 15%, No Opinion. on Welfare in my legislative on the one hand, and ADC on The association official touched on a Clearly, then, a sizable num­ questionnaire proved inter­ the other. I should also mention phase of advertising with which the public ber of adults in the 87th House esting In at least one category, that respondents who advocated District do not approve of the anyway—that of Aid to Depen­ increased support outnumbered has little familiarity—the policy guides high accident and fatality rate dent Children or ADC, as it's those who rebommended de­ which determine acceptance or rejection among teenage drivers and feel often abbreviated. creased support in all four of that, by deferring for a year a these categories by a sizable of advertising by newspapers. In practice, teenager's right to drive an Respondents gave far less margin. the self-regulation of advertising content automobile, we can cut down on support to the Idea that ADC the skyrocketing property dam­ should be increased than, they Back once more to ADC. When by the newspapers is a more effectiye age and loss of life resulting other welfare programs asked if they favored support safeguard against fraud or deception than from auto accidents involving such as Nursing Home Care, for a new work incentive pro­ young people. Hospital Care, Old Age Assist­ gram for ADC mothers, the re­ a mountain of laws. Yet, it is carried on A surprisingly high percent­ ance, Aid to the Disabled, and sponse was: 77.9%, Yes; 9.5%,' without impairing the basic function of age of respondents felt that the Physicians' Services. Further­ No; and 12.6%, No Opinion. advertising or the fluidity of the market­ Utter, health, and financial more, most respondents I pointed out In my legislative problems posed by throwaway seemed to reject the suggestion questionnaire that present place. Newspaper self-regulation of ad­ bottles and cans should be that ADC grants should be in­ grants to ADC mothers are vertising, as the official observes, is strongly dealt with by the Leg­ creased with the cost of living based on costs in 1961. 1 said islature. and a strong majority favored that there are proposals to peg' J pragmatic and direct, and based upon the For instance, when asked if a new work incentive program increased ADC grants to the K . . . knowledge and experience of the the Legislature should pass a for ADC mothers. .rising cost of living. law requiring a higher deposit The welfare category which But when I asked my constit­ publisher and his staff." ' i on bottles which currently re­ uents if they favored legislation These fellows made up the track team at'St; Johns High School back- quire such a deposit, the re­ drew the strongest and mast It should never be forgotten that ad­ sympathetic support was that of to increase ADC grants with the In 1921. The picture is reproduced from Le Cid, the high school's first sponse was: 57,6%, Yesj 17.8%, increased cost of living, only vertising is the underpinning of a free press. No; and 24.6%, No Opinion. "Old Age Assistance." 40% of yearbook, provided by Mrs Arnold Martens. According .to information the respondents felt Old Age As­ 36% said Yes', 45.4% said No, When asked if they felt non- sistance should be increased. and 18.6% had No Opinion. accompanying the picture the team had a successful season that*year: "St. deposit or throwaway bottles OCALA, Fla.v STAR-BANNER: 'Does the wide dis­ Only 3% felt it should be de­ Clearly, a majority of res­ Johns Won two meets out of the four in which she took part. In the other- should be banned, a whopping creased. 29.2% felt It should idents of the 87th'House Dis­ parity of welfare funds made available by the various 76% said Yes; only 10% said No; states encourage'would-be-recipients to move from state two meets she placed third in one and individual scoring in the meet at stay the same, and 27.8% had trict feel that the Aid to De­ and 18.6% had No Opinion. pendent Children program has to state seeking larger handouts?...Justthe other day. . . M.A.C. Much of her success is due to the efforts of the coach, Mr Davies, no opinion. (the New York City) welfare department denied welfare When asked if they felt non- not been effective. My feeling who developed a winning team out of raw material. " The "raw material" deposit cans should be banned, As I said, the Aid to Dependent is that major efforts oughttobe benefits to a woman with 12 children who had migrated k from Mississippi. If her application had won approval, she Mr Davies worked with from the left: fcock row-Leonard Blakeslee, Aloys- 65.6% said Yes; 15.8% said No; Children (ADC) program drew expended on behalf of ADC In and 18.6% had No Opinion. the least sympathetic response. both Congress and the State would have received $745 a month in welfare, tax free and ius Martin, Maxwell; Smith, Mr Pavies,, WalterGohn, Morris Anselm and not including free medical care available under the Medi­ Also, 65.3% said they felt Only 13.4% felt support for the Legislature to make it a worth­ caid program. Multiply that $745 by 12 and It comes out Robert GMson. Middle row-Blynn Vincent, Orville Price, Lewis Kelly, John the Legislature should prohibit program should be increased, while program- and prevent the to a cool $8,940 in relief payments." Zdbelka, Wendell Ste'ad and John Burridge. Raymond Hull Jr. and Albert the sale of refrigerated beer in 22.8% felt support shouldbede­ abuses which have plagued if ") non-deposit containers for off- creased. 36.3% felt support and damaged its image In the Reese are seated in front. premises consumption. 15.1% should be left the same, and public eye. Wednesday, June 25, 1969 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page

MICHIGAN MIRROR Nonpartisan judges


Chief Justice Thomas E. Bren- gulated as completely or judged and staff and will resist with nan has called on the Michigan as sternly as the practice of all appropriate means the Legislature to enact a pending law," Brennan declared, "The seizure of our institutional bill to provide for the nonpar­ number of lawyers annually dis­ facilities," thepresidents tisan nomination of state Su­ ciplined, suspended, and dis­ warned in a resolution adopted preme Court justices. barred far exceeds the number unanimously. Brennan, In a special message in other professions." "We will not permit any group 'HARD-TO-MATCH' to the lav/makers, said the In the new state Judicial Ten­ within our institutions to infringe present system of party conven­ ure Commission, the agency for on the rights of others. We will, PAINT COLOR? tion nominations is a "relic of disciplining judges, Brennan said of course, defend freedom of ex­ a bygone day." Michigan jurists "have the best, pression and the necessity for WE'VE MORE THAN 1,000 Under the bill, Supreme Court most modern appliances to clean tolerance of all viewpoints, but candidates would run without our own house." will not tolerate intentional acts party labels in a wide open of physical coercion or violence. WAYS TO HELP! primary. The top two vote-get­ -STATE COLLEGE and uni­ *It must be clearlyunderstood ters would meet in the general versity presidents have closed that all membersoftheacademlc election. ranks against "intentionally dis­ community are subject to the "Given a nonpartisan primary civil and criminal laws of the ruptive and negative" campus Pat Thompson, Karin Powers, Pauline Powers, Sue Suppa and Judy Hunt election for nominations to the disorders, vowing they will "not society In which we live." Supreme Court, the two great tolerate intentional acts of physi­ The presidents urged that all of St. Johns met at Walker's Cafe June 17, to form a new club devoted political parties of Michigan will cal coercion or violence." "channels for appeal and or­ be unburdened of the biennial to aiding new residents to the Community. Welcome Wagon Hostess Pauline At the same time, they reaf­ derly dissent" be kept open and chore of finding candidates to that conflict be "resolved ra­ Powers is the club sponsor. (See story on page 7B) be noisily nominated—and firmed their dedication to peace­ ful dissent and said they plan tionally and positively." promptly disowned," Brennan Gov. William G. Milliken en­ said. to avoid outside intervention in campus disorders unless abso­ forced the presidents' position WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR HIDEAWAY FROM FIRE "Incumbent justices will be lutely necessary. and said his office would work 8EMOVE D£^5E UNDSRBRUSH Skip the detective work. We've got LUCITE® Wall Paint— unburdened of the prospect of a "We will protect with all ap­ with college administrators in the Work Skipper paint—in over 1,000 custom colors. re-election contest which stems Cut excess stwill trees, leave widely spnciil tneti And, while you're at it: propriate means the rights and formulating guidelines for hand­ tirusli. and other dense -mil limit's fur uliadu mil not from a judgment about his safety of all students, faculty ling campus unrest. fuels thnt burn r-jpidly. decorntlw purposes. • Skip painting drudgery—it's easy to apply with brush qualifications, but from the PRUNE. BRANCHES or roller necessity of filling the ticket. Re rove branches ol* • Skip stirring, thinning, "ordinary paint" dripping "And the people will be un­ InrRo trues to a liQlfilit of IS to 20 • Skip troublesome clean up—just use soap and water burdened of the tired labeling feet, This will of their Supreme Court justices - Clinton* CMc Calendar - prevent ground fin.1 Stan sprundine to as Republicans and Democrats tlic top-) of these If you're having a problem matching paint colors, stop by the public press—as though Officers of these organizations are advised to notify The Clinton County News at least tn'tis. ' in and see us today. We'll also answer any questions you the circumstances of their or­ one week in advance of the date of publication of the issue in which any change may have about painting tools or techniques. iginal nomination had some In­ in the regular schedule should appear. delible influence upon their de­ cisional processes." day evening In homes of members Blue Star Mothers —• 1st and 3rd Child Study Club—4th Monday eve­ Wednesday, 2 p.m., homes of mem­ BRENNEN ALSO called on the St. Johns ning, homes of members bers FOWLER VARIETY STORE Legislature to enact bills swift­ American Legion—1st and 3rd Tliuis- Cub Scouts—3rd Thursday, 5 p.m., Duo Decum Club — 1st Saturday, 8 ly to consolidate the Detroit days, 8:30 p.m.. Legion Hall Memorial building p.m., homes of members FOWLER American Legion Auxiliary—3rd Tues­ DeWitt Grange—2nd and 4th Fridays High School PTA—1st Monday, 8 Recorder's and Wayne County day, i) p.m., Legion Hall Girl Scouts — Every Thursday 3:30 p.m., students commons Circuit Courts, and create a Banner Rebekah Lodge—1st and 3rd p.m.. Memorial building IOOF—Every Thursday 8 p.m., IOOF Detroit District Court with Mondays, 0 p.m., IOOF Hall Job's Daughters—1st and 3rd Mon­ hall Blue Star Mothers—2nd and 4th Tues­ day evenings, Masonic Temple Maple Rapids Improvement Associa­ criminal and civil divisions. Lions Club—3rd Tuesday evening, Me­ tion—4th Monday, 8 p.m. in Mu­ days, 8 p.m., American Legion Hall nicipal building Establishment of a district Child Study Club—3rd Wednesday 8 morial building Masonic Lodge—1st Wednesday eve­ Maple Rapids Twlrlcrs—Meet the 2nd court system would bring the p.m., In homes of members and 4th Friday night of each month OUR HIGH QUALITY Clinton County Farm Bureau—Com­ ning, Masonic Temple at the Maple Rapids School gym court process closer to Detroit's mittee Women meet the 1st Tuesday Mcrry-MIxers Square Dance—2nd and with a potluck lunch. Caller is black population and solve some of each month, 10:30 a.m. at Farm 4th Saturdays, 8:30 to 11 p.m., at Wendell Law. ...LOW PRICES"' Bureau office room. DeWitt Junior High Masonic Lodge—2nd Monday, 8 p.m., of the legal problems in the Clinton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary— Order of Eastern Star—1st Friday eve- Masonic Temple BORDEN'S HOMOGENIZED $193 ghetto, the chief justice added. Board meets the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 jtfng. Masonic Temple Order of Eastern Star—3rd Monday, 8 FARM CREST "For too long the black people p.m., in the hospital sewing room PTA—3rd Wednesday, at high school, p.m., Masonic Temple 31 2GaIs DAIt — 2nd Tuesday, in homes fif 8 p.m. PTA—3rd Tuesday, school gym £Or TALL 6RAS* MILK / I ojf our cities have been smeared members CRESTSTIX 39« Royal Neighbors—1st and 3rd Fridays, Rebeliah Lodge—Every Saturday, 8 by the wide brush of public Disabled American Veterans — 1st 1 p.m.. Memorial building Do nut .illni. urns c» ROBERTS ASST. ^ / • *fc A Friday, 8:30 p.m., Legion Hall p.m. at IOOF hall I! row trtll nt-nr nny ROSKAMS HOMESPUN reaction to the crimes of some St. Francis Club — 1st Monday, 8:30 Sorosis Club—4th Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., struLtun-. DrlLil, ilu ul 8 et 40 — 4th Tuesday, in homes of p.m., Memorial building homes of members Rrnss Is one of the rust black men, without having in members Thursday Afternoon Club—Last Thurs­ rnplitly burning fire fui-K 1-1/4 lb. Loaf COOKIES E 2/49* St. Martin DePorre Altar Society—1st up hnvp In tin fnrr>ir BREAD 5/89* hand the tools with which to Exchange Club — 2nd and 4th Thurs­ day in homes of members Thursday, 8 p.m., homes of mem­ days, noon, Walker's Cafe. Veteran's Club — 2nd Thursday, 7:30 bers. BORDEN'S CLOVER CLUB discipline their errant Fading Roses Tops Club—Meets Tues­ p.m., Memorial building ROSKAMS HOT DOG OR HAMBURG brothers," Brennan said. day afternoons, 1-3, at nurses lounge Volunteer Firemen—2nd Tuesday eve- WSCS—Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., homes of 1/2 Gal. members 55< of nurses home adjacent to Clinton Jiing,, fire hall ICE CREAM - "It Is time we gave them'the Women's Fellowship—Last Friday* of 35« Memorial Hospital. Woman's Society of Christian Service BUNS tools ... it it time we give the Grlssion WRC—1st and 3rd Tuesday, —1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. month, 1:30 p.m., church dining people of Detroit, neighborhood 2 p.m. In homes of members Priscilla Circle—2nd Tuesday, 8:00 room ICE CREAM CONES 100 PAK by neighborhood, and precinct by 40 et 8 — 1st Monday, 8:30 p.m., St. p.m. Council Meeting—1st and 3rd Wednes­ Johns and Breckenridge Legion Mary-Martha Circle—3rd Wednesday, day, 7:30 p.m. HERRUD'S SKINLESS #41* BUDDING SMOKED SLICED precinct, the judges and the Halls, alternate months 8 p.m. * * 5 IOOF — Every Wednesday, 3 p.m., #VKE AWAY courthouses to do the job which IOOF Hall Elizabeth Circle—2nd Thursday, 3 FRANKS * 69 must be done if our children and Jaycees — 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., a.m. Ovid CErV/E* AND MEATS L & L Restaurant Ruth Circle—3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m. our children's children are to Acme Society—3rd Thursday, 8 p.m., SEMI-BONELESS enjoy the fruits of urban civili­ Jaycee Auxiliary — 4th Thursday, 8 Goodwill Circle—2nd Tuesday, 1:30 TUG* p.m. in members' homes. p.m., in the homes of members in homes of members Western Cantalope Ll Ea. zation.'' Knights of Columbus — 1st and 3rd American Legion—3rd Wednesday, 8:30 Tuesday, 8 p.m.—K of C hall Eagle p.m.. Memorial building HAMS Brennan took an indirect swipe Businessmen's Association—2nd Tues- Ulirinate (.lie Hcciitnilntlcin of C Knights Templar — 1st Thursday, 7:30 Helping Hand Cluti—4th Tuesday eve­ leaves nnil tulRS nrounil Un­ Sweet Corn 5/39 FOWLER LOCKER at legislation to strip the State p.m., Masonic Temple day, time and place varies cut side of ynur bullilinns ning, in the homes of members Crescent Club—1st and 3rd Mondays Bar of Michigan of Its self- Lions Club — 2nd and 4th Wednesday Niles Cemetery Society — 2nd Thurs­ 6:30 p.m., IOOF Hall 8 p.m., in homes of members BOLOGNA policing power over lawyers and day, In homes of members Disabled American Veterans—3rd Fri­ Head Lettuce 2/45* Masonic Lodge—1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. North Eagle Cemetery Society—Last day, 8:30 p.m. Memorial building PttPo&E TWW PROPERTY vest the authority to license at­ Masonic Temple Thursday, 3 p,m„ Town hall Homemakers—2nd and 4th Thursdays, Hlspoi.0 of cut Henna torneys with a state agency. Morning Muslcalc—2nd and 4th Thurs­ WSCS — 1st Wednesday, Methodist day 9:45 a.m. in homes of members 2 p.m., in homes of members and underbrush, Church basement. IOOF—Every Tuesday, 8 p.m., IOOF pruned branches, "No other profession is re- Order of Eastern Star — 1st Wednes­ 1onvii. twins, ind day, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple hall Job's Daughters—2nd and 4th Mon­ otlier reftiic in -i FRECH EN'S MARKET Rotary Club — Every Tuesday, noon reiGrruiiicil manner. Walker's Cafe Elsie days, 7:33 p.m.. Masonic Temple Lions Club—2nd and 4th Mondays, 6:30 Middlebury Royal Arch Masons — 2nd Tuesday, 0 p m. Main Street church of United Fowler, Mich. p.m., Masonic Temple American Legion—1st and 3rd Thurs­ church By Mrs Don Warren Royal Neighbors of America—1st and days, 8 p.m., Legion hall Phone 834-5030 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p.m., in homes of American Legion Auxiliary — 2nd and Laf-a-Lot Club—1st and 3rd Thursdays, Clinton County News Classified Acls Get Best Results members. 4th Thursdays, 8 p.m. Legion hall 2 p.m., In homes of members Senior Citizens—2nd and 4th Tuesday, Band Boosters — 1st Monday, 7:30 Loncor-Dennls WCTU—2nd Tuesday in Mr and Mrs Charles Babcock every month, in basement of the p.m. alternate months. Band room homes of members were hosts recently to members Episcopal church. B.W.C.S. — 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 p.m., Masonic Lodge—1st Monday, 8 p.m. St. Johns Woman's Club — 1st and 3rd in homes of members Masonic Temple and guests of the Burton Farmers Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m., in homes of Lions Club—1st and 3rd Mondays, Order of Eastern Star—2nd Tuesday, Club for a cooperative supper. members v 7:00 p.m., Legion hall 8 p.m. Masonic Temple St. Johns Honor Guard—2nd and 4th Masonic Lodge — 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 Ovld-Duplain Library Club—1st Fri­ The business meeting was con­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., V^W hall p.m., Masonic hall day, 12:30 p.m. in homes of mem-' ducted by President Russell Pot­ Tops Club — Every Thursday, 7:45 WSCS — 1st Wednesday 8:00 p.m., bers ter.-The group was glad to see p.m., Senior Citizens' Drop-in Cen­ homes of members Royal Arch Masons—1st Wednesday, ter Older of Eastern Star—1st Thursday, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple that Babcock, who suffered a bad VFW Auxiliary—1st and 3rd Tues­ 8:110 p.m., Masonic hall Social Evening— Veterans Memorial fall from his barn last Septem­ days, 8 p.m., VFW Hall PTA—2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m., school Building, 8 p.m. every Wednesday, ber, was now able to be present. VFW—1st and 3rd Thursday, 8 p.m., gym sponsored by Ovid veteran's group VFW Hall Woman's Literary Club — Alternate Town and Country Extension — 4th Mr and Mrs Greg Llll and John WCTU Mary Smith Union —Third Tuesdays, 8 p.m., homes of mem­ Wednesday, in homes of members Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. bers VFW—4th Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Memorial of Wheaton, 111. were recent In the homes of members building , guests of their parents, Mr and * * VFW Auxiliary—2nd Tuesday, 8 p.m., Mrs Charles Warren, Fowler Memorial building. Bath Volunteer Firemen—First Thursday, Mr and Mrs Don Warren were Boy Scouts — Every Wednesday, 7 7:30 at Fire hall American Legion—2nd and 4th Thurs­ p.m., Holy Trinity gym World War I Veterans—1st Thursday hosts Sunday, June 15 for an open days, Memorial Hall Catholic Order of Foresters—3rd Tues­ p.m., Memorial building t iv^***>- served by Becky and Kathy Jor­ —Club dances the 2nd and 4th Satur­ ity church Altar Society—4th Tuesday, 8 p.m., days of the month from 8:30 to DauglKcrs of Isabella—2nd Wednesday, Parish hall iBiP^^ dan iizpm a table decorated in the 11:30 p.m. during regular dancing 8 p.m. Most Holy Trinity church Band Boosters—3rd Tuesday, 8 p.m., class colors of light and dark season at the James Couzens Gym Fowler Conservation Club—1st Mon­ high school Cub Scout Committee—1st Wednes­ day, 8 p.m., Conservation Park Blue Star Mothers—3rd Wednesday, 8 blue. About 90 attended from Mid­ day, 7:30 p.m., at James Couzens Jaycees—3rd Thursday, 8 p.m., Fire p.m., elementary school land, Corunna, Kalamazoo, Building hall Lions Club—3rd Tuesday, elementary - Owosso, Laingsburg and the sur­ Cub Scout Pack—4th Thursday, 6:30 Knights of Columbus—Monday after school p.m, school the 2nd Sunday, 8 p.m., KorC hall Masonic Lodge—3rd Tuesday, 8 p.m., rounding area. Firemen's Auxiliary — 1st Tuesday, 8 Lions Club—3rd Monday, 6:30 p.m., Masonic hall p.m., home of members Fowler Hotel Order of Eastern Star—1st Wednesday Park Lake Improvement League—4th VFW—4th Thursday, 8 p.m. VFW 8 p.m., Masonic hall Wednesday, .8 p.m., Improvement hall 21 Club —3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., League Hail VFW Auxiliary—Last Wednesday 8 at club house Hubbardston Fast Grand Club — 4th Thursday, p.m., VFW hall WSCS—3rd Thursday. 2 p.m., home of STOP rust on tools and equipment Mrs Mamie O'Connell homes of members 2 * members An Electric Dehumidifier PTA — 2nd Thursday, 8 p.m. Junior Phone 981-2374 high gym Maple Rapids PTA Executive Board—Monday before STOP mildew in carpets, linens Thursday PTA meeting, 8 to D p.m. Arnica Club—1st Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Wacousta "drinks" harmful moisture The benefit supper and dance at school homes of members and clothing. held at the American Legion Sunbeam Rcbckah Lodge No. 165— Band Parents—2nd Wednesday, 8 p.m., Breakfast Club — Last Thursday, 9 a.m., in homes of members Clubhouse Saturday evening was 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each students Commons Child study Club—2nd Tuesday, eve­ well attended. Mrs RobertBarker month starting at 8 p.m. at the Baseball Boosters—3rd Wednesday & ning, in homes of members out of humid weather! STOP rarping and swelling community hall on Main Street In p.m. at the school Masonic Order No. 359—Regular meet­ was presented with the proceeds. Bath ings first Thursday of the month at 1 Volunteer Firemen—2nd Monday, 8 8:u0 p.m. at Temple of furniture. Several girls from the area p.m., fire hall Methodist Men's Club—First Wednes­ spent from June 15 through the WSCS—General meeting 4th Tuesday, day or each month; potluck at 0:30 Here is economical protection against costly, moisture- 8 p.m., Methodist church p-m. Wacousta Methodist church STOP pipes from dripping. 19th camping at "Barkus Park" GIVE Neighborhood Society—3rd Thursday, caused damage to your home ... a portable, electric near Muir with the GirlScouts. In homes of members ^ THE GIFT Otdcr of Eastern Stir—1st Tuesday dehumidifier.'Just plug it into any outlet and it immediately Mr and Mrs Willie Hills were * DeWitt * evening. Masonic Temple goes to work wringing excess moisture from the air .. . STOP extreme discomfort caused June 21 guests of Mrs Mamie American Legion—The DeWitt Ameri­ OF LIFE * * can Legion post holds regular meet­ protects your furnishings, makes you more comfortable. by high humidity* O'Connell and Mr and Mrs ings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays Clifford O'Grady and family. of each month, 8:30 p.m., DeWitt Westphalia Memorial Building. Marie O'Brien was a weekend Ulue Star Mothers—2nd Thursday :ift- Catholic Order of Foresters—2nd Tues­ visitor of her brother "John and ernoon, Memorial building and day, 8 p.m., St. Mary's parish hall Kleran O'Brien. homes of'members GIVE Daughters of Isabella—3rd Thursday, Boy Scouts—Every Monday, 7 p.m., 8 p.m., St. Mary's parish hall Mr and Mrs Clifford O'Grady Memorial building Knights of Columbus—1st Tuesday, (t and Mr and Mrs.CecllEstepwere Brownies — Every Wednesday, 3:30 BLOOD p.m., K of c rooms f p.m., Memorial building Young Ladles SodalIty-<-3rd Sunday SEE YOUR APPLIANCE DEALER in Lansing JUne 12 for the annual Brown Bee Study Group—3rd Tues­ afternoon, every 2 months, St. ^meeting of the Lansing Wholesale RED CROSS BLOOD PROGRAM Mary's parish hall Grocery Company. Page 10 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, June 25, 1969