the '4**-^ {*•* • >. •• '••V'--.; ->.,.- ' K: 4-H canoe safety Visitors flock to Ovid centennial Accidents kill one, injure eight ' 'li .See page 18A .See pages 16-17A .See page 5A MacLaren answers charges r..-...wA Health unit head explains demand/department duties Acting Director H. Lawrence Clinton counties. The term'good wi*1 .j provide sure relief from MacLaren this week took issue sanitarian' was used in one arti­ unsanitary conditions which with charges directed against cle, I strongly feel there are presently exist in the area. the Mid-Michigan Health De­ none better than Robert Barnes. partment by Bath Supervisor- "With the help of Art Kelly we IN ADDITION TO THESE com­ 114th Year, No. 8 ST. JOHNS, MICH.- Wednesday, June 25, 1969 2 SECTIONS — 30 PAGES 15 cents- Assessor Duane Smith and the have struggled through to the ments, MacLaren went on to r?c threat by the board of super­ present time. With our increased explain that sanitation is not the visors to quit the three-county staff we heop to give prompt only program being pursued by health unit. and complete coverage of all the Mid-Michigan District Health Final stages for weed control ordinance In commenting on recent ac­ problems." Department. Some of the other tions involving his unit, Mac­ activities which involve the de­ Laren emphasized that the Mid- MacLAREN'S REFERENCE partment include food service Michigan Health Department has to increased staff involves the inspections, water well inspec­ been in existence for only slightly recent appointment of a sani­ tions, inspection of all non­ over three years and that this tarian and an assistant to the public water and sewer plans time does not provide for the health unit. Darwin Root has and trailer park insections. creation of a completely received appointment as sani­ Numerous other activities Firemen offer money to seasoned operation. tarian with the assistant's posi­ were also part of MacLaren's tion going to Arnold Mlnarik, comments including septic tank HE POINTED OUT the im­ In other comments MacLaren cleaner and vehicle inspections, possibility of one sanitarian readily agreed that many sewage school system food services, handling the workload imposed violations are in existence in water supplies, sewage and safe­ by the size of Clinton County the Bath area but he pointed out ty inspections and at least two and explained developments of that much of Bath Township was dozen other areas' which demand personnel changes within his de­ developed- many years ago when attention from Mid-Michigan buy new equipment partment. "Last September," the people were not so conscious Health Department personnel. MacLaren stated, "Mid-Michi­ of pollution. He pointed out, too, gan District Health Department Representing members of the The offer followed a request mated cost of the combined pur­ ward the purchase of the desired that building sites in the area AS AN EXAMPLE OF AN ac­ St. Johns Fire Department, Ray THE SECOND ACCEPTANCE was told to fire the sanitarian tivity not normally associated by Kentfield that commissioners chase was $6,000. equipment in the amount of $2,- of bid for a new police car was are so small they will not ade­ Kentfield Monday night informed seriously consider the purchase we had at that time. I asked and quately support a sewage system with the unit, MacLaren cited Kentfield explained that the 500 if the commission were to made during the commission received his resignation. Being the city commission the group of a three-quarter ton pickup firemen had agreed that pro­ approve the difference. and well with proper isolation. the monthly immunization would contribute $2,500 toward meeting and the nod was given unable to find a replacement I clinics. He pointed out that at truck for use in fighting grass ceeds from their fund raising Cowan Mercury, Inc. The second It. is, MacLaren's strong be­ the purchase of new equipment. fires and a drop-in unit. Esti­ activities would be directed to- was forced touseRobert Barnes, lief and recommendation that least one-thousand persons re­ AT THE SUGGESTION of Com­ bid was required and accepted R.S. to cover both Gratiot and only a system of sanitary sewers ceived approximately 1,500 im­ missioner Charles Coletta the because of inability of EganFord munizations during the June clin­ commission took the request to deliver an auto as outlined ic providing protection against under advisement until contact in the bid because of factory diptheria, pertussus, whooping with township officials could be production cutoff dates. Cowan's Angell, Thelen seek cough, tetanus, measles, polio, made. It was Coletta's opinion bid was $2,913,89. The original small pox and tuberculosis. that since the greater percent­ bid was $2,621,69, "I hope this gives the public ages of grass fires occur out­ In other action the commission some idea of the scope of our side the city limits perhaps town­ heard Hannah tell of heavy truck endeavors," MacLaren stated. ships might be inclined to share traffic along Sturgis Street from DeWitt supervisor seat "The department should not be in the costs of additional fire US-27 to Lansing St. and acted condemned on one portion of fighting equipment. on his recommendation that The Republican and Demo­ in the DeWitt area. He is at The question of week control cratic parties of DeWitt have their total load. Sometimes the something be done to combat the present the DeWitt township problems seem almost insur­ and storm sewer installation increasing usage. City Attorney named their candidates for the clerk and operates the 51 acre again came before the commis­ supervisors^ position which was mountable, but we keep on striv­ Paul Maples and City Manager farm onwhichhelives.Heserved ing. With the support of the public sion and the group moved for­ Harvey Weatherwax were di­ vacated when voters recalled as secretary of th Gunnison- ward on the first while tabling Reginald Nelson. and the cooperation of other rected to compile information, ville School Board from 1942 county departments we can, and the latter. regarding traffic weight controls Oliver S. Angell, the Re­ to 1954 at which time he became will, promote a better program for commission consideration at publican candidate, will be op­ a DeWitt township trustee. He for all of our citizens." A SECOND READING of the the next meeting. posed by Edmund J. Thelen, the also served-on the DeWitt and weed control ordinance, pre­ Some concern was registered Democratic c a n d i d a t e, in the Clinton Library boards. sented initially at the June 9, special election scheduled for by commissioners before ac-r In 1965 he became the super­ 1969 meeting, was completed. cepting a bid to purchase a city • the DeWitt residents on July 16, The statute, a legal notice of 1969. visor of DeWitt, therefore, serv­ In testimony owned bulldozer. The concern, which appears elsewhere in this voiced in both light and heavy, Angell, 60 was born and raised ing on the County Board of Super­ visors. At the end of that term issue, is designed to define ob­ veins, centered on the fact that, in 1967 he was appointed to the Roy FrechenofKinleyRoad, noxious growths, to outline their of two bids submitted only one * clerk's position he now holds rural Fowler put the following removal and to provide penal­ dollar established the margin.'. and was elected to continue that ad in the Clinton County News ties for failure to conform, Finally after a few minutes of* office in November of 1968. classified ad section a couple The tabled sewer request was discussion the sale of the dozer • of weeks back and reported that of Willard Searles who had was granted to Traver's Auto* Angell is a graduate of Lan­ quick success on the sale. desired installation of storm Parts for $1,011. Greenbush-] sing Central High and completed PUREBRED, SPOTTED- sewer along a number of res­ Supervisor Derrill Shinabery, a higher accounting course at Poland China stock hog, idential lots along Scott Road. was a dollar shy of buying a what was then Ferris Institute. about 350 lbs., $65; Ray NEED A-POSITIVE AND O-NEGATIVE BLOOD The action came at the recom­ lame dozer from the city of He was then employed with a Frechen 2 north and 2 3/4 mendation of Commissioner furniture manufacturing com­ west of Fowler, phone John Hannah on the strength of (Story continued on Page 2-A) pany in Jackson as a cost ac­ 582-3031. 49-lp The summer visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile is taking place today insufficient funds and the dangers countant. Clinton County News clas­ of establishing a precedent which in St. Johns and volunteers have issued an urgent call for donors with could not be uniformly followed. He and his wife, Mildred, live sifieds work that way. Try one Arson pair ; on for size. Phone 224-2361. A-positive or O-negative blood. Mrs John Paradise, Mrs Edward Idz- Along with the tabling a tone at 14183 Wood Road. of general agreement among the Thelen, 46, and his wife are Somebody may be looking for kowski and Mrs Leonard Puetz, volunteers for the bloodmobile, are shown- just what you want to sell. commissioners hinted that referred to parents of five girls and two boys preparing publicity materials for the visit. Volunteers explained that the policies regarding such Instal­ and reside at 3260 West State Bloodmobile will be at St. Joseph School from noon until 6 p.m. lations for assessment will be Road. established. Circuit Court \ He has been a salesman for the Rosevale Packing Company Two Fowler men, charged with - and later with the Feet Company.
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