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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87539-4 - Parliament and Literature in Late Medieval England Matthew Giancarlo Index More information Index ABC (Chaucer), 146–7 dual nature, 35 aestheticist historical interpretation, 19 Edward I’s parliaments, 37–8 Anne of Bohemia, 129, 137 evolution of, 41 Anonimalle Chronicle, 69–71, 173, 189 in Anonimalle Chronicle, 70–2 Appellant crisis (1387–8), 166–7, 212 in Gower’s poetry, 119, 127 Arthurianism, King Arthur in Langtoft’s Chronicle, 39 and baronial model of parliamentary in Mannyng’s Chronicle, 40–3 assembly, 37–8, 40, 43–4, 46 in Parliament of Fowls, 154–5 and nationalism, 45–6 in Song of Lewes, 36, 52 Edward I’s identification with, 37, 43 in Cronica Tripertita, 121, 124 in Mannyng’s Chronicle, 42–3 in Ypodigma Neustriae, 45–6 Arundel, Thomas, 165 movement away from, 20, 256 Ashby, George, 255 religious/spiritual component, 49, 51 Assembly of Ladies, The, 145, 169 role in legitimizing parliament, 44 Athelston, 44 baronial model of parliamentary assembly. see audience also romance baronialism, 44 for parliamentary literature, 71, 189, 209 barons, baronial counsel for parliamentary petitions, 221 Arthurian ideal, 20, 37, 46 for Piers Plowman, 181, 200–1 as representative of the commons, 34 authoritative voice Barons’ War, 35 in Mirour de l’Omme, 117 demonic, in Mirour de l’Omme, 108 in Mum and the Sothsegger, 246, 248–9 divine guidance for, 51, 81 in Paunfield’s petition, 226 oversight and reform role, 34–6 in Canterbury Tales, 172–3 parliaments versus, 2, 87 in the Piers Plowman tradition, 211, 246–7 parodies of, 84 authoritative voice.
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