OBSERVER Vol. 98 No. 18 February 15, 1991

Page 1 Budget Especially Tight This Semester Tanya Panin Red Hook Law May Threaten Bard’s Freedom Jonathan Englert Dear Mr. President Michael Stimac Page 2 Public Assembly Adopted by the Town Board of Red Hook Students Set Their Agenda Against the War Christie Searing David Steinberg Forms Alternative Society Melinda Loges Page 3 Bard Shuttle Bus Running “Like Clockwork” Greg Giaccio Database Seeks to Match Seniors With Jobs Rob Cutler Page 4 What is This! [ in Tewksbury Field] Goodbye, “Hello, America” Practicing Buddhism in Annandale Greg Giaccio Student Population Changes With Semesters Greg Giaccio Page 5 Ineffable Effrontery Ephen Glenn Colter Club Forum Coalition for Choice Spandex’s Return ZZYZX Page 6 Hey Guys, Check Out Those Skinny Legs Jonathan Miller No Food Rules and Food for Thought Rules [Restaurant Review] John J. Dalton Page 7 New Video Release Not for the Squeamish Matthew J. Lee and David Draper Page 8 Three New Administrators at Stevenson Gymnasium Jody Apap Bard Squash Team Earns First Win But railed when forced to step on the court Matt Phillips and Jody Apap Fencers Fare Well at Bard’s First Intercollegiate Match Jody Apap Dribblers Lose a Close One at Home Jody Apap Page 9 Valentine Proposals Page 10 Outlook From the Editor’s Sanctum All Aboard for a Bumpy Ride Page 11 Letter From the White House Justification for the Peace Movement Andrew Yoon Forum Corrections David O’Reilly Page 12 Calendar Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID PermitNo. 1 Bard Annandale-on-Hudson College's I may not agree witli wliat you say, out I . News, Arts, wif[ c£efencf-to tlie cfeatft your rig/it to say it. & Sports Weekly -o/o(taire

Budget especially tight this semester by Tanya Panin hard to compensate for their losses. _Jainment Committee and the Film money on myself," he said. With the Jen Horenstein, treasurer of the Envi­ Committee. · $579 The Bard vark is actually receiv­

This spring, every campus organi­ ronmental/Recycling Club, says that Bardvark1 a satirical publication, had ing, Eigerman says he plans to have a zation is facing serious budget cuts the members of the dub planned requested $6 billion this spring for a "big bake sale." He will be satisfied if because of an over $13,000 loss in the many activities, including plans for number of items, including a 1971 he sells 1.2 trillio·n brownies. total money available for clubs from the Student Government. According to David Miller, Planning Commit­ tee chair, and Lisa Sanger, Secretary of the Student Forum, a number of factors contributed to the drop in funds.

First of al11 Bard lost approximately fifty students this semester; approxi­ matelyl,020 students attended in the fall, and only 966 students returned for the spring, according to the Registr~ s Office. Nearly 10% of the convocation fund went to pay off a $5,000 debt incurred two years ago. · Bard is also experiencing a recession, which cut the Dimitri Fund by 10%. Furthermore, more dubs were formed this semester than last. Earth Day, which are not happening Range Rover, a split-level ranch According to David Miller, tfils was Many organizations are undoubt­ becauseofbudget cuts. But they plan 'house, ~d six Patriot missiles. Edi­ none of the tightest budgets ·ever." edly disappointed with the outcome to fund certain events in conjunction tor Edward Howland Eigerman was One solution to this problem is to of this spring's budget and are trying ·with other clubs, such as the Enter- saddened: '1. wanted to spend this continued on page 10 .Red Hook law may threaten Bard's freedom by Jonathan Englert any given lecture," . has always followed a strict non- borlyconducton thepartofthetown, Papadimitriou was also concerned interventionist policy with regards Papadamitriou sees the law as pes­ A law regulating "the assembly of about the possibility of censorship. to activities at Bard. ing a threat to the school's freedom. personswheresuchassemblyexceeds "Suppose they didn't like wh~t we When asked whether the town will The ultimate aim of the administra­ two hundred (200) persons at any were talking about?" he worried. · require the college to file for a permit tion, he said, is to have the law "taken place within the Town of Red Hook" "They could stop our ~iscussion." to hold the Summer Music Festival, . off the books if it is unconstitutional, has prompted adispute between Bard Marcy Appell, Chairman of the Red an event which will undoubtedly and if it is constitutional we will seek College and the Town of Red Hook. Hook Town Planning Board, consid- draw large crowds, she said, "the an exemption." This Public Assembly law, the exis­ ers such fears unrealistic. She cited Town Board won'tdoanythingabout The process was initiated in Sep­ tence of which remained· unknown the fact that the law has never been it. We treatthem as good neighbors." tember in the form of a letter from to the school up until last year, re­ enforced, and noted that the town- Despite such assurances-of neigh- continued on page 2 quires those sponsoring any such assemblies to obtain a permit from the town. Voimng the Administration'sopin­ 'Dear Mr. PresicCent: ion concerning the constitutionality' --"'<~_...,., of the law, Executive Vice President Dim'itri Papadimitriou said, '~s far as we're concerned, this [law] is in As I write this, it is the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King , violation of the First Amendment of Jr. This, combined with the imposing situation festering in the Persian Gulf, the Constitution." According to Pa­ The letter the Bus/:t administration prompted me to thought about justice and equality. One of the many padamitriou, this as well as other sent to all college students is printed on· repeated themes attempted by your administration to justify our presence more practical concerns page 11. Responses received by Mon­ 1 prompted in the Gulf is that of the non-reward of aggression. This is to ·say that the college to seek either the abolish­ day will be printed in the next issue.. _ Sad dam Hussein, according to your administration, has taken something ment of the law or a possible exempt In an effort to make the opinions of the that is not his. Moreover, according to this same line of thinking, it is status for Bard, whose campus lies Bard community known to the wider somehow our moral right to tell the President oflraq this and to point guns within the jurisdiction of Red Hook. world and particularly to our country's at him to enforce our moral authority. As a matter of fact, there are a If enforced, the law could restrict political leaders, we will print up to 300 number of nations making this same point: Great Britain, France, , the size of academic and social func­ words of one letter to the President on and, more indirectly, the Soviet Union and Germany. tions at Bard, as well as have an the front page each week. The Bard The has a rather horrendous record of taking things that do impact oil. freedom of expression at Observer is sent to the White House not belong to it; it lives on stolen land. We, as Americans (the "good guys"),. the college. 11lt impinges on every­ weekly. Submissions are strictly lim­ may not like to.hear this; we may not like to hear ourselves compared to thing", Papadamitriou stated. ''We ited in length and must be signed. Saddam Hussein. However, there were people here before most of our can't predict the number of people at -Ed. continued on page 10 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY set their agenda against the war Adopted by the Town Board of Red Hook by Christie Searing the military. ing the group's actions and inten­ The idea of declaring Bard's chapel tions. 1-13,-76 as L.L. No. 41 197.6. Last Wednesday evening, Bard as an official war resisters' sanctuary The debate became particularly (excerpts) · students gathered in Albee Social to was proposed by Gilliari Heubner heated when discussing concrete shape the agenda of Bard's activist and Scott Heckendorf, who sought to plans for the 21st. Many students "This chapter .shall regulate the i1ssembly of persons where such.assem~ group opposing the war in. the Per­ form a committee to investigate the were unsure whether shutting down bly exceeds two hundred (200) presons at any place within the town of Re(f sian Gulf, Student Action Against logisti~s of such a gesture. By "sanc­ the campus, which many other col­ Hook, Dutchess County~ ,. except where such·assembly is organ.. the War(S.A.A.W.). Their broad state­ tuary" they mean a place where draft lege activists have proposed, would ized under the direct control of a volunteer fire company within the town, ment of purpose reads that they are resisters (or in this situation, people be in anyone's best interest. The a fraternal or civic organization having a local chapter within the town, tt "against the war, working towards a· in the reserves) would be guarded general consensus came to be that religious corporation having a house of worship within the.toWfl.." (§4{).:1) , cease fire, and for a US peace confer­ against arrest. "If there is a public disruption of classes would under­ "No pe:rson shall use, allow, let or permit to be used property for the ence." push, this could get through," said mine their primary purpose, which is assembly of persons in excess of two hundred (200) persons, nor shall any Proposed actions for resistance and draft and military counselor Josh to promote cam pus-wide discussion. person use, allow, let or penniot to be used property for any part or portion: protest were writing letters to Con­ Phillips. One student even mentioned she of such assembly of persons which total assembly in the aggregate i~:in gress, designating the Bard chapel as The proposed teach-in would be "feels like classes are an escape from excess of two hundred (200) persons, unless upon written permit authoris-:­ an official sanctuary for war resist­ an effort to get professors to address this whole war thing," raising the ing such use and·assembly i!:t!:t~ed by the Town Board through its Clerk." ers, and organizing an official "teac.h­ the issue of the war but in the frame­ question of whether all students are (§40-3) . in" on February 21, when demon­ work of a particular course. Theses­ willing or not to give up class time for . strations and sit-ins will t'*e place sions would theoretically take place such a cause. across the country. in the morning, while in the after­ According to Sitrin and fellow Red Hook law threatens Bard The debate, mediated by Students noon students would be invited to S.A.A. W. member Kara Miller, Deans continued from page 1 Against Interventionist Policy (now participate in a march in Albany start­ Stuart Levine and Shelley Morgan anythingunconstitutionalinthelaw." S.A.A.W.) member Marina Sitrin, ing at 3:00 PM, culminating in a rally have offered to provide Bard trans­ Bard to Red Hook Town Attorney, The law was passed in 1976 as "a opened on the topic of forming a at the Capitol Building at 5:00 PM. portation (two vans or a bus) to the Albert B. Trezza. response to the Woodstock Festival," letter-writing committee, headed by The march, endorsed by Albany's rally. But this will probably not be When asked whether legal action said Earl Parks, zoning officer for the .David O'Reilly. The committee would Social Justice Center, would include enough. "More people will want to had been taken against the town, Town of Red Hook. According to · call for registered voters of Bard to groups from SUNY Albany, Arbor come," Sitrin said, which means the Trezza replied, "there is nola wsuit." Parks, many towns in the Hudson Hill, and the Albany Navy Recruit- college budgeted group will have to In addition, he downplayed the seri­ Valley are wary of being similarly in- write congressional leaders and sena­ tors, and express their general con­ ing Center. • car pool as well. ousness of the matter, as well as the undated by huge, unruly crowds, cern over the war's legality, vis-a-vis Another related issue was the role After the meeting was over, Sitrin possibility of a future Ia wsuit. passed comparable Public Assembly the War Powers Act. The committee of the media in the war. Throughout said she was generally satisfied with However, in the course of the inter­ laws in the mid-seventies. · would set up tables in Kline some- the meeting students expressed their the session. Whatever actions the view, Trezza contacted Bard's attor­ Trezza echoed Parks' comments, concerns over the "bad" press cover­ group will take in the future, mem­ ney in order to clarify the matter, and added that the laws are com-- time in the coming weeks, with a age of the peace movement since the bers repeated throughout the discus­ only to discover that though a de­ monly labeled, ~'7he Woodstock Or- copy of the War Powers Act on hand. United States entered into the con­ sionthattheywillkeepanopcnmind, clarato.ry judgement action (i.e. law­ dinances." As with all of the group's agenda, no qfficial plans were discussed, but fliCt - depicting protesters as flag suit) had not been initiated, one would Despite the conflict, both the town and are willing to take "creative" be undertaken if the matter could not and the college stressed their desire a sign-up sheet circulated through- burners being one example-and a routes for the peace cause. Even pro­ be resolved in a discussion between that the laudable relations between out the meeting for those interested wish to contact "sympathetic" local war speakers seem to be welcome to in joining any committee. O'Reilly journalists. Independently informing the two attorneys. Though Trezza the town and the college not be im- the meetings to promote ''1lealthy the Bard community on the "facts" of then said that Bard was more com­ paired. Papadamitriou even praised also invited peopletoformot4ercom­ debate." mittees, including one aimed at pres­ the war, to help people , form edu­ mitted to a legalistic resolution than the town for its cooperation in other· Joel Kovel will mediate an open cated opinions-not just anti-war­ he had previously believed, he areas. For example, he said that "the suring President Bush to urge for a discussion every Monday night (lo­ National Energy Policy. . is another ma}or goal. This latter ef­ stressed his convictio.n that litigation zoning board has been extremely co- cation unknown as of press time). Another proposed committee will fort would include postering the Student Action Against the War will could still be· avoided. operative and supportive of our ~ challenge the 3% federal excise tax on c;am pus with factsheets produced by Trezzaadded,"Idon'tthinkthere's [Bard] building campaign." v. be meeting every Wednesday night phone bills that supposedly goes to S.A.A.W., as well as signs advertis- at 7:00 PM in Albee Social. (f David Steinberg forms Alternative Society jobs available Work-Study by Melinda Loges ers to campus. He is considering a . in the student cafe, "David Steinberg says he is con­ speaker for the cerned about lack of debate and the ACLU who estab­ monopoly of opinion about issues on lished a group ,''deKiine.'' For more the Bard campus. He has formed the similar to the Al­ Alternative Society tb rectify this ternative Society. infortnation, contact Amy problem. Still in its formative stages, Other possibilities the Society is to be a forum for ideas are speakers from and opinions outside C?f the norm. organizations gen­ at 758-1516 by Monday, The $ociety will also play the role of erally disliked by "devil's advocate" to incite real de­ Bard students, bate about issues on which there such as the NRA. February 18th. seems to be a ufear of certain opin­ Steinberg came ~ ions" on the Bard campus. up with the idea af- .....~g. Steinberg has many plans for the ter reading about Alternative Society, and says that the "cult of politi- ~ other students have also expressed_ · cal correctness" ~. Allstate® interest. He hopes to obtain a budget and questioning t~~ for posters and other advertising information circu- L-:::--~~~.;__-~==-.-.:;:;==;;.;.;.;.;.;;;,;,;,_;;:;,;;;..._.::·~~;;;.;'\._";;..'::-.J ==' Auto, Home & Life materials this semester, though Con­ lated about some vocations did not allocate him any issues such as the tactics of groups out which ones are best," he main­ MICHAEL HAGGERTY I money in the budget published Sun­ like ACf-UP. He wanted to know tains. He wants the Alternative Soci­ Account Agent day. In the future, he would like to or­ why groups supported the issues that ety to sustain that opportunity for Allstate Insurance Company 1 ganize a student conference on free they did; he· wanted debate on those free debate. He says he would target Route 9, Astor Square speech concerning questions such as issues, where groups would be forced "groups from the left and attack Rhinebeck, NY 12572 "When does free speech become hate to defend their points of view. "Col­ intimidation of these main opinion (914) 876-3632 and how far should it be protected?" lege should be a marketplace of groups." .tq He would also like to invite speak- ideas-a where Bard shuttle bus running "like clockwork"

by Greg Gia~io culatedaround campus is experimen­ tal and will besubjectto change in the Temporary Shuttle Bus Schedule Deans Shelley Morgan and Stuart next two weeks. The shuttle bus Seven days a week from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am. Shuttle will honk and walt one minute at each stop. This Levine took turns driving the red passes by eleven donns all over schedule Is subject to revlslon.lf you have any suggestions, contact the Dean of Student's office. Bard van around campus on the campus in about a half hour. . Old Gym Lot 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11 :00 11 :30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1: 30 maiden voyage of the Bard shuttle While student drivers may make bus service last Friday night. the shuttle bus into a type of party, :r\llonor · 8:04 . 8i33 9:04 9:33 . 10:04 10:33 11:04 11:33 12:04 12:33 1:04 1:33 Robbins 8:06 8:54 9:06 9:54 10:06 10:54 11:06 11:54 12:06 '12:54 1:06 1:54 11 This is not back page stuff, I want you to Cruger (First Lot) 8:10 · 8:3t . 9:10 9:37 10:1o 1m37 11 :lo 11:37 12:1o 12:37 1:to 1 .:~7 know. When the deans start a shuttle · Kline Commons Lot 8:13 8:40 9:13 9:40 10:13 10:40 11:13 11:40 12:13 12:40 1:13 1:40 :· .. ,·.· .. service on the campus this is Wolf '8:16 8:44 9:1.6 9:44 .10:16 10:44 11:16 11:44 12:16 12:44 1:16 1~44 really big news." -Stuart Levine Bluecher 8:18 8:42 9:18 9:42 10:18 10:42 11:18 11:42 12:18 12:42 l :18 1:42 :Tewksbuiy Lot s:2o 8:40 9:20 . 9:40 10:20 10:40 11:20 T1 :40 12:20 12:40 1:20 1:40 11 :23 11 :50 12:23 12:50 1:23 1:50 "Shelley has had the idea for some they cannot give the historical back­ Gahagan 8:23 8:50 9:23 9:50 10:23 10:50 time," said Stuart Levine. "We have ground of the campus that Stuart Feitler 8:25 . 8:54 9:25 9:54 10:25 10:54 11 :25 11 :54 12:25 12:54 1:25 1:54 been working on it, trying to get the Levine readily volunteered on the 1:20 1 :40 budget to do it, and we finally suc­ inauguralvoyage. . Sands 8:27 8:56 · 9:27 9:56 10:27 10:40 11 :20 11 :40 12:20 12:40 ceeded." "Gahagan house was a house that The Bard Observer is not responsible for any Inconsistencies In this schedule. It is printed as given. · The shuttle bus is meant to take the was located where Kline Commons place of the old method of calling isnow. Itusedtobetheoldinfirmary · security for a ride 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 of the college. When they built Kline night. Security will still pro­ Commons they moved Gahagan vide rides when the Shuttle bus is not house to its present location." in service. Stuart Levine also rattled off the ''We're very proud ofit [tlit. shuttle history behind every name of every bus], of course. This is the first time Ravine House including the gem of . Bard... SANDS HOUSE EVERY­ them all, the Charles Tremblay saga . BODY, Sands house!" Dean Levine "Interesting man. He was in the interrupted himself, accompanied by army in World War I and was actu­ a honk of the horn by Dean Morgan. ally a victim of gas," said Dean Lev- Distinguished members of the in e. administration will not always be "Mustard gas or intestinal gas?" driving the shuttle. There are eleven asked Terrence Brown. Dean Levine student drivers who will be making could not say for sure. the nightly rounds around campus. Also on the virgin voyage of the Terrence Brown, one of the student shuttle bus, Stuart Levine announced drivers who was getting a feel for the a Name That Bus Contest. The win­ route on Saturday, described the ner will have the honor of having his atmosphere as''A party atmosphere... or her suggested name becoming the ~ There is sort of a psychological effect official name of the Bard Shuttle bus. J§ in a sort of post-structuralist sense. Address all entries to the Dean Of .~ Other than that, we got gas, we got Students in Campus Mail. The win- ~ music, we got cigarettes, so what the ner will be chosen when Stuart Lev- ~ hell!'' . ine gets around to it and will be ] The schedule which has been cir- printed in the Obseruer. l(f ::E Database seeks to match seniors with jobs by Rob Cutler tration form is like a basic job appli­ opened to any college that wished to Schwartz, this can be attributed to cation form or resume. Infonnation participate. students who have found jobs or There is a certain amount of anxi· in thedatadasecan be changed or up­ "The kinds of employers who tend graduate schools and failed to report ety involved in being a senior. One dated for career changes or any addi­ to get involved with this type of that the search had been successful to has to work on the ever ominous tional instruction the student has resume service are corporations, tech­ the Job Placement Service. senior project, figure out where to go received, such as service in the Peace nical fndustries and so on," Director Registration forms for the Connex­ after graduation and still find time to Corps or the armed services. of Career Development Harriet iondatabasecan be obtained through goof off. A newresumeservicein the 'This is an extension of an already Schwartz said. Schwartz at the Career Development Career Development office may help vast network," said Yvonne Freccero, There hasn't been a large report of office. For more information about students in at least one of those tasks. vice president for special products at success with this service for Bard the service contact either Schwartz or The service, called Connexion, is Petersons, "[it] consistsof470under­ students so far. According to call Peterson's at (800) 338-3282. "1 for college students seeking jobs or graduateschoolsandover100gradu­ summer opportunities and has been ate schools at present." 39 South Broadway in ~ffect at Bard since last semester. Many corporations, from Xerox to Red Hook, NY 12571 Connexion is free for all Bard stu­ Macy's to I.B.M., also subscribe to (914) 758-6232 dents and alumni. the database. Connexion, currently Connexion is a product of the largest resume service, consists of Peterson's, also known for its college 10,000 students and is gaining 700 Arleen&Sam - publications and other education new ones each week, according to The I 'Historic' I Harkins, related materials. The database or­ Freccero. owners ganizes infonnation provided by the The Connexion database was field­ ViCCage Diner student on a registration form and tested in Novemberof1989 with thirty sends a printout to schools and com­ schools in the northeast. The trial run The ·first diner to be listed in NY's historic register panies using the service. The regis- was successful and the service was Practicing Buddhism in Annandale by Greg Giaccio mean 'teaching' or 'path."' "If you were to encapsulate the The basic belief of Buddhism is sound of compassion it would be this The room is sparsely furnished, that life is suffering. However, this mantra. It is said that because this just a few red benches and some suffering can be escaped when one mantra comes from the Buddha and cushions. There are two ornate reaches enlightenment. To reach his enlightenment it has the power to shrines bedecked with candles, Bud~ enlightenment, one must follow the relieve the suffering of beings even dha statues, embroidered cloth and path, or dharma, that the Buddha set though these beings who say it were photographs of Tibetan lamas. The out for mankind. not enlightened. I am just an ordi­ walls are bare except for a few pic­ "We have one main practice that nary person and I don't have any tures of the Buddha in different set­ we do which is called Chenrezei, this enlightenment, but the mantra does, tings. In the room are ten people is the name of a deity of com passion. so if I say it to beings it helps them in being led in chants by a robed woman Kalu Rinpoche gave us [this practice] some way. The Buddha taught us if whose head has been shaved. One to learn how to realize the spontane­ you hear the mantra and you make a would hardly suspect that you were ous, compassionate nature of our connection with Buddhism and the in the living room of a modest two minds through meditating on this dharma that it will slowly ripen in story house in Annandale. your stream of being." 'This is Tibetan Buddhism," said ''Our lamas tell us When chanting "om mani peme Ani Dechi, the woman who led the hung" one slips into a relaxed, trance­ meditation session."All of our teach­ that if a person comes like state almost without even notic­ ers are Tibetan." here it is because they ing it. The meditation leader indi­ Most of the teachers were chased cates when everyone should stop from Tibet when it was invaded by have a previous chanting the mantra. At that point, the Chinese. They escaped to India karmic connection the group resumes chanting the lit­ and established monasteries there. urgy. The entire session takes about One such person was Kalu Rinpoche, that brought them 45 minutes. At the end of the session who ran a monastery in India known here." there is usually a brief talk about as Sonada and has previously lec­ Buddhism. tured at Bard. -AniDechi The Dharma center is in the yellow "There are Tibetan Buddhist cen­ house facing the triangle in Annan­ Bard's much beloved giant paper clip may soon be just a memory. ters all over Canada and America particular deity," Ani Dechi ex­ dale. Meditating sessions are held because of different Tibetan lamas plained. every Wednesday at6:30. The people who developed relationships with The meditating session is relatively who attend are usually Buddhists WHAT IS THIS! Westerners who travelled to India simple. Everyone sits on a cushion in from the surrounding area, and they and as~ed them to come and teach front of a small red table which holds are verv acceptimt of newcomers. the dharma," Ani Dechi explained. a book withacopyofthe liturgyonit. "Buddhists dontt proselytize," Goodbye .//Hello, America." Kalu Rinpoche is the root guru of Each line of the liturgy is written Dechi said. "We don't go door to by Angela Jancius as a three-dimensional surface with the Buddhists who come to the An~ three different times, once in Tibetan, door and ask people to become inter­ one side] which I began working on nandale center. He and Lama Norhla once in English and once phoneti­ ested in something they may never Tewksbury field will soon be a in the 1960's while producing these founded the center, known as the cally so that those at the session can have heard of. Our lamas tell us that routine stretch of grass again, devoid ... in 1966 I developed a KagyuPendeKunchab,in1982. Kalu chant along even if they don't speak if a person comes here it is because of the triangular metal sculpture, sculpture which has one surface, three Rinpoche has since passed away, but Tibetan. they have a previous karmic connec­ "Hello Amenca." sides, and the cross section of which Lama Norhla still oversees the center All those present at the meeting tion that brought them here. In other The di~tor of special projects, is a triangle." from its affiliate in Wappingers Falls. chant together and produce a beau­ words, something they did in the Susan Van Kleeck tells that the piece Bard students have a different Kalu Rinpoche also founded other tifu11 rhythmic sound. It is easy to past will connect them to dharma. is at Bard as a temporary display. It impression of it. centers in New York and in Boston. chant along, even for first-timers. In So, we don't have to go out and find was scheduled to leave last fall but "It has always possessed an extra­ Ani Dechi explained that these the middle of the session there is a people to become Buddhists because setbacks have delayed disassemblege terrestrial appearance to me,'' ex­ centers were established to teach part whereeveryonechants "om mani eventually their own inner tenden­ for an uncertain period of time. plained freshman Miriam Arens berg. people about the dharma. "It is actu­ peme hung" as many times as they cies will lead them to finding this Though many students do not "At night it shines and it's enveloped ally a Sanskrit word and literally it can. Ani Dechi relat~d the signifi~ religion." If\! know the sculpture's name, it has in fog. It reminds me of a spaceship means 1aw' but it's interpreted to cance of this mantra." become a significant landmark on in an open field.'' the Bard campus since its appear­ The sculpture has been a bounte­ ance in 1986. Students have made a ous source of fodder for the Bard Student population changes with semesters tradition ofclimbingitsslipperymetal rumor mill. Rumor has it that the by Greg Ciaccio before they could register for classes. countries have started to attend Bard and have picnicked and partied be­ sculture was a senior project or that it Some students still haven't met that this semester. neath it. In a peculiar gesture of ei­ cost$75,000dollars. A Bard tour guide Do the lines in Kline Commons immunization requirement. So, while "The January entrance time is not ther approval or dismay, a large was apparently the source of another seem much shorter this semester? these students may be on campus, something we actively recruit for/' straw-stuffed man was lodged be­ rumor to the effect that the sculpture They should. According to the they are not being recorded in the explained Mary Backlund, director tween the triangles during Autum­ represented a cityscape. This rumor registrar's office, there was a net loss school's statistics. of admissions for the college. It is nal Equinox last semester. This was does have a grain of truth in it, since of about 50 students since last semes­ The new semester needn't be more of a 11Catch-all period" for stu­ particularly ironic since the sculture many people feel it does not belong ter. Thiswasduetotheusualtrendof looked at as a net loss in students. It dents who were unable to attend in was originally erected on the Au­ in the natural environment of Bard students transferring, dropping out, could be thought of as a gain of some the fall. The usual draw for the Janu­ tumnal Equinox. campus. studying abroad or taking a leave of new ones. 26 freshman and transfers ary entrance time is between 20 and Freshman Dave Proceiniar claims What people see in its triangular absence for the spring semester. from eight different states and two 30 students. "(! '1 squirted Cheez Whiz all over it form seems of little importance now, The current population of the once." because Susan VanKleeck is certain school is 966 students, down from The sculptor is the contemporary it will soon be gone. about 1020 in the beginning of the fall abstract artist, Sasson Soffer. He ex­ Students have mixed emotions semester. However, these figures hibited the piece in several places about its departure. Rebekah Klein, may not be entirely accurate. before it found its way to Barel. It was glad that it is leaving, said "it looks "There are still some students float­ originally assembled in Brooklyn's like metallic vomit." ing around," said the registrar, An­ Battery Park, a landscape very differ­ Sophomore Ondine Wilhelm said, nys Wilson. The nurnber966 is based Ticket Deliveries to Post Office ent from Tewksbury field. '"When I first came here I thought it on the number of registration cards Soffer explains that '"Hello Amer­ was the ugliest thing, but the more which have been issued to students. WORTH THE CALL: Gene L. Mason, Agent ica' is a culmination of a series of often r pass it, the more it seems to However, that issuing was compli­ 876-6821 sculptures revolving around the belong. It grows on you. I couldn't cated this semester by the require­ Donation to Bard Scholarship fund with every purchase concept of the Mobius Strip [defined imagine the field without it." <:!' ment to have all students immunized Ineffable Effrontery by Ephen Glenn.Colter to freshman.) (~o, don't excuse the pun) to loose lips and this and they're like- "He didn't!?"; the rest of B~rd women, supposably, are famous for flexible hours, catch phrases and cure-ails .. the people of color [who have peen color-coded For the umpteenth time someone-a woman their quality and quantity, whereas Bored men flirtation, flattery, and fictitionalism. and chocolate-covered for many years) are like 1 -asked me, Are you ready to go to war? I just - oops! i meant Bard of course -are infamous. (A friend of mine could have the pick of the - 'P'lease ... " ; the farside of the color spectrum looked at her, wanting to wipe that smile off her (Frankly, I have to admit a bias: I'm a closet litter [to her all men are dogs-since she's such are like, " ... I don't understand ... ? Did I miss face and avoid the smug excuse of a draft­ Lesbian.) Nonetheless, there's so much lascivi­ a bitch] but no, missy a1 ways goes for the something.,..?" Yes. You had to be there.) Aids conversation. Bodily harm occurs to my vivid ous lechety and list going on! Uh! Lots of ooos scrawnyrunt.Shelikes the ones who don't give is a little word for a big social dis-ease, and so imagination more and more frequently for this and ahhhs, sighs and suffering. But women are a damn but do give a !@*#.) too is war. American society is more than sort of inconsiderate psychological violence ... looking for more than a man who's Safe, The amount of sexual self-censorship in this familiar with anxiety attacks, assault and ba­ Recently I was looking at eye-candy, think­ Straight, and Discreet. And dissidents are look­ day and age- on this campus- is annoying. nality, and battles: the battle of the bulge, the ing about. do'n the nasty, but really just do'n ing£ormorethanaman who's Safe, Butch, and Granted, there's homophobia - and sexism, battle of the sexists, the battle of life, the battle that sexual censorship thang. You know what I Discreet (many of them/us are hiding-and­ and racism, and cynicism, pseudo-Marxism cty... combat fatigue and shellshock. Extempo­ mean. We -all play that. A friend summed up seeking WOMEN). A good man is hard to!@*#. and misogyny.- but honeychildren! th~re is all rary american society has many battles: the war the Bard scenario in one fatal swoop of sponta­ And a good woman is ever harder to keep over this here United States of (north) America on Aids, the war on drugs, the war on illiteracy, neous sarcasm: "How do people get sex on this down. Know what I mean? So the empirical we and all these United (western dominated) the war on racism, the war of the worlds - the campus? If I were single I just don't know what settle for nice boys and girls. (Eye-candy ... I've Nations! We're all repressed - oppressed - or Third World vs. the First class vs. Secondhand I'd do," she said flabbergasted. A city-girl with never heard so much - and such! - innovative depressed in some way shape or form! This is citizens- We are quite familiar with the tug-' o­ a long-time long-distance lover-affair. She then vocabulaty for sexual cavorting!!) They're ei­ terra infirma. But this is not meant to be con­ war, the imbalance of empowerment, the looked around the room with this naughty ther asexual (and Bard has the most frustrating sciousness raising into existential misgivings. human race against time for money. (Race? sympathyfortherestofus.Chasecharity.Then number of these little inconveniences), explor­ The so-called, much-unloved (though admired suggesting competition, and ultimately a win­ the conversation among comrades - sexual ing their sexuality (don't you just love being -albeit tolerated) BP' s are going into the D .T .'s ner.) We are drawing near the end of a millen­ dissidents, occidental tourists, people of color­ friends after relationships with one of them ASAP. Life is not imitating art, art is im person­ nium,' and we will enter it - not alive - but brought its full attention (a rather short short­ little innocent bystanders?), compulsively ating life. Nightly we watch like performance merely as survivors, not with aribbon around sighted span) on the word horny~ It sounds like neurotic (perpetual PMS- psychosomatic inse­ art the mini-series titled WAR IN THE PER­ our waist or in our hair, but with liquor on our you just want to get off when we concluded curity- or benign insanity) or close friends like SIAN GULF. breath, shit on our shoes, blood on our hands, that actuaily you just want to get it on. But the siblings you privately, incestuously, guilt-trip Just a snap, dis, and a Jlword"'away there's a and a cramp in our style. important things is-we were talking about sex on. For that Purple Heart you either gird your world of trouble out there and a world a good at Bard! (no big deal, who doesn't-from faculty. loins until you're blue in the face or succumb to be done. (the coloyr.ful <:Ontinge~t is ~eadins._ CLUB FORUM PANDEX'S ETURN (art the welfth)

by"ZYZX to the cast. The Bard Coalition for Choice, a ·group of "We want to make him aware that there are I soon saw that l was reproductive rights and AIDS education advo­ a lot of people who are unhappy with what he On my ride back east, I to think of ways to stop I cates from Bard College, is sending 250 Valen-·· does. Dutchess County needs these programs" began struggling going to pass through Evansville, Indiana. tines to their DUtchess County Legislator, John said one student, Maty Ann Hult. In the past, him. The important thing to remember about have another friend down there, and I thought Kennedy. Kennedy has opposed sex education, AIDS PAND EX is that he is kind of a black hole. The I'd stop in to see her. When I got to the town, I The Valentines all contain the message education, rape and incest intervention, birth first letters of words around him tend to disap­ noticed that there was no one to be found. I ·"Happy St. Valentines Day John; 100,000 people control programs. 'We though the Valentines pear. If the word doesn't make any sense, the thought this was odd; not even at the Univer­ have died of AIDS, and yet you continue to would be more effective than a regular petition. next one goes away too and so on, until there sity of Southern Indiana could I find someone oppose money for safe sex edttcation and re- It's h~uder to ignore- no one can turn clown a are no letters left, at which time it becomes and school should be in session. Finally, I just . productive health care. The people of Dutchess V

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~ c 1990 Apple Computer. Inc Apple, the Apple togo, and Mac1ntosh are regist~red trademarks of Apple ComP..Uter.lnc SuperDrive and "The power to be your best• are trademarks of Apple Computer, lrrc tl®The power to be your best~ MS-DOS is a regl•terad trademark ofMicrasoft Corporation. OS/211 a registered hade mark oflnternaUonal Business Machines Corporation._ - . - . . Barfl squash team earns first win But railed when forced to step on the court by Matt Phillips and Jody Apap Roger Paul, wasseen "inafitofanger, pleased with the 9-0 victory by for­ clutching a squash ball, whileuncon- feit, nonetheless. In a decisive 9-0 win, the men's trollablysmashinghisracquetagainst Later that week. ... squash team clearly dominated while the floor of the otherwise empty The men travelled to Steven's Tech 3:: defeating Colgate's undermanned court." Paul was heard to be and when faced withactuallygettir;g ... §: squad. The Blazers looked confident saying, "I've spent years preparing on the court with an opponent; the ~ on arrival to the battleground while for this moment, team buckled undertheintenseprcs­ ~ mentally preparing for the long- ARRGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" sure. The Blazers lost 8-1, with the a,·awaited encounter. . Meanwhile in a more jubilant dis- lone victory going to gth seed Arr,ir §' Bennet Lieberman, the team's top play of emotion the Ladwa cousins Latifwinningthreestraightgames'X> § seed, had fire in his eyes until Coach were seen high-fiving. Jitesh Ladwa shut his opponent out. ~E~d~~=~n~~~y~~~.-~-~~~-~-g~i~n~A~q~u~a~tb~~~-R-~-~-W-~~~-s-b-~-~-~-d-F-U-~-~~ D~~~doos~h~&m~~~ apparently exclaimed in triumph, The team was overmatched, wi.:J­ informed the Administration fr om January to May Room Administrator intense Lieberman that "Word, man, we dogged them! We ning only three games outside vf Colgate was unable to field a team. bad, we bad! Latif's victory. A reliable source has informed the Dan Paris shook his head in disbe- By the way, we heard that 5'11 seedM>ltt Three new administrators Observer that the number four seed, lief of his teams' antics, but was Phillips cries when he loses. -ed. f/ at Stevenson Gym Fencers fare w-ell at Bard's first

·byjody Apap duties of intramurals, Kris will also teach a non-credit squash class and intercollegiate match Three new positions have been administrate the fencing program. by Jody Apap round -robin in matches to five against Fairfield and winning Bard~s orJy filled at the Stevenson·Gymnasium AweeklySportslnformationNews the opposing school. In other words, match against Trinity. Todd over the winter break. Letter will now be written and dis­ Bard journeyed on Saturday Feb. everybody plays everbody else on also took three matches from Trin;ty Kristen Hall has been nam~ the tributed by Kris for the purpose of 2nd to Fairfield Universitytocompete the·other squad, in matches to five while Shawn Taylor tied at 2-2, a:"td new Intramural Director for the informing other schools, as well as in the school's very first fencing match points. John Foster was shutout 0-4. Springsemester.Alongwiththeusual Bard, of the happenings in Bard's as a team. Then, after all is said and done, The women, although losing intercollegiate athletic programs. Both the men's and women's teams each individual match counts for one matches of the day, were more ccn­ Robbe Wood has assumed the new did extremely well, considering the. point towards the team total. There sistent, with no individual shutm::ts position of Fitness Room Director inexperience. The men fought to .a are sixteen total points to be won by for the day. with the primary duties of improv­ draw, 8--8, against Fairfield Univer- the team (four players each playing Against Fairfield, Ondine Wil­ ing the staff through speakers and sity, while. dropping to Trinity Col- . four matches). In the case of a draw, helm, Angela.Jancius, a~d Christi.:1a new information in the area of fitness lege, 8-1. The women lost a close 8-8, a draw is awarded without any Wilson all came away at 2-2, wh.le and health. Although his duties will match to Fairfield, 7-9, while later overtime, or penalty shots. You get Cindy Borander felll-3. primarily focus out of the Weight falling to Trinity 5-11. one chance and that's it. Against Trinity College, theworr_an and Fitness Room, he will also coor­ Matches are scored by each mem- Leading the men was Captain Eric were led by Borander at 2-2 with the dinate health and fitness with the ber of a four-fencer team play!!tg Lima taking 3 out of 4 matches from rest at 1-3. q other aspects of the Gymnasium's regular programs. In the Aquatics area, Ed Kerinedy Dribblers has entered the scene as an intern, primarily to learn to administrate the lose a close various aquatics programs, inchid­ ing organizing Bard's in tram urals as one at home w~ll_ as supervising an . area youth by Jody Apap Less rowdy Kris Hall has replaced swimming program that wiil be held Doug Dowdy as Intramural Director through the Spring. q On Monday, the Blazers jum'r.OO out to an early 18-4lead, but could :-t't hold on as Vassar pulled off a fcur "THE DEFINITIVE CYRANO ... point victory. • MIRACULOUS." The Blazers were led by by Noah -Vincent Ca.nbr/. NY TIMES The Week In S~orts Sam pton and Sean Alford, scoring all Fri. 6:45 &- 9:30 but five of Bard's first half poirts. Friday 2/15 _ Sat & Sun. 3:30. 6:45. 9:30 Samton finished the game with 29 Men's Varsity Basketball at Pratt Institute 8:00pm AWAY Mon • Thurs. 1:30 points and 11 boards, Alford pitcLed in another 26 with 9 rebo-unds. Saturday 2/16 Near the end of the first half, B;:.rd was nursing an eight point lead, but Men's Varsity Squash at Connecticut College 3:00pm AWAY a series of quick and costly turnovers helped Vassar come back to end the Sunday2/17 half with a one point lead. The entire second half was cbse Men's Varsity Basketball at Albany Pharmacy 2:30pm AWAY with' neither team leading by rn :>re than eight points, and in the last 30 Tuesday 2/19 seconds the game could have gc·ne Men's Varsity V -ball at Yeshiva with Bridgeport 7:00pm AWAY either way. With 27 seconds ~ft, Vassar with a one point lead, 2nd Wednesday 2/20 Bard with the baH, Vassar put U? a fine Men's and Women's Club Fencing at Yeshiva with N .J. Tech display of defence, knocking the ball out of bounds twice. With 11 ll:OOarn AWAY seconds left, Vassar stole the ball and Men's Varsity Squash vs Salisbury School 4:00pm HOME broke up court to score and draw a foul from }ameli Kendrick. The free- Thursday 2/21 11 Montgomery Street • Rhinebeck, New York throW WaS nailed, along with the iast Men's Varsity Volleyball vs Marist and Pratt 6:30pm HOME 914-876•sm nail that sealed the victory for \"as- l.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~.:::::::::::::=::==::==::;=::=:;::::::=:~::::::::::.. :sa:r~ ...... ~ A~ _., 1987 Toyota Tercel, silver-grey 2- I know you are but what am I? See you at the bar.-Lucy. Take me out! Take me out! - KH It's what we have to wash after doorautomatic, air condition, stereo, I know you are but what am I? dinner. - A math prof power steering, 24,000 miles. Call Millie and Julio: Happy VD, and Even though I hate V's Day, I'll be Linda Anderson, Bard alumnus, (212) Lucy: You are so special to me. - many more and shit. Dag.-Lucy & a cheesehead, too and write some­ Kak. Nevah happin. -A creative 645-5442 after 6:00 pm. $4000 or rea­ Eddie Eddie thing stupid and obscure. Here I go, writer. sonable offer. oo ah! Hey, Cf, are you too busy to Ihatecheeseblightingthefairpages Eww... Kissie poops on yer oogie come down to the dungeon and re­ I hate anonymous personals! FAST of this foul paper! mush face (Marty Smith). Here's a lieve some ennui?- Your friend in FUNDRAISING PROGRAM sacchrine heartfelt fuzzy wuzzy dis­ the base:ment They who do the final proof have $1000 in just one week. To my dearest, sweetest hunk of gusting valentine for you. So there. the opportunity to read all the mush Earn up to $1000 for your campus burning love-you amaze me with Your mama. Hey, FNPiguana: Nice to know it's that comes before. Don~t anyone dare organization. Plus a chance at $5000 your eyes and hair. I miss you when me you're here to work with. Makes edit me out, at least not the legit stuff. inore! This program works! No in­ we are apart for longer than three Hugh! Thanks for the little ditty me feel all oogie inside. Speaking of I will not yeild to continued ons for vestment needed. Call 1--800-932- breaths. I am yours. I yearn for you even though it had little to do with , oogies, when are we doin' the PM the sake of cutsey googoo. _ 0528. tragically.- A.T. Tappman Jack or Diane. Happy Cupid, etc.­ zhong guo fan thing? I'm free on Maisie. Wednesday.... Love ya lots. - the I voted for the tiny and another 1-bedroom apartment to sublet. 0 my God Emily M. ~ FNPM. tiny thanked me. Furnished, cost includes heat. Up the Handsome young SW Freshman Have fun street from F: male seeks eager, attractive female Hey, Mark: the above personal is Yes 1 I too thought that was the end Rhinecliff Hott~l. II. doing what for affection and skin toxicity experi­ addressed to you, eh whot? of the Liliputians. I didn't write them I Perfect for one ., · ·· Faulkner ments. Contact Chibiabos at Dow honest. ~ person or couple. thought of first Chemical. Sionna: Miss you tons. I'm still alive, ~l Rent $525.00. Call .· 4... -Spiv things are going well, but I haven't Love me. Please. Box 174. -. ·. Cindy,x417or876- Nedly Sweetly: I love you-Maisie time to write you properly. 5738. • Tomybeau- Nessie, Lucy,Julioandjose,yo,yo! tiful, not-so- Tarzan ... I'm still waiting ... when Same goes to the Nerd Herd and 'Member ~ no glove, no love! The FOR SALE: 1989 • weirdly- can I swing on your vine?-Jane the folks on Gibbon Street. Welcome! purple ones be the bcstest! Rock chevy pickup, V8, haired-any­ Steady!-- Giggles 5 speed, black, low more love, Bean: Happy Valentine's Day to Always remember and never for­ mileage. $8900 or BUNDT you, Arthur, and Baron Von Dirken­ get: an elephant's faithful, one Hey, Danielle- Do I look like a real best offer. 758-2349 CAKE!!! (kiss stein. I love you tons and tons. For­ hundred percent. Italian Boy? (after five). me, kiss me, ever, Weasel. kiss me) LOve,II Peacock Feather. Hey now, now there's a definition Hey! Will you be mine (or do I have FOR SALE: Queen-size futon Baron: Great work thus far. -the for you! Put that in your dictionary to pay you?) --One Hour frame, price negotiable. Still in box, To A Ram: I ·shine like a million Weasel and smoke it. bqtnd new. 758-2342. Leave message. suns because it is you who has ig­ Noone can make you feel inferior nited me. You are truly beautiful­ Layla: Your thumbs turn me on. Clari: Here's to hoping that she without your consent. --Eleanore Pig soup. Peacock. doesn't do it again. Still in a very bad Roos,evelt. ]. Forest B.: You're such a slut! mood, and still hate Valentine's Day, tiny tiny tiny shoes To B.R.: I love the way you wear Please spend the night again soon. but I still love you more than my My honey is sweet.- Eddie your shoes-A.N. luggage-Ouisa and im tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny Craig... You lesbian! ... I love you. Ouisa: I know you hate Valentines tiny tiny tiny a million more tinies Thank you sooooo much for that Kiss kiss. Amy, if it were up to me, and it is, Day but your getting one anyway. If ~d a tiny tiny tiny-HUD sensational rendition of (Brandy) I would do it; but, I would have to you like we'll use it for kindling. you're a fine girl. You know when I To Mom and Dad: I'm thinking of "get" something in return. -M.O.D. --Clari It's a tiny world after all mean. you day in and day out... just want­ ing you to know I love you! - TH Rachel-Practice makes perfect, so, To my friend at CAMBRIDGE: I Tiny upon tiny slyly hidden Lady Inferno: Bum, baby, burn. keep up the good work. hope that got your attention and you amongst the true tinies of our time. But remember: thebookis non-flame­ Kat. Lee: I'm still waiting to see the -From Above. aren't just reading the sports page. retardant! -me sunrise with you.- F. Ronduval, in You're missed and many say HI! I'm sooooo tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny thewoods. , Mike: Maybe Freezing as usual. tiny tiny I looooove you Patti. we should rent Shay-rone, Weird Science Does this ever end? I'm starving­ It's fit to be tinied! MORE SEX IN KLINE!-the gen­ Shay-rone, you're and take care­ ness and no end is in sight. eral public bad-to-thah­ ful notes. Per­ 1 Alcoholic beverages must•• be ex­ bone... Lemme fection awaits! Sarah G. -May memories never tremely tiny at all registered events. Lucy: You are the.answer to my take you on a ride Frederique. die. Happy Valentines Day. prayers.- Eddie past a ten-story -Your best friend, Fall 1988 To Mike Baker: BREAD EQUALS - building. Ha ha SEX-the n;tushy twosome Borden: Sing it, baby, "It had to be ha. She Being Brand, Happy Valen­ you." tines Day. I'm Glad you stuckaround. My dearest sweet papoose, I could "The session Love, Babyface get lost in the swimming pools of Ihafmanyneeds.-thesad puppy was a dream I had, though rather your eyes. -the mushy onesome. hard to keep ... " My tiny tiny tiny tiny heart tinily . Dear Ms. Mathwoman, Film Critic, Winnona Ryder is pregnant with for you. Dear Peacock/Quasar: Life with Dancer, Photographer, Greek Freak, I fuckin' hate answering machines. the Iguana's two-headed love-child. you is the most phenomenal experi­ and Kelly: We like having you -Iguanoman Ms. Nature Woman- ence known to humankind. Happy around. You make meal times swell. Do you know how much salad 1don't know why you dislike me. I anniversary-Sluggo (So's your old man!) Love, B,j 1M (the dressing there is in the fridge? If I had a nickel for every girl that just want to let you know that there's

guys at the Table) has dissect me 1 I'd have $3.26. no hard feelings. Happy Valentine's Annie: Wanna play? -Carrie How about the mustard? -Math major? Day and Be you-know-who's. My dearest love: I love you, plain Love, Mr. Frog Ted Criebling is the tiniest man and simple. - Aram. Hey,youcrazyGtiysontheCouch, I've never been dissed.-Lit major? alive! The sandwich lady thinks he's how long do we hav~ to wait before cute. DDD: You & Me & Manor Field. we get a review of "Tim: the Movie"? There's always a first time, you IfA.R.&j.S., they only had a brian!' Let's melt some snow. - B.tsy P. cocky bastard.- A female lit major With love, C.E. Dear Joelle: You shall be a Maty I can see!! Magdalen and 1... A something else, Stu-one: Happy 21 ..:.__ Rafe G. Huh? What's dissed?-A lit pro­ Lori, you big galoot, thereby! - Jone Donne the way she walks that he's fessor Tell that sexy cat of yours to be my TATA: Dag, with the hair and shit. bigger than me! · valentine. -Jacob /

More recently~ the Israelis took what was not theirs in the Six The Bard Observer continued from page 1 Day War, tripling their territorial forebears arrived; the people vari­ holdings. They were ordered to give ously called Editor·in·Chief American Indians, the West Bank and other lands back, Kristan Hutchison Amerinds, Native Americans, etc. and did not. They are consequently Managing Editor Mr. Hussein has indeed used paying for their greed in terms of the Jason Van Driesche chemical weapons against people intifada. -A people was arbitrarily within his own borders. He has also displaced and they are now doing News Editor taken the land of Kuwait by force, what is predictable; Tom Hickerson getting angry and Features with much brutality Editor exacted upon its fighting in response to not being GregGiacdo 1\.ll citizens. These incidents have hap­ treated as human beings. It must be Arts Editor aboard .for abllmpy ride .·· pened and are, to borrow a word noted that while the Jewish residents Greg Donovan from Bard.Shutt.le Bu~ lQO.l<$ good·{~~ all , ~gles. Security has a.· James Baker,"regrettable." of the West Bank and occupied terri­ Sports Editor However, not that Jody Apap reprieve from drivihg st11dents around. all evening. Students.cari plan long ago, the tories are being issued gas masks in government in Washington had a Photo Editor ' their d~parturesand arrjvals instead of ~aiting outSide i. n ' the. ~old .for response to the threat of Saddam goal in mind: Fred Baker Security. And the administration gets 'some good PR · · · get the "Indians" out of Hussein, Palestinians are not. This, "our'' land. This However, even the best ideas can ~e improved'upon, and the Bai-d is to say nothing of to me, is more inhumane than killing Staff Writers the fact that these "nuisances" Shuttle is no exception. The schedule must be fine-tunEXI before it is per-· · were the Palestinians outright. Tatiana Prowell people who feet. The Dean of Students realizes this, anci is allowing a two.week trial had been here for several I have question which, in my opin­ Angela Alexander period in which the schedule be thousand years before Europe even ion, has not been asked enough: why Tanya Panin will revi~.d to better accommodate stu~ Lynda Fang dent needs. · knew about what would become is the "situation" currently evolving · Rich North America. Various Europeans with a usituation" Ebert Some of those needed revisions are already apparent, such as adding at all for us? I Melinda Loges came and claimed land in the the theater and Woods Studio to .the list of stops. Students work late into name have yet to see sound proof of the Christie Searing of this crown or other, the night at both places, and deserve door-tcrdoor service to dra.g their enslaving and "vital interest" for which we are Jonathan Englert killing as they came. tired bodies home. · . We, as a nation, supposedly in that area of the world. Staff Photographer inherited some of this land from Great Neither the oil of Kuwait nor that of Katrina Koenigs Michael machines on campus. Ten years ago, Britain, and bought some of it from Iraq is of particular importance to us. Kauffman the student France and Spain. This is to say that It would be of even less Budget association decided to importance if Production Manager we are now in possession of split the money from these machines stolen \Ve had any sort of energy policy. In Keightie Sherrod continued from page 1 with the laundry machine company property. the recent words of a former Saudi Assistant Production Manager raise the Student Activities Fee by to pay for capital purchases. For Picture this: someone coming into Oil Minister while describing US Mark Delsing $30 per semester, which would add example, EMS is receiving $1800 for your apartment or house pointing a energy policy, ''The policy is there is Production Staff $30,000 totheconvocationfund. That life-saving equipment this spring gun at you and claiming your dwell­ no policy." David Ames Dickson Jean proposal went to campus~wide bal­ from the ing in the name of his family. 1t If there were to have been a request Capital Fund,and the Audio Senior Copy Editor lot vote this week. In the meantime, sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? Co-op will receive· top priority for ftom our allies for our assi tancc in the Andrea Breth each campus organization must try requests for speaker equipment in Wouldn't you feel outraged? That's protectionoftheir interests there, with Copy Editors to compensate for the cuts. the fall of 1991. illegal, isn't it? the provision of payment for our Olivier Compel Bard Emergency Medical Services . The Special Fund is money that the Yet this is exactly how the land that services by them, I would have less of Senior Typist seems to be one of the only organiza­ Planning Committee doesn't spend most of us live on was claimed. The a problem with our forces being Andrea J. Stein tions th~t is content with its present except in emergencies. Last people in Washington who are the where they are now. However, this Technical Consultant/ year the is Computer economic situation, as it is receiveng same generous, lovely people who notthecase. Graphics Students Against Interventionist We are carrying the bulk Michael Conelly money from the Capital Fund. Ac­ Policy (SAIP) requested money on gave the Original Americans a few of the expense of this action, and will cording to Andy Molloy, leader of short notice, and received it from the paltry acres here and there in ex­ absorb the bulk of the casualties Business Manager EMS, he spent two and one half years Special Fund. This semester, $200 of change for the whole of the rest of the among the allies. We have taken the Usa Folb attempting to reorganize the group, the Fund was used in an attempt to country, are now the ones complain­ most strongly "moral" position of Advertising Manager and is finally able to do so this semes­ balance the budget, and there is $2,000 ing about a man halfway around the any of the nations, and yet we have Karyn I

lar excuse is given for holding back dard by which the U.S. decides to Our organization, the M.L.K./Bard Justification for production of alternative fuel cars. extend it's imperialistic arms. Institute for Nonviolent Social Objections to Cars running on electricity or solar Congress has been totally submis-· Change, was misrepresented in the Desert the Peace e1;1ergy have been developed. A little ~ive to President Bush. A bill to im­ article. Vary often the aspect of social Operatiop performance may be sacrificed for peach the president, who flagrantly change is omitted or overlooked in Movement the sake of independence from gaso- violated the War Powers Act, was reference to our organization. Al­ Storm To Whom it May Concern: line. But an added second or two in killed by Congress, who is more though this may seem to be a minor continued from page 10 One criticism of the peace move- the 0-60 is well worth being concerned with their reelections than point, we would like to stress that the ment has been that it is chanting slo- These cars are unavailable because carrying out their duties and respon­ basis of our organization is social fit. We are only continuing in the ganswhileofferingnosolutions.Here freedom of the public from gasoline sibilities to the people of the U.S. change brought about by direct ac­ tradition of western destruction of are several short and long term alter- would mean disaster for .oil compa­ Congress also relinquished their Con­ tion. the rest of the world mentioned ear­ nativeS to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.' nies, and car makers would not want stitutionally provided powers of de­ A second correction we wish to lier in this letter if we persist in mor­ A United Nations mediated settle- to see that happen to their brethren in claring war to President Bush by offer concerns· the resolution which alizinguponthegovernmentsofother ment following the immediate with- the oil business. · waiting six months before discussing our organization put forth. The reso­ nations. It is my opinion that we drawal of all troops is the first step. As individuals; we can vote our the path to war on which President lution called _for the endorsement, have far too many problems of our Diplomacy was never given the hypocritical president and· spineless · Bush had placed the country, only to not the approval, of the student body own to worry about the Emir of chance to work out its intricate proc- members of Congress out of office. meekly support the president. concerning a congressional letter Kuwait losing a few million dol!ars. esses. The specter of first a quarter President Bush used the U.N. Secu­ . These are just several possible so­ writing campaign: The endorsement None of the combatants has a moral million troops in Saudi Arabia, then rity Council resolutions concerning lutions to the.organized killing Of the .of the student body will be carried in high-ground from which to legiti­ the January 15 deadline, erased all Iraq as the go-ahead for countering human race by fellow members act­ the content of the form letters. mately preach on the situation. We hopes for a peaceful solution. Iraq aggression. But the U.S. cannot ing under the orders of the U.S. gov- Thirdly, we would like to specify should all stop yelling and go home. · As a nation, a sensible energy pol- condemn aggression considering its ernment. · that the letter will call into question icy is need~. Almost half of our own past, most recently Panama and theWar Powers Act and Executive Michael Stimac country'soilconsumptionisusedfor Grenada. The invasions of Panama AndrewYoon/Feb. 8,1991 Priveledge of the President in rela­ cars and trucks. Raising the and Grenada were condemned by tion to United Nations resolutions. Letters-to -the-editor - government's minimum mileage the United Nations but given little Forum and other submissions standardsforallnewcars would save regard by the U.S., whose arrogance Sincerely, David O'Reilly a signifi~nt amount for both the is backed up by its super-power Corrections M.L.K./Bard Institute for Nonvio- may be sent to The individualowneringascostsand the status. And the manner in which the lent Social Change Bard Observer via nation in it's thirst for oil. Unfortu- U.S. chooses to ignore the U.N. reso- To.. the Observer· campus mat·1 or 1e f t at nately, such legislation is opposed by lutions concerning the Palestinians, In regard to your February 8 article car makers, citing increased produc- who have no oil, and rush to person- on the first student Forum we would the box in the library, tion costs which mean lower profits ally carry out the resolutions con- like to offer a few significant correc- behind the front desk. • fu..•e•m .. se•l•v•es•,•an .. d•b•l•oc•k•ed .... A.. si•m•i•- ..•ce•rn .. in•g .. Ira.. qshowsthedoublestan- . ~t~io~n:s~·----· ------~.:~~~~~~~~~~~~::.. ~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~J B ~ ARD COLLEGE F 'E B RUARY 1 6 T 0 22 ' 1 9 9 1 ' WEEKLY COMMUNITY INFORMATION NEWSLETTER B . r o u g h t t 0 y 0 u b y t h e D e a n 0 f s· t u d e n t s Scottish Country Dancing: teaching at Bard since 1985. Those interested, please will be meeting on Thursday, 7:30PM at Kline Commons. SCottish country' dancing will take place on the 1st, 3rd contact Vromen through campus mail, Box llK Ben and 5th Wednesdays .of each month, beginning on will be available in Olin 204, Thursday; February 7,·6-7 Senior Concert: F~bruary 6, 7:30 to 9:30PM in Manor House. New PM to answer questions and for registration. . A senior concert of works by William Dechand, daDcers welcome. For further information, call 876- including chamber works, "songs, and Toothbucket, 3341. - Papier M ache: will take place on Wednesday, February 27 at 8:00PM Students, faculty and Staff are invited to submit poetry, iri Bard Hall. All are welcome. short fiction and essays in French to Bard's new French Bard College/Community Chorus: ~ The chorus is, as alway~, open to all members of the Magazine, Papier Mache. Submissions should be mailed Support Group: commu~ity. Rehearsals of Bach's motet "Jesu, Meine to Prof. Brault or 0. Chilton by March 15. The ~riters' A support group for friends or relatives of people Freude" and his Cantata No. 4, -entitled 11Christ lag in name should not appear on the work, instead an index directly involved in the Guif War will meet every Todesbanden," begin Thursday, February 7 at 7:00PM card should be attached to each subm"ission with the Sunday at 7:30 in the Chapel. Non-political and non­ in Bard Hall. Students may obtain one credit. Vocal writer's name and phone number and the title of the denominational. For information call758-1505 or contact ~ scores are available prior to 3:00PM on February 7 or at work. Bon courage! Ging~r Grabb in the Chaplains Office. the first r~hearsal in the bookstore. No.audition is If Italian Table: necessary. you think you'd enjoy singing,-come. Dances, Show~ and Movies: The first gathering of the Friends of Leonardo will take Films are shown in the Student Center at 7:00PM and Meditations for Peace: place on February 20 in the College Room of Kline 9:00PM. 7:00PM is no~-smoking. Other events are at Commons, and thereafter every Wednesday evening 6:00PM in the chapel. Contact Bruce Chilton for more the times listed in the Student Center. information._ from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Off campus students welcome. They should state their destination at the door and/ or February 18: Steve Key Yoga Courses: . PDOne Pola Chapelle at 876-6116. You don't have to be An introductory Yoga course will be Italian! All Welcomei_Coraggio! · taught on Thursday­ February 19: La Belle et la Bete 7:00PM in Olin 202 nights 6:00 to 7:30PM in Olin 204, starting February 14. (Part of the French Film Series) This course is open to the entire Bard Community. It New Blum Show: Multiples of Multiples The show will include prints from the Edith C. Blum will meet for 8 sessions; and the fee is $20. Continuing Art February 21: Bird (Movie) Yoga will be taught on Tuesday nights 5:30 to 7:00PM Institute Collection. The show will run t11rough May 27. - in Olfu 204, starting February It The Blum is open noon to 5:00 PM every day except 12. is for the those who February 25: All Four Fun 9:00, 50 Tuesdays. a year retrospective of participated in the Introductory course, or have similar Black Music. (A Black History month experience. It w~ll meet for 10 sessions, and the fee is_ event sp6nsored by the Dean of $35. Oasses will be taught be Ben Vromen who received First S.M.A.S.H. Meeting: Student's Office) teacher training at the Kripalu C~nter and has been SMASH (Student~ Mobilized Against Sadaam Hussein)

a Calendar of Events Saturday 16 Sunday17 Monday18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Thursday21 Friday 22'

Morning 6:00PM 6:30PM 5:30PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 5:00PM Bard van shuttle nms to Ecumenical Worship Environmental Oub French Table Spanish Table - BBLAGA Meeting General deadline for Rhinecliff, Red Hook, &: Service Committee Room Committee Room Kline Commons Albee Social Room submissions to The Bard Rhinebeck Chapel Kline Commons Kline Commons Observer 5:30PM 7-10PM 5:45 - 10:30 PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM Italian Table Writing Tutors Trip to Hudson Valley Alcoholics Anonymous Observer Features/Arts Anmesty International College Room Albee Annex 103 Mall, Kingston Aspinwall 302 staff meeting Olin Kline Commons Preston 127 7:30PM 7-10 PM 6:00PM 7:00PM Narcotics Anonymous Writing Tutors 7:00PM Observer News staff Al-Anon Aspinwall 302 Albee Annex 103 Women's Center meeting Aspinwall 302 I Meeting Kline I 7:00 & 9:00 PM Student Center 7:00PM Movie ~ 7:00PM Christian Meeting Student Center 7-10 PM LA Belle et la Bete Bard Chapel Basement (See A_pove) Writing Tutors Olin 202 Train Runs: Albee 7:30PM Annex 103 7:00PM 4:15 PM for the 4:51 Train I SMASH Meeting 7-10 PM Flute Choir 6:36 PM for the 7:36 Train 7:0Q PM Writing Tutors _ Kline Commons Bard

Train Pickups: 12:00 NOON 5:15, 7:14, 10:15 PM Deadline for all calendar Rhinecliff Station submissions for the issue covering March 2 Through 7:13PM March 8, 1991 Poughkeepsie station due in the Dean of Student's office