Shipley Parish Council

Chairman: Mr Jamie Coad, Vine Cottage, Road, , West , RH13 8QD. Tel: 07808 918847 Email: [email protected]

Clerk: Mrs Fiona McNeile, 17 Barrow Close, , , RH14 9SW Tel: 07481 803124 Email: [email protected]

The Minutes Of The Annual Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Monday 16th May 2016 at Coolham Village Hall, Coolham at 7:30pm

059/16 Election Of Chairman Cllr Hayes proposed Cllr Coad for the office of Chairman and was seconded by Cllr Emrich. This motion was unanimously AGREED. Cllr Coad duly signed his declaration of acceptance of office.

060/16 Election Of Vice Chairman Cllr Coad reported that Cllr King-Tours will be standing down from the office of Vice Chairman. Cllr Coad proposed that the election of Vice Chairman be deferred to the next meeting. This motions was unanimously AGREED.

Cllr Coad proposed that members grant Cllr King-Tours a 6 months leave of absence in order to protect his position of Parish Councillor. This motion was unanimously AGREED.

061/16 To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation The Clerk requested that members read their Declarations Of Interest completed in 2015 and sign an update form to confirm that the information was still current and correct or notify Council of any changes.

7:38pm Cllr Lovett entered the room.

Cllr Emrich declared an interest in the Knepp based planning application (Employment) and Cllr Coad declared an interest in the William Penn application (Parent Governor).

062/16 Attendance and Apologies For Absence Those Present: W Beckett, J Coad (Chair), G De Zoete, J Emrich, T Hayes, L Lovett, and S Roggendorff Also Present: Cllr A Jupp, Cllr N Jupp, Cllr K Rowbottom, 8 members of the Public and Parish Clerk F McNeile. Apologies: Cllr P Baxter (Work Commitments), Cllr King-Tours (Personal), Cllr Sinton (Urgent Matter)

Cllr Coad stated that item 082/16 Staff Matters would be excluded to members of the Public and Press in accordance with Section 100A (2) and (4) of the L.G.A 1972 and Standing Orders Section 3 (d) and 11 (a)

063/16 Approval Of The Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 11th April 2016 The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.

064/16 Matters Arising from Item 041/16 (For information only) 042/16 Dr Chris Lyons (HDC) emailed the Clerk on 5th May regarding the query relating to the saturation point of caravan numbers within Brooks Green. “Apologies as I forgot to come back to you as the matter was discussed at committee so hopefully you got the answer but just to clarify – there is no upper limit to development that we set as such. We have to accommodate at least 800 dwellings a year across the district but our focus is within the built up areas so any new homes or intensification of existing mobile home parks outside the built up area would normally be contrary to policy but there isn’t a defined number as such.”

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042/16 The Clerk confirmed that the commemorative coins for the children attending Shipley Primary School, William Penn School and Coolham Montessori nursery were delivered for 21st April in time for the Queen’s birthday. Shipley Primary School and William Penn School head teachers have written to the Parish Council expressing gratitude for the gesture. Parents had also passed on their thanks. One resident living in the parish with children who do not attend parish schools has queried why not all the children in the parish were given a coin. The Clerk read minute item 26/15 from 29th February 2016 “Cllr Coad asked Council whether it would like to purchase Commemorative Coins for Queens 90th Birthday for the children at school and nursery in the Parish. Council have previously purchased celebratory mugs for the Queens Golden Jubilee for the children at schools. Council resolved that this would be a discretionary use of the precept allocated to donations. This was unanimously AGREED. The Clerk to obtain numbers of Commemorative Coins to purchase per school/nursery.” The Clerk asked Members if they would like to add any further response to the residents query. Cllr Coad noted that the numbers of children in the parish are unknown and so the fairest method of distribution per school and nursery in the parish. The Clerk to feedback Council’s response to the resident.

045/16 The Clerk and Phillip Gibbs of Shipley Football Club will be arranging a joint training evening for the defibrillators in the Parish.

047/16 The Clerk reported the resident’s complaint regarding increased traffic and lorries in Coolham to HDC. Madeleine Hartley at HDC has been in touch with the resident. To date none of the traffic reported have been involved with the Abingworth Meadows development in Thakeham.

The Clerk has reported the broken road signs at Coolham and cross roads to Love West Sussex.

051/16 The Clerk obtained good references from the Troy Navigus referees and has instructed them as consultants to the Neighbourhood Plan. Troy Hayes will be attending the Neighbourhood Planning Group meeting on Monday 23rd May.

053/16 Members of Coolham Management Committee rejected the suggestion from the Parish Council to lock the gates to the carpark as a deterrent to the youths. The Committee feel that a better solution would be to install another fence with a locked gate separating the top car park from the bottom and will obtain quotations for that. The Committee Chairman will be speaking to the police about the use of drugs in the car park and following that up with a letter. The Committee will also be obtaining quotations for installation of CCTV cameras.

054/16 The Clerk has purchased the projector and screen as discussed at the meeting on 11th April in preparation for paperless planning. HDC were expected to deliver the paperless planning agenda to Clerks on 12th April, however, no representatives from HDC attended the meeting and so there is no further information at this time.

055/16 The Clerk has reported all maintenance issues raised at the last Parish Council meeting. In addition to these issues, the Clerk has also reported blocked drains at Coolham Crossroads, a pot hole in the entrance to Dorset House, a settee/put u up bed that was dumped in the Dragon Estate entrance along Trout Lane and a dead doe near the Brooks Green cross roads.

Cllr Coad utilised the digger hired for the pavilion to dig out the blocked ditch in the lower field at Coolham Playing Fields and Darren Rolfe kindly sawed up the tree that was also in this area. It has been left neatly stacked to rot down.

The Clerk is in the process of gaining three quotations for the fencing problems on Coolham Playing Fields.

065/16 Report from the Police

Following the letter sent to Sean Ruth at WSCC regarding assistance with setting up a community speed watch scheme, the Clerk has received the following response from PS Martin Drabble;

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I have been made aware of the email chain below and C/Insp. HODGES, , Adur & Worthing district Commander has asked me to respond.

I note your comments:-

The Parish Council does not feel that this will bear a significant enough test of the vehicles using the A272 and would like to conduct a Community Speed Watch. At a time where parishes are being encouraged to be 'resilient' and take on greater responsibility, it is very frustrating that we are facing so many obstacles to conduct our own speed watch and work towards a safer parish.

Further to my previous update, Sussex Police are currently reviewing the community speed-watch guidelines and procedures. I have contacted the Sussex Safer Roads Casualty Reduction Officer that covers the and requested that that the A272 cross roads at Coolham are considered for an assessment and potential suitability for a CSW. I will update you with any developments.

PCSO Julie Green has left the Police. Her last day was 29th April and her colleagues and patrol cars are covering the area. The Parish Council contact is now PS Martin Drabble.

066/16 Report from the County Councillor Cllr A Jupp reported a meeting she attended with Inspector Claire McKnight and Sargent Rachel Mundy regarding King Fisher Farm in Lane which was granted planning permission a few years ago for 11 individual sites and one mobile home and one touring caravan. There have been increasing levels of homes together with anti-social behaviour, particularly in , which has now led to regular patrols in the area. Cllr A Jupp requested that if anyone within the Parish suffers with anti-social behaviour that is linked to King Fisher Farm then it must be reported to Sargent Mundy at [email protected]. Inspector Claire McKnight has said that she is very happy to come and speak to the Parish Council about the changes within the Police and her email contact is [email protected].

Cllr A Jupp will be attending the WSCC planning meeting including William Penn school and is happy to pass on Parish Council comments.

067/16 Report from the District Councillors Cllr Rowbottom confirmed that the Boules club starts 17th May at Shipley Football Club. The Clerk to obtain a timetable from Philip Gibbs.

068/16 Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations Cllr Coad noted the recent report from Cllr Baxter regarding HALC and checked that members had received and read the information prepared by Cllr Baxter.

Sarah Bulmer, Chair of Shipley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee submitted the following progress report to the Parish Council.

“After two meetings in March and then April we have started the process of putting a plan together. Using a couple of existing surveys created by other parishes as a starting point I put a very basic first draft questionnaire together using these and the suggestions put forward by members of our Shipley steering committee.

On the 9th of this month we had a very useful meeting going through the first draft, amending and changing things as appropriate and making good progress towards a second draft to be discussed at the next meeting when we hope to finalise the questions and have a survey ready for the design stage. We are all of the opinion that the survey/questionnaire should be as simple and straightforward as possible whilst at the same time obviously covering all the required points to make it a relevant and useful document.

We are looking forward to meeting with Councillor Hydes from the Steering committee and with Troy Navigus the chosen consultants on the 23rd of May. Our committee will be preparing questions for both parties in an effort to move forward efficiently with our plan.”

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069/16 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).

A member of the Public raised concerns relating to planning application DC/16/0492, Shipley Football Club. The site of the Walking Football pitch has half a dozen lovely mature oak trees and the concern raised was the protection and wellbeing of the trees during works carried out on site. There are also large, unsightly mounds of mud that do not appear to have any purpose. Cllr Hayes responded that the access point being used to the site for the works would not affect the oak trees. Cllr Coad noted that the mounds of earth were being used in the creation of a new 7 A Side football pitch this year.

The member of the Public also wanted to reiterate Cllr Rowbottom concerns regarding Dragons Green Road and Lane which are in very poor condition. Anyone having to park at the side of the road runs the risk of severely damaging their vehicle as the road just drops off. The Clerk has reported the problems but will report again.

A member of the Public raised the matter of poor access and condition of bridle paths surrounding the Parish, with the exception of the Knepp Estate. Many gates are broken, paths are dangerous due to the large pot holes and many are not accessible. Coolham Airfield is down to footpath width only and not suitable as a bridle path. Land owners need to fix gates so that they may be opened and closed from a mounted position. Cllr Coad agreed and noted the contents of a PROW report which states that on a 15 month cycle they carry out 10% of the County’s path clearance. Shipley equated to 800m of path clearance. Cllr Coad stated that the Airfield is 1200m long and Shipley is the largest Parish in the County. Cllr Emrich noted that Knepp has 26km of public rights of way to maintain. Cllr A Jupp requested the bridle path numbers and she will make enquiries to see if WSCC can encourage the landowners to fix the gates and improve conditions.

A member of the Public pointed out that the traffic through Coolham is not just along the A272 section. The traffic using the A272 have to slow down to cross the B2139 however vehicles using the B2139 do not have any reason to slow down and this can be particularly dangerous outside the garage near the cross roads travelling from Barns Green towards Thakeham.

Another member of the Public added that it is not possible to see the 30mph signs as you are travelling from towards Coolham as it is obscured by trees. The signs are placed on the St Cuthman’s side of the road and Hoe Farm. It was also noted that the 30mph speed limit markings on the road are also becoming obscured due to road usage. The Clerk to contact St Cuthman’s and Hoe Farm regarding the speed signs and WSCC regarding the road markings.

070/16 Chairman’s Announcements FOSP have applied to Gatwick Airport Trust for a grant towards the swing installation work and a grant has been made for £1500 towards the project. The Parish Council has received a 6 month extension to the S106 money awarded last summer for the new swing project and to date there is approximately £8,500 to spend on the project.

West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority are working in partnership to prepare a new Joint Minerals Local Plan for West Sussex. This will replace the existing Minerals Local Plan (2003). They are now consulting on the content of the draft Plan for a nine week period which will end on Friday 17 June 2016. Members have been forwarded the information to comment on-line should they wish.

Regarding Operation Watershed 2016 Cllr Coad noted the recent work carried out by Cllr Emrich to resolve flooding on the A24, A272 and Pound Lane with WSCC. It appears that the flooding near Goffsland Farm needs Operation Watershed funding. Cllr Emrich is reluctant to go through the process of quotations for this work as in the past the work involved was very time consuming and unfruitful. The problems on the A24 have been discussed with David Bilingshurst from WSCC Highways and this has now been passed to Highways . Cllr A Jupp to follow up this flooding matter.

A public consultation on proposed changes to Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRSs) across the West Sussex. The consultation will open on Monday 16 May for four weeks until Sunday 12 June, and residents

Shipley Parish Council 16 May 2016 Annual Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 | 9 are encouraged to ‘Have your Say’ by going online and completing the consultation. (Hard copies are available in libraries).

CIL Draft Charging Schedule – This sets out the proposed Community Infrastructure Levy charging rates for new development across Horsham District. These financial contributions will be used to fund infrastructure which is required to support new growth. After the consultation the CIL Draft Charging Schedule will be submitted for examination. When it has passed the examination and has been adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy will in part replace planning obligations through S106 contributions and will help fund infrastructure required to deliver new development across the district. As well as inviting comments on the Draft Charging Schedule, Horsham District Council would be pleased to receive views on the relevant evidence base, which include the viability appraisal and infrastructure delivery plan.

Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD - The collection of contributions and affordable housing will still be used in a reduced format to meet site specific requirements which arise from development. For this reason a draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been produced which reflects the changing nature of S106 alongside the introduction of CIL. The SPD is a guidance document and not a policy document. This document will be submitted alongside the CIL as a background document and adopted once the CIL is adopted. Resident’s comments can be emailed to [email protected] or sent to: Strategic Planning Team, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1RL. 071/16 Council Structure

a) Planning Sub Committee – Cllr Coad noted that it was suggested that the Parish Council operated a separate Planning Sub Committee. As per the Standing Orders, the Parish Council may set up a planning Sub-Committee. The Sub Committee would need to operate in exactly the same format as a Council meeting. Advice received from SALC was that as the Parish Council receive so few planning applications there is not a strong need for a planning sub-committee versus the additional costs involved. Members discussed the current planning system, past systems and the introduction of the projector and a planning sub-committee. Council resolved to continue reviewing planning applications in full Council meetings with the aid of the projector and ‘live’ online (internet connection permitting). This was unanimously AGREED

b) Cllr Baxter will remain in position as Council Representative for HALC and CVH meetings. Cllr Coad will remain in position as Council Representative for SALC.

c) Cllr Coad to remain as Chairman of the Complaints Committee. This was unanimously AGREED

072/16 Annual Return 01/04/15 – 31/03/16 consider the approval of the Annual Governance Statement and Statement Of Accounts The Clerk answered member queries relating to asset values and variances in figures (over 15%) detailed on the Annual Return. Council approved the Annual Governance Statement and Statement Of Accounts. This was unanimously AGREED. The Clerk and Chairman duly signed and completed the Annual Governance Statement and Statement Of Accounts.

073/16 Internal Audit Further to the internal audit and auditor’s advice, members resolved to remove the wording ‘The council shall seek credit references in respect of members who act as signatories’ from Section 5, 5.1 Shipley Parish Council Financial Regulations. This was unanimously AGREED.

074/16 Review Of Council Policies And Procedures In Accordance With Standing Order 5 Members resolved to adopt the following policies and procedures: a) Standing Orders b) Financial Regulations c) Code Of Members Conduct d) Fixed Asset Register e) Insurance Schedule f) Procedure For Correspondence And Document Retention (New) g) Grants And Donations Policy (New) Shipley Parish Council 16 May 2016 Annual Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 | 9

h) Information Technology, Email and Internet Policy (New)

This was unanimously AGREED.

Cllr Hayes proposed that the Information Technology, Email and Internet Policy could be improved by investigating back up of documentation to ‘icloud’ technology solutions. The Clerk noted that there is a product specific for Parish Councils called ‘Microshade’. The Clerk to investigate this solution.

8:35pm Cllr Rowbottom left the room.

An additional seven policies will be reviewed/introduced at the next full Council Meeting.

075/16 Coolham Pavilion Update Cllr Coad praised the work and assistance of Darren Rolfe (WSCC) and the WSCC volunteers who started the dismantling works on 9th May with Cllr Coad. The Clerk addressed a rumour circulating the parish and stressed that all labour for the pavilion restoration work carried out by Cllr Coad and the WSCC team has been provided free of charge and the only expense that will be incurred will be the building materials as previously planned. The Clerk thanked Cllr Coad for his work and contribution.

The Clerk projected pictures of the project for Council to see the progress made over the first 5 days. During the project, it has become more apparent the full extent of the problems within the building. (Woodworm and rotten timbers, charred timbers from an attempted fire in the western corner of the building, large gaps in the supporting dwarf walls, soft wood used to repair original oak wood in previous restoration work, insufficient foundations).

The volunteers also helped with the installation of the new goal posts and sawing of a fallen tree on the playing fields. The project is on schedule for completion on 10th June (weather permitting). Concreting of the foundations will take place on Saturday 21st May and the Clerk has arranged volunteers to assist with this work. Due to the failing oak structural timbers, Cllr Coad proposed that members consider the installation of new oak timbers for the exposed opening areas of the building and softwood for the oak cladded areas. The oak cladding was agreed in the previous Council meeting. The Clerk explained that some costs have been reduced as plant hire is less than originally budgeted due to the swift progress of the volunteers and top soil will not be needed as the quality of the soil excavated during the work is good enough to re-use. Therefore, whilst the cost of the additional Oak timbers will be approximately £1200, savings have been made in other areas. (Total savings will not be known until next week). Further to consideration, Council resolved to replace the oak timbers as recommended by Cllr Coad. This was unanimously AGREED.

Cllr A Jupp asked whether it would be possible to hold an opening ceremony to thank Darren Rolfe and his volunteers. Cllr Coad confirmed that plans were in motion with the assistance of Dean Wadey (WSCC) to hold an opening event.

Cllr Emrich raised concerns about the current insurance for labour and materials of the building and also a review of the building following completion. The Clerk has been in regular contact with the insurers regarding the project and will review the current value of £35,000 with the insurance company at the end of the project. Cllr Coad commented that the current value was adequate in his opinion.

076/16 Community Benefit Donation Cllr Coad asked members to consider allocating the use of the £25,000 community benefit received from Conergy for projects within the parish. Suggested projects were Coolham Playing Fields, New Swings (Upper Field at Coolham), Neighbourhood Plan and Traffic Calming Measures (Village Gates). Further to considering the various projects members resolved to defer the decision until the next full Council meeting. The Clerk to clarify the rules on allocation of funding and obtain ideas from members on the potential uses of the donation.

Discussion regarding ideas for the potential use of another larger anticipated donation for the improvement of Shipley Windmill took place. A member of the public suggested that donations to the Parish be put towards improved public transport. Cllr A Jupp stated that Billingshurst Community Transport service is

Shipley Parish Council 16 May 2016 Annual Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 | 9 available to the residents of Shipley. The Clerk will update the Parish Council website with Billingshurst Community Transport service information.

077/16 Planning Applications

DC/16/0387 – Rascalls Farm, Shipley Road, – Erection of stable building and construction of sand school After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application Votes 5 Approve 2 Abstention DC/16/0746 – Barnhouse Farm Cottage, Saucelands, Coolham – Construction of detached ancillary buildings to provide a new annex, replacement garage and ‘Garden Room’ After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application 6 Approve 1 Abstention DC/16/0492 – Shipley Football Club, Dragons Lane, Dragons Green – Erection of pavilion with decking, community shed and reactivate three existing lighting standards After consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application. Votes 2 Approve, 3 Abstentions, 1 Refuse The Parish Council recommends that HDC Planning Officers review the needs of the oak trees on the site and appoint the Tree Inspector to investigate further. The Parish Council also recommends that the sight lines of the access from ‘Renches’ road onto the A272 are considered by WSCC Highways and that a lighting report is conducted regarding the safety of road users and the ongoing review of this safety issue. Safety nets along the A272 side of the site are also recommended. WSCC/025/16/SP- William Penn Primary School, Brooks Green Road, Coolham - Replacement of existing modular building with two classroom modular extension After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of the application Votes 6 approve

078/16 Planning Decisions The Clerk issued an update of planning decisions made by HDC.

080/16 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish Pavements – update from Councillors. Cllr Beckett reported a pot hole of 9 inches deep and 2 feet long at the junction of Emms Lane meets Coolham Road. The pot hole has been caused by a leaking hydrant which is the responsibility of Southern Water.

Cllr De Zoete reported a pot hole which is 6 inches deep outside Brook Cottage in Hooklands Lane and the eroding roadside alongside Church Farm reported at the last meeting is becoming a real hazard to drivers.

The Clerk asked Cllr A Jupp if a request for a ‘blanket’ survey of all the roads in the Parish could be submitted to WSCC Highways as they are all in poor states of repair. Cllr A Jupp has already begun compiling an email to the Director of Highways on the matter and will raise the Parish Council concerns. The Clerk will also email Cllr A Jupp outlining the problems on the Parish roads.

081/16 Payments Cllr Coad proposed in line with the Financial Regulations Section 4, 4.5 that any invoices that become necessary for payment for the Pavilion project or purchases that have been approved within a Council meeting e.g. a projector, may be paid outside of a meeting. This was unanimously AGREED.

Payments May 2016 £

Chq Received since last meeting Nos Conergy Community Benefit Payment 25000.00 Interest 0.24 Precept - 1st Payment 12,969.83

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Interest 1.26

Paid since last meeting Invoiced Services Three Parish Phone 35.00 DD West Sussex Financial Services Staff Salaries - February 719.48 001435 Andrew Hall Hall Hire 20.00 001436 West Sussex Financial Services Staff Salaries - March 516.21 001437 Clerks Expenses - March Mileage, Broadband, Stationary 171.47 001438 SALC Subscription 357.66 001439 Coadman Contractors Coolham Paving Slabs 98.40 001440 Clerks Expenses - April Mileage, Broadband, Stationary 44.41 001441

Funds Transferred since last meeting D/Acc. To C/Acc. 1,900.00

Balances on Accounts. Current Acc. 339.06 Deposit Acc. 40,672.12 Investment Acc. (NSI) 5,212.45 Includes Neighbourhood Plan Grant 2,500.00 Includes Operation Watershed 2014 550.00 Includes NHC Pavilion Restoration Grant 4,000.00

To Pay after this Meeting. Invoiced Services Three Mobile Parish Phone 35.00 DD Tower Mint Ltd Coins 577.34 001442 Horsham District Council HDPF Books - NHP Committee 30.00 001443 Andrew Hall Hall Hire 40.00 001444 SLCC Subscription 225.00 001445 WSCC Payroll - April 1033.32 001446 Came & Company Annual Insurance Premium 803.51 001447 Came & Company Insurance - Pavilion 54.75 001448 Clerks Expenses April & May Mileage, Broadband, (+Projector and Pavilion) 918.17 001449 Clerks Expenses May Concrete 1746.00 001450

Immediate Transfer D/Acc to C/Acc. 6,000.00 Cllr Coad proposed the authorisation of payments and Cllr Hayes seconded the motion.

In future, payments will be emailed to members and projected onto screen for member’s and public information. The Clerk will respond to any queries within the meeting.

082/16 Staff Matters Members noted the points raised regarding staff matters and agreed to the recommendations.

083/16 Date of next meeting Ordinary Meeting, Thursday 16th June at 7:30pm at The Andrew Hall, Shipley

Subject to planning applications and a requirement for an extraordinary meeting.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10:10pm.

Acronym Information

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AIRS Action In Rural Sussex CIL Community Infrastructure Levy FB Facebook FOSP Friends Of Shipley Parish (Charity) HALC Horsham Association of Local Councils HDC Horsham District Council HDPF Horsham District Planning Framework HAMSVA Horsham And Mid Sussex Voluntary Association NALC National Association of Local Councils NHP Neighbourhood Plan PROW Public Rights Of Way SHELAA Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment SLCC Society of Local Council Clerks SSALC Surrey & Sussex Association Of Local Councils TPO Tree Preservation Order TRO Traffic Regulation Order WSCC West Sussex County Council

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………….Chairman


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