194 FLEET. . [KELLY'd

Post, .M. 0. & T. Office.-Ricbard Crosby, sub-post­ Schools. master. Lettert! thro-ugh arrive at 6.30 'fhe Schools are controlled by six managers, four ap· a.m. & r p.m.; dispatched at ro.4o a.m. & 6.15 & 7 . pointed by the County Council & two by the Parish p.m CQuncil (appointeq June 3oth, 1903), Saml. S. Mossop, Wall Letter Box at the Church gate, cleared at 8.15 jun. solicitor, West end, Holbeach, correspondent a.m. & 5 .so p.m. sundays excepted Public Elementary, Wood lane (mixed), built in 1878, Hargate (mixed) Sdhool, originally endowed in 1727 by ttt a. cost of £990, & enlarged in 1895 for 151 children; Mary Deacon with land in the parish of Holbeach, for average attendance, 109; William English, master; the free education of certain scholars, who for many Mrs. English, mistress years were taught in the church & afterwards in a Public Elementary, Fen (mixed), built in 1878, at a cost building in the churchyard: the ·school lha.s now ceased Of £960, for lOO children i average attendance, 56 i Lo exist; t•he old school house, built in 1842, is now Wm. Chas. S. Olarke, master; Mrs. Clarke, mistress used as a Reading Room, & the children attend the Elementary school in Wood lane, to which the endow- Railway Station, Samuel Shotliffe, station master ment is now transferred (Marked thus * letters should be *Darlow Thomas, farmer *Marshall Robert Doncaster, farmer addressed Holbeach Fen.) *Dickerson Arthur Martin, farmer *Marshal! William A. farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dixon Christopher, cottage farmer Munson James Adlard, farmer Bolton MiSlil, Fleet road Dodman William Barnes, grocer Neal Waiter Joseph, farmer .Burgess Misses, Fleet road *Faulkner Isaac, cottage farmer *Oliver Fredk. cottage frmr. Wood la Fortescue Miss, Fleet road Franks Harry, builder Proctor Charles, carpenter MeiTy Robert J.P.Littleport, Fleet rd Goole Pure Tillage Co. Ltd. manure Proctor James, carpenter .Shipley Rev. Paul Samuel (Baptist) manufrs. (George Clarke, agent) Proctor Samuel, farmer "'faylor Rev. Frank M.A. (rector) Greenwood George Edwin, baker Rebbeck Richard, Rose & Grown P.H Tiru!ley Mrs Halgarth Arthur, cottage farmer Ridlington James, farmer,Fleet lodge, Worth Arthur H. Ho vend en Halgarth Frederick, cottage farmer Branches lane COMMERCIAL. Halgarth Fredk. jun. cottage farmer Ringham George, Crooked Billet P.H Adams Edward, carpenter Halgarth George Thomas, Bull P.H *Rose John Henry, farmer · · *Bailey Thos. cottage frmr. Millbank Halgarth James, fruit grower *Seaton John Th06. cottage farmer *Baker John, beer re·tailer Halgarth John Wm. cottage farmer ;fSeaton Samuel, farmer *Beeken Thos. cottage fmr. Mill bank Halgarth J sph. (:Mrs.), cottage frmr Seth Edward Scotney, thrashing ma- *Bennett Alfred, farmer, Kingston Hardy Charles, blacksmith chine owner lodge, Millbank Harris Arth. Wm. cattle dlr. Fleet rd Seth Geo. Hy. thrashing mach. owner '*'Bennett Wm. farmer, Bengate lodge *Hemmant George, cottage farmer Smith George & John, farmers, Bank 1Jettinson Sl. T. farmer, Gedney Dyke Hilliam Charles Thomas & John Smith Joseph, farmer Bolton Alfred Hy. farmer, Fleet rd Lawrence, farmers, Oak lodge Staines Charles, cottage farmer Brothwell John, farmer *Hilliam Robert, cottage farmer *Steele Matthew, cottage farmer Erown William H. insurance agent Holbeach, Long Sutton & Sutton Suley Harry, cattle dealer *Burgess George, farmer Bridge Urban Districts & East *Thorpe Francis Charles, farmer Caban Charles, butcher Elloe Rural District Isolation Hos- Tillson Fredk. Wm. farmer, Fleet rd Caban Thomas, cottage farmer pital (Edward Evans M.R.C.S.Eng., *Tingle Frederick, farmer Campling Matthew, shoe maker L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer) *Twell Thomas, farmer, Millbank Chapman Harry, .:ottage farmer, Ingrey Cecil, bulb grower Vickers John, beer retailer Marsh lane Jackson Wm. (Mrs.), refreshment rms Wain Harry, cycle dealer *Charlton Waiter Wm. cottage frmr Kent Frederick, blacksmith *Walton William, cottage farmer Cooke E. T. coal merchant *Knights John, cottage farmer Waterman Jacob, beer retailer '*Courts George; cottage farmer Loweth Freeman, coal dealer *Whitwell Edwin, farmer Cr06by Richard & Sons, grocers, & *~lfanton James, cottage farmer Worth Arthur H. farmer & land- post office *Marshall George, farmer owner, Hovenden FLIXBOROUGH is a parish and pleasant village, 3l · A new rectory house was built in r884 by the rector, miles north-west from Frodingham station on the and is occupied by the Rev. Harry Stephen Pegg, who Doncaster and branch of the Great Central is curate. A Village Club and Reading Room was railway, 3l miles from Winterton and Thealby station opened in 1909. About half a mile from the village-, '\ln the North Lindsey Light railway, 7 east from traces of an old church and the moat belonging to a Prowle and 21 north from Gainsborough, in the mansion, formerly, it is believed, the seat of the Anderson North Lindsey division of the county, parts of Lind- family, are still visible: this place is supposed to have been Jey, north division of Manley wapentake, the birthplace of Sir Edmund Anderson, Chief Justice of petty sessional division, Glanford union, Brigg and the Common Pleas, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, wh9 Scunthorpe county court district, rural deanery of Man- died Aug. I, x6o5, and was interred in the church oi lakee, archdeaconry of Stow and . Eyworth, Beds, where there is a monument with effigies Here is a ferry over the Trent to Amcotts, and the to himself and J:J.is wife. Here was formerly a Roman Gainsborough and Hull steam packets call here occa- settlement. Sir Berkeley D. G. Sheffield bart. of Nor­ -sionally. The old church of All Saints, a very plain manby Park, is lord of the manor and principal land­ .edifice of stone, erected in the year 1789, was taken down owner. The soil is loam, clay, sand and warp; subsoil, •nd rebuilt in 1886, at a cost of £1,710; and is now an various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips, .Mlifice in the Late Decorated style, consisting of chancel, potatoes and beans, and some land is in pasture. The tave, south porch and a. western belfry of wood, with area o..f the township is 2,651 acres of land, 72 of tidal rpire, containing one bell: the church retains a Norman water and 17 of foreshore; rateable value, £7,524; font and a handsome carved oak chancel screen: then. population in 19II was 239. are 150 sittings. The register dates from the year 1573. Parish Clerk, Godfrey Gillatt. 'The living is a rectory united with the vicarage of Burton· Post Office ...:....Miss Mary Ann Tate, sub-postmistress. upon...Stather, joint net yearly value £470, including 163 Letters arrive through Doncaster 8.15 a.m. & are dis- acres of glebe and two houses, in the gift of Sir B. D. G. patched 5·55 p.m.; no delivery of letters on sundays. Sheffield bart. and held since 1882 by the Rev. Francis Burton-upon·Stather, 3 miles distant, is the nearest Amcotts Jarvis M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, money order & telegraph office prebendary of South Scarle in Lincoln cathedral, l'Ural Church School (mixed), built in 1877, for 55 children; dean of Manlake and J.P. Lincs. who resides at Burton. average attendance, 30; Miss C. Spencer, mistress Pegg Rev. Harry Stephen (curate), Champion William, farmer, Park Read Thomas, farmer Rectory Ings (letters through Gunness) Reading Room & Village Club (Walt. Drayton Arthur, farmer Potts, sec) COMMERCIAL. Gilleut Godfrey, bricklayer Sheardown Geo. farmer, Flixborough Barnet Amos, rate collector & farmer Goodhand Thomas, blacksmith grange Blackbourn Waiter, farmer Killick Henry, farmer, Normanby lo. Tate Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper & Blacl•bourn William, farmer (lettePs through :Normanby) sub-postmistress Brumby Henry, Ferry Boat inn Lysaght John Limited, ironmasters (letters through Gunness) (postal address, Scunthorpe) I FOLXINGHAM (or Falkingham-cnm-Laughton) is a railway, 9 north from Bourne, .12 south-east from, pleasant and healthy village on the. old road from , 9 SOllth from , 20 south-west from to Lincoln, on the northern acclivity of a picturesque Boston and IO'J from London, in the valley, 3 miles west from Billingborough stati{)n on division ()f the county, Aveland wapentake, Bourne petty lihe Bourne and Sleaford branch of the Great Northern sessional division, union and county court district, parts