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Capitol Courier U S C a P I T O L P a G E a L U M N I a S S O C I a T I O N December 2011 Volume 2, Issue 2 the Capitol Courier u s c a p I t o l p a g e a l u m n I a s s o c I a t I o n f e a t u r e Save the House Page Program On August 8, 2011, House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi announced they were cancelling the U.S. House of Representatives Inside Page Program. That very same day, former Congressional pages around the This Issue world protested loudly–declaring that it was a historic the decision, keeping the issue in the headlines. Members letter from mistake to end the 200-year-old tradition of young have written letters to their colleagues urging them to the presIDent . 2 people serving in the House of Representatives. support the Program. And two-dozen Members Since the decision, the newly formed Save The of Congress have co-sponsored a bill, H. Res. 397, to boarD of DIrectors . 2 Page Program (STPP) movement has rallied thousands restore the House Page Program. This has forced saVe the of former pages and their supporters to express their Congressional leaders to talk publicly about ways to congressIonal pages . 3 disapproval by writing letters to Members of Congress, keep young people involved in the work of the House. making phone calls, signing petitions, and lobbying But the work is not yet done. What you can Do to Congress in-person on Capitol Hill. Moreover, the STPP, which is currently led by former pages in the help saVe the house movement has helped place op-eds in nearly every Washington, D.C. area, has defined two primary goals page program . 3 major U.S. newspaper and has spurred on former pages for the movement: (1) restore the tradition of young house page program to take to the airwaves on America’s major cable news people in the House of Representatives; and (2) ensure DecIsIon tImelIne . 4 networks and on radio. the former Page community has a “seat at the table” The results are encouraging. STPP’s efforts have for any decisions about how to replace, reform, or restore make your influenced Capitol Hill reporters to write stories about the program. homecomIng hotel (continued on p.7) reserVatIon noW . 6 memorIes of tWo f e a t u r e former house pages . 7. support the u .s . Homecoming 2012: It’s Another First! capItol page alumnI b y s h e l l e y t homas ’89 an D c h r I s c o b e y ’ 6 7 assocIatIon . 8 Preparations are well underway for the first all-classes Homecoming including former pages of the U.S. House, Senate and Supreme Court Pages – from the ’40s to the present. This gala event will be held in Washington, D.C. • Learn the latest about and participate in efforts to beginning on Thursday, May 24, through Sunday, May reinstate the House Page Program 27, 2012. Scheduled events are expected to include: • Class-organized reunions of “milestone” classes: 1962 (50 years), 1992 (20 years) and other classes that • Panels co-sponsored with the US Capitol Historical want to convene Society, in the Congressional Auditorium of the • Optional tour of Arlington National Cemetery before U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, including discussions the Memorial Day weekend of “firsts” and the history of the page program • “Paginations: The Nation of Pages!”: A Capitol Hill through the decades (including the Supreme Court) trivia contest. Some • Tours of the House and Senate floor, led by former possible examples: What was Turner Robertson’s Page Members of Congress and House officers middle name? Who was the first Supreme Court • Tour of the Supreme Court and a possible panel/ Justice from California? What 20th century U.S. reception co-sponsored with the U.S. Supreme Court Senator routinely signed his official letters in green Historical Society ink – and why? • Tour of the Senate School/Dorm – Daniel Webster Hall • Presentations by the official historians of the House and • All-classes gala Saturday dinner at the Homecoming Senate, seeking your memories of your Page service headquarters hotel (Liaison Capitol Hill) (continued on p.6) p a g e 2 Letter from the President b y J e r r y p a p a z I a n ( h o u s e ’ 7 2 ) Needless to say, the past few months have been very active ones for our alumni association. Not only have we been planning our first-ever all class Homecoming for Memorial Day weekend in May 2012 and compiling a list of all former pages of the House, Senate and Supreme Court for a first-ever Commemorative Directory, but we have we had was mostly out of date. Thanks to many of you who provided also been helping to coordinate efforts to restore the House Page us copies of your yearbooks, email lists, Facebook pages, and with Program after the tragic decision by the House leadership to end the help of the U.S. House, Senate and Supreme Court historians the page program effective August 31, 2011. and librarians, we have compiled a list of well over 10,000 former pages who served since 1932. We are continuing to find the names of former pages, and request your help by sending in names and “The greatest resource and protection contact information of your page colleagues and by updating your for the page academy can be found in information on our website: While we its alumni. Former pages now hold had announced in our last newsletter that we were moving forward considerable power throughout the legal, with the directory in the fall of 2011, we have decided to delay the beginning of the directory process in order for us to provide a more business and media worlds.” complete list of former pages to the directory company. – Jonathan Turley, “A Page Protection Act: The Path to Saving the We encourage you to attend the Homecoming Weekend in May Historic Program,” Roll Call, October 5, 2006 2012. Our co-chairs Shelley Thomas (House ’89) and Chris Cobey (House ’67) have been spending a lot of time planning events and tours and coordinating panel discussions of former pages and others. Many of you will be receiving this newsletter as the first Contact your page classmates and encourage them to attend the communication from our alumni association, which was formed weekend with you and your families. We have scheduled time on in 2008 as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization to include all men Friday for each class to organize their own reunion activities. This and women who have served as a page in the U.S. House of is a great opportunity to reminisce with friends and family about a Representatives, Senate and Supreme Court. One of our first tasks once-in-a-lifetime experience. has been to compile a complete list of names of those who have so served their country, but this has been no easy task as there has never been a complete list of former pages, and what contact information “The people that you meet, and the experience that you have, in either or both chambers, is such that there wouldn’t be any 2011-2012 job in the world that would be comparable Board of Directors to it, and I think anybody that is assigned to a Page job in the House or the Senate has to Jerry papazIan ’72- President be so fortunate that it’s hardly…hardly any beth ambrose ’91 - 1st Vice President way to describe it.” bob borsarI ’58 – Glenn Rupp, House page 1933-1936 (interview: May 3, 2005) chrIs cobey ’67 - 2nd Vice President brenDan mccann ’99 - Secretary Finally, we have been coordinating the efforts of many former Vance morrIson ’56 pages to help restore the House Page Program. I want to call out and thank James Barnes (House ’05), Carlos de la Torre (House ’08) bIll pearD ’01 - Treasurer and Miles Taylor (House ’05) for their efforts to date with the Save The Joe steWart ’53 Page Program ( and their work with Congressmen Dan Boren (Senate ’89) and John Dingell (House ’47), shelley thomas ’90 who have co-sponsored H. Res 397. There is a lot more work to do in order to help restore the House Page Program, which is explained in The U.S. Capitol Page Alumni Association is a non-partisan, more detail in other articles in this newsletter. tax-exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization recognized by the In the meantime, please continue to support our alumni IRS and chartered in the District of Columbia. The association association by attending the Homecoming in 2012, updating your is a network of former pages who served in the Senate, own contact information and sending us the names and contact House, or Supreme Court during their high school years. information for your page classmates, and watching for future Founded in 2008 by a group of former pages, the association communications from us about how you can help Save the House currently serves over 10,000 alumni and has no affiliation Page Program. with the U.S. Congress. Thanks for your continuing support. c a p I t o l c o u r I e r p a g e 3 o p - e D Save the Congressional Pages b y Jonathan t urley (house ’78) a s o r I g I n a l l y p u b l I s h e D I n t h e L o s A n g e L e s t i m e s , a u g u s t 1 1 , 2 0 1 1 The House page program has been eliminated without warning.
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