cheeses PDD (Protected Denomination of Origin) cheese is to be found on the market in 2 typologies: “Prodotto della Montagna” and “d’Alpeggio”. Both are cylindrical with flat sides of the diameter of 15/25cm; the rim is about 12/20cm; the weight of a form is between 2 and 7kg; appearance: it appears with a non-eatable-look-like scab, thin and smooth which, the more the cheese ripens, becomes thicker and more rugged, with a yellow-reddish colour later conducive to grey; the paste has a friable structure at the beginning of the ripening, more compact when more ripened; colour: pearly-white or ivory-white at the beginning of the ripening, ochre-yellow with possible blue-greenish veining inside

PRODUCT the more it ripens (also obtained by piercing the forms through the traditional technique, manual with long shackles); taste: fine, delicate and moderately salted at the beginning of ripening; more tasty when more ripened; maturing: at least 60 days.

Castelmagno PDO cheese can only be produced in Castelmagno, , Monterosso Grana, in the province of . The milk used to produce it, must comes from those aereas.




The logo is composed by a stylized “C” with sketches of alpine peaks on the top and in the middle an elliptic form of carved cheese. The , if entirely producted over 600m a.s.l., carries on its label the words “prodotto della montagna”(“mountain product”) (the words on the label are in blue); if the production of milk and the cheese cheese production take place above 1000m a.s.l., the cheese carries on its label the words “di alpeggio” (“of MARK mountain pasture”) (the words on the label are in green). DENOMINATION

Acknowledgement of the Denomination: Reg. CE n. 1263 dtd 01.07.1996 (issued on GUCE (OJEC) L. 163 dtd 02.07.1996) Acknowledgement of Consortium for the Protection: D.M. 10.06.2002 (G.U. n. 160 dtd 10.07.2002) - renewal D.M. 30.05.2008 (G.U. n. 142 dtd 19.06.2008) NORMATIVE REFERENCES

Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Castelmagno DOP Piazza Caduti, 1 - 12020 Castelmagno (CN) Tel. 0171.986148 - Fax 0171.986148 [email protected] - CONTACTS