Japanese American Veterans Association JAVA ADVOCATE SPRING 2015 VOLUME XXIII - ISSUE 1 Inside this issue: Commonwealth of Virginia Commends Japanese Commonwealth Commends 2 Veterans, New JAVA Members American Veterans of World War II JAVA Luncheon; Murakami to 3 Richmond, Virginia. In a moving Receive High Japanese Award ceremony before the General Congressman Schiff Receives 4 Assembly of the Commonwealth of High JAVA Award; Virginia on February 24, 2015, the General Assembly presented a JAVA Members Participate in 5- resolution to members of the Cherry Blossom Freedom Walk 6 Japanese American Veterans and Sakura Matsuri Events; JAVA Association (JAVA). The resolu- Speaks at Arlington School tion was agreed to by both the House of Delegates and the Army Inspection Discloses 7 Commonwealth of Virginia Senate Patriotism of 100th Battalion to commend Japanese American Nisei Veterans Return to French 8 veterans of World War II. Battleground Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter, R-Prince William, COL, USA, (Ret), Delegate L. Scott Lingamfelter, a 2nd from left presents a resolution honoring Japanese- retired US Army Colonel, pre- JAVA Speakers at Naval 9 Americans who have served in the US military to Col Dale sented a framed copy of the Shirasago, USAF, (Ret), CPT Wade Y. Ishimoto, USA Academy; USS New Hampshire resolution to JAVA’s president, Special Forces, (Ret), Col Derek Hirohata, USAF, (Ret), LTC Wade Ishimoto, who was Change of Command Mark Nakagawa, USA, (Ret). (Bob Brown, Times Dispatch) accompanied by Colonel Dale Wakatake Graduates Airborne 10 Shirasago USAF (Ret), Colonel Derek Hirohata USAF (Ret), and Lt Colonel Mark School; JAVA Speaks at NOVA Nakagawa USA (Ret). Delegate Lingamfelter introduced the JAVA attendees and paid Richard Yutaka Moritsugu, MIS 11 honor to Messrs. Terry Shima and Grant Ichikawa, both World War II veterans that MIS Honored at Reunion 12 were unable to attend the ceremony. Delegate Lingamfelter read the resolution and invited fellow veterans from the House of Delegates and the Senate to join in the Meet the Generals & Admirals; 13 presentation. The resolution follows: RDML Kriete Joins JAVA News from UN’s Top 14 Agreed to by the House of Delegates, January 23, 2015 Commander in Afghanistan; Agreed to by the Senate, January 29, 2015 Greetings from 335th Signal Command Whereas, in response to the attacks on Pearl harbor in 1941, all people of Japanese ancestry were initially viewed as disloyal to the United States, their draft classification Hamada to be Inducted into MIS 15 was changed to 4-C (alien, unfit for military duty) and 118,000 ethnic Japanese - two Hall of Fame thirds of them United States citizens - were forcibly placed in internment camps under military guard; and Taps; News from Veterans Clubs 16 Whereas, Americans of Japanese ancestry from the Hawaiian Provincial Infantry Battalion & Friends (the 100th infantry Battalion) were shipped from the Hawaiian islands to California, and 2nd Annual Military Leadership 17 through their demonstrated performance, helped convince the President and the War Conference; Ishimoto Speaks at Department to reopen military service to 14,000 Nisei, many of whom were drafted into Antiterrorism Conference military service from internment camps where they and their families were incarcerated; Thank You Donors! 18 and JAVA Honor Roll Whereas, the 100th infantry Battalion was eventually made an integral part of the 442 Regimental Combat Team (RCT) collectively became known as the Go for Broke Membership Application 19 Regiment and fought with distinction in Italy and France despite suffering extremely Upcoming Events; JAVA Contacts 20 heavy combat and noncombat casualties; and [Story Continued on Page 2]. WWW.JAVADC.ORG PAGE 2 JAVA ADVOCATE SPRING 2015 Commonwealth of Virginia Commends Japanese American Veterans of World War II (Continued from Page 1) Whereas, the members of the Go for Broke Regiment earned 21 Congressional Medals of Honor, 29 Distinguished Service Crosses, and one Distinguished Service Medal, over 350 Silver Stars, 22 Legion of Merit Medals, 15 Soldier Medals and more than 5,300 Bronze Stars and over 4000 Purple Hearts; and Whereas, the Nisei Military Intelligence Service (MIS) consisted of 4200 linguists who served in the Pacific Theater performing such duties as document translation and prisoner interrogation, and an additional 4000 linguists who served during the Occupation of Japan; and Whereas, the MIS was awarded numerous combat awards such as one Presidential Unit Citation, one Distinguished Service Cross, five Silver Stars, over 50 Bronze Stars, 20 Combat Infantryman Badges, 25 Purple Hearts, and such non-combat awards as two Legion of Merit Medals and one Soldier's Medal; and Whereas President Truman, following his review of the 442nd RCT in 1946, affirmed Japanese-American loyalty by declaring “you fought not only the enemy by you fought prejudice and you have won”; and Whereas, in 2010 the United States Senate and House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill awarding the Congressional Gold medal to veterans of the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442 RCT, and the MIS, which was ultimately signed by President Obama on October 5, 2010; and Whereas, the combat performance of these soldiers contribute to the climate for the post World War II reforms, beginning with the desegregation of the Armed Forces, and helped level the playing field for minorities to compete for any job and rank; and Whereas competing with the best of the best Nisei have reached the highest ranks of the military, government, academia, and business, thereby confirming that the Japanese-American story speaks of the greatness of America; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, that the General Assembly hereby commend the service and sacrifice of Japanese American veterans of World War II; and be it Resolved further that the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the Japanese American Veterans Association on behalf of those patriotic soldiers as an expression of the General Assembly's gratitude for their service to the citizens of the Commonwealth, the Nation and the World. House patrons; Lingamfelter, Bell, R. P., Bloxom, Cole, Cox, Greason, Head, Hodges, Hugo, LaRock, LeMunyon, Marshall, D. W., O'Bannon, Orrock, Ramadan, Wilt, and Wright Senate patrons; Alexander, Barkerer, Black,Carrico, Chafin, Colgan, Cosgrove,Dance, Deeds, Ebbin, Edwards, Favola, Garrett, Hanger, Howell, Lewis, Locke, Lucas, Marsden, Martin, McDougle, McEachin,McWaters, Miller, Newman, Norman, Obenshain, Peterson, Puller, Reeves, Ruff, Saslaw, Smith, Stanley, Stosch, Stuart, Vogel, Wagner, Watkins, and Wexton Welcome New Members! Harvey Motomura, Hilo, HI Joy Billings, Newark, DE David Sumida, Northridge, CA RADM David Kriete, Bremerton, WA Robert Chappell, Denver, CO Ted Fujimoto, Fayetteville, NC Midshipman Andy Estrella, Annapolis, MD Maj Gen Arthur Ishimoto, Honolulu, HI LTC Ben Dennis, Los Angeles, CA Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter, R-Prince William, COL, USA, (Ret), center, at John DePerro, Vint Hill, VA microphone, presents a resolution honoring Japanese-Americans who have served in the US military during a ceremony in the House of Delegates chamber at the Adam Muraoka, Thousand Oaks, CA State Capitol in Richmond, VA Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015. Four of the honorees are Steve Monteiro, Olney, MD Col Derek Hirohata, USAF, (Ret)., left, CPT Wade Y. Ishimoto, USA Special Friends of JAVA: Forces, (Ret), 3rd from left, LTC Mark Nakagawa, USA, (Ret), 4th from left, and Col. Dale Shirasago, USAF, (Ret), just behind Lingamfelter, left. (Bob Brown, Times Jim Tani, Vienna, VA Dispatch). Robert Moritsugu, Las Vegas, NV WWW.JAVADC.ORG PAGE 3 JAVA ADVOCATE SPRING 2015 JAVA Luncheon Includes Award Presentations and Election of New Officers Falls Church, VA. At the JAVA quarterly luncheon held on March 14, 2015, JAVA presented its highest award to Congressman Adam Schiff for his sponsorship of the legislation leading the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to members of the 442nd, 100th, and MIS (see Story on Page 4). This luncheon also constituted JAVA’s annual meeting. Outgoing President Wade Ishimoto and Executive Director Bruce Hollywood provided the President’s Report and Executive Director’s Report. During the remainder of the luncheon, the JAVA Nominating Committee Chair, Mike Yaguchi, presented the slate of candidates to become JAVA Officers. By acclamation, Mike Cardarelli was elected President; Mark Nakagawa as Vice President; Derek Hirohata as Secretary; and George Ishikata as Treasurer. They were sworn in by Al Goshi. Biographies of the newly elected officers will be included in the JAVA Advocate Summer 2015 edition. Outgoing President Wade Ishimoto thanked his predecessor, Gerald Yamada, for his service. Ishimoto presented commemora- tive coins to Chris DeRosa, Metta Tanikawa, Steve Kinder, Royce Nakatani, Meghan Hollywood, and Carol Nakagawa for their many contributions behind the scenes on behalf of JAVA. A copy of the resolution honoring the 100th, 442nd, and MIS passed by the Commonwealth of Virginia were also presented to the four WW II members in attendance, Grant Ichikawa, Norman Ikari, Ray Murakami, and Terry Shima. The meeting was adjourned after comments from JAVA’s new President, Mike Cardarelli. Dr. Raymond Murakami Will Receive High Japanese Honorary Chairs Government Award Senator Daniel Akaka (Ret.) The Honorable Norman Mineta Hershey H. Miyamura, Medal of Honor Washington, DC. On April 29,
'Buy American' Back, Isanti-Asian· Sentiment Around "The Corner? Remember Vincent Chin? Economic Recovery at What Cost? »Page L
{'IN DEPTH} With 'Buy American' Back, isAnti-Asian· Sentiment Around "the Corner? Remember Vincent Chin? Economic recovery at what cost? »page l , . • . t .• ~ . " '. • I •• 2 MAR. 6-19, 2009 COMMENTARY/LETTER PACIHC iii crnZEN NAT!ONAl DIRECTOR'S REPORT ..:J!!i PAC I FI C ..CITIZEN A Memorable Tri-District 250 E. First Street, Ste. 301, By FLOYD MORI Los Angeles, CA. 90012 Tel: 213/620-1767, 800/966-6157 The JACL held its CCDCIPSWDCINCWNPDC Tri-District Fax: 213/620-1768 Comerence and a Day of Remembrance celebration Feb. 14 to 16 in E-mail: [email protected] Clovis, Calif. Hosted by the CCOC, the conference was held in con www.pacificcitizen.org junction with the dedication of the Pinedale Executive Editor: Remembrance Plaza to commemorate the Caroline Y. Aoyagi-Stom Pinedale Assembly Center where Japanese Assistant Editor: Americans were held during World War II Lynda Lin before being shipped to the camps. Office Manager: Brian Tanaka Although 'some JACLers from PSW were Circulation: unable to attend the conference because of the COMMENTARY Eva Lau-Ting closure of the Grapevine due to snow, driving to the Fresno/Clovis area from Los Angeles on Publisher: Japanese American Citizens The Last Full Measure of Devotion Saturday morning was a pleasant drive with clear roads and good League (founded 1929) 1765 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94115, tel: 4151921- weather all the way. For those returning to Southern California on A recent visit to Italy, where my granduncle died during Monday after the conference, snow was still falling on the Grapevine 5225 fax: 4151931-4671, www.jacl.org fighting for his country, made me proud to be JACL President: Larry Oda and some took alternate routes.
________________________________________________________________________ APRIL – JUNE, 2005 VOLUME XIII – NUMBER 2_____ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A hearty greeting to all JAVA members! Half of 2005 is already behind us, but JAVA has made the most of those six months. As you might know, I was called to active duty to head a team in Afghanistan earlier this year, returning last month. JAVA has been fortunate to have Terry Shima, Executive Director, ensure JAVA didn’t skip a beat, and maybe even pick up the pace. As many of you may have heard, I will start a new brigadier general job at Fort Belvoir, VA next month. The not so good news is that they will need me in Korea for a while in the near future. We’ll see… JAVA has made many strides so far this year, thanks to the oversight of our Executive Council. I’d like to mention the most significant ones, of which more information is available on our website, www.javadc.org. Consistent with our goal to ensure we are at the leading edge of veterans issues, JAVA has joined the National Military Veterans Alliance. NMVA consists of 30 national veterans organizations that represent 4.5 million members. For details see article in this News letter. With our focus on the future, JAVA needs to look to the wars of the latter half of the last century, as well as those occurring today, for role models for the new generations of Japanese Americans. We are therefore aggressively reaching out to Korean and Vietnam War veterans to support our speakers program and web-based information, which we hope inspire both researchers and the younger generations.
THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF THE JACL Oct. 9-22, 2020 CELEBRATING 9 1 YEARS A citywide demonstration at Confucius Plaza took place on May 31, 1974. PHOTO: COURTESY OF MARY UYEMATSU KAO » PAGE 6 ‘ROCKIN’ THE BOAT’ A new photojournalism book revisits the 1970s Asian Movement era. » PAGE 4 » PAGE 9 JACL’s NY/SC Announces Its Digital Decorated Vietnam War Veteran and Superior Storytelling Contest Winners Court Judge Vincent Okamoto Passes Away. #3374 / VOL. 171, No. 7 ISSN: 0030-8579 WWW.PACIFICCITIZEN.ORG 2 Oct. 9-22, 2020 COMMUNITY/NATIONAL HOW TO REACH US HERNANDEZ HEADED TO JAIL FOR 2019 ASSAULT Email: [email protected] Online: www.pacificcitizen.org 2020 incidents that also Tel: (213) 620-1767 No charges for racist threats in two June 2020 Mail: 123 Ellison S. Onizuka St., Suite 313 took place in Torrance Los Angeles, CA 90012 incidents at Torrance, Calif., park. where she was record- STAFF ed racially haranguing he woman who was reports, Lena Hernandez of incident was also Asian. Executive Editor and threatening an Asian Allison Haramoto recorded on video Long Beach, Calif., plead- The plea deal will have woman who was exer- Senior Editor verbally attacking ed no contest on Oct. 6 for Hernandez, 54, serve 45 cising at Wilson Park, Digital & Social Media Tand threatening two differ- a battery charge related to days in jail, be on proba- George Johnston followed by a similar in- ent Asian visitors to a pub- an incident that took place tion for three years and Business Manager cident that involved an lic park in 2020 is headed at the Del Amo Fashion take anger management Susan Yokoyama Asian man and his son.
IN USA TODAY: 10 new shows that are worth your time C1 D FALL FEAST 09/21/17 from 6-9pm at usc sumter PRESENTING SPONSOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.75 SUMTERGREEN.ORG SUMTER SCHOOL DISTRICT Report details irregularities Audit: Program had DOCUMENTS ONLINE District already View the official State Department of Eduction trail of deficiencies report of Sumter School District’s use of Child paid back $177K Early Reading Development and Education BY BRUCE MILLS Program money and the district’s corrective action BY BRUCE MILLS [email protected] plan with this story at theitem.com. [email protected] According to the state Department Sumter School District has of Education, program money used ment says, for the program – which made more information avail- in school districts’ Early Childhood is relatively new and was formed able on its Early Childhood Education programs should provide after the state’s Read to Succeed Act Education Program and em- PHOTO PROVIDED services in 4-year-old kindergarten was passed in 2014. ployees after the state Depart- Vince Johnson has been named as the fifth classrooms that focus on the devel- Many items purchased in recent ment of Education released Publisher of The Sumter Item in its 123- opmental and learning support the years by Sumter School District’s last week to The Sumter Item year history. He is the former publisher of children must have to be ready for Early Childhood Education program its audit findings on the pro- the Forsyth (Cumming, Ga.) County News.
VIETNAM VETERANS of AMERICA Office of the National Chaplain January/February 2016
VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA Office of the National Chaplain January/February 2016 JAMES D. ALIFF – Died recently in 2015 in Kimbolton, Ohio at the age of 68. The cause of death is unknown. He was born December 8, 1946. He is survived by his wife, Linda, of the home. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War. He was a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America – Hico (West Virginia) Chapter #860. RUSSELL DALE “Russ” ALLEN - Died Monday, October 26, 2015 Killeen, Texas at the age of 74. The cause of death is Agent Orange-related congestive heart failure. He was born on Easter Sunday, April 13, 1941 in Francesville, Indiana to the late Robert J. and Sue (née Wentz) Allen. He married Enid Westphal on August 19, 1960 in Francesville, Indiana. He spent 22½ years in the United States Army, served three tours in Vietnam and worked in operations and intelligence. Russ received many medals and commendations. He was most proud of the Bronze Star and United States Air Force Medal. He also received letters of commendation from President Richard Nixon, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the President of South Vietnam. He was a member of the VFW, Vietnam Veterans of America – Harker Heights Chapter #1000 and Special Forces Chapter #77. He was preceded in death by his mother and father; brothers, Harley, Mark, Monte and Danny; and one sister, Virginia. Survivors include his wife Enid; and children, Patrice Rodriguez of Killeen; son, Michael Allen of Killeen; daughter, Kristina (Bill) Bradley of Keyport, N.J.; daughters, Nicole (Zaki) Jawad of Riyadh, Saudi
December 7, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 14 19161 And another: They’re saying we the people are out- about a very special group of veterans, My job as CFO of a small restaurant chain, raged at this administration and this the Navajo Code Talkers. Tonight, my headquartered in Santa Monica, was elimi- Congress. And they should be. colleagues and I are going to share nated in Dec. 2010. Since then I have been un- The White House and their liberal al- their stories and highlight the amazing able to find employment and, as a result, had lies in Congress and the media go on a accomplishments of this group of war- to sell my condo at a considerable financial nonstop bashing of a group of Ameri- riors. Their contribution to the Allied loss. I have been surviving through the ex- cans who are productive and hard- effort during World War II is widely tended unemployment program offered by credited with winning the Battle of Iwo the federal government. If this program is working. Class warfare is as despicable not renewed, I have no idea how I will cope, as any other type of stereotyping, and Jima and making majors gains in the financially, or mentally. putting citizen against citizen for po- Pacific. During the early months of World And another: litical gain is outrageous and it’s wrong. War II, Japanese intelligence experts I’m 63, was let go from a very significant Listen to this. The people are told broke every code the U.S. forces de- position back in February 2008 after eight vised.
October 2010 www.gilariver.org/news Vol. 13 No 10 Serving all seven districts of the Gila River Indian Community Change Service Requested Sacaton, AZ 85147 Box 459 P.O. Indian News Gila River Tribal Lawsuit: A Matter of Respect and Principle By GRIC Gov. William Rhodes There’s no literal translation casino, filed the week after. Out of in English that does justice to the respect, I believe that I must ex- tribal word himdag, As Governor plain the reasons why Commu- of the Gila River Indian Commu- nity Council and myself so nity, himdag guides my every de- pointedly disagrees with Washing- cision, my every action. Himdag, ton and with TON’s plan to build a as passed down by our elders casino on land they secretly across hundreds of years, teaches bought in Glendale, 160 miles us respect for all things, including from their reservation headquar- the value of a promise, abiding by ters in Sells. My explanation can the law and concern for the wel- be summed up in a single sen- fare of others. tence. Respect as a guiding principle We believe the Tohono O’od- feels old-fashioned in the 21st ham Nation, with the assistance of century, but it exists all the same – the federal government, has disre- even when our community is com- spected the rule of law, the balance pelled to sign its name to a lawsuit so carefully struck among Indian STAN- PRESORTED Permit No. 25 U.S. Postage against the United States Depart- gaming tribes, our community, the Sacaton, AZ DARD ment of the Interior.
World War II Participants and Contemporaries: Papers
World War II Participants and Contemporaries: Papers Container List ACCETTA, DOMINICK Residence: Fort Lee, New Jersey Service: 355th Inf Regt, Europe Volume: -1" Papers (1)(2) [record of Cannon Co., 355th Inf. Regt., 89th Inf. Div., Jan.-July 1945; Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; clippings; maps; booklet ”The Story of the 89th Infantry Division;” orders; song; ship’s newspaper, Jan. 1946;map with route of 89th Div.] AENCHBACHER, A.E. "Gene" Residence: Wichita, Kansas Service: Pilot, 97th Bomber Group, Europe; flew DDE from Gibraltar to North Africa, November 1942 Volume: -1" Papers [letters; clippings] ALFORD, MARTIN Residence: Abilene, Kansas Service: 5th Inf Div, Europe Volume: -1" Papers [copy of unit newspaper for 5th Inf. Div., May 8, 1945; program for memorial service; statistics on service and casualties in wars and conflicts] ALLMON, WILLIAM B. Residence: Jefferson City, Missouri Service: historian Volume: -1” 104 Inf Div (1) (2) [after action report for November 1944, describing activities of division in southwest Holland; this is a copy of the original report at the National Archives] 1 AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana Service: Veteran's organization Volume: 13" After the War 1943-45 [a monthly bulletin published by the Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, Aug. 1943-April 1945] American Legion Publications (1)-(11) [civil defense; rights and benefits of veterans; home front; citizenship; universal draft; national defense and security program; Americanism; employment manual; Boy Scouts-youth program; G. I. Bill of Rights; peace and foreign relations; disaster; natural resources; law and order; UMT-universal military training; national defense; veterans’ employment; 1946 survey of veterans; reprint of two pages from The National Legionnaire, June 1940; instructors manual for military drill; United Nations; junior baseball program] Army-Navy YMCA Bulletin, 1942-44 Atlas of World Battle Fronts [1943-45] China at War, 1939 [four issues published by the China Information Publishing Co.] Clippings [submarine war; Alaska; U.S.
1001M I.NF ANTRY BATT lL I ON VETERANS CLUB SEPTEMBER 1990 ". PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: George Hagiwara On August 14, 1990, upon the invitation of Senator Alan Cranston, chairman of the u. s. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, I testified on behalf of .Club 100 at the State Capitol on the need for a veterans medical in Hawaii. ·Senator. 'Daniel Akaka chaired the hearing. Many veterans organizations also testifi~d and, hopefully, our appeal to the Senate Committee will result in increased and prioritized health care for Hawaii I s veterans. A special Mahalo to Ben Tamashiro (Dog Chapter) for his inv~luable assistance in drafting my testimony. , Statement of Mr. George Hagiwara, President, Club 100 before the United States Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs - Honolulu, Hawaii August 14, 1990 Mr. Chairman, as we find ourselves today once again rising to meet the challenges to the right of all men to live peaceable with their neighbors, some people have . likened this current Middle East crisis to a "wake Upll call for America. My reference to this dilemma is only for the purpose of calling attention to a crisis of our own here at home. This has to do ,with the question of the Veterans Administration being able to provide' acute care and long-term care for Hawaii's veterans. " Mr. Chairman, many of us here in Hawaii were also sent oversea in earlier decades to fight for the same cause. But peace has brought only years of inattention at horne in providing for a veterans hospital here in Hawaii to especially minister to our health needs in our declining years.
Thursday • September 8, 2011 www.magicvalley.com • 75¢ Local Sportsmen Count Down to Game Time • O1 Wood River Boys Soccer Continues Surge by Beating Bruins 4-0 • S1 Political Boundaries Under Fire Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa asked the Idaho Supreme Court Wednesday to put the states redistricting commission back to work. The 6-member panel tasked with drawing new legisla- tive boundaries that will determine political clout until 2020 missed its 90-day deadline. A summary of Wednesdays events: Lawmakers Open to Shaking Wednesday’s actions Why the actions Whats next • The • Idaho Secretary of were needed • The courts ruling is need- State Ben Ysursa filed states redistricting ed before further ac- Up Redistricting System a petition asking the commission failed to tion can be taken, al- Idaho Supreme Court pass a plan for re- though boundaries Lawmakers irked BY BEN BOTKIN day deadline to approve a plan. to force the commis- drawn legislative and must be in place well by this year’s [email protected] “If everybody holds their ground, it sion back to work on congressional dis- before the May 2012 redistricting is a system that is set up to fail,”House a plan for new bound- trict boundaries for primary election. The The states way of redrawing political Speaker Lawerence Denney, R-Mid- aries. Separately, the Idaho within 90 days commission could re- gridlock could put boundaries could well face scrutiny — vale, said in an interview with the three Republican as required by state turn to work after a an overhaul of the and perhaps even bills for changes — Times-News.“… It did actually fail.” commissioners have law.
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