Land use and planning review 2021 Texts: City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division (
[email protected]) Graphic design: Aste Helsinki Oy Brochures of the Urban Environment Division 2021:5 Cover image: Illustrative image of the Puhos Park planned for Itäkeskus.© Architects K2S and Playa Architects Contents New Helsinki developed in hubs ................................... 4 Participate and make a difference .................................7 Levels of planning ......................................................... 8 Current traffic projects .............................................. 16 Plans by district .........................................................20 New Helsinki developed in hubs n the future, Helsinki will become a more densely In the 2020s, the planning of construction and built city of distinctive districts, which also treas- traffic investments is focused particularly on the ures its valuable natural environments. In this former Malmi airport, Tuusulanväylä, Vihdintie, Jok- publication, we present current urban environ- eri Light Rail and Laajasalo. This has been decid- Iment planning projects and major construction pro- ed on in the city plan implementation programme, jects the City will launch in 2021. which will be updated in autumn 2021. Active zoning and housing production play a key The goal set by the City Council is that at least role in Helsinki’s recovery from the economic ef- 7,000 homes will be built in Helsinki every year. fects of the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the re- From 2023 onwards, this number will rise to at least covery, the city has identified and implemented more 8,000 homes. Housing production must be sustain- agile use of public space, for example for café and able and diverse and preserve nature and green ar- restaurant operations, and experiments will be con- eas as well as possible.