VOLUME 7 NO.1 JUNE, 1969.


"PRIOR" Reg. T. Mk






tPHONE: 94 6661 94 6679

Trailers to suit "Herons". 400 x 8 wheels, Timken tapered bearings, 4 ply tyres and many more features that go to make this a first class unit. Galvanised and painted. Fully equipped and registered.

Deluxe $130.00 Std. $123.00 Immediate Delivery Deluxe. "YANTFIA TRAILERS"

198 Princes Highway, Phone 59-1135. Cnr. Tantalion Avenue, Arncliffe. 2205.

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 (i) "Sidewinder" Australian F.D. Champion and Olympic representative. Olympic performance for your Heron

The same knowledge and experience that went Please 'phone or write for details of our Heron into the sails, spars, fitting and rigging of fitting out guide, pre-cut easily assembled build- Sidewinder are available to you. ing kits and racing sails. Our experienced sailing staff is at your service. Our Heron sails are custom made to suit indiv- idual requirements for top racing performance and our specialised Heron fittings are designed We accept reverse charge 'phone calls for sail for maximum strength and efficiency with mini- orders from anywhere within Australia. Prompt mum weight. mail order service.

MILLER & T471ITIVORTII .PrYlar" Sail Loft: 52A Spit Road, Spit Junction, N.S.W. 2088 'Phone: 96-6398 969-3558 306 Military Road, , N.S.W. 2090 'Phone: 90-4062 432 Princes Highway, Rockdale, N.S.W. 2216 'Phone: 599-2376 599-2584 69 Byron Street, Bulimba, Queensland, 4171 'Phone: 99-1667

Heron Newsletter, June 1969


Published by Y. W. Heron Sailing Association of Australia 1 Ethel St. , 'Balgowlah. NSW. 2093


PRESIDENT GEN. SECRETARY ASST.SEC/REGISTRAR TREASURER W.J. You11, J.E. Shipton, Mrs. M. Clarke, A. Clapham, 10 Reid Street, 10 Murdoch St., 1 Ethel Street, 13 Bellevue St., Seaforth. N.S.W. Turramurra.N.S.W. Balgowlah.N.S.W. Chatswood.N.S.W. 2092 (94-2219) 2074(44-5422) 2.093 (94-8142) 2067 (41-5850) IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT John Dixon Hughes.


C. Hutchings, 9 Murchison Street, MEASUREMENT COMMITTEE ST. IVES. N.S.W. 2075 (449-3733) Chairman F.A.Edwards Secretary A. Bentley, 14 Kareena Rd., Miranda.N.S.W. 2228 (524-9789) Committee Members A. McClure K. Ross W. Elliott A.W. Imlay


Papua, New Guinea: J. Feeney, P.O. Box 181, Port Moresby. T.P.N.G. Queensland: A. Robinson, 266 Newman Rd., Geebung. Qld. 4034 N.S.W.: W.G. Brown, 116 Tangerine St., Fairfield. 2165 (72-1869) Victoria: C.H. Tucker, Lot 22, Hinkley Rd., Glen Waverley. (232-8871) : P. Moore, 9 Riawena St., Rosny, . 7018 South Australia: R. McKinnon, 63 High St., Burnside. 5066 (31-7110) A .C.T.: S. Jackson, 49 Dumaresq St., Dickson. A.C. T. 2602 (49-6127) West Australia: E.H. Cartwright, 14 Northgate St., Karrinyup. W.A. 6018


Deadline ,for Vol.7 No.2 - Friday 15th August 1969. Copy to Charles Hutchings, Editor, Heron Newsletter, 9 Murchison St., St. Ives, N.S.W. 2075. Phone 449-3733.


A sparkling sea, clear sky and a nice breeze - perfect ingredients for sailing as J. Wilson (5170, STRIFE S.A.) and J. Elsegood (5158, NICKY S.A.) take their Herons out to the start of a Heat in the 9th National Championships. January 1968 at St. Kilda, .


The last A .G.M. brought into office Charlie Hutchings as your new HERON NEWSLETTER EDITOR. This issue is a joint effort and a fantastic issue it is - quite the biggest editorial work ever completed by the Y.W.H.S.A. and something I am extremely proud to havehad a hand in.

For me this is also a somewhat nostalgic occasion since I have sold my Heron and purchased a larger boat and hence my Heron sailing has come to an end, for the time being, at any rate. I have sailed a Heron now for nearly five years, three in Melbourne and two in and say with all sincerity that the Heron has been part of my family all that time, at least it has been pampered, nourished and loved as part of the family and at times has shared the living room and oil heater with us during bi-ennial spruce-ups.

Not that there has not at times been friction about the Heron-, possibly because my first Heron arrived home the same day as our first child came home from hospital and my wife's attitude to priorities ever since has been coloured by that fact. However, our lives were dram- atically transformed from the first day we started sailing our Heron. Three years later when moving to Sydney we had so many friends as a result of our Heron sailing we found it very difficult to make the decision to leave.

Of course we all know that one of the Heron's chief attractions is its family participation characteristics but this means different things to different people. For example, to some it means taking the children as crew during races but this is something I have never been able to do since my oldest is not yet five years. To me family participation means meeting adults of a similar age and inclination as far as sailing is concerned and enjoying the friendships that arise. - THIS IS ONE OF THE GREAT STRENGTHS OF THE HERON ASSOCIATION - you see it every- where, the same hard core of members at clubs and in the Association who turn up week after week, year after year. It is not just the Heron sailing which is the attraction, but it is the Heron which has brought the people together and will bold them together. So much for the hard core of membership but what about those who come and go. We know that there is a large annual turnover of members and one cannot help forming the im- pression that perhaps a little more could be done by everyone in helping new Heroners to assimilate. It is very easy to chat to your friends on the beach but takes a little more effort to go out of your way to welcome the newcomer. Perhaps this is because we think the Heron's attractions are self evident and no longer need to be promoted so vigorously, and as a consequence membership will continue to grow regardless - PLEASE DO NOT BE DECEIVED - THE SIGNS ARE THERE. Membership rate of growth has not been sustained in some states; competition from other classes is stronger and new materials are winning favour over plywood panels. It is not the winning of new members each year which is the problem, it is the retaining of old ones. AN INTRODUCTION - YOUR NEW EDITOR

Redheaded, Fat (the more polite people say stout) and Forty Sailing experience - meagre.

Had tremendous fun building a Heron in 1966; more fun in 1967 - learning how to keep the darn thing upright in any breeze over five knots; and still more fun in 1968 and 1969 when the penny finally dropped.

Sails with Middle Harbour Heron Sailing Club, Sydney and was incidentally presented by his club at the Annual Prize-giving with a large jar of pickled onions for his pickling feats during the 1967 - 1968 season.

Crewing services supplied by a 13 year old daughter and a 10 year old son, who once mutinied when an exasperated father, in demonstrating the fastest and best way of setting the whisker pole missed and poked the sharp end into his ear.

• Persuaded to accept the Editorship by our President so as to represent the large number of Heroners who are relatively new to the sport and the boat itself.

So please remember, its from members with backgrounds similar to that above - in other words, the mugs - that articles and queries on the boat and the sport are earnestly solicited. This then, combined with the wonderful information and advice that has always been so readily forthcoming from the more experienced and skilful members, will continue to make our News- letter a pleasure to receive.

May I look forward to help from you all? CHARLES HUTCHINGS


Last year, when I presented my first Presidential report to you, by reason of the timing of the issue of the Year Book, I was spared the need to speak to you at length - and you were spared the need to listen. This year, in view of the fact that the next issue of Heron Newsletter will be the Year Book issue, neither you nor I are lucky - it will be necessary for you to listen to me.

It seems such a short time since I set out to write that first report that I am at a loss to know what I can say to add to it. It was, in fact, a report generated and accumulated over several years as General Secretary and said most of the things which I had long wanted to ram down the throats of a captive audience.

Looking back on the 1968-69 season, it was, of course, a short year - it is only nine months since our last Annual General Meeting, a meeting at which we took the step of moving forward the Association administrative year, so as to make it fit more neatly and conveniently into the Yachting Year - so as to give the outgoing Committee the chance to give its report while its memories were fresh - so as to give the incoming workers more time, huddled round room heaters, to plan activities for balmier days.

This short year has meant that there has been reduction in the statistical figures which it is customary to present to you. The Management Committee has met four times and the Executive has held two Special Meetings - these special meetings were designed to allow members of State Branch Committees, who happened to be in Sydney on other matters, to meet and talk over their problems with the Executive. I believe these talks were fruitful in promoting a more general understanding of the parochial and national problems. Visitors who particularly come to mind were Alan Robinson from Queensland and Ted Fletcher from Western Australia - South Australian Secretary Jim "Taylor and Victorian President, John Coen, were of course at the January Committee Meeting.

Your Association's officers for 1968-69 have done, I believe, the good job which you have become accustomed to expect of them without question. It is with regret that I have heard that some, at least, of them will not be available again for next year. And in this regard I would pay special tribute to Mrs.Barrett,' who, for 41 years has, at first singlehanded and latterly with Mrs. Clarke in the crew, sailed a serene course through the waves of correspondence (some of it quite strong when the subject of naming boats comes up) which arrive in endless procession in the Association letter box.

The Measurement Committee has worked continuously and I would be remiss if I did not thank them for the very considerable effort they have expended this year. To those of you who have been awaiting return of membership cards with boat classifica- tions for longer than you wanted to wait, I would point out that classification of boats is only one of the duties of this Committee. It has spent a great deal of time this year on the vexed and still incompletely resolved question of sail measurement. And again, it has been plagued by mail delays and losses and by Measurers, some of whom unwittingly usurp the Measurement Committee's functions or who fail to forward Measurement forms or who fail to collect member's membership cards, in the first instance, when measuring a boat.

This was a remarkable year in that, having settled the 11th Championship on Adelaide and the 12th on Hobart, we have three States vyeing for the 13th Series. As I write my notes, the choice between Perth, Brisbane and rural Victoria is not resolved, but whichever way it goes the N.S.W. contingent will have a trip ahead of them for the 1971-72 series.

. The 10th Championship series has been reported in excellent detail in the March, 69 Heron Newsletter. Suffice to say, I think, that Alan Crane, Bill Brown, Jill Lawson, the Woollahra Club and its Flag Officer, Henry Arthur - a most professional starter - are pleased that it is over and that it went off so well.

On membership, the Registrar reports that we all but reached the 2000 mark; this means that we have just held our own on the figure of 2047 for 1967-68 as in that figure were included 102 who joined in the 1st April/30 June period last year. (It has always surprised me how many people do join in this period.)

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 3 We still have the problem, however, that a very large proportion of the membership is new to the sport of yachting. It is here that I address my remarks to the old lags - not so much to those like Neville Corvisy whose first boat was 2275, Frank Buckley who sailed 3020, Laurie Oxenford with 3095 and Bill Brown who is still sailing, 3351. All of these and many more of similar vintage are actively sailing with us. Rather I address those who have two or three seasons of Heron sailing and racing to their credit.

I believe that, if the Heron is to continue to prosper, it is essential that you, who know something of the boat, something of its strengths, something of its weaknesses and disabilities, something of the dangers inherent in centreboard yacht sailing, should go out of your way to reach people - and not only Heron people - and assist and advise them on how to get the best out of their boat, how to avoid unpleasant, dangerous and, lets face it, even lethal situations which can and do arise out of mixing unskilled or ill-informed helmsmen and crew with ill-found boats and inclement weather and seas.

Perhaps you don't feel competent to do this; perhaps you are conscious of your own short experience. If such be the case, then bend your effort toward getting the newcomer into con- tact with a club; advise him of yachting authority safety regulations; point out the common- sense of sailing in company in organised events with a patrol boat at hand. The Heron is a wonderful little boat for very many purposes.

And here I again emphasise the many purposes to which the Heron may be put. I do not decry the value of the boat as a means for enjoying competitive sailing but I am concerned at the emphasis which is put on racing - racing with the desire to win every time. To my mind the excellent racing which can be had in the Heron stems directly from the ONE DESIGN idea - the idea which says that all boats in the fleet should be as alike in performance as it is possible to make them - so that the competition is crew against crew, on equal footing not bank book against bank book.

I go out of my way to bring this matter to the fore, for three of the motions to be put before you later this evening seem to me to arise directly out of an unhealthy emphasis on the "Win-at-all-costs" concept.

Firstly there is the move to delete a rule devoted to obviating at least some of the risks inherent in sailing small boats in the large fleets which the Heron supplies. I reiterate that the Capsize Rule has a very definite place in the thinking and responsibility of your Association.

The second motion seeks to re-open the matter of windows in sails; here again there is the element of "concentrate on speed"; a window will let me spend a greater proportion of my time and effort in sailing the boat and require less effort from me in keeping a proper . Of course I have to keep the look out because my crew is so young and inexperienced that he can't be trusted to keep a look out. I can't carry a bigger crew who would keep a look out be- cause then I'd have less chance of getting the gun at the finish."

The third motion seeks to raise the cost of sails at a time when it is possible to buy a suit for less than the price set out in the Association rules. Why the motion then? Because the "best" sairmakers, the chaps who have a reputation for making good sails (because they sell their sails to good helmsmen in most cases '.) would like a bigger profit margin. Make no mistake, the ceiling price quite rapidly becomes the minimum price too, so that the "cheap" suit will very soon be $20 dearer. And what prompts this motion? Why the idea that, if I have a suit from the best sailmaker, I will have an advantage over the chap who buys an "ordinary" suit, and therefore I will have much more chance of winning.

Where does this fit in with the ONE DESIGN concept? Where indeed?

Of course there are other WAYS IN WHICH THE ONE DESIGN concept is being bypassed and denied by the "win-at-all-costs" group.

How many of you have seen the chap who has two or three suits of sails? This chap - who really wants to clean up in the big time will use his new full suit on the light days, an older, or possibly a specially cut flatish suit on moderate days but he wont risk either suit when its really blowing and survival will be the order of the day

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 4 Of course our man with a wardrobe of sails has his mates who have stiff spars for the light days and another bendy set for the day which looks like being rugged and where, if he is to win, it will be necessary to be able to spill wind he can't use with his light crew.

I put it to you that these are the things which need to be watched; our boats are measur- ed with one set of spars, one suit of sails, one hull, centreboard, rudder and fittings. Our boats must be re-measured so the rules lay down, upon replacement of sails or repair of extensive damage to the hull. For sure, spars are not mentioned. But Rule 2 lists as the first objective "encouragement of the growth of the class as a ONE DESIGN" and Rule 11 INTERPRETATION calls for the rules to be read in their spirit, rather than their letter.

Surely the spirit of the class is for boats of equal performance. Surely the spirit of the majority is for no crew to have advantages other than those with which they were born or which they have gained by patient study of the art of sailing and by their hours of experience on the water. To this Um,. I have not entered the lists on the subject of glass reinforced plastic Herons.

Protagonists of the idea have put before you in the Heron Newsletter the undoubted ad- vantage of a ''fibreglass" hull as against timber from the maintenance angle.

Opponents of the material have sounded off about the beauty of plywood, the need to keep the boat in a form which the amateur can build, and so on:

I can sum up my view in one sentence, and with one proviso: The glass reinforced Plastic Heron will not harm the class and should, I feel, be accepted by this Association PROVIDED the performance of the G.R.P. hull is similar to that of the timber hull built to plan and tolerance. The proviso is, of course, the rub. There must, I believe be no move to accept the G.R.P. Heron until the Association has been able to see and, through its members, to test the G . R. P . Hull.

However, with the acceptance of the material by the parent Association in the U.K., it appears to me to be merely a matter of time before one (or I hope more than one) manufacturer takes up the idea and produces a hull acceptable by our standards.

Another move by the U.K. Association could have a bearing on next years Annual General Meeting - this is the adoption of a narrow ,deep form of rudder blade. It is clear to me that, if this Association moves to accept the new blade (and I believe this bladelwill make the boat more stable off the wind and therefore I subscribe to its adoption) then, in keeping with the ONE DESIGN concept, all boats in the fleet must be so equipped to gain an "A" class certificate.

I trust that events later in this meeting will not make it necessary to speak again on these topics but I make this my plea to you, I make this my platform

Maintain the spirit and the letter of the ONE DESIGN concept;

Do not seek progress by modification of the boat; Maintain a healthy spirit of competition;

Do not emphasise the "win-at-all-costs" view point and practices;

Maintain the Heron as she is, a friendly little Tub.

Do not make her a red hot racing machine which she can never be. Maintain a balanced view on the Heron's role as an introductory class, a family sailer, a holiday boat, a boat which can be raced.

Do not set her out of the reach of her real market by unnecessary, undesirable, unfair, unsports- manlike "refinements". W. J. YOULL President 5th May, 1969.




31.3.69 30.6.68


Balance at 1st July, 1968 4278 2966 Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for the period as per Statement of Income and Expenditure 2487 1312

$6765 $4278 Represented by:

ASSETS Cash at Banks

General 4007 6555 Fixed Deposit 5000

Cash on Hand 40 30 Stock on Hand Buoyancy, Plans, Trophies etc. - at cost 1431 830 Office Equipment 300

Loan Account - N.S.W. Heron Association 10778 300 7715


Sundry Creditors and Accruals 3953 3377 Current Account - New Zealand Heron Association 60 4013 60 3437

$6765 $4278

A. CLAPHAM Honorary Treasurer


I report to members of the Y.W. Heron Sailing Association of Australia that I have examined the books, accounts and vouchers of the Association in respect of operations for the Nine months ended 31st March, 1969 and in my opinion, the above Statement of Assets and Liabilities and the attach- ed Statenient of Income and Expenditure have been properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the affairs of the Association at that date. RONALD F. DORLING Honorary Auditor. CROWS NEST 23rd April, 1969. Registered under the Public Accountant's Registration Act, 1945, as amended.



Subscriptions Received 7600 Less: Allocated to Newsletter 2659 4941 Regration Fees 987 7668399 12495150 Newsletter Revenue Allocation from Subscriptions 2659 2689 Advertising 625 855 Sundry Sales 2 3286 13 3557 Donations 326 243 Commissions 231 151 Interest 105 201 Royalties 2 4 Siindry Income 2 21 Profit on Sale of Buoyancy, Plans Trophies, etc. 1525 11405 1883 12225


Newsletter 1806 2511 Year Book 1872 1200 Affiliation Fees 85 State Association Subsidies 1784 2677 Establishment Grants - 167 Secretarial Expenses 1212 1604 Printing and Stationery 776 1564 Postages 369 464 Duty Stamps 65 65 Telephone 51 43 Advertising and Publicity 533 44 Meeting Expenses 182 169 Sundry Expenses 183 8918 405 10913 BALANCE, being excess of Income over Expenditure, transferred to Accumulated Funds $2487 $1312


The 11th A .G.M. was held at the Cruising Yacht Club, Sydney on 6th May with a good attendance of 74 members and an even better attendance of 445 apologies and proxies. The controversial matters to be resolved probably brought this about but the stickiest of them all - THE CAPSIZE RULE - truly capsized and is to be brought up again (details below).

The minutes of the previous A .G.M. were confirmed and Bill You11's Presidential report presented and carried. The financial report - put forward by Arthur Clapham - shows a healthy state of affairs. Both it and Bill You11's report are given in detail in this Newsletter.

Officers were elected for the coming season. Their names grace (?) Page 1 of this issue. Mr. Ron Dorling was again elected as Honorary Auditor.

Motions on Notice.

(a) Life membership for Marshall Hawes. Unanimous from the floor and proxies 412 for and 7 against. A story here though. The President pointed out that the 7 dissenters had probably been misled by a printing error in the "pros and cons" which had urged members to vote against "motion (b)" instead of "motion (d)" So Marshall Hawes joins that august band. (b) Rule 24 SAILS. (1st Para:raph) Delete the Sum of $70 and Substitute in lieu thereof the sum of $90. Fred Edwards and others waxed eloquent here and the floor of the meeting supported them to the tune of 48 to 5. The proxies, who didn't have the benefit of their elo- quence, still supported the motion by 270 for to 71 against. HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 7 (c) Deletion of the Capsize Rule. "Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair; He curst himself in his despair; The waves rushed in on every side, The ship is sinking, beneath the tide." (The Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey 1774-1843)

Discussion on this motion looked like being lon and interesting. John Shipton (for the motion) well balanced Bill You11's efforts against. Oyler speakers were clearing their throats and preparing to join the fray when Greig McTiernan confused the whole issue with facts. He pointed out (with no less an authority than Joskie's "The Law and Procedure of Meeting" as his support) that, in his opinion, the special printed arguments sent to members along with the Notice of Meeting included comprehensive notes in rebuttal of the proposal but nothing in support. These notes were in fact in reply to John Shipton's letter in the March 1969 issue of the News- letter. In it he had put forward seven reasons as to why the rule should be deleted.

It was considered that as the arguments for and against were printed separately, members, especially those voting by proxy, could have been mislead.

The Chairman accepted the point of order and a motion "That this motion be deferred to another time and another place so that it can be properly ventilated with arguments for and against presented at the same time" was carried.

The Chairman advised that all proxies for the motion became void.

So it's still with us. Sharpen those pencils and get out the throat lozenges. The battle is still to be fought. It wiill be rejoined at a Special General Meeting of the Association at the Cruising Yacht Club at 8 p.m. on Thursday September 11th. Keep an eye on the post for further information on this meeting.

(d) Allowance of windows in Jibs. Chris Lloyd-Owen tried hard to get this one through and was in fact able to convince the hoar that it was the right thing to do. They supported it by 30 to 16 but the proxies, who had not had the benefits of Chris's description of the lurid accident he had seen in which two feet or so of racing shell had pierced a sailor's leg during a collision, voted against by 239 to 115. In total, the motion was thus defeated.

General Business.

(a) The Management Committee had voted for the 13th Annual Championships to be held in Brisbane, Queensland.

(b) A pleasing duty fell to the Chairman in making a presentation to the retiring Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Edna Barrett for a job very well done.

The meeting closed at 9.55 after which we saw the Association's film "How to build a Heron" (Mine certainly did not proceed as smoothly as John Shipton's did in the film. Ed.) and a film covering the 10th National titles at Woollahra.

The Chairman pointed out that Rothman's National Sports Foundation had agreed to meet the cost of six copies of the film and distribution of these would be handled by the State secret- aries.


The Place The wing mark

' The Event A race during the Lake Macquarie (N.S.W.) Heron Weekend, 1969.

Overheard, from one of the newer Heron skippers, after he had caused considerable confusion and near collisions amongst a tight bunch of boats bringing up the rear of the fleet, by unexpectedly and illegally cutting closely across their bows - "But, gee ; My crew did indicate we were turning. Didn't you see him put his left hand out."


Dear Sir,

Arising from our Annual General Meeting are some points which, I felt, should be aired in the Heron Newsletter.

One feature of the meeting was the large number of proxy votes. This is very good. It shows that a good proportion of Heron owners refuse to be dictated to by the comparatively small number who can attend the A .G.M. This is how it should be.

I was, naturally, disappointed that those who sail in such open waters as and the Gulf would not give me permission to put a window in my jib. I am sure that they have simply no conception of the conditions under which some of us sail -- Saturday afternoon dodging rowing shells on the confines of the , Sunday on Middle Harbour to- gether with perhaps a thousand other boats from sailing dingies to ocean racers, from fishermen with hired outboards to bullying pleasure , all in an area a couple of miles long by half a mile wide : But this is not the time to argue the pros and cons of windows. Nor, it is now obvious, was the A .G.M. The number of people attending this meeting is only a small proportion of the total of voters. It is apparent that, to be effective, future motions must be proposed well be- forehand and fully argued in the Heron Newsletter, The present procedure seems to be that proposers, with the motion, submits some notes in favour of the motion. Notes for rebuttal may also be prepared for circulation. These notes are then presented to the majority of voters for them to make their decision. Contrast this with the normal procedure at a meeting where a number of people can express their views and the mover of the motion is given the opportunity to reply to criticisms before the motion is put.

I would suggest, if possible, arguments for and against a controvertial motion, from a number of people, should be printed and that, even when this is not possible, the mover of the motion MUST be given his right to reply, in print, to the notes in rebuttal.

The second point concerns the one-design nature of the class. One of the Heron's strengths lies in the close control of our "one-design". Yet, if classes are to survive and prosper, they must be kept up to date. Where would the Star class be to-day if it had retained its original rig with its boom as long as its mast? Certainly not at the last Olympics. The Snipe class still claims to be the largest class in the world. It is now very different in detail from the first Snipe. Yet it is perhaps an even more closely controlled one-design than the Heron.

To keep the Heron up to date we must be prepared to admit certain modifications from time to time. The President and I agree on this point. In his Presidential Address he stated that he felt that the introduction of a fibreglass Heron could do no harm to the class. I agree. He also foreshadowed his support for a deeper rudder blade now being developed in England. Good. The Heron is a beast to control off the wind in a seaway and a deeper rudder may well be the answer. It is however the President's insistence that any such change should be compulsory that upsets me. His adherence to the one-design concept is such that it would be necessary for some 2000 Heron owners throw away their rudders and obtain new ones to retain their "A" classification : He used the'same argument against my motion re windows in jibs -- that if we are to have them they must be compulsory for all. I cannot subscribe to this attitude, It is a completely unwarranted financial imposition. Any alterations to the Heron must be in- troduced over a period of time so as to cause the least expense and inconvenience to members. This can be best achieved by making changes optional. There are plenty of precedents for optional features -- look at buoyancy for example. Even a kicking strap is optional: Anyone who has tried to sail a Heron dead square before a fresh wind with no kicking strap will tell you how essential this piece of optional equipment is We are even considering the possibility of optional wood or fibreglass construction. If you like, modifications can be made compulsory on new boats only, with the option of cliange for older boats. Or, if you like, the change can be made compulsory after say 5 years of option: Either would seem reasonable. There will be changes to be made. There must be changes if the Heron is to retain its popularity. But-Tffe changes must be made sensibily,—gTad- ually, with the minimum of inconvenience for the majority. The principle of one-design is, after all, just a guiding principle, not an inflexible law that we are bound to follow to the very letter. CHRIS LLOYD-OWEN,

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Y. W. HERON SAILING ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of this Association will be held on Wednesday of 17th September, 1969, at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Beach Road, Edgecliff, N. S. W.

AGENDA 1. Apologies and admission of proxies. 2. Motions on Notice Proposed by J.E. Shipton, Seconded by A.M. Barrett That Rule 34 of the Constitution: "CAPSIZING. If a boat capsizes during a race, that is, if the top of the mast touches the water, the boat is disqualified and must retire" be deleted. FURTHER NOTICES OF MOTION Rule 10 (ii) states that "Any proposal for the alteration of a rule must reach the Secretary 28 days before the date of a meeting and shall be signed by the Proposer and Seconder." The purpose of the September, 1969 Special General Meeting will be to discuss and, if thought fit, pass the motion set out in the above notice. Those who attended the 11th Annual General Meeting, or who have read the Editor's report of it's proceedings in this issue of Heron Newsletter, will be aware of the reasons for this motion having been de- ferred to a Special General Meeting. The Executive has already had informal notice of several other motions aimed at modification of some of the machinery sections of the Constitution and Rules. These motions will, if passed, make much less likely a recurrence of the series of misunderstandings and mistimings which caused Mr. McTiernan to take his point of order at the Annual General Meeting. The motions will provide for enough notice to be given of Motions for Rule Changes to enable argument for and against such motions to be put to the membership and allow the membership to give considered decisions. Formal notice of all Special General Meeting motions will be forwarded to members later this year, with, where required argument for and against - AT THE SAME TIME'.



A. FROM SYDNEY. Confirmed bookings on the "Empress of Australia'' , the vessel catering for those who wish to attend the 12th National Heron Titles in Tasmania in late December, 1970, are being accepted from the end of June. Have you given any thought to this matter; if not, it is suggest- ed that you read the following and do not hesitate to act promptly.

There is no restriction to the number of cars carrying Herons on top which can be book- ed on the "Empress", unlike her sister ship the "Princess" which has very limited space for cars so loaded. Fares for boat and car are as follows:-

Length of car, 11' to 136" - $84 (special, tourist return concession) 136" to 156" - $96 Over 15'6" - $108 1, It

4 Berth Cabin - $37 per person, each way (all meals inclusive) Children under 4 years, no charge. Children 4 to 15 years, half..fare. 15 to 19 years (students), 1/3rd off full fare. The Company requiresIcertificate to be signed by a school official. 19 to 21 years (student) 1010 off full fare with the same requisite. 2 Berth Cabin - $41 per person each way.

A printed timetable is not available as yet, but the Association has been advised that, in all probability, the "Empress" will be leaving Sydney on Saturday, 26th December at 9 p.m. arriving in Hobart on Monday, 28th December at 10 a.m.

If the date of sailing is not suitable to your needs, the Company has indicated its willingness to refund deposits.

If you have even the slightest intention of attending, the 12th series contact either the Union Steamship Co. or the Tasmanian Tourist Bureau immediately and advise that you are a Heron Association member.

B. FROM MELBOURNE. Initial inquiries have produced the following -

The "Seaway Queen" or "Seaway King" from Melbourne to Hobart direct. At this time of year under deck stowage cannot be guaranteed for a large number of boats - balance or all would be carried on deck. The boats could travel on trailers for no extra charge (Trailers would make it easier to transport the Herons from Hobart terminal to Sandy Bay Yacht Club). Freight charge is $1.16 per square foot each way. Provided all the Herons did not come back at the same time, there is a concession for Sailing Championships and boats return freight free. Cost is in the region of $65.00 return.

Cartopping on the "Bass Trader" or "Princess of Tasmania" is very unpopular. Reason is that the additional height of this method does not allow the cars to be stowed in the car decks. They have to go in the semi-trailer space.

Car plus trailed boat is expensive - about twice an ordinary car.

Both car topping and car plus trailed boat need very early booking - at least by July/ August this year.

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 11 Semi-trailers on "Bass Trader" (Melbourne to Devonport by ship and then by road) at $500 return a semi-trailer. Without special frames only 9 boats can be carried. With these frames or cradles about 25 boats can be fitted on.a semi-trailer. A problem is that timings to/from will be decided by the transport people and members could be without boats for several weeks. Supervision of loading and unloading will have to be a State Association matter. South Australia may have to organise their own trailers.

"Seaway Queen", "Seaway King" and "Bass Trader" are NOT passenger ships. Those who send boats on these vessels would have to find other transport - TITing or other (passenger) vessels. The Series is to start in Hobart on Saturday 1st January 1971 and will continue for five days. This will give all those competing an opportunity to do some sight seeing before and after the event.



P.S. A late phone call from Tom Tucker to tell us that the Princess of Tasmania leaves Melbourne at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. A four berth cabin costs $24 per person return. The Australian Trader leaves Melbourne at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A four berth cabin on her costs $30 per person return.

Transport costs for a late model Holden are $52 return PLUS $70 return for a trailed trailer.

President of A.Y.E, Mr. Ernest Merrington, presents Silver Heron to Mike Fletcher, winner of 10th National Championships, while N.S.W. President, Alan Crane, looks on.


The Heron is so designed as to be very suitable for amateur construction but the Association realises that there are a number of potential Heron owners who, for lack of time, space, tools and so on are unable to build their own boat. To assist these folk, the Association has set up an "Accredited Builder Scheme."

Under this Scheme, the Builder undertakes to guarantee that his product will measure to Association Standards for "A" class certificate and to honour certain other obligations in re- spect of payment of Royalties. In turn, the Association undertakes to recommend the Builder to enquirers for ready built Heron class yachts. The names and addresses of the Builders who have subscribed to the Scheme are listed below. You will note that the list is alphabetical - the Association is not prepared to recommend one builder in preference to any other.

The Builders do vary to some extent in price, delivery time, degree of finish, quality of fittin3s and rigging. Some are "craftsmen" in a small way of business, others produce several Doats at a time. The intending purchaser is advised to enquire of several Builders and preferably inspect some completed boats before placing an order. Check whether the price includes buoyancy equipment and the optional extras or modifications (washboards, wide rubbing strips, kicking straps, toe straps, extra main sheet blocks, jamb-cleats, etc.) which are per- mitted under the Rules of the Association. Most of the Builders will supply on the basis of hull only, hull and spars, hull and spars painted, as well as fully rigged, ready for the water. You may be able tolsave a few pounds by being your own brush hand. Practically all the recognised Australian Sailmakers cut Heron Suits these days, and you may find it worthwhile to purchase sails separately. English suits can be imported at competitive prices but, if you do strike a faulty one you can t be on the English maker's door- step on Monday morning. List of Accredited Buikers - A.C. Barclay, Patawalonga Frontage, North Glenelg. S.A. 95-7263 E. Beer, 2 St.Georges Road, New Lambton. N.S.W. Binks Yacht Constructions, 29 Byre Ave., Somerton Park. J. Botterill, 4 Desmond Ave., Highett. Vic. 95-2448 C.W.A. Burns, 9 Prescott Avenue, Dee Why, N.S.W. 98-7431 J. Holtum, 14 Foss Street, Hunters Hill, N.S.W. 89-4603 Hunt's Marine, 629 Princes Highway, Blakehurst, N.S.W. P. Korte, 23 Valley View Drive, Highbury, S.A. R. Pollock, 68 Forestway, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. K. Skinner, 198 Craig St., Nth. Rockhampton, ()id. Rhmpt. 7582 G. Wyllie, 12 Murray Street, Marrickville, N.S.W. Pamcraft, P.O. Box 207, Lane Cove, N.S.W. 42-7330 Randall & Baines, Box 78 P.O., Glen Waverley, Vic. 3150. H. G. Lang, Main Street, Sorrento, Vic. 4-2474


The Executive Committee of the Association decided, during a meeting in May, to reimburse the Western Australian Association for $27.14 incurred in repairing damages suffered by a volunteer pick-up boat when serving the Heron fleet in the W.A. Championships. No insurance had been taken out by the W.A. Association and unauthorised tampering with the boat controls led to the accident. Although payment was agreed to in this case it was as an "ex gratia" amount. The Australian Association regards such incidents as wholly within the jurisdiction of the States or even clubs concerned and earnestly suggests that an insurance cover be obtained where there is any possi- bility of being confronted by similar claims. It is unlikely that they will be met sympathetically in the future. So to all you people who have these responsibilities please remember that events entirely beyond your immediate control can result in clairri§ for substantial damages. Keep one step ahead of them. ENSURE TO INSURE

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 13 D. Wise, 7265 S.A., leads A. Clarke, 64521V.S.W., ( 2nd overall) and I. Cook, 6223 N.S.W. to the leeward mark during a heat of the 10th National Championships.

There is a rounding mark in there somewhere and someone( s) has failed to allow buoy- room. You do not have to be near the lead to have your share of incidents during National Championships. HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 14 LEARNING FROM THE OTHER FELLOW (No. 7)

Dear Editor, The receipt of your excellent newsletter prompts me, as a relative outsider, to make a few comments which you may use or discard as you see fit. Let me first say as one who has participated in and helped organize a number of major events in other classes and who realizes the snares and pitfalls attached thereto, that the organization of the 10th National Champion- ships was superb. From Bill Youll's speech of welcome, which characterized the whole pro- ceedings to Warren Clarke's excellent photographs the series was a credit to Woollahra Club and the Heron Association. About that bendy mast - purely inadvertent, I assure you. Actually I suffer from a neurotic compulsion to tighten things on boats and just kept bouncing the forestay unaware of the resultant mast compression until out on the course, where each go-about was accompanied by an alarming "thunk" as the mast changed bends. A bit of research on the beach at lunch time among the other boats showed me the error of my ways as nobody else's forestay hit high 'C' when plucked. A judicious loosening solved the problem and probably saved Norm Blacker's mast I think the boat went better too. Talking about boatspeed, perhaps my impressions of the effects of excess weight might be of interest. An all up weight of approx. 450 lb. (boat 170 lb., crew 280 lb.) affected per- formance thus :- (vis-a-vis nearby boats) Light Winds. Moderate Winds. 1. To windward - relative gain. 1. To windward - relative gain. 2. Reaching - very slight loss. 2. Reaching - considerable loss. 3. Square running - no perceptible loss. 3. Square running - very slight loss.

Fresh Winds. 1. To windward - slight loss (surprising :). 2. Reach - very considerable loss. 3. Square running - no perceptible loss. The significance of this appears to be that excessive weight is of no great moment except when reaching in fresh winds. In the Double Bay Invitation in winds gusting to 20 knots young Ridgeway made up 1 min. 30 sec. on one reach but made no further impression on the subsequent square run. Therefore let the owner of a heavy boat or a portly physique take heart and not be distracted by this factor in normal conditions. Should he not find his way around the course as fast as other boats he should seek the reason in the following factors :- 1. Boat Speed. (a) SSails, hull preparation and tuning the rig. (b) Helmsmanship. 2. Wind Shifts and Tactics. Most sailing men, I note, tend to seek the answer in (1) whereas the key to fast Heron sailing lies mainly in (2). Many pleasurable hours are spent ashore discussing the divers aspects of winning races but most of this discussion invariably centres on sails, gadgets, adjustments and the like, while very little mention is made of the use of windshifts. For high powered craft such as Flying Dutchmen, tuning is of vital importance but as the power of a boat decreases so does the importance of this factor. Helmsmanship of course is important but does not vary from person to person as much as is commonly thought. In fact there is often very little difference in a group of skippers' ability to hold, say, an optimal course to windward. You notice a number of Herons in clear, steady air on the same tack and they all move at roughly the same pace. Ho'/ever when they split tacks for a few minutes and come together again the differences in position are much too great to be accounted for by varying degrees of skill in steering a course. The answer of course lies in the use each helmsman has made of those subtle variations in the direction and strength of the breeze called windshifts. It would seem then that the panacea of for all ailing helmsmen lies in the correct use of these windshifts but unfortunately the answer is not so simple as the subject of windshifts is a very complex one indeed, much more subtle than the generally held belief that it is sufficient to tack on every header.

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 15 For a detailed discussion one can do no better than recommend Alan Watts' "Wind and Sailing Boats" or Stewart Walker's "Techniques of Small Boat Sailing".

At the risk of boring you to death perhaps I might illustrate my point by describing a plan for the start and first beat of a race with a large number of starters, such as in the National Championships. The plan presupposes well laid starting lines with a slight favourable leeward end bias, such as those laid by Henry Arthur at the Nationals. As the Invitation race showed most of us, a good start in clear wind is absolutely essential, the problem being how to achieve this consistently. With a well laid line the leeward end is always very crowded with a High proportion of experts in the group, while the starter's boat end is equally congested with the more conservative types, thus leaving the middle section relatively less populous. If, like me, you are not confident of your boatspeed or your ability to be the one boat to get the prime_ position at the leeward end (usually Mike Fletcher) then the middle is the place to start.

At the 5 minute gun you should be near the starter's boat but well to windward with sheets eased on starboard tack. Spend the next 4 minutes slowly drifting while carefully watching all the other ants scurrying back and forth. At 1 minute to go the pattern of the start will begin to emerge and the clearest part of the line will become apparent. With clear wind, manoeuvre- ability and reaching speed it is quite simple to pop into the clearest bit of water, haul on sheets and off with full boat speed. If this is done properly there should be plenty of water between you and the nearest boats, both to windward and to leeward. This is vital as the whole subsequent plan depends on your being able to go-about at will and not be hemmed in whi. fife first header arrives. Sail hard and perhaps a shade free to make sure of breaking free and tack as soon as you get the first definite header. This immediately puts you ahead of all the boats that started to starboard of you and of course theoretically puts you behind all those boats to port (where all the experts are) but as things are pretty tense and crowded down there very few of them can tack immediately as they would have wished and hence will lose their advantage a little later when the wind shifts back the other way as it almost invariably does.

Now you are sailing in clear air, in phase with the windshifts and eagerly looking for the next header which should be tacked upon immediately. If this subsequent port hand lift holds then you are in business and should cross the port hand start experts. If it doesn't, again tack straight away to leeward and ahead of these boats and await the next header. Never hold on into a header in these circumstances, if you can't get into the windward and ahead position then the leeward and ahead spot is by far the next beat. Here one gets most benefit from headers and these should be earnestly sought. If they dont come all you can do is grit your teeth and just hang, on until one comes, which almost always happens sooner or later. By this means you can gradually work back to the centre of the course and you must be in the first ten around the windward mark, unless there has been a drastic one way breeze change during the beat. This isn't too bad in a fleet of 90 odd and remember it all results primarily from the start as des- cribed and the first go-about. This first gain of 10 to 20 yards becomes minutes at the wind- ward mark, simply Decause you are in phase and can tack at will whereas the great majority of the fleet are perpetually in somebody's dirty wind and are often forced to tack at the least desirable time. It is not because of boatspeed or pure helmsmanship that the fleet is spread out over a span of 7 minutes or so at the windward mark it is because some went the right way while many did not. Incidently if the wind is a very shifty one it pays to sail fast and free rather than high and a little slower. Provided you are in phase with the shifts this will enable you to get to the next windshift sooner.

So when brooding over our mistakes in each and every race (and this should be done ad nauseum) we should dwell on the reasons why Joe Blow crossed us by miles half way up the first work rather than on whether our jib luff tension was right or the mainsail outhaul position was correct. Tuning discussions are good fun, but let us get them in their right perspective so that we can confidently agree with the bloke who said :-

"this above all, to thine own self be true

The technique of starting from the windward side of the line is not at all difficult, nor is it as dicey as it looks, mainly because of the mobility granted by clear wind and reaching speed. It cannot, of course, be used successfully if the starter's boat end is favoured and should be treated with caution when the 'one minute rule' applies.


(Alan Clark was placed second in the 1967 Annual Championship sailed at Woollahra Sailing Club, Sydney. - Ed.)


A. Pon- um4 kr 5 MtNWT& (Tum. a. PoSiTiom ILT START. G. Ficx.ST DE.FltotT E. HEADER. D. SECOND DEFtnitrE. HU-DE.7Z. E.. THIRD 14EADER. AFTER. VERN Sviorzr F. Pees rto N, OF LING Poort END srARTERS wt4EN You ARE AT D. G PotiTtoa4 oF L-EaDiNG, STALBOARD EAnt sTAITERS VIKCI4 you AXE AT I)



One of the best ways of learning some of the finer points of the Racing Rules is to become involved in a protest. A less painful way is to read about other peoples' protests. We would like to give you all the opportunity to do this. So, if any interesting protests occur in your Club, send us in details so that all can benefit. If you prefer, names can be left out and boats can be given the romantic titles of "A", "B", "C", etc. The villain of our first incident however has no bashful tendencies so we now present:-

The Case of "Rufus" vs. The Race Committee. This case took place during the first heat of Concord-Ryde Sailing Clubs' Championship series. The facts, as found by the Protest Committee, were as follows :- Rufus was going to windward on the starboard tack on a short final work before the broad reach to the finish. A Skate, reaching on port tack, approached Rufus. Rufus hailed to the Skate to keep clear and the Skate bore away to pass to leeward of Rufus. However, the end of the Skate's swinging plank caught in the lee stay of Rufus, causing her mast to break. Rufus had led for the entire race and was 150 to 400 yards (depending on which witness) in the lead. Rufus protested as a "yacht unduly prejudiced" under rule 12 which states :- "When the race committee decides that, through no fault of her own, the finishing position of a yacht has been materially prejudiced --- by being disabled by another yacht which should have kept clear --- it may cancel or abandon the race or make such other arrangements as it deems equitable". Further to the protest, "Rufus" also requested that the committee should use its powers under rule 12 to allot "Rufus" points for finishing first in the race. The grounds for this request were as follows :- 1. The race was 85% completed. 2. 90% of all windward work was completed and "Rufus" had increased her lead on all previous leeward legs. 3. If the incident had not occurred, "Rufus" would have had an almost certain win. 4. The conditions on the day set down for the 1st Heat of the Club Championship were those in which "Rufus" is very fast - a fact well known in the Club. If a resail were ordered, it could well be held in conditions quite unsuited to "Rufus".

The result of all this was that the Protest Committee upheld the protest by "Rufus" and deemed it equitable to allot "Rufus" the points for finishing first in the race. Not surprisingly, this decision was not received with enthusiasm by all members, not because they disliked being beaten in this way, but because some of them felt that the Committee had made a wrong decision. One member in fact attempted to submit an appeal to Y.A. He felt that "a dangerous precedent had been established in the granting of points on the assumption that the leader of a race 85% completed would, with certainty, win the event." He felt that there was always the possibility of gear failure, touching the remaining mark, rule infringements or capsize. This appeal was not allowed as the member was not involved in the original protest.

Everyone, including the Protest Committee and the skipper of "Rufus" was left with just that little doubt as to whener the decision had been quite correct, so the Protest Committee decided to refer the protest to Y.A. at its own instance under rule 77. 2(a) i.e. the Protest Committee submitted an appeal to Y.A. for confirmation or otherwise of its action.

The Appeals Committee of Y.A. duly met to consider the matter and gave the follow- ing decision :-

"When a Race Committee decides that a yacht is entitled to relief under Rule 12 in respect of one race in a series, the most usual arrangement is to award her points equal to the average of those gained in her best 5 races of a 7 race series, or her best 3 races of a 5 race series.

However, this action is not mandatory and Rule 12 requires the Race Committee to make such arrangements as it deems equitable.

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 18 The Race Committee, being the sole arbiter of fact, is best placed to weigh up all the circumstances of a particular case and to determine what arrangement is most equitable in the light of its knowledge of conditions on the day in question, the cap- abilities of the helmsman involved and other relevant factors.

Bearing these matters in mind, we would not consider the arrangement made to be inappropriate in this instance and the Race Committee's action is therefore endorsed."

So there you have it. This may well be of use in helping your Committee sort out a similar protest at some future date.

Footnote: It didn't do "Rufus" much good anyhow. This was the only heat held in the brisk north-easter she loves and her final placing in the series was third.

Post Script

Since the above was written the decision on an appeal in England has come to hand (I.Y.R.U. case No. 38). This case also involved Rule 12 and the concluding remarks on the Council's decision are worth quoting.

"A race committee's action under rule 12 is not confined to cancelling or abandoning a race and ordering a re-sail. Before deciding to cancel or abandon a race, it is important that the race committee should consider whether it can make "such other arrangements as it deems equitable" to all the yachts in the race. To cancel or abandon a race merely because one yacht at the rear of the race justifiably seeks redress from the race committee might be most inequitable to all the other yachts.

Depending upon the circumstances, "such other arrangements" could, in appro- priate conditions, include the following: (a) To arrange a sail-off between the prejudiced yacht and those which at that time were ahead of or close to her, if they could be identified. (b) To award the prejudicedlyacht break-down points. (c) If the incident occurred close enough to the finishing line for the race committee to determine with some certainty her probable finishing position, to award her the points she would have obtained had/she finished in that position. (d) In accordance with the Olympic Scoring System, Addendum G, 1967. 68 R.Y.A. Yacht Racing Supplement, page 113, penultimate paragraph, to award her points for the race equal to the average points, to the nearest tenth of a point, of her best five races."

A-• )

/1 Rufus Vs. Skate 'V • 11 ac Race Covoiffee,


N.S.W. NOTES Main events in N.S.W. since the last Newsletter have included the Middle Harbour Regatta, the A .C.T. Championship, Lake Macquarie Heron Holiday and the Middle Harbour Marathon.

Middle Harbour Regatta is a magnificent spectacle with literally hundreds and hundreds of sailing craft from eight feet long to eighty (well, fifty anyhow:) attempting to race on inter- secting courses, rounding nearby buoys in different directions and all converging on Middle Harbour Yacht Club for the finish. The weather this year could have been described as "brisk" (it could also have been described as "wet", "awful" ,"gusty", "variable", "unpleasant" and other things) but it was all good fun. Results, for what they are worth, are as follows:

Saturday 4835 E. Hart 7000 J. Shipton 5350 C. Brennan

Sunday 3630 E. Freizier 5763 Mrs. J. Lawson 7041 J. Cole

A .C.T. HERON CHAMPIONSHIP These were held on Lake Burley Griffin over the week-end 29th and 30th of March, Considerable interest was shown in this year's events with 36 entries. There were eight from Nowra, one from Wagga, five from the Sydney area, and 22 from Canberra. We had 34 yachts start in each heat, having one local and one visitor who could not make it. The sailing on Saturday would have made a saint swear with the frustration of light flukey winds and rain showers, which varied from light to a downpour.

We think the winner of the first two heats (George Early of Connells' Point Sailing Club, Sydney, in 7366 Mischief) must have brought his own wind. His margin over everyone else had a touch of magic or genius in it.

However, from a light changeable wind on Sunday morning's heat, we went to a good strong variable blow in the afternoon which was quite exhilerating and was welcomed and enjoyed by all concerned.

The visitors "cleaned us up" taking First (George Early) and Se.cond (D.J. Ray, Nowra, in 3925 Fiesta). Third place went to one of our Juniors (Debbie Cramp in 6747 Citronella). This is a very good thing for our souls we feel and will spur us on to (we hope) better things next time. The Monaro Shield teams event was contested by H. Black, D. Cramp, R. Davies, C. Pratt, and P. Carnall representing Canberra, and J. Aney, D. Ray, G. Francis, J. Harper, and G. Meacham representing Nowra. The Canberra Team had previously won the first heat held at Nowra earlier in the season and another win during the Championship events clinched the Shield for this area for another season.

Taken all in all we feel that the event was highly successful and look forward to an even bigger roll up and better event next year.


As usual, a friendly family holiday week-end, hosted by the Lake Macquarie Yacht Club. This year however the weather made it a little less delightful than usual. Light winds and rain rather spoilt the racing conditions although the actual racing was of course as keen as ever.

Saturday morning's Invitation Race for the early arrivals set the pattern - a light breeze and a shortened course, Local John Reid (5685) led the way home with handicap results:-


1st 5769 P. Caruthers 2nd 7451 A. Hart 3rd 6416 M. Bailey In the afternoon a light but fairly steady breeze enlivened half way through the race by an absolute downpour. Results:- 1st 5769 L. Collins 2nd 6600 B. Rabbidge 3rd 5350 C. Brennan Fastest: 5120 L. Collins A very wet social evening followed. Sunday at least started without rain, with a nice breeze and a forecast of freshening conditions. Before long however crews were sitting steaming in their spray jackets under a hot sum with no wind at all (no wind? then how come Chris Lloyd-Owen, John Shipton and Frank Allen managed to round that buoy when they did?). Only a few boats finished a drastically short- ened course.

1st 6464 C. Lloyd-Owen 2nd 5091 A. Toll 3rd 3921 F. Allen Fastest: 3921 F. Allen The afternoon produced perhaps the best racing of the week-end. The breeze was adequate and fairly steady. The result was some good, close racing of the sort one would expect from a one-design class. The last beat to windward saw some half dozen boats crossing tacks, blanketing each other and generally behaving in an unfriendly manner. It all finished with John Reid in front. John Reid had already won his trophy so the "first home" trophy went to 7000 J. Shipton. Handicap results: 1st 4815 C. Hulton 2nd 5922 M. Longworth 3rd 7082 A. Sykes. Hard luck stories:- John Shipton, always a bridesmaid, never a bride, was second home in three races. Charles Grimwood, working Saturday, caught in the middle of the calm Sunday morning, in front Sunday afternoon and pulled a rounding mark onto himself. Finally all those travelling back to Sydney ran into very_ heavy rain again on the way home. In spite of it all,—they'll be back for more next season.


The Middle Harbour H.S.C. Marathon is now a well known and established race to conclude the Club's season, being sailed usually over a course of about 15 miles in the lower and upper reaches of Middle Harbour. Not to have taken part is to have missed one of the best events in the Heron _alendar. Ask someone who has taken part for their opinion. Look what it offers. A long cruising type event through the sheltered waters of Middle Harbour. An interesting course covering this tract of water from its entrance into the main harbour back up to Killarney - near the Roseville Road Bridge - with a couple of detours into various bays. First class organisation all the way with ample pick up boats available to help the needy and of course Babs Campbell ensuring that the handicap start functions smoothly,

The Weatherman always seems to ensure that this race has everything from the steady breezes in the more open sections of the course to the flukey puffs as the boats get further towards the middle mark and traverse the bays. A heavy downpour is usually tossed in for good measure. The challenge of going under the Spit Bridge with, as usually happens, an unfavourable wind and tide. The toss up whether to remain a purist here or wield the paddle - or to choose the lower span and risk (in the few yards to be gained) leaving a racing flag adorning the bridge.

With the handicap start there is not the chaos usually associated with large fleets, and when the limit boats are on 33 minutes they seem a very long way ahead, but don't let this deter you; its a long course for the back markers. This is probably where the most enjoyment comes in, watching the fleet gradually come together, having a friendly chat with crews from other clubs in the quieter areas, taking a bit of nourishment while the miles slip by. This is Heron sailing at its best.

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 21 For this year's event, sailed early in May, about 50 boats turned up and after briefing by Commodore Frank Buckley, the procession began. The breeze was just pleasantly brisk and got everybody away to a good start. It was a bit tricky going through the Bridge and some man- aged it while the span was up, while the majority used the paddle. An easy work then to Long Bay after which came the long run down to Sugarloaf Bay, giving ample time to consume some of the refreshments most boats carried. The Sugarloaf Bay mark must have been laid by some sadis- tic power boat operator in view of its placement: no wind, a heavy shower and an outgoing tide. However, eventually everybody got round and headed for Killarney. By this, the mid-point of the event, the boats were beginning to come together. Then out into the main stream once again with a beat back to Long Bay - the wind a bit stronger and the work a good one. No detour into Sugarloaf this time. After Long Bay, through the Spit Bridge again and the final work to Middle Head. In this work most of the fleet were mixed up in a substantial rain squall which really liven- ed things up for a while. It was exasperatingly followed by fitful winds for the final run back to Clontarf and the welcome afternoon tea.

If you haven't taken part in this annual event you haven't lived, so next season make this a must. Remember, Middle Harbour Club, where Heron sailing began in Australia, is always pleased to see visitors.

(By Jim Street, 6250, Native II who managed to outdrift, outsail, outdrench and outlast the other entrants to win this year's event. Also, hie the other entrants, he was unable to walk properly for a day or two after. Ed.)

RICHMOND RIVER SAILING CLUB Ivan Bathgate reports that Herons are going well with the Richmond River Sailing Club. In March they sailed 7 of the fleet some 40 to 50 miles down the Richmond from Coraki. to Ballina - single handed with sleeping bags, food and liquid refreshments for ballast.

It was apparently quite a weekend.

Correspondents. SOUTH QUEENSLAND NEWS Georgina Pickers and Alan Robinson

A successful South Queensland Championship regatta was held at Woody Point over the Anzac Day Week-end.

The Humpybong Club organized everything to everyones satisfaction from the actual racing to the Social events.

An invitation race was held on Friday Afternoon and three championship heats on Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Boats from Humpybong, Cleveland and Maryborough competed with fifteen craft in each race although not necessarily the same fifteen.

The weather was perfect though the breezes were light. It was made a condition of the racing that the placegetters in the Championship were ineligible for the Handicap trophies in conjunction with the championship heats. This was designed to obtain the greatest possible distribution of trophies for the series. Results were :-

Championship : 1st 3674 PEPITA Bob Campbell 2nd 4868 HELGA Harry Nilsson 3rd 6155 DUSTY Paul Miller Handicap : Invitation Race 7469 JEP Ruth Shand 1st Heat Champ. 6475 DUIRIDI Dave Morwood 2nd Heat Champ. 5947 HEATHER LYNN Peter Robinson 3rd Heat Champ. 6210 SEA IMP Sue Roberts

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 22 The item of the moment is the recent South Queensland Championships held on the Humpybong Yacht Clugs Woody Point course over Anzac Day weekend. The programme com- prised an invitation race for orientation purposes on Friday afternoon and three championship heats on Saturday morning and afternoon and Sunday morning. The weather was perfect but the breezes were a little light for some. Fifteen starters from Humpybong, Cleveland and Maryborough faced the starter and were despatched over a tri- angular course in an almost perfect start. Dusty (6155) with Paul Miller at the helm soon showed out and was not headed. However, Paul repeated a previous effort and endeavoured to finish at the Pier head rather than the finishing boat and the race was snatched by Keith Shand in Jep (7469). Title holder Lex Aravandino in Cindy Bob (6742) was not relishing the light airs and finished well back in the fleet. First Championship heat on Saturday morning saw fifteen Herons face an "on the wind" start with the line set a little too short. Conditions were a little crowded but no serious mishap occurred. The breeze was about 8 knots for the whole of the course and the leading boats soon sorted themselves out to be Pepita (3674) Helga (4868) and Dusty (6155). As the race progressed Pepita went further ahead and finished a comfortable winner.

The second heat started downwind and after the first leg the fleet came onto the wind with Heather Lynn (5947) in the lead from Helga (4868). These two boats held the first two places and in the closing stages Pepita (3674) overhauled Sincerity (3643) to take third place. Heather Lynn was far enough in front to take the Handicap as well as the heat.

The third heat, from an "on wind" start, saw Pepita (3674) take an early lead and was never headed. Dusty (6155) chased Pepita around the course but could make little impression. Jep (7469) threaded his way through the fleet to finish third and Sue Roberts in Sea Imp (6210) did well to finish fourth and take handicap honours. Final results were :

Championship 1st Pepita (3674) Bob Campbell 5.7 points 2nd Helga (4686) Harry Nilsson 19 points 3rd Dusty (6155) Paul Miller 20.4 points The Handicap results were : Invitation Race Jep (7469) Keith Shand 1st Heat Champ. Dijiridi (6475) David Morwood 2nd " Heather Lynn (5947) Peter Robinson 3rd " Sea Imp (6210) Sue Roberts Trophies were presented by the Commodore of the Humpybong Yacht Club, Mr. Howard Bell, and the Queensland Association's congratulations must go to the host Club for conducting such a successful regatta. The President mentioned in his address that next year's venue would be Cleveland Yacht Club and it is hoped that representatives from Northern N.S.W. clubs will be able to participate.

Results of the Interclub Race held 23rd February

As we remember when race day came we were still feeling the effects of cyclone "Irene" and 5 days previous the weather bureau had issued strong wind warnings for along the coast. This therefore prompted the sailing committee to an alternate plan. The original Single Handed race now became a Junior Skippers Race. The placegetters really showed fine form in the conditions.

The placings were: 1st "Helga" Denis Nilsson 2nd "Wandjina" I. Bathgate 3rd "Janus" Miss Jan Marshall However the race had its "wet" moments. Four crews went for a swim jibing around the mark off Clontarf. This mark is beginning to earn a reputation among us. Denis Nilsson should be congratulated on not only winning the race but also getting fastest time.

The afternoon brought a grey cloudy overcast sky but otherwise almost ideal sailing con- ditions for the race. Boats from Humpybong, Cleveland and Ballina Yacht Clubs were entered for this race. HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 23 While all the placegetters did very well, top marks should be given to Peter Robinson. Peter, with his mother as forward hand, skippered his boat "Heather Lyn" to the lead and was rare- ly challenged. The placings were: 1st "Mandrake" Dick Coats (HYC) 2nd "Heather Lyn" Peter Robinson (HYC) 3rd "Dijiridi" David Morwood (Cleveland YC. The nominations for these races were very gratifying considering the weather conditions. This point was evident by the fact that we had two boats from Cleveland and one boat from Ballina who joined us. Tris Morris with "Ontilla" and Dave Morwood with "Dijiridi" made the trip from Cleveland. We were also very happy to greet Joan Bathgate who made the long journey from Ballina. The trip was well worth the effort for Joan for her boat "Wandjina" seemed to revel in the open water sailing.

FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND NEWS The Far North Queensland Division of the Heron Association recently held their annual General Meeting, and the following were elected. Chairman Jack Pont (Tinaroo Sailing Club), Garth Gorton, Secretary (Tinaroo Sailing Club), Publicity Officer Laurie Garnaut (Cairns Sailing Club). Geof Higham of Kurrimine Beach who has his boat registered with the Cairns Sailing Club has requested that the border be extended to Cardwell just south of Kurrimine, so a Notice of Motion has been moved for the next meeting of the Far North Queensland Division to bring Geof and his new Heron Club at Kurrimine into the area. It may interest readers to know that Queensland has distance troubles, and as a point of interest, it is quicker to go by car from Brisbane to Sydney and back again than it is to go from Cairns to Brisbane.

NEWS FROM NORTH QUEENSLAND CLUBS KURRIMINE BEACH Geof .Higham of Kurrimine gave you plenty of news in the last issue, and I was there last August, and if you really want a pleasant and free and easy time, come to Kurrimine for the 16th and 17th August. At least twenty boats have already indicated intentions to attend, including a top brass from Sydney.


With the season now ended all crews are getting ready for Kurrimine Beach in August and the opening of the 1969 season in September. Helen Garnaut in her Edith Alice and brother Butch as crew took out the Club Championship for the second year running, however, it was not as easy as last year. The Brennan family in Charinga, and the Blythe family in Pancho have really thrown out a challenge so next season could see some interesting results.

The highlight of the season in the Annual event when the Cairns Sailing Club entertains the Sea Cadets, and all Heron owners generously loan their craft for the Sea Cadets to sail, and at the conclusion the club entertains the Sea Cadets to a Social Function and give a trophy to the winning crew. As a result of this gesture it looks as though the Sea Cadets are going to get their own Herons.


Although we North Queenslanders were somehow missed from the New Year honours list, we were glad we were still remembered by the Heron Association - someone actually wants to hold the 13th annual championship in Queensland - and that's a thousand miles closer to us than any previous series. There are some dedicated Heronfolk here - the Garnauts and Leitchs (Cairns) have served four years before the mast - so have the Ponts and Gortons of this club. Ted Leitch and his boys built an ocean yacht last year but wouldn't take any offers for their Heron "Jean" so she sails on - admittedly a little leaky in the joins, but that's understandable with the yacht priority - to say nothing of the conversion of the fowl-house for the Sabot and the addition to the, garage for the Heron and yacht. (The car is out in the street waiting for a boat to retire.)

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 24 We inland sailors had a day at the briny for the Palm Cove Regatta - it was a day of tur- bulence and we're not used to launching in surf. However, life savers came to the rescue and carried boats in and out. They also gallantly carried the lady sailors - had your correspondent known this was to eventuate she would certainly have forbidden young son crew position. Joan Wright was one who didn't get her feet wet, but she and James were unlucky sailing - having got in the lead they couldn't spot a mark and had to wait for the next boat to pass and show the way this is how Flipper won and Eureka came second. The Wrights have a problem - normally both wear specs, - looks like a need for fitting some kind of wind-screen wiper? . Top Bird series was sailed in the January long week-end and was won by Garth and Heather Gorton in Flipper. This was really an endurance test since it was sailed in near - cyclone weathei and of 22 boats on the Lake 28 capsizes were recorded - we forgive John Gude his Heron's capsize; as a newcomer he did well to stay afloat until the last rounding buoy.

Champion boat for 1969 is Oroo - even though it tried to commit suicide in the first round. It was miles ahead when Russel Pont dropped the jib pole and his Dad thought it was just a matter of leaning out and retrieving it. Now the Pont boys were not too happy with 1 point for the event, so John and Russel sailed the next races - and won : Father Pont was retired to the gaol (our Club house) but they're good lads of his - they let him out just as soon as they had won the last race.

Next on the programme is the South-West Pacific Championship to be held in Port Moresby. Going North to defend her title will be Helen Gamaut of Cairns, and also Garth Gorton from this club and Joe Higham of Kurrimine. A point of mystery exists as to the date - the Queen's Birthday week-end - New Guineans' calendars say 9th June and the Aussies' the 16th June - fellahs, ours is the white queen.

From Correspondents R.L. GARNAUT, Cairns, and R.L. GORTON, Tinaroo.

MIRAGE 5885 (J. Harper) KURRAJONG 4757 (Miss S. Groser) and ANNELIESE 4568 (M. Jeremic) fight it out during a Heat of the First A.C.T. Heron Junior Championships on Lake Burley Griffin. Heron "Oldies" from the coastal venues who sailed in the 8th Aust. Championships will remember with anguish the tranquil waters of the Lake. (Photo by courtesy of Canberra "-Tittles").



This new attraction to Heroners from anywhere in AUSTRALIA was held at YARRAWONGA on the Anzac (long) weekend. It was inspired by the Yarrawonga Yacht Club and (we suspect) that Alf Fletcher, owner of Snifter, was a major force behind it. The series was advertised in the Newsletter of March and it seems such a pity that so few Heroners entered for it. The Victorian Yachting Council made the event "official" by sending its Secretary to represent it and to present the prizes.

For those who do not know Yarrawonga and Lake Mulvala, it is located on the River Murray some 60 miles west of Albury. A weir at the town makes a lake which is as deep and as large as Lake Burley Griffin and should be even larger when the forest of drowned trees on the eastern section is removed. Being well supplied with hotels, motels, guesthouses and caravan parks it has ample good accommodation. Green grass grows to the lake edge and it is unusual for crews to even wet their feet when launching or "beaching" their yachts. It is not too distant from (say) Wagga Wagga, Mildura, Wanaga, Nagambie, Melbourne, Canberra or those other clubs within a similar radius.

If there is any fault about Yarrawonga it is, as is not uncommon on inland waters, the lack of wind - this certainly was the case on the Anzac weekend when fleets of Jolly Boats, Flying Dutchmen, 505, LW Sharpie, Catamaran types, Mirror 10 and 16, Sailfish, Moth, etc. literally "gasped for air". Only 19 Heron appeared to contest the Invitation Race and 5 Heats of the Championship. From the Heron point of view here are the results :-

Invitation Race - 2 p.m. 25th April - Winds from the east at 2 mph average. NINA (G. East) and VAN DIEMEN (J. Coen) were tirst to BOTTS mark having found a favourable lift in shore. NINA managed to retain her position but the rest bunched during the long "crawl" down wind. In lap two the situation remained much the same. In the final stages APALIE (L. Evans) con- templated retiring when a "fresh" breeze followed her through the fleet to be second by a few lengths from NINA. The placings were -

1. NINA G. East 2. APALIE L. Evans 3. PORTIA II R. Bluck 4. ALCHERA A. McClure 5. VAN DIEMEN J. Coen 6. WINDSEEKER A. Medderson

Heat 1 - 4 p.m. 25th April - Abandoned before the start for want of wind.

Heat 2 - 10 a.m. 26th April - A less than 2 mph NE wind : the fleet crept away from the start line and skippers contemplated cigarette smoke and limp tell-tales in silence in an endeav- our to be first with any air movement on the glassy lake. It was apparent that ALCHERA's skipper concentrated hardest and longest for she gradually took over the lead from PORTIA II and SNIFTER (A. Fletcher) only to halt within feet of the finish line. The 21 hour time limit was imposed and the race abandoned.

Heat 3 - 1 p.m. 26 April - Abandoned before the start for want of wind.

Heat 4 - 4 p.m. 26th April - Some atmospheric disturbance from NNE up to 1 mph helped the fleet away on a reaching start. FLOOKI(N. Ridgway), NINA, PORTIA II and ANCHERA moved ahead and FLOOKI appeared to have an unbeatable lead at the Mulvala mark, but in her attempts to fend off, became involved with "breeze" variation close to the area of drowned forests and "foundered" there: meanwhile ALCHERA and PORTIA II were making good progress towards BOTTS before the wind left them. From the back APALIE, WENTWEL (G. Naismith), VAN DIEMEN and WINDSEEKER rounded Mulvana together. WENTWEL tacked at once onto port soon to be followed by others. • They were lucky to find a breeze that brought them up with the leaders but more into the centre of the lake. A wind change carried WENTWEL and WINDSEEKER right to the finish. The course was shortened at BOTTS with these results :-

1. WENTWEL G. Naismith 2. ALCHERA A. McClure 3. WINDSEEKER A. ):nedderson 4. PORTIA II R. Bluck 5. VAN DIEMEN J. Coen 6. SNIFTER A. Fletcher


Heat 5 - 10.30 a.m. 27th April - Another drifter on another glassy sea; another reaching start and more concentration and silence. VAN DIEMEN and APALIE lead early with WINDSEEKER and ALCHERA not far behind. ALCHERA lead VAN DIEMEN by 2 lengths at MULWALA mark and these two remained together until rounding the BRIDGE mark for home. Meanwhile, PORTIA II creat- ing an air of her own, passed a large part of the fleet to be 3rd at the Bridge. From here onwards what little air movement there was had to be shared with other classes and T.A.B. fortunes were won and lost each minute. Another shorten course was given and the result was :-

1. ALCHERA A. McClure 2. PORTIA II R. Bluck 3. WENTWEL G. Naismith 4. VAN DIEMEN J. Coen 5. APALIE L. Evans 6. SNIFTER A. Fletcher.

Resume The lack of wind did not deter the enthusiasm of competitors or judges. The local association members put themselves out to make the weekend a worthy one. Commodore Drummond (Yarrawonga Yacht Club) introduced Percy Fraser from VYC who presented the following with prizes - Invitation Race 1. NINA G. East

Championship 1. ALCHERA First Prize and Perpetual Trophy - A. McClure 2. WENTWEL G. Naismith 3. PORTIA II R. Bluck 4. VAN DIEMEN J. Coen


Dennis House was again the venue for this annual social and prize-giving night. Guest of Honour was our former President and friend Marshal HAWES who presented prizes. We were also happy to have as guests two representatives of the Australian Coast Guard Auxiliary which has been so generous in time and patrol beats at the important Association events.

The night was a great success due to the "very special" service given by Proprietor (and Heroner) ROY DUNCAN and the quiet and patient efficiency of KEN JOHNSON as organiser. A splendid array of prizes was displayed for all to see and for the hard work in selecting these our thanks are due to JOHN and PATTIE RYAN.

Marshal HAWES gave these prizes :-

State Championship Senior Junior 1. ALCHERA A. McClure 1. FLOOKI P. Ridgway 2. JUNIOR II J. Harney 2. CRAIL I. Tudball 3. NOCTURNE F. Daniels 3. WENTWEL G. Naismith 4. PORTIA II R. Bluck 5, MANDY III G. Smith Visitor 6. CLARABELL B. Proven CAPRICORNUS D. White (Negambie YC) Ladies TEMPO Michele Smart

Inter-Club. Teams Racing Black Rock Yacht Club consisting of:- A. McClure N. Ridgway M. Ridgway F. Daniels

Most Improved in Season (E. Prior Memorial Trophy) CIRCE - P. Carver


Summer Senior Line Handicap

1. ALCHERA A. McClure 1. MILLEWA J. Ryan 2. PORTIA II R. Bluck 2. OPAL II J. Naismith 3. CRAIL I. Tudball 3. TASSIE TOO W. Hudson 4. NINA G. East ) Equal 4. GAYGEN G. Vincent 4, JULIEANN A. Amess ) 5. CHIFFON F. Ififf 6. WENTWEL G. Naismith 6. CRAZY CAT W. Braithwaite


Conducted at Elwood Sailing Club, this event attracted 52 entrants including 3 from Nagambie and 1 from Blairgowrie. Most of the other Elwood classes were away and this left the whole area free for the Championship. The Sailing, Committee set courses with a "more than usual" long windward leg which proved a solid test for both stamina and skill. A steady 15 - 20 m.p.h. Southerly favoured Heats 1 and 3; a 5 - 10 m.p.h. S.Easter - Heat 2 and a gusty 15 - 20 plus m.p.h. N.Westerly for Heat 4. The gusty conditions in Heat 4 proved too much for 10 which did not start and 20 which retired.

The credit of being Champion for the second year in succession was well earned by Alec. McClure in Alchera with 3 firsts. Concerning the other places - these were in doubt until the final heat.

We acknowledge with sincerity the help and assistance given by the Australian Coast Guard Auxiliary. FINAL RESULTS

Place Number Name Skipper Heat Placings Total Club 1 2 3 4 Points 1 7381 Alchera A. McClure R 1 1 1 0 Black Rock Y.C. 2 6189 Junior II J. Harney 6 17 2 2 17,7 3 7273 Nocturne F. Daniels 3 3 4 4 19,4 4 5647 Portia II R. Bluck 4 2 6 5 21. Elwood S.C. 5 5025 Mandy III G. Smith 1 6 5 R 21.7 Black Rock Y. C. 6 7065 Clarabell B. Proven 10 25 3 3 27.4 Elwood S.C. 7 5996 Tuki N. Ridgway 5 5 7 R 33. Black Rock Y.C. 8 4540 Ricci K. Bullen 13 4 9 7 36, Elwood S.C. 9 6972 Kiwi P. Syme 2 13 10 R 38. YWHSA of A. 10 6515 Opal II J. Naismith 8 7 15 -8- 41 Mordialloc S.C.

JUNIORS 1 5353 Flooki P. Ridgway 1 1 1 DNS 0 Black Rock Y.C. 2 7398 Crail I. Tudball R 3 2 1 8.7 Elwood S.C. 3 7177 Wentwel G. Naismith 2 2 3 R 11.7 Mordialloc S.C.


4 We've had a nice letter from Ken Hawkeswood - Y.W. Heron Association of New Zealand - thanking us for taking care of the New Zealand representatives during the recent National Championships. Ken also confirms the invitation passed on by this group to Bill Yuill for another Interdominion meeting. Easter weekend 1970 (28th - 30th March) is suggested with Westhaven as the venue. It was here that the 1966 Interdominion was sailed. The June, 1967 issue of the Newsletter reported in detail on the series and judging from that it looks as if the 1970 series (if it comes off:) will be well worth taking part in. The matter was publicized on p.15 of the March issue of the Newsletter but so far the Assistant Secretary has had no response at all from members. So, any takers Last time twenty or so Australians went over and had a whale of a time. The New Zealanders made boats avail- able and provided some billeting. Similar arrangements will probably prevail. We'll start to firm things up when we get an idea of the number of those interested.


PORT RIVER -- Herons have completed another very successful season here. Roger Rowe (with sister Louise sailing for'ard) proved to be most outstanding skipper by winning the club championship. After the close of the season quite a few Heron skippers are enjoying some chilly week-end sailing. To make it more interest George Robertson organised a camping trip in May which was a great success.

The boats left Heron beach on the Saturday, sailed through the Cutting (at one stage the mangroves moved faster than John Keen's Korowahle and there was a dead-heat; this was said to have been caused by inexperience at one end of the boat) and set up camp on the back reaches of the river. The party was accompanied by two large sailing craft from the Port Adelaide Sailing Club. There was enough wind and green gringer wine for all hands. A little fishing and a lot of fun later the boats arrived back at Port Adelaide early on Sunday afternoon. The husbands are considering the wives' request that this should be an annual Mothers' Day outing.

Ex-Commodore Charlie Cload is busy building a Heron for his son Darryl. But after Charlie's &ood performance in the Officials' Race on Anzac Day it is likely that Darryl will be sailing for ard.

BRIGHTON -- John and Joan Hurlstone have had a business transfer to New York. A canny young sailor, Don Pratt, is the new owner of QUEL ; if this one doesn't go Audrey will do a sword-dance at the westerly on opening day. Brian Punke (PANCHO TOO) won the Barmera classic at Easter. Going like a rocket in the light conditions also was Ken Flint (ELKEN).

If Dick Southwood growls at you it will be because some knave slipped a dose of "GOOD 0' for dogs in the savoury biscuits during cocktail hour at Port Vincent. Sure you're not barking up the wrong tree, Dick? South Australian champion Brian Snowden (TIOK) took out the winning double, with the club championship. Congratulations, Brian;

With over 100 Herons on the club register Brighton must have one of the largest Heron fleets in Australia. Would other clubs advise how we stand?

GRANGE -- Kym Foster and crew, Gary Niessen won the Club Heron Championship for 1968/69. These two young lads, both still at school, proved their ability in all weather con- ditions. Derek Harrison and son, Mark, were runners-up. Congratulations to all four on your consistency 'throughout the season. The fourth Annual Winter Championship series will be conducted by the Grange Sailing Club commencing on Sunday 3rd.August at 1.30 p.m. The programme for the series will be:-

Invitation Race 3rd August Seven Heats (Sundays) 10th August to 21st September Picnic Day (10 a.m.) 28th September Resails (if necessary) 5th October Prize Night Cabaret 18th October Five heats to count for the Championship final points score. These winter programmes have proved most successful over the past years for experienced and inexperienced skippers. Beginners are given an opportunity to "get the feel" of their boats prior to the opening of the season proper whilst the "old hands" gain a good start to the season by being able to sail competitively and tune their boats to perfection. Tie weather is not always cold and seas rough at this time of the year. If you do not wish to contest the full series, come down and join with us on the good days. We will be pleased to welcome you. There will be good facilities, warm food and refreshments available after the races.

For t)eginners, this winter series will be supported by a series of lectures to be held at the Club House each Friday night from 1st August until 26th September inclusive. The lectures are FREE and are open to any existing or future yachtsmen irrespective of which Club they belong to or intend to join.; Entry forms for the '69 series and further information are available from David Shuttleworth, Secretary, Grange Sailing Club 18 Sunset Crescent, Grange. Telephone 56.5877. We look forward to neW members coming our way for the next season - membership fees are the lowest on the coast

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 29 Roger Rowe, 6400, of Port River S. C. leads the fleet away from the start in a heat of the S.A. State Championships at Largs Bay.

TASMANIAN NEWS Heroner's speculation at Lindisfarne paid off this year with the Herons winning the Tamar-Heron teams race. The Tamar is a local class, somewhat similar to the Heron in both design and performance (?). The Herons won the event with 147.7 points from the Tamars (163.7 points), thus carrying off the coveted trophy. This is the second year that the event has been contested and has proven a popular race, with 20 entrants in all, this year.

A new race was instituted this year, when six "old buffers' were let loose in Herons - Jeanie (Mr. R.J. Dix) coming home first, followed by Scorpio (Mr. J. Wedd) and Dee Kay (Mr. H.D. Hewer). The race, after the initial creaking of bones, seemed enjoyable for all those concerned, letting the "old folk" put their advice to work, on the water !

The Championship series has been concluded since the publication of the last Newsletter, Shamal (5308) taking the title, with helmsman Philip Neville sailing her to three seconds and a first in the best four heats. Philip sailed consistently well in the series, finishing well in all weather. Results: 1st Shamal (5308) P. Neville 9 points lost. 2nd Tempest Too (754) A. Payne 13.7 points lost 3rd Scorpio (741) P. Moore 14,7 points lost 4th Tykoo (757) R. Webb 27.4 points lost 5th Flamingo (745) G. Oliver 32.7 points lost 6th Carol May (756) G. Poale 44.7 points lost

The Lindisfarne Sailing Club's pennant series was completed on the 30th March with the 12th Pennant race. The over-all winner was Andrew Payne in Tempest Too (754), Andrew scored an outstanding victory in being 26 points ahead of the second boat. The pennant races being spread,over the season, showed Tempest Too well up in all weather, Andrew showing skilful handling of his boat in heavy weather. Our congratulations go to Andrew and his forward hand/ sister, Debbie ! The final results were: 1st Teinpest Too (754) A. Payne 14.4 points lost 2nd Shamal (5308) P. Neville 40.4 " 3rd Scorpio (741) P. Moore 60.4 11 4th Flamingo (745) D. Oliver 69 ,4 5th Tykoo (757) R. Webb 84.7 6th Carol May (756) G. Foale 94.4


Some 18 boats in all sailed in the Heron Class pennant races this year, and we hope to be sailing even more next season, with 5 new boats being built, and many second-hand Herons being re-conditioned in the winter months.

As already mentioned in the previous Newsletter, Dee Kay (678) was included in the Clarence Municipality Float for the Blue Gum Festival. The boat was attractively set up, and all necessary precautions were taken for her transport. However, everything was thought of except the return journey to the eastern shore of Hobart, via the . An overhead road sign was too low by about four feet and lorry engine vs spring of gaff certainly tested Dee Kay's spars The gaff bent into the mast which is now the second best thing to a set of french curves: It is interesting to note, however, that the mast did not break, despite the tremendous force onit, but merely splintered about the middle, due to the combined bending of gaff and mast - credit to the sturdy spars.


The Annual General Meeting of the W.A. Heron Sailing, Association was held at Perth Dinghy Club on Sunday, May 4th, with 16 members and their families present. The Secretary reported a very successful 1968-69 season with sailing starting in October on the occasion of the Royal Perth Yacht Club's opening day. By the New Year racing had started on a regular basis from the Perth Dinghy Club. The friendly atmosphere there appealed to Heroners and their numbers increased towards the end of the season when they were a part of that Club's scene. A rules night, measuring days, and picnic days (taking the form of a challenge to the Mirror dinghies at Mandurah) were all successful. The State Championships early in March went off well. They were taken out by Brian Davis in "WEFREE", and are reported in detail below. Election of officers for the 1969/1970 season resulted in - President A. Cram Hon. Secretary E. Cartwright Hon. Treasurer D. Davis Y.A .W.A. Delegates R. Carless, W. Baker Committeemen E. Fletcher, F. Rennie Hon .Auditors J. Hogan, D. Cadd

Major trophy winners of the season were - State Champion Brian Davis WEFREE 5152 Metropolitan Trophy Bill Baker PLOD 5359 Consistency Trophy John Hogan THE WITCH 5787

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP 1969 The West Australian weather has not behaved itself this year and Saturday 1st March was no exception. Starters in the fourth State Championships awoke to find dense fog blanketing the river, and for some time rule books were consulted as to the regulations regarding fog-horns.

However, a light sou'wester finally dispersed the murk and a fleet of thirteen boats came to the line for the invitation race. The light breeze rather cramped the style of the heavy weather artists and, being fluky and full of holes, completely upset the usual order of superiority. Scratch boats were crossing the finishing line abreast of five minute markers and generally causing the handicappers to roll their eyes heavenwards in despair.

Invitation race result

1st DODGER 6526 G. Howe 2nd JALEDRO 6583 E. Fletcher 3rd GUBATU 7199 F. Rennie FIRST HEAT SATURDAY MARCH 1ST

By early afternoon the normal order of weather had re-established itself and a steady 18 knot southweaterly breeze promised good sailing. The fleet had increased to twenty for this event and everybody got a bit edgy on the line - a recall of two boats turning into a general 0'1 recall as everybody tried to decide whether they had broken or not.

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 31 The first leg to Foam Spit once again showed the undesirability of reaching starts as the twenty starters all arrived at the mark simultaneously. Somehow the rule book never seems quite adequate to this sort of situation. When the tumult and the shouting for water had died only two had fallen by the wayside, but unfortunately they were Roy Carless in Cee-L and Martin Thomas in Wendy, both strong contenders for the title. There were plenty of others with fairly sizeable teethmarks on their hearts however and a "there but for the grace of God o I" look in their eye. The steady breeze caused the normal order of skill to re-appear, and Dy the finishing line the usual scratch boats were well to the fore.

First Heat result :

Championship Placings 1st WEFREE 5152 B. Davis 2nd GUBATU 7199 F. Rennie 3rd BETSY V 5546 T. Oram


This day dawned with not a trace of fog - and not a trace of wind either. By the dint of such surreptitious ooching and rudder waggling, the twenty starters slowly diifted to the line. Guns fired, flags went up and down and the fleet drifted slowly away towards the first mark. What a frustrating experience these races can be. Boats lay becalmed and watched others only yards away slowly sail off. The inevitable shorten course signal went up and the boats finished with the breeze just starting to freshen. Brian Davis now had two under his belt and was beginn- ing to get a grip on things.

Result Heat Two. Championship Placings. Wefree 5152 B. Davis 1st Thataway 6991 E. Cartwright 2nd Phoenix 7492 J. Buchanan 3rd


By early afternoon the breeze had increased to a heavy sou'wester, taut luffs and hard boom vangs being now the order of the day. The sudden transition from the calm of the morning to the bluster of the afternoon was heightened by having to share the start line with a pack of Pelicans and a clutch of Cherubs. There was action even before the gun with Wendy bottling and Thataway snapping a mainsheet block off the boom. The heavy slog was then on and a steady stream of bedraggled and wingless Herons came back to the beach. Jaledro was first in followed by Dodger with a snapped rudder then Robyn minus a mainsail while Makara and Wefree went swimming. Our rescue launch capsized going to the rescue and then Royal Perth Yacht Club's rescue launch would not start: As one race officer remarked "if we fell in the whole club would be in the drink." Finally, everyone sorted themselves out - all were accounted for and it was time to see who made it. Naturally last years champion.

Result Heat Three. Championship Placings. Cee-L 7380 R. Carless 1st Phoenix 7492 J. Buchanan 2nd Firebird 5956 Miss J. Austin 3rd


So far we had experienced fog, light, easterlies, no wind at all and roaring sou'westers. This left only one breeze - a roaring easterly - and that's what we got for Heat four. However, anything is better than no breeze and the fleet set off for its final outing. Wefree quickly estab- lished a grip on the race and was only challenged by Tai-fun for first place. Tai-fun eventually crossed the line five seconds ahead of Wefree but retired for an infringement.

Result Heat For. Championship Placings. Wefree 5152 B. Davis 1st Thataway 6991 E. Cartwright 2nd Catherine 7030 P. Jefferies 3rd

When worst heats were discarded Wefree was the clear winner having lost no points.


Wefree 5152 Brian Davis 1st Phoenix 7492 Jim Buchanan 2nd Gubatu 7199 Frank Rennie 3rd

Consistency Winner. Dutchy 6799 M. Van Moorsel

Junior Champion. Wefree 5152 Brian Davis

Lady Champion. Firebird 5956 Janet Austin

Championship Comments.

Last year's Champion - Roy Carless - never really ot going. A retirement in the first heat is not the best start to a series. However, watch this J oy next year.

Jeff Cronin, up from Albany with Tai-fun had bad luck retiring from three heats, each of which would have placed him well. Better luck next time Jeff.

David Royle, down from Fireball sailing at Port Moresby, returned to his old class in a borrowed boat and showed many of the locals the way around the course. T.P.N.G. members will notice Gubatu in the results. Frank has not got her going as quickly as Guba yet but every time Jan Rennie re-sews the jib Frank goes up a place,

PERTH DINGHY CLUB NEWS Ted bletcher reports -

Our first season with the Perth dinghy club has been a great success and Herons are now firmly a part of the club scene. They make an excellent comparison class to the totally differ- ent 14 foot dinghies and balance the club nicely. Conditions at the club are excellent, and no doubt next season will see even more of our members sailing from this venue. Certainly the other members of the club have been most impressed with the performance of the Herons. Prob- ably our finest display occurred the day your scribe, reeling under his load of secretarial worries and running late, took off from the beach into a brisk easterly, with a novice crew aboard and the entire Club observing his polished style. A rather slipshod tack off the beach was the beginn- ing of disaster. We got caught in irons - drifted back onto a rowing eight just leaving the nearby University Rowing Club - The Captain stepped daintily over the side to lead his yacht out of danger - forgot the area had been dredged to nine feet - Have you ever seen a Heron with the skipper in the water, the forward hand paralytic with laughter, locked onto the outriggers of a rowing eight and finally with the tip of its gaff jammed up the downpipe of a Rowing Club roof. When I finally swam ashore I received an ovation from young and old

Royal Perth Yacht Club Notes.

Racing at Royal Perth Yacht Club has not been so well supported this season, probably due to the transfer of several boats to the Dinghy Club. As the two clubs are so close together, it was decided at the A .G.M. that Association racing would cease from Royal Perth next season. This decision marks the end of a long and happy association with the Royal, and. all members of the W.A. association are conscious of the debt we owe this club for help in establishing the class in W.A. Perhaps in the not too far distant future the class may grow to the stage where Herons again race from Royal Perth, not as Reciprocal Sailing Members, but as club members with their own class at the Club.


In all the excitement about the 12th Championships in Hobart, don't forget the 11th in Adelaide during December 1969 and January 1970.

Some details regarding the programme and accommodation were set out in the December issue of the Newsletter. Notice of Race and Entry forms will appear in the September issue of Newsletter.


A lot of us have gone into hibernation with the onset of Winter and this seems to have also affected the payment of the annual subscriptions to the Association. HAVE YOU PAID UP YET?

If not, please fill in the application form for continuation of membership. Its the pink sheet in the middle of the December Issue of Newsletter. Our Registrar, Mary Clarke would be delighted to hear from you. MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS SUMMARY OF MEMBERSHIP MOVEMENTS 1ST MARCH, 1969 TO 30TH APRIL, 1969.

N. S. W. VIC. S. A TAS. QLD. W. A. TPNG O'SEAS TOTAL New Members Joining - with new boats 5 7 7 - 7 2 - 28 - with secondhand boats 32 13 7 2 4 4 62 without boats 1 1 2 Total New Members 38 21 14 9 6 4 92

Old Members Changing Boats - buying new boats 3 3 - buying secondhand boats 3 3 Resignations 11 6 6 1 1 1 26 Boat Name Registrations & Changes 24 Changes of Address 29 Miscellaneous 110 Financial Members as at 31st March 1969 (end of year) 938 413 426 14 66 49 33 6 1945

BOOK REVIEW - SCIENTIFIC SAILBOAT RACING BY TED WELLS A book written by an experienced Heroner exclusively about sailing Herons may eventually become a reality but until then it remains a question of finding a book which will most help the tyro in search of the finer arts. More often than not an inappropriate book can be quite misleading as witness the techniques for sailing a high-performance skiff downwind whilst carrying a spinnaker - when applied to sailing a Heron.

The SNIPE has a number of characteristics similar to the Heron, 15ft long, jib and main only, high boom, needs a good breeze to make it plane, two-man crew and large fleets. This book is written by a recognised authority on Snipe sailing in Ted Wells, who is caief engineer of the Beech Aircraft Corporation and well qualified to recognise what is important from the technical point of view. "SCIENTIFIC SAILBOAT RACING", written first in 1950 is a book which in the words of Bill Northam (who wrote the foreword) "has stood the test of time."

This Edition has been edited by John Chomier, editor of the "YACHTSMAN", who has inserted introductory passages where necessary to up date the text and bring it into line with present day sailing and rules. Wells reveals his secret of success in winning races, a thousand small perfections. There are 62 pages of diagrams and 20 pages of photographs to help illustrate the text.

It is necessary to ignore the sections dealing with planked hull construction and cotton sails but these do not occupy many pages. There is a great deal of solid material both on sailing technique and racing technique. This edition has been published in Australia with the Heroner in mind, under the guiding hand of Pat Lawson of the Balmoral Club. It is well worth your inspection.

SCIENTIFIC SAILBOAT RACING by TED WELLS is published in association with Hicks, Smith & Sons, Australia and is available at all good bookshops. Price is $6.00.





1. NAME. The Name of the Association shall be the Y. W. HERON SAILING ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA and the Class shall be known as the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL HERON CLASS.

OBJECTS 2. OBJECTS. The objects shall be Ci) To encourage the growth of the Class as a "ONE DESIGN".

(ii1 To ensure racing on equal terms by making rules for the regulation of racing among boats belonging to the Class. (iii) To ensure that all such racing takes place under the Rules of the International Yacht Racing Union except as those Rules shall have been modified by the Royal Yachting Association and the Yachting Authorities of the States of the Commonwealth of Australia and these Rules.

(iv) Where necessary to allow the formation of State Associations to control the racing of Herons within their respective States and to represent the Class in all dealing with the sailing authorities of these States. Such State Associations shall have the power to form DIVISIONS within their respective States where necessary for local liaison between Clubs. (v) To publish a Periodical to be known as HERON NEWSLETTER; issues to be made at least quarterly; all copies posted to the private addresses of members or contributors to be forwarded regularly. The price to be included in the annual subscription and $1.40 per annum from each members annual subscription shall be set apart for the journal and be separately accounted for in the Annual Balance Sheet and duly audited.

CONSTITUTION 3. MEMBERSHIP. Membership shall be open to owners of "Heron" Dinghies and others interested in the Class. The following grades of membership shall exist: - (a) sole owners; (b) joint owners, where the ownership is registered in several flames but only one subscription is payable; (c) part owners, where the ownership is registered in several names but subscriptions are payable by each part owner; (d) life members who shall have been duly elected by a two-thirds majority of the members in Annual General Meeting and who shall number not more than ten at any one time; (e) non boat owners.

4. VOTING. (i) At General Meetings only those members in grades (a), (b), (c) and (d) may vote; those in grades (a) and (d) shall have one vote and those in grades (b) and (c) shall have one vote between them per boat.

(ii) Members who are unable to attend a General Meeting of the Association may record their votes by post on any motion set out in the Agenda of that meeting. Postal votes and proxies in the form of Appendix "B" to these Rules must reach the Secretary 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting.


5. MEETINGS. (i) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the first fortnight in May in each year and of which not less than 14 days notice shall be given to members.

(ii) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time on not less than 21 days notice to members.

(iii) On the written request of not less than ten percentum of the members, stating the purpose of such a meeting, the Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting of Members to be held within two calendar months of receipt by him of the requisition. The requisitionists shall lodge with the Secretary an amount of money sufficient to pay the cost of printing and postage to members of the Notice calling the meeting.

6. OFFICERS. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Immediate Past President, three Vice Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Registrar, Honorary Treasurer and Editor 'Heron Newsletter', all of whom shall be elected annually except the Immediate Past President who shall hold office as of right until there is a change in the Office of President.

7. AUDITORS. One Honorary Auditor shall be elected annually.

8. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. The management of the Association shall be vested in the officers of the Association, the Life Members and a Committee. The officers of the Associ- ation shall appoint to the Committee Representatives recommended by the State Heron Associ- ations. The number of representatives to be appointed to the Committee from each State Association shall be the dividend, exclusive of fractions, obtained by dividing ten times the number of members resident in that State on the 1st May at the commencement of the relevant year who are eligible to vote under the provisions of Rule 4, by the total number of all such eligible members in the Association; provided that, where such diviend is less than unity, the number of representatives shall be one.

9. TECHNICAL ADVISER. The officers of the Association may appoint a Technical Adviser annually.

10. ALTERATION OF RULES. (i) No alteration of these rules shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting of which proper notice has been given.

(ii) Any proposal for the alteration of a rule must reach the Secretary 28 days before the date of a meeting, and shall be signed by the Proposer and Seconder.

(iii) No alteration shall be made to any of the Rules of the Association unless two thirds of the votes cast are in favour of the motion.

11. INTERPRETATION. In the case of any dispute regarding the interpretation of any rules, it is to be noted that it is intended that the rules shall be read in the spirit rather than by the letter of the rule. The decision of the Committee shall be final. FINANCIAL 12. FINANCIAL. The Annual Subscription shall be payable on the 1st day of April, or on joining. The subscription of members joining on or after 1st February in any year shall cover the period to the end of the following Association year.

Annual subscriptions for the time being shall be for sole owners - $4.00 for joint owners - $4.00 - jointly for part owners - $4.00 - for each part owner for life members - Nil for non boat owners - $4.00 and shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee.

13. ACCOUNTING. (i) The accounts of the Association shall be made up to the 31st day of March in each year. (ii) All funds accumulated by the Association shall be banked within 14 days of receipt. (iii) All payment cheques shall be signed by two members of the Committee.

14. IMPREST ACCOUNTS. The Association shall open and maintain an Imprest Account on behalf of each State Association upon which the officers of that State Association shall be authorised


to draw and which shall be reimbursed by the Association upon presentation to it of an accounting by the State Association of monies expended by the said State Association from the said Account. 15. REGISTRATION FEES. Upon the initial issue of a Sail Number in respect of a Heron Class Yacht in accordance with Rule 16 or upon transfer of a class certificate from an owner to a purchaser as provided in Rule 20 (v), a fee of $2.00 shall be payable by the new owner to the Association. 16. SAIL ,NUMBERS. Sail numbers will be issued on application to the Secretary of the Association and the number shall be carved on the transom beam or deck beam inside the boat. MEASUREMENT RULES 17. MEASUREMENT COMMITTEE. There shall be a Measurement Committee which shall be appointed by the Management Committee of the Association and which shall operate under the constitution set out in Appendix "A" to this Constitution and Rules; such Appendix "A" shall form part of these rules. 18. MEASURERS Official Measurers shall be appointed by the Management Committee. The Measurers shall adhere strictly to the instructions issued to them by the Management Committee, which may terminate any appointment at its discretion. 19. MEASUREMENT FEES. Upon the completion of a boat for which a sail number has been issued in pursuance of Rule 16 or upon replacement of sails or repair of extensive damage to the hull of a previously measured boat, the Owner shall notify the Association of the circumstances in writing; the Association shall thereupon advise the Owner of the name and address of a Measurer and it shall be the responsibility of the Owner to effect a mutually convenient arrangement with such Measurer to inspect, measure and report to the Association upon the boat as to its suitability for the awarding of a class certificate as provided for in Rule 20. No fee shall be payable for measurement but the Owner shall meet all reasonable travelling and out of pocket expenses incurred by the Measurer. 20. CLASS CERTIFICATES. (i) "A" Class Certificates shall be granted to all boats built to the Y. W. "HERON" official plans (subject to any modification agreed by the Association) which pass measurement within the tolerances laid down by the Association, and which, in the opinion of the Measurement Committee are built fairly to plan and in accordance with generally accepted standards for amateur built craft. (ii) "B" Class (Restricted) Certificates may also be granted to boats built to the Y. W. Heron Plans which fail to comply with tolerances laid down by the Association or which, in the opinion of the Measurement Committee are not built fairly to Plan. (iii) "C" Class (Provisional) Certificates shall be granted to owners upon issue of a sail number. (iv) The Measurement Committee shall have power to withdraw, alter or restore a Class Certificate when there has been a change in the condition of the boat or when re-examination shows that the original Certificate was inappropriate. (v) All certificates shall be renewed annually on 1st April. In the event of the sale of a boat, the certificate shall be returned to the Secretary for transfer to the new Owner. 21. ASSOCIATION LIABILITY. When a classified boat is sold the Association does not accept responsibility for faults therein. 22. HULLS. Hulls shall conform to the lines, dimensions and specifications detailed on the official plans supplied through the "Yachting World". The weight of the hull with decking and fixed fittings, including footings or floorboards, but stripped of all loose gear, including sails, spars, rudder and buoyancy, shall not be less than 140 lbs. , except that where a boat has built-in buoyancy, the minimum hull weight shall be 145 lb. 23. SPARS. The spars shall be of wood and must conform to the dimensions given in the Official plans, except that a tolerance of plus 1/4" or minus 1/8" will be allowed on the diameter of the mast and the gaff may be left square in section provided that the finished dimension is such that it will pass through a 2-1/8" square, one side of which lies in a plane parallel to fore and aft plane through the gaff. The mast may be laminated vertically. Gaff Jaws: Gaff Jaws need not conform to the shape shown on the Official plans provided that they neither alter the type of rig nor their intended function. 24. SAILS. Sails shall not exceed the dimensions on the Official plans and may be of any woven material, but a suit must not exceed $70. 00 in retail cost, exclusive of hanks, insignia, numbers, battens and colouring. Sails in use before the 18th March, 1957 are exempted from


this rule, but any replacement must conform. Transparent panels are not permitted. There shall not be more than three batten pockets in the mainsail and none of these shall exceed 24" in length, provided the sails measured before 1st September, 1962 where only the batten pockets do not comply may be accepted. The position of the batten pockets is optional. A leech line in the mainsail is permitted. The roach of the mainsail must not exceed 9". Spinnakers are not allowed, but the clew of the jib may be boomed out on the opposite side of the mast to the main boom by a spar, which shall be attached to the mast at its inboard end.

25. BLACK BANDS. A black band shall be painted on the side of the boom, with its inner edge 7'6" from the aft side of the mast, and the foot of the mainsail shall not extend beyond the inner edge of this band. A black band shall be painted on the mast with its lower edge 4'0" above the hog. The lower edge of the boom must not be above the lower edge of the band.

26. MODIFICATIONS. The following modifications are permitted. The addition of Wash Boards, Chine Rubbers, a Stern Knee, Stern Decking, a Kicking Strap, Toe Straps, Jambing Cleats for jib sheets, which may be led through adjustable fair leads and outhauls for mainsail foot tensioning while under way. Rubbing Strips on the Gunwales may extend out from the hull a maximum distance 2 1/2" forward of the Chainplates and 2" aft of the Chain plates. Rubbing Strips on the bottorri-of-the boat shall be optional. Thwarts and Side Seats may be of timber, or plywood and timber composite, provided that their strength is not less than that of the design on the plans. Skeg: The skeg must conform to the profile shown on the plans but may be faired off towards the after end. Floorboards: The design of the floorboards is optional. Centreboard Case: The centreboard case may be of plywood but only if the sides are not less than 3/8" in thickness. Centreboards: The centreboard may be of other timber than the 3/8" plywood specified and may be covered with glass fibre cloth and resin. Fore-deck: An additional deck beam or carlin may be fitted between No. 1 and No. 2 frames. Tiller: Tiller and extensions need not conform to the dimensions specified in the Official plans. Shrouds: The method of attaching the shrouds shall be optional, provided that the chain- plates are in position shown in the official plans. Mainsheet: The lead of the mainsheet may pass from the transom through blocks in the cockpit of the boat but may not otherwise deviate from the arrangement shown in the plans. Halliards: Halliards must be fitted in such a way that both sails and gaff can be readily lowered without lowering the mast. Halliards may be of other material provided that they are not weaker than those shown on the plans. Sheets: Sheets may be of any sizes or any material provided that they are not weaker than those shown on the plans. Fittings: Fittings need not be identical with those on the official plan. Forestay: The forestay may be fastened at the stemhead instead of passing through the decking. Rudder: Rudder blades may be of 3/8" or 1/2" plywood. SAILING RULES 27. ELIGIBILITY TO RACE. (i) Boats classified "A" Class shall be eligible to compete in all events organised by or on behalf of or under the Rules of the Association. (ii) Boats classified "B" Class shall be eligible to take part only in races decided on Handicap. (iii) Boats classified "C" Class shall be eligible to take part only in Club Handicap events, at the discretion of the Club organising the event.

28. CREW. (i) In all races under Association Rules the crew shall be at least two, unless otherwise stipulated. (ii) One member of the crew must be a member of the Association.

29. BOAT BUOYANCY. (i) Sufficient buoyancy must be carried to ensure the safety of the crew at all times. Built-in buoyancy compartments are permitted ahead of frame 2 and astern of frame 5 but are not allowed in any other section of the boat. Where inbuilt buoyancy is con- structed it is recommended that P.V.C. Bags or other suitable flotation material is enclosed in the built-in section.

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 38 (ii) Buoyancy consisting of P.V.C. Bow Bag and Pillow Bag aft and two boat rollers will be acoepted as sufficient buoyancy without undergoing test. The Committee may from time to time announce other buoyancy combinations, as fulfilling the minimum buoyancy requirements, which will not be subject to annual testing. (iii) All boats not complying with preceding requirements shall have their buoyancy tested in the first instance by the Measurer, and thereafter, under Club arrangements once a year. Certificates shall be issued by an official of the Club making the test, and no boat shall be permitted to race unless the buoyancy is in place and the Owner is in possession of a certificate granted no more than twelve months previously to the date of the race. 30. PERSONAL BUOYANCY. An efficient aid to flotation complying with Australian Standard Z 28 "Buoyancy Vests" (issued by the Standards Association of Australia) shall be worn by each member of the crew while racing in all events conducted by or on behalf of the Association. 31. OARS. Oars or paddle(s) must be carried in the boat in all Associatbn races. 32. ANCHORS. Anchors and Cables or warps as prescribed by Rule 23 of the Rules of The International Yacht Racing Union may be carried, but shall be carried only when prescribed in the Sailing Instructions. 33. TRAPEZES, etc. Trapezes, sliding seats or similar contrivances for increasing the stability of boats shall be barred. 34. CAPSIZING. If a boat capsizes during a race, that is, if the top of the mast touches the water, the boat is disqualified and must retire.


The emblem shall be worn on the Mainsail at about one-fifth the height of the sail from the peak and shall face the sail luff with the underside of the "bill" parallel to the foot of the sail and the "back" parallel to the luff.

* * *

SAIL NUMBERS should be 12" high by 8" wide


APPENDIX "A" to the Constitution and Rules of the Y.W. Heron Sailing Association of Australia, being the Constitution and Rules of the Measurement Committee.

1) The Measurement Committee shall consist of five members including the Chairman and Minute Secretary. The number may be changed at the request of the Measurement Com- mittee and approved by the Management Committee of the Y. W.H.S.A . of Australia. 2) The Measurement Committee will elect a Chairman and Minute Secretary from their number, annually, as soon as possible after the 1st of February and will notify the incoming Management Committee of the Y. W. H. S. A. of Australia.

3) The Chairman shall be a full member of the Management Committee of the Y.W.H.S.A. of Australia ex-officio. 4) The Chairman and Secretary shall hold office for no longer than three consecutive years, but may then serve on the Measurement Committee in another capacity. 5) The Measurement Committee shall nominate candidates for the Measurement Committee to the Management Committee of the Y. W.H.S. A. of Australia as vacancies occur. 6) A Quorum shall be three of which one may be the Chairman.

7) Decisions of the Measurement Committee shall be reported to the Management Committee of the Y. W.H.S.A. of Australia for consideration at its next meeting.

8) In the event of major disagreement between the Measurement Committee and the Management Committee of the Y. W. H. S. A. of Australia, the recommendations of the Measure- ment Committee shall be submitted to the next General Meeting of the Y. W.H.S. A. of Australia.

9) Every year one member of the Measurement Committee shall retire by rotation, but may be eligible for re-election. The retirement shall occur on the 1st February, the person with the longest service retiring first.


I of being a financial member of the Y. W. Heron Sailing Association of Australia and owner of Heron Class Yacht No. hereby appoint of or failing him of as my Proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the Annual/Special General Meeting of the Association held on the day of 19. and any adjournment thereof. Signed this day of 19...

(NOTE:- Instructions to Proxy should be the following form in favour of "This form is to be used against the Motion(s) on Notice dealing with

RELEVANCE: Includes amendments passed at the 9th Annual General Meeting, 14th August, 1967.


• ',tot

" AMC-

Mike Fletcher, winner of 10th National Championships, provides an interesting study of sail trim and balance.




1st Annual Championships, Clontarf N.S.W. ,1960. Position Sail No. Boat Name Helmsman 1 1583 SARANGA F. Jones (NSW) 2 1689 QUARTET A. Ball (NSW) 3 1876 SONOMA R. Fielder (NSW) 2nd Annual Championships, Clontarf N.S.W ., 1961. 1 2415 THERON K.W. Payne (NSW) 2 2718 BALLINA W.H. Abbott (NSW) 3 1876 SONOMA R. Fielder (NSW) 3rd Annual Championships, Clontarf N.S.W .1962. 1 2415 THERON B. Mortlock (NSW) 2 2978 AQUILO K. Rogan (NSW) 3 3128 PRELUDE J. Shipton (NSW) 4th Annual Championships, Balmoral S.C., N.S.W., 1963. 1 3000 WINDOO S. Deamley 2 2978 AQUILO K. Rogan (NSW) 3 2415 THERON B. Mortlock (NSW) 5th Annual Championships, Bayview Y.R.A., N.S.W., 1964. 1 4279 BLUEJACKET J. Muston (NSW) 2 3898 SEAFORTH E. Quarford (NSW) 3 3996 ZEPHYR L. Anderson (NSW) 6th Annual Championships, Royal Melbourne Y.S., Victoria, 1965. 1 3898 SEAFORTIT - E. Quarford (NSW) 3967 Points 2 5079 BLUEJACKET J. Muston (NSW) 3783 3 4474 WAP P. Hopkins (NSW) 3599 4 3687 DUYFKEN F. McNulty (NSW) 3569 5 2277 WILLARY W.J. Youll (NSW) 3506 6 3384 TINA J. Sutherland (VIC) 3384 7th Annual Championshi.s, Largs Bay S.C., S.A., 1966. 1 5123 WAP P. Hopkins (NSW) 6A- Points 2 5399 DUYFKEN F. McNulty (NSW) 61 " 3 4564 KIM B. Hanger (TPNG) 14 4 4545 M.I.J. J. Cook (NSW) 31 5 5025 ALCHERA A. McClure (VIC) 31 6 5157 SWALLOW II S. Kretschmer (SA) 32 Juniors Trophy 4564 KIM B. Hanger (TPNG) 8th Annual Championships, Y. M.S.C. of Canberra, A.C.T., 1967. 1 4159 THE SAINT J. Weddell (ACT) 23.0 Points 2 5731 WENDAL L. Cawsey (NSW) 24.4 " 3 5505 CRAFTY I. Spies (NSW) 40.7 4 6199 WAP P. Hopkins (NSW) 41.0 5 5743 SHERYL A . Deed (SA) 43.0 6 5896 BILLIE B. Hanger (TPNG) 59.7 Juniors Trophy 4159 THE SAINT J. Weddell (ACT)

9th Annual Championships, Royal Melbourne Y.S. Victoria, 1968. 1 : 6 KLIMALE P. Sievewright (SA) 12 Points ? 5115 OVERTURE J. Shipton (NSW) 19.7 " 3 6464 SNOOPY I. Spies (NSW) 22 4 6855 FROMA P. Hekking (NSW) 25.1 5 5353 FLOOKY M. Ridgway (VIC) 33 6 6100 AIGRET II R. Dix (SA) 47.4 Juniors Trophy 6855 FROMA P. Hekking (NSW) Visitor's Trophy 6165 KUMALE P. Sievewright (SA)

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 42 Ladies Trophy 5763 KULANI Miss J. Toohey (NSW)

10th National Championships, Woollahra, N.S.W. 1969. 1 7472 NOOK M. Fletcher (NSW) 0 Points 2 6452 FACILE A. Clark (NSW) 21.7 3 6855 FRCMA P. Hekking (NSW) 33.1 4 6464 SNOOPY I. Spies (NSW) 45.0 5 5703 DEFT A. W. Imlay (NSW) 45.7 6 4015 ZENITH C.T. Grimwood (NSW) 46.4 Junior Trophy 7265 CHEEKY D. Wise (SA) 63 Points . Visitor's Trophy 7265 CHEEKY D. Wise (SA) 63 Ladies Trophy 5763 KULANI Mrs. J. Lawson 123


OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH President A.B. Crane Hon. Secretary W.G. Brown 116 Tangerine St., FAIRFIELD.N .S .W . 2165 Phone 72-1869

Hon. Assistant Sec. C. Hulton

Treasurer C. Grimwood

Delegates to A. Crane Y.W.H.S.A. of A. W. Brown C. Lloyd-Owen C. Hulton

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 4th N.S.W. Championships, 1963/1964, Position Sail No. Boat Name Helmsman 1 2415 THERON B. Mortlock 2 3996 ZEPHYR L. Anderson 3 3663 OVERTURE J. Shipton 4 4088 TRIAL II R. Lock 5 3366 POLLY II J. Young 5th N.S.W. Championships, Palm Beach, 1964/1965, 1 3098 SEAl-ORTH E. Quarford 2 5123 WAP P. Hopkins 3 4279 BLUEJACKET J. Muston 4 3687 DUYFKEN F. McNulty 5 4666 SCALLYWAG R. Dorling 6th N .,S.W . Championships, Lake Macquarie, 1965/1966. 1 5188 TEMPO R, Lock 2 5123 WAP P. Hopkins 3 5505 CRAFTY J. Spies 4 4823 KARLEE R. Essam 5 4881 GWEN D. Conyards 7th N.S.W. Championships, Nowra, 1966/1967. 1 5199 WAP P. Hopkins 23921 SLIPSTREAM F. Allen 3 5955 MITGARDE B. Mackie 4 5151 NE0 R. Cottrell 5 5505 CRAFTY I. Spies

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 43 8th N.S.W. Championships, Balmoral, 1967/1968. 1 6464 SNOOPY I. Spies 2 5115 OVERTURE J. Shipton 3 5685 GOONAMBEE J. Reid 4 6166 FINESSE L. Anderson 5 6855 FROMA P. Hekking 9th N.S.W. State Championships, Toukle , 1968/196 9. 1 6855 FROM P. Hekking 2 4075 ZENITH C. Grimwood 3 5703 DEFT A.W. Imlay 4 7000 OVERTURE J.E. Shipton 5 5522 ASTRID P. Rowe 6 7270 DENNETTA D. McLean Junior Champion 5672 SCOMAC M. Sheaffe NEW SOUTH WALES HERON ASSOCIATION ACT & SOUTHERN NSW DIVISION OFFICERS OF THE DIVISION

President H. Black

Vice President R. Davies Hon. Secretary/ S. Jackson 49 Dumaresq St., Treasurer DIXON. A .0 . T. DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS

A .C.T. Championships 1965. 1 2568 BEAGLE R. King 2 3676 PERRI L. Jennings 3 2097 CURRAWONG L. Hockley 4 3995 TIFFIN Mrs. C. Hughes 5 ( 4344 MIRAGE W. Owen (1880 JOY II L. Kendall A.C. T. Championships, 1966. 1 4344 MIRAGE W. Owen 2 3995 TIFFIN J. Cowap 3 5069 TROUBLE F. Klein-Bentink 4 2097 CURRAWONG L. Hockley 5 3676 PERRI L. Jennings A .0 .T. Championships, 1967. 1 4159 THE SAINT Miss G. Weddell 2 (5162 PELE J. McDougall (5885 MIRAGE W. Owen 4 3925 FIESTA D. Ray 5 3995 TIFFIN J. Kennedy

A .C.T. Championships, 1968. 1 5162 PELE J. McDougall 2 6147 CITRONELLA Miss D. Cromp 3 4368 ANNELIESE M. Jeremic 4 3265 PUS KAT R. Cornish 5 4069 TURLAWA H. Black Junior Champion 6747 CITRONELLA Miss D. Cromp

A .0 .T. Championships, 1969. 1 7366 MISCHIEF G. Early 2 3925 FIESTA D.J. Ray 3 6747 CITRONELLA Miss D. Cromp

HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 44 1st A .C.T. Junior Championships, 1969. 1 6747 CITRONELLA Miss D. Cromp 2 7258 LADY "G" P. Carnell 3 5885 MIRAGE J. Harper


OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH President John Coen Vice President A. McClure Secretary C.H. Tucker Lot 22, Hinkley Rd., GLEN WAVERLEY. 232-8871.

Treasurer A.B. Medderson Committee Members, C.H. Tucker Y.W.H.S.A. of A. L. Murphy Editor L. Murphy STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 1st Victorian Championships, 1964/1965. 1 4599 TINA J. Sutherland 2 3394 JULIE P. Rowe 3 4777 SPRITE J. Botter ill 4 5084 KIEMO J. Taylor 5 4137 RIVAL J. Sutherland 2nd Victorian Championships, 1965/1966. 1 5522 ASTRID P. Rowe 2 4985 JAYLENE JUNIOR J. Searle 3 4599 TINA J. Sutherland 4 5355 UIRA M. Hawes 5 5353 SPRITE J. Botter ill Best Visitor 5527 NAGA TERBANG D. Ferguson (Yallourn) 3rd Victorian Championships, 1966/1967. 1 5522 ASTRID P. Rowe 2 5766 PENNY B. Proven 3 5938 TOUCHE John Grieve 4 5025 ALCHERA A. McClure 5 5606 JULIEANN A. Amess

Best Visitor 5728 MYNA BLEW R. Christmas (Leongatha) 4th Victorian Championships, 1967 /68. 1 5025 ALCHERA A. McClure 2 5353 FLOOKI M. Ridgway J. Botterill 3 6633 SPRITE 4 5996 TUKI N. Ridgway 5 3909 GANDALF L. Pound

Best Visitor 4155 JINKI J. Joyce (McCrae)

Best Junior 5353 FLOOKI M. Ridgway 5th Victorian Championships, 1968/1969. 1 7381 ALCHERA A. McClure 2 6189 JUNIOR II J. Harney 3 7273 NOCTURNE F. Daniels 4 5647 PORTIA II R. Bluck 5 5027 MANDY III G. Smith Page 45 HERON NEWSLETTER JUNE 1969

Best Visitor 7405 CAPRICORNUS D. White Best Junior 5353 FLOOKI P. Ridgway Best Lady 5188 TEMPO M. Smart


OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH President P. Clayton Secretary R. McKinnon 63 High St., BURNSIDE. 5066 31-7110

Treasurer G. Withrington Publicity Officer J. MacPherson YW.S.A. Members G. Withrington R. McKinnon STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 1st S.A. Championships, 1965/1966. 1 5157 SWALLOW II S. Kretschmer 2 4560 SIRPHIN G. Luders 3 5353 NEPTUNA M. Luders 4 4581 AIGRET R. Dix 5 5635 SYLVIC R. Rowe 2nd S.A. Championships, 1966/1967. 1 5157 SWALLOW II S. Kretschmer 2 6165 KUMALE P. Sievewright 3 6100 AIGRET II R. Dix 4 5939 ECHO G. Wilson 5 5158 NICKY J. Elsegood Best Junior 5158 NICKY J. Elsegood Best Country Member 6173 JOHN D. J. Turner Best Lady 4560 SIRPHIN Miss P. Luders 3rd S.A. Championships, 1967/1968. 1 6165 KUMALE P. Sievewright 2 6719 PUDDLE DUCK D. Kerr 3 5939 ECHO G. Wilson 4 6627 PANCHO TOO B. Purke 5 6133 YOGI J. Glazebrook Best Junior 6400 AQUATIC R. Rowe Best Country Member 5743 LINDA JUNE G. Tidswell Best Lady 5533 DIGET Miss J. Lawrence

Page 46 HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 4th S.A. Championships, 1968/1969. 1 6133 TIOK B. Snowden 2 6719 PUDDLE DUCK D. Kerr 3 7464 ZARA V. D.K. Illman 4 6400 AQUATIC R. Rowe 5 LESLIE HOGG II A. Deed

Best Junior 6632 BETELGEUSE R. Kay

Best Lady 7277 KOLEH Miss J.M. Lawrence


OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH President C. Marshall Hon. Secretary/ A. Robinson 266 Newman Road, Treasurer GEEBUNG. QLD. 4034 Publicity Officer Georgina Pickers

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Queensland Championships, 1965/1966. 1 4216 JANUS C. Marshall G. Dawson 2 5035 GA MPH H. Nilsson 3 4868 HELGA 4 4225 KAY MAREE J. Anderson Champion Lady Skipper 4216 JANUS Jan Marshall Queensland Championships, 1966/1967. 1 3674 PEPITA R. Campbell 2 4868 HELGA H. Nilsson 3 5947 HEATHER LYNN A. Robinson 4 4216 JANUS C. Marshall Champion Lady Skipper 5680 TWILL Myrtle Roskams Queensland Championships, 1967/1968. A. Arayandino 1 6742 CINDYBOB 2 4868 HELGA H. Nilsson 3 3674 PEPITA Miss G. Pickers 4 5947 HEATHER LYNN P. Robinson 5 6155 DUSTY P. Miller Queensland Championships, 1968/1969. 1 3674 PEPITA R. Campbell 2 4868 HELGA H. Nilsson 3 6155 DUSTY P. Miller

QUEENSLAND HERON SAILING ASSOCIATION Far North Coast Division OFFICERS OF THE DIVISION Chairman J. Pont Hon. Secretary R.G. Gorton Publicity Officer L. Garnaut

HERON NEWSLETTER , JUNE 1969 Page 47 W.A. HERON SAILING ASSOCIATION OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH President Tony Oram Hon. Secretary Ted Cartwright 14 Northgate St., KARRINYUP. 6018 Phone 46-3409. Hon. Treasurer and YW.H.S.A. Committee Don Davis Man Frank Rennie Committee Members Ted Fletcher

Roy Carless Y.A.W.A. Delegates Bill Baker

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS W.A. Championships, Royal Perth Y.C. 1966. 1 5359 PLOD G. Whetters 2 5701 PRESTO R. Stubbs 3 5546 BETSY 5 T. Oram 4 5152 WEFREE D. Davis 5 5753 JET W. Whitell Junior and Lady Champion 5741 KOOMAK Miss V. Austin W.A. Championships, Princess R oyal , Albany, 1967. 1 5359 PLOD G. Whetters 2 5956 FIREBIRD Miss J. Austin 3 5546 BETSY 5 T. Oram 4 5957 MAKARA Miss V. Bosworth 5 5787 THE WITCH 0. Johnston Junior and Lady Champion 5956 FIREBIRD Miss J. Austin Royal Perth Y.C., 1968. W.A. Championships, 1 6551 CEE-L R. Carless 2 5701 PRESTO P. Stubbs 3 5787 THE WITCH J. Hogan 4 6438 TRAVLYN C. Davis 5 5546 BETSY 5 T. Oram

Junior Champion 5701 PRESTO P. Stubbs W.A. Championships, Royal Perth Y.C., 1969. 1 5152 WEFREE B. Davis 2 7492 PHOENIX J. Buchanan 3 7199 BUBATU F. Rennie

Consistency Winner 6799 DUTCHY M. Van Moorsel Junior Champion 5152 WEFREE B. Davis

Lady Champion 5956 FIREBIRD Janet Austin


OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH 1969-70. President David Houghton Secretary Joe Feeney P.O. Box 181, PORT MORESBY. T.P.N.G.

Treasurer Andy McCullough Measurer Allan Russel Handicapper/Recorder David Royale Auditor Bob Cruse Publicity Russ Burzacott

BRANCH CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS T.P.N.G. Championships, 1964. 1 4287 APETOLOT P. McGregor 2 3363 MANU L. Rennie 3 4422 GUBA F. Rennie T.P.N.G. Championships, 1965. 1 4564 KIM B. Hanger 2 4422 GUBA F. Rennie T.P.N.G. Championships, 1966. 1 4422 . GUBA F. Rennie 2 4493 NONU K. Rodda 3 5186 SUSIE J G. White T.P.N.G. Championships, 1967. 1 6366 AUKA J. Kelly 2 6434 HANAMOA K. Rodda 3 5550 NATALIE J. Bartlett T.P.N.G. Championships, 1968. 1 5550 NATALIE John Bartlett 2 5953 NOKU Don McIntosh 3 SUSIE J Jim Kelly


OFFICERS OF THE BRANCH President H.D. Hewer Secretary/Treasurer P.J. Moore 9 Riowena Rd., ROSNY. 7018 Assistant Secretary A.C. Payne 49 Cornwall St., ROSEBAY. 7015 Publicity Officer R. Dix Tasmanian Championships, 1968/1969. 1 5308 SHAMAL P. Neville 2 754 TEMPEST TOO A. Payne 3 741 SCORPIO P. Moore 4 757 TYKOO R. Webb 5 745 FLAMINGO D. Oliver 6 756 CAROL MAY G. Foale


NEW SOUTH WALES VICTORIA Albert Sailing Club (ABC) Avalon Sailing Club (ABC) Albert Park Yacht Club (APYC) (NBC) Balmoral Sailing Club Altona Sailing Club (A1SC) Bathurst Sailing Club (BatSC) Beaumaris r...cht Club (NYC) Bayview Yacht Racing Associatin (BYRA) Blairgourie Yacht Squadron (BYS) Botany Bay Heron Sailing Club (BBHSC) Slack Rock Yacht Club (BRYC) Clarence River Sailing Club (CRSC) Cairn Curran Sailing Club (CCSC) Concord/Ryde Sailing Club (C/NBC) Elwood Sailing Club (ESC) Connel's Point Sailing Club (CBS C) Frankston Yacht Club (NYC) Cronulla Sailing Club (CSC) Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club (GLYC) Double Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) Lake Hoga Yacht Club (LBYC) Eucumbene Sailing Club (ESC) Lake Cullulleraine Yacht Club (LCYC) Gosford Sailing Club (GSC) Lake Learmonth Yacht Club (LLYC) Griffith Sailing Club (GtifSC) Latrobe Valley Sailing Club (LVSC) Hunters Hill Junior Sailing Club (HHJSC) mcCrae Yacht Club (mcRYC) Illawarra Yacht Club . (IYC) Mordialloc Sailing Club (MSC) Kogarah Bay Sailing Club (KBSC) Phillip Island Yacht and Boat Club (PIYBC) Koonawarra Bay Sailing Club (K'warraBSC) RAAF Yacht Club (RAAFYC) Kyeemagh Sailing Club (NBC) Royal Brighton Yacht Club (RBYC) Lake Burrendong Sailing Club (LBSC) Royal Yacht Club (RGYC) Lake Jindabyne Sailing Sclub (LJSC) Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron (RMYS) Lake Keepit Aquatic Club (IJUV,3) Royal Yacht Club of Victoria (RYCV) Lake Macquarie Yacht Club (URYC) Sandringham Yacht Club (S'hamYC) Long Jetty Sailing Club (LongJSC) Somers Yacht Club (SYC) Middle Harbour Heron Sailing Club (4HHSC) Sorrento Sailing Club (55 C) Nowra Sailing Club (NBC) Victorian Ladies Yacht Club (VLYC) Oak Flats SailingkClub (OFSC) warrnambool Yacht Club (NYC) Oyster Bay Sailing Club (CBS C) Warranga Boat Club (NBC) Palm Beach Sailing Club (PBS C) Westernport Yacht Club (W'portYC) Port Hacking Open Sailing Club (PHOSC) Yarrawonga Yacht Club (yYC) Richmond River Sailing Club (RRSC) Royal Motor Yacht Club .(RMYC) SOUTH AUSTRALIA Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club (RPAYC) Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club (B/NYC) Royal Prince Edward Yacht Club (RPRYC) Far West Sailing Club (FWSC) Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron (RSYS) Glenelg Sailing Club (G'IgSC) St.George Sailing Club (SGSC) Grange Sailing Club (NBC) Snails Bay Sailing Club (SBSC) Henley Sailing Club (NBC) Sydney Amateur Sailing Club (SASC) Yacht Club (KIYC) Sydney University Sailing Club (SUSC) Lake Bonney Yacht Club (LJWC) Terrigal Sailing Club (INC) Largs Bay Sailing Club (LBSC) Toukley Sailing Club (T'leySC) Meningie Sailing Club (MSC) Upper Hunter Sailing Club (UHSC) Port Lincoln Sailing Club (PLSC) Wagga Wagga Boat Club (glac) Port River Sailing Club (PRSC) Western Suburbs Amateur Sailing Club (WSASC) Port Vincent Sailing Club (PVSC) Woollahra Sailing Club (MB C) Port Adelaide Sailing Club (PASC) Wyangala Sailing Club (Wy'laSC) Royal Port Pine Yacht Club (RPPYC) Yarra Bay Sailing Club (YBSC) Royal Sth.AUstralian Yacht Squadron (RSAYS) Yowie Bay Sailing Club (Y ieBSC) Somerton Yacht Club (NYC) Royal Australian Navy Sailing Aseoc. (RANSA) The Robe Yacht Club (TRYC) Victor Harbour Sailing Club (VHSC) QUEENSLAND West Beach Sailing Club (WHSC) Cairns Sailing Club (CSC) Whyalla Yacht Club (WYCL Cleveland Yacht Club (CYC) A.C.T. Darling Downs Sailing Club (DDSC) Aust. National University Sailing Club (ANUS C) Humpybong Yacht Club (NYC) Canberra Police & Citizens Soya' S'ingClub (CPCBSC) Keppel Bay Sailing Club (KBSC) Canberra Yacht Club (CYC) Leichhardt Boating Associatin (LBA) YMCA Sailing Club of Canberra (YMCASC) Mackay Regatta Club (4RC) Mossman Sailing Club (NBC) WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mt.Isa Yacht Club (4IYC) Claremont Yacht Club (CYC) Royal Queensland, Yacht Squadron (ROBS) Geraldton Yacht Club (NYC) Sandgate Sailing Club (SS C) Mounts Bay Sailing Club (MBSC) Solander Sailing Club. (SolSC) Perth 14ft.Dinghy Club (P14EC) Tinaroo Sailing Club (TB C) Princess Royal Sailing Club (PRSC) Townsville Sailing Club (T'villeSC) Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club (RPSYC) TASMANIA Royal Perth Yacht Club (RPYC) (SBSC) Deviot Yacht Club (DYC) Safety Bay Sailing Club Inglis Yacht Club (IYC) Southern Inland Sailing Club (SESC) Lindisfarne Sailing Club (LS C)

Madang Yacht Club (NYC) Papua Yacht Club (PYC) Rabaul Aquatic Club (RAC)

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 50 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF MEMBERS AS AT 31.3.69


Bartlett, J. C/- DASF, Konedobu, Papua (PYC) 5550 Robinson, P.A. 25 Bangalla St., Auchenf lower 3585 Brown, D.N. Dept. of Agriculture, Kavieng 5131 Root, P. 45 Hunter St., Indooroopilly 7401 Bolt, J. Box 1493, Boroko (PYC) 6366 Roskams, R.S. 54 Derby St., Hendra (NYC) 5680 Burxacott, R. P.O. Box 684, Port Moresby (PYC) 4665 Shand, R.K. 59 Bellevue Tce., St.Lucia 7469 Chick, R. C/- DCA. Box 2087, Konedobu (PYC) 7601 Shepherd, A.B. P.O. Box 53, Mackay 7359 Clark, C.W. Public Service Corn. Office, Konedobu 4585 Shum, K.F. 78 Sorrento St. Margate Beach 7499 Couper, R.R. Box 1038, Boroko 4741 Simpson, J. Knutsford St. Rockhampton (Keppel Bay SC) 4208 Crotty, T.M. Box 335, Port Moresby 4492 Skinner, K.D. 198 Craig St. Nth.Rockhampton 4317 Feeney, J. Box 181, Port Moresby (PYC) 3363 Stewart, C.M. Port Douglas (CSC) 5884 6482 Gay, R.Jnr. Clients Mail Dept. Bank of NSW, Lae Stewart, J. Cnr.Ford & Grieve Sts.,Rochdale (CYC) 3643 Greville, A. Public Health Dept. Konedobu (PYC) 6129 Tonkin, H. 18 Bannister St. Mackay (MRC) 7070 Hallinan, B. Box 380, Port Moresby (PYC) 6593 Unwin, I. & R. 48 Hart St. Mackay (MSC) 7072 Hangar, C.P. C/- Customs House, Port Moresby (PYC) 5896 Walker, H. 4 Shirley St. Indooroopilly 7444 Hopper, F. & N. Bougainville Development Corp. Tonolei Harbour, Bougainville (Madang YC) 5980 Turner, L. 9 Howard St. Mackay 7617 Wallace, H. Thornburgh College,Charters Towers (TSC) 6608 Jameson, J. & L. Box 2113, Konedobu (PYC) 4287 Jordon, B. Box 1144, Boroko, Port Moresby (PYC) 5927 Walls, R.K. "Golden Grove", Atherton (TSC) 5755 3766 Kilby, K. & G. Box 335, Port Moresby (PYC) 4379 Walsh, N. 101 Adelaide St. Clayfield (NYC) 6535 Kirke, C.P. Box 109, Port Moresby (PYC) 6434 Ward, A. 18 Davidson St. Newmarket 7640 McCullough, A. Box 612, Port Moresby (PYC) 7267 Whitmore, R. 4 Othello St. Mackay (MRC) 3816 McIntosh, D. Dept. of Forests, Konedobu (PYC) 5953 Wilson, B. 564 Boundary St. Spring Hill (NYC) 7020 Proposch, K.F. Box 103, Lae (LYC) 4588 Wright, Dr.J. 22 Mona St. Cairns (CSC) 3622 Smith, D. Box 701, Port Moresby (PYC) NEW SOUTH WALES Smith, F.J. Box 1368, Boroko (PYC) 4435 4924 Wallis, B.J. C/- Box 1482, Port Moresby (PYC) 4494 Adamson, C. 12 Ian St. Rose Bay (WSC) Aitchison, G. 75 Yarran Rd. Oatley (CPSC) 6385 QUEENSLAND Allen, F. 62 Gollan Ave., Dundas (BSC) 3921 Aravandino, J. 39 Hall St. Chermside (NYC) 6742 Allen, T.R. 14 Weeroona Ave., Woollahra (WSC) 5809 Blee, S.W. 17 Tanimbla St. Kedron Hts. (HYC) 3582 Allison, L. 63 Jannali Cres. Jannali 5892 Blyth, D. 27 Hodel St. Edge Hill, Cairns (CSC) 7369 Allworth, L. 38 Avian Cres. Lane Cove 6430 Bremner, W. Bellevue Terrace, Rockhampton (KBSC) 3623 Ambler, H. 50 pasadena Cres. Beresfield 6508 Brown, N.H. 7 Pyne St. Edge Hill, Cairns (CSC) 5390 Amland, R. 8 Queens Ave., (WEG) 5811 Bruton, A. 289 Wardell St. Enoggera (NYC) 7161 Anderson, M. 24 Queen's Ave., Cardiff (LMYC) 5767 Coates, R. 27 Atkinson St. Hamilton (NYC) 7056 Anderson, R. 8 Ellis St., Dundas (BSC) 5963 Cooper, G.W. 80 Newton St. Monte (Wuruma SC) 6641 Coppock, F.H. 29 sollis St. Geebung 4352 Anderson, Dr.T. 23 Boomerang St. Turramurra (RPEYC) 3647 Elcock, R.J. 11 Boston St. Clayfield 7086 Andrew, Miss E. 159 Raglan St., Mosman (BSC) 4312 Fallis, R.J. 13 McKinley St. Mackay (MSC) 7629 Andrew, T. 45 Murray Park Rd. Figtree (K'warra SSC) 6207 Farrow, Dr.M. The Medical Centre, Coolangatta 6363 Andrews, C. Box 165 P.O.Avalon Beach (PBSC) 5630 Garnaut, H. & J. P.O. Box 50, Cairns (CSC) 6448 Aney, J. 9 Collins Way, Nowra (NSCL 5800 Garnaut, R. &T. P.O. Box 50, Cairns (CSC) 5138 Antrobus, R. 9 Russell St. Oatley (CPSC) 5805 Gorton, .R.G. P.O. Box 160, Mareeba (Lake Tinaroo) 5344 Arblaster, R. 1 Undine St. Fivedock 2276 Greber, R.S. Box 1609V G.P.O. Brisbane (NYC) 5881 Armstrong, R. Hume Highway, Marulan (YMCASC) 4274 Griffiths, K. 8 Fcaser Ave., Cranbrook, Townsville 6778 Armytage, T. 15 Abuklea Rd. Epping 7436 Gude, J. Haren St., Mareeba 7297 Arnold, W. 6 Parkham Rd. Telopea 3094 Hedrick, J. & G. 23 Ferguson St., Mackay 7621 Arundel F. & S. 31 Caronia Ave. Cronulla (PHOSC) 6141 Higham, G.A. 85 Mourilyan Rd. Innisfail (CSC) 7634 Ashford, H. 42 Peacock St. Seaforth (MHESC) 4306 Higham, J. & G. 85 Mourilyan Rd. Innisfail (CSC) 5388 Ashton, H. Residence,13, State Hosp.Lidcombe (CPSC) 5875 Isermann, H. Red St. Petrie (NYC) 3887 Atkins, D. 114 Centre St. dasino (RRSC) 5503 Lankhorst, A. 55 Bellevue Tce., St.Lucia 7262 Atkinson, G 12 Broughton St. Glebe 5999 Lee, H.W. P.O. Box 10, Goondiwindi 3814 Atkinson, W. 38 Clifford Rd. Miranda (PHOSC) 6988 Lumley, V.L. Colburn Ave., Victoria Point 7180 Atkinson, R. 17 Moate St. Georgetown (LMYC) 6794 Lyall, J. 8 Queen St., Maryborough (HBSC) 5187 Marshall, G. 110 Keona St. Everton Park (NYC) 4216 Attenborough, W 38 Kiwong St, Yowie Bay (PHOSC) 5680 Miller, K. 1 Thompson St., West Mackay (MSC) 7073 Audley, E. "Waimera" Myoori Av.W'worth Falls (BSC) 5535 Miller, P. 37 Dan St., Graceville (NYC) 6155 Authers, Miss K. 48 Kilaben Rd. Kilaben Bay (TASC) 7460 Moore, J. Park Ave., Rockhampton (Keppel Bay SC) 3592 Bailey, M. 81 Nepean Ave., Penrith (MHESC) 6416 7423 Morris, T. 3 Price Ave., Birkdale (CYC) Bailey, W. 3 Forbes St. Hornsby (BSC) 5849 Norwood, D. 35 Bellata St., The Gap (NYC) 6475 Ball, G. & G. 23 Mountview Ave., Beverly Hills (KSC) 5925 5780 Mulhollandf Dr.P. 59 Goodwin Tce., Moorooka Barber, D. 137 Kinghorn St. Nowra (NSC) 4670 5166 Murray-Prior, T.& R. P.O. Box 694, Cairns (CSC) Barnes,D./Tilly,G. 32 Tobruk Ave. Cremorne (BSC) 4854 (NYC) 4868 Nilsson, H.V. 15 Boone. St., Petrie Barnes, F.& E. 2 Shellbank Pde., Cremorne (MEHSC) 4193 Pettigrew, R. Elsanhe St., Apsley (NYC) 7165 Barnfield, N.& M.25 Mirral Rd. Caringbah (CSC) 4658 Pickers, G. Ross St., Newstead (NYC) 3674 Barrett, A. & Mrs. E.18 Brisbane Ave.Lindfield (BSC) 6166 Pollak, M. 7 Kernel St., The Gap (SSC) 7289 Barrett, L. 7 Beaumont,Rd., Killara (BSC) 5050 Pont, J. & JA. 12 Peters Rd., Mareeba (Tinaroo SC) 5681 Bertram, R. 11 Raymond Rd. Neutral Bay (BSC) 3388 Reichardt, R.& J. P.O. Box 54, Silkwood 7477 Bassett, M. 159 Main Rd. Marks Point (LMYC) 7379 Robinson, A.W. 266 Newman Rd., Geebung (NYC) 5947 Bastian, J. 49 Arnold St. Killara 6147

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 51 Bathgate, I. Hill St., East Ballina (RRSC) 4934 Campbell,A. Taylors Rd. Lisarow (CSC) 2787 Batten, M. 9 Finlay Rd. Turramurra (BYRA) 6767 Campbell, F. & R. 8 Clarinda St.Hornsby Hts. (MHHSC) 3628 Battersby, J. 27 Clermont Ave., Ryde 3610 Campbell, G. P.O. Box 268, Bathurst 3256 Batty, L. 27 Park Rd. Naremburn (BSC) 5151 Campbell, R. 1/1 Excelsior Pde. Cary Bay (Toronto SC) 5900 Beadnell.a. 33 Bowman St. Talbingo (Talbingo Sc) 7459 Cant, P. 122 Cowles Rd., Mosman (BSC) 7066 Bear, Dr. V. 35 Wunulla Rd. Point Piper (NCS) 5093 Carder, K. 11 Baldwin St. Padstow 4319 Bellamy, H. lo Correll Cres. Mangerton (K'warraBSC)5165 Carmody, G. 5 Ballina Ave., Killarney Hts. (MHYC) 6862 Bentley, A. 141 Kareena Rd. Miranda (PHOSCO 4486/7050 Carpenter, A.,E.& B. 7/31 Palmerston Ave. Bronto (2BSC)7300 Beohm, K. 70 Gannon's Rd. Caringbah 7431 Carrall, G.A. 39 Hewison St.Tighes Hill 7463 Berckelman, D. 20 Damour Ave., East Lindfield 3881 Carr-Boyd, R. 48 Hamilton St.Lane Cove 4191 Beresford, S. ”Murrunumblan Delgety, (L.JindabineC)3356 Carriage, K. 20 Ocean St. Windang (Koonawarra BSC) 6436 Bernard, R. 2 Kendall St. Pymble (BYRA) 4965 Carruthers J. & T.662 Pacific H'way, Belmont (LMYC) 5769 Beveridge, E. 319 Pacific H.way, Belmont Nth (LMYC)4126 Carruthers, Dr.R. 673 Pacific H'way, Belmont (LMYC) 3387 Beveridge, Dr.J. 9 Middle Head Rd. Mosman (BSC) 4666 Carter, O. 29 Cornwall Ave., Turramurra 4196 Binns, A. 30 Kangaroo Pt.Rd., Sylvania (OBSC) 3993 Carter, W. 16 Balmoral Ave. Mosman (BSC) 4484 Birdsall, G. 9 Wangi Ave., Cronulla (PHOSC) 5813 Carthew, 8.23 Cedric St. Junee (Wagga S.C.) 4756 Blacker, N. 139 Griffiths St. Balgowlah (MHHSC) 6452 Casey, K. 20 Weigand Ave., Bankstown (BBHSC) 4209 Blunt, J. 53 Dudley St. Haberfield 3379 Castle,A./Sullaway, 0.9 Gordon St.Clontarf (MHBSC) 4068 Boase, Cpt.N. 177 Bellevue Rd.Double Bay 4776 Cawsey, A. ,W. & L. 7 Cross St., Cronulla (CSC) 5731 Bochner, S. 17 Middle Harbour Rd.Lindfield (BSC) 3547 Chalkley, C. 81 Blakesley Rd. Sth.Hurstalle (BBHSC) 6756 Boland, C. 12 Telopea Ave., Caringbah 6978 Charteris, J. 8 Gilby St. Casino 5101 Bonsall, G. 20 Maroubra Rd. Maroubra (KSC) 3914 Bowen, G. 17/40 Rainbow St, Kingsford (BBHSC) 4530 Chesterfield-Evans, Dr.H, 3 Elizabeth St. Mangerton Wollongong (Koonawarra BSC) 4482 Boxall, F. & A. 133 Bobbin Head Rd.T.murra (MHBSC) 3910 Childe, M. 21 Plumpton Rd. Kooringal (Wagga BC) 6524 Boyd, L. 18 Cranbrook Rd. Rose Bay (BSC) 5362 5178 Boyes, W. & M., 127 Burraneer Bay Rd.Cronulla (CSC)6136 Choice, J. 38 Coral Rd. Cronulla (BBHSC) 5765 Bradford, P. 10 Daisy St. Greystanes 7032 Christmas, J. 64 Illaroo Rd. Nowra (Noara SC) Branch, 0.10 Greenwood Rd. Kellyville (MHHSC) 7162 Church, Dr.J. 37 Morton St.Wollstonecraft (BSC) Clapham, A. 13 Bellevue St.Chatswood (MHHSC) 57016761 Breen, T. 41/235 The Esplanade, Sth.Cronulla (CSC) 5383 4072 Brennan, C. & K. 241 Beecroft Rd.Cheltenham MHHSC) 5350 Clark, P. 44 Gold St. Blakehurst (CPSC) 7007 Brewer, C.14 Wellman Ave., Forestville 6240 Clarke, W. & M. 1 Ethel St. Balgowlah (MHHSC) 5737 Brickhill, A.90 Ballina Rd. Goonellabah (RRSC) 4570 Claydon, J. 3 Alkaringa Rd. Miranda (BBHSC) 3023 Brigden, D.& J. 63 Carrington Rd.Wahroonga (PBSC) 5047 Clements, P. 27 Princess Mary St.Narraweena (MHBSC) Brighton, S.T. 13 Greenslopes Ave. Fairy Meadow 5613 Clift, W.H. 288 Old Northern Rd. Castle Hill (MHHSC) 4591 5529 Brislee, M.& J. 109 Kissing Pt.Rd. T'murra (BSC) 4804 Clifton, S. 43 Yattenden Cres.Baulkham Hills 6689 Brister, Mrs.M. 18 Maroopna Rd. Miranda (PHOSC) 3646 Climie, C. 88 Balfour Rd. Rose Bay (BSC) 4744 Eritt, J. 21 North Rd. Wyong (Toukley Sc) 6638 Cochran, K/Ellis, R. 68 Spencer Rd. Cremerne(BSC) Broadbent, G. 31 Wilga St.Fairfield (C/RSC) 6111 Cocking, W. 13 M;yola St. Mayfield 6352 Brod erick, P. 79 Hawthorn Ave. Chatswood (LMYC) 4987 Cole, J. 27 Michael St.North Ryde (BSC) 7041 Brouggy, A. 33 Arthur St.Forestville 3091 Collin, L. 34 Kempster Rd.Mereaether (LMYC) 5120 Brown, D. 3 Baird Ave, Ryde (BBHSC) 5339 Compton, J. 49 George St. East Maitland (P.Stephens SC)7438 Brown, G. Green Rd., Kellyville 6153 Condon, R. 20 Quest Ave., Ewey Bay (PHOSC) 5782 Brown, R. 8 Bowman St. Talbingo (Talbingo YC) 7439 Conlin, R. 42 Scylla Rd. Oyster Bay (PHOSC) 5538 Brown, R. 497 Willarong Rd.Caringbah (PHOSC) 6892 Conway, G. 112 Lawson St. Hamilton (LMYC) 6124 Brown, R. & S. 69 Aldyth St. New Lambton (LMYC) 6626 4881 Brown, W. 4 Rosemont St.Adamstown Hts. (LMYC) 6192 Conyard, P. 69 Grays Point Rd. Grays Point (CSC) 6223 Brown, W.Mrs.L.S. & J. 116 Tangerine St., Cook, I. 26 Bakers Rd. Church Point (BYRA) Fairfield (MHHSC) 3351 Cookman, J. 135 Raglan St., Mosman (BSC) 6199 Browne, I. & C. 55 Thomas St. Nth.Manly 5136 Cooper, P. 66 Grandview Rd. New Lambton (LMYC) 1875 Brownlow, E. Briar Park, Rockley (13athurst SC) 4760 Coppard, A. Yoma Park, Willbriggie (Griffiths SC) 4351 7011 Buckham, M. 8 Vista Ave.,Balgowlah Hts. (MHHSC) 6512 Corrimal High School, Murray Rd. Corrimal Buckley, D. 24 Donnelly Rd.Naremburn (KSC) 3016 Corvisy, N. & P. 5 Third Ave., Epping (C/RSC) 3999 Buckley, Dr.F. 8 Oswald St.,Cremorne (MHHSC) 7188 Cosier, L. RMB 616 Curra Creek, Wellington (1.-WdongSC)4311 Buckwalter, H. 15/537 New Sth.Head Rd.Double Bay 5829 Coulin, L.& I. 562 Glebe Rd. Adamstown (LMYC) 5694 Budge, I. 7 Jackson Cres. Pennant Hills 3022 Cousins, Dr.A. 153 Kangaroo Pt.Rd. Sylvania 7497 6992 Bull, N. 22 Agnes St.Strathfield (WSASC) 5302 Cover, C. 1 Concise St. Balgowlah Hts. (MHHSC) Burgess, B. 6/23 Warringah Rd. Mosman 7016 Cox, A..30 Bangalow Ave., Beecroft 5611 Burgess, R. 46 Woolooware Rd.Nth.Cronulla (BBSC) 6160 Cox, L. P. & B. 478 Pittwater Rd. Nth. Manly (MHHSC) 7049 Burney, T. 20 Tea Gardens Ave. ,Sutherland (PHOSC) 7058 Cox, R. 10 Smith St. Taren Point 3580 Burrows, E. 45 Mary St. Beacon Hill 5752 Crane, A. & P. 27 Astoria Crt. Maroubra (MHHSC) 7474 Burton, J. 26 Rose St. Punchbowl (BBHSC) 5866. Crane, R. 184 Attunga Rd. Yowie Bay (PHOSC) 5671 Butler, J. 9 Davey,St. Inverell 5847 Crawford, D. 9 Nareen Pard.,Nth. (PBSC) 4271 Button, P. 10 Highview Close, Epping (BSC) 3671 Crawford, J. 81 Eastern Valley Way, Castlecrag 4339 Byleveld, A. 75 Darvall Rd. West Ryde (WSASC) 3756 Creese, W. 22 Carina Rd. Turramurra 6592 Byron, G. 73 Bolwarra Ave., West Aymble 5190 Crocker, T. 46 Burns Gres. Chiswick (C/RSC) 6215 Caine, K. 11 Mildred Ave. ,Hornsby 7181 Crompton, K. 24 Parriwi Rd, Mosman (BSC) 3618 Caines, W. 11 Richardson St.Fairfield (BBHSC) 6883 Cronulla PSI, Youth Club, C/- 9 Church St.Cronulla (CSC)3381 Caldwell, J. 35 Old Belmont Rd. Charlestown (LMYC) 4761 Cronulla RSL Youth Club, 0/- 9 Church St.Cronulla (CSC)3534 Callister, L. P.O. Box 57, Manilla (Lake Keepit Sc) 3210 Cronulla PSI, Youth Club, C/- 9 Church St.Cronulla (050)6854 Cameron, R. 37 Norval St.Auburn (C/BSc) 6758 Cronulla PSI, Youth Club, C/- 9 Church St.Cronulla (CSC) 7288 Crowther, A. 8 Forrest Rd. Ryde, (BSC) 6737

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 52 Crust, A.,N.,& S. 80 Twin Rd., Nth Ryde (MBELSC) 7427 Fields, R. 73 Warrangi St. Turramurra (3YRA) 4751 Cull, I. 8 Wangi Ave., Cronulla (CSC) 6611 Fine, S. 84 Wolseley Rd.Pt.Piper (WSC) 4142 Cunningham, A. P.O. Box 187, Scone Finlay, J. 56 Residence, Nth.Mine Broken Hill (BHSC) 4203 Curtis, J. 9/50B Ocean St. Woollahra 31739627 Finney, W. & A. 267 Forest Rd.Kirrawee (Bur.BSC) 5643 Curtis, J. 11 Levick St. Cremorne (BSC) 4781 Firth, J. 14 Carlisle Rd. Rose Bay (WSC) 3123 Cuthbert, Miss C. 44 Rd. Cremorne Point 5322 Fisher, C. 235 Main Rd. Mt.Hutton (LMYC) 6519/7271. Cutts, K.21 Pretoria Rd. Seven Hills 7435 Fisher, R. 175 National Ave. Loftus (CSC) 6999 Dalby, J. 75 Brecht St. Muswellbrobk (UHSC) 3218 Fitzgibbon, J. 28 Dunkirk Ave. Kingsgrove 6549 Dallaway, J. 82 Douglas St. Nowra (NSC) 5855 Fitzpatrick, J. 2 Margaret St.Woolwich 2415 Dalziel, E. 71 Shenstone Rd. Riverwood 6898 Fletcher, M. 43 Conrad St. Nth.Ryde (RPEYC) 7472 Daniels, E. 11 The Albany, 1 Selwan St.Wollstone- Flockhart, T. 32 Coorabin Rd. Northbridge (MHBSC) 6186 craft (SBSC) 5777 Fogarty, S. 39 Riverview Rd.Oyster Bay (CSC) 3393 parley, I. 15 Myrna Rd. Strathfield 7043 Foley, W. 25 Gordon St.Belmore 3774 Davies, J. & P. 65 Grayson Ave., Xotara (LMYC) 3122 Fbrbes-Smith, G. 78 RoseviMe Ave. Roseville (MHBSC) 5834 Davies, Dr.R. 69 O'Sullivan Rd. Rose Bay (BSC) 5102 Ford, H. 310 George St,. Sydney 2053 Davoren, J. 25 Tarra Cres. Dee Why 7392 Ford, p. 43 Lucerne St. Belmore 5134 Davis, R. 1 Carisbrook St. Linley Point (HHJSC) 3929 Foreman, B. 40 Bimburra Ives (BYRA) 4151 Dawes, C. 25 Browallia Cres. Loftus 3365 Bowler, 34. 58 Castelnau St. Caringbah (CSC)' 7607 Day, M. 39 Ross St. Windsor 4569 France, B. 8 Glencoe Rd.Woollahra (DBSC) 4546 Deakin, A. 1 Bimburra Ave., St.Ives 6994 Francis, G. 98 Kinghorn St. Nowra (NC) 4538/7628 Deakin, Dr. J. 231 Macquarie St. Sydney (BSC) 3898 Franks, J.& S. 1/14A Ewenton St. Balmain 3821 Debelle, R. 7 Abingdon St. Balgowlah (MHBSC) 6955 French, B. 8 Geelong Rd. Cromer (MH23SC) 6866 Deck, Dr.R. 146a Copeland Rd.Beecroft 1690 Friday, R. 14 North Mine, Broken Hill (BHSC) 3805 DeMeyrick, Dr.G. 602 Sydney Rd. Seaforth 3530 Friezer, C. 103 Raglan St.Mosman (BSC) 3630 Denny, J. "Romsey" Deniliquin 6493 Frost, J. 15 High St. Gymea (CSC) 5361 DePlater, F. 55a Woolooeare Rd. Cronulla (CSC) 4981 Frost, M. 9 Wellman Rd.Forestville (MBBSC) 6419 Dewick, V. 22 Davis St. Padstow (CPSC) 5549 Fuerst, H. 31A Carrington St. Revesby (CPSC) 5352 Dicker, R. 8 Melton St. Auburn (BSC) 2979 ryfe, T. 23 Creer St.Randwick (CSC) 3393 Dick-Smith, Dr. J. 226 Old Northern Rd. Castle Hill (Balmoral S.C.) 4213 Gallagher, Dr.J. 1 Robert St.Willoughby (BSC) 3361 Dickson, R. 24 Tournay St. Peakhurst 6104 Gangell, N. 5/87 Elouera Rd. Cronulla (BSC) 5122 Dixon Hughes, J. 77 Bulkara Rd.Bellevue Hill (ESC) 5757 Garden, F. 17 Commisioner's Rd. West Ryde (C/RSC) 7620 Dixon Hughes, P. 77 Bulkara Rd.Bellevue Hill (WSC) 2099 Garlick, B. 6 Canberra Cres. East Lindfield 4941 Dobson, A. & M. 16 Russell St. Oatley (CPSC) 6425 Garvey, P. 2 Belga Ave., East Roseville (BSC) 5040 Dodd, W. 40 Malvern Rd. Miranda (BBHSC) 6525 Gately, W. 57 Bancroft Ave., Roseville 4077 Donnelly, R. 652 Willoughby Rd.Willoughby 7610 Gauthier, Dr.B. 128B Brighton Blvde. Bondi Nth (WSC) 3621 Dooley, L. 20 Condover St.Nth Balgowlah (MHBSC) 4138 Gersbach, E. 6 Loth Maree Pde.,Concord West (C/RSC) 4194 Dooley, O. 14 Plunkett Rd. Mosman (BSC) 3588 Gibbs, M. 23 DeVilliers Ave.,Chatswood 6564 Dose, S. 73 Henry Lawson Drive, Peakhurst (CPSC) 6233 Gibson, M. 11 Stacey St.Cronulla (CSC) 4164 Douglass, W.&D. 11 Durham St.Epping (WSASC) 4536/6119 Gibson, R. & M. 536 New South Hd.Rd. Double Bay (DBSC) Dowrick, R.,B.,R.& 5108/6851 J. 346 Woolooware Rd. Cronulla Gilbert, J. 272 Marsden Rd.Carlingford (MHBSC) 4944 (Burraneer Bay SC) 1879/7191 Gilkes, P. 30 Townson St.Blakehurst (CPSC) 3656 Doyle, W. 3 Malta St. Homebush (WBASC) 7098 Gillespie, A. & M. 5 Dan St. Eastwood (MHBSC) 5954 Dryburgh, R. _15 Alma St. Pymble (BYRA) 6351 6735 Dufty, R. 131 Victoria St.Grafton (CRSC) 4114 GiMott, R. P.O. Box 9, Dubbo (Lake Burrendong SC) Dunbar, P. 22 Grosvenor Rd. Sth.Hurstville (CPSC) 4364 Gillson, F. 119 Kangaroo Pt.Rd.Sylvania (OBSC) 6738/7603 Duncan, D. 7 Werrang St.Sabion Park Wwarra BSC) 5989 Glase, B. 4 Oxley Place, Frenchs Forest Dunne, R. 219 Woolooware Rd. Cronulla (Bur.BSC) 3883 Glease, S.34 Ronald Ave.,Ryde (C/RSC) :735072 Dwyer, B. 7'Godfrey Ave., Turramurra 5990 Godfrey, D. 6 Tawarri Cres. Kyle Bay (CPSC) 4315 Eagles, G. 213 Brighton Ave., Toronto 7151 Goldsmith, J.& H. 177 Pennant Hills Rd.Carlingford 5789 Early, G. 232 Terry St. Connels Point (CPSC) 7366 Boodwin, P. 27 Drumalbyn Rd.Bellevue Hill (DBSC) 6990 4310 Eaton, T. 9 Sangrado St.Seaforth 3602 Gordon, A. & D. 5 Arrunga Ave., Roseville (BSC) 4564 Eddie, M. U. R & D. 31 Bushlands Ave., Gordon 2412 Gordon, R. 4 Stapleton Place, Pymble (BSC) Gordon, W. ,S & P. 4 Ryan Ave., Balmoral (BSC) 4204 Edward, J. 5 Jervis St. Huskisson (BSC) 5106 Edwards, F. & I. 53 Lady Game Drive, Killara(MHESC)4341 Gould, J. 28 Boronia Rd. Bellevue Hill (RSC) 5111 Goulding, J.Snr. 12 Bird Street, Ryde 4682 Eggins, Miss A. 1/3 Margaret St. Woolwich 3581 Grant, W. 24 Margaret Cres. Sth.Grafton (CRSC) Elliot, D. 4 Palmerston Place, Seaforth (MBBSC) 5189 7409 Grantham, G. 43 George St. East Maitland (Pt.StevensYC)4081 Elliott, E. 815 Anzac Pde. Maroubra (CSC) 4681 Grave, R. 7 Bower Street, Bankstown (CPSC) Elliott, W. 190 Marsden Rd. Dundas (MHBSC) 7373 3389 Gray, B. & L. 85 Wimbledon Ave.,Narrabeen (Nar.S.C.) 4978 Ellyard, C. 4 Bilge Ave., Avalon 5823 Greenland, C. 2NR, Lawrence 6552 Elphinstone, F. 3 Ikara Place, Peakhurst (BBHSC) 7256 Elphinstone, K. 30 Grove Ave., Beverley Hills (BBS42893 Griffiths, T. 35 Mortis St. Talbingo (Blowring BC) 1353 Grigg, D. 134 Lake Entrance Rd. Oak Flats (K'warraBSC) 6580 Elphinstose, R. 5 Burbank Ave. Picnic Point (BBHSC)7292 Grimwood, C. 82 Richmond Rd.Wentworthville (C/R&MBBHSC)4075 Emery, S. 61 Hardy St.Dover Heights (BSC) 4301 Groenendyk, B.43 Gilles Cres.Dee Why (Wbeen Lakes Sc) 5816 Evans, Mrs.J. g J.& L. 692 Port Hacking Road, Fort Hacking (Burraneer Bay SC) 6877$ Grounds, W. 392 Woolooware Rd. Cronulla (Bur.BSC) 5783 Eve, M. 585 Victoria Rd. Ryde 7623 Gulson, N. 10 Edwards St. Oatley (CPSC) 3769 Farley, M.J. & M. 7 Dudley Ave., Roseville (MBHSC) 4497 Gymea Sea Rangers, 106 Manchester Rd.Gymea 5745 Farmer, C. 17 Consett St. Concord West 3982 Gysi, G. 19 Shackell Ave., Brookvale (MBBSC) 3578 Fell, K. 39 Clovelly Rd. Randwick (BMOC) 6886 Haddon, G. 11 Werona Rd. Lane Cove 4078 Felton, J. Five Islands Rd. Unanderra (K.Warra BSC)5365 Haddon, R. 77 Bellevue Bd., Figtree (K'warra BSC) 6227 rield, R. 11 Liiaingstone St. Merewether (LMYC 4532

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 53 Half ord, G. 17 Curzon Rd.New Lambton (LMYC) 7042 Johns, W. 12 Korinya Rd. Castle Cove (MHHSC) 7051 Hall, K. 90 Cremorne Rd.,Cremorne (BSC) 3922 Johnston, B. Warners Bay Rd. Charlestown 3538 .Hall, T. 20 Crawford Place, Beacon Hill 3530 Johnstone, G. 15 Bilambee Ave.,Avalon Beach 7415 Hamilton, C. 11 Stone St., Earlwood (BBHSC) 6871 Jones, D. 62 Serpentine Cres. Balgowlah (MHHSC) 1583 Hammond, R. 7 Raleigh Ave7,Caringbah (Bur.BSC) 5853 Jones, M. 22 Finlay Ave.,Beecroft (MACS) 5859 Hampton, N. 22 Rictmond Ave. ,Willoughby 7157 Hana, D & G. 70 Wood St., Lane Cove (Snails BaySC) 4861 Jones, P. 235 President Ave., Miranda 7491 Hanna, E. 26 Craigholm St. Sylvania Hts. (BMOC) 7064 Jones, R. 11 Harvey St.Seaforth 7388 Hannaford, G. 69 Permanent Ave., EarlwoodASGSC) 7602 Jones, Dr.R. 2 Holland Rd.Double Bay (DBSC) 4996 Hansom, J. 23 Manchester St.Dulwich Hill 4281 Jones, S. 41 Southern Cross Way, Nth.Manly (MHBSC) 5846 Hargraves, P. 258 Malabar Rd.,Maroubra (WSASC) 6547 Jordon, J. 15 Rutherford Ave., Cronulla (Bur.BSC) 4368 Harper, J. 8 Nayak Pde.,Erowal Bay via Nowra (NBC) 5885 Jowett, D. 47 Laycock St.Bexley Nth. (OBSC) 6760 Harrigan, F. 34 Devon St.Epping 3370 Judd, A. 6 Young St.Sylvania (PHOSC) 6585 Harris, J.,B.& B. 3Binda Rd.,Yowie Bay (PHOSC) 5609 Karl, O. 19 Tait St. ,Dive Dock (Snails Bay SC) 5313 Harris, R. 28 Tunks St., Northbridge 3537 Kay, I. 20 Pine St., Randwidk (NBC) 5369 Harris, R. 8 Amaroo Cres. Rosman (BSC) 4367 Keen, M. Scotland Island via Church Pt. (BYRA) 3000 Harrison, M. 68 Bennett St. Dubbo (L.BurrendongSC) 5825 Keene, T. 8 Robvic Ave., Sylvania 5123 Harrison, R. 40 New South Head Rd.Vaucluse (DBSC) 4979 Keers, C. 9 Dingerra Cres.Oatley (CPSC) 4553 Hart, A. & P. 60A Anthony Rd.Denistone (MHHSC) 7451 Kelso, Mrs.F. & I. 198 Merewether St.,Merewether(LNYC)3986 Hart, E. 10 Cobbittee St.,Mosman (BSC) 4835 Kench, G. 130 Mona Vale Rd.St.Ives 4545 Hartcher, C. Box 17 P.O. The Entrance (LJSC) 4535 Kendrick, E. 23 AdelaideSt. west Hyde (C/NBC) 7363 Hatch, E. 7 Georges River Cres. Oyster Bay (0BgC) 6457 Haviland N. & D. 11 Young St. Warrawee 3378( Kent, G. _21 Bay Rd., Waverton (BSC) 5831 Hayes, E. 1 Wisdom St. Sth.Coogee (WIC) 6793 Kent, J. 4 Glencroft Ave., Roseville 4362 HeaU,N./Cleary,W. 11 Binnowee Ave.,St.Ives (BSC) 5505 Kent, J. 48 Streatfield Rd.BeRevue Hill (RPAYC) 3014 Heading, R. 21 Kullaroo Rd.Charlestown 7454 Kercher, M. 114 Mundy St., Goulburn 7643 • Hedges, L. 40 Ridge St.,Merrylinds (C/NBC) 4928 Kiely Dr.P. 154 Hopetoun Ave., Vaucluse (WSC),- 3368 Heffer, B. 7 Alkoomie Place, Pymble (BYRA) 5668 Killen, R. 22 Dobie Street, Grafton.(Grafton SC) 7153 Hekking, E.,J.,P. & K. 2 Georges River Crescent, Oyster Bay (CPSC) 6855 Si.ngston, Dr. R. 20 Worrigee St., Nowra (NSC) 3E86 Hellicar, 8 Forsyth St.Killara 5804 Kinnersly, H. 7A4arlborough Axe.. Hartord (MHHSC) 5174 Hill, J. & S. 18 Francis St. Cdstle Hill (WEASC) 6213 Kirby, D. 33 Flide St., Caringbah. (PHOSC) 6900 Hill, J., J. & L. 18 Francis St.Castle Hill (WSASC) 4539 Kirby, D./Deller,G. 60 Grosvenor St.Wahromnga (BSC) 3684 Hill, J. 47 Goodlet St.,Ashbury 7622 Kneller, J.287 Gymea Bay Rd., Gymea Bay. (PHOSC) 5872 4425 Knobel, R. 69 Urana St., Lockhart 7168 Himmelhoch, A.37A Arnold St.Killara Hipwell, S. 95 Davidson Ave.,Nth.Strathfield(WBASC) 5024 Knowland, P. 17 Sagars Rd., Eenthurst (MHHSC) 5387 Hirst, W.11 Cammeray;Rd., Cammeray 4440 Laidlaw, B. 39 Meriton St.,Gladesville 3581 Hitching, C.96 Fitzroy St.Cowra Ogyangala SC) 5375 Laker, E. 22 Penshurst Ave., Penshurst (BBHSC) 5738 Head, B. P.O.Box 75, Granville 6420 Lamb, M. 111 Cardinal Ave., West Pennant Hills 7465 Hodder, M. 457 Williams St.Broken Hill (BHSC) 3546 Lambkin, K. 283 Burraneer Bay Rd. Caringbah 6247 Holland, R. 12 Pearl Ave., Chatswood 7400 Lane, F. 115 Panorama Pde., Berkeley Vale via Wyong 7441 Hollmen, J. 1 Windsor Rd. Cronulla (CSC) 7417 Hooper, J. 764 Darling St. Rozelle (Snails Bay SC) 5377 LAne, J. & R. 78 Cobra St. Dubbo (L.BurrendongSC) 4847 Hoorn, T. 9 Cotton St.Epping (RPAYC) 7282 Langdale, D. 29 Handy Ave., Collaroy 5347 Hope, D. 420 Pacific H.way, Artarmon )MHHSC) 5860 Lange, J. 15A Lennox St. East Gordon (PBSC) 4653 Hopkins, D. 5/247 Raglan St.Balmoral Beach (BSC) 4130 Langham, M. 18 Oak St. ,Orange 7429 Hopkins, Dr.P. 9 Bass Place, St.Ives (MHHSC) 7261 Langmead, D.& D. 8 Darook Pde.,Cronulla (CSC) 6516 Houghton, W..D.,K.& B. 60 Penrose St.Lane Cave 6649 Latham, M. 99 Prince Charles Rd.Frenchs Forest(MBHHSC)6624 Howard, H. 24 The Avenue, Collaroy (N'been LakesSC) 7393 Laurence, R. P.O. Bow,64 Wellington (L.BurrendongSC) 3768 Howell, Dr. W. 9 Torres Place, St Ives. (BYRA) 5986 Lawrence, H. 69 Elvina Ave., Avalon Beach (PBSC) 6401 Howes, D. 26 Castlereagh Cres.Sylvania Waters(CPSC) 6471 Lawrie, J. 1 Parsonage Road, Caste Hill 7486 Howle, W. 489 Kingsway, Miranda (PHOSC) 6769 Lawson, Mrs.J. 4/124 O'Brien St., Bondi (NSC) 5763 Hulton, C.,G. &A. 1009 Pittwater Rd.Collaroy(MHESC)4815 Lawson, W.10 Mitchell Rd. Mosman (BSC) 4143 Humphries, G. 61 Tyson St.Sth.Grafton (CRSC) 7428 Leabeater, F. 15 Cartledge Ave. ,Miranda (PHOSC) 6773 Hunter, R. 52 Hume Rd. Cronulla (CSC) 4372 LeCouteur, E. 109 Paddington St.Paddington (PBSC) 5541 Hutchings, C. 9 Murchison St.St Ives. (MBHSC) 5866 Ledingham, A. 70A Findlay Ave. ,Roseville 6750 Hyles, R. Box 328 P.O. Oueanbeyan (CanbYC) 6781 Lee, E. 7 Sycamore Rd.,BMAS Albatross, Nowra (NBC) 5129 Hynard, G. Lot 10 Paradise Ave., Mt.Pleasant (KBSC) 6762 LeGrice, B. 56A Rosedale Rd. Gordon 4366 Imlay, A. 11 Macarthur St.St.Ives (MHHSC) 5703 Lenehan, J. 540281 Military Area, Bundock St.Wwick(WSC6888 Ipsen, S. 7 Coronation Drive, Orange 7259 Lennart., H. 13 Mooki St. Miranda (PHOSC) 3589 Irish, N. 6 Libya Cres.Allambie Hts. (MHHSC) 5683 LePatourel, J. 70 Railway Pde., Warrimoo (C/NBC) 7158 Irving, E. 9 Bottle Forest Rd. Heathcote 3263 Lethlean, Dr.K. P.O. Box 1 Rozelle (Snails BYSC) 6237 Jackson, K 108 Skye Pt.Road, Coal Pt. 7055 Levy, J. 14 Karuah Rd.,Turramurra 6360 Jackson, P. 49 Kepel St. Bathurst (BSC) 5735 Lewis, E. 18 Karoola Rd.,Lanbton 5946 Jacques, H. 3 Woodville Ave.,Wahroonga 3664 Lewis, J. 42 Wallaroy Rd. Woollahra (NBC) 5944 James, E. 117 Kinghorn St. Nowra (NBC) 5622 Liddle, N. 31 Whiting Beach Rd.Mosman (BSC) 6365 Jamieson, D. 73 Cutler Rd.,Clontarf (MHHSC) 7355 Lindley, G. 2 Bridgeview Cres.Thornleigh 5601 Jarman, N. 15 Cobb St., Frenchs Forest (MHHSC) 7489 Linn, Miss W. 19 Palmer Ave. Strathfield (WSASC) 5812 Jenings, L, 5/18Lamrock Ave,,Bondi Beach 5343 Lipson, Dr.A. 88 Bellevue Rd. Bellevue Hill (DBSC) 3890 Jennings, P. 8 Milne St. Hyde (MHHSC) 6409 Little, N.9 Rd. Turramurra (MHHSC) 6245 Lloyd -Owen,C.97 Llewellyn St.,Rhodes (C/R&MBHSC) 4534/6464 Jentsch, J. 57 Eastwood Ave. Eastwood 4695

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 54 Lofts, R. 112 Provincial Rd.,Lindfield (MHBSC) 5183 Molyenux, H. 9 Anderson Ave., Nowra (NSC) 3917 Langley, J. 28 Forster St., Port Kembla (C'warraBSC) 6981 Monk, Dr.I. 35a Raglan St. ,Mosman (BSC) 5620 Longworth, M.33 Carnley Ave. ,New Lambton (LMYC) 5922 Moodie, J. 126 Canonbury Grove, Bexley Nth. (NBC) 5360 Lonie, Dr.D. Gladesville Hosp.Gladesville 7274 Moore, A. 6 Kirkstone Rd.,Wheeler Hts. (MHBSC) 3019 Lord, D. 56 Edward St.,Narraweena (NIbeenLakes Sc) 3902 Morrison, R. 20 Brentwood Ave.,Turramurra 3129 Larkin, G. 13 Lime Kiln Rd., Lugarno 6537 Morriss, V. 52 Sowerby St.,Muswellbrook 6509 Loudon, B. 5 Wyadra Ave., Harbord 7252 Mottershead, P. 47 Renway Ave.,Lugarno 6195 Love, J. 1 South St. Strathfield (RPAYC) 4872 Mrakovcic, V. 4 Woodstock St., Botany 7615 Loxton, A. & P. 6 Hillcrest St., Wahroonga XC/RSC) 6645 Mueller, K. 63 Neerim Rd., Castle Cove (BSC) 4146 Lucas, Mrs.L. & J. 8 Musgrave St.,Mosman (BSC) 4148 Muir, M. 62 Main Rd.,Marks Point 7443 Lucena R. 50 Grace Ave., Frenchs Forest 6768 Munn, R. 18a Kirkoswold Ave., Mosman (Syd.Uni.SC) 5372 Lomb, Miss M.11 Shell Rd.,Cronulla 7173 Murdoch, B.& C./Cramsie,M. 17 Shaddock Ace., McAlpine, D. 25 Parkland Ave., Rydalmere (BSC) 6371 West Pymble 5059 McCall, R. 3 Kyle Ave., Glenhaven 2711 , Murray, D. 84 Bettington Rd.,Dundas 4971 McCann, J. 14 Daymar Place, Castlecove (PBSC) 3543 Myers, D. Box 10 P.O. Sth.Grafton (CRSC) 2416 McCarthy, R. 15 Downshire Pde. Chester Hill (CPSC) 5631 Newcadle Pol. & C.Boys Club, Broadmeadow (LMYC) 6539 McCauley, M. 32 Heyden Ave., Warrawee (WSC) 6497 Newland, W. 13 Judith St., Kotara Sht.(Belmont SC) 5544 McCluggage, I. & J.89 Green Pt.Rd., Oyster Bay (BBH)5185 Nichols, A. 26 Boyd Ave., West Pennant Hills 7408 McDonald, R. 15 Coronation Ave., Eastwood (c/BSC) 5636 ;Nichols, J. 1621 P.water Road., Mona Vale (PBSC) 7269 McDougall, J. 12 Fisher Ave., Vaucluse (WSC) 5399 Nixon, K. P.O. Box 1, Eastwood (WSASC) 6561 McFrland, G Dalwood via Alstonville (RRASC) 6473 Norman, W. 70 Chisholm Ave., Avalon (PBSC) 7385 McGill, E. 41 Honiton Ave., Carlingford (MHHSC) 4845 ' Norris, G.21 Bower St., Manly (MEIHSC) 7071 McGrath, F. 26 Billyard Ave., Elizabeth Bay (DBSC) 5962 O'Brien, W. 4 Toni Cres.Ryde (NBC) 4973 McKensey, W & A. 15 Durfold St., Dudley (TorontoASC)5857 O'Donnell, J.& M. 4 Francis St.,Earlwood 3894 McLean, D. 256 Warners Bay Rd. Mount Hutton (LMYC) 7270 O'Donnell, W. 14 Skenes Ave., Eastwood (C/NBC) 7037 McLean, P. 147 Princes H'way, Bomaderry (NSC) 4344 IO'Donoghue, B. 83 Caroline St.,Gosford (NBC) 5046 McNab, P. 12 Belgium Ave., Roseville (RpAYC) (CYC) 7500 O'Gallagher, P. 14 Woodridge Ave.,Epping (MHBSC) 4683 MacNamara G. 1 Seaside Pde.,Sth.Coogee (WSC) 7479 Ohye, D. P.O.Box 42, Castle Hill (C/NBC) 6618 McTiernan, G. 17 James St.,Chatswood (MHBSC) 5678 Oliver, D. J._46 Blarney St.,Wagga 7092 MacDonald, D. 28 Stamford Ave.,Ermington (C/NBC) 4989 Oliver, P. 6 Finlayson St. ,Lane Cove 4182 MacDonald, D. 29 Oaks St.,Cronulla (PHOSC). 5525 blson, - W. &W. 4 Dunshea St. .West Ryde (C/NBC) 4074 Macdonald, 0.13 Browning St., East Hills 7447 O'Neill. T. 11LEastern Rd.,Turramurra 6761 3615 Macdonald, I. 176 Terry St.Connels Point (CPSC) 5154 Ostling, W. 45 Fullers Road, Chatswood (C/NBC). Macdonald, R.25 Cardwell St.,Balmain 5155 'Overton, C. 38 Springfield Rd.,Killara (BSC) 5797 MacFarlane, M, 82 Glencoe St., Sutherland 4108 O'Sullivan, F.217 Woolooware Rd.,Cronulla (Bur.BSC) 5115 Mackie,R. 8 Kuru St.,Narrabeen North 7394 Owen, R. 2 West St., Nowra (BSC) 7057 Macoun, K.126 Braeside St.,Wahroonga (BSC) 3584 Oxenford, J. 12 Holland Cres.Frencha Forest (MBBSC) 2762 Maher, D. 55 Sutherland St. ,Lane Cove 5360 Oxenford, L. 5 Napier St.,Lindfield (MHBSC) 5747 Maher, P. 42 Nelson Rd.,Lindfield (BSC) 3923 ;Palmer, C. 51 Highgate St.,Strathfield (CSC) 7365 Mahoney, F. 517 Homer St.,Earlwood 3261 Paradice, Dr.W. "Yarramoor" Scone 6745 Mallinson, R.39 Milton Ave. ,Eastwood (C/NBC) 3908 Parker, G. 47 Monash St.,Wentworthville 7480 Maloney, D. 15 Rugby Rd. ,New Lambton (LMYC) 6529 Parker, J. 138 Villiers Rd.,Padstow Hts. 7421 Parr, D. 108 Provincial Rd.,Lindfield Maloney, P. P.O. Box 207, 'Lane Cove (RPAYC)(MYC) 7609 5614 Mandl, M. 18 Clairvaux Rd. Vaucluse (BSC) 3606 Parr, W. 12 Salisbury Ave.,Bexley (NBC) 3660 Manning, A. 59 Thompson Rd.Speer's Pt. 7196 Patrick, J. 8 William St.,Nth.Sydney 5673 Mariner, M.14 Balliga Ave.,Caringbah 6783 ,Paul,R. 243 Woolooware Rd.,Cronulla (Bur.BSC) 5865 Marr, P. 2/24 The Strand, Penshurst (PHOSC) 5710 Payne, E.9A Wingecarribee St., Bowral 7470 Marriott, M.,N.,P.& C 45 Hineomoa Ave.,Wahroonga 5547 Payne, Dr.W. 69 Kintore St.,Wahroonga (BYRA) 6717 Marshall, M. Old Northern Rd.Castle Hill 3815 Pearce, O. 653 Punchbowl Rd., punchbowl (MHHSC) 2781 7083 Martin, B. 27 Oakes Ave., Eastwood (BSC) 6413 Pearson, D. 50 Lyacock St.,Kilaben Bay (Toronto SC) Martin, D. "Calabash" Peel via Bathurst (BathurstSC)3130 perlstein, G. 14 Primrose Ave., Ryde (C/NBC) 6786 Mason, W. 1 Reeves Ave., Epping 4964 Petersen, G. 66 Carnley Ave., New Lambton (LMYC) 6563 Mathews, Mrs.R.17 Cambridge Ave.,Vaucluse (BSC) 5809 Peterson, k. 33 Mandolong Rd., Mosman 3911 Meacham, G.58 Princes H'sray, Nowra (NBC) 5540 Phillips, D., 32 Lewis St., Dee Why (PHOSC) 7382 Mealey, E. 414 King Georges Rd., Beverley Hills 4102 fhillips, F. 29 Wongalee Ave.,Wahroonga , 5641 Mearns, D. Osborne Rd.,Burradoo (NBC) 4596 Pickersgill, G.,H. & 8.17 Norfolk Rd.,Epping(MHBSC) 5906 Meckiff, P. 15 Amy St., Blakehurst (CPSC) 5100 Picton, N. 16 Bolger Rd.,Como West (PHOSC) 5714 Meech, R. & E. 4 Nawai Place, Cooma North 'Pigge, N. 42 Marlborough Place, St.Ives 6997 (Lake Jindabyne Sc) 3596 Pine, Dr.B. 248 Woolooware Rd.,Cronulla (CSC) 4360

Meres, J. 6/16 Vicar St. Coogee (KYC) 3755 , Pitt, L. C- 20 Athol St., Toukley (LMYC) 6406 Metham, V. 17 Birdwood St.Sylvania Hts.(CSC) 5092 Pix.S., M. & D. 127 Pentecost Ave.,Turramurra 5659 Middleton, Dr.A.,17 Waratah St.Rushcutters Bay(WSC) 4956 Plane, E. 19 Alton Rd. Cooranbong 5894 Miflin, C. 11 Castle Circuit, Seaforth (MBBSC) 5642 Player, N. 32 Wattle St., Blacktown 5140 Miles, 13.,J. & C.24 Edgeley St.Surry Hills (BBHSC) 7283 Plowman, J. Box 84.P.O. Merrylands 1C/8SC) 4932 Milford, B & Mrs.B.5 The Crescent,Chatswood 4837 Plumley, M. 84 Plamgrove Rd., Avalon Beach (PBSC) 5199 Miller, J.106 Pierce St.Wellington (L.BurrendongSC) 4685 Pollock, R.,68 Forest Way, Frencho Forest (MHBSC) 7452 Miller, D. 8 Cullen St.Forestville (RSLSC) 6152 Pollyblank, N. 3 Fox St., Lane Cove 4880 Miller, J. 3 Curtis St.,Caringbah (CSC) 3893 PMG Sailing Club, Masie St., Cooma (Eucumbene SC) 2097 Milne, K. 78A Fox Valley Rd.Wahroonga )MBBSC) 7004 Porter, R. 130 Edgeworth Ave.,Depto 7095 MINTO, W.43 Kiwong St.,Yowie Bay (PHOSC) 4870 Potts, I. 15 Johnson St., Kortara Hts. (LMYC) 3252 T. 3 First St., Cardiff Sth. (LMYC) 6476 MITCHELL, Powell, R.,6 Harrington Ave., Turramurra 6466 WEBS, E. 72 Kirby St.,Rydolmere 7099 Poynterm G. 6 Dabie St. ,Grafton (CRSC) 6388

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 55 Proud,B/Kirby,E. 27 Kareela Rd.,Chatswood (MHBSC) 1688 Slater, R. 61 Melvin St., Beverley Hills 6359 Quigley, G. 355 Woolooware Rd.,Cronulla (Bur.BSC) 6163 Sleeman, R. 47 Castlenau St.Caringbah 4275 Quinn, J. 13 Harvey St.,Seaforth 7387 Slight, R. 47 William St. Double Bay (DBSC) 6446 Rabbidge, B. 38 Carbeen Aven.,St.Ives (BSC) 6600 Slingsby, K. 17 Laperouse St., 7389 Rae, R.16 Chiswick St., Chiswick 4874 Smedley,B/Harrison,D/McDonald,J.11 Gould Ave., Raftery, R. 8 Tudor Place,Carlingford (C/NBC) 4162 Cromer (MHBSC) 5130 Rawlings, K. 15 OYama Ave.,Manly (MHBSC) 7278 Smith, A. 4 Kingston Ave., Panania 7378 Ray, D. 50 Leopold St.,Mittagong (NBC) 3925 Smith, A.53 Hyena Rd.,Pendle Hill 7418 Rayment, K. 55 Sylvania Rd. ,Miranda (BBHSC) 5892 Smith, Miss C.5 Alexandra Cre.Bayview (BYRA) 5997 Raymond, L. 10 Cirrus St.,Dapto 3682 Smith, G. 32 Katina St.,Turramurra 6614 Rea, L. 1 Lobelia Place, Gymea (CPSC) 3392 Smith, J. 181 Karimbla Rd. ,Miranda (BBHSC) 6507 Read, C. 8 Highfield Rd., Lindfield 3994 Smith, L. 64 Oliver St.,Heathcote (BBHSC) 7266 Redpath, J. 62 Billabong Ave.,Dapto (K.warra BSC) 4827 Smith, Dr.M. 2A Fox St.,Ballina (RRSC) 5504 Reed, I. 56 Glenn Ave., Northmead 7496 Smith, R. 41 Bettington Rd.,Dundas 6534 Rees, A. 51 Drydon St.,Wallsend 6798 Smith, R. 8 Bridge St., Sydney 5321 Reid, B. 29 Church St.,Wollongong ((.warra,BSC) 3627 Smith, R. ,M.& B. 42 Kitchener St.,Caringbah (PHOSC) 7036 Reid, J.P.O. Box 58, Waratah (MHYC) 5685 Solomon, G. 18 Stanton Rd.,Mosman (BSC) 3681 Reid, R. 9 Springfield Ave., Kotara Sht. 4762 Sparre, D. 2 Monogahn Ave.,Nowra (NSC) 3600 Reynolds, 3.6 Brighton Ave. ,Toronto (Toronto SC) 3665 Spencer, H.24 Mooney St.Lane Cove 5618 Rice, W.48 Yellagong St. W.W.gong (K.warra BSC) 4826/6864 Springall, 8.13 Crookwell Ave. ,Miranda (BSC) 5843 Richards, B. 3/7 Gladswood Gardens, Double Bay (WSC) 4549 Stacey, A. & M. 24 Allington Cres.Elanora Hts. 3981 Richards, J. 39a Vista St.,Sans Souci 7476 Stafford, KZ 8 Elouera St.Beverly Hills (CPSC) 5794 Ricketts, R. 5 Vernon Ave.,Gymea Bay (Bur.BSC) 7375 Stafford, W.18 Kirkwood Rd.,Cronulla (BBHSC) 5376 Rileigh, A. 21 Harley Cres.Eastwood 6733 Stakenburg,P. 12 Dunstable Rd.,Blacktown (Nar.LSC) 3997 Roberts, G.5 Nyora St.Cooms Nth.(L.Jindabyne IC) 5677 Stannard, R.29 Dolans Rd.,Cronulla 7287 Roberts, L.22 Ruskin Row, Avalon Beach 4153 Staples, C.7 Denman Ave.,Cronulla (CSC) Roberts, P. 9 Attunga Rd. Miranda (PHOSC) 5303 Stead, B. 27 Lansdowne Pde.,Oatley (BBHSC) 5175048 Robertson, J. 201 Chloride St.Broken Hill (DBSC). 7039 Stein, Miss 3.73 Station St.,Fairfield (CPSC) 5346 Robilliard, Dr J. 37 Kambala Rd.Bellevue Hill (DBSC) 7060 6587 Robinson, J. 3 Dundilla Rd.Frenchs Forest (MHESC) 6224 Stevenson, I. Walu Ave., Budgewoi (Toukley SC) 3670 Roche, K. 88a Lang Rd.Centennial Park (WSC) 6167 Stevenson, Mrs.J.268 Keppel St.Bathurst Stevenson, W. Box 150,Brickfield Hill (WSC) 3882 Rodley, R. 33 Cecil St.Ryde (C/NBC) 6241 Stewart, D.& J. 21 Redan St.,Mosman (BSC) 6161 Rodowicz, P. 36 Myuna Rd.,Dover Hts. (WSC) 3996 Stokes, W. 11 David St., Clifton Gardens (MBBSC) 4816441 Rose, I. 11/4 Monomeeth St.Bexley 6231 Stomps, J. & M. 152 Manning St.,Kiame (Oak FlatsSC) 7001 Rose, J. 13 Kembla Ave. ,Chester Hill 7186 Rosier, W. 3 Oratava Ave.,West Pennant Hills(MHHSC) 6103 Street, J. 3 Duffy Ave.,Thornleigh (MHHSC) Strong, G. 80 Eden St.,Lismore (RRSC) :30:50 Ross, J. 1 Mansfield Ave.,Caringbah (Burb.BSC) 5909 2124 Ross, K. 4 Graham Ave.,Miranda. (PHOSC) 7080 Sturday, H. 8 Hill Rd.,Beecroft (MBESC) 3812 Roth, N. 4 Poulter Ave. ,Engadine (Bur.BSC) 7633 Stutchbury, E. 22 Treatts Rd. ,Lindfield Roubin, N. & R. 11/11 Cremorne Rd.,Cremorne 5826 Sullaway, G.11 Brandon Piece, Nth.St.Ives 4068 Roulston, B. 1/16 McKye St., Waverton 7473 Sumpton, R.114 Lancaster Ave.,West Ryde 5911 Rowe, P. 9 Rangers Ave.,Mosman (BSC) 5522 Swift, D. 105 Wimbledon Ave.,Narrabeen 7613 Russell, J. & P. 44 View St.,Miranda (CPSC) 6613 Sydenham, L. 125 Maroubra Rd. Maroubra (BBHSC) 7047 Smaways, C. 18 Dean St., Caringbah (CSC) 3269 Sykes, A. 24 Brighton Ave., Toronto (TOronto SC) 7082 Sangster, D. 253 Connells Pt.Rd.,Connels Pt. (CPSC) 4123 Sykes, J. 6 Godfrey St. Penshurst (CPSC) 4474 Barks, J. 3/95 Wentworth Rd.,Vaucluse (WSC) 5051 Syme, 3.45 Boyd Ave.,West Pennant Hills (PBSC) 4595 Savage, J. 7 Cross St. ,Kyle Bay (CPSC) 4533 Tack, I. & K.350 Homer St.,Earlwood (CSC) 5639 Sawyer, R. 86 Beechworth Rd., Pymble (BSC) 4279 Tackenberg, 5.5 Ambrose St., Toronto (Toronto NBC) 6732 Scanlen, B. 41 Kuringai Ave" Turramurra (RPAYC) 4291 Taggart, W. 6 Parker Ave.,West Pymble (MBBSC) 4688 Schwartz, Miss R. 1178 Forest Rd.,Lugarno (CPSC) 5146 Taite, L. 37 Church St.,Dubbo (L.Burrendong SC) 5790 Scrimshaw, A. 26 Congham Rd., West Pymble (BSC) 6571 Tallard, C.72 Hopetoun Ave.,Vaucluse (WSC) 4577 Scurr, H. 6 Graham Ave. ,Miranda (PHOSC) 4988 Tallis,M/George,L.2 Magnolia St.,Kirrawee (BBHSC) 5977 Sea-Cebs of St.John, 22Ryde Rd. ,Pymble 3217/3541 Tanfield, I.2/11a Mears Ave.,Randwick (DBSC) 4184 Searle, D. 67 Carpenter St.,St.Marys 6870 Taylor, B. 74 Caldarra Ave., Engadine 7606 Searle, V. P.O. Box 2, Denman (L.Glenbawn SC) 4124 Thomas, B. 70 TheEsplanade, Frenchs Forest (N'beenLSC3889 Mosman. (NBC) 3249 Thomas, D. 57 Central Rd., Beverly Hills (NBC) 4332 :h:r P8.41=dxS:.:d , Pymble. (NBC) 5863 Thomas, K. 4 Iris Ave. ,Coniston (K'warra BSC) 4350 Sharp, R./Wilson,Dr.J, 90 Rembrandt Dr. Thompson, W. Blackwood St.,Gerringong 6503 Merewether Heights 4489 Thomson, B. 110 Essex St., Epping (MHBSC) 5079 Sheaffe, M. & R. 29 Fairweather St.,Bellevue Hill(WSC5672 Thomson, J. 45 Muston St.,Mosman (BSC) Shelley, J. 36 Schakel Ave.,Kingsgrove (BBHSC) 6639 5072 Shepherd, F..22 Fortescue St., Chiswick (WSC) 4864 Thorne, D. 291 Eastern Valley Way,Middle Cove(MBESC) 4834 Tilbury, I. 12 Lena St.,Mt,Pritchard (CPSC) 6244 Sheridan, J. 26 Maralinga Ave.,Elanora Hts. 3754 Tindale, G. 1 Chelmsford Ave, Lindfield (BYRA) 5036 Shimell, S. 52 Narrabeen Pk.Rd., Warriewood 5799 Tinker, K. 9 Uralba Ave.,Carlingford (CSC) 6893 Shipton, J. 10 Murdoch St.,Turramurra (BSC) 7000 Toll, A. 8 Hillcrest Pde.,Adamstown Hts.(LMYC) 5091 Shultz, E. 2 Belmont Cres. Belmont 3017 Townsend, H. Box 36 P.O.Bathurst (L.Keepit BC) Simmons, R. 2/95 Ramsgate Ave., Bondi (WSC) 4763 Tranter, G. 7 The Comenarra P'way,Pymble Simms, W. Dodson Ave., Cronulla (CSC) 7286 7100 Treffry, P. 148 Warne St.Wellington (L.B.dong SC) 7005 Simpson, A. 64 Albert St.,Unanderra (K'warra BSC) 6201 Turnbull, D. 31 Silsoe St.Hamilton 4116 Sims, H. 17 Metella Rd.,Toongabbie 5708 Turner, J. 5 Heath St.Asguith 6712 Skeen,L..95 Warwick Rd., Merrylands (C/RSC 7372 Tyerman, 0.14 Quest Ave., Yowie Bay (PHOSC) 7351 4984 Slater, D. 3/a Mosman St.,Mosman (BSC) Valiance, H. 1 Olphert Ave.,Vaucluse (BSC) 5945

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 56 Vanderhorst, D. ,24 Carlow Cres.Kilarney Hts(PEBISC) 5835 Youll, W. 10 Reid St., Seaforth (MHHSC) 4000 VanEmden, J. 17 Lynvrae Ave.,Beecroft 5952 Young, A. 10 Harltey St.,Charlestown (LMYC) 4431 VanHeeswyck, P. & A. 9 Gerroa Ave.,Bayview (BYRA) 4157 Young, D. 19 Alamang Ave., Kirribilli 7003 Vatiliotis, J.156 Bland St.,Haberfield 7637 Young, N. 5 Loftus St. ,West Tamworth 4687 Villa, E. Lot 78 Mariner Ave.,Eleebana 5808 Young, R. 14 Nicholson Ave.,Thornleigh (Snails BSC) 5888 Vines, Dr.R.17 Latimer Rd., Bellevue Hill (WSC) 6985 Young, Dr. R. 14 Gale St. ,Woolwich (BSC) 4993 Wade, K. 32 Emery Ave.,Yagoona (BBHSC) 6751 Zorbas, M. 21 Owen Ave., Kyeemagh 7604 4363 Wahlquist, E. 22 Wolsely St.Drummoyne (Snails BSC) VICTORIA Wahlquist, J. 22 Wolseley St.Drummoyne(Snails BSC) 3625 Walker. P. 174 Northcott Dr.Adamstown Hts.(LMYC) 7619 Adcock, D. 22 East India Ave.,Nunawading 4338 Walker, R. 107 Clontarf St.,Seaforth (MHITSC) 4222 Algie, A. 31 Begonia St. ,Box Hill 4103 Waller, R. 47 Phillips Cres.Wollongong (0warraBSC) 4073 Allen, L. 14 Johnson Drive, Ferntree Gully 7446 Walsh, E. 37 Rowe St.,Woollahra (DBSC) 5089 Allen, 11 Kingston Rd., Cheltenham 7448 Walters, A. 10 Eastview Av.,Nth.Ryde (C/RSC) 3760 Altman, P. 24 Viewpoint Rd.,Nth.Brighton (Elwood SC) 5393 Warner, A. 21 Macintyre Cres.Sylvania Waters(PHOSC) 7475 Altona Yacht Club, P.O. Box 28, Altona (Altona YC) 3909 Waterman, B.9 Bell St.,Booragul 5394 Ames, S, 7 Black St., Reservoir (Preston YC) 4885 Waters, K. 54 Mimosa St.,Bexley 4430 Amess, A. 34 Linacre Rd., Hampton (Elwood SC) 5606 Waters, W. 15 Illalong Ave.,Balgowlah (N'bean LSC) 4094 Amos, F. 20 Mariemont Ave., Beaumaris (Beaumaris YC) 5114 Watson, B. 14 Yarabah Ave., Gordon (BYRA) 6468 Anderson, J. 49 Harold St.,Bulleen 6532 Watson, B. 17 Kallaroo Rd. ,Lane Cove 3810 Anderson, W. 98 St.Hellier St.,West Heidelberg (81435)6456 Watson, M. 18 Florida Ave.,Lambton (LMYC) 5471 Arblaster, A. 58 Millewa Ave.,Chadstone (NewhavenYS) 5615 Watt, I. 4/112 Crinan St.,Hurlstone Park (BBHSC) 6138 Arnott, R.,D.& M 443 MontAlbert Rd.,MontAlbert (SYC) 5514 Watts, D. 4/4 Evans Rd.,Elizabeth Bay (WSC) 5955 Arscott, J. 45 South AVe.,Moorabbin (Elwood SC1 5679 5117 Watts, E. 2 Esdaile Place, Arnclitfe (KSC) Arthur, H. 289 The Boulevard, East Ivanhoe (McRaeSC) 7630 Waugh, J. Wyalla Rd.,Jamberoo (Oak Flats SC) 1586 Atiwill, Dr.P. 19 Edgecombe St. ,Kew 7184 Wayn, S. 3 Holland Cres. Frenchs Forest (BSC) 5831 Austin, R. 2 Cavell Court,Beaumaris (Heaumaris YC) 6232 Weightman, G. 5 Bareena Dr.Balgowlah Hts. (MHHSC) 2784 Baker, T.6 Dana St. ,Doncaster (BRYC) 5724 7391 Weldon, J. 32 Tottenham St.,Nth.Balgowlah (BSC) Balish, A.Lot 237 Buckley St., East Keilor (ALT.YC) 6959 Weldon, Miss V. 32 Tottenham St.,Nth.Balgowlah (BSC) 7390 Barker, R.& 54.10 Alern Court,Nunawading (CC/Elw.SC) 5959 Westlake, P. 7 Green Pt.Rd. Pearl Beach 4465 Barnard -Brown,R. 14 Highmoor Ave., Bayswater 4786 Weston, R. 151 Darley St. ,Mona Vale 6140 Bates, W. 48 Rosslyn Ave. ,Seaford (BRYC) 5518 Westwood, L.35 Walang Ave.,Figtree (K'varra BYSC) 5924 Baum, L. 37 Mummery St., Mt.Waverly 3396 White, B. 28 Redgrave Road, Normanhurst (MHESC) 5656 Hayfield, B. Tootal Rd.,Springvale 5720 Whiteman, P. 22 Libya Cres. Allambie Hts. (MHBSC) 4229 Beaumaris Yacht Club,P.O.Box 16 BlackRock (NYC) 6961/6962 5869 Whittle, A. 7 Thornleigh St.,Thornleigh Bell, K. 32 Beavers Rd.,Northcote 4806 Wigens, P. 218 Connels Pt,Rd. Sth.Hurstville (CPSC) 5370 Bence, L. 281 Warrigal Rd.,Sth,Oakleigh 6625 Wiley, J. 156 Victoria Rd.West Pennant Hills (WSASC) 4433 Bertram, E. 29 Upton St., Altona (AYC) 7437 6983 Wiley, R.& C.41 O'Donnell St.,Bondi (DBSC) Billings, K.90 Glyndon Rd. ,Hartwell (RMYS) 4866 Wilford, A. & B, Woodstock Rd.,Milton (PSC) 6248 Billings, Miss W.90 Glyndon Rd.,Hartwell (ESC) 5338 ,Rose 4801 Wilkinson, E. 48 Beaumont St. Bay (WSC) Binning, 2.24 Fortescue Ave. ,Seaford (FrankstonYC) 5923 Wilkinson, J. 69 Llewellyn St., Rhodes (C/RSC) 6090 Bircher, I. 30 Henderson Rd.,Tullamarine (AYC) 4105 2717 Williams, B.55 Huntley's Pt.Rd.Buntley's Pt. Bludk, R. 36 Gordon St.,Hampton (BRYC) 5647 Williams, F. 35 Taloombi St.,Cronulla (CSC) 3905 Blunt, G. & C,5 Garden Grove, Seaholme (AYC) 6857 Wilmott, J. 6 Winchester Ave.,Lindfield 5074 Bone, D. 26 Feathectop Ave. ,Lower Templestowe 5832 Wilson, B. 22 Woodcourt Rd.,Berowra 5648 Borland, H. & R.10 Melia St.,Doveton (FrankstonYC) 7167 Wilson, C. 3 Beaumont Rd.,Killara 3895 Bosworth, P. 9 Penang St.,McKinnon 7478 Wilson, J. 153 Patrick St.,Harlsville (BBHSC) 4117 Bourke, Lt.Col.F.School of Army Health,Healesville 6603 Wingfield, Dr.J. 54 Bardo Rd.,Newport (BYRA) 4088 Braithwaite, W. 33 Price Ave.,Mt.Waverley (Mord.SC) 7040 Mincer, Miss M.45 Sofala Ave. .Lane Cove (BSC) 6208 Branton, M. 35 Tullius Ave.,Nth.Clayton 7285 Winter, H. 10 Davidson St., Cromer 6755 Brighton Sea Scouts (11th) Holloways Bend, Brighton 7445 Mitts, D. 4 Upper Cliff Rd.,Northwodd 4206 Broadbear, G.Private Bag Detpa via Jeparit 4101 Wonders, A. 15 Taylor Ave.,Turramurra 5034 Brommeyer, A.& J. 40 Valda Ave., Box Hill Nth 4081 Wodd, E. 48 Marian St.Guildford (WSASC) 5528 Brown, E. 21 Koetong Pde.,Mt.Eliza 6221 Wood, G. 31/11 Addison. Rd. ,Manly 5139 Brown, G. 27 Ora St. ,Hampton Park (garneetSC) 6484 Wood, K. Moulamein St. ,Barham (L.Boga YC) 4803 Brown, J. 42 The Ave., Blackburn 6399 Wood, R.81 Hawthorn Ave.,Chatswood 3888 Brown, L. 44 Allandale Rd., Blackburn (McCraeYC) 5899 Wood, R. 70 Green Pt.Rd. Oyster Bay (CPSC) 3384/5995 Brown, W. 107 Devon St. .Cheltenham (RPM) 7022 Woodhams, Mrs.E. 11 DeVilliers Ave.,Chatswood (BSC) 4795 Bruce, E. P.O. Box 19, Frankston 7433 Woodley, G. 1 Balls Head Rd.Waverton 4875 Buckland, D..72 Brighton Rd.,Elsternwick (APYC) 6386 Woods, Mrs.P. Box 199 P.O. Bathurst (Bathurst SC) 5311 Sullen, K.49 Earlsfield Rd., Hampton (ESC) 4540 Woolf son, J. 29 Willoughby St.Kirribilli (BSC) 3380 Bulmer, B. & S, 4 Pollard Court, Altona (AYC) 6622 Wormald, A.100 Bellevue Pde.,Hurstville 5534 Burfoot, M. 1440 Centre Rd. ,Clayton 7166 Worrad, N. 40'Mons Ave.,Maroubra (DBSC) 3918 Burn, P. 25 Fortune Ave.,Nth.Balwyn 4104 Worrall, R. 54 Powderworks Rd.,Narrabeen North 4853 Burns, D.30 Orchard MOBS. Box Hill (WesternportYC) 7407 Worsley, K. 38 Darvall Rd., Eastwood (WSASC) 4669 Burnside, G. 20 Andrew St. Ringwood 4691

Wright, B.Lot 223 Queen E'beth Cres.Vincentia (ESC) 3372 Calaz, I. 3 Garden Grove, Seaholme (AYC) 5128 Wright, Dr.P. 161 Main Rd.Markz Pt. (LMYC) 5634 Cameron, R. 8 Downes Ave., Brighton (BSC) 4160 Campbell, R. 44 Emerald Drive, Springvale 7178 Wymer, W.11 Gundawarra St.,Lilli Pilli (CSCO 5687 Yardley, J. 5 Hawkesbury Esplanade, Sylvania Waters 4308 Carlson, E. 444 Chesterville Rd. ,East BentleiQh(BRYC)5994 youl, E. 6 The Lee, Castlecrag (BSC) Carrick, L.49A Comer St., East Brighton 5726

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 57 5521 Gorrill, R. 33 Winifred St., Oak Park (AlbSC) 7075 Carver, P. 30 Station Ave. ,Ascot Vale (ESC) Gough, B. & J. 28 Heather Grove, Springvale 4740 Cattlin, W. 3 Sandgate Ave.,Glen Waverley 7612 Gower, M. 4 Surf Ave., Beaumaris (RMYS) 6222 Chandler, D. 2 Trent St.,Burwood (ESC) 3399 Cherny, M. & V. 60 New St.,Brighton Beach (F'AtonYC) 6976 Graham, J. 14 Churchill Ave.,Childstone (BRYC) 7048 Chisholm, M/Bull,A.46 Whitby St.,West Brunswick (BRYC7170 Grieve, J. 35 Kidman St., Yarraville (AYC) 3912 Chong, G. 193 Belmore Rd., Nth.Balwyn 5176 Sabots, P. 229 Wattletree Rd. ,Malvern 7632 Clift, A. 27 Moorhead St.,Camberwell(APYC/RGYC/RMYS) 4084 Hackworth, D. 9 Langtree Court, Blackburn (APYC) 5028 Coen, J. 50 Zetland Rd. ,Mont Albert (ESC) 5396 Hadland, W. 23 Spruhan Ave.,Norlane 7182 Coldwell, K.8 Summit Cres.Ringwood (BRYC) 5727 Halstead, R. 14 Hillview Rd.Nth.Balwyn 4197 Coleman, J.23 Northam Rd.,East Bentleigh 7172 Hanslow, R.18 Willcyrus St.Surrey Hills (4.tonYC) 4897 Collings, F.114 Reserve Rd., Beaumaris (RBYC) 7018 Harbord, W. & 8.38 Clanmore St., Beaumaris 7185 Collis, D. & D. 741 Main Rd.,Eltham 4736 Hardy, Mrs.D. Toolka, Apsley, (Robe YC) 4843 Coombes, R. 68 Patyah St., Diamond Creek (BRYC) 5061 Hare, R. 6 Lorne Ave., Brighton 6631 Cooper, W. 4 Avoca St.,Highett 6387 Harley, G. 85 Marion St. Altona Nth. (An) 5608 Court, L. 31 Tehan St., Seymour 6860 Harney, J. 25 Rogers Ave. ,East Brighton (BRYC) 6189 Cowley, K. 254 Hogan St., Tatura (Derange BC) 5623 Harrison, E. Commonwealth Bank, Horsham (HorshamYC) 6873 Cox, R. 11 McKean St., Box Hill (Westernport YC) 5181 Harrison, L. 18 wattle Valley Rd. Mitcham 6574 Cronin, T. 46 May St. ,Macleod 5756 Harvey, P. Queen's College, Parkville (AYC) 4775 Cummings, L. 17 McCarron Pde.,Eesendon 4807 Hawes, J. Greenhill Rd., Bayswater 4183 Daehler, L.1/36 Avoca St., Sth.Yarra (APYC) 6121 Haynes, K. 56 Electra St. ,Williamstown (AYC) 5760 Dalby, J. 4A Glen St.,Aspendale (Mord.SC) 6411 Heard, F. 43 Mortimore St., Moorabbin (APYC) 4353 Daniels, F.3 Grandview Ave. ,Beaumaris (BRYC) 7273 Herniman, R. 37 Cascade St.,Nth.Balwyn 7434 Dargavel, R. 2 Lord St., Bentleigh (ESC) 5889 Hess, L. 3 Link St., Doncaster (ESC) 4092 Davies, W. 1 Douglas Ave.,Donvale 6975 Hibbins, R.,P. & A.731 Hawthorn Rd. ,East Brighton Dawson, G. 8 Regent St., East Brighton (ESC) 5035 (Westernport YC) 6740/6867 DeJong, L. 15 EUmarella St.,Tullamarine (AYC) 7377 Higgins, R. 14 Maxie Rd., East Doncaster (ESC 7163 Demchenko, S. Marlborough Rd. Heathmont (ESC) 7088 Hill, B. 62 King Pde.,Knoxfield 6510 Dent, P. 167 McKillop St. ,Geelong 7635 Hill, D. 10 Victotia Rd., Camberwell 5929 Dickson, R. 29 Tannock St, Nth.Balwyn (APYC) 4897 Hiller, G. 154 North Rd., Brighton (ESC) 4867 Dill-Macky, J. 2Rangeview Ct.Glen Waverley (RMYS) 3687 Hoffman, Mrs.R.24 Everglade Ave. ,Forest Hill (RMYS) 6465 Dillon, R. 13 Langhorne St.,Dandenong (RMYS), 5901 Hogan, E. 4 Orchard Cres.Mont Albert Nth. 5858 Diverall, L. & N.190 The Boulevarde, East Ivanhoe 6728 Holden, G. 23 Vaynor St., Niddrie 7354 Downey, P. 2 Stirling Rd.Blackburn 5th. (Mord.SC) 6458 Holloway, E. 51 Fraser St., Hems Hill, Geelong 7624 Doyle, A. 90 Blair St.,Coburg 7081 Holme, C. Main Rd. ,Kangaroo Ground 7069 Doyle, M/Oakley, G.93 Market St.,Essendon 5126 Holmes, K.33 Coreen Ave., Beaumaris 6856 Drayton, C.15 Hillside Rd. Rosanna (SorrentoSC) 5305 5137 Holt, G. 2 Elizabeth St.,Elsternwick (ESC) Drowley, E. 26 Kathleen Rd.Rosanna 6474 Horlock, J. 37 Lloyd St.,Strathmore (ESC) 5127 Drysdale, G. 20 Donald St.Springvale (BRYC) 4770 Horner, L. 58 Alpha St., Nth.Balwyn 4840 Duckett, M.& N. 56 Park Rd.Surrey Hills (Mord.SC) 5638 Hudson, 'M. 115 Bladin St.,Laverton (AYC) 4748 East, G. 132 Blackburn Rd,Mt.Waverley (ESC) 5938 Hunt, R. 28 High St., Mont Albert (Safety BeachSC) 4829 Eccles, A.35 Bentley St. ,Surrey Hills 5349 Iliff, F. 17 Baldwin Ave. ,Noble Park 7618 Eddison, J. 94a Blyth St.Altona 4288 James, H.2 Wendy Court,Heathmont 5867 Edgoose, A. 36 Scott Grove, Glen Iris • 5712 James, H. 66 Sherwood Ave. ,Chelsea (RMYS) 4651 Edwards, V. & L. 45 Mackenzie St. Golden Sg.Bendigo 4943 Jenkins, A. 22 Brian St. Bentleigh (ESC) 4307 Ellard, F. 30 Astelot Drive, East Doncaster 7370 Jennion, E. 115 East Boundary Rd. East Bentleigh 4192 Evands, V. J. Childrens Cottage, Princess St., Jobling, A. 4 Whalley Drive, Mulgrave 7399 ew (ESC) 5660 Jobson, R. 53 Coorie Cres. Rosanna (ESC) 6159 Evans, L. 26 Anita St., Beaumaris (BYC) 4949 Johnson, K. & D. 202 The Boulevard,Ivanhoe (RMYS) 4463 Evans, N. 58 Reserve Rd., Beaumaris 7176 Jones, I. 381 Stephenson Rd.Mt.Waverley (APYC) 6375 Everett, L. 647 High Street Rd.Glen Waverley (ESC) 6647 Jones, P. 26 Parkmore Rd. Forest Hill 6953 Eynstone, C. 18 Charles St., St.Kilda (Mord.SC) 6542 Fairweather, Est.of 16 Livingstone St.Reservoir(ESC) 6739 Jones, T. 63 Macedon Rd.Lower Templestowe (SKYC) 6380 Fay, 3.113 Condon St.Bendigo (Bendigo YC) 6731 Joyce, J. & P. 42 Clapman Ave., Glenroy (McCraeYC) 4155 Feiner, A. & S. 2 Kyeamba Grove, Toorak (APYC) 6616 Judd, A. 3 Frank St., Box Hill Sth. 5116 Feldtmann, J. 6 Albert St.,Highett (Mord.SC) 4107 Julian R. 20 Erasmus St. ,Surrey Hills 4667 Flachner, C. 110 Bradshaw St., Essendon 6860 Kaye, W. 35 Glen St.,Hawthorn (McCrae YC) 4959 Fleming, B. 27 Clark Rd., Ivanhoe 4862 peeler, A. 12 Seaview St.,Mt.Waverley (Brc) 5373 Fletcher, A. Police Station, Yarrawonga (Y'wongaYC) 7093 Keeley, R. 659 Nepean Wway,East Brighton (RMYS) 7299 Florence, J. P.O.Box 99, Rupanyup (Horsham YC) 5921 Kelly, R. 3 Norma Ave., Cheltenham (Westernport YC) 7094 Frame, D. 267 Doncaster Rd.,Nth.Balwyn (APYC) 4793 Kendall, B. 379 Stephenson's Rd.Mt.Waverley (APYC) 4566 Fraser, G. 11 Seymour Ave., Armadale (ESC) 6628 Kerin, J. 16 Springfield Ave., Clayton (BRYC) 5729 Freame R. & L. 162 North Rd.Brighton (RBYC) 5624 Kerr, L. 9 York Rd.Glen Iris 4316 Freeman, R. 9 Intermgn Rd. Boronia (Frankston YC) 6150 King, Dr.M. 26 Audrey Cres.Burwood (ESC) 6514 Garland, R. 13 Morey St. Burwood 4921 Kinsman, R. 22 Strathmore St.Bentleigh (B'gowtieYC) 6875 Garner, R. 26 Derbyshire Rd.Mt.Waverley (ESC) 5381 Kirkland, I. 39 Beluga St.Mt.Eliza 6220 Garnett, J. 120 Heathmont Rd.,Heathmont (APSC; 6795 Kirkpatrick, T. 3/2 Levuka St.Seaford 7279 Gates, L. 22 Third St., Black Rock (BRYC) 7193 Knaggs, J. 9 Florence St. Glen Waverley 5067 Gleason, L. 25 Skene St., Shepparton (Nag.YC) 7625 Knight, Miss D. 4 Yarra Grove, Hawthorn (Alb.SC) 5676 Goad,P. 18 Erowal St. Beaumaris 4283 Kurth, S. 42 New Road, Oak Park (ESC) 6604 Goldsworthy, R. 1 Wippa Court,Ashwood (l4ord.SC) 6477 Laidlaw, G. 15 Bent St.,Westmeadows (AYC) 5086 Gordon, W. 25 Tullius Ave., Nth Clayton 4925 Lack, L. 54 Buckingham Drive, Heidelberg (Alb.SC) 6501

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 58 Lang, S. 24 Cannes Grove, Beaumaris 5691 Fettle, G. 7 Warden St.Yallourn (Lat.BalleyYC) 3654 Lawton, P. P.O.Box 44 Berwick (SomersYC) 3919 Peters, T. 42 Stanley Grove, Canterbury (BRYC) .4394 Lennane, R. 179 Separation St., Bell Park 7276 Petigk, B. 32 Thompson St.Avondale Hts. 7006 Lightfoot, -H. 16 Iris St., Burwood 7450 Pettit, B. 144 Pellatt St.Beaumaris 5695 Lines, J.D,J.R. & H. 9 Fortune St., Box Hill (BYC) 4343 Podger, W. 19 Fleming St. Mornington 7197 Livingstone Dr.J. 65 Winmalee Rd., Balwyn (B.gowrieY)4335 Pohl, J. 15 Jack St. Mt.Waverley (APYC) 4294 Lovig, D. 35 Ashwood AVe.,Highett 7412 Pollock, J/Weatherill,D.16 Stokes St.Rosanna (ESC) 3640 Lowe, E. 15 Melosa Ave., East Brighton (APYC) 4599 Potter, R. 84 May St.North Altona (Somers YC) 6965 Lowe, R. 40 Glebe St. ,Forest Hill (APYSC) 6894 Pound, L. 68 Roy St. Donvale (AYC) 6149 Lowen, F. 17 Swinton Ave., Kew (Somers YC) 5814 Powell, C. 22 Tulip St. Black Rock (BeaumarisYC) 6582 McCarthy, E. & J. 12 Sheffield St., Sth.Caulfield 4780 Prest, A. 10 Mackay Ave.,Glenhuntly (RMYS) 4876 McClure, A. 7 Wellington Ave., Beaumaris (RBYC) 7381 Price, Dr.M. 71 Fernhill Rd. Sandringham (BRYC) 4738 McCraith, G. 107 Roberts Rd. Essendon 5748 Proven, B. 25 Derbyshire Rd.Mt.Waverley (ESC) 7065 McDonald, E. 929 Mt.Alexander Rd. Essendon (APYC) 3614 Rae, C. 156 Charman Rd. Mentone (Mord.SC) 7179 McDougall, M. 31 Belmont Rd.Glen Waverley (ESC) 4223 Ralph, L. 96 Fawkner St.Essendon, (Alb.SC) 7411 McGowan, F. 34 Moodie St. Caulfield 5864 Randles, A. 6 Worrell St. Nunawading 6956 McKenzie, C. & A.11 Roselea St. Box Hill 4439 Regan, N. 1/31 Grice Cres.Essendon (Somers YC) 5342 McLean, C. 1 Atherton Court, Colac (Colac YC) 6483 Reid, N. 7 Kelly Ame.,Moorabbin (BRYC) 6725 McMillan, N. 129 Dandenong Rd. Oakleigh (ESC) 3386 Reiss, G.19 Sydney St.,Macleod (ESC) 4898 McNulty, M. 6 Acheron St. Doncaster (BRYC) 5516 Richardson, R. 97 Pellatt St.Beaumaris (BYC) 6206 Mackenzie, D. 116 Reserve Rd. Beaumaris (BYC) 6543 Ridgway, N.,M. & P. 1 Hudston St,Hampton (BRYC)5353/5996 Mackie, J. 13 Raymond St., Beaumaris (Mord.SC) 5194 Rieper, L.21Bennett Pde., East Kew (APYC) 5301 Mackie, W.13 Raymond St.Beaumaris (Mord.SC) 7257 Riseley, R. 52 Allendale Rd.Mentone (Mord.SC) 7353 Mackrell, H. 139 Miller St. Nth.Fitzroy 4544 Robertson, A. 7 Dallas Ave.,Oakleigh (ESC) 4429 Maggs, R. 4 Heath St. Sandringham (BRYC) 4557 Robeson, K. 12 Tooronga Rd., East Malvern (SomersYC) 4082 Mansfield, J. 160 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton (Mord.SC) 7054 Robinson, T. 22 Smythe Ave. ,Mont Albert (4'port YC) 5367 Martin, I. 239 Bendy St.E.Brighton (13.gowrie YC) 6105 Roddick, I. 12 Lower Heidelberg Rd., Ivanhoe 4698 Massoni, L.2/18 Howetd St., Kew (Somers YC) 6967 Rose, C. 15 Bowmore Rd.,Noble Park 7626 May, R. 3 Cresy St., Malvern (RMYS) 4333 Rosenfield, 0.3/24 Brisbane St.MUrrumbena (AlbSC) 4758 Mebberson, A. 20 Heaton Ave., Elwood (ESC), 7280 Ross, P.4 Highview Drive, Doncaster 4276 Medley, J. 2 Gloucester Rd. ,Ashburton (13.gowrie YC) 7368 Ross, W. 43 Saxton St. Box Hill 6504 Menogue, L. 38-Elimatta Rd., Carnegie 7611 Ruston, B. 19 Arianne Rd. Glen Woverley 7644 Meyer, L. 214 North Rd.,Huntingdale (ESC) 4794 Rutley, Miss S. 38 Lansdowne St.Pascoe Vale South Miller, P. 50 Kennedy St.,Glenroy (Westernport YC) 7085 (Merricks YC) 6646 Mitchell, R. Merbein Sth. via Mildura (L.Cu1'reineYC)6623 Rutter, S. 108 Cooper St. Essendon (AYC) 4214 Moate, P. 26 Ardgour St. Nth.Balwyn 7413 Ryan, J. & E. 5 pippin Ave. ,Glen Waverley (ESC) 6376 Mollison, C. 3 Heaton Ave. ,Elwood (ESC) 4857 Ryan, N. 13 McGregor St. Pascoe Vale 5177 Morley, I. 19 Bodley St.,Beaumaris (BYC) 4963 Salau, J. 37 St.James Rd. Rosanna 4953 Morris, J. Kent Hughes Rd.,Elthem 4777 Saunders, D. 3 Lyndock Ave.,Warnambool (4'boolYC) 6546 Morris, W. 2 Brenda St., Nunawading (BRYC) 6116 Schott, F. 6 Stanley St., Brighton 5161 Moule, A. 599 High St.Rd., Mt.Waverley ZESC) 6995 Scott, A. 386B Waverley Rd., Mt.Waverley 6187 7638 Moyle,F. & A. 3 Hodge St., Daylesford (L.LearmonthYC)4593 Seabrook, B.22 Joy St.,Mt.Waverley (B.gowrie YC) Scales, A., 219 Lawrence Rd. ,Mt.Waverley (ESC) 7152 Moysey, G. Mount Erin Rd. Ferny Creek (BRYC) 5153 Seear, J. 19 mangarra Rd.,Canterbury (B'gowrie YC) 4893 Mumme, D. 93 McKinnon Rd. McKinnon 6544 Seletto, P. 19 Monaco St. Doncaster 3688 Munro, N. 1 Hotham St., Beaumaris (BYC) 5711 Sewell, R. 33 Black St.,Watsonia 7386 Murphy, L. 2 Wingara Ave.,Keilor East (ESC) 5147 Sharp, L. 69 Haldane St., Beaumaris (BYC) 4778 Murphy, W. 2 Rusden St.,Elsternwick (ESC) 4889 sharpin, P. 38 Halley St.,Blackturn (BRYC) 7013 Nagambie Yacht Club, Box 13 P.O.Nagambie (Nag.YC) 2788 Shaw, J. 40 Irving St. ,Mt.Waverley 5175. Naismdth, G. 120 Kanooka Grove, Clayton (Mord.SC) 7177 Sheehan, B. 1 Molesworth St.Kew (ESC) 4154 Naismdth, J. 120 Kanooka Grove, Clayton (Mord.SC) 6515 Shugg, J. 11 Belmont Rd.Glen Waverley (Saf.BchSC) 7015 Bangle, P. 7 Warne St., Eaglemont (RMYS) 4789 Small, A. 142 Reserve Rd. ,Beaumaris (BYC) 5845 Nankervis, M. 704 Gilbert Rd. ,Reservoir (Lat.ValleyYC7031 Smart, I. 268 Gladstone St.Maryborough (C/CurranSC) 4858 Nation, W. 20 Riversdale Rd.,Chilwell (GeelongSC) 3395 Smart, Mrs.M. 2 Young St.Kew (VLYC) 5188 Neale, A. 19 Karwitha St., Vermont 7481 Smith, G. 6 Princetown Rd.Mt.Waverley (BRYC) 5025 Neall, R. 56 Cromer Rd., Beaumaris (BYC) 7002 Smith, G.& E. 35 Jacka St.West Macleod 5318 Nelson, L. MGSBH, Princes Bridge, Melbourne (ESC) 6127 Smith, M. 17 Daly Rd. Sandringham (s'hamYC) 6412 Norman, B. 24 Morang Ave., Lower Templestowe (APYC) 5513 Smith, S. 13 Watson St.,GlenIris (McCrae YC) 4473 Norris, R. 14 Winston St.Shepparton (Waranga BC) 7294 Smith, S. 21 Ora St.Hampton Park (BRYC) 5132 O'Brien, D; 19 Middleton St.,Black Rock (BRYC) 7014 Smyth, R. 22 Loller St.Brighton (s'hamYC) 6558 O'Brien, F. 124 Collins St., Mentone 6986 Sneddon, K. 71 Sir Garnet Rd.Surrey Hills (Mord.SC) 4129 O'Brien, J. 255 Como Pde., Parkdale (ParkdaleSC) 5530 Somerville, R.2/1336 High Str.,Malbern 3126 O'Brien, K. School of Signals, Balcombe (BRYC): 3649 Sparkman, G. 4 Jesse St.Burwood 6887 O'Callaghan, J. 11 Narrak Rd.,Balwyn (ESC) 5960 Sparnon, W. 20 Manuka Drive, Ferntree Gully (AlbSC) 5077 Ogden, N. 21 Alison St.Thomastown (AYC) 6183 Spry, W. 9 Grant Ave.,Toorak (MorningtonYC) 3549 Ongarello, P. Lot 5 Perversi Rd.Diamond Creek (WrieY7356 Stallbaum, P.32 Illuka Cres.Mt.Waverley (ESC) 6980 Opie, K. 24 Hornby St., East Brighton 7017 Steel, J. 100 Albion Rd.Ashhurton 5335 Outran, M. 70 Nicholas St.Ashburton 5842 Stephens, C. 6 Riley St. Sth,Oakleigh (Mord.SC) 7494 Paterson, A. 39 Florence Rd. Surrey Hills (Mord.SC) 6506 Stevens, S. 5 Weaver St.Boort 7067 Paterson, K. 14 Station St.Seaholme (AYC) 5821 Stewart, I. 54 Severn St.Nth.Balwayn 5693 Paterson, R. 7 Latona St. ,Mentone (Mord.SC) 6487 Stirton, G.B. 2 Woddvale Rd. Boronia (B'gowrieYC) 6766 Page 59 Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Stone, H. & L.92 Civic Pde.,Altona (AYC) 5510 Cullen, M. 20 Clarkson St. ,Pearce (YMCASC) 5982 Sullivan, J. 3 Lincoln CoUrt, Ivanhoe (BRYC) 5379 Davies, R. 6 Brassey St., Deakin (CanbYC) 6185 Sumner, J. 462 Middleborough Rd., Blackburn (APYC) 4567 Downes, J. 19 Agnew St., Ainslie 4375 Syme, 0. 39 St.Georges Cres.Ashburton (BYC) 6972 Dowse, J.47 Holmes Cres. Campbell 6650 .Symonds, R. 190 Milleara Rd.East Keilor (ESC) 5666 Dudley, Mrs.M. P.O. Box 4, Canberra (YMCASC) 4531 Tate, A. 31 Woodland Ave., Croydon 7410 Fitzhardinge, Dr.N. 21 Furneaux St. ,Forrest (CanbYC) 4285 Taylor, M. 58 Bronte St. Heidelberg (BRYC) 5943 Gallagher, R. 90 Blacket St., Downer (YMCASC) 5191 Taylor, M., 16 Ruby St., Selwyn (RMYS) 5084 Garlick, J. 22 Andrews St. ,Watson, 7425 Thomson, P. & M.24 Grant St.,Bairnsdale (WlandLYC) 5027 Goldsmith, L. 54 Vasey Cres. Campbell 3764 Tomkinson, R. 2 Riddle St., Bentleigh (RMYS) Groser, H. 8 Hassell St., Ainslie (YMCASC) 4757 Trewenack, G. Church Rd., Templestowe 7254 Hamilton, B. & I. 7 Lutana St. ,Lyons (CanbYC) 6372 Trigger, F. 88 McMahon Rd., Reservoir (RAAFYC) 6548 Henchman, Dr.D. 11 Goreen St., Reid (YMCASC) 5920 Tucker, C. 26 Pinewood Drive, Mt4Waverley (ESC) 6763 Hume, L. & D. 20 Marsden St.,Dickson,(YMCASC) 4977 Tudball, I. & K. 2 Nanoon Close, Elsternwick (ESC49580398 Jackson, S. 49 Dumaresg St., Dickson (YMCASC) 6513 Turner, D. 17 Montalto Ave.,Toorak (RMYS) 5037 Johnson, J. 6 Renwick St.,Chifley 4942 Turner, L. 26 Wheeler St.Ormond 4290 Joshua, R. 67 Fitchett St.,Garran (YMCASC) 1880 Tyack, I. 112 Nicholas St. Newtown 5942 Kennedy, J. 65 Rivett St.,Hackett 4086 Tyler, J/Kelly,A.33 Robinson St., East Brighton(VLYC)4145 Kennedy, R. 35 Glasgow St. ,Hughes (CanbYC) 4572 VanderVeer,P. 31 Hartington St.,Glenroy (HobsonsBYC) 7419 Kohlhase, R. 8 Baines Place, Lyneham 4851 Veale, W.73 Lucerne Cres.Alphington (SafetyBchYC) 6982 Laycock, K. & F. 20,Bremer St.Griffith (YMCASC) 3596 Veitch, G. 71 Union Rd. ,Surrey Hills 5542 LeCouteur, K. 12 Hutt St.,Yarralumla (YMCASC) 5087 Vincent, G. 17 Wicicham Rd.,Moorabbin XBRYC) 5739 Leitch, Dr.J. 7 Arnhem Place, Red Hill (CanbYC) 3753 Wallace, E. 2 Field St.,Shepparton (Waranga BC) 7068 Lowes, A. 10 Macleay St., Turner 4345 Wallace, R. 33 Myrniong Grove, East Hawthorn 7627 McDougall, I. Box 4 P.O. Canberra (ANUSC) 5162 Walsh, C. 22 Seaton St., Glen Iris (ESC) 6423 Manning, E. 3 Moorehouse St.,O'Connor (YMCASC) 4428 Walter, N. & C. 57 Haydens Rd.,Beaumaris (BYC) 4750 Martin, Dr.C. 12 Chermside St., Deakin (CanbYC) 3761 Wareing, E. 109 Flinders Lane,Melbourne (Mord.SC) 6196 Mathews, R. 22 Cobby St., Campbell 4165 Watts, IC. 13 Allister St.Mt.Waverley (ESC) 6734 Meller, A. 45 Mackenzie St. ,Hackett (CanbYC) 7019/7488 Webb, A. Hester St. Sorrento 4765 O'Dea, R. 27 Moore St. ,Turner (YMCASC) 3652 weber, G, 634 Toorak Rd.,Toorak 5632 Osborn, J. 82 Groom St., Hughes (YMCASC) 5316 White, B.A. 1 Coape St.,Cheltenham (Mord.SC.) 6354 Page, Mrs.D. & D.34 JenningszSt.,Curtin (YMCASC) 4856 White, J.,P.,I.& D. Nagambie (Nagambie YC) 7405 Payne, D. 6 Borrowdale St., Canberra (YMCASC) 5786 White, J. P.O. Box 13, Nagambie (Nagambie YC) 5616 Police & Citizens Boys Club, 13 Duffy St.,Ainslie 4568 White, J. 302 South Rd., Moorabbin (BRYC) 5054 3985 White, R. & P. 3 Charlotte St.Blackburn (Mord.SC) 5548 4140 White, R. 217 Elgar Rd.,Bouth Box Hill 6194 "inclusive 4671 to 4679 White, R. 14 Philip St.,Dandenong (Mord.S.C) 5917 Pratt, C. 38 Simpson St., Watson (YMCASC) 2785 Whitehead, J. 133 Finch St.,Glen Iris 7078 Rabbidge, R. 52 Wilsmore Cres.Chifley 4427 Whittem, J. & D. 15 Craddock Ave. ,Caulfield (BRYC) 6238 Read, R. 13 Sutter St. ,Ainslie (YMCASC) 5661 Wicks, J. 4 Edith Court, Doncaster 4149 Robertson, C. 10 Lawley St.,Deakin 5167 Wierzbowski, M. 3 Lillain St., Pascoe Vale (MerricksYC7608 Roseblade, R. & M. C/- RMC Duntroon,Canberra (CanbYC)4774 Wild, B. 46 Longfellow Ave., Mooroolbark 4985 Rourke, W. 15/2 Northbourne Ave. ,Turner (CanbYC) 5307 Willett, R. 197 Grimshaw St., Greensborough (PMYC) 3757 Sherpherd, K. 38 Atherton St., Downer (YMCASC) 4219 Williamson, I. 20 Cavanagh St.,Cheltenhhm (Mord.SC) 6527 Sherwood, D. 12 Colton Place, Downer (YMCASC) 4583 Wilson, F. 78 Carnarvon Rd. Strathmore (AYC) 5107 Thampsdn, R. 13 Brinsmead St. ,Pearce 4755 Wilson, G. 75 Monash Rd.,Newborough (Latrobe ValleyYC5526 Thorn, E. P.O. Box 1108, Canberra City 4537 Woodland, A. 450 South Rd.,Moorabbin (RBYC) 6410 Townsend, C. 1 Harrison Rd.,Duntroon 4555 Wright, J. & R. 1 Harold Rd.,Sprinvale Sth, 6853 Veenstra, 111 Wattle St., O'Connor (YMCASC) 4286 Wright, N. & P. 12 Finsbury Way,Camberwell (Mord.SC) 4083 Wroe, B. 33 Clarendon St., Avondale Hts. (AYC) 4822 TASMANIA young, G. 7 Becketts Rd., Donvale 6396 Beresford, A & L. 32 Cottesloe St., Lindisfarne(LSC) 7024 Bryan, I. 18 Tilanbi St.,Howrah (LSC) 763 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Crouch, Dr.D. 37 Newstead Cres.Launceston 4836 Backhouse, R. 36 Selwyn St., Hackett (YMCASC) 6239 Foale, G. 95 Riawena Rd., Rose Bay (LSC) 756 Bailey, J. 16 Glasgow St. ,Hughes (YMCASC) 5069 Hewer, H. & R. 72 Kaoota Rd., Rose Bay (LSC) 678 Ballard, J. 19 Lamington St.,Deakin (CanbYC) 4144 Keats, P. ?. 6 Toluwah St.,Burnie (Inglis YC) 7484 Black, H. 42 Girrahween St.,Braddon (YMCASC) 4069 Kennedy, M. 46 Cornwall St. ,Rose Bay (LSC) 743 Blakers, G. 46 Vasey Cres.,Campbell (YMCASC) 2568 Neville, P. 97 Riawena Rd., Rose Bay (LSC) 5308 Bamford, A. & 3.43 Waller Cres.Campbell 4334 Moore, P. 9 Riawena Rd.,Rosny (LSC) 741/7652 Bullock, Miss 3.10 Gipps St.,Barton (CanbYC) 3995 Parker, R. 12 Howrah Rd.,Howrah (IBC) 767 Caldwell, J. 11 Fitzroy St.,Forrest 4762 Payne, A. 49 Cornwall St. ,Rose Bay (LSC) 754 Carnall, P. 20 Donaldson St.,Braddon (CP&CBSC) 7258 Pecats, B. 17 Fairfield Rd., Lindisfarne (LSC) 7430 Charley, R. 42 Cougar SX. 4556 Sherriff, J. 147 Bass Highway, East Wynyard (DeviotYC)7403 Coggan, A. 3 Caladenia St.,O'Connor (YMCASC) 4485 Sweetingham, M. 45 Loatta Rd., Lindisfarne (LSC) 746 Colman, B. 6 Rosebuck St., Red Hill (YMCASC) 4111 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Cooke-Russell, 32 WatsonSt.,Turner (YMCASC) 4657 Corbett, A. 51 Creswell St.,Campbell (YMCASC) 4136 Abbott, I. C/- Ardrossan Area School Ardrossan(PVSC) 5533, Cramp, Miss D. 10 Dampier Cres.Forrest (YMCASC/CanYC)6747 Abbott, W. 22 Portland St.,Fulham (Henley SC) 4980 Crocker, A. 51 Atherton St., Downer 4694 Adams, J.& K.17 Freeling Cres.Col.Lt.Gardens (SomSC) 6723 Croucher, D. 48 Arndall St. ,Macquarie 5915 Alderman, Dr.C. & D.118 Woolnough Rd.,Largs Bay (LBSC6158

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 60 Alderman, Miss H.& R. 118 Woolnough Rd.,Largs B(LBSC)4464 Correll, D. Box 11, Curramulka (PVSC) 6605 Allen, G. 586 Tapley's Hill Rd.,Fulham (HSC) 6776 Correll,G/Clark,G. 70 Ferguson Ave. Myrtle Bank 7493 Alliston M. Prep:School,St.Peters College.St.Peters Cosh, K. 40 Balranald Ave.,Largs Bay (LBSC) 6993 (Brighton/Seacliff YC) 4894 Coultas, S. 19 Young St., Seacliff (B/SYC) 6130 Anderson, 2.10 Coral Ave.,Semaphore Park 7384 Cowan, L. & L. 3 Denbrow St. ,West Beach (GSC) Andrew, B. & F. 4 McAllen Ave., Beaumont 4594 7156 Cox, D. 16 Oakmont Cres.Novar Gardens (HSC) Armstrong, L. 232 Esplanzde, Seacliff (B/SYC) 6746 5907 Crafter, A.Pte.Bag 83, Bay Rd.,Mt.Gambier Austin, J. Port Vincent (Pt.Vincent SC) 7397 5958 Bails, S. 28 Barrette Rd.,Torrens Park (SomSC) 6881 Crafter, Dr.K. 146 Victoria Tce.Lower Mitcham 4561 Bakker, 3.34 Ophir Cres.Seacliff Park (B/SYC) 6114 Crawford, P. 5 Smith Ave. ,Hove (B/SYC) 6635 Bantick, N. 15 Sturt Place, Beaumont (Glenelg SC) 5354 Creaser, K. 7 Nunyara Cres.Belair (B/SYC) 6775 Crouch, T. Priv.Bag, Coonalpyn (4eingieSC) 5852 Barbary, A. 26 Eyre St.,Seaview Downs (B/SYC) 7089 Crowe, R. 10 Farringdon St.,Largs Nth. (LBSC) 6630 Barber, P.23 Webb St. Henley Beach 7641 Barclay, C. 12 Elizabeth Ave.,Glenalta 6880 Curkpatrick, L.,M.& R. R.M.B 91 Kingston (RobeYC) 6897 Daniels, R. 68 Wandana Tce.,Taperoo (PRSC) Barclay, R. 89 Broadbent Terrace, Whyalla 5948 7467 Barclay, R. 94 Jenkins Tce.,Naracoorte (TRYC) 6720 Davey, A.41 Brigalow Ave.,Kensington Gardens (LBSC) 4877 Barnes, P. 19 Muller Rd.,Manningham (LBSC) 7406 Davies, R. 78 Francis St.,Nth.Brighton (SomYC) 6954 Davis, R. 2 Brooker St.,Glenunga (B/SYC) Barrie, A. 26 Jenkins Ave.,Whyalla (WYC) 7402 6744. Bateman, J. 27 Victoria St.,Glandore 6891 DeDear, R. 36 Halliday St.,Pt.Pirie (RPPYC) Batty, R. 15 Atkinson Rd., Elizabeth Downs (LBSC) 4948 Degilio, H. 107 Carlisle St. ,Glanville (PRSC) 651:9 Beaufoy, S.69 Wills St.,Largs Bay (LBSC) 7084 Denman, T. 59 French St.,Nethby (B/SYC) 6707 Beer, J.21 Warwick St.,Largs North (PRSC) 7263 Dillon, R. 9 Essex St. ,Brighton (B/SYC) 6566 Bell, J. 23 Holder Rd. ,Hove (B/SYC) 6113 Disney, A. 44 Tusmore Ave.,Tusmore 5090 Bennett, R. 16 Baanga Rd.,Morphett Vale (B/SYC) 6364 Dix, E. & L.S99 Leslie St.,Woodville Park (LBSC) 6417 Benny, G. 11 Fern Rd., Blackwood 7414 Dix, R. & J. 13 Downer St. ,Kilkenny (LBSC) 6100 Bernie, J. 55 Eton Rd.,Somerton Park (B/SYC-PRSC) 4575 Dodds, J. 2 Hobart Rd. ,Henley South (HSC) 5675 Berry, D. 11 Knapman St.,Port Pine 6704 Doughty, G. 3 Seaview Tce.,Brighton (B/SYC) 5974 Bertram, J & D.Box 105,Minlaton (PVSC) 6610 Drinkwater, B.,S.,D.,B.L. & H, 1 Bishop Ave., Somerton Park (SomYC) 6384 Bertram, L. & N.10 Brookman St.,Osborne (LBSC). 5073 Dowse, R. 8 Harold St.,Para Hills 7374 Birkin, D. Dowlingville (PVSC) 7026 Duguid, Dr.W. 20 Young St. ,Seacliff (B/S YC) Black, C. 10 Omar Ave., Warradale (B/SYC) 5781 Dunn, R. & G. 192 Swan Tce.,Exeter 64:6918 Blake, M. 18 Thorpe St.,Torrens Park 7383 Blight, G. 45 Lexington Rd. Henley Sth.(BSC) Dunne, I. 5 Forrest St.,Blair Athol 4961 Dunstan, A. & D. 5 Vincent St.,Hendon (PRSC) 6156 Bollmeyer, W. 2A Hughes St.,Wallaroo (WalSC) 67148:6 Boyd, W. 7 The Parade,Marion (B/SYC) 7155 Dunstone, K. Box 91, Banners (Lake Bonney YC) 6428 Bradbury, P. & D. 3 Market Corner,Fulham Gadens(LBSC)7495 Eakins, M. 449 Military Rd.,Largs Bay (LBSC) 6895 Brassiagton, W. 464 Morphett Rd.,Waradale Park(Som8C)5895 Edwards, B. 4 Jasmine Grove, Fulham Gardens (HSC) 6865 Briggs, T. 515 Military Rd.,Largs Nth. (LBSC) 7059 Edwards, E.& M. 13 Lamington Ave.,Seacliff (B/SYC) 5903 6202 Britton, S. Hawker 6861 Edwards, F., Box 212, Penola (Robe YC) Edwards, G. 8 Preston Ave., Brighton (B/SYC) Brook, B. Sandilands, Y Pen (PVSC) 6749 Brook, D. C/- Mrs.Stacey, WellWellington (SoSC)m 5747:9 6 Ellis, Miss S. G. & T. 15 Charnock St.Largs Nth.(PRSC5950 Brown, E. Box 170 Ceduna (Far West SC) 5502 Ellis, T., 49 Railway Tce.,Kadina (gallaroo SC) 6176 Brown, H. 28 Exhibition Drive,Modbury Nth. (LBSC) 6718 Emery, R. 442 The Terrace, Pt.Pirie (RPPYC) 5095/7396 Brown, L. 1 Acacia St., Seacliff (B/SYC) 5964 Emery, R. 19 Tyrie Ave.,Findon West (PRSC) 6134 Brown, M. 25 Raymond Ave. ,Seaton (HSC) 6120 Fauser, G. C- HighSchool, Victor Harbour (VHYC) 6952 Brown, R. 62 Florence Ave., Blair Athol (LBSC) 7061 Ferguson, E. & K. 16 Pacific Pde.,West Beach )HSC) 6642 Buckby, J. & B. 4 Evans St. ,Woodville (HSC) 6214 Fisher, Rev.P. James Ave.,RenmarK (Lake Bonney YC) 5511 Brunger, M. 3 Durham Ave.,Lockleys 6787 Flaherty, W. .6W. 2 Esplanade, Semaphore Sth.LBSC51350/7367 Fletcher, J. 42 Acacia St. ,Seacliff (B35YC) Burdon, G. /Jervois Tce.,Marino(B/SYC) 6203 Flint, K. 1 Ulinga St.,Golflands (B/SYC) ::8 72 Burns, D. 46 Sturdee St., Linden Park (GSC) 5927 Forbes, W. 3 St.Giles Way,Glengowrie 6569 7025 Cairns, G., 33 Albany Cres.Oaklands Park Ford, J. 53 Wattle Ave.,Brighton (B/SYC) 6634 Cale, J. 21 Hoylake St.,Novar Gardens (SomYC) 7175 Foster, T. & K. 141 Tapley's Hill rd. Seaton (GSC) 5937 Carroll, L. 141 Gloucester Ave.,Belair (B/SYC) 6576 Foubister, M. 80 Wileman St.,Whyalla (WYC) 6460 Carter, J. 27 Lomond Ave., Seacombe Hts. 7487 Fox, T. 2 Barnes Ave., Northfield (LBSC) 7442 Carter, St. 28 North East Rd.,Walkerville 5688 Fraser, J. 19 Marie Rd.,Manningham 7169 Castrique, J. Radbone Rd. ,Bridgewater (LBSC) 5628 Fricker, I. 14 Lister Ave. ,Salisbury 4994 Chambers, L. 15 McLaughlan Ave., Nth.Brighton (B/SYC)6706 Friemel, B. 5 Grenache Ave., Wattle Park (B/S YC) 5822 Chapell,A.,C & K. 598 Collins St.,Enfield (GSC) 7461 Garrett, F. Box 6, Glossop (Lake Bonney YC) 5633 Chappell,A/Siggs E, 59B Collins St. ,Enfield (GSC) 6591 Gassner, D. 59 Russell Tee. ,Woodville Park (LBSC) 5334 Chesterman, J. & L. 15 Cottesloe St.,West Beach (HSC)5779 George R. 24 Lisburne Ave., Mitcham (GSC) 6392 Clark, J. 14 Thorpe St.,Torrens Park (B/SYC) 4566 Germein, J. Pte.Bag 8 Ardrosan (PVSC) 6585 Clarke, J, 39 Yeltana Ave. ,Wattle Park (B/S YC) 6643 Girvin, J. 12 Heath St.,Whyalla (WYC 7422 Clarke, L/Stewat,D.6 Lillian St.,Findon (PRSC) 7483 Glasson, I. 4 McMurtrie Place, Beaton Clayfield, Dr.R.413 Paypeham Rd.,Felixtow (LBSC) 6531 6716 Clayson, R. 63 Acacia St. ,Seacliff 6968 Glover, G. 16 Cygnet Tee., Kingston Park (B/SYC) 6594 Clayton, P. 5 Wainwright St.,Clarence Gardens (B/SYC)5182 Cleland, D. 23 Walker St.,Somerton Park (SomYC) 6106 Godson, J. 1 Mary St., Eden Hills (LBSC) 5545 Cleworth, J. 13 Doswell Crescent, Kadina (WallarooSC)7361 Gordon, Miss E. 24 Seventh Ave., Cheltenham (LBSC) 5197 Cole, M. 24 Chamberlain Ave., Clarence Gardens (SomYC) Gordon, R. 43 Nookamka Tce.,Barmera (LBSC) 4888 4955/ 6874 Gough, W. 7 Kylie Cres.Hillbank 7096 Cooper, R. 6 Ewers Ave., Coromandel Valley 6433 Graham, M. 292 South Rd., Croydon Park ((SC) 6721 Cooper, R. 12 Cornhill Rd., Victor Harbour (VHYC) 6177 Greenslacalet, S. 3 Freda St.,Netley (PRSC) 6970 Cormier,A. 23 Tusmore Ave.,Leabrook (B/SW) 7364 Grivell. R. 43 Lincoln Cres.Pooraka 7449

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 61 6615 Gurr, C. 98 Balcombe Ave. ,Seaton (GSC) 6713 Leigh, A. & D.74 Briens Rd.Northfield (LBSCX 5610 Gutte, J. 110 Frederick St., Welland 6117 Leigh, J. 45 Clark Tce. ,Seaton (HSC) 3987 Rage, K. P.O.Residence, Waz:ooka (PVSC) 5824 Leleu, J.& B. 21 Stuckey Ave.,Underda1e (LBSC) Hall, B. & K. 5 Salisbury Tce., Camden Park (SomYC) 4947 Lewis, R. 38 Winall St. ,Clapham (PRSC) 6636 Hall, J. & M. Pinery P.O. via Owen (GrangeSC) 4478 Lock, L. Box 69 Ardrossan (PVSC) 6996 Halliday, D. 7 Addison Ave.,Marden (HSC) 7358 Lockyer, M. 6 Scholefield Rd.,Kingston Park (B/SYC) 5969 Hamilton, G. 3 Wilkinson St., Whyalla 5926 Loughhead, K. 285 Victoria Rd.Largs Nth. (PRSC) 6588 Harman, R. P.O.Box 488, Whyylla (WYC) 5928 Lowrence, J. 358 Seaview Rd. ,Henley Beach (GSC) 7457 Harrison, D. 13 Murray St.,Fulhem Gardens (GSC) 6550 Lucas, A. 2 Inverell Ave., Sturt (B/SYC) 6726 Harvey, A. 393 Arkaba Rd., Aldgate 6960 Lucas, W. 7 Gloucester St.,Largs Bay (LBSC) 6724 Hassell, A. 46 White St., Henley Beach (LBSC) 7265 Luders, A. & G. 9 Rawson St.,A1berton (PRSC) 4560 Hawkes, R. 8 Gower Str.,Glenelg East (UASC) 7077 Luders, M.J.& G. 19 Lamorna Tce.,Largs Nth. (PRSC) 5363 Hawkes, R. Box 9, Ardrossan 6741 Luders, P. & L. 9 Rawson St., Albarton (PRSC) 5908 Hawson, W. 19 Dunstone Rd., Semaphore Park (LBSC) 6217 Lumsden, J. 234 Prospect Rd. ,Prospect (LBSC) 6879 Hayes, G. & J. 33 Boord St. ,Semaphore Sth. (LBSC) 6118 Luxton, G. .2. & N.501 Military Rd.,Largs (LBSC) 4467 Hay,an, K.,D.,G.& S Box 11, Cummins 6621 Lyons, D. & K. 39 Walker St.,Somerton (SomYC) 7275 6878 Haynes, R. 128 Collins St.,Clearview (PASC) 5173 McClaren, M. 1 Adnunda Place, Beaumont (LBSC) McFarlane, A., I. & G. "" Meningie 04eningieS5988 Heard, C. Box 206, Naracoorte (Robe YC) 4582/6139 McGowan, R. 30 Langdon Tce., Barmera (Lake BonneyYC) 5913 Heath, P. 18 White St., Henley Beach (HSC) 5935 5625 McInerney, M. 19 New St.,Sth.Plympton (GSC) Hefron, N. 2 Rigney St. ,Whyalla (WYC) 6852 7154 McKinnon, R.,63 High St.,Burnside(B/SYC) Heinrich, J. 68 Lewis Cres.Woodville West (PRSC) 7482 5940 McLeod, J. 47 Albion Tce.,Campbelltown Heithersay, M. 53 Bells Rd.,Glengowrie (B/SYC) 7293 McPharlin, R. 90 Caulfield Ave.01arence Gdns.(LBSC) 6165 Hender, M. 13 Second St.,Minlaton (PVSC) 4347 5776 Mackay, M. P.O.Box 240 Loxton (Lake Bonney YC) Hickin, G. 43 Packers Drive, Highbury (B/SYC) 7052 6774 Macpherson, J. 1 Haberton Rd., Brighton (B/SYC) 7455 Hilder, W. 4 Murtoa Rd., Eden Hills (B/SYC) Maddern, J. 31 Esplanade, Somerton Park (B/SYC) 5971 Hinton, A. & G.55a East Ave.,Allenby Gdns. (PRSC) 5975 4848 Magary, C. 32 Commercial Rd., Hyde Park (B/SYC) Hoare, R. 25 Warwick St.,Largs Both. (PRSC) 6429 6770 Magnusson, J. & P. 28 Warwick St.,Largs Nth. (LBSC) Hogg, D. 2 Oakleigh Ave., Magill (LBSC) 7416 Ma2len, Miss R. 1 Holder Place, Marino (B/SYC) 5160 Hooper, J.,R.,G.& C 33 Fortisgreen Ave.,Pennington 6418 Marrett, M. & G. 5 Webster St.,Kleamig (GSC) 7371 Hopkins, J. 27 McArthur Avenue, Warradale (B/SYC) 6157 7631 Marks, A. 32 Pemberton St.,Oaklands Park Hughes, J. 24 Simla Pde., Blackwood 7362 6785 Marks, T. Box 54, Ceduna (Far West SC) Hughes, Dr.J. 62 Pekina St., Eden Hills (B/SYC) 5507 4581 Merles, W. 2 Avon St.,Kurralta Park (LBSC) Hughes, M. 29 Coral Sea Rd., Fulham (HSC) 7264 7420 Marr, A. 29 Russell St.,Kadina (4allaroo SC) Humble, C. 7 Harrow Tce.,Kingswood 6191 7198 martin, D. 49 Hereford Ave. ,Trinity Gnds. Hunt, M. 8 Grey Ave., Beaumont (B/SYC) 7636 Matthews, T. 26 Collingwood St.,P.Pirie (RPPYC) 5044/7395 Huntley, Dr.A. Caves Rd., Naracoorte (Robe YC) 4554 Meldrum Dr.B. 25 Fourth St.,Ardrossan (PVSC) 6553 Hurlstone, A. 29 Shoreham Rd.,Sth.Brighton (B/SYC) 6522 Michelmore, R. 12 Bradfield St., Burnside (B/SYC) 6957 5159 Hurrell, B. 47 Shepherd St. ,Hove (B/SYC) 5686 Miller, W. Delaboce Rd, Willunga Illman, D. Box 2, Minlaton (PVSC) 7464 6142 Minchin, K. Box 31 P.O. Wasleys (B/SYC) Ivar, A. 450 Regency Rd., Blair Athol (mac) 6426 6979 Minhard, Miss P. 115 George St., Norwood (PRSC) Jarrett, G. 11 Agnes St. ,Seaton (PRSC) 6885 6788 Minton, E. 13 Carlton St.,Oaklands Park Jeanes, Dr.B. 9 Bennett Ave., Beaumont (B/SYC) 5961 Mirkovic, Miss V. 8 Victor Ave.,Glenelg East (B/SYC) 4498 Jefferies, I. P.O.Box 102 Whyalla (WYC) 5508 6144 mogg, S. 18 Lamorna Tce.,Largs Nth. (LBSC) Jenkins, A. 14 Denton St. ,Hendon (PRSC) 7091 Moore, A. 14 Counter Rd. ,Elizabeth Downs (GSC) 5523 Jenkins, A. Mullaguana Station,Box 297 Whyalla (WYC) 6964 Moore, B. 46 Acacia St.,Seacliff (B/SYC) 5965 Jolliffe, D. & B 24 Pitman Ave. ,Woodville West (PRSC2174 Mora, G. 20 Kent Ave.,Warradale (SoWYC) 4692 Jones, M. PMB 117 via Kingscote, Kangaroo IS.(KIYC) 4377 Muller, J. 32 LaminOton Ave.,Seacliff Park (B/SYC) 6777 Jude, A. "Poltalloch Bluff, Tailem Bend (MeningieSC)6796 Murphy, W. 16 Cotham Ave., Kensington Park 6164 Kahn, R. 69 Alabama Ave., Prospect (GSC) 7272. Mutton, B. & K. 64 Repton Rd.,Somerton (SoMYC) 6619/7183 Kay, R. & 0.72 Francis St.,Nth.Brighton (B/SYC) 6632 Mutton, R. 62 Wileman St., Whyalla (NYC) 5389 Keays, R. & 8 17 Iluka St.,Glenelg Nth.(GSC) 6599 Newble, Dr.D. 226 Lady Gowrie Drive,Largs Nth. (LBSC) 6555 Keen, J. 10 Urrbrae Ave. ,Myrtle Bank (PRSC) 3897 Newell, J. 115 Devonport Tee. ,Prospect 6977 Kelly, J. Hazelton PMB 147 Naracoorte (Robe YC) 4587 Nickels, A. 178 Three Chain Rd., Pt.Pirie (RPPYC) 6748 Kerr, R. &I D. 8 Devon St.,Sth.Brighton (B/SYC) 6719 Hobbs, J. 8 Hazelwood,Ave.,Hazelwood Park.(PRSC)42$4/7200 Kerr-Grant,A. & H.5 Strathmore Grove, Urrbrae 5317 Noble, M. 38 Oleander St. ,Brighton 6115 Kidman, K. Churinga Park,Naracoorte (Robe SC) 6896 Norman, G. 62 Wheaton St.,SthPlympton 7164 Kimber, M. 16 Leeworthy St. ,Victor Harbour (VHYC) 6175 O'Brien, W. 32 Kingston Cres.Kingston Park (B/SYC) 6629 Kirkwood, Dr.J. 10 Ormonde Grove, Toorak Gardens 6648 Oliver, Dr.R. 35 Beck St.Henley Beach (mac) 5635 Klaffer, H. 18 Dover Tce.,Largs North (LBSC) 5531 O'Sullivan, D. 42 Pickhaver St.Whyalla Stuart (WYC) 5918 Klenner, P. ,D.& Atkinson,J. 9 Wooton Rd.,Edwardstown6567 Parker, R. 40 Romalo Ave. ,Magill 7466 Klopp, G. & L. Box 152, Maitland (PVSC) 6432 parkham, Dr.A. 500 Magill Rd. ,Magill (B/SYC) 7490 Knight, A. 6 Myrtle Rd.,Hawthorndene (RSAYS) 7614 Partridge, P. 6 Collins Ave.,Edwardstown 7190 Koennecke, M. Box 37, Warooka (PVSC) 7045 Patton, A. 1 Cardiff St., Cumberland Park (GSC) 5862 Kretschmer, D.,S.& J. 227 Lady Gowrie Dr.Largs Bay 5157 Paxton, D. & J. 163 Esplanade, Brighton (B/SYC) 4090 Ladyman, J.,J.,P.&M.Box 374 Port Lincoln (PLYC) i 6789 Payne, H. 90 Dinwoodie Ave. ,Clarence Gardens (SomYC) 7424 Lane, R. 31 31 William St., Norwood 4843 Pearce, Miss B. 15 Church St.,Pt.Adelaide (PRSC) 6229 Lawrence, Miss J. 8 Rockingham St.West Beach (HSC) 7277 Pearce, K. 42 Underwood Rd., Elizabeth 5th. 6447 Lawry, R. 7 Critten Ave., Largs Nth.(LBSC) 5941 Pearson, D. 496 Brighton Rd. ,Brighton (B/SYC) 5968 Lee, D. 91 Broadbent Tce., Whyalla (WYC) 6644 Phillips, R. 8 Fourth St.,Tranmere 6710 Lees, Dr.R. 13 Jetty Rd. ,Brighton (B/SYC) 5627 Pickavance, H. 6 Braeside Ave.,Seacombe Hts. 7189 Legoe, T. Ballogie Lucindale (Robe YC) 4689 Pike, Dr.G. 28 McCoy St., Brighton (B/SYC) 6518

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 62 Pile, K. 56 Marine Pde.,Seacliff (B/SYC) 6987 Travers, M., 42 White St., Henley Beach (HSC), 6791 Pimlott, A. 24 Maxwell Rd.,Hackham 5833 Tuckwell, K. 4 Brook Ave. ,Glen Osmond (SomYC) 5193 Porter, N. 8 Pearson St. ,Clarence Gardens 6899 Turner, C. 4 Charron Rd. ,Croydon Park (PRSC) 7290 Pratt, D. 13 Lavinia St., Hove (B/SYC) 5966 Turner, J. Bag 20 Victor Harbour, (VHYC) 6173 Pudney, D.Snr. 13 Westralia St., Taperoo (PRSC) 6784 Turvey, J. 165 Peachey Rd. ,Elizabeth Fld. (NYC) 7291 Pudney, M..13 Westralia St.,Taperoo (PRSC) 5341 Valladares, A. Thevenard (Far West SC) 6491 punke, B. 47 Jetty Rd.,Glenelg (B/SYC) 6627 Vandepeer, D. Box 15, Ardrossan (PVSC) 6797 Raison, C. Cl'- P.O. Balhannah (KlYC) 4809 Vardon, W. 2 Burchett,St.,Magill (B/SYC) 7251 Rantanen, W. 21 Russell St.,Ethelton (PRSC) 7029 Veale, V. 6 Acacia Ave., Glenelg Nth. 6528 Ratcliffe, A. & K. 6 Barker St., Brooklyn Park (GSC) 4805 Vinall, G. 54 Myrtle St., Prospect 6872 Reedman, M. 5 Canberra Place, Henley Sth. (HBSC) 6709 Wale, B. 14 Kookaburra Cres.Hawthorndener 7485 Reid, T. 21 Rotorua Ave., Parkholme 6577 Walford, J. Box 41, Inman Valley (VHYC) 6168 Reseigh, R. 14 William Ave.,Henley Beach (HBSC) 6736 Walter, Mrs.P. 644 Greenhill Rd., Burnside 5386 Ridout, A. 4 Tudor Ave., Clovelly Park (SomYC) 6607 Wannan, R. 44 Kidman Ave.,Kidman Park 5993 Roberts, J. 5 Stanley Ave., Blair Athol 6236 Ward, R. 42 Boettcher St.,Whyalla Stuart (gyc) 6708 Roberts, R. 100 East Avenue, Clarence Park 3617 Ward, W. Box 139 Victor Harbour (VHYC) 6973 Roberts, R. 42 Tennyson St.XUrralta Park (B/SYC) 5973 Warr, J. 6 Anzac H'way, Keswick 3070 Roberts, V. 161 Halsey Rd. ,Henley Sth.(HSC) 7044 Watkins, E. & B. 2 Cooper Ave. ,Croydon Park (PRSC) 7187 Robertson, G.,H.& 5.18 Devon St.,Largs (PRSC) 6131 Watkins, E.,K. & M. 2 Cooper Ave.,croyson Park (PRSC) :6537 Rochow, K. 270 Seacombe Rd.,Seacliff (B/SYC) 6612 Webb, T. C/- Dalgety,N2L.Curramulak (PVSC) 6151 Rodda, R. 20 Cheviot Ave. ,Lower Mitcham (S0mY6) 7268 Weekes, W. 444 Greenhill Rd., Linden Park (LBSC) 6559 Rogers, D. 22 Kelvin Ave.,Warradale (B/S YC) 4500 Veightman, A. 11 Catherine St., Clapham (SomYC) 6225 Rohde, B. 6 Hodge Rd. ,Para Hills (LBSC) 5340 Wesselingh, B. 67 Quinlan Ave. ,Pasadena 7426 Ross, I. 9 Tarranna Ave.,Plympton Park (B/SYC) 6556 West, J. 150 Fullerton Rd. ,Rose Bark 6357 Rotthier, K. 15 Begot Rd. ,Elizabeth 5th. (GSC) 6135 West, R. 1 Rushworth Ave.,Brooklyn Park 5057 Rowe, J. & R. 41 Devon St.,Largs Bay (PRSC) 6400 Wheare, V. Box 29, Curramulka (PVSC) 6792 Rowley, M. 16 Milton Ave., Beaumont (B/SYC) 6137 Whie, I. & C. 2 Granger Rd.,Somerton Park (SomYC)'5083/7352 Royal, G. Box 142 Arthurton (PVSC) 7284 Whittenbury, N. 14 Railway Toe. ,Hove (B/SYC) 5621 Rumball, A. 12 Addison Rd. ,Pennington (PRSC) 5931 Williams, E. 24 Wootoona Tce., St.Georges (GSC) 6122 Russell, M. 63 Woolnough Rd. ,Semaphore (LBSC) 6517 Williams, Dr.G. Park Toe., Millicent (Robe YC) 5891 Sales, D. 33 Fulham Park:Drive, Lickleys (GSC) 7295 Williams, R. & A. 5 Violet Court, Boyar Gardens (SomY)6123 Salisbury, V. 6 Jasmine Grove,Fulham Gardens (HSC) 6554 Williamson, D. & J. 15 Brenda Tce.,Largs Nth.(PRSC) 6453 Sandland, A. ,C & 8.15 Recreation Pde.,Sem.Park (LBSC7471 Willoughby, J. 18 Wootoona Tce.,St.Georges (B/SYC) 7012 Scaife, J. 26 Belfast St. ,Grange (GSC) 4065 Wilson, Dr.c. 296 Ward St.,Nth.Adelaide (LBSC) 4813 Schenk, J. 4 Opie St. .West Beach (HBSC) 7076 Wilson, E. & G. 12 Tennant St.,Glenelg (SomYC) 5939 Schrimpf, G. C/- P.O. Ceduna (Far West SC) 6536 Wilson, J. 1 Wodonga St., Beverley (LBSC) 5158 Schultz, G. 8 Abeona Tce.,Pt.Lincoln (Pt.LYC) 7468 Wilson, J. 19 Balranald Ave.,Largs Hay (LBSC) 5170 Schultz, R. Box 146, Barmera (Lake Bonney YC) 7498 Wilson, R. 7 Osborne St.,Oaklands Park (SomYC) 7035 Scott, V. Pvte. Bag 56 Morgan (lake Bonney YC) 7260 Wise, D. & P. 8 Barrold St.,Largs Bay (LBSC) 6356 Scott-Young R. 18 Aitchison Ave.,NaracoOrte (RobeSC)5709 Withal]., I. Brookman Rd. ,Meadows (VH8C) 7046 Shepherd, D. 12/151 Anzac Wway, Kurralta Park (B/SY5890 Withrington, G. 78 Gloucester Ave.,Belair (B/SYC) 6596 Short, D. 23 Stuart Rd.,Sth.Plympton (SomSC) 6963 Woolley, B. PMB 211 Newland Service Kangaroo Is(KIYC) 4690 Shuttleworth, D. 18 Stuart Cres. TheGrange (TGSC) 7255 Woolley, V. 13 Margaret Ave., Salsbury (PRSC) 5716 Siegmann, J. 40 Hannan St., Pt.Pirie (RPPYC) 6764 Worthington, R. 2 Winding Way, Belair (LBSC) 6568 Simmons, A. & 8.21 Green Rd.,Woodville West (PRSC) 5326 Wright, N. 52 Acacia St.,Seacliff (B/SYC) 6606 Slaytor, W. 8 Gothic Rd.,Belevue HtS: 6598 Zerner, P. Newland Ave., Victor Harbour (VHYC) 6178 Slender, A. 7 Bristol Ave., Camden Park 6578 Zinnack, W. & W. 12 Kolapre Ave,Largs Nth. (LBSC) 6107 Smerdon, J. 80 Cross Rd., Myrtle Bank (B/SYC) 6179 Smith, P. 4/41 Thomas St., Unley 7440 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Smith, R. 2 Mitchell St. ,Seaton (B/SYC) 6701 Smith, R. 10 Musgrave St.,Largs Bay (LBSC) 5844/5895 Austin, MissJ. 74 Brunswick Rd.,Albany(PRSC) 5956 Smyth, D. 24 Collingwood Ave. ,Hazelwood Pk. (LBSC) 5645 Baker, W. & V 110 Ewen St. ,Scarborough 5359 Snowball, I. 13 McCoy St.,Brighton (B/SYC) 6562 Bell, A. 122 Clifton St., Kelmscott 7605 Snowden, B. 1 Barton Ave., Kingston Park (B/SYC) 6133 Bosworth, Miss V. 9 Eastland St.,Mt.Yokine (14'DC1 5957 Southwood, Dr.R. 164 Ward St.,Nth.Adelaide (B/SYC) 7033 Bovell, R. 15 Burt St., Fremantle 7194 Standing, P. 5 Scenic Drive, Windsor Gdns. (GSC) 7063 Brittain, V. 1 Withnell St.,East Victoria Park (RPYC) 6609 Stanley, N. 78 Brien's. Rd. ,Northfield (HSC) 5801 Brown, R. 63 Marine Tce.,Geraldton (Geraldton YC) 7097 Stevens, M. 8 Fulham Park Drive, Lockleys 7360 Buchanan, D. 6 Olympic Place, Ardross (RPYC) 7642/ Stevens, T. 17 Nookamka Tce.,Barmera (Lake Bonney7C)-6570 Buchanan, F. 24 Edward St.,Nedlands (C1.YC & RFBYC) 7492 Stokes, F. 89 Waratah St.,Seacliff (B/SYC) 6876 Cadd, D. 9 Jane Rd.,Applecross 7357 Stubbs, R. 2 Paula Court, Glengowrie 5701 Campbell, C. 264 Flamborough St,Double View 5836 Stunell, R. 38 Wyatt Rd.,Parafield Gardens (LBSC) 7253 Carless, R. 88 Woolwich St.,West Leederville (C1.YC) 7380 Sutherland:, B. 12 Bayly St. ,Hendon )PRSC) 6358 Cartwright, E. 14 Northgate St., Karrinyup (RPYC) 6991 Swain, J. 54 BrAodway, SthiErighton (B/SYC) 6597 Cornish, C. 4 Olinda Ave., City Beach 4923 Swann, F. Post Office, Beckham (B/SYC) 7432 Croney, Miss S. 29a Melville St.,Albany (PRSC) 5198 Swiggs, K. 30 Lawrie St. ,Henley Beach (BSC) 6752 Cronin, J. 27 Leslie St., Albany (PRSC) 6180 Szalay, P. 10 Dampier Ave.,Findon (MSC) 7160 Davis, C. & B. id?Cdporn St., Nedlands (RPYC) 6438 Tapp, W. 3 Addison Ave., Harden 6869 Davis, D. 20 Caporn St.,Nedlands (MC & PelicanPT) 5152 Emery, J. 93 Buntine Rd.,Wembley Downs (RPYC) 6391 Tarn, L. 36 Jeffries Rd., Elizabeth 5th. (LBSC) 6212 Taylor, J., 60 Nothumberland St.,Tusmore (B/SYC) 6620 Fletcher, E. 5 Jason St. ,Melville (RPYC) 6583 Thomas, D. 11 Hughes St.,Wallaroo (Wallaroo SC) 5905 Hansen, M. 40 Norrish St.,Tambellup 6969 Hargrave, F. 18 Bickley Cres.Sth.Como Tidswell, G. 19 Quirke Ave.,Whyalla (WYC) 5743 7458 Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 63 Hill, P. 44 View Tee., East Fremantle 6128 Hogan, A. 28 Thorpe St. ,Rockingham (Safety BayYC) 5787 Howe, G. 254 Preston Pt.Rd.Bicton 6526 Humbert, M. 47 Doney St., Alfred Cove 7639 Jefferies, P. 82 Circe Circle, Dalkeith (RPYC) 1030 Kennedy, M. 33 Spencer St. ,Albany (PRSC) 6437 Kennedy, Miss S. 21 Hill St., Albany (PRSC) 5883 Kwinana Sea-Cebs, 146 Gilmore Ave., Medina 6374 Lunay, G. 431 Barker Rd.,Subiaco 5753 mcKauge, 9 McCallum Cres.Ardross (SPYC) 7453 Mason, G. 5 Renton St., Melville 5880 Mitchell F. P.O.Box 76 wagin (Gt.SthnInlandSC) 6444 Oram, H. 9 Oxford St.,Sth.Perth. (RPYC) 5546 Palmer, P. 36 Strickland St.Sth.Perth 3661 Rennie, F. & J. 59 Ellen St., Fremantle 7199 Reynolds, E. P.O. Box 96 Capel 6958 Russell, D. 8/77 Mathieson Rd.,Applecross 5663 Sier, R. 124 Mary St., Como 7616 Smith, R. 7 Tamar St. ,Palmyra , 7199 Sprtggins, D. 3 Ecko Rd.,Kelmscott 4488 Thomas, M. 7 Melville St.,Cottesloe (Pth.14 .DC) 6551 VanMoorsel, M. 38 Wilfred Rd., Canning Vale (RPYC) 6799

OVERSEAS Aust. Forces Rest & Recreation Centre, VungTau7404VIETNAM Bishton, R. 60 Orchard St.,Newlands C'town 7176rS6hAFRICA Owen, D. Stockton, Missouri U.S.A. 7034 Peter and Karen Hekking, popular brother and sister Weekes, R. Cl- Qantas Airways, Shibuya-Ku OAPAN 3069 combination, with their trophies for first in the N.S.W. Championships, 1969.

No prize for guessing who is in the wrong: a study in anticrash reflexes during a heat of the last National Championships.

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 64


678 DEE EAR R.Hewer T 3372 FREBER B.Wright 5 3684 SANTIS G.Kirby 741 SCORPIO P.Moore T 3378 THIMBLE N.& D.Haviland N and J.Deller 3686 TRUANT H.Townsend N 743 ROSLYN SUE M.Kennedy T 3379 JAY-P J.151unt N 3687 KUKRI J.Dill-Macky V 746 NIMROD M.Sweetingham T 3380 POGO J.Woolfson 3688 TARA P.Seletto V 754 TEMPEST TOO A.Payne T 3381 WHY CEE Cronulla ESL 3653 MAGGIE Dr.J.Leitch ACT 763 VILJANDI I.Bryan T SAILING CLUB N 3384 FUTOO R.Wood N 3754 PANDORA J.Sheridan N 767 TIGER R.Parler T 3386 IMPALA N.McMillan V 3755 SERENA J.Meres N 1353 BROLGA T.Griffiths N 3387 SAPPHIRE Dr.R.Carouthers N 3756 ABLE A.Byleveld N 1583 SARANGA D.Jones N 3388 QUICKSILVER R.Bartram N 3757 SIMSAG R.Willett V 1586 TROIKA J.Waugh N 3389 GENT R.Grave N 3760 CORAL A.Waters N RAWA 1688 A Misses B.Proud 3392 THUNDERBIRD L.Rea N and E.Kirby N 3761 FLEETWOOD Dr.C.Martin ACT 3393 FIFO S.Fogarty and 3764 WILLAROO L.Goldsmith ACT 1690 KURROWAH Dr.R.Deck 5 T.Fyfe N 1875 TIKI P.Cooper N 3394 JULIE T.Peters V 3766 WILD CAI 11 N.Walsh 0 N 1879 DEEBAN R.,Mrs.B.,R. & 3395 KENLYN W.Nation V 3768 SCRAMBLE R.Laurance P.Dowrick 3769 BRISK N.Gulson N N 3396 IDUNO L.Baum V 1880 AMOREL R.Joshua ACT N 3,99 BRUCE-C D Chandler V 3774 SALTIE W.Foley 2053 SUNUP H.Ford N 3 3530 SIRES T.Hall N 3805 KRIS R.FRIDAY N 2097 CURRAWONO P.M.G.Sailing J.& B.Watson N Club N 3534 APHRODITE Cronulla 551. 3810 THE HERRING 2099 EGRET P.Dixon-Hughes N Sailing Club N 3812 GREP E.Stutchbury N 3537 KIYUK R.Harris N 2124 IBIS H.Sturday N 3814 DRUMMER FOX H.Lee 0 3538 MEMSAHIB B.Johnston N 2276 FARAAH R.Arblaster N 3815 MARAMA M.Marshall 1 3543 MARIE J. J.McCann N 2412 WATER RAT M.,Mrs.U.,M. 3816 BEE-JAY B.Wilson 0 3541 ROSSCO Sea-Cets of R. d,'D.Eddie N J.& S.Franks N 2415 THERON J.Fitzpatrick N Gordon N 3821 TAO 1 3546 ALMAROSI M.Hodder N D.Berckelman N 2416 ROEL D.Myers N 3881 WISTARI 3547 MANOA S.Bochner N 3882 JOGO W.Stevenson N 2568 BEAGLE G.Blakers ACT 3549 SLOMOSHUN W.SPry V 3883 VIKING R.Dunne N 2711 SCAREG R.McCall N 3578 CORIUM G.Gysi N 3886 WIUNA Dr.R.Kingston N 2717 TERN B.Williams N 3580 MIDGET R.Cox N 3887 KARAGA H.Isermann 0 2781 PIP P.Pearce N 3581 TIMSHEL Miss A.E4ns N 3888 SVEN K.Wood N 2782 MAN] MITI J.Oxenford N 3582 LEANDER s.Blee 0 3889 JENNY BEE B.Thomas N 2784 FROLIC G.Weightman N 3584 RUMBLESWHYKE K.Macoun N 3890 GUNDURROON Dr.A.Lipson N 2785 LINDY C.pratt ACT 3585 ANNABELLE P.RObinson 0 3893 ACE HIGH J.Miller N 2787 JOYAN A.campbell N 3588 SOUTHERLY 0.000ley N 2788 GWELAS Nagambie Yacht 3894 MAR-RITTI J.O.Donnell and Club V 3589 VITESSE H.Lennartz N Miss M.Murphy N 2979 WESTWIND R.Dicker N 3592 ARDEINO J.Moore 0 3895 JO-AN C.Wilson N 3000 WINDOO M.Keen N 3596 MUNDAI K.&F.Laycock ACT 3897 KOROWAHLE J.Keen SA Dr.J.Deakin 3014 RIPPLE J.Kent N 3598 JACANA R. & E.Meech N 3898 AMOEBA N 3016 MARLIN D.Buckley N 3600 GAITIME D.Sparre N 3902 YU-PHIN D.Lord N 3017 GRANIKE E.Shultz N 3602 HI-JIBES T.Eaton N 3905 SPRIGHTLY F.williams N 3019 LITTLE MOO A.moore N 3606 SI BONNE- M.Mandl N 3909 GANDALF Alonta Yacht ClubV DABCHICK 3022 ANUNAKA I.Budge N 3610 FRITHA J.Battersby N 3910 F. & A.Boxall N 3069 GUMNUT R.Weekes JAPAN 3614 WILD WAVE E.McDonald V 3911 RATU K.Peterson N 3070 BUGLE J.Warr SA 3615 GWENYTH W.Ostling N 3912 PEE WEE J.Grieve V 3091 SAM-ANN A.Brouggy N 3617 MISS PRIM R.Roberts SA 3914 PEGWAN O.Bonsall N 3094 MYSTIC 111 W.Arnold 5 3618 GUILIA K.Crompton N 3917 SUJANDA H.Melyneaux N 3122 GUEIP J. & P.Davis N 3621 YELI Dr.B.Gauthier N 3918 MINIOTT N.Worrad N 3123 JEER J.Firth N 3622 SPRAY D.Smith TPNG 3919 HARKAWAY P.Lawton V 3126 GALENE R.Somerville V 3623 WHISPER W.Bremner 0 3921 SLIPSTREAM F.Allen N 3129 BET R.Morrison N 3625 LINUS Miss J.WahlquistN 3922 MELODY m K.Hall N 3130 PERINA 11 D.MArtin N 3627 PEPE B.Reid N 3923 JALDI P.Maher N 3210 BLUE PETER L.Callister N 3628 80-130 F. & R.Campbell N 3925 FIESTA D.Ray N 3217 SPIRIT OF Sea-Cebs of 3630 BLUE HAZE C.Friezer N 3929 FLIPPIE R.Davis N SAINT JOHN Gordon N 3640 REIGER J.Pollocicand 3981 CHAMPAGNE A.&.M.Stacey N 3218 GRESTE J.Dalby N D.Weatherill V 3252 PITCH'N'TOSS I.Potts N 3643 SINCERITY J.Stewart 0 3982 SKYE C.Farmer N 3256 HINDI G.Campbell N 3646 BARAWARA M.Brister N 3985 JINDA P.& C.Boys ClubACT Mrs.F.& I.Kelso N 3261 TEMMOKU F.Mahoney N 3647 BOOMERANG Dr.T.Anderson m 3986 NAIK J. & B.Leleu SA 3263 FROLIC 11 I. & A.Toll N 3649 YARAGEE K.O . Hrien V 3987 ZIP 3993 COOLALIE A.Binns 3269 GHISLAINE C.Samways N 3652 JUANELDA R.O . Dea ACT N 3351 JOKER W.,Mrs.L.,J. 3654 HANSEL G.Pattle V 3994 ADRISHTA C.Read N and S.Brown N 3656 JU-LYN P.Gilkes N 3995 TIFFIN Miss J.Bullock ACT 3352 LEANNE S. & J.Glease N 3660 TRUDY W.Parr N 3996 BLUE BUTTON P.Rodowicz N 3356 NAIAD s.Beresford N 3661 SUKEY P.Palmer WA 3997 VOLUTA P.Stakenberg N 3361 MOONIE Dr.J.Gallagher N 3664 AREDEOLA H.Vincent N 3999 ANDROMEDA N. & P.Corvisy N 3363 MANU J.FEEney TPNG 3665 PAM J.Reynolds N 4000 ANEMONE W.Youll N 3365 BIKA C.Dawes N 3670 PLEIONE Mrs.J.Stevenson N 4065 PIONEER J.Scaife SA 3367 JENNIVIVE Miss J.Curtis N 3671 PUBES P.Button N 4068 CLUTHA 11 G.Sullaway and /.Castle N 3368 SEA URCHIN Dr.P.Kiely N 3674 PEPITA G.Pickers 0 4069 TURILAWA R.Black ACT 3370 CORE SAN F.Hanigan N 3681 WHIPJACK G.Solomon N 4072 SYLVESTER P.Clark N 3371 KERRYMEG R.ToMkinson v 3662 CURLEW L.Raymond N 4073 DART R.Waller N

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 65 4074 ZENITH C.Grimwood 4274 LANI R.Armstrong 4484 CHANTAE W.Carter ACT 4077 BENU W.Gately 4275 DODI R.Sleeman 4485 WAHLEE A.Coggan 4276 LORRAINE P.Ross V 4486 MEREWETHER A.Bentley 4078 PANGKOR G.Haddon 4279 YILEENA R.Sawyer 4488 AILSA D.Spriggins WA 4081 DOLPHIN G.Grantham 4281 DOROTHY J.Hanson 4489 HI-HO R.Sharp and 4082 CE-DEB 11 K.Robeson V 4283 TRUE BLUE P.Goad V Dr.J.Wilson 4083 FREYA N.& P.Wright V 4492 SEI T.Crotty TPNG 4284 PANDION J.Nobbs SA 4084 ROSANNE A.Clift V 4285 BESS Dr.N.Fitz- 4494 MANU MARAGI B.Wallis TPNG 4086 GUNDAROO J.Kennedy ACT hardinge ACT 4497 WISHY NANNY Mr.&Mrs.M.Farley N 4088 TRIAL 11 Dr.J.Wingfield N 4286 R.Veenstra ACT 4498 SNIPE Miss V.Mirkovic SA 4090 DINO D. &J.Pazton SA 4287 APETOLOT J.& Miss L. Jameson TPNG 4499 TULORA G.Pek 4092 BON TON L.Hess V 4288 MR.ED J.Eddison V 4500 NIMROD D.Rogers SA 4101 UREUP W.Waters 4290 BEBBY L.Turner V 4531 MAY Mrs. M.Dudley ACT 4101 TYRO G.Broadbear V 4291 SQUIBBY B.Scanlen 4102 WHITECAP E.Mealey 4532 BLIGHTER R.Field 4294 VADEL J.Phl V 4103 ROSCO A.Algie 4533 FORELLE J.Savage 4301 KISBER S.Emery 4104 NOMAD P.Burn 4534 RUFUS C.Lloyd-Owen 4306 AVION H.Ashford 5104 INGE I.Birhcer V 4536 KAREELA C.Hartcher 4307 ALLEGRO A.Jenkins V J.Feldtmann V 4536 PUPPET W.& H.Douglass N 4107 WINBIRRI 4308 AGARICUS J.YARdley 4108 SCOTTY M.Macfarlane 4537 IROF0UOIS E.Thorn ACT 4130 STAMPEDE 11 A. & D.Gordon N 4111 SAIDA B.Colman ACT 4538 GEM 11 G.Francis 4311 FRITH L.Cosier 4114 R.Dufty 4539 KARAMAN J.,S.,J.& L.Hill N 4312• WAROB MISS E.Andrew N 4116 TALUNE D.& M.Turnbull 4540 RICCI K.Bullen V 4316 OKRA L.Kerr V 4117 JOMANI J.Wilson 4544 BAY LADY H.Mackrell V 4317 SEA BIRD K.Skinner 0 4123 VILJA D.Sangster 4545 THUMBELINA G.Kench 4319 K.Carder 4124 WANDER V.Searle 4546 SIR INGE B.France 4332 VALKYRIE D.Thomas 4126 CAPTO E.Bevendge 4549 BONNY B.Richards 4333 MARY ANN R.May V 4129 MOE-MOEA K.Sneddon V 4334 71#0, PAIR A.& J.Bomford ACT 4553 SKOOKUM C.Keers 4130 SEA-RAY D.Hopkins 4335 SIRI Dr.J.livingstoneV 4554 WYANG A.Huntley SA 4136 ADINA A.Corbett ACT 4338 FER BOTEN D.Adcock V 4555 LADY LEE C.Townsend ACT 4138 JANNE L.Dooley 4339 ALERT J.Crawford R.Chorley 4140 JEST P.& C.Boys ClubCT 4556 SEABREAK 4341 SCUD F. & I.Edwards N 4142 EVY S.Fine 4557 PANIC 11 R.Maggs V 4343 WARRI J., J.& J.Lines V 4143 KUMA P.Lawson 4560 SIR PHIN L.& G.Luders SA 4344 OTAGO P.McLean 4144 PIPIT J.Ballard ACT 4561 GRIC Dr.K.Crafter SA 4345 VALIANT TOO A.Lowes ACT 4145 PICATA J.Tyler/A.Kelly N 4564 PASADENA R.Gordon 4347 TRAMP M.Hender SA 4146 ANALONG K.Mueller 4566 SAMPAN B.Kendall V 4349 JUDIFAN R.Seatom 4148 JEKA Mrs.L.&J.Lucas N 4567 EASTWOOD J.Summer.- V 4350 JOMADA K.THomas 4149 MERGUI J.Wicks V 4568 ANNELIESE P.&C.Boys ClubACT 4351 NYMPH A.Coppard 4151 TIGER TOO B.Foreman 4569 SWAMP BIRD N. Day 4352 IMP F.Coppock 4153 PENNY-SUE L.Roberts 4570 SUSIE 0 A.Brickhill 4353 LOUISE F.Heard V 4154 TAMMY B.Sheehan V 4572 B-J R.Kennedy ACT 4360 BEANIE Dr.B.Pirie 4155 JINKI J.& P.Joyce V 4575 ALY CAT C.Tallard 4362 ALLKAYS J.Kent 4157 ALBYN P.&A.VanHeeswyckN 4581 URK W.Marles SA 4363 CRANE E.Wahlquist 4161 W.Traf ford 4582 THING ONE C.Heard SA 4364 SABRE P.Dunbar 4160 LIZZY TOO R.Cameron V 4366 TRUMPS B.LeGrice 4583 TRACKDOWN D.Sherwood ACT 4162 GEMMA R.Raftery 4367 SNAIL B.Harris 4585 HEBE C.Clark TPNG 4164 SARON M.GIbson 4368 BRETEL J.Jordan 4586 DUMBO J.Clark SA 4165 SIRIUS R.Matthews ACT 4372 BLUEFIN R.Hunter 4587 FLASH J.Kelly SA 4182 HAERE-MAI P.Oliver 4375 MYUNA J.Downes ACT 4183 HUIA J.Hawes V 4588 BETTIE K.Proposch TPNG 4377 BIRUBI M.Jones SA 4184 NGAIRE I.Tanfield 4591 TRITON W.Clift 4379 NELLIE K K.& G.Kilby TPNG 4191 SEA BEE R.Carr-Boyd 4593 ELLENOR 11 F. & A.Moyle V 4425 SCURRY A.Himmelhoch N 4192 MOGSEY E.Jennion V 4594 BLUE CRANE B.& F.Andrews SA 4427 TUB R.Rabbidge ACT 4193 TE VEGA F.& E.Barnes 4595 KARLOO J.Syme 4428 E.Manning ACT 4194 COQUI E.Gersbach 4596 CAM D.Mearns 4429 MELODY A.Robertson V 4196 ILLAWONG 0.Carter 4599 BLUE DOLPHIN E.Lowe 4430 THE BEATLE K.Waters 4197 PINNA 1V R.Halstead V 4651 SANS SOUCI H.James V 4431 SAGA A.Young 4203 RAIERON J.Finlay 4653 JANWEN J.Lange 4433 AVEOLA J.Wiley 4204 JALNA W.,Mrs.S.and 4657 ELISSA T.Cooke-RussellACT P.Gordon 4435 LAULANI F.J.Smith TPNG N.&M.Barnfield N 4206 TEMPEST D.Witts 4439 ROSELEA C.&A.MCKenzie V 4658 MAEVE 4208 WINGS J.Simpso 0 4440 GEMINI W.Hirst 4665 KEKENI R.Burzacott TPNG 4209 SANDFLY ' K.Casey 4463 WINDARRA K.& D.Johnson V 4666 SCALLYWAG Dr.J.Beveridge 4213 DURROON Dr.J.Dick-Smith N 4464 BOOBY Miss H.& R. 4667 ISOBEL R.Julian V 4214 RED WITCH S.Rutter V Alderman SA 4669 KEIGHLIAN K.Worsley 4465 PANDA P.Westlake 4216 JANUS G.Marshall 0 4670 CENTCG D.Barber 4467 NAPRUNA G.,P.&N.Luxton SA 4219 MISSILE K.Shepherd ACT 4473 CHETAQUA S.Smith V 4671 H.LUTON P.& C.Boys ClubACT 4222 TUT R.Walker 4474 AEOLUS J.Sykes 4672 C.HILIER 4223 PUFFIN 11 M.McDougall V 4478 MUFIN Mrs.M.Hall SA 4673 V.Sacagio 4229 TINKERBELLE P.Whiteman 4482 FELICE Dr.H.Chesterfield 4674 B.DEWEITT 4271 HERBY D.Crawford Evans

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 66 4675 L.HANCOCK P.&C.Boys ClubACT 4847 TERN J.& R.Lane N 5025 MANDY 111 G.Smith V 4676 B.NEIGH 4848 ME TOO C.Magarey SA 5027 SCARAB P.& M.Thomson V 4677 J.WIGNALL .. 4851 JANETTE R.Kohlhase ACT 5028 TE KUA D.Hackworth V 4678 J.SCALFS .. 4853 WHISKY R.Worrall N 5034 IDLE HOUR A.Wonders N .. .. 4679 D.REDMAN 4854 MAIRI D.Barnes/C.Tily N 5035 NANPH G.Dawson V 4681 ELVIC E.Elliott N 4856 BELLONA Mrs.D.& D.PageACT 5036 BLUE BIRD G.Tindale 8 4682 PROTEUS J.Goulding N 4857 CAPA C.Mollison V 5037 ECOPS D.Turner V 4683 COOMBEL P.O'Gallagher N 4858 MIRANDA I.Smart V 5040 JOLLY ROGER P.Garvey N 4685 TRISMEGISTUS J.Miller N 4860 FANTASY F.Daniels V 6044 GREY GHOST T.Matthews SA 4687 MA PETITE N.Young N 4861 WEE JASPER D.& H.Hanna N 5046 DONNA B.O.Donoghue N 4688 FILLY JONK W.Taggart 14 4862 NIMUE B.Fleming V 5047 JD D.& J.Brigden N 4689 MARS T.Legoe SA 4864 JA-AL F.Shepherd N 5050 CHANCE L.Barrett N 4690 TUPPENCE GIRLB.Woolley SA 4866 MARY JOY K.BiVings V 5051 CAT'S WHISKERS J.Sarks N 4693 TUPPENCE G.Burnside V 4867 GEEL G.Hiller V 5054 AUSSIE 11 J.White V 4692 RHONDA B .Mora SA 4868 HELGA H.Nillson 0 4694 YANORA A.Crocker ACT 4870 SENGET W.Minto N 5057 GENIE R.West SA 4695 PAUA J.Jentsch N 4872 VIVO J.Love N 5059 COQUETTE B.&C.Murdoch and M.Cramsie N 4698 IDA NO I.ROddick V 4874 CORPORAL R.Rae N 5061 EVELYN R.Coombes V 4736 BERVIE D.& D.Collis V 4875 G.Woodley N 5066 WHIMBREL Dr.J.Church N 4738 SONNY Dr.M.Price V 4876 WILD WAVE A.Prest V 5067 JAY TIDE J.Kaggs V 4740 LARA B.Gough and 4877 MARY K A.Davey SA Miss J.Trip V 5069 MARS J.Bailey ACT 4880 DOSSIE N.Polyblank N 4741 KALANG R.Couper TPNG 5072 SHAZAM J.Thomson N D.COnyard N 4764 HYDRA K.Cochran N 4881 GWEN 5073 NEACYN L.& N.Bertram SA V 4748 TASSIE 11 W.Hudson V 4885 STAJO S.Ames 5074 SITTING PRETTY J.Wilmott N R.Gordon SA 4750 KI-TUI N.& C.Walter V 4888 JESTER 5077 TRIO W.Sparnon V 4751 AUKAI R.Fields N 4889 EVIE W.Murphy V 5079 PHILEAS B.Thomson N 4752 KERRERA R.Reid N 4891 BREEZE R.& G.Dunn SA 5081 SONERI A.&J.BrommeYer V 4755 SANDGROPER R.Thomson ACT 4893 TRUMP J.Seear V 5083 CHARADE I.& C.White SA 4756 CAPRI B.Carthew N 4897 DZOAN R,Hanslow V 5084 KIEMO M.Taylor V 4898 KATE G.Reiss 4757 KURRAJONG H.Goser ACT 5085 NEBULA G.Strong N 4758 DIXIE 11 D.Rosenfield V 4921 YVONNE R.Garland V 5086 BUNTY G.Laidlaw V 4760 CANCROMA E.Brownlow N 4923 LE HERON C.Cornish WA 5087 HANOI BIAOU K.LeCouteur ACT 4761 SPRITE OF , 4924 TANGLIN C.Adamson N BELMONT J.Caldwell N 4925 WAVERLY W.Gordon 5089 INVADER E.Walsh N 4762 SCOOTA J.Caldwell ACT 4927 PINEAPPLE POLL B.Jordan TPNG 5090 GLAN-Y-MOR A.Disney SA PAL -0-MINE R.Simmons N 4763 4928 GWENDOLIN L.Hedges N 5091 TRYST A.Toll N 4765 JULLETTE A.Webb V 4932 MERELEX J.Plowman N 5092 BRO-VIN V.Metham N 4770 TOUCAN G.Drysdale V 4934 WANDJINA I.Bathgate N 5093 LITTLE MEMO Dr.V.Bear N 4774 VEE 3 R.&M.RosebladeACT 4941 PIPS B.Garlick N 5095 HALCYON R.Emery SA 4775 BANSHEE P.Harvey V 4942 SGIAM DHU J.Johnson ACT 5100 VALKYR P.Meckiff N 4776 SERENE N.Boase N 4943 WHIRLWIND V.& L.Edwards V 5101 SKAI6 J.Charteris N 4778 AQUARIUS L.Sharp V 4944 NITTA J.Gilbert N 5102 GULLIVER Dr.R.DaviS N 4780 LANGELINE J.&J.mccarthy V 4947 KERRON J.& K.Hall SA 5106 THISTLE 00011 J.Edward N 4781 JEZEBEL J.Curtis N 4948 MARY-LOU R.Batty SA 5107 WARRAIN F.Wilson V 4786 ELRAY R.Barnard.Brown V 4949 APALIE L.Evans V 5108 GIBBO R.& M.Gibson N 4789 MIST P.Nangle V 4953 SKEETA J.Salau V 5111 JINDIVIK /..Could N 4793 SEA SPRITE D.Frame V 4955 CHINOOK M.Cole SA 5114 JEEPERS F.Amos V 4794 TO-LINCA L.Myer V 4956 BALMORAL Dr.A.Middleton N 5115 REVIVAL F.0•Sullivan N 4795 JANET Mrs.E.Woodhams N 4958 OSPREY 1 I.& K.Tudball V 5116 BLUEMIST A.Judd V 4798 PLANE JANE R.Dickson V 4959 SARI W.Kaye V 5117 NIMBUS E.Watts N 4801 GLENGARRY 11 E.Wilkinson N 4961 AKOONAH I.Dunne SA 5120 LOU C. L.Collins N 4803 GARZETTA K.Wood N 4963 SERI I.Morley V 4804 GREGALE M.&J.Brislee N 5122 PSI N.Gangell N 4964 TAHBILK W.Mason N 4805 TARANA A.&K.Ratcliffe SA 5123 MYTH T.Keene N 4965 EMILY JANE R.Bernard N 4806 YENDOR K.Bell V 5126 M.Doyle/0.0ak1eyV 4971 SALAR D.Murray N 4807 DOMINATOR L.Cummings V 5127 SUMMER CLOUD J.Horlock V 4973 BRONWYN TWO W.O.Brien N 4809 ARTEMIS C.Raison SA 5128 BATANA I.Calaz V 4977 MINK L. & D.Hume ACT 4813 SUNSPOT Dr.C.&T.Wilson SA 5129 LADY JANE E.Lee N 4978 LA-BRU B.& Miss L.Gray N 4815 SPLINTER C.Hulton N 5130 AU 4979 DARTER R.Harrison N B:HT214.:gn and 4822 BRIMAR B.Wroe V 4980 SANDRA W.Abbott SA J.McDonald N 4826 KERKYRA E.Rice N 5131 CORIN D.Brown TPNG 4981 MALFA F.DePlater N 4827 UDGIE J.Redpatb N 5134 MINKA P.Ford N 4984 LEON D.Slater N 4829 BALI .I5 R.Hunt V 5136 HI-YAH I.& C.Browne N 4985 STELLA MARTS B.Wild V 4834 Y0-Y0 D.Thorne N 5137 BLUE JIB G.Holt V 4987 TURTLE P.Broderick N 4835 JAN E.Hart N 5138 EDITH ALICE R. & T.Garnaut Q 49E18 COOKARDINIA H.Scurr N 4836 LEPRECHAUN Dr.D.Crouch T 5139 MIMISTRIS G.Wood N 4837 HINEMOA B.Milford N 4989 CLIMACS D.MacDonald N 5140 KUMMULLA 11 N.Player N 4840 MARLYNE L.Horner V 4993 OPUS 1 R.Young N 5146 PEPPA Miss R.Schwartz N 4842 WIN WINTIE Mrs.D.Hardy V 4994 TAWORRIE I.Fricker SA 5147 SEPIK L.Murphy V 4843 WYWURRIE R.Lane SA 4996 KIAH Dr.R.Jones N 5148 EUCALYPT C.Staples N 4844 STAFFORDSHIRE W.Stokes N 5023 P.Clements N 5151 NEO L.Batty N 4845 JIEMBA E.McGill N 5024 TIFFANY S.Hipwell N 5152WEFREE D.Davis WA

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 67 5153 ARINGA G.Moysey 5367 NCHANA T.Robinson V 5620 NARRABEEN Dr.I.Monk N 5154 WENONA 2 I.Macdonald N 5369 GAY LADY I.Kay N 5621 AY-JAY N.Whittenbury SA 5155 NANAKAWI R.macDonald N 5370 CAMELOT P.Wigens N 5622 JESSE H.James N 5157 SWALLOW 11 D., S. & J. 5371 GRAKEN M.Watson N 5623 PHILAN K.Cowley V Kretschmer SA 5372 TOUT ROUGE R.Munn N 5624 ASTRA R.& S. Freame V 5158 NICKY J.A.Wilson SA 5373 FUNKY A.Keeler V 5625 SEA RAMBLER M.McInerney SA 5159 KOOKABURRA W.Miller SA 5375 00L00 C.Hitchins N 5626 PRIDE OF L.Ralph V Miss R.Mallen SA 5160 SHIRALEE 5376 WANDA MAY W.Stafibrd N 5627 TEREKIA Dr.R.Lees SA 5161 SANDPIPER F.Schott V 5377 TOOLAMBAR J.Hooper N 5628 J.M.PALS J.Castrique SA 5162 KYLE I.McDougall ACT 5379 IDLERS FIVE J.Sullivan V 5630 TIC TAC C.Andrews N 5165 DRIFTWOOD H.Belamy N 5380 PIRATA D.Maher N 5631 MINION R.McCarthy N 5167 MALO IV C.Robertson ACT 5381 MADAM SCAMP R.Garner V 5632 HERRIN'S IN G.Weber V 5170 STRIFE J.Wilson SA 5383 MISTRAL T.Breen N 5633 BLUEY F.Garrett SA 5173 JOROMA R.Haynes SA 5366 SHE DEVIL Mrs.P.Walter SA 5634 TOPSY Dr.P.Wright N 5174 SLOPALONG PLACIDLY H.Kinnersley N 5387 JACQUI P.Knowland N 5635 SYLVIC Dr.R.Oliver SA 5175 KUNYING J.Shaw V 5388 SURFER JOE J.& G.Higham Q 5636 ENDORAR.McDonald N 5176 JENITU G.Chong V53E19 GURA R.Anderson N 5638 TROY M. & N.Duckett V 5177 N.Ryan V 5390 TANGARA N.Brown 0 5639 T.K.D. Mrs.I. & 0.Tack li 5178 WASP J.Choice N 5393 GODDESS P.Altmann V 5641 WINDRUSH F.Phillips N 5181 MARA R.Cox V 5394 JUBILEE B.Waterman N 5642 BABETTE C.Miflin N 5182 L/L LIZA P.Clayton SA 5396 VAN DIEMEN J.Coen V 5643 ELECTRA W.& A.Finney N 5183 MELLOO R.Lofts N 5399 A LA BRISTOL J.McDdugall N 5645 CAROL RAY D.Smyth SA 5185 ALPHA HERONIS I.& J.McCluggage N 5482 EGRET J.Fletcher SA 5647 PORTIA 11 R.Bluck V 5501 ZERON E.Brown SA 5187 JOYELL J.Lyall 0 5648 B.W. N 5503 SWIFT D.Atkins N 5188 TEMPO Mrs.M.Smart V 5656 :::hlist:n N 5504 COMBAT Dr.M.Smith N D.Elliott N 5659 JUANA S.& M.Pix N 5189 BARRACUDA 5505 CRAFTY N.& W.Cleary N 5190 KASANDRA G.Byron N 5660 OUNCOE Dr.J.Evans V 5507 NEVER-BIRD Dr.J.Hughes SA 5191 SOLAN R.Gallagher ACT 5661 LIB R.Read ACT 5508 MIRAJ 1 I.Jefferies SA 5193 MAY-BEE K.Tuckwell SA 5663 ROSSLYN D.Russell WA 5510 JOANNE H. & L.Stone V J.Mackie V 5666 SYMONIQ YAT R.Symonds V 5194 OBOE 5511 ETONA IV Re.v.P.Fisher SA 5197 TARKA Miss E.Gordon SA 5668 SERENDIPITY B.Heffer N 5513 SEA MIST B.Norman V 5198 BON JOUR S.Croney WA 5670 AQUABELLE W.Attenborough N 5514. WOCKER BOY R.,D.& M.Arnott V 5199 DAMSON M.Plumley N 5671 FLABBERGASTED R.Crane N 5516 SALLY SUE M.McNulty V 5301 GARNET L.Rieper V 5672 SCOMAC M. & R.Sheaffe N 5518 PEBBLES W.Bates V 5302 ENJAY N.Bull N 5673 MISS EVE J.PAerick N 5521 CIRCE P.Carver V 5303 AIRLIE P.Roberts N 5675 ATALANTA 3.00885 SA 5522 ASTRID P.Rowe 5305 SEA STAR C.Drayton V N 5676 MIC MAC D.Knight V 5307 PEPPERMINT 5523 MINERVA A.Moore SA 5677 LORIBEL G.Rober:ts . N PATTIE W.Rourke ACT 5525 ROMAR D.MacDonald N 5678 MACS G.McTiernan N 5308 SHAMAL P.Neville T 5526 G.Wilson V 5679 VISION J.Arscott V 5311 PENMEN Mrs.d?Woods N 5528 JOY BELLS E.Woods N 5680 TWILL R.Roskams 0 5313 TAWARRI 0.Karl N 5529 WYVERN S.Clifton N 5681 01100 J.& JA.Pont 0 5316 BEAM-ENDS J.Osborn ACT 5530 J.O.Brien V 5682 KERRY. N.Irish N 5317 NA A.&.H.Kerr-GrantSA 5531 7 K'S H.Klaffer SA 5685 GOONAMBEE J.Reid N G.&Mrs.E.Smith V 5533 5318 ROBBIE DIGET I.Abbott SA 5686 GORRIE B.Hurrell SA 5321 SEAHAWK R.Smith N 5534 ASP A.Wormald N 5687 TRIDENT W.Wymer N Miss C.Cuthbert N 5322 PETER DUCK11 5535 KATY TWO E.Audley N 5688 SYRINKX S.Carter SA 5326 WOMBAT 11 A.& M.Simmons SA 5537 SEALARK 5691 MAYDIT .S.Lang V 5334 KON TIKI D.Gassner SA Wa'kin .'" M SA 5538 /FFIT R.Conlin N 5693 ANNE I.Stewart V 5335 JAMES 111 J.Steel V 5540 TANTRUM G.Meacham N 5694 MONSOON L.& G.Coulin N 5338 INTREPID W.Billings V 5541 MOANI E.LeCouteur N' 5695 FIREFLY B.Pettit V 5339 MUSTANG D.Brown N 5542 KARIE G.Veitch v 5701 PRESTO R.Stubbs WA 5340 TWO UP B.Rohde SA 5544 GYP W.Newland N 5703 DEFT A.Imlay N 5341 WATER HEN M.Pudney SA 5545 PYM J.Godson NA 5707 JABRI B.Glase N 5342 REMARIS N.Regan SA 5546 BETSY FIVE H.Oram 5708 JEN H.Sims N 5343 WYONGAH L.Jennings N WA 5547 WOMBOYN M.,N.,P.and C 5709 SEA-WYFE R.Scott-Young SA 5344 FLIPPER R.Gorton 0 Marriott N 5710 GILLIE L P.Marr N 5346 BUDDY Miss J.Stein N 5548 SPUTNIK R. & P.White V 5711 GLUG N.Munro V 5347 ISA LEI D.Langdale N 5549 CHOITUS V.Dewick N 5712 GRAS A.Edgoose V 5349 MULTUM IN PARVO A.Eccles V 5550 NATALIE J.Bartlett T, NG 5714 SPLASH N.Picton N 5350 CHAVIE C.& K.Brennan N 5601 HARMONY G.Lindley N 5716 JINDI V.Woolley SA 5352 KOELN H.Feurst N 5606 JULIEANN A.Amess V 5720 CO-OP B.Bayfield V 5353 FLOOKY ' N. ,M.& P.Ridgway V 5608 MARLFNEMAR G.Harley V 5724 TIMBUC T.Baker V 5354 FUJI 11 N.Bantick SA 5609 CELESTRIAL J. ,B. and Miss BN 5726 MISHAP L.Carrick V W.& V.Baler WA Harris 5359 PLOD 5610 DOT J.Leigh SA 5727 FRISK K.Coldwell V 5360 OOLEY-DOOLEY J.Moodie N 5611 BOUNTY A.00x V 5729 ST. ADJ J.Kerin V N 5361 JENNI-LIND J.Frost N 5613 IDHUNA S.Brighton 5731 WENDAL A.W., & L.Cawsey N RANTER D.Parr 5362 CHRIS L.Boyd N 5614 N 5735 SAN MICHELE P.Jackson N 5363 NEPTUNA M.& G.Luders SA 5615 TOP SECRET F.Arblaster V 5737 TALINGA J.Claydon N 5616 PALYARRA J.white V 5365 MAJ J.Felton N 5738 SWINGER K.Laker N 5618= NORTON H.Spencer N

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 68

5739 GAY-DEN G.Vincent V 5862 AYR A.Patton SA 5959 KAPALA 11 M.& R.Barker SA JUNE. 5863 MOKI 5743 LINDA G.Tidswell SA P.Sharp N 5960 VIVERE J.O.Callaghan V 5745 SRS CONDAMINE Gymea SeaRangers N 5864 TARDOKI F.McGowan V 5961 AUNT SALLY Dr.B.Jeanes SA 5747 SCAL L.Oxenford N 5865 OLIO R.Paul N 5962 STFLAVINE F.McGrath N 5748 LARRAKEYEAH G.McCraith V 5866 JOHN B J.Burton N 5963 WANDA R.Anderson N 5250 NIKE B.Stead N 5867 ARATA H.James V 5964 TAISHI L.Brown SA • 5752 KINGY E.Burrows N 5769 MANUKU A.Whittle N 5965 B.Moore SA 5753 JET G.Lunay WA 5872 J.Kneller N 5966 SINORA D.Pratt SA 5755 CALM R.Walls 0 5875 JASON H.Ashton N 5968 LITTLE PIP D.Pearson SA 5756 MINKIE J.Cronin V 5880 GEE -EM G.Mason WA 5969 THE SHREW M.Lockyer SA 5757 J.Dixon -Hughes N 5881 R.Greber 0 5971 ZHANA J.Maddern SA 5759 BARBETTE D.Brook SA 5883 ROBYN Miss S.Kennedy WA 5972 ELKEN K.Flint SA 5760 SENSIE K.Haynes V 5884 BONNY TU C.Stewart 0 5973 WEST END R.Edwards SA 5763 KULANI Mrs.J.Lawson N 5885 MIRAGE J.Harper N 5974 SKELLUM G.Doughty SA 5765 DAVANA J.Christmas N 5886 AMILDA C.Hutchings N 5975 GIDGET A.&G.Hinton SA 5767 ULINGA M.Anderson N 5888 DELOS R.Young N 5977 DIONYSUS 5769 SASHA J.&T.Carruthers N 5889 NARITA R.Dargavel V M.Tallis/L.GeorgeN 5776 WHIM M.McKay SA 5890 BUSTLER D.Shepherd SA 5980 THEONA 11 F.&.NHopper TPNG 5777 INTULKA E.Daniels N 5891 VOLANS Dr.G.Williams SA 5982 MISTRIC M.Cullen ACT 5779 SCANDAL TOO J.& MissL.Chester- 5892 FUGITIVE L.Allison/K.Raymenlbi 5986 ROB ROY Dr.W.Howell N man SA 5988 ALEDA A.,I.&G.McFarlaneSA 5893 K.Elphinstone N .780 SIRENA P.&H.Mulholland 0 5989 ZELL D.Duncan N 5894 KAMULLA E.Plane N 5781 BUNYARRA C.Black SA 5990 SPRINDRIFT B.Dwyer N 5895 SEA BIRD R.Smith SA 5782 BLUE BONNET R.Condon SA 5993 LITTLE CLIPPER R.Wannan SA 5896 BILLIE C.Hangar TPNG 5783 FAREWELL W.Grounds N 5994 SEA SPRAY E.Carlson V 5899 GENTLEY L.Brown V 5786 GAILIN D.Payne ACT 5995 GALLOPIN R.Wood N 5900 MID R.Campbell N 5787 THE WITCH J.Hogan WA 5996 TUKI N. ,M.& P.Ridgway V R.Dillon V 5790 REGAL L.Taite N 5901 NANDI 5997 ROCKY Miss C.Smith N 5903 PAT TOO E.& M.Edwards SA 5794 K.Stafford N 5999 V-JET G.Atkinson N D.Thomas 5795 CHICO W.Brassington SA 5905 MINTI SA 6100 AIGRET.11 R. &MRs.J.Dix SA 5797 HEROIC C.Overtcrx N 5906 WYREE G.,B.&H.Pickersgill N 6103 SYBIL W.Rosier N 5799 GAY LORD S.Shimell N 5907 SPRINGTIDE D.Cox SA 6104 GLEND.pJ: JOY R.Dickson N 5800 FIDGET J.Aney N 5908 HY-PHIN Miss P.&L.Luders SA 6105 PUF-N-BLO I.Martin V 5801 DORADO N.Stanley SA 5909 TAKU J.Ross N 6106 KAREN D.Cleland SA 5804 ARIES A.Helacar N 5911 CHUSAN R.Sumpton N 6107 PENGUIN ' W.&W.Zinnack SA 5805 NEFERTITI R.Antrobus N 5913 ELEKTRA R.McGowan SA 6108 SOPHIA R.DeDear SA 5808 HOT TODDY E.Villa N 5915 SHAD D.Croucher ACT 6111 JINDALEE G.Broadbent N 5809 MARNIE T.Allen and 5917 NIPPY R.J.White V Mrs.R.Mathews N 6113 MARATHON J.Bell SA 5918 HELGRA D.O'Sullivan SA 5811 SHOTZIE 1 R.Amsland N 6114 WIARDA 1 J.Bakker SA 5920 JANE Dr.D.Henchman ACT 5812 FLAVIDA Miss W.Linn N 6115 EL BON M.Noble SA 5921 EROANBA J.Florence V 5813 MOTHERBIRD G.Birdsall N 6116 STEEGEE W.Morris V 5922 SCORPIO M.Longworth N 5814 JOMO F.Lowen N 6117 EIRAM J.Gutte SA 5923 PINTADO J.Binning V 5816 LABEMASU B.Groenendyk N 6118 GEE JAY G. & J.Hayes SA 5924 CHECKMATE -: L.Westwood N 5821 RED HEAD K.Paterson V 6119 BUKKET W.&H.Douglass N 5925 SUSANLEE 11 G. & G.Bull N 5822 LEE FRIM B.Friemel SA 6120 GRETCHEN M.Brown SA 5926 WANERA G.Hamilton SA 5823 CHERCHONS C.Ellyard N. 6121 PAICEM L.Daehler V 5927 BOBCAT D.Burns SA 5824 VIKEE J K.Hagg SA 6122 THE VULTURE E.Williams SA 5928 BYRANG R.Harman SA 5625 TIMLIN M.Harrison N 6123 SBARLIE R.&A.Wiliams SA 5929 HEIGER D.Hill V 5826 LANOON N.& R.Roubin N 6124 ZIPPY G.Conway N 5931 SNOOKUMS A.Rumball SA 5829 BUT H.Buckwalter 6125 WERRONGURT R.Butchart SA 5933 BOSUN H.DeGilio SA V 5831 ANGEL CHARLIE G.Kent/S.Wayn N 6127 BLITZEN L.Nelson 5935 AMRA P.Heath SA WA 5832 D.Bone V 6128 YABA-DABA-D00 P.Hill 5937 CHUM T.& F Foster SA 5833 GREMAR A.Pimlott SA 6129-ltWPERS A.Greville TPNG 5938 NINA G.East V 5834 SHIRLEY G.Forbes-Smith N 6130 SIESTA S.Coultas SA 5939 ECHO E.&G.Wilson SA 5835 WOODWIND D.Vanderhorst N 6131 JANNIE G. ,H. & S. 5940 SHANTAI J.McLeod SA Robertson SA 5836 C.Campbell WA 5941 THESEUS J.Lawry SA 6133 TICK B.Snowden SA 5842 SHU M.Outram V 5942 JINDALEE I.Tyack V 6134 WINKLE R.Emery SA 5843 SUE-VIC-GAL R.Springall N 5943 M.Taylor V 6135 PALYA K.Rotthier SA 5844 SCHUSS R.Smith SA 5944 MR.BINKS J.Lewis N 6136 TAINUI W.&M.Boyes N 5845 NOLA A Small V 5945 MOONGULLA H.Vallance N 6137 U-BUTI M.Rowley SA 5846 FAITH 11 S.Jones N 5946 COLEOPTERA E.LEwis N 6138 STUKA I.Watt N 5847 TARQUIN 11 J.Butler N. 5947 HEATHER-LYN A,Robinson 0 6139 THING TWO C.Heard SA 5849 BOBALONG W.Bailey N 5948 SNOOK R.Barclay SA 6140 ANDY GAFF R.Weston N 5850 BURDEKIN ' W.&W.Flaherty SA 5950 KOOMELA S. ,G.& T.Ellis SA 6141 NARRANDA F.&S.Arundel N 5852 LOONGANA T.Crouch SA 5952 LULUBEL J.VanEmden N 6142 TIPPY TOES K.Minchin SA 5853 TAM-0-SHANTER R.Hammond N 5953 NOKO D.McIntosh TPNG 6144 BABBLE S.Mogg SA 5855 WHOOPS J.Dallaway N 5954 CAROLINE A.&M.Gillespie N 6147 KYEEMA J.Bastian N 5857 STARFIRE W.& A.McKensey N 5955 MITGARDE D.Watts N 6149 HARRY L L.Pound V V 5858,RIPA E.Hogan V 5956 FIREBIRD J.Austin WA 6150 NAMOU R.Freeman 5859 GURUWA M.Jones N 5957 MAKARA Miss V.Bosworth WA 6151 ARGANA T.Webb SA 5860 JONAH D.Hope N 5958 PAL A.Crafter SA 6152 MANALIVE D.miller N

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 69

6153 G.Brown N 6364 NATO R.Bennett SA 6485 RAIA 1 P.Downey V V 6155 DUSTY P.Mil/er 0 6365 MIMOSA N.Lidile N 6487 NICCIWOOP R.Downey 6156 DINKY-DEE A.& D.Dunstan SA 6491 CLOVERLEE A.Valladares SA 6366 AUKA J.Bolt TPNG J.Hopkins SA 6493 J.Denny N 6157 TYRANT 6368 LEE-AWN Dr.W.Duguid SA Dr.C.RD.AldprmanSA 6497 PUTJUNG M.McCauley N 6158 SEEKER 6371 GJOA D.McAlpine N R.Jobson V 6501 DIPPER L.LP.cic V 6159 POINCIANA 6372 KITIAN B.& I.Hamilton ACT R.Burgess N 6503 ANGRY ANT W.Thompson % N 6160 PENYGHENT 6374 KWINANA Kwinana SeaCebs WA N 6161 CENTAURI D.& J.Stewart 6375 JILBRA I.Jones V 6504 CHERY W.Ross V v 6163 MORNINGTON G.Quigley N 6376 MILLEWA J. & E.Ryan 6506 TALL SHIP A.Paterson V 6164 JOAN B W.Murphy SA T.Jones 17 6507 RONNIE J.Smith N 6165 KUMALE RcPharlin.M SA 6: 04 ALLARA 6508 BLUE HERON H.Ambler N 6166 FINESSE A.&Mrs.E.Barrett N Drinkwater SA 6509 RED BARRON V.Morriss N 6385 CYGNUS G.Aitchison 6167 BALGOWLAH K.Roche N 6510 RIKI TIER B.Hill V 6386 VALIANT D.Buckland V 6168 MINI K.Walford SA M.Buckham N 6387 PELICAN W.Couper ✓ 6512 yNN, 6173 MEIN D J.Turner SA 6388 NOES G.Poynter N 6513 HERO S.Jackson ACT 6175 JADEIBBE M.Kimber SA 6389 CHERON R.Mutton SA 6514 COCKLE SHELL Dr.M.King V 6176 AMERON T.ELlis SA 6391 DROOPY J.Emery NA 6177 VICTORY R.Couper SA 6515 OPAL 11 J.& T.Naismith V 6392 DEBBIE R.Geoge SA 617/3 HEIDI K. P.Zerner SA 6516 DAROOKI D.& D.Langmead N G.Young 6179 GALAXIE J Smerdon SA 6396 MIMI V 6517 WHO M.Russell SA 6397 IDA B Mrs.I.,Miss J.and v 6180 DADDY-0 N.Ogden V A.Tivendale 6518 KILKILA SA 6183 HELIX W.Bollmeyer SA 6399 J.Brown/J.Stone V 6519 NERD CDr.;G:sPhe:i e N 6185 TIRRIKE R.Davies ACT 6400 AQUATIC J.& R.Rowe SA 6522 QUEI A.Hurlstone SA 6186 MOONSHINE T.Fleckhart N 6401 MANX PIXIE H.Lawrence N 6524 THE SYLVIA M.Childe N 6189 JUNIOR 11 J.Harney V 6406 DEBONAIRE L.Pitt N 6525 CASSIE W.Dodd N 6191 YETI C.Humble SA 6409 PORUSEL P.Jenti,,ings N 6526 DODGER G.Howe WA 6192-NODDY W.Brown N 6410 LELA TWO A.Woodland ✓ 6527 TRIXIE I.Williamson V 6194 ALICE R.White V 6411 J.Dalby ✓ 6328 SCORET V.Veale SA 6195 ROSS P.Mottershead N6412 PELINGRA M.Smith V 6529 WTES REBEL D.Maloney N 6196 RUTHLESS E.Wareing V 6413 VENTURE B.Martin N 6531 PEP Dr.R.Clayfield SA 6199 WAP J.Cookman N 6416 NEPEAN M.Bailey N 6532 WODALLA J.Anderson V 6201 CANDY-A--GO-GO A.Simpson N 6417 EVORUN E.& Mrs.L.Dix SA 6534 LISA MAKER R.Smith N 6202 FRANKIE F.Edward SA 5418 MUM'S WORRY J.& Mrs.K.,G.and 6535 PUDDA A.Ward C.Hoper SA 0 6203 FAIRY FLOSS G.Burdon SA 6419 KATRINA M.Frost N 6536 LA RONDE 111 G.Schrimpf SA 6206 DILEMMA R.Richardson V 6420 B.Hoad N 6537 MARJY G.Lorkin N 6207 WILLI T.Andrew N 6423 THOORUNA C.Walsh V 6539 ALAN-R-PEARCE N.castle Police 6208 GUSTY Miss M.Winger N 6425 HELANA A.& M.Dobson N Boys Club N 6212 CLUAREN L.Tarn SA 6426 EMIL A.Ivar SA 6542 KINKORA C.Eynstone V 6213 JASULI J.Hill N 6428 LED GIRLS K.Dunstone SA 6543 DUST D.McKenzie V 6214 SQUIGGLES J.& B.Buckby SA 6429 WHO-DAT R.Hoare SA 6544 CHEGA DE 6215 OLWEN T.Crocker N SAUDADE D.Mumme V 6430 ACRUX L.Allworth 6546 HA HA D.Saunders V 6217 VENDETTA W.Hawson SA S: 6432 LESLIE K G. & L.Klopp P.Hargraves N 6220 KIPPAWUN I.Kirkland V 6547 SLOOPY 6433 KAUKAPAKAPA R.Cooper 6548 NEWTON VC F.Trigger V 6221 KIPPATU E.Brown V SA 6434 ..HANAMOA C.Kirke TP NG 6549 MOR-NEE J.Fitzgibbon N 6222 EMMAR M.Gower V 6436 JENWARD K.Carriage N 6550 TINY TIM D.Harrison SA 6223 ENDEAVOUR I.Cook N 6437 =SIREN M.Kennedy WA 6551 WNEDY THREE M.Thomas WA 6224 BINDA J.Robinson N 6438 TRAVELYN C. & B.Davis WA 6553 YNMPOO TOO Dr.B.Meldrum SA 6227 SINKS R .Haddon N 6444 QUARBING F.Mitchell WA 6554 LITTLE GEM W.Salisbury SA 6229 AMTRI Miss B.Pearce SA R.Slight N 6555 DREADNOUGHT Dr.D.Newble SA 6231 DRUM BEAT I.Rose N 6446 BITSA 6447 SEA-FAY K.Pearce SA SA 6232 TAI R.Austin V 6556 MERLYN I.Ross 6448 PENGANA Misses H.& J. V S.Dose N 6558 SEHR SCHONE R.Smyth 6233 SONIC Garnaut 0 6236 FURY J.Roberts SA 6452 FACILE N.Bla-cker N 6559 DUBBLE YEW W.Weeles SA 6237 TROLL Dr.K.Lethlean N 6453 NOOROO D.& J.Williamson SA 6561 NOVA K,Nixon N 6238 ARGUS J.& D Whiftem V 6456 DORSET W.Anderson V 6562 KARINGAL I.Snowball SA 6239 ROBBIE MAY R.Backhouse ACT 6457 GLIDA E.Hatch N 6563 4 WINDS G.Peterson N 6240 HELEN LOUISE C.Brewer • N 6460 CONQUEST M.Foubister SA 6564 TORANA M.Gibbs N 6241 R.Rodely N 6464 FINALE C.Lloyd-Owen N 6566 BURRANA R.DiEnn SA 6244 ROSAN I.Tilbury N6465 ORPHEUS Mrs.R.Hoffman V 6567 DJUNDI 6245 MONI N.Little N 6466 MULLOKA R.Powell N L.11.7 1.T.TZLITcrisSA N 6568 AUCILIA R.Worthington SA 6247 BINTOOR K.Lambkin N 6468 MAVIS B.Watson N 6569 HIRAI GUGU W.Forbes SA 6248 TARKAROO . A.& N.Wilford N 6469 STINGRAY M.SHannon 6570 CASPER T.Stevens SA 6250 NATIVE 11 J.Street N 6471 LYNDABILL D.Howes N 6571 CHEBANG A.Scrimshaw N 6351 JOLLY SWAGMAN R.bryburgh N 6473 ALBOY G.McFarland N 6574 WENLEE L.Harrison V 6352 THE PEARL W.Cocking N 6474 BIANCA E.Drowley V 6576 WUNIT L.Carrol SA 6354 LOWANA H.White V 6475 DIJ/RIDI D.Morwood 6356 IMPACT D. & P.Wise SA O 6577 r.Reid SA 6476 MAN TIGER T.Mitchell N A.Slender SA 6357 J,West SA 6578 FAY N 6358 SCAN B.Sutherland SA 6477 ROCADA R.Goldsworthy V 6580 KWAK D.Grigg 6359 SLATS R.Slater N 6482 FOXY R.Gay TPNG 6582 TWIGGY C.Powell V 6360 KARUAH J.Levy m 6483 GILLEAN C.McLean V 6583 JALEDRO E.Fletcher WA 6363 ,INOCCHIO Er.M.Farrow 0 6484 G.Brown v 6586 VAMP J.Germain SA

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Ppge 70 6587 ALIANN IStevenson 6723 SALTAIRE J.& K.Adams SA 6864 FELINA E.Rice 6588 STORM GULL K.Loughhead SA 6724 CURLWAA W.Lucas SA 6865 RUBS-LEE B.Edwards SA 6591 CELERIS A.Chaple/E.SiggsSA 6725 HALF YANI 11 N.Reid V 6867 KATIE R.P.& A.Hibbins V 6592 JUNE W.Creese 6726 SINABADA A.Lucas SA 6869 HILDA W.Tapp SA 6593 FIXGIG B.Hallinan TPNG 6728 TUI L. ,G &N.Diverall V 6870 KERRIBEE D.Searle 6594 HULA G.Glover SA 6731 GADFLY J.Fay V 6871 JITH C.Hamilton 6596 VESPER G.Withrington SA 6732 WIETSKA H.Tackenberg 6872 HASTY G.Vinall SA 6597 30-ANDRA J.Swain SA 6733 AlRileigh 6873 TINKELIN E.Harrison 6598 PANDER° W.Slaytor SA 6734 WILLWATCH K.Watts V 6874 OLINKA M.Cole SA 6599 PIPPITA R.&Mrs.B.Keays SP, 6736 BOIPERS R.Reseigh SA 6875 JIMBA R.Kinsman V 6600 THERAPY B.Rabbidge 6737 JANICE ANNE A.Crowther 6876 JENNY TU F.Stokes SA 6603 F.Bourke V 6738 ODIN F.Gillson 6877 NANUMIAD Mrs.J. &J.Evans N 6604 GWENDA S.Kurth V 6739 PETIT USAGE Mrs.R.Fairweather V 6878 SFAREN M.McClaren SA SUANDRA D.Correl SA 6605 6740 ACHERNAR R., P.8 J.Hibbins V 6879 LUM J.Lumsden SA 6606 KALEENA N.Wright SA 6741 TERRIGAL R.Hawkes SA 6880 PENELOPE 11 C.Barclay SA A.Ridout SA 6742 CINDYBOB A.Aravandino 6607 BLUE ONDINE 6881 SUSHA-SAN J.Bails SA 6608 TURUA L.Wallace 0 6744 AMETHYST R.Davis SA 6883 W.Caines V.Brittain WA 6745 ROBIN KATE Dr.W.Paradice 6609 VIVA 6885 R.A.G.S. G.Jarrett SA J.& D.Bertram SA 6610 DIKSIE 6746 HELEAJAN L.Arrstrong SA 6886 VALHALLA K.Fell/B.French N GUNNAMATTA I.Cull 6747 6611 CITRONELLA Miss D.Cramp ACT 6887 JENNY-MAREE G.Sparkman DUNOON K.Rochow SA 6748 PATTY A.Nickels 6612 SA 6888 J.Lenehan 6613 PETRUS J.& P.Russell 6749 CLAIRE G.Edwards SA 6889 KOTARE C.Climie 6614 SKIPPA G.Smith 6750 ALFIE R.Ledingham 6891 J.Bateman SA 6615 CARUMBA A.& D.Leigh SA TAMBOY K.Wade 6751 6892 FIGARO R.Brown 6616 FIREBIRD A. & S.Feiner 6752 LITTLE RIPPER K.Swiggs SA 6893 MEL-ANN K.Tinker 6618 SOLOS D.Ohye 6755 SOLWAY H.Winter 6894 R.Lowe V 6619 TANYA B. & K.Mutton SA 6756 SINBAD C.Chalkley 6895 CARLEEN M.Eakins SA 6620 COBBER J.Taylor SA 6757 ANDIOMO G: & C.Blunt 6896 JUST PAT K.Kidman SA 6621 SUGAD K.,D.,H. & S. 6758 BALI HA'I R.Cameron Hayman SA 6897 LOCH RANNOCH L.,M.& R.Curk- MR.CHRISTIAN D.Jowett 6622 STELYNKA S. & B.Bulmer V 6760 patrick SA KATY-JANE 6898 E.Dalziel 6623 MERRY-M R.Mitchell V 6761 T.O'Neill 6624 M.Latham 6762 HAMMY G.Hynard 6899 JOLLY DEE N.Porter SA 6625 SUEJAN L.Bence V 6763 ARIKI C.Tucker V 6900 MISTAKE D.Kirby 6626 STEBRO R. & S.Brown 6764 WING J.Siegmann SA 6952 STANNEA G.Fauser SA 6766 BETSEA G.Stirton V 6953 GLYNTEG P. Jones V 6627 PANCHO TOO B.Punke SA 6767 BRONZE WING M.Batten 6954 MITTAMIT R.Davies SA 6628 ANN MAREE G.Fraser V 6768 PETERS R.Lucena 6955 PAGO R.Debelle 6629 COLUMBUS W.O'Brien SA 6769 LE SAN W.Howle 6956 SKIMMER A.Randles V 6630 TUMBLEWEED R.Crowe SA 6770 ENSIGN J.& P.Magnusson SA 6957 IANCA R.Michelmore SA R.Hare V 6631 AEDRA 6773 ANNAJOY F.Leabeater 6958 SOLVEIG E.Reynolds WA BETELGEUSE R. & D.Kay SA 6632 6774 JELLYBEAN J.Macpherson SA 6959 ALMARK A.Balish V 6634 TARKI J.Ford SA 6775 GRADULEE K.Creaser SA 6960 A.Harvey SA 6635 DOONGARRA P.Crawford SA 6776 TWIGGY G.Allen SA 6961 A.S.McKINNON Beaumaris YC 6636 PULANGI R.Lewis SA 6777 OUATROVIENTOS J.Muller SA 6962 H.H.DAVEY Beaumaris YC V 6638 SPUD 111 J.Britt 6778 JONPETE K.Griffiths 0 6963 KITTYHAWK D.Short SA 6639 CAPPELLA J.Shelley 6781 IRENE R.Hyles 6964 PSYCHEDELIC A. Jenkins SA 6641 CAT BALLOU G.Cooper 6783 MITAMIT M.Mariner 6642 KATHY E.& Mrs.K.Fer- 6965 AMIRI R.Potter V 6784 CARORI D.Pudney SA guson SA 6967 DEMETER 11 L.Maseoni 6785 MARINA T.Marks SA 6643 ALLINDA J.Clarke SA 6968 PEP R.Clayson SA 6786 LOIS G.Perlstein 6644 TOLEDO D.Lee SA 6969 CREST M.Hansen WA 6787 SUSAN B M.Brunger SA 6645 PADDLES A.& P.Loxton 6970 AURORA S.Greenslade SA 6768 SHONA E.Minton SA 6646 MYAMBA S.Rutley V 6972 KIWI 0.Syme V 6789 J.,J.,P.&M.LadymanSA 6647 TACORA L.Everett V 6973 JAY PEE W.Ward SA 6791 SPOOKY M.Travers SA 6648 GAT Dr.J.Kirkwood SA 6975 GRETA W.Davies V WICKA V.Wheare SA 6649 W.,D.,K.& B. 6792 6976 M.& V.Cherny V Houghton SA ANGELA 6793 E.Hayes 6977 LITTLE SBRAY J.Newell SA 6650 CHERYL 1 J.Dowse ACT 6794 WYMANA R.Atkinson 6978 JUBO C.Boland R.G.Smith SA 6701 SHEEZALULU 6795 HEATHER J.Garnett V 6979 OISEAU Miss P.Minhard SA LUMEAH 11 D.Berty SA 6796 BALAKA A.JUde 6704 SA 6980 SONYA 11 P.Stallbaum V LITTLE PATTIE L.Chambers SA 6797 MUFF D.Vandepeer SA 6706 6981 IVANHOE J.Longley INTREPID TOO T.J.Demnan SA TOPAZ A.Rees 6707 6798 6982 GANNET W.Veale V 6708 JOSEPHINE R.Ward SA 6799 DUTCHY M.VanMoorsel WA 6983 ALLAMBIE R.,R. & c.wiley N 6709 IRABINNA M.Reedman SA 6800 STAR DUST L.Court V 6985 PUCK R.Vines 6710 R.Phillips SA 6851 GIBBO TOO R. & M.Gibson 6986 THE DANNY-0 F.O'Broen V 6712 J. Turner CARAMBA N.Hefron SA 6852 6987 MOLLY K.Pile SA 6713 ROTASU C.Gurr SA 6853 ROSEMARY DELL J.& R.Wright V 6988 ZEPHYRUS W.Atkinson 6716 SHAROB I.Glaseon SA 6854 CHERK Cronulla RSLSC N 6717 TOPSY TURVY Dr.W.Payne 6855 FRONA E.,P.,Mrs.J.and 6989 MINX R.Toy V Miss K.Hekking 6990 CRISSY P.Goodwin 6718 BENNY H.Brown SA 6856 UZURI K.Holmes PUDDLEDUCK R. & D.Kerr SA 6991 THATAWAY E.Cartwright WA 6719 6860 DUNA C.Flachner V 6720 R.Barclay SA 6992 JAY-R-CEE C.Cover 6861 ROSALIE S.Btitton SA 6721 JARMEL M.Graham SA 6993 GLENDOVEER K.Cosh SA 6862 MOIRA G.Carmody

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 71 6994 Miss A.Deakin N 7060 KALOO 111 K.Ross N 7252 LITTLE LASSIE B.Loudon N 6995 KERRALEE A.Moule V 7081 SOUTHERN CROSS A.Doyle V 7253 BLUE TIP R.Stunnell SA 6996 JUROHEKE L.Lock SA 7082 TOM THUMB A.Sykes N 7254 BITTER LEMON G.Trewenack V 6997 CHIQUITA N.Pigge N 7083 MOLLIE BROWN D.Pearson N 7255 BUBBLE D.Shuttleworth SA 6999 111 R.Fisher N 7084 BEAU REGAL S.Beaufoy SA 7256 IKARA F.Elphinstone N 7000 OVERTURE J-Shipton N 7085 p.Miller V 7257 FIDDLEW.Mackie V 7001 CHALKY J. & M.Stomps N 7086 FREEDOM STAR R.Elcock 0 7258 LADY G. P.Carnall ACT 7002 CAMLYN R.Neall V. 7088 S.Demchenko V 7259 JAMPS S.Ipsen N 7003 RED ROBIN OF 7089 TUPPEE A.Barbary SA 7260 BUSTER V.Scott SA LAGUNA D.Young N 7261 PELORUS JACK Dr.P.Hopkins N 7004 NONI K.Milne 7090 JAY-JAY J.Wilkinson N 7262 THAEDIR A.Lankhorst 0 MAIGRET P.Treffry N 7091 FLASH 11 A.Jenkins SA 7005 7263 TOMHELJ.Beer SA GORCH POCK B.Petigh V 7006 7092 CORBO Dr.J.Oliver N 7264 RUA-BAI M.Hughes SA 7007 GOLDFINGER W. & Mrs.M.Clarke N A.Fletcher V 7093 SNIFTER 7265 CHEEKY A.Hatsell SA 7011 VIPER Corrimal H/School N 7094 ARAKOOLA R.Kelly V 7266 TINY TOT TWO L.Smith N 7012 GRIFFIN 11 J.Willoughby SA7095 DOREA R.Porter N 7277 AJERI IA1:: ::udlalough TPNG 7013 WANGARA P.Sharpin V WIZARD 11 w.cough SA 7096 7268 MELBA J SA 7014 WAHENI D.O.Broen V 7097 SUNTOUCH R.Brown WA 7269 PEANUTS J.Nichols N 7015 BLOWFLY J.Shugg V 7098 DOYLEA 11 W.Doyle N 7270 DENETTA D.McLean N 7016 SEEADLER B.Burgess N 7099 PEPPER E.mobbs N 7271 F.Fisher N 7017 SKEETER K.Opie V 7100 LITTLE P G.Tranter N 7018 TEPEE F.Collin gs V 7151 CUTTLE FISH G.Eagles N 7272 MISFIT R.Kalin SA 7019 MOKOSOI A.Meller ACT 7152 IMARA A.Seales V 7273 NOCTURNE F.Daniels V 7020 EUREKA Dr.J.Wright 0 7153 SVAAP R.K111en, N 7274 MORAG Dr.D.Lonie N 7022 W.Brown V 7154 KOORANYA R.McKinnon SA 7275 CHEROKEE D. & K.Lyons SA 7024 ALICE MARY A. & L.Beresford T 7155 KOBI W.Boyd SA 7276 ESTRALITA R.Lennane V 7025 HAND map G-Cairns SA 7156 DELILAHL.& L.Cowan SA 7277 KOLEH Miss J.Lawrence SA 7026 KALYARA D.Birkin SA 7157 POP 11 N.Hamilton N 7278 JACKERRY K.Rawlings N 7029 THERESE W.Tantanen SA 7158 EBBTIDE J.Lepatourel N 7279 TEDAPA T.Kirkpatrick V 7280 WINDSEEKER A.Mebberson V 7030 CATHERINE P.Jefferies WA 7160 AOT.A P.Szalay SA T.Hoorn N 7031 GURU M-Nankervis V 7282 CAVALIER 7162 TESS L.Branch N B.Miles N 7032 P.Bradford N 7283 MARLYN C J 7163 MARGUERITE R.Higgins V SA 7033 TAKMB Dr.R.Southwood SA 7284 CLASANDRO G-Royal 7034 MELBA D.Owen USA 7164 BLUE STREAK G.Norman SA 7285 WILMA M.Branton V R..PettigrewD N 7035 LAUREL MAY R.Wilson SA 7165 0 7286 MISS KAY W.Simse M.Burfoot V 7036 PATRICIA R., M. & B.Smith N 7166 ANN -ETTE 7287 KANUO R.Stannard N H.& R.Borland V 7037 MARSOUIN W.O.Donnell N 7167 BAMBI 7288 BILLY MAC Cronulla RSLSC N 7168 R.Knobel N 7039 WESTERLY J.Robertson N 7289 HUNKY DORY S.Pollak 0 7169 FORTY NINE J.Fraser SA 7040 CRAZY CAT W.Braithwaite N 7290 NATURI C.Turner SA 7170 DRIP DRY M.Chisholm/A.BullV 7041 FIREWATER J.Cole N 7291 CLYDE J.Turvey SA 7171 NANTUCKET A-Clapham N 7042 G.Halford N 7292 BRUMBY R.Elphinstone N 7172 J.Coleman V 7043 PATTI I.Darley N 7293 YARCOB M.Heithersay SA 7173 COPPERTOP Miss M.Lumb N 7044 BUGA DAGINDI V.Roberts SA 7294 GAYADAR/ RENorris V 7174 TRIANON D. & B.Jolliffe SA 7045 SACH M.Koennecke SA 7295 JOANNA M D.Saies SA 7175 VORAN J.Cale SA 7046 I.Withall SA 7297 J.Gude Q 7176 MISTER CHIPS N.Evans V 7047 LEAH-MARIE L.Sydenham N 7298 WANK WANK B.Donaldson N G.Naismith V 7048 TE-UIRA TWO J.Graham V 7177 WENTWEL 7299 R.Keeley V 7049 MERRIE L.,P.& B.Cox N 7178 PAQUIN R.campbell V 7300 BEAU A.,E.& B.CarpenterN 7050 MEREWETHER A.Bentley N 7179 BET BET CRae. 7351 DEES D.Tyerman N 7051 W.Johns N 7180 NEPTINA V-Lumley 0 7352- NANDROYA I. & C.White SA 7052 JANJINJA G.Hickin SA 7189 K.Caine N 7353 LOLA R.Risley V 7054 J.Mansfield V 7182 MYFANNWY W.Hadland V 7354 MONARO G.Holder V 7056 MANDRAKE R.Coates • 07183 SHAREE B.& S.Mutton SA 7355 ABRACADABRA D.Jamieson N R.Owen Dr.P.Attiwill V 7057 MALU N7184 7356 CHINOOK P.Ongarello V , T.Burney N 7058 JOAN 7185 TEKAI W. & B.Harbord V 7357 D.Cadd WA T.Briggs SA 7059 ATHENA 7186 J.Rose N 7358 PUFF D.Halliday SA MACH 1 Pr.a.Roloilliard 7060 N7187 SCRAM E.,B.,E.,K. and 7359 KLUKS • A.Shepherd 0 7061 CHUNDER R.Brown SA Miss M.Watkins SA 7360 WINDANAM.Stevens SA 7063 PEE JAY P.Standing • SA 7188 WILY SHONE F.Buckley N 7361 PECOS BILL J.Cleworth SA 7064 MISS PAULINE E.Hanna N 7189 IDLEWYLE H.Pickavance SA 7362 VALOIR J.Hughes SA 7065 CLARABELL B.Pioven V 7190 HOLLOW LOG P.Partridge SA 7191 JONDEE 11-,Mrs.B.,R. and 7363 E.Kendrick N 7066 PEA GREEN P.Cant N P.Dowrick N 7067 WOT KNOT • S.Stevens V 7192 BLUE WREN A.Cunningham N 7364 A.Cormier SA 7068 NAINI TAL E.Wallace V 7193 PEARLY L.Gates V 7365 SOLO C.Palmer N 7069 ECLIPSE C.Holme V 7194 R.Bovell WA 7366 MISCHIEF G.Early N 7070 TIRA-VENTIOS H.Tonkin 0 7195 R.Smith WA 7367 W. & W.Flaherty SA 7368 SCEPTRE J.Medley V 7072 TIGER MOTH I. & R.Unwin CI 7196 SIGMA A.Manning N 7073 AQUILA K.Miller 9 7197 w.Podger V 7369 PANCHO D.Blyth 0 7075 SEA DOGGIE R.Gorrill V 7198 GEORDIE D.Martin SA 7370 LADY GODIVA F.Ellard V 7199 7371 TARNI M. & G.Marett SA 7076 J.Schenk SA GUBATU F.&Mrs.J.Rennie WA 7200 CLYTEMNESTRA J.Nobbs SA 7372 C.U.Later L.Skeen N 7077 STORMVOGEL R.Hawles SA 7251 PI M.Vardon SA 7373 CO-RE W.Elliott N 7078 COCKLE J.whitehad V 7374 R.Dowse SA

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 72 7375 SUECOL R.Ricketts N 7446 META L.Allen V 7617 BARKER L.Turner 0 7376 R.Hishton S.AFRICA 7447 TIREE D.McDonald N 7618 CHIFFON F.Iliff V 7377 JOLERI 1.DeJong V AYESHA L.Allen 7448 V 7619 RIPTIDE P.Walker N 7378 COLJENTER A.Smith N 7449 BINDAREE R.Grivell SA 7620 CONDOR F.Garden N 7379 AURIGA M.Bassett N 7450 TIDAL WAVE H.Lighfoot V 7621 HAYDEN'S 7380 CEEL 11 R.Carless WA 7451 BUNABAROO A.& Miss P.Hart N PRIDE J.& G.Hedrick 0 7381 ALCHERA A.McClure V 7452 R.Pollock N 7622 KAY-DEE J.Hill N 7382 RAE BABY D.Phillips N 7453 G.McKauge WA 7623 REENOH M.Eve N 7383 MALIN M.BLake SA 7454 R.Heading N 7624 KATHLYN E.Holloway V 7384 ROSA GLEN J.Anderson SA 7455 MI-SU W.Hilder SA 7625 GINCHEY L.Gleeson V 7385 W.Norman N 7456 KATY-JAY B.Brook SA 7626 C.Rose V 7386 R.Sewell V 7457 JILLNA J.Lowrence SA 7627 R.wallace V 7387 J.Quinn N 7458 OPTIMIST ?.Hargrave WA 7628 GEM G.Francis N 7388 R.Jones N 7459 KALKADOON J.Beadnell N 7629 DABIN R.Falls 0 7389 K.Slingsby N CARINA 7460 Miss K.Authers N 7630 H.Arthur V 7390 KYLIE V.Weldon N 7461 WHIMPV A. ,C. & K.ChapellSA 7631 A.marks SA 7391 J.Weldon N 7462 DAVIAN G.Blight SA 7632 P.Habets V 7392 J.Davoren N 7463 CASI NADA G.Carrall N 7633 THE FLYING NUN N.Roth N 7393 RHUANI H.Howard N 7464 SARA D.Illman SA 7634 MASTA-MARK G.Higham 0 7394 HANKURA R.Machie N 7465 MAC J M.Lamb N 7635 TIMBAL PtDent V 7395 ICARUS T.Matthews SA 7466 R.Parker SA 7636 M.Hunbc SA 7396 MUDLARK R.Emery SA 7467 KYM-LEE R.Danoels SA 7637 J.Vatiliotis N 7397 ARF.N.ARF J.Austin SA 7468 DIXY G.Schultz SA 7398 GRAIL L. & K.Tudball V 7638 ELSIE B.Seabrook V 7469 JEP R.Shand 0 7399 A.Jobling V 7639 MILETI M.Humbert WA 7470 E.Payne 7400 PIPRIKI R.Holland N 7640 OSTERJIG R.Whitmore 7471 ACM A.,C. & M.SandlandSA 7401 NAIAD 0 P.Root 0 7641 PEEMAR P.Barber SA 7472 NOOK M.Fletcher N 7402 TETHYS A.Barrie SA 7642 D.Buchanan WA 7473 RAE B.Roulston N 7403 SHERRENE J.& H.SHerriff 'T 7643 M.Kercher N 7474 JAW? P. & A.Crane N 7404 Aust.ForcesVIETNAM 7644 SOAR B.Ruston V 7475 MATTARA A.Warner N 7405 CAPRICORNUS J.,P.,I. & D. White V 7476 J.Richards N 7406 KHAN P.Narnes V 7477 TOPSY,. R. & J.Reinhardt 9 7407 RED HERON D.Burns SA 7478 CHAPARRAL P.Bosworth V 7408 DOROBLYN A.Nichols N 7479 SOLLA SOLLEW G.MacNamara N 7409 MOONRAKER W.Grant N 7480 G.Parker N 7410 BANANA A.Tate V 7481 THE GYPSY A.Neale V 7411 ZORAIDA L.Ralph V 7482 AULMAR J.Heinrich SA 7412 SKOLL D.LOvig V 7463 PECKER L.Clarke/D.StewartSA 7413 PETROS P.Moate V 7484 P.Keats T 7414 JAYLEE G.Benny SA 7485 YOT B.Wale SA 7415 GREENBOTTLE G.Johnstone N 7486 J.Lawrie N 7416 LESLIE HOGG D.Hogg SA 7487 GEORGIA J.Carter SA 7417 GANDER J.Hollman N 7488 GANG AWA A.Meller ACT 7418 ROSALINDE A.Smith V 7489 JUNO N.Jarman N 7419 VOGELVLUCHT P.VanDerVeer V 7490 LADY LUCK Dr.A.Parkham SA 7420 STRAVAIGER A.Marr SA 7491 WEE JEANNIE P.Jones N 7421 THE MONGOOSE J.Parker N 7492 F.Buchanan WA 7422 COLEEN J.GirVin SA 7493 G.Correll/G.ClarkeSA 7423 ONTILA T.Morris 0 7494 BHANDY C.A.Stephens V 7424 JOANEE H.Payne SA 7495 OUTWARD BOUND B.Bradbury SA 7425 JOLINDOE J.Garlich ACT 7496 LITTLE SQUIRT I.Reed N 7426 B.Wesselingh SA 7497 Dr.A.Cousins N 7427 A.,Mrs.N. and S. 7498 RAGAMUFFIN R.Schultz SA Crust N 7499 PRIDE ONiERON K.Shum 0 7428 MINNALOUSH G.Humphries N 7500 SO P.McNab N 7429 BONZO M.Langham N 7601 CARITA R.Chick TPNG 7430 JUMBUCK B.Pecats T 7602 Gatannaford N 7431 WAI TUI K.Beohm N 7603 F.Gillson N 7432 XIMINI F.Swann SA 7604 BARRAMUNDI M.Zorbas N 7433 GILLIAN ROSE E.Bruce V 7605 A.Bell WA 7434 MERINDA R.Herniman V 7606 EATS B.Taylor N 7435 GIDJI K.Cutts N 7607 HPJ A.Fowler N 7436 ZENOPHAN T.Armytage N 7608 KIRRA M.Wierzbowski V 7437 RADOM° E.Bertram V 7609 P.Maloney N 7438 JOHNDELLA J.Compton N 7610 GINTONIC R.Donnelly N 7439 TAFFY R.Brown N 7611 MERINDAH L.Menogue V 7440 YAN P.Smith SA 7612 RICOCHET W.Cattlin V 7441 BERKELEY F.Lane N 7613 D.Swift N 7442 TEDDY BEAR T.Fox SA 7614 PIPER A.Knight SA 7443 BULLETS M.Muir N 7615 RUNENI V.Mrakovcic N 7444 H.Walker 0 7616 ATHENE-NIKE R.Sier WA 7445 11th Brighton Sea Stouts

Heron Newsletter, June 1969 Page 73 NON BOAT OWNERS AS AT 31.3.69 NON BOAT OWNEAS T.P.N.G. Boughton, T. P.O. Box 699 Port Moresby St.Hill, L. P.O. Box 72 West Kempsey, 2440 Carter, D. P.O.Box 811, Port Moresby Spies, I. 19 Crescent Street, Hunters Hill 2110 Clayton, J. P.O. Box 334 Port Moresby Tuner, W. 43 Sheridan Avenue, Adamstown Heights 2289 Houghton,D. P.O. Box 1108 Boroko Port Moresby Wilson, R. 33 Middle Harbour Road, Lindfield 2070 1 Kelly, J. P.O. Box 335, Port Moresby Wilson, A.S., 81 Grand Parade, Sutherland 2232 Rodda, K., Box 335, Port Moresby Wright, A.J. 11 Pacific Avenue, Penshurst 2222 Royle, D. C/- CDW, Port Moresby • Wright, 51. 43 Clifton Road, Clovelly 2031 Russell, A. P.O. Box 380, Port Moresby Wyllie; G. 12 Murray Street, Marrickville 2204 White, G. P.O. Box 334, Port Moresby Youl, E. 6 The Lee, Castlecrag 2068 Queensland Australian Capital Terriroty Brown, M. 8 Webb Street, Margate. 4019 Douglas, P. 24 Waller Crescent, Campbell. 2601 Dixon, T. &.P. 27 Langside Road, Hamilton 4007 Stephens, J. 26 Leane Street, Hughes 2605 Harding, D. 20 Deborah Street, Geebung 4034 Sigston, R. 186 Churchill Street, Childers, 4600 Victoria New South Wales Blake, Mr. & Mrs.G. "Aminyah" Summerlea Road, Mt.Dandenong 3767 Botterill, J. 4 Desmond Avenue, Highett 3190 Andersson, L., 35 Canea Cres.Allambie Heights, 2100 Brack, F. 165 Gordon Street, Balwyn 3103 Arundel, R. 31 Caronia Ave., Cronulla 2230 Cummings, R. 9 Edinburgh Avenue, Caulfield 3162 Badgery, G. 103 Cumberland Avenue, Collaroy. 2097 Duxbury, A. 3 Snowdon Street, Sunshine 3020 Baird, Dr. D. 3/22 Kennedy St., Kingsford 2032 Duxbury, P. 3 Snowdon Street, Sunshine 3020 Beer, E. 103 Gordon Avenue, Hamilton South 2305 Elliott,R. 19 David Street, Hampton 3188 Bird, E. 72 Church Street, Ryde. 2112 Ellson, D. 9/67A Barkly Street, St. Kilda 3182 Boyden, J., 99 Woodland St.,Balgowlah 2093 Harris, W. 36 Yarra Street, Heidelberg 3084 Brodie, M. 37 Highlands Ave.,Wahroonga 2076 Hawes, M. 12 Mowbray Street, East Hawthorn 3123 Burns, C. 9 Prescott Avenue, Dee Why 2099 Heggie, A.L. 26 Leonard Street, Belmont, Geelong 3220 Butler, T. wll Jamison Road, Penrith 2750 Hoult, L. 17 Todd Court, Croydon 3136 Carlton, Mr. & Mrs. R. 9 Bennalong Street, Granville 2142 Howard, T. 5 Quinton Court, Mt.Waverley 3149 Clark, A. 56 The Crescent, Vaucluse 2030 Humphries, A. 6 Halifax Court, Ashburton 3147 Cogill, W., 48 Medusa Street, Mosman 2088 Lang, H.G., Main Street, Sorrento 3943 Cook, R., Buckleys Road, Winston Hills 2153 McCarthy, J. 12 Sheffield Street, South Caulfield 3162 Cotton, J., Howick Street, Tumut. 2720 Cottrell, R.,5 Craiglea Gardens, Carlingford 2118 Maguire, G.R., 22 Beddoe Avenue, East Bentleigh 3165 Dane, K. 88 Kareena Road, Miranda. 2228 Morgan, J. 53 Dennis Street, Mitcham 3132 Dearnley, S. 11 Upper Cliff Road, Northwood 2066 Wangle, L. 7 Warne Street, Eaglemont 3084 Dewsnap, G. 3 Crescent Street, Hunters Hill 2110 Peterson, R. 539 Nepean Highway, Bonbeach 3196 Randall, B. & Baines, A. Box 78, Glen Waverley 3150 Duffy, N. 39 Bowden Street, Guildford 2161 Shaw, D.M. 5 Devorgilla Avenue, Toorak 3142 Fountain, A. "Jungara" Grenfell 2810 Woinarski, B.C. Bogong School Camp, Bogong 3699 Godfrey, D. 6 Tawarri Crescent, Kyle Bay 2221 Greenwell, R. 166 Keira St.,Wollongong 2500 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Hales, Dr.I. 23 Shamrock Parade, Killarney Heights 2087 Banks, A. 8 Borland Avenue, Stonyfe115066 Hamilton, J. 21 Wellington Street, Chippendale 2008 Barclay, A. Patawalonga Frontage, North Glenelg 5054 Hewish, L. 81 Bobbin Head Road, Turramurra 2074 Baxter, C. 54 Hawkers Road, Medindie 5081 Hill, J. 8 Esther Road, Balmoral 2088 Binks Yacht Constructions 29 Byrd Avenue, Somerton Park 5044 Holtum J. 14 Foss Street, Hunters Hill. 2110 Braddock, A. 27 Rowland Road, Magill 5072 Hunt's Marine Centre P/Ltd.629 Princes Wway, Blakehurst Burchell, R., 22 Patricia Avenue, Camden Park. 5038 Jaffrey, P. 4 Ivey Street, Lindfield 2070 Davis, B. 16 Mabel Street, Rosewater 5013 Jennings, L. 51 St.Anne St., Nowra 2540 Deed, A. 13 Fifth Avenue, Semaphore Park 5019 Jones, F. 62 Serpentine Crescent, Balgowlah 2093 Donovan, R., (Marine Kit Assemblies) 31 Cheryl Ave. ,Valley View Kenyon, G. 89 Smith Street, Wentworthville 2415 Elsegood, J. 28 Swigg Street, Birkenhead 5015 Killen, D. 7 Milton Avenue, Mosman 2088 Field, P., 428 Military Road, Largs Bay King, T. 109 Villiers Road, Padstow Heights 2111 Glascraft Pty.Ltd 62 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide 5000 Kirby, M. 43 Moyran Parade, Grays Point 2232 Godden, D., 23 Trafford Street, Mansfield Park 5012 Laidlaw, B. 39 Meriton Street, Gladesvile 2111 Hall, W., 37 Shaftesbury Terrace, Marino Rocks 5049 Lansley, E. P.O. Box 40 Frenchs Forest 2086 Hill, K., 24 Sussex Terrace, Westbourne Park 5041 Lilly, B. 22 Tasman Street, Dee Why 2100 Kay, R., 72 Francis Street, North Brighton 5048 McDonald, R. 10 Wards Crescent, Oyster Bay 2225 Kneebone, D., 7 Waterfall Terrace, Burnside 5066 McGuire, C. Lot .23 Island Pt.Rd. St.Georges Basin 2540 Forte, P., 23 Valley View Drive, Highbury 5089 Mannix, D. 1 Redhead Street, Kahibah 2290 Pearce, R., P.O. Box 44 Minlaton 5575 Marine Packs, 4 Schofield Street, Riverwood 2210 Porter, W., 5 Koowarra Terrace, Largs North 5016 Middleton, Dr.R. 13 Balmoral Avenue, Mosman 2088 Torry, R. & B., 22 Chirton Street, Elizabeth North 5113 Mould, V. 6 Frederick Street, Blacktown 2148 Murdoch, G. 15 Samora Road, Cremorne 2090 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Overton, Mrs. E. 45 Budyan Road, Grays Point 2230 Austin, S., 74 Brunswick Road, Albany 6330 Owen, W. 117 Douglas Street, Nowra 2540 Stanley, G., 6 Stephanie Street, Claremont 6010 Padgen, C. 68 George Street, Rose Bay 2030 Whittell, W. 6 Templetonia Crescent, City Beach 6015 Pek, G. 8/7 Dowling Street, Kensington 2033 Young, W., "Fairlands," Woodanilling 6316 Potter, D. 16 Stuart Ave., Normanhurst 2076 OVERSEAS Roberts, J. 4 Tillock Street, Thornleigh 2120 Panter, R., 4465/6th Street,Riverside, California U.S.A. Ross, C. 31 Killarney Street, Mosman 2088 HERON NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1969 Page 74 THIS IS THE SIGN OF THOROUGH RESEARCH & QUALITY CONTROL

STARBOARD STARBOARD PRODUCTS PTY. LTD. 54 BROOK ST. NAREMBURN RODUCTS N.S.W. 2065 PHONE 43 6752 R ND if R ESEARCH SPECIALISTS MANUFACTURERS OF:- The increasing demands of high performance SPAR • CENTREBOARDS RUDDERS sailing with its problems in bends, shapes and *Shaped for controlled surface flow tuning can give you a real headache! To whom *Least drag • sail faster * Least leeway • work higher do you turn to gain those precious extra SPAR • SPARS & RIGS minutes? *Mast and gaff stiffness, correctly tuned to crew weight FRANK BETHWAITE of SPAR has been for fastest sail shape in all breezes *COMPLETE RIGS — quietly doing detailed research on centreboards Spars, sails, battens and controls, mutually matched rudders, spars and sails for a number of years— to work together, smoothly and efficiently. not only in the testing room and workshop but also where it counts — ON THE WATER! SPAR • PACKAGE DEALS He has Champions in 9 classes using his gear, *Complete rigs also centreboard and rudder, and now, with Peter Dunn, he is ready to give assembled and packaged for country and interstate. the benefit of this knowledge and experience *Please advise crew weight for correct to you. tuning of mast and gaff stiffness. frank BETHWAITEo peter DUNN will take the guesswork out of your sailing PHONE: 43 6752



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Your Heron will really sail when powered with Holly Tasker sails and gear. Tasker is the Heron specialist supplying a complete package kit of all hardware, stays, halyards, sheets, sails, etc. You won't beat them for quality and value at the price.


Benefit from Roily Tasker's world-wide experience in sailmaking. Tasker sails for Herons are made of special cloth, woven and finished to Rolly's own specifications to cope with Australian conditions and prevailing winds. Your boat will sail faster, and higher with sails carrying the black boomerang.

ROLLY TASKER Branches are staffed by an Olympian and the holders of over ninety eight championships.

NEED ADVICE? Tasker's staff are there to advise you. ROLLY TASKER THE HERON SPECIALISTS

HEAD OFFICE: 256 Stirling Highway, Claremont, W.A. 6010 Ph. 3-4357. Also at 771 Canning Highway, Applecross, W.A. SYDNEY: 40 Market St., Sydney 2000. Ph. 29-4107. MELBOURNE: 243 Bay St., Brighton 3186. Ph. 96-5767. ADELAIDE: 17 Robe St., Port Ade- laide 5015 Ph. 4-1982. BRISBANE: 177 Wellington St., East Brisbane 4169 Ph. 91-5661. HOBART: MrJack Campbell, 538 Sandy Bay Rd., Hobart 7000. Ph. 5-2053. GEELONG: Mr J. .Sim, Bellarine Marine, 25 Bellarine St., Geelong, 3220 Ph. 9-9200.