AMA FPG-9 Glider OBJECTIVES – Students Will Learn About the Basics of How Flight Works by Creating a Simple Foam Glider
AEX MARC_Layout 1 1/10/13 3:03 PM Page 18 activity two AMA FPG-9 Glider OBJECTIVES – Students will learn about the basics of how flight works by creating a simple foam glider. – Students will be introduced to concepts about air pressure, drag and how aircraft use control surfaces to climb, turn, and maintain stable flight. Activity Credit: Credit and permission to reprint – The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and Mr. Jack Reynolds, a volunteer at the National Model Aviation Museum, has graciously given the Civil Air Patrol permission to reprint the FPG-9 model plan and instructions here. More activities and suggestions for classroom use of model aircraft can be found by contacting the Academy of Model Aeronautics Education Committee at their website, MATERIALS • FPG-9 pattern • 9” foam plate • Scissors • Clear tape • Ink pen • Penny 18 AEX MARC_Layout 1 1/10/13 3:03 PM Page 19 BACKGROUND Control surfaces on an airplane help determine the movement of the airplane. The FPG-9 glider demonstrates how the elevons and the rudder work. Elevons are aircraft control surfaces that combine the functions of the elevator (used for pitch control) and the aileron (used for roll control). Thus, elevons at the wing trailing edge are used for pitch and roll control. They are frequently used on tailless aircraft such as flying wings. The rudder is the small moving section at the rear of the vertical stabilizer that is attached to the fixed sections by hinges. Because the rudder moves, it varies the amount of force generated by the tail surface and is used to generate and control the yawing (left and right) motion of the aircraft.
Fly-By-Wire - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia 11-8-20 下午5:33 Fly-By-Wire from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Fly-by-wire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 11-8-20 下午5:33 Fly-by-wire From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fly-by-wire (FBW) is a system that replaces the Fly-by-wire conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface. The movements of flight controls are converted to electronic signals transmitted by wires (hence the fly-by-wire term), and flight control computers determine how to move the actuators at each control surface to provide the ordered response. The fly-by-wire system also allows automatic signals sent by the aircraft's computers to perform functions without the pilot's input, as in systems that automatically help stabilize the aircraft.[1] Contents Green colored flight control wiring of a test aircraft 1 Development 1.1 Basic operation 1.1.1 Command 1.1.2 Automatic Stability Systems 1.2 Safety and redundancy 1.3 Weight saving 1.4 History 2 Analog systems 3 Digital systems 3.1 Applications 3.2 Legislation 3.3 Redundancy 3.4 Airbus/Boeing 4 Engine digital control 5 Further developments 5.1 Fly-by-optics 5.2 Power-by-wire 5.3 Fly-by-wireless 5.4 Intelligent Flight Control System 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Development Page 1 of 9 Fly-by-wire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 11-8-20 下午5:33 Mechanical and hydro-mechanical flight control systems are relatively heavy and require careful routing of flight control cables through the aircraft by systems of pulleys, cranks, tension cables and hydraulic pipes.
A Service Publication of Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company
LOCKHEED MAaTIN 4 VOL. 24, NO. 1 JULY-SEPTEMBER 1997 A SERVICE PUBLICATION OF LOCKHEED MARTIN AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT COMPANY - • Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page LOCKHEED MARTIN Service News It’s All in the Teamwork A SERVICE PUBLICATION OF t would be difficult to find an area of human endeavor that is more dependent upon team- LOCKHEED MARTIN AERONAUTICAL work for success than aviation. It is significant that mankind’s first conquest of the air was SYSTEMS SUPPORT COMPANY Inot achieved by an isolated visionary laboring in seclusion. Instead, the initial success came through the combined efforts of two gifted bicycle mechanics from Ohio, working with a team of Editor helpers and friends on a windswept beach in North Carolina. Charles I. Gale We at Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Support Company (LMASSC) have never lost sight of the importance of just that kind Vol. 24, No. 1, July - September 1997 of teamwork in the way we operate our business. It is no coinci- dence that LMASSC is organized as a close partnership of two CONTENTS teams of specialists, both fully committed to meeting the total support needs of our customers. 2 Focal Point LMASSC’s Business Development and Each of the LMASSC organizations has its own special areas of Field Support units team up to provide expertise and responsibilities. Business Development, led by the best in total customer support. George Lowe, is the marketing arm for LMASSC and as such provides a remarkably broad range of customer support products. These include a com- 3 All About Power Plant Hoses prehensive spares provisioning program that offers new and overhauled spare parts and Both Teflon and elastomeric hoses are support/test equipment, rebuilt parts, an innovative parts exchange program, and complete used to connect power plant compo- component repair and overhaul.
AP3456 the Central Flying School (CFS) Manual of Flying: Volume 4 Aircraft Systems
AP3456 – 4-1- Hydraulic Systems CHAPTER 1 - HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS Introduction 1. Hydraulic power has unique characteristics which influence its selection to power aircraft systems instead of electrics and pneumatics, the other available secondary power systems. The advantages of hydraulic power are that: a. It is capable of transmitting very high forces. b. It has rapid and precise response to input signals. c. It has good power to weight ratio. d. It is simple and reliable. e. It is not affected by electro-magnetic interference. Although it is less versatile than present generation electric/electronic systems, hydraulic power is the normal secondary power source used in aircraft for operation of those aircraft systems which require large power inputs and precise and rapid movement. These include flying controls, flaps, retractable undercarriages and wheel brakes. Principles 2. Basic Power Transmission. A simple practical application of hydraulic power is shown in Fig 1 which depicts a closed system typical of that used to operate light aircraft wheel brakes. When the force on the master cylinder piston is increased slightly by light operation of the brake pedals, the slave piston will extend until the brake shoe contacts the brake drum. This restriction will prevent further movement of the slave and the master cylinder. However, any increase in force on the master cylinder will increase pressure in the fluid, and it will therefore increase the braking force acting on the shoes. When braking is complete, removal of the load from the master cylinder will reduce hydraulic pressure, and the brake shoe will retract under spring tension.
Aircraft Design Lecture 9: Stability and Control G. Dimitriadis Introduction to Aircraft Design Stability and Control H Aircraft stability deals with the ability to keep an aircraft in the air in the chosen flight attitude. H Aircraft control deals with the ability to change the flight direction and attitude of an aircraft. H Both these issues must be investigated during the preliminary design process. Introduction to Aircraft Design Design criteria? H Stability and control are not design criteria H In other words, civil aircraft are not designed specifically for stability and control H They are designed for performance. H Once a preliminary design that meets the performance criteria is created, then its stability is assessed and its control is designed. Introduction to Aircraft Design Flight Mechanics H Stability and control are collectively referred to as flight mechanics H The study of the mechanics and dynamics of flight is the means by which : – We can design an airplane to accomplish efficiently a specific task – We can make the task of the pilot easier by ensuring good handling qualities – We can avoid unwanted or unexpected phenomena that can be encountered in flight Introduction to Aircraft Design Aircraft description Flight Control Pilot System Airplane Response Task The pilot has direct control only of the Flight Control System. However, he can tailor his inputs to the FCS by observing the airplane’s response while always keeping an eye on the task at hand. Introduction to Aircraft Design Control Surfaces H Aircraft control
{PDF} Cold War Delta Prototypes : the Fairey Deltas, Convair Century
COLD WAR DELTA PROTOTYPES : THE FAIREY DELTAS, CONVAIR CENTURY-SERIES, AND AVRO 707 PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Tony Buttler | 80 pages | 22 Dec 2020 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781472843333 | English | New York, United Kingdom Cold War Delta Prototypes : The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-series, and Avro 707 PDF Book Last edited: Apr 6, New page book apparently due from Tony Buttler this coming December via Osprey's X-Planes series although no cover image available yet : Cold War Delta Prototypes: The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-Series, and Avro Description from Amazon: This is the fascinating history of how the radical delta-wing became the design of choice for early British and American high-performance jets, and of the role legendary aircraft like the Fairey Delta series played in its development. Install the app. Added to basket. Brendan O'Carroll. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. As said before, I'll await more details from SP readers to order or not. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. I couldn't find it on Amazon. Out of Stock. Gli architetti di Auschwitz. Norman Ferguson. Risponde Luigi Cadorna. Joined Oct 29, Messages 1, Reaction score Torna su. Meanwhile in America, with the exception of Douglas's Navy jet fighter programmes, Convair largely had the delta wing to itself. In Britain, the Fairey Delta 2 went on to break the World Air Speed Record in spectacular fashion, but it failed to win a production order. Convair did have its failures too — the Sea Dart water-borne fighter prototype proved to be a dead end.
REPORT No. 201 THE EFFECTS OF -SHIELDING THE THIS OF AIRFOILS By ELLIOTT G. IWD Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory 3-M REPORT No. 201 THE EFFECTS OF SHIELDING THE TIPS OF AIRFOILS By ELLIOTT G. REID SUMMARY Tests have recently been made at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory to ascertain whet her the aerodynamic characteristics of an airfoil might be subst antiall-j -impro~ed by imposing certain limitations upon the airflow about its tips. AU of the moditied forms were slightly inferior to the plain airfoil at small lift coefikients; however, by mounting thin plates, in planes perpendicular to the span, at the W@ tips, the characteristics were impro~ed throughout the range above three-tenths of the masimum lift coefficient. With this form of limitation the detrimental effect was slight; at the higher lift .—— coefEcients there resulted a eorsiderable reduction of induced drag and, consequently, of pow-er required for sustentation. The s16pe of the curve of lift ~erws angle of attack was increased. OUTLINE OF TESTS These tests wwe directed to-ward the disco~ery of some economical means of increasing the “ effecti~e aspect ratio” of an airfol As it. is recognized that the induced drag of an airfoiI is inversely proportional to its aspect ratio and that elimination of the transverse velocity, components of the air.tlow about a wing reproduces, in effecfi, the conditions which wouId exist with Mnite aspect ratio, it was planned to investigate the effects of elimination of a portion of the transverse flow by. fln.ite barriers at. the tips and ‘also by the production of an aer~- dcynamic counterforee, in lieu of the com- straints:-by the localization of severe washout at the tzps.
Flight Dynamics and Control of a Vertical Tailless Aircraft
cs & Aero ti sp au a n c o e r E e n Bras et al., J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng 2013, 2:4 A g f i o n Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace l e DOI: 10.4172/2168-9792.1000119 a e r n i r n u g o J Engineering ISSN: 2168-9792 Research Article Open Access Flight Dynamics and Control of a Vertical Tailless Aircraft Bras M1, Vale J1, Lau F1 and Suleman A2* 1Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal 2University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada Abstract The present work aims at studying a new concept of a vertical tailless aircraft provided with a morphing tail solution with the purpose of eliminating the drag and weight created by the vertical tail structure. The solution consists on a rotary horizontal tail with independent left and right halves to serve as control surfaces. Different static scenarios are studied for different tail configurations. The proposed morphing configurations are analyzed in terms of static and dynamic stability and compared with a conventional configuration. The stability derivatives defining the limits of static stability are calculated for the whole range of tail rotation angles. The aircraft’s dynamic model is developed and feedback control systems are implemented. A sideslip suppression system, a heading control system and a speed and altitude hold system are studied for three different configurations, MC1, MC2 and MC3 configurations. Static results show that the aircraft is longitudinally stable for a wide range of tail rotation angles. Variation of tail dihedral and rotation angles are two mechanisms able to maintain directional and lateral stability but only the last is able to produce lateral force and yawing moment.
Cambridge Introduces The New M KIV NA V Used by winners at the: 15M French Nationals U.S. 15M Nationals U.S. Open Nationals British Open Nationals Cambridge is pleased to announce the Check These Features: MKIV NAV, the latest addition to the successful M KIV System. Digital Final Glide Computer with • "During Glide" update capability The MKIV NAV, by utilizing the latest Micro • Wind Computation capability computer and LCD technology, combines in • Distance-to-go Readout a single package a Speed Director, a • Altitude required Readout 4-Function Audio, a digital Averager, and an • Thermalling during final glide capability advanced, digital Final Glide Computer. Speed Director with The MKIV NAV is designed to operate with the MKIV Variometer. It will also function • Own LCD "bar-graph" display with a Standard Cambridge Variometer. • No effect on Variometer • No CRUISE/CLIMB switching The MKIV NAV is the single largest invest ment made by Cambridge in state-of-the-art Digital 20 second Averager with own Readout technology and represents our commitment Relative Variometer option to keeping the U.S. in the forefront of soar ing instrumentation. 4·Function Audio Altitude Compensation Cambridge Aero Instruments, Inc. Microcomputer and Custom LCD technology 300 Sweetwater Ave. Bedford, MA 01730 Single, compact package, fits 80mm (31/8") Tel. (617) 275·0889; TWX# 710·326·7588 opening Mastercharge and Visa accepted BUSINESS. MEMBER G !TORGLIDING The JOURNAL of the SOARING SOCIETYof AMERICA Volume 47 • Number 5 • May 1983 6 THE 1983 SSA INTERNATIONAL The Soaring Society of America is a nonprofit SOARING CONVENTION organization of enthusiasts who seek to foster and promote all phases of gliding and soaring on a national and international basis.