Lawyers Weekly • Go to Lawyers • June 28, 2021

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Lawyers Weekly • Go to Lawyers • June 28, 2021

B2 Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021

Letter from the Publisher

Dear readers, Welcome to Massachusetts Go To Lawyers, a feature we debuted last year to showcase leaders in the Massachusetts legal community by practice area. For this list, we’ve chosen to focus on commercial real estate lawyers. The attorneys featured here were all nominated by their colleagues and chosen by a panel from Lawyers Weekly. We expect that some readers will argue that there are some excellent lawyers who should have been included. Let us know! And please nominate them for future lists. Other practice areas, such health care, intellectual property, and trusts and estates, will be topics for future editions of Massachusetts Go To Lawyers.

Susan A. Bocamazo, Esq. Publisher Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

2021 Go To Lawyers Julie Pruitt Barry ...... 4 Eric M. Greenberg ...... 7

Paul C. Bauer ...... 4 Cynthia B. Keliher ...... 7

Jonathan E. Book ...... 4 Karen J. Kepler ...... 7

Bryan C. Connolly ...... 4 Rebecca A. Lee ...... 8

David B. Connolly ...... 5 Diane M. McDermott ...... 8

John M. Creedon ...... 5 Carla M. Moynihan ...... 9

Francesco A. De Vito ...... 5 David K. Moynihan ...... 9

Amanda S. Eckho ...... 5 Gareth I. Orsmond ...... 10

Paul L. Feldman ...... 6 Michael D. Rosen ...... 10

Christopher R. Froeb ...... 6 Michael E. Scott ...... 11

Edward Gelles ...... 6 Sheryl C. Starr ...... 11

Published by Lawyers Weekly Inc., 40 Court St., 5th Publisher Design Supervisor Floor, , MA 02108. Photocopying and data Susan A. Bocamazo, Esq. Laura Black processing storage of all or any part of this issue may not be made without prior written consent. Rates quoted on request. Copyright ©2020 Massachusetts Lawyers Editor Page Designer Weekly. Material published herein is compiled at substantial expense and is for the sole and exclusive use Henriette Campagne Jackie Royds of purchasers and subscribers. The material may not be republished, resold, recorded, or used in any manner, in Advertising Director Ad Designer whole or in part, without the publisher’s explicit consent. Scott Ziegler Michael Bertani Any infringement will be subject to legal redress. Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021 • B3

Ropes & Gray congratulates

JACK CREEDON our Go To Lawyer for Commercial Real Estate B4 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021

JULIE PRUITT BARRY PAUL C. BAUER Partner, Prince, Lobel, Tye Partner, Bowditch Boston Framingham Despite being a woman practicing in what Paul C. Bauer represents businesses, indi- has historically been a uniquely male-dom- viduals and institutions throughout Massa- inated practice area, Julie Pruitt Barry has chusetts in sophisticated transactions with distinguished herself as a “Go To” real es- an emphasis on large real estate projects tate lawyer over the course of her career and challenging commercial law issues. while serving as a mentor to other women Bauer regularly advises developers, mort- looking to similarly distinguish themselves. gage lenders, tenants and property owners As a trial and appellate attorney with in a wide array of industries in complex more than 20 years of experience in state development, acquisition, financing and and federal courts, including the Massachu- business planning, and in both public and setts Appeals Court, Superior Court, Land private leasing transactions. Court, Probate & Family Court, U.S. District While Bauer represents property end-us- Court and the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- ers in most commercial segments, he has peals, Barry represents developers, com- One of Barry’s signature accomplish- significant experience representing en- and time that deposit would be forfeited. mercial and residential property owners, trepreneurs and life science companies of ments was her successful representation of Bauer was able to close the deal by put- businesses and individuals. all sizes regarding their property leasing a developer of affordable housing against ting a team member at the project site three Barry’s practice focuses on commercial a coalition of Belmont residents who op- needs, including representing a life science and residential real estate and land use company in one of the largest lease trans- states away while jumping through numer- posed a project in their town and waged a ous hoops and deploying a number of peo- litigation and permitting, including zoning lengthy battle to block it. After a lower court actions ever to occur in the city of Boston. and planning, affordable housing, cannabis, Additionally, he has carved out a niche ple to make it happen. ruled that the project could proceed, Barry In addition, Bauer represents a medical renewable energy, historic districts, title successfully defended the developer in representing craft brewers and their brew- school with respect to several hundred and easements, construction and insurance both Superior Court and the Appeals Court ery facilities, including leasing, financing coverage. against the coalition’s claim that the devel- and permitting services. thousand square feet in life science leases Additionally, she represents clients in oper’s motion for fees and costs constituted In one sizable case, Bauer represented and real estate transactions; a regional hos- state and federal environmental admin- an illegal SLAPP suit. a large regional real estate management pital on large-scale leases, subleases, sales istrative matters, including wetlands and Meanwhile, Barry has carved out a niche company when it acquired a shopping cen- and acquisitions; and serves as general tidelands, Massachusetts Chapter 21E and in the growing cannabis law arena and ad- ter in . His client made a $1 counsel to the Massachusetts State College CERCLA, as well as in mediation and arbi- vised on the permitting of the first medical million deposit as part of a bidding process, Building Authority for all corporate and real tration proceedings. marijuana dispensary in Boston. MLW and if the deal didn’t close by a certain date estate matters. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Chair, environmental law practice group; treasurer and board member, Real Estate Board member, Government Affairs Committee, Real Estate Board; Bar Association; co-chair, REBA Environmental Law Section and Strategic Communi- board member, MassEcon; board member, Real Estate Finance Association; past di- cations Committee; member, CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) Boston; mem- rector, MetroWest Chamber of Commerce; former chair, Small Business Committee, ber, Sustainability Committee, Environmental Business Council of New England; Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce; former member, Zoning Board of Appeals, member, Women’s Bar Association; member, Boston Bar Association Bedford

JONATHAN E. BOOK BRYAN C. CONNOLLY Partner, Foley Hoag Partner, DLA Piper Boston Boston Boston attorney Jonathan E. Book has Bryan C. Connolly’s sophisticated real spent decades providing in-depth and ex- estate practice focuses on development, pert commercial real estate advice to Foley acquisitions and dispositions, finance, joint Hoag clients involved in both small and ventures, land use and zoning, and leasing large commercial leasing transactions and and ground leasing. developments in downtown Boston and In his represention of developers, Con- across Massachusetts. nolly provides counseling through the entire Book’s clients include financial, corpo- development life cycle, from due diligence, rate, nonprofit and public entities that seek acquisition and permitting through joint his advice on the leasing, acquisition, sale venture and construction loan financing, to and financing of properties and on related disposition and recapitalization, negotiating construction, title and zoning matters. complex agreements with both private par- In such transactions, Book drafts and ne- ties and public entities. Connolly’s representations have led to gotiates the leases, financing documents, nance and construction of a new facility on construction mitigation agreements with purchasing agreements, and design and the development of downtown towers, ur- the Boston waterfront; municipalities such ban and suburban residential projects and abutters and continues to represent Hines construction contracts. Meanwhile, on the as Revere, Chelsea, Cambridge, Arlington a wide range of mixed-use developments. as the project proceeds through further de- financing side, he has represented banks, and Springfield in land disposition matters Perhaps his signature accomplishment is velopment phases. other institutional lenders and private bor- to support urban renewal projects; and a serving as lead counsel to the international Connolly also represented developers in rowers in real estate and asset-backed fi- private conservation organization with the development firm Hines in its acquisition, obtaining master plan approval from the nancing and loan restructuring transactions. acquisition and restriction of more than financing and development of a $2 billion, Boston Planning & Development Agency Book also advises clients on the real as- 1,000 acres of land for conservation pur- 678-foot mixed-use tower and new public for the L Street Station project, a 1.7 mil- pects of developing and financing energy poses. bus terminal above South Station in down- lion square-foot mixed use redevelopment and renewable energy projects, including Additionally, Book represented a major town Boston. Connolly’s work in the deal of the former Boston Edison power plant in solar and wind, while helping state agen- software developer in the negotiation of a entailed negotiating with the Massachu- South Boston, as well as other developers cies and municipalities with property acqui- 350,000-square-foot office lease and sub- setts Bay Transportation Authority and the in a deal to construct a new CBS television sition, disposition and economic develop- sidiary subleases. Boston Planning & Development Agency to studio along with a series of office and lab- ment. Book also applies his expertise beyond acquire air rights above South Station while oratory buildings in Boston. Some of Book’s representative cases in- his commercial real estate practice: He pre- closing an $870 million construction loan Meanwhile, Connolly has taken an active clude advising Soltage in connection with viously sat on the Zoning Board of Appeals along with equity financing for the project’s role in the local real estate bar, including the development of multiple solar projects; for the town of Brookline and speaks and first phase. leadership positions in the Boston Bar As- Greentown Labs with the development, fi- writes about real estate issues. MLW In addition, he negotiated a number of sociation. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Member, Brookline Zoning Board of Appeals; speaker, “Advising Massachusetts Co-location head, Boston real estate practice; honoree, 45 Under 40, Real Estate Nonprofit Corporations,” 2009 Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting; Forum; past chair, Boston Bar Association Real Estate Legislative and Public Policy author, “What the Real Estate Sector Needs to Know about the CARES Act,” Foley Committee; recipient, Extra Mile Community Award, Quincy Community Actions Pro- Hoag Real Estate Alert, April 1, 2020 grams; former city councilor, Quincy Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021 • B5

DAVID B. CONNOLLY JOHN M. CREEDON Partner, Hinckley Allen Partner, Ropes & Gray Boston Boston As co-head of his firm’s global real es- Colleagues say David B. Connolly makes tate practice, which is one of the largest the cut as a “Go To” lawyer because of his in the world to focus on private equity in- talent, work ethic and commitment, as well vestments, John M. “Jack” Creedon leads as his service as a mentor, advocate and a team of more than 60 attorneys on four role model for the next generation of attor- continents. neys. In his own practice, Creedon advises His clients, meanwhile, point to his many of the world’s largest and most so- broad-based practice revolving around so- phisticated real estate private equity in- phisticated real estate development and vestors, REITs, hedge funds and foreign investment matters, which includes local investors through all facets of real estate clients and Fortune 500 companies alike on transactions in all formats, including joint real estate projects in Massachusetts and ventures and co-investments, real estate nationally. senior and mezzanine financings, ground-up One of Connolly’s significant recent proj- ing of a 50,000-square-foot industrial and development projects, “save the property Another major recent engagement was ects is his representation of Berkeley In- manufacturing property in Malden. The site or bust” distressed recapitalizations, bank- his representation of one of the largest vestments, a well-known Boston-based real is home to Enjet Aero, a highly automated ruptcies and an increasingly wide assort- life sciences REITs in the country as it ne- estate investment and development com- manufacturer of precision machined and ment of special situations. gotiated and executed a purchase and sale pany, in connection with the leasing of the fabricated components and assemblies for For example, over the past year, Cree- agreement for an approximately 8-acre real Ballardvale Portfolio in Wilmington. jet engines. don advised Bain Capital Credit on a $500 estate project in Somerville’s Assembly The 310,000-square-foot complex is Meanwhile, beyond Connolly’s trans- million distressed joint venture while coun- Square area. home to a mix of research and develop- actional practice, he has appeared before seling two very different real estate private This deal, which included a land pur- ment, lab and traditional office tenants. numerous municipalities and state and lo- equity and hedge fund clients through ad- chase price of more than $165 million and After its acquisition in 2015, Berkeley, with cal governmental agencies in the areas of versarial and at times highly public partner- a projected total development cost of more Connolly’s help, undertook a repositioning real estate development, liquor licenses ship disputes and buyouts. than $1 billion, the negotiation of numerous of the portfolio that involved not only sig- and land-use regulations, including zoning, A year earlier, Creedon advised one of the third-party components and deliverables. nificant capital investments but a substan- planning and subdivision matters. nation’s largest senior living operators in a The project is expected to provide more tial re-leasing of the property, resulting in Despite all that, Connolly has found time massive restructuring of its long-term mas- than 1 million square feet of lab, research 200,000 square feet of additional property. on the side for civic engagement as a mem- ter lease and management arrangements and development, technology and tradition- Connolly also recently represented East- ber of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the with a publicly traded senior living REIT that al office space in a rapidly developing part ern Real Estate in its acquisition and financ- town of Hanover. MLW enabled the company to avoid bankruptcy. of the Boston area. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Candidate for Cambridge School Committee (1983); debate participant, Cambridge Global co-head of firm’s real estate practice; honoree, Real Estate Forum’s “50 Under Economic Opportunity Committee and League of Women Voters; member, Hanover 40”; moderator and panelist, IMN Winter Forum on Real Estate Opportunity and Zoning Board of Appeals; member, Mensa; member, Business Law Section and Prop- Private Fund Investing; panelist, IMN Real Estate; pro bono real estate counsel, Pine erty Section, Massachusetts Bar Association; vice chairperson, Real Estate Practice Street Inn Group, Hinckley Allen

FRANCESCO A. DEVITO AMANDA S. ECKHOFF Managing Director Partner, Robinson & Cole Rackemann, Sawyer & Brewster Boston A member of her firm’s real estate and Boston development group, Amanda S. Eckhoff As managing director of his firm, Frances- assists lenders and real estate developers co A. “Frank” DeVito leads by example. Cli- with their commercial real estate needs. ents and fellow attorneys alike rely on him Eckhoff’s lender clients include regional for his expert counsel and wealth of knowl- and national institutional lenders that she edge involving the many intricacies of real counsels through all varieties of commercial estate and finance law, from acquisitions real estate financing, including acquisitions, and dispositions to financings and leases. construction loans, syndications participa- In DeVito’s practice, he handles all vari- tions and workouts throughout the United eties of financing transactions, including States. These transactions involve all types construction and permanent loans, senior of asset classes, from industrial and lab and mezzanine financings, multistate port- spaces to hospitality and multifamily as- folio loans, syndicated loans, lines of credit, sets. securitized loans, workouts and foreclo- agency in a site remediation loan to facil- with a $31 million construction loan to build itate the redevelopment of a Brownfields Eckhoff also provides guidance to real a 250-unit apartment complex in North sures. DeVito also has extensive experience estate developer clients at all stages of in leasing, acquisitions and dispositions, site in the Dudley Square section of Boston Carolina and assisting a lender with a $5 to pave the way for a mixed-use residential/ their projects, from initial permitting and million construction loan to finance the ac- sale-leaseback transactions and zoning and development issues through acquisition and permitting matters. retail project. quisition and construction of a self-storage Meanwhile, as managing director of his financing, including mezzanine finance. facility in Wisconsin. Some of his signature financings include One of Eckhoff’s signature transactions representing the agent bank in a $132.5 mil- firm — which he joined in 2010 as a di- Beyond her practice, Eckhoff is very ac- rector in its real estate practice — DeVito is her recent representation of a lender in tive in bar and real estate associations and lion senior secured syndicated term loan for a $14.3 loan transaction for the rehabilita- the acquisition of a 51-building, 2.9-million leads a team of 30 attorneys. frequently moderates and facilitates pro- tion of a hotel, tennis club, restaurant and square-foot industrial/flex portfolio in the Alongside his busy practice and manage- grams for organizations like the Real Estate beach club on Cape Cod. She also recently Chicago area, representing a bank in a $46 ment responsibilities, DeVito is a leader in Finance Association, where she sits on the million loan secured by a 209,000 square- the real estate bar, having co-chaired the assisted a lender with a $29 million loan board and co-chairs the program committee. foot commercial property on a long-term Boston Bar Association’s Real Estate Sec- transaction to finance the construction of a Meanwhile, she has spearheaded a se- ground lease in Boston’s Seaport District tion and serving on the board of the Real two-story retail project in New York. ries of “young leader” roundtable programs and representing an economic development Estate Finance Association. MLW With a practice that is national in scope, to bring together new lenders to network Eckhoff’s other representative engagements and discuss current issues in commercial include representing a bank in connection real estate lending. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Co-chair, Real Estate Section, Boston Bar Association; board of directors, Real Es- Achievements and professional activities tate Finance Association; member, Government Affairs Committee, Greater Boston Member, board of directors, Real Estate Finance Association; fellow, American Col- Real Estate Board; member, Zoning Board of Appeals, Newton; member, Master lege of Mortgage Attorneys; past co-chair, Massachusetts Continuing Education Plan Steering Committee, Canton; member, Abstract Club; fellow, American College Committee, Real Estate Bar Association; honoree, Boston’s Future Leaders, Greater of Mortgage Attorneys Boston Chamber of Commerce (2014) B6 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021

PAUL L. FELDMAN CHRISTOPHER R. FROEB Shareholder, Davis Malm Co-Managing Partner Boston Nixon Peabody Clients and attorneys both inside and Boston outside his fi rm turn to Davis Malm partner Paul L. Feldman for his experience, track Christopher R. Froeb, co-managing part- record of success and talent for viewing ner in Nixon Peabody’s Boston offi ce, rep- transactions and litigation matters from ev- resents local and national developers, in- ery angle. vestors, operators and owners in all aspects Colleagues and clients describe him as of commercial real estate transactions, in- having the ability to fi nd solutions to get cluding joint venture transactions, develop- deals done while leaving no stone unturned ment and management agreements, acqui- during litigation. sitions, sales, fi nancings and refi nancings. Feldman’s real estate practice involves Froeb’s clients are particularly active in acquisitions, leasing, permitting and fi - the ownership, development and manage- nancing for several substantial real estate ment of multi-family housing assets, in- developers, handling transactions all over dustrial/warehouse assets and life science the country. the permits. Feldman fought off a further assets. As head of his fi rm’s senior housing city’s Seaport District. He also maintains an environmental appeal, securing a favorable decision in and care team, Froeb also represents clients Additionally, Froeb regularly represents practice focused on contamination matters, the Appeals Court and clearing the way for in the acquisition, development and fi nanc- AFW Capital Management and its spon- wetlands permitting, waterways licenses the $35 million, 4.5-acre, 87-unit project to ing of seniors housing asset classes. sored funds, closing numerous industrial and the Massachusetts Environmental Pol- proceed. Most recently, Froeb led a team of Nixon transactions across the East Coast as well icy Act. He has represented Fortune 100 Other signifi cant results include repre- Peabody attorneys in one of the fi rst trans- as seniors housing transactions in Utah, companies in connection with Federal Su- actions to close at the start of the COVID-19 perfund sites and many smaller businesses senting a Massachusetts-based petroleum Chicago and south Florida, as well as the in Chapter 21E matters. In addition, Feld- company seeking a Brownfi elds Tax Credit pandemic, representing EA Fish Develop- Boston area and elsewhere on the East man is an experienced litigator who handles to recover signifi cant costs related to an en- ment and its partner, Luzern Associates, Coast. contract and insurance coverage disputes. vironmental remediation of its land. When in the sale of the Oak Row Apartments in In handling these transactions, Froeb has A signifi cant recent accomplishment for the state Department of Revenue denied West Roxbury. The $42 million acquisition built a reputation for developing new and Feldman was his successful representation the tax credit, Feldman handled the suc- closed on April 13, 2020, just weeks into the creative solutions in a practical no-non- of a developer in connection with the fi rst cessful Superior Court appeal, securing a national lockdown. sense matter. assisted living facility in Marblehead. The multimillion-dollar credit for the client. Froeb has also represented Swe- Meanwhile, as Nixon Peabody’s co-man- town zoning board initially denied permits, Feldman’s footprint extends beyond Mas- den-based investor/operator Akelius US aging partner, he has made the recruitment, but Feldman had the Land Court remand the sachusetts — he’s represented buyers in in a number of acquisitions of multi-family retention and promotion of talented individ- case and the board issued the permits.. $100 million and $55 million deals in Phoe- properties across the Boston area during uals from a broad range of racial, ethnic, Abutters opposing the project then ap- nix and Gilbert, Arizona, for future develop- the past six years, including its $18 million social and religious backgrounds and sexual pealed to Superior Court, which upheld ment. MLW purchase of a commercial building in the orientations a priority for the fi rm. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Former president, Davis Malm; Chambers USA Leading Lawyer (2012-2015, 2017- Member, Boston Bar Association, Massachusetts Real Estate Finance Association 2020) and Respected Practitioner (2016); Peer Review AV Preeminent, Martin- and National Association for Industrial and Offi ce Parks; recipient, Community Ser- dale-Hubbell vice Award, Brookview House

EDWARD GELLES Senior Counsel, Dain Torpy Advisor. Leader. Boston Edward Gelles’ colleagues describe him as the “consummate professional” who Friend. has done every kind of deal over a 30-year career and can speak knowledgeably about a limitless range of issues. As one puts it: Congratulations to “Whenever anyone at the fi rm asks, ‘Has anyone ever ... ?’ you can bet Ed has!” Paul Feldman on Gelles focuses his broad-based practice on the representation of owners, develop- being named a Go To ers, investors and investment managers in Commercial Real the acquisition, disposition, capitalization, fi nancing and leasing of all property types, Estate Lawyer including offi ce, warehouse, distribution, fl ex, retail and multi-family residential. He by Massachusetts has also provided general counsel represen- position. tation to real estate investment funds and Other signifi cant transactions included Lawyers Weekly. fund sponsors. Gelles’ negotiation of a 99-year ground Among his many transactions, Gelles lease with the Massachusetts Depart- represented an equity fund and developer ment of Transportation; his representa- We applaud your in negotiation of a two-tiered joint venture, tion of an equity fund in its acquisition of preferred equity structuring, and interrelat- majority position in the development of a commitment to the ed guarantee structuring in connection with 160,000-square-foot offi ce building; and a $150 million urban infi ll mixed-use devel- his representation of a purchaser in entity law, our firm and our opment project to create 217 market rent- recapitalization/acquisition of a 264-unit al units, 95 low-income housing tax credit four-building apartment complex, related clients' success! rental units, underground parking, and an- HUD loan assumption, and ultimate asset cillary commercial space. disposition. He also represented a purchaser in the Meanwhile, Gelles is a leader in the real acquisition, debt fi nancing and Section 1031 estate bar, having chaired the Government equity capitalization of an 825,000-square- Affairs Committee of the Greater Boston foot warehouse and distribution center full Real Estate Board and served as a director building leaseback and ultimate asset dis- of the Rental Housing Association. MLW

Achievements and professional activities One Boston Place , 37th Floor | Boston, MA Past chair, Government Affairs Committee, Greater Boston Real Estate Board; past 617.367.2500 | director, Rental Housing Association; member, NAIOP; member, Massachusetts Bar Association Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021 • B7

ERIC M. GREENBERG CYNTHIA B. KELIHER Partner, Seyfarth Shaw Partner, McCarter & English Boston Boston Seyfarth Shaw lawyer Eric M. Greenberg Over the course of a nearly four-decade has distinguished himself with his sophis- career of representing entities across nu- ticated practice, his commitment to his merous sectors, including Fortune 500 com- clients, and his innovative management panies, universities and non-profits, Cynthia approach that has helped his firm deliver B. Keliher has distinguished herself with client services with increased efficiency at her ability to find creative, business-minded lower costs. solutions to advance critical projects that As a real estate partner and co-chair of Seyfarth’s leasing practice, he represents have shaped the skylines of Boston, Cam- landlords and tenants in a wide range of bridge and beyond. leasing transactions, including office build- One of Keliher’s signature accomplish- ings, industrial parks, shopping centers and ments is her representation of a major state round lease locations. In fact, a number of public authority in negotiating a long-term national and regional companies seek out air-rights lease for the development of Greenberg when looking to expand their “fast casual” bakery-café as it grows its Phase II of the Fenway Center, a $1 bil- Kendall Square, while advising on the com- footprint. number of locations through leasing and lion mixed-use project over the Mass Pike pany’s global leasing portfolio. For example, Greenberg represents the acquisitions. in the Fenway section of Boston. Phase II Additionally, Keliher negotiated, on be- largest convenience store chain in the world Amid all this, Greenberg is a certified required negotiation of highly complex ar- half of a state public authority, a ground for new store growth in the U.S., which in- Lean Six Sigma Green Belt who uses cut- rangements for what is one of the largest lease and development agreement for a ma- volves between 400 to 500 leases and ac- air rights projects since Copley Place was quisitions each year. ting-edge project management, process jor Boston convention center hotel project. Greenberg is also representing a Fortune improvement, and technology in all aspects built in the 1980s. The project will result in Meanwhile, Keliher maintains a leader- 25 financial services company in connection of his legal practice and has developed a 90,000-square-foot air-rights deck built ship role in multiple civic and professional with its aggressive new market growth plan systems and processes for client work that over the Pike and a nearly 1 million-square- endeavors, having served as a board mem- for branch banking locations across the have decreased deal cycle time while re- foot tower that will house life sciences ten- ber for Bunker Hill Community College, the country, which resulted in nearly 150 trans- ducing overall legal fees on a per site basis. ants atop the deck. Boston YWCA, and the Boston Industrial actions last year. Meanwhile, he and Seyfarth’s Lean Solu- Keliher also negotiated two leases for a Development Finance Agency, and as a past Additionally, he represents a Fortune tions team work together to conduct pro- large tech company’s 600,000-square-foot, vice president of the Jimmy Fund Council of 50 international e-commerce company as cess mapping sessions with clients to en- two-building headquarters in Cambridge’s Greater Boston. MLW tenant in connection with its new national, hance efficiency in the negotiating process, large space retail format across the U.S. enabling clients to better meet their legal And Greenberg represents a national and business needs. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Board member and past president, CoreNet Global, New England chapter; past Value Champion, Association of Corporate Counsel; co-founder, Massachusetts president, New England Women in Real Estate; member, board of trustees, Bunker chapter, National Filipino American Lawyers Association; board member, Play Ball! Hill Community College; co-chair, McCarter & English Women’s Initiative Steering Foundation; regional advisory board member, Jumpstart for Young Children; co-chair, Committee; former vice president, Jimmy Fund Council of Greater Boston; member, Seyfarth Shaw national leasing group; chair, Seyfarth Shaw, Boston Office Diversity board of directors, Sophia Snow House; member, board of directors, Boston Young and Inclusion Action Team Women’s Christian Association; board of directors, Boston Industrial Development Finance Agency; honoree, Top Women of Law, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

KAREN J. KEPLER Partner, Sullivan & Worcester Congratulations to Sullivan Boston Over nearly four decades in practice, Bos- Partner Karen Kepler, ton lawyer Karen J. Kepler has built a rep- utation based on her accomplishments in recognized as a Go To commercial real estate and her leadership in the bar. Lawyer in Commercial Real As head of Sullivan & Worcester’s af- fordable housing group, Kepler focuses her Estate by Massachusetts practice on representation of for-profit and nonprofit organizations, financial institu- Lawyers Weekly tions and quasi-public agencies in HUD and Fannie Mae-financed developments, feder- al and state low-income housing tax cred- it, historic tax credit and tax-exempt bond financed projects, New Markets Tax Credit ment of Treehouse at Easthampton Mead- developments, and “Comprehensive Per- ows in Easthampton. She represented the mit” projects under Chapter 40B, the state’s construction lender in financing the first affordable housing law. “Treehouse” project in Massachusetts, One of Kepler’s signature accomplish- which combined affordable senior hous- ments was her representation of the owner/ ing with housing for families caring for or developer in the structuring and ground-up adopting children in the foster care system development of a mixed-use, mixed-income so as to provide a mutually supportive com- building on the last undeveloped parcel in munity. Boston’s Old West End. The project was Meanwhile, Kepler is highly active in bar unique in that it is believed to be the first and professional activities, having served “cond-op” — a development vehicle popu- as a past president of the Women’s Bar As- lar in New York — in which a residential sociation and the Women’s Bar Foundation cooperative corporation is contained within and currently serving as co-chair of the Bos- a commercial condo structure. ton Bar Association’s Real Estate Section. Kepler was also involved in the develop- MLW

Achievements and professional activities Past president, Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts; past president, Wom- Move forward with Sullivan en’s Bar Foundation; co-chair, Real Estate Section, Boston Bar Association; trustee and past president, Forum on Affordable Housing; mem- ber, Citizens Housing & Planning Association; honoree, Top Women of Law, Massa- ATTORNEY ADVERTISING chusetts Lawyers Weekly B8 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021

REBECCA A. LEE DIANE M. MCDERMOTT Member, Mintz Executive Partner Boston Holland & Knight Rebecca A. Lee is known for her skillful Boston steering of developers, lenders, companies and nonprofi ts through a wide array of real As executive partner in Holland & Knight’s estate transactions and matters. Boston offi ce, veteran real estate lawyer Di- Lee has particular expertise in land use ane M. McDermott serves as a role model law and development permitting in greater for junior attorneys, many of whom have Boston and frequently draws on her prior said their time working with her was one of experience as chief of staff/special counsel the most valuable professional experiences to the director of the Boston Redevelopment they had. Authority (now known as the Boston Plan- McDermott’s clients would likely say the ning & Development Agency). same. As head of the fi rm’s leasing prac- In addition to her development permitting tice both in Boston and nationwide, she is work at the federal, state and local levels, considered among the most knowledgeable leasing attorneys in Massachusetts. She Lee’s practice entails a broad range of ac- way and two in South Boston on land leased construction of an Aloft Hotel in downtown quisitions and dispositions, condominium handles large portfolios and all product from a public authority, as well as a conven- types, including offi ce, industrial, fl ex, retail Portland, Maine. The project involved ex- creation and fi nancing, complex develop- tion center hotel also on land leased from a and mixed-use, representing both landlords tensive negotiations with adjoining prop- ment projects and negotiation of ground public authority. and tenants in leases involving several mil- erty owners for shared parking and related leases with public agencies and authorities. Meanwhile, in the last 12 months Lee lion square feet of space throughout the easements needed both for compliance Lee’s signature accomplishments include has represented national REITs in the ac- country. with permits and for operations of the hotel redevelopment of the Bayside Exposition quisition of a major life sciences campus in McDermott also offers a wide array of itself and abutting residential properties. Center property into a 5-million-square-foot Cambridge and the acquisition of a retail/ real estate services beyond her leasing She also represented Haemonetics, a mixed-use development to include offi ce, life sciences/offi ce complex in Boston. work, including permitting and develop- global supplier of blood and plasma, in lab, residential, retail and other commercial Beyond her practice, Lee is active in civic ment, acquisitions, dispositions and fi nanc- connection with its move to Boston from use as well as new open space. and bar pursuits and has served as presi- ing. She represents clients in the hotel, hos- Braintree, handling the sale of the Braintree She has also been instrumental in the de- dent of the Asian American Lawyers Asso- pitality and multi-family housing industries, campus while negotiating the lease and velopment of a number of hotels, including ciation of Massachusetts while also serving among others. build-out for offi ce and lab space in a down- one adjacent to the Rose Kennedy Green- on numerous boards. MLW One of McDermott’s major engagements town offi ce tower. The transaction entailed in the past year was her representation of extensive coordination on logistics for the Florida-based developer/investor Norwich build-out as well as remedies for any poten- Partners in the acquisition, permitting and tial default. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Chair, real estate development practice; former president, Asian American Lawyers Golden Hammer Honoree, Habitat for Humanity Metrowest/Greater Worcester; hon- Association of Massachusetts; Northeast regional governor, National Asian Pacifi c oree, Women of Infl uence — Commercial Real Estate, Globe St. Real Estate Forum; American Bar Association; steering committee member, Ricesticks and Tea Asian section chair, Real Property Section, Massachusetts Bar Association; member, board Food Pantry; member, board of advisors, Eastern Bank; board member, Asian Com- of directors and advisory board, Women’s Lunch Place; member, Town of Holliston munity Development Corporation; board member, Rose Kennedy Greenway Conser- Affordable Housing Committee; co-chair, Retail Development and Leasing Team, vancy; advisory board member, Boston Harbor Now Holland & Knight

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When you need to hire, contact Edwin Farquharat 617-218-8119 or [email protected] PRINT • ONLINE • MOBILE Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021 • B9

CARLA M. MOYNIHAN DAVID K. MOYNIHAN Partner, Sherin & Lodgen Director, McLane Middleton Boston Woburn Carla M. Moynihan’s peers say she distin- David K. Moynihan, director of McLane guishes herself by going above and beyond Middleton’s real estate department and in all matters, guiding clients through com- chair of its construction law practice group, plex real estate transactions with humor, has a long record of achievement in all as- understanding and a high degree of confi - pects of practice related to real estate own- dence. Meanwhile her clients point to her ership, development and fi nance. grasp of issues and ability to communicate His practice concentrates on land ac- legal matters in terms they can understand. quisition and disposition, leasing, title and One of Moynihan’s representative proj- zoning matters, and he represents national ects was representing Rafi Properties in ac- and international corporations, nonprofi ts, quiring property and securing fi nancing for a developers, fi nancial institutions, property 300,000 square-foot mixed-use commercial managers and individuals. property with 25 lots and more than 30 ten- One of Moynihan’s signature accomplish- ants in Somerville. Moynihan guides clients through the per- ments is the legal counsel he provided in shire and Florida, including the conversion She also represented Distinctive Hos- mitting and public land approval process at the acquisition and redevelopment of the of a 12-story apartment building, pitality Group in a $73 million commercial the federal, state and local levels, including 1.5 million-square-foot former United Shoe Additionally, Moynihan provided legal mortgage-backed securities fi nancing of its the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Machinery complex in Beverly. and strategic counsel in a client’s exercise three-hotel portfolio in Natick and Somer- the City of Boston Board of Appeal and the The transaction required extensive mu- of a right of fi rst option in a lease to pur- ville and in the defeasance of an existing Boston Planning & Redevelopment Agency. nicipal permitting, environmental site is- chase a corporate campus while, at the $44 million commercial mortgage-backed As a leading female attorney in a sues that resulted in a covenant not to sue same time, negotiating a sale/leaseback securities (CMBS) loan. male-dominated sector, Moynihan takes with the state Department of Environmental with a national REIT that provided signif- Additionally, Moynihan represented the time to mentor young professionals. She Protection, and a long-term tax increment icant fi nancial and tax advantages to the Massachusetts Department of Transporta- serves as a frequent lecturer on commercial fi nancing agreement stabilizing the real client. tion in an air-rights project in Boston’s Back real estate transactional matters at pro- property tax assessment as Moynihan’s cli- Meanwhile, Moynihan has a lengthy Bay. This entailed negotiating a long-term grams sponsored by the Boston Bar Associ- ent invested tens of millions of dollars into history of community involvement that in- 99-year air rights lease for future develop- ation and Massachusetts Continuing Legal redeveloping the site. cludes serving as a member of the Woburn ment of a 373,000 square-foot mixed-use Education while also serving as an adjunct Moynihan has also assisted another cli- Business Association’s board of directors development that will include hotel, retail faculty member at her alma mater, Boston ent with the acquisition, construction and and as past chairman of the board of the and residential units. University School of Law, where she teach- formation of dozens of condominium de- North Suburban Chamber of Commerce. In addition to her transactional practice, es contract drafting. MLW velopments in Massachusetts, New Hamp- MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Chair, real estate department; group leader, Downtown Boston Real Estate Affi n- Chairman, board of directors, North Suburban Chamber of Commerce; member, ity Group of Provisors; adjunct faculty member, School of Law; board of directors, Real Estate Bar Association; co-chair, REBA Publicity Committee; frequent speaker, Boston Bar Association and Massachusetts Continuing Legal Ed- board member, Woburn Council of Social Concern; board member, Woburn Business ucation Association; member, Ipswich Planning Board and Master Plan Commission; pres- ident, Friends of Ipswich Public Library; member, King’s College (The Dickson Poon School of Law) Boston alumni chapter



Director in McLane Middleton’s Real Estate Department

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Go To Commercial Real Estate Lawyer WOBURN, MA / BOSTON, MA MANCHESTER, NH / CONCORD, NH / PORTSMOUTH, NH B10 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021

GARETH I. ORSMOND MICHAEL D. ROSEN Partner, Pierce Atwood Shareholder Boston Ruberto, Israel & Weiner Unlike many other commercial real es- Boston tate lawyers, Gareth I. Orsmond started out focusing on environmental and land-use Michael D. Rosen of Boston’s Ruberto, Is- matters, developing his commercial trans- rael & Weiner in Boston is known for bring- actional expertise over time. ing a creative and practical perspective to a This background has given him a unique wide variety of real estate planning issues perspective that enables him to take on faced by individuals and business owners, challenging transactions that require the particularly for clients with signifi cant real resolution of environmental and land use is- estate holdings. sues through interim ground leases, devel- Meanwhile, as chair of his fi rm’s commer- opment agreements, land swaps and other cial real estate group, he provides counsel innovative arrangements. With a practice to attorneys in various practice areas when- that incorporates permitting, litigation and ever commercial real estate issues arise, as they frequently do in the context of mergers transactional matters, Orsmond is able to Boston-based real estate company in pur- The ruling has provided a helpful blueprint serve as a one-stop shop in providing coun- and acquisitions, construction law, litiga- chasing, renovating and repurposing hotels tion, cannabis and hospitality. for other cannabis businesses to follow. sel to large corporations, real estate invest- throughout the United States. Other important matters Rosen has han- ment trusts, developers, nonprofi ts, munici- Rosen’s own practice focuses on all as- Meanwhile, through Orsmond’s work pects of land use, including acquisition, dled include his representation of the owner palities and government agencies. with the Cape Cod Commission, the Cape sale, permitting, development, leasing and of the former Lucent facility in North Ando- Along these lines, Orsmond has played and Islands Water Protection Fund Man- fi nancing, and while his primary focus is ver as the property has been permitted and a pivotal role in a number of developments agement Board, the Barnstable County Co- zoned for substantial repurposing, includ- that have had a major impact in metro Bos- transactional matters, he has successfully operative Extension, the City of Somerville ing development of a 4-million-square-foot ton, including University Station in West- handled signifi cant cases before the Land and numerous nonprofi t organizations, he state-of-the-art Amazon facility, while re- wood, the St. Regis Residences in Boston Court. has had a signifi cant hand in environmental taining a 400,000-square-foot offi ce com- and the Skating Club of Boston’s state-of- planning and policy, land conservation and One such case was a groundbreaking plex and six megawatt solar array for the the-art Olympic training center in Norwood. affordable housing efforts. 2019 dispute in which he represented de- Additionally, Orsmond is currently work- Despite his busy practice, Orsmond also velopers seeking to convert a onetime benefi t of the seller. ing with ViacomCBS on the development fi nds time to lecture on land use and afford- Charlton apple orchard into a 1-million- Meanwhile, Rosen has represented land- of a new television studio off Soldiers able housing at square-foot indoor cannabis cultivation fa- lords in leasing more than 2 million square Field Road in Boston while working with a and Boston University. MLW cility. Rosen convinced the Land Court that feet across Massachusetts, tenants in leas- a bylaw passed by the Charlton Town Meet- ing of multiple locations nationwide, and ing to thwart the development constituted lenders in funding real estate development an improper use of the town’s zoning power. projects. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Adjunct professor, land use clinic and land use law, New England Law Boston; lec- Member, board of directors, Lawrence Boys and Girls Club; member, board of direc- turer on affordable housing, American Planning Association and Boston University’s tors, Downtown North Association; honoree, Lawyers of the Year, Massachusetts Metropolitan College of City Planning and Urban Affairs; treasurer and member, Lawyers Weekly board of directors, Yale Club of New Hampshire; trustee, Concord Community Music School; mentor, Association of Yale Alumni-Student Pilot Mentoring Program; clerk and member, board of directors, Westwood Land Trust

Take advantage of 24/7 digital access!

Congratulations to Gareth Orsmond You’ll never have to wait to access Commercial real estate lawyer with expertise in the latest legal news, opinion environmental and land use issues. digests, and legal resources. With more than  years of experience, Gareth Orsmond has earned the recognition as a A digital access account is included “go-to commercial real estate lawyer” by working with your print subscription to with clients to transfer and develop real estate while successfully managing environmental risk and Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. complex zoning and land use matters. Unlike many commercial real estate lawyers, Gareth began his practice with a concentration in environmental and land use matters and developed his commercial transactional expertise over time giving him greater depth of expertise and breadth of perspective. Gareth provides legal counsel to large corporations and real estate investment trusts, developers, nonprot organizations, municipalities, and government agencies.

Gareth can be reached at [email protected] or  . . .

Pierce Atwood. There’s a reason…

Register your email to get full, behind-the-paywall access at  SUMMER STREET • BOSTON, MA ˆ • PIERCEATWOOD.COM Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021 • B11

MICHAEL E. SCOTT SHERYL C. STARR Co-Managing Partner, Nutter Managing Partner Boston Bernkopf Goodman Boston attorney Michael E. Scott has Boston spent nearly three decades representing developer, corporate, institutional and mu- More than 40 years ago, Sheryl C. Starr nicipal clients in every aspect of commer- joined Bernkopf Goodman as its fi rst female attorney, later becoming its fi rst female cial development, including acquisitions, partner and the fi rst female member of its dispositions, fi nancings, joint ventures, en- executive committee. tity formations, infrastructure fi nance and Today, she is the fi rst female managing repositioning of assets. partner in the fi rm’s century-long history. In this role, he has served as lead counsel During this time, she has developed ex- for numerous signifi cant projects involv- perience counseling a wide variety of cli- ing mixed-use developments, multi-family ents, including banks and other fi nancial housing, retail, shopping centers, hotels, institutions, equity investors, and owners offi ce complexes and industrial complexes and developers of retail centers, offi ce that have improved communities across The project also will include a 2,000-space buildings, hotels, condo developments, multifamily real estate developers in great- Massachusetts while cementing the com- parking garage to be shared by MBTA com- multifamily residential properties and er Boston, for whom she has closed $211 monwealth’s status as a destination for in- muters and the project. Scott handled 21 mixed-use developments. This experience million in fi nancing on property in Boston novation and economic growth. hearings before the Newton City Council in has given Starr the ability to understand and Brookline as well as numerous other ac- Among Scott’s engagements is his cur- obtaining the special permit. what each party needs while serving as a quisitions, construction loans and mortgage rent service as legal counsel to an affi liate Scott has also been working with WuXi skilled negotiator who can bring the most and equity fi nancing transactions. of Mark Development in the redevelopment Biologics, a global leader of biologic tech- challenging, high-value transactions across In addition, Starr has represented a re- of one of the MBTA’s largest rail and bus nology platforms, in its purchase of a sev- the fi nish line. gional bank in a complex $46 million con- stations. The development, to be located en-acre parcel of land at the Reactory, a Starr’s portfolio includes the represen- struction loan transaction involving the de- on a 13-acre site in Newton, will entail the 46-acre, master planned biomanufacturing tation of a leading commercial real estate velopment of a mixed-use condo project in permitting and construction of a 10-build- campus in Worcester. WuXi will be the fi rst developer in Southeastern Massachusetts downtown Boston while also representing ing, 1-million-square-foot mixed-use project company located in the new Worcester Bio- in acquisitions, sales, construction and fi - a public university in the acquisition of real that will include several hundred units of manufacturing Park, where it plans to devel- nancing transactions involving offi ce and property and the joint venture of a sports multi-family housing, nearly 40,000 square op a $60 million state-of-the-art biologics, hotel properties. facility and numerous auto dealerships in feet of retail space, and several hundred clinical and commercial manufacturing fa- She also represents one of the largest sales, acquisitions and fi nancings. MLW square feet of offi ce, life science and lab- cility. The facility will be operational in 2022 oratory space. and result in 150 new jobs. MLW

Achievements and professional activities Achievements and professional activities Co-chair, Transportation and Infrastructure Leadership Council, Greater Boston Former member, Massachusetts chapter of U.S. Green Building Council-Advocacy Chamber of Commerce; treasurer, Mass Econ; member, Nutter Executive Committee; Committee; former member, NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Associa- co-chair, Nutter Diversity and Inclusion Committee; former chair, Nutter real estate tion; founding member, NE500/501 Giving Circle and fi nance department


Nutter is pleased to congratulate MICHAEL E. SCOTT CO-MANAGING PARTNER Congratulations to our friend and colleague,

Sheryl C. Starr. on his recognition as a Go To All of Bernkopf Goodman's Commercial Real attorneys and staff are Estate Lawyer exceptionally pleased to join by Massachusetts Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly in Lawyers Weekly. recognizing Sheryl Starr as a Go To Lawyer. Two Seaport Lane | Boston, MA 02210 | 617.790.3000 | B12 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly • Go To Lawyers • June 28, 2021 NOMINATE A TOP WOMAN OF LAW TODAY!

Top Women of Law celebrates the outstanding achievements of exceptional women. Do you know an attorney who deserves to be celebrated for their leadership, legal acumen, mentoring, and community involvement? Nominate them now. To nominate, visit: DEADLINE TO NOMINATE IS AUGUST 2, 2021


For more information please contact Scott Ziegler at 617-218-8211 or [email protected]

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