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BOOK REVIEWS Robert H. Smith. The Naval Institute Guide works will facilitate and promote visitation, to Maritime Museums of North America. interest and greater public support. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1990. Of these three books, The Naval Insti• 338 pp., figures, index. US $24.95, Cdn. tute Press Guide by Robert Smith and Sea $27.50, paper; ISBN 0-87021-640-6. Cana• History's Guide by Joseph Stanford are sim• dian distributor, Vanwell Publishing Ltd., ilar in format and content. Each provides St. Catharines, Ont. basic information about locations, facilities, themes, collections and admissions. Each is Joseph M. Stanford. Sea History's Guide to illustrated with small-format photographs, American and Canadian Maritime though Stanford's does so more generously Museums. Croton-on-Hudson: Sea History and consistently. On the whole, the Sea Press, 1990. 113 pp., figures, index. US History Guide seems better organized and $9.50, paper, plus $1.30 shipping; ISBN 0- more practical than the Naval Institute 930248-03-1. Press version, for it is printed on coated stock and is also considerably smaller, Peter Neil and Barbara Ehrenwald Krohn about half the size of the Naval Institute (eds.). Great Maritime Museums of the effort. To me, this is a virtue in any carry- World. New York: Balsam Press, 1991. x + along guide book, provided, of course, that 304 pp,. figures., index. US $60.00, cloth; the essential information is contained ISBN 0-917439-12-0. within its covers. In this respect, the Sea History Guide does not fail. In addition to The 1990s have been heralded by the the listings, there is a foreword by John publication in North America of three Carter, one of America's leading maritime surveys of maritime museums.
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