Page Numbers in Bold Refer to the Primary Park Description
INDEX Page numbers in bold refer to the primary park description. Abercrombie & Fitch, 100 Ascoli, Marion Rosenwald, 307 Abercrombie, David T.,100 Atlantic flyway, 34 Aldenwold mansion, 75 AT&T Right-of-Way, 145 Alder Mansion, 242 Audubon Society, see National Audubon Alfred B. DelBello Muscoot Farm, Society see Muscoot Farm Algonquin Trail, 217 Bailey, George, 279 American Stove Works, 331 balanced rocks American Revolution, 7, 33,132, 375 Balancing Rock Trail, 189 Anderson, Henry, 279 St Paul’s Church, 20 Andre Brook Trail, 160, 279, 385 Baldwin, William Delavan, 164 Angle Fly Preserve, 139, 264-271 Baldwin Place Central Section, North County Trailway, 362 Blue Trail, 266 Barger Street Preserve, 397 Blue-Yellow Trail, 267 Bass Trail, 122 White Trail, 267-268 bats, 25 Eastern Section Battle of Merritt Hill, 157 Blue Trail, 269-270 Battle of White Plains, 157 Green Trail, 270 Baur Meadow Trail, 133-135 Orange Trail, 270-271 Baxter Preserve, 26, 180-181, 413 Western Section Bear Mountain Bridge, 192, 193 Blue Trail, 268-269 Bear Mountain State Park, 194 Pink and White Trail, 269 Bear Rock, 232 Red Trail, 269 beaver, 303 Annsville Creek Paddlesport Center, 330, 332 Beaver Dam Sanctuary, 182-183, 401 Annsville Creek Trail, 220-221 Bechtel, Edwin, 257 Annsville Preserve, 330 Bedell, Hope Lewis, 401 Annsville Pavilion, 330 Bedford Anthony’s Nose, 192 Bedford Riding Lanes Association (BRLA), Appalachian Trail, 396 400-401 Aqueduct, The, see Old Croton Aqueduct Leatherman’s Ridge, 12 State Historic Park Bedford Audubon Society, 60, 125, 133, 401 Archville, 384 Bedford Hills Ardsley-on-Hudson Leatherman’s Ridge, 12 Ardsley Waterfront, 339 Bedford Riding Lanes Association (BRLA), Arleo family, 16 182, 311, 400-401 Armonk trails, 155, 325, 323 Betsy Sluder Nature Preserve, 97-98 Bedford Village Eugene and Agnes Meyer Preserve, Arthur Ketchum Sanctuary, 153-155 235-238 Guard Hill Preserve, 401 Haas Sanctuary, 57 Mianus River Gorge Preserve, 140-142 Herbert L.
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