Rural Areas Under Urban Pressure Case studies of rural-urban relationships across Europe Edited by Greet Overbeek Ida Terluin QLK5-CT-2002-01696 Building Rurban Relations - D21 Project code 62823 January 2006 Report 7.06.01 LEI Wageningen UR, The Hague The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI) is active in a wide array of research which can be classified into various domains. This report reflects research within the following domain: Statutory and service tasks Business development and competitive position Natural resources and the environment Land and economics Chains Policy ; Institutions, people and perceptions Models and data II Rural areas under urban pressure; Case studies of rural-urban relationships across Europe Overbeek, M.M.M. and I.J. Terluin (eds.) The Hague, Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), 2006 Report 7.06.01; ISBN 90-8615-038-1; Price € 12.25 (including 6% VAT) 249 p, fig., tab. This report presents the results of the European research project on building new relationships in rural areas under urban pressure (RURBAN). The analysis identifies the impact of urban pressure on rural landscapes and the contribution of rural goods and services (RGS) to enhance the rural landscape in Finland, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Spain. In each country, two case study regions have been selected: a rural area near a metropolitan area and a rural area near a tourist seashore area. Despite the divergent perceptions of urban pressure, there is an increasing interest in enhancing sustainable territorial rural-urban relationships and integrating the supply of public and private RGS. Orders: Phone: 31.70.3358330 Fax: 31.70.3615624 E-mail:
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