Checklist of the Fishes of Caddo and Bossier Parishes, Louisiana

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Checklist of the Fishes of Caddo and Bossier Parishes, Louisiana BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF LIFE SCIENCES NUMBER 3 CHECKLIST OF THE FISHES OF CADDO AND BOSSIER PARISHES, LOUISIANA LAURENCE M. HARDY AND WILLIAM H. LEGRANDE SHREVEPORT LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY IN SHREVEPORT 1979 Numbers of the BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF LIFE SCIENCES are published at irregular intervals. Articles concerning any aspect of the natural history, systematics, or ecology of the flora and fauna of the southeastern United States are acceptable. Laurence M. Hardy, Editor Communications concerning manuscripts, the purchase or exchange of any number of the BULLETIN, or any editorial matters should be addressed to the Editor, Museum of Life Sciences, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, 8515 Youree Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana 71115. Date of publication: October 1, 1979 Price for this issue 50¢ This public document was published at a cost of 47 cents per copy by Louisiana State Uni- versity in Shreveport to inform citizens of Louisiana under authority of the Louisiana State Constitution. This material was printed in accordance with the standards for printing by state agencies pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Printing of this material was purchased in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. BULLETIN of the MUSEUM OF LIFE SCIENCES Number 3, Pages 1-12 October 1. 1979 CHECKLIST OF THE FISHES OF CADDO AND BOSSIER PARISHES, LOUISIANA LAURENCE M. HARDY Museum of Life Sciences Louisiana State University in Shreveport 8515 Youree Drive Shreveport, Louisiana 71115 WILLIAM H. LEGRANDE Department of Biology University of Wisconsin/Stevens Point Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 Copyright @ 1979 by Louisiana State University in Shreveport 1979 HARDY AND LEGRANDE: CHECKLIST OF FISHES 3 INTRODUCTION SOURCES OF INFORMATION Species are included in this list on the basis Bossier Parish or on published records in the of museum specimens (examined by one or both scientific literature. of us) from known localities in Caddo and/or ABBREVIATIONS Voucher specimens known to us are indicated NLU — Northeast Louisiana University, by the official acronyms of the museum housing Museum of Zoology them, as follows: BPNP — Bossier Parish Nature Park LSUS — Museum of Life Sciences, Louisi- CC — Centenary College of Louisiana ana State University in Shreve- SWEPCO — Southwestern Electric Power Co., port Shreveport. Louisiana. NAMES Classification and sequence of families and originally described in a different genus). Fol- higher taxa follows Nelson (1976). Genera are lowing the common name is the acronym of a listed alphabetically under each family, as are museum that contains the voucher specimen (s) the species of each genus. All scientific and of that species from Caddo and/or Bossier Par- common names are those accepted by the Ameri- ish, a literature reference that documents a can Fisheries Society (Bailey, et al., 1970). The voucher specimen, or (for five species) a refer- scientific name (in italics) is followed by the ence to Douglas (1974). Numbers in paren- name of the person who originally described the theses denote how many species in that taxon species I parentheses indicate that the species was ( group ) occur in Caddo or Bossier Parish. OTES LSUS specimens were identified by Hardy, cation) found a skeleton of A. spatula on a sand LeGrande, or Larry Raymond. Specimens in bar of the Red River, east of Hosston. Fund ulus the NLU museum were identified by Neil Doug- blairae is now known to be distinct from F. notti, las; those in the BPNP collection were inde- which is no longer recognized as having a state- pendently identified by Hardy and Douglas. wide distribution (Wiley and Hall, 1975). Voucher specimens of some species reported The Caddo/Bossier ichthyofauna includes 21 from Caddo or Bossier Parish in the literature families and 93 species; as far as we know the have not been examined by either of us. For following 11 species have not previously been those species a reference to the literature record reported from Caddo or Bossier Parish: follows the common name. Douglas (1974) Ichthyomyzon castaneus lists Lepisosteus spatula ( = Atractosteus spat- Polyodon spat hula ula), Ictiobus niger, Pylodictis olivaris, Anguilla Hiodon alosoides rostrata, and Fundulus notti as having a state- Alosa chrysochloris wide distribution in Louisiana; no specimens Ctenopharyngodon idellus from Caddo or Bossier Parishes were present in Notropis hoops the LSUS, NLU, or BPNP collections on July 31, Notropis chrysocephalus 1978. The latter three species were collected Notropis fumeus after August 1, 1978. Lambou (1962) recorded Notropis volucellus Lepisosteus spatula ( = Atractosteus spatula). Semotilus atromaculatus Ictiobus niger, Pylodictis olivaris, and Anguilla Morone mississippiensis rostrata from Lake Bistineau but did not men- Mugil cephalus tion a specific locality, and did not indicate Caddo and Bossier Parishes contain over half the existence of voucher specimens. Bill Davis ( 62.0%) of the freshwater ichthyofauna known (Louisiana Tech University, personal communi- from Louisiana (Table 1). Distribution maps Table 1. Comparison of the ichthyofauna of Caddo and Bossier Parishes with those of four other parishes. BULLETIN MUSEUM OF LIFE SCIENCES Percent of the total Number of species in common Faunal Number of species known Parish Louisiana fresh water with Caddo and Resemblance from parish 2 3 fish fauna (N = 150 . ) Bossier Parishes Factor Caddo and Bossier 93 62.0 93 1.00 Ouachita' 96 64.0 80 0.85 3 East Baton Rouge' 72 48.0 62 0.76 3 Orleans' 47 31.3 46 0.66 Calcasieu' 66 44.0 65 0.82 1 Data from Douglas, 1974. 2 Douglas (1974) lists 148; one species was added by Wiley and Hall (1975 ) . 3 Includes Mugil cephalus. uaainiam c 1979 HARDY AND LEGRANDE: CHECKLIST OF FISHES 5 94° 93°30' —33° 3 30-' BOSSIER I R , PARISH 33° 33 0 _ 30' 30' CADDO PARISH ALLACE L ci SCALE 0 5 Miles 94° 93°30' 1. The major drainage systems of Caddo and Bossier Parishes, Louisiana. The spots represent localities from which specimens exist in the Museum of Life Sciences. 6 BULLETIN MUSEUM OF LIFE SCIENCES NUMBER 3 in Douglas (1974) were used to determine the and Bossier Parishes is most similar to Ouachita fish faunas of four other parishes. Each species Parish (Table 1). The low FRF for Orleans listed by Douglas (1974) as "statewide" was Parish is probably due to the extensive marsh- included for each of the five areas (Table 1). land environment. East Baton Rouge Parish The only species recorded for Orleans Parish (just as far south) shows a much higher FRF. by Douglas (1974) are the 46 species listed as However, Calcasieu Parish with a relatively statewide. Ouachita Parish has probably been small fauna (66) has an high FRF; there appears more extensively collected than any other parish to be a greater similarity between Calcasieu Par- in the state; according to Douglas (1974) 96 ish and Caddo and Bossier Parishes than between species (64.0% of the total ichthyofauna) are Caddo and Bossier Parishes and East Baton present in that parish. Rouge or Orleans Parishes (Table 1). The relative similarity in species composition The major drainage systems in Caddo and between two areas can be measured by the for- Bossier Parishes are shown in Figure one. Most mula: drainage is by the Red River and its tributaries 2C with a very small (and poorly collected) portion = FRF, drained by the Sabine River system. The closed N I + N2 symbols represent collection sites for the LSUS where C = the number of species common to specimens examined by us. both areas, N, = the total number of species The ichthyofauna of Caddo and Bossier par- found in one area, N, = the total number of ishes is still poorly known. Much collecting species found in the other area, and FRF = the faunal resemblance factor. An FRF of 1 denotes needs to be done in order to document the exactly the same species comprising both faunas, Caddo-Bossier distribution and ecological re- and an FRF of 0 denotes two faunas that have quirements of many species in this list and to no species in common ( Duellman, 1965). As verify the species known only from literature might be expected, the ichthyofauna of Caddo records. ACKNOWLED GMENTS We thank the following persons who graci- Holmes, Janet Soule, Scott Pliler, and Byron ously allowed us to examine specimens in their Pliler. We also thank the many people who collections: Neil H. Douglas (Northeast Louisi- have donated specimens to the Museum. ana University), Jim Robbins (Bossier Parish Comments on this checklist are welcomed. All Nature Park), Larry Raymond (Walter Jacobs communications can be addressed as follows: Memorial Nature Park), Jay Pruett (Southwest- ern Electric Power Co., Shreveport), and A. Museum of Life Sciences Bradley McPherson (Centenary College). We Louisiana State University in Shreveport are especially endebted to Larry Raymond for 8515 Youree Drive expert assistance with sorting and identification Shreveport, LA 71115 of recent collections. During the past few Telephone (318) 797-7121 months of more intensive study, several students and colleagues helped with the collecting effort; Extensions: 236 (Dr. Hardy) to these we are grateful: Larry Raymond, John 210 (Museum) Horner, Dr. A. Bradley McPherson, Keith 244 (Biology Department Office) 1979 HARDY AND LEGRANDE: CHECKLIST OF FISHES 7 LIST OF SPECIES GRADE PISCES ( 93 I SUPERCLASS AGNATHA (1) CLASS CEPHALASPIDOMORPHI (1) SUPERORDER CEPHALASPIDOMORPHA (1) ORDER PETROMYZONTIFORMES (1) PETROMYZONTIDAE: LAMPREYS (1) Ichthyomyzon (1) I. castaneus Girard Chestnut Lamprey (LSUS) SUPERCLASS GNATHOSTOMATA (92) CLASS OSTEICHTHYES (92) SUBCLASS ACTINOPTERYGII (92) INFRACLASS CHONDROSTEI (2) ORDER: ACIPENSERIFORMES: PADDLEFISHES AND STURGEONS (2) POLYODONTIDAE: PADDLEFISHES (1) Polyodon (1) P. spathula (Walbaum) Paddlefish (LSUS) ACIPENSERIDAE: STURGEONS (1) Scaphirhynchus (1) S. platorynchus (Rafinesque) Shovelnose sturgeon (LSUS) INFRACLASS HOLOSTEI (5) ORDER AMIIFORMES (1) AMIIDAE: BOWFINS (1) Amia (1) A. calva Linnaeus Bowfin (LSUS) ORDER SEMIONOTIFORMES (4) LEPISOSTEIDAE: GARS (4) Atractosteus (1) A. spatula ( Lacepede) Alligator gar (Lambou, 1962) Lepi.sosteus (3) L.
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