Uttar Pradesh District Gazetteers: Muzaffarnagar
GAZETTEER OF INDIA UTTAR PRADESH District Muzaffarnagar UTTAR PRADESH DISTRICT GAZETTEERS MUZAFFARNAGAR ■AHSLl PI AS a* TAR¥K I.AiSv State Editor Published by the Government of Uttar Pradesh (Department of District Gazetteers, U. P„ Lucknow) and Printed by Superintendent Printing & Stationery, U. p, at fbe Government Press, Rampur 1989 Price Rs. 52.00 PREFACE Earlier accounts regarding the Muzaffarnagar district are E. T. Atkinson’s Statistical, Descriptive and Histori¬ cal Account of the North-Western Provinces of India, Vol. II, (1875), various Settlement Reports of the region and H. R. Nevill’s Muzaffarnagar : A Gazetteer (Allahabad, 1903), and its supplements. The present Gazetteer of the district is the twenty- eighth in the series of revised District Gazetteers of the State of Uttar Pradesh which are being published under a scheme jointly sponsored and financed by the Union and the State Governments. A bibliography of the published works used in the preparation of this Gazetteer appears at its end. The census data of 1961 and 1971 have been made the basis for the statistics mentioned in the Gazetteer. I am grateful to the Chairman and members of the State Advisory Board, Dr P. N. Chopra, Ed.',tor, Gazetteers, Central Gazetteers Unit, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, and to all those officials and non-officials who have helped in the bringing out of this Gazetteer. D. P. VARUN l.UCKNOW : November 8, 1976 ADVISORY BOARD 1. Sri Swami Prasad Singh, Revenue Minister, Chairman Government of Uttar Pradesh 2. Sri G. C. Chaturvedi, Commissioner-eum- Viet-Chairmsn Secretary, Revenue Department 3.
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