CLAIM NO. HC-2016-002177


B E T W E E N:-







Solicitor for the Claimant

1. In this action for misuse of private information, I appear for the Claimant. My learned friend, Anthony Hudson QC appears for the Defendant.

2. The Claimant is a singer, songwriter and former lead singer of the band The Ordinary Boys. In 2006 the Claimant appeared on the television series Celebrity , during and after which he became of particular interest to the tabloid press. The Claimant was subject to intense media coverage, especially because of his relationships with Camille Aznar (his girlfriend until shortly after Celebrity Big Brother) and his fellow Celebrity Big Brother housemate Chantelle Houghton. After leaving Celebrity Big Brother the Claimant’s relationships with both Miss Aznar and Miss Houghton were the subject of media interest, including by the Defendant’s newspapers.

3. The Defendant is NGN Limited, a subsidiary company of News Corp UK and Ireland Limited trading as News UK. NGN Limited was the publisher of the News of the World newspaper until its closure in July 2011. It also publishes The Sun. Both the News of the World and The Sun were high circulation newspapers which were read by millions during the relevant period.

9378247.DOCX version 1 4. After the commencement of Operation “Weeting”, the Claimant was contacted by the Metropolitan Police who informed him that he may have been a victim of phone hacking by individuals working for or on behalf of the News of the World. The Claimant's solicitors subsequently obtained disclosure from the MPS relating to him. The Claimant learnt that his name and address were listed in Glenn Mulcaire’s note books, and also in the Contact List of Dan Evans.

5. On 22 July 2016 the Claimant issued proceedings against the Defendant. On 25 August 2016 the Claimant served his Particulars of Claim on the Defendant in which he relied on 40 articles published in the News of the World and The Sun. A number of the articles contained information about the Claimant’s relationships with Camille Aznar and Chantelle Houghton.

6. The Claimant alleged that during the period of 2006 to 2010 he experienced suspicious telephone and media related activity. This included the fact that certain information about his private life was appearing in print in the Defendant’s newspapers in relation to which he believed that there was no legitimate explanation as to how this information was obtained, as well as photographers turning up unexpectedly at various times or locations. The Claimant alleged that as a result he became suspicious of those around him. At this time, the Claimant used his mobile phone and its voicemail facility for personal and professional purposes, and he left or received voicemail messages for and from family and friends.

7. On 25 November 2016, the Defendant served its Defence on the Claimant.

8. In January 2018, Mr Preston accepted the Defendant's offer to resolve his claim which involved the Defendant agreeing to pay him damages and the reasonable legal costs of his solicitors. The Defendant has also provided appropriate undertakings to the Court and to Mr Preston, and agreed to join in this statement to apologise to Mr Preston for the distress caused to him by the invasion of his privacy by individuals working for or on behalf of the News of the World. The parties have agreed and noted that the Defendant makes no admission of liability in relation to the Claimant's allegations of voicemail interception and/or other unlawful information gathering at The Sun.

9378247.DOCX version 1 Counsel for the Defendant

9. My Lord, on behalf of the Defendant, I confirm everything my friend has said.

10. The Defendant is here today through me to offer its sincere apologies to the Claimant for the distress caused by the invasion of the Claimant's privacy by individuals working for or on behalf of the News of the World. The Defendant accepts that such activity should never have taken place and that it had no right to intrude into the Claimant's private life in this way.

Solicitor for the Claimant

11. In light of the order that has been made and this statement, the Claimant considers that he is fully vindicated.

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Hamlins LLP Clifford Chance LLP

Solicitors for the Claimant Solicitors for the Defendant

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