Growing the Green Way Class Series 2019 Class Locations : CLASSES ARE FREE Cooperative Extension Office, 3309 Burlington Road, G’boro, NC 27405 Pre-Registration Is Requested Glenn McNairy Branch Library, 4860 Lake Jeanette Road, G’boro 27455 Greensboro Arboretum (Ed Center), 401 Ashland Drive, G’boro 27403 To register for your choice of session and location: Kathleen Clay Edwards Library, 1420 Price Park Road, G’boro, NC 27410 Call 336-641-2400 * Programs are designed to be approximately one hour long, but may Or Email Lauren Taubert at: run slightly over depending on questions and discussion - which are
[email protected] encouraged! PLANNING THE 3-SEASON VEGETABLE GARDEN Vegetable gardening is especially rewarding in the Tuesday, Jan 8th 6:30 pm Cooperative Extension Piedmont because we can grow food at least 10 months of the year! The key is good planning and Thursday Jan. 10th 6:30 pm Glenn McNairy Branch Library succession planting. January is the perfect time to Monday, Jan. 14th 6:30 pm Kathleen Clay Edwards Library start getting ready; let’s talk about the simple ways to get the most out of your personal planting space. Sunday, Jan. 20th 4:00 pm Greensboro Arboretum PROPER PRUNING PREVENTS POOR PLANT PERFORMANCE The art of pruning does not mean shearing shrubs Tuesday, Jan. 22nd 6:30 pm Cooperative Extension into green meatballs (yikes!). Our discussion will th cover the tools, techniques, and especially the timing Thursday, Jan. 24 6:30 pm Glenn McNairy Branch Library for pruning small ornamental trees and shrubs. Sunday, Jan.