
PADI Advanced Course

Why Advanced Open Water Diver? - Exploration, Excitement, Experiences. They’re what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about. And no, you don’t have to be “advanced” to take it – it’s designed so you can go straight into it after the PADI Open Water Diver course. The Advanced Open Water Diver course helps you increase your confidence and build your so you can become more comfortable in the water. This is a great way to get more dives under your belt while continuing to learn under the supervision of your PADI Instructor. This course builds on what you’ve learned and develops new capabilities by introducing you to new activities and new ways to have fun scuba .

What do I need to start?  PADI Open Water (or qualifying certification from another organization)  Minimum age: 15 years of age (12 for PADI Junior Advanced Open Water Diver)

What will I do? This certification consists of five Adventure Dives: Deep Adventure Dive, the Underwater Navigator Adventure Dive and three of the following dives: Altitude Diver, Diver, Drift Diver, Deep Diver, Diver, , Multilevel Diver, Night Diver, Peak Performance , Search & Recovery Diver, Underwater Naturalist, Underwater Videographer, Underwater Photographers, Underwater Navigator, A.W.A.R.E. Fish Identification, Wreck Diver

How long will it take?  Minimum Open Water Training: fives dives over two days

What will I need?  Adventures in Diving Crew-Pak: $72.00  Your dive gear, if you don’t own your gear by now there is a package rental for $89.00

COST: $275.00

CT’s largest P.A.D.I. 5 Star Instructor Development Center Area’s Only National Geographic Diver Store Area’s largest SPEEDO Dealer 439 Federal Road, Brookfield, CT 06804 v: 203-740-9166 f: 203-740-9877 email: [email protected] web: www.thediveshoponline.com