The Office of Naval Research - Science and Technology in Support of the US Navy and Marine Corps

Dr. Joan S. Cleveland Deputy Chief Scientist [email protected]

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release The Naval Research Enterprise


ONR Global NRL 4,000+ People 23 Locations $2.1B / year >1,000 Partners

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 2 Partnering with the S&T Community


Academia Industry 1000 Universities/Colleges Small/Medium/Large Domestic/International Companies

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 3 ONR Global

Washington, D.C. Region / ONR HQ ONR Global Headquarters ONR Global Arlington Commanding Officer Executive Officer Technical Director International S&T Engagement Advisors Science Directors FCC/C10F  N81 

ONR Global Science Director San Diego ONR Global C3F  Science Directors AIRFOR  SURFOR  Norfolk Bahrain I MEF  Mayport FLTFOR  NAVCENT/C5F  UWDC  C4F  SUBFOR  Naples SMWDC MARFORCOM NAVIFOR  NAVAF/NAVEUR/ Yokosuka SPECWAR  C6F  C7F  Camp LeJeune Hawaii NECC  Okinawa II MEF  PACOM  NWDC  III MEF PACFLT  India MARFORPAC 

ONR Global ONR Global São Paulo Sceince Directors ONR Global Science Directors Science Director Science Directors • London • Prague Science Advisors • Tokyo  Joint Command • Santiago  Navy Command • Singapore  Marine Corps Command •

ONR’s Global Offices are t h e Bridge to International Partnership; Naval R&D Diplomacy in More than 60 C o u n t r i e s Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 44 Research Fields of Interest to ONR

Code 31 Code 32 Code 33 Code 34 Code 35 Information, Cyber and Ocean Mission Capable, Persistent Warfighter Aviation, Force Projection Spectrum Superiority Battlespace & & Survivable Naval Performance and Integrated Defense Expeditionary Access Platforms Supports research in Math, Enhances warfighter Supports the Navy's power Electronics, Computer & Explores S&T in the Develops and delivers effectiveness and efficiency projection needs, fostering the Information Sciences and their oceanographic and technologies that enable through bioengineered and technology development of applications in Command & meteorological observations, superior warfighting and biorobotic systems, medical naval aircraft, structures, Control, Communications, modeling/prediction in the energy capabilities for naval technologies, improved propulsion, autonomy, Cyber, EW, Intelligence, battlespace environment; forces, platforms and undersea manpower, personnel, training energetics, directed energy Surveillance and submarine weaponry and system design and electric weapons. Reconnaissance detection/classification; and mine warfare Advanced Sea Platforms Applied Instructional Research Directed Energy Applied & Computational Analysis Biorobotics Electromagnetic Arctic and Global Prediction Naval Engineering Communications and Networking Capable Manpower Energetic Materials Littoral Geosciences and Optics Acoustic Transduction Computational Methods for Future Capability Maritime Weapons of Mass Decision Making Marine Mammals and Biology Electrochemical Materials Destruction Command Decision Making Electronic Warfare Marine Meteorology Nanomaterials EO/IR Sensors and Sensor Science of Autonomy Force Health Protection Processing Maritime Sensing Organic Photovoltaics Turbine Engine Technologies Human-Robot Interaction Integrated Topside Ocean Acoustics Propulsion Materials Marine Biofouling Machine Learning, Reasoning and Ocean Engineering & Marine Structural Materials Intelligence Systems Antifouling/Fouling Release Neural Computation Mathematical Optimization Physical Oceanography Coatings Undersea Medicine Precision Navigation & Research Facilities NDE & Prognostics Sensors Timekeeping Space Environment Polymer Matrix Composites

Undersea Signal Processing Cellular Materials

Water Desalination and Purification

Corrosion Control

Undersea Weapons

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 5

6 Example Research Funding Opportunities at ONR

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 7 Tri-Service University Research Programs

University Research Programs fund promising new research, stimulate innovation, and attract outstanding researchers to naval-relevant research projects; proposals accepted from academic institutions only.

• The Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) involves teams of researchers investigating high priority topics and opportunities that intersect more than one traditional technical discipline. Goal: publish FOA in Mar; white papers due May; proposals due Sep. • The Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) supports university research equipment/infrastructure essential to high-quality naval-relevant research. Goal: publish FOA in Feb; proposals due in May. • The Science & Engineering Faculty Fellowship (VBFF) (managed by Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Basic Research Office) provides extensive, long-term financial support to distinguished university faculty and staff scientists and engineers to conduct unclassified, basic research/”blue sky” on topics of interest to DoD. Goal: publish FOA in Jun; proposals due in Dec. or Jan.

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 8 ONR Young Investigator Program (YIP)

• Support the best and brightest early-career academic researchers whose scientific pursuits show outstanding promise for supporting the Department of the Navy, while also promoting their professional development. Goal: publish FOA in Mar; proposals due in Jun. Successful Candidates • Contact ONR Program Officer before submitting proposal. – PO comment: “if only the researcher would have contacted me first – this would have been a great proposal!!” • Research the Program’s / Program Officer’s research interests and portfolio. • Become familiar with Navy terminology & where your technology fits by reviewing the ONR website, attending national conferences, asking questions. • Show a record of publishing in pee-reviewed journals. • Include a strong letter of support from University and/or Department (required for Young Investigator Program). • Include a complete curriculum vitae with white paper and/or proposal package.

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 9 Thank You!

Dr. Joan S. Cleveland Deputy Chief Scientist [email protected]

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 10