Title: Towards an Information Society in Botswana © DLIS 2010 Country Research Partner : Department of Library and Information Studies University of Botswana Tel: +267 355 2627 / E-mail:
[email protected] Project Coordination: David Barnard Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT) Tel: +27 11 403 4935 / E-mail:
[email protected] Editing and Research Coordination: Tina James Icteum consulting Tel: +27 12 346 8264 / E-mail:
[email protected] This report forms part of the Thetha - Regional ICT Discussion Forum Project The information contained in this document may be reproduced, used and shared without prior permission but with acknowledgement of this publication as the source The project is funded by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) and the Embassy of Finland (South Africa) www.thetha.org PREFACE The Thetha - Regional ICT Discussion Forum Project is an initiative of SANGONeT aimed at tracking ICT4D initiatives in SADC member states and facilitating networking and dialogue among civil society organisations, academia, government organisations, corporate sector and development agencies to share information and experiences of the different countries in this regard. The Thetha project is funded by the Embassy of Finland (South Africa) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), and is administered by SANGONeT. The Botswana Thetha - Regional ICT Discussion Forum is organised through the partnership of the Department of Library and Information Studies (University of Botswana) and SANGONeT. A similar event was co-hosted by BOCONGO and SANGONeT - dubbed the Botswana ICT Discussion Forum - in Gaborone from 5-6 October 2006. The Forum at that time sought to provide a platform for discussing the Maitlamo ICT policy which was at that stage a draft document.