National Library of

• COME HOMETO at (Ho·made). OUALITYBAKED ESTABLISHED 1834 PRODUCTS. Vol CLID No. 40 KINGSTON, JAMAICA, MONDAY, FEBRUAKY 16. 1987 PRICE $1.10 TWENTY-TWO PAGE$. Edna Manley laid. to. r:estl·�� �� Hailed as 'mother J Of today's Jamaica' AILED AS THE· "mother of today's Jamaica.,. HMrs. Edna Maney O.M. was buried yesterday after funeral rites marked by outpourings of music. poetry, scripture-reading and song ht'the Kingston Parish Church. Dellvertng the tribute. Prof. Rc:;x Nettleford described Mrs. Manley as "a daughter of Jamaica, a formidable fighter. a great and courageous artist who had a fantastic Intellect and who understood the artist's need to have total com� mand over Inner landscapes."

The Rev. Hugh Sherlock. In his sennon. said. "A Mother In Jamaica man Catholic Archbishop we of of carter.Kings­ -and might say. 'The Mother ton, the Most Rev. Samuel the Rev. today'sThe Jamaica' has fallen asleep.· Or. Hugh Sherlock; the Rev.of grandchildren of Mrs. Man­ Terrence CouncUB. Rose. president the Jamaica of Churches; ley took turns to read the lessons of the Rev. from the Scriptures and a grand­ Evans Bailey. chairman Della sang the Jamaica daughter-In-law. Manley. Methodist District and the Rev. Cyprian Dawes. the song. titled "Hymn: wrttten by Organist was Mr folk. singer. Janis tan. She was ac­ . Archie Dunk· ley. companied by Stephen Coore. In his tribute. Prof. Nettleford But perhaps the greatest tribute quoted the first lines of Wllllam of all was the attendance of a vast Blake's poem. "Tiger. Tiger bumtng throng of mourners. beaded by the right: which was a favourite of Governor-General. the Most Hon. Mrs. Manley. adding that ·wmtam Sir Flortzel Glasspole and Lady Blake would have been proud of one PROCESSION: The vast throng (Dowie photo) Glasspole.Seaga: Prime Minister and Mrs. of his brightest pupils. The Indomi­ walking up East Street toward National Heroee' Park to the final resting place for the Hon. Edna Manley, · Edward Lady Bustamante. table spirit yesterday. of theof Hon. Edna Man­ clergymen fromrepresen several denomina­ ley. O.M .. Fellow the Institute of tions; leading tatives from poUtJcal Jamaica, D. Lltt .. will-years bum b11ghtly the Island's two major par­ among us for many to come ues. artists. diplomats.mem beTsprofess ofion­ as a special gift from that Immortal tThey -a als. businessmen. the Hand and Eye.· ManleyFamlly l'Wed and plaln. ordinary He quoted a newspaper edttonaJborn' who the chureb and filed came to folk., get of which saJd "Mrs. Manley was • ... past the casket to a glimpse In but she had a Jamaican � the artist. who <;aught1n the splrtt and family connection.· He said that mood of Jamaica her sculpture family connectionProf. was her Jamai­ mourn for a period spanning over sixty can mother. Nettleford then Mrs. • years. quoted Manley. who T said. flll 'When I came to Jamaica was THEY came from every class and Not only did they the church. • many creeds... from most profes­ but they crowded the churchyard, totally and absolutely Inspired.' sions... Indeed. from all walks of joStled each other for forward posi­ Don't forget my mother was Jamai­ can and I'd grown up wtth the roost Jamaican life to mourn the death of tions and lined the streets outstd,e nostalgic stories of Jamaica. and I'd the Hon. Edna Manley. and along the route. later followed by the walking funeral procession. just felt I'd come home.· Jamaica. They filled the c�thedralesque he said. was ·no adopted cradle" for (Continued on 3} Kingston Parish Church and over­ For the occasion.was the high altar Page of the church decorated with flowed Into the churchyard around artis­ bouquets of beautiful flowers, it. They lined the streets outside - tically arranged; and on one side of and blocked the entrances to South was Mrs. the altar mounted two of INSIDE TODAY Parade where the church stands. Manley'sMorning: masterpieces. "HorseAroused." of Famlly mourners were headed by the and "Negro Rural New 4,5 Dr. Douglas Both s ...... Pages sons. Manley and Mr. these works depict the mood Entertainment ...... 6 ...... and his wife, Mrs. Inprogress different periodstowards of the Island's Caribbean...... 7 ...... Beverley Manley: and grandchil­ ion pipesnationhood. TV guide ...... -.7 Sarah. Radio&: dren: Roy: Norman Jnr.. And. flankingwas the of the Eclitorial...... 8 church's organ another piece of Natasha. David. Rachel. and Jo­ Mrs. Foreign ...... 9 sculpt� by Manley._ "'The News seph. Sooiat ...... lO Angel: which she had presented to ...... Death Notices...... ! I Along with the Prime Minister. the church as a gift. other Ministers present were the Rt. was­ con Sports...... , ... l3,14 The ecumenical service ...... Hon . Minister of For­ Building ...... 16,17 ducted by the rector of the church...... eign Affairs Trade and Industry; Youth ...... l8 the Rev. CUnton McGhie. supported ...... Minister of Agriculture. the Hon. Or. Classified Ads . . 20,21 the Lord BishopDeSouza: of Jamaica. the ...... Percival Broderick and Mrs. Brode­ Rev. Neville the--�======� Ro· rick; Minister of Justice and Attor­ ney General. Senator the Hon. Os­ Enjoy duty-freein-bond shopping at wald Harding and Mrs. Harding; the onlyexclusive Jewellers in Jamaica. In Minister of State for Information · the Office of the Prtme Minister. the Ho�. Mike Henry and Mrs. Henry: the Hon. J.A.G. Minister of Labour. Or. Smith:· Minister of Health. the Hon. Kenneth Baugh and Mrs. Baugh: Minister of State In the Min­ Istry of Foreign Affairs. ·Senator Jeannette Grant-Woodham and Mr. Woodham: Minister of State In the Mlnlstl'){ of Health. the Hon. Mr. Karl Samuda; Minister of Youth and Community Development. the Hon. Edmund Bartlett and Mrs. Bartlett: Minister of Construction. the Hon. ; Minister of Trans­ port and Public Utilities. the Hon. Minister of State Pearnel Charles:of In the Office the Prime Minister. Senator the Hon. Olivia Grange and Mr. Douglas Vaz and his son. Coun­ cillor Darrell Vaz: Chairman of the People's Nation­ al Party. Mr. P.J. Patt�rson headed party mourners: amongst them ln he here are characteristics that distin­ were Mr. Bobby Plckersgtll: Miss guisht e\:eryworld true of polo, t certain champion. •. Portia Simpson.: Mayor Ralph Those essential qualities that separate the best the rest. Brown and Mrs. Brown: other party Precision, skill timing. from and members and Mr. Lloyd Goodletgh Characteristics shared every Rolex Oyster ever of by made. the National Workers· Union: (Dowie photo) Little wonder then so leading sportsmen Constabulary Force's guard of hono�r �ng the flag-draped that many The of the Diplomatic RESTING PLACE: rely on the expertS to provide timing. Dean FINAL Jamaica National Heroes Park• Mrs. thdr immaculate at the approaches to the Manley Shrine at . Corps. Mr. Dmitri Musln. who Is . Manley A Oyster from Rolex jeweUe ·�· casket of M� Edna rman �at.ely Rolex a r. to Jamai­ s ed her husband, National Hero the Rt. Excelle.nt No Manley. lmm Soviet Union Ambassador was tnterr beside mem­ Manley . and others of the Manley famtly and ROLE X ca. and Mrs. Mustn headed ht are her younger son' Mr. Michael Manley the casket at ng bers of the Diplomatic Corps. behind Seaga. of Geneva ·Minister Edward Past artists. head­ Prime ed and practising by Malltca 'Kapo· Reynolds. were there to mourn the passing of their deaths in January In meet violent dedicated patron and colleague. 36 the the large body of members of body Kay Sulli­ 36 kllled five persons In Kingston. one uary when the of an unidenti­ artists· fraternity were persons were killed AT LEAS'f �ar:�ag� 1n Portland. one In St. James and fied man was found with gunshot van, Christopher Gonzales: Barry In In violent Incidents one In St. Elizabeth. Gunmen were wounds at Hog Hole district. West­ Watson and Watson: Osmond carr! Mrs. to reports four persons. moreland. Hope Brooks Gleaneraccording Star pers. said to have killed Watson: Cecil Baugh: and news pa e Including a woman. In Kingston Nine persons were stabbed to and David Boxer. supplled(PI by t,h Dc:rDfl� most of which were . and one In St. Ann. death - three In Kingston. three In Th< Roltx Cilroraorotttr Manley Centre C ) IS In 18cL Cold :..1111 Pmidmt broctltt 11.11A C()I1

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Large quantities of Paw Paw required for processing, only matured - not ripe -fruits are needed · DIGNITARIES: At yesterday's funeral service for Mrs. Manley at the Seaga; Lady Glasspole, Kingston wife of the Governor General; Governor Parish Church, in the front w are from Contact: Mrs Evelyn, P.O. Box pe left: Deputy General, the Most Hon. Sir Florizel Glasspole. Immediately- behind Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, the Governor General are His Worship, the Mayor of Kingston, 372 Kingston 10. Tel. the Rt. Hon. Hugh Shearer; Lady Bustamante; 92-39048 Mrs. , Councillor Ralph Brown and Mrs. Brown. wife of the Prime Minister; Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Edward A day when NOTICE TO RECYCLED the barriers broke down BOTTLE SUPPLIERS (Continuedfrom Page 3) the people to keep behind the bar· 0 and (5 rlers. bottles with our One of the first officials to arrive All pint (1 fl. ozs.)name halfFACHOY pint fl.FOODS ozs.) was Governor General. the Most LTO. marked on the bottom of the bottles Hon. Sir Florlzel Glasspole. and Lady Glasspole. The crowd cheered must be returned to us. We will pay you for and grew more uncontrollable. Soon these bottles which are owned by us, and are afterwards, a number of PNP con­ stituency representatives arrived, to be used for FACHOY saucers. Our truck along with other V!Ps In the politi­ will pick up. or cal and cultural spheres of the 0954-3507 country. Next to arrive. enveloped write to: Please phone In a band of body-guards, was Prime Minister Edward Seaga. And, as word of Mr. Manley's Imminent arrival got around, the crowd went wild. Many peope began jumping FACHOYP.O. BOXFOODS 155 L TO. the barriers. Babes were held aloft and children scampered past help­ Falmouth, Trelawny. less pollee officers. In one last. desperate attempt to Signed by Management. keep the crowd back and In order. .._------.. the pollee pushed a section of the barriers against the human wave ---. � ------which was forcing them apart. But the relentless forward movement by those at the back. forced two of the UNDERGROUND WATER CONTROL ACT Iron bars down. For a moment (Shaw photo) a stampede threatend. Those on the Extra Mural U iversit of the We t Indies paying 11 (1) (a) TRIBUTE: Professor Rex Nettleford, bead of � � � Inside showed fear. Many from be­ Ed na Manley , • M• at the Official Funeral servu:e an the Kmgston Pansh Church. Section tribute to the H on. 0 Stud�, hind the bars escaped to the Inside. An application has been first by trickles and then In a g�sh, received from Jeffery A. Edwards, Sunday Times Crossword so that any rehearsals for the 16 Coke Drive, Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth for a licence to graveside rites were disrupted. drill a well at Cheapside, St. Elizabeth Solution to No. 3165 "Yu tink dem cyan block·mt up so Paragon; AcrOP: 1 Verglas; 5 9 long? Yu musa mad!" one Irate, Permission is also sought, under the licence, for Ousting; 11 Sound Nobbily; 10 mourner asserted. the abstraction from the well of Investment; 12 Nodose; 14 Idol­ 270,000 Imperial A human chain of PNP grass­ lses; 1 7 Redrafts; Adonis; 21 Gallons per day. roots supporters formed Itself from First Impression; 24 Lucerne; 25 . the East Street end of the Park, and Express; 26 Spondee; 27 Dlla�es . A plan along the walk-way to the grave. showing the location of the proposed site Venison; 2 Rebounded; Dowu: 1 However. they did not quite make It may be seen at Morningside Laird; Saying; 5 Proceeds; 6 P.O., St. Elizabeth. 3 4 to the graveside as a few broken Resettled; Guide; 8 Negates; 13 7 links developed. As the people Shattered; Sentiment; 16 Objections to the grant of this licence may 15 surged on to the mound of dirt along be sent Stampede; Raffles; 19 SI­ 17 the graveside, offlciatlng Minister. to the Secretary, Underground Water Authority, nuses; Frtend; Recto; 23 20 22 the Rt. Rev. Neville DeSouza, Sepal P.O., Box 91, Kingston before Friday, March begged them to be careful and 7, 20, Solution warned of the "horrible disaster" 1987. Yesterday's Easy that could happen If they persisted ACROSS' 9. Cogitate. 10. Tor. In trying to get closer. PARRIS. A. LYEW·AYEE II. Enamel. 12. Truism. 13. Amidst the disorder, noise. polltl· CHAIRMAN Oversee. 14. Nail. 15. Aggres­ cal ribaldry and holiday spirit. the sive. 17. Fetching. 18. Compute. UNDERGROUND WATER AUTHORITY grave-side rites went on, with over ______19. Opal. 21. Escort. 24. Sus­ .._ beautifully designed floral ar- _. pended sentence. 27. Delete. 29. 20 Frag­ rangements being laid at the grave. Even. 30. Wavered. 33. Clue. ment. 35. Capitulate. 36. Despite the human mass and • . . .--- - 37. Torment. 38. Report 40. chaos. there were poignant mo- -:�:"::�:-'::":":':":�::;'�:':';:;:"--- •Tend Emigrate. --- -- , er. 41. Um. 42. ments ·when some tried to show NOTICESUIT NO. OF D.PROCEEDINGS DOWN 1. Courageous. 2. some respect and demand some . Demonic. Mini 3. Marmoset. 4. semblance of respect from others In IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE1986/B.06J OF JAMAICA - 7· IN DIVORCE 5. Crestfallen. 6. Resentment. recognition of a lady who had given Launch. 8. Beginner. 10. There. ( so much to so many. Con­ PERtiVll MORIW lOWEll 16. Riposte. 20. Padre. 22. · Manley Cinman rand-daughter d N. Mrs. Rachel . , g � was burled. KATliLE£11 LOUISE lOWEll ceal. Adventurous. 25. El­ SECOND LESSO r«:adang. She beside her hu&· 23. Jnr• grandson of the Hon. Edna Manley eme Electorate. 28. Mr. Norman ManI e y band In the Manley Shrine. at ap­ ntary. 26. , m Revelations 4: 1·8 at the servace an the 10: UTIIHIIIJOWBI lesson tak en fro proximately slx o'clock. Enrolled. 31. Asteroid. 32. the second • •..,Pr-. Spo Clean. Parish Ch. u�r�ch· ���� tted. 34. Gree<:!Y· 35. Kingston .....,...., 39. Part. � ���!:t 0 St.-.s. TAitt NOTICE that a Petitioo for diooolutioo of Marriar by PEilCIVAL MODESTY G NOilMAN BOWE"!, of Anebovy in the pariah of Saint Jamu bu beeo ftled In tbio HoDOurable Court encloaed with a Notice to you to enter a11 Appearuce .BLAISE iu or by your Attomey·at·Law at the ReJiotry of S�pre me �urt, either person the . K..inl Street, Kinrton, Jamaica within Thirty (30) day• after the pubhcatton ao tlll• Newupapcr and to file au1wer to the charges thuein and In default of your 10 doio1 the �rt will hear the evidence and pronounce Jud&e�ent your ab.ence ootwlthatancling. (Ssd-) K. P. Noaworthy REGISTRAR

NOT£: It requeoted that attention may be drawn to �i• Notice by anyooe io . knowing the whereabouu of the person to whom at •• a�druoed. Filed by NANCY M. ANDERSON, in care of the K..ingoton Le&al Aid Clinic Ltd., 131 Tower Street, Kinrton. Attorney for and on behalf of the aboveo.amed Petitioner, town a1ent for T.N. Ruddock of Mont o . � Oranr Street, MonttJO Bay an the �nob Bay Lep1 Aid Clinic ltd., 17 . of Saint Jameo, Attorney-at•Law for and on �hal� of the PetJtaooer herein whoee addreao for .e"ice io that of b11 aaui Attorney·at·Law Town Aaent.

National Library of Jamaica