Safe and Dynamic Rijnmond-Drechtsteden Rebalance the Natural Processes and Human Interventions Through Integrated Flood Risk Management June 2013 NaiLi Zhao 4187342 Delta Interventions Graduation Studio MSc Urbanism Faculty of Architecture Delft University of Technology Colophon Safe and Dynamic Rijnmond-Drechtsteden Rebalance the natural processes and human interventions through integrated flood risk management MSc thesis NaiLi Zhao
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[email protected] Student nr. 4187342 Keywords integrated flood risk management, spatial planning, toolbox, urban-rural fringe, resilience, Rijnmond-Drechtsteden Menter Team 1st mentor: Anne Loes Nillesen (Urban Design) 2nd mentor: Steffen Nijhuis(Landscape Architecture) External examiner: Ivan Nevzgodin (RMIT) Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences MSc track Urbanism Delta interventions graduation studio. This thesis is downloadable for free from the TU Delft library website: Delft, June 2013 Cover image by the author in 2013 2 CONTENTS PROLOGUE Fascination ... 4 Summary ... 5 1. Graduation Framework 9 3. Design Research 27 5. Research-by-design 47 1.1 Rethinking the current FRM 9 3.1 Theory 27 5.1 Concept improvement 47 1.2 Problem statement 11 3.2 Comparative study 32 5.1.1 Delta level 49 1.3 Aim 15 3.3 Result: IFRM Toolbox 33 5.1.2 Water hazards on smaller scales 51 5.1.3 Dike Ring Level 52 1.4 Relevance 16 3.4 Site Analysis 35 5.1.4 Local level 59 3.5 Theoretical model 39 5.1.5 Building Level 70 3.6 Concept 41 5.2 Four Levels work together 75 5.3 Tested District: Numansdorp 81 2.